Activities & Events
PY Chinese Writing Contest
oncordian International School was very excited to organize its 7th “PY Chinese Writing Competition” in March 2021. The contest was designed to promote the love of writing. It was also to encourage students to be proud of their Chinese writing skills, to showcase their writing abilities, and to inspire others through their passion for learning Chinese. The following are the writing topics this year. These were announced to both teachers and students on the day of their contest, out of fairness. G1 had Picture Writing - In a Park 在公园 G2 & G3 had Expository Writing - My Role Model 我的榜样 G4 & G5 had Narrative Writing - If I had a chance to do it again 如果可以重来
During the flag raising ceremony on Monday April 5th, 2021, four different awards were announced: • The Excellent Writer Award (the 1st place winner of the class) • The Great Writer Award (the 2nd place winner of the class) • The Grade Level Excellent Writer Award (the 1st place winner of the grade level) • The Grade Level Great Writer Award (the 2nd place winner of the grade level)
Alina G1C: 我的妈妈给我看很多中文书,也让 我在家练习看图写作,这样我的写作才很高。My mom encouraged me to read more Chinese books and I also practiced picture writing a lot at home, therefore I can write very well. Proud G1C: Ms.Yao教我们怎么才能写好故事, 我认真听,也认真写,所以我才赢。I think I won because I listened carefully and practiced the different ways Ms. Yao taught us how to write a good story. Bhume G1C: 我想我赢了这个比赛是因为我用了 很多感叹句。明年我希望能得第一。I think I won because I used many exclamatory sentences. I hope I can win first place next year. Fasai G1I: 我在写故事 的时候,我想怎么才能 让故事更有趣,这样我 才会赢。When I was writing, I’m thinking about how to make the story more interesting so that I could win.
Congratulations to all the amazing writers. Let’s Keen G1I: 得到第二名让我很惊喜。我要继续努 hear what they would like to share with the 力,明年我也想要赢。Getting second place was school community regarding writing, winning and a surprise for me. I will keep up the good work learning Chinese in Concordian! and win again next year.
Activities & Events
Poon G1S: 我很开心 我得到第一名。上课 要认真听Ms. Han说, 才 会 赢 写 作 比 赛 。 I’m so glad that I won first place. Listening to Ms. Han carefully in class helped me to write better and win. Korbua G1S:第一次得到奖杯,我很兴奋!我 会努力学中文的。This is the first time I won a trophy. I’m so excited! I will continue working hard to learn Chinese.
Rynie G2S: 我也开 心 。 我 爱 中 文 , Ms. Meiqin教 得 很 好 , 我 才会赢。I’m very glad I won. I love Chinese and Ms. Meqin taught great writing lessons. Look Peach G2S: 我很兴奋!我以后要多练习 写作,多看中文书,下一次我想赢第一名。I’m so excited! I will practice writing more and read more and try to get first place next time.
Aiya G2D: 以前,我 看到我的姐姐得奖, 今天我也得到了第一 Risa G1D:你要用很 名,真的非常开心。 多的超级词语,你的 I used to see my older 作文才会更好。If you sister winning the want to write better, you writing contest. Today I also won first place and I need to use a lot of juicy feel really happy. adjectives! Lilo G2D: 我觉得中文和写作都很容易。不 Katelyn G1D: 我很 过我得奖也是一个惊喜。I think Chinese and 自豪!我要把奖杯放 在我的桌子看,每天看一看。I’m very proud of writing are not difficult to learn, but I was still a bit myself. I will place my trophy on my desk and surprised to learn I won. admire it everyday. Dol G3C: 我很喜欢学 习中文。我觉得因为我 Pam G2C: 我的妈妈 努 力 学 习 , 我 才 赢 这 教我中文,所以我的中 个比赛。I enjoy learn文才很好。我们的妈妈 ing Chinese. I think 很久以前是中文老师。 I won this competition 我自己也常常在书里找 because I study hard. 好词好句,帮助我的写 Ing Ing G3C: 这次是我第二次赢写作比 作。My mom used to be 赛 第 二 名 。 我 很 自 豪 , 我 希 望 下 一 次 我 可 a Chinese teacher and 以赢第一。This is the second time I won she taught me Chinese second place in the writing competition. at home. I also like searching for good words and I am really proud of myself. I hope I can get first sentences in books to help improve my writing. place next time. Brownie G3I: 上课认 Hana G2C: 我觉得是因为Ms. Cindy教很多的 超级词语,所以我才能写得更好。I won the 真听,下课认真复习。 competition because Ms. Cindy taught us many 多多复习学过的东西, great adjectives. 你才会真的记住。我在 一年级的时候,得到写 作比赛第二名。那时 Mind G2I: 我很开心 候我希望接下来自己能 我赢了。我觉得我每 天认真写功课,所以 得到第一名,结果真的是这样!Listen actively 我才赢。I’m so glad during class and review carefully after class. I won because everyday Frequent review of what you learned can help I worked hard on my you really master the content. When I was in G1, Chinese homework. I got second place in the writing contest. I hoped I Nam Homm G2I: 我真 could get first place next time and now my dream 高兴啊!我会继续努力写中文故事。I’m so happy came true! and I will continue to work on my writing skills. Don G3I: 要多看中文书。我回家多看中文书, 读书能帮助写作。Read more Chinese books. I read a lot and I think it helped my writing.
