~ 992, FREE
inside NEWS Student Unions advertise hardship in the Guardian RAG eh ined to CarterUSM
FEATURES E elusive look at Chan 14's 'T e Word'
r li v
Sound City Roundup Interviews with Radio 1 DJs and Billy Bragg A musical extravaganza: diary of the week
SPORT Indoor Hockey UAUs ~------------------~
AL1HOUGH the sun shone only sporadically on UEA last Saturday, the uniwnity rea!ived a lltady stream of visitors to its highly publicized Open Day, held once every three years to increasecommunity involvement on the campus. Visitors from both Norfolk and Suffolk had a wide range of activities from which to choose, as each department at UEA hosted exhibitions and other programs. Highlights included an open reNearly half of UEA believe in God - - - - - , hearsal of the University Orchestra, an East Anglian Film Archive exhibition, open drama workshops, readings in the school of English and American Studies and handaFORlY SIX percent ofUEA students take it, and what would you ask on experiments in the social and believe in God, accordlngtoasurvey him?" physical sciences. of attitudes towards Christianity. Out of the 70% who said they According to a supplement proAnd the survey, carried out at Fifers would take the opportunity, 33% vided by the Eastern Daily Press, Lane and on the Plain by the Chrl&said they would be too awe struck this year's Open Day is particutian Union, reveals that even people to say anything. larly significant since UFA beamle who don<* believe In God have prayed The survey discovered that quesa centre for extra-mural classes in at some point In their life. tions students would most like to However, of the 84% who said they ask God are: "Why Is there so Suffolk and Norfolk last August. Until then, Cambridge Univerhad prayed, over half feh their prayers rruch aufferlng'', "What is the meansity had been responsible for exhad not been answered. ing of life," and "What happens tra-mural education for the entire Belief In reincarnation after death when we die?" area of East Anglia. was also popular with 14% advocatMore politically sound students Ing the view. wondered whether God was male PHENOMENAL The traditional Christian belief In or female and also wanted to ask: heaven and hell gained only 1% more. "what Is the future of the world?" "''think it's just phenomenal to A massive 28% said there was no Rachel Combs, a Christian Union see the entire community particilife after death, with nearly as many committee member said: • We resaying they did not know what happating In UEA's educational offercleved a huge amount of Interest pened after death. ings," said Adam Vogt, a visiting from the respondents whilst carryRespondents were also asked the student from the United States who ing out the survey. abstract question: 1f you had the op''I think the results are very Inter- attended the Open Day. portunity to meet God, would you esting and thought provoking" Bill Panning, also from the U.S,
Survey results 'interesting'
~--------------------------------------------~ added,"''t'saninfo-mania~spanr
M~lissa Weiland diset• While ~here was enough activity to keepthemoet inqulaitiveadulta occupied, Open Day proved to be by and large a family affair.
OIILDREN Most visitors, when asked why they came to Open Day or what they had enjoyed the most, said that they brought the family beaause they knew the children would enjoy it. Between bites of chocolate icecream, six-year-old Andrew Cole of Norwich said that he enjoyed playing with the computers most. As a future archaeologist and pouible UEA student, he had fun checking out the facilities here. His companion Eel ward Williarnson, also six years old, heartily agreed, adding that when he grew up he wanted to •work for newapapel"' or work for an ic:e-cream
man." Both children and adults enjoyed the carnival atmosphere created by activities like face-painting and story-telling. A dancing demonstration held in the Square by UFA's Yare Valley Morris and the presenm of the·~ cream man"' also added to the atmosphere.
'Underfunding makes no sense,' says Guar dian advert By
IOtarlotte ~~
SWANSEA University students union have come up with a new way of drawing the public's attention to student poverty by placing a national newspaper advertisement. Just before the general Election they placed two adverts In The Guardian. These adverts were placed by the Students Union President, Kevln Durham, who feels that the NUS ls not doing enough to emphasize the problems caused by Jack of govemrrent funding to both students and Universities. Students have been hard hit by the freez ing of grants, the w ithdrawal of benefits and forced Introduction of loans. According to a recent survey students are living £500 under the poverty line. The drastic increase In student numbers Is causing grave problems In physical access to the Universities' facilities on all levels . There is insufficient space and books In libraries, a
Swansea University Students Union This advert is to highlight certain Issues. This Union supports the increase in access to higher education both for mature and other students. Swansea has a deservedly high academic record, with many of its departments. research and courses among the best in the country. However, as a Union we cannot support the continued underfunding of higher education, the cry of student poverty Is not an empty one. The wijhdrawl of benefits, freezing of grants and forced introduction of loans are causing real hardship. Students will drop out or be deterred from beginning degree courses. The rapid increase in numbers of students is causing grave problems in physical access to university facilities in all areas. From library space to book numbers, lecture sizes to accommodation, welfare services to catering.
This Union calls on the Incoming Government to fund higher education fully. UNDERFUNDING MAKES NO SENSE FOR STUDENTS, UNIVE.RSITIES OR THE _NATION shortage of student accomodation. lecture rooms are overauwded, welfare sevlces are unable to cope, the list Is endless ... With 18% of students considering leaving university purely for financial reasons, Our-
ham foresees that the only people going to unlveslty will be "rich kids". His strong beliefs on access to higher education have led him to mount a protest campaign. w hich Included an occupation where the whole college
was closed dow n for three days. This has made the University officials antagonistic towards the union said Durha m. ''They originally said they would fine us £20,000, although we later got this changed to £5,000, but they still fined us £2,.000 for a poster campaign because they said lt would cost that much to takethemdown" The Students Union had a lot of support from the students as well as lecturers, '1t was even worse for the lecturers who openly sided with the union because I'IOm! have had their contracts suspended." The advertisements and the occupation have had a positive effect. The university gave £25,000 for the library and money has been flooding Into Swansea's u n ion from other colleges unions. Students apathy has also plurrunetted as a result of media attention. Swansea's UGM attendance went up from 70 to over 1,000. The main fear voiced In the adverts Is that an Increase In student numbers without an Increase in fund ing wlll mean a fall In academic standards. What Kevln Durham fears Is that the government will eventually abolish SU's, leavIng students without a voice.
East Anglian men live longer ITS OFFICIAL. If you want to keep strong and healthy until a ripe old age, here's the place to live!. Statistics just out from the Offlre of Population Censuses and Surveys show that East Anglian men have the lowest mortality rate in the country. The number of men dying of heart disease In the region Is 12 per cent lower than the nationa l average, wher as for women they are only 1 per cent lower than the national average. The number dying from throat or lung cancer Is also 20 per cent lower for men and 17 per cent for women. Dr Paul Walker, director of public health in Norwich. believes East Angllans' longevity Is due to the lack of Industrial pollution. less poverty, traditional work on the land and In light industry, and also research has shown ' we drink slightly less alcohol and smoke slightly fewer cigarettes'. DrWalkerwlll shortly begin researching the exact reasons why and whether there is a difference between the life spans of native Norfolk people
and those who move into the region. It Is pDffilble that 'these people are probably healthier than those they leave behind because they are more mobile and possibly have more money .' So Is lttooearlyto claim that U.EA students are the healthiest In the country? It seems 1'10: althoug h aome drink and smoke lesa since moving to EaSt Anglia. most seem to do the opposite. Free t:tme. money and the freedom to spend it appear to be the most Important factors. Male students seem to be worse than females on that front, slipping Into the stereotyped 'lad dish' student role easily and quickly. Female students seem to make more effort to eat healthIly, some becoming vegetarIan during tenntlme,although the prire of meat and the bother of cooking it are also reasons for this d ecision. So, gi.rls, if you want a longer-lasting, more virile man, grab yourself a native East Angl!anl
By Clart Gtmmtll
p~ I
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
Handcuffed to Carter CARTER thought the game was up when they were 'kidnapped' by UEA RAG just hours before they were due on stage at the Waterfront. Five members of the infaJ:n)US hit-squad abducted the Unstoppable Sex Machine as a fundralslngstunt atthe end of the week long Sound City festival. The stunt, organised by Livewlre Prorrotlons Manager Clalre Whipps, included two rag members actually chainIng themselves to Frultbat (Leslie Carter) and Jtm-Bob (fim Morrison).
New AntiRacism
post for the Union By Sue McManus THE UNION intends to create the post of AntiRacism Officer who will have the same status as the present Women's Officer and Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Officer. Norwich is a city infamous for representing the last bastion of concentrated racist activity in Britian today. Organisations such as the British National Party focus much of their attention here, drawing a nucleus of support in what has been termed "the last white city". In response to a racist poster campaign last term the Union staged an antiracism week which included film screenings and lectures. However, Richard Hewison (Executive Community Liason Officer) believes that the Union must go further in eradicating the racism experienced by students at UEA. The elected Officer will, with Union backing, coordinate education campaigns against racism and will represent the views of victims of racism to the Union executive. If the post of Anti-Racism Officer receives a lot of support then a student action group may be formed. The meeting is open to anyone who feels affected by racism and will be held on Thursday, week 2 at 1.15pm in room 1.33, Union House.
Chris Hall • recovering By Gill Fenwick UEA's Sabbatical Finance Officer is recovering fast, following the motor accident which left him seriously injured. Chris Hall was rushed to intensive care on February 29 of this year after the minibus he was travelling in oolllded with a Fiesta at Framingham Pi got. The accident left Chris on a ventilator for 3 weeks at Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. He had operations on both of his arms - a bolt was fixed in his left upper arm- and one side of his face was badly cut, but has now healed completely. Chris was transferred to Liverpool Hospital (his home town) five weeks after the accident, where he is recoverIng quickly. Jason Ions, Communications Officer, says the move has taken a great strain off the family. "Now they can start going back to their home to live instead of living in hospitaY', he added, "1 think they're very pleased with his recovery". Within the first week at Liv-
But there was a tense mo-
ment whe.n the stunt was over, and one of the set& of handa.U!s would not oome undone. Jim-Bob merely laughed nervously, whlle the unfortunate RAG member had visions of rapidly learning the words to 'SherrlfFatman/ In preparation for a stage appearance! Throughout the 'kidnap',GregUpchurch.the Waterfront's PubUdty Offia!l', looked on bemused, kept In the dark about the stuntuntU the last minute. A RAG spokesman said the fund raising had been "really
llUccessful", with volunteers oollecting more than .000 from queuing audiences during the
Fans packed the venue for the final night sell-out gig. The Waterfront was 10 full that some fans had to be pulled (rpm the aush. After they had ,Pne elf air from Radio 1, Carter s outed, "We bet you're glad you wutedf9.50toseeus,H as they have a policy of not charging more than E:l on the door. Waterfront Director, AnneLDulle Wlrgman, defended the ticket price. saying they had to be set in advance.
Student loans to get a top up IOLIDWING an Inquiry Into student poverty by the House of Coll\l'rDns Select Committeeon Education the Government has increased the value of students loans by 13~, makIng the total sum now availible £715, an Increase of £135 on the current maxirrum loan
of£580. The original value of a loan in 1990-91 being £420, this increase Is part of Government policy to Increase the erpool, Chris was feeding himself and combing his hair. He slowly began to walk. talk and respond to things gotng on around him. Chris Is now spending a few hours at home evety day, where he can read his letters and answer the telephone. However, he is not expected to make a full recovery for a couple of months. Chris will not be returning to the Student Union, and his duties have been divided betweentheotherthreeu.bbatlcals, Nioola. Jason and Sa1eem. Although he had a place at Law school for October, Chris and his father are intending to try and defer his entry until he recovers completely.
size of loans until they reach half of students total funding. Grants and parental contributions are frozen at their current rate. The Select committees disooverles held no !llrp~ they establlshd that students Income from grants and loans could not meet living and acommodatlon costs.
