Dutch inspired mobility solutions for sustainable cities
“Our mission is to make the world less dependent on the car� Johan Diepens - CEO
Introducing Mobycon Who We Are At Mobycon, we believe that if individuals, businesses and communities are to thrive, ease and freedom of movement is fundamental. As an organization, our research, consulting and designing are focused on promoting and enabling sustainable mobility: giving people access to a variety of transportation options so they can make the best choice for today and for the future. What We Do For over 30 years we have been working with clients to develop and implement cycle networks, complete streets and public spaces. We have experience managing mobility demands by creating programs, strategies and policies that encourage continued sustainable practices. We also work to share our knowledge of planning and designing for integrated mobility solutions through workshops and design reviews in Europe and North America. Dutch Inspiration With a Local Context Our goal is not simply to apply Dutch mobility solutions to international environments. Our approach is to share our way of thinking in order to develop successful solutions. Our multidisciplinary team works in partnership with our clients, sharing a vision for sustainable mobility. The success of our approach is why our clients return to us again and again. Be inspired by some of the work we have done.
Our Vision
Plan • Design • Learn Dutch Inspired Mobility Solutions
Streets are the lifeblood of a city. They are a place for gathering, commerce and community building. At Mobycon, our vision is to create streets that better serve the needs of the people who make up our communities. This means creating streetscape designs and developing policies and strategic programmes that focus on making communities vibrant, safe and accessible to everyone no matter their age or ability. We design and retrofit streets to be places where people are invited to gather, that inspire social connection and support local business. We assist our clients to develop policies that encourage safe behaviour and inspire the creation of successful, welcoming public spaces. Additionally, we create educational materials to strengthen the confidence of vulnerable road users as they travel through their communities. We understand how to integrate the flow of people, goods and services into high quality public spaces and the greater mobility network. We provide Dutch inspired, tailor-made solutions that encourage safe, integrated and sustainable mobility in communities of all sizes, all around the world.
Mobility Innovation
Mobycon has always been at the forefront of innovation in urban mobility. We are involved in several innovative European projects, including policy and planning for light motorized and autonomous vehicles as an example. We are also the leading consultant in the development of new design methodologies for public space in The Netherlands. At the same time, we are adapting Dutch best practices for international contexts, pushing the envelope both domestically and abroad.
ANWB New Mobility Study
Cycling Poverty Research
Mobycon led a consortium to perform a national study
Although Dutch cities experience very high rates of
developing a new methodology for designing public open
cycling when compared to other Western cities, research
space in cities. Using a highly interactive approach, the
has shown that people in less-serviced areas experience
study presented an approach to finding a better balance
cycling poverty. Whether through education, availability
between place and movement within street design.
of affordable bicycles, or local policy, our consultants
Our final report provides guidelines for a more flexible
have researched successful programs for mitigating
allocation of space, so that future modalities can be
cycling poverty and ensuring everyone has access to
safely accommodated in the design of the street.
reliable, safe cycling options.
Rotterdam E-Cycling Program
To enable cooperative design with local residents and
The first of its kind in the Netherlands, Mobycon developed
stakeholders, Mobycon developed Streetsketch.nl, a free
the E-Cycling Program for the City of Rotterdam. In order
online tool, based on the American Streetmix. Using this
to explore ways to improve air quality we conducted
tool, anyone can design a street cross-section and start
research examining possible outcomes of increased
a meaningful conversation about the use of public space.
e-bike usage including user groups and facility needs.
This tool has proved successful in translating high level
The resulting strategy focuses on Rotterdam’s role in
concepts into practical visuals within minutes.
supporting growth, including pilots like e-bike charging stations in all public bicycle parking facilities.
PLAN Network Planning For more than thirty years, we have used our holistic mobility expertise from the Netherlands to develop sophisticated plans and policies to improve people’s lives. Our work in the Netherlands is evidence that it is possible to provide great spaces for children, cyclists and the elderly while having efficient transit, freight and automobile networks. We work together with our international clients to embrace a bold mobility vision for the future of their city. At Mobycon, the most important aspect of planning a mobility network is understanding how people move, what routes they take, and how they behave in traffic.