Activities & Events
Pun Pun G3S: 这是我 第二次得到写作比赛 第一名。我很自豪。 我觉得上课认真学习 写作很重要。This is the second time I won first place in the writing contest. I am really proud. I think studying hard during class and practicing a lot at home is very important. Tri G3S: 这是我第一次赢写作比赛,我很兴奋。 我会继续努力,明年得第一。This is the first time I won the writing contest. I am so excited and I will keep up the good work and try to get the fit place next year. Pim Pim G3D: 我很 感谢Ms. Winnie 教我 很多写作方法。学习 三种语言,也让我写 作更好。I am thankful to Ms. Winnie who taught us many good writing strategies. Learning three languages (Chinese, English and Thai) also helps improve writing. CJ G3D: 不要紧张,努力去写。赢不赢不是 那么重要。 Don’t be nervous, try your best! Winning is not that important.
Look Pear G4C: 我觉 得写故事的时候,要 有真情。我会回忆过 去发生的事情,找到 自己的感情,好像看 电影一样,再看一次 自己那时候的感情。 I think writing with true feelings is very important. When I wrote about an event, I recalled what happened, just like watching a movie in my mind and trying to experience my emotions one more time before I wrote them down. Haru G4C: 我一年级的时候赢过写作比赛,现在 再赢一次,给我更多的自信。我要努力学习,认 真复习。I won the writing contest in G1 and now I won again. This gives me a lot of confidence. I will study harder and review more.
Leo G4I: 世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. Sureen G4I: 我要感谢我的老师,更要感谢我 的妈妈,因为她让我知道写作也可以是很快 乐的事情。I want to thank my teacher and especially my mom because she helps me to realize that writing actually is a joy. Term G4I: 我真心感谢我的妈妈鼓励我学好中 文,也感谢老师教我写作。I truly appreciate my mom always encouraging me to study Chinese well. I also thank my teacher for teaching me how to write better. Skye G4I: 我非常惊喜自己得到第二名。我要感 谢Ms. Sunnie教了很多写作方法。 I am very surprised to win second place in the class. I also want to thank Ms. Sunnie for teaching us many writing strategies. Tatar G4S: 如果你想 要得第一,你就要每 天认真听老师,也要 认真复习。If you want to win first place in the writing contest, two things you must consider are: listen actively to the teacher during class and review carefully what you learned after class. Nina G4S: 在写作的时候,你要用很多的好词 好句,也要用感情去写。 When writing, please apply as many good words and sentences as you can, also write with feelings. Ari G4D: 得到第一名 我真的非常惊喜,也 非常高兴。 I am truly surprised and happy that I actually won first place in my class. Prim G4D: 我并不知 道我会赢。现在我得奖 了,就让我有更多的动力去学好中文,争取明年 也得奖。I didn’t expect to win the writing contest but now I won. It motivates me to study Chinese really well and try to win again next year.
Activities & Events
Diya G5C: 这次老师给了题目后,我思考了很 久到底选哪件事情来写。选材很重要,选感人 的内容很重要。 This time I thought for a long time which event I should choose to write after the topic was announced by my teacher. I think choosing a suitable and heart-felt content is very important. Pim G5C: 在写作前,我会动脑经想一想, 我的读者会想要看怎么样的故事。在小学, 这是我第三次赢写作比赛,但是我听到自 己 名 字 的 时 候 , 我 还 是 非 常 惊 喜 。 Before writing, it is really helpful for me to first think about what kind of story my readers want to read. Though this is the 3rd time I won the writing contest in the PY, I still felt a surprise when I heard my name being announced in the award ceremony. Kenta G5C: 我很想谢谢我的中文老师们教我 中文,我也想谢谢我的父母。我很高兴也很 骄傲。我想要告诉大家如果我们复习多多练 习,不放弃,我们一定会成功。I would like to thank my Chinese teachers and my parents. I’m glad I won and proud of myself. If we continue to review what we’ve learned and never give up, we will succeed one day.
Manie G5D: 努力认真地去做,就一定会成功 的。Practice makes perfect. Ken G5D: 这一次我没有得到第一,我有点失 望。不过第二名也很好,我会继续努力,希望 我再得到第一名。I felt a little disappointed as I didn’t win first place. But second place is also good so I will continue working hard and try my best to win first place again. Rita G5D: 这一次的题目《如果可以重来》,是 一个和以前很不一样的题目。所以我用心写了 自己真实的想法。This year we got the topic “If I had a chance to do it again” which was something very different from previous years. This topic made me really reflect and write something true about myself.
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Nina G5I: 复习很重 要。多多复习学过的 字,有什么好词好句, 老师教过的,也要运用 到写作中去。Reviewing what you’ve learned is the key to success. Review the characters you’ve learned, the word choices and sentence expressions and apply those good writing strategies taught by our teachers. Leeya G5I: 这是我第一次赢写作比赛,我很自 豪。 This is the first time I won the writing contest and I am very proud of myself.
Yi-Kang G5S: 有没有赢写作比赛,没有关系, 尽力就好。平时最重要,希望大家努力写作。It doesn’t matter if you win or lose a competition. Try your best means everything. Your everyday class time matters more and I hope everyone can try your best to write. Ing Ing G5S: 我赢了四年写作比赛,我每一 年都赢。我真的很自豪。I actually won the Chinese writing contest every year. I won four times so far. I am really proud of myself. Khao Yod G5S: 我第一次赢写作比赛,我真 的挺惊喜的。也很开心。 It is my first time winning the Chinese writing contest. I am very surprised and delighted.