Ample evidence of this can be found In the results of a survey into student hardship at UEA undertaken during Autumn Term 1991. At the start of the summer vacation 64 ~ of first years, 75~ of seoond years and 70~ of third years were In debt.Just over half of those who completed questlonaires were In debt. The total amount owed is £123,395. Since the Introduction of the
Governments audent loans the rate of appllations has been increasing substantially. At UEA nearly the same amount of loans were taken out in the Autumn term as were a pp lied for in thew hole
of1990/91. The increase of the loans may bring short term relief, but how long will,it be before the prospect of severe debt upon gtaduatlon prevents students from attending Un!veralty7
ITN going to court ITN faces legal action for predicting the result of the South Norfolk parllamentry seat 45 minutes early. Returning officer for South Norfolk. Adrian Kellet, has ordered Inquiries into the drcumstances In which IlV's electlon coverage flashed a result saying that the Conservative John MacGregor had held his seat whilst the oountingwas stlllln process. Mr Mac.Cregor was watchingtelevislon coverage atthe dl!trlct ooundl offices at South Norfolk House when his vietory was broadcast. He recalled: " I was more
than a little astonished when I sawtheannouncement.Ihad been watching the television during a lull when they flashed up that I had been returned." ITN prided themselves in redevlng the results faster than the BOC, with local 'IV and radlo stations using a special hot line to call the results dlrectly to them. An ITN spokesperson claimed that there had been a number of other pre-empted results during the this and In the 1987 election. It will be left to Mr I<enet to decide whether he will take legal action.
or 619289 or 619280
No extra charg~ after Inidnight
What will the Norwich MEP shows students around Euro Parliament I MPs do for us? I I lby Ed Hassal
NORWICH Is a city politically divided between North and South. Ibr better or wor.~e, richer or poorer, UEA students In the Norwich North constituency will live In a Conservative seat, while students in the south have a Labour MP as their political representative. WhoisyourMP7 What is his attitude towards you7 Patrlck Thompson is the Tory MP for Norwich North. In the eyes of many he's lucky to have kept hold of the seat. The figures show that lt was close: in the last election_ he was voted the N01wlch North MP by a maprlty of frol. This election his majority was 266. "We always expected a Conservative victory:' said Mr Thompson. "'although we realised from an Anglia poll previous to the election that it was going to be close. Indeed, the result was closer than expected." Mr Thompson has an optimistk opinion concerning the way his party handled student situations: "the Conservative govemrn!nt has always been progressive and realistic about about education_ always aiming to encourage and increase it. There has been a steady Increase In the numbers of those going on to higher educaton. "We're at present trying to move away from parental financial contribution, which we believe to be unfair: we're trying to see ifthere are ways
in which grants can be Improved. "'The loan scheme Is under constant consideration, too." Mr. Thompson's rival candidate for the Norwich North seat was UEA's Ian Glbson, the Dean of Biology. He was the first to admit that the result was a close one. 'We did very very well. I'm obviously disappointed with the result. If anything beat us lt was the national swing. At the moment I'm trying hard to forget lt a 11." But the Scotsman is not despondent. He's conHdent of vldory In five years tilT!(!: 'rlhe campaign for nexttlme starts tomorrow," he said, with a wry smile and a clenched fist on his office table. Mr. Gibson' s opinion on the future for students and universities under the Conservatives Is one of gloom, balanced with stalwart resolution. "'t' s going to be hard. Higher education Is certainly way way down the Tory agenda. Already there's been an agenda set - that will be ratified which includes things like teaching throughout the year, new coume structures, modulartty and less money given to universities for research. "We're In for hard times but we're pst gonna be tough." John Garrett, the re-elected Labrur MP for Norwkh South, was unwilling to offer his opinion on the situation. Indeed, he was unwilling to offer his opinion at all.
However, he did say that "the Conservatives fought a dirty campaign" and that "I have always participated with student affairs, I provide a service for students in the form of advice surgeries on the campus and I am very active in student causes." A representative of Mr Garrett's was more enlightening: "The Labour majority in the Norwich South constituency rose from 366 last tirn! to 6181 this time; a swing to Labour of 5.7%. This rise indicates a recognition of the work of John Garrett and Labour policies. The Labour party are going to re-examine anything we proposed. We feel that we are restricted by the Conservative government because they'll be In power for another five years- an opposition party can only re-examIne and put policies through in the hope that t hey wtll be elected In the next election. "As regarding the Norwich South constituency, John Garrett will carry on representing the ronstltuency to the best of his ability, deal with any Individual constituent's problems, as well as the needs of Norwich and the job prospects In the region." So, it's an Inverted NorthSouth divide. You' re In it. and from both the Tory and Labour camps apparently you' re on the road to sorn!thlng good . Whether you believe them is a different matter altogether.
LOCAL Conservative MEP, Paul Howell, showed a group of UEA students around the European Parliament In the final week of last term. The opportunity cam! as part of a four day SOC trip to Brussels, which also Included a visit to NATO headquarters. The tour lasted a pproxlmately two and a half hours. Students observed Mr Howell In action during a session of the ral Commit-
Mr Howell talked of the issue of British sovereignty and the role of the EC In relation to the countries of Eastern Europe. He also talked of the changed role of the MEP since his election In 1979. "An average MEP works much harder than an MP In Westminster and travels rruch more," he said. In a reply to whether he had seen or read Brad bury's 'The Gravy Train', he said he hadn't had the time.
by Jane Drake
tee. Afterwards he took time to explain the work of the EC, and to answer questions on Its future role. Mr Howell said there w ere "colossal changes coming In the British perception of what's happening In Eu rope - that much more Important issues were at stake than the recent publicity over prawn rocktail
Paulllowtll at tht Euro-Parliamtnt
PHOTO: laM Drau
That was AHM ...this WAS now Has the sparkle gone from UEA' s prestigious Art History department? The answer, of course, Is NO- it's just the art history that's gone (or is about to). Not 11 terall y of course, but metaphorically, things are about to change. Come the Autumn term, the School of Art History and Music (AHM) is to become the centre for World Art Studies and Museology (WAS). Not a maJor step, you may think, but further investigation reveals some encouraging rumblings of real change. In honesty, the alterations have been brought about to reflect, emphasise and capitalize on the alternative resources which VEA
By lan Holgatc can offer the study of art history and (as cynics point out) the promise of a grant from Sir Robert Sainsbury for doing so. In re la tlon to the study of non-Western art, the appointment of new members of staff in the foreseable future will allow the teaching of Asian, as well as African and South American art, in the hope that Western and nonWestern studies will eventually be given equal weight. The additional inclusion of Museology within the title also promises the expansion of museum studies, to take full advantage of the facilities available in
the Salnsbury Centre CresentWing. Further developments are set to take place concerning post-graduate studies. They will include the setting up of the European Art Research Programme, thereby allowing research Into unconventional areas such as popular orfolk art being. All in all, with the Introduction of its exciting new title, VEA art history should begin to challenge stuffy conventions with the development of alternative approaches and wider fi elds of study. All that and the opportunity to label art history students "WASSERS" without doubt. Can't be bad!
REAL MEXICAN FOOD '11t ?'rit& ~&rl'iln tJ? ?'rit& (3'TJ1t I I I I I 11111 1111 111111111111111 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I Ill I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I 11 I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111 1
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
~~ 7 POTTERGATE NORWICH TEl- (060~) 766667 ~
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
I~ Sound City News I of the week "''here's no point in saying tune in tonight at 7 on 1 FM and we'll let you hear five bands you've never heard of, 'eO$ they'll just watch Coronation Street"
Mark Goodier, Radio 1 DJ
PHOTO: Danitl KtMtdy
/lundrttb of kith on thtir kazoos NORWICH came alive for the launch of the Radio 1 Sound City week at Carrow Road football ground. Hundreds of local school children were invited to get the celebration of music to an unusual start by forming the biggest kazoo orchestra. Norwich-bred pop star Cathy Dennis and the up and coming Catherine Wheel played live for the Radio broadcast which Simon Bates hosted from The Waterfront. Bruno Brookes led the celebration where excited children belted out on their kazoo's the Radio 1 Our Tune theme and Queen's We Aie the Champions. Norwich is the first venue for what Radio 1 hopes to be a yearly event. The six day music festival brought an electrifying atmosphere to the East Anglian city. Throughout the week music could be heard echoing around the City. ~well as every evening on Mark Goodier's Evening Session, transimitted live from The Waterfront, The week also saw a 'live mu~tic' stage at the Hay market, where less well known Norwich bands played all day. There wre also music workshops, films, busking, and daily lectures featuring famous celebrities and executives from the music business. Until now Norwich has been pushed to the backwaters of the music industry having produced few famous bands. Such as the likes of The Higsons, The Farmer's Boys, and Cathy Dennls. The New Musical Press (NME) wrote in 1985 "Musically, Norwich is deep in the heart of Village Idiot land." Of course, now they are eating their words, deeming the event important enough to produce an 8 page pull-out dedicated to Norwich Sound City. Along with the bigger and more chart success bands,manysrnaller
Reports by Polly Graham local groups were given the opportunity to play and even be broadcast to the mlllloM of Radio 1 listeners. Norwich bands Catherine Wheel, Jacob's Mouse and Stare hope to get the national recognition they deserve. Radio 1 DJ, Bruno Brookes, stressed the advantages for new musical talent: "I do believe that it's a superb opportunity for any band, or potential talent of any where around the country to be given an opportunity. "Lets face it they don't come too oftenandoneofthebiggest groans of bands is that they can never get their music heard by producers. Now they can, face to face. "'t's been a lot of fun and this is also all about serious music getting a national airing. The line-up for the whole week sounds excellent." Sound City offered something for everyone, with sets from the 'bleep bleep' brigade, The Shamen and The Prodigy, heavy rockers the Quireboys, and also the commercial Cathy Dennis's first big No~ wich gig since she hit the big time. Cathy Dennis said that she was very honoured that her home City had been chosen to host Sound City: "I'm really glad that Radio 1 are coming toN orwlch, I think there Is a lot of musical talent that has been untapped here. And I'm really excited about playing the Waterfront." lt remains to be seen, however, whether or not Sound City will have a direct effect on the bands relying on it to get themselves recognised by the people who really matter.
Billy Bragg lectures on the future of music Bll.LY Bragg had an interested a udlence in stiches at the MaddermarketTheatreinNorwichaspart of the Sound City lectures. The event was one of many talks by prominent figures of the music industry. People like John Peel and Rebel MC talked to interested music fans and afterwards answered questions from the audience. The chart suCCESsful writer/singer offered his view of the future of music. He eased his way into the serious and politically 'right on' lecture by standing up infront of the audience and announcing: "God, this is a bit like a school assembly". Although the laughs were flowing, Bragg still managed to convey some strong ideas about the state of the music industry and it's role in society. "Music has to be entertainment first; art for mehastostrikea chord with something of my experience. When I go to the great art galleries of the world, the art that moves me, be it classical or modern,is the art where I look and see some kind of point of reference In my existence. For me politics is a big part of my existence." CONDEMNATION He condemned the record companies for their lack of innovation in promoting alternative bands,
thought it was wetty good ...pity about the pillars, but there you go, can't have everything. They're not trying to be the Royal Opera House"
Billy Bragg, talking about the Waterfront
defended Top of the Pops and Radio 1 for having to play mainstream music. ''!"hose of us who complain about aspects of the BBC and particularly Top of the Pops and stuff like that are actually killing the messenger. They're just putting on what the record companies are putting out." He called for the Government to subsidise musicians rather than seeing them as "people who are just avoiding work". He also pointed to a class divide in the distribution of arts funding by asking why the Royal Opera House receives 13 million when only the rich could afford the huge price of the tickets.
