“เป็นครูใช่ไหม ขอฝากเด็กๆ ด้วยนะ ช่วยสอนให้เขาเป็นคนดี“ “Are you a teacher? Please look after the children, and teach them to be GOOD.” A request from Our Beloved King. H.M. King Bhumibol, on his fiffiifirst tour to the north. March 1st, 1958
ขอน้อมเกล้าน้อมกระหม่อมถวายแด่ดวงจิต ของพระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช ข้าพระพุทธเจ้าคณะผู้บริหาร บุคลากร ครู และ ผู้ปกครอง จะมุ่งมั่นสั่งสอน ให้นักเรียนมีสติปัญญาเมตตาธรรม มีวิสัยทัศน์ที่ใฝ่ศึกษา ใช้ความคิดสร้างสรรค์เพื่อพัฒนาประเทศชาติ มีความซื่อสัตย์ กตัญญู และยึดมั่นในจรรยาบรรณ ขยันหมั่นเพียร มุ่งมั่นแน่วแน่ ไม่ท้อถอย ในการทำ�ความดี รักในเกียรติและศักดิ์ศรีของการเป็นผู้นำ�ที่เพียบพร้อมด้วยคุณธรรม เพื่อเปลี่ยนแปลงประเทศไทย และโลกด้วยการทำ�ประโยชน์ต่อสังคม ปวงข้าพระพุทธเจ้า ซึ่งรวมทั้งนักเรียนเป็นสำ�คัญ ขอน้อมเกล้าน้อมกระหม่อม ระลึกในพระมหากรุณาธิคุณที่สุดมิได้ ปวงข้าพระพุทธเจ้า จะร่วมกันก้าวตามเบื้องพระยุคลบาท และจนจำ�ทำ�ตามสัญญาด้วยใจ สามัคคีและผูกพัน มุ่งมั่นทำ�ความดี น้อมถวายแด่ องค์พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทร มหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช ตลอดกาลเทอญ ข้าพระพุทธเจ้าคณะผู้บริหาร บุคลากร ครู ผู้ปกครองและนักเรียน โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน
๕. อ่อนโยน แต่ไม่อ่อนแอ
“ในวงสังคมนั้นเล่า ท่านจะต้องรักษามารยาทอันดีงามสำ�หรับสุภาพชน รู้จักสัมมา คารวะ ไม่แข็งกระด้าง มีความอ่อนโยนแต่ไม่อ่อนแอ พร้อมจะเสียสละประโยชน์ ส่วนตัวเพื่อส่วนรวม”
๑. ความเพียร
พระบรมราโชวาท ในพิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตรของจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย “การสร้างสรรค์ตนเอง การสร้างบ้านเมืองก็ตาม มิใช่ว่าสร้างในวันเดียว ต้อง วันที่ 25 มิถุนายน 2496 ใช้เวลา ต้องใช้ความเพียร ต้องใช้ความอดทน เสียสละ แต่สำ�คัญที่สุดคือความ อดทนคือไม่ย่อท้อ ไม่ย่อท้อในสิ่งที่ดีงาม สิ่งที่ดีงามนั้นทำ�มันน่าเบื่อ บางทีเหมือน ๖. พูดจริง ทำ�จริง ว่าไม่ได้ผล ไม่ดัง คือดูมันควรทำ�ดีนี่ แต่ขอรับรองว่าการทำ�ให้ดีควรต้องมีความ “ผู้หนักแน่นในสัจจะพูดอย่างไร ทำ�อย่างนั้น จึงได้รับความสำ�เร็จ พร้อมทั้งความ ศรัทธาเชื่อถือและความยกย่องสรรเสริญ จากคนทุกฝ่าย การพูดแล้วทำ� คือ พูด อดทน เวลาข้างหน้าจะเห็นผลแน่นอนในความอดทนของตนเอง” จริง ทำ�จริง จึงเป็นปัจจัยสำ�คัญในการส่งเสริมเกียรติคุณของบุคคลให้เด่นชัด และ สร้างเสริมความดี ความเจริญ ให้เกิดขึ้นทั้งแก่บุคคลและส่วนรวม” พระบรมราโชวาท พระราชทานแก่นักเรียน นักศึกษา ครู และอาจารย์ ์ในโอกาสเข้าเฝ้าฯ วันที่ 27 ตุลาคม 2516 พระบรมราโชวาท ในพิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตรของจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย วันที่ 10 กรกฎาคม 2540 ๒. ความพอดี “ในการสร้างตัวสร้างฐานะนั้นจะต้องถือหลักค่อยเป็นค่อยไป ด้วยความรอบคอบ ระมัดระวังและความพอเหมาะพอดี ไม่ทำ�เกินฐานะและกำ�ลัง หรือทำ�ด้วย ๗. หนังสือเป็นออมสิน ความเร่งรีบ เมื่อมีพื้นฐานแน่นหนารองรับพร้อมแล้ว จึงค่อยสร้างค่อยเสริม “หนังสือเป็นการสะสมความรู้และทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างที่มนุษย์ได้สร้างมา ทำ�มา คิดมา ความเจริญก้าวหน้าในระดับสูงขึ้น ตามต่อกันไปเป็นลำ�ดับ ผลที่เกิดขึ้นจึงจะ แต่โบราณกาลจนทุกวันนี้ หนังสือจึงเป็นสิ่งสำ�คัญ เป็นคล้ายๆ ธนาคารความรู้และ เป็นออมสิน เป็นสิ่งที่จะทำ�ให้ มนุษย์ก้าวหน้าได้โดยแท้” แน่นอน มีหลักเกณฑ์ เป็นประโยชน์แท้และยั่งยืน” พระบรมราโชวาท ในพิธีพระราชทานปริญญาบัตรของมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น วันที่ 18 ธันวาคม 2540
พระบรมราโชวาท พระราชทานแก่คณะสมาชิกห้องสมุดทั่วประเทศ ในโอกาสที่เข้าเฝ้าทูลละอองธุลีพระบาท วันที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน 2514
๓. ความรู้ตน
๘. ความซื่อสัตย์
๔. คนเราจะต้องรับและจะต้องให้
“เด็กๆ ทำ�อะไรต้องหัดให้รู้ตัว การรู้ตัวอยู่เสมอจะทำ�ให้เป็นคนมีระเบียบและคนที่ “ความซื่อสัตย์สุจริตเป็นพื้นฐานของความดีทุกอย่าง เด็กๆ จึงต้องฝึกฝนอบรม มีระเบียบดีแล้ว จะสามารถเล่าเรียนและทำ�การงานต่างๆ ได้โดยถูกต้องรวดเร็ว ให้เกิดมีขึ้นในตนเอง เพื่อจักได้เติบโตขึ้นเป็นคนดีมีประโยชน์ และมีชีวิตที่สะอาด จะเป็นคนที่จะสร้างความสำ�เร็จและความเจริญ ให้แก่ตนเองและส่วนรวมใน ที่เจริญมั่นคง” อนาคตได้อย่างแน่นอน” พระบรมราโชวาท พระราชทานเพื่อเชิญลงพิมพ์ในหนังสือวันเด็ก ปีพุทธศักราช 2531 พระบรมราโชวาท พระราชทานลงพิมพ์ในหนังสือ วันเด็ก ประจำ�ปี 2521
“คนเราจะเอาแต่ได้ไม่ได้ คนเราจะต้องรับและจะต้องให้ หมายความว่าต่อไป และเดี๋ยวนี้ด้วยเมื่อรับสิ่งของใดมา ก็จะต้องพยายามให้ ในการให้นั้น ให้ได้โดย พยายามที่จะสร้างความสามัคคีให้หมู่คณะและในชาติ ทำ�ให้หมู่คณะและชาติ ประชาชนทั้งหลายมีความไว้ใจซึ่งกันและกันได้ ช่วยที่ไหนได้ก็ช่วย ด้วยจิตใจที่เผื่อ แผ่โดยแท้” พระบรมราโชวาท พระราชทานแก่นักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น วันที่ 20 เมษายน 2521
“ในการดำ�เนินชีวิตของเรา เราต้องข่มใจไม่กระทำ�สิ่งใดๆ ที่เรารู้สึกด้วยใจจริงว่าชั่ว ว่าเสื่อม เราต้องฝืนต้องต้านความคิดและความประพฤติทุกอย่างที่รู้สึกว่าขัดกับ ธรรมะ เราต้องกล้าและบากบั่นที่จะกระทำ�สิ่งที่เราทราบว่าเป็นความดี เป็นความ ถูกต้อง และเป็นธรรม ถ้าเราร่วมกันทำ�เช่นนี้ ให้ได้จริงๆ ให้ผลของความดีบังเกิด มากขึ้นๆ ก็จะช่วยค้ำ�จุนส่วนรวมไว้มิให้เสื่อมลงไป และจะช่วยให้ฟื้นคืนดีขึ้นได้เป็น ลำ�ดับ” พระราชดำ�รัส พระราชทานเพื่อเชิญไปอ่าน ในพิธีเปิดการประชุมยุวพุทธิกสมาคม ทั่วประเทศ ครั้งที่ 12 ที่จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา วันที่ 12 ธันวาคม 2513
Editor’s Note
Message from Administration Message from K. Varnnee Message from Aj. Vichitvong Message from Mr. Laurent Message from Dr. James
6 7 8 9
Counseling Corner Greeting from Dr. Tresa
Community Service CAS Activities Planning for 2016-2018
Alumni Update Concordian Graduating Class of 2016 Alumni Reunion 2016 School Update Announcing New Vice Principal Positions at Concordian Welcome New Faculty! Meet Concordian’s New Librarians and our New Library Website! In focus - Math and Literacy in the PYP Sneak Peek into our New Buildings at Concordian Showcase Asian History Bowl! Concordian Champions! Dragon Chess Badminton and Table Tennis/ U9 Football 2016 TISAC Tournament Champions SEAIS Football Tournament A Note from Myanmar’s Head Coach to Concordian Dragon’s Athletic awards
Flash Back CP Lotus Shanghai Internship Thailand Model United Nations III: International, Rigorous and Effective! Mother’s Day Ceremony Wai Kru Ceremony: A Ceremony to Salute Teachers Songkran @ Concordian International School: 4 We Promoted Playing Water in Traditional Way! Beach Clean Up 2016 The IB Retreat to Pattaya 2016 Grade 5 Exhibition IB Visual Art Exhibition 2016
12 14 15
K3 Graduation Grade 5 Graduation MYP/DP Talent Show: The Talent Awakens PY End of Year Concert 2016 School Life Musical Play The PY Talent Show Centerstage 2016 Spring Concert
42 43 44 46 48 51
High School Student Life in the High School
Middle School Middle School Update
PY Concordian: A Growing School Community Celebrating Learning at Concordian
56 57
EY It’s Great to be Back in School
Special Feature Feedback from Staff Outing The In Memory Ceremony of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej
60 63
16 18 19 20
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 41
Orchids ดอกกล้วยไม้
rchids are monocots. They are in the same family as Orchisaceae. They are popular cut flowers because they look beautiful and colorful. Also, they last a very long time. Orchid flowers are a symbol of wealth, love and grace. They represent rareness, excellence and beauty.
