Concrete issue 010 30 09 1992

Page 1



!ExcLusiVE! Freshers Guide




'Demand' for payment branded 'pathetic' and 'disgusting' Delayed welcome costs over £2,000

University rent letter slammed by Union THE STIJDENT Union executive have severely criticised University actions, after officials sent Freshers a letter asking for advance rent payment. Richard Hewison, the Union's Communications Officer, said the letter- in which Accomodation Manager, Clive Wmter, requested payment of the term's invoice before the start of this academic year -was "disgusting from the point of view of the unnecessary confusion and concern it will cause new members of the University." And he further termed the U niversity's action 'pathetic' for trying to stop the rent strike proposed last term. The University, however, strongly deny the letter was sent in a response to the threat of a rent strike, although Michael Benson, the University's Press Officer, said they were concerned about the possibility of a Responding to this, Mr Benson strike occurring. stressed the invoice was postHe added that the system was dated, making it clear that stusomething they had been 'plandents have three weeks to pay ning to introduce' for sometime. once thev arrive at the UniverThe Union were also grieved

A section from the letter sent to new students that the letter was blatantly 'getting' students to pay in advance since Clive Wmter ,Accomodation Manager writes: "I shall be grateful if you are able to pay this invoice by 23 September 1992.

sity. He did, however, agree that this was not stated in the letter. Union members were also angered by two paragraphs 'tacked

Turn to Page 2, Col. 4

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TilE STUDENT Union was forced to pay over £2000 to ensure

their "Welcome"

booklet reached this year's freshers.


Report by Peter Hart

To ease lhe heavy work luil\l at the heylnnlng of the ~ut01111 ter11 I shall be y•·ateful If you are a~le to I'•Y this luvolce ~y ZJ Septenober 199Z. For students who wl 'h to JI&Y the year's li cence fee 1 n a<lvance there 1s a Z. SS dlsccunt pr uvldP.<l the? I s r eceived by 30 S"''teoober IYYZ . Please .ake your cheque llayable lo the University of [ast ~nglia, wrtle your n-, accuunt/regislrallon m...Uer and Invoice nllli>er on the reverse and return l elllter dlt·ectly ln lite rlnance Ulvlslon or In the reply paid envelope pt·ovlded . Pre · pay~~ent does n<•t 1 low It your freed0111 under the Tei"IIS and Conditions or your Licence lu 110ve out of residences 1nd to receive pro-rata refunds t f you eventually w sh to do so _ _....,

Polly Graham reports


Unnecessary Expense?

PLANS by the University to improve the appearance of

UEA have been condemned by the Student Union as being an unneccesary expense. Over the summer a sunken garden has been built at the end of the Arts Building, the Registry has been refutbisbed, and new pathways and paving have been laid. Said Richard Hewison, Communications Officer in the Student Union, "I find it ironic that at a time of unprecedented studem hardship, with many students strug-

- - - - -- - - - - -

I By Gill Fenwick I .


gling to find enough money for their rent, that the University can find funds for projects such as these. I think it shows a very sad set of priorities. •

But Mike Benson, UEA's ~ Officer, said "It is not fair to say that we are not concerned with student debt ... however it is a fact of life that we are also concerned about the image we present to the outside community." He continued, "The amount


of money we have spent on Registry Square and the front of the Registry would have made very little difference to the alleviation of student debt." And he added, "In practice, the Registry is the place that everybody comes into the University for information. .. so we have not only recreated Registry Square but we have also done work to make the visitor reception a more accessible

The booklet which offers essential information for new arrivals, suffered from various delays which meant that it was not able to be sent with the information the University also posts to its new students. This year's sabbaticals are angered that they had to foot the £2100 bill for the postage and paclcaging of the 3000 booklet, which they claim was due to it being sent a month late to the printers by the previous sabbatical Communications Officer. The advertising within the booklet would normally ensure a substantial profit for the union, which they claim would have bceo spent on various clubs and societies. Chris Hollingsworth, Finance Officer, regretted "that it is the students who lose out in the long term.• Richard Hewison, the current Communications OffiCCI', is al10 dismayed that foreign students will not receive theirs until they have arrived. He said they will have received a welcome letter from the Union, but added, "They have no idea what to expect. • The Uaion hu suffered furtherembamwmentbccause the booklet ia also full of mis-information and spelling mistakea. 1be most humorous error suggests that freshers should "bring your Medical Card with your National Health Number, sod that you can register at the University Health Centre. • Richard Hewison hopes to door drop a lcUcr of apology to every fresher explaining the problems which were faced in producing the booldet.

Turn to Page 2, Col. 1 I


Concrete, Wednesday, September 30 , 1992



Continued from Page One place. " Peter Yorke, the Deputy Buildings officer who has headed the changes in Registry Square, said that the money came "Partly from a grant from the University Funding Committee and partly out of money available for the whole capital programme." Mr Benson said that the fimds were from students' parent 's donations given for the improvement of the land scape and architecture of the University. Other plans include more secure bicycle racks and a taxi turnabout. All of this as well as the new accommodatlon, drama studio, and hockey pitches is estimated as costing the University between £10 - £20 million .

What do you (students, tutors or any other members of UEA) think of the improvements made this summer? Write to us at the address shown on the front page, or call us on (0603) 592512. Our regular letters page resumes in the next issue of 1 Concrete. 1


Near illiterate 1 undergraduates criticised in study ACADEMICS have severely criticized 1nearilliterate1 undergradua tes in a study to be sent to E ducation Secretary, John Patten , according to a report in the Daily Mail.

Condom cartoons help Terence Higgins Trust CONDOMANTICS , a new book of cartoons showing condoms being used in bizarre situations, will raise money for The Terence Higgins Trust, a top AIDS charity . The cartoons are drawn by Terence Parkes, bette r known as ' Larry ,' who has contributed to Private Eye,

The Observer and other national dailies. He has had work publ ished in the Uk and the USA . Cartoons in the book , published by the Regency Publishing House include a man tattooed with a condom and The Laughing Cavalier holding a condom. The book is priced £3.99 and is available at most bookshops.

The findings of senior tutors at 17 British universities showed that one in three students made frequent grammatical errors, and punctuated and spelt badly . Professor Chris Bigsby , Dean of EAS at UEA, agreed that undergraduates entering his department - the largest m the University - frequently lacked such basic skill s. "The problem lies historically in schools where no marks are g1ven for good spelling, " said Prof Bigsby. He continued: "A lot o f our students are insecure in the English language. " His observations were confirmed by the official study , conducted by Dr Bemard Lamb , of the Queen' s Engli sh Society, who went as far

Union slam University Continued from Page One on ' to the end of the letter which explained about rent increases. Richard Hewison explained that the University had banned them from writing to students about the possibility of a strike - but UEA officials then sent out their own information, justifying the increases.

Welfare Officer, Colin Browning, commented: "It is a deplorable attempt to undermine the position of the Union." Mr Benson denied this allegation . The sabbaticals cnticised two further points in the letter. F!fstly they spoke out aga inst the two and a half per cent dicount offered if students could pay the who le year's fees in

as saying that the standards of English among present school leavers were "grossly inadequate. " Responding to how universities could begin to rectify

Prof Bigsby the problem, Prof Bigsby said that EAS had considered introducing the American system of ' Freshman English,' where students entering the department are taught basic skills. Despite students ' poor command of the language, Prof Bigsby said undergraduates were entering the department more highly qualified than ever before . advance. Richard Hewison stated the disco unt was a con, since "you can gain more from putting the year's rent] in a high interest account and paymg termly." Finally, Col in Browning said the Union were also looking into the legality of asking a student to pay rent when they had not signed the licence. Mr Winter declined to comment on questions concerning this

Abducted student tells of her ordeal ABD UCT ED UEA student, Tadella Demeke, has told how a biza rre case of mistaken identity led to her 37 days of capt ivity in Africa As repo rted in Concrete at the end of last term, the 32-year-old student had gone to Sudan to do research work when she was unlaw fu lly seized on June 1. Along with 23 other captives, Tadella began her 5-day journey to an overcrowded military prison at Azezo in Eth iopia, her nat1ve co unt ry. Tadella. who suffers from chronic Ast hma, said: '' It was very difficult for me to breatheI was having breathing problems all the time.''

Now safely back m Britain , she told how it was not until five days after her capture that an o fficia l spoke to her and said it was thought she was somebody else - a political activist in Europe. But although Tadella protested her innocence 1t took another four days for her to be properly interviewed. Even then she could not prove her ident1ty as all her belongings had been taken. After visits from Christian Aid and her family - who brought clothes and medication to the priso n, where up to 30 people were held in one room - she was moved on Ju ne 16. From th1s time nobody in Brit-

ain knew her location, and Tadella had no contact with the outside. She believes it was co nt inued pressure by the prisoners which helped to secure her release on July 7 Work by the fo reign office and University students and officials hwas also of vital importance. Tadella has now received an apology from the authorities, and this te rm she hopes to resume her MA co urse- Gender Analysis in Development. Despite her ordeal she said : ''I'm very interested in contin uing what I was domg on wo men's issues" wh ich could eventually see her return to Sudan.

Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992


LLOYDS AND MIDLAND TO 'RECRUIT' AT SOC MART THE UNION has invited Lloyds and Midland banks to Fresher's Fair despite a motion to ban them. A Union meeting, which took place in June oflast term, severed all links with Midland and Lloyds bank because of their 'contribution to third world debt.' This ban included exclusion from future Fresher's Fairs. But Saleem Khawaja, last year's Welfare Officer, invited the Banks a month after the decision was taken. This was due to him not attending the meeting and being unaware of the ban. Chris Hollingsvw>rth, the present Finance Officer in the Union, sees this as a Breakdown of communications between

o-Op preferred bank for Union ....... ByH<lm Uwlo



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Saleem and the rest of the Union." David Bolam, Manager of Lloyds Bank said he was only aware of the Student Forum decision after replying to the invitation to Fresher's Fair, on July 24 1992.

dai-·Na-lho rncwt woukl .at be uNiertabn • would bt detttmmt.l to

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It was the Rainforest Action Group who highlighted the two banks' policies on third world debt as being unjust and unneccessary. In response to the Rainforest Action Groop' s accusation, Mr

First students in new residences!

Bolam said, "It's one of those things - we're all aWdre of problems but try not to cause too much aggravation and harassment." Lloyds Bank's official policy is that: "Forgiveness of debt would adversely affect future rela. onships between Third World countries and the commercial banking sector. Since banks remain an important source of short term credit in support of a country's normal trading activities this could defeat the aim of re-establishing ' creditworthiness'. This widespread remission of debt is not in the interest of either countries or the creditor community. •

£250,000 Uni fees waived!

TUITION fees are to be waived for some students at the University of Central England in Birmingham, according to a report in the Daily Mail newspaper. Fees of around £.250,<XX> will be written off for some

workers on part-time job-related courses who were made redundant in the summer. It is hoped that the scheme will prevent a 'mass exodus' of a 'substantial' number of part-timers.

l 8 Bedford Street, Norwich

Concrete goes inside This photograph, exclusive to Concrete, records the very first moment that students entered one of the campus' new residences . Until this shot was taken, the contractors working on Nelson Court (next to the bus turnaround) architects and various University officials had been the only people allowed inside the residence. But Concrete - the paper by students and for students obtained special permission to take a look at the inside of the building- so that we could take pictures and give our judg~ ment on how the development was progressing. Designed by Rick Mather Associates in London, Nelson Court is on schedule for completion by this time next year,

PHOTO EXCLUSIVE by Thuy La says UEA's press Officer, Michael Bcnson. When we went into the building just days ago, stairwells were already in place - and so were the controversial

en-suite bathroom units . One room was already fully plastered, ready for various tests to be carried out on it later in the week. We were first to bring you exclusive pictures of a mockup residence room, now we get the first students inside. This must make Concrete the paper in fronJ.

Monday night is student discount night Doubles for the price of singles 20% off lagers and wine! FREE snacks on the bar from 7 - 1 Opm Live acid jazz Get Totalled! Get Groovy! Go wild! The ground floor cafe bar is ideal for relaxing with a coffee or drink & watching the world go by, or meet your friends for a lively lunch from our extensive, reasonably priced menu, which includes many vegetarian dishes. Hectors House is available for private hire, supplying various styles of music and food, for birthday parties, graduation parties etc. Phone Peter Cook on 0603 622836 for more details.

Open from 1 Oam Man - Sat, 7pm Sun Hectors House, 18 Bedford Street, Norwich, Tel (0603) 622836


Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

Sheep kept upside down in experiments at Southampton University

Animal House!

