Concrete issue 006 20 05 1992

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NEWS Livewire wins three student radio awards EAS lecturer supports controversial exam decision

FEATURES Environmental Week - how green are you? Centre page special: past student newspapers

ARTS Chevy Chase in Memoirs of an Invisib le Man


IPolly Graham reports I A THIRD year student was found electrocuted in his Norfolk Terrace room last Tuesday. Paul Burton, 26, was discovered by a cleaner at 12.30pm. He was lying on the floor with electrical flex, the ends of which had been stripped of insulation and plugged into the socket. The SOC student - who was President of the Fencing Club moved into his Norfolk F Block room last term and was revising for his History degree finals. Friends on his floor were stunned by the tragedy. Paul's next door neighbour described how it looked like he had attached the naked wires to his arm. Believed to be the last person to have seen him alive, she had spo-

Norfolk. Terrace

ken to him the evening before and he had seemed perfectly alright. She said: ''There were so many people he could have talked to. He could have talked to someone about his problems.... Dr KiffMatheson, Dean of Students, stated it was not yet known If the death was a suicide- the coroner's verdict would reveal the circumstances of the death, he said.

PHOTO: Toby uaver

And he continued: "Paul came to UEA as a young man with great promise and his sudden and unexpected death is a sad loss to the University, his family, and his friends .... Deputy coroner William Armstrong said that the student was electrocuted, and there were no suspicious circumstances. A full explanation will be given with the completion of the Coroners report in two weeks time.

The cremation, on Wednesday May 20 will be held In the City of Norwich Crematorium, off Earlham Road at 3pm. A memorial service will take place in Paul's home town of Battersea on Friday May 22 at St Peter's Church. The family are requesting that no flowers be sent. Instead they would like donations to be made to Battersea Dogs Home.

Employment prospects - bleak or better? Report by Helen Lewis

Exclusive chat with Ruby Wax • she talks of her days as aNymphette

SPORT Netball, rowing, cricket and 'astro frustration!'

A GRADUATE employment able when compared to other league has shown 10.7% of UEA's universities,H he said. ex-students jobless compared He also questioned the validwith 4.5% at Bath, 5.3% at Ox- Ity of the statistics saying that ford, 8.1% at Cambridge and, they take no account of the mix worst of all, Aberystwyth with of subjects at places like UEA. 14.4%. And he explained that instituWith final~ just days away these tions with a concentration of statics- published in last week's science courses always have Sunday Times - must seem omi- higher employment figures. lie nous for many third years. did admit that it had been "a However John Thurman of tough year. The autumn term UEA's careers centre was rea- was the busiest we've ever had.H sonably optimistic: "We were When questioned as to what quite pleased with the results. the Careers Centre was doing "The 1991 unemployment fig- to improve prospects for those ure showed a small increase but seeking careers in a depressed it was below average and favour- economy he said that they had

placed more emphasis on the tactics and strategies of job seeking and continued to persuade companies to attend UEA careers fairs. They have also started two new projects. The first is a "Discover Management Skills" course, to take place 2nd - 4th October, designed to help students acquire skills which may not have been provided by their degree programs. The second is a register of businesscontracts,manyofthem are ex- UEA students aimed to help those graduating. This service will be available from the

autumn term. Although during the last recession employment for graduates increased more rapidly than the general population, there are now more graduates than ever creating greater competition for places. To improve ones chances in this climate Mr Thurman advised students to "start looking early, keep an open mind, and try to acquire skills and experience over and above your course." As one third year said, ''You have to put some effort into il The careers centre can't find you a job....

Females lack exam I confidence By Tony Sweeney

EXAM CONFIDENCE is higher among male students according to figures published by HEISf (Higher Education Information Services Trust). Apparently 64% of males expect a first or a 2:1 where as only 48% of females do. A massive 42% of females suffer from exam anxiety while only 27% of males experience merely 'course lnd eclslon.' How can these differences In expectations between genders be accounted for given that they are not reflected In the final results? A survey ofUEA students revealed a range of opinions, many of which support the national survey's findIngs. A nu mbcr of students mentioned

PJ/OTO : Clara Tucuy

Campus radio to go FM?

the 'goal orientation factor' as being higher amongst men. Many men prefer, apparently, to have a succession of short term targets to aim for, as they appeal to stereo-typical instincts for competition among peers. Thelrfcmale counte rparts, it seems, take a more 'wholist' view of study, involving the development of Ideas and nurturing of skills. This can be charactrlzed by a tendancy for men to Indulge In gradeboasting. Women are more prone to display a streak of pragmatism; sometl~s stretching so far as apologising for their achievements. Nurturing factors, such as parental MANCHESTER Campus Radio (MCR) looks set to gain a licence to b roadcast to over 75 square miles of M anchester reaching a potential audience of350,000. MCR is currently bidding for an FM license, a move which is app roplately ti med as the Rad io Authority ha ve announced they will be Issuing licenses to rretropolitan areas this sum mer. The station, staHcd by volu ntecn1

pressure and educatlona lu pbringlng, encou raging d ifferent aspiratio ns among males and females, were rrentioned as crudal elements In this equation. This is indicated by th e w idely over-used generalisation that boys are taught to speak up for themselves and females are more Inclined to think through their arguments before they speak. However, efforts are made to ensure that gender equlity Is actively encouraged. And it Is to be hoped that less emphasis on the final exam will enha nceundergraduateconfidence and expectlons for both genders. from educational establishments across Manchester has an output w hlch includes news, arts and sports reviews plus the essential musicbased programmes. Nick Piggot, MCR' s Station Manager, established the st ation and feels that Manchester Is ready for a full-time student radio service. It Is now possible MCR could have FM statu s by October this year.


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By Sut McManu1

Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

Mature students encouraged to UEA

NUS to stage •


festival IBy Gill Fenwick I TIIE NATIONAL Union of Students is to hold a celebration of music, entitled National Music Day, on June 281992. It is to be supported by organisations such as the Ministry of Defence, The Musician's Union and the BBC. The idea fortheday arose from a meeting between MickJagger and the Minister of Arts and Libraries, Tim Renton, who describes the day as being, "quite simply, a celebration of music In all its forms." NUS spokeswoman, Sa m Peters said they were suporting the day to encourage people! to "participate In or attend the many musical events, as well as bringing much needed attention to the role music should play in all levels of education. The UEA NUS will not be getting involved, Phil Scott said "1 didn't know anything about it and to be perfectly honest, I don't think it will be on our list of priorities". National Music Day will be held in London, and will include all forms of music, from classical to indie. Any band or group who would like to stage a musical event onJune28, can register (£5.00) with the NMD, P.O. Box 2BZ, LondonW1A2BZ


PHOTO: Clara Tuckey

Green Auction at Waterfront DO YOU fancy "a singing telegram to serenade your lover" or " membership of Norfolk Naturalists Trust for a year p Ius a Reserves handbook'' or even "use of a bicycle trailer for that Important task that you've never got round to"? These are some of the more unusual items offered at Green peace's '"'Auction of Promises" on Saturday May 23 In the upstairs studio at The Waterfront. Other Items include signed records by such artists as Madness and Suzanne Vega, a selection of massages, language tuition, legal advice and, c:l rourse, various Greenpeace goods. The auction Is being organIsed by Helke Gerhards of Norwich's ...Greenhouse". She said that "most people

...----By---.. Charlotte Couse were very generous and taken aback at being asked." This Is the first auction of this type that Norwich's Green peace have put on, so it Is somewhat of an experiment. All proceeds of the auction will go to Green peace. Their main campaign at the moment is the prevention of the depletion of the ozone layer. The auction Is just one of the fund-raising events that Norwich's Greenpeace Is putting on. Others Include a party at The Waterfront where all proceeds will go to "Reforest the Earth" and a "Walk for the Whales" on June 14.

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1HE GOVERNMENT'S targl!ts for the expansion c:l higher education by the year 2000 will not be fulfilled unless the intake of mature students Is substantially Increased. This Is simply because there will not be enough qualified 18 }'!aroldsto flll the lncreasro number of places as a result of the fall in the birth rate. A mature student Is classified as someone who Is aged 21 or over on entry to a university. UEA's policy on this Issue Is In line with the governments directive. A<mrdlng to Nicola Salnsbury, recently ~lected Academic Officer, the university has a policy "to recruit more mature students especially from the local area." This year's new entrants include more mature students, which the universltywelrome. Kelth Clayton, Chairman of the Admissions Committee, Is extremely keen to get more local mature students to study at UEA. This Is reflected by the percEntage c:lliudents who

---------=-----------= --------= -= --=-

By Lisa Bushrod and Mark Wickenden are aged 21 on entry, which has risen from 15% In 1989 to 17'J{, In 1990 and currently stands at 36,;,. Ann le Hillier, a representative of the mature students society, believes that most mature students have definite reasons for roming to university, In contrast to some 18 year olds who simply drift Into university after studying 'A' levels. As regards Integration with younger students there seem to be few barriers, Annie said: doesn't feel as though wf! re a minority - maybe Its our own arrogance", mixing with younger students is Nstimultlng" although it '"'takes a while to adjust" for both mature and younger students. The mature students society was resurrected last term. This provides Important contacts and a chance for social gatherings and support. Planning meetings are held


a couple of times a term and events organised range from pub crawls to theatre visits. The 1992 UEA prospectus states that special provisions govern the admission of mature students who do not have the conventional qualifications. Admittance can be o~ talned via an access course: 4% oft he current mature students Intake Is entered under this fadllty, which can be taken at various colleges, although such courses are not on offer atUEA. The prospectus continues '"'Invariably mature students are asked for a thorough interview, which Is not the cac;e for the majority of 18 year olds." The Government directive of Increasing the number of students may prove to be the ideal opportunity for those considering a return to fulltime education. UF.A' s prospectus acnpts that mature students, '"'have rruch to contribute to both the academic and non-academic life of the university."


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Livewire - Officially No 1 student radio station ·

Livt!wirt! 94 5 ·Britain's top studt!nt station

PHOTO: Toby uavu

Lecturer agrees with controversial decision

UFA's student radio station, Livewlre, recently snapped up three radio awards at a student rad io conference hosted by Hull U niversity. The yearly awards are sponsered by Radio 1 In conjunction with the Student Radio Association and are attended by arou nd twenty u niversities and polytechnics with campus rad lo sta tlons. Llvewlre was the only station to win an awa rd from all three catego. ries. Winning first prize for it's environmental show "Green Space", second for the twice weekly news show "The Pulse" and evening DJ John Richmond came third. The awards were presented by

Radio 1 DJ Llz Kershaw. HGreen Space" was awarded first prize for it's originality, and boasted featu res on environmental poetry and a Radio Four style Investigative piece on the life of fox hunt saboteu rs. Jlm Stevenson, one of the producers and presenters of the show, said that he didn't expect to win because the judges had comment ed on the poor sound quality of the show. As you can Imagine, !could n't believe lt, lt was a nice surprise thoogh." He went on to describe the half hour show as, "Punchy environmental news and features, with the scientific side made Interesting." John Richmond, blasts to The Hive N

Another theft - £600 worth stolen

By Clare Gemmell

A UEA lecturer has said that a controversial decision to include 1V soap Neighbours in part of a new GCSE E course is a "good idea." Dr Roger Sales, who teaches a course in Popular Narratives in EAS said that children's familiar· ity with the programme should help them relate to the text. From September, up to 180,000 fifth-formers will also be able to watch programmes such as 'Allo 'Allo, Coronation Street, Monty Python, and Spielberg's Back to the Future in the new plans from the Northern Examining Board. The decision by the Board, one of the biggest and most rigorous in the country has provoked a fierce response from many leading educationalists, who say there Is no place for programmes such as Neighbours alongside works by Shakespeare, Dickens and Ten· nyson. But Dr Sales says pupils in Norwich already study Neighbours as part of their English courses. Having worked with GCSE students on the soap, Or Sales said they were "prepared to discuss issues such as gender, and problems, more deeply'' because many of them regularly watched the programme. He continued: "There is also a

Break-in at P Block Paul from soap Nt!ighbours

highly developed debate on soaps and an increasing amount of good criticism and material on Neighbours." But Dr Sales said he thought the in cl us ion of' Allo 'Allo in the syllabus was a bad choice since it is "Xenophobic" and there was little material available on the programme. He also felt that English Literature was incrE:asingly becoming 'Cultural Studies' and that it was a good thing to put a question mark over what is considered 'great' and 'proper'.

