School Build #14 by Concordian Internation School

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วันที่ ๑๕ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๖๓ ขอพระราชทานกราบบังคมทูลทราบฝ่าละอองพระบาท ข้าพระพุทธเจ้า นางวรรณี เจียรวนนท์ รอสส์ ขอพระราชทานพระราชวโรกาส ถวายรายงาน เรื่อง โครงการพัฒนาโรงเรียนในถิ่นทุรกันดาร ที่ได้ดำ�เนินการพัฒนา เป็นที่เรียบร้อยแล้ว ซึ่งคณะนักเรียนและ ผู้บริหาร โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน ได้ร่วมกับโครงการโรงเรียนของหนู และโครงการบริจาคยา Need 4 Medication จัดกิจกรรมต่างๆ เป็นประจำ�ทุกปี เพื่อหาทุนทรัพย์ในการดำ�เนินโครงการพัฒนา โรงเรียนที่ตั้งอยู่ในถิ่นทุรกันดาร และโครงการบริจาคชุดยาสามัญประจำ�บ้าน ยาแก้อักเสบ และ ยาฆ่าเชื้อ ให้ แ ก่ โ รงเรี ย นและหมู่บ้านชาวเขาที่ข าดแคลนในเขตภาคเหนือ ซี่งอยู่ห่า งไกลจากคลินิกและโรงพยาบาล โครงการดังกล่าวข้างต้น นอกจากเป็นการช่วยพัฒนาโรงเรียนในถิ่นทุรกันดารแล้ว ยังมีจุดมุ่งหมายที่จะ ปลูกฝังให้นักเรียนโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน เป็นผู้มีจิตใจช่วยเหลือผู้ด้อยโอกาสในสังคมต่อไปในอนาคต ด้วยการเรียนรู้ผ่านประสบการณ์จริง จากการทำ�งานร่วมกัน และการได้เห็นความเป็นอยู่ของนักเรียนในพื้นที่ชนบท ห่างไกล โดยเริ่มดำ�เนินโครงการมาตั้งแต่ พ.ศ.๒๕๔๙ - ๒๕๖๑ รวมจำ�นวน ๑๓ แห่ง ดังมีรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ ๑. ๒. ๓. ๔. ๕.

พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๙ - โรงเรียนบ้านป่าโหล อำ�เภอแม่อาย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๐ - โรงเรียนบ้านห้วยบก อำ�เภอสบเมย จังหวัดแม่ฮ่องสอน พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๑ - โรงเรียนบ้านฟ้าห่มปก จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๒ - โรงเรียนแม่สลิดหลวงพิทยา อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ - ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง” บ้านห้วยทราย อำ�เภอไชยปราการ จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ๖. พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๔ - โรงเรียนบ้านแม่ระมาด อำ�เภอแม่ระมาด จังหวัดตาก ๗. พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๕ - ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง” บ้านคอโซทะ อำ�เภออุ้มผาง จังหวัดตาก ๘. พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๖ - ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง” บ้านอุสุโพคี อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก ๙. พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๗ - โรงเรียนบ้านแม่ระเมิง ห้องเรียนสาขาบ้านวะโดรโกร อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก ๑๐. พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๘ - ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง” บ้านห้วยปูหลวง อำ�เภออมก๋อย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ๑๑. พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๐ - ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง” บ้านทีมูโกะทะ อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก ๑๒. พ.ศ.๒๕๖๐ - ศูนย์การเรียนรู้ชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง” บ้านจะโต๊ะ อำ�เภอแม่อาย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ ๑๓. พ.ศ.๒๕๖๑ - ศูนย์การเรียนรู้ชุมชนชาวไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง” บ้านเล้อก่อโกร อำ�เภอแม่สอด จังหวัดตาก ๑๔. พ.ศ.๒๕๖๒ - โรงเรียนเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาอำ�เภอปางมะผ้า ห้องเรียนสาขา บ้านปางคอง อำ�เภอปางมะผ้า จังหวัดแม่ฮ่องสอน ด้วยเกล้า ด้วยกระหม่อม ข้าพระพุทธเจ้า นางวรรณี เจียรวนนท์ รอสส์ นักเรียนและผู้บริหารโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน

ปณิธานโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน ส่งเสริมความเป็นเลิศทางด้านวิชาการ ควบคู่ไปกับการอบรมบ่มเพาะเยาวชนให้เจริญเติบโตมาเป็นผู้นำ�ที่มีสติปัญญา และเพียบพร้อมด้วยคุณธรรมและเมตตาธรรม ประกอบด้วยการตั้งมั่นอยู่ในความซื่อสัตย์อย่างมีศักดิ์ศรี เป็นเยาวชนซึ่งจะเติบโตมาเป็นผู้นำ�ที่มีความตั้งใจจะเปลี่ยนแปลงโลกนี้ให้ดีขึ้น

วรรณี เจียรวนนท์ รอสส์ ผู้อำ�นวยการและผู้ก่อตั้ง โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน

เพลง โรงเรียนคอนคอร์เดียน มีสติปัญญาเมตตาธรรม วิสัยทัศน์ชัดเจนจำ�ใฝ่ศึกษา ใช้ความคิดสร้างสรรค์พัฒนา ซื่อสัตย์พายึดมั่นจรรยาบรรณ จะขยันหมั่นเพียรไปสู่ฝัน จะมุ่งมั่นแน่วแน่ไม่ท้อถอย รักในเกียรติและศักดิ์ศรี เพียบพร้อมมีคุณธรรม เป็นผู้นำ�เปลี่ยนแปลงโลกก้าวไกล พวกเราศิษย์คอนคอร์เดียน สามัคคีร่วมกันก้าวไป จดและจำ�สัญญาเอาไว้ร่วมใจ ผูกพัน

เพลง สัญญาด้วยใจ* อยากมีพู่กันระบาย แต้มเติมทุกวันให้ดี อยากจะเก่งกว่านี้ และทำ�ได้ทุกอย่าง ก็อยากจะทำ�ทุกทาง ตามอย่างที่พ่อทำ�ไว้ จะทุ่มเทให้เหมือนที่เคยเห็นพ่อทำ� *อยากมีเรี่ยวแรงมากมาย ร่างกายหัวใจแข็งแรง อยากเป็นคนเข้มแข็ง เหมือนดังที่พ่อเป็น ก็อยากจะทำ�ให้ดี ก็อยากจะทำ�ให้เห็น ลูกพร้อมเป็นทุกอย่างให้พ่อสุขใจ ขอสัญญาด้วยใจ จะทำ�ให้ดีที่สุด แม้มันจะเหนื่อยมากมายอย่างไรไม่ท้อ สัญญาด้วยใจ ลูกจะทำ�ให้ดีเพียงพอ (ลูกจะทำ�ให้ได้อย่างนั้น) ขอเป็นคนดีจะทำ�เพื่อทดแทน จะตอบแทนพระคุณที่เคย ทำ�ให้ลูกมากมายเท่าฟ้า จะตั้งใจทำ�ดีเรื่อยไป จะเดินตามทุกรอยวาดฝัน ตามทุกความตั้งใจให้เหมือน ที่พ่อหวัง... *เพลงสัญญาด้วยใจ เป็นเพลงที่โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียนแต่งขึ้น เพื่อเทิดพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพล อดุลยเดช มหิตลาธิเบศรรามาธิบดี จักรีนฤบดินทร สยามินทราธิราช บรมนาถบพิตร ทรงครองสิริราชสมบัติครบ ๖๐ ปี เนื้อเพลงบรรยายเกี่ยวกับนักเรียนของโรงเรียนที่ได้น้อมเกล้าฯ ถวายคำ�สัญญาแด่พระองค์ว่า นักเรียนทุกคนจะเป็นคนที่ตั้งมั่นอยู่ใน คุณธรรม จริยธรรม และมีความเมตตาอยู่เสมอ และจะใช้ความรู้ความสามารถที่มีอยู่เพื่อพัฒนาสังคมและประเทศชาติต่อไป