"When I fli'St picked up this kazoo this morning, to show my lac:k of experience I was actually blowing through the wrong end"
John Peel, Radio
He praised the BBC, admitting if it had not been for the recording of a John Peel session he would not have had the national recognition needed to get to chart status. "My experience with John Peel and Andy Kershaw would suggest that Radio 1 does allow access to the likes of me- not prime time but then again the BBC's charter Is much boarder." When asked if there were any bands that he would like to see at Sound City he said: "lf I could go and see him, I'd go and see Phil Cakes but unfortunately he's dead so I can't see him,..
Bruno Brookes, Radio 1 DJ "The people that run the place think you've come in to pinch people's bottoms, I do that as well"
1 DJ, on going to gigs at his age Evening News Joumalist to
Cathy Dennis: "Did seeing the kazoo orchestra out there take you back to your school days in Norwich at all?"
Cathy: [ long pause] "No."
r 6
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
~ea tu res
Don't stress yourself.••• ... Sex, rabbits and hugging could all help rid you of exam tension 1HE DREADED summer term is now here, and with it comes the stress of finals. Stress usually manifests itself in two different ways; commonly known u flight symtoms. What this means is that students find themselves either getting hyperactive or wanting to crawl back Into bed and forget it all. These reactions are not necessarily bad in themselves, being a bit hyper can make you perform better and becoming lethargic can help you relax. In excess, though, they can prevent you from doing anything at all. One of the first indications of stress is a change in eating and drinking patterns. This usually means a loss or an increase in appetite and excessive consumption of liquids, especially caffeine and alcohol. Alcohol is also used
By Charlotte Couse as a means of escaping the reality of exam pressure. So it appears that the bar starts to fill up before the exams and not Just after. According to Brian Thorn of UEA's conselling service, the first step towards alleviating stress is recognising it. Listen to your body, learn to become more in touch withyouranimalself. Tune into feeling of fatigue, tension, overload instead of ignoring or denying them. Then you should create support systems for yourself, a network of close friends can stop you from feeling isolated and can help you if things start to go wrong. Also you should try not to make unrealistic demands upon yourself. If you are feeling stressed there Is the tendency to be
too self critical and a perfectionistic attitiude can be very dangerous. It is very important to allow yourself adequate time, especially for phy&lcal exercl&e. Sex is one way of dealing with pre-exam tension. Relaxing hormones are released
Sex is one way of dealing with preexam tension during orgasm which, at the very least, will help you to take your mind off exams! One psychiatrist, however, suggests that stress causes people more problems In being affectionate than in having sex. According to him stroking animals reduces blood pressure and
Bonus Square Deal vouchers are back, with the added bonus that they are obtainable at three U.C.S. outlets. Collect a 25p food voucher whenever you spend £1.75 or more at The Diner, Breakers or S.C. V .A. Buffet on food and drink {not alcohol). The meal must include one Healthy Option item to qualify. The v o u cher is redeemable in any U.C.S. outlet against f o od and beverages (not alcoholic drinks).
~ pt1ons
PHOTO: Son B Hoang
heart rates, as does talking to them. Perhaps then, the endangered rabbits shall
ated with a degree in Chemistry last year said that he became a nicotine and caf-
Stroking amimals reduces blood pressure and heart rates. Perhaps then, the endangered rabbits shall prove popular among finalists prove popular among finalists. Different people rope with stress in different ways. Rob Cartridge, a Dev student, actually says that he enjoys stress and the adrenalin rush it gives him. O n the negative side he experiences a loss of appetite and a tendency to become withdrawn. Harriet Warwich-Smith, from sac, thinks that exam pressure is considerably allieviated by high coursework content and feels that there should not beanyend of term tests. Robin Aylott, who gradu-
feine junkie,comsumingup to three percolator jugs of coffee a day. He also claimed that re did things in extremes,
Stress does have its positive side as Dr Pqrl Cooper, who runs relaxation workshops at UEA, points out. '1t mobilises our resources and exhorts us to meet the demands made on us."
Student Counsellin&
Service REl..AXATlON ME1HOOS May 5,1.2, 26 - 6 to 8pm
A Chemistry graduate became a caffeine junkie, consuming up to three percolator jugs of coffee a day
like working in manic six day spirts and sleeping for over twelve hours a day not a healthy life style.
MASSA.GEANDS'TRESS CONTROL June 2, 9, 16,23 7.30-9.30pm Coet£10
STEVE'S CYCLES 384 BOWTHORPE ROAD tel·259390 Five minutes walk from UEA Plain, at iundion with Ear/ham Green Lane
NEW & USED BIKES REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES Gu arantee d same day tu rn arou nd
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
UEA - doing Different? Why we should be thankful for our rather unique motto By----.
On hemming a student at VEA. one Is immediately thrown
Paul Grainge
into a process of dlcovery. It will perhaps take a day to discover your timetable, a week to discover the LCR disco, eight weeks to discover that the tall building Is the library. Each of these Illustrate the natural pi'"<Xl!SS of finding one's feet In a new cnvlron!TV!nt and everyone will recall it, recent or otherwise. It Is perhap!l more difficult, however, to remember when it was the university motto was discovered . For example, do you remember proudly looking at it around campus and feeling a surge of devotion to the rythm ol the words? If you do not, the fault Is not necessarily yours. Indeed, it has taken me twenty-one weeks to learn that the Institution which I have committed myself to for the next four years, Is oiled by the words, 'do different'. By definition, a motto Is 'a maxim adopted as a rule of conduct' . Having 'do different' u a rule of ronduct wwld
consequently explain many UEA mysteries.
Despite Its grammatical awkwardness, 'do different' Is generally a success. It would certainly please any devotee of the 'Dead Poets Society' ethos of Individualism and has received popularsupport In a small Fifers Lane survey. The motto originates from an old Norfolk phrase 'dew different'. It was adopted when the University received Its founding charter In 1961, the first Vice-Chancellor explalnlngwhy-ln his 1988St.Johns Lecture,'Dolng Different In A Cold Climate. He said that In creating the university, they had 'the freedom to think out things from the first principal.' He adds, We took little for granted; we asked why; hence our motto, do different'. On such justification, there can be little grounds for objection. Indeed, one has some reason to be pleased with UEA's motto In comparison with thOI'Ic of other unlversl-
ties. The rule of conduct at Sussex, for example, Is 'Be Still And Know' . Unfortunately, any passion or Inspiration to be gained from this motto Is perhaps dampened by the question of what it actually means. An im~TV!dlate thought Is that the whole student population Is made up of romplete fidgets, but it wruld have been extremely clever of the Sussex faculty to have predicted this would be so In
one can begin to observe that UEA Is comparing quite favourably. The older universities turn to Latin for their mottos. In lurid translation, Oxford abides by the rrotto 'The Lord Be My Light', whilst Cambridge uses the sixteenth century precept, 'Hence Light And Sacred Draught' (accompanied by the picture of a woman holding a torch and a cup.) Exeter University compares to Oxford, with Its We Fol-
The rule of conduct at Sussex is 'Be Still and Know' -an immediate thought is that the whole student population is made up of fidgets devising the university's crest. Essex University takes an extract from a Saxon poem for their motto. This consequently means that through the corridors and around the campus, whispers those stirring words Thought The Harder, Heart The Keener'. Having taken a few rroments to undcrBtand this one too,
low The Light', but there can be no comparison with any other university In regard to Aberystwyth's motto. Of course, it Is In Welsh, but so a spokeswoman hesitantly assures it translates as 'No World IsA World Without Information'. Obvlrusly, it either loses something In translation, or that spokeswoman paid little
attention when learning her native language. In the broad perspective, one can observe that 'Do Different' Is quite admirable. It certainly encapsulates much of what UEA stands for as a progressive university. The question remains however, as tow hy the motto Is so elusive. It appears as infrequently as Malcolm Bradbury around campus and can be seen on just one type of university sweatshlrt. The sentiment expressed deserves rrore than thls. Although there might beexpl~ slve consequences If every-
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body was to start 'doing different', the motto Is undoubtly enoouraging. That the university approves of indlviual living and individual thinking, and perceives it u of Corerrost importance can only give confidence to those who wish to live and think individually. The motto was surely not written as a token and should therefore not be treated as one. It Is perhaps time, In consequence, for 'Do Different' to come out o( hiding and present itself to a student population who would no doubt appreciate its reassurance in day-to-day life.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
'Michael Pa kinson talks about his vasectomy... '
The laws of desire What gives a man that
Abi Patton looks at 20 years of Cosmop olitan Hands up those of you who have ever read "Cosmopolitan." Feeling liberated? Then read on .... "Cosmopolitan" (or "Cosmo," as the Initiated refer to H) has Just celebrated its 20th birthday since Its launch In the U.S. In 1972. Reaching rur shores In 1973 it has srught to educate and entertain the won-en of Brit !an like no other journal had done before (as a historical footnote another 'wlmmln's' !'T'Ia8 was launched In 1972-"Spare Rib") With a drcu latlon of 472,480 something must appeal to Its readers. "CosJn>polltan" first edition cost 20p and sold out Immediately; even reaching the black market where 1t changed hands for £1 per copy. Its headlines were, amongst others, "I Was a Sleep Around GirL" "How to Turn your Man on When He's Having Problems In Bed," and ''Michael Parklnson Talks about His
Vasectomy." Quite. A little light o n the Intelligent woman slant, perhaps? The then editor Joyce Hop kirk wrote: 'We don't cany a torch
Headlines were ... 'I was a Sleep Around Girl ,' and 'How to Thrn your Man on When He's Having Problems in bed' for women's lib In anyway at all. Women's lib thinks it's demeaning for a woman to make herself attractive to a man, which is the exact oppositeofourphilosophy." Perhaps Joyce Hop kirk believed a woman had to demea n herself In order to be attractive to a man?
The current editor Marcelle D'argy Smith thin ks today's "Coomopolltan" is different"! think we' re usefu l. I think Cosmo reflects the totally co nfused nature of wome n's
She is advised on what hairsp ray, perfume, cleanser, make up etc to use lives today. If it's schizophrenic;. it's because our lives are like that." Schizophrenic or not ''CosJn>polltan" has based Its character upon a fake idea of 'liberation.' Within Its pages it has consistently sold its readers an Image of the independent, free, liberated woman, albeit expressed through her sexuality. The Cosmopolitan woman's every ounce of femaleness Is geared towards
getting her man. So the reader is fe d a steady d iet on how to have the 'perfect' relationship. She Is advised on what hairspray, perfume, d eodorant, cleanser, make u p, molster-lzcr, tampons, deplllto rles, vitamins, shampoo, etc. to use-ha ndily enough all advertised In Cosmo. However, at the same time she Is an Intelligent reader. She works, she Is Independent. Features on sex, beauty, fashion and men can be seen alongside feminist articles on rape trials, the sex discrimination act and AIDS. Just what does CosmopoHtan want Its readers to be? Apart from catering entirely to a heterosexual audience it still seeks to strengthen the sterotypes of what a patriarchal society expects a woman to be. The July Issue In 1986 had articles on the secrets of "good sex In bad relationships," how to get a dental ~
Soft porn magazine 'For Women' May 2 1992 marked an event for all women to remember: a landmark In magazine publishing. Yes, Britain's very first soft pom magazine for women has arrived. "For Wo men" will now enable women all over Brittan to stand alongside men In the newsagents and reach up to the infamous top shelf. Yours for a mere £2.95, the bi-month ly glossy mag azine will feature fu ll frontal nudity, advice on sex, and promises a p lethora of celebrity males In the buff. All for dose female perusal.