Charity concert organised TWO AHM students have dedded to stage a charity concert a rea llslng the plight of a 10 year old boy. 'Huggy B' and TomChapman, both second years, will performatStJohn. Maddermarket, on Saturday May 30 to raise money for the Luke Smith. born severely physically and mentally handicapped. They wlll also be getting cash for the National Youth Choir Development fund.

The concert- with Huggy B on vocals, and Tom on guitar- will ronslst of music by Dow land, Duke Ellington. and Gershwln. Said Huggy B: 'We want to raise lots of money for the Luke Smith Trust, so we hope the evening will be a big success." Tickets are priced at £3 or £2. fo r concessions, and it begins In the St John church at Bp m. Further details from Tom or Huggy, AHM 2.

DESPITE the issue of warning no. tlces, theft is stlll proving a problem In University Residences. The latest victim Is an occupant of Fifers Lane P Block. Tom Ware had £600 worth of belongings stolen last week, Including his C.D. player and rented television In a night-time break in. The burglars broke a window whilst he was out, and although they left fingerprints· which the police said would be useful- they left nothing else of any value.

By Paul Grainge Other residents of P-Biock have expressed concern towards the vulnerability of the building. which ls particularly exposed to Intruders. It would seem therefore, that the Su perlntendent of Porterlng and Security, Morris Morson, needs to be heard again when he says, "'Keep your eyes open for strangers and use the white telephones to let us know."

Art History to get famous collection the celebrated Pans,..----- nY ---___, Kahnweller, based art dealer, responsible for Ian Holgate

UEA' s Art History Department ls again to be blessed with Incredible good fortune. First, there was the decision that UEA was to house the Sainsbury Collection and the buUdlng of the Sainsbury Centre that went with it. Lastyearsawthecompletionofthe Salnsbury Centre Crescent Wing extension and now, it ls to receive the benefit of the entire art history library ofGustav Kahnweiler. Gustav Is perhaps best known as the brother of Daniel Henry

handling some of the major works of modern art. Gustav himself however, also collected numerous works of art and built up a substantial library. After advice from UEA Honorary Graduate, Sir Norman Reed In 1974 concerning the future of hls collection after hls death. it seems that UEA was chosen to receive hls library and The Tate Gallery his art collection. Following the recent death ofGustav Kahnweller; UEA library ls to take charge of sorre 2CXXJ volumes to add to it's already substant ial art history collection.

and Terraces on Tuesday's and Thursday's evenings with what he bills as "a progra mme that tries to Inform,. rather then using funny snippets. Saying that, it's not too serious or a personal ego trip.'' He adamantly denies any ambitions to follow In the dulcet tones of likes of Mark Goodler and Slmon Mayo, and prefers to credit the award to Llvew ire as a whole. '1t reflects what the station ls trying to do. I was more pleased for the station than myself." This Is the serond ronserutive year that L!vewlre have won. and they can now justify calling themselves Britain' s top student radio station.

Smiths Soc to become successful SMTIHS fans came together to form an appreciation society of the moronic singer and were surprised at the positive response they recieved. Over twenty students signed up at the society table which was laden with Morrisey memorabilia. Morrisey, who is renow ned for his monotonous, man ic-depressive wailing, has for many years now att racted the more lyrical fan, with such profound songs as 'Last Night I Dreamed that Somebody Loved Me', and the current UK chart hit 'We Hate it When Our Friends BecomeSucccssful'. Organisers, Ben Cowell and Stephen Scales, felt that it is about timet hat Smiths fans collaborated: "'lltere's loads of Smiths fans, no one likes them that muchanymore. They need to get together ... They denied that the society would attract manic dcprcsslvcs, "The greatest myth about the Smiths is that they're depressing: they're life enhancing. I listen to the Smiths to cheer myself up ... The group hope to hold '"sad bed-sit parties .. In which they listen to Smiths ra:orch and hold therapy" sessions. They also have ambitous plans for daffodils functions in the Bill Wilson Room. Tom, a first year, said: "We joined for the discos, because it's the only kind of dancing we can do, the kind of dancing where you don't.'" They are optimistic that they won't suffer from the well known apathy which the majority of societies suffer from: .. Smiths fans tend to be a dedicated bunch ...


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Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

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Concrete , Wednesday , May 20, 1992

a;wFeatures House hunting horrorS luy

charlotte cause 1

When those mushrooms in U1e bathroom come with the contract The summer term Is househunting term: students are avidly searching the board In the Accomodatlon Centre for their dream home- a house under £25 a week with satellite T.V. And, more Importantly, a landlord/ladywho lives out o( the oountry, who isn't going to come round every mornIng to check whether you've done the washing up or have any members of the opposite sex In bed with you. The first house I moved Into seemed perfect -it was £25 a week with two living rooms and two bathrooms - unfortunately I had over looked the fact that lt was not furnished. So when I moved In I brought with me a camp bed which my mother had given me In an attempt to quell any lovelife I mlght have. The camp bed alone was enough to make me want to move out. Fortunately things got better and I managed to swap the camp bed for the

bottom of a sofa and construct a very fetching table out of some bricks and a piece of wood I found In the garden. The next house I moved into was furnished with such luxuries as a bed, unfortunately we had over looked the fact that the house had no heating and the rent, which was expensive at £37 a week, beearning extortionate when the land lord put lt up to £40. In the end I moved back Into University accomodatlon but next year hope to be third time lucky. Some students have worse horror stories to tell than me. Corlnna. a second year, probably lives In the worse house I know of. The house Is only big enough for three people, even though four are living In it. The wooden floorboords have rotted in the bathroom, so much so that when you want to use the toilet lt wobbles disconcertingly. There Is a hole In the sink which the land lady charged

A typical student housing area the previous tennants £80 to fix and still did not mend lt. The damp In the house Is so hid that not only Is there rro..~ld on thew all, but in some room'! you can actually see condensation hanging in the air In winter. There are also more spiders in the house than on the "Addams Family'' set. The Union has a list of landlords/ladles wllh comments

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f l/OTO: Clara Tuclcey from p revious student tenna nts. Some of these property owners make the Los Angeles police force look nice. One student complained that the rrould In their bathroom was so bad that mu shrooms were growing on the walls. When they complained to their landlady all she said was to tell them to wash their walls. Another student complained that there was a large gap In their bathroom wall which meant that whoever was on the toilet was In full view of anyone coming up the stairs. Sometimes it is the neighbours who can be the problem. A student wrote that their neighbours complained to their land lord that their CND poster was "lowering the tone of the neighbourhood". However not all landlords/ ladles are bad . One gave his tennants Christmas and birthday presents and even let them use his holiday home in Miami In return for taking him out to the pub. The contracts for these "scare

story" houses were not signed In a fit of madness but In a last minute rush in Scpterrber when the only other option availlble seems to be a cardboard box outsldeJarrolds. So the messageappearstobe start looking early. Scou rthe notice-board In The Accorrodatlon Centre, look at the property section In the local paper, go to the housing agendes in Norwich and ask arou nd to see If anyone knows of any su !table houses. To avoid letting landlords/ ladiesexploltyou more thana Third World country, get a housing pack from The Stude nts Union which explains all the Ins and outs of housing contracts. Corlnna's landlady actually insisted that they should pay a whole years rent In post-dated cheques ... deflnitely Illegal! If you are living In a house which you feel does not come up to standard you can call In the Environmental Health Officer. They will check to see there are sufficient arrentitlcs, fire doors and that the house Is in good repair. The officer who

came to v isit us was very helpful. He even rewmmended better houses for us to move to. Unfortunately if you are unhappy with your rent there is not rruch you can do apart from complain to your landlord/lady. Rent assessment was abolished In 1989. Paul Goulder, a local landlord who rents to students, offers some advice to students looking for accomodatlon. He stresses that it Is better to find a house owner who Is not looking to rrake a quick profit but who sees his property as a long term Investment. House owners who appear to be letting the house because they can't sellltcould leave you in the lurch if they find a buyer. Mr Goulder sends out a word of warning to those students who give him cheques made out to "Paul budding tycoon Goulder" for "£250 and not a ha' penny more"- the bank does cash them!

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Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992


con ercDVomen

Women film makers in the picture LAST WEEK saw the twelvth consecuHve Norwich fesHval of women film makers held at Cinema City. Each of the four days featured films, docurrentaries, animation and short films In order to showcase the growIng number of women filmmakers. Alongside established names such as Kathym Bigelow and Jodie Foster were works by film students and lesser known directors. Mainstream films like Point Break were screened along with a seminar on pornography and short fllln'l from amongst others, Beeban Kldron,

director of the hugely sua:essful and critically acclaimed drama serial 'Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit. Friday offered two controversial movies, 'The Virgin Machine' and 'She Must be Seeing Things' which were chosen to link up with the pornography seminar. All in all a very Interesting choice of events. Susle- one oft he festlval'sS organIsers- pined Cinema City two years ago when the4day festival was just a two day event known as the Norwich Women's film weekend.

From thtfilm 'Sht Mwt Bt Suing 1"Jting.J'

~AC;DALh.N 6 TQb_b_T





By Abi Patton Why the change of name? ~ell, we didn't want it to be seen as a woman's weekend. We wanted it to be seen as a festival celebrating films made by women that everybody can come and look at." So what are the alms of a festival such as this? "'t was felt that women In the film Industry, generally speaking, were very much a minority group who needed something of this sort to encourage and pronde worren film makers." Over the yearwomen are Invited to submit their work and the festival's programme Is selected to Incorporate a diverse field of talents but Hquality has to be top of the list" according to Sus! e. So although the Inclusion of several controversial films and a seminar on pornography may have raJsed a few eyebrows she maintains that Its Inclusion was necessary because's very much an Issue at the moment." Present at the seminar were four very Individual guests. Jane Mills, director of The Omnibus documentary "Rape- That's Entertainment", Anya Kamalerl, who Is currently working on a satirical drama about women pornographers,

Della Grace, a lesbian photographer whose recent book met with controversy In the States, and Elizabeth Wllson, an academic who Is anti censorship. Aside from this very contentious Issue the Festival also Included a showing of ''Point Break'', a buddy movie special starring heart throb Keanu Reeves. Sus le said that they chose this more mainstream film

Hspecl{ically because why should a woman director not make an action movie?" And why not Indeed? As a certain mm reviewer would say. If you missed this year's festival you missed fourdaysofveryvarlcd entertainment. So next year make a date for what will hopefully be take 13, Norwich Festival of Women's Film makers.