กล้วยไม้เป็นพืชใบเลี้ยงเดี่ยว ในวงศ์ Orchidaceae เป็นไม้ตัดดอก ยอดนิยม เนื่องจากมีลักษณะดอกและสีสันลวดลายสวยงาม เป็น ไม้ตัดดอกที่มีอายุการใช้งานได้นาน ดอกกล้วยไม้ เป็นสัญลักษณ์ ของความมั่งคั่ง ความรัก และความสง่างาม แสดงถึงความประเสริฐ และความงามอันละเมียดละไม
Dear IMPACT Readers,
he new academic year is officially upon us! I still haven’t gotten use to typing 2016-2017. I know I am not the only one who feels as though time seems to fly by at Concordian, but alas, we cannot make time stand still so we charge forward watching our students grow and mature rapidly before our very own eyes! In this issue of IMPACT, we, of course, feature our welcome back notes from our esteemed Administration Khun Varnnee, Ajarn Vichitvong, Mr. Laurent, Dr. James, and Dr. Tresa. You will also see just how evident that growth and maturity is I was speaking of by reminiscing, reading our flashback articles, and viewing some of the final event pictures from 2015-2016. You will read about exciting events that have already been held this year, the additions to our administrative staff, and finally, the new faculty we are happy to welcome to the Concordian community! At the beginning of every year, I like to give our readers a challenge if you will; a goal to accomplish within the upcoming school year. This year, I challenge each of our readers to step out of their comfort zone and try something, anything new! You may meet a new friend, volunteer at a new charity, or try a new sport or musical instrument. Whatever it might be, I wish you luck! Welcome back to what is sure to be another great year at Concordian! Sincerely, Nicki Deidrick Please contact K. Prinz at 091-889-8616
Nicki Deidrick Wanlapha (Prinz) Sa-ardwong Sarinya (Fluke) Pimsawad
Message from Administration
Message from
Khun Varnnee Dear Concordian, Welcome back to Concordian, and let us join together to welcome many that are new to be a part of our Concordian Family. Each academic year goes by so quickly. The Class of 2016 is already attending many wonderful universities around the world; building their dreams. I am very proud of all of them! To those who are new, I would like to share my true belief that I always share with my graduates and to the coming graduating Class of 2017. Do not give up your “Impossible Dream”, because as you continue trying, you are becoming closer and closer to it. When others may think it is impossible, it does not mean it is impossible for you. Please don’t forget that the world needs not only well-educated and Intelligent people, but the world needs us to be courageous and compassionate; individuals who will stand up and extend a hand to help those who are in need.
“ลูกใครไม่สำ�คัญ ลูกศิษย์ฉันนั้นคือลูก ฟูมฟักรักพันผูก จะสอนลูกเป็นคนดี”
“Neither matter nor important whose CHILDREN they are… My students are MY CHILDREN. Will Nurture and Love… Teach and Commit… to raise My CHILDREN to be GOOD.“
I hope as we all chase our dreams, we don’t forget those who’ve had helped us and those we can help along the way. Let us start our Academic Year 2016-2017 with love and compassion, with integrity and responsibility, which will lead all of us to build the visions and actions for a more peaceful world, which is much needed. Thank you all for your trust and care you have for our Concordian community. Sincerely,
Varnnee Chearavanont Ross Founder/Director
Message from Administration
Message from
Aj. Vichitvong ขอต้ อ นรั บ นั ก เรี ย นทุ ก คนกลั บ สู่ โ รงเรี ย น และเริ่มต้นการเรียนของปีการศึกษา 2016-2017 การจั ด การเรี ย นการสอนที่ เน้ นการอบรม สั ่ ง สอน เพื ่ อ สร้ า งนั ก เรี ย นให้ เป็ นคนเก่ ง และดี จึงมุ่งเน้นพัฒนาทุกบริบทในโรงเรียน ให้เป็นแหล่ง เรียนรู้ ควบคู่ไปกับการพัฒนาการเรียนการสอนให้ ทันสมัย และมีประสิทธิผล พัฒนาครูให้พร้อมที่จะ ส่งเสริมให้นักเรียน เรียนรู้ด้วยตนเอง สามารถ “คิดเป็น คิดเก่ง และคิดดี” พร้อมทั้งสร้างเยาวชน ให้มีจิตสาธารณะ และเป็นพลเมืองดีของสังคม ต่อไป
(นางวิจิตรวงศ์ ชนะรัตน์) ผู้อำ�นวยการ โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียน (Thai Principal)
Message from Administration
Message from
Mr. Laurent Dear Concordian Parents, It is with great pleasure that we welcome you all to another exciting school year at Concordian! Thank you new and returning parents for trusting the school to give your children an outstanding cutting-edge education in three languages! With new facilities being built, the launch of our Concordian app, and a growing dream team of teachers working their hardest, this year could not start any better! We are also very proud of having renewed our full Accreditation with the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), the Council of International School (CIS), the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), and the Thai Ministry of Education last year, as this is a great way to guarantee to our parent, teacher, and student community of our high standards and our rigorous commitment to student learning, the heart of what we are all working towards. The Impact Magazine is a great way for you to keep up with the many activities that we are running at Concordian. It is often not possible to fully realize how many opportunities our students have day in and day out to experience life in and outside of the classroom, and we encourage all parents to keep being very involved with the school and be part of your child’s learning experience. Again thank you for all your support, and I look forward to a great partnership with you all to make this school year exceptional! Sincerely,
8 8
Laurent Goetschmann Head of School Concordian International School
Message from Administration
Message from
Dr. James Dear Concordian, It is indeed a privilege to serve the Concordian community as Principal of the Middle School (Grades 6-8) and High School (Grades 9-12). To achieve the goals for the academic year 2016/17, I will be working in conjunction with two very capable and dedicated Vice-Principals, Mr. Bill Berry (Middle School) and Mr. Rich Melamed (High School). Our team will continue to provide a safe and conducive learning environment, where all students have the opportunity to thrive and become successful learners. Concordian must be a place where compassion/ caring must be fostered and demonstrated on a daily basis by the community; students, staff and parents. Whatever is spoken and acted upon must be in the best interest of each other, respecting each other’s rights and differences and to not make one feel inadequate or inferior. We remain committed to academic excellence and to challenge the students to reach their potential. In so doing, they must exhibit tenacity, fortitude, integrity/principled attributes; taking responsibility and accepting the consequences for their actions by being reflective on behaviors. Let the four pillars of Compassion, Respect, Integrity and Responsibility resonate within each of us throughout the academic year. Successful and content students are a product of their environment and this is a direct result of the three domains working in concert with each other; cognitive, mental skills (knowledge), affective, emotional (attitudes, perceptions, values) and psychomotor (physical movements, manual and physical skills) resulting in a balanced individual. School and the parent community must work together in supporting the three domains.