Editor Isabel I<oprowskl (also
magazine), w hen asked why, If Indeed, women needed "For Women," said, "Naked men are a turn-on for me and thousands of other women. Were hungry for an erotic magazine - and this Is it." The first Issue promises to be Interesting to say the least. Koprowski says, "We wlll have at least six naked men In each issue so readers will definitely get their raunch factor." Also Inclu ded In the fi rst Issue will be Illustrated a rticles
o n how to enjoy oral sex and some rather dubiously obtained photographs of actor Kev!n Costner In unusual positions with not very many clothes on. Whether the Student U nlon newsagents w lll stock ""For Women" remains to be seen. and whether women w 111 actually buy it Is also hard to predict. This Is the first legally available pornogra phic magazine forwomenin Britain but it Is u nlikely to readdress the balance or even justlfyt he existence of the ma ny soft and hard porn magazines available to men.
heart-stopping feeling?
GoQdday, SUJ1Shine! So why aren't
Don't commit the seven deadly career sins
you feeling sunny?
facellft_ and most Importantly, how to get a date. Cosmopolitan. after having succeeded through a bastardization of feminist ideology, decided to try and add the real thing, but Its use of adverts create a double standard: Adverts pushing Images of femininity that feminism was bound to reject. Cosmopolitan is still going
from strength to strength with do;rens of other "'glossies" !llch as Elle, M!zz, and 19, all attempting to fool women Into buylngwhatthey term as liberation but what is little more than a few pages of "'schizophrenic'' and contradictory journalism vying for space with the deluge of adverts selling women the beauty myth. :
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
en1n s.
• 11 •
Swing your pants with Trev and Simon Polly Graham talks to the children's entertainers who have become a cult amongst.the grown-ups Trevor Neal and Simon Hickson are the comedy duo best known for their four years on the Saturday morning show, 'Going Llve'. It was this break which shot them Into the limelight with their anarchic or, as Trevor puts lt, "silly and a bit surreaY' sketches. They then went on to feature In the teenage magazine show '100"'· On 'GoingLive' guests were often humllllated by the SingIng Corner characters, who made Kylle Mlnogue sing live as well as swinging her pants; you can imagine her embarrassment. "When we got the job that was great except then after being really pleased at getting it the next thing was that the gave us a oontract for four weeks, ao we were a bit kind of miserable. They kept renewing it every fourweekl, I don't think they trusted us." The boys spent their student days studying drama at Manchester University, which has bred comics such as Ben Elton, Ade Edmondson and RikMayall. They reckon that Laurel and Hardy perfected their comedy sketches there as well. but I don't know whether
they're having a joke at my ate response from the audiexpence. They swear that they ence because for quite a while are not natural jokers, "nel· we've been working on 1V. ther of us are particularly It's hard in a way because you jokers", although at school do a lot of writtlng and put a Trevordld impressions of Gal)' lot of time Into it but you GUtter. don't get any feedback. It's They started In 1984 by per- good to be out on tour to get a forming at the Edinburgh feel of what you're doing." The act consists of many of Festival and then did the rounds of Manchester's the favourites from theirtelepubs and clubs. vislon work as well as some But they say: just before we stand up comedy as themgot on 'Going Live' we were selves. They are Influenced seriously wondering whether by double actsauch as Abbot to canyon because lt wasn't and Costello and Morcome and Wise. very profitable." Having had enough of the "' quite like that old tradi1V, they've dedded to hltthe tional format of the double road again for their second act. We also like weird surtour of England, stopping off real humour like Pee Wee at UEA on May 12 Herman." Tickeb have been selling out Trev and Slmon have just for the duo, who hope to have finished a pUot show for ITV their audiences swinging their and hope at last to have a pants ln the best of fashion. show to themselves. Theyaeem puzzled as to why NAt the moment lt'• at that they are suddnly so popular early stage, where the pilot Is with the adults. being submitted to the TV "We get a lot of mid-twen- company." Of course the last word has ties couples. I don't know why. Wegofromthepolntof to be left to The SI nglng Cormaking ourselves laugh. ner characters, who match We're both29, mtybeoursense flares with knitted tank tops of humour Is common with a and aren't hip enough to be certain age group, I don't hippies. "Hello Norwich. know:' swing your pants... tee heee "I Uke getting an immedl- heee.,_"
The union of
t d
Success for city Rock venue
Chippy-turned-p ub proves popular Rock addicts have finally found somewhere to listen to their favourite live bands, since a new venue opened in Norwich. The Oval, situated on the Dereham Road, was once a fish and chip restaurant, but has recently been kitted out with a bar and stage area- with full lighting rigs. It has only been open six months, but is already prov-. i ng popular amongst local rock fans - and at Sound City it featured big-name bands such as Wolfsbane and Girlschool. As if that is not enough, later this month former Marillion front-man, Fish,
will play at the venue. The 400-capacity venue is owned byChrisHiles, who also works on videos for Iron Maiden. ButhesaysTheOvallsso busyatpresentthathemay have to miss out on the Heavy Metal band's 31 country tour in June. Explaining about The Oval hesald '1tlsaleatherjacket and long hair pub, and the only venue of its size, and in the area, that puts on this type of gig." Many would think it unwise to set up when so many small businessess are fold ing.
l8llu'day lllOmJng IV~
Said Chris: "It's probably a good idea to set up in the recession as everybody's looking for work. 'The only problem is that people come In for gigs but don't drink - and all the money made on the door goes to the bands."' But he is confident that the venue will thrive following the recognition it recelved during Sound City - he was Interviewed by Radio l's Tommy Vance for national broadcast And he added thatbecause The Oval Is so large, it is easy to find- "J ustlook out for the great big yellow signs on Dereham Road."'
tickets are available from the UNION, in person, by oc by aedit card ovet the phone. .. .. :· . ~, ·.;... . .:-. :-;~·...
tickets are also available from HMV,ANOYS,OUR PRICE, and SEE THESE In NORWICH
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r.lce their COinfc
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
concrete TVS '
The Word is out... Behind the scenes of tack and titil~tion at Channel4's By Polly Grahanz and Peter 1-iart "Nobody admits to watching lt, but everybody does.H Klrsty, an enthuslastlc16 year old is talking about The Word. Dressed in Top Shop's latest, she is In the studio audience to dance to the live bands, cheer at the specified rroments, and possibly be one of the 'lucky' ones to get on the telly. "My friends are all watching, they were really jealous when! told them I was romlngto the show," enthuses Kirsty. We love to hate it, but there is no denying that The Word has become a part of the Friday night post· pub popular culture. Rehearsals for the Hve broadcast start on Friday morning when the seemIngly Improvised camera angles are mapped out with complete precl· 11fon.
The seemingly
improvised camera , angles ar e mapped out ·with complete • • prec1ston
Photo exclusive by Toby Leaver
The set ofThe Wor-d, plus anchorman, Terry The producers seem unconcerned bywhatmanyseeasTerry'slackof talent. Danlelle Lux, one such producer, has only good things to say about the presenter: "Terry is someone who most young people will , relate to; he Is not a chat show host tn _the old style mode - you know, smoothy, sycophantic. '1-Ie's down to earth and asb questions that young people would uk the guests. There are 101 Cllve Andersons, Johnathon Ross', WogansandMichaelAspels. There is nothing like The Word.'' With ratings figures rising, and an average audience of two and a half million for shows In the second se· ries, It would Stem there is, Indeed, nothing quite like it. The Word now holds a prize place amongst the newish youth programmes started by the likes of The Tube and Network Seven. Lux Is defensive about the programme's reputation, seen by the 'quality press' as patronlslngtowards youth. ''We putagreatdeallntoproduclng parts of it extremely efficiently. I think the press' attitude towards 1t is frequently unjustified."
Terry- exuding the confidence of a professional
Bob Hotness, the ~resenter of Block-
Back In the studio, once the expen-
sive satellite link to America has been tested- which finds de Cadenet clone, Danni Behr, lolling around a sunny swimming pool - the audience is herded in. Pink!. the audience co-ordlnatorwindsthem up In
~etherhewiU 'getlald tonight.' la this what the youth really want?
The interview with Paul Usher (Brooksldf!s Barry) and Brlan Re. gan (Terry) is not going wen.
Tara Fitzgerald is asked whether she likes taking her clothes oft on screen, and someone in the audie.nce shouts nget 'em ofT," which she ignores. to a state of frenzy, and we are suddenly live on air In front of millions of viewers. Things get off to a good start in true Word style, with Teny's interviewing techniques shining through as usual. Tara Fltzgerald, ofCamomile Lawn fame. is asked whethershe likes taking her clothes off on screen, and someone in the audience shouts.,get 'em off', which she tactfully ignores. Sue from Brookslde is then asked which out ofBany and Terry Is better in bed. And via the satellite link, Dannl (who has to discard her earpiece because it Is faulty) asks a young American
The scousers seem slightly benused by the situation. Usher answering every question with: "'Well I don't really know Terry.'' This flummoxes Terry to the extent that he begins asking staJd questions about football. After the show Usher admits he dislikes being interviewed at the best of times: 1 don't want to be interviewed. I've got nothing to say that's relevant to anyone' slife. 1'here'salotofthlngslwanttosay, but what's the point in saying it?" Usher adds that sittingon the couch induced sympathy for Terry. Regan is not so impressed with lt all '1-Ie didn't ask us that many ques-
but you can't win them all." In hospitality - where the Channel Four team. presenters and guests, get down to some serious drinking courtesy of their ample budget I<atle Puckrick meekly wanders around looking exhausted. This is a far ay from the hyperactive
Cries of "Give me an E, please ~ob,'' come-from somewhere in the audience and the culprit is swiftly extracted and sent home busters, is wheeled briefly on to the show- as host of the MPs quiz. Cries of ..Give me an E. please Bob," come from somewhere In the audience and the culprit is swiftly extracted and sent home. The three MPs, Bernie Grant (Lab), Jerry Haynes (Con), and Simon Hughes (LD) all Blnk to a low enough level to deserve expulsion from their parties. They have little Idea of how much Important Items such as toilet rolls and baked beans cost, ridiculously over and under·valulng Items. More embarrassingly, Jerry Haynes guesses the price of the condoms with amazing accuracy. This raises many eyebrows, particularly when he wins and dances (In fu 11 camera shot) to the live band in the studio.
I<atle Puckrick • the outrageoua American dyed-red head presenter ·stands with bobby pins in her hair as she runs through this week's 'live In the studio' feature, a pre-General Election qul:r, which asks leading MPs just how much those all-essentlal12-pack of condoms cost. This is allln the hope of embarrassing them -it makes good live TV. Terry Chrisltan, the anchor man of the show, walks across the disa~ polntlngly small studio floor towards the famlllar, garish sofa set, where all the most revealing Interviews are held. He Is responsible for the flow ofthe programme, keeping the guests chatting and adding that all-Important northern humour. With a bottle of Becks in one hand, and a ctsamte tn the other, he exudes the conlldence of a professional The fact that he Is an unlikely TV personality- short, with a Manchester accent- adds to the progranure's attraction. He launches Into the tightly-scripted auto-cued linbmanaglngtosound like he is desperately making them up. Even the jokes are scripted, unfortunately Terry has not mastered their timing.
tiom, ).18t the old, usual. boring things about ua being the oldat membe... of the cast, and football questions and that...it was eaay, "' he saya. "'''ve got to admire Terry because he's under a lot of pressure. It'sllve TV and that's not easy to do.H
After the show Haynes announced himself a convert to the programme: "It's fantastic, wf!re usually out evety night so we can't see it. I think I'll try and get my kids to tape lt." When lt Is suggested that he made maybe just a little blt of a fool of hl.rnc;eJt he says: "'What do you mean? I'm paid to be a professional dlckhead.lt's my job." Bernle Grant lamented, 1 would have liked to have been given the opportunity of saying something,
television personality. So ls it all a big act for the cameras? "''t's not a big act at all," Katle says, "'''m tired now. When lt'sllve television. when you're excited, and surroundedbyhundredsofpeople,
I'm paid to be a professional dlck· head. It's my job • Jerry Haynes, Conservativ.e MP
control things.''
lt's the real me. "''m just ready for my bed right now."