Corrie Frasier reviews the first day 1HE EVENING opener for the 12th Norwich Festival of Women Film makers, '""Asking For lt''(dr. Madeline Hall), was, at Its best, witty and engaging. Cella struggles to regain the ebbing passion in her relationship with Alan by acting on her desire for the local motorcycle messenger. The fantasy sequences are humorous and sometimes honest, and despite the somewhat stilted and sketchy storyline, ...Asking For It'' is a fun film. ... Night and Day", the second film of the evening, looked promising to start, but failed to live up to Its promise. Directed by the Belgian, Chantal Ackerrnan, "Night and Day" begins as a beautifully filmed jaunt through a lover's Paris and rests on a simple and potentially poignant premis: that a woman (Julle) can

love two men (Jack and Joseph) equally. The film begins well with a light heart, and fast paced dialogue. Julle and Jack are young, In love, and new in Paris, unfettered by phone or friends and quite content to spend their days In each dher'sanns. Soon after Julie meets Joseph, however, the film descends into a painfully long existentialist discourse on the meaning of life and love, punctuated by Inexplicably long shots o( the characters walking alone through the streets of Paris. Julie Is too childlike and magnanimous to be likeable and lt ls sometimes dlf{lcult to tell JackandJoseph apart. The ending, because of the weak character develop ~rent and Increasingly heavy-handed direction, was lmplauslble and abrupt.






Ground Floor: "Eternal" - lndie Dance Upstars: "Fatal Attraction" - Totally Alternative £ 1before 11 • £ 2after (with SU card)

Ground Floor: INDIE DANCE Upstairs: "ANDROMEDA" with DJ DANNI & M. C. Twizzle ( HOUSE · GARAGE · TECHNO · HARDCORE ) £1 before 11 - £2 after (with S.U. card) I



Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

a:.tiS1¥JSFeature. Green with a little brown

round the edges

lny Melissa Weiland

UEA's Comms Officer feels students should be aware of environmental dangers closer to home




PIIOTO: la.r01t loiU

Exactly how 'green' are you? From Monday through to Friday of this week, Jason Ions, Communications Officer of the Student Union, aims to find out. Jason is in the midst of coordinating an Environmental WeekatUEA, with aid from environmental pressure groups like Prlends of the Earth, Environmental Link, and even Amnesty International. He says the goal of a week such as this is not only to provide information about the environment, but to present it in such a way that "people think about the environment as it relates to themselves." Sketching out a week-long programme that brings dif-

t-llANM!£MfNI (<£<;BN£ 111£ IZ~ 1l/ ~ APr-Af<;6(~

The goal of the week is to present information in such a way that "people think about the environment as it relates to themselves" - Jason Ions ferent perspectives into environmental issues, Jason plans to address a different aspect of cnvlromental

action and awareness each day. He says that the program will address the Student Union and its environmental policies on Monday, the University and its policies on Tuesday, Norfolk in general on Wednesday, and Great Britain and the world on Thursday and Prlday. That's a lot to cover In one week. According to Jason, there are local problems that students need to be more aware of, beyond recycling.

about the deforestation and destruction of Malaysian jungles, arranged by the Rainforest Action Group, and a speaker from the Development and Environment (DEV /ENV) Centre in Norwich. But speakers are not the only attraction the Week will offer. J~on says that we can expect to see stalls offering information in the Union House each day, as well as a busy program of talks and panel discussions. The biggest challenge he,

The city of Norwich's water has one of the highest nitrate concentrations out of any cityworks in the EEC He says, for example, that the city of Norwich's water has one of the highest nitrate concentrations out of any city waterworks In the EEC. As regular consumers of Norwich water, we at UEA should be concerned about this. A speaker from Norwich City Council should address local issues like these on Wednesday at noon in room 1.28 of the Union House. Other speakers will include (Jason says tentatively) someone to talk

and theotherenvironmentalists involved have ahead of them, is getting the students at UFA mobilized for Environmental Week. It remains to be seen whether non-Union activists will take the time to attend Environmental Week and face the big question, 1ust how GREIN are you, anyway?'

Find out just bow

green you are in our . t qu:z . envnvnmen

on the next page.

.... ,,

. . .. . .



...·. .


Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992


· 1~nvironment Lifestyle Scores and Answ,ers


1. a} ·10 polpta b) 0 c) 10 d] you ldlotl

General Kno,vledge 1. How many areas of forest does it take to produce a single week's edition of the Radio Times? a} half an acre b) 11 acres c) 157 acres 2. How much does it cost to store the UK grain mountain

each year? a] 10 mllllon b) 85 million c) 180 milllon 3. 20" of the world's population Jive In Industrial economies. What percentage of the world's Income do they enJoy? a)40% b]65% c)98%

4. An average hen's wingtpan ls19cm. I low many bat. tery hens can legAlly be kept In a cage measuring 50cm x 45cm7 a) 10 b]S c) 1

5. Approximately how many different additives are cut' rently permitted In food use? a)385 b) 3,850 c) 385,000

6. How many pedestrians are killed or Injured on British roads each year? a) 10,000 b)40,000 c) 60,000

Question 1: b ·you nev~r knew there wu 10 much In ltl Questlon 2: c • enough to ma~e a few SASSAF

1. One gallon of oil can cause

b) tO

a] 4 square feet

cU •

b]40 square feet c) 4 acres 8. What is the best way to reduce the fat content of meat?

a) Always grill not fry b) Feed cattle on grass rather than grain c) Trim off the fat before oooklng 9. How old la the average

supermarket "farm fresh" egg? a) 24 hours b)2 hours c) 8 hours 10. What are the two major components of add rain? a) Nitrogen Oxide and Sulphur Dioxide b) Su lphurlc acid and carbon dioxide c) Lyperglc acid and water 11. Who claimed 'Small is beautiful'? a) Prince Charles b) E Schumacher c) Norma Major 12. Which polltitian once said - and don't laugh - "We are the true friends of the earth"? a) Nell Klnnock b) Margaret Thatcher c) Paddy Ashdown

13. In terms of energy and raw materials which farmer la the most efficient? a) American b) New Zealander c) Chinese

Disused landfill site

PHOTO: Jas011 lollS

14. Approximately how many

licensed experiments on. animals were carried out in 19877 a] 3.7 million b) 1 million. c) 625,000

15. Nicotine Acid is:

a] A carcinogen foun.d In tobacco b) A harmful substance used In car batteries c) AB group vitamin, vital to respiration

16. According to lastest predictions what percentage Increase- temperature Is expected due to global warmingby20257 a] 17%

b)27% c]37%

17. What is the most common health problem caused by ozone depletion? a) skin cancer b) asthma c) sunburn 18. Which of the following manufacturers of washing machines is part of a multinational concern Involved in the development of nuclear weapons? a)Hotpolnt b) Hoover c] Servls

1. Where do you keep your money? a] Lloyds, Midland, Barclays or Natwest b] Under your bed c) Co-op d) BCCI

6. You've won a competition to save a whale by sitting in a rubber dingy between the whale and a Japanese whaler. Do you: a] Change your name b) Hide c] Check your passporrs up to date

2 How do you travel into university? a) Walk b) Cycle c) Bus or train d] Car

7. You have a spare hour, do you: a] Do conservation work b] Write a letter to your MP aboutacurrentcauseofconcern c) Do a quiz froq\ the paper

3. Which shampoo/beauty products do you use? a] Honesty b) Body Shop cl Any other brand not tested on animals d] The cheapest

8. Where do you get your clothes a]M&S b) Charity shop c) Other shop d) Make them from old material, old clothes etc.

4. Do you use recycled paper? a) Yes b]No S. Which supermarket do you shop at7 a] Tesco and Co-op b] Safeway and Sainsbury's c) Kwik Save or Gateway d) I don't, I use the corner shop

d) 0 • atop polalonlng all thoae poor pred~triua with the carbort 1nonox· Id~ carbon Clioxld~nl~ sen oxiCie MC coli'lln& from ~yr~q~t · · ·

6. a) 5at 1eut yourah.owlns inltla{lve •.

b)O e) 10 go for lt 1. a) 0 liar b) 0 liar c) 10 polna. for 'honesty I.

a} OM le Shave a. dreadful envirOnmental recorcfand are • not much better at ell' ployee relation a b}1 c)3

dJto Well done, Just don't come along to any 'clothea swaps•

Question 13: c • fortu-

General K~o,vledge


undtrlchel Quatton 3:

2. a)10

a visible film over what area of water?




population of Chlna."the

Chinese fa~erls 5000,.. more efficient than the Ame ~lcan

Question 14: a


Question 8: b • although the otHenare Hnslble

Question 15: c

Question 10: a


Question& c

Question 11: b -the rest Is just vidous rumour

sure when you'N doing


Question 7: c

Question 12: b

your coloured wash you press the right button

with student card

Quatlon 4: b • and you thouJht Waveney. roomt were bad Question 5: b - 10 that's why pot noodles taste 10


Question 1& b Question 9: c - and ulmonella liva tHat long too!

Question 17: a • one In four peo~le contnd it ln

Question t8;a ·to make


Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

ta F e a



I UEA - Politically Conscious? The Seventies

'Big flair for Spring. ••• mini-skirt here to stay' John Barton leafs through the yellowing pages of UEA's former newspap ers UEA Is well known as a 'sixties university.' It began Its life In 1963 during a decade which was characterized by change and liberalization In allsectol"8 of society. A student newspaper to refleet these times and to provide an Instrument of expresslon for the student body did not appear until late 1965. It was called 'Mandate' and set student journalism at UEA on a course w hich is still being followed today, after 27 years.

'Mandate'- published in Ipswlch -tended to concentrate on Student Union news and often lacked topical material within its pages. A newssheet which was set up to run parallel with 'Mandate' went some way to solving this problem and provided a source of current news. The two eventually decided to amalgamate In 1970. The subsequent publication was entitled 'Twice,' which ranfrom l 970 d id

not, however, overcome problems experienced before. 'Once,' which took over the role of student newspaper at the end of 1974 only lasted a year. It defined Itself as a news magazine but did not provide a serious news service for the university. A marked Improvement was seen around this time with two papers running alongside each other. 'Concrete' was t he first, set

up in 1973, but it did not continue for long. It finished In 1975. 'Phoenix,' which began in 1975 was the longest running publication, Its last print run being just over five years ago In 1987. 'Insight' began In 1987 and continued In the same vein as the previous 'Phoenix.' Short-lived publications In the 1980's Include ' Breezeblock,' running sporadically between 1982 and 1986 and

'Broodly Speaking,' which was around In 1986 as well. Having perused some of Its contents, it Is apparent how much things have changed at UEA over the yeal"8. The most striking discovery I made is how easy it Is to trace a path of continuity through the past thirty yeal"8 or so. This is part lcula rly true both with respecttostudent prob!ems with finan ce as w ell as apathy toward Union matters.

