Concrete issue 002 05 02 1992

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Issue Two,





inside NEWS Teaching rooms planned for Norfolk Terrace £40,000 spent on new windows New welfare assistant to be appointed Student Councelling service face backlog UEA students owe Norwich council £95,000 for Poll Tax.

FEATURES Women who smoke. Are there extra risks? "When you're lying down who cares how tall you are": Catle Mall: A new centre for Norwich

ARTS Exclusive interview with British actress Saskia Reeves

Students leave occupation in The Council House after court writ. Gill Fenwick Reports AT 6.45 pm on January 31st, over 100 students filed out of The Council House after twenty eight hours of occupation. A large majority voted to leave, after being warned of "being in contempt of the court" by Union officers Chris Hall and Jason Ions. Chris and Jason brought news of the 'writ', then withdrew Student Union support for the occupation, and advised leaving The Council House before the University called in a Sheriff, and possibly the Police. The Occupiers, faced with upto 28 days in prison if they breached the 'writ',

seemed very calm, and they discussed their options decisively. There was concern for the Student Union Executive's positions, and with a positive view that this would by no means be the end of the situation, the students decided on the motion to move out rather that face disciplinary action. Chris Hall told the students involved that the Student Union would try and continue negotiations with the University for the demands. A student, who wishes to remain anonymous said, "we decided to leave peacefully, but we will keep on fighting against Student Hardship, the University has not heard the last of us".

Students rush towards The Registry at the start of the occupation

END OFUEA APATHY by Faith Collier and Jim Stevenson

Film, music and other arts reviews and listings ..

SPORT We talk to racing driver Martin Donnell y - and the latest in UEA



STUDENT apathy finally turned into long awaited action last Thursday, when 100-150 students occupied the Council House as a protest against student hardship. The decision to occupy, followed strong words during-a lunchtime EGM, attended by 260 students, in which there were calls for "direct action" to affect

changes to end student poverty. One member of the meeting urged: "We need action now, we need to get the university to open its eyes to the problems we've all got, the problems of mature students and of younger students. We're all in the same boat together, we've all got to act together, lets get on with

it." The proposed demands included a freeze on the rents in residences, a freeze in the intake of students, until there was increased funding and a call for £50,000 for better and extended creche facilities. These proposals were successfully carried by the meeting, after which students flooded out of Union

House into the square, heading towards the Arts building. Attempts to occupy the Arts building were thwarted and the crowds headed up past EAS with the intention of occupying the Registly, but found the doors locked against them. Security was already on alert after wide publicity and Porters were standing guard. However, the doors to the Council House were discovered open and so people swarmed in. Those involved in the dem-

PHOTO: Steve 1/oward

onstration could face disciplinary action from the university which could ultimately lead to expulsion. This however, did not appear to deter the group and as one student remarked philosophically, "Here goes my degree!". Once in the building, students appeared determined to stay. One commented, "It's important to stay here until we get some reaction". Others remarked that "It's broken the apathy'' ... "! believe it's (continued on page two)


Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992



EndofUEA Apathy (continued from page one) going to snowball once word gets around" ...'Tm surprised it actually happened. it' s great that it did. It'll make a point" Once installed, the students began to organise supplies of food and proceeded to prepare for an indefinite stay in the Council House. The Student Executive held an emergency meeting outsidcand voted to support and recognise the sit-in. From the ::.tart of the occupation, university officials were presl'nt. Tight-lipJ.'ed, but never th ele::.~ polite, Mr Morri~ Morson, Head of Security, was not prpared to comment except to say, "my job i~ for the safety and secu rit y of all." Porters present were just as reticent and the Union General Manager oifcred "No Comment". The Dean of Student~ on his way to a meeting was a~ked what hi~ thought::. were, regarding the doy '::. events. He replied, "I've no thoughts at all." tvhke Uen::.on, Information Offi cer for the Univer~ity, when asked for his opinio n,

replied: 'We understand thc1t the students are ond we ca n !>ympathise with that to a degree. I would say the university has been a leading player in the business of negotiation with the government for a better deal for students. So I'm slightly disappointed I would say." "Its regrettable it has to happen. It shows a bit of a break down in trust, I guess, between students and the univer~ity, but the!>e things happen . We' ll hopeiully t<1lk to the Union Executive and see if we can come to a solution we can both live with." After assessing the situation the University met with Union representative Saleem Kawaja, the Union's Welfare Officer. He emerged from the Regi~try at 5.30pm and said: "The university does understand but they said th,1t it '::. legally and con::.titutionally imposs ibl e to meet these demands." He added that if the Counci l House was not emptied there wa~ the po:,sibility of a legal injunction and forcible evic-

lion. When asked if the situation could get messier he repli ed: "Yes." A l;uge number of students ~pent the night in The Council Hou se chamber which was described by one studen t as being "as plush as The United Nations". Throughout the second day of the occupation, students came and went freely to attend lectures and seminars, and the atmosphere was lightened with guitar-playing, juggling and reading. At 11.00 am, the Student Union Ex,x:utives went to meet with the University officials, which was followed by an Occupier's meeting. The Executives presented the situa tion to the studen ts, telling them that the University authorities were in touch with their London lawyers. The vote taken at lunchtime, after two hours of discussion, was whether to leave the Council Chamber now, or, as was decided, to ~tay in occupation to face further, and possibly more serious, action.

Thursday's occupation of The Council House was only one of a number of student protests nation wide . With the Parliamentary Select Committee on Educati on continuing their inquiry into stu dent support this term, university ViceChancellors and polytechnic di rect ors arc b racing themselves for increasing unrest. The rcmergencc of Militant and the Socialist Workers Party has been noticed. A survey conducted by 'l11c Independent' showed that a number of institutions, especially polytechnics, arc taking action. Students arc dissatisfied all over the country with overcrowding, high rent, low-stocked libraries, in creasing prices in bars and canteens, inadequate creche f,l cilitics and financial hardship .

Andrew Brammcr, PresidcntofGiasgow Polytechnic, told 'T11e Independent', "if a free creche is not given to us, we well be back into occupation." Neither Nottingham nor Coventry polytechnics rule out the possibility of action if they arc not given what they requ ested. Coventry students forsce "ligh tning occupations" and education strikes to protest about the worsening staff-student ra tio. Sir John Kingham, ViceChancellor of Bristol University attacked the Government's "efficient expansion", which means piling more students into universities and polytechnics without enough r_csources for teaching or accommodation. Sir John recog nizes that reduced public funding would mean "mony more

students to each member of the teaching staff, fewer books and journals in the hbr<Hy, inadequate and ageing equipment, steady erosion of salaries, poor service from a hard pressed administration and so on ." Students' s itu.a tion has worsened since the \·vi thdrawal of housing and o ther l.'lt'ncfit::,, ,md students and no longer entitled to income support during the vacations. the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (NACAB) reported that an unemployed person under twent y five would receive £3,180 a year on income support, compared with £2,685 for a student on full grant and m ,lxirnum loan: £500 beneath the official poverty line.

£3.5 MILLION POLL TAX ARREARS IN NORWICH: CAN'T PAY OR WON'T PAY? By Simon Manll THE C11l' Council's Poll Tax arrears for 1990/91, the first year of the tax, totalled a ma~ si vc £3.5 million at the beginning of this month, representing just under ten percent of their estimated gross revenue. Of this £3.5 million, ::.tudent arrear~ account for £95,000, or ju!>t under 3 percent. This may not seem much, but, as ~tudents arc only billed for twenty percen t oft he.· charge,

they represent a la rger proportion of the defaulters that the money figures indica te. Alan Waters, Chair of the Finance Committee and Labour counc ill or for Cromc ward, suggests that a combination of student mobility, bureaucratic collection procedures, and the ta x's perceived unfairness, arc major factors in explaining student non-payment. "A ta x which rcq11i re~ pt•oplc

keeping a local authority up to date with their movements, would have to be perceived as reasonably fair. Uutto have thi s tax seen as widely unfair, and to hit a group of people with this additional burden when they have already lost a range of benefits, is not only administrative folly and a waste of public money, but clearly reflects the fact that the government dPL'!> nnt undL·r~tJnd the kind

of financial pressure students are under." Colin Thrower, Assistant City Treasurer, suggested that the cost of collecting a twenty percent payment from a highly mobile student population, probably matched the potential income. "No t only independent profe::.sional opinion, but the government itself has accepted the po intles::.ncss oft his exerci~c .

"Twenty percent payments by income support cases, as well as students living in university residences and many privately rented accommodations, will be abolished when the new Council Tax is introduced in 1993." However, Mr Thrower emphasised that, until the advent of the new system, the Council remains under an obligation to collect out~ tilnd ­ ing p.1ymenb.

"Every tax uncollected adds to the bills of those, including students, who do pay their bills. We cannot let students off the tax, but we can make reasonable arrangements, and we are trying to do that with many people. We would much rather do that than take people to court."


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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992

WOGANGETS POLITICAL The last three Mondays h11ve seen a new style 'Wogan'. Terry Wogan, chat show host, has invited various politicians to answer the queries and questions of a live "young peoples" audience. Graham Owen, the Producer, said, "'Wogan' is here to reflect what is happening in the world" and being an election year, "it seemed a good idea to get it over with in a 3-week run".

On January 20th, four Labour candidates endured a 30-minute crossexamination, two of whom were John Smith, exchequer, and Gerald Kaufman, Shadow Foreign Sccrc.~ tary, which concentrated milinly on Labour's Defence Policy. The Liberal Democr11ts were seen on January 27th. The four candidates, including Matthew Taylor, Education, and Jim Wall is, Employment, answered questions about employment and the Liberal Democrat policy of Proportional Representation. Monday, February 3rd, showed Micheal Hescltine, Environment, Kcnncth Clark, Education, Tom King, Defence, and William Waldegrave, Health, answering questions about the Government's various policies. The audience of all three programmes, consisted of young people

UEAOPENDAY IT has been announced that the

under the age of twenty-~x. Graham Owcn, descrilxxl them as coming from all corners of the social circuit; "homeless, student nurses, teach-

UEA will hold an open day on Saturday 2 May. The event held every three years

attracted 5000 visitors when last held in 1989. As well as showing the day to day activities of schools and stu-


dent societies, this years open day will be more broadly based. It will feature the work of organisations linked to the UEA, such as the Norwich Research Park, and units within the university which provide services for the regional community.

e~,g~npartyandpcopk&omall ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

political persuasions". · The producer sees 'Wogan' as "catering for all the family" and these programmes "just happen to be for younger people". He also believes that "the audience was not bia~ed in any way" . Mr Owen, said that Terry Wogan "was keen to try out a new format, with him in the audience taking questions"; similar to the Oprah Winfrey or Robcrt Kilroy-Silk programmes. Before the show, the audience submits q uc~tions for consideration, and eight are chosen. During the filming, nine spontaneous questions are taken as well, to keep up the pressure and the realism. The programmes have worked so far, "and Terry is very happy with the style". The 3-night per week programmes will be culminating at the end of June. However, Mr Owen forecasts, "there will be another show", oneoff specials that will last one hour, and will be "big and spectacular".

