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A Groovy Kind of Job laying down tracks for the musical highway
The WS 440 HF Wall Saw.
Illinois Tollway Plaza Retrofit
Husqvarna’s WS 440 HF is setting a new standard for electric high cycle wall saws. The saw is based on a totally new technology, which gives the saw increased power for fast and efficient cutting. The powerful, water-cooled electric motor generates 17 horsepower to the shaft, despite the fact that the saw only weighs 55 pounds.
Underwater Wire Sawing at Hydroelectric Plant New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority Project
Husqvarna has succeeded in optimizing the weight/power relationship and developed a saw that is light and flexible but also powerful!
HUSQVARNA CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS 17400 West 119th Street • Olathe, Kansas 66061 • T 800-845-1312 • F 800-257-9284 2077 Bond Street • North Bay, Ontario P1B 8J8 • T 800-461-9589 • F 800-728-1907 Copyright © 2009 Husqvarna AB (publ.). All rights reserved. Husqvarna is a registered trademark of Husqvarna AB (publ.).
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