SHEEP are kept upside-down while experiments are carried out on them at Southampton University, according to a report in By Peter Hart the City'S freesheet. adverse effect on the university's im-


The Southampton Advertiser has revealed the animals are held in frames to stop them writhing at certain stages in research work. At other times they are penned in on the roof of the Boldrewood Centre, a university building. Reporter, Amarjit Badesha, claims that recent scientific papers reveal tubes are sometimes left sticking into the animals for up to a month. Other experiments have included those on rabbits, monkeys and marmosets, he said. Although concern was expressed by Southampton residents after reading the article, a university spokesman said it was very difficult to see whether the report would have an


age. He added: "Many of our recent advances have depended on animalsthe work here is related to medical research." But Pauline Dibley , chair of Southampton Animal Concern Group, stressed that results from animal experiments cannot be extrapolated to humans. "There are many cases of drugs behaving differently in animals and humans," she said. *The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUA V) is currently visiting many Universities throughout the country, including the University of East Anglia, to assess experimental work carried out on

'On your bike' MESSAGE TO TIDEVES AS CYCLE SECURITY IS TIGHTENED NEW, more secure bicycle racks are to be installed around campus to reduce the number of cycle thefts at UEA. Morris Morson , Head of Security, is introducing an initiative

looking out for stolen bikes from the University . Funding for the extended security of bikes will come out of the Security Department's budget. Mr Morson said the amount of

which will involve coding bicycles , photographing them and setting up an advisory service. This free service will be available every Thursday in Union House. Bicycle shops in Norwich are being informed of the changes so that they can co-operate in

money spent would ' 'depend on overtime, facilities, stretching of my staff and the cost of developing the photos. It could be four figures a year quite easily" But he added, '' If it reduces the number of cycle thefts, it will be worth it''. 0



and take-away Vegan & Gluten Free Meals Always Available

Open: Mon- Wed 11.30-5 Thurs - Sat 11.30 - 3, and 7.30- lOpm 14 Dove Street (above I Rainbow Wholefoods) " Bookings and prices tel 763258

For your information Abramski of Radio Four and Carol Bundock of Radio Norfolk.

l) The site of the University used to be a golf course.

2) The campus is a public right-of-way: hence people often walk their dogs by the Broad. animals, focussing particularly on primates. See the next issue of Concrete for a feature on this interesting but controversial tour.

3) Waveney mountain is socalled because it is made up of earth excavated when Waveney Terrace was built.

Lighting up in the LCR --




8)The Student Union (or Union of UEA Students as it is correctly called) gives £50,000 a year to clubs and societies.

4) The school of English and American Studies is the larg· est school in the University.

9) Livewire, the campus radio station, has scooped six top national awards in two years of programming.

5) The Broad used to be a gravel quarry.

10) The opening sequence for News at Ten originated at the Uni

6) Selina Scott was a UEAgraduate, and so was Jenny

£15,00 SPENT ON NEW LIGHTS THE Student Union spent £15,000 this Summer on new disco lights for the LCR. The new lights are called Intellabeams, and are the state of the art in concert and disco lighting. Major national bands regularly use them on tour - such a system was seen last year at UEA with James and EMF. The lights were obtained at a discount from their list price, and will prove cheaper than the existing basic system in the long run . Nick Rayns, Entertainments Manager, said, ' ' There has been no notable investment in Ents equipment for many years - yet Ents is one of the most used and as the last survey reaffirmed, the most valued service provided by the Union to its members' '. Chris Hollingsworth, Finance Officer, justifies the expenditure saying, ' 'Currently we rent lights from Red Sound (a hire company), costing about £80 per week. 'We are putting the [disco] admission up to £2 which will cover the price of the lights for the year". The price increase is the first in three years, and is comparable to prices currently charged at student nights at nightclubs in the city. The Union believes that if the LCR has professional disco lights, more students will attend the discos, and for concerts, they will make UEA look more attractive. The system is due to get its first public showing at the first disco of the year during Undergraduation Week.

7)John Peel and Barry Norman are among the 'famous' people awarded honorary degrees by the University. ·









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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

Young Persons Railcard · in association with CANNON CINEMAS


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BRB reserve the right to change any of the featured f ilms.


Concrete , Wednesday, September 30, 1992


Studio construction starts ------ _____ i __ --------------- If - - · ·

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DRG 1540.



CONCRETE, the University's independent student newspaper has moved offices, writes

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Stephen Howard.

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-Plan of how the studio will look

By Phil Scott



THE CONSTRUCTION of a £900,000 UEA drama centre began in August after a wait of more than four years . The centre, officially titled the - UEA Studio' is being built

Stallone film on rocky ground ...

adjacent to the Sports Centre and is designed to provide facil ities to replace those lost when the UEA village site and the Kenney Theatre were sold. The Studio will be able to seat around 200 people on stackable chairs, providing the most flexible space poss ible . The building will also contain a bookable rehersal room ,

SILVER Pictures have cancelled their scheduled visit to UEA to f1lm a new Sylvester Stallone movie . Last July , the American studio telephoned the University's Press Officer, Mike Benson, to ask to film at UEA. But Silve r Pielures' new Chief Executive, appointed in August, was less keen

a box office, green room and a workshop for the preparation of scenery and props . It is hoped that the Studio will also be used for music performances, lectures, meetings and small conferences and it should be finished by August 1993 . The five year delay between the closure of the Kenney Theatre and the completion

to come to Norwich as he wanted to keep the ftlm Amencan-based. Although the cancellation is not defmite - the studio rang last week to ask if they could still come if they wanted to Mike Ben son admits, "It looks quite likely that they won 't come.


of the new Studio has been caused by a reluctance to spend such a large amount of money on the thirty or forty drama students . However , the University did put about £90,000 into the Waterfront, when it opened, to provide rehersal space, and made alterations to Lecture Theatre One to provide a performance venue.

The paper, which for two terms was published in room 2.29 of the Arts building, is now in Union House. This means our office should now be more accessible for students who both wish to write and give us news. It also means that as deadlines approach, we can spend even more time getting the paper ready for publication. As you may have noticed from our banner, we have remained independent. This means that we are still

free from Union or University restriction and funding something which is vital if the paper is to continue to convey news in an unbiased fashion. Although our location has changed (we are upstairs in Union House - follow the signs!), our address remains (almost) the same. It is now simply Concrete, UEA, Norwich, NR4 7TJ. For internal mail we also have a pigeon hole where all the other Union pigeon boles are located (near the Sabbaticals' offices) . We also have a new phone number - you can now contact us on Norwich (0603) 592512 .

all nears completion

6 TUDb_NT OffbJ4.6 ::'

Concrete moves ...


· -~-



portable TVs from only Radio Rentals not only offers TV and video £8.49 ,,'~~ equipment at aprice that a month won't eat up your grant, but also arange of washing ·large screen TVs frgm machines to ease those domestic chores and a month eliminate those expensive trips to the laundrette. And video recorders from with Radio Rentals you'll never have to worry about breakdowns or expensive a month repair bills because you will TV &video packages from enjoy our comprehensive Free delivery and installation service cover. No more repair bills Repair within 24 hours a month Radio Rentals, washing machines from 9month rental period Half price Summer rental 20 The Haymarket, Low Cost Insurance Norwich Easydirect debit payment a month Tel 626524





The only way is up!

THE £125 million City centre Castle Mall Development is moving into its final stage of construction, but not before hitting several last minute snags .

nancial backers, a positiOn which has been justified by the recession and slump in the property market.

Estates and General, the original developer of the Mall- due to be completed by next Spring - has been forced to pull out after a massive year end deficit. T his has left Friends Provident as the sole backer. When the project was fi rst floated Norwich City Council insisted on having major fi-

Modifications to the planning permission have also had to be made. Bureaucratic confusion meant a last minute modification to the pitc h of the roof, to accommodate the building's air conditioning. October will see the first official announcement of which major stores will be moving


into the Mall and the marketing of the re maining units. To date the only company to have expressed an interest in the Mall is Boots. Jack Hall, the development's publicity officer, said he believed the recession was ha ving an effect on stores taking up a lease, in that it had ' 'slo.ved everything down" and that companies were hedging their hets. He speculated that had it not been for economic difficulties all the units would have been signed and sealed by now.

Phi/ Scott

Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992


7 ,

Survival ·guide to UEA Left by Mummy and Daddy with a can of Stella in your hand, Jody Thompson gives Freshers some hints and tips for the next few days ••• Well, you're here now. Mummy and Daddy have driven off rubbing their hands with glee, leaving you with a can of Stella in your hand wondering what is on the horizon. And a food package that could have alleviated the African famine. So, what's all this UEA lark about then? Having survived three years and buggering off elsewhere, I thought I'd pass on some do's and don'ts to give you an idea of your life to come. Not that it will help much, as I really couldn't care less about you. Cheers!

In residences, DO put a smidgin of bright green f~ colouring in your milk before you put it in your communal fridge. People mysteriously fail to nick it. DO NOT put a silly I witty namecard or self-portrait on your door. People will think you are pathetic, and will never let you forget it. DONOTwalk aroundNorwich Market alternately laughing at and loudly attempting the local accent, as you will be shown just how effectively and swiftly a cucumber can be forced into an orifice. DO NOT ask the bus driver for a ticket to ' town'. Old

If at Fifers, DO wear pointy boots. Handy to kick people out of the way in the morning bus queue To start with: DO have a deep love of wet concrete or shopping centres. Then you too can enjoy the beauty of the UEA campus. DO have a cardboard sign to hang around your neck to answer the following questions that ALL fellow freshers will ask you: A) Where do you come from? B) What degree are you doing? C) What 'A' levels did you do? D) What grades did you get? E) What music are you into? F) Fancy a shag? Alternatively, simply write in big black biro letters on previously described sign F*** OFF AND DIE. This saves on biro ink and making unwanted friends. If at Fifers, DO wear pointy boots. Handy to kick people

In residences, DO put a smidgin of bright green food colouring in your milk ... people mysteriously fail to nick it out of the way in the morning bus queue. DO take a plastic bag to frenziedly stuff slices of bread and cheese into at a Fifers breakfast, so you can make sandwiches later. Or to throw up into, whichever you want to do first.

age pensioners will beat you with umbrellas and fall over their trollies with cries of 'CITY!! CITY!! It's a city, boy! Don't you know nothin '? Bloody stoodents!!' DO NOT admit to being a student while walking down Tombland at 1:00 on a Saturday night, especially if ap-

DO NOT go to Rick's Place. Why? Go down Magdalen Street and see for yourself proached by big blokes in shell suits with A.C.A.B tattooed on their foreheads. Unless you like hospitals. DO NOT go to Rick's Place. Why? Go down Magdalen Street and see for yourself. On the campus, DO NOT laugh hysterically at the strange bearded guy with odd walk, staring eyes, sandals, and a courdroy hand-me-down suit from 1962. He is your tutor. DO NOT get totally legless on your first night at UEA. Next day, you will discover you have made life-long friends with the Smiths fanatic and the train-spotting Chemistry student who will follow you around for the rest of term. DO pretend to be poor, even if your father owns a small island in the Mediterranean.

DO NOT walk around Norwich market alternately laughing and loudly attempting the local . accent as you '11 be shown just how effectively and swiftly a cucumber can be forted into an orifice · DO NOT ask a bus driver for a ticket to 'town. • OAPs will beat you with umbrellas abd fall LCR disco delight- 'get really drunk and dance in front of the stage'

Otherwise, everyone will hate you. DO go to Thursday LCR discos, get really drunk and dance in front of the stage. Hard-up students need entertainment at your expense. DO NOT attempt to eat a Breakers Veg Burger with onions, an experience akin to having a lard mouthwash. DO buy SASSAF rolls, even if you have to queue. Cheap and huge, they make excellent weapons walking down Tombland at 1:00 on a Saturday night. DO NOT fantasize about having affairs with lecturers. you will realise the time wasted when you meet them. DO practice excuses for not handing in essays in on time. Sexual propositions rarely work, so have a back-up plan ready. DO judge a prospective male love-target by his shoes.

DO practice excuses for not han~ing in essays on time. Sexual propositions rarely work, so have a back-up plan ready Don't ask why, but it never fails. Like the shoes, like the

man. DO chat up women with short black hair who are recent UEA graduates and have a natty line in black PVC and

lurex clothing. Only joking.... FINALLY, don't forget to play hard and work hard, be nice to each other and your tutors, drink Lucozade Sport for hangovers, get the bank

manager under your thumb, and leave the rabbits alone. And in answer to any important questions you may have, yes, beer is more important than just about everything.

over their trollies with cries of "CITY!! CITY!! It's a City, ~oy. Don't you know nothin' - bloody stoodents!"