๖๒ 2019


ห้องเรียนสาขา บ้านปางคอง อำ�เภอปางมะผ้า จังหวัดแม่ฮ่องสอน

โดย นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน Baan Pang Kong School, Mae Hong Son by Class of 2021


fter half a year, although we hadn't raised enough money yet, the school build trip finally came. This was a trip I was waiting for since I was in 6th grade. It was a trip I would always talk to my friends about and imagine all the possibilities. Now, after the trip, there isn't anything left to imagine. The once vacant space is now filled with a pile of unforgettable memories! To be honest, I had a lot of worries before the trip. I was worried about how I would shower, brush my teeth and wash my hair. I was very concerned with how hygienic the place would be. But all of those thoughts have now changed. I remember the first day of the trip how I felt really uncomfortable in the car and got car sick several times. The trip took around 2 hours, and we were on a path that was very bumpy. Later in the trip, Khun Varnee expressed how surprised she was by how good the condition of the road to the school was, and that it was the best road that she has ever encountered on her many school build trips. Hearing that, I was very shocked, and I came to realize that the road I experienced wasn't even the worst, and that there are people out there going through the same poorly-conditioned road for decades. On one of the days, we went out in groups to visit some of the local families around the area to get insight into their living conditions. I remembered someone commenting how everything in the local's houses looked like it was from 50 years ago. There was little to

no electricity and there was no light pollution at all at night. Everything was very organic, people harvested their own food and had enough to live on. I came to realize that these people didn’t need our pity: it is us who needed to envy them. Their lives didn't depend on electricity and internet like ours do. They find their happiness in their interactions with each other. They were happy seeing their families when school ended. They were happy to just play football with each other and play chase. They were happy singing with each other and performing. Their happiness was so real yet so simple, it was hard not to envy. We all have to appreciate the things we have in our own lives. There are goods and bads but no one's life is perfect because perfection isn't what we seek: it is happiness that is the most valuable. Helping the kids renovate a building and construct another, seems like a small action, but I know that it is going to contribute to their lives and stay with them. It may be just a service activity we had to do, but it is life changing for the kids around the area for whomwe built the school, for the next generation, and for as long as they cherish it. Bei Bei G.11


n November 11, 2019. I travelled with my classmates from Bangkok to the Burma-Bangkok border in Mae Hong Son to build the school that we've been planning since December of our sophomore year. When we arrived at the site, we set up our tents and toured the site to get a better idea of what we had to do the following day. We worked collaboratively with our tent mates to build our own tents. It was all of our first time setting up tents on our own. We were briefed by the organization's staff on what had to be done. They delegated jobs to each one of us. I was responsible for painting the school. November 12, 2019: From the morning to the afternoon, we worked on building the school. The color of the school was mainly purple, with yellow edges surrounding it. For the entire day, my paint team and I worked on painting the school, while the other people had other jobs such as drilling, drawing, and constructing the shelves. During this time, we had to work collaboratively in our teams and outside of our own team to discuss which areas had to be done first, or to point out

areas that had to be worked on, such as when there were mistakes made on the walls of the schools. This day was extremely and hard because none of us had experience working in construction before. We had to learn a new set of skills that we have never experienced before. I had to learn how to paint properly, as well as learning about the steps of constructing a simple schools structure. We continued with final touches on November 13, such as painting the fine details and finishing the designs of the drawings that we made. Because we had left over time, we decided to add walls to the canteen and paint pictures of cartoon people onto the walls. I helped with painting a large tree and pictures of people. I have never painted before and found It very difficult to come up with a a nice design. This is because it required a lot of meticulousness and concentration. I found friends who were more experienced than I was to give me advice and tips on how to make my paintings prettier. We gave eachother feedback, and helped eachother finish the drawings. On November 14th, we had a free flea market in the morning where we set up clothes and shoe donations. The villagers were allowed to grab 20 pieces of clothing. They were very happy with the donations we gave them. In addition, the village is very far from the hospital, so we donated medicine and first aid kits to them, as well as instructions on how to use it. Lastly, we had a closing ceremony where we handed over the school to the kids. Wandy G.11


he School build project allows us to understand the wealth disparity within Thailand. Economical status results in children being unable to have proper education (an important asset of the modern world). Without proper education, it is less likely that these communities would develop and able to thrive within themselves without having to send children into the cities.

