Concrete issue 018 03 03 1993

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MARCH 3, 1993

:. Thelatest tillns, records and· gigs:revi·ewed and previewed


, · ~qJlllt~~~e-rx~fl.;t~f~·w:~h--

tiful Fashion shpw pictures inside

Plus an inter·\'iew with Da\'id lcke- is he off his bike'?


hat's how much a room will cost per week in the new residences STUDENT Union officials have branded University figures "disgusting" which show that rent for a room in the new residences will be charged at £43.50 per week. This is ten pounds higher than other single-room campus resi· dences, according to a form distributed to many Undergraduates last Friday, and more than double the price of a shared study-bedroom at Fifers Lane. Sabbaticals elect, Lizzi Watson Jacqui Mackay, claim it wiU a divide between students those who can afford to pay, and ..those who cannot. Said Lizzi: "People just can't

TilE STUDENT Union will be controlled by four women Sabbatical Oficers next year, for the first time in UEA's history. More than I ,100 students voted in the Elections last Thurs. day, compared to last year's poor turnout of 800. Shelley Wright had a clear run for Welfare Officerwith her 803 votes to 255 for Re-open Nominations (RON). Shelley said she felt "elated and overjoyed" and explained that although she was initially

bouts. During Week 7, the police could be seen searching both


bring changes. I'm really opti· mistic but also very aware of just how much work it involves. I've seen how many hours Richard has put in and I know it's going to be a big committment". A small number of students ranaRe-openNominationscampaign for the post ofCommwti· cations Officer because they felt "dissatisfied with the choice of candidates on offer". Three of the 'dissidents' included Paul Harrison, Ex-Soci-

the Broad and the surrounding woodland. Initial searches ~ncentrated on a sonar scan Qf the lake, but later in the week, frogmen were called in to step up the search. Inspector Stephen Halstead <>f the Norfolk Constabulary ·d that although Cbristopher d his cash card in his posssion, no money bad been ovedfromhisaccolUll ln..t> stead could also confinn t no clothing was missing m Christopher' s room on orfolk Terrace. The Dean of Students, Dr 'ff Matheson, is keen ·to mphasise the nature of hristopher' s disappearance, d strongly discounts notions qf either suicide or foul play. "His case is being treated ¥ that of a missing person, ~d his parents are in contact with the Dean of Student's office every day. They are ob-

Turn to Page 2, Col., 1

Tom to Page 2, Col., 1

Turn to Page 2, Col., 3

upsetaboutthenumberofRONs, she wtderstood that "a lot of peoplewantedRON so that there would be a fairer contest, because I was the only candidate". Annie Hillyer, standing for Academic Officer, won by a large majority of 676 to Bill Abraham's 326. She was ''particularly happy that it was such a good turnout, and a good, clean campaign." And she added, "The good turnout shows the apathetic student is not as apathetic as all that". "The proportion of votes that



afford that sort of money, a lot of prospectuses show how much the rent is, and people will not come to UEA ifthey see that the bedrooms are £43.50 - it's only a bedroom with a bathroom." And she attacked the University for not listening to the results ofan accommodation survey,carried out two years ago, which asked students whether they would be prepared to pay more for en-suite rooms. For although many students replied they would, the extra charge is double that which was pre-

All women-win in Sab elections By Gill Fenwick

UEA STUDENT, Cbrlstopber Moloney, bas been missing for 22 days - be was last seen in tbe early bours of February 7. Since the 3rd year MI1I student's disappearance became apparent, the University and the police have been /working in close co-operation

I got, I take as a mandate to push forward the aims of my manifesto. I want to hear from anyone \\bo has any problems", she said Next year's Finance Officer willbeLizzi Watson, who gained 600 votes to Brett Antill's 435. SaidLizzi, "I'm really, really pleased. It was a very good cam· paign, but hard worlc." Brettcommented, "Obviously I was disappointed with the result, but it was a good clean campaign and I enjoyed it." Despite the exit polls by Livewire, the campus radio station, showing that Steven Scales

had 'won' the Communications Officer' s position, the official result was that Jacqui Mackay won by 525 votes to Steven's 445 and Jenny Witt' s 181 after the third stage of counting. Jacqui admitted "I was convinced I'd lost because of the Exit polls, so I went home very upset. Then I had a phone call saying I'd won -I burst into tears and came back into University to get really drunk. I'm absolutely thrilled". She continued, "I feel really positive about next year, I think we can all work together and


Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993

Women win

the elections, they should have stood themselves. It was very negative and very bitter". There have never been four female sabbaticals at UEA before, and for the last two year's, Nicola was the only woman to attend the male-orientated committee meetings between the Union and University. According to NUS figures, women's representation in Sabbatical posts last year throughout British Universities, was only 33%, and for as long as anyone can remember the posts available have never been I 00% women. The four elected for next year are all very happy with the situation. Jacqui said "Everyone I've talked to thinks its incredible and arc really impressed". Annie said, ''I'm pleased about it because its a ftrst, although I would have been happy to work with a mixed group. And Lizzi added, "Its the four best candidates who won, regardless of whether thy were women or not". • The new Officers take up their posts in August.

Cont. from Page 1 eties Officer, Andy Laing, who ran for Finance Officer last year, but lost and Aidan Menitt, a third year student. Although Paul Hanison refused to comment, he did admit to being "one of a group who is organising the Campaign." Ironically, RON votes for the Cmrununications post were only 66, fewer that last year when no campaign was fW1ning. Jacqui said, "When I first heard I was upset, but obviously anyone is entitled to fW1a RON Campaign. I was very surprised because the Comrmmications post was the most contended and with very different candidates. Paul explained his reasons to me, I respect his reasons butdidn ' tagree. If he didn ' t want any of us in, why didn ' t he stand for the post?" Lizzi saw the Campaign as a "Complete waste oftime, effort, money and resources. Everyone had the opportunity to stand in

Cont. from Page 1 sented in the survey: students were only asked if they would pay around five pounds more. Explaining further about the possible student divide, Jacqui added: "People can only have a choice on their accommodation if they can afford to have a choice, it's not a free choice." The future Communications Officer also hit out against the University for spending money on 'unaffordable ' accomodation and not examining other student needs. "The University is talking about lack of funds and then they spend money on building really plush accommodation instead of making sure they've got enough books in the library," she said. The two women explained the Union were also unhappy

Missing student lice' s investigations." The last time Christopher was seen on campus was just after his 21st birthday party, which he held in the Hive on Saturday February 6. The police have stated that Christopher was apparently "a bit depressed" at t11e time. TI1e fact that he did not contact his parents on his birtl1day (February 12th) has been described by the police as "s trange" .

Cont. from Page 1 viously concerned as to his if whereabouts. Even Christopher contacted us to inform us where he is, then that would be a great relief to all involved," he said. And he added, "The grounds of the campus and the Broad arc being searched as a precautionary measure only. We do not know the full extent of the po-

Christopher' s father, Mr John Moloney, was keen to play this down. He said in Salisbury last Thursday that he did not believe that his son was under undue pressure, despite the fact that he is due to take his fmals in June. "He was planning for the future and was looking forward to t11e interviews he had lined up. We are just hoping that he may have gone to London or somewhere like t11at", he said. Last

that the form, issued to undergraduates who will be third or fourth years in 1993/4, did not explain that up to 11 65 30-week licences were available to students: probably around 500 on campus and the rest at Fifers Lane. "It's written in such a misleading way, saying that if students take longer licences, they get a number of nights for free," said Lizzi. She added that the Union would be organising an emergency Executive Meeting to decide on the action which could be taken. • Neither the University' s Director of Public Relations, Michael Benson, nor the Director of Accommodation, Roger Lloyd, were available for comment. • Late residences - see page three. seen wearing a blue denim jacket with red and brown lining, a grey top and black jeans, Christopher is about 5 ft 11 in and thin with short brown hair. •Both the Dean of Student's office and the police are keen to encourage any students who have any potential information on the case to come forward. Professor Matheson may be contacted personally, or by telephone on extension 2492 at UEA. The Norfolk Constabulary have set up an information line on Norwich 621 212.