Gill Feuwick


A MASSIVE £40,000 was spent on two panes of glass for the Sainbury Centre after they were cracked. The Sainbury Centre arc unsure what caused the damage to the original windows.

It is possible that the first window cracked due to building movement during a severe storm. The second met its fate from an air rifle bullet. The float glass panels had to be manufactured specially. in

Belguim. The cost was also increased because of having to call in an outside company to install the glass Polly Gral1am

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EAS degrees to be completed by Simon M ann CURRENT first year undergraduates doing three year degrees in EAS, should be able to complete their degrees under the existing regulations. This was the recommendation unanimously endorsed by the EAS School Board when it met on Wednesday, confirming the conclusion arrived at by the Board's Undergraduate Teaching Commi ttcc. The decision must be ratifi ed by the Senate, but as it has been strongly implied by the University authorities that the detailed implementation of Modul.uisi1tion will be left to individual Schools, it is probable that the

Senate will agree to the proposal. The position of current four year undergraduates, and students who intercalate, is less 1=ertain. However, the EAS School Board made it clear that while "any transitional arrangements ilre likely to be messy," all current students affected by Modularisation should have their work disrupted as little as possible. It was suggestd by some Board members that, apart from the moral obligation to honour commi tments made to th e students affected, it might also be possible for them to compel the University to do so, as the contract between UEA and its students in this regard could be legally enforceable.

SPUNK FACING GOES THE KERPLlNK CHOP The latest research about alcohol, has revealed that just one or two pints of beer a day can make men infertile. An infertility study showed that nearly 40 per cent of men had abnormalities in their semen which were related to drink. Or Marsha Morgan, of London's Royal Free Hospital said that the men were not problem drinkers; "they weren't drinking vast amounts - just one or two pints a day." She also added that none of the men had been ad vi sed in any category to reduce the amount drunk nor to cut it out all together.

by Jim Stevcnson

THE UNIVERSITY could face prosecution by Norwich City Council after contractors felled a tree covered by a preservation order. Councillors discovered that two Larch trees were destroyed to build a new road and prepare for the new resid ences. UEA Information Officer Mike Benson said, "We are as upset at this as the City arc. We have a good record of managing the envi ron men t oft he u ni versi ty over the last 25 years."

Union to Employ New DEV Cut Funds Welfare Assistant Tim York by

by Polly Craham The Students Union Welfare Office is to at last get an assistant to help alieviate the increasing amount of welfare work. Janet Peck has had to stop taking on new cases since week 10 of last term because she has too large a back-log of work. Calls for a new assistant have been made by people concerned

that with the increase in student hardship the demand for Welfare advice would get worse. Salccm khawaja, Welfare Officer, said "Other people in the Union didn't forscc the problem. There were alot of arguments between me and the other sabbaticals." Interviews for the new post will begin in week 4 and it is hoped that successful candidate will commence work sometime in weekS.

Tl tREE students cannot take a course in EUR hcc,HISl' their school ihas rl'l u~ed to fund them . The students were told that DEV won't pay the £120 e<Jch for the iEFL course. The EFL cour~e is designed to train people to teach !English as a foreign language. They have been refused funding because it is felt it is not irelevant to their degree. The students fc>el thilt the DEV d(.'gl"L'C is about working in !developing countries and that their ability to teach English is irclcvant and desirable. " La~t term, DEV students were allowed to do English language

!teaching in EUR," Ruth Webster explained. "We applied , and were ltold we would have to pay. The people las t term hadn't had to." The students' Dean, Mike Stocking, told the thm..· th,1t it tlwy iw,mtcd to learn to teach English, they were in the wrong school. !Commenting on the issue, he said he was under "increasing ifinanciill constraints," and that only some language courses in EUR iwerc relevan t. Curiously, one approved course is Danish, not spoken in any idevelopingcountry, so, less relevant than teaching Engli sh . Dr. !Stocking agreed that Danish is "marginal" . The ~tudents have referred their ca~c to the Estimates and iPlanning Committee of DEV, and hope for a ruling next week.

UEA Rag will again this year be doing their bit for love delivering roses. For £2 they will deliver a red rose on Valentines Day to the one you love anywhere on campus (or in the city). This year they have also arranged their own version of lntcrflora - if your partner is at another University elsewhere in Britain, UEA Rag can arrange with the equivelant RAg there to deliver a rose whereever your love may be. The on-campus rose service has been running for several years, with last year seeing a record two hundred roses being delivered by RAC volunteers before supplies ran out. This year is set to equal that, with all proceeds going to charity. Will you be gellin g a rose next week?

PJ/OTO : ThuyLt11

Steve Howard

Theuniversityhasapologised to the Council over the incident and stresses that 300 trees are already being planted to landscape the whole development. OneCouncillorcommented that UEA regarded the campus green belt as a lower priority to its development plans. Julian Swainson, Planning Committee Vice-Chairman added, "There needs to be a sting to this and some disincentive to their doing it again." Meanwhile, the university await possible action from the council.

Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992


CHILD TEACHING SAFETY BILL PLANNED IN THREATENS UEA NORFOLK TERRACE PLAYSCHEME INCREASED studl'nt numbers has forced the university to designate areas of Norfolk Terrdce for teaching. The games rooms dt Norfolk A,B and C will be fitted out with blackboards, tables and chairs during the summer term, ready for use in the autumn . Roger Lloyd, director of accommodation and catering services, said the decision had been taken by Pro-Vice Chancellor, Richard jones, "as a result of university expansion". The rooms arc currently used by Audio Visual Services maintainencc, and by the Accommodation Office and the Student Union for stordge.

Although three further g~tmcs rooms are available for use by clubs and societies, the reduction of storage space is a headache for the Student Union. Saleem Khawaja, Union Wel-

f.1rc Officer, said th~tt incrl',lsing pletely full" and "being used effecinvolvement in university sports tively" he said. meant "an increasing amount of It is likely that pressure on space sports equipment is being willincrcaseoverthencxttwoyears. bought". lane Drake. Tl1e games rooms were "corn -


A games room in Norfolk Terrrace

More Modular Mess 17 strong waiting list by Toby Aubcr

Complaints were made at the last Student Council meeting concerning the 17 people on the waiting list for student counselling. Bria n Thorne, Director of Stu dent Cou nselling, respond ed by pointing out the lack of resources

available to d eal with the la rge numbers of students seeking counselling. He commented "sadly there has been a waiting list since almost the beginning of the Autumn term." To counter-act the demand for counsell ing there has bL>enan increase in the n umber of group sessions for those seeking advice. This has led to the waiting list dropping to 11. Mr Thorne added that the waiting list should not deter students from seeking help and that studen ts w ith urgen t difficu lties would receive an urgent response.

UEA have recently compiled a telephone poll of all UK Universities to find out whether they plan to adopt a two semester degree system. The poll showed that, out of 48 Universities, 35 were currently modularised or were considering it, but that the range of ways and means of implementation were remarkably wide. Commencement years are widely scattered; one was mod.ularised in 1990,and three in 1991. Five will do so this year, seven (including UEA) in 1993, four in 1994, two in 1995, and one in 1996. The remaining twelve

appear to be bewildered. Even more confused, are the different approaches to Scmesterisa tion, where these a recurrent Iy known. Ten intend to remain with three ten week terms, three will have two fifteen week semsesters with an early s tart in September, and fifteen (including UEA) will have two fifteen week semesters overlaying a three term pattern. The confusion is increased by the range of intended start dates for the second semester, which vary between early January and late February.

By ]a11e Drake THE UNIONS half term playsheme is under threat yet aga 1·n. AI though the scheme is due to run this term, the new Olild Safety Bill if passed could jeopardise its future. The bill which states a mini mum of 25 square feet per child, separate toilet facilities for adults and children and requirements for outside fencing, would make the the union' s virtually impossible. The playscheme run by the welfare service is in great demand and oversubscribed, but last term became a casualty of the increased workload upon union welfare services. The resulting stress on manpower had forced the union's decision to close the welfare service and the playscheme and to take applications for the new post of welfare advice assistant, to assist the welfare co-ordinator. The scheme which takes place from Feb 24 to 29 and costs £3 per session, after the £5 that the Union has agreed to sudsidize. There are 24 places on a first come first serve basis. There are worries that this is not enough, as last year over 60 children needed the playscheme facilities.

Simon Mann

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992

concrete Wornen

WOMEN WHO SMOKE Cathy Palmerlooks at the worrying statistics. NOTHING seems more guaranteed to put people's backs up than yet another tirade against smokers. It's a highly sensitive issue, arousing unease even among nonsmokers at attacks on others' rights to act as they choose. Yet the threat to health is real and serious- especially for women . Statistics recently released in a survey carried out by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys entitled General Household Survey: Cigarette Smoking 1972 to 1990 reveal that 32 per cent of women aged 16 to 19 arc cigarette smokers, compared with 28 per cent of men. In the 20-24 age bracket, 39 per cent of women arc smokers, compared with 37 per cent of men. Although these figures reflect a gradual decline in smoking overall- in 1988,33pcrccntof men and 30 per cent of women were smokcrsand in 1972, the year of the first survey, respective proportions were 52 per cent and 41 per cent -they are nevertheless worrying. The rising numbers of women smokers in the last 20 years is reflected in the figures for smokingrelated diseases. Between 1971 and 1984, for example, the rate of lung cancer in women rose by more than 70 per

cent, as opposed to only 2 per ccn t risks among the spouses of smokers, with male non-smokers equally in men. It is not only women smokers at risk from their smoking female who arc at risk of coronary heart partners. disease and bronchitis, to name So what? you may well ask. Anbut two serious po~sibilities. other barrage of percentages, pretty boring for non-smokers ~d either even more boring or at best faintly disquieting for those on the weed. The UEA Health Centre is well aware of the difficulties involved in giving up a habit second only to heroin in addictive strength. They endorse the fact that smoking is dangerous for everyone but add that there arc additional risks for women, especially those on the Pill. The increased dangers in smoking when pregnant arc well known, but in addition recent research is investigating a possible link between cot deaths and smoking parents. All students arc given advica on American studies into passive smoking and health when they first smoking have found that non- register with the Centre, and all smoking women who live with a female students wishing to be smoker have a 50 per cent higher prescribed the Pill arc asked chance of developing one form of whether or not they arc smokers. lung cancer than if their partners Unless there is a physical reason did not smoke. why 1t would not be advisable, This particular survey only looked such as high blood pressure, noat women, but the findings arc con- one is refused the Pill, but smokers sistent with other studies which arc strongly urged to consider the have found increased lung cancer extra health risks, such as throm-