Active Mode Legend Arterials – 3.0m Multi Use Trail on Each Side of the Street. Primary Collectors – Raised Cycle Track in the Boulevard on Each Side of the Street Collector – 3.0m Multiuse Trail on one side of the street and boulevard sidewalk on the other side of the street. Rural Trail
Bremner Network Design
North Holland: 30 Year Strategy
Mobycon worked with Strathcona County, AB, to develop
In order to better plan for the future of mobility in the
a transportation network for the planned community of
region, Mobycon led the development of a comprehensive
Bremner. With plans to make this brand new community
30-year bike plan for the Province of North Holland. A
fully sustainable, the goal was to create a multi-modal
combination of both a vision for the region and an action
community that encourages active modes for local
plan, development of strategy included both public
trips. The final concept incorporates a complete streets
engagement and capacity building for staff. The final
philosophy to facilitate multimodal trips across all areas
product incorporates a network of long-distance cycle
of the future community.
paths and growing trends like the rise of e-bikes.
West Yorkshire Bike Network Design
Midtown Transportation Assessment
To optimize the bicycle network in West Yorkshire, we
With the Midtown neighbourhood in Toronto experiencing
used our Moby-Star Bicycle Network Analysis tool to
significant growth, a transportation assessment was
collaborate on the engagement and design process. We
undertaken as part of the Secondary Plan development
engaged local stakeholders in the process, inspiring
process. Through analysis of existing and projected
productive discussions about the community vision for
trends, Mobycon helped develop strategies and policies
their neighbourhood and informing their final network
for key areas. These will help to provide resiliency for
plan. Mobycon then refined the design using Dutch
multimodal options in the community moving forward.
principles in the context of West Yorkshire.
PLAN Policy & Strategy Development A network of high-quality cycle facilities is not enough to generate high cycling mode share in a city. To successfully encourage wide-spread use of cycling infrastructure, the built environment needs to be supported by integrated policies at various levels. Mobycon has extensive experience researching and writing policies based on international best practices on a variety of cyclespecific designs including bicycle parking, speed management and bicycle education.
South Holland “Programme Bicycle� To ensure life-long learning in the region, Mobycon developed the Programme Bicycle strategy for the Province of South Holland. Initially focused on education by incorporating programmes developed by the council and national campaigns, it then examined innovations, looking for connections with programmes where cycling is being stimulated. The programme was also designed so that future projects could be integrated when needed.
Luxembourg Best Practice Policies
Ottawa 30 km/h Policy
For the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Mobycon created an
The City of Ottawa hired Mobycon to review and develop
inventory of rules and regulations regarding cycling and
a 30 km/h speed reduction policy for its streets. An
cycle infrastructure in Germany, France, Belgium and
evaluation framework was created to help qualify streets
The Netherlands. This was used by the government of
for reduced speeds based on key elements including
Luxembourg to set up a local set of policies to encourage
speed survey data and on-street environmental factors.
cycling as a mode of transport, eight of which have been
The project was adopted unanimously by Council in
implemented and are improving conditions for cycling in
April 2017 to help the City create more consistent traffic
the country.
CHIPS Project Development
Harderwijk Bicycle Policy
Working together with several Northern European
To help the municipality plan for continued growth in
countries, Mobycon helped develop CHIPS: Cycling
already high cycling numbers, Mobycon developed a
Highways Innovation and People Transport in Spatial
Bicycle Policy and Action Plan for the City of Harderwijk.
Planning. The project communicates guidelines and
The policy examines existing conditions to identify areas
recommendations for the development of cycling
to improve accessibility in the network, addressing
highways through exchanging knowledge between
areas like planning for bicycle parking, network
regions and developing new tools to work towards a
connections and integration with public transportation.
shared view.
DESIGN Streetscape Design At Mobycon we use our knowledge of Dutch street design principles as inspiration to develop designs for international streetscapes. We successfully create safe, integrated bicycle networks and public spaces in a context that works for the communities where we work. With decades of experience designing in the Netherlands, Europe and, more recently, North America, we push beyond the status quo. This ensures a safe, efficient and attractive street environment and delivers the highest possible quality of integration with the neighbouring land-uses.