Flower Power and Peace at UEA _ 'Mandate,' the p aper which covers the period concerned Is principally devoted to the activities of the Union, and it does give some Interesting inslghts into student life In the Sixties. The edition from March 11, 1966 includes the headline 'Fornication Forbidden.' The article refers to 'the establishment of a new moral era at Horsham (the main student residence at the time)' It goes on to describe the edict issued on March 9th that 'Any student caught In bed with a member of the opposite sex would besentdown immediately.' It continues, Wouldbe offendel"8, while grateful for the warning and the two d ays grace, are a little Irate at yet another infringement of basic human liberties.' Evidently free love was discreetly practlced at UEA. A problem experienced by any young university Is that of student integration within the community. Its opening sparked a considerable amount of reaction In Norwich. 'Mandate' makes references to aldrmlshea in the tow n centre, bans from pubs because of trouble and the difficulty students experiena!d In finding acoommodation due to the hostllity of potential landlords. These events appeared to render useless the earlier festival In Norwich. which was 'to foster closer links between the u nlverslty, and many schools and col-

leges In the d istrict, a nd the tow nspeople generally .' Students did not Ingratiate themselves with the local bus d rivers either. Problems with buses existed then and continue to do so now. An incident Is described when 250 students attempted to board buses with a total capacity of 82. Norwich residents took time to ad just to a university on Its doorstep. 'Mandate' describes two N orwich businessmen playIng golf one afternoon who "were amazed to dlsoover that the 18th hole was In fact a university. Cries of 'fore' had no visible effect.M' It concludes 'it Is feared that it wIll become a pcrrronent part of the 00\use.' What about entertainment on campus? Here's an extract which paints an interesting picture: 'Dances at the university are notorious for the losses they make. Dances here range from the mediocre through the embarrassing to the frankly farcical.' Where did the slxtles student go, then? It seems they looked for simple pleasures (see above) and d rank a lot. Venues for drinkIng Included the Union bar although one student did complain of 'general chaos, filth. obscenity, and Imbroglio' In the forementioned establish ment. Students also sought watering holes In the dty - The Wild Man Is described as having 'the best draught Guinness In Bedford

Street.' In one of the many a nalyses on student fashions 'Mandate' confidently state 'Big Flair for Spring. Mini-skirt here to stay .' Enough said? Students seemed to be politically active. The first ever UFA protest took place In 1967 for the rights of students to take up places here. This certainly shaped the university's future as it now at1racts many students from all over the world. Other samples of news from the sixties: First mention of a creative writing COUI'!le at UEA set up by Angus Wllson and Malcolm Bradbury; the first of its kind In the country. The structure of courses at UEA was already being debated. There were arguments for the course credit system (currently used in the USA and to be taken up here in 1993-4), prelims were targeted . for change and the Introduction of the seminar system was identified. A substantial change that has occurred over theyearslsthe general appearance of UEA. lhcre has been bullding work continually throu ghout the history of the u nlverslty. At this stage most ofthe present teaching fadlltles and Waveney Terrace were still to be built. 'Mandate' prints a comment from a workman, and on certa in days it Is difficult to disagree with him: 'The bloke who designed this lot should be locked away.'

'Apathy Is a word which has already been flogged to death by the secretaries of societies and by speakers In Union meetings' (Janet Schafer, Editor of 'Mandate' Nov 1965). As early as November 1965, it is reported In 'Mandate' that NUS grants are Inadequate, and that quoracy at an lmportant Union meeting was not achieved. 1965, 1975 and 1985 provide suitable reference points for plotting a course back In time.

Plenty of militant students around in this era of UEA, although the thread of apathy is still in evidence. · The January 75 edition of 'Concrete' reports on a call for a rent strike (something which occurs virtually every year) which was defeated. TheEGM was described as 'an incredibly boring and mercifully short gathering.' It also reported low turnouts at votes and meetings. 'The UGM will never attract the 'mass of students' we so often hea r about while it remains a political circus full of clowns manipulating the constitution for their own trivial ends.'

of everyone at Fifers and on the Plain. Nexus- the student 1V station- was in full swing and operating five days a week. with a pub lished programme. This year the administration block was completed. The Council House was said to cost £500,000. In addition, it was decided that the Sainsbury Centre would be built. A £2 million contract was subsequently awarded. The deep thoughts of the student body were illustrated in some of the toilet graffiti to be seen at the time (report in 'Once' February 1975).

"The UGM ... • rematns a political circus full of clowns" - Concrete '75

'Once' also provides a useful guide to political terminology:

Ma ny people in Britain at the time were living in fear ofthelRA(lneBirmingham pub bombings unsettled many ). This y ear it was decided that 'the union jo ins with the provisiona l and official IRA in condemning the recent b ombings in Britain while recognising that the final responsibility fort hem rests with the British Government.' Soon afterthere was a bomb scare causing the evacuation

Socialism - You have two cows and you give one t o your neighbo u r. Communism- You have tw o cows. The government takes both and sells y ou the milk. Liberalism - You havetwo cows. The govern ment takes both and gives you the milk. Nazism- You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you. B ureaucratism - You have two cows. The government takes both,shootsone, milks

'I Kant get no satisfaction. Descartes- to be is to do . Sartre - to do is to be. Sinatra - do be do be do.'

~-· ---



,,.,r.-,nu ,,.

No. 2.

"The cricket club needs urn• ptres, scorers, and GIRLS to help with the teas" -Once '75


Mandate '66

1985 - This is more like the Sixties!

This year Nexus won the enough for me' (Lynn, sur- programme of the year award from the National Student name w ithheld). Television Association - What Finally , a quote from a stu has happened to N exus? d ent writing in 'Once': This year starts in normal 'More people o ught to fashion. A rise in rents Is knock on doors of people an nounced and a rent strike they have never seen b efore, is proposed. and ask the m to lu nch. Margaret Thatd\ers govern'Then maybe we'd see more ment produces a report on people smiling at each other.' student loans and the NUS Is this a profound observa- announces that they are ortion of life at UEA in the sev- · ganising a protest against enties? them. Student grants stood at Probably not, but, ah, how £1830 this year. sweet. 'Phoenix' reports some Incredible happenings. - . -- ---· ·-- ··- .. . The first was at the staging ThU<sday 8th - Wednesday 14th Oc1obor 198 7. of a speech by Cecil Parkinson (when he had a semblance of power) on 'The Third World and the West.' It broke into v · V" . ~: violence when Mark Seddon. the SU president at the time o< began to shout abuse at him. then called him a fraud and urged otherstudents towalk out - over half of them did!




Tluoday 21 - We<ln<>oday 27 Aprl 1988.

"Any student caught ln bed with a member of the opposite sex will be sent down Immediately"

This year a basic grant stood at £740 and a cost of a p int started at 14p in the U n ion bar. The small ads pages give somesubtle and some not so subtle insights into the attitu dcsofstudentsatthetlme: 'The cricket club needs umpires, scorers, and GIRLS to help with the teas. 'A truncheon is good


No. 20.

of all time

one and throws the milk. away. Capitalism- You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

ended when the bailiffs rroved in. 'The police were out in large numbers but showed remarkable restraint, perhaps realising the sensitivity needed on this occasion. For the most p art however the people of Argyle Street accepted their fate with dignity, albeit frustrated dignity. It was understandable.' On a lighter note, 30 UEA 'sloane' students decided to have a 'Cannonball Run' around 75 miles of Norfolk country lanes. It sounds more like 'Death Race 2000.' 'Thankfully, no one suUcrcd scriousinjurydesplte the high number of crashes.. Car repairs will no doubt be paid for by 'Daddy's milllons.' ' ...Tim Santlni who smashed up his own Renault 5 a fortnight ago managed to wreck the engine of a hired Asha 1300.' There were champagne prizes for quickest time, shortest d f.&. tanceand a booby prizeforthe longest d istance - one team d rove 120 miles! The Womens Mfairs Committee tried to ban the rugby club after it had offended people all over campus organising Its drag week. It was pointed out that' very few women wore flshnets and SI spenders, mini-skirts and stllletto heels. Nor did they have 50" breasts and ap ply make-up with a towel.' Despite this convincing argum!nt, the motion was thrown <>ut. Along with proposed 17.5° , walk . Increases In rent this year there was an accommodation shortThere were skirmishes, egg age. At one time lt was thwght throwing and fun was had by that students would have to be all. put up In the sports centre. These Early in the year students problems were linked to forO!d had taken over Argyle Street cuts and Increasing student and turned Jt Into the "biggest numbers - a familiar phrase squat In Europe.' This was since the 1960'a.

The SU president began to shout abuse at Cecil Parkinson, then called him a fraud and urged other students to out

,.. ,_,



What's a


' -

Mandate describes two Norwlch businessmen playing golf one after noon • who were amazed to discover that the 18th hole was, in fact, a university! Venues for drinking included the l:in· Ion bar, although one student did cotnplaln of "general chao$, filth, obscenity and Imbroglio" An Incident Is described when 250 students attempted to board buse~ with a total capacity of 8l uvery few . women wear fish nets and suspender~

mini-skirts.and stilletto heels. Nor did they haveJO Inch breasts and, apply make-up with a towel"

Rugby Club of'SS


Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

The Assembly House Norwich 路 The perfect venue for those special events From tea with 路 your parents

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The Assembly House offers a concert and banquetting suite, a Georgian Tea Room Restaurant, an Exhibition Rootn, Bar, Car Park and Cinema (Noverre)

For helpful information please contact:

Catering (0603) 627526 Cinema (0603) 630128 Administration (0603) 626402

Open 10 am to 10.30 pm Daily, Closed Sunday


Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

en1n s. ••• Against all odds ~-----By------~

The Contemporary Music Society seem to have the odds stacked against them. The society has no official room on the Plain (meetings take place In the Steve Blko 1V room), they have no J't!(Drd!ng fadlities, and until reamtly they have been using the same PA and drum kit that The Bardots probably started out on. Overt he last few months, theCMS committee has resucitated a dying sodety, last term organising gigs featuring four bands nearly every week. Matt Gibbons (President) said: "'Because it's hard to get booked in the dty or here; the Idea for these gigs Is basically to give UFA bands a chance to perform . .,Atthe same time we try and get at least one city band each night so we can oompare oul'l'll!lvcs to how people are doing around Norwich as well."

Another problem Ill that many UFA musicians do not even know of the existence of the CMS. "'For every one guitar player In CMS, there's at least another five at UEA who want to get Involved but don't. They ).1st don't know it exists. "We are one oft he biggest societies but wf!re ).1st not given any reoognltlon," said Matt.


CHART-1DPPING band, Bad Manners, will headline a Bank Holiday ooncert to launch a major prograrnrre of events In Norwich. Later ln the year, 'Llve at the Hall,' at St Andrews Hall wlll feature both national and international enrertalners and bands (including pop, rock,. and lndle music). And 3 Beat Street Entertainments, the company launching the new programme,saytheyhopethlswlll re-establish the venue as the city's number one place to see popular entertainment and live music. The 'Bank Holiday Mayhem' concert, on May 25, will not only feature Bad Manners- who have 12 top selling singles and 5 top twenty albums to their credit- but also local bands Virtually Fat Freez and The Henderson Set. But attention will definitely be

Ed Meikle

"For every one guitar player in CMS, there's at least another five at UEA who want to get involved but don't"


The CMS use a room at Fifers Lane to practice In. but since the Lane's future !sin doubt, surely Its days are numbered. Said Rob Anderson, Treasurer: "There's no actual room that the CMS can hold over to Itself. "We used to have a full recording studio and practice facilities on the Plain but they were demolished to make way for the DEV farm. '"And where did all the equipment go?" Mike Uwins continued, "'At UEA we have a very well equipped Music School and I know it's all to do with responsiblllty but it would be nice if we rould ).lst use some of it now and again. "Just a room would be great so we

focused on the headlining group who

formed In 1976 and were signed to Magnet Records without even recording a demo tape. Between 1980 and 1986 they enpyed the succe• of chart smashes such as 'Special Brew' and 'Lip up Fatty.' Since then they have extensively toured the UI<, Europe, The Far East and Australia. and they have visited the USA four times. Said Richard Lawson. managing partner of 3 Beat Street Entertal~ ments: 'We are excited by the possibilities afforded by the Hall. in offerIng Norfolk people the best C{\lallty concerts and shows you wlU see anywhere.' Tickets for the evening are on sale from the St Andrews Hall box of· fice,ortheycanbebookedbypho~


a .so

lng 614100. Prices are adv or on the door (doors open 7pm).