Between 1971 and 1984, for example, the rate of lung cancer in women rose by more than 70 per cent, as opposed to only 2 per cent in men.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Eating disorders are holding women back, writes Faith Collier "EATlNG disorders destroy a girl's chances; they remove all sense of direction in your life and you feel worthless ... These problems are about women struggling to come to terms with the impossible demands our culture places on us," \\'TOte E. Dcwhurst, a university student who had been diagnosed as bull mic, in a recent letter to The Guardian Women's page. A diet in some instances can be one of the predisposing factors to

ncss message and has a powerful impact upon how people view thcmsel ves. Anorexia and bulimia can have severe physical and mental effects upon a person. 6%-10% of paticn ts with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa and bulimia die as a result of starvation, cardiac arrest and suicide. Bulimics arc also 2-4 times as likely to abuse drugs or alcohol as a means of coping with chronic tension, anxiety and depression. There are many reasons why people suffer from anorexia. Many arc concerned with success and often have a distorted perception of themselves and life. They see themselves as failures because they never match up to the unrealistic goals they set themselves. Some worry about their ability to live up

The common factor amongst all anorexics is that they have a lack of self-esteem and self-worth.

deve.loping an eating disorder, and often over-doing a diet can result in erratic eating patterns, bingcing or a full blown eating disorder needing professional treatment. 路 Our society emphasises thinness. To be thin is associated with healthiness, happiness and success. To l::x! overweight different images such as laziness, dullness, unattractiveness and failure arc conjured up. Unfortunately, the media in its various forms reinforces the thin- to other peoples expectations and become anorexic as a form of self ._

bosis (a clotting of the blood). Indeed, the staff at the Centre take a more understanding and supportive approach than you may imagine. They encourage people to stop, offering a sympathetic ear to those who are having problems kicking the habit, orwhojustneed a pat on the back when the going gets tough. They offer familiar advice, such as special nicotine chewing gum or, more unusually, drinking orange juice which apparently re-

duces the craving. Alternatively, one could rearrange social activities in order to avoid situations and places where you're likely to feel tempted. The Health Centre comments interestingly that the proportion of students- female and male- who claim to be smokers is relatively small and seems to be decreasing. However, there is a nagging suspicion that the more health-conscious would be more likely to use the Centre anyway.

PHOTO: toby /...ulver

punishment. The common factor amongst all anorexics is that they have a lack of self-esteem and self-worth. Bulimia controls the sufferers every waking hour in a different way to anorexia. They become trapped in a cycle which reinforces their already highly developed feelings of guilt, shame, disgust and self-hatred. Bulimia is harder to detect and sufferers also present a public image of self assurance, happiness and success. They suffer from feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, similar to the anorexic, but in order to cope with stress, anxiety and depression they crave food to relieve the tension. Ninety-five percent of those who suffer from eating disorders are women. It would seem that it is yet another sign of the cultural gender imbalance. Bridget Dolan co-editor of 'Why Women? Gender Issues and Eating Disorders' says, "What is irritating is not that the 'men in high places' don't know that it is women who get eating disorders. Of course they do. But they seem to accept the gender imbalance as a matter of fact and never ask why it should l::x! women who suffer from these problems." Men tend to ignore the socio-cultural side of the problem seeing it

mere! y as a medical problem. Un ti1 it is realised to be more than

"Eating disorders destroy a girl's chances; they remove all sense of direction in your life and you feel worthless ... These problems are about women struggling to come to terms with the itnpossible demands our culture places on us"


this it will continue to cripple many women, even preventing them from a successful career and personal life.


"When you 're lying down who cares how tall you are." At 6 feet 4 inches John Bartonassesses the tall and short of relationships Close your eyes for a moment and try to picture the perfect couple . What d o you see? I think the ma jo rity o f u s wo uld conjure up the classic image depicted in film a nd T.V for much of th is century: the TALL brave man embracing the beaut iful SHORTER woman . In a society where stereotyped sex rol es such a s these are beco ming increa sing challenged , are we still kee n to secure th is ' ideal' situa tion in relationships at VEA? Krysia 5'11 " admi ts that she feels more relaxed with boyfriends who

are taller tha n her and has a defin ite lower height limit when looking for a relationship. She also pointed out a few "d o's and don' ts": "I never w ear heals when out w ith blokes o r p u t my arm around them, no r d o I stand next to them at the ba r. It ma kes me feel as if I' m wea ring the pants". Darren 5'6" whose girlfriend is talle r than h im said tha t height d ifference is treated as a joke. He desc ribed a particular occasion when his girlfriend wo re he r hair up at a n open a ir disco and he was forced to find a conven-

tent hillock to add a few inches to his height. Generally, the concensus is that men feel inferior when out with ta ller women and women feel awkward when out with smaller

"It's all right being short if you ' ve .got a 10-inch cock, but if you' ve got a small penis ... Well, you m ight as well stick your head in a gas oven." In addition, short men are o ften moreassertiveand persistent in promoting themselves. Sma ller spo rts-

This is something whi ch o ften promo tes bad posture th ro ughout the tall community . Height in rel a tion ships can be seen as essentially psychological and heavily influenced by med ia stereotyping . Yo u are as tall as you feel. Paul

THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SHORT-ARSE 1 )Someone with a constantly aching neck? 2)Somcone who can get on a bus and confide n tly state "Child p lease"? ])Someone who can get to the fro nt of a q ueu e by crawl ing thro ug h peoples' legs? 4)Someone who doesn' t play ba~k et ba ll ? S)Someone who gives h is /her height to the nearest ha lf inch?

CHARACTERISTICS OF A TA LL-ARSE l)Someone 2)SomL'<ll1e J)SomL'One 4)5omeone 5)Someone

people use for a meeting poi nt in discos' who nies into a violent rage a t the <JliL.,tion, 'What's the wc,lthcr lth· llf' thncJ" who couldn't get onto a bus and confidently state "Child pk•asc" even at the abe of ten? with advanced slouchi ng skills? who considers a sunroof in a car a necessity'

men. How then, do short men and tall women seck to redress the balance? It has been argued that the inches short men lose in height arc replaced in other areas. Lindi St. Clair, head of the Pro-Prostitution Party says:

men are often commended for their "terrier like qualities". Tall women have to be approachable but not too domineering . ..It is unlikely that a typical shorter male would suffer domination in height and personality . Slouching is often used as a way of appearing shorter.

Ncwman, Tom Crutsc and Kcvtn portray huge screen im:tgcs but arc a gratifyingly average height in the flesh . After all, when you're lying down, who cares how tall you are? Co~tner

PHOTO: Toby Leaver

The tall and short of it

NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE The question of whether to legalise soft drugs. THE LOBBY for thcdccriminalisation of cannabis can take he<lrt at the prospect of support from none other than the EuropcCln Commission. It seems increasingly likely th<lt a European ruling on soft drugs will be forthcoming in the near future. 1his will undoubtedly cause antiEuropean elements within Westminster and the national press as they raise their voices in suitable outrage at what they will see as fu rther undermining of the unwieldy beast known as the British Constihttion, especia ll y as liberalisation of the drug laws would seem the most likely outcome.

Labour M.P. Tony Banks recently called for the legalisation of soft drugs. This would touch on one of the sorestpointsof anyConscrvati vc Governmcnt, namely that minefield known as law and order. It is. particul<1rly ironic th<1t South Wales police arc currently invcstigating an allegation concerning two off-duty police officers smoking cannabis while attending a party in South Glamorgan. Thc attitude across the Atlantic represents something of a contrast - particularly in Alaska, admittcdlynotcxactlythecentre of American consciousness- where the government, never theless, recently a ll owed the law forbid-

ding cannabis to lapse. People arc now permitted to carry quantities of the drug, suit<1ble for personal use. Needless to say this caused a considerablc uproar. Such a move seems a long way off in this country, but the drug remains part of the popular culture, with user groups as diverse as students and those approaching early-middle age. Many people including some members of the medical pro(cssion regard cannabis as rclalively hannless when compared to so called hard d rugs and would cite a more realistic cornparison as bei ng wi th the likes of <~lcohol and nicotine.

Indeed org<misations such as the NUS have asserted that the law regarding cannabis should be rcframcd in the same terms of acceptability as those two bastions of British culture. Although, surprisingly, it doesn't seem to be the burning issue it once was for the NUS, which no longer persues this controversial palicy. Cannabis, like alcohol, is capable of engendering a state of rclocation and a potentially dangerous sense of false optimism - for example: about the ability to drive acarwhileunderitsinfluence. Also, like nicotine, its use can carry carcinogenic risks. Wherever the balance of m ed ica l and

social arguments might lie, it seems likcty that pressure for a change in the law will increase with countries such as the Netherlands beiflg cited as examples of a controlled liberalisation. It may be some time however before a recent possibly apocryphal anecdote concerning an American chap seeking to comfort his dying grctndmothcr could be transposed to this country: having asked the doctor what could be done to ease her sad, but inevitable, passing, the physiciag, repli ed, "Go ou t and get her some pot."

To 11 y Sweeney


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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992


L.A • Derek Peacock discovers how to avoid the three year alcohol orgy. IF YOU mention the words 'student life' to most people, it is likely to conjure up images in their minds of a three-year orgy of beer and vomit. Indeed, student drinking is seen by most as harmless fun and part of the overall university experience. What student hasn't woken up to the dubious pleasure of a thumping headache, blurred vision, an upset stomach and a mouth which feels as if a large and incontinent dragon has used it as a commode? This sensation, plus the subsequent discovery of kebab stains down the front of your shirt and a large hole in your wallet where a lot of money used to be, is usually accompanied by a groan of, "Oh God, I'll never touch a drop again!" . Joking aside, when drinking reaches excessive levels of overindulgence the consequences are anything but harmless fun. Irresponsible drinking bouts can be potentially dangerous, says the Student Union. For this reason they are taking steps to encourage a higher consumption of non-alcoholic alternatives to the obligatory pint of lager. A week of awareness-raising aims to explain the effects of alcohol, and potential hazards, such as mixing drinks. Having already attempted to ban combination drinks, such as Snakebite and Black Velvet because of the potentially dangerous effects, cheaper non-alcoholic drinks will be promoted in the Union bars under the guise of 'sober hour'

during the evenings. Whether this will be successful is questionable. One DEV student summed up the whole con-

What student hasn't woken up to the dubious pleasure of a thun1ping headache, blurred vision, an upset stomach and a mouth which feels as if a large and incontinent dragon has used it as a commode? cept as "an abomination". More constructively, EAS student Liz Fox felt that the best way to promote non-alcoholic drinks would be to simply charge more reasonable prices for them. This turned out to be the general consensus of opinion amongst the people asked - the prices charged for non-alcoholic drinks are a scandalous rip-off by the breweries, and this excessive price is the main disincentive for people to consider them. Bar manager Tom Balls explained that the Union already

had a bar pricing policy which the bar and buying a massive gave them a considerably lower round of orange juice. mark-up on soft drinks and fruit · Perhaps drinking, at least among juices than on alcohol. Despite this, the Pub always seems to be full of people clutching pint or short glasses, so clearly price isn't the on! y factor a I work here. Lara Wieczezynski, an EAS exchange student, made the pertinent observation that whatever price is charged for non-alcoholic drinks, there will always be a hard-core of students who go out with the intention of "loosening up and getting smashed". No matter how high a profile is given to coke and fruit juice, there's no getting around the fact that there just isn't the 'buzz' associated with alcohol. Arguably, you don't need to get drunk to have fun, but it's hard to envisage CRAWLSOC or the rugby team lunging for

male students, has some sociological basis - the test of a 'real man' may be seen in his ability to swill a dozen pints of beer, eat a chicken vindaloo and still show

.. :1 ....;




Concrete investigated the alternatives on offer in The Hive. Report by Polly Graham and Peter Hart.