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30 , 1992


Discos ... comedy ... karaoke ... gigs IT ALL SEEMS TO BE HAPPENING AT UEA, AS AB/ PAITON AND GilL FENWICK REPORT! THE LCR Disco, recently set up with new moving lights, is an experience little could prepare you for. At 10.30pm it is empty, but as soon as the downstairs bar closes, the swarms arrive. £2.00 for admission, cheap- ish drinks, music - not necessarily good, but at least they try , and hundreds of students just searching for a nice fresher to corrupt. Everybody denies enjoying it but every Thursday, they are there with all the other sweating bodies! The LCR also stages the Union gigs, which are consistently good and cater to a variety of music tastes. Past visitors include Primal Scream, EMF, Pop will Eat itself (both returning this term), My Bloody Valentine, Jools Holland and loads more. UEA and local bands also play in the Bill Wilson room and the Hive, whiclr are always worth a visit. The 'Hive' acts as a cafe/

bar, selling alcohol, coffee, · tea, sandwiches, samosas and hot dogs. At lunchtime it is packed and is a central meeting place. Tuesdays are ' Live in the Hive' which includes a range of promotions. In the past, these included Bar Fly , Karaoke, live bands, comedy and magical acts etc, etc ... On Thursdays, the barrier doors are closed to Union House, and it acts as a second sweaty bar for the LCR. The bars downstairs are more dimly lit, and more pub-like. The back bar is non-smoking, and so usually quite quiet, but LT5 ·- as it is called - offers a jukebox, two pool tables and of course alcohol. Open at lunchtimes as well as in the evenings, it is quite popular, and always packed on Thursdays. Other than these, there are Union films, evening lectures (!), plays, musicals, and (back to the alcohol) beer festivals!

Breakers·.. Diner .. SCVA IN THE FIRST PART OF AN OCCASSIONAL GUIDE TO NORWICH EATERIES, SIMONE DUNN CONSIDERS THE CAMPUS OPTIONS Looking beyond the sandwiches and snacks offered by The Bowl, The Hive and SASSAF, here is a brief summary of the culinary tastes you can experience on Campus ... Tm:


It is the largest restaurant on the Plain, but not necessarily the best, especially in its pnces. The menu varies each day, both hot, cold and vegetarian dishes are served, alongside salads and various puddings, and the portions are adequate. BREAKERS

Despite the naff theme, Breakers does try hard to provide

pizza is available, and brunch is served until late morning. Probably its greatest attraction is the Thursday night special, 'Around the world in 80 days', which allow

Despite the naff theme, Breakers does try hard to provide fast food of good quality fast food of good quality. Burgers, baked potatoes, and

students to sample Breakers interpretations of worldwide

foods . Breakers now has a brandnew extension, which is designed to be a 'more relaxing' area.

TnE SAINsBURY CENTRE Food served in the buffet/ cafeteria section of the restaurant is very similar to that served in the Diner and is priced much the same. The only real difference is the surrounding - the atmos-

phere is far more highbrow and more luxurious. Not the place to eat everyday, or if you are avoiding tutors!

Read our guide to some City 1 restaurants 1 in the next issue of Concrete

Over 120 groups meet regularly at the centre including martial arts, aerobics, dance groups, photography and much more


Available to full time students. Apply now and benefit from price reductions


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recreation centre

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

1n a



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Concrete, Wednesday , September 30, 1992


Banking on us? .. c~ ~ e

I By Helen Lewis

., '~ ···.~S~.: ~

Every October a curious phenomenon takes hold of university-based Bank Managers : they begin to foam at the mouth. Not at the prospect of another year's students falling into overdraft, but in anticipation of all the money you are going to deposit into their banks when you graduate into a high paying job . '' Get them now and they are ours for life" is the unwritten rule. It is for this reason that in your first week at UEA, competing Bank Managers will try to become your best friend, showering you with gifts that range from music vo uchers to folders (which , however organised you think yo u are, yo u never quite get aro und to fixing all yo ur bank statements in) . However, it is a sad truth of today's Higher Education system that a good relationship with a bank is as important an element in obtaining a degree as the ability to learn . A recent study, carried out on behalf of No rwich Union , estimates that £1 0 ,000 is needed to fund a 3-year degree course. By



Int. free overdraft Freebies Cash card Cheque card

Barclays Up to £300

£10 Voucher Yes

Lloyds Up to £400 £16 Railcard Yes.

Midland Up to £400

£15 cash Yes

Nat West Up to £400 £25 cash Yes

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Yes (£50)




Free banking


Credit interest

4% gross

Debit card





Credit card





Insurance package

Yes- 0/A currency etc


the turn of the century, the figure is expected to have risen to £16,000. Nigel Baines , Market Development Manager at Norwich Un-

5% gross 5.8% gross 4.6%gross

Yes- 0/A Yes- 0/A Yes- 0/A Yes

ion, says '' with frozen grants (£2265 full grant outside London) and limited student loans , students are left to borrow from other sources or look to rela-

For all your printing and photocopying requirements



tives for help." The Department of Ed ucation states that 27% of students receive a full grant, leaving 73% in various levels of dependency on their parents, spouses, or own resources . Laura Matthews of the NUS says ''about 30% of parents who are supposed to co ntribute

towards a student's maintenance pay nothing at all , and another 10 % pay less that they sho uld ". However, in the current economic climate, one wonders how much of this financial burden parents can be expected to shoulder. The High Street Banks appear quite happy to bridge the gap. Research by Barclays Bank shows students to be an average £1 , 100 in debt from the combined evils of overdrafts, Government student loans and credit cards . In the hope that short term debt can be turned into long term

gain, the ' Big Four ' devise packages aimed at enticing Freshers - noting that after finishing their degree, only 10 % of students change banks. As mo re students enter Higher education, competition for their business will increase, evidenced by Barclays decision to extend its interest free overdraft from the first year only for the duration of the course. As the table shows , there is very little to choose between the offers, so, beware of smiling Bank Managers!

!Unlimited Economic Agony? I

The Printing Unit University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ (0603) 592204

A RUNDOWN ON STUDENT LOANS The University's Printing Unit is pleased to offer a wide range of services including:

Most students will at sometime or another ftnd themselves in debt, writes Helen


-Top quality full colour copying. -High speed black and white copying (with optional collate and staple facilities). -Badge making. -Comprehensive design and typesetting. -A4, A3 and A2 litho printing. -Binding and finishing. For enquiries about any of these please ring the Printing Manager on Ext 2204 or 592204 if ringing from outside the University.

For all your printing and photocopying requirements The Prin ting U nit University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ (0603) 592204

For many, a bank overdraft will be necessary l;mt in an economy which prevents students from claiming benefits and one in which vacation jobs are hard to come by, a student loan can become essential. The loans are financed by the Government, but generated independently by the Student Loans company . The system was introduced in 1990/ I as part of a policy to place the funding of education more in the hands of the students. Grants and parental contributions have been fro zen at their current rate. The maximum loan available to those studying outside London is £715, whic h can be taken in one lump sum or paid in instalments. Only one application can be made in the year and if the total is

not taken you cannot re-apply for the rest of the money that year. [n order to qualify for a loan you must have been a resident of the U K for 3 years prior to starting your course, and be attending University full time. You must be under 50 years of age and have a bank or building society account. Loans are available whilst on a year abroad as long as it con stitutes part of your course. Repayment of the loan starts in the April after graduation and is spread over five years. Interest is index -linked to

inflation and calculated on the Retail Prices Index (last year, it stood at 5.8%). If your gross income is under 85% of the National Average (approx £12,000) payments can be deferred. Sotre indication of the popularity and need for student loans can be found in the statistics. Nationwide in 19<XJ/ 1, 180,000 loans were paid out a t a cost of £70 million. In the autumn term alone of 1991/2, 118,241 applications had been made. The figures speak fo r themselves. The Student Loans Company office at UEA is located in the Registry.

Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992



Rag members do it on street corners .. .. or do they? Steve Howard reports on what is more than just the biggest student society One of Rag's proudest boasts is that for as long as anyone can remember, it has been the UEA club with the largest number of members. In a good year six hundred members is not uncommon, but to describe Rag as just another student society, no matter how large, "M>uid miss the poid. Rag's official aim is to raise money for charities (from a nominated list that changes each year), but the philosophy has always been that there is more to raising money than shaking collecting tins on street corners . Rag members can be found shaking their collecting tins, but are likely to be doing it in fancy dress, or in more distant places than the centre of Norwich . A couple of years ago Rag collected in the city centre, in fancy dress , but only after the city's mayor agreed to accompany them -locked in a cage for the day. On another occasion, Rag members decided shoppers "M>uid be more likely to part with their money if they were bribed with

a free snack, and so someone from Rag managed to persuade two chefs at RAF Coltishall to pro9uce a thirty six square foot cake to feed to shoppers . All of the above activities are for Rag's members, but the club is probably more well known on-campus for the events it organises. Although the more common discos and ftlms at the campus

O'Brien. The event is supposed to be a showing of the film followed by a disco but the combination of everyone, male and female, turning up dressed only in women's underwear and then consuming large amounts of a rather dubious punch usually means the proceedings are more than ordinary . Anything goes it's for charity. Other favourites are the discos

"The Rocky Horror party is supposed to be a showing of a film followed by a disco ... but the combination of everyone turning up dressed in women 1s underwear and then consuming dubious punch means the proceedings are more than ordinary" are provided by the Union , the more unusual events are normally staged by Rag, in an attempt to increase student overdrafts in favour of charity . A regular event each year is the Rocky Horror party , based (loosely) on the infamous film by Richard 'Crystal Maze'

held out at Fifers Lane - only Rag continues to stage regular events here, long after everyone else has given up. They succeed, though, by being just a little different. The best-attended Fifers event oflast year was ' Red, Rude and Ridiculous', a theme disco in the

imaginatively named' K Block' at Fifers, with the general idea that the admission price depended on the colour and quantity of your clothing. The redder you were, or the less clothing you wore, the less you were charged. Only two people got in completely free. To say that all Rag events must involve alcohol and a lack of clothing would be wrong however. To make up for all of the debauchery throughout the year, Rag hold a number of formal balls each year at different venues around Norwich . They are usually reasonably priced, and just that little bit different to a disco in the LCR. Joining Rag gets you a regular newsletter telling you what is going on each week, and always contains pleas for volunteers to organise events . Membership also gets you discount on all the events organised, although all events are open to all students whether members of not. You can join Rag at the infamous 'Soc Mart' this Friday.

Brown carpets, cream walls! I




Brown carpets. Oh dear! That is all I remember seeing when I first walked into my room at Norfolk Terrace. Brown carpets and cream walls. Yum! Serious redecorating time. Eager student that I was, I was horrified to discover that I wasn't allowed to put up posters on the walls, only on the meagre cork board above my bed. Fortunately, an inspection on the aforementioned walls

Covering the bare walls was a definite improvement, as was 1 ditching 1 the lovely brillo-pad-texture blankets in favour of a duvet yielded tell-tale patches of blu-tack and drawing pins marks, that the previous rebellious occupier must have caused. So up went all the posters. Covering the bare walls was


a definite improvement as was 'ditching' the lovely brillo-pad-texture blankets in favour of a duvet. Plenty of shelves to fill with books and various otl:rer student-type things. A rug on the floor. Steroo and tapes always at hand. Desk filled with folders, pens, books, cups of tea from 5 days ago, unfinished prelim essays. It all began to take shape. You can pretend you are not in. You can lock yourself out when you have a shower, and it is 'phone the porters' time before you have to wait for 2 hours in your towel for them to come and

let you in. The advantages of these rooms were endless - big radiators to dry socks on; terraces on which to sun-

.•. You can pretend you are not in. You can lock yourself out when you have a shower .•• bathe, thin walls through which next door neighbours heavy metal/guitar playing/ snoring/unmentionable can be heard. Oh yes, a room of your own. Learn to love those brown carpets like I did. At least they hide the dirt.

or 619289 or 619280

No extra charge after ntidnight

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

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Mature ... or just plain old? Simon Mann - who is not as young as he was - considers what makes a mature student ... mature ' Mature Student' might make a good brand name for a twelve-year-old malt whisky, but as a description of people who let a year or twenty pass between school and University , it is not very helpful . Perhaps the American politically correct phrase, ' nontraditional age student ' , is more precise, but it is a little long-winded and still does not reflect the enormous variety of ages and circumstances typical of mature students. As far as UEA is concerned, mature means everyone over 21 ; at this age, entry conditions usually become more lenient, allowing for experience in the University of life. Incidentally , over 21's are never sent to Fifers Lane, which could imply that Horsbam is no fit place for grownups. When it comes to funding , LEA' s do not consider you

Over 21's are never sent to Fifers Lane, which could imply that Horsham is no· fit place for grown-ups mature until you are 26; before then, the burden is on students to prove their independence from parental pursestrings, which says something about the State's view of maturity . However you define a mature student, there are certainly alotofus; 'us', as here I must own up to having taken a year out twenty six consecutive times, placing me firmly amongst the 34% of this year's UEA students who were over 21 when beginning their courses. Although nearly 90% of these are under 25, that still leaves a total of over 200 stu-

a number of difficulties alien to most ' traditional age ' arrivals. Many have partners, and doing a degree can place a great strain on a relationship. Sussex University make a point of warning would-be mature students that most of those with partners could expect to have a different one by the time they graduated, although it is unclear whether or not this is a service actually being offered by the University. Quite a few mature students are single parents, which

dents aged between 25 and Having secured their place UEA, mature students face

Llioyds Bank's student package covers most things~ (Which is more than I can say for my grant cheque)~'

Financially embarrassed? Everyone knows chat, these days, it's a near m athematical impossibility to stretch your money so it lasts until the end of term . But don't panic. We, at Lloyds Bank, have put together a student package char should sort out at least some of your financial worries.

