Supply Chain Management System
World’s first decentralised primary producer commodity exchange (DEX) and DASCO (DAO) network
A pioneering open-source community Since late 2017, Authentium is a pioneering opensource community with a shared vision to design and build an ecosystem of DAO-like Decentralised Autonomous Supply Chain Organisations (DASCO’s) that remove powerful centralised authorities from global food supply chains.
Who are we? We are a global open community of likeminded individuals who genuinely care about the coming new world order where all primary producers are treated fairly, equally and justly rewarded for their hard work.
Our vision Our vision is to liberate primary producers from these centralised exploitive supply chains. We think it’s time we help to create a new world of trusted peer-to-peer food supply chains by building an ecosystem that incentivises their transformation.
What are we trying to achieve? An Authentium future is one that is caring, fair, open, transparent and ultimately restores the market inequities and power back to where it belongs….the hard working people in the farming and primary production industry who feed the world.
Our Mission Our sole mission is to help them to generate more profits so they can re-generate their soils properly and ultimately deliver real globally sustainable farming practises.