UJU!d set up and have somewhere to practice on the Plain.'' It does seem as though the CMS have been shunned by virtually one and all: there Is little Interest from Uvewire, they are not allowed to do leaflet drops in the Hive, and as far as gigs In the LCR go, it Is claimed there Is not enough time for a not her support band, be it from Norwich orUEA. Undeterred, CMS bands have been able to get gigs In the city, Endless Drone played the Jacquard last term - and will be again In this term In week 7- and Manuskrlpt were the only UEA band to play during Sound Cty.lndeed, that fEStival should have been the Ideal opportunity forCMS bands to gain wider exposure.

'Bop Machine' could help unknowns The Bop Machine, a new indie club - based at the Jacquard on Magdalen Street- could help bring indie bands into the spotlight. Organls<!d by Barry N<!wman, of Wllde Club fame, and Ollver Redmayne, of Hitsville UK promotions, the Bop Machine brings the best in up and coming indie bands to (often deserved) public recognition. Each gig features a main band, plus three supports, as well as a DJ- Concrete's Jody Thompson.

Future Bop Machine gigs will feature Blab I Iappy on June 3, Cherry Forever on June 10, Chicane on June 20, The Keatons on June 24 and The Potting Sheds on June 27. This all proves to be quite an impressive line-up: Chicane's support,. Passing Clouds, had their debut 'Protect Your Baby Ears' EP picked as Melody Maker Single of the Week. Also playing on that night are The Ducados and Diversion.

UEA bands also manage to get a voice in Norwich through The Bop Machine. Too Many Cooks will play on the same night as The Potting Sheds, The Kites and The Engles Brothers, and Endless Drone support Cherry Forever on June 10. Some well-known local bands have already featured at The Jacquard, such as Hypnotise and Scarlet. Entry is only £2- so get down there now!

Win a pair of tickets! We have got together with 3 Beat Street Entertainments so that one of our readers, plus a friend, can go to the Bank Holiday Mayhem concert for free ... a saving of £15 on the onthe-door price of two tickets. To win, simply tell us the name of the group's bald-headed lead singer, and name another of their hits (not named above).

Answers should be written on a piece of paper, together with your name, school and ~ar, and brought to the Concrete office (Room 229 EAS) between 12 and 1pm this Friday (May 22). The first correct entry RECEIVED will win a pair of tickets. Normal Concrete rules apply, the Editor's decision Is final.

. .

. '


FILM LISTINGS UEA, Lecture The.1tre On~wo, 7pm Admisalon £1.15 (6-7pm., UH f~u)

MAY Thuu 21: Alrting Fri 22: OtyofHope Sun 24/Mon 25: Uranus Thurs28: Mlnlnlpl M aula Prl29: What about Bob? Sun 31/Mon 1 June: Boyz N The Hood CANNON· Tel6233U Adm£.l.40 UP UNTIL AND INCLUDING THURSMAY21 Screen 1: Memoirs of the Invisible Man (PG) at1.20,3.40,6.00,8.20 Screen 2: Grand Canyon (15) lt 2.1 0,5.00,7.50 Screen 3: Cape Pear (18) at 2.20,5.20,8.10(notThurs) On Thura: Cyrano de Berguac(U) at 2.30, Screen 4: Naked Lunch (18) at 2.30,5.25,8.15

'ODEON • Tel 0426 932450 Adm £3.SOi£2.5G lltdtt until 6pm weekda)'l UP UNTIL AND INCLUDING THURSMAYll Screen 1: Ba~lc Instinct (18) at 1.15,4.45,7.30 Screen 2: Hook (U) at 1.30,5.00,7.45 Screen 3: The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (15) at 1.40, 3.50,6.00,8.15 CINEMA CITY· Tel 622047 Adm 0.50 lltdtl, 0.50 Frllate MAY Tuee 19: Death In Brunswick (15) at 2.30,5.45,8.15/alao Thurs 21/ Wed 20&:Sat23atS.45,8.15/Pri 22 at8.15 Pri 22: Gay and l..eablan Programme S (18) at 5.45/ Also Henry-Portrait of a Serial Killer (18) at 11.00 Sat 2J: Kindergarten Cop (12) at 2.30 Sun 24: Docteur Petiot (12) at 7.30 Mon 25/Tues26/Wed 27 /Fri 29/ Set 30: The Ad dams PamUy (PG) at 2.30/Sat 30 at 11.00 Man 25: Gay and Lesbian Programme 6/ Also Rlgoletto (PG) at 8.15 Tuea 26/Wed 27/Pri 29/Sat 30: Rlsolttto (PC) et 5.45, 11.15/Thura 28: Rlgoletto at 2.30,5.45,8.15. Sun 31:TheTwo Jakea(lS) at 7.30 JUNE Mon 1: Faces (15): 5.30,8.15/Tuea 2 at 2.30,5.30,8.15 Wed 3: La Belle Noiseuse (15) at 6.30 /Thura4 at 2.00, 6.30

NOVERRE· 630128 Phone for prkes MAY Mon 18 • Sat 23c Father ol The Bride (PG) at5.45,8.15 Half-Term Holiday Programme: (d. Mon2S)Tues26-Sat30:SnowWhlte and the Seven Dwarfa (U) at 2.30,5.45/Bugay at 8.00

'lv'hilt t'Otry effort is made to msam fht awm~cy of these listings, you lll'c aduised lo telephcme I~ vmwc lo check before you la'Ot I.




Film Memoirs of an Invisible Man


Reviwed by Meilssa Weiland Someone should have told Chevy Chase that a scl-fl thriller about a man who becomes Invisible Is not the Ideal film for debunking his romlc Natlonal Lampoon/Fletch Image. Someone should have told Chevy that state-of-the-art special affects, complete with a voice-over to explain the 'deep thrugh& of the central character, do not ensure a film instant credibility as 'serious' work. And come to think of it, someone should have told Chevy that his BOOnto-be-released film. 'Memoirs of an Invisible Man,' would fare far better as his usual off-the-wall comedy than as the supposed 'suspense filled adventure with romance and comedy' we are expected to swallow. 'Memoirs' centers around the character of Nick Halloway (Chevy Chase), a playboy stock analyst who, ai the start of the film. Is rendered Invisible by a rather dodgy Industrial accident. He Is supported by new-true girlfriend Alice Monroe (Darryl Hannah), who always wears white, and chased after by shifty-eyed governrrcnt agent Davld Jenkins (.SamNell), who always wears dark suits. Sound simple enough? It Is. Interviewed In thIs mont hslssue of 'Premiere' magazine, Chase was quoted as admitting that 'My artistic life makes me sick sometimes.' Tired of playing his usual In-yourface baffoon, Chase says that he was drawn to 'Memoirs of an Invisible Man' because of its darker aspects, which would give him a chance to

act in a new direction. But the fact Is that 'Memoirs of an Invisible Man' does a pretty lame pb of ttying to extricate Chevy Chase from his former Funny Guy Image. The characters are shockingly onedimensional, the heavy music Is stra ight from Batman, and the dialogue belongs to a stilted, low-budget horror movie. (Incidentally, the film Is directed byJohnCarpenter, the man responsible for 'Halloween' and 'Starman,' two films which couldn't be more different from one another In qualIty) Beginning with a voice-over worthy of the Infinitely more enpyable 'Fletch,' Chevy's character continues to come up with such gems of Introspection as, 'You know, I never realized how Important lt was to be seen, to be acknowledged .' Yeah. Pass the beer nuts. Despite all of this, 'Memoirs of an

Film King at YEA. Helen Lewis talks to producer David Puttnam LAST TUESDAY Davld Puttnam. the film producer did two things: he Introduced a documentary and his film 'Memphis Belle' at Cinema City, and a Norwich Society lecture at UEA. Both events we re received by enthusiastic audiences. For many years now Mr Puttnam has been the leading light of the Britis h film Industry, bringing the problems faced by filmmakers to the public's attention. His films, many of them multiple Oscar winners, Include Chariots.of Fire, The Killing Fields, Local Hero and Meellng Venus . 1 le also has many responsibllllles outsldeofthe film world, being involved in various capacities with the Tate Gallery, Council for the Preservation of Rural England, the Natio nal Film School and Anglia Television. These have obviou sly had an effect o n him given the content o f his lectu re. H e s poke of the need fo r artistic Integrity, t he potency o f film. th e need for filmmakers and artists to

"anticipate and lead, not emulate and follow" and the consequences of falling standards in society. Some of these points were reiterated when Mr Puttnam was Interviewed before his lecture. When asked how he dealt with being a public figure he explained that. "There are three David Puttnams. There's a private one, a public one and a rrovie one. The movie one and the public one to some extent connect. That Is to say that at times my personal profile makes lt easier to promote a piece and to an extent to ra !se the finance. The problem comes with the collision of the public one and the private one because my feeling Is that as a film producer I have eve ry right to keep my privacy but as a public person with views you have to accept that you are trading In a la rge arena." On the role of the British film Ind u stry he said, "w e a re talent p rov iders. I don't think we are ever going to have the financial resorces

Invisible Man' does have Its higher points, but they, of course, are mere reminders of Chevy's comic background . On a love scene with Darryl, for example, when she says, 'Let's not do anything cheap and meaningless,' he comes up with, 'H ow much do I owe you?' ) The special effects, like seeing Nick's invisible lungs fill up with smoke whe never he takes a drag from his cigarette, or seeing Alice kiss his Invis ible face, have the tendency of heightening the comic effect of the movie rather than lending credibilIty to Its official ' romantic thriller' status. Altogether 'Memoirs' has the potential to be brilliant comedy, but !t ends up as a watery, barely believable piece of drama. I'd recommend seeing lt with several large pinches of salt sitting In your lap, or at least a few good, strong drinks. to be a w o rld filmmaking country but I do think that we do have resources of talent which co uld make u s a fo rce to be reckoned w ith ." Mr Puttnam has certainly done his share to help some of the tale nted with their careers. AJan Parker, Rldley Scott, Adrlan Lyne and Roland Joffe are all directors who have benefltted from Involvement with the producer and his company, 'Enigma.' All have since gone on to successful Hollywood careers but Puttnam maintains that "they would all work In England tomorrow if they were offered the right story and the right circumstances and conditions to make movies. What stops them Is the fact that our scripts aren't very good . Our wo rking envlronrrent which w e create for ourselves is not that attractive and they are genuinely international filmmakers." When asked which film he personally likes to watch he was characterIstically forthright. "I don' t like a lot of films . Too many films take the easy way out. The serious ones seem too glossy, the stupid ones are just stupid. I'm not Impressed by the current output of cinema. I like a well made film. It must be made wit h fllmma k lng Integrity." Mr Puttnamshowed great concern over the ro le of cin ema w it hin society and, "w h at it can do and what !t can' t. I want to explore maybe what

IUEA Film Preview I Boyz N The Hood It Is said thatd!rectorJohnS!ngleton went to film school for the sole purpa;e of creating what later became 'Boyz N the Hood': If this Is true, then it was well worth the wait. The film. which opened In U.S. cinemas last summer, revolves around the lives and enduring frlendshi p of three boysllvlng In a Los Angeles 'hood. An even tlmiler work now that the LA. riots have brought young black America to International attention, 'Boyz N the Hood' !Uustrated well to an Ignorant American public what life was like In the self-contained, intense world of a gangridden LA. neighbourhood. The plot of 'Boyz' focuses on Trev, the protagonist (as well as possible alter-ego for director Singleton?), and his struggle against the shackling forces of crime and gang warfare In the nelghboorhood of his youth. as w ell as on his need to maintain loyalty and friendship to Rlcky and Doughboy, two other characters central to the film. His father, appropriately narrro Furious, stands by to re-direct Trev when he gets a bit off-track. Gripping and emotive In addition to being thought-provoking and informative. 'BoyzNtheHood' Is a must-see film. Don't miss lt Sunday and Monday, May 31 and June 1, In Lecture Theatre 2. lt can't do but I know what it can d o; most of what lt ca n do Is very damaging. I' m lead to believe it's a little bit like religion. You believe or you don't. It doesn't make you a bad person because you're not convinced that there Is a God. I absolutely believe that cinema Is capable of immense damage. Therefore what you do and the way In which you address your audience is very Important." Puttnam's audience will eventually be addressed by three new film~ which he hopes to put Into production within the next year. The first Is called Being Human starring Robin Williams, to be directed by Bill Forsythe. Its plot is apparently too complicated to be described but lt will Involve a shoot in South Africa. The second film Is of the life of the South American environmentalist Chico Mendes and the last Is the remake of a French film. With these films he is "trying to do something extraordinary, that which Is different and something that seem~ to be a worthwhile challenge." This final statement can be seen as t he cred o of Mr Puttnam's ca ree r a nd from speaking to him one ImagIn es tha t it wlll rema in so for qu ite some time.