Older mature students can be very underconfident about their academic ability, which often surprises 18 year-olds brings its own special problems of child care and virtually inevitable financial hardship. Learning skills may be very rusty , and older mature students can be very under-confident about their academic ability, which often surprises 18 year-olds. Accommodation is frequently difficult, with mortgages to pay, or unsaleable houses in the wrong places, at a time when State benefits are either non-existent or absolutely minimal. Money is, of course, a problem for most mature students, involving complications not usually to be found amongst eighteen-year-olds. For instance, if you are over 50 when you start your degree, you are not allowed to apply for a Student Loan. Bad enough to have to borrow money , like other students, but not to be allowed to do so seems a simple piece of ageism designed to bar

Sussex University make a point of warning would-be mature students that most of those with partners could expect to have a different one by the time they graduated •.. 75.


older students from university. There is a Mature Student Supplement which can be claimed by many older

For a start if you need to, you can apply for an interest-free ove rd raft of up to £400, at any rime while you are at college.

Better still, there are no transaction charges on yo ur accou nt and m onthly interest is paid on your credit balance. And, if you're in your first year, we will not only give you a free Young Person's railcard but also a free Eurocheque card. The message is clear: If you want your grant cheque to cover a bit more than the essentials next term, ni p along to Lloyds Bank.

You can also apply for a Payment Card to use as a £200-a-day cash-card, provided, of course, your account can stand it, or as a debit-card, or as a £100 cheque-guarantee card.

~ Lloyds ~ Bank

T HE TH ORO UGH RR D O RA NK. The UuyJ ~ U.1 ulr. Su .ulcou Accu.uot " unlr .1w.ul.1 bk ru fu ll ruuc wu J cnu .lltfJ Ill f U" ur uvu. whu un p r..w1Jc n .J~ncc u( 1hcu o1u.ku1 ~ .. 1111 1 t a..... .. t cJ u C.I IIvn .1w.u J klltl, lfl.l f\1 chc.,uc, cu llc ~ ur uouvc~ur o~ Jnubtt,)ll kutr u lfcr .1pyhn ouly eo .11cco u olC '

oyocncd on or bclurc J l [>cccmbtr 199l. Lcndma.1nJ chc of P.. ynunr C.arJ .u c wb;t CI

students, but it is earningsrelated; if yw have not earned £12 ,000 in the three years prior to starting your degree, you do not get a penny. This in effect discriminates against older married or divorced ~men. who may have been raising families and not going out to work. More to the point, he said aggrievedly , it discriminates against me, even though I am not a divorced woman . . . Perhaps the most important message to any mature student reading this article is that you are not alone; as well as the help, advice and support available through the Dean of Students Office and the Student Union Welfare Office, there is now an active Mature Student Society, and a Student Parents Group. Both will have stalls at Soc Mart on Friday, and both offer many social activities, as well as campaigning for improved facilities. If you cannot make it to Soc Mart, both societies have pigeonholes upstairs in the Union offices. The Union is also producing a Mature Student's Handbook, which will be sent to all first year mature students by Week Three. To close, ' live long and prosper' , all you mature students; and if you are a really mature student, just ' prosper '!


the R.m k', .IS.W'>m Cil l

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992




Concrete may not be a name that springs to mind when newspapers are mentioned, and it is perhaps not in quite the same league as 'The Times' or 'The Guardian' (and hopefully not 'The Sun' or 'The Mirror' either) but this paper is perhaps even more different to the above names than you may at ftrst realise. The papers mentioned above, and many more besides, are produced by huge teams of paid journalists working full time, and with years of experience. Concrete, however, is produced by unpaid students volunteering their spare time to write, design and produce the paper, and then distribute it around campus in lovely luminous yellow bags . People do this for lots of different reasons: some like writing, others want to put their views across or make a point, and some become involved to get experience - so they can eventually become a journalist in the ' real world' . Concrete was started as a cooperative in January 1992 by a group of students working from an office in English and American Studies (although we have .:1isc0vered si.1c~ that there was a newspaper of the same title many

IThe Coo!. Co-Opl years ago, here at UEA.) Unlike other campus-based media the paper is editorially and fmancially independent of both the University and Student Union, from an office provided by the Student Union in exchange for the' Union News' page (see

Unlike other campus-based media the paper is editorially and financially independent of both the University and the Student Union elsewhere in this paper) . The money to run the paper comes purely from advertisements carried in the paper, which are sold by our advertising staff. The editorial policy of the paper is decided by the members of the original co--operative, which comprises a mix of students from

different departments around UEA. This is the tenth issue in our nine month existence, in which time we have produced over a million pages! Future issues will be published as usual fortnightly during term time (on the Tuesday ofweelcs two, four, six and eight) and will remain free. What makes this paper special though is that all the work (with the exception of the actual printing itself) is done here at UEA, solely by students . __ and here comes the point of this article: if you like what you are reading (or think that you could do better or different) then please come and ' join' us and help write the paper/ do the page layout/sell the adverts , or just help us distribute 5000 copies every two weeks . You don 't have to have any particular experience or qualifications, and you will not have to be any more involved than you choose to be. Concrete provides an excellent chance to get into print, and is the only student newspaper at UEA. We don't offer any wages (but we also don't charge for 'membership') - For those involved wanting to review records, filins, plays or gigs we can

normally get free tickets and press passes but the rewards beyond that are simply of seeing something you have written in print! Feel free to oome and say 'hello'

Concrete provides an excellent chance to get into print, and it is the only student newspaper atUEA to us : either if you are interested in getting involved, or if you have a view on something we have already written. Alternatively, write a letter for our letters page (the address is simply 'Concrete, ' UEA). Our offtce is upstairs in Union House (up the stairs by the telephone, and follow the signs!) The offtce is open from midday until 2pm, Monday to Friday, although you will probably fmd us in at other times, especially if the next issue is imminent. We look forward to seeing some new faces and the return of many old ones loo!

At the junction of York Street and Leicester Street

Mon -: Sat 11 Sun 12- 3,







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.. . .

. . .

. .






:_,J)o yop want to be forced ·~· to join a political·party? ,

.. .

. .




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The answer is probably no. Even amongst those who are members of party political organisations they wouldn't want to be forced to do so. That choice is a fundamental human right. But it is the likely consequence of a government policy.

At the present time every student who enrols at a college is automatically a member of the college student union . In cxaclly the same way they arc entitled to use the library. the careers service. COUilsclling or any number of other services the college provides. As a member of the union you are entitled to use any or all of its services. Or to get involved with it's running. to what ever extent you desire. No one can force you to get involved -that decision is entirely up to you. The government wants to remove this automatic memhcrship and put voluntary membership in its place. So you would have to pay about (50 ur (<J(J to be able to use the union's bars. newsagents. bookshop. welfare service, have academic representation. · see concerts and films. gel help during undergraduation with moving in to your room or any other service and facility the union has to offer. The anti-student hysteria spreads further, to the NUS. The Tories claim that you are "conscripted" in to the NUS and that this is a "double closed shop" . This is a lie, the NUS is a confederal organisation of student unions. The only members of the NUS are the student unions who choose to join. When a union decides it wants to affiliate NUS insists it has a democratic ballot, open to all to express their opinion. Once in membership the college union is equally free to leave if it decides to do so. You can decide whether your union should remain a member of NUS. It is up to you. It is your c hoi ce. !low can that choice equate with "conscription"? Over 97% of student unions in the UK choose to affiliate to the NUS. if nothing else this must prove that NUS is doing something right ! The Tory Right claim that all this infringes your individual rights and, that this system is a "closed shop". But even their own government don't fully agree with them :

"unlike a trade union closed shop. a campus union exercises no control over which studenLs may join the educational institwion concerned, although anyone joining the educational institution is automatically made a member of the campus union. Membership of the NUS, too, differs from a closed shop arrangement. in that camptLS unions vole on whether or not to affiliate". Nigel Fonnan. Under Secretary of State for Education 15/6/92.

>, ':

. ~- ':



Or more pointedly :

"whiLst NUS and student unions might carry out some of the functions of a trade union. to draw a comparison is erroneous", Sir Keith Joscph, October 19&3.

The policy is called 'voluntary membership' and relates to student unions. The government claims that campus based student unions and the National Union of Students (NUS) are "closed shops". Also that students are denied control of "their" money.

. . ' .. '

Student unions give you rights, the right to get involv ed, the right to use union facilities. The government wants to take away these rights. Their claim of enhancing individual liberty is bunkum- it can only mean a loss of choice and a denial of rights. The government also claims that student unions arc spending your money fur you and, without your consent. This again is untrue. A student union gets its funds from essential ly two sources. Money it makes from trading outlets and, the money it gets from the college authorities. The student union negotiates for this money just like say, the library. or a school of study. Or indeed as the Department for f::.ducation does with the Treasury. This money is not "your" money until it is paid over to the union. Then it is the collective money of all the members of the union . nnd ns such there is democrnti c control over how it is spent.

The Tories nlso make various claims or "tx>litical bias" in student unions and the NUS . All student unions have democratic elections for their Exec utive Co mmittee and forum members. You have evety right to ei ther stand, or vote in these elections. And the union would be more than happy if you did. l3ut that c hoi ce is yours. If you don't like any of the candidates you can abstain and seek to re open nominati ons. What cou ld be more democratic? The Conservatives make similar claims about NUS, saying that it's National Executive Committee is "left" dominated. But the Tory party's student wing, the Conservative Coll egiate Forum (CCf), has a policy of not standing in NUS elections. Furt hermore at the last NUS conference the CCF encouraged it's suppotters to vote for the hard left faction "Left Unity" in the belief that the election of it's candidates would discredit the NUS. This can only appear as rank hypocrisy, dosed heavily with cyni cism . I low can the Tori es claim that NUS is unrepresentative when they are the only political grouping which doesn't stand candidates ?

The Tories make other claims about "wrong doings" in various unions around the country. This raises two issues. firstly that NUS has no control over. or desire to control. what happens • in individual unions. Secondly. most of the instances the Conservatives cite are so far removed from the truth that they are virtually lies. certainly smears and distortions. for example, in 1986 a question was asked in parliament regarding a vote at York University to stop farright MP John Carlisle from speaking there. and claiming this was a denial of free speech. Yet amongst those voting to prevent him speaking were the very Conservative students who had invited him! The hypocrisy of the Conservative Party over 'voluntary membership' is beyond belief. or dispute. They have sought to twist and distort everything, and anything, to do with student unions and the NUS. Don't believe the hype ! But what would be the consequences of voluntary membership? This was alluded to at the beginning of this nrticl e. The logical consequence of voluntmy membcrshi p wi 11 be that student unions based on party political affiliation will spring up, as happens on the continent. So in order to be able to use facilities currently available to you, for free, you would not only have to pay to join a union. but you would also have to join a party political organisation. Do you want to have to do that ? The ordinary student who has no desire to be involved in party politics will be the loser. They will either loose services and representation or loose a fundamental freedom. A further consequence would be that funding for student clubs and societies would decline, if not disappear. So instead of paying £2 to join say, the union Amnesty International society you might have to pay f.l 0 or more. The same goes for the sports clubs. where a figure of £40 or more might be appropriate. Voluntary membership would hit every student. You would be financially worse ofr. There would be fewer services available, for which you would have to pay a higher price and, you would be forced to join a political party based organisation to get those services. Do you really want such a situation to arise ? Do you really want to loose your rights? No one would claim that student unions and the NUS are perfect, but the power and ability to change them for the better is in your hands, not the government's.

