Grade 10 Bonding Trip
This year, I had the opportunity to go on a memorable bonding trip with my class. This was my first ever bonding trip and it was an amazing experience. One of the highlights for me was visiting the elderly home. We played bingo together, which brought so much laughter and joy. We danced together, and I was surprised at how good the elderly citizens at the home were at dancing. They were definitely better than me, and their enthusiasm was what made this visit truly memorable.
After that, we traveled to Khao Yai and we stayed at this beautiful mindfulness center. The place was very calming and it made me feel free from stress. We did a ton of activities and I feel like these games really brought us together as a class.
The food was another highlight. Each meal was a chance to relax and get to talk to other people. I feel like we were eating every three hours. I definitely did not go to sleep hungry!
I also got to know my classmates a bit better on this trip and I definitely made some great friends. We went on morning walks everyday before breakfast and it was a nice way to start the day. We even wrote reflections afterward, which really helped us think deeply about all of our experiences both during the bonding trip, or in general.
On the last day, we had a special activity where everyone got a piece of paper, and we wrote short gratitude messages to each other. Reading those notes was a wonderful way to wrap up the trip and I felt so happy to receive such kind messages from my classmates.
Overall, this bonding trip was an incredible experience for me as a new student and it allowed me to make some great friendships. This is for sure a trip I'll remember!
Sahej - G10