Unpredictable Is one way of describing The Word, others might choose anan:hy. Like when the studio audi-
The show is based on the American style of live television, which Is probably why this extreme species If American got the job. She says: "''t's American orientated because people are fascinated with the extremes American's go to. "1 think the Brttlsh allow themselves more eroentrldtles In behaviour. The appeal of The Word is we get big names and an interesting slant on celebritles. UkewhenlmadeDolph Lundgren act like a nerd. You see people acting unpredictable and because it's live you can't always
Unpredictable is one way of describing The Word, others might choose anarchy. Like when the studio audience threw jelly at Katie when she was trying to read a link ence threw jelly at I<atle when she was ttylng to read a link. Or when guest, Johnny Lydon took over the show and the creditt had to be run
early. With the Infamous Amanda de Cadenet gone, the show Is, however, more predictable, No Jonserdo we get the pubHcslang-
tng matches between her and Chrisitan. In numerous interviews they state their dislike for each other. Yet I<atle denies there Is any antagonism between the two: "1 think Teny gets along fine with Amanda. "She ronfldes in him all the time, she tells him more stuff than she tells me.''
Heseemaequallyconvlnced that he Is not to blame Cor the frequently stilted interviews he gives: "''t's eo short sometimea 1t'1 a bit aap, that'• why." He alto suggests it Is the Southeme'd lack of humour and theirdiffel'ent philosophy on Ufe produdns the attitude that he does not have. what Is needed to presenttheahow. "'People an! different down here, the audience an! different, you know. They don't get into thinp." . It wauld seem that Chrlslttan is far from happy with his job. He says. "''t's a fucldn' acddent. I find lt u psettlng when lthlnk about lt. You get used to the money, you
see. "'Before, I wasn't bothered one way or the other, that's probably why I got it.H Maybe TerryChrlsltan's jci;) will soon be up for grabs. Already there are people j.J.st waiting to step Into his shoes.
"Is it successful? It could be a lot more successful I think. A bit more real •••maybe put a bit of thought into things" - Terry Christian, anchorman 1 ofTheWord Terry later ambles Into hospitality with a new Benson and Hedges, plus Becks bottle. He Is less loyal to the show, preferring to blame the producers for its sometimes slapdash nature. At the suggestion that it is successful. he gulps his lager, saying, "''s it successful? It could be a lot more successful I think. "A bit more rea). you know ...maybe put a bit of thought into things. I get pressure all the time, you don't see it, people are smart arses. "''t's frustrating..l'm used to 100 percent control on what I do.''
BrianRegan could already be filling In his app11c:ation form for the role of anchor man: '1 may not be adlng for the rest of my life. I mlghtn't get offered another contract, 10 you should be looking at other things, maybe presenting.H Could Brlan be the next northern television pe1'80nallty? But the question is does Channel Four have the apace for all these egos?
-currently showing on Channe14ls The best of The Word.'
Film Naked Lunch
If you thought David Lynch was weird wait until you see "Naked Lunch"'. The film was adapted from the infamous novel of the same name by Willia~ Burroughs by David Cronenburg, the film's director. Cronenburgalso made "The Fly"' and obviosly has some sort of insect fetish. This film contains giant centipedes whose black flesh you can shoot up, aggressive typewriters which talk from an anus on their back and some sort of sex insect which Cronenburg describes as a solution to the problem of "delivering to the screen things that can't be shown in a mainstream movie."' Add to this Burroughs's obsession with hallucinatory drugs and
his real-life shooting ~f hi~ wife, Joan, in a drunken re-inactment of the William Tell legend and you come up with a bizzare trip of a film. ''Naked Lunch"' does tend to be pretentious at times, you get the feeling that the film is in love with itself. This Is probanly the result of the meeting of egos such as those of Burroughs and Cronenburg. A third ego is added in the shape of Peter Weller, the film's leading man. Weller appears to think he's agreat actor when really he isn't.
His unemotional performance made it hard for me to sympathise with the Burroughscharacter he played. Judy Davis, who plays two women (both significantly called Joan), far outshines Weller. ''Naked Lunch"' is worth
going to see even just for the rubbery special effects. Don't go expecting a literal translation of the book, the film is deliberately tame in this aspect otherwise it would have been banned in every country in the world.
UEA Films Preview
The Ad.d ams Family
The Last Boys.cout
Preview by Claire Gemmell Duh-Duh-duh-duh (click cllck), duh-duh-duh-duh (click dic:k)... rememberthat ghoulishthemetune? That's right it's tlme Cor the big screen version of that wildly camp 60s TV comedy series. All the old characters are there and the cast look amazingly like the originals. Morticia, it has been said, is the part Angelica Huston's cheekbones have been waiting fori All the actors perform with appropriately ghoulish zeal, particularly RaulJulia uGomezand Chri&topher Lloyd as Uncle Fester. ThechiJdren, Wednesday andPudsJey,are eo very good and a hugely welcome break from the sicken-
Joe Hallenbeck Is a private detective, relegated from hJa hot..hot job - whe~ he once aaved the President's life - to routine protedion work. When Hallenbeck Is uked to protect Cory, girlfriend of ex-LA StalUons quarterbac}(. Jimmy Dix, he finds himself caught up in a fight to avenge her death. In theory, the film should be suca!Mful, coming from Shane Blaclc, the man who penned Lethal Weapon; ard the rn.Wc2l mmpoeer la Michael I<amen. who hu contributed to the Die Hard films and Robin Hood. There are plenty of high speed, all action chases, plus n~merous fights and shootings. Not an Oscar winner, but worth a look. •A more complete version of this review appeared in the last edition of Concrete.
ingly cute and wholesome chUd star1 America has been churnig out of late. The star, however, has to be Thing, the disembodied hand. Excellent special effects are used ingeniously to create a very visually interesting film and ltis generally funny with some brilliant oneliners. The plot, however, is fairly superficial and predictable,concerning the return of a 'false' long-lost Uncle Fester ~nd it. various consequences. Don't bother to increue your OY'el'draft to see it but definitely worth viewing if you want a little light entertainment.
Willl.r tu Ilalltllbtcl
Point Break
Previn» By Sue McManus
Action-packed, high onadrenalin, and oozing testosterone, la how to describe 'Point Break'. Keanu Reeves plays Johnny Uta}\, a young FBI agent, on thetraU ofsurfer bank robbers, the 'ex~presldents'- who during robberies, always dress in masks of former US presidents. Johnny la usigned to go undercover u a beachbum and to lea.m how to eurf ln order to try to lnfiltra~e the gang. During the investigation, Utah meets Bodhl (a blonde hatred Patrick Swayze), who teaches hlm to push himself, and Ufe to the limits. Scenes of male bonding and the obligatory love inteJ'o est (tort Petty) lJnk the action sequences, which director Katherine Bigelow relentlessly hurls at the audience. Despite the implausible plot, there are some spectacular surfing and freefall parachuting shots, a.nd if you adopt a Califomlan alrhead frame of mind, 'Point Break' is both enjoyable and utterly exhilarating.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
Sound City Music Diary Sunday
Tuesday A.M. KAZOOS, CA1HY DENNIS and CA1HERINE WHEEL at Carrow Road. Sound City has started, roll on disc days of bands, beer and bruised ear drums. P .M. The first night of the festival kicks off with the HOUSE OF LOVF, who were rather disappointing. A fan of the !Is, I felt they'd lost some of their abrasive, simmering darkness that gave them their delicious edginess. A blttoo polished and safe on the whole, but a blltemveet 'Ch.ristine' storms out of the closet to cheer me up. Upstairs, KINGMAKER let rip in a room that's a cross between a bam and set from 'Bladerunner'. With machine-gun drumming, Loz's possessed vocals and a barrage of guitar noise, the trio power and pummel through tracks from their album with conCidence and conviction. The crowd go mad. Second trio of the night, JACOB'S MOUSE are stupendous. A fission
of styles, their explosive music kicks ass. Imagine a bizarre mix of a singing drummer and a guitar and bass, playing a funky screaming why hardoore mutant rock without shim on, and they're all young and disgustingly sexy. I rest my case. The SENSELESS 11-llNGS ,however, are not attractive. Nevertheless, their bassist is the fastest thing since EX-LAX. but this is the only thing to recommend them tonight. Next I A hi 1HE FALL. !feel better now. Mark E. Smith is wearing the most horrid leatherblouson and may have the art of non-singing perfected, but the patron saint of sourness Is on top form. Sparse, sneering, touching. funny, or plan surreal, The Fall are magic. Every song is a gem: current album tracks Interspersed with classics like 'Mr. Pharmacist' and 'New Big Prtnz' delivered with typical uncluttered directness and minimal1st force. True greatness.
Brand Nnv
Catlry D~Mis
Wednesday CATI-IY DENNIS mimed (allegedly), while at Bystanders, The Passing Clouds carried the flag for what's best In the Norwich music scene. Support came from local lads: The Honeybuzzards. They were okay, but lacking somethlngtonJaht. 1HE CLOUDS, named after a brnnd ol dgarettes are far frorn fluffy. Gre Jrt
tirelessly incants lyrics that are scary and morose, ala a younger Mark E. Smith, while Anne picks out the melody in breathy, soaring vocals In direct contrast. Backed up with textured guitars and wiry rhythms, it's quite a harsh, awkward yet compelling noise. Grant mostly has his eyes shut, as If some ecstatic personal hell. Anne sways pelvlcally, Adam grimaces on bass, and Chrls vldously beats tlrne. Impassioned clouds, more like.
Bleepl Rare culcha In the area! NJOI get the night off to a bleeplng start. Arms wave In the air, whistles are blown, bodies and limbs quiver, eyes are glazed. Bleep-bleepl Wock wocld Naaarrlch ...make some nooolilssel <Etc.etc.) Anyone who heard their recent hit 'Live In Manchester' will know exactlywhatthls Is all aboul Faa?less rruslc for dancing or being off your face to. Er, great stuff(?!). Upstairs, ORBITAL show how it should be done. Imagine the textural sonic landscapes of This Mortal Coli with a severe bout of St. Vltas syndrome and a bit of paranoid schizophrenia thrown In. You can tell these are not your ordinary techno exponents; people actually listen rather than simply jig about. Sometimes minlmallst, sometimes startlingly layered and manipulative, they have not ~st ~mped on the rave bandwagon. 'Odaa' Is stunning In particular, but each number Is varied and unpredictable. Orbital have always been innovative and at
There is a one hour powercut and evacuation because a fire alarm goes off. Afterwards, upstairs JAH WOBBLE AND THE INVADERS OF THE HEARTSplayintothenighteven though they've missed their airtime. I run for water.