This was an opportunity to see how rural areas people live. Once I was able to interact with the children and talk with the people in the area, I succumbed to the realization that everyone can be happy despite what they lacke. People up on the mountain don't value objects or ease of living. They work with what they have and utilize it to the best of their ability. If this year's crop doesn't yield as much as last year, they don't whine or blame the weather, they go back to work because that's the thing that they know would guarantee a better next year.

At the school there is a non-functioning solar farm. It costs almost three million baht but is underutilized and most likely broken. The people who built it understand that the community needed electricity, but did not foresee the complication of distributing electricity to a community who's infrastructure is mostly hand-built by its owner. Going on this trip allowed me to see two things: one, people are happy despite their circumstances. Our perception of how a person should live may blind us from actually seeing the thriving community, a community where children are living happily with their parents, a community that isn't reliant on outside aid but would happily receive it. Secondly, technology may be useful and important in our daily lives, but when implemented without accounting in every single factor it can be useless, the solar farm is one of the most efficient ways of harvesting electricity. But, without the infrastructure to support it, its nothing more than a field of metal. Hence, help without the proper guidance can become useless, giving the community who receives it a sense of false hope.

Prior to the building, I had a stigma against how inefficient this would be or why don't they just hire construction workers. After getting to see the school for myself and knowing that it is doable and not absurd, I began to reflect on how my actions may one day help a child's future. I and my classmates helped each other build a school for the children. Once the school was built it evoked a notion of accomplishment and hope. The sense of hope is due to the realization that the reformation of the school may attract more students and possibly more teachers. This creates students who want to learn, become curious and knowledgeable. By doing so the children would value their education but also their future. Keekwang G.11

๖๑ 2018

ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง”

บ้านเล้อก่อโกร อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก

โดย นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน “Mae Fah Luang” Hill-tribe Community Learning Center Baan Ler Gor Glo, Tasongyang, Tak by Class of 2020

Student’s reflection

If you’re interested, two of our classmates Poom and Ken created two short films documenting the trip, and they can be found here


he week before going on the School Build trip, there were mixed feelings amongst the class. Some were excited to leave the stressful studies at school behind, while some were a bit held back at first. On the Sunday morning of our departure, we left the busy Don Muang airport and landed at a quiet airport in Tak province. As we sat on the back of pickup trucks journeying up the hill to a remote village, we were heading into unfamiliar territory. As the 4G signal on our phones disappeared, we knew we were there. It was quite an experience for us all, living together outside the comforts of Bangkok city. When going to an unfamiliar place, perhaps one of the major problems which people have but rarely publicly discuss is using the restroom. Once we arrived at the build site with the old torn down school, there was a little structure made of 4 concrete walls to create an enclosed rectangle with a door. This was the toilet. Inside, there was a squat toilet, and it was hard to use at first. I am sure everyone has developed their own techniques of using this contraption. Nowhere was a toilet bowl to be found. The point here is not to describe to you this natural human routine, but to point out that we are actually living a privileged life. Maybe these kids have never seen a toilet bowl before, but we just take toilet bowls for granted every day. The lesson: we have a lot of luxuries (even if we may not have considered them luxuries before), so appreciate what you have. Realize that we’re lucky to be born this way, and don’t waste the opportunity.