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Music Review by Abl Patton

P.J. Harvey

Inside The Waterfront, a hot and sweaty crowd awaited the arrival of PJ Harvey -the band of the moment; the woman of the moment. The support band Moonshake Inspired me sufflently to buy a pint and sit outside. PJ Harvey came on a few mlnutes before lOpm and was greeted rapturously by the crowd. The intensity of PJ Harvey's ferodous and emotive songs are shocking enough on vinyl. Live, they assault the ears and knock the listener for six. Already a fan. I watched as the rather Incongruous two launched into a set that more than highlighted Polly Harvey's talent as a song writer -at times singing sweetly and quietly, and at a turn screeching and snarling. She meant every word she sang. The Irony of 'Ores.•', the men~~trual anger of 1'm Bleeding' and the wonderful 'Dry' were all amazing

to hear live. Even though at times she was barely audible over the music;, her anger and sarcasm hit you In the face. They played 'Sheela-na-glg' which I canonlydescribeasone oft he best songs in the universe. However, their presence on stage was almost lntruRive. More of a straight fotward gig than a performance they indulged In no banter or chat with the crowd, allowing themselves only a few polite 'Thankyou's." Polly Harvey just Jet the songs speak for themselves- thank God. PJ Harvey are worth an acres of fawning praise that has been written about them so buy the album 'Dry', and lfyou'refemale,and you've got your period you'll know exactly where she's comlng from.


Review by Ben Shepherd

MAY Tue 19: Paul Brady (£5adv) at 1.30 Wed 20: Des'ree (£4 adv) at 7.30 Fri 22: Air head (£4 adv) at 7.30 Sat 23: Frenzy -7.30 to lam Sun 24: Galllano (£5.50 adv) at 7pm Fri 29: Cud (£5 adv) at 7.30 Sat 30: Frenzy-7.30to lam Sun31: Rock Spring Special (EJ.SO adv)at7pm

Fri May 15 Waterfront

at The Waterfront - Weds May 13 Laibach - I had heard, was a Slovenian Nationalistic/ Fascist/ Communist/ Socialist band. Neo-Nazl they were not, but they were weird! The music was a driving technorock with samples from German radio, Wagnerian music, Where Eagles Dare, and what sounded like the Emmerdale Farm theme tune thrown in. The band were dressed In blue polo neck sweaters, had crewcuts and wore gold face paint. The lead singer growled Into the mike with a mixture of English, German and Latin. "We are not men, we are


Laibach" they have been quoted as saying. Laibach are hard to evaluate, a mixture of the disturbing and the daft. lt is hard to tell whether their totalitarian/subversive/ anticapitalist sentiments expressed in their music is a vicious inditement of Western society, or just a big joke. If you can picture something like the glitter Band meets Josef Stalin, then perhaps you are halfway to understanding what Laibach are like. Or maybe that does not sum them up either ....

Bjorn Again!


MAY Thurs 21: Fusions (£3, Cona. £2)at8pm Fri22:GIImpsesoflndlanMelodiet (£4, Cona. £3) at 8pm Sat 30:John Coopc!f.Clarlc.e plue The Rocldns Bird• (£6, Cona. £4)at8pm


Review by

Jam le Putnam

at UEA - Friday May 8 Comlng to you from Rugby via the stars, Splrltuallzed have managed to maintain a fairly low profile on the current Indle scene despite their semlnal roots. One thing they have gained however is a reputation for stunning live performances, and Friday night's performance proved why. Coming on to an audienCE not rruch bigger than the band itself, they gave off an aura of genuine cool, a quite difficult feat for a band with a brass section. and from then on In it was an hour and half of sheer ecstasy. The opening song 1f I were with her now', with accompanying projections blew away every band I've ever seen and proved how Spiritual-

Review by Nick Risdell

!zed have managed to transcend the realms ofindledom Into something far more CErebraL 'Run' was perfect, 1 want you' was even better and '200 Bars' was, well, mind blowing. The blinding strobes and smoke used throughout the gig only served to intensify the experience asJason. Mark. and WHile swayed like demigods. The highlights of the gig were Walking with Jesus' which was beautiful and unexpected. And the final song 'Shine a Light' seemed to last forever ... endlng too soon. Splritualized have managed to create a world ofthelrown which no other bandcancomecloseto.GOD-LIKEI


IThe Waterfront - Thurs May 7 I

The Abba clones play the LCR on Wednesday May 20 - don't miss it!

Since the success last year, of Nirvana's "Never mind", we have been bombarded with acts from the U.S. 'School of Grunge'. Speaking from pc!rsonal preferance, this is a welcome breath of fresh air into a tired British lndie scene. At the same time, those wonderful'grunge riffs' could so easily become convention. Last weeks performance by Fugazi served as a reminder that this alternative U.S. scene is wider than many perhaps think. They dearly arose from the scene which also spawned Big Black and Sonic Youth. Like them, they also produce a

brand of 'noise-core', mostly too harsh for the commercial market. They are unlikely to achieve the sales success of Nirvana, nor would wish to. Fugazi are too obsessed with following their own path. Their Waterfront appearance Is a blinder, or should I say a deafener? There is no light show, the audience has little choice but to confront the music head-on. Showmanship is kept to a minimum, brief comments between songs. Fans are treated to a surprising amount of material from the old albums "13 songs" and


MAY Wed 20:BjornAgaln(£7.SOadv) Tues 26: Oompah Band (FREE) The Hive after 9pm Fri 29: Jimmy Withenpoon (£1.00 adv) JUNE Tues 2: World Music Disco (FREE) The Hive a(ter 9pm


MAY Sat 23: Katharlne May on harpsichord plays Bach etc. at lpm (£3..50I £2.50)

Sun 24: Flute and Harpsichord Duo, at 7.30pm (£.6/ £4) JUNE Thurs 4: Viola and Violins at lpm (£1 door)

Records Jody Thompson is doing her finals! Record reviews will return as soon as possible. ''Repeater", but, a sizeable chunk of last years HSteady Diet of Nothing* Is also played. Abrasive guitar riffs over a complex drum rhythm which borrows as much from reggae as from rock. The audience is split in two; half are going wild, the rest are too stunned to do anything but stare. Brilliant and scary, this is not music to play to your mum.

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• _'>

The Rest. •• NORWICII ARTS CENTRE· Tel 660352


Swing your pants again!

MAY Mon 25- Fr129: Half-term Chlldrens Workshop (phone for details)

MADDERMARKET • Tel626.560 MAY Sat 15- Sat 23: The Importance of Being Earnest


MAY Tues 19: Bill Hicks (£4.50 adv) Also Race Night (Live in The Hive


WA.TERFRONT • Tel766266 MAY Mon 25- Weds 27: Cut Off Point by Steve Bottoms (£.2.50 cones)

lREV ANDSimonhadthewholeof the LCR 'Swinging Their Pants', creating an ambiance of communal stupidity amongst everyone. They were supported by Paul Morrocco, a mad juggler, with a sense of humour too stupid to mention. Suffice it to say his act involved paranoid fruits falling In love and suicidal flame throwing?! The average age of the audience was amazingly old, from about twenty to forty, and the jokes were slightly ruder then their ''Going Live" repertoire, although the dirtiest they get Is with good old fashioned poo and bum type humour. In fact the jokes were so stupid that they were hysterically funny. Ken and Eddle Kennedy (The Barbers) came up with simple gems that you just couldn' t resist laughing at. Their new brand of natural hairdressing products Included a concentrated prune shampoo that makes you "'wash and go", In the more literal sense. Things really hotted up when the Infamous Singing Corner characters entered to cries of ''Swing Yrur Pants'' from the audience. Thi<l catch phrase that has ~ched cult proportions.

Cut Off . t!MaYl P010 ~ (Waterfront) 'A HAPPY homk:idal hrusewlfe from


heir Is one way Steve Bottoms deKrlbes the character Ellen In his upcomlng UEA production of 'Cut Off Point', which opens at the Waterfront 25 May and runs for three nights. Bottoms, a student at UEA devised the play through Improvisation. character sketches and his own writIng, as a spoo(-detedlve-story-meetssoap-opera. Aside from the character of Ellen, the play Involves an amnesiac, a 'corporate ball-breaker' trying to ruin her brother, an arsonIst and others. In pulling the play together, Bottoms says he was concerned with the Idea of combining something funny and satirical with something serlrus and personal. The result, he says, are some very hilarious yet uncomfortable moments. 'Cut Off Point' will be performed by the company Flexible Dead lock. The company Is a division of the UEA Drama Society.



May 11, 12,14

(Waterfront) MURDER. Incest, lust, poetry, and some rather spectacularly rendered regional American accents .... what more could an audience require? Students attending the MlnataurTheatre Company's production of 'Lollta' last week at the Waterfront got all of that and more (and more, and more). The play, based on a book of the same name by Vladlmlr Nabakov and adapted for the stage by Nick Hedges, revolved around the dodgy romance between Englishman Humbert Humbert and his American stepdaughter Delores (Lollta) Haze. Sllmey to the point of pathos, Humbert will stop at nothing (just short of killing his wife) to get at the

Book Review J

'Birth Marks' Sarah Dunant Reviwed bJI Ton)l Sweeney

his gold "dream pants" to an orgasmic reaction .It doesn't take much to get the crowd swinging their pants, and lt seems to be what these mature adults have come to do. At the end, the crowd clamoured for more 'Singing Corner' and got two more chances to get their pants moving. Then the lights went up people embarrassedly straightened their trousers and left, hopefully as adults again. By Polly Graham

rEA Amateur Dramatic Productions Preview


delectable and very young Lollta. He Is hampered, however, by some very Intriguing twists, Including Lollta's own daunting sexual expertise. Altogether the play was riveting and hilarious, even If it ran a bit long In spots. The climax of 'Lollta,' ronslstlng of a harrowing and funny (by turns) murder scene, proved to be worth the wait. Particularly excellent was An drew Watson's Clare Qullty, the twist In the play with a capital 'T.' He managed to play, convincingly, a southern cop at a policemen's convention, a German school psychiatrist, and a drunk. semi-Insane playwright pleading for his doomed life. No easy task. Also convincing was Joe's Rowe'sCharlotte Haze, Lollta's love-seeking and pitiable southern belle mother. And Luke Boulton's Humbert suceeded at Intensifying a character so pathetic and narcissistic that you don't even love to hate him If it were a movie I'd give it four stars. Don't miss the next Mlnotaur production.

