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Cutting Concrete for Concourse C
The NEW WS 440 HF Wall Saw. Husqvarna’s new WS 440 HF is setting a new standard for electric high cycle wall saws. The saw is based on a totally new technology, which gives the saw increased power for fast and efficient sawing. The powerful, water-cooled electric motor generates 17 horsepower to the shaft, despite the fact that the saw only weighs 55 pounds. The 9,000 rpm permanent magnitized motor delivers 100% power to the blade while cutting concrete or steel.
Core Drilling in Victoria, Canada Flat Sawing for Subway Connector
Husqvarna has succeeded in optimizing the weight/power relationship and developed a saw that is light and flexible but also powerful!
Washington State Bridge Retrofit
HUSQVARNA CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS 17400 West 119th Street • Olathe, Kansas 66061 • T 800-845-1312 • F 800-257-9284 2077 Bond Street • North Bay, Ontario P1B 8J8 • T 800-461-9589 • F 800-728-1907 www.husqvarnacp.com w w w . c s da . or g CIRCLE READER service CARD NO.11