A 'rock' certainly wasn't out of the question at the Waterfront tonight (ha ha), but then again, I wasn't asking. Say what you like, but the Idea of spending the night, so to speak, with the likes of Mr. BIG (steady girls) was more than I could cope with.
Jalt Wobble PIIOTO:
PHOTO: Dtuti~l K~Midy the forefront of dance, and beat groups like N-Joilnto a cocked hat. The party continues with BASTI, Norwich's bastard hip-hop dance Industrial rock punk son, twice removed. Not easy to categorize, (if you feel you have to) but very easy to get off on. Madness, mayhem, samples a-plenty but 10 million miles away from the likes of PWEI if you thlnkthat'swhatl mean, talk! Energetic near-excellence, as maybe Karen's vocals lacked some strength tonight. Still a force to be reckoned with. Sleep bleep 'CharUe Says' went 1HE PRODIGYlnaratherlameway,and I got bored. As a result of boredom. my appreciation ofTHESHAMENwassomewhat affected by alcohol. Sorry. I seem to remember that lt was great. A rare live performance saw them scorch through much of 'En-Tact,' the audlencewentstlrcrazy (God, In Norwich too, home of apathy!) and the lights were great. 'Pro-Gen' went on for awhile, as did most numbers, but hey! Rave onI Too drunk to care, I just got carried aw a yw ith the vibes until I passed out In a sea of Stella Artols. Excellent!
L7 were out of place on the billing, as they are a good band. (So what, I'm biased? So I don't like theQuireboys, etc? So who's writing this, you or me? So shut up I) L7 are a bunch of girls from LA with great haircolour who could drink Mr. Big (Mr. Big WHAT I wonder?) under the table. They were ace. Playing tracks from their current 'Bricks are Heavy' LP, the previous 'Smell the Magic Stonk.er',
Detplte band and beer fatigue, I made for the last night at the W aterfront. 1HE FARM, Soouse baggy crossover merchants, played first. Starting with 'Groovy Train,' everyone sang along. Peter Horton made his usual e!Eort ol singing, did his strange shuffley wavey dance and amtlnued in a similar vein for the rest of their set. All the hits were delivered in a aatislactory lashion, but 'Love See No Color' was lacklustre, and tome of the new stulÂŁ sounded oddly dated, but a could time was had by all. CATHERI.NBWHEEL were quite super. Forget limp-wristed shoegazing, the Wheelie~ rock. Amazingnoisesarethrashedlromuces, and okay. White noise and melody may be traditional, but such Ingredients are contorted Into a more interesting and forcelul way than mostolthelrcontemporaries. But you can't beat a bit ol NICK CAVE. The maestro wu on top form tonight, backed up with the admirable strange and motley crew of Bad Seeds. Dangerously close to the mob at the lront ol the stage, he plays to the audience u if daring them to lose themselves in the darkest a1pect1 of his mind, and its resultant soundtrack. Cave la a true . show man. I am lost Eor words. Each song is an intense, mesmerizing, at once uplifting or threatening experience. Songs from the new LP are ol a distinctly lighter texture than earlier material, but still powerful. Highlight {or me wu 'The Mercy Seat,' which builds and grows relentlessly as il a bodywracldng orgasm.' Not a bad song, la it?' quips Cave. Far too quickly, it la over. I light up a fag. CARTER USM round ofla week of musical pllitiet with a plly good gig. UnharmedbypoorLeo'sbrokenarm (he had an argument with some tarmac and lost), the duo romp through their hits, the Eans jump up and down ( and on each other) and I run for cover. They have a good time on stage, therefore so do we. The hits such as 'Sherrif Fatman' go down best, ts everyone sings along with Bat and Bob. ~they play Into the night, I start {or home. I don't want to hear them linish. It means Sound City is over then. At least until next year .... and in a class of its own, 'Pretend We're Dead,' they are sleazy, lurlous, yet with a great nonchalant 'Stuff youl' attitude. I like a previously penned description ol them as 'fank girl meet1 the MCS' with a bit of Nirvana thrown In. This la how rock should be, dontcha forget it honey! Hope they wee-ed in the Quireboys' beer. That'd teach 'em.
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Music Latest Releases
The latest singles from The Family Cat, The Dylans, and Reviewed by Jody ·Mega City Four Thompson
Some very d lfferent bands wlll play the LCR this tenn, bringing with them a number of contrasting styles. EMF have already begun the summer line-up with a sell-out gig last Friday, and they were followed on SundaybyWishboneAsh.Overthe next week, Splrltu~llzed and Hawkwind will al50 play. Spiritual !zed, led by Jason Pierce, founding member of Spacemen 3, play on Friday May 8- thler 'Lazer Guided Melodies come from Rugby via the Heavens,' or so I am told. Hawkwlnd, meanwhile, can be traced back almost 23 years toN~ vember 1%9, when they first signed to United Artists Records. Their progre,.lve rock atyle has recently
been Immortalized on vinyl once again. On Friday May 15, Del Amltrl come to the LCR with hits such as 'NothIng Ever Happens', a new single and their third album. while Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel take the stage the following day to bash out their classic 70s hits. Looking forward yet further Into the term. veteran blues singer,Jimmy Wltherspoon performs on May 29, and on Friday June 5, Joan Armatradlng seems likely to do a sell-out amcert (900 tickets have already been sold). Ents advice Is If you do not want to be disappointed, then buy your tickets for the forthromlng gigs
The Famlly Cat 'Steamroller' (IJedk. c::ated) Release date: 5th May This Is the Cat's first single for Dedicated, home of the Cranes and other lndie stars, and it's a better. For some reason, they remind me of The Dentist, raw thwacky drums just how I llke 'em. vaguely Boo Radley-lsh fu:rzywhite noise guitar In places and a swaggering bas&llne. Half way through it stops, goes a bit weird and starts again. The vocals are trlfflc, there's some horns In certain bits, all sorts of things to be relished. Even at over seven minutes long, it's great. It's not the length. it's the width that's Important, you see. Get stuck 1nl The Dylans 'Mary Quant In Blue' (Situation Two) Release date: 11th May I like the Dylans. They always come along with a really good pop song, and this Is no exception. Feel- good,
happy music with chiming guitars, a bit of sixties organ for a bit of, dare I say, bagglness, and a whistle - able chorus. It's nice, wlll put a smile on your face, but it won't change the world. And they're from Sheffield. Just thought I'd mention it. Mega City Four 'Shivering Sand' (Big Life) Release Date: 5th May Strange title hiding a chunky chuggachugga-nod-your-long-halred-headand-rock-out-with-the-Mega's type single. Not as catchy as 'Stop', but has just enough beefy guitar and oomph to make it passable. 'Everybody Loves You' Is quicker (how preceptive, eh?), 'Distured' also on the B -side, hu a guitar solo, some Damples, and Is quite wiggy. Sorry, but Wiz's vocals are getting on my nerves now, so I can'tthlnkof anything else to recommend it. Okay? Can I go now? Cheers!
WATERPRONT• Tel 652.717 ~ MAY Weda6: Anion Funderburp & The Rockets futurtns s.~ Myera & The Prtedcm Sulte Blun Band (£6 adv) at 7.30 Thu.ra7: Pupzt & IUpport (EA adv) at 1.30 Sat 9: Frmzy Oubnisht (with live band in theetudlo) Sun let Cun & aupport ~ adY) at 1pm Weda13: Lalbach(EAadv)at7.30 Fri 15: PJ Harrey&aupport(fAadv) at7.30 Sat 16c Prmzy Cubnf&ht (with lln band in the ltudio) Sun 17: Joola HcUUid BJs Band & aupport (£6.50 ldv) at 1pm NORWICH AllTS aNTilB • Tel 660352
Weda 6: Jullan Joeeph (£6, CIOI\CI EA) atlpm Fri 1: CfveCrapan&OriltlneColller (£6, canc:a U) at 8pm Fri 15: Jana Ltwitcmit Rudolf MerINky (£5.50, £3.50) at 1pn Sat t6c Uve MUikTBA UEA
MAY Fri 8: Splritu.liMcl (£6.50 ldv)
let Hawkwlnd (£1.501dY)
Tue 12: The Pluabu Club (PRBID.
The Hive Prl15: Del AlnMd (£7.50 ad•) Sat lfc Sine Hlrlty • Codalq ReW(£7.SJa4Y) Man li:INtrua.lta • .......__D (EA, ClallCII f3) at 7.30
At the junction of York Street and Leicester Street
ft"(Jil l"tl'
fl21/tv1 ALL .AR-OUND TUb. \VORLD
Lunchtime Specials from £2.50 Evening Meals 6.00- 10.00, £2.95 to £6.95
10.30- 12.00 Croissant and Coffee £1.50 w~t ~ou read the Sunday papers, and why not follow 1t Wlth:
!Sunday roast lunch £3.951 VEGETARIAN MEALS ALWAYS
MAY Thur 7: Must Fly (16, cones 14) at 8pm Sat 9: Return Journey (,6, cones 14) at 8pm Thu r 14: Wilde Tales (15, cones #3) at 7.30
IReviewiJack Dee asks: "Why take children to the supermarket to smack them? !"
MADDERMARKET â&#x20AC;˘ Tel 62.6560
By Ben Keegan
JACK DEE - Channel 4's new funny man prodigy has been taking his humour on the road . He came to the Norwich Arts Centre on 7 and 8 of April and the stand up dead pan comedian entertained us for nearly two hours.
Frl 15 - Sat 23: The Importance of Being Earnest
MAY Tues 12: Trevor & Simon (,6.50 adv) Tues 19: Bill Hicks (com~ dlan- 14.50 adv) Also Race Night In The Hive -after 9pm-12.30
He was supported by a hyperactive and extremely irritating impersonator Lee Evans, whose warm up session left me feeling decidedly chilly. He was about as fun ny as a fourth con-
secu tive Tory victory.
Whi~ every effort n m~~de to msurt tltt llccuncy of1ll , . listings, you llrtllhiwl to te~ phoN tM wnw to clttck pnftmru~Mt detAO.IJtforr you larrJttl
Norwich Arts Centre, Weds 7 I Thurs 8 April
Freshly prepared Vegetarian and Vegan W!Joleloods erery day
Open Monday- Saturday lunch 11.30 to 3 and afternoon tea 3 to 5 Norwich's longest stancling vegetarian Restaurant '16 Dove Street Norwich 625560
Book Review AlthoughGridlocklsthetltle of Elton's second novel, The World According to Ben' would perhaps be a better Indication of what Is In store for the read er. Following the bestselllng successes of both his debut novel, 'Stark', and his WestEnd play, 'Gasping,' Ben Elton has now offered the third chapter in his environmental crusade. Thlstimeltlstocars,and the nonsensical fact that everybody should havethelrown, to which he turns. In typical and rapid 'Eltonspeak', the reader Is IntroduCEd to the Incredible power of Global Motors. This multi-national, billiondollar business corporation Is then pitted agalnstGeoffrey, for it Is he who has spent a life's work on a revolutionary new Invention that could be
Dee assured us that he loved N orwich, b u t w as puzzled thatNorwich will soon be able to boast the biggest underground shopping mall in Europe. he asked simply ''Why?" Amongstthe laughter and applause was a continual showering of empty plas-
tic glasses hitting the floor so Dee, instead of ignoring it politely, remarked on it, saying that the audience must feel proud that the management has such trust in it. From the uncontrollable crowd (hysterical laughter) someone grunted out of turn to give Dee his best line: "It freaks me out when people laugh like that as it underlines the p~ intlessness of w ha t I do."' Jack Dee' s show was witty, amusing and about everyday things such as why do parents always take their children to supermarkets to smack them 7 However, some but not all repeated jokes are funny. It was a pity he had no time to write some new jokes instead of making a compilation of the television series.