Preview/ Review by Melissa Weiland If you would li~e to review any event for 'Concrete', co1ne to one of our nteetings: Mondays lpm, Room 2.29, EAS - no experience necessary

The IMay 15-231 Importance of Being Earnest (Maddermarket Theatre) AllhoughOscarWildeand lrlvlality may sound unlikely bedfellows, The Importance of Being Earnest' is eloquent testimony to the success of such a combination. It is to this, Wilde'slast, and arguably most important work that the Norwich Players turn to next In a year of unfailing productions, and have managed to maintain the quality that makes it difficult to consider them an amateur company. For anyone unaquainted with the play, the title may be a little misleading. If you expect it to be philosophical, you will no doubt be disappointed, for this world famous and highly regarded work is, in fact, about two men who want to be called Ernest. It is only in this way, that Algernon and John can succeed in their romantic endeavours and win the hands of women that require the name as a prerequisite of marriage. The plot is simple in its complexity and although swollen with Wilde's characteristic aphorisms, they are prevented from becoming tedious by a cast which was clearly in touch withtheessenceof his humour. As usual, the scenery was lavish and yet tasteful, and hclfX'd to fully recreate the period In which the play was written to be seen. Although the play itself is so recognizably born of the nineteenth century, and perhaps a little contrived, two enthusiatic performances from the leading male roles make it an enjoyable evening and if it is to be 'a serious comedy for trivial people' then the Norwich Players make it superbly trivial. · By Pt~ul Grainge

GOOD DETECTIVE fiction should be consumed quickly, with the aid of strong coffee. This detective's story, about Hannah Wolfe - possibly In sheeps clothing- is classically fashioned, like the most superior hamburger, with lots of interesting side salad - to be consumed with relish. The victim is a drowned girlpregnant; the investigator firmnosed, witty and female, while the action runs from Paris to Kilbum. Classic ingredients with a twist of the modern. It's enormous fun and is something of a self-reflective sendup of the genre. Wolfe, as her own narrator, ad opts, usurps and replays the nuances of her 'Chandleresque' predecessors who are hard· boiled down to give a familiar, nostalgic flavour to the book. As well as having fun in bringing a female aspect to an apparently male stereotype Dunant's book Interweaves issues such as, motherhood verus career, divorce and female identity in a light and entertaining manner, while delving into Wolfe's personal psychology. 'Birth Marks' Is suitably sprinkled with one-liners such as "I gave them eyelashes and wished them luck"; and when she challenges her male dinnercompanion with "it's been a great evening. D'you feel like making a night of it?", you know that you're having fun.

'Birth Marks' is kindly donated for review by the campus branch of 'Waterstones', where it is also on sale.

NEXT ISSUE· a r~~i~w Qf Am~rh:un Sluth2t IQni M2rri· ~on's





and th~ tQ win ll

hllrdl.Hl~k 'QP~

Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992


concrete ntervtew

ax Acts on UK tour Ruby Wax talks about her stage show, her TV career, and her days as a 'Nymphette' Glancing at Ruby Wax's CV', I see that Wogan is listed alongside her 1V appearances- really?! "My CV says I did Wogan?' she utters incredulously. She continues: "'I don't know what you have there, that'll be Interesting to see. What else does it say?" "'t says you did Wogan and Chariots of Fire... "' Again an exclamation of wonder. "''t says I did Wogan ...Can you read me someofthat,doyoumind?"' I read accordingly. "'t must be a mistake,"' concludes the American on the other end of the phone. •So you haven't met Terry then?"' Once again: "'I've been on his show a lot, but you wouldn't put that in a CVit's bizarre."' Two things immediately strike me about this conversation. Firstly, why is the woman who Id readcd interviewing being so nice when every week she makes big stars look like small kids in front of millions of people. And secondly, I have rung Ruby to ask her about her U1< tour, but seem to have fallen in to a rut, which has

Wax ...The Johnson Wax Floorshow ...East Meets Wax ....Wax on Wheels...The Full Wax, plus Measure for Measure and Love's Labours Lost."' Sorry? Ruby confirms this is, indeed true, and not another piece of fabrication by an

"I was with the RSC in Stratford being obscure kinda Nytnphettes and things" over-zealous PR agent: 1 was with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in Stratford, being obscure kinda Nymphettes and things."' This would seem to be a far cry from the brash, confident and amusing American who is so often on our screens. Did she enjoy her RSC roles? "'No 'cos I wasn't very good ... but I gave it a lot of energy."' Indeed, in one play she took over from Zoe Wanna-

Why is the wotnan 'vho I dreaded interviewing being so nice 'vhen, every week, she ntakes big stars look like stnall kids in front of ntillions of people? ended ln me reading the woman her own CV. As she says herself, "'it's bizarre."' After all, it is hardly as though she needs any introduction, with a CV already as long as your arm. She has too many other achievements to be proud of, without needing to boast about being seen on the same screen as the Irish 'personality' who is to be axed anyway. Reading, as I am asked, from the aforementioned CV: "Chariots ofFire,Omen IllThe Final Conflict ...The Professiona Is (I) •.• Happy Families ... Don't Miss

Shakes pea re, even if the evidence is simply that Ruby, her husband- Max Wax, and children have moved into a luxury mansion in London's Notting Hill. She comments: "'I wish people would break into it more often!"' Bizarre! What is also odd is that she has rarely performed in America, so does she like the British, in general? "'Well I don't really think in general, so that's hard. For every pro I'd have a con

maker... "'But I was never as good as her,"' Ruby adds modestly. Ot's hard to believe she can be so modest!)

"Britain's kinda just like

America but \Vithout the late night su-

permarkets" Things have, of course, greatly changed since the days of supporting roles in

and for every con I'd have a pro. "''t's kinda just America without the late night supermarkets, but eventually you will be corrupted. We gave you the Mall and that was the end of British culture as we know it. But there's a charm here and there's an intelligence and there's an irony that I hope they don't takeaway." The comedienne has recently left our screens - the last of six in the series of 'The Full Wax 2' (which, interestingly, takes six months to produce) went out on BBCl on May 8. Surprisingly ,despite all the areas Ruby has worked in, even her loosely-chat-based show is not her ideal medium. "' think it's sort of limiting,"' she says. "''t hurts me when I want to do stage shows .. .I'm not an interviewer in my it sort of hurts you when people go 'oh are you going to be interviewing people' and you think 'if I was my career would last three and a half seconds!'"' But hasshe had a favourite guest? .,1 like John Simpson -he's different, and Lauren Bacall was nice."' What I am actually trying to get at is one particularly repulsive incident where she lounged over three of 'The Dreamboys' - Britain's answerto 'fheChippendales.' But despite Ruby's apparent relishing of this moment,

she says she did not enjoy it: "I did that for money, it was part oft he job.. .it was pretty hideous."' Her play- Wax Acts- a 23 day tour of the UK, still manages to miss out Norwich. But then this will come as no surprise. Directed by Alan Rickman, with whom Ruby has worked in the past (she wrote and he directed 'Desperately Yours',

which becameanoff-Broadway hit) it's the story of a woman who has .,gone off the rails."' Ruby says "it's a life story... along the way this person spurts out about every observation and does little sitcoms for you and little shows ...but at the end it's resolved, like a play is."' She should be well practiced - not only has she just enjoyed a successful run at

London's Globe Theatre, but she toured with it last year. Ruby apologises:"'' didn't go to Norwich then either, huh?Oopsl"' Er... no.

So what is there left for Ruby to do? '1'm gonna write scripts and notworkwlthreal people. ..! mean actresses."' Oh?!

now .... ! '


Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

tters Publisher Stephen Howard Editor Polly Graham Arts Editor Peter Hart Sports Editor Keeley Smith Chief Reporter Gill Fenwick Advertising Simon Mann Distribution John Barton Photographers Toby Leaver Oara Tuckey Son B Huang Daniel Kennedy Proof Reader Debbie Brickell

. '

Contributors Tony Sweeney Usa Bushrod Jody Thompson Jane Drake Unda McDevitt Ed Meikle Shaun Harley Katharine Ma honey Charlotte Couse Clare Genunell Helen Lewis - Sue McManus Abi Paton Paul Grainge Grorglna King Ian J-lolgate Ben Shepherd Nick Risdell Jamie Putnam

Thanks toEnglish and American Studies. Gary the Steward Thuy La Livewire Concrete Is published

rf you have anything tltat you feel strongly about, whether it is the content of roNCRETE, or something about UEA which really gets you going, write to: The ~ditor, CONCRETE, EAS or bring it to Room 2.29, EAS. If there is anything you think ~e should be writing about, drop us a note, or call us on Nonvich 592799 (internal 'rfumber 2799). Please include your name, school and year on anything for publication.

American Footballers have a say Following the publication of your interview with Warren Smart In your last Issue we feel that on behalf o{ the team we must reply. Although Warren Is a charming man well versed In the tactics of the game, we feel we have to question the professionalism accredited him that was central to the article. On the playing field his inability to manage and his obvious favouritIsm towards certain players caused ill feeling within the squad . His much heralded specific football programme was In fact taken from the youth club Norwich Demons, of which his house-mate is coach. It was both Inappropriate for this season's Pirates personnel and Ineffective against the rapidly Improving prograi'Tlln!s at other league teams. His failure to adjust the playbook aa::ordingly and then his decision to bring outside players from the Demons Into key starting roles only served to heighten the disillusionment within the team. His desire to completely run all aspects of the club undermined totally all authority that last year's committee had. All decisions, executive or otherwise, had to beauthorised by him. In the end, financialllurvlval wa11 totally due to thr. hard work and cfficlcnly of student, Clifton Smith, as Treasurer. The article also talked of the demise of the Pirates. Last year recruit· ment for the dub was set at it's highest level ever. Although with only a few returning players and a high percentage of complete novIces, what team can be expected to repeat the previous years success? Our final position of sixth out of eleven, just two plares from the play off, is a solid platform for next year. American Football at UFA is still, and will continue to be, a healthy part of university life. UEA Pirates Committee for the 1992-3 seaso11.

Racism is

NOT Fascism In reply to the article by Sue McManus- whilst we are pleased to see the Students Union at UEA addressing the issue of racism, please get your facts right. Yes, there Is an undercu rrent of racism in Norwich, and yes, Norwich has been termed "the last white city" but there is very little in the way of organised racism or fascism in Norwich, and we wish to keep it that way. The BNP arecurren tl y targetting East London, not Norwich, as a "national priority" but are being beaten back by Anti- Fascist Action and the local community. In Norwich there is only one solitary BNP organiser whose activities extend to a few stickers and some rather infantile graffiti. Please do not give them publicity they don't deserve by exaggerating their strength. In a place such as Norwich, and particularly during a recession and a panEuropean resurgence in fascism, there is a potential for fascisl'J to recruit and become more active. Uut to confu se racism with organised fascism and to overstate the BNPs presence in the city does not help those suffering from racism or fascism. Our task as anti-fascists is to ensure a regrowth in fascism does not occur, by both physical and ideological opposition. An anti-racist strategy for UEA has an obvious part to play in this fight, and we wish you all the best with your campaigning against racism. Norwich A11ti-Fascist Actio11

'Staggering' out of context I would like to express my concern over the context and the manner of production of the article on Bar Prices in Issue 4. Anybody reading the article would have been under the assumption that it came about as the result of an interview with myself, as you know this was not the case. Taking sections out of a seperate article and using them out of context in the manner in which you did has not only given a totally false Impression of my opinion on many of the issues involved, but also ranks the piece alongside some of the worst examples of the tabloid press. The worst, though by no means only example is the allegedly "staggering" wages bill of £136,000. To extensively quote figures from accounts and budgets as you did in this article and then describe the wages bill as "staggering" clearly implies financial mismanagement. To further add Insult to Injury, to write the article In a manner that wrongly suggests that my response was to "defend" the sum by pointing out that £1,600 per week goes to students is deliberately misleading. My "response" is that the sum needs no "defending" as given the nature of our operation and accepted staffing levels in the licensing trade ours is, if anything, a lean operation in this respect.