Ottawa Main Street Redesign For the City of Ottawa, Canada, Mobycon provided
Jackson Bicycle and Pedestrian Concept Review
peer review of the redesign for Main Street, applying a
To demonstrate how they might elevate their existing
combination of complete streets principles and Dutch
bicycle and pedestrian network, Mobycon designed
design standards. The result is a people-centred space
concepts for Jackson, Wyoming to demonstrate how
that allows for safe cycling, walking and crossing of the
Dutch design could be applied to improve safety
street. Of particular concern were the intersections,
and connectivity. The concepts were then installed
where traffic lights and roundabouts were investigated.
temporarily to test their real-life application and inform
Main Street was reconstructed in 2016.
more permanent design changes.
Oud-Beijerland Public Space Design
Design Projects, Canmore
To improve walking and cycling in Canmore, Alberta,
Scheepmakershaven to improve the quality of space.
Mobycon developed designs for a number of key streets
Using the design approach, Functional Ambiance, the
and intersections. Using Dutch inspiration we applied
former thoroughfare now unfolds like a series of outdoor
best practices that work in the context of Canmore. This
rooms featuring green space, access to the harbour quay
included complete streets and protected intersections,
and connection to the town centre. Cars and bicycles act
addressing connectivity to existing recreational trails
as guests, mingling in shared space where pedestrians
and improving safety at key crossings. We also provided
have priority.
planning for future transportation needs.
DESIGN Traffic Safety In order for public space design to be successful, it must make users feel safe and comfortable when using it. Mobycon employs the Dutch approach of Sustainable Safety to ensure conditions are safe for all vulnerable road users. We use integrated safe systems thinking, looking at the whole transportation landscape to achieve high-quality design. We view Sustainable Safety as the Dutch approach to the global Vision Zero commitment, and use this thinking in all our designs both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Zoetermeer Night Cycling Network
Laurier Safety Review, Ottawa
Cycling is not limited to commuter traffic only. To ensure
In order to understand the safety issues for all users on
cycling is safe and enjoyable 24 hours a day, the City
Laurier Ave W, Mobycon evaluated the corridor, paying
of Zoetermeer invested in the completion of a night
special attention to the experience of vulnerable road
cycling network. This is a network of routes, with special
users. Using public feedback, a bicyclist behaviour study,
attention to lighting, passive surveillance and the use
human factors assessment, and collision data analysis
of highly visible routes. This network was successfully
a more comprehensive understanding of safety in the
implemented across Zoetermeer.
corridor was gained to develop short- and long-term countermeasures.
O’Connor Safety Review, Ottawa
FHWA Bikeway Resource Guide
In order to improve the cycling facilities along O’Connor
Mobycon collaborated with the FHWA, VHB and Toole
Street, Mobycon was commissioned to conduct a review
Design Group to develop the FHWA Bikeway Resource
of the existing design and provide recommendations for
Guide. We ensured the guide included international
locations where safety could be improved. The review
best practices and decision-making tools, not only
applies Dutch Sustainable Safety practices in conjunction
referencing the highly regarded CROW “Design Manual
with Canadian guidelines to develop solutions that are
for Bicycle Traffic”, but how to adapt it to the US context.
effective and sensitive to the local context.
The outcome is a guide to draw inspiration from when developing a ‘Made-in-America’ approach to bikeways.
LEARN Engagement Engaging with local residents is one of the most important aspects to creating a well-supported multimodal transportation culture. Yet many cities struggle connecting with communities in a meaningful way. Mobycon has successfully assisted towns and cities with public engagement to progress the planning and implementation of bicycle infrastructure and street redesigns. We have developed our own digital tools to assist in the conversation about space allocation to improve the quality of engagement and successfully move projects into the next phase.