Tennents LA (70p/can): The best of the lot. This was very similar to 'normal' lager. See the survey results. Bass LA (70p/can): Really disgusting. It smelled like wet dog's fur and tasted like Ribcna and dishwater. Orange Juice (60p/half) :The healthy option. Full of Vitamin C. Pepsi (55p/hal0 : Low on the alcohol but high on the caffeine. Lemonade (55p/hal0 : Well ... what can we say?! Citrus Spring (SOp/bottle): Quite refreshing. Sparkling Apple (55p/half) : Sickly and syrupy. Bitter Lemon (35p/bottle) : An acquired taste, but okay if you are into this sort of thing. Tomato Juice (45p/bottle) : We refused even to taste this. Again, another healthy option. Pcrrier (40p/bottle) : L'Eau on the alcohol, and low on the calories too.


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Takin g rhe wsrc test

Perhaps drinking, at least among male students, has some sociological basis - the test of a 'real man' may be seen in his ability to swill a dozen pints of beer

up in the seminar at nine in the morning - a sort of perverse machismo where virility is directly proportional to the size of one's beer-gut. Jason Ions, the Union's Cornmunications Officer, feels that the objective of the forthcoming promotion is not to change what people drink, but to change their attitudes towards the alternatives. He hopes the promotion will at least get people off the idea of drinking alcohol just because they happen to be in a pub: the aim is to break the habit of 'social drinking' - the misconception that a prerequisite of being in a bar is having a pint on the go at all times. So, if you think that going to bed without the room spinning around would make a nice change, look out for the Union's non-alcohol drive around midterm.

. . f •.

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,. Tennents (3.5% vol) f


.. . . and Tennents LA ••. .

.• '\i, ,

PHOTO : Toby Leavcr

Could those experienced drinkers in The Hive tell the difference between Tennents (3.5% vol) and Tennents LA (1.2% vol)? We set up our own 'Pepsi-style' challenge, giving people both drinks, and asking them which of their two glasses contained the LA drink. A surprising number of students mis-identified the drinks, with

40% saying that theTennentsLA was the Tennents (and viceversa). So although 60% knew their lager, the rumour about the quality of non-alcaholic lager is not tl'lle. And at seventy pence a can, you can laugh at your friends when they fall over, and stay standing yourself. ..






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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992

concrete City Special

e e

''A NEW HEART FOR NORWICH''? by Emmalrvine-Robertson THAT large muddy crater in thecentreof Norwich may well look like the result of an unreported meteor landing, or a new castle moat- courtesy of Bovis Construction Limited - but, in fact, by Spring 1993, it will have been transformed into a futur-

istic shopping centre. Although Spring 1993 in "builderspeak" may well be translated as, "You'll be lucky if your grandchildren see its opening", the foundations are in place and deals are being finalised .

Its pre-publidty declares it will "take shopping into the 21st Century" and its designs certainly make it look like the interior of the U.S.S. Enterprise with a 300ft long glass atrium allowing natural light in to the three levels.

From ground level, the development will look like a landscaped park as opposed to having a conventional roof and the developers are keen to promote a green New Age image. Ever since 1960 when the ea ttle market moved to Harford Bridges, Norwich City Council wanted to develop the site to provide a central park with underground parking and to extend the city centre shopping.

The work provided archaeologists with the opportunity to dig deep into Norwich's history and excavate previously covered sections. jez Reeve was one of the leaders of. the excavation and describes the "very good working relationship" between the developers and her team : "Despite our different demands Bovis gave us a substantial amount of practical support... We held weekly liaison meet-

"It is expected that many chain stores will close their shops in other areas of the city in order to take up position in the Mall."

pIf oro: 'foby Lea vcr

As well as its socially aware image, the Castle Mall is also seen as keeping in touch with the city's medieval history. Lady Hollis, who was leader of Norwich City Council at the time the scheme was approved said, "Castle Mall is mirroring the namesake's original and traditional medieval role by defending the economy and retailing heart of the city." orwich Cas tie was origi nail y some 14 acres in size, consisting of a motte or mound (now the museum) and two baileys or enclosures. The largest of these, the Sout h Bailey, is now the site of the development. The site is actua lly a scheduled monument, so the developers were under legal co nstraint to liaise wit h the Norfo lk Archaeological Unit.

ings where a lot of horsefair tradin g went on. If any problems came up, we simpl y negotiated . It was very friendly , though - obviously- they •vere under legal obligation to help us." The excavation uncovered traces of sOPne of the 98 AngloSaxon houses destroyed to make way for castle construction . They also unexpectedly discovered two Christian graveyards - 165 skeletons were removed for further analysis. Evidence of indus trial activity was also excavated il'lcluding pottery ma n ufacture and various pits as well as one used for the castin g of chu rch bel ls. The castle was initially an eetrthwork etnd ti mber struch.1re. M,1sonry, such as the l...L'cp and g,l teways we re ,1 d dcd l,ltcr.

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992


concrete City Special The excavation has uncovered many of the defences of the fortification including some huge ditches, one of them extending to a depth in excess of 36 feet. Finds from the site include great quantities of Saxon material, especially pottery indicating Saxon occupation over the entire area.

economy1well up and buoyant by then. We would be anxious if we were opening in January, but we feel things will improve before the end of next year ... we're not worrying." lt is expected that many chain stores will close their shops in other areas of the city in order

"The development is just as much a new park for the city as a new group of commercial outlets. Looking like a winter garden will be the grand north-facing atrium, not far short of the Palm House at Kew Gardens." A coin of Athelstan, minted in Norwich about AD 930 provides the earliest reference to the city. Other coins include a Sacsenpfennig of about AD 1000 minted in Magdeburg. Later special finds include a carved bone handle in the shape of a hawk, dating to the 13th century, and a fragment of a powder flask decorated with a hunting scene, datable to the 16th century. This history will be covered forever when the builders finally pour on the cement ~nd bt!gln Interior constructiOn on the proposed 70 shops, four major stores, a choice of restaurants, cafes, space for exhibitions, entertainment and communityevents,a creche, babies' changing room and information areas. It may sound crammed to capacity, but rumours are flying that this is far from being the case and, in fact, the recession is hitting hard on the developers' attempts to sign on big name shops. Many shops are closing down units, not committing themselves to new ones, and it has been suggested the lack of shops may well delay an opening, even if the building work is completed. The fact is that no shops have committed themselves to Castle Mall and no contracts have been signed. However,Jack Hall, the development's publicity officer, denies there is a problem. "We haven't officially started promoting the units yet so it isn't surprising the contracts are unsigned. By 1993, if we are not out of recession, we're all in trouble, but we're expecting [the

to take up position in the Mall. Boots, in particular, is rumoured to be combining some of its smaller branches onto one site. Brian Thirkettle owns "Mr News" on Castle Meadow. I asked him how he felt about the development: "Personally the competition doesn't bother me. It will do this part of the city no harm whatsoever and will attract more people. Things may be a bit hectic initially ... it'll be like a new tourist attrac-

tion. Personally, I am a bit apprehensi ve about how successful it's going to be. Like most developments it's costing more than expected and as a result rents may well be colossally expensive. Big shops often expect an initial loss and allow for it, but this time the figures may just not add up and we'll be seeing some empty shop fronts. Eventually, it will become an asset to the city, but it all boils down to when this recession will end." Many of the shop owners along Castle Meadow are pleased by the landscaped park design as opposed to the usual concrete block type of shopping centre. The development is just as much a new park for the city as a new group of commercial 路 outlets. Looking like a winter garden will be the grand north-facing a tri urn, not far short of the Palm House at Kew Gardens. The intention is to plant 63 semimature trees, Additional to these will be sixty smaller trees. One thing is for sure, even if the developers experience some Initial difficulties in filling the shop spaces, the centre of Norwich will no longer be St. Stephens and the market, particularly if chain stores leave empty sites in order to move to the new centre. Alan Hurt, the manager of One Step Be-

yond computer shop on Castle Meadow sees the rest of Norwich "becoming a bit of a ghost town. Streets will be empty, especially St. Stephens." It has been suggested that it was in anticipation of this ghost town factor that Norwich Un-

cause of the development - I have got no problem - but because of the volume of traffic in this area. My family are beginning to suffer from breathing problems because of all these fumes. ''The Castle Mall is being seen

"Personally, I am a bit apprehensive about how successful it's going to be. 'Like most developments it's costing more than expected and as a result rents may well be colossally expensive ... Eventually, it will become an asset to the city, but it all boils down to when this recession will end." ion decided to de-emphasise its St. Stephen's site in recent changes. One of the most important features of the Development is its 1050-spacecarpark,and this is likely to result in a situation where, as Brian Thlrkettle describes, "people just park in the centre, go in and shop and return to their cars, they won't really need to go into the rest of the dty." Mr. Thirkettle has in fact recently sold his shop, "not be-

as the answer to Norwich's parking problems, but, in fact, it is just going to increase volume and in a little while the problem will be just as bad again." Even if things get off to a slow start, the development will bring massive change to Norwich, both visually and commercially. But don't hold your breath ... or perhaps do, if you want to a void breathing in the increased volumes of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, nitrous oxide, sulphurous oxides ....


Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992




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-( Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992


entn s . • • • HOME FROM HOME

'1 came up into transcendental meditation, went through international socialism, and ended up in psychotherapy," jokes Gareth Calway, recalling his days at UEA. The English and American Studies undergraduate (1975-1978) explains how moods were changing when he was at the University. "It was the tail end of the hippies, and everything was moving towards punk." Gareth also remembers how the University was very political, and the Left very vocal. He supposes that has all changed now, and seems quite pleased when I explain about the Occupation, excited that perhaps something of the old UEA still remains. After leaving the University, Gareth took a PGCE in Cardiff, which IL'C! towards his current job, as Head of Creative Arts at King Edward VI High School in Kings Lynn. He says he really enjoy~ his job, but loves writing as well: whether it is plays which he writes with his

pupils, or poetry, which he has been writing since he was sixteen. "The stuff llik<.'<i at that age was the lyrics of The Bcatlcs, 'Hey Jude', for example. lt is 'about' something, and I didn't seem to get that sort of poetry at school." So far, Gnreth has been published in a number of renowned poetry magazines, including 'Encounter', 'The Haiku Quarterly' and the Norwich based 'Rialto'. He is also a poetry reviewer for 'London Drama Magazine'. lt has taken him 7 years to produce his fir~t book, which he undertook after a challenge from the renowned 'Picture Post' photographer, Sir Thomas Hopkinson. The book, entitled 'Coming Home', is a mysterious volume of poems, written in a number of different forms : from the ballad to the Persian ghazal. The poems' titles are equally diverse, from 'The Wedding Rings' to 'A Cold Fish' and 'Jewess' (a ~tar­ tling piece about persecution). Asked what, exactly, the whole book

Peter Hart talks to Gareth Calway - poet, teacher and UEA graduate is about, Gareth launches into a torrent of description. From this I establish that the stimulus has been his strong interest in practical Eastern Mysticism. Explaining further, he says, "it's a kind of meditation, trying to make sense out of confusion. lt is about the heart and mind working together in harmony, in order to get things straight." And he adds, ''The book begins from that part where we all come from ... going round in circles. And it ends with coming home." This is something which Aude Gotto, Director of the King of Hearts, which published the book, also emphasised. She said, ''The book is the account of a momentous journey: the journey of the soul towards its home, its perfection." So does this have any religious connotations? Gareth grimaces at this suggestion. "I hate that sense of religion, it reminds me of the whole Sunday School idea ." What about God? Is He within thf'

scheme of things? "It is not ncc~ssarily about God, but certainly a beloved beyond the ego; the kind of thing you feel when you're in love." If this all sounds too heavy going, it is, but the poems are fascinating.

