Message from Admin

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Message from Admin

"Change is inevitable and we hope to be a part of the positive changes in this ever-evolving world."

Welcome Back from the

Founding Director

Dear Concordians, In the past years, we have been witnessing so many conflicts around the world as well as the continuation of the biggest pandemic of the century. Living through this difficult time of changes, tragedies and conflicts, we can view them as troubles and headaches or we can learn from them and prepare ourselves for what might come. In every crisis, there is always an opportunity for us to be a part of solving the problem or to act with compassion. Change is inevitable and we hope to be a part of the positive changes in this ever-evolving world. You all must question: In this seemingly chaotic and unsettled world, what can we do to make a positive difference? Well, even if we can’t change the bad to good, we can definitely do more good to better the world and to help people. Don’t wait for anyone to come and change the world for you, you just have to make sure that everything you do and say in your everyday life is positive to yourselves, to those around you, and most important of all, to those you love and love you dearly. Show and act based on compassion, and pray that compassion spreads because the world is very much in need of it now.



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Despite all the troubles, we also had wonderful news from our Graduating Class of 2022. Through all of the adversity of the past two years - the most important years of their high school lives, and the competition of overflowing universities applications around the world, the Class of 2022’s university acceptances have triumphed against all odds. Congratulations to all of our students from Class of 2022! Thank you so much for all the hard work over the past 16 years, including the input of all students, parents, teachers, support teachers, assistants and specialist teachers, administrators, and our college counselors who worked with every single one of our students to achieve the best university acceptances. Thank you to everyone at Concordian who has been a part of our students’ journey. I am so proud of every single one

of my graduating students, because I truly believe that each and every one of them will carry Concordian’s Mission in their heart and will one day lead with Dignity, Integrity and, most importantly, with Compassion. The new school year has begun and I am very pleased to welcome back those who return to Concordian and warmly welcome those who have just joined our Concordian family. It is important that all of us parents, teaching staff, administrators and operations staff - clearly understand and agree to Concordian’s Mission & Vision and the meaning of the name of our school, so that we will together help develop the next generation of young adults for a better and more peaceful world. Thank you to all from the bottom of my heart for all of your trust, devotion and commitment to the learning of our students. Sincerely, Varnnee Chearavanont Ross Founder / Director Concordian : Agreement or harmony between people or groups. Concordians : People who agree to work together harmony. Mission : To foster academic excellence while nurturing moral and responsible young leaders with dignity, integrity, and compassion, who want to make a difference in the world. Vision : Concordians will be compassionate, moral and visionary leaders who strive for excellence.

Message from Admin

"Being ready to face anything is what makes IB students so resilient, and I could not be more proud of our IB community and how they exemplify their IB skills."

Message from the

Head of School Dear Concordian Community, It is with great pleasure that we welcome you back to Concordian for an exciting new year that we believe will bring more normalcy and events back to our campus! I would like to congratulate our students for being so brave and resilient, having faced changes and challenges on an almost daily basis for more than two years. Learning in an IB school has definitely helped our students (and staff) to overcome challenges. It is not only about the knowledge content, it is more about how we face difficulties and how we work around new and unexpected adversities so that we can make the best out of any situation.

When our students grow up, go to their dream university and then start working, will they always know what lies ahead? Will anyone tell them how to deal with challenges? Being ready to face anything is what makes IB students so resilient, and I could not be more proud of our IB community and how they exemplify their IB skills. We are ready to move on from Covid in a safe and appropriate way -fast enough so that it is no longer at the forefront of everything we do but slow enough so that we continue to keep everyone safe. Thank you for your care and love for Concordian, we are a big family and I have never felt as much care and compassion in our community than during this difficult time. We are so proud of being DRAGONS! Sincerely, Laurent Goetschmann Head of School 5 3 CONCORDIAN IMPACT - ISSUE 35 32 33