'Gridlock' - Ben Elton the savlrur of the environment,
and thus the ruin of Global Motors. This is the plot onto which Elton sklllfuly embroiders everything that he sees as wrong In contemporary society - from discrimination against the disabled to corruption of democracy. Indeed, political opinion and Ehon are rarely separate from ecah other, and In Gridlock this Is no exception. Thinly disguised characters such as the PM 's hit-man, Ingmar Bresslaw (which surely echoes Bernard Ingham) cannot let the reader forget that Elton 's world of fiction has many of its roots In present day fact. Although reading Grldlock Is at times like reading a script for 111ackadder, this is neither ar. imped lment or a criticism. Elton's expert and perceptive use of sarcasm and satire are the driving forces of his writing-and more-and hold
Reviewed by Paul Grainge his story together with such success that a Mail On Sunday critic, Richard Helier, predicts a possible Booker candidate. Although Ben Elton's writIng may be an acquired taste, if your world is similar to the world according to Ben, you will, no doubt, find Grid lock particularly enjoyable. â&#x20AC;˘crldlock Is available from Waterstone's on the campus of UEA, who have also given Concrete a copy to give away. To win Elton's book. simply tell us the name of his last TV series. Write down your answer on a piece of paper, together with your name, school and year, and put ltundertheConcrete door before Fri May 15. Normal Concrete rules apply.
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
concrete ntervietV
· Mark Goodier talks about himself, Radio 1, and Sound ·city '92
"This wacky world of radio" Mark Goodler has become used to doing his job from wherever the moguls at the BBC choose to send hlm,writtS Peter HRrt .. He is no stranger to outside broadcasts; not long ago listeners found the DJ 'island hopping' between Guernsey and Jersey. The lastfortnlght was no exception for Good ler, as each evening he anchored the live Sound City broadcasts from The Waterfront. Sitting in his makeshift studio rehearsal room three- he says that despite an apparently hectic life, he has no regrets about entering the business. In fact, tt was something he always wanted to get involved in: '1 had a very firm conviction from about the age of 12 or 13 - 1 was brought up tn a family that ltstened to Radio 3, and I didn't really hear much pop music untll I was about 10." Butthe DJ says when his friends at school began talklng about pop rrusic, "1 tmrrediately found Radio 1 on the radio and reali<;ed how good it was:' With a grin, he adds, '1 used to get into trouble because I always used to tune awayfromRadio3 to Radio 1...so I saved up two quid and bought a little transistor radio which I used to fall uleep listening to- so I was brain-washed at an early age into the wacky world of radio."
"I was brainwashed at an early age into the wacky world of radio" By the time Goodier had reached 13, while most boys of his age were playing football against the school walL he was already running his own disco and working In hospital radio.
Peeling away the exterior... fntNvicw with DJ John l'l'l'l Concrete also caught up with another Radio 1 DJ, John Peel, at the Maddermarket Theatre, where he was glvlng a seminar. In his 25 years with the station there has never been a venture quite like Sound City '92. What did he feel about Radio 1 actually taking place In Norwich? '1 think it's a very good idea. and it's excellent that they've moved things out of London for once. I'd actually quite like to see Radio 1 re-locate outside London on a permanent basts ... obvlously not too close to
gear that wu needed to do Live Atdr' What about the aitldsm from some people that too many 'mainstream' bands played in the festival? shows that nOOody wWever agree about mutic. I think the mix 11 about rtght. "You never please everybody all of the time •. l think the fact that we didn't have Joe Loss here will be of tremendous sadness to some peopJe.N Good terthinks about this and Inter-
Only three years later he was applyIng for jobs in commercial radio, but he says: "Unfortunately they discovered how old I was - I should have lied but I didn't have the presence of mind - so I went back tn a couple of years and got a job tn Edinburgh." With the new initiative to make FM Ucences more readily available, some stations in the country could be facing Increased competition. Does Goodier think the free-for-all is a good thing?
"The set-up is pretty comparable to the kind of gear that was needed to do Live Aid"
"I don't really think running a radio station just for a personal jerk-off is a very good idea" '"'Because I've worked so hard to achieve a moderately professional standard, I do like the idea of things being run for the right reasons. I don't really think that running a radio station pst for a personal jerkoff ts a particularly good Idea. '"'Just to play at radio stations as opposed to playing a Nintendothat day ls a blt sllly." But he does add, '"'I'd like student radio to be Important tn this oountry because there's no doubt lt' slmportant tn America for new music." He is, of course, right. Student radio has so much power tn the USA that lt can literally make or break bands. But then doesn't Goodler have the opportunity to help bands he likes up another rung of the music ladder? "'see my role as a sort of way Into Radio 1 for these kind of bands [Carter, Teenage Fanclub) and these kind of ads. I hope that the records we play, the other DJs wtll end up playing.'' Although 'alternative rrusll" is now where I live- I don't want the blighters turning up on my doorstep!" Although Peel thought Norwich had a lot of fairly talented young bands, he did not believe that Norwich necessarily had more to offer than anywhere else: '1t's just a question of whether there are outlets for the talent that's there- whether there are venues, sympathetic radio stations or programmes, or good local fanztnes; it depends on those factors which are as much to do with tt as the actual music and ability tn the area." When asked whether he had seen any bands at Sound City which he could tl p for the top, Peel replied, '1 think one of the things I like best about this whole area [music) ls the fact that by the end of the year we may all be going quite barmy for
Marl Goodio firmly established asa part ofRadlo
PHOTO: Pdu Hart
was haphazard to begin with: '"'They took this kind of music off because there was a guy running Radtol atthetimewhowanted ltto go kind of 'older' - more compact disc. Simply Red and Dire Straitsand he subsequently went and the people who were left realised there wasn'tthls 'middle area' show." But although offidala then tried to Introduce a 'magazine-style' show, Goodlersays, '"'Wedldn'tglvethem lt because I don't really think people who listen tn the evenings want
patronising features on clothes. .." Talking about his present involvement, Sound City, he comments: '"'Norwich Is a rather good choice. The venue is good, Cinema City is here, and there are a lot of bands in this area." The majority of the project ran remarkably smoothly considering lt was a unique venture. Goodler explained: '"'We've never put on five bands on one evening before".never done 30 bands a week before. The set-up they have downstairs, that the technical guys are working with. is pretty comparable to the kind of
somebody, at the moment, we've never heard of. "11tke the elerrent of the unexpected that's bullt into it by definition, and the fact that lt's perfectly possible for something to come along that changes your perspedlves on almost everything." He oontinued: '"Punk did that. When I saw the first punks on the street I thought they should be taken Into care for their own protection- they seemed to be involved tn selfmutllatlon ...but then a week later you oould &«the sarre person and tt just suddenly looked great, and you thought 'God, I wish I was young enough, and thin enough. and had enough hair to do thatr' It would seem that Peel is still very tn touch with the music business, tn fact he says he wtll not give
up his job unttl he becomes bored with the music he plays. However, sometimes you cannot help feeUng that there wlll come a day when his
1, Goodter says their 'phtlosophy'
ru pts my next question, saying, "'He might be deacf for all I knowr But what about other atttdanw that not enough small band• were given a chance to be heard? Goodler dtaagreea: "You've got a · balance; you want people to llslen to it 10 you've got to give them something they actually want to listen to. "'There' 1 no point in saying tune in tonight at sewn dclock on 1 FM and we'll let you hear five bands you've never heard of before, 'ooe they'll just watch Coronation Streetr So that isGoodter'svtew of the festival. Before leaving I uked him which bands he rrost enjoyed: "9"are are pretty good, Jacob' a Mouse were good .. .and it goes without saying that the Carters of this world are truly splendid." He certainly showed his preferences on the final night of Sound Cty- Goodter could be seen in the tweat-filled room, almost hopping away with the rnt of them. .. •Goodter's 'Evening Session' can be heard from7-9pmon weekdays.
16 yeaN>ld son storm~ into the room shouting, "Dad, wUl you turn that Nirvana racket down. I' m trying to world"
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
Publisher Stephen Howard Editor Polly Graham Arts Editor Peter Hart SpMll Editor Keeley Smith Sub Editor Gill Fenwick Advertising Simon Mann Arts Layout Simone Dunn Contributors John Barton Tony Sweeney Toby Leaver Son B Hoang Usa Bushrod Jody Thompson Jane Drake
Unda McDevitt Lara W Shaun Harley Katharine Mahoney Ben Keegan Charlotte Couse Care Gemmell Helen Lewis Sue McManus Abi Paton Paul Grainge Ed Hassal Daniel Kennedy Thanks toEnglish and American Studies Neil Bamden Thuy La Gary the Steward Concrete Is published
Independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor, and not necessarily those of Concrete, or the Publisher or Editor (0 1992 Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prosp«t I louse!, Rouen Road, Norwich.
If you have anything that you feel strongly about, whether it is the content of CONCRETE, or something about the University which really gets you going, write to: The Editor, CONCRETE, EAS or bring it to Room 2.29, EAS. If there is anything you think we should be writing about, drop us a note, or call us on Norwich 592799 (internal number 2799) . Please include your name, school -and year on any material for publication.
Do men suffer from sexual harrassment? In Polly Graham's article entitled "Do Men Suffer From Sexual Harassment?" You conclude, through your "'Investigation", that it Is the typical desire of men to be thrown against a car by strange, sexually "rampant" worren, or "'groped" by some crazy Tu rklsh woman on a bus ,all because john,a third year'',hopes to be sexually harrassed one day. This gross generalization, founded on the whimsical wordsofONEman,I find very offensive. Furthenrore,your claim that "men seem to have perfected the art of harrassment'', implies that the aforementioned instances of "'reversed harrassmenl'',let's call it male harrassment shall we(?), are mere exceptions to the rule. Fromyourevldence,however,we learn that things do Indeed go both ways. You're not a man ,so how can you possibly know what a man would do if he was In fact Intent upon harrasslng a woman? Perhaps a man In the movies would have "'...waited for the bus to jolt and then taken his oppotunity to fall head over heels Into the cleavage of the woman next to him"? In reality, I think not, especially not the typical man. You are the editor of "UEA' slndependent student newspaper'', so may I suggest that you keep away from exaggeratEd stereotypes and adopt a more objective viewpoint. ]tf!Hell
visiting student
Fair distribution of funds I am writing In concern of the comments I made In "Concrete" about the distribution of Access Funds In Issue 3, 19th February 1992. I am extremely sorry about what I said and I retract every comment I made In the paper. The comments I made were very stupid and not only untrue, but unfounded .
I was very grateful to receive the money, because I was In dire need of it at the time, as I did state on the form I submitted. I have caused a great deal of angeranddlstresstoboth the Dean, and Deputy Dean of students, who work extremely hard on the fair distribution of the funds, only having limited resources available.
Damian Horsford
Not all harbours and hunters With reference to your article on the Riding Club In the March 41ssue. Although riding at the competitive level requires time and dedication, this Is also true of any sporting activIty at a competitive level. I feel that the article Implied that those Involved In riding are rolling In money, and therefore excludes those who are short of money (and show me a student who Isn't). In fact the average cost of a riding lesson ls£8, £2ofwh!ch Is refunded by the dub: an outlay of u6 a week. This hardly constitutes a great expense when you put it Into perspective. Compare it to other sports dubs at the university, for example, the average cost of a weekend trl p fort he Rock Climbing and Fell Club is £1.0. A day trip with the Climbing Club costs £6, to say nothing of other activities such as parachuting, gliding, and any other dub which has to use facilities not available on university. I am also sure that £6 is not an outrageous evening's drinking bill. All yw have to decide Is where ywr priorities are. At the risk of being pedantic, it is assumptions like this which gives riders a bad name. We are not all toffee-nosed rich kids riding round In harbours and hunters! As usual it is the minority who have this attitude which pre~dlces people against taking up the sport, which Is a great shame, and I would appreciate the publication of this letter to set the record straight.
