Labour candidate and Dean ofBIO finds out how much pasta you can buy on a student grant
UEA Students have the same employment chances as Cambridge graduates. according to recent statistics
UEA students owe Norwich council £95 ,000 for Poll Tax.
What to do with condoms? You•d be surprised!
The issue of Sexual Harassment rears its head at UEA.
Exclusive interview with Stefan Dennis, alias Paul from Neighbours.
Film. music and other arts reviews and listings. Competition prizes to be won.
They're big, bad and tough. It's the Women's Rugby Team who don't mind getting muddy.
1993 is the date set for the tw-o setnester year at UEA.
A New course structure based on the American semester system w ill be i ntroduced at U EA in the Autu mn o f 1993.
Implementation, already delayed a year, will mean undergraduates will have a two semester year and assessment based on the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS).
The new system will involve: self contained modules and in effect, an end to the dreaded Finals
Such a prospect is seen by many as a step forward, but its critics have already pointed out the difficulties of a common structure in relation to different courses. Law, for example, will have difficulty in tailoring its course to the specific time limits.
hnplementors of the system en visage it on ana tional scale, with a view of enabling students to transfer easily from place to place, leading to easier integration with European and American Universities.
Since the 'Strategic Plan' was offered, UEA has been working "to enhance its
John Barton
re putation within the national and international community".
The plan includes a review of examinations, course assessment and the timetabling system. It also questions the role of the Arts Preliminaries; and examines the possibility of direct entry into UEA at different stages of a degree.
The Senate behind the Plan have instigated most of the developments in the last two years. On 13th November 1991, they arrived at a series of recommendations: the adoption of a two semester system and the Council for National Academic Award's (CNAA) system of credits, which was accepted.
Allegations that the Union of UEA Students were not brought into consultation until the decision had been made to go ahead with the scheme, were confirmed by Nicola Sainsbury, Education Officer. She said that they were only allowed to join the working party to make suggestions, such as condemning the proposals for lectures continuing until9pm.
"My recommendations are being taken into consideration, but they aren't necessarily going to do that much."
She went on to say that if wehadbeenconsulted. "We probably would have opJX>sed it, but its too late now."
The schools of study were asked to submit their new course structure by the end of last term, for the inclusion of the 1993 prospectus.
Or John Ashworth, the senior adviser in EAS explained, "At the end of every term we will have exams on the term's work, thus dividing the course into completely seLf-contained units or modules"
He also commented, "I am basically in favour of the changes as senior adviser, I can see the problems Finals can bring."
However, Or Roger Virgoe, a history lecturer, has some reservations, "I am concerned about the possible fragmentation that may result from these changes. As opJX>sed to a coherent degree programme we will be left with a series of bits and pieces with no overall qualification."
Radio One et For Norwich
The Watertront
IT was announced last week that Norwich has been picked out of a number of other cities to host Soundcity '92 in April.
The Waterfront is rejoicing because the one week music festival will be based at their venue.
This is only months after the Waterfront was saved from financial problems by the Norwich City Council.
The prestigious event will be hosted by Radio One who will have a live transmission every night.
The exact list of events is yet to be released but it looks to include both up and coming Norwich bands as well as nationally recognised groups.
The news has created a huge reaction from Norwich ve nues who will all benefit fr om the recognition of Norwich as a culturally developi ng city, rather than the image of an East Anglian back-water.
For an analysis of the effect that it will have on Norwich turn to our centre page Arts Special pages 10-11.
inside NEWS
Term Hols Assess Read Term Hols Term Read Exam Hols 12 3 3 1 6 4 6 1 3 12 Composition of typical year in weeks ? •
by Anna Worthington
The con s truction o f Nelson C ourt - n e w re sid e nces for 408 s tudents -o pposite Wavcncy Terrace, bega n on 18 th ovcmber 1991.
Richard Topless of Watcs Const ruction, said that progress was goi ng "very we ll", but he could not fo resee w hether the co ntract of 76 we eks would be fulfilled.
He warned, "a n awfu l lot of th ings co uld go wro ng, a n aw ful lot", but he is optimis tic.
The bui lding of Constab le Te rrace- near the Sainsburv Centre - wi ll begin in 1992.
T hese residences will replace Fifers Lane which will be returned to the City and Co unty Council.
Peter Yorkc, the deputy buildings officer in The Registry hopes that thi s will enhance a better Campus community s pirit.
The two buildings have be e n cstimJted to cost £18,300,000 which is bein g funded by part o f the proceeds from the s ale of the University Village and a loan from Barclays Bank to be repaid within
20- 30 yea rs.
The architecture has been designed to run w ith maximum energy efficiency, for ex ample, the walls, floors and ce ilin gs will be super-insulated and th e windows double-glazed. Heat within the buildings- for example from showers, kitchens and bodieswill be recycled to heat the rooms ,
P/10'1'0: St c ve 1/oward simi lar to that already ins talled in SYS
However, co nstruction w ill des troy the rabbit warren which h a s been u s ed for sc ientific obs ervance for the p as t 8 years. Local residents arc also concerned fo r the protection of Yare Valley.
Despite this, plans have gone ah e ad.
900 s tudent loans taken in Autumn term
The UEA Student Loans Office processed approximately 1500 loans during the academic year 1990/ 91. According to administrators of the loans project, that figure is likely to doub le this yea r, in k eeping with national trends.
ahonally, in the academic yea r of 1990/ 9 1 180,00 loans were applied for. The figure for the fi rst acadcn1ic term thiS year was 118,241.
Fa r more students have taken out a loan in their first tcm1, and suggests that many more will follow throughout the year.
The sharp rise in the number of stu dents applying for loans already has refl ected incrcJ >cd studcr{t hardship, with predi c tions that the total will be around 900 bv the end of the autumn term, shm:·ing that studcn ts arc accepting they will have to shou lder part of the cost of thei r education
That increased accepta nce is highlighted by the lack o f a ny co-o r d in a ted anti loans ca mpaigns here at UEA, but we a rc not the only university in thi s position.
A recent article in the Guardian revealed that even in the reputedly radical Manchester University, and de s pite a very visual campaign, Students union officers
uNopposed to the scheme arc fighting a lo s ing battle against student a ttitudes.
It was discovered that some students were even taking out loans to pa rticipate in the British Tclcco m s hare offe r. The noticeable i ncrease from las t yea rs maxim u m loa n of £420 to £580 (o r for s tudents in Lo ndon £660) is in line w ith the go vernments objective of increasing loo ns at the rate of inflation until t hcv account for half of a students fu miing.
Stude nts w ith the full st udent lmn can look at five to seve n vca rs of re-payments at an reflected A r R of 5 8',"r , but bst vca r<; rate of 9 <>hows how much th1s figure can vary
It is estimated that a student borr owing £660 in the first vcar of a three ycJr course wouki have to pay back £923 if the inflation rate stays cons tant.
U more t han one loan is taken out, that figure will be mud1 higher.
Students do not have to repay loans until after their course ends, but the thought of starting yo ur working career with a debt o f several thousand pounds is enough to make anyone think twice.
2 Concrete , Wednesday, January 22, 1992
Expansion o f UEA ha s s ta rted
N orfolk u An E A COUNCIL
A POLY-Inical problem
Peter Hart looks at the British polytechnics' name changing controversy
More than eight months after it was announced polytechnics could become universities, many are still undecided on their new names.
Although a government white paper revealed the details last May, a large number of poly's have still not adopted university titles.
The main problem is opposition faced from established, neighbouring universities when polys have attempted to adopt similar names.
Anglia Polytechnic wanted to take a regional title- rumoured
to be East Anglia University, but this was denied by Francesca Key, their Public Relations officer.
She told Concrete, ''We never thought about using the name. It is too similar to that used by UEA."
And she said although a decision may have been reached, it could not be revealed until the name had been passed by the Privy Council.
The directorate of the poly, meanwhile, has promised two bottles of champagne for a suitable alternative. In a similar case, Newcastle Polytechnic wanted
to rename itself Newcastle City University but the already es-
"a large number of Polys have still not adopted University names"
tablished University objected. ''We are in quite a quandary," said Sioban ]ones, Marketing Services Officer for Newcastle
Buying 'environmentally friendly' products may be 'hip' but aren't necessarily saving the environment. The products may have hidden evils.
UEA's Dr David Brown of The Environmental Appraisal Group is worried that some green products are misleading the consumers.
He pointed out that a product "which says it doesn't pollute the water may be harmful in other ways."
"The most important thing to do
is to assess the overall harm and implications the product might have, and to realise that one cannot assume that every green product is beneficial to the environment."
His comments are following criticisms rr.ade by researchers Dr O'Brien and Dr Harris of green products at The Institute of British Geographers Conference .
However as Richard Austin of Rainbow Wholefoods, Norwich said "Just because changes are not happening quickly, that does not
mean customers should stop buying the products "
Sainsburys have created their own system of labelling the range of green products they stock. They claim to take a more honest approach by "never making unrealistic claims" by using the words "environmentally friendlier"
This indicates a product that is better than some others but not perfect. This shows that for green products it's all in the labels
by Louise Wilson
She revealed they had also tried to adopt the name 'University of Northumbria at Newcastle', but Sunderland Poly had objected to this and Belfast's Queen's University complained when Newcastle Poly wanted to use their name.
There are similar problems throughout the country, with university vice-chancellors have also objecting to the use of the term 'new university' in a former poly's title. They have suggested that this would imply the re-titled polytechnics were more
up to date and in the Capital, London University has warned that its name is a registered trademark
Officials there have asked to be consulted before any of the City's eight new universities are allowed to use new titles.
Education experts, however, agree that this shows universities are the benchmark for other higher education systems.
Despite past attempts by polys to offer an alternative the outcome of this educational revolution remains to be seen.
Election Candidate and Dean lives on £14.58 a week
Flu epidemic to hit UEA
THERE is more than a hint of a potential flu epidemic in and around Norwich. National figures supplied by the Royal College of General Practitioners reflect a trebling of genuine cases reported in December, when numbers reached twenty two per hundred thousand
Although such levels are by no
means of epidemic proportions, theycould be so within a matter of weeks, if the spread of the virus maintains its momentum Cases in Norwich have increased, and although most people catching influenza would find it little more than inconvenient, groups such as the elderly and those aqlready in-
firm are in potential danger if they do not seek and adhere to sensible medical advice.
Both staff and students at UEA have been hit by the virus, with tutors reporting larger numbers of absentees
The myth became a horrible reality for Dr Ian Gibson, Dean ofBIO, when he agreed to live on a student budget for a week, which began on Monday 13 January
As the Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Norwich North, he expected this exercise to make him "angry enough to do something for the students".
Phil Scott, NUS Area Convener asked Ian Gibson to accept the challenge in order to highlight the plight of students and the inadequacy of the present system.
The figure of £14.58 for the week was arrived at after money was deducted for rent, poll tax, bills, travel and laundry.
When asked if this was a feasible amount to live on Ian Gibson re-
plied : "Absolutely not! I'm famished, I' m hungry and I'm thinking of cheating My brains are going I'm sure its possible to manage but it won't be the right kind of diet and more a case of survival."
"The most difficult aspect I've found is spacing out the money so that it lasts for the week I went to the pub last night and could not afford to buy my round of drinks which was embarrassing. Some friends bought me a couple of cokes and I felt a right skin flint "
"It's day two and I've got £:1 left over for the rest of the week, after going to the supermarket. It's baked potatoes and lentil soup tonight'', he said, obviously not relishing the thought.
Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992 3
UEA to go into occupation
The union general meeting (UGM) go t of to an in teresting start by voting in favour of organising an occupation in the registry for the 28th January.
