Phoenix Programmes Spain

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€21, 000permont h

Pr ogr am Dur at i on 28days

Edi f i ci oLosAl mendr osI I ,Tr i ayMedi calCent r e,Av . Fami l i aVar gas,Bl oqueBaj o,B,29670SanPedr o deAl acant ar a,Mál aga,Spai n Phoeni xPr ogr ammes Thei ndi v i dual i z edt r eat mentopt i onsgi v ec l i ent smor epoweri n t hei rj our neyt or ec ov er y .Phoeni xPr ogr ammesr ec ov er yc hoi c e mak esi tpos s i bl ef orgues t st oc ont i nuel i v i ngt hei rl i v eswhi l es t i l l get t i ngex per thel p. Phoeni xPr ogr ammesi sl oc at edi nAndal us i aonSpai n’ sbeaut i f ul Medi t er r aneanc oas t .Thel ux ur yr ehabc ent erpr ov i desguest s wi t honet oonet her apybas edi nagor geousaut hent i cSpani s h r es i denc e.Tr eat ment sar ebes pok eandt ai l or edt oeac hgues t ’ s needs .Phoeni xPr ogr ammesal s opr ov i desc l i ent swi t hanonl i ne pr ogr am t ohel pwi t haddi c t i on,dayc ar et r eat ment ,andas ober t r eat mentr ec ov er yopt i on.Al l oft hepr ogr amsdel i v er edbyt he r ehabar edes i gnedt ogetc l i ent sbac kont hei rf eetandl i v i nga heal t hyl i f es t y l ef r eeofs ubs t anc eabus eand/ orment al heal t h i s s ues .

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

Thei ndi vi dual i zedt r eat mentopt i onsgi vecl i ent smor epoweri nt hei rj our neyt or ecover y .Phoeni xPr ogr ammesr ecover ychoi ce makesi tpossi bl ef orguest st o cont i nue l i vi ng t hei rl i veswhi l e st i l lget t i ng exper thel p.The r ehab’ sl ocat i on i nt he Spani sh count r ysi de gi ves cl i ent st he chance t o getaway and dest r ess dur i ng r ecover y .

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

The gor geous Andal usi an home i si n t he count r ysi de of sout her n Spai n of f er i ng a r el axi ng envi r onment . Phoeni x Pr ogr ammes has comf or t abl e communal ar eas al l owi ng guest t o r el ax when not at t endi ng t her apy . Guest s wi l lf i nd a f i t ness cent er , spa, sauna, and swi mmi ng pool onsi t e.

Fi t ness Swi mmi ng Spor t s Beach Gar dens Gour metDi ni ng HotTub I nt er net OceanVi ew TV

Phoeni xPr ogr ammesFaci l i t i es Accesst oNat ur e Yoga Nut r i t i on Advent ur eOut i ngs BeachWal ks Far mi ng,Gar deni ng Hi ki ng Mar t i al Ar t s Physi calFi t ness Swi mmi ng

Pai dwor kpl acement s Hi ki ng Movi es COVI D19Measur es Execut i vePr ogr am Gender speci f i cgr oups YoungAdul t sPr ogr am Out doorLounge Pool Pr i vat eorShar edRooms

Phoeni xPr ogr ammesAf t er car e Out pat i entTr eat ment

Fol l owupSessi ons( onl i ne)

Compani oni fRequi r ed

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

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