If you would like more Information about "voluntary membership", or would like to be Involved In working against this Insane notion then please contact the NUS Area Convenor, Union House, UEA, Norwich.


-- -


- - - ---- -.,... Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

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with nus card student id three scenes •





Concrete, Wednesday , September 30 , 1992



All the way from Tuam to UEA Some may ask why the band who wanted their old job back didn't go back to it. But as Concrete found out, they're doing too well to quit now selling single of all time in Ireland ... spending 7 weeks at number one. A further mark of the Saw Doctors' success is that they have now been signed to

If you' re into Irish music, you' re into Irish music, and ifyou'renot, thenyou'renot, it must be said. What I mean is, unlike pop or even classical nrusic - where

"In England the music press is governed by the fashion of the day we happen to be a little unfashionable"

Funnily enough a number of their folk-punk come rock-and-roll tunes are actually quite likeable



you may like one piece and hate another, in my opinion you either love or loathe Irish tunes. With the Saw Doctors, it's a little different, however. They're not, after all, your average Irish band, even though they originated in the fairly typical, tiny Irish town ofTuam. What's different about the Saw Doctors is that to date

they've sold more than 65,000 copies of their first album(' If This is Rock and Roll I'll Have My Old Job Back') and, funnily enough,

a number of their folk-punkcome-rock-and-roll tunes are actually quite likeable. What I'm trying to say is they're quite good.



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The Irish seem to think so too. Their album has outsold huge names like Sinead O'Connor and U2 - which must say something for it at least. At risk of sounding like I' m blowing their trumpet for them, one of the band's members , Pearce Docherty , did quite well himself when I chatted to him: ' ' We've done the main fes-

land." But the group haven't always had the success they say they enjoy now - it wasn't until Mike Scott (The Waterboys) heard the band when they were playing in Galway in 1988 and offered to take them on tour. Docherty says modestly that this was the making of the band - after which they toured all over England, Scotland

"We've done the main festival in Ireland two years in a row now and by most accounts have been one of the best, even against the opposition like Simply Red and Brian Adams ... " - Pearce Docherty of the Saw Doctors tival in Ireland two years in a row now and by most accounts have been one of the best, even against the opposition like Simply Red and Brian Adams .. . it 's fair to say we're household names in Ire-

and Ireland with The Waterboys. Although their first single was a bit of a flop, they enjoyed greater success with their next release- 'I Useta Lover ' - in fact it became the biggest

Warner Music (UK), which Docherty is naturally pleased about. He also appreciates the problem that the British aren't that 'in to' the Doctors' kind of Irish music: ' ' In England the music press is governed by the fashion of the day ... whether its Blur or Curve ... we happen to be a little unfashionable.' ' Having said this, Docherty recalls that the band had a good reception when they played UEA's LCR last December: ''Our forte is live performance, and when we played in Norwich last year, I think we proved that we were a very good live act. .. there can't be many Irish in Norwich, but here we are back again at the start of our UK tour.' ' By a strange co-incidence (I don't think) the band's new album, 'All the Way from Tuam', is being released to co-incide with their 13-date tour .Why not try it (as they say in that instant tea advert where the cow gets squashed by ajar of the stuff) you might like it! The band play the LCR on Tuesday October 6 tickets are priced at £7 (adv) from the Union Finance Office (open l l -2.30pm from Monday to Friday) .

I MASSIVEGIG-TICKETGIVEAWAY I Concrete has got together with Union Entertainments to bring you our biggestever gig ticket giveaway. For six Concrete readers we have tickets to see The Saw Doctors, or Ugly Kid Joe or The Christians - total ticket price more than £45! Tickets for each gig will be given away in pairs (that

is, one winner per gig) . To enter, tell us the names of the three 'look-a-like/ sounda-like bands playing the LCR this term . Write your answers on a piece of paper - together with your gig preference (Saw Doctors, Ugly Kid Joe or Christians) and place it in the specially-marked box in our office (upstairs in Union House).

Don't forget to include your name, year and school. The closing date for the competition is Monday October 5. No correspondence will be entered in to, the Editor' s decision is final, and normal Concrete rules apply. Good luck! Turn to page 21 for our comedy-ticket giveaway.

Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992



en1n Thankyou for the music ••• WHAT'S ON WHERE

IT'S THE Autumn term again, and that means loads or great bands are lined up to play in the quite literally meagatastic LCR (mate!)

The term begins with EMF - the seven lads from the Forest of Dean who graced us with their presence not so long ago (although I can't actually remember when exactly). Next up is the Saw Doctors (see the interview opposite) followed by Pop Will Eat Itself the very next day . On October 10, Ugly Kid Joe make an appearance; the Christians and the Pogues are next (and the Christians have already sold A LOT of tickets - well they actually haven'tsold them, butthosenicepeople in Ents have been working very hard.) More about the rest of the bands playing in October in the next issue of Concrete - they include Bob Geldof (hopefully leaving his breakfast show behind) and the luverly Joan Armatrading. See you later ... .l'm off to buy my ticket for Bjom Again ...

EMF play the LCR on October 1

A HOST of famous authors will be gracing UEA with their presence as a part of The Arthur Miller Centre ' 'literary festival." The University is to maintain its fabulous literary reputation with such names as William Golding, John Fowles and Iris Murdoch visiting the campus. Due to the great success of last year's festival, which boasted such great visitors as Salman Rushdie (who came

Famous writers visit UEA (but will Salman Rush die be there?!)

out of hiding for a surprise appearance), P D lames and the man who the lectures are named after, Arthur Miller, a second term of lectures has been organised. The writers will read from their most recent works. Susan Sontag, author of ' ' On Photography'', will read from her new novel and many of the other authors will preview their latest efforts.


An Autumn Literary Festival'~

1 ~~--

Wednesday 7 Oct

Susan Sontag

Wednesday 14 Oct

Iris Murdoch

Wednesday 21 Oct

John Fowles

Monday 26 Oct

Joyce Carol Gates

Monday 2 Nov

William Golding

John Fowles (right) with Malcolm Bradbury


"There is nowhere in Britain that can put two lecture series like these end to end, certainly no other university in Britain could" - Prof Bigsby, Dean EAS The series of lectures were organised by ProfChris Bigsby, Dean of EAS, who said it was ''hellish hard work" to organise. Prof Bigsby is particularly excited about the appearance of John Fowles and William Golding whom are normally reluctant to appear in public. He stressed that it was a wonderful opportunity to allow the audience to question the au-

thors about aspects of their work, boasting that: ' 'there is nowhere in Britain that can put two lecture series like these end to end, certainly no other university in Britain could.'' The lecture series is to continue throughout the year with a proposed visit from Joseph Helier of "Catch 22" fame. Susan Sontag will be the first author to appear on Wednesday October 7, followed by Iris Murdoch on Wednesday 14. John Fowles is at UEA on Wednesday 21 October. Watch out for exclusive interviews with some of these writers only in Concrete.

.Amtatradi11g rl!tiUnS on October 24

The Arthur M ler Centre

Literary bonanza .----By----. Polly Graham


Margaret Drabble Monday 16 Nov

&w-""''"''--.._. ......,,.._.,,,.

Michael Holroyd Wednesday 25 Nov

Julian Barnes

Monday 30 Nov

Antonia Byatt UEA Lecture Theatre One, 7pm , . .... _ . . . . . .


£2 £12

. .......,GAPs •••••••• ,... ...._Tickets £20 GAPs. .............. Arllllr. . C..O,........, ..... . . , ....... m.

EA ......... -··•••Y•• U NORVVICH a..-,..,....,. .. ~


- - -- -- - - - - --- -- -- -- - -

Cannon Prince of Wales Road



The Cannon, Prince of Wales Road, dates (in its present form) from the tasteful 1970s. Tickets cost £3.40 (no concessions) and there is a licensed bar open in the evening {Wltil the last film starts). Most of the place is wheelchair-friendly too (not Screen l ).

There are some great adverts before shows, including the disturbing Westlers hotdog . .. that moos! A cinema straight from your childhood .

Odeon Anglia Square

Cannon cinema

Photo: Peter Hart

The Odeon, Anglia Square, has recently been converted from a spectacular l (XX) seater screen to three smaller theatres. Again, there is a licensed bar plus the usual popcorn and burgers. The films are your usual fodder. Students get a £1 discount on most showings. Not the most inviting situation for a cinema, but the

Cinema Guide Hot dogs that moo and airport departure lounges - two delights of ]ody Thompson 's guide to the flicks Don' t argue, you ARE a lucky person. You may be stuck in Norwich, but, hard to believe, it has more cinemas per head of the population than most cities you could have ended up in for the next three years. Not perhaps a fundamental factor in making you head for Norfolk for three years of Social Studies with a minor in Soap Operas, but some decor is rather Moonbase Alpha, which makes up for everything . There should be an airlock on the entrance.

Noverre Assembly House The Noverre, based in the elegant Georgian Assembly House is a real gem. Small , intimate and unique, it shows second-run releases Monday to Saturday with matinees twice a week. No con-

compensation nevertheless. Wheras most cities' cinemas have died out to be replaced by one huge U. S.owned multiplex that shows nothing but Hollywood blockbusters, Norwich (thank God) has quantity and quality. There are four cinemas to choose from - the Cannon, Odeon, Noverre and Cinema City ... and here is your essential guide! cessions, but prices are less than average, and a restaurant and bar make for a proper night out. Offbeat, and an unbeatable setting.

Cinema City St Andrews Street This leaves rre to mention Cinema City, undoubtedly one of the best independent cinemas in Britain. Situated in a 14th century

Merchants' Hall ( a Grade One listed building) and linked with UEA since 1966, it provides the greatest variety. With the emphasis on diversity, the films range from firstrun foreign and US/British independent films to popular request fil ms such as Blue Velvet or Spinal Tap. Annual festivals are run, both national and local , and numerous seminars, run for the benefit of the public, often feature film industry big-wigs and 'stars!' All of the cinema is accessible to wheelchairs, and the restaurant and bar, Take 5, is open all day, providing excellent food and drink (vegans and real ale buffs catered for). Concessions are available for students (except for the late Friday show for which it is advisable to book early as it sells out very quickly) .

Thank your lucky stars for the cinemas in Norwich, and remember, if our cinemas are not supported, we 'll end up with an ]] -screen nwnstrosity, pretending to be an airport departure lounge, serving a drip-feed of American stodge. .. AND without funny adverts about the selection of gob-stoppers at the newsagent 's , just ]()() yards from this cinema. Unthinkable!

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

City Films Preview

FILM LISTINGS UEA, Lecture Theatre Oae/Two, 7pm. Admiuion £1.75 (6-7pm UH foyer)

Patriot Games


October Tue 6: Dead Apin Wed 7: Buic Instinct Fri 9: Medicine Man Tuc 13: Tic Me Up Tic Me Down 'lbu IS: Fried Green Tomatoes Fri 16: High Heels CANNON -t~t 623312 Adm. £3.40 UP UNTIL AND INCLUDING THURS. !OCTOBER Screen l: Patriot Games( IS) 2:30 S:-40 8:2S Screen 2: UnforJivcn(15) 2:30 5:30 8:20 Screen 3: Houscsittcr(PG) (not Thursday) I :20 3:20 6:00 Apocalypse Now(18) (Thursday only) 2:15 S:1S &:IS Scree' 4: Lethal Weapon 3(15) 2:30 :-40 8:2S ODEON - tcl 0426 932450 Adm. £3.80, or £2.50 atu. weekdays (not last lbow) UP UNTIL AND INCLUDING THURS. I OCTOBER California Man(PG) t '2S 3:15 S:OS 7:50 Alien 3(18) I 30 7.30 8:00 A League Of'lbcir Own(PG) l : l.S 3:4S 7:30 CINEMA CITY • Tcl 622047 Adm. (ltu.) £2 ..SO, £3 Fri. late, £1.10 mat. OCfOBER Until Sat 3: The Playboyl(l5) 5:45 8:15 + Thu mat 2:30 Sat 3: Ben Hur(PG) 2:00 Sun 4: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (I I) 5:00 + Le Turtcffe(PG) 7:30 Mon 5 to Sat 10: Bctty Bluc(18) 5;00 8:15 (no 8:f.S Fri/Sal) + Tuc/Thu mat I :45 Sat 10: Adventures of Milo and Otii(U) 2:30 + DalWIO(IS) &:tS Sun 11: Yanb(15) 2:30 + 1bc 'lbreepcMy Opera(PG) 5:00 + 84CharingCrossRoad(U)7:30 Mon l:l,to Sat 17: Van Gogh(12) 5:15 8:00 + Tuc/Thu mat 2:00 NOVERRE · Tel 630128 Pbone for Prices Until Sun 4 Oct: Bccthoven(U) 5:45 8:15 Wed/Sal mat 2:30 Mon S Oct to Sun 11 Oct: Far and Away(12) 7:30 Wed/Sat mat 2:30

When ex-CIA officer Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford) happens on an IRA ambush of Lord Holmes (Edward Fox) whilst on holiday, he does what his training tells him he should do. The ensuing shoot out leaves dead baddies littering the floor, and Ryan under the glare of the spotlight of publicity - as the British tabloid's hero of the moment. When the rest of the gang are put away, largely on Ryans eye witness testimooy, the IRA predictably declare their intentions for revenge.