We remain committed in offering top-notch MYP and DP programs; taught by talented, passionate and experienced teachers whose main focus is providing quality education for your sons and daughters. We look forward with great anticipation to the start of the new academic year and working together as a cohesive community.
Sincerely, Service and service learning will be an integral component within the MYP curriculum and Dr. James Leung continues in Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) in the Director of Academics and ​High School Principal Diploma Program (DP).
As the Diploma Program Coordinator, I would like to congratulate the 2016 graduating cohort on their matriculation to various tertiary institutions around the globe. All Diploma candidates were successful in receiving their IB Diplomas based on the May 2016 IB examinations.
Counseling Corner
Greetings from
Dr. Tresa Dear Concordian Community, Welcome back! I hope all of your children are now settling back into school and that you, as parents, are also settling back in! We appreciate the vital role you hold in ensuring the success of your children at Concordian. In the Counseling Department, we enjoy collaborating with you on making sure your son/daughter is a happy, positive, well-adjusted person. Why? Because I feel learning cannot happen if children are not enjoying school! A couple of days ago I attended the iC3 (International Career & College Counseling Conference) in India. As a member of the planning committee for this inaugural conference, I felt I walked away with much more than I contributed. One of the highlights of the event, that went beyond the traditional aspects of college counseling, was listening to Lakshmi GV and her husband Newton Kondaveti, founders and authors of Life Research Academy and Life University. Their presentation on Holistic Education really shed light on the need for educators to look beyond just the traditional forms of education and toward the development of the whole child. They made five recommendations: meditation (make this compulsory), music/dance/painting (every child needs to be exposed to the arts), languages (expose children to at least five languages before the age of eight), material science and Life (the middle path and how to live happily). Meditation and mindfulness have become hot topics in educational circles as one of the means to help develop wholeness. Two of our counselors, Ms. Yatima (grades 2-6) and Ms. Luck (Nursery –Grade 1) have become very involved in mindfulness, taking classes on how to teach this to our younger students. Dr. Lakshmi and Dr. Newton also shared something that really stuck in my mind which was, we educators should also be meditating and be ‘healthy’ so that we do not pass stress onto our students. As role models, teachers must model the behaviors they expect from their students. I share this with you because I think this could also be beneficial to parents too. Meditation is not a religion so everyone can meditate and improve well-being. Building a happy environment around our students will help them to grow up to be happy adults. Finally, the most important news we have to share is that we have a new member join our team, Mr. Seth Ellenz. As our first male counselor, we are excited he decided to join us. He brings a wealth of knowledge with him and will be working with students in grades 7-10. We are looking at adding an additional female counselor to this section too due to the volume of students. We will keep you updated on that as it progresses. Seth’s office is located at the front entrance of the SATc building. Stop by and say hello and get to know him better. On behalf of the Counseling Department, we look forward to collaborating with you to make 2016/2017 a great 10 school year for students.
10 Sincerely, Dr. Tresa
Community Service
hroughout the 2 years in IB Diploma Program, there are certain numbers of CAS activities required in the curriculum. To complete the required number of CAS, I planned to join various clubs, participate in activities in the school and other communities. CAS activities are separated by 3 categories A, B, and C. There are 3 activities needed for A, 4 for B and 10 for C. To achieve Category A, you must go through a process of investigation and planning. For Category B, it requires action, demonstration and reflection. Last, for Category C, it is a simple one or two day event through action and reflection. Now, I have joined many clubs, both interest and service clubs, which are operation smile, need for medication, commemorative club, etc. These clubs serve the same purpose, to improve the lives of people in the community and in the world. All the clubs are counted as a Category B experience. Other than the clubs, there are other major projects, including School Build, Community Service Project and Junior Achievement. All of these 3 are considered as Category A. Using the School Build as an example; the whole class together, has to raise a large amount of money to build the school for the mountain kids in the North of Thailand. Separated into groups, we have to organize events and activities to raise funds to reach the amount needed. Last, for Category C, it is a single day event, which can be done throughout the 2 years in the diploma program without any concerns. However, the required number for Category C is 10 activities, so I planned to complete one or two activities during each break. So far, I finished a charity marathon, provided educational funds for unprivileged kids, and I planned to visit different foundations in the outer skirts of Bangkok where they need help in terms of support or supplies. By doing these, other than accomplishment of CAS hours, I will gain a lot of experiences and develop a deeper understanding of the world.
ith the transition towards the Diploma program, there are higher requirements and expectations to be done as a part of our learning process, in which CAS or Creativity Action Service is a part of it. IB doesn’t aim for us to be only an academic learner, it teaches us other aspects in our life such as morals and how to engage with the community. Throughout this two year program, I have planned out to be more engaging with the social events and volunteer services as I want to explore more about my community. Due to the fact that I have more interest towards social issues than sports, being a part of these activities will both fit my interest the most and the criteria for CAS. CAS is divided into three main categories which are category A, B and C. In different categories, it requires different stages of work. With the category A, it requires us to investigate and make a long-term commitment towards it in which we must accomplish 3 projects within this category. For category B, we must have planning and a long-term commitment towards the project. However, we do not have to do the investigation stage. There must be at least 4 projects that are within this category. For the category C, it is a one-day event or short-term commitment activity in which it requires us to do at least 10 activities within this category. For this entire category, it must fall on at least one strand of creativity, activity, and service.
As I have mentioned above, I would really like to take this experience to explore more about issues that occur inside my community. Therefore, projects that I will do throughout this project will be mostly on the community base rather than the school base. For category A, all the projects involve helping the community. For instance the school build project and the trip to a small slum, is interesting to me. I want to investigate more about those who have different life conditions than me. For category B, I would like to do more direct service to help the community, such as teaching the blind kids once a week for 2 months, or joining school clubs. By: Ong G11 For category C, I plan to join many one day events that are involving charity, such as marathon for charity, blood donation, or even read for the blind. To summarize, CAS would be a great experience that I will get from being a 11 part of this diploma program. CAS is not about teaching 11 us to be engaged with the community. It teaches us to be a great citizen who cares about things around us. By: Prang IB DP Year 1 (G11W)
Alumni Update
oncordian’s Graduating Class of 2016 held their Farewell Celebration on May 27th in the Amphitheater. It was a day of smiles, thank yous, hugs, cheers, tears, anticipation, and joy for the 22 young men and women who reached this momentous occasion in their lives. We miss them all but know they will make Concordian proud as they move on to even greater achievements and experiences. Following these events, on May 28th, was the official Valedictory Ceremony where our graduates received their Concordian diplomas, and of course, tossed their graduation caps!
We are eager to see and follow the Concordian Alumni in the years to come and applaud their future achievements and endeavors! Congratulations Dragons!
Alumni Update
Alumni Update
his year Concordian held the 2nd Annual Dragon Alumni Reunion. Approximately 40 alumni had the opportunity to attend, share memories and retell some class jokes together at Harrods Tea Room, Paragon. Thank you Khun Varnnee, Dr. James, Dr. Tresa, Mr. Ravi, and Ms. Linh for joining us. Also, members of the classes of 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 were all represented! Thank you to everyone who made the 2nd Annual Alumni Reunion 2016 possible! Why attend your Alumni Reunion when you have so many high school Facebook friends? You can’t relive, share,or make new memories online. - Unknown -
School Update
Mr. Bill Berry Middle School Vice Principal
Mr. Yuri Halushka PY Vice Principal
Mr. Rich Melamed High School Vice Principal
Mr. Tim Byrum EY Vice Principal
Ms. Nathalie Herve Delgado Ms. Sally Wen PYP Vice Principal of PYP Vice Principal of Learning and Teaching Learning and Teaching
t Concordian International School we focus on providing our students with effective and innovative teaching based on the learner profile attributes from the International Baccalaureate Organization as well as incorporating Concordian’s own school values and mission statement which complement and often overlap one another. It is part of our school philosophy for teachers to continue developing professionally in order to give your child a true world class education while providing a sense of community and safe learning environment.
To continue to support our school community, and sustain and foster our school philosophies, attributes, and community, it is our pleasure to announce the New Vice Principal positions for the 2016-2017 academic year. These individuals will continue to work closely with Khun Varnnee, Mr. Laurent, Dr. James, and Dr. Tresa. These individuals will be your second point of contact regarding your child’s success at school. The first point of contact being your child’s homeroom teacher, subject teacher, or counselor.