At £4.99, the book is cheaper than many works of poetry, and it is well worth a read to sec if you can get inside the head of this inspiring new writer. ('Coming Home' is published by King of Hearts, and is available from the UEA branch of Watcrstones)

A Touch of Comic Relief Bridging the Tank Girl shaves her head, drinks ten pints a day, smokes dubious substances and snogs a kangaroo. Unfortunately, Tank Girl only exists in the head of ' Deadline' comic artist, Jamie Hewlett, but she is occasionally brought to life within the pages of this comic. When Tank Girl is not around, then Hewlett's other creation, Panama Plugg, blasts into action. Panama, of 'Fireball' strip fame is a pink-haired, name throwing psychopath who wears a wig because she has got a little man growing out of her head! 'Fireball' is the everyday story of fast vehicles, stolen suitcases, and ghosts; and the 'cast' of characters reads like a list of Malcolm Bradbury's out-takes: Jemima Cock, Severin Slippersniffer, Fern Flange and Agent Zipp. 'Deadline' contains stories about a supcrhero budgie; about a post, post feminist called Spike; about a kangaroo called Booga in 'Askey and Hunch' (no connection to Starsky and Hutch, I promise you!). Where else cou Id you find such a tempting array?

From the comic 'Deadline'

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which some previous comics have been. The female characters in 'Deadline' 11rc reaJJy strong and positive. I love it. Girls, burn your copies of 'My Guy', and blokes, it is time to trash 'Dan Dare.' Buy Deadline in huge quantitics, and watch your life change for the better. Abi Potto11

Believe me, this is not your average 'Bc,mo' or 'Dandy', and it knocks 2000 AD for six. 'Deadline' also includes loads of features on music (this is the magazine that wrote about Slowdive before the phrase shoegazing was invented) for when the madness gets too much . This is the magazine that puts the's' back into strip, and it is not full of the usual sexist views,

gap in poetry The Oxford English Dictionary defines the noun "Rialto" as meaning either: a Vcnetian Exchange or Market, a bridge spanning Venice's Grand Canal, a city in south west California, or lJ.stly, a theatre district of a town or city. The Norwich-bascd journal, 'The Rialto', is an important revision of this illustrious definition. One of its co-editors, UEA graduate, John Wakeham, explained the title's significance: "In the Merchant of Venice, the Rialto is downtownwhere the action is- and a long way from the ivory towers." Together with its other co-editor, Michael Mackmin, 'The Rialto' has been steadily redrawing the dominant national and stylistic boundaries which enclose the world of poetry. The magazine receives poems from all over the world, at a rate approaching 8000 a year, boasts contributors' ages as ranging from 17 to 90 years old, and claims to publish more poems by women than any other British publication.

lt has received enviable plaudits from the poetry community such as the Poetry Society, who praised its "hone~ty in the face of literary hype, and integrity in the face of capitalintensive block-busting ." The Rialto has progres~ed markedly since it~ inception in the Autumn of 1984. For example, it has moved into the so-called 'first-division' of lite~:ary journals, and it is the only newcomer competing with such old favourites as 'Orbis' and 'The Poetry Review'. Issue number 21 has just arrived on the news-stands and features an authoritative editorial, discussing such topics as the poet's vocation, political poetry, and in particular, the arena of sexual politics. It also features a voluminous selection of some of the most thought-provoking,and emotive modern poetry you arc likely to read anywhere. All together, it is a damn good way to acquire that much needed culture fix!

Martin If ighmore ~

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992


FILM LISTINGS UEA, Lecture Theatres One/Two, 7pm Admission £1.75 (6-7pm, UH foyer) FEBRUARY Thu rs 6 : Soap dish Fri 7 :Truly, Madly, Deeply Sun 9 /M on 1 0 : Drop Dead Frcd Thu rs 13 : Young Sou l Rebels Fri 14 : Poiso n Su n 16/Mon 17 : T he Field

CANNON · Tcl 623312 Ad m £3.40 UP UNTIL AN D INCLUDING TH URS FEB 6 Screen 1 : JFK (15) at 2 .30 & 7.30 Screen 2 : Frankie and Johnny {1 5) a t 2.30, 5.15, & 8pm Screen 3 : Double Impact (HI) a t 2.30, 5.50 & 8.20 Screen 4 : Addams Fa mi ly (PG) at 1.20, 3.40, 6.00 & 8.20

ODEON- Tel 0426 932450 Adm £3.50/£2.50 stdts until6pm weekd ays UP UNTIL AND INCLUDI NG THURS FEB 6 Screen 1 : Blame lt On The Bellboy (12) at 1.25, 3.05, 6.20 & 8.05 Sc ree n 2 : Bill & Ted' s Bog us Journey (15) at 1.15, 3.05, 6.05 & 8pm Screen 3 : Fredd ie's Dead (1 8) at 1.15, 3.05, 6.05, & 8pm

ilm DOUBLE IMPACT (18) 109 mins "Double the Van-damage, double the impact" shouts the advertising blurb as Jea n-Ciau d e Va n Da m me w hirls ac ross the ~creen, once agai n killing everybody, everywhere in a 2 minute o rgy of v iolence. But th ey cou ld almost repea t the advertisement fifty five times, because th e re is ra rely a momen t in the actua l film w he n Va n Dammc is not blow ing people up or repeatedly hi tt ing them. l'erhap~ t hi~ observation is sligh tly unfair because, if you ce~n bear it, the film is more entertaining than much of what has come to the cincme~ loltely (excluding, of cour~c, Bill e~nd Tcd). Van Damme play~ two roles in the film- the identical twin brothers, Chad and Alex. Separated at birth they come together to fight the evil businessmen who

mu rdered their pare nts, and claimed the fa m ily's fo rtun e. It is ea sy to tell which brot her is which, si nce 'one packs a p unch' a nd ' the othe r packs a p iece', a lthoug h eventually they seem to m anage both tech n iq ues. The m ost impressive pa rt of the fi lm is th e fight wh ic h Chad a nd Alcx manage to have with each other. Tha nks to some g rea t tric k-edit ing, th is scene is excelle nt. But th is is m arred sl igh tly by o th e r ins t;:mccs when o ne bro th er talks to the o ther whi le lookin g d irectl y throug h h im ! Wh a te ver, Van Da mmc, as bo th characte rs, ma nages to figh t tonnes of Oriental baddies, a nd sti ll comes ou t o n to p (q ui te predictab le, rea ll y, as hcco-wro te the screen play). This also mee~ns he ma nages to show his musc les and take h is to p off to show that Schwa rzencgge r-like physique. And although you will probably leave the film complaining, it is well worth wa tching . lt is just unfortunate that it is quite so violent, bt.'-e<:luse people under 18 would cer-· tainly enjoy its simplicity and e~­ capism-value.

Jean-Claude Van Damme, as A/ex

BLAME IT ON THE BELLBOY (12)79mins British farce, with n touch of Hollywood, in exotic Venice, is provided by the promising Mark Hcrman in his writer I directorial debut. A rash of good British actots, including Richard Griffiths and Penclopc Wilton, join Dudley Moore and hi t-man, Bryan Brown, in a wellpaced comedy of mix-ups and mismatches. Confusion ensues when 3 men, with similar names, but very different purposes, find their fates inter-linked through the hapless bellboy, who lead them into a plot which can only be described as the Mafia mectsCilla Black.

CIN EM A CITY- Tcl 622047 Adm £2.50 std ts, £3.30 Fri late FEBRUARY Until Sat 8 : The Bridge (1 5) a t 5.45and 8.15with Tues and Thu rs mat. at 2 .30 Fri 7 : Blue Velvet (1 8) a t 11 pm Sat 8 : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Jl (PG) a t 2.30 Sun 9 : The Sp ider's Stratagem (PG) at Spm Also He nry V at 7.30pm Mon 10- Sat 15 : The Brid ge {15) at 5 .45 Also City of Hope (15) at 8.15 w ith Tues and Thurs mat. a t 2.30 Fri 14 : Easy Rider (1 8) at 11 pm Sat 15 : Watership Dow n (PG) at 2.30 Su n 16 : Macbet h (1 5) a t 5pm Al so Jungle Fever (18 ) at 7.45 Mon 17 : Toto The He ro (15) at 8.1 5

N OVERRE - Tcl630128 Phone for prices FEBRUARY Unt il Sat 8 : Ho t Sho ts (12) at 5.45 & 8.15, w ith Weds/Sat mat. at 2.30 Mon 10-Sa t 15 : Ad d ams Family (PG) at 5.45 & 8.15, with Wed s/ Sat mat. a t 2.30

"While ~cry effort is madr to ensure the accuracy of these Listings, you are advised to telephone the venue to check before you Leave!.

Soap dish


The sonps eo-s tars and producer, Robc rt Downey Jr, p lot to have he r w ritt e n off the show, bu t each scheme fails as Celeste's rea l-life drama intrudes o n the script a nd ra tings rocket. Kcvi n Kline plays Celeste's former co-ste~ r and ex-lover, whose character re t u rn ~ from th e dead - as they do o n ly to be w ritten in to a roma nce wi th a beautiful homck·~s mute. But it is not

Tony Sweeney


UEA Films Preview Sweep away all the vesti ges of purity th a t cli ng to th ose tame Au ssie soap ope re~s and prepa re you rselvcs fo r a hecti c, Fre ud ian ro lle r-coaste r ri de into the d own and di rty world of 'soaps: A merica n style.' Sall y Field to ps an a ll -sta r cast as th e d ay time d rama quee n Celes te, whose popularity with the public does not ex te nd o nto th e set of 'The Sun Al so

It follows in the footstep~ of' A Fi~h Called Wand a', without quite reachtng its highest comic moments. There arc, nevertheless, solid performances, not \cast by Ali~n Steadman who, amongst a cluster of continental caricatures, delivers a nice cameo of a s mall -scale Margarct Thatcher. Venice itself is a pleasant backdrop, wit h gondolns and pia.uas a-plenty. And iiDudlcy Moore does as m Jch running as he appears to, then he must have either been in traintng with Madonna, or else chasing one hell of a lot of chickens.

all this simp le, beca use the mute is th ei r un ack no wled ged, illegit ima te daug hte r. Just a n ave rage day in soap-land! Field, Kli ne a nd Do wne y Jr all show good comic flair, and ha ve obvio u sly exp lo red the shallo w de pths of thei r characters. The one real di~appoi n tmcnt is tha t eo-sta r, Whoopi Goldberg, is cast as Celeste's sane sidekic k and d oes no t have the o p portuni ty to use he r comic genius. If you find soap operas a fun waste of ti me, this mo vie wi ll hit the spot; if yo u rega rd th e m as a serious a rt fo rm, this is a ' m ust see'. Have you heard tha t the Coumelling Centre offe rs su ppo rt fo r peo p le like yo u?'