City Treats As well as the big Hollywood smashes shown at the two commercial cinemas in the city, there's also plenty for those who like to think as they view - or want a second chance to see great classics . Cinema City (see left) will be re- showing films such as

Lingering shots of typical Irish terrorists in typical Irish pubs and houses follow (they even have Clannad on TV in the background in one house). Meanwhile Ryan retruns· home to his supposedly secure safehouse in the States with wife Anne Archer and 1. 0 cute American children. If security is all its supposed to be, the film would end quickly here, but the following attempts on Ryans life lead him back into the CIA, busting terorist camps with some very unlikely Bond-like satellite gadgets, and defending an entire d.irmer party from further terrorist attack.

Last Tango in Paris and Ben Hur later this month , as well as the complete version of Betty Blue. This 'directors clt" will be shown from the 5th to 8th October inclusive. Later in the month on Sunday 18th only the tremendously artisticDangerous Liasons will be shown, but for real cult cinema devotees, the film to see is Blue Velvet, starring 'Twin Peaks' Kyle McLachlan as a shy teenager who finds a severed ear ... Happy viewing.

Don't try to read too much into this film, starring Indiana Jones himself, and directed by Philip Noyce, fresh from the brilliant Dead Calm. See it as a well acted, high budget thriller, with lots of seat clinging bits -and ignore the dodgy Irish accents and forced · typically Irish' Clannad sequences - and you are sure to enjoy it. Currently showing at the Cannon ...

SHE'S A BABE! Wayne's World is one of the many films being screened as part of the Union Entertainments film programme this term - No Way! Way! Also on is John Hurt in The Doctor, the highly controversial The Lover and Fried

Earlier in the term is the erotic Tie ·Me Up, Tie Me Down, getting its second showing at UEA, plus Sean Connery in Medicine Man. The Ents programme be-gins with Kenneth Branagh's Dead Again.



.. -






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- -



- --


- - - - - --






Concrete , Wednesday, September 30, 1992


Packing them in


Ed Meikle reports on Norwich venues which seem to be doing surprisingly well!


Considering the size of Norw ich , the city is endowed with an unusually large amount of music 'venues. Although the leisure industry

r;:::::::::::::=====;;~;;~;;;==;;;==:;;;;;;;;-....J has been suffering - vis ible in the hal f-cmpty restaurants and high street shops languishing in nearpermanent sal es - the City ' s venues have been packing in the crowds . But the recession has not been without its fatalities and in Augu st , the Jacquard nightclub was fi nally forced to close its doo rs for the last time. During the hype of ' So und City 1992 ' in April (when Radio One and many big names from the mu sic scene descended on Norwich) it was claimed that there were as many as fi fty venues in the c ity . Most of there were actually pubs, but the bona fid e venu es have continued book ing regional and national talent and have reaped the rewards. The Norwich Arts Centre, St Benedicts Street, operates regularly as a venue, helped along by Norwich label, · Wilde Club ', who b rouglft us Catherine Wheel . Located in a deconsecrated church , the NAC has seen Lu sh , Curve and Tori Amos, amongst many others, and will sho rtly see Adorable and Drop N ineteen s, the latta- to be supported by UEA 's


Endless Drone on November 10 . T he Oval Rock House, Dereham Road , is the City ' s newest venue , givin g al l the often underrepresented rock and metal bands the chance to perform to an appreciative crowd . Run by ex-Iron Maiden roadies , it has even featu red their former emp loyers, who played a secret gig there under the name of the Nodding Donkeys , and it is rapidly establishing itself as East Anglia's leading Rock venue. UEA ' s Bill Wilson roo m and Fifer's K-Block are the unusual locations o f the venues used by the Contemporary Music Society , providing a necessary stage for new University and City bands to show what they can do . Last term, the CMS fini shed the academic year with a week-long programme of gigs featuring only UEA bands, fi nishing with four bands playing at the Waterfront Stud io, head lined by Endless Drone . The Waterfront , King's Street, is one of Norwich 's top venues for live music from both established and local bands, featu red on their main stage and in the studio upstairs. In the last year it has probab ly feat ured more of the best in Indie/ Alternative bands than any other East Anglian venue. Recent performers include Throw-


ing Muses, PJ Harvey, Cud , Fugazi and the Wedding Present , and co ming soo n are Mudhoney and the Lemonhead s. Of co urse , we cannot leave out UEA's LCR , its bleak and stark co ncrete and carpet interi or is frequentl y brought to life, and this term sees more gigs than ever before at the venue. Past highl ights include Carter USM , Ride , Primal Scream , Salt ' n ' Pepaandth e Pogues. Com ing up th is term are the Orb , Joan Armatrading, Ned 's Atom ic Dustbin and Bob Geldof, amongst others . However , the LCR ' s reign as the largest Norwich venue co uld soo n be over. Rumo ur has it that Norwich City FC in Carrow Road are contemplating following Ipswich's exrunplc and opening up as a music ven ue , wh ich co ul d see the likes of U2, Tina Turner , Michael Jnckson , et al, visiti ng the c ity . Great!



tel766266 Mon 5: Daisy Chainsaw (£5 adv)at 7 :30pm Tue 6: Gil Scol-Heron (£7 adv) at 7 :30pm Wed 7: Martin Stephenson and The Daintees (£7 adv) at 7 :30pm Thu 8 : Joe Ely (£6 adv) at 7 :30pm Su n 11 : Eek-A-Mouse (£5 .59 adv)at 7pm Mon 12: Suede (£4 adv) at 7 :30pm Wed 14: Lemonheads (£5 adv) at 7 :30pm

NAC - te1 660352 (all begin at 8pm) F ri 9 : Tok Tolci (£5 cones .) Sat 10: Barl>ara Thompson and Paraphernalia (£5 co nes .) S un 11 : Evzen Rattay and Josef Hala (£4 cone s .) UEA T hu 1: EMF (£7 adv .) Tue 6 : The Saw Doctors (£7 adv .) · Wed 7: Pop Will Eat Itself (£7 .50 adv .) Sat 10: Ugly Kid Joe (£7 .50 adv.)

Sun 11 : Christians plus Jerry Burns (£8 .50 adv.) Wed 14 : The Pogues (£1 0 adv .)

_·· N.o rfoll\ .-~~-·,. ~and~ :·







·---· ·---· Norfoll{ THE FESTtVAL TtCI<ET SHOP Norfoll\ -andFree programmes from




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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992


ILISTINGSI Humour in the Hive


Concrete looks at why the campus bar will have the last laugh this term

NAC - tel 660352 Fri 2: Crime and Punishment (£5 cones .) at 8pm. (wrkshp.) Thu 8: Ennio Marchetto (comedy) at 8:30pm (£5 cones.) Mon 12: Talking PictuNS (theatre) at 8pm (£4 cones.) Tue 13: The maya Photographs at6pm

The Waterfront- tel 766266 Phone for details

Maddennarket tel626560 Oct 2 - 10: The House of Bernarda Alba

Norwich Castle Museum tel 223624 Open Mon-Sat 10-S, Sun 2-5 (£1.20 cones.) Norfolk Portraits special exhibition

The King of Hearts tel: 766129 Fri 2: Martin Carthy - British Ballads and Songs at 8pm. (££4.50 cones.)

UEA Sat 3: Hobtcn Hot News Team (£3 adv.) Wed 7: Jim Tavare + Al Murray (£1.50 adv.) Thu 8: LCR Disco

Picture a place where students can laugh until they drop, without having that empty feeling when you and your pockets both realise that you've been ripped off- done out of a quid or ten. Certainly it's not the library just before fmals - although the fmes on NStricted loan books all too frequently create that empty feeling, and some other more unprintable reactions as well. And its not in any of the London theatres either... comedy may be on offer there, but all too often a student will fmd that the cost of a week's shopping is blown on a single ticket. Until now, it was almost impossible to imagine such a place at UEA- the picture was more of a quick sketch, as one or two comedy acts drifted out during the term ... more often than not charging reasonable prices. But this Autumn term it looks as though UEA students may fmally see the dream become a reality (hey,let's not get carried away here) - at least, what I'm trying to say is that there are some bargain comedy shows coming to the Hive. Stop! Before you cry 'If its a bargain it must be rubbish' (or some even worse expletive) I should mention that all but two

Bill Hicks back on Nov 27 of the seven shows are priced at the very meagre cost of £1.50 (a mere pintofbeer .. . and wouldn't you rather have an evening's entertainment? ) The five shows priced at £1 .50 each are billed as Britain 's best stand up comedy- and take place on alternate Wednesdays in the Hive (tickets are 50 pence more on the door). Believing that this is the best stand up comedy may be hard for a cynical student to take in (why are all those acts bothering to come up to the UEA, of all places) but the biographies of the comedians show that they have extensive experience... work on Radio 1, Channel Four's

Looking to new horizons An eclectic programme for the 220th Norfolk and Norwich Festival is both looking back to the ' new horizons' foretolled by the ' ' discovery" of the Americas by Columbus and, those pres-. saged by moves towards greater European unity. The former is highlighted by music from the Bolivian band Awatinas, along with a Caribbean steel band, Dixieland jazz and three films and concerts from America for children. The BBC Scottish Symphony

I By Phil Scott Orchestra will also perform Dvorak's 'Symphony from the New World' and premier ' Green' by the American composer Michael Torks. A further premier will also be used to highlight Norfolk's place in Europe with the Logas Ensemble from Italy performing a new work by Franco Donatoni and, an arrangement of Stravinsky's ' Pastorale', commissioned especially for the Festival.


The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra will perform Beethoven's ' Ninth' and Elgar's 'Sea Pictures', a piece premiered at the 1899 Festival. 'Travelling Opera' will perform the ' Barber of Seville' and Carmen, reflecting perhaps increased public appreciation and enjoyment of classical music. Full information and a programme for the Festival which, runs from 818 October, are available from The Ticket Shop, Guildhall, Goal Hill, Norwich.

Paramount City and Packing Them In and even the Des O'Connor Show?! Acts include The Rubber Bishops - with their oral sex inspired version of The Clash's ' Should I Stay or Should I Go· and Gay le Tuesday- the ex-page three model now billed as a rising star. The two other shows are extraspecial comedy nights. One of the comedians appearing is Bill Hicks (pictured), who was greatly appreciated last time he visited UEA. To accompany his tour the outrageous star has even produced an album, Dahgerous, which features, as always, his quirky combination of truth amd humour. The fmal comedy night to mention here is theHolsten Hot News Team who appear on October 3. Priced at only £3 for admission, it features five accomplished comedians who literally take the day 's papers and make the audience laugh (a cross between Whose Line is it Anyway? and Have I Got News for You? so I am reliably informed)! So break in to your grant once again and buy up your tickets to see at least one of these acts .... it won't be half as expensive as the fines on those late restricted loan books .


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& The Rest ..

Donna McPhail- a monber of the 'Hot Ne-.vs' team

WIN TICKETS! Concreto has got together with Union Fntertainmeots to give away R total of FIFTEEN tickets for the Hive comedy shows! Three competition winners will win uetoffiveticketsto see each of the 'Humour In The Hive' (l..a&t

Laugh) shows on~ Wcdnc:sdays (beginning October 7). To enter, tell us the names of two mcmben of BBC 2's comedy show 'The Mary Whitchousc Experience.' Entry ddails, closlrig date and rules as for gig competition on page 16.

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

_ _ _. u l tore Fancy some aural stimulation? T-h en go clubbing in Norwich, advises ]ody Thompson Norwich, it has to be said, is not nationally renowned for being a hip, happening place regarding groovy, night time pursuits. But beyond the inevitable Thursday LCRs, there is a variety of worthwhile nights de-

"The club itself is like an aircraft hangar and the music is generally pretty dire - but hey, with any luck, you '11 be too drunk to notice!"

