Concrete issue 010 30 09 1992

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!ExcLusiVE! Freshers Guide




'Demand' for payment branded 'pathetic' and 'disgusting' Delayed welcome costs over £2,000

University rent letter slammed by Union THE STIJDENT Union executive have severely criticised University actions, after officials sent Freshers a letter asking for advance rent payment. Richard Hewison, the Union's Communications Officer, said the letter- in which Accomodation Manager, Clive Wmter, requested payment of the term's invoice before the start of this academic year -was "disgusting from the point of view of the unnecessary confusion and concern it will cause new members of the University." And he further termed the U niversity's action 'pathetic' for trying to stop the rent strike proposed last term. The University, however, strongly deny the letter was sent in a response to the threat of a rent strike, although Michael Benson, the University's Press Officer, said they were concerned about the possibility of a Responding to this, Mr Benson strike occurring. stressed the invoice was postHe added that the system was dated, making it clear that stusomething they had been 'plandents have three weeks to pay ning to introduce' for sometime. once thev arrive at the UniverThe Union were also grieved

A section from the letter sent to new students that the letter was blatantly 'getting' students to pay in advance since Clive Wmter ,Accomodation Manager writes: "I shall be grateful if you are able to pay this invoice by 23 September 1992.

sity. He did, however, agree that this was not stated in the letter. Union members were also angered by two paragraphs 'tacked

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TilE STUDENT Union was forced to pay over £2000 to ensure

their "Welcome"

booklet reached this year's freshers.


Report by Peter Hart

To ease lhe heavy work luil\l at the heylnnlng of the ~ut01111 ter11 I shall be y•·ateful If you are a~le to I'•Y this luvolce ~y ZJ Septenober 199Z. For students who wl 'h to JI&Y the year's li cence fee 1 n a<lvance there 1s a Z. SS dlsccunt pr uvldP.<l the? I s r eceived by 30 S"''teoober IYYZ . Please .ake your cheque llayable lo the University of [ast ~nglia, wrtle your n-, accuunt/regislrallon m...Uer and Invoice nllli>er on the reverse and return l elllter dlt·ectly ln lite rlnance Ulvlslon or In the reply paid envelope pt·ovlded . Pre · pay~~ent does n<•t 1 low It your freed0111 under the Tei"IIS and Conditions or your Licence lu 110ve out of residences 1nd to receive pro-rata refunds t f you eventually w sh to do so _ _....,

Polly Graham reports


Unnecessary Expense?

PLANS by the University to improve the appearance of

UEA have been condemned by the Student Union as being an unneccesary expense. Over the summer a sunken garden has been built at the end of the Arts Building, the Registry has been refutbisbed, and new pathways and paving have been laid. Said Richard Hewison, Communications Officer in the Student Union, "I find it ironic that at a time of unprecedented studem hardship, with many students strug-

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I By Gill Fenwick I .


gling to find enough money for their rent, that the University can find funds for projects such as these. I think it shows a very sad set of priorities. •

But Mike Benson, UEA's ~ Officer, said "It is not fair to say that we are not concerned with student debt ... however it is a fact of life that we are also concerned about the image we present to the outside community." He continued, "The amount


of money we have spent on Registry Square and the front of the Registry would have made very little difference to the alleviation of student debt." And he added, "In practice, the Registry is the place that everybody comes into the University for information. .. so we have not only recreated Registry Square but we have also done work to make the visitor reception a more accessible

The booklet which offers essential information for new arrivals, suffered from various delays which meant that it was not able to be sent with the information the University also posts to its new students. This year's sabbaticals are angered that they had to foot the £2100 bill for the postage and paclcaging of the 3000 booklet, which they claim was due to it being sent a month late to the printers by the previous sabbatical Communications Officer. The advertising within the booklet would normally ensure a substantial profit for the union, which they claim would have bceo spent on various clubs and societies. Chris Hollingsworth, Finance Officer, regretted "that it is the students who lose out in the long term.• Richard Hewison, the current Communications OffiCCI', is al10 dismayed that foreign students will not receive theirs until they have arrived. He said they will have received a welcome letter from the Union, but added, "They have no idea what to expect. • The Uaion hu suffered furtherembamwmentbccause the booklet ia also full of mis-information and spelling mistakea. 1be most humorous error suggests that freshers should "bring your Medical Card with your National Health Number, sod that you can register at the University Health Centre. • Richard Hewison hopes to door drop a lcUcr of apology to every fresher explaining the problems which were faced in producing the booldet.

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