School Update
e are pleased to welcome our new Concordian faculty for the 2016-2017 academic year! This year, we have 35 new educators to share their expertise, knowledge and passion with our already highly qualified and enthusiastic educators and students. Please join us in extending a heartfelt welcome to the new members of our Concordian family!
Alex Monteiro MYP English
Aubri Barnes Grade 1 Homeroom
Chien Chih-Hsuan (Elena) Chinese Substitute
Eulalio Arcia MYP ELS
Amanda Martinson Grade 1 Homeroom
Ashley Jackson Grade 3 Homeroom
Azineth Semana (Azira) Teaching Assistant
Bo Zhong MYP Chinese
Chissy Schmidt Grade 5 ELS
Christine Brooks Nursery Homeroom
Genoa Jones Jennifer Hammond Grasde 4 Homeroom Grade 2-3 ELS
John MacPhail Grade 5 Homeroom
Julie Plantecoste Grade 3-4 ELS
Kathy Fester MYP Librarian
School Update
Kylie Ayson MYP ELS
Luke Fiander MYP English
My Linh Trinh Vu MYP Math
Neil Parkin MYP Physical Health Education
Niramon Pomtasananon (Hack) EY Thai Teaching Assistant
Pakorn Sinlapachai (Earth) Swimming Coach
Pattarin Srikijpachai (Fon) PYP Thai
Qinglin Mo (Cassy) PYP CLS
Rongrong Hu (Rong) MYP Chinese
Seth Ellenz MYP Counselor
Sumattaya Chaikwang (Earl) MYP Thai
Susana Regula MYP ELS
Suthipong Srigram (Golf) Swimming Coach
Teresa Guedes K3 Homeroom
Tingting Wu (Tina) Grade 4 Homeroom Support
Wei Qingfang (Fang) MYP Chinese
Wipawee Maharakkhaka (Amy) MYP Thai
Yan Wang (Winnie) Grade 3 Homeroom
Yue Zhang (Taylor) PYP CLS
Yuen Tung Ki (Roxy) Chinese Librarian Library Support
School Update
By: Ms. Kathy and Mr. Roxy
e have big positive changes in the MYP/DP Library this academic year starting with two new librarians at Concordian! Kathy Fester comes to us from the United States. Her experience includes serving as the Library Director in IB schools in New York and Tbilisi, Georgia. She is also a former Adjunct Professor at Adelphi University in New York and her focus here at Concordian will be to prepare our students for University-level research. The new MYP/ DP Library website was launched, and is ever-growing. Teacher and students are already using the resources for research and inquiry assignments, so check it out at http://concordian-thailand. Ms. Kathy encourages students to share their essays and research—along with their list of references—a few days before the due date and she will check the material for correct bibliographies, valid sources, and in-text citations. She and the new Chinese Librarian, Roxy Yuen, work together to bring good resources and books into our library and to make the library space a welcoming place to sit and work, chat, and ask for assistance! Mr. Roxy hails from Hong Kong and is Concordian’s first Chinese Librarian. He will also assist Ms. Kathy and Ms. Erin in the MYP/DP and PYP Libraries. Mr. Roxy will help support the ever increasing inquiries in Chinese and Chinese research. He will help teach the students the essential skills and inquiries to acquire the practical skills needed to not only research, but to develop lifelong love of reading Chinese!
School Update
By: Ms. Melissa (Math Coach) and Ms. Roxanne (Literacy Coach)
e are so excited to share the new changes at Concordian that will offer even more support to our students and families. This year, we will be delighted to fill the roles Math and Literacy Coach for the Primary Years Program. We are looking forward to supporting our interdisciplinary curriculum in both learning and teaching. Teachers are already providing excellent, engaging experiences in the classroom for reading, writing and math. One of our focuses this year will be on building the confidence of our young readers and mathematicians. We are also eager to support students to deepen their critical and systematic approaches to math and reading challenges. We will be working very closely with Concordian PYP students, and also with the teachers at Concordian. We are always open for great conversations about how you can help at home.
We hope everyone has a wonderful year!
New Athl
School Update
igh School Bui H w e N ldi
Cen ! ter
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into Our
New Buildings
Message from Admin
oncordian just became Champions at the Asian History Bowl. Congratulations to Mac, Kong and Weimin. Weimin also took gold in both the Geography Bee and History Bee. Kong took the silver in both of these competitions. Mac, Grade 9, received 5th place out of 70 people from the junior competition. Concordian received an overall 1st place Asian champion Bowl.
It should be noted that we were up against over 30 schools and 200 students, including schools that graduate hundreds of students each year. 23 We are so proud of our team!
By: Wein-en, Grade 4
By: Koaklong, Grade 6
Hi guys! I’m going to tell you how I started playing chess and how I did in my first tournament. I started playing chess because my friends wanted me to play so I registered in the chess club.
My experience at the chess tournament was very stressful. I became stressed out even though I was playing against younger kids. In chess, you should never underestimate anyone, even if they are a beginner because if you become careless, one wrong move could cost you the match. At chess, the rules are very strict. You must think carefully before you move the piece. If you want to win, you should try to force your opponents to give you an advantage. I hope all of you who would like to join the chess club, do your best and never lose hope! You can always counter attack.
Then, I found out that it was very fun! I kept playing! Then, there was a tournament! In the tournament, we needed to compete and earn points. The individual who earned the most points was the tournament champion.
But you need to beware of the timer! If the time goes to 0, you lose. There were a lot of kids there. I tried my best but I only received 2.5 points out of 24 5 points. I was very nervous and felt bad at first because I didn’t win. Then, I kept practicing. Now I got 3.5 points in my last tournament! This was a big improvement! I have a fun time in the chess club. If you want to join us, please join!
By: Coach Tiew
Badminton Team Both U13 and U15 won 1st place in the TISAC tournament, with this being ourU15 team’s 4 thstraight championship!! W e are ready to defend the TISAC championship in May 2017. All players were very strong and determined on the senior team. We almost won t he TISAC t eam trophy for 4 years in a row but unluckily we came up just short due toa new mini-game points rule. We will surely get back on the court this year with improved performance to challenge the TISAC championship. Go Dragons!!
By: Mr. Joe
The U9 Boys had quite a season We never gave any one a reason To suspect we were so good. But now I think it’s understood The u9 boys of 2016 Truly were a spectacular team We went to the tournament and won the day Then, with two of our best too sick to play We played Bangkok Prep to overtime In the hot, humid wet sunshine We didn’t win that day, it’s true Table Tennis But the last thing Coach Joe will say to you Is of all the teams we were to meet. With our growth in athletic teams, this was the first There was not one we couldn’t beat. yearthat Concordian enteredall levels of TISAC
T ournaments for table tennis. All teams performed very well and finished the season within the top 3! U-11a nd U-15 won 1st place, the s enior team came in 2nd place and the U-9 and U13 teams won 3rd place. For th e upcoming schoolyear, we plan to practice harder, improve more skills and be ready to welcomemoreplayers to join the tournaments in ourConcordian PY G y m. Pleasecome to cheer our Dragonson our home court!
Great Job U9 Boys of 2016 You really were a spectacular team. TISAC CHAMPIONS 2016 CONCORDIAN DRAGONS U-9
By: Coach K
oncordian hosted the 2nd Annual South East Asia International Schools Football Tournament on our new grass field. Two teams came from Myanmar, two from Chonburi, one from Khao Yai, and several from around Bangkok. The inaugural tournament was in Myanmar where the Dragons made it to the finals, Tan was leading scorer and became an instant hit on a Myanmar reality TV show (see Impact issue Winter 2015). It was meaningful for us this time reuniting with the players from Botahtaung FC Yangon who guided us while in Myanmar and showed us how quickly Yangon is changing. Now it was our turn. Khun Varnnee graciously allowed the team to stay in the Residency for the weekend. Only one of the boys spoke English, so the only time they got to speak Burmese was when Mr. Rich and Mrs. Sapai treated them to a pop culture experience at MEGA. The team enjoyed Suan Luang Rama 9 Park and thought it similar to Kandawgyi Lake, which we went to when in Myanmar. Anabelle was their chef while here and said that the boys from Botahtaung were the most well-behaved, respectful, and tidiest group that she has had in the Residency. After the tournament, 3 players gave their team uniform to Boomer, Chan, and Perth in thanks for playing with them and for their friendship.