By: Poom G11

By: Ken G11

Our task was to renovate the two school buildings, and we did. With some Thai pop music and the occasional jazz or rap song, we all worked on the school. The tasks ranged from drilling wooden planks to creating the walls of the school to painting a gigantic tree at the front of the school. Sometimes it got a bit messy, especially when people who didn’t know how to paint tried to paint. However, we still ended up with art. It was a good experience working on something together with friends that didn’t involve calculating the sum of a and infinite geometric series or writing a lab report. It was some quality bonding time. At the end of the day, some of us would go play with the kids. We would bring out a football, and as soon as we placed it on the ground a swarm of kids just rushed in. It’s awesome that just a single football can create so much joy. The kids were really excited to play. Every time the ball rolled down the hill or into a pipe, the kids would jump down barefooted (equivalent to about a one floor building) or climbed into the pipe to get the ball back. We didn’t speak the same language as some of the kids, but we didn’t need to to have fun. On the last day, we gave the football to the oldest kid so he could bring it out every time they were going to play. What they did was very surprising, they did the “O-noi-ock” game to decide who should keep the ball. It was a memorable experience - Mammoth

Angie I thought this trip was interesting because I was able to experience the lifestyle of Thais living in rural areas. Fern Throughout the trip, we as a class worked alongside the children in the village, our teachers, and our alumni. Because of all of the commitment and excitement shown, I felt that this is a memorable school build trip that we will forever cherish. Laura This was an eye opening, life changing, meaningful and unforgettable trip. I came back from the trip more empathetic and appreciative of nature, rural lifestyles and cultures and simple yet happy pleasures. Pim It was beyond my expectation. This trip allowed me to see so many new things from the outside world. Taro During the trip, I not only earned new experiences but also got the chance to bond with my friends. I will keep the trip as a good memory that I will be able to look back when I am older. Jaokha Going into the trip I didn’t have many expectations and thought that it would be a very boring week where we would all complain. However, it was much much better than that. We played with the kids, observed life in that area, but most importantly we bonded a lot more.

Muk I thought that this trip was very interesting because I went there without any expectations. I learned a lot from this trip because I was able to experience things that I have never done before. Also this trip gave me good memories about our class, class of 2020 because we were able to spend more time together during day time and night time, and while building the school for those children. Kib I felt that this trip was really interesting since we learned how the people in Tak live their lives. School build truly was an enjoyable trip as we bonded with classmates and made new friends. Tata It was really interesting to actually witness the before and after of the school we built, from the first day when there was only the unfinished structure of the building, to the last day, where the school’s construction was completed with wood panels and decorative wall art that we as a class have collaboratively painted. Not only did the trip enable us to bond, but also allow us to give back to the society, in which we are helping children up in the mountain have a brighter future. Pol I thought that this trip allowed us as class of 2020 to be able to spend more time together and be able to learn even more about our friends.

Chan This trip was very interesting and fun. At first I expected it to be mundane and boring, but it was very exciting. I was able to bond with my friends and gain new experiences throughout the trip. 10/10 would recommend.

ibeam I learned how to build the school, providing a new learning area for the students to study in a great atmosphere. Tang Tang Inspirational. Grateful. Motivated. Elim Through this trip I was able to bond with my friends and make new friends with the children at the village. When interviewing with the villagers I learned that even though the villagers live far from the city and don’t have electricity, they still are happy the way they are. Lily I thought this trip was an eye opening experience for me because before I was only really involved in the fundraising aspect of the projects. This time I got to see the full impact so I really liked seeing how the project came out and I really learned a lot about finding happiness in giving to others and not from getting things.


hen people are asked why they give, the readiest answers include: God wants me to; I feel better about myself; It’s only right to share; other needs. The next question I would like to ask is: How do you feel?

For the next three days, we - the class of 2020, along with alumnis, teachers, staffs and with the help from the children in the village, worked on constructing and painting the interior & exterior of the school. Some of us created murals and painted the walls, while some helped to drill wooden boards for the wall of the school. It was a fascinating sight to behold: everyone being in the present moment, working towards a common goal, for the betterment of these students future.