}en Ire/an

Drop Dead Fred Rik Mayall's Hollyw ood d ebut sees him playi ng Phocbe Cat es' imag inary c hildh ood fr iend , appeari ng whe n he r weasel-of-a- h usband shac ks up wi th a no th e r w o m a n . Mayall perfo rms some manic antics, re m inisce nt of his 'You ng O nes' d ays, lea ving Cates, alias Sno t Face, popping pills in an at tempt to get rid of h im. (If RAG's Gnome-a-g ram ca tches up wit h you, you' ll know the feeli ng!) This is worth watching, if only to sec Mayall's inevitab le b ra nd o f freewheeling lunacy.


Twi n [>ca ks' Dav id Lynch again at temp ts to exa m ine the horror which u nde rlies seemi ngly ha rmless and perfectl y norm a l liv es. Kyle Maclachla n play s a na ive a nd inn ocent yo un g man w ho finds a sev ered car. leading to a n in vo lvemen t with a mys te rious ~inge r and a sadisti c, gas-breath ing crim inal. O ne crit ic wro te o n it s rel ease that Blue Velve t w as a 'nightmari> h, intensely di>t urbing explor.1tion of the hidde n >id e o f the h uma n soul.' It is certa inly ni ghtmarish , and it is most defi nitely disturb in g, but su ch ing redi e nt s can make th e film re pulsive, r.lther t han powerful. Dc>pite this, 13lue Velvet has made it into th e rea lm s o f the 'cult ' movie, and if you do not go expecting to relive Twin Peaks, it miMht be more clear 1·11hy the same critic we nt on to say th<'lt ll lue Vel ve t is sure to cause a semation. Paul Grainge









Danny Thompson's 'Whatever'

WATERFRONT- Tcl632717 FEBRUARY Fri 7 : The Cardiacs & Moontlowers (£4 adv.) at 7..30 Tues 11 : Moe Tucker Band (£5 adv.) at 7.30 Thurs 13: Diesel Park West (£4 adv.) at 7.30 Fri 14: Young Gods (£5 adv.) at 7.30 Sun 16: Wedding Present (£6.50 adv.) at 7pm

' Interview by Martin Highmore Danyy Thompson is Britain's foremost jazz/folk bassist and humouris!.

His career originated in the skiffle boom of the 1950's, with Danny moving on to forge a unique jazz/ folk style with Pentangle, and now settled as leader of his own quartet, informatively titled 'Whatever'! This project blends folk influences from the UK, including traces of the Jimmy Ginffre Trio and adding Northumbrian pipes, all followed up by a groovy piece of bebop. Stressing that there is "far more happening in Germany that America," in the jazz sphere, Danny Thompson is attempting to create a unique British fusion of jazz/folk, rather than merely recreating 30 year old Americanisms. The band have now been together for about 4 years, and have released in that time a trio of albums on the HJnniballabel, as well as regularly touring the UK. Featuring a selection of Britain's

Danny Thompson

Inspiral Carpets

lnspiral Carpets play the LCR on February 15th.

Preview - Lush at UEA Some might say Lush were rather an unlucky band. Since their arrival in 198!!, their first 3 singles and LP have failed to see Lush develop the adulation they deserve. Meanwhile, lesser bands listlessly drop the appropriate source names (My Bloody Yalentine, The Cocteaus .. ) and see their equally limp and formula-anchored releases take them to greater heights than seems fair. True, Lush's first 3 singles ('Scar', 'Mad Love' and 'Sweetness and Light') have their testing moments and the LP('Gala') is merely the said singles strung back-to-back, but there are few finer examples of elegant 'indie-pop' than most of the songs contained therein. Tracks like 'Ethericl', 'De-luxe' and 'Sweetness and Light' explore all old indie favourites such as harmony, rhythm, and 'purity', to devastating effect; but further than that, the tunes do not usually come in conventional, neat packages, but rather mutale over whole areas of


song, folding in on and around themselves, until the fade out stops everyone concerned - including the band - overdosing on this. At times like this, all the ABBA jokes seem funny, yet as perfect as the music. Now with a new single out ('Black Spring') and their first album proper - 'Spooky', produced by The Cocteau'~ Robin Guthrie (the man surround sound was made for) - it seems Lush's strongest challenge for their deserved pop-aown has started. Their current tour should witness the band reaching a point of full fruition, and with headgirl, Miki, looking even more like a (pop) goddess with every passing hour (none of your mangy, hooped t-shirt clad adolescents here) it would be fair advice to say get a ticket for when they play the LCR on February 9. This band are one of the better reasons for forcing the porters to erect crowd control barriers in the ENTS office...

ferry Sheldon

Latest Releases .. RIDE "Leave them all behind" EP (Creation) Release date: 3rd Feb This is Ride's first release in almost a year, and the lead track, called "Leave them all behind" is a veritable lasagne of a tune, layer upon layer of meaty guitar noise. I would have preferred a smaller portion, but at 8 minutes long, epic proportions are what you get. Ride seem to have regained some oft he power and edge of their first releases, which I think they'd lost of late. Perhaps they're trying to sonically beat up those who dared to call them shoe-gazcrs, the lead track certainly has rather sinister overtones and some Cu~ish guitar work, building up towards the end into a wall of crashing white noise. I love it when Ride do that. Lyrically, as well as musically, it seems as if Ride have gotten angry, but as usual, there's lots of typical Mark Gardncr "aaahhh aaahhh aahs" which is a bit of a wimp.:Out. "Chrome Waves" is a lighter affair altogether, but Ride are still a tad morose ("I'll meet you on the way down/ Aaanhhh aaaahhh aahh"). Flipsidc track "Grasshopper" starts off promisingly, Dinosaur Jnr style, then it goes off for an amble about up and down the fretboards and decides to settle on a choice between two notes. Maybe atmospheric, maybe just a load of ol' toss. Forget the rest, lead track is best.

most talented instrumentalists, Whatever's line up includes the saxophonists, John Harle and Paul Dunmall, along with guitarist, John Etheridge, renowned for his work with the fusion combo, Soft Machine. Danny explained the band's name to me: "We are called Whatever because I want to get away from any kind of genre, cliche or stereotype of a Jazz or Folk group." His involvement in World music is perhaps not as chronicled as Peter Gabriel's, but Thompson has managed to incorporate a multitude of International styles into his work, and has jammed with both Spanish Flamenco players, and African Kora musicians. Describing the outfit's music as "very strong melodies, with improvisation," and explaining that there is something in the music for everyone, "although not necessarily for your Granny," Whatever could well be worth a visit when they play Norwich Arts Centre on February 7.


NORWICH ARTS CENTRE Td660352 FEBRUARY Fri 7 : Danny Thompson's ·Whatever (£4 stdts.) at 8pm Fri 14: Lcfty Dizz (£5 stdts.) at Hp m

UEA FEBRUARY Weds 5 : Pentangle (£7.50). Doors open 7-8pm Sun 9 : Lush (£6.50). Times above Sat 15 : lnspiral Carpets (£7.50). Times above Mon 17 : Instruments and Ek'Ctronics (£2 stdts.) at 7.30pm

Jody Thompson looks at the latest from Ride, Buffalo Tom and World of Twist BUFFALO TOM ''Velvet Roof''EP (Beggars Banquet) Release date: 3rd Feb Launched into life with a rather ace guitar riff which pounds away throughout the song, and then in comes a voice which could only have been raised on Jack Daniels and Marlboro. Later on a harmonica joins in (a touch of genius-bring back the harp!) and the whole song sounds rather jolly in a power-driven kind of way. Out there's actually far more to this tunc that a happy guitar-pop sensibility, the song has a dark underbelly, with lyrics like "She's as sharp as a razor blade/But she could cut my wrists open just the same". This track is absolutely brilliant, I haven't stopped playing it yet. Other tracks on this 12" include "Crutch" which is a bit like a harder American Music Oub, "Sally Brown" which is truly wonderful and could be a single in it's own right, and "She Belongs To Me", also a good tune. This is intelligent songwriting with character, the best kind of American rock if you ask me. After all, REM have got boring. haven't they? Excellent, EXCELLENT stuff. WORLD OF TWIST "She's like a rainbow" 12"version (Circa) Release date:3rd Feb This was originally a 8-side of wors single, "The Storm", and before that, it was a not very groovy Rolling Stones album track. That was then. It kicks into action with a typical WOTspace-agefunky beat keyboard

jam, with a few bleepy noises thrown in for good measure, then a piano tinkles dreamily, and the world is suddenly seen through rose-tinted contact lenses. Violins sweetly sing, a girly voice serenades (ooh la laa), puppies fro lick in newly-mown grass ....erm, I'm getting carried away here, but it really is such a wondrous track, it almost brings tears to my eyes. The endings great too, what they've done is play the song back through headphones and recorded it. The things they can do nowadays, you would not believe. Admittedly, I don't think it's as good as when it was a B-side, but I'd forgive World Of Twist almost anything. Still dead good though, a very very happy song. Even without the puppies.

New lndie Venues TO COMOA T the lack of venues for local indie bands, regular gigs arc to be held in the Bill Wilson Room and at the Jacq,uard Oub, in Norwich. On Monday, February 10, bands including The In-laws and City Works will play in the Bill Wilson Room, beginning at 8pm. Groups interested in future performances should ring Oliver on 623278 or contact lvan Salcedo through the CMS pigeonhole in Union House.

The Rest... NORWICH ARTS CENTRE Tel660352 FEBRUARY Tues 4: The Mistress and Annie Wobbler (£3 stdts.) at 8pm Thurs 6: 13eardsley (£3 stdts.) at Bp m Sat 8 : Mates (£3 stdts.) at 8pm Sat 15 : John Hegley (£4 stdts.) at Bp m

WATERFRONT- Tel766266 FEBRUARY Tues 4 - Thurs 6 : Advice to a Daughter (£2 stdts.) at 7.30

UEA FEBRUARY Tues 4 : !an Cognito (free) after 9pm Also Hugh Lennon (£3.50)at7 .30 Various lectures, for details please see 'Week lO'leaflet.