Kram and Lothang were tournament assistant directors, helping communicate with the teams beforehand, caring for all teams during play, and taking 500 photos of the action. The tournament t-shirt was created by Tawan and Sae and appreciated by players and coaches. They also appreciated the service by our nursing staff. Dragons would like to thank Coach K’s mother and father for being adopted parents to the team for 48 hours and the great photos. Coach Ceisler of 26 Botahtaung FC Yangon commented, “The Concordian family has truly opened these boys’ eyes to a different world. Without the kindness shared, they would never have been able to experience this. Only one boy has even been out of the city. We are forever grateful.”
The Dragons were Shin, Tan, First, Puthip, Leng, Nippon, Eiffel, Mammoth, Pooh, and Mac. In the first game, we immediately showed our desire and beat the Eagles 4-0. We won the second game against a younger SIS Khao Yai team, 6-2. The MIS game was a tough one, but we hung on for a 2-1 victory, which got us into the semi-finals. The best game of the tournament was the semi-finals between Concordian and Wells. Wells had beaten Eastern Seaboard 3-2 and tied with BCIS, last year’s champion. The game started like a chess match with both teams keeping possession of the ball and trying to work it up. There was good teamwork and passing but no goals. It was scoreless at half. Coach K changed the strategy for second half, moving Leng up to help with the attack. It was a risk that paid off, because a few minutes into the second half, Leng passed to Tan who beat the first defender and dribbled into a space behind the last defender, forcing the goalkeeper to come out. Tan faked the shot and passed to a wide open Shin who carefully put it in the net. Our stronger midfield and defense controlled most of the rest of the game with Puthip making a great save to preserve the 1-0 victory. Sadly, the intensity of the semi-final took its toll on us. In the other semi-final game, ISE easily outplayed the Eagles and a few of their better players were able to rest. In the finals, ISE scored first and a few minutes later we equalized for a 1-1 halftime score. In the second half, we were exhausted with a couple of injuries, and ISE still had strength. They scored to make it 1-2. Then they were awarded a penalty, which was converted, to make the final score, 1-3. We made it to the finals two years in a row, so we do feel good about that. Next year, the tournament is at Khao Yai and we really hope to be the Champions. Thank you to all the people who helped and came out to cheer us on Saturday.
1st Place – ISE Eastern Seaboard 2nd Place – Concordian Dragons 3rd Place – Wells Best Player – Myat Min Thet Khine (Botahtaung FC, Yangon) Best Goalkeeper – Saran Sachdev (Wells International School, Bangkok)
Dear Coach K,
his is primarily to you, but also to the Concordian administration and the staff and students who helped out with the tournament. I am so grateful for the hospitality, kindness, and professionalism that all of you showed to me, and to all of us, throughout our time at Concordian. I know that the Botahtaung kids and the MIS team and coaches feel the same way. I know all the preparation it takes to organize such an event and you and the others at Concordian pulled it all off beautifully. In December I flew to Yangon for a few days to help prepare my team and also to meet with MIS. My last night there we had a Botahtaung team meeting with all the players at 11:00 on a Friday night, sitting by the river adjacent to the street where they used to play -- that street is now a parking area for trucks -- like so many streets and open dirt areas, their play spaces had been taken away. Anyway, we sat there by the river for nearly two hours. The conversation was mostly in Burmese, which I don’t understand, but I gave the boys my instructions and Tunlinn translated for me. I told them that the people they’d meet in Thailand would likely know almost nothing about Myanmar. Indeed what the Thais would learn would come from how these boys would perform and behave during the trip. Play badly, behave impolitely, look disorganized and indifferent, people would likely come to believe -- “Ahhh, this must be Myanmar. ”Conversely, play well, be polite, look like you care, and people would believe --- “Ahhh, THIS must be Myanmar.” Fairly or not, first impressions last forever. The boys love their country fiercely, with all its problems. I wanted them to know that a lot was at stake. Not so much about winning, but about preparing properly and acting right.
As I watched the kids this past weekend I realized how smart they’ve become. They’ve come to understand that how they treat others reflects on them. And they’ve also come to realize, I think for the first time, that it really is a big wide world out there. You gave them the opportunity to experience that. Thank you --I’ll leave you with a message that Tunlinn Aung sent me last night. ------------Tunlinn Aung: When we left Concordian I cried in the car. Did you know that? Robert: I didn’t know. Why did you cry? Tunlinn Aung: Because you and their coach and his family. They were very very good to us and I will always remember them. -----------I don’t think there’s anything more I can add to that.
Best wishes always, Robert Ceisler
By: Coach K
From the Dragons Lair D is for desire R is for respect A is for aspiration G is for gōng hé” (工合) O is for open-minded N is for nurture S is for synergize
oaches and student athletes of Concordian International School live and breathe these 7 characteristics. Known for our good sportsmanship and integrity, Dragons from K3 to Grade 12 represent our school very well. Congratulations to our highest award winners from the 2015-2016 school year.
Pictured from left to right: Coach K, Pakkard, K. Varnnee, Shin, May, and Kan 28
Highest Honor Individual Award Winners
Dragon Sportsmanship Award – Pakkard Dragon Sportsmanship Award – Shin Female Athlete of the Year – May Male Athlete of the Year – Kan
Flash Back
By: Cherry I am grateful CP Lotus has given me the chance to work in their supermarket. I would like to express my thoughts about my work during the course of time. In my opinion, I think that working in supermarket is very nerve wracking because if I made a mistake it would affect the whole company. However, thanks to CP Lotus there were always people to support me since I was new to the environment. It made me feel at ease, and I was able to focus more because the people working in CP Lotus also provided a helpful presentation. The presentation was very detailed so I was able to understand the basics of the overall working experience in CP Lotus. This is my impression of working in CP Lotus, during the course of time and I am thankful again to CP Lotus for giving me the opportunity to work.
By: Fone
I feel fortunate having this opportunity to come to the CP Lotus Internship, and having the opportunity to work in the position of a worker in Lotus company. After 2 weeks of full intense work, it must be said that working is way more difficult than studying in school. The biggest difference between learning and working is that the work environment changes all the time and it allows you to learn to adapt to each new surrounding. For instance, at Lotus the customers are never the same when working as a cashier. In Customer service we are expected to meet and greet different types of people who may not be as charming or kind as we expected. Having this experience has taught me to adapt to every situation and be patient. Comparing our school environment and studying to working at Tesco is unexplainable. We know what to expect 29 at Concordian. Whereas, we never knew what to expect at Lotus.
Flash Back
My experience in CP Lotus Shanghai By: Teddy Coming on this trip, I have gained very valuable lifetime experiences and memories. On this trip, I found myself amazed at some of the well thought out systems and equipment that lead to their business success. Although to be perfectly honest, during the lecture I only captured a general understanding of their systems and methods due to my lack of understanding in the Chinese language so lecturing proved to provide me with limited knowledge. Despite that, my general understanding of the system still made me feel amazed at the ingenuity of the well thought system and strategies. I believe this experience could potentially inspire me as well as give me a good example for business success in the near future. Lecture aside, I was also able to gain experience from actually doing some of the work myself. In this trip, I was able to operate a cashier, promote products in a supermarket and provide customer service. Doing the cashier, surprisingly, proved to be a very fun experience for myself, changing the perspective from buying to selling items was very interesting and fun for me. As for promoting a certain product in the supermarket, even though my team lost the competition in the end because I failed to promote my kiwis effectively, it was another experience for me to see how hard marketing is - especially with an unpopular product.
Providing customer service also served to be quite an experience. For someone with a weak Chinese background such as myself, customer service was quite nerve wracking. As hard as it was, I was able to gain experience in providing customer service to the customers of super brand mall. Aside from actually doing the customer service myself, I was able to know fascinating facts about some of the most bizarre customers that ever visited super brand mall. Knowing what type of customers they have to deal with is new knowledge for me. Aside from lecturing and experiencing it in reality, I also got to visit “behind the scenes�. To me, seeing how Lotus handles their product distribution was very interesting. We were able to visit the CP Lotus distribution center, which means a lot to me since I know only a handful of people were able to visit. I believe that was an experience that I could never get anywhere else. There was even more knowledge gained from seeing Lotus inside out. It was indeed very valuable, but going to Shanghai was also a very valuable experience for me. In this case, I was able to learn how to manage my money as well as my clothes for a month. I also learned more about the Chinese language and culture. These might not provide knowledge for my future career, but to me, these life experiences will prepare me for the future when I live alone. The experience gained from this trip is certain to positively change myself into a much more successful individual in the future. I appreciate all the chaperones and everyone behind the scenes that allowed me to not only gain these valuable experiences, but also for making this trip fun and memorable. I will never forget this experience, and I will use it to help support the success of my career in the future.