It has been my experience that when you are focused on the act of giving, you are less likely to become consumed by your own concerns and challenges. Giving provides an opportunity to look beyond our own world and see The night before we left, we organized a the bigger picture in life. talent show. People from the village, young and A great perspective can be achieved through old, came to perform their traditional songs and stepping out of our own world and venturing into dances. What really touched me was their genuine the world of others, and on November 18-23 we nature: these individuals dare to dream. Despite their circumstances, they work hard for it and bedid just that. lieve that one day their dreams would come true. [Location: Tak, Mae Sot District Thailand | จังหวัด I’m sure it will, as life holds special magic for those who dare to dream. ตาก อำ�เภอแม่สอด] I knew wifi would be a struggle, which is why I committed to a digital detox. For our entire trip, we had to be in the moment, with no social media, a complete focus on what we were doing and where we were. Our mission? To build a school.

Thank you to everyone who were involved in this project, for bringing about such an incredible experience. For it is in giving that we receive; this trip shall reside in my memories forever ~ a timeless treasure of the heart.

Thank you. For someone who is continually connected to Kavin (Ken) the internet, this was a challenge.But after the plane ride, going through rocky, steep roads and finally arriving at our destination, I learned something new. There was a certain level of beauty, solitude and happiness in exploring the village. It was refreshing, seeing the open night sky and endless fields of lush green, uninterrupted by skyscrapers and freeways but rather, just the exposure to nature.

๖๐ 2017

ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง”

บ้านจะโต๊ะ อำ�เภอแม่อาย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่

โดย นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน “Mae Fah Luang” Hill-tribe Community Learning Center

By: Keng


verall, the school build trip was amazing,. It was one of the the best moments of my 2017 school year – a trip of a lifetime. As a group of teenagers who came from a wealthy background, we learned, felt, and experienced the lifestyle of a northern Thailand tribe, in which we saw the difficulty they have to face in their daily lives. A hot shower or a comfortable bed is merely an important aspect to happiness. I gained sympathy for the villagers since their life is so much more difficult than ours. Their food supply and earning are very limited. I believe the class of 2019 wanted to return something back to the community, and to do so, we passionately built up a school so that children of the tribe will gain access to education to use them in the future. The school build gave us one of the most precious opportunity, which was an opportunity to bond and to get to know each classmate better. The class of 2019 is a big class and not everyone knows every classmate very well. The trip magnified our unity, and made some classmates that are not so close to each other closer. The school build let us express who we are as a person, allowing everyone to recognise the value of each other, which is an important factor to a true friendship; something I value very much.

Baan Ja Toh, Mae Ai, Chiangmai by Class of 2019

By: Ploy P.


efore the School build we had to fundraise money so that we could buy materials for the construction of the school. To raise money, we made home made soap and bath bombs to sell in the lobby. In the process of making the soap I recognized the benefits of working as a group. By working as a group we were able to use our weakness and strengths to our advantage. People were assigned to different roles that they were proficient at. This shows that when working in a group we were able to maximise the productivity of the group. In total we made around 200 bars of soap and 100 bath bombs. Besides from having bake sales, we also had a school lock-in and an Escape room. To prepare for the escape room we had to move lockers from the SAT building to the new building. This took the effort of 3 to 4 people to move one set of lockers. The construction of the escape room took a lot of commitment and time because it took around a week, but I felt that it was worth the time because all of the money that we made will be going to a build a school that will help the children there many years. After all the bake sales and activity we raised a total of 450,000 baht for the school build!