12 O'Clock Deadline The Waterfront, Jan 21 For 2 nights only, the thoroughly postmodern 'What Would You Do If... " theatre company performed their latest play, a jarring, distracting

THE DOORS ARE ALIVE AND KICKING AT THE NAC LIGHT MY FIRE, The Doors Show consists of four Colchester lads cashing in on the recent Doors mania. A night at their show offers the delights of all your fav Doors songs ranging from the obvious Light My Fire, Strange Days to the more ambitious The End. They sounded amazingly like The Doors, ii you closed your eyes the NAC ~uddenly became a sixties have n as th e f<1milar sounds echoed around th e distinctly nineties venue. Jim Morri!>on sounded pretty good for a 20 year old corpse. With your eyes open they weren't so convincing. Dressed to look like the cult band they seriously lacked that sexy drugged up bad boy look. The NAC's version of Jim Morri-

son was togged up in his leather trousers, pointed black boots and an extremely dodgy 'hippy' top. Although constantly holding the obligatory cigerette, he was obviously a non-smoker because he only twice took a drag on it. Also at one point he staggered on swigging a bottle of vodka which, sadly, was full of WilIer. Somehow he wasn't quite Jim. The audience seemed undetcrcd by these minor discrepancies. Someone was so convinced they kept shouting "Jim, Jim" . Although 1 th in k there was a hint of irony in his voice. With your tongue in your check, your flowers in your hair and a few beers LA came to Norwich and Jim was not dead. Polly Gra1Jam

exercise of their own creation, entitled '12 O 'C lock Deadline.' The first aspect to notice was the audience's seating. It allowed activity to take place between 2 sets of chairs, producing an effect which can be best described as stereophonic. The protagonists included twinsKate and Michael- who preferred to enter a self-made fantasy world rather than confront reality, an insec ure career woman, Rachel, and Marcus, who is bored with his tedious and humdrum existence. Also present, among others, was a mysterious 'singer', who provided gravel-throated visions of the characters' subconsciousness. With no particular plot to follow, apart from the portrayal of the char-

acters' interacting insecurities and obsessions, conveyed in both monologues and dialogue, the effect was disorientating at first. Even when the characters had all made contact, the conclusion was merely a regression to their individual obsessive states. A uniformly high standard of characterisation and acting prevailed, with the audience allowed to delve into the characters' tortured psyches. Although the 'cut and paste' technique- which held the various scenes together - began to grate near the play's conclusion, the device was useful for adding tension . It was, overall, a most intriguing, and attention-grabbing piece. Martin Highmore

Gill Fenwick reviews 2 travel guides

very helpful.

Maddermarket Theatre, Jan 24- Feb of h is sexual identity. !3oth men are married, but only Cooper, Big Daddy's least favourite son, can, as yet, present the grandchildren that would ensure the dynasty the dying father dreams of. It is under such circumstances that Maggie, Brick's wife, is compeJied to dominate events, striving to win back the inheritance and also Brick's sexual confidence. It is only through Brick's confidence, however, that the inheritance can really be achieved . The complexity of this situation is why Maggic feels like a cat on a hot tin roof; she is uncomfortable where she is, but she is too scared to jump off. In the original staging of his play, Williams emphasised the need for space, "to give the actors room to

Eurobibles? For all you Inter-railers, Fontana have just introduced two travelling companions which will not only keep you occupied on those long train journeys, but are also

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Despite occasional first night nerves, and some hesitant American accents, the Norwich Players achieved a momentum that made for a commendable staging of Tennessee Williams' play, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. Williams' prize-winning and muchfilmed drama uses the struggle for capitalist inheritance as the context for developing the play's more subtle themes. Big Daddy is a multi-millionaire who is dying of cancer. His misfortune consequently means that he must address the question of succession, and this is the basis of the plot. The choice rests with either of his two son s: Cooper, an unloving materialist, or Brick, an ex-football player, who is being slowly destroyed by alcohol and the confused nature

The Doors ... from Colchester

move freely, to show their restlessness." Although the Maddermarket Theatre's small Shakespearian stage made this somewhat difficu It, th e play was executed with the understanding and sensitivity that Williams' work demands . By tradition, the Norwich Players are all anonymous, but in terms of character, a weaker Maggie was compensated for by excellent performances form from 13rick and 13ig Daddy, both of whom embraced the realms of the professional. Helped by an elegant set, the Norwich Players were altogether successful in performing a play which could, so easily, have been performed badly. Paul Grainge.

'Europe By Trilin' (rontan.t, 1992: £6.99) is an excellent all-round travel guide, and this new edition has thinner paper, so it includes more information for the same weight! It was written specifically for students, suggesting cheaper eating, drinking and sleeping, and also advises which local sights should not be missed. There is heaps of information about 27 countries and plenty of good suggestions arc given, from 'getting yourself together before you go' to 'being a good tourist.' The guide also advises on the actual travelling, the most profitable ticket to buy, and includes train and station information. Tips for women and lone travellers are also there, and some

information for disabled travellers is offered . I am sure not many people know that in Budapest, buses are blue and trams are yellow. You can pick up such interesting or useless f,1cts (<~s the c<~se may be) throughout the book . 'Cheap Sleep- Guide to Europe 1992' (Fontana, 1992: £4 .99) is not as useful on its own, but is more ideal as a companion to any travel book. This guide not only informs on acommodation in 25 countries, bu t it advises on curfews and how to be street-wise, as well as explaining how to book ahead. Both books arc well researched and c<~sy to read, and they arc alsoreason<~blypriccd. Remember, however, not to rely on such info,rmation too much, they only offer suggestions and ideas. These guides are available at Waterstones, on The Street at


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Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992



THE BRIDGE THE latest British produced film to hit our cinema screens is 'The Bridge', a full length debut by the Ballymena born Director Syd MacCartney, and starring the actress Saskia Reeves, who shot to prominence with the contra-

Martin Hightnore reports frotn the launch of a new British filtn starring Saskia Reeves

Jude. Isobel is locked in one of the rooms of their holiday home like a child, and her husband attempts to pay off Steer. It appears that their happiness is ended and the ending is rather ambiguous.

The early stages in the mak- big themes - love and death." Producer Lyn Goleby also said, ing of the film went relatively smoothly, with the casting of "There is a lot in it that is relelsobel being decided particularly vant to a modern audience. The easily. The Director commented, "We wanted Saskia as Isobel because she has a changeable quality which is always interesting. There is one look which will be breathtaking which I am saving for a special moment, so that I can make the audience see what the artist secs." Indeed, it is not difficult to see why Saskia Reeves was chosen for this role. Over the past whole thing of selling out for few years she has emerged as your work is very much a modone of Britain's most talented ern dilemma." and versatile actresses in both Over the last year only 27 theatre and film. Classically films were produced by British trained and a veteran of the Royal Shakespeare Company, she has recently come to public attention with numerous TV appearances including a monologue in BBC2's 'In My Defence' series, and has starred in three new British films in one year- One of these films being the awardwinning 'Close My Eyes.' The casting of the artist Steer was more problematic, as Mac- film-makers, and this figure is in Cartney stresses: "He has to look sharp contrast with the 300 plus acceptably handsome and dash- films produced in France. Direcing, but within him there is an tors such as Peter Hewitt (Bill intensity and passion which is and Ted's Bogus Journey) have appropriate to the character''. The completely ignored the UK and film, he states, "Deals with the moved directly to the US to make

"I don't know anything about the British Film Industry - Is there one"

"Saskia has a changeable quality which is always interesting路路"

Saskia with eo-star David O'Hara

versial film 'Close My Eyes' last year. 'The Bridge' is a costume drama set in the late 1880's, and filmed just down the road in Suffolk. This period piece is based on a novel by the British writer Maggie Hemmingway. It takes the form of an imaginary account of the circumstances surrounding the creation of the Victorian impressionist painter Philip Steer's painting entitled 'The Bridge'. The artist was born in 1860 and died in 1942, and little is known about his life because when he died his private papers were destroyed according to his wishes. The story unfolds with an account beginning with a summer visit to the seaside village of Walberswick by Philip, played by the actor Daniel O'Hara, and Isobel Hetherington played brilliantly by Saskia Reeves. Phillip is an artist in search of inspiration, and Isobel is an unhappily married woman, whose husband is obsessed with money and is thus working in London. From their first meeting the scene is set for an adulterous relationship. Unfortunately, one of lsobel's daughters notices their liasons and blabs to the matriarchal Aunt


During the film it seemed that Phi lip was using people as mere inspiration for his work, rather than treating them as human beings. Director Syd MacCartney, the producer Lyn Colcby and Saskia Reeves were holding a press briefing and series of interviews. I asked Syd whether he thought Philip's character was onepeoplecould indentifywith: "Well in the end Steer's whole problem is that he can't confront stuff when it affects him directly. He is affected by it and he enjoys the idea of it when it's distant enough not to affect him." Thus as an artist Philip is granted a role refused to the other characters, and is allowed to turn his personal tragedy into art while the others passively suffer. Saskia explained that the character she played, namely Isobel Hetherington, was a woman faced with a role that many women found themselves in during the Victorian Age. "They didn't expect to love their husbands when they married them. They were supposed to make a good marriage with a man ... then fall in love with him. lsobcl is waiting for this to happen when she meets Steer. For the first time in her life she experiences fear and Saskia with screen husband Anthony Higgins intense excitement."

their films. I asked Syd how this situation had affected him: "The most crucial dilemma that the British Film industry faces is the adverstising which requires a phenomenal amount of money. Without money for advertising you're shooting yourself in the foot, career and box office wise." Lyn also spoke of how difficult it was to attract funding, with the eventual solution being acomplexcombinationofChannel Four, the US Bank Security Pacific and British Screen Finance. After the press briefing, I was given the chance to chat with Saskia about her plans for the future. I wondered whether she had any plans to work in America, and she emphsized, '1'll work anywhere as long there are good people and good scripts." With reference to her incredible workload of three films in the space of one calender year, I wondered whether she would be taking a break from work soon, but she stressed, "I'd love to but I don't think I'd be able to. If Adrian Noble (RSC Director) would let me in the summer, I'm planning to go to Ireland for a month to hang out, but I don't think that would be possible." So go see 'The Bridge' - it opens at Cinema City on February 10, and is well worth a visit.

tters Publisher Stephen Howard Editor

If you have anything that you feel strongly about, whether it is the content of CONCRETE, or something about the University which really gets you going, write to: The Editor, CONCRETE, EAS or bring it to Room 2.29, EAS .. If there is anything you think we should be writing about, drop us a note, or call us on Norwich 592799 (internal number 2799)

Polly Graham Arts Editor Peter Hart Sports Editor Keeley Smith Sub Editor Gill Fcnwick Contributors John Barton Tony Sweeney Jane Wrangham Emma Irvine-Robertson SimonMann Faith Collier Anna Worthington Derek Peacock Jody Thompson Toby Auber Jane Drake Jim Stevenson Linda McDevitt Cathy Pal mer TobyLeaver Martin Highmore Ed Meikle Jen Irelan Shaun Harley Paul Grainge