This follows the numerous occupations that were organised la st term by othe r universities and polytechnics, th e longest being staged at Middle sex Polytechnic.
The proposal was put forward by Jenny Wit of the Student Socialist Workers Party (SSWS) as a protest against increasing studC'nt poverty.
They demand
*a freeze on student numbers at the prescn t level until a signifiGm t increase in University funding is ad1ieved.
*a lowering of coffee bar prices by 10%
*£50,000 for the establishment and running of an on-campus full time creche
* a r ent freeze for the ne x t three years.
* availability of 30 week for at lea st 70% of the new residences.
*abolition of charges for extra curricular activities.
JcnnyWittsaid "The student pover ty issue is getting more and more pre ssing. We want more money from the univer si ty We want th e profi ts they make to be s pent o n prop er funding ."
The meeting wasn't quorate (185
pe opl e are n eede d to make the dedsions legitimate and apart of union policy) a ttr acting only 150 people This m eans that any decisions made can o nl y be recommended by th e Student Union to their executive meeting
The SSWS also proposed that the Union of UEA Students should suppo r t the case of the Colchester 16, who face imprisonment for protesting against the poll tax.
The case is taking place at Norwich Crown Court and one of the proposals was to have a minibus service from the university to the courts for any protesters wanting to get th ere.
Chris Hall, Fi11ancc Officer, said that it would be illegal for the union to finance this proposal as it would violate the ultra vires law.
A solution was offered to overcome this by Stcvcn Harry, suggesting that the minibus could stop at No r wich library on its way to the courts.
Richard Hewis on, Chair of the Students Forum, said of this proposal; "Many people face severe difficulties with books which mu st be returned on Monday morning.
It is good to sec the Union taking positive steps to alleviate this burden If p eop le go to th e courts from th ere, who arc we to stop them ?"
Pally Gral1am
Red, Rude and RidiculousRAG week returns
CHAOS looms again at UEA, as preparations arc made for RAC week.
Beginning on Thursday Febr uary 13 with a Valentin e's Ball, the fund raising group h.wc abo planned many other events throughout the week.
These will include the usual pub crawl s, a 'Red, Rude and Ridiculous' party at Fifers Lane, and a Comedy Night.
But the most ridi culous events will be the notorious Cnome-0-Crams,
Union meeting comes out against modula r sy stem
MANY students had strong views at Week One's Union General Meeting (UGM) on the s ubject of th e new Common Course Structure
The meeting was a chance for students to discuss whether th e Union of UEA Students should support the new American sty le semester syste m
The U ni o n,alth oug h h aving reservations abou t th e new system th oug ht it was a "good id ea in it self, allowing more choice for the student ."
Yet numerous que st ions were brough t up by the students attending the meeting. Worries were expresse d at the longer te ac hing days, meaning that women would have to travel home at night.
Fears of h avi n g lar ge r semina r grou p s we re expressed. It was also pointed o ut th a t tw o weeks teac hin g tim e would be lo st.
A first yea r was anxious because o f the ab rupt move to th e m o dular system at th e beginning of h e r third year. She felt that the University had not properly taken int o consi d e rati o n th e disruption th a t th is wo uld ca u se.
"It is not only me who fee ls like
this but also a lot of other first yea rs."
Richard Hewison, Chair of the Students Forum, sa id.
"It was quite clearly said today
" .. although the Union had decided .. to accept .. and work towards sensible implementation, what we 've actually decided today is that we don't like the system at all"
th a t although the Union had dec id ed at lowe r committees to accept the course s tructure and work towa rd s its se n s ible impl ementation , what we ' ve actually d ecide d today is that we don ' t lik e th e sys te m at all. The people want ed the Union to oppose it."
The Union was not be able to pa ss a n y so lid policy b eca use the
UGM was inquorate, not attracting th e 180 students required to formulate policy.
The views of the students will go forward in the form of recommendations to the executive meeting and Nicola Sainsbury (Education Officer) hopes to voice them to the working party responsible for the new sys t em Jenny Witt, a member of the Studcn t Socialist Workers Party, who active ly condemns the implementation of the common structure was pleased with the response from the s tud e nts She sai d
"Considering last term s UGMs, which they were all inquorate and with attendance, of 50-60 people, which considering that we had about 150 people here today sh ows that people are interested in the course structure p eop le came up to u s after with suggestions, a nd we ' r e go ing to set up a committee now to discuss further ac ti o n ."
For so me this me e ting seems too late, with the date set for the Common Course Structures implem e ntation for the academic year of 1993/4.
who will stop at nothing to embarrass their victims, whether they seck refuge in the Library or in the toilets! However, Thuy La, RAC Pre sident, has asked for more volunteers.
"As usual, the success of Rag week depends upon the students' themselves getting involved, and getting into the RAC spirit," she sa id
The fund raising for chari ty begins with a rubber duck ra ce on Sunday February 9.
Last Wee ks UGM
A British company received the following letter from a final-year student: 'Thank you for attending my recent final company selection programme. I hope you found my visit both enjoyable and interesting. I have interviewed several companies for this position The standard has been very high and consequently I have had to make some difficult decisions. After careful consideration, I regret that I am unable to make you an offer. I realise this may come as a disappointment to you but I have been offered a large number of jobs from many excellent companies I shall of course keep your records on file and shall contact you again should the opportunity for a position arise." Few graduates can afford to be this confidently smug; recent statistics suggest now is a scarier time than ever to be a university graduate looking for a job
Yet ironically a few years ago the media was predicting a scramble to snap up graduates, someone somewhere didn't predict the recession.
David Thomas, education correspondent for the Financial Times, wrote "In Britain this year almost one in eight graduate vacancies is likely to remain unfilled."
RASP, the magazine for graduates, claims the Institute for Man-
by Emma Irvine-Robertson
power Studies and Sussex University has a Jot to answer for. They were responsible for supplying statistics in 1989 which predicted that by the end of the 1990s the demand for graduates would be up by 30%. At the time ICI were looking for 440 graduates. This year, that figure is 110.
In July 1989 the Financial Times ran a report entitled "U.K NewsThe Battle for graduates" Never in the history of recruitment have so few got it so wrong for so many
Even if the economic situation improves, higher education continues to grow and the number of graduates is due to massively increase following from the governments recent drive for universities to ex-
pand Figures suggest, as you may expect, that science graduates are more likely to find work and those studying theologies (sociology in particular) and arts subjects are less likely Recent figures claim 20% of history graduates are likely to be unemployed six months after graduationhow many of the others are working in Tescos and McDonalds is unrecorded.
IanMcGilvray, Director of the UEA Careers Centre says "I don't think that people doing an
" ology" degree are more likely to be unemployed because of their course They're going to get themselves employed because of their abilities, their qualities, their skills and work experience."
He sees the problem as being one of attitude rather than the inherent uselessness of an arts degree. He describes how many arts students feel that jobs are there for the taking particularly in the media on graduation when in facta degree in itself is of little relevance
Students ought to take very serious! y thew hole idea of gaining re levan t work experience. It's becoming increasingly more important and students at other universities are very much aware of this and when it comes to competing for jobs the student who's got the right work experience is going to be in a favourable position."
Yet is work experience really enough in the current economic climate? ; McGilvray believes "its worse than the last recession because there are a lot more occupational areas with simply fewer jobs. In the public sector for exam pie jobs are now very much less.
So how does UEA compare with other universities in its employment prospects for graduates? McGil vra y claims "The statistics last year showed that UEA rated level with a university like Cambridge so it's not so bad"
Yet in fact our situation is not as favourable as this comment may imply On the 16th of October the Financial Times published a graph showing 49.3% oflTEA graduates in long term employment compared to 67 7% at Brunei, 68.8% at Bath, 69.4%atCity, 75.2%atAston, 71 %at Bradford, and 65.5% at Ulster.
Admittedly many of these universities have a scientific bias but the difference is still large enough to be worrying.
Daniel! Owen
With a general election imminent sometime during this academic year, the National Union of Students has launched its bid to make student issues a high priority on the campaign agenda
Overwhelmingly approved at their Winter Conference on 8th December, the Target 70 campaign concentrates on the issues of student hardship and the changes that are planned in higher education before the year 2000
Target 70 marks the 70th birthday of the NUS, or, as the NUS optimistically puts it, 70 years of 'United Strength.'
Sub-titled The Shape of Things to Come,' Target 70 will concentrate on five issues: the repeal of loans and the restoration of fair grants; adequate affordable housing; free childcare for student parents; preventing the introduction of 'top-up' tuition fees; and the restoration of students' right to housing and other benefits.
By raising these issues during the
election campaign, the NUS hopes to help all students choose the candidate that shows the most commitment to student welfare.
Seventy parliamentary constituencies have been chosen, including Norwich South, where the number of students is greater than the majority of the MP at the last election
All MPs have been sent questionnaires to find out what their views on student issues are "It is vital that students have as much information as possible about the policies of all parties and candidates," said NUS National President, Step hen Twigg.
Norwich South MP, John Garrett, is well aware of the influence of students in this marginal constituency, claiming that his Conservative opponent in 1983 blamed the student vote for Garrett's victory.
It remains to be seen, however, whether the NUS is successful in bringing student hardship to the attention of voters and candidates, and whether they are able to influence the shape of things to come.
Two U E A students got off to a bad start in 1992 when their house bumtdownonNew Year's Day.
The fire was started by a cardboard box falling o n to a gas heater, gutting the downstairs
Breakers jukebox lies silent. The machine is turned off from 9am to Spm due to complaints from the 'Conference Services Office' next door.
The office's function is to sell university facilities to outsiders during the vacation, which is said to help to keep rents low.
Jan Greenland, Conference Manager, expressed her sympathy about the jukebox, but added that if her office sounded "like a disco", she and her colleagues would
not be taken seriously as professional marketers.
Students, however, see the availability of the jukebox as "a freedom of choice" and "it makes the atmosphere better".
Students will be pleased to know that the position of the office is temporary and by the summer, it will either shrink back to it's former location on 'the street' or move to new premises.
Gill Fenwick
rooms of the building.
The main contribution to the seriousness of the fire was said by firemen to be the foam sofas, w hich are soon to be made illegal by new government legislation.
The hig h flammability of the sofa's meant that the fire was blazing within minutes.
Peter Flynn, a second year English Literature student, was relaxing in the ba th whilst the fire got underway. He commented "my first thoughts were 'I wished I'd taken out some insurance'."
Peter was then rushed to hospital by ambulance suffering from smoke inhalation.
He added that "thankfully, Tan Gillespie, the Senior Resident Tutor, looked after me at the hospital, and our landlord was able to find us a new house."
by Toby Auber
Graduation Day: Will a job come next though?
Wednesday, January 22, 1992 5
in the evening at the Diner offer you superb value for money meals. Varied and wholesome dishes ranging from Vegetarian to Oriental, plus hot snacks or salad.
Also a full range of beers and beverages.
· Easier than shopping and cooking for yourself the Diner EASY MEALS fit the bill.
Monday- Friday 17.00- 19.15 hours
6 Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992
The death of the rock singer Freddie Mercury, the'SafeSex 'week at UEA, and World Aids day, have all put AIDS back on the agenda. Hopefully it has also enhanced the public awareness. But for how long?
In the early eighties, when the disease first came to peoples' attention, there was a great deal of information aimed at dispelling fears and myths about AIDS.
Leaflets, posters and articles have all attempted to educate people about the disease and what precautions they should take to avoid the HIV virus.