๖๐ 2017

ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง”

บ้านทีมูโกะทะ อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก

โดย นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน “Mae Fah Luang” Hill-tribe Community Learning Center Baan Ti Mu Ko Ta, Ta Song Yang, Tak by Class of 2018


n January 20 2017, the Class of 2018 embarked on a trip to a Kareang village near the border between Thailand and Myanmar. Knowing that the village was elevated on faraway hills and remotely hours away from urbanization, we were prepared for a boring five days of hard labour… It turned out otherwise. Upon reaching the village, we were greeted with fresh air (something very hard to find in the rustling streets of Bangkok), the bellows of the buffalos, and a group of children who gathered around to look at our tents. The school was clearly run-down, with its interior stripped out and its windows torn apart. Due to this, attendance and enthusiasm in education is at an all-time low in the village, though the students were delighted at our arrival as they ran down the hill to greet us with bright, brimming smiles. Seeing the school in such a desolate manner, we were determined to make sure we would do the best as we could so the children would renew their interest to learn again. Not only were we determined to renovate the school, we are also there to interact with the villagers and understand more about the Kareang culture and traditions. Over the course of five days, with paintbrushes and drills in hand, we diligently worked to fix the school, installing new walls and windows along the facilities and painting beautiful murals in the buildings. By the end of the trip, we had two beautifully decorated classrooms, a rainbow-painted canteen, and several beautiful murals featuring the bustling city of Bangkok, the galactic Solar System, the underwater world, and even a map of the World, complete with pictures of animals around the globe. We even created a small library, shelved with fantastic Thai books that the children will enjoy.

Apart from renovating the school, we learnt about their cultures and traditions, played with the children, showered in the lovely river, watched the Milky Way and its illustrious night stars, climbed trees, developed deeper bonds with our friends, and even befriended a local cat. Each of these may seem trivial, but even without our phones we were still able to enjoy all of the activities with our classmates. This not only reminds us of how fixated we are on our technologies, but shows that we were able to really enjoy socializing with the people around us face to face without materialistic distractions. What struck us most however, was how happy the villagers were. Even without the luxurious goods, the villagers were content with their spiritual and sufficient economic lifestyle. The children had fun in their own way, rowing rafts in the river and playing wrestling, making us reminisce our nostalgic past that wasn’t filled with assignments and social media. We also had the courtesy of having the staff from the My School organization mentoring and cooking delicious meals for us. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful, we got along very well. Without their preparations, the build wouldn’t have gone so smoothly. We also improved our communication and collaboration skills as renovating a school requires a lot of teamwork; It isn’t something that only one person can do in a timespan of five days. The villagers also came to help us even though they could have just watched or played on their own free time. When we were working together, we listened to music and sang, creating a relaxed and fun environment to work in. These five days eventually passed by in the blink of an eye, leaving us with numerous, memorable events that still bring smiles to our faces.

๕๘ 2015

ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง”

บ้านห้วยปูหลวง อำ�เภออมก๋อย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่

โดย นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน “Mae Fah Luang” Hill-tribe Community Learning Center Baan Huay Puu Luang, Aom Koi, Chiangmai by Class of 2017


n November 22, 2015, the Concordian Class of Leg17tness headed out to the Northern part of Thailand with a definite goal: To build a school in the village called Om Koi. Despite the quick plane ride we had, we encountered rocky, steep and narrow roads that took us almost six hours to get to the school. In my opinion however, the car sickness and the pain of sitting for a long period of time was worth coming to Om Koi. Swept away from the city and into the deep parts of Chiang Mai provinces’ mountains, we didn’t have the comfort of our daily luxuries. We slept in tents outside of the school freezing from the bristle cold at night and facing swarms of daddy long legs (spiders) everywhere. There were three toilets, for almost forty of us to share. It wasn’t the fancy types of showers that most of us have at our home. The shower was a big bucket full of water and a smaller bucket to scoop the water and shower ourselves. We were isolated from the city, and we were surrounded entirely by beauty of both the people and environment. For the next three days, we helped the team of builders construct and paint the exterior and the interior of the library and the canteen. It was beyond exhausting; some of us helped to drill wooden boards for the walls of the school, while others created murals and painted the walls of the building bright and dark purple. It was a challenge for some of us who had not been exposed to the tools and materials used for construction. I myself had never picked up or used a drill, and there I was learning how to use a drill for the first time. It was a challenge for me but once I got the hang of it, I was able to drill holes in the right places. We played with the kids during our breaks. We befriended them, getting to know a little bit about their school, their villages and what they would like to do once they have finished school. We had also befriended the team who was in charge of the school build. Without their help, most of us would have been misguided on what to do during the school build. After the whole process of building the library and setting up the shelves and books in place, we saw the faces of the children and the teachers light up with happiness.

