Message from Administrators
Dear Concordians, August was an exciting month at Concordian. We resumed face-to-face learning and teaching once again. I believe that both students and teachers have looked forward to this time with anticipation, eager to return from online learning and teaching. This is a direct result of the Concordian community being proactive and vigilant in keeping everyone safe and healthy, minimizing the effects in this unprecedented situation facing society today. We did what we ought to do and not what we wanted to do; looking out for the ‘good’ of the community. What a great start! We do hope that we can resume many of the activities within the safety guidelines and be able to sustain face-to-face learning and teaching for the rest of the academic year. Thank you parents, teachers, staff, and students for your unwavering support in making the Concordian Mission statement active and alive. 7 CONCORDIAN IMPACT - ISSUE 29
Dr. James Director of Academics and Secondary School Principal/ DP Coordinator