Flash Back
By: Ong My Experience of the CP Lotus Program as a Thai student, not fluent in speaking Chinese, and having the opportunity to learn and observe the Lotus company in Shanghai was a very valuable experience. I was able to learn about the retail business, different sections of the company, and know about the operation of the company. We went to Lotus stores and the Super Brand Mall where we learnt about customer service, and how to deal with different situations that the customers faced. Another experience at Super Brand Mall was doing the cashier job, which was very enjoyable. Learning about the cashier system and the ways that customer can pay their money, such as cash, credit card, debit card, gift card and much more was very interesting. I found out that being a cashier is a very routine job. Time and practice can make you perfect at it. At the same time, doing the cashier job quickly can lead to mistakes so it required us to be careful and pay attention. Not only did I learn about Lotus company, but also about living in China. I was able to practice using Chinese with the local people when ordering food, asking for helped or talking to the maids in the apartment. Therefore, joining the CP Lotus program helped me gain a lot more new knowledge in business and life skills.
Flash Back
By Ali, Grade 12 (Alumni)
arly April this year, Concordian International School hosted the three-day Thailand Model United Nations III. A total of 263 delegates from 28 schools in 9 countries including Switzerland, South Korea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Cambodia flocked to Bangkok to participate in this international and rigorous event. Concordian was represented with around 20 delegates, two Chairs (Shertam G10 and Waad G11) and more than 20 pages led by Nat (G11) in this exciting conference. Concordian students demonstrated great responsibility, diligence, academic ability, awareness and tenacity in this conference. In the opening Ceremony, Mawin and Pien Pien (Grade 11) sang the Royal Anthem and Calvin (Grade 12), Student Government President, welcomed the guests to Concordian. Two EYP students performed an authentic song which was followed by a speech by Ali (Grade 12), Concordian MUN President and Vice-President of the Student Government. Following that, Mr. John Wood, the Director of THAI MUN, gave a speech and welcomed the delegates and guests. The keynote speaker was Mr. Feisal Hussain from the United Nations in Bangkok.
Flash Back
The delegates spent the three days debating, caucusing and drafting resolutions on the world’s most pressing issues. The feedback from international delegations regarding the chairs, delegates, opening ceremony, closing ceremony and as well as Concordian facilities was pleasant. As the President of Concordian MUN Club, I am proud of our delegation’s performance in THAI MUN III. I would like to thank Khun Varnnee, Mr. Richard Melamed, Khun Alisa Namruangsri, Khun Aoh Sirirattanapak, Nat (G11) and the Staff for organizing one of the, undoubtedly, best MUN conferences in the region. I believe that MUN conferences like THAI MUN are some of the very few platforms which have shattered the barriers of ethnicity, language, religion, and ideology. While I thought that THAI MUN might be just as boring as any other casual conference, I realized that it is not only about debating, caucusing, finding solutions, drafting resolutions, and making new friends but also is about building the diplomacy of the future on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance, and understanding. The brilliant fact that MUN participants are a combination of the brightest and the most diverse makes this MUN a like-no-other (unique) experience. What really impressed me about this MUN was the cooperative attitude of its participants. Delegates keenly sought advice from Chairs and Advisors. It was not only a conference for me; it was another exciting academic class for me. I am looking forward to a better Concordian MUN team and THAI MUN IV next year.
Flash Back
n August 11 2016, Concordian International School held the Queen’s Birthday ceremony. This event celebrates Queen Sirikit’s life and her commitment to Thailand. This is also a time and great opportunity to show our Love for Queen.
Flash Back
By: Kru Nid
“Pajera chariya honti Khunuttara Nu sa Sa ka….”
his Balinese sentence is the beginning of the prayer for teachers which means, “The teacher who educates is the most valued person.” Students will sing this prayer to salute their teachers on a special day which is one of the most important ceremonies at Concordian, “Wai Kru ceremony”.
The Wai Kru ceremony is very formal and decorative and also is a vital part of the traditional Thai educational system. It is held for the students to pay respect and express their appreciation and gratitude to their teachers. Students will bring flowers to their teachers as a symbol of their respect and readiness to learn. The traditional offerings for Wai Kru represent a symbolism of student qualities such as: -The Dok Kem has the same name as the Thai word for needle. So it means the student will be sharp-witted and brainy. -The Ya Praek (Bermuda grass) stands for patience. The student will show perseverance in their ability to learn. -The Dok Ma Khue (eggplant flower) stands for respect. When the tree blooms, its branches bend down in the same way a student pays respect to their teacher.
Towards the end of the ceremony, the teacher gives students advice and blesses them to be successful in 35 35 education. As Thai culture fosters a deep respect for educators, the “Wai Kru” ceremony is a brilliant way to start the academic year and formalize the student–teacher relationship as we have done every year at Concordian.
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ongkran is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional Thai New Year’s Day from the 13th to the 15th of April. Last school year, Concordian Songkran’s ceremony and event was held on Friday, the 8th of April 2016. The Thai department had organized the program that included the ceremony, some outdoor activities for EY & PY, and Thai games for MYP & DP. This year Thailand faced the water crisis. We were concerned about this issue during the water portion of our celebration. In order to promote using less water, we arranged an activity that focused on playing with the water in the traditional way. We used just enough to feel the vibe of the Songkran rather than splashing an abundance of water as much in previous years. Thank you to all the parents for always supporting and promoting Thai culture and tradition with us. By: Kru Aim Thai Events Coordinator
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By: Mr. Cal
n June 8, 2016, grades six, seven, eight and ten students engaged in an environmental service day to Bang Sean beach. The students spent the morning cleaning the beach. This was not an easy task, and there was much more waste than what they expected. The students were removing plastic bags and bottles from the sea while others were collecting metal bottle caps. We had over one hundred students cleaning the beach, and it was shocking as to how much garbage was collected. The students reflected on why they thought the beach was in such poor condition and what factors led to this environmental issue. The students also reviewed their own practices and considered ways in which they could use less plastic. The grade ten students had been to this location previously and showed excellent leadership skills as they guided the students in grade six and seven.
In the afternoon, students visited the Institute of Marine Science to learn more about environmental science and what action is being taken in Thailand. This organization supports regeneration of coral and promotes an awareness to improve marine life. Students engaged with staff and students at this institute to further understand about what action they could take. Students
reflected on how much of our waste does end up in the ocean so we need to be conscience of what plastic we use and throw away. This service engagement is extremely important to our students as we strive to meet our mission of making the world a better place through being more environmentally responsive.
Flash Back
“The trip allowed me to experience the inconvenience, hardships and trials that blind children go through and have to overcome on a daily basis. I was able to realise the importance of my health and the abundance of opportunities given to me.” By: Sa-E Grade 11
By: Ethan (Grade 11) and Prim (Grade 11) 19/8/2016-21/8/2016
xcited and apprehensive, the Class of 2018 gathered at 7:40 in the lobby to leave on one of their first DP school trips. After settling down at the Bayshore Hotel, we started our first activity of the retreat. After 10 minutes of intensive Pokemon Go on the bus, we were instructed to blindfold ourselves. No explanation was forthcoming. Confused but not scared, we sat, curious about what was to come. Upon arrival, we were guided around the premises by a partner. Some of us later revealed that some of the experiences were “frightful and unfamiliar”. After several moments of shuffling around, communication between the CIS student and the partner led to mutual understandings and friendship. Soon it was revealed that our guides were students like us, only they were blind or partially blind and attended the Redemptorist school for the blind in Pattaya. We quickly came to understand that regardless of our vastly different backgrounds and abilities, we were able to connect on a fundamental human level. After this very special and particularly enlightening visit we returned to the hotel.
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The very next day, the mood shifted somewhat as we slowly came to realize that the term “IB Retreat” wasn’t a retreat “from” the IB, but rather “to” the IB. Throughout the course of the day, we were introduced to the IB program formally in a relaxing and tranquil environment. We participated in workshops dedicated to many different topics related to the DP Program. These included sessions on CAS, the EE, TOK, and the grading system. As a bonus we participated in a special session on sex education. Saturday night we were able to enjoy a lovely seafood barbeque on the beach in front of our hotel. We all enjoyed the excellent buffet as we watched the sunset over the Bay of Thailand. Later that night, we all took part in a role playing activity designed to help us understand and address issues relating to stress that we might encounter in the months to come. This activity was led by Mr. Clynt. This event was surely successful, and it was delivered in a great way to wrap up the IB retreat.
The retreat achieved several objectives. We learned a great deal about the details of the IB DP program. We gained a brief glimpse of what authentic service might look like and who it might benefit. We got to know each other and some of our DP teachers much better. All in all a great trip…now on to the business of studying!
Flash Back
Have you ever thought about how hard or how fun the G5 Exhibition is? For me it felt like I was having a vacation or going to my friend’s party. The Exhibition really prepared me for grade 6 and also let me learn about cool new topics. For example, last year I learned about sport enhancement drugs. This topic made me feel excited to be working in a group. We got to do a lot of stuff like go on field trips and interview different people. Now, I will tell you what you can expect if you are to do the amazingly cool G5 exhibition.