Wales Road - Tel 630760

Belmonte's: 60 Prince of Wales Road - Tel 760805

serving your stylish, studenty presence. Whether you are looking for cheap pints - or a particular brand of aural stimulation there should be somewhere to satisfy your nocturnal clubland cravings. PEPPERMINT PARK is the main student club providing

The Lort: 80 Rose Lane - Tel623559

Central Park & Ritzy: Tombland - Tel 621541

Peppermint Park: Rose Lane- Tel 764192

HY's: 24 Tombland Tel 621155

The Waterfront: King Street - Tel 766266

Le Valbon: 86 Prince of

Your firgf two weekg < ;r..;:T. ....





) ··~ 1

..,._ '"':



' ' 1- <,t·



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• '





G: Live Gig t: Comely f: f ilm Sl!ow

Thurs 1 Oct Sat 3 Oct Tues 6 Oct Weds 7 Oct

Thurs 8 Oct Fri 9 Oct Sat 10 Oct Sun 11 Oct Tues 13 Oct Weds 14 Oct Thurs 15 Oct ;, ., ·

cheap entry for students and cheap drinks (£ 1. 20/pint) two nights a week, usually Monday and Wednesday. Offering a variety of music, it tends to be divided between upstairs and downstairs, for example rave at the top and indie at the bottom. A good, fun place for piss-

G EMF plus the Thrill Kill Kult C Holsten Hot News Tearn G The Sawdoctors F Dead Again G Pop Will Eat Itself C Jim Tavare + AI Murray F Basic Instinct LCR THURSDAY DISCO F Medicine Man G Ugly Kid Joe G Christians plus Jerry Burns F Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down LIVE IN THE HIVE returns G The Pogues LCR ENTS DISCO F Fried Green Tomatoes

£ 7 adv £ 3 adv £ 7 adv £ 1.75 adv £ 7.50 adv £ 1.50 adv £ 1.75 adv £2 £ 1.75 adv £ 7.50 adv £8.50 adv £ 1.75 adv FREE £ 10 adv £2 £ 1.75 adv

Tickets. for all shows are on sale in the · i~: :;~~- ·. ~n~iR~~~. Fin~nce Offi_~~~.~} ...~. ~~30pm . . . .. ~ii-..~~~~!,~ U!'~~ are ~~- ~~!.~~L~~~~~~~~t~

heads, not posers, as it can get seriously stupid. The Park also does a rave night on a Friday which IS posy , expensive and sweaty but pretty dandy if you're into that scene. Another rave night is held, on a fortnightly basis, at THE MANHATTAN

SUITE. Again , its fairly dear but if hard-core and garage are your thing, then go dance yourself dizzy. RITZY's has perhaps already had its hey-day as a popular student club, but it frequently does cheap nights that are well worth going to . The club itself is like an aircraft hanger and the music is generally pretty dire- but hey, with any luck, you'll be too drunk to notice. Student nights are generally on the same day as the Park 's, as the two clubs are locked in a battle to win your hearts and wallets. HYS is also trying to pull in the students - but honestly, I don't think they'll manage it.

A very' niteclub' nightclub if you see what I mean . Shaz and Gaz like it though. For metal heads and rock chicks, SAMANIRAS is the

are about £3 which is not bad for an extra bargain hour . The decor, surroundings and general atmosphere always made the Waterfront the best

"There's no excuse. Pull on your Lycra and lurex and go seek your disco delight" place to head (bang) off too- it also caters for punks and Goths, you'll be glad to hear. Good for a good mosh in the dark on Friday's 'Fatal Attraction, and 'Metal Heaven' on Saturdays. But the WATERFRONT, in my opinion, is really the best place to waste your grant at. Friday and Saturday nights are now until 2am , Fridays CThe One ') playing acid jazz, dance and funk, and Saturday has the new night, · Loveshack,' which should be the usual good mix of music. The upstairs Studio has a different scene every week on a Saturday. Prices for both nights

place for a night out, let's hope it continues to be as hip . The WFf provides nights out for the gay or lesbian student, and by all accounts the venue provides a good , camp laugh. (The ATTIC also provided similar nights until it partly burnt down a couple of weeks ago ... shame, really.) Other clubs include RICKS PLACE, LE VALBON and BELMONTES, but no students have ever come out of any of them living to tell the tale. So there you go, now there's no excuse. Pull on your Lycra and lurex and go seek your disco delight.




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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992

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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992


Sains ury Centre or V1s a Arts Informative, welcoming, and completely free! It has been said time and time again, but just to clarify the point for those who are new to UEA, the Sainsbury Centre is not our very own on-campus supermarket. No, the Sainsbury Centre - or to give it the correct title, ' Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts' (another UEA acronym, SCV A) - is a top visual arts centre, and those in the know even say it is one of the best in the world . Completed in 1978 (with the

addition of a high-tee underground area, the ' Crescent Wmg' in 1991 ), the building actually gets its name from the Robert

sculptures and drawings of Henry Moore and other impressive names . Also featured are sculptures from all over the world, including West Africa, the Pacific, the ancient Mediterranean and Egyf(. The presence of a permanent display does not mean that you should only visit the SCV A once

The presence of a permanent display does not mean that you should only visit the SCVA once during your three or more years at UEA and Lisa Sainsbury collection on permanent display : including works by Fr~ncis Bacon and the

Tuesday 13 October to Sunday 13 December

during your three or more years at UEA. You can never say'' I've seen it all before,'' because the centre also hosts special exhibitions and events. From October 13 until December 13 there is a chance to see just such an exhibition: ' Florentine Drawing in the Age of Michelangelo .' Work by great artists, including Michelangelo and Raphael will be on display. And you cannot use that cliched student retort of '' I haven't got any money" as an excuse for not

visiting the exhibitions - entry is free- simply tell the receptionist you are a UEA student and you can view any of the exhibitions for nothing' (It is not just full o f Art History intellectuals either, as SCV A staff are keen to welcome all students). Students friends of the SCV A (yo u can join them at Soc Mart) are not only made up of Art History students, and hold social events (o ften using the SCV A) , invite guest speakers, visit other galleries and enjoy a special link with the SCV A.

IUseful Information! Opening times 12.00- 17.00 daily, closed Mondays Disabled access Accessible to wheelchairs throughout Food and Drink SCVA Restaurant open Monday to Friday 10.30- 14.00, Coffee bar open Tuesday to Sunday 12.00- 16.30 Gallery Information 0603 56060 (24 hours), Events 0603 592467 , Restaurant Information 0603 592474

Florentine Drawing in the Age of Michelangelo A Loan Exhibition from the British Museum


Sponsored by Norwich Union and Supported by the Trustees of the Sainsbury Centre Endowment Fund

Tuesday 22 September to Sunday 6 December

Charles Maussion: A special display of works from the Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Collection

12.00 - 17.00 Closed Mondays (0603) 56060



Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992


Week 0, Autumn Term, 1992 )

The official line on what's happening in your Union

Rent strike to go ahead despite University 'dirty tactics' UNION WELFARE Officer, Colin Browning, is adamant that the planned Rent Strike will go ahead this Autumn. Over the summer holiday, the University prevented any of the Union's material going out, until representatives from the Registry had gone through it to ensure any mention of even rent levels were 'removed'.

This was followed, by an amazing co-incidence, by the decision to send invoices to people before they even arrived in order to prevent as many as possible from hearing the case before they pay . "I deplore this action, which has led to confusion amongst incoming first years, and was clearly designed by an institu-

tion running scared", sail Browning. The Union believes that this offer is a CON! A cursory financial analysis shows that a 2.5% discount on a year's rent will result in a LOSS to anyone (you can gain more from putting it in a high interest account and paying termly). It also shows that after all the

protests the university have made about not being able to cut rents, they can suddenly find a discount! It seems ironic that at a time when students get less money than ever the University chooses to give discounts to those who happen to have a year's rent lying about, rather than those who could really benefit from it.

Huge errors and big prizes ONE OF the things the Union won't be forgetting in a hurry this year is the diabolical quality of its introductory material.

latter, that the Union has published an errata slip to go under all doors and advises everyone to completely ignore it and read the letter headed 'Where Its At Guide

out, that it was last year's executive that were responsible for its production. How-

Officer, Richard Hewison, or the Publicity Officer, Liz Rice (even though she doesn't exist according to the diary). Not content with adding an extra day in February, and making up by losing March 14th in the diary or even telling students to 'sod that!' in the handbook, there are also

However, the Union has announced its first competition of the year.

ever, that does nothing to lessen the embarrassment felt by the new Communications

serious errors in the 'first few days' part of the handbook. In fact, so serious were the

There will be a substantial mystery prize for the person who can spot the most errors

Jn ~. it must be pointed

National President to visit UEA You've seen her on TV, you've heard her on the radio and yes you even have her photo in your NUS diary. She is Lorna Fitzsimons, the woman who will shake NUS to its very foundations, and she will be here on Monday Weelc I. Lorna takes over the reigns of NUS at a crucial moment in its history . On the one side the Government seems determined that student unions must change their structures, and probably make them pay to be represented - a move Lorna, and the National Organisation of Labour Students from whom she was elected, have always bitterly opposed. Whilst on the other

hand the voice of the hard left is still shouting strongly, if for the most part ineffectively, within the structures of NUS . Lorna has spent 2 years as the Vice President (with responsibility for education) and so has no illusions of the job she's taking on. During that time, she was a k:ey figure in reforming some of NUS' dated structures, as well as doing around the issueofthe funding of higher education. Many believe that Lorna may one day be one of the k:ey figures in a revitalised Labour Party, but for now ..... see her Monday Weelc I at 7.30 in the LCR (maybe earlier if you're in the Labour Club) .


Jacqui Mackay- International


Officer Lucy Broadhurst - Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Officer SheUey Wrigbt - NUS Officer Liz Rice - Publicity Officer Paul Harrison - Societies Officer John Hoboes -Sports Officer Colin Browning - Welfare Officer

Richard Hewison - Communications Officer ComLizzi Watson munity Liaison Officer ~ Hollingworth - Finance Officer Kara Penn - HHC Chairperson Rachel MaskeD - Internal Affairs Officer



in the handbook and diary. All entries must give the page and line number of each mistake, and you have until Thursday Week 3. All entries to go to Richard Hewison, upstairs in Union House, and the winner and prize will be announced at the Annual General Meeting, Monday week4, in the

LCR at 7.30 p.m.

How your Union works The Union is run by a body called the General Meeting. This consists of every Sllldent on campus! h meets about 3 or 4 times a term, and is almost unlimited in what it can decide. If you want the Union to do something, then you put a proposal to the General meeting, and if it accepts it, it gets done- as simple as that. In the weeks between the General Meetings, the Union is governed by Studcms' Forum. This is a smaller meeting, which consists of elected representatives from each school and year of study. You will be invited to select your representative very soon - soe Nicola Sainsbury for further details. Forum may also make any proposals it likes, so long as they do not contradict what previous general meetings have said.

There is also an Executive Committee. These people are elected every year in the spring and summer term by cross-campus ballot. One of the purposes of both the General Meeting and Students' Forum is to ensure the executive do the jobs they were elected to . Both meetings have a range of extremely unpleasant remedies if they don't. The Executive are responsible for the day to day running of the Union, and you will probably come across all of them during the year in some way of other. To see more clearly how the executive works, make a point of wandering around the Union Offices upstairs in Union House, where they can all be tracked to their lair sooner or later!

Union to prioritise Community Projects THE UNION announced its priorities for the Autumn term, this week, and its major campaign for the Autumn term will be its

"Student Community Initia-

tive." The aim of this campaign is to build on the success the Union has had with both RAG and Student Community Action last year. The Union is to set up and help finance a new member of staff to co-ordinate the project, as well as to organise events throughout the term aimed at involving both students and the local community. The Environment and Health & Fitness are to be on-going campaigns throughout the term. Jacqui Mackay is going to be putting on films and speakers and organising information on the environment as well as press-

ing for the University to survey all the ways in which it can become more environmentally friendly, whilst John Holmes will be orientating his campaign around promoting Wednesday afternoon sport. Week 6 will be Student Parent's Week, which will hope-fully build on last term's success, and there will be a Human Rights campaign around week 3, which will be organised by Paul Harrison. The other issue which the Union will tackle in this way is a Disabled Students' campaign, which will be run jointly by Lizzi

Watson and Rachel Maskdl, work yet to be set. More details will be given at the Union's biggest get together of the year: the General meeting Monday Week 1, 7.30 p.m., LCR - see you there!