But people have short memories. They constantly have to be reminded of the danger, otherwise it sinks back into obscurity. Attention can be momentarily ·aroused with the death of the famous, such as Rock Hudson, Divine and now tragically, Fred-
die Mercury. Act-up, the local branch of anational organisation, also campaigning in Norwich, recently staged a protest in the city centre. Emma, a member of the group and former UEA student, said that they "wanted to breakdown
"it is seen as a gay disease, even though more and more heterosexuals are being infected"
the barriers of prejudice which surrounds AIDS. There is too much stigma attached to the disease, it is seen as a gay disease, even though more and more
heterosexuals are being affected".
One of the aims of the organisation, she said, "is to make people more aware of the fact that AIDS is something that could affect anyone".
The latest national figures show that by the end of the century the number of AIDS cases will rise to 18 million. In the same period, the number of adults and children infected with the HIV virus will triple or quadruple to between 30 and 40 million. Dr Michael Merson, Director of WHOs' global programme on AIDS, as reported in the Daily
"part of the problem is is getting men to overcome the idea that using a condom is for wimps"
Telegraph, said "We need to guard against complacency in Western Europe and North America. Heterosexual transmission is still rising and we simply don't know when it will peak" Will, a member of Act-up, sees, complacency aggravated by a lack of education as one of the main problems He feels that many of the national campaigns which aim to make people mindful of the
"students will blow a condom up in the bar, as opposed to using it to prevent themselves becoming victims of AIDS"
dangers of using shared needles,
having unprotected sex and so on, seem to convey 'doom and gloom' messages.
In his opinion campaigns simply highlightwhatyou shouldn't do. They don't concentrate on the positive aspects, on what you can do to prevent becoming infected with the HIV virus
While the safe sex campaigns bring the problems to people's
"Condoms are still seen as a n ui• sance, a passton killer, something condom manufacturers have tried to combat. "
attention, they only do so for a short while. He doesn't feel they have any significant long lasting effects on people's sexual behaviour.
One of the reasons that people seem to be slow in changing their sexual behaviour is the attitude, '1 won't get it' and the reluctance to use condoms. The student edition of the Independent reported that "students are still as likely to put a condom over their heads or blow it up in the bar, as
opposed to using it to prevent themselves becoming victims of AIDS".
As Will noted, part of the problem is getting men to overcome the idea that using a condom is for 'wimps' Condoms are still seen as a nuisance, a passion killer, something condom manufacturers have tried to combat.
Health Education Authority's' attempt to inform FOR
The national AIDS helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is free to call. The number is 0800 567123.
Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992 7
Freddie Mercury, the king of rock. who died of AIDS last year
concrete Wornen
What to do about SEXUAL HARASSMENT
Polly Graham asks: Are we any the wiser?
'By now, every member of staff and student will have a copy of 'What to do about Sexual Harassment". It is also to be included in the new students' welcome pack.
The leaflet is aimed at al!S,OOO students and 1,700 staff, both male and female.
The main body behind its publication is the Women's Affair Committee which was original! y set up to allow women staff, academic and administrative, and students to have a voice within the otherwise male dominated University.
The issue of sexual harassment was brought up three years ago by the committee. Chairperson, Dcidrie Sharp, said the leaflet set out to "look at ways of raising awareness and changing attitudes in the University, to produce guide-lines that cover the whole University".
The committee then began the long consultations with the Personnel Office, the Students' Union and the Dean of Students Office.
The rcsul t is a controversial documcnt that has raised a number of questions. Does the leaflet go far enough or will it promote false accusations and endanger careers? It also raises the question of whether sexual harassment is an issue at UEA.
It took three years to produce the leaflet. Dicrdre Sharp explained that the reason the document took so long was because of the problem of co-ordinating different groups working schedules and the
"For many years male lecturers saw the availability of their students as a prerogative of their jobs"
number of parties involved in the consultation.
"They had their particular points of view and emphasis that they wanted to see. It had to be a balance between different points of view".
In August 1990 a draft guide-line for Racial and Sexual Harassment for universities was drawn up by the 'Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' (CVCP).
This document is noticeably similar to UEA's effort. It would seem that very little has been changed or adapted
'What to do About Sexual Harassment' is UEA's first recognition that sexual harassment invariably exists in such a large institution. It wasn't until the CVCP's docun1cnt was produced that UEA began to realise that it had to recognise the touchy issue of sexual harassment.
Jason Ions (Communications Officer) was positi vc about the leaflet but went on to say, "From my knowledge of the Dean of Students and the Welfare Co-ordinator of the Students' Union, there isn't a problem at the moment with sexual harassment".
Others disagree; it is a part of everyday life. Female students arc often dismissed by male lecturers as being intellectually inferior, or just pretty girls.
Sexual harassment is not just blatant bum patting but comes in a number of less obvious forms. Carolina Ramazanogl u in an article on sexual harassment in the world of academia identifies the
lesser known forms of harassment as.
"Covering the cleavage-gazing, personal remarks, blue jokes and friendly squeezing, rubbing, pat-
"There isn't a problem at the moment with sexual harassment at UEA"
ting and propositioning which are regarded as acceptable everyday behaviour".
Many lecturers are married to past students. And there is the harsh expression 'an A for a lay'. This has led to the campaign for the anonymous marking of finals papers
Ross Ballaster, a lecturer in EAS said, "For many years male lecturers saw the sexual availability of their students as a prerogative of their jobs".
Dcidric Sharp emphasized that the leaflet was not only for female members of the university more likely to come in contact with sexual harassment, but for men who might be inadvertently doing the harassing.
Yet how many mer. actually bothered to read the leaflet? They sec it as purely a woman's problem, something they have to face alone.
l watched as a male student opened the en vel ope containing the leaflet
and immediately threw it away upon seeing the title. He obviously didn't sec it as his problem.
At the mere mention of sexual harassment many men begin to quake at the knees. They sudden! y feel that their masculinity is threatened. They have to watch their every move for fear of being accused of the dreaded crime.
Many have criticised the document for its strong final words: "Precise! y because sexual harassment is viewed as a serious matter, so too unjustified charges or complaints of such harassment are viewed cquall y serious! y".
This suggests that anyone complaining of sexual harassment will have to prove it. Instead of being "taken seriously" as the document emphasizes, the claimant will have to prove their word against anothcrs. This is the on going problem ofthenationallcgislation How do you know who is telling the truth?
Brian Thome, Director of the Student Counselling Service said of this statement, "From time to time, particularly in institutions, persons arc wrongly accused of sexual harassment because of some personal dislike. I'm glad that due notice of this is gi vcn in the leaflet". He does not sec the wording as being too strong.
Perhaps its main problem is that the leaflet is aimed at too many people, thus undermining its good points. Emma, an EAS student said, "It tries to fit far too much information for far too many people on an A4 sized leaflet."
PHOTO: Toby Leaver
A Week of Awareness Are women still second-class
on Monday, and consists of a number of talks, a debate, self-defence classes, a free showing of 'Thclma and Louise' and a 'women aware disco'. Richard Hewison of the NUS, organised this event because he recogn ized the need for a Women's Officer and Action Committee, such as the one that dissolved last year due to disputes and lack of interest.
Richard feels that a newly elected committee is needed "to ensure greater equal access and opportunities no t only within the union and
by G i ll Fe nw i ck education, but hopefully within society as well".
Issues that need to be tackled include safety on campus, no late lectures so that women do not have to return to their rooms alone after dark, improved creche facilities and an anonymous marking system
Lisa Hutchins was the Women's Officer 1988-89, she believes that "to make the women's committee strong. one must raise awareness within the Union".
Richard pointed out that presently, the hierarchy of the Student Union
consists of six men and one woman, thus the need for a Women's Officer to put forward a broader viewpoint.
Although, Janine Booth, NUS Women's Officer, was not able to attend the talk on Monday, she said that "there is a need for women students to get organised to stick up for women's rights"
Janine added that although there have been superficial advances for women, such as the pill and better jobs, "women are still very much second-class citizens".
Lisa believes that many people still
see women who speak out about their position as "doc-marti ned feminists", similar to the image seen in 'Viz' magazine.
This week hopes to dissolve such an image and help bring the atti tu de of UEA up to the Twentieth Century.
Dr Ros Ballaster and her colleague
Dr Diane Purkiss in EAS, are two of ou r lecturers who welcome the hopeful return of a women's action committee.
Dr Ballaster says "it is important fo r studen ts to have a voice". She has organised a series of context lectures, about women in Early Modern History and Literature, to show her support for female students and to raise general awareness that there is a problem with discrimination.
National Childcare action week is coming up in February, and the NUS Women Committee are also fighting for extensions of the 1967 Abortion act. Janine informed that 1 woman dies every 3 minutes from illegal abortion, which adds up to about 200,CXXJ a year!
own Women's Action Committee (W AC), elections a re on Tuesday.
The Women Aware Week' hopes to create an on-going campaign, which will be continued by UEA's Lisa 1/ut chins, ex Womens Officer
8 Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992
Simon Mann, who spent 20 years selling concrete, argues that it is an under-valued substance.
Who wants to play Twenty Questions? Is it Animal Vegetable or Mineral? No idea? Okay, here is a clue; its grey, dense, boring and we love to hate it. No it is not John Major; neither is it a Breakers burger.
Have you got it yet? Time for anotherclue;in Britain we consume, per capita, around half a ton of its main ingredient every year, and without it our civilisation would be
very different if not impossible (perhaps it might be a Breakers burger after all?).
Give up? Well since UEA is made almost exclusively of the stuff, its seemed a very appropriate name for our newspaper: 'Concrete'. Yes, now is the time to sit back and enjoy our fascinating guide to: 'All you ever wanted to know about concrete but couldn't be bothered to
Although we do love to revile this uninspiring material -hands up all those who have described our beloved 'alma mata' as a 'concrete carbuncle' - it has an honourable history stretching back to the Romans, who used it extensively in many of their greatest buildings, including the Colosseum in Rome; and not a lot of people know that!
Moreover, the realisation of how much concrete is used might make us pause before we joke about it. In Britain, just one city centre concrete plant might alone produce around 25,000 cubic metres (56,000 tonnes) of concrete every year.
So what exactly is concrete? Although much disliked by environmentalists for its visual impact it is never the less, by modern standards a very natural product.
It consists of coarse and fine aggregate, cement and water. The coarse aggregate is usually a crushed rock like limestone or flint, typically in 20mm lumps and the fine aggregate is sand or very finely crushed rock..
The most widely used form of cement is made from natural materials principally chalk (or limestone) and clay which are carefully blended and fired at 2500 degrees Celsius, then ground down to a fine powder.
When mixed with water the cement forms a powerful adhesive, which sticks the coarse and fine aggregate together to make CONCRETE!!
Perhaps the worst thing about concrete is its appearance; all those bland, grey areas which typify UEA, with no apparent attempt to make it look exciting.
Until the 1950s, concrete was usually disguised in some way, being faced with brick or stone. Only in more recent times have architects generally been willing to let concrete be seen, although it appears to be most people's opinion (certainly here at UEA) that it should be covered up again
It will no doubt be of comfort to concrete haters to know that, of the 1,200 cubic metres of concrete being
used in the 408 new residences currently under construction by the Sports Hall, only 140 cubic metres will be above ground level, and almost none of that will be visible.
Just don't forget that it is this essential, if unattractive, material which makes the new building possible at a reasonable construction cost; and consider where we might be if we didn't have concrete available.
The last word on the subject ought to be on a solidly academic note, considering this is, after all, a university newspaper.
Rumour has it that some worthy academic once calculated how many tonnes of concrete had been used in building UEA. If it is true, what mind boggling figure was arrived at?
As a special incentive, 'Concrete' will award an album of either Val Doonican's Greatest Hits, or The Collected Speeches of Geoffrey Howe to whoever comes up with the most accurate figure (in metric tonnes, of course!). In the meantime, Concrete rules, OK?