I loved doing the exhibition because it was a really good experience to share new information with other students and parents. The thing that I felt was most difficult was making the central idea and the lines of inquiry, but it all depended on what topic you chose. The other hard thing was when you needed to organize a field trip yourself! Most of the field trips were awesome. My field trip was going to Soi Dog Foundation. The most extremely fun part was to organize your board and your booth. The soi dog group, which was my group, raised over 20,000 baht to sterilize soi dogs and help the abused dogs. I was thrilled at how much money we raised and know that we had made a big difference because of this exhibition. I have to admit that it was hard, but also one of the most memorable things you will ever do in the PYP! Nut (G6)
First you will need to choose 3 topics and the teachers will make a group for you. Then you will need to focus on one of the things in that topic. Also, one of the most important things during the exhibition are the mentor teachers because your own mentor will guide you and make recommendations about what you should do, but you will be the people that will do all the work. For example, I was working with my mentor Mr. Cal. He is a very cool teacher who guided us to do some serious work and researched with us especially how to solve lots of problems. One of my favorite parts was setting up the booth because you got to decorate and design the booth and decide where you will put this or that. I even didn’t notice that I was claiming more information while I was researching. In my opinion, the exhibition was not scary at all. For me, it was just like going to your friend’s house and playing fun things! Thank you to all my teachers and mentors for making this experience so amazing and memorable! Lastly, I want to wish the new G5 students this school year a lot of luck. I will be happy to help as much as I can and would recommend for all the students to be aware of the time you have! Time management will be key!! Touch (G6)
I liked the grade 5 exhibition, because we got to work together as a group. We also had a chance to switch classrooms too and work with new students and teachers! I think that during the exhibition we had a great opportunity to communicate and cooperate with our friends because we were able to make new friends that were not the same classroom. We could also cooperate, work with and learn from a new teacher too! The most important part about the exhibition was that it prepared us for the bigger exhibition in grade 10. I also think that this was a good way to help us learn more about our society, the problems in it, and how we can fix them. The best thing that I learned from the exhibition was about cooperation!!!
~ Thee Happy Guy. Thee (G6)
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he Year of 2016 senior visual arts students presented their final art works to the Concordian community at the end of year exhibition in April.
Art works ranged from Ou’s visual illusions, to Sylvia’s painted theatrics, Mint’s distortions, Pijaks’s astrophysics, Phop’s floating buildings, Yammy’s odes to nature and finally to Fasai’s botanical homages. The large audience was astounded by the variety and skills on offer. More than one hundred patrons of the arts turned up to support and even buy from the impressive selection. Art teacher, Martin Kane, was delighted and rather surprised at the quality of these students’ final exhibition. High scoring in the final examination confirmed this opinion. Congratulations class of 2016 on such a successful year’s work. Many of our students will now move on to universities and careers engaged in aspects of their art studies.
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rom the moment you hold your child in your arms for the first time, you begin to envision the years ahead. You see smiling, talking, walking, playing, milestones and school. And from the first day they start nursery you start to wonder where that path will take them and what they will do after. Even as they pass through the various grade markers – moving from nursery to K1 and K2 to K3 you keep your eye on the “big day” – the Early Years Graduation. You walked into our Grand Theater watch to your “baby” graduate and you realize they grew and developed exponentially. They have learned so much. They have remained eager and enthusiastic and they have grown in so many ways. We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to all the parents for the fantastic role that you have all played to facilitate this process.
For our dear K3 students, we are glad to be your teachers. We have celebrated so many successes with you this year. As we look back at photos of the first few days of school, we can see how much you have grown, both physically and academically. We always enjoyed hearing your laughter and seeing your enthusiasm towards learning new things. You have all shown eagerness to learn throughout the year. Thank you for all the great memories. We want to say that we were so proud of you. We hope all the K3 students continue to be kind and caring friends to one another, make your teachers proud in Grade one and be the wonderful, special people that you already are.
Wishing you all the best in Grade one! Love, We’re happy for and proud of them. Each student K3 Teachers has a story to tell about the journey they’ve taken over the past four years to get to this point. They are all incredibly inquisitive. They have all worked very hard to learn more every day, they have played hard, they have made new friends and you have all tried to be a good friend too. Well done and congratulations to each and every one of our K3 students.
Flash Back
In my last year of PYP, I had an AMAZING time with everybody in grade 5! Graduation however was the best time of all! We felt nervous, excited, and even frightened as all the parents and everyone else watched us during the ceremony. We did 3 shows on graduation day! Ms. Kim’s group did a performance where they sang, played instruments, and even danced to a song called “Wake Me Up” by Avicii! Mr. Yuri’s group did a piece where each student talked about one of their favorite moments they LOVED about grade 5, which also had a video of everybody in that class! Last but not least, Ms. Melissa’s group, which was my class, did a dance! We danced to the beat of the song called “The Verge”! We also sang a short sentence in the song too! We even had a video of us from when we were kids to when we’re all grown up. I really enjoyed and loved everything about my year of grade 5! I really wish I could go back to grade 5 and do it all over again!!! By: Jenny (Grade 6) Everyone has their own most memorable moment. My most memorable moment from grade 5 was at the G5 Graduation when I got a certificate from Khun Varnee and Mr. Laurent. I chose this moment because it made me feel proud of myself because I passed PYP and was able to successfully enter the MYP. When the speaker called my name, it made me feel confident and proud! Then I got my certificate. I really wanted to thank my PYP teachers a lot because they taught me many cool things. For example, how to properly use the Learner Profile and Attitudes. Without them, I would not be learning and standing here in MYP. They are very awesome teachers, and I was happy to learn with them. I will never forget this memorable moment, my time during the G5 graduation, and all the amazing teachers who have supported me at Concordian International School. By: Touch (Grade 6)
By: Ice (Grade 6)
During the grade 5 graduation ceremony, many students were excited because after graduating they would become MYP students. On that day, students got their certificates and were able to take photos with their parents, friends and teachers. Some of the students were leaving Concordian International School, so their friends wanted to spend time with them for the remaining few days. This graduation day was the most memorable time for all students in the PYP because we got to spend those last few days together. We went back in time and remembered all the great stuff we did together. I will always treasure those memories and thank my teachers for making my time in 43 the PYP so memorable!
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By: Ms. Zoe Star Wars (The Talent Awakens) was an amazing opportunity to showcase our high school students’ brilliant talents. Thanks to all our talented performers and wonderful audience members who made the talent show a memorable day for all of us. I would also like to thank the talent show committee who helped arrange this show and the administration for supporting us.
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By: Kevin G.12 The 2016 High School Talent Show, Star Wars (The Talent Awakens), was a huge success featuring many individuals from Concordian’s diverse community. All of our performers showed great commitment and courage to be on the center stage of the grand theater. There are many people who I would like to thank for helping us make this show a success. First of all, I would like to thank Princess Leia (Played by Sunny) and PadmÊ Amidala (Played by Eliz), who graciously offered their time to help host this galactic themed talent show. Myself, Tawan, and Kram along with of our IT staff helped manage and coordinate lights and sounds. I would like to thank Peter, Lothang and First because they were a fantastic backstage crew. Bart who helped with filming the video and performing Darth Vader along with (Anakin) Kan and Shawn for creating the poster. Thank you to all our high school performers who traveled from faraway galaxies to contribute in this show including: Carnia, Mawin, Nat, Mei, Sung Ju, Shertam, Punch, Pien Pien, Crimson Hall, Racial Trinity, and Blackout. Lastly, I would like to thank Ms. Zoe for being an amazing supervisor who always supports us. This show was not possible without the help of our high school effort!
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By: Ms. Maricor “School life, we just love school life You and I together making cheerful memories”…. It was indeed another cheerful and meaningful memory created by the PY Music Section on Thursday, June 2, 2016, at the school Grand Theater. Inspired by the talented PY community, Mr. Sebert De Los Santos, our very own PY Music Teacher, wrote his second musical play, “School Life”. Twenty eight original songs have been performed by more than ninety PY students, teachers, and administrators, with the rest of the PY students from each grade level uniquely presented the various special subjects, i.e., Science, Art, Social Studies, ICT, Math, and Music.
Overall, it was a superb morning of enthusing original music, the fruit of wonderful talents, and creative movement presentations; An absolutely awesome production! We are particularly grateful to our administrators, Khun Varnnee, Mr. Laurent, and Dr. James, and all the PY parents whose support and encouragement have always been incredible.
To Mr. Sebert, our concert production genius – writer, composer, arranger, and director of the School Life Musical play - a huge thank you for the planning, time, and effort, that has gone into the production of our End-of-Year Concert. Mr. Sebert has spent over eight months of planning this musical play ensuring that nothing had been left to chance.