Annual Freshers Ball organised by Area ONCE again, the Freshers Ball will be held at Peppermint Park Nightclub on Monday 5th October. The event will get going by about 11 p.m. Usual price will be ÂŁ1.50 or ÂŁ1.00 with an NUS card. However, there will be free tickets which will be given out at the General Meeting earlier the same evening. However, these will be limited to 400, so get there early. The event is organised, as ever, by Norfolk and Suffolk Area NUS. This is the organisation which UEA's Union affiliates to, as do most of the rest of the colleges in Norfolk and Suffolk.

The Area provides a vital link between UEA and the National Union, and UEA sends 5 delegates to sit on it. These delegates will be elected early this term - for further details see Shelley Wright. In addition to putting on events like this, the Area is responsible for negotiating most of the discounts in Norwich which students can get on production of an NUS card. For a full list of discounts, and indeed the all important card, you can find Shelley Wright sitting at a table downstairs in Union House at lunchtimes throughout the week.

University nervous at student attitude to action MANY nerves will tremble on Monday Weelc I as the university tries to size up the make up of its new intake. Last year, the University was so worried about the strength of student anger at its attitude to financial support, that for a term the Registry was constantly guarded and no student

allowed in without an escort. The big test for the University will be the Union's first major event on Monday Weelc 1. With the Union of Students confidently expecting the LCR to be packed out, it remains to be seen whether or not the mood will be favourable or hostile. Of course, the Univer-

sity has more to fear than usual this year. Not only does it have a rent strike to contend with, but it also has to consider what the response will be to its new policy of censoring information the Union puts out. However, it is not only the University who's necks are on the line, the Executive Committee

itself cannot rest happy until the student body approves its plans forthiscomingyear. Monday will clearly be the pivotal point of the year for both the Executive and the University. Whatever happens, it is certain to be a stormy evening, and maybe not everyone will be alive at the end of it.

Pravda is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. It appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete



Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992




The Universities Athletic Union competition (UAU) is held between universities in England , Scotland and Wales. Competing takes place in sports such as hockey, rugby, netball, football, badminton, squash and table tennis. The UAU fixtures occur on Wednesday afternoons and can be home or away. The first round is regional. There are nine regions and UEA is in the S.E. North region, along with Buckingham, Essex, Queen Mary, University College of London and Middlesex. The nine regions have either six or eight teams, with six teams, the top three go through to the next round, and with eight teams, the top four go through. The second round is playoff, which is also regionally based; and by this time, the

University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart News & Features Editor: Gill Fenwick Sports Editors: Katharine Mahoney & Clare Gemmel Chief Reporter: Polly Graham Advertising: Simon Mann Distribution: John Barton Photographers: Thuy La, Toby Leaver, Clara Tuckey, Son B Hoang Contributors: Jody Thompson, Ed Meilde, Abi Paton, Helen Lewis, Keeley Smith, Simone Dunn, Phil Scott Many thanks to Technical Advisors: Neil Barnden, Mike Salmon, Peter Roberts, Dave Cartwright Thanks to: Steve Sadd

UAU is down to 32 teams. The top four play-off winners go through to the challenge round, which is between the last 16 teams. The quarter-finals are freedraw (no longer regional), the semi-finals are played at a neutral venue, and the final

is a prestigious triumph, for example, the Rugby final is played at Twickenham. Considering UEA' s size, and the fact that several universities have a substantial number of Physical Education students, UEA teams did very well last year:

Soccer. .. 5-a-side champions. Women's Basketball ... Runners- up . Mens Hockey... Indoor Runners- up. Trampoline ... 3rd place in team competition . Indoor cricket. .. 3rd place.

Concrete is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor, and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. (C) 1992 Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich.

©l~d ~rr©d~t®d ®U1~~rr®~Y'


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Concrete, Wednesday, September 30, 1992



ance "WHERE CAN I PUMP IRON? AND CAN I PLAY SQUASH AT FIFERS LANE?" KATHARINE MAHONEY DONS HER TRAINERS TO FIND SOME ANSWERS UEA offers a wide variety of sport, and the best place to find out about any activity or sport is from the Sports Centre. It is easily spotted as the building on the left just before the bus turnaround on campus. The main hall is a hive of activity and nearly always busy, it used for many activities including badminton, basketball, indoor hockey, golf driving, volleyball and trampolining. At the back of the Sports Centre you will find a smaller practice area for table tennis, aerobics and fencing. Downstairs, there is a weights and fitness room. UEA has six squash courts in all, two of which are in Suffolk Terrace. There is also a club room in the Sports Centre, for meetings and a social area for relaxing. Just outside the club room, are the sports club's notice boards, so you can have a browse to see

exactly what is available. UEA also has an Athletics track beside the main route into the university and tennis courts on the way out.

The Sports Centre tends to rely on outside bookings to raise money, this means that sometimes it can be very crowded. It is best to check the set timetable

Freshers guide to Sporting Societies From back page If being clad head to toe in rubber appeals to you, then familiarise yourself with the Sub Aqua Club. Full training for beginners and important equipment is provided, and diving holidays in Britain are available to members once they are qualified. Qualifications gained through the club are internationally recognized, enabling you to practice the sport in exotic locations worldwide. The club offers training at advanced levels for experienced divers. If you would rather stay dry, but still fancy dressing up in a costume, you could consider the University's Shi-Kon Karate and Tae Kwon Do societies. The ShiKon society, which practices the technjque of Wado-ryu, instructs its members in kicking, punching and · kata'; a sequence of choreographed moves to deal with multiple attacks . Both clubs enable enthusiasts to get fit, learn self-defence and demonstrate progressive proficiency through grading. UEA' s Ski Club may interest those of you who wish to enjoy the exhilaration of travelling at high speed, or merely want to acquire a sun-tan ... from the neck upwards. Last year the club entered the English and Welsh University Ski Championships held at Les Arcs

in France, and are hoping to boost their ranks for the 1993 competition at Les Menuires. Although the Summer has not long finished, the Cricket Club is already thinking about the 1993 season . The highly successful club, who finished third in last year's indoor UAUs, practice in indoor nets throughout the winter as well as running indoor six-aside matches. The club also has three men's and one women's team, who will be competing in local and national competitions after their winter training. So do not banish your whites until April -there are plenty of opportunlics to bowl, bat, wnpire or merely duck throughout the winter months. Another traditional summer sport is, of course, athletics, and the UEA • Trojans' Athletics and Cross Country Club keep running right on through Norfolk's notoriously cold spells. The club is entered in local winter cross country leagues, and members can get in shape for these on the organised training runs. Summer athletics events consist of local and national track and field competitions, and the club trains for those on the international standard track on campus . Trials are usually held within the ftrst few weeks for sports clubs with several teams of different

sporting standards. There is no need to be daunted by these selections, and even if you don't get picked to captain the firsts straight away, there's always the chance that you might after you have been here a while. If the intense competing, sweating and training brings you out in a nervous flush just thinking about it, it is important to remember that the sports clubs are also here to serve on a recreational basis. This means that sport at UEA can be approached in either a serious or casual manner; depending on your preference for tough physical exertion and fearsome competition. You may even prefer to put more effort into a club's social activities. Sport at UEA is far too multifarious to depict in one foul swoop . There is a host of societies which, although haven't been mentioned equally, deserve considering, such as baseball, volleyball, horse-riding, tennis, squash, water-skiing, windsurfing and trampolining ... the list goes on . So whether you are an Olympicstandard sportsman or sportswoman, or are merely into sport for the occasional frenzied attempt at exercising, put aside an hour or so on your first busy day to take a look at the sporting societies on display at the Soc Mart. But try not to join them all. ..

to see when the facilities are free or alternatively, you can book; if possible six days in advance. Peak times at the Centre tend to be from 11.40- 13.00 and

17.00- 21 .40. These times soould be avoided at all cost! Some facilities are charged for, but the student rate hardly empties your pocket. Outdoor sports such as hockey, football and rugby are played down at Colney Lane. It is a few minutes walk from the main campus, past the Sainsbury Centre and into the open parkland. There are several pitches for each sport and the walk enables you to either warm-up or cool down! Alternatively, there is a pavilion which has car parking beside it. This pavilion provides changing rooms and a bar, there is a comfortable seating area and television, ideal for after a hard match. Those of you at Fifers Lanedon't despair! There is a squash court (of sorts) behind ABC Blocks, soccer pitches and badminton in K Block.

There are also two tennis courts near to the squash court, and although it does not belong to UEA, the locals are pretty laid back as long as you are polite and wait your turn! Fifers has it's own Sports Officer on the Horsham Halls Committee (HHC), who should attempt to organise some interblock competitions . The Grand Prix runs from October to the end of the summer, and includes activities such as netball, rounders, a fun-run, obstacle course, quiz and many others. Anyone can make up a team, but it has to be mixed and have a name. Although some of the top teams get very competitive, most people just have a good laugh. The best way to find out about all the sports on offer at UEA is to attend Sports Mart on Friday in the main hall of the Sports Centre, where all the clubs will be waiting for you to join up.

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2giant flumes - 550 feet long Bubble bay 25 metre 6lane competition pool Coral Springs Lazy river Disco night every Friday

For details ring Norwich 788912


Concrete presents a Fresher's guide to UEA' s sporting societies

SPORTFORALLATUEA YOU HAVE survived your ' A ' Level exams , survived the re-sults , and are here to enjoy the status of a fully-fledged student. However, this does not necessarily mean that you are entitled to wallow in a life of apathy and inertia for three years, because whilst you are not busy being studious you can be fulfilling all your energetic urges at one of UEA's sporting societies . They range from the traditional sports of football, hockey, rugby and netball, to the more wacky pursuits of gliding and sub-aqua diving. The diverse range of these union-funded societies means that there is bound to be something suitable for everyone, whether you prefer to take part in serious competition or become involved on a more leisurely basis . At this year's Soc Mart each sports club will be displaying a stall to encourage new recruits; all of which can be pretty tempt'ing. Indeed, Freshers' bewilderment is an ailment which may be incurred by some of you when confronted with the multitude of attractive displays. Therefore it is worthwhile to know a little about the sports on offer at UEA, before you find yourself signing away all ofyour first term's grant fees in 40 membership fees. One of the largest and most successful clubs in the University is the Football Club, which caters for both male and female players who range in ability . It has built up four men 's teams , which compete nationally and locally, and also boasts the best five-a-side University team in England and Wales - an accolade earned after fighting off stiff competition at last year's UAU's. The team also went on to share the 'Team of the Year' title at UEA's annual sports awards ceremony in June.; The Hockey Club is also a thriving and successful society, with the men's six-a-side indoor team beaten by just one goal against Nottingham in the championship finals of last year' s UAUs. The club has three men's and three women 's teams, and provides training once a week in addition to a fitness session for - .. those aspiring towards the peak of physicar fitness.

By Keeley Smith Manbers play in the local leagues on Saturdays , and University matches take place both at home and away on Wednesday afternoons . This means that you may occasionally find yourself on a mid-week coach excursion to destinations such as Essex, Sussex or London. However, the annual Hockey Club Easter tour leads to far more exotic places; some oflast year's members escaping to Uoret de Mar, where they played the odd match in between the essential partying. The Rugby Club will be eager to sign up enthusiasts for its Freshers XV, in addition to its other three teams which compete at local and university levels . The club has a reputation for success both on and off the rugby pitches, and is renowned for its Christmas Balls and pub crawls . For the more feminine, but no less gruelling side to traditional sport at UEA, the Netball Club offers rigourous training for its more serious members, plus a more relaxed weekly session for novices. Netball at the University is of a very high standard, with last year's first and second teams reaching the quarter finals of the UAUs . Basketball is also a popular sport amongst women at UEA, and the women 's team emerged as silver medallists at last year's university championships. The club caters for all levels of abil-

ity, running two men's and one women's team in local leagues , in addition to holding a weekly training session for beginners . Like all the other sporting societies it offers a social life which may prove equally as demanding as the sport itself. The largest sporting society is the Badminton Club , whose members range from top-class competitors to those of a more elemental standard. Coaching is available to nurture players at a number of levels, and there is the opportunity to play in serious competitions or just for fun . If you are hoping to spend time exploring Norfolk's Broadlands and rivers, UEA's Boating and Sailing Clubs may be just what you are looking for. Although they may not be up to the standard of Oxford and Cambridge, UEA's rowing crews are gaining in both experience and reputation after the boating club was revitalised in 1991. Boats of Vlll and IV can be found training in the week and at weekends on the River Yare in pn:paration for races agairut local and national crews . The club is eager to recruit both men and women rowers, whether novice or experienced, which will enable them to enter more crews in races over the forthcoming year. The Sailing Club offers the chance to explore the beautiful Broads, and after the initial membership fee all tution is free. The club sails at Oulton Broads, as well as entering its more experienced dinghy enthusiasts in racing fixtures against other Universities .




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