Jerry Sheldon Abi Patton Thanks toProf Chris Bigsby Steve Sadd

Labour Propaganda With reference to your report, "Election Candidate and Dean lives on £14.58 a week" (issue 1). I write becau se I fail to understand how such a figure was reach<..x:l, it seems wildly exaggerated . If for example, we take a fir st year living on a full grant on campus, he/she receives £79 per week. Having deducted £2. for laundry, £5 for transport, £30 for rent and £1.80 for poll tax and £4 for books, such a student would have£38lcft to spend on food and entertainment. Admittedly, students living off campus in rented houses have slightly higher bills to pay, but one should still have about £30 per week. I can only assume, that the money Dr Ian Gibson lived on for a week, was calculated to win the votes of students, as he prepares to battle to become Parliamentary Candidate for Norwich. I'm certainly not fooled by this kind of Labour Propaganda. Yours Anthony Merryweathcr. Concrete gave this letter to Phil Scott, NUS Area Convener, to give him a chance to explain in full.This is his reply:

The money !an Gibson had, to live on for a week, was calculated by the National Union of Students, an organisation which is independant of any political party. Also, we did invite Patrick Thompson, the sitting Conservative MP for Norwich North, to live on £14 .58 as well. Unfortunately, he refused . The way in which the £14.58 was calculated was as follows; through various complicated sums, the student loan works out as £11 .15 per week, and the Residual

grant, as £49 .63 per week . Therefore, the weekly student income is £60.78. From this, £32 was deducted for the average Norwich rent, £5 for bills, £1 for poll tax, £6 .70 for travel and £1.50 for travel, thus leaving a grand total of £14.58 to live on for a week. I think where Mr Mcrrywcather may have gone wrong is that he has taken the student grant as just covering term time, actually, it is supposed to cover the Easter and Christmas vacations as well. Even so, a grant with no deductions at all comes to £75.50 per week and not £79 as Mr Mcrrywcather claims, so I'm not sure where he got that figure from. Clearly some students live on more than £14.58 per week because their parents give them money, or they have a part time job or they economise in certain areas. However, the point, is that working from the government figures, you end up with such deductions. This cxcercisc was not, as Mr Merryweathcr claims, "Labour propaganda" but an attempt to show the inadequacy of the current system of student financial support - which we believe it has conclusively done. Yours Phi! Scott

Concrete Proof Congratulations on your first issue of 'Concrete'. You covered a wide variety of topics and ventured to explore some of the touchier issues. Maybe it is a bit early to sing its praises, but I think 'Concrete' is off to a good start. Vicky Sandilands

Sleepless Nights I am a Spanish student, studying chemistry, and I am really satisfied with my courses, which are quite interesting. What I wish to complain about, is the life in my corridor. I do not know about other res idences, but in Suffolk Terrace, sleeping at night is very difficult, especially when there is a disco in Union House. On these nights, many people come into the corridor about 2 am shouting and singing . When I ask them to be quiet, they ignore me. I was told that a possible remedy was to report them, but that would deteriorate my relationship with my neighbours . And would it solve the problem? I'd like to see somebody patrolling to keep the situation under control, rather than some people having to move off campus because of the noise. I hope you will publish this letter, because I know that in the campus there are a lot of other students with the same problems. J. Morales Sanchez

NUS Replies I reply to the student who was too scared to use his own name, and whose unsubstantiated argument about the failings of the NUS were published in your first edition.

Only last year, the membership of the Union of UEA students affirmed their belief in the importance and effectiveness of being affiliated to the NUS. When the Union's new constitution was passed, 98 per cent voted in favour of continued membership of the NUS. Students do not pay to be members of the NUS, they simply receive its many benefits. The union' s affiliation fee is paid from money it receives from the University. This money in tu m comes from student tuition fees paid in the main by local education authorities; only a small amount of students pay their own education fees. The UEA Union Treasurer did an analysis three years ago of the financial benefits NUS membership brings. This investigation discovered that the financial cost was outweighed by the financial benefits. The NUS is an important and successful union that achieves much for it members. Student loans were defeated twice by NUS before the government chose to ignore all logical arguments and press ahead with their policy of restricting higher education to those who can afford it. The NUS helped to get rid of the poll tax and has recently defeated European legislation which would have meant that clubs, such as Rugby and Hockey, would require Public Service Licences to take out minibuses. The students who advocate disaffiliation should examine just how much power, representation and recognition we would have as a much smaller individual union. The reality is that the position of students in society can only be improved through the united strength and collective action of a National Union . Shelly Wright

CliveAshby Neil Barnden ThuyLa Benders Keegan Concrete is published independently at UEA . Opinions expressed are those of the contributer, an not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor (C)


Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road , Norwich.

concrete • ecruitment CONCRETE's success will depend upon your support. If you would like to contribute in any way- whether if be writing news, features, arts or sports; taking photographs or producing artwork; typing, proof-reading, or doing anything it takes to make a newspaper work, then come to one of our meetings. They are every Monday in Room 2.49, EAS. Or come and see us any weekday' between 12pm and 2pm. No . . experience IS necessary.

, Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992

19 "'

concrete Sport Special

DONNELLY ON THE LONG ROAD TO RECOVERY Keeley Smith interviews Formula One racing driver, Martin Donnelly. UPON first meeting Martin Donnelly, it's almost hard to belive that this calm, polite Ulsterman has spent most of his life aspiring for a highpowered career in the glamorous world of Formula One motor-racing. However, the fact that he determindly undergos physiotherapy four hours a day, five days a week for his sport, is a convincing enough testimony for anyone. I met up with Donnelly at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, which is where he makes the 15 mile journey to everyday to receive treatment for injuries sustained in a horrific 160 m.p.h. crash. Donnelly's career in Formula One racing came to an abrupt halt in the official qualifying lap of the Spanish Grand Prix inSeptember1990. Afaultwith the suspension of his car sent him flying into the crash barriers, where he not only broke his left leg in five places, but also his heel, right leg, pelvis and collar bone. Despite such injuries, Donnelly has shown remarkable resiliance and courage, spending time in hospitals in London,

Austria and now Norwich, regaining his strength. The crash happened when Donnelly had completed over

"Despite such injuries, Donnelly has shown remarkable resiliance and courage, spending time in hospitals in London, Austria and now Norwich, regaining his strength." a year as a full-time racer for Team Lotus, where he'd partnered Derek Warwick. He'd raced in 15 Grand Prixs at circuits all over the world, and negotiations were underway for 1991 contracts with Team Lotus and Jordan Grand Prix. This major interruption in his

career has taught him how to be patient, and also about taking risks. "I always used to give 110%, even in testing, but that seems unecessary now." However, the man whose intersts in motor-racing began as a young boy visiting Irish circuits with his father, has not been deterred by the accident from getting back into motor-sport. After all, Donnelly has "never done anything else but race" for a career, and after swapping a second-hand racing car for a Formula One vechile, he is not about to abandon his life's ambitiQn to be a top driver. A lot of Donnelly's motivation has come from the thought of racing in a Grand Prix again, and he admits that the sport has become an addiction. Although Donnelly thought he'd be fit enough to be back racing in last April's Italian Grand Prix, the nearest he has got to driving is his automatic car to and from the hospital. However, with the encouraging progress in his left leg, he hopes to be behind a racing wheel for the British Touring Championships later this year. Sponsers Team Lotus and

PIIOTO: C/ive Ashby

Jordan Grand Prix have offered to give him test drives as soon as he knows he's "well on the road to recovery."

Despite having been away from the Formula One scene for nearly 18 months, there is also still a lot of media attention in Donnelly as well. This is a reflection of the hope and faith people still have in his undoubted talents. And if so all continues to go

"S ponsers Team Lotus and Jordan Prix have Grand -offered to give him test drives as soon as he knows he's "well on the road to recovery." well with his intensive physiotherapy, it seems that Martin Donnelly's cheerful optimism might pay off.



' 20

Concrete, Wednesday, February 5, 1992

er TEAMS FIGH路T HARD INUAU CHALLENGE Shaun Harley and Emily Underlzill ALTHOUGH the defeats have outnumbered the victories, in comparison with previous years UEA' ssporti ng achievements in the University Athletics Union competition have been a vast improvement. In particular, the

female teams seem to have a good chance of bringing some trophies home to Norwich. One of the most outstanding results was the Netball Oub, who now have both their teams through to the last eight in the

Pif OTO: To by Le aver

The llockey Thirds in ac1ion

AMERICAN FOOTBALLDEFEAT AGAINST THE BLUES Cambridge Blues 18 UEA Pirates 6 THE Pirates' penultimate game this season was away against the Cambridge Blues. Unfortunately it resulted in a 18:61oss for UEA that p u ts them at 3:4, a record tha t is unli kely to see a return to the play-offs. The first half saw a greatly improved Pira tes' defence, which ha! ted a Cambridge offence and forced a number of turnovers most notably an interception from Blaine Craddock. UEA also prevented any point-<~fter at-

Rugby: Losing to tough opposition country. In a match that remained closely fought to the end, the firsts managed to pull through against Newcastle to triumph 32-29. A victory for the seconds was never in doubt as they pushed Surrey aside to win 48-7. More female victories were achieved by the volleyball and basketball teams, who both had the added difficulty of having to play on foreign territory. The volleyball team defeated York three sets to one, whilst the basketball team had no problems progressing to the next round dispatching UCL by 59 points to 31.

To/Jy Leaver

nals. A role reversal has occured in the Football Club this year with the seconds, last year's semi-finalists, losing to Exeter, whilst the firsts achieved an impressive 3-2 win over Manchester. With all three rugby teams losing to tough opposition, the only other male team certain of progressing further is the badminton second team who whitewashed QMW College 9-0. With other matches still to be decided this week, UEA's further participation in the UA U competition remains promising.


temp ~s

from the Blues. The Pirates' offence failed to capitalise on the defensive strength until late in the second quarter, when Michael Bucher ra n an option reverse in for a touchdow n. Turnovers then ha mpered any sustained drive in the second half of the game. The Pirates' next and last game is against Loughborough; the outcome of which will decide the play-off fate of the team.

Unlike previous years, both the women's hockey teams have not faired well. With the firsts going out in the last round, it was left to the seconds to maintain female interest in the competition, but despite a resilient performance they suffered a heavy defeat in the hands of a more experienced team from Bristol. All was not lost for the Hockey Club, with the men's indoor squad defeating favourites Loughborough, to reach tl\e finals for a second successive year. The men's outdoor first team look set to beat UMIST this week, leaving them the only hockey team through to the quarter-fi-

THE FIRST round of the UAU knock-out stages produced success for both the men's and women's badminton teams. Mens 1, facing a tough fixture against Ba th Un iversity, produced a good team effort to triumph 6-3 on the day. Steve Foster, the Captain, described the performance as 'cracking.' Mens 2 also won 9-0 by way of a walkover. Jeff Green, the

Captain, was delighted, claiming they had scared off the opposition. The ladies team also produced a good 6-3 victory over Sussex University, with Captain Susie Solway satisfied with the performance. In the following challenge round held last Wednesday the Mens 1 team unfor tunately lost 8-1 in a home match against Hull. The

ladies also lost 9-0 to Liverpool, which sees both teams out of the competition . However, the Mens2 produced a fine 9-0 victory against QMW College of London, and are now through to the quarter-finals. Although two of the badminton teams were defeated, UEA can be happy with a very high position in relation to other smaller universities.

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