Continental students not really rich Unfortunately your article on continental universities misrepresents several things I said. First of all, students cannot live comfortably on BAFOG funds. Although BAFOC will be raised by6% next autumn, funds were not Increased according to the Increase In prices over the last years. Since housing has becorre very expensive and hard to find the situation, especially for students, has become very dlficult. If a student rents a room he/ she
will have to pay about £170-£200/ month which is more than half of the highest BAR:X; rate of about £1.70. To cover their costs,students generally have to work. The average pay is about fA-£51 hour (or even more If you're lucky) and it Is fairly easy to find a job. Now If someone finds a cheap room he/she may live fairly comfortably on Bafog- but I guess you find only a few German students who do not work to earn extra money. Finally ,is it not true that most students live In hostels; moat students share flats. Student aa:omodation is unfortunately rather 80lJ"a! and like any govemrrent Germany's is quick to finance a hideous Gulf War but slow to subsidise education. What I've said so far is true for Hamburg. There may be differences in other
places in Germany. Joru Ebner.
Recruitment CONCRETE's continued success depends upon your support. If you would lik~ to contribute in any way - whether it be writing news, features, arts or sports; taking photographs or producing artwork; typing, proof-reading, or doing anything it takes to make a newspaper work, then come to one of our meetings. They are every Monday in Room 2.29, EAS. Or come and see us any weekday between 12pm and 2pm. No experience is necessary.
Concrete, Wednesday, May 6, 1992
Troubled times for Pirates An interview with Warren Smart, by Katharine Mahoney WARREN SMART'S decision to resign as the American Football Team Coach last term came as a shock to many people. The fact he quit before the end of the season caused a certain amount of resentment. So why did he make this controversial decision? Warren is dedicated to American Football and highly ambitious; In his own words, "dedicated to winning." Therefore, when he wasaskedtocoachthe~
Pirates he devised a specific football programme intent on both taking individuals through their first to third years, and also versatile enough to form on-going football teams. This type of long-term planningisevidenceofWarren's
breakdowm between the stuprofessionalism. dents and the Coach. This A large amount of money left Warren feeling imi'l needEd to set up an Amerimensely isolated; he said it can football team. There are thousands of meant he had "no one to pounds worth of equipment; ·share problems and desires with." training balls alone cost fifty The next blow came when pounds. When this amount of money is being dealt with the university decided to dig up the training ground beit is obvious that an efficient hind the Sports Centre. Warand well managed commitren says he only given three tee is vital. months notice about this, and It is here that the UEA Pirates started to run into although a tarmac area was offered three miles away, the trouble. It was obvious to Warren that the committee members wouldn't travel. So Warren decided to "put was not working as it should; the problem underthenoses no monthly financial reports were made, when it came to of the students." After all, matches the pitches had not the loss of the training ground been mark.OO up and accord- affected other sports teams, not just American Football. Ing to Warren the commitHe therefore started traintee had never formally met. by Waveney Terrace ing There seems to have been a (much to the annoyance of complete communication
Hockey tour hits the Costa Brava WHEN you mention the Spanish holiday resort ofLioret de Mar on the Costa Brava you lmmedlately conjure up Images of sun. sea, sex and sa ngrla. This of course In no way Influenced the Hockey Club's decision to go there on tour over Easter! The maJn aim was rather to give the Spaniards a glimpse of how real hockey should be played. Unfortunately, due to the aforemetioned sun. sea, sex and sangria perfonnances did not quite Uveuptoexpectatlona. We suffered four successive defeats, agalnstTerrassa 7-3, Barcelona !lick 9-1, Cener Five
By Kevin Cradock and Andy Buglass 4-1 and R.C. Polo 6-0. It shruld of course be noted that we
were experiencing travel fatigue after the 24 hour coach journey down from Norwich. However, these minor setbacks were more than made up for by the •apres hockey" entertainment. Our reputation In Lloret was so widespread that free tickets for nightclubs were forced upon us wherever we went. The days meanwhile were spent recovering from the nights and lounging on the
beach. We were blessed with sultry temperatures of eight degrees, allowing us at times to strip down to our jumpers. Despite the four lost, but closely contended matches, lt was generallly agreed that the tour was a great success and thanks should go to Emlly Underhlll, last season's Worren's Team Captain who did most oftheorganlsation. With the hockey season now over the club has several months to recover, although it will soon be time to start thinking about the location of next year's tour- preferably somewhere where they don't play hockey.
Bowled over by Durham TilE UEA indoor cricket team found themselves batting againstthe best university sides In the country at the UAU indoor finals held at the Oval Indoor Centre, London. After overcoming Kent, Essex and Sussex at the regional finals on Febuary 29, UEA emerged as the SouthEastern finalists to come up against Durham and Lancaster at the all day tournament on March 14. The match against Lancaster saw UEA batting first to finish on a winning 101 runs, with John Price hitting 41. Captain, Chris Jackson, described his team as being "well on target for a win. Webowled6oversand with increasingly better fielding
took six wickets quickly to see Lancaster all out for80." Despite improving their allround performance against Durham, UEA were 45 all out after batting first, and Durham easily managed the required 46 runs to secure a victory. Jac:kson said, "it was a tough game. All six of Durham's players are contracted to play for counties." Durham went on to beat Bangor University In the final match of the day, to reinforce their reputation as a strong cricketing university. Despite failing to bring the trophy back to ~ since it was won two years ago, the side finished to share a very credible joint-third position
with Leicester. Jacbon said, "We were really pleased with the result and played very well on the whole." After practicing in indoor nets throughout the Winter in preparation for the stiff opposition from the35other university entrants, UEA's strong team deserved their high placing. Their efforts were also rewarded in the Thetford Indoor Cricket League, which has seen them play seven matches against local teams during the Spring term. Although they exploited all their energies to the full at the UAU finals, the team managed to clinch the league title on March 15, giving its members added confidence for the new outdoor season.
the occupants!) purely to make a valid and important point. However, things didn't improve; financially the club was in trouble and with nowhere proper to train the members' enthusiasm wained. So Warren decided to resign before the fmal garre of the season. To many it seemed as if their coach had given up on them. But Warren Is very definite about his reasons:"' did it as a protest." He wanted to bring things to a head, and he felt that if he continued to the end of the season the problems would not be properly aired. Warren wanted to make his reasons clear, because as he says: "I am Naf a quitter." Talking to Warren it is obvious that he feels vety upset about the demise of the American Football team; especially after the success they had the year before. Warren said,"' know that the American National Football League had talked about the UEA Pirates at
meetings...they are very interested in developing American Football in England." Warren also feels sad because he knows thatthere are "dedicated people who if given leadership, and support from the university, could do well."' He cannot
help but feel he haslet some members down. and as a Coach there is a certain amount of personal loss. He says, "'Love ls in coaching and my desire is to train." How sad it Is thattheAmeric:an Football team loet such a talented Coach.
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concre e s Stringer steps down
DAVE Stringer surprised both players and fans last Friday by announcing his retlgnation as manager of the Canaries. After being in charge at Carrow Road for more than fouryEBl'B, he mme to the conclusion that *all managers have a sell-by date." Despite resigning, Stringer's loyalities will remain firmly with City, and he has already been offered a place on the board of d irectors. Stringer joined the club nearly 30 y ears ago, and has enjoyed success as both a player and manager. During the 1970's he a ppeared at Wembley for the club in two League Cup matches, before taking over the manager's position in 1987 from Ken Brown, when he promptly prevented City from being relegated. Since then he has easily fulfilled the task laid out for him by Chairman Robert Chase, to keep City in the first division. Stringer's most
recent challenge was to ensure that City oompleted the season as qualifiers for the PremJer League, which he has also done Stringer is insistent that the Canaries' recent semi-final FA Cup defeat against Su~ derland did not influence his decision to resign, and believes that it was essential to step down to enable *a new man to give things a kick start." As Stringer bowed out last week. tnbutes poured in from the players and Robert Owie. who said, *there w ill b e a role at t he club for David as long 11 he wishes. I would liketothankhimfor30years of helping the club.* With Stringer's resignation came several rumours as to whom his successor could
be. There is a strong chance that the position will be filled internally, with Stringer playing an instrumental role in choosing the Canaries' new boss.
Last minute defeat for UEA Hockey
1HE MEN'S Indoor Hockey turn retaliated oonfidently to the strong oompeteltion at the UAU Indoor Championships on March 15, defeating Bangor, Ke nt and Reading before narrowly losing S-6 to Nottlngham In t he final match. The finals of this year's tournament were held at Leeds, and after knocking out Loughborough and Blrmlngham in the challenge rounds, the team were hopeful that they would secure a high overall position. The first matches of the day brought UEA two out ofthree possible victories; sweeping away Bangor's hopes with a 5-0 win, followed by a 4-3 win over Kent. Although UEA lost 1-2 to Leeds, they matched their last two years' performance by
reaching the smli-finals, where they a p roduced a brilliant 40 w in over Reading. Many ofUEA's goal opportunities came from short corners, which were taken advantage ofby UEA's highest 1100rer ln the tournam!nt, Chrls Davies. The numerous excellent saves by Mike Baker also ensured their passage through to the final, where UEA consistently matched Nottingham's goals until the very last minute of the game when Nottingham snatched the trophy with a sixth goal. Despite so narrowly losing out on the championship title, the team were well satisfied with their performance. Captain, Mark Gribble reflected: "'thought beforehand
Grand Prix nearing climax WITH just 30 points separatI By John Barton I ing the top five teams In this
year's grand prlx, competition for the coveted winner's shield Is likely to be fierce. Just one point separated the two leadillg team~ as they went into last Wednesday's rounders heat: Team Muppets, 313 points and Time at the Bar, 312 points. It now seems that Time at the Bar is set to take a lead into the final two events after an impressive display on the rounders field . There are two contenders
trying for the title of most successful first year team. DevOne Devils, currently In third place overall, and Jellyheads, in fourth, will be seeking good performances in forthcoming cricket and athletics in weeks two and three. It Is now the fourth year that Rachel Rosslngton, Assistant Director of the Sports Centre, has organised the grand prlx. With a record Initial entry of 44 teams she thinks lt is the
that we had the potential to reach the finals, and it was good that we got that far without Gavin Richards. Everyone really played for the team,. and not fo r themselves." The team consisted of Ma rk Gribble, Mike Baker, Eddle Costelloe, Chrls Davies, Pete Davis, Tlm Casben and Eton Ed. They all rotated positions so that everyone had a chana! to play In the 6-a-side team. Several of the team members have also played for sides outside the university, with Gribble, Davies and Costelloe competing outdoor for the Norwich Men's Hockey Club in the Premier League, and Baker and Gribble having represented the Norfolk Men's Indoor team. most successful yet. "It Is often a time consu mlng job and I am always open to criticism but I enpy it." In response to criticism modifications to the rules are made each year If necessary. Nextyearthere are moves to alter the team composition in certain events and to clarify the procedurewhena team is undermanned. Winner's trophies are presented at the annual 'service to sport' awards ceremony In week nine, where an array of sporting achievements over the year are recognized .
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