Message from Admin

"การจัดรูปแบบของการเรียนการสอน เพื่อให้เป็นไปตามวัตถุประสงค์ โดยเน้นให้นักเรียนได้มีความเก่ง ทางด้านวิชาการในระดับนานาชาติ และเป็นเยาวชนที่จะเติบโตเป็นผู้ใหญ่ ที่เปี่ยมไปด้วยคุณธรรม จริยธรรม"

Message from the

Thai Principal

ก่ อ นที ่ จ ะจั ด ตั ้ ง โรงเรี ย นนานาชาติ ค อนคอร์ เ ดี ย นแห่ ง นี ้ นโยบาย หรื อ วั ต ถุ ป ระสงค์ ก ารจั ด ตั ้ ง โรงเรี ย นนั ่ น ก็ ค ื อ เพื ่ อ จะสร้ า งเยาวชน ให้เป็นผู้นำ�ที่ดี มีคุณธรรมและจริยธรรม ฉะนั้นการจัดรูปแบบของ การเรียนการสอน เพื่อให้เป็นไปตามวัตถุประสงค์โดยเน้นให้นักเรียน ได้มีความเก่งทางด้านวิชาการในระดับนานาชาติ และเป็นเยาวชนที่จะ เติบโตเป็นผู้ใหญ่ที่เปี่ยมไปด้วยคุณธรรม จริยธรรม ได้เรียนรู้วัฒนธรรม ประเพณีของไทย จากที่โรงเรียนได้ดำ�เนินการตั้งแต่เริ่มเปิดโรงเรียน จนถึงปัจจุบัน ก็ถือว่า เราได้บรรลุวัตถุประสงค์ที่ตั้งไว้ คือ นักเรียนที่จบชั้นสูงสุดของโรงเรียน สามารถเข้าศึกษาต่อในระดับอุดมศึกษา ที่เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยชั้นนำ�ทั้งใน ประเทศและต่างประเทศ และนักเรียนที่มีความสามารถและความถนัด ทางดนตรีไทย ยังได้แสดงความสามารถด้วยการไปแข่งขันดนตรีระนาด ระดับประเทศ และได้รับรางวัลชนะเลิศในระดับประเทศด้วย ซึ่งนำ�ชื่อ เสียงมาสู่โรงเรียนนานาชาติคอนคอร์เดียนของเรา

วิจิตรวงศ์ ชนะรัตน์



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Concordian International School was established with the strong objectives and beliefs to foster young students to become good leaders who strive for academic excellence while being moral and compassionate. Therefore, to meet our school’s mission, our teaching and learning will focus on our students and support academic knowledge at the international level so they can grow up to be adults with virtues, ethics and knowledge of Thai traditional culture. From the past until now, the school has successfully achieved our mission. Our Grade 12 students can enroll at the world’s top ranked universities, both in Thailand and aboard. Also, those who have the special skills and talents in Thai Dance and Thai instruments have won the first win at the national level competition. All of these achievements bring honor and pride to our school. Ajarn Vichitvong Chanarat Thai Principal

Message from Admin

"We thank you for your continued support to the school and wish everyone another fruitful academic year."

Message from the

Board of Trustees Dear Concordians, I hope you had a wonderful summer break, and spent precious time with your family and loved ones, especially for those who had not returned home for several years due to travel restrictions. It is with great pleasure that the school welcomes our students back to on-site classes so they no longer miss the face-to-face interactions with our teachers. We also welcome back our parent and teacher community back to in-person interactions in various activities. With everyone well rested and revitalised, the lively Concordian we are familiar with is back in full swing!

A school highlight that I have personally missed is the Week Without Walls where our students immerse in a valuable learning experience through overcoming the challenges they face and feeling the pride and fulfillment when seeing their hard work comes to fruition. We sincerely hope these memorable moments will help nurture their character to be compassionate, moral and visionary leaders in the future.

Concordian continues to provide the best environment for your children to strive for excellence and nurtured into compassionate, moral and visionary leaders. We thank you for your continued support to the school and wish everyone another fruitful academic year. Dr. Chawin Chantharasenawong Chairperson Concordian Board of Trustees


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