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To Mrs. Maricor who has strongly supported Mr. Sebert in every aspect of the concert - thank you! To Ms. Jed, Ms. Peachi and Ms. Beverly, a huge thanks for developing the choreography of each of the dance movements. To Ms. Marily, Ms. Sincere, Mr. Jared, Mr. Ernie, and other TAs who artistically hand-crafted the props, graphic designs, and decorations in the play. And to all the school staff who have helped one way or the other in this musical production. Every member of our school community could not be prouder than we are of you all. What a great way to end the school year 2015-2016 with SCHOOL LIFE!
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There is not one superlative that can adequately describe the atmosphere at the Grand Theater on Friday morning, April 1, 2016. It was a full house, and everyone was beaming with excitement as the PY talent show, “Centerstage 2016”, now on its 5th year, started. Singing the Centerstage theme song, “A Perfect Way to Shine,” Mr. Tye, Ms. Rachael W., Mr. Jared, and Ms. Jessa opened the show. Following their number, the Masters of Ceremonies, Matoom (G1), Pai (G2), Ling (G3), Proud (G4), and Jenny (G5) welcomed the audience and launched the talented finalists. Thirty entries vied for the Supernova Award, a special award given to the ones whose performance or performances have the “WOW” factor, and, overall out-shines the rest. It is not by category, but by the impact they have made, that wowed the audience, and the five panel of judges, Mr. Laurent, Mr. George, Ms. Min, Ms. Rachael W., and Kru Lek. Out of the thirty amazing entries, the judges had to select only five. Congratulations to Mind (Ballet Solo), Khao Jao (Drum Exhibition), Khrista (Vocal Solo), Praew (Piano), and our little wonder girls, Pear, Sophia, Pei Pei, Katie, Kaem and Zoe (Group Singing) who were the Supernova Award recipients. Congratulations as well to G4IC, for receiving the Kinokuniya voucher worth 2,000 Baht given to a homeroom class that had the most number of entries in the audition, and to the G3T, for receiving another Kinokuniya voucher worth 3,000 Baht given to the homeroom class that had the most number of entries in the finals.
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The excitement was even heightened by the surprise number from the parents! Yes, a very special performance by our PY parents; 29 of them were on the stage! Everyone was blown-away by the medley of “Heal the World”, “Lovin’ You too Much”, and “Dancing Queen”. What a great way to show the team effort among parents, teachers, and students!!! Very few, if any school, can pronounce that every member of the community is involved in such an event like this one. And all these would not have been possible without the exceptional organizational skills of Mr. Sebert and Mrs. Maricor – an aweinspiring team in every way.
Our sincere appreciation goes to our administrators, especially to Khun Varnnee and Mr. Laurent, and to our PY teachers and TAs, whose encouragement and support are beyond compare. And most importantly, a HUGE thanks not only to our multi-talented PY students, but also to our parent- 49 performers who have made a very positive and long-lasting impression on our students! KUDOS to you all!
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May 18th Spring Concert By: Mr. George
oncordian’s MYP music students presented another outstanding program last Spring. Last year’s concert featured 14 stand-out soloists from grades 9 through 11. Grades 9, 10, and 11 each performed their own arranged popular selections. All together, there were 7 original arrangements of current hits. Grade 11 students, Mei, Kevin, and Nat, performed as the first Independent Ensemble to join our regular MYP performances. Mr. George hopes that this involvement of the DP students will continue. Music is, after all, a life-skill that can be enjoyed long after school instruction ends.
High School
By: Jeff (Gr. 12)
n behalf of the Student Government, I, the Student Government President, would like to welcome everyone back to yet another exciting school year. For those new students who have missed out on our Festival of Love and High School Talent Show, need not to worry, you will have the chance to experience them this year! When it comes to festivals and shows, get hyped because you will get to listen to Blackout, our CIS Pride, a rock band comprising 6 people; I can attest attending their concert is a must! If you happen to see any Blackout members (Shine, Napat, Puthip, Pooh, Tee, or Boomer) don’t be shy to say hello. Talking about pride, the Girl’s Volleyball Team has gotten many compliments, as they have shown their abilities countless times. Of course, this would not have been possible without the dedication and guidance from Mr. Martin and Ms. Nicki. With Mr. Raymond, as the head coach of the boy’s basketball team, the boys are in good shape and are also ready to fight for gold. This year, we will have many sporting events and matches so come join and cheer for the Dragon’s Athletics! We are excited about this year’s events and those events we are now planning. We do expect a year full of fun activities.
We are happy and excited to be a part of the TISCC community and have to thank our former president Calvin for connecting us with other student leaders from other international schools throughout Thailand. The TISCC is formed so that current Student Government from different schools can communicate and plan events, which means we plan on hosting joint events! Just learning can get boring sometimes, but we’ve got you covered with wonderful Student Interest Clubs and Service Clubs. If for some reason, your interests do not align with the Student Interest Clubs, don’t worry! Chances are there are other students who share similar interests with you. Just shoot us an email, and we’ll help you set up your own club.
With all that said, I wish you all a wonderful year!
High School
Middle School
By: Mr. Bill
elcome back to what I hope is an exciting and successful school year for all of our Middle School students. A special welcome to the new 6th grade class as they experience the many changes between PYP and MYP, like transitioning on their own from class to class, having to monitor their own time when on breaks or at lunch, adjusting to having a different teacher for each subject, and many other small but significant changes. Fortunately, they have the 7th and 8th grade students helping them find their way and adjusting to Middle School life.
Another change that I feel will benefit the students is that now I sponsor the Middle School Student Council. I will be working very closely with them to help improve student life and give them a voice to the school’s management team. They will have direct access to an administrator who can make changes to Middle School policies and One big change to Middle School this year is the procedures, as well as someone who will restructuring of the administration support. advocate their concerns and ideas about student Dr. James is now the Principal for all students from life to the management team. grades 6 through 12 and I (Mr. Bill) am now the Vice Principal for Middle School (grades 6-8). That Once again, welcome to the new school year. means parents can bring any questions, concerns, I look forward to working with the entire or problems they may have about Middle School Concordian community to try and make this a directly to me for answers, explanations, and/or rewarding and successful school year for our resolution. One of my goals for this year is to work Middle School students. more closely with parents to keep them as actively involved with their children in Middle School as they were with them in PYP.
Middle School
By: Ms. Nathalie & Ms. Sally
t gives us great pleasure to welcome back all of our returning teachers and teaching assistants as well as to embrace new members to our growing school community! We have new teachers and teaching assistants joining us from China, Canada, America, Portugal, Thailand and the Philippines. Our new teachers and teaching assistants come to us with rich experience, having worked with students all over the world. We welcome them all to our School Community and wish them all a wonderful first year!
By: Mr. Tim Early Years Vice Principal
t is wonderful to see all of our students back once again for yet another school year filled with fun, excitement, lots of challenges and loads of learning! We have a wonderful team of Early Years teachers who are ready to get the school year started. We also have two wonderful new members to our Early Years team and they are: Ms. Teresa who will be teaching English in K3T and Ms. Christine who will be teaching English in Nursery C this year. We are delighted to have you with us as part of our Early Years team!
Ms. Teresa Guedes K3T English Homeroom Teacher
Ms. Christine Brooks Nursery English Homeroom Teacher
e also have more exciting news to share and that is that the school is currently building a brand new covered EY/PY Playground behind our K2 and K3 playgrounds. The new very large playground will be used by different grade levels and will consist of:
- A 40x15 meter long covered gated area with innovative playground facilities, making sure it focuses on children’s development and safety! - A new shaded sand area for sand play purposely built to help develop students’ creativity! - Next to the sand area, we will build a new gated soccer field for PY students so that they can practice their skills and play during recess and after school!
Special Feature
By: Khun Mattana (Alice)
he Administration Department is the support section to School Academics at Concordian. Currently, we have around 44 Office Staff with various experiences and skills. Since they are from different backgrounds, to make them understand and follow the school organization, we organize a yearly workshop and activities to support a range of topics. The office staff outing is one of the most important activities we complete every year. The staff spent time together completing these tasks encouraging good team building and coordination skills to increase cooperation amongst the departments. The activities and topics are chosen according to the staff’s work responsibilities and departments. These tasks are achieved and results in positive attitudes and good feelings within the departments every year. This year, we have 2 more new members of office staff and 3 more new replacements to support in the position of secretaries and IT. These activities helped guide them to start working and organizing their duties at Concordian. We would like to say thank you to our School Management for supporting us in organizing these great activities. Thank you to A. Vichitvong, School Thai Principal for being our Special Guest and presenting the Concordian values and how to incorporate them in our everyday work.
Nursery A
Nursery C
Nursery L
Nursery R
Grades 1-12