Oceanside Malibu Rehab

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Cont actRehabf orPr i ci ng

Pr ogr am Dur at i on 28days

21022Paci f i cCoastHwy , Mal i bu,CA90265,Uni t edSt at es Oceansi deMal i buRehab Oc eans i deMal i bui sar ehabi l i t at i onandt r eat mentc ent erl i k ef ew ot her s ,hel pi ngt hos es t r uggl i ngwi t haddi c t i onandment al heal t h i s s uest or egai nc ont r ol oft hei rl i v eswhi l er el ax i ngagai ns tabac k dr opofs un,s and,andgent l yr ol l i ngbl uewav es . Mal i bui sk nownf arandwi def ori t sbeaut i f ul s andybeac hesand s t unni ngs eav i ews . Yetj us tof ft hebeac hf r onti sawel l k epts ec r et par adi s e–apar adi s eofr ec ov er yr ehabi l i t at i onandc onnec t i on wi t ht hes el ft hati s . Oc eans i deMal i bui sar ehabi l i t at i onandt r eat mentc ent erl i k ef ew ot her s ,hel pi ngt hos es t r uggl i ngwi t haddi c t i onandment al heal t h i s s uest or egai nc ont r ol oft hei rl i v eswhi l er el ax i ngagai ns ta bac k dr opofs un,s and,andgent l yr ol l i ngbl uewav es .St af f edwi t h hi ghl yt r ai nedpr of es s i onal s ,andwi t hanI MSc er t i f i c at i ont oal l ow Doc t or st ot r eatmedi c al l yons i t e,t hec ent eri st r ul ydes i gnedt o beahav ent hatal l owspat i ent st of oc usont hems el v es ,t hei rwel l bei ng,andt hedi f f i c ul t i esofov er c omi ngaddi c t i onwhi l ek nowi ng t heyar ebei ngs af el yt ak enc ar eof . Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

Oceansi deMal i bui sar ehabi l i t at i onandt r eat mentcent erl i kef ewot her s,hel pi ngt hose st r uggl i ngwi t haddi ct i onandment alheal t hi ssuest or egai ncont r oloft hei rl i veswhi l e r el axi ngagai nstabackdr opofsun,sand,andgent l yr ol l i ngbl uewaves.

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

Thei npat i entf aci l i t i est hemsel vesar er el axi ngandcomf or t abl e,wi t hpr i vat eor semi pr i vat er oomst hatf aceoutt owar dst heMal i bubeachandt heoceanbeyond. Meal sar epr epar edf r esh3t i mesadaybyapr i vat eonsi t echef ,whopr ovi des heal t hyf oodandcat er st oal lpossi bl edi et ar yr equi r ement s.

Al cohol Anxi et y Benzodi azepi nes Bi pol ar Chr oni cRel apse CoOccur r i ngDi sor der s

Tr eat ment Cocai ne Codependency Depr essi on Ecst asy( MDMA) Her oi n LSD,psychedel i cs

Opi oi ds Per sonal i t yDi sor der s PostTr aumat i cSt r essDi sor der Pr escr i pt i onDr ugs Synt het i cDr ugs Tr auma

Ther api es 1on1Counsel i ng Ar tTher apy Cogni t i veBehavi or al Ther apy Di al ect i calBehavi orTher apy

Gr oupTher apy MassageTher apy Medi cat i onAssi st edTher api es Mot i vat i onalI nt er vi ewi ng

Goal Or i ent edTher apy SoundTher apy Sur fTher apy Twel veSt epFaci l i t at i on

Af t er car e Out pat i entTr eat ment Fol l owupdays Abi l i t yt oCal laCounsel or Fol l owupSessi ons( i nper son) Al umniEvent s&Get Toget her s Fol l owupSessi ons( onl i ne) Dr ugScr eeni ng Onl i neAf t er car e Fami l yFol l owupCounsel i ng Out pat i entTr eat ment

Pr i vat e,Onl i neAl umniGr oup Pr of essi onalReent r ySuppor t Recover yCoach Ret ur nVi si t s SoberLi vi ng

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

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