How do you think you would feel if your doctor described you as affected and stupid, cannon fodder, or less bright than a light bulb?
A recent study by UEA researcher David Sheemmings has revealed that Britain's GPs have been doing just that. His investigation has found patients' notes littered with patronising and abusive comments:
"I've seen the patient, I've seen his wife, I've seen his two kids and I've seen their pet rabbit, and in my opinion the most intelligent of the Jot was the rabbit" runs one particularly acid, and admittedly funny remark. Another doctor wrote: 'The patient is an affected and stupid woman. She is very demanding"
Surely this is not what the Hippocratic Oath is all about? What gives GPs the right to libel their patients in the knowledge that they were never likely to see their notes?
It would seem that parliament thought that this was unacceptable too, and in the new access to Health Records Act patients are now able to view their notes on request and even take legal action if they feel particularly aggrieved about the contents.
Is this a good thing? Surely we have a right to know if our GP is describing us as "not much good except as cannon fodder'', but on the other hand doctors' notes must necessarily form a comprehensive
record of our medical history, and if practitioners are living in fear of prosecution in case a particular phrase or word is wrongly interpreted, then clarity and accuracy will surely suffer.
Dr. Philip Roberts, chairman of the Norwich division of the British Medical Association, said doctors would have preferred to stick with a voluntary code of practice governing medical notes, the Medical Defence Committee having already advised doctors not to write anything "witty, derogatory or frankly offensive".
However, the problem doesn't stop with directly sarcastic comments. A friend was telling me recently that doctors in the Norwich area were prone to mark their patients" files with the letters 'NFN', standing for Normal For Norfolk'. How true this is I don't know, but it is certainly an interesting idea. Perhaps the new legislation will spark off a form of coded notation in medical circles, and doctors' notes will become littered with cryptic pictures of rabbits, short planks and so forth.
Most people would agree that derogatory comments in patients' notes are a petty and unnecessary form of ridicule for the amusement of doctors and their colleagues, but in a way, can they always be blamed? Doctors are only human too, and when you've got a waiting room full
of runny noses, screaming kids and pregnant women, it must be very hard to show a Jot of concern for someone who's telling you how when they turn their head thirty-seven degrees to the left, look up and hold their breath, they get a funny clicking sensation in their right ankle. When faced with blatant and persistent hypochondria, doctors may feel it is their duty to forewarn their colleagues of many hours of poten-
tially wasted surgery time. Again, how exactly this is done is a subjective question, but describing a patient as "totally self-indulgent, albeit within a soft, sugary package" showsanelementofsmugsuperiority; reducing patients to the brunt of poor-taste jokes and loathsome puns. This kind of behaviour must undermine the foundation of confidence people have in the medical profession. A sick or worried per-
son needs to see their GP as a beneign and helpful individual, both for their peace of mind and for the success of the Health Service as a whole. To know that one's well-being is reduced to a cruel and tasteless joke is a serious indictment of the profession, and one which has quite rightly given cause for general concern, however trivial and humorous it may at first seem.
Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992 9
Derek Peac o ck rep o rts
FOR A CITY often perceived as an outpost at the end of t he tram-tracks, it seems as if Norwich will finally be on the map when in April it hosts the nationally promoted music event, Norwich Sound City'92.
The event, organised by BBC Radio One, The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) , The Musicians Union and the Waterfront, promises to bring Norwich to national, even international attention by attracting some of the biggest names in pop music
Each night, a gig will be broad-
"It's quite a coup .. it says a great deal for a city.. when a national radio network gives it this kind of profile"
cast live from the Waterfront on Ma rk Goodier's Eve ning Sessio n, as Radio One w ill be in
re s idency for the whole weekthe first time that this has bee n done.
A different type of music will be show-cased on each occasion, from heavy rock through indie to dance and world music. Although rumours abound as to the names of the acts to appear, nothing can be confirmed until the end of the month, as the Waterfront and Radio One are still negotiating A dozen cities were looked at as prospective candidates in which to base the festival. Judy Layton, Publicity Officer a t Radio One, sa id that the e ntertainment infrastructure of No rwich as a w hole led to the ir choice, cou pled wi th a desire to g ive s maller cities a chance, rather than opting for those wi th a ready-made reputation, suc h as Manchester or G lasgow.
The suitabili ty of the Waterfront as the focal poin t for the e vent co nfirmed their decision.
Sou nd Ci ty '92 will, howeve r, ex tend to other venues througho ut No rwich. Cinema Ci ty w ill present a season o f music related films such as 'Spinal Tap', 'The Wall' a nd T he Ru tl e s '. Kingsley Canham, Theatre Con-
troller a t Cinema City, s aid he we lcomed the event: "It offers a n exciting opportunity to collaborate with other media forms, o rganisations and sponsors, both loc a lly and nationally."
A Concrete Arts
Special by Jody Thompson
Many o ther venues will also be nefit. Further plans include v arious se minars led by major names in the music business , as we ll as wo rkshops, celebrity ta lks and debates. Suitable p laces to hold s uch events a re current ly unde r co nsideration, bu t nothing has bee n fina lised,
"this is a unique collaboration and a very exciting project" as yet It is hop e d tha t many well-
known bands will also be featured at these venues, which will the Norwich Arts Centre, and various pubs, restaurants and clubs. In fact Radio One DJ, John Peel, said, "It will be practically impossible to move around the city without encountering music."
Whatever is eventually decided, it will be a fantastic opportunity for local bands, who will be offered support slots at the Waterfront, and therefore broadcast live on Radio One.
It is also possible that there will be a major album launch to co incide with the fes tival, which of course would usually happen in Lo ndon Is No rwich taking over as music ca pital of the U.K.?
John ny Beerling, controller of Rad io One, said ''This is a unique co llaboration a nd a ve ry ex citing project- if it is s uccessful it may become an annual eve nt."
John Pee l added, ''T he sca le of this has rarely been seen before Norwich will echo to the rhythms of Sound Ci ty '92 "
And Anne Louise W irgman, Director of the Waterfront, said the event, "will have a big impact on the region, enhanci ng
the national profile of its thriving music scene."
Greg Upchurch, the venue's musical director, also said h e was "delighted" that the Waterfront had been chosen as centre-stage for Sound City.
"the event promises to bring Norwich to national, even international attention by attracting some of the biggest names in pop music"
A nd he continued, "I believe the Waterfront is in a be tter position to promote the image of Norwich tha n anyo ne we can be the cutting edge of what's happening in East Anglia, even nationally."
Enthusiasm was, in fact, expressed by everybody conce rned. Cha rles Wilde, Arts Officer at Norwich City Coun-
For further details, and full listing of the bands that will be appearing, see the next issue of Concrete
10 Concrete, Wednesday, January 22 , 1992
and Stare have attained national success on the indie scene, with lesser knowns like The Passing
more Norwich bands to reach the public's awareness at a national level, and for local
"Sound City will provide a unique opportunity for even more Norwich bands to reach the publics awareness at a national level"
Clouds, Basti and the Honeybuzzards being namechecked regularly in the national music press.
Joy and Magic Johnson have
people to experience this sort of event on their doorstep, rather than having to travel miles. And as for the image and credibility of the Norwich scene?
"it will be practically impossible to move around the City without encountering music"-
John Peel, Radio One.
recently been playlisted on Radio One, as has the Shoot The Canary CD on the more mainstream side of things. Sound City will provide a unique opportunity for even
Well, in the words of Greg Upchurch, with the help of Sound City '92, "It's gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger "
ell said he was "thrilled" at the prospect of the festival, and continued, "It's quite a coup says a great deal for a city with a population of only 180,(XX) when
Monetary aspects aside, the image and reputation of Norwich itself will receive a considerable boost.
Geographically isolated, and
"The image and reputation of Norwich itself will receive a considerable boost"
a national radio network gives it this kind of profile "
Obviously, the Waterfront and the city in general will benefit materially from the influx of punters expected in April. Judy Layton at Radio One is quipping that Norwich's pubs should make substantial profits from BBC sound engineers.
long since perceived as a provincial backwater of carrotchewing bumpkins by those who have never visited, Norwich is rising to national prominence and gaining respect due to it's blossoming music scene, one of the reasons that it was chosen.
Bands such as Catherine Wheel
Wednesday, January 22, 1992 11
' •
PHOTO: lAra W.
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In October 1993 a three year long project to establish a playhouse in Norwich will be realised. The new St George's Street venue will providea home for a permanent professional repertory company, the first in Norwich for many years. The group will produce plays which compliment existing amateur theatre in the city, presently at the Waterfront and Norwich Arts Centre. After repeatedly requesting the city council to set up a professional theatre, Jane Forbes and Henry Burkemanagers of the Norwich Body shop -decided to establish their own fund
raising project to build the venue. And with ProfChris Bigsby, Dean of English and American Studies at UEA, chairing a board of eleven directors, they organised events to raise public awareness, as well as the £1.7 million target!
Already these events have included the unveiling of a plaque, at the theatre site, by playwright Arthur Miller. Other famous names connected with the venue include Prunella Scales and her husband, Timothy West, who are patrons of the playhouse, and actor Richard Briers. An auction of theatrical
memorabilia has also been held. But council officials say they will not yet commit themselves to the project. "They won't give funds until they can see evidence of its viability," saysJane Forbes. Despite this they are optimistic about raising the final £500,CXXJ. "Local businesses are showing keen interest in sponsorship," she said.
Although the refurbished Theatre Royal will reopen next year, Chris Bigsby emphasises that the Playhouse will not be in competition with it. "The Theatre Royal will accept large touring productions but the Playhouse will be integrated into the community, as both a social and cultural amenity. "We also intend students on drama courses at UEA to have hands-on technical and practical experience at the theatre."
Graduates from UEA writers' courses will occasionally be given the opportunity to sec their own plays in performance The directors are keen to use works by new writers and intend to commission various plays.
And although there will be spe-
Chris Bigsby (right) with Arthur Miller cialisation in twentieth century drama, they hope to have a variety of genres, 'seeking to challenge and to stimulate the public's tastes and expectations.' "We would like to have the Playhouse recognised as an educational centre by local people, who would not normally have the chance to work with professional artistcs," said jane Forbcs.
To do this the Playhouse will be open all day, with a theatre school for young people, and activities such as poetry readings and workshops,
encouraging visits by the public. It is this desire to make theatre accessible to all which means that tickets will be extremely cheap during weekdays. Concessions will begin at £2, making it cheaper than a visit to the cinema.
According to Chris Bigsby, this is the only playhouse likely to be built this decade and is therefore creating much excitement in the theatre world. With a provisiona l season already planned, the founders hope the PlaySophie Power and Jackie Mackay
With the announcement of Norwich Sound City '92, it seems as if every time you turn on the radio our fine city is mentionned.
Mark Goodier, who was at the Waterfront for the press launch of the musical extravaganza has not stopped talking about it since, even Simon Bates is in on the act. It's a very exciting prospect for Radio One, the Waterfront and the whole of the city, it will be one of the biggest music events of the year. Could the second biggest event be the explosion of the Norwich music scene?
Two years ago, this would have seemed quite preposterous,and any such suggestion would have been rebuked with "well..maybe back in the mid-Eighties The Farmers Boys The Higsons but now?!" and possibly large amounts of hysterical laughter.
But now, 1992 could indeed be the time that Norwich really happens, and it's no joke.
"Shoot The Canary",a compilation CD of some of the best local talent is already making waves to turn the tide in Norwich's favour, with two of the seventeen bands featured, Joy and Magic Johnson already making it onto the Radio One" A" playlist. Dawn Leader at Norwich's Steady
State Music studios, said that the idea for "Shoot The Canary'' was conceived last September. Many local bands had passed through the studio over the previous months, and Dawn realized that a considerable number of these artists should be brought to national attention.
