inside NEWS lhe sabbatical election slur campaign. Finance officer faces a revote The car parking problem gets worse - one space for every five cars.
UEA seen as one of the top ten Universities by the Government ...
FEATURES The story of Watership Down a1 U EA Find out what you are paying for when you buy a pint
A centre page special on the Norwich club scene
ARTS An intendew with Arthur Smith an ex UEAstudent turned comedian Win cinema tickets
Hockey bus overturns on a Norwich road By Polly Graham and Peter Hart A UEA student and two others are in Intensive Care, following a collision on the A146 on Saturday. The crash, between a minibus and Ford Fiesta, happened at approximately 2pm, as the UEA Hockey Team travelled to an away game. It has left a total of 6 people in hospital, three of whom are in Intensive Care. Chris Hall, Union Finance Officer who was travelling in the bus, is said to be in a "serious condition" at the Gty's Norfolk and Norwich hospital, although he is described as stable. Four ambulances and 3 fire engines rushed to the scene, at Franingham Pigot, when the minibus lost control, and hit the Fiesta travelling in the opposite direction,
crushing both vehicles. The car, driven by Genevieve Porrit, had three other occupants. They were their way home when the accident occured. It took the emergency services 30 minutes to cut them free. ''The driver of the car was severely distressed, with multiple fractures .. she was losing a lot of blood," said Fire Station Officer, Nick Excel!. Said Police Inspector, Ted Stewart, "It was a serious accident, bearing in mind the number of people Involved." The reason for the crash is not yet apparent, and Inspector Stewart added "Road conditions were good- it was a dry, sunny day.''
Dave Stringer talks about the future ambitions of the Canaries I low to ski without getting a wet bottom PHOTO : Steve Howard
MARGINAL SEAT IN JEOPARDY Norwich South could become a Tory stronghold , reports Polly Graham. A GENERAL election during students' Easter vacation could radically effect the results in the marginal seat of Norwich South. With the suspected date for the general election being April 9 many students will have gone home. This could mean that the Conservative vote will be boosted with the scattering of the student population all over the country rather in the marginal seat of Norwich South. John Garrett currently holds the seat by an extremely narrow margin of 336. Although the election date is yet to be confirmed by John Major it is thought by many in the Conservative Party that the date will be sometime during the Easter
holidays. lfMajorconfirmsthedate it will be the first general election that has not been held during term time since 1970 when 18 year olds got the vote. David Baxter, the Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Norwich South, placed great importance on the student vote. Although the 1~25 age group is expected to vote Labour, David Baxter has found student support to be increasing. "I would have preferred the election to have been whilst students are in Norwich. I regard them as a significant population in Norwich South. I have been scoring well in student areas." John Garrett does not take the student vote for
granted but says "I have served students well for 14 years. Given the way they have been treated by the Conservative Government over the last decade it would seem logical that they should vote Labour." Many of the key marginal seats are situated in university cities and towns, such as York and Brighton, where the student vote is also seen as a major factor in general elections. John Garrett agreed with the rumours that one of thereasonsMajorwill pick this date is because of the high density of students in marginal seats. NJ wouldn't be at all surprised if it was a deliberate ploy. After all the student vote is very powerful in many significant seats."