Southwark Consultation After delivering a very successful master class in
Traffic in the City Workshop, Rotterdam
Southwark, Mobycon supported the local council in
Using the “Traffic in the City” methodology Mobycon
delivering a comprehensive cycling strategy. Following
helped develop for ANWB New Mobility Study, we
this partnership, we helped the municipality in the
coordinated workshops for the Municipality of Rotterdam
engagement process for the design of a specific part of
as a part of the redesign in the Nieuwe Binnenweg. Using
the Southwark Spine cycle route. Through our innovative
Polaroids, residents, entrepreneurs and municipal staff
engagement strategy we were able to build support for
collected images that represented possible visions and
a higher quality cycling scheme than initially developed.
desired outcomes of the public space redesign.
Plainville Gap Closure Project
Winnipeg Walk Bike Projects
As part of a transportation study, Mobycon helped
Mobycon helped facilitate a number of engagement
facilitate extensive community engagement in Plainville,
events for the City of Winnipeg’s Walk Bike Projects. Using
Connecticut. The aim was to find consensus in order to
design charettes and workshops, local stakeholders
help close transportation gaps in the network. The week
came together to work through various challenges in the
long event included presentations, hands-on workshops
existing network. Pop-Up Bike Lanes were also installed
where stakeholders worked toward consensus, and
as examples of how protected facilities work and to
walking and cycling audits of the existing network.
collect feedback from residents and business owners to inform future development.
LEARN School Zones and Programmes The safety of the school environment is key in increasing the number of children who walk or ride to school. Walking or cycling to school has great benefits to children’s health, attention span and academic achievements. Mobycon specializes in programmes to improve awareness, ability and confidence aimed at children and parents to encourage people to walk or cycle to school.
Mobykids© In 2006, Mobycon developed the Mobykids
School-Home Routes Inventory, Ridderkerk, NL
(formerly OV4U). The unique program provides a well-
As part of the “slow traffic” module, Mobycon
rounded view on public transport options within students’
designed safer school environments and school-
own neighbourhoods to encourage confidence when
home routes through consultation with the schools
traveling. Under the motto “learned young, done old”, the
and neighbourhoods. After conducting surveys and the
course has been delivered to over 15,000 Dutch students
reactions of children, parents and teaching staff, an
at more than 450 schools, helping them grow up feeling
inventory was made as to whether former bottlenecks
confident in their ability to travel safely.
had been removed, improving overall travel.
Ottawa Safe School Zones
Cycle Training in Scottish Schools
Mobycon was invited to participate in a 1-day workshop
Cycling Scotland was looking to improve the quality of
hosted by l’École Marius-Barbeau and organized by
cycle training available to school-aged children. Mobycon
Ottawa Public Health. The day included observing travel
performed an inventory of existing programming in
behaviour and discussing concerns for safety and how
Scotland as well as examples from the Netherlands,
to increase active school travel. Following the event,
Belgium and the US, creating recommendations for
Mobycon produced a report listing short- and long-term
future programming to ultimately increase the number
measures to developing a Safe School Zone to create a
of students cycling to and from school.
safer school environment.
LEARN Inspiration, Training and Capacity Building Mobycon delivers a wide range of workshops all around the world. During these workshops, we work together with local experts and stakeholders to expand participant knowledge and design capacity to ensure cities can implement their planning and policy development independently. We have successfully delivered these types of trainings and workshops in North and Central America and Europe.
Study Tours
Professional Coaching
At Mobycon we believe one of the best ways to learn about
Travel to the Netherlands to see what can be possible
successful cycling cities is to experience it. We regularly
for their city is not always feasible, so Mobycon travels
facilitate study tours for groups of all sizes, for planners,
to clients and partners to provide professional coaching
engineers, city officials, advocates and students from
to address their challenges in a local context. This can
around the world. Tours include historical knowledge of
include design reviews and audits, workshops with local
how the Dutch have achieved their nationwide-network,
stakeholders and staff, catered to the needs of the client.
the challenges they have overcome, and innovation that
We believe knowledge sharing is a great way to overcome
is pushing policy, planning and design even further.
challenges and bring success to our clients.