The best method of doing this was to produce CD, the professional medium and one that was hard to ignore. The finished product reflects the range of musical styles that have developed in Norwich,such as reggae, folk, rock and indie. Joy, for example, are a poppy, punchy guitar based group with an emphasis on traditional songwriting skills, whereas Magic Johnson are more funky and keyboard based.
Dawn feels that Norwich has a "pretty special music scene" with a prevalent community spirit probably due to the relatively small population of the city. Though it is impossible to stylistically lump Norwich bands together in one ea tegory which would confirm a "scene" in the "Madchester" sense of the term, the interplay between bands cultivates which is quite amazing really for a city of this size.
The quality of the music on "Shoot The Canary" speaks volumes about
just how promising the Norwich scene is. The showcase gig at the Waterfront on Fri lOth Jan proved that live, the bands can still deliver the goods, with Smiley Crocodiles, Joy, Booomerang, 12th Century Drawing Machine and Magic Johnson all putting in solid, professional performances.
Yet again, a Waterfront gig consisting soley of local bands was sold out, and the national press were there to see for themselves, with representatives from Radio One and Five. As
Dawn. said the gig went "tremendously wouldn't have realized that they were local bands, they were so good."
"Shoot The Canary Volume 2" is being compiled at the moment, with it's release hopefully coinciding with the Sound City'92 week in April, Recording starts in February, and any bands that feel they are of a high enough quality can submit tapes to Steady State Music, Maude Gray Court, St Benedicts in Norwich.
nary'' is available in record shops throughout Norwich and East Anglia and will hopefully receive national distribution after the LP gained a position on the Radio One Playlist. Norwich's music scene is definitely something the nation will have to sit up and take notice of sooner or later, and the time is now. Whatsmore, it won't need any hype to help it on its way. Just listen
Jody Thompson
In the meantime, "Shoot The Ca..,.._
- - - -- -Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992 13 • en1n s . • • •
UEA, Lecture Theatres Oneffwo, 7pm
Admission £1.75 (6-7pm, UH foyer)
Thurs 23 : Terminator 2
Fri 24 : Naked Gun 2.5
Sun 26/Mon 27 : Alien Nation, Mad
Max2 Thurs 30 : Thelma and Loulse
Fri 31 : Backdraft
Sun 2/Mon 3: Doe Hollywood
CANNON· Tel623312
Screen 1 : Frankie and johnny (15) at 2 30, 5.15 & 8pm
Screen 2 : Hot Shots (12) at 1 30, 3.35, 5.45&8 30
Screen 3 : Billy Bath gate (15) at 3.30 & 8.30
Also Curly Sue (PG) at 1.30 & 6pm Screen 4 : People Under The Stairs (18) at 4 00 & 8 30
Also Point Break (15) at 1.30 & 6 .15
From Fri Jan 24 : JFK (15).
Sun Feb 2 : Schwarzenegger Double Bill • Kindergarten Cop & Twins
ODEON • Tel 0426 932450
Adm 0.501£2.50 stdta until 6pm weekday•
Screen 1: Freddie's Dead (18ht 1.15, 3.05, 6.00 &: Bpm
Screen 2 : Addams Family (PG) at 1.30, 3.35, 5.40 &: 7 45
Screen 3 : Bill &: Ted's Bogus journey (15) at 2.05, 4.05, 5.55 & 7 50
From Fri De<: 24 : Blame It On The Bellboy (12).
CINEMA CITY- Tel622047
Adm £2.50 stdts, £3.30 Fri late
Until Sat 25 : Prospero's Books (15) at 5.45 with Thur mat. at 2.30
Also Proof(15) at8.15, with Tuesmat. at 2.30
Fri 24
In Bed With Madonna (18) at llpm
Sat 1 : Star Wars (PG) at 10.30 am
Sun 2 : Hiroshima, Mon Armour {18)
Also Hamlet (U) at 7.30
Mon 3: The Bridge (15) at 5.45, 8.15
NOVERRE- Tel630128
Ad m £2.20 M on, £3 Tues-Sat
Until Sat 25 : Stepping Out (PG) at 5.45 & 8.15, with Weds/Sat mat. at 2 30
Mon 27-Sat Feb 1: Dead Again {15)at 5.45 & 8.15, with Weds/Sat mat at 2.30
While every effort is made to
J 0 HNNY (15) 111 mins
This is a someti m es sad, but a mostly touching a nd amusing comedy se t in New Yorks' Apollo Cafe.
Here, Frankie (Michelle Pfeiffer) is an efficient but disillusioned waitress, relentlessly pursued by a n equally disillusioned b ut mu ch more positive, s hort order cook called Johnny (AI Pacino).
The cafe is something o f a microcosm of life in New York, with writer, Terence McNally, and director, Gary Marshall, providing a s tamping ground for ordinary fol ks, weighed down (but not too heavily), by their emotional baggage; a nd occasiona lly uplifted by their aspi rations. T he scenario has something of the flavour of a Hollywood musical, but it wo rks we ll as a comedy.
Fran kie has had her finge rs burnt in one r elationship too many and
takes refuge in her apartment, seeking comfort from a video and takeaway pizza. Johnn y is touched by her quiet sadness and sets about so me emergency repairs o n her selfes teem.
Predictably, his o vertures are not welcome, but he is tenacious in his pursuit which is powered by a genuine concern. Indeed Johnny' s progress can be measur e d by the improvement in Frank ie' sappearance, which becomes increasingly flattering.
Comedy is often concerned with the turning of everyday pain a nd embarrass ment into humour. Frankie and johnny develops largely along these lines. Some of the best comic moments a re made up of little asides and gags w hich occasionally pop up in the bac kground and are an affec-
COMPETITION · 3 denim shirts and 3 film mugs to be won
To coincide wit h the release of Frankic and Johnny we have teamed up with the Cannon cinema and United International Pictures for a competition Frankie and Johnny is also the name of a famous so ng, a nd be low a rc a further 10 song titles, 6 of which a re names of well-known movies.
Simply pick thecorrect6,and write down the corresponding numbers (1- 10), together with your name, school, and year. Then put your answer under the door of the Concrete office (Room 2.29 in the EAS building) before Friday, week 3.
The first correct answer drawn after the closing date will win a denim shirt and film mug, with the next two each winning a denim shirt. A
mug wi ll go to each of the las t 2 entrants drawn.
The ten songs are:
(1) S tand By Me
(2) Sea o f Love
(3) Unc hained Melody
(4) The Way We Were
(5) Power of Love
(6) Take My Breath Away
(7) Live a nd Let Die
(8) La Bamba
(9) Eye of the Tiger
(10) New York, New York
Winners will be notified via pigeon holes. Please note only one entry 1s permitted per person , and that the editor's decision is final.
UEA Fil ms Preview NAKED GUN 2.5 The Smell Of Fear
Naked Gun 2.5 is the latest offering from the two Zucker brothers responsible for the Airplane films and the Police Squad series. There is no problem if you missed the first Naked Gun as the sequel is vir tually plotless, and anything co ming dange rou sly close to resembling a re levant s tory line- le t alone a co ntinuation from t he first film - is quickly dis missed
The film is like o ne long Red Rock cider commercial in s tyle and is therefore very funny, but a lso very
Again Leslie Nielsen is Lt Drebin and Priscilla Presley plays his flame, both trying to halt an anti-green plot, as evil solid fuel manufacturers attempt to stop the President from becoming environmentally-friendly.
Ultimately you have to be in the right mood to a ppreciate the film. I was not a nd unfortunately found i t lazy a nd m uch less entertaining than either t he first Na ked Gu n o r the A irplane films.
Emma Irvine-Robertson
tionate wi nk in the di rection o f the Chelsea district of Manhattan.
T he moral of the s tory is th a t se lfs ufficiency is not necessarily everything it is cracked up to be, and i f you r is begging fo r mercy, do no t be suspicious of so meone w ho thinks a litt le mo re of you.
Paci no de livers an earnes t and sympathetic por trayal of the likeable Johnny, although his celery
c hopping will probably be remembe red lo nger than his dancing. Pfeiffer continues to add to her range of performances, and the role offers g ood scope fo r e motional turbulence. T he s upporting playe rs a re also goo d, a nd include Hector Elizondo (the hotel manager in P retty Woman) a nd De Dee Pfeiffer (Michelle's s ister) playing Fra nkie 's co usin
T ony Sweenel(
Film Preview - JFK
Olive r Stone, it seems thrives on tac kling the larges t of American themes.
Often inspired by his own 60's experience, he has courted con troversy with films such as Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July, Wall St reet and T he Doors.
In h is lates t, Stone takes on what he has called "the seminal event of my generation" - the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
'J .F.K.' is a fictionalized accoun t of the investigation into the assassi nation in the late 60's by Jim Garrison, a New Orleans District Attorney (Kevin Costner) who relentlessly pursues the truth.
The film develops into a crusade for justice against the hidden powers that surface as valuable witnesses 'commit suicide'.
Garrison's fami ly is threatened, his name slandered, his office bugged, a nd he is betrayed by a trusted co llea gue.
Stone uses the Garrison investigation as a metapho r for various consp iracy theo ries. By the co nclusion, e le ments from the Mafia, t he C.I.A., the F.B.l. a nd the Dallas Police Depa rtment are all implicated. Although well p resented , much of the materia l should be trea ted wit h scepticism Fic tion and rea lity a rc continually blurred.
However, 'J .F.K.' provides enough information to cast doubt on the official version of events.
lF.K.' is a compe lling drama w hich keeps you on the edge of your seat. Definitely worth seeing, but know the facts before you go.
Kzeron O'C rady
A mass influx of immigrants swarms into the States. Once there, they try to achieve the American Dream with houses in the suburbs, cars and jobs, but they are subjected to brutal discrimination. Is this New York in the '20 s with Europeans? No , it's Los Angeles 1997, and the immigrants come from outer space. The Newcomers settle quickly into life in the big city. Some even join the police force, and this is where the fun begins.
Jamcs Caan is Ma tt Sykes, a typical ha rdened cop wi th a ha tred for New comers, especially after his partner is killed by a group of them toting a utomatic weapons. Mandy Patinkin (under six inches of makeup)
is the first Newcomer detec tive o n the force, who becomes Sykes' new par tner. Toge ther t hey d iscover that what looks like a simple grocery store robbing is tied into a deepe r plot within the Newcomer community
There are a lot of cop movie cliches he re, but the script is excellent. There's a lot of laughs as Sykes struggles with Newcomer language and biology, a nd a lmo st as many surprises. If yo u're i nterested in a n a llegorical inves tigation of racism, o r just a good science-fic tion pic ture, ALI EN N ATION is highly recommended. Lara. W.
: Apocalypse No w {18) at 11 pm Sat 25 : Rock-A-Doodle (U) at 2.30 Sun 26 : Laur a ( PG) a t 5pm Also Rosencrantz and Guildenst em are Dead (PG) at 7.30 Mon 27-Sat Feb 1 :Poison (1 8) ManWed at 8.30, Thurs-Sat 6.1 5, with Tues mat. at 2.30 AlsoEdward 11 (18)Mon-Wedat6.15, Thur-Sat at 8.30, with Thursmat. 2.30
31 :
the accuracy of these listings, you are advised to teleplwne the venue to check before you leave!
EMF return to UEA
A look ahead at gigs this year
EMF will play at UEA on May 1, Concrete can confirm today.
The Forest of Dean band, currently enjoying massive success in Am er-
Latest Releases..
PRIMAL SCREAM "Dixie Narco EP" (Creation)
Release date: 27th Jan
Recorded in Memphis, Tennessee, the Scream just get more rawk'n' roll with every release Bobby Gillespie still can't sing very well, but what do you expect after taking so many drugs?