During the four days we spent up there, our class got time to bond with each other. We shared and reflected about what we had both liked and disliked about each other as well as our own plans for our current IB journey. On the day before our trip back to Bangkok, we went around interviewing the local villagers. In some cases, it was difficult to understand as they spoke a different dialect from what most of us usually hear. They shared their stories with us: most of them marry by the age of sixteen and have up to almost ten children; they were a religious community devoted to Christianity. Their yearly income was less than 5,000 baht, but they grew their own food and only went to the nearest city to buy necessities such as meat. They were simple people who lived simple lives, but they were happy with what they had and that to me was truly beyond amazing. The night before we left, we had a talent show and the villagers and the kids showed traditional performances. They wore their beautiful hand-made clothes dancing and singing wonderfully. All in all, the trip was an amazing learning experience that exposed us to a society different from what we were used to. The villagers, the school, and the people in this trip had made this experience worth going to. Thank you to the Class of Leg17tness

๕๗ 2014

โรงเรียนบ้านแม่ระเมิง ห้องเรียนสาขาวะโดรโกร

อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก

โดย นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน

Baan Mae Ra Moeng School, Wadrogro Branch, Ta Song Yang, Tak

by Class of 2016

๕๖ 2013

ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง”

บ้านอุสุโพคี อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก โดย นักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ ๕ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน “Mae Fah Luang” Hill-tribe Community Learning Center Baan U Su Po Kee, Ta Song Yang, Tak by Concordian’s Alumni class of 2015

๕๕ 2012

ศูนย์การเรียนชุมชนไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง”

บ้านคอโซทะ อำ�เภออุ้มผาง จังหวัดตาก โดย ศิษย์เก่าโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน ปี ๒๕๕๗

“Mae Fah Luang” Hill-tribe Community Learning Center Baan Kor So Ta, Aum Pang, Tak by Concordian’s Alumni class of 2014

๕๔ 2011

๕๓ 2010


อำ�เภอแม่ระมาด จังหวัดตาก โดย ศิษย์เก่าโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน ปี ๒๕๕๖ Mae Ra Mad School, Mae Ra Mad, Tak by Concordian’s Alumni class of 2013

ศูนย์การเรียนรู้ชุมชนไทยภูเขา “แม่ฟ้าหลวง”

บ้านห้วยทราย อำ�เภอไชยปราการ จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ โดย ศิษย์เก่าโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน ปี ๒๕๕๕

“Mae Fah Luang” Hill-tribe Community Learning Center Baan Huay Sai, Chai Prakarn, Chiangmai by Concordian’s Alumni class of 2012

๕๒ 2009


อำ�เภอท่าสองยาง จังหวัดตาก โดย ศิษย์เก่าโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน ปี ๒๕๕๔

Baan Mae Salid Luang Pitthaya School, Ta Song Yang, Tak

๕๑ 2008

by Concordian’s Alumni class of 2011


จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ โดย ศิษย์เก่าโรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน ปี ๒๕๕๓ Baan Fa Hom Pok School, Chiangmai by Concordian’s Alumni class of 2010

๕๐ 2007

๔๙ 2006


อำ�เภอสบเมย จังหวัดแม่ฮ่องสอน Baan Huay Bok School, Sob Mei, Mae Hong Son


อำ�เภอแม่อาย จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ Baan Pa Lo School, Mae Ai, Chiangmai

Address: 918 Moo 8, Bangna-Trad Highway Km. 7, Bangkaew, Bangplee Samutprakarn 10540 Thailand Tel: (66) 2 706-9000 Fax. (66) 2 706-9001 E-mail: WWW.CONCORDIAN.AC.TH

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