Workshops and Training
Cycle Training Capacity Building
Cities globally are facing similar challenges when
For several municipalities in the Netherlands, Mobycon
creating policies and designs for more people-friendly
has provided advice, planning and strategy development
spaces. Mobycon offers workshops on various topics
to help cities facilitate programming to teach people
including intersection and roundabout design and shared
how to safely ride a bike. We cooperate with them to
space design, all with an eye of adapting Dutch inspiration
create policies that examine where needs exists, funding
to local environments. Our interactive training style
opportunities available and even train-the-trainer
gets attendees thinking collectively to uncover new and
programs to build internal capacity to run programming.
practical mobility solutions.
Our International Team of Consultants With internationally-focused consultants working out of our Dutch and North American offices, Mobycon’s team is a group of diverse, multi-disciplinary professionals. We work collaboratively with clients across Europe and North America, drawing on our expertise. We also regularly collaborate with our Netherlands-focused colleagues who make up the larger Mobycon team.
Johan Diepens
Elizabeth Allingham
Traffic Engineering
Community Economic Development, BA. Sociology
Email: j.diepens@mobycon.com
Email: e.allingham@mobycon.com
Founder and CEO
Social: @diepens
Director North-America
Bernhard Ensink
Mary Hudson Elbech
PhD, Former ECF Secretary General
BA. Environmental Infrastructure & Urban Planning
Email: b.ensink@mobycon.com
Email: m.elbech@mobycon.com
Strategic Advisor
US Lead, Integrated Mobility Consultant
Social: @BernhardEnsink1
Angela van der Kloof Senior Consultant, Sustainable Mobility
Lennart Nout
MSc. Human Geography
International Strategy Manager, Urban Mobility Consultant
Email: a.vanderkloof@mobycon.com
MSc. Environmental & Infrastructure Planning
Social: @AngelavdKloof
Email: l.nout@mobycon.com Social: @lennartnout
Shelley Bontje
Justin Goulding
MSc. Environment and Society Studies, MSc. European
MPhil. Planning, Growth and Regeneration
Spacial Planning and Environmental Policy
Email: j.goulding@mobycon.com
Email: s.bontje@mobycon.nl
Social: @just_gould
Jason Colbeck
Sophie Simon
Master in Planning
MSc. Urban Management and Development
Email: j.colbeck @mobycon.com
Email: s.simon@mobycon.com
Sustainable Mobility Consultant
Urban Design and Mobility Consultant
Social: @JSColbeck
Integrated Mobility Consultant
Mobility Advisor
Melissa Bruntlett
International Communications Specialist
Dick van Veen
Urban Mobility Marketing and Communication, BAA
Senior Consultant and Designer, Traffic Engineering, City Planning
Email: m.bruntlett@mobycon.com
MSc. Architecture, MSc. Engineering
Social: @mbruntlett
Email: d.vanveen@mobycon.nl Social: @dickvanveen
Stephen Kurz
Eveline de Jong
MSc. Science and Urban Studies
MSc. Engineering
Email: s.kurz@mobycon.nl
Email: e.dejong@mobycon.nl
Mobility Consultant
Mobility Consultant
About Mobycon Since 1986, our team of professionals has been developing integrated and sustainable mobility solutions in the Netherlands and abroad. Focused on enhancing quality of life for all people, and recognizing the role Dutch inspiration can play in creating mobility plans and strategies globally, we work collaboratively with our partners to produce successful, people-focused projects. We understand how important it is to provide our clients with solutions that work in the context of their community, using our diverse range of knowledge and expertise to shape policies, plans and strategies that encourage sustainable mobility choices. Mobycon is a trusted partner!
Contact Head Office Delft
Ottawa Office
Hooikade 13
204 Lebreton Street North
2627 AB Delft
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1R 6Y8
P.O. Box 2873
Phone: +1 (613) 216 2332
2601 CW Delft The Netherlands
Durham Office
Phone: +31 15 214 78 99
119 Orange Street, Suite 302 Durham, North Carolina
Zwolle Office
USA 27701
Hanzeplein 11-27
Phone: +1 (704) 740 0614
8017 JD Zwolle The Netherlands
Email: info@mobycon.com
Phone: +31 38 422 57 80 Den Bosch Office Europalaan 28d 5232 BD ‘s-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands Phone: +31 73 523 10 65