"Movin' on up", the lead track is truly wonderful, from the piano and the bongos at the beginning, the rock guitar solo in the middle and the inspirational soul mamma gospel choir all the way through And our Bobby can sure shake a mean tambourine. Joyful. Go and buy, and make your existence that little bit more happy.
(Other tracks: "Stone my Soul" on 12"and CD, "Carry me Home" and "Screamadelica")
REVENGE "Gun World Pom" (Factory)
Release date: 20th Jan
The one with the beard out of New Order (Peter Hook) has another offering for our delight. The lead track ''Deadbeat" sounds like a cross between a not very good New Order album track and U2, and even a remix by ol' blue eyes himself Gary Clail has failed to make it interesting.
"Ooud Nine'' has sampled Ricky Lane from the excellent film "Hairspray" saying "I don't know about you, but I feel like dam::ing". Needless to say, I didn't. How dare Peter Hook use such a star on such a no-hope project
ica, are returning to the LCR less than a yearafterthey last played at UEA
Speaking about the group -whose
UK hits include 'Unbelievable' and 'I Believe'- UEA's Entertainment's Assistant, Gavin Hudson, said their success was evident from the fact that "all the tickets sold out in advance last year "
But EMF are not the only major band who will play at the University this year.
Last Sunday saw Ziggy Marley performing in the LCR, and already scheduled for later this term is the indie band 'Inspiral Carpets', who will be supported by two groups, including 'Airhead'. 'Lush' and the 'Sugarcubes' are also coming to UEA And 'Ride', who sold out their first British tour,
will play on March 2
A number of free gigs will be held in 'The Hive', following the success of various shows there last term. In Week 8 for example, Norwich Rhythm and Blues '40 Jones and the Trolley Men', will perform free in 'The Hive' after 'Southside Johnny' have played in the LCR.
What with all this, and Sound City '92 not far away, the Norwich music scene looks better than ever
By Peter Hart
Sat 25 : Ught My Fire • The Doors Show (£4, cones. £3) at Spm
Fri 31 :Bob Kerr &r; His Whoopee Band (£6, cones. £4) at 8pm
Mon 20 : The Gainsborough Quartet (£6, stds. £4) at 7.30, Music Centre
Mon 3 : Tradewinds Clarinet Quartet (£6, stds. £4) at 7.30,
Jody Thompson looks at the latest from Primal Scream, Mega City Four, Revenge Teenage Fan Club and Silverfish
like this?!
Not new, not interesting, for die-hard New Order fans only.
Better than Revenge's previous stuff, but that's not much of a recommendation. Ho hum.
MEGA CITY FOUR "Stop"EP (Big Life)
Release date: 27th ]an
Typical Megas offering, no surprises here but still good solid popguitarorientatedsongs. The title track of this four track EP, "Stop", has the usual tuneful and melodic base, with a catchy chorus that reminds me of a Green Cross Code advert.
Second track, "Desert Song" is a bit more jangly, other tracks include "Back To Zero" which is fine, as is "Overlap" which sees the band changing down a gear or so.
A note on the back of the sleeve says that "Mega City Four support the Stop The Madness campaigns against the use of hard drugs". Thanks for telling us lads, I'm sure we'll all buy your record now
TEENAGE FANCLUB ''What you do to me" (Creation)
Release date: 27th Jan
What is it about the Fannies then? Will someone please explain? Don't get me wrong, I do like them, "Star Sign" was quite brill, the album "Bandwagonesque" is perfectly respectable, and they're entertaining live. But
why do they inspire such passion in so many people?
They're a little too much like Status Quo for comfort sometimes, and "What you do to me" is one of those occasions, you know chug-chugga-chug guitar, etc, etc.
It's very nice, but surely there should be more to music than niceness? Shouldn't there?
Maybe I'm on my own in this one, but it just doesn't affect me enough, it doesn't get you in the guts or the hair on the back of your neck.
If they did a cover of "Rockin' all over the world" you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the Fannies and the Quo, I swear. No teen spirit hear I'm afraid, it's just erm,nice.
SILVERFISH "Silverfish With Scrambled Egg"EP (Creation)
Release date: 20th Jan
Silverfish are an ambiguous band. For a start, lots of people think lead singer Lesley is a man (so I'm told but I really can't imagine why). It's not a great shock then that in the lead track
Carlos Bonell Recital
Norwich Arts Centre Jan 16 1992
Last Thursday while y'all were enjoying the splendour of this term's first LCR, Carlos Bonell came to Norwich to do his "Poetry of the Guitar" thang, in front of a capacity Arts Centre crowd
The Grammy-nominated classical guitarist impressed with his own impeccable arrangements of works by Bach, Purcell and Britten amongst others.
Beginning the concert with a light folky tune by seventeenth century composer, DeVisee, it was a laugh just to watch Carlos pull facial grimaces as he concentrated on this 'harpsichordic' piece.
The highlight of the concert was undoubtedly the last piece of the first half of the performance, when
Bonell played Ginastera's Sonata Op.47, a piece incorporating four distinct movements.
The first included lush chords and fragments of Argentinian folk music. The scherzo (second section) was filled with manic strumming and ingenious harmonics, recalling the experimental mayhem of groups like Sonic Youth
The third -'love poem' - part was lyrical in the extreme, whilst the finale incorporated elements of South American Gaucho-style guitar playing, and at times seemed almost 'peyote' fuelled.
It was a night of outstanding music Who can ask for more?!
Martin Highmore
"Crazy" they produce a love song that beats you about the head. Wow.
Awesome riffs and rhythms throughout, and an amazing vocal that is pure power. You wouldn't want to mess with Lesley. This is four tracks of sonic terrorism, Silverfish give you the finest aggression, fresh energy and sheer noisy nastiness served with a nice big grin.
Perfect satisfaction for breakfast, lunch. tea, and any time inbetween Yummy.
FriJan24:0ubHubbub(£t.b.c) at 7.30
Carlos Bonell
Un ti l Feb 1 : Cad b u ry Hill
Fort an d 3605/1732, photo e xh ib iti on T hur s
23 : Zumpa & Lallero, m im e (£6, cones. £4) at 8pm
Fri 24 : Compagnia Drammatico Vegetale, mime {£6, cones £4) at 8pm
Until Mar 29: Toy Box, exh ibition
Tues 4 : The Mistress and Annie Wobbler (£4, cones £3 ) at8pm
WAT ER FRONT - Tel63 271 7
Tues 21 - Wed s 22 : 12 O 'C lock
Dead line (£3, cones £2) at 7.30
Fri 24-Sat Fe b 1 : Cat O
Hot Tin Roof at 7 30 w it h Feb
y Whit eh o u se sh o w
Th e N o rw ich s how w as improvised an d scri pt s w e r e use d occasio n a ll y, m a k in g i t a n inf or m a l p rod uc ti o n w h e r e nei th e r a u die n ce no r pe r forme r s k new qui te w h a t was g oin g to happ e n n ex t
Most of th e s k e tch es w e r e we ll receiv e d a nd ar e likel y to be incl ud e d in th e n e w ser ies, but their part ic ular brand of h umour so me -
Interview: Bob Kingdom is Dylan Thomas
Au s tralia
Th e N ew Yor k Daily N ews w r o t e, " Kingd o m n e ith e r p arodies n o r p atroni zes T h o m as' wor k; he i s a co nduit thr o u g h wh ic h th e p oe t passes ba ck int o life "
I a s k ed h im, th e r efore, h ow h e man aged th is ph ys ical transfo r mation.
" I w e ar a w ig and r ea ll y th a t 's a lii nee d ", but he ad d ed, " t o me th e w h ole poi n t of an y ac tin g pe rfo r mance is being somebody else And you have a ki n d of madne s s r eally "
H aving been brought up i n Wale s and w ith th e leg e nd and word s of Thoma s in hi s he a d , Bo b felt that one of the thing s he would like to do in life wa s a s uccess ful show about Dylan
T h omas
Bo b says th at through hi s pe r fo r mance: " I am able to communicate m y en thu siasm fo r someone i t is wonderful to be able to share an ent hu s ias m "
Thomas' wry sense of humo ur ca n be seen th r oughout the play. It i s "both funny and moving", as Au stralia's Go ld Coast Bu ll etin p ut it. ' Return Jo u rney' is b a se d o n the works of T h omas bu t has ad d itional material by Kingdom The end resu lt is a fl u id cha r ac te r isa ti o n of Thomas in all h is glory, as Ki ngdom sli p s easi ly fr o m narr a ti ve into lamenting poems or comic s to r ies of hi s c h ildhoo d
T h is pr od u c tio n was direc te d by Ant h ony H o p ki n s, of 'Silence of th e Lambs' fame Bo b to ld m e, "i t' s no t such a b ig d eal h e's a fr ie nd o f mine" and h e offered an o bj ec t ive "third eye"
About H opkin's d irecto r s hip , Bob sai d , " We both feel s imilarly about Thoma s, so it was ju s t pu ll i n g toge th e r o ur re so urc es".
From orwi c h , Bob Kingdom is co ntinuing hi s tour ar o und Britain and then is off to Is rael. Wh e n a s ked how long he would carry on, he answered, I will do it a s long as p eo pl e want it " a n d then adde d , "''ll let the future take care of itself'.
Fo r th ose of you who misse d Fr id a y night 's performance, fea r not, Bob Kingdo m alias Dylan Thomas i s returning in early May -look out for
T h e pl ay is really a monologue of T h omas, d isc u ss i ng h is c hildh oo d , and speaking of h is inf r equent return journey s to Swansea, which he left at the age of seventeen him, it is a performance no t to be B ob Kin gdom (ri ght ) with D:rector An tho ny ll opk in s mi ss ed .G ill Fen wic k
Book Review
By Mic h ael Cr ich ton
tim es offe nd e d Jok es a b o ut Te rr y Waite and th e o th e r ho s tag es releas ed fr o m th e M iddl e Eas t w e r e ab o ut a n a ll t oo sensitive sub ject fo r th e a udi e n ce t o la u g h Ro b and Dav e d e fe nd th e ir choice of s ub ject matt e r h o we ve r, b e li eving th at we s hou ld b e a bl e to la u g h at a ny s ituati o n as a w ay o f a cce pting tho s e thing s that fright e n a ll of u s, fr o m ca nc e r to w a r
Although oft e n d e fin e d a s a lt e rn ativ e com e dian s, th e p ai r fee l th e ir comed y ha s br oa d e r h o ri zo n s. Dav e f-:?es alt e rnati ve hum o ur as " th a t idi c uling and o pp os ing th e c urr e nt political sys te m ; le ft w in g co m ics su c h a s Be n E lto n ."
Both Rob and Dav e ju s t w a nt to b e a b le to tal k a b o u t an yt h ing the y fi n d funny. Th ey model th e m sel v es on th e "f u nny b o n ed " Eric M orecambe a n d th e M o nt y P y th o n t ea m Ro b said " I a lso a d mire Woo d y A lien , b ut u n like him I d on' t b elieve th a t a go od co m edi a n is n ecessarily a great thin ke r ." Th e M a ry Whit e h o u se tea m h ave not reach ed th e comic p ea k of th ei r hero e s, r e lying h e avily on their s tu -
de nt a u d ie n ce t o appr ec iate jo k es abou t 'c r a p ' n ig htclu b s and taki n g Ecs tasy. W e h a d a p pr oac h e d th e int e r v iew wit h tr e pida t ion a ft e r ex p e r ie n ci ng th ei r s harp w i t th a t n o m e mbe r of th e a udi e n ce c o uld es cape Th e y w e r e a l so v e ry se n si t ive to c riti ci s m , e ve n a skin g on e journali s t from a ' tr e nd y a rt s m agaz in e' to leave th e fron t r ow because she m a d e th e m fee ! so se lf-co n sc ious.
