School Update
Welcome Back from Our
Elementary School Principal A warm greeting to all PYP students, teachers, parents and everyone in the Concordian family, welcome to the school year 2022-2023! After two and half years of intermittent on-campus learning, this year we are confident to bring back the “normal” school life that we were unable to do so far due to various Covid related restrictions. In the classroom, more group discussions, hands-on activities and shared projects will be facilitated to support authentic inquiry learning. Outside the classroom, more on-campus events will be organized throughout the year such as assemblies and miniexhibitions, EY Musical Concerts, Festival of Love, in-person parent-teacher conferences, field trips, G5 Week Without Walls trip, Student-led Conference and so many more! An exciting and fruitful year is ahead of us! This year is also a year for all of us to consolidate changes. Covid-19 and online learning have brought on a revolution in the whole education world. In the past two and half years when facing difficulties and challenges, Concordian has made various changes regarding student learning, wellbeing and safety, striving to adapt and continue to provide the best school experience. This year is a year for all of us to take a moment to reflect on all the changes implemented and continue to improve upon them. Everything we do as a school to bring our Mission and Vision Statements alive sets us apart from any other international school with similar programs, and that is one of the most important reasons students enjoy learning in Concordian. Last but not least, I would like to use a Chinese proverb to wish everyone an amazing school year: 一年之计在于春,一日 之计在于晨,一生之计在于勤。It means the plan of a year lies in the spring, the plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a lifetime lies in diligence.
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Sincerely, Ms. Ariel Wang Elementary Principal
School Update
Message from Our
Elementary School Principal As we embark on a new academic year, I am delighted to give a warm welcome to all of our returning students and parents back to school as well as to those families who have just joined us either in the Pre-K or in another grade level. Concordian International School is a place where you can feel comfortable knowing that you have made the right choice of a school for your child. Over the summer break a lot of work has been done in many areas of the school campus to ensure our campus has the most updated systems in place for the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. One particular area to be mentioned is at the Early Years entrance of the school. Parents can feel that their child is safer while in school as we have installed new school ID entrance scanners and gates to ensure that everyone who is on campus is registered in the school system and has a school issued ID cards that are scanned to enter and exit the campus.
Early Years students are able to use their school ID card to enter through the gates but when exiting they will need to scan out by using their parent’s school ID card as an extra safety measure. The school spares no expense in order to provide the best learning spaces and safest learning environments for all of our students.
Sincerely, Tim Byrum Elementary School Principal / EY Dean of Students PYP English Faculty Affairs / Whole School Facilities Manager
I would like to wish everyone a wonderful 2022-23 academic school year. A new school year gives you a chance to begin new and fresh. It is an opportunity to look ahead and work harder to make it a better and a brighter future. I wish you lots of luck as you begin a new year at academics, may you shine bright and happy with your efforts!