Tom Balls Bar Ma~tagtr


Concrete, UEA's Independent student newspaper, hu reached lt'a alxth !!sue. At the beginning o{ last tenn suddenly purple headed newspapers hit the campus u If from no where. Many. didn't think that we'd make it th15 far, but we have and Intend to carry on. So to cle!ar up any ml5cona?pttons about the origins and future of Concrete here 18 the run down on what 1t tabs to publlsh the purple rag. First and foremost we are an independent newspaper, we don't I recelvt! ~mney from the 9\ldents Unlon,orfromtheUnlversltyor from anyone else. i1 We finance each Issue by advertising. Over the period that we have been running, through the hard slog of our advertising team. we have built up enough advertlllng revenue to pay for the complete cost of each issue. Contrary to some beliefs, East· em County Newspapers do not print our 5,000 copies per Issue for free. unfortunately we have to pay them for each print-run. Apart from the printing everything else that is Involved In the completion o( the paper Is done by us. We get the advertising, write the articles, take the pictures and even do lay-out. Of course 111 thll llkc!lllo1da o( work, essays pile up 1nd the bags under our eyes drop to our feet. It's all worth it when the van from F.CN deUversS,OOO copies oft he paper. Concrete Is w rltten by students for students. This means that If I you don't like lt. you can do something about tt. Like write a letter, or an article or simply m~ and tell us. We like to think t~t we go some way_to voldng student opinions and we can't do that unless they're made known to us. So, thank.. for your support so far.

Independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor, and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor (C) 1992 Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich.

concrete·· ecruitment CONCRETE's continued success depends upon your support. If you would like to contribute in any way- whether it be writing news, features, arts or sports; taking photographs or producing artwork; typing, proof-reading, or doing anything it takes to make a newspaper work, then come to one of our meetings. They are every Monday in Room 2.29, EAS. Or come and see us any weekday between 12pm and 2pm. No experience is necessary.




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Concrete, Wednesday, May 20, 1992

concrete By Keeley Smith

the 2000 metre sprint course in justover8.2 minutes, but finished in third place and so did not qualify for the final. UEA's second IV immediately qualified for the final of the Junior event, as onlytwooftherequired six teams turned up for their

semi-final. In the first 1000 metres of the race UEA was rowing well in third position, but over the remaining part of the course fell behind to finish fifth. The eventual winne!'S of both the Championship and Junior events were Edinburgh, who along with universities

such as Durham, Loughborough and Bristol provided UEA with some very experienced competition. The cox for the seconds, Rachel Cox, said: "The teams acquitted themselves well, and we had a good day and enjoyed it. Taking part wu the main

thing, and it was a real experience to race against five other crews at once."' The club has rowed in other competitions recently, including the Norwich Regatta which was held atthe beginning of term. The Men's first IV, aptained by Rob Butler, won their 550 metre sprint race in a senior Ill boat against Norwich Rowing Club, but lost their second rare to Norwich Union. The Men's second IV were unfortunately disqualified In their race against Uecclcs Rowing Club for arriving late to the start because of boat problems. However, the two teams agreed to row the race, which UEA comfortably won. Onthewideruniversitycircuit, the club entered a Men's Vlll In the Head of the River raceinLondononMarch28. The 4.5 mile course on the Tideway from Mortlake to Putney attracted hundreds of university, college and dty boat clubs. Some of the country's best boats were on the water, including the British National squad, and UEA finished 338th In the competition. The club has viewed this

For more information contact newly elected club president, • Pan Roberts, at the sports centre.

IT!HllVJ~~ ~~ IMJ~"'t/


1. Svampfyllda gratinerade tomater

2. Rakor i baked potatis £1.20 ~

(jacket potato filled with prawns)

•~ 3. Kottbullar

PHOTO: Toby LeOYt!.r unable to raise a side, subsequently forfeiting the match to UF.A. UEA's run of good form unfortunately ended last Wednesday when the first team lost 119-123 agaln/Jt tx:L, with the seconds also losing 140-225. UF.A now have only one regional match remaining against Essex. the fifth team In their pool. Captain, Chris Jackson, is optimistic of his team's future this season, remarking, "''n paper we've got a very good side, and we should get


year's racing 111 providing the squad with valuable experience in preparation for the more serious racing which they hope to undertake next year. Although UFA is currently having to make use of the Norwich Rowing Club's boats, the Union has jU!t purchased them a set of blades, and the club is hop- .,. ing to obtain professional coaching and a new boat in the not too distant future. The boat committee Is currently aiming to expand the dub memba-ahip, which will enable it to increase the number of crews it can enter in both men's and women's competitions. Any novices or experienced rowers who are interested in taking up rowing at UEA are invited down to ,.. theRiverYareonaWednes- . day or Sunday afternoon, where they will be -given coaching and supervision.

Season begun in style

1HE QUfiX)()R cricket team have begun the season In style after already scooping two victories In the regional garre of this year's UAUs. UEA's excellent bowling played a large part In ~CCUr­ lng a win over Buckingham, where they batted first to obtain 120 runs off 40 overs, with Mark Grlbble hitting 30. Buckingham were all out for 86 runs off 35 avers, with Preetlnder Singh and John Goldlng both taking three wickets. The second win proved a lot easier aga1n9t QMW, who were



Racing on the river TIIE ARRIVAL of the longawaited light Summer eveningsandEastAngliansunshine has meant that UFA's boat club are spending more and more time on the river. After the club's revival last October, when new recruits included four Cambridge post-graduat~s and sev<!ral ex-schoolboy rowers, UEA has onre again emerged onto both the local and university rowing scenes. One of their most Important meetings, the all-day UAU championships, took place on May 9 at Holm Pelrpolnt In Nottingham, where UEA entered two Men's IVs. Each separate event consisted of a semifinal and final with six teams racing at one time. Owing to a poor turn-out caused by the bad weather, the UEA first IV found themselves competing against only two other teams in the semi-final of the Championship race. They completed


through to the quarter-finals. The team are really getting Into the season, and it's just a matter of how we perform on the day." UF.A's record In the competition Is good, after reaching the quarter-finals last year, and the semi-finals two years ago. The team Is training hard In the nets for this Summer's challenge, as well as playing two games a week on average. They are being coached by ex- Sussex and Northants player Rod Bunting, whose current aim Is to Improve UEA's batting.

A ~


(savoury meatballs In a rich gravy & macaroni)

4. Stekt kyckling £1.80 (half e traditionally roasted oprlng chicken)

~ j ~~lr~~g ~O[Q)jg ~~ILJ!\© ©~~~ IF~O~©




[p)@lr~lr©~~ 30p.

IQOlLI!.. ~0©~~ 20p.


\ s~IN/~ERS ~~~~ - --~



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Concrete , Wednesday, May 20, 1992

c oncre e s Unrest over loss of pitch

Net ball opponents taken by storm .... TI-IE NETBALL club has taken its rival teams by storm during its matches in the Norwich and District Netball Summer League over the past three weeks.

A.rtro pitch -a buildi1tg sit~



Astro Frustration ..

NOBODY wou Id have argued that the arena behind the sports centre was perfect. Yet it did provide a floodlit, all-weather su rfare for several sports teams to train on. With the building o{ the new residences, UEA has lost Its only viable winter training ground. Many students feel bitter about the fact that the arena has not yet been replaced. The arena was vital for clubs such as hockey, footbalL Arrerican football and rugby, as it provided a training ground that could be used all through their winter seasons. Demand for the use of the practIce pitch was also substa ntlal. However, when the arena was dug up In November the clubs had to make other arrangements. The women's hockey club for Instance hired the astro turf at Harleston, but at ÂŁ41 a time plus travel expenses, it Is not surprising that the club could not afford to continue training there. Other clubs have also made the conscious effort to keep their sporting standards high, for example the rugby club have been training down In Norwich every week. Yet, it does seem unfair If not ridiculous that students are left to arrange their own sporting facilities. As Martin Parker, the football club president says, "For such a small university with such great club successes In the UAUs- mainly down to the hard work of committee members rather than facilities - we, the various sports clubs, really do seem to be getting a raw deal." It looks as if the Football

Report by

Katharine Mahoney Club has been hit harder than most. It Is a club with over 100 members and because of the lack of space and training grounds (unless chosen to represent the four soccer teams) approximately 50 members will end up having no contact with the club whatsoever. AsParkercomments, "'This is a situation we very much regret, but unfortunately we have no alternative for our members." Other clubs have experienced similar proble~ for example the hockey dub. They tried to re-schcdu le their training times to Sunday rromlngs, but as Emily Underhill, last year's women's hockey president remarked, "'This has proved a very u npopu Jar time with the attendance being considerably lower than when held at the arena." Therefore it Is obvious that the essence of sport, the takIng part by all members, whateverthelr standard, has been badly disrupted. On a more competitive level, the loss o{ the arena has caused disastrous results for many teams in the UAU competitions. Lack of training means that a team will never perform to the best of Its potential, no matter how talented the players. Training needs to be maintained on a regular basis over

a certain period of time. This Is Impossible if there Is nowhere for the teams to practice, and many students have asked, "Why were the astro turf pitches not laid before the arena was dug up?" The lack of an astro pitch has had disastrous results for clubs such as hockey. Geralnt Vincent, hockey tour co-ordinator reflects, "Hockey on astro Is a far quicker game and the lack of these sorts of facilities at UEA means that when we play away to teams who have astros, we sadly under perform." However, there Is light at the end of the tunnel. Kelth Nlchols, Director of Physical Recreation, stated that In the long term. UEA would have facilities to rival the likes of the top sporting universities. He added that d lscusslons had been going on for nearly 18 months and it was not the case that the university had been," dragging Its heels." It seems that Keith Nlchols Is trying to negotiate the best possible deal for the university and such negotiations take time. Secondly because of the delicacy of such plans, nothing can be revealed until everything Is signed and sealed, although he did mention that, 'We will be In a position In October to set forward proposals to the students." Until then it seem<J as If the majority of us will remain In the dark. It also means that however great the sporting fadlities will be In the future, many students at present seem to be getting a very poor deal Indeed .

The club only entered the League last year, and regulations meant that they had to start in the bottom division. After earning promotion by winning all of their 14 games, they are now in division seven, and have so far proved too tough for their opponents. They have played five games this season, beginning with an impressive 50-6 win over Spixworth, letting in only one goal a quarter in three out of the four quarters. UEA have also defeated Hansell Ste-

I By Keeley Smith

venson 50-17, Amethysts 45-37, Hearts 43-15 and Sed gcwicks 44-11. The tea m Is comprised of different club members each match, ranging from pia yers from the first to third teams. This enables those who didn't participate in the UAU action to take part. As long as UEA keep up this season's perfect track record, they ca n be sure of promotion into division six

next year. Coach Rachel Tomes, said: "I think that they have a 99.9% chance of winning all their games. I'd be most surprised if they don't.,. If consistently promoted it will take six years before they can reach the top division. This higher standard of play Is well within UEA's capabilities, as proved when the firsts beat division one team 'Strongbows' by a comfortable margin in a friendly last term. In addition to this, UEA first players Ellen Mulvihill and Rachael Woolston, already play in the top division for 'Thoroughbreds'.


All houses now full! But roomg available for the Summer vacation at ÂŁ20 per week



.... 41 9 427 D ....... Telephone:


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