交流、创新、发展 Create a World without Barriers
On November 23, 2023, the Chinese Department successfully held a Chinese Speech Contest. A total of 36 students registered for the competition, and after the audition, 16 contestants stood on the stage for the final competition. This year, the theme of the speech contest was “Communication, Innovation, Development” (交流、创新、发展). Through their impressive speeches, the students demonstrated their Chinese language skills and also expressed their understanding and appreciation of culture, which further highlighted their confidence. We look forward to having more students take the stage and join the speech contest next year!
Secondary School Chinese Department
以前,我总是认为我中文的语言 能力不太好,但现在我很感激自 己敢于挑战这次的中文演讲比 赛。这次参赛经历极大地提高了 我的中文学习兴趣。通过训练, 我不仅提高了口语技巧,还拥有 更多在教室以外的地方练习中文 的机会,更有助于锻炼我的表达 能力。如果下次我可以尝试改进 的话,我肯定会使用更丰富的词 汇和更复杂的句型,来展示更自 信的自己。
我认为参加演讲这次比赛是一次 很好的体验,能够让自己学会写 演讲稿,也能提高自己的表达能 力。我觉得如果我下一次再演讲 的时候不要太紧张。我应该更勇 敢,让受众能感受到我自信的声 音和神态。我觉得下次我会做得 更好!
I had an incredibly enjoyable time participating in the Chinese speech contest and am immensely proud to emerge as the winner. Winning was unexpected, but it proved that hard work truly pays off. I dedicated myself to practicing the script, rehearsing it at least five times a day at home. Heartfelt thanks to the attentive audience for listening to my speech. Lastly, I want to urge everyone: never give up easily. 加油! Keep going!
这次是我第一次报名做主持人, 在海选的时候虽然紧张却努力准 备。当我成功成为演讲比赛主持 人后,真的是喜出望外。在老师 的带领下我每天刻苦练习。通过 这次活动让我明白了无论是什么 事情,只要努力练习,事情就不 再难。
G6-Grace S
这是我小学毕业后首次担任主持人, 可谓是跳出了我的舒适区。虽然我只 是主持人,但看着那些在台下不断练 习的演讲者,让我不禁感叹“台上十 分钟,台下十年功”。他们的努力使 本届演讲比赛激动人心,参赛者的精 彩表现令人印象深刻。感谢每位选手 的热情参与,你们展示的才华和表现 力让人叹为观止。这次经历不仅锻炼 了我们的能力,也为我们提供了宝贵 的学习机会。期待未来以参赛者身份 再次登上那个舞台,变得更勇敢,台 风更上一层楼。
G9- Joanne
This was my second time participating in the Chinese Speech Competition and I was able to come away with the “Winner Award”. I would like to thank Ms. Fang for helping with my pronunciation and script revision, as well as Mr. Jun for improving my manner and stage presence. I look forward to seeing what the speech competition will look like next year!
This is my third and last year participating in the final of the Chinese Speech Contest before heading into DP! Always a fun and exciting opportunity for me to showcase what I have learned, through all the school work and extracurricular activities my time management skills were put to the test. I feel extremely grateful for the experience and cherish this with all my friends and family. A huge thank you to the Chinese Department for hosting great events like these to allow students to showcase their abilities!
的 Lina 老师,我的爸爸、我的妈妈虽然成功,但我 不能太骄傲,因为,我还不会停住脚步,还会努力 尝试一些新的比赛和挑战,不断的突破自己,完善 自己!
One’s success can never be achieved from an individual’s effort, which is why I would like to, from the bottom of my heart, thank Ms Lina and my parents for helping me throughout the process of this speech contest.