Off -stage, h o w ever, they really a p p r eciat ed ind iv id u a ls . Dave Baddicl was re laxed, cool and wi tt y, in m a rk ed co n tras t t o h i s amiabl e bu t nervous p artne r, Rob, w h o t o ld us of hi s sexual r e pr essio n a nd lac k of friends.
Alt h oug h th ey do not see th ei r p r ofessio n al relations h ip as p er m anent , the pair "who stand for eve r ythi n g M a r y W h i te h o u se doesn ' t " would seem to have a promising fu ture toge ther, howeve r long i t may last.
]acq ui Mackay and S o phi e Po w er
In an earlier novel , Michael Critchton bega n with a doom laden pro n o u ncement of Karl Jasper's , that " the beg in nin g of mode rn sc ie n ce is a lso the beginning of calami t y." H is latest boo k Jur assic P a rk co ntem p late s a simi la r pr e m ise, a n d app li es to t he Bio -ge n e ti cs indu s tr y. H e eve n sugges t s th ro u g h out th e story tha t the g enetic thr ea t is, alth o u g h ap p ea r ing b e nign at fir st glance, lia b le to o v e r s h a d ow the des tru ctiv e powe r of the atomic bomb. Crich ton u ti lises ma n y of th e m os t rece nt a dvances in th e sci e ntific wo rld , and rathe r h elpfully 1ay m anises' th e r es p e ct ive ja r go n to a compl e te ly r eadab le level, even whe n h e is u sing high-de n sity scientific data such as comp ut e r printouts, cha rt s, and formulae.
In th is n ove l h e p o rtr ays a c h ao t ic world of technology - someti m es tu rned cr azy -a nd , m o r e o ft e n , app r opriated by bo th ig n o r a nt medd le r s a nd m a dm e n Jurassic Pa r k ru ns a lo n g s i mila r lines to th e a u th o r ' s cl assic nove l and film Westwo r ld (1975), in which an au tomated en te rt ai n ment cent re turns against its human c r eators and gue s ts, with dire consequences.
In this work the se t ting is an ent e rtainment centre crammed full of fl eshr ipping, blood-c r a z ed dinosaurs, r ecreated via genetic scie n ce b y the ca p itali s ti c ln Ge n corpor a ti o n A sce nari o whi ch, I think you will agree,
sounds very dodgy
The possibility of total d isaste r i s p r evented no t by the careful applica tio n of scie n tific k n o w-h o w , b u t because of a charac te r is t ic ally Cri cht o ne sq u e piece o f unt ec hn ica l, h u m a n r eserve
T ak ing thi s i nt o acco unt , C ri cht o n 's b ook is s till a n unpr e te n tio u s, live ly a nd eng a ging vo lum e, m os t d e finit e l y a mu s t of pal e onto log y o bsessed p e r so n s of a ll per s ua s ion s Martin High m ore
Win .Jurassic Park!
We h ave a fr ee co p y o f Cr ic hton 's n ew novel to g i ve away co ur tesy o f Wa te r sto n e's boo k s h o p , o n th e UEA ca m pus
Simply w r it e d own the a n swer to th e ques tion b e lo w , toge th er w it h your name, sc h oo l, a nd yea r, a nd pu t it u n de r the doo r of the Concre te off ice (Room 2 29 in the EA S buildin g) befo r e Fr id ay, w ee k 3 The firs t correct entry d r awn after thi s da te wi ll wi n th e n ovel.
Question: Steven Spielbe r g is se t to make a film ba s ed on the novel , Jurassic Park. What is the name of theSpielbergmovie to be released in April starring (amongst others) Robin W ill ia m s?
16 Concrete , Wednesday, J anuary 22 , 1992
n A
Bo b Kingdom has been tou r in g the w o rld wit h his perfo rm a n ce of Dyla n T h omas : Re turn Jo u rney' si n ce 1985 Small wond e r th e n , th a t h e r eceive d such excel len t revie w s in both Am erica and
1 mat. at 2.30
The Mary Whitehouse Experience Norwich Arts C e ntre, 10-12 December 1991 Ro b N e wm a n a nd Dave Ba ddi e l, o n e h a lf of Th e Mary Whit e h o u se Exp e r ienc e, la s t month ch ose th e N o rwich Art s Centr e a s th e ve n ue to tr y out n e w m a te ri al fo r th ei r second te le v is ion series. Norwi ch s ee m e d a s uitable pl ace fo r th e m to exp e rim e n t, beca u se "We d on' t give a toss what peopl e in N o r wic h thi nk!" a s they so a p tly put i t. Th e two Cambridge gra duates h a v e risen through t h e corn p e titiv e r a nk s o f th e Norwich s tand-up comedy circ ui t to national reco g nit io n o n both radio a n d televi s ion Rob Newman r e call s hearing of Dave's success and decided he was not going to"l e t thatbas tard h av e all th e lim elight" and so joined him in h e lping to fo rm th e M a r
Polly Graham tracked down the elusive Malcolm Brad bury and found that he was really quite a nice bloke.
Interviewing Malcolm Bradbury is not easy, because first you have to find him. In the general office of EAS I was told that he was wandering around the building.
I had to admit to them that although I had read a number of his books and seen various TV programmes that sported his name I didn't know what he looked like.
The women in the office laughed knowingly at the aged old joke of the elusive Malcolm Brad bury rarely seen at UEA let alone EAS. I eventually found him in his office, and was surprised to see that it did in fact look lived in with paper and books scattered around the room.
When I confronted him with the suggestion that he didn't spend much time at UEA, he laughingly said that "the famous graffiti was probably written by my wife in the library loo as a complaint. I teach here one term a year and write for the rest of the year "
Bradbury is the ultimate academic success He writes novels, Critical studies and the sequel to ''The Gravy Train" is currently on Channel Four. The secret of his success is "by having heavy office hours. I get up in the morning, go to the type writer and work for about ten to twelve hours a day."
He could also be termed a media personality, often interviewed by
glossy Sunday magazines. More recently I heard his voice on Radio Four, being interviewed about the opening of the newly reconstructed Liverpool Street Station You know you're famous when Radio Four interview you merely because you often use a particular train station!
He suggested that the new station might be inspiration for one of his MA students novels.
The two hour journey from London's Liverpool Street is one he must know well. The academic and media personality has to split himself between London and Norwich to lead his dual career.
I admit I expected him to have more of the air of a media personality rather than the tweed jacketed academic. He was older and less intimidating than I expected wearing a pair of comfortable hush puppies He had an endearing lisp and enthusiastically talked of his infamous creative writing group.
"I see this wonderful group of writers, all of whom are working on's a very exciting situation. It thrills me to see all these books starting and developing. I'm working with the thing I love best which is literature as it grows. So it's a perfect relationship and also the contact with the next generation, which is one of the great things about
a University "
It is clear that he has not 'sold out' by attempting to conquer the popular media market, he has merely adapted to the changing role of the academic.
"I think the point is that the University has a role in public culture, in the culture of the country. It is very important that the University safe guards what I think of as literary-ness or standard. We stand aside and we're able to intervene and that's always been an important role for me. That's why I was on the Booker Management Committee and have always kept one foot in the University, so that I'm not solely subject to the commercial pressures and the cultural pressures that you would have if you were full time in those things; publishing, TV or whatever." Things have definitely changed since the radical sixties setting of his novel based on the University "The History Man".
Once renouned for its political activity UEA now has problems holding quorate UGM's, let alone organising the historical sit-ins in the registry that it used to boast. It seems that even Malcolm Bradbury's radical days have passed.
"The down side of a political era, in particular the sixties, was that an awful lot of work wasn't done. The University suddenly became a holi-
day camp for radicals. It was aperiod of great utopian dreams and expectations and a lot of those dreams were hirby some very hard realities, so it's not surprising that big political moment exploded and died."
The interview was brought to a stand still by the fact that he had to go and give his lecture in the EAS Modernism series entitled "Stages of Modernism". I asked him whether he was nervous, he modestly an-
swered "Well I've done a couple of books on Modernism so I'm talking about what I know".
With that he was whisked away to an embarrassingly empty lecture room where he said ''We'll just wait five more minutes for some others to arrive" and I squirmed when five minutes later he began with an audience of a measly twenty, not exactly any way near the realms of the Radio Four listenership.
Peter Hart rubbed shoulders in Southampton withPaul Robinson from Neighbours during his panto season playing Aladdin.
When I entered Stefan Dennis' dressing room, I did not expect to be confronted by someone dressed solely in white cycling shorts. He apologised for this, but he had just returned from a run and was getting ready for his starring role in Aladdin.
But although due on stage in ten minutes, he was- in true Paul Robinson style- quite relaxed. Asked whether he has become tired of playing the hard-nosed tycoonwhom he describes as "a bit of a prick" -he says: "I'm not tired of being Paul but the actor in me would certainly like to be doing something else."
I suggest a return to his musical career, which was inevitably judged as an attempt to cash in on the success of Kylie, Jason, and Craig McLachlan
However, perhaps embarrassed by his somewhat unsuccessful attempt at chart stardom he skirts around the subject, replying, "I'm an actor, I'd like to do anything that's work."
But does he agree with the argument against allowing celebrities to appear in pantomime?
Stefan replies that there are certainly two sides to the controversy, but adds "If a personality can save
"lan Botham's a cricketer for God sake, but he's putting bums on seats in Bournemouth"
theatre by drawing an audience, then they should be included.
"lan Botham's a cricketer for goodness sake, but he's putting bums on seats in Bournemouth and bloody good on him! If such acelebrity hadn't done it, that could have put one hundred people out of work."
At this point a woman announces
the beginners call for another star of the pantomime, Michael Elphick. The interruption gives the soap star time to put on white trousers and a suitably oriental top, for his on-stage appearance in (what is now) less than 5 minutes time
Since the 1:30pm showing of 'Neighbours' fills the Bill Wilson room at UEA (and at Kerry's death it was packed!) I quick! y ask Stefan whether he can reveal anything about future editions of the soap
"There's a really big storylinc coming up involving my character and Christina," he says, talking about his on-screen and real-life girlfriend, Gillian Blakeney, a portrait of whom rests on the dressing-table.
But he adds "I'm not going to tell you about that "
Although I still have plenty to ask, I decide it is best to leave before the curtain rises.
Stefan shakes my hand and after a "Good on you mate" I make my exit.
Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992 17 concrete nterview
Malcolm Bradbury (left) with Arthur Millar
Stephen Howard Editor
Polly Graham
Arts Editor
Peter Hart
Sports Editor
Keeley Smith
Sub Editor
Gill Fenwick
John Barton
Tony Sweeney
Lisa Bushrod
Jane Wrangham
Emma IrvineRobertson
Dawn Waiter
Simon Mann
Faith Collier
Daniel J Owen
Anna Worthington
Derek Peacock
Sophie Power
Jackie Mackay
Jody Thompson
Toby Auber
Jane Drak e
Mark Dowding
Linda McDevi tt
Kieron O'Grady
Lara W
Son B Hoang
Toby Leaver
Martin Highmore
Ed Meikle
John Ranger
Louise Wilson
David Moore
Shaun Harley
Katharine Mahoney
Thanks to-
Prof Chris Bigsby
Steve Sadd
Clive Ashby
eil Barnden
Thuy La
Benders Keegan Livewire
Concrete is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed arc those of the contributer, an not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor
(C) 1992
Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich.
fi you have anything that you feel strongly about, whether it is the content of CONCRETE, or something about the University which really gets you going, write to: The Editor, CONCRETE, EAS or bring it to Room 2.29, EAS .. If there is anything you think we should be writing about, drop us a note, or call us on Norwich 592799 (internal number 2799)
How many students support this Union's membership of NUS? How many have even realised that they help pay for what must rank as one of the most spectacularly unsuccessful organisations in the country?
