10th Wen Xin Cup
Chinese Writing Contest
On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, the 10th Wen Xin Cup Chinese Writing Contest was held. The contest's name has profound meaning: "Wen" (文) means essay or literary work, and "Xin" (心) means heart or core. "Wen Xin" is also derived from the famous Chinese literary critique "Wen Xin Diao Long" (文心雕龙), which emphasizes the importance of both content and format in writing.
This contest celebrates the talents and creativity of our secondary school students in the field of writing. It encourages them to explore their literary skills and express their thoughts and ideas with both heart and skill.
In this year's contest, 14 students received the Extraordinary Award (杰出奖) and 23 students received the Excellent Award (优秀奖) for their outstanding writing achievements.
Hakao 郑中川 G7 我很荣幸在这次写作比赛中获得奖项。这是我第 一次获奖,尽管我已经参加了很多年的比赛。写 完作品时,我并不确定自己能否获奖,但得知获 奖的那一刻,我感到非常骄傲。
Deen 平迪恩 G9
通过这次比赛,我深刻认识到了自己的优点和不 足。我的文章整体的结构、内容与语言得到了认 可,但在创新上还有很大的提升空间。在未来的 写作中,我会继续努力,不断改进这些方面,力 争写出更优质的文章。这次写作比赛不仅是一次 挑战,更是一次宝贵的学习机会。通过反思,我 对自己的写作有了更清晰的认识,也明确了今后 的努力方向。我相信,只要不断总结经验、吸取 教训,我的写作水平一定会逐步提高。
Don 洪永浩 G6
Being awarded The Extraordinary Award in this Chinese writing contest is a remarkable achievement that surpasses my expectations. This has made me feel both excited and joyful. The main reason I believe I was able to receive this award is due to my focus on vocabulary. Vocabulary is extremely important in writing an essay; words that connect your sentences properly and descriptive words can enhance the overall appeal of the writing. To all future competitors, good luck!
Sureen 王诗荺 G7
我想要感谢我的老师对我的指导,让我的写作不 断进步。我也想要感谢我的妈妈,她鼓励我要认 真学习中文,因为中文是一块美丽的瑰宝。我也 要感谢 Pluk Chit 学校的孩子们,因为他们让我感 动,给了我写作的灵感。我会继续努力的。
Putt方云峰 G8
After winning the Chinese writing contest, I felt very happy, especially since the last time I won the contest was two years ago. I am very happy to have won this award, and it shows that you should always try your best and never give up when faced with a challenge.
很感谢 Concordian 的中文老师们给我们创造了这么 多展示我们语言技能的机会!今年写作大赛的题 目非常的开放,特别是《妈妈给我力量》这个题
目,让我想到了我们在课堂上学到的“什么是幸 福”,也让我想到了我的朋友、我的老师和我的 家庭,最后我选择写我的妈妈, 因为我想借这 个机会表达我对妈妈的感谢之情。
Otto 翁福鸿 G10
Being honest, I did not expect to win any prizes, especially with how Chinese is one of the subjects I’ve been struggling with. However, participating in this writing contest felt extremely rewarding and encouraging. It has allowed me to express my creativity, but most importantly, boosted my confidence and motivated me to keep improving my language skills. Thank you for this opportunity, thank you to all the Chinese teachers!
PunPun 吴沛宁 G6
I am surprised and impressed that I won the Excellent Writer Award. I think the different articles that I learned throughout the year helped me improve my writing, vocabulary and sentence structure. When I couldn’t understand a topic, my Chinese would clearly explain it and help me understand how to improve further.
Dew 徐钰雯 G8
今年我觉得很骄傲,因为写作大赛我获得优秀 奖。这是我第一次在写作大赛中获奖。这一次我 也非常认真地写作,确保我的故事包含真情实感 和动人的细节。