It is difficult to think of a single NUS campaign which has met with one iota of success. Over the last few years we have seen the phasing out of travel allowance, the reduction, in real terms, of the grant, the loss of housing benefit, the lo ss of income s upport and above all the introduction of loans
The Union has opposed all these measures, and all of them have happened.
NUS has a budget running into millions, takes subscriptions and affiliation fees from all of us, yet it appears unable to properly represent the views of its members. Indeed, the only real benefit appears to be a purchasing consor-
tium which allows us to buy drinks cheaply.
NUS has continually given its support to lunatic or lost causes, which means that when it does have something to say that concerns students, no one takes the slightest bit of notice.
It is now accepted that the views of the NUS do not reflect those of the students.
It's time that we stopped throwing huge amounts of money into the NUS and getting nothing in return. There are countless better ways of spending the annual affiliation fee- will the sabbaticals have the guts to stand up and admit this?
U.N. Weno SYS2
Students too loud
I have lived in my present address for the past 12 years and until recently have been very happy here
However, since October 9th, I have been woken every night between 12 pm and 1 30 am by students either coming from the
UEA or returning to the UEA stoned out of their minds, shouting and screaming at the top of their voices until they are out of sight.
One night there was a crowd of students hanging over my wall at 12.30 am, and after a while I had to get up and tell them in a nice manner to "Piss Off'.
Its about time they had a little respect for othe r people I work for the Student Union so I'm not anti -students, I enjoy working with them and am in contact with stude nt s every day. I like to see yo ung sters having a good time, I'm the mother of tw o teenage children myself. But, it is a shame that the odd few give the rest of you a bad name A lot of you are crying out for accommodation and want more money. Acting like this in public is not good for your image and will hardly help to gain respect and sympathy from the public.
I for one can see many hardships for the youngs ters of today with grants being cut and cost of living rising all the time.
So, please can your socializing end before midnight or at least be quiet if it can't; some of us have a full days work ahead of us attending to YOUR
Go out and enjoy yourselves every night if necessary, BUT MAKE YOUR JOURNEYS TO AND FRO QUIETLY .
Stewards Say Hello
Just a quick hello from the affable trio of Union House Stewards just inside the main entrance to U/H. Myself, Steve and Bernie have been gainfully employed in the pursuit of smoothing the path of those we encounter, since the end of August. It's nice to say that the majority of U /H regulars now seem pleased to see us, and hopefully are now aware that we're here to help where we can, and if we can't we'll probably 'know a man who can'. So say hi when you're passing. Best of luck to those working with Concrete (no MAFIA connections I hope!?).
concrete • ecruitment
CONCRETE's success will depend upon your support. If you would like to contribute in any way- whether it be writing news, features, arts or sports; taking photographs or producing artwork; typing, proof-reading, or doing anything it takes to make a newspaper work, then come to one of our meetings. They are every Monday in Room 2.29, EAS. Or come and see us any weekday between 12pm and 2pm. No . . experience Is necessary.
I I r --
Warwicks withdrawal from American Football means UEA are in with a chance
THE withdrawal of Warwick means that the UEA Pirates will spend the rest of the season playing away games - their first this term being a return match against Cambridge This will be followed by the last regular season game at Loughborough.
The Pirates' schedule from here seems uncertain, as there may be a need to replay Leicester, who failed to provide the full requirements for play at their recent game with the Pirates In theory this match leaves UEA with a win, and gives them a real chance of making the play-offs with a record of 3.3 so far this season.
Oxford last term. This game unfortunately resulted in a 22.0 loss for UEA and ended a disappointing half to the regular season Pirates' veteran linebacker Martin Card em is also suffering from InJuries However, the Pirates have managed to fill these positions with new players that have joined the team in the second term ofthe regular season.
Finally, congratulations must go to Warren Smart who has been voted Coach of the Year by the British Coaching Association. Warren won the title for his duties as head coach of the UEA Pirates' 1990/91 season, which saw them become Conference Champions and play in the National Finals.
!fhe Pirates' roster for this term has changed, because starting quarterback Rob Grant was injured against Toby Leaver UEA Pirates in action earlier this season
CoveryourWalls withColour
The Print Unit is pleased to announce the arrival of the Kodak 1525 Full Colour Copier
Not only will it produce superb full colour copies of your favourite photos , colour graphs , charts and overhead transparencies , but can also enlarge up to A3 and on to a massive 5 '6 " x 4 ' (1680 x 1188mm) by digital segmentati on This means that your chosen subject when enlarged is made up of 4 , 8 or 16 segments
Full colour copies can be reproduced from photographs , litho prints , colour transparencies and even strip negatives!
Cost is as follows :
A4 £1 10 + VAT
A3 £1.80 + VAT
For further details telephone ext 2204 (prefix 59 if outside UEA) or enquire at photocopying hatch, ground floor Registry.
CoveryourWalls withColour
by Katharine Mahoney
Looking for fun and fitness? Want to get rid of the tensions of work? Then why not let your pent-up energy take you down to the rugby pitches?
Women's rugby is a rapidly growing sport in England and there are a lot of very talented players around, (some of them at UEA!)
The women's rugby club is one of the most popular
and energetic new clubs here at UEA They have about 30 members, and interest in the club is avid.
It all started about two years ago, but at that time the women were still part of the men's club. However, this term the women have formed a separate club and have built up a solid team.
The women train on Wednesdays and Satur-
days, and are coached by some of the men's rugby players such as Tom Balls and Ben Walker Training is a combination of fitness and skills, and don't worry if you're interested but don't know the rules, because they'll explain scrums, tackling, and ball handling to you. Yet, the best thing about training according to the Captain is that it's fun!
Concrete, Wednesday, January 22, 1992 11
By Keeley Smith
FIFfEEN of UEA'S most talented skiers took to the slopes at the beginning of this month, when they competed in this year's English and Welsh University Ski Championships.
The event was held at Les Arcs in the French Alps, where the UEA skiers competed in the men's and women's team and individual events against 30 other British and Welsh universities
Both the men's and women's teams skied well, with one of the best ormances from Greg
••••• who was placed 27th in the Mens Slalom and 38th in
the Mens Giant Slalom. Race Ski Captain, Simon Ashton, also gained some high placings by finishing 20th out of 160 skiers in the Mens Slalom, and 47th in the Mens Giant Slalom.
Excellent performances in UEA's women's team came from Fio n a Smart, Susie Martin and Kirsten Tholsturp, who were amongst the hundreds of university skiers to enjoy the resort's good racing conditions
O ve rall, the Mens A team finished 7th in the Mens Slalom and 15th in the Giant Slalom, with the B team coming close behind
By Kieron O'Gra dy and David Moore
THE 1991/2 season is proving to be a transitional period for UEA R.F.C. following the graduation of half the previous 1st XV. However, this was partially offset by the high number of members, enabling the club to continue fielding three teams.
The 1st XV began promisingly beating Hol t (40-0) in co nvin cing fashion, a nd were ab le to cap italise o n this in the face of tough opposition in the following Norfolk League matches, with notable w ins over North Walsham (27-10) a nd the Crusaders.
Aspirations for the Norfolk Plate were dashed by unfancied Broadland (18-15) in controversial circumstances. Success in the U AU' s has revitalised the team, and on January 23 the 1st XV travel to Bath, where they'll be hoping for more outrageous drop-goals by flyhalf Dave Lubliner in their attempt lv repeat last year's victory and progress to the last 16
The season began somewhat disappointingly for the 2nd XV, but
dynamic oock row work and a more settled line up raised team spirit and forged a revival.
They were also helped by Captain Tom Rayner and former Club President Ben Walker, who stuck religiously to the 'no drinking the nig ht before the match' policy!
Significant progress was made in the UAU's, including the hard fought win at QMW, se tting them up fo r W ednesday' s clash agai nst Exeter.
All bo des well if they can reproduce the flowing a nd s tylish rugby that led to the 36-4 drubbing of Norwich U nion
The strength and level of commitment in the club is reflected by the consistently good results produced by the 3rd XV. They too qualified fior the next round of UAU's, and eagerly await Bath's visit this Wednesday
With all three teams s till in the UAU competition and an Easter tour to Holland and Germany in the offing, the club is thriving
in 16th place The Women's A team finished 12th in the Team Slalom and 15th in the Giant Slalom.
UEA's highest placing, however, was by Jean-Michelle Jacquinot, whose dining exploits landed him sixth in the s nowboardingevent.
The race team was accompanied by 20 recreational skiers from U EA'sski club, who w ere able to
spend some of their time offpiste skiing in snow which afforded them first tracks.
Although UEA had the smallest ski party, Simon Ashton has spotted a lot of racing potential in many of the recreational skiers. He is eager for anyone who may be interested in racing in ne x t year's championships to contact him (EUR P/G MSc.)
Owing to rowdiness from some of the other university ski teams, the 1992 venue for the championships is to be Les Menuires, and not Les Arcs. It is h o ped th a t by this time UEA will have a bigger race team, which will enable them to expand their presence on the university ski circuit.
UEA Football C lub has be gun the season in fine style, wit h a ll of its three teams having come through University Athletics Union qualifying rounds with impressive unbeaten records.
The three teams all got off to slow starts when they travelled away to Essex University, with both the second and third teams only achieving draws, and the first team needing a very late from Paul Evans to secure victory. This changed two weeks later with all three teams coming away from QMW College of London with fine victories After falling behind to a second half penalty, a hat-trick from Captain, Laurcncc Lin dsay, and a goal from Nca lc Fret well helped the
fi rsts to a nother late win. Coals from Brazie r, Newto n, Chroncll and the impr es sive newcome r, Ro bin Powcll, made sure the thirds gained the edge i n a thr illing 4-3 e ncounter.
By far the best achievement of the day though was an emphatic 10-2 victory by the second team. Fi rs t year Tom Finlayson scored four, Gary Bowerm.1n and Phi! McCormack added two apiece, and goals from Andrcw Fll' tchcr and Andy Bird completl'd the rout.
The seconds were unable to repeat such exploits in their final match at home to UCL, but finished more than satisfied with a 3-1 win. With goals once again from Newton (2), Brazier, and Powcll, the third team achieved another victory; as did the
firs t team, w ho won 4-0 with the help of two headers from the N orwegia n midficldcr known as 'Tap.' With such a good start to football this year, UEA may at last have produced tcamscapablcofbringing home some trophies. The knockout rounds begin in January and a lot could depend on how the teams arc fairing in the local Saturday
The third team seem to have no problems as they arc making a surprise challenge for promotion in their division, but the first and second teams may have to sort out their glaring inconsistencies if they arc going to do anything than simply make up the numbers.
by S llaun Ha rley
UEA's Mukesh Mistry won a bronze medal at last term's BSSF Karate Championships held at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre. Mukesh, who fought using the Wado ryu technique based on evasion, and under WUKO rules, was one of 12 competitors from the UEA Shi Kon Karate club at the eve nt. The club has taken part in the annual championships since it was set up in 1983. This year i ts members, who range in fighting ability, fought in both the men's and women's team
and individual events against o pponents from 35 other university and polytechnic teams
Both teams were knocked out in the first round, and have resumed training under professional coach Steve Davis.
Someclubmembersalsocompetcd in the East Anglian Shi Kon Championships held at Thctford on December 21, where Crcg Rubinson fought to win third place by Keeley Smith
20 Concrete , Wednesday, January 22 , 1992