This week we look at more of the best daytime shows on the U.K,s Nol student station The Livewire Lunchtime shows are fast-moving and loud, From 12 noontil2.00pmeveryweekday,youcancatcbChrisBarsonandDave Owens with the best music mix. ... Two music cruises.... The Romantic Interlude.... Mellow Madness... The Actionline update .... and not to forget a reasonably witty line in chat - check out Chris on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Dave on a Tuesday and Thursday from 12.00pm ~ 2.00pm. On the other hand, ifdance and soul music is your scene, StevenMort is yourman .. .Wednesdays2.00pm -4.00pm and Thursdays lO.OOam - l2.00pm, check out the DJ who will play the strangest remixes of your favourite tunes ... and still make them sound "wicked." Finally, Evening Extra from 6.00 pm • 7.00 pm has ilie hottest interviews and features on issues that concern you. Peter Hart, Matt Pells and Bemard Allen anchor the shows iliat bring you the latest news, on the campus, in Norwich and around the world. We do still need newsteam members, so if you have any spare time, or if you want something to put on your C.V. contact Joel Hufford, Livewire' s Head ofNews either at the Livewire office or pigeon-hole EURll.

International Women's Day By Suzanne Turner INTERNATIONAL Women'sDay is to take place on March 8 this year. Women in Norwich can celebrate this event by taking part in a march against male violence on March 6. The march is organised by an autonomous collective based at the Norwich Women 's Centre. Joanne Walker. an organiser of the march explained its aims. "We want to create a space where women can come along and express themselves and we want the march to be a celebration ofbcinga woman . The march hopes to expose violence against women on a local and global level, and show the inadequacy of the legal system."

The march will start from the courts, Bishop Gate, at 12.00. Those wishing to take part should assemble in fron tof the Magistrates' Court at 11 .30, and will march to Chapelfield Gardens where a speaker from the Trade Union Movement, and Norwich Justice for Women's Society will give a talk. Stalls and workshops are also organised in Duke Street Centre to start at 1.30pm and the Women's Health Information Service will hold displays and talks in No. Walsham. On International Day itself a Womens only party is planned to take place at The Lawyers in Magdelen Street.

NUS DECLARATION OF STUDENT RIG TS (NUS Charter for students) I claim my rights to: ·


dec:;;:rr:~r~d~:~!~::~:fs~i~()ldY ' Suitable; ~afe an~ a!Jor~~bleli~sing:1 ''




from lectures.s o that:I ~ Be !.Q¥@lvect. ~ Student u~on's clubs · ana societiest Complain if I'fn ul}hap~}r wiffilpy sotiise and expect somethlrtgto:. be .d one about it. :a ., ': ,. t

, ...








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Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993

Petition lodged over route to Law ANGRY LAW students have organised a petition in an attempt to improve safety on the route from the campus to Earlham Hall. The route to the School of Law involves crossing the busy University Drive, and trudging across Earlham Park, which is isolated, badly lit and muddy. The petition, which collected 100 signatures in 3 days, has been sent to Norwich Council. As the Council own both the land and Earlham Hall, the University are technically powerless to act, but it has been pointed out that when the University spent £45,000 on aesthetic enhancements to the Registry, they moved the crossing on University Drive to a less safer position. In a letter to Concrete, pub-

By Niall Hampton lished in our last edition, John Clarke (LAW2), claimed that both the University and the Council have been reticent about the whole issue. "Students are citizens of Norwich ... and are entitled to expect the same degree of protection in the areas mere they walk.

•At present, both male and female students, as well as staff, feel unsafe in the evening... many feel that we have been very lucky to have gone for so long without a serious accident" The University's Safety Officer, Robin Thomas, has urged that the matter be brought up at thenextSafetyCommitteemeeting. Colin Browning, Union Wel-

fare Officer, hinted that he will be inspecting the route leading to Earlham Hall, "It's a part of

the problem - people over here don't understand what goes on over there." He would also like to look into the possibility of a zebra crossing where Chancellor's Drive meets University Drive, as conditions for pedestrians are somewhat dangerous. The recent trend in extended lecture hours at Earlham Hall has transformed what originally started as a safety issue for women students into a wider issue. DilysHampden, (LAW3), outlined the dangers of using the route to Earlham Hall, "The terrain features puddles, it is wet and slippery and added to the darkness, there is a danger of slipping over and being hurt."

Rude awakenings

STIJDENTS in Waveney Termce say they will seek legal accompensation from the if the noise of banging and drilling by workers contmues. The work on the ground-floor of C-block, to adapt the rooms for handicapped students, began at the start of this term, and residents of the first floor say it has now become too much. They also say they were told the renovations would only take two weeks, but Roger Lloyd, Director ofAccommodation, now says the work will not end until

March 19. They have sent letters, petitions and visited Mr Lloyd on a numberofoccasions, but say they are disappointed withMr Lloyd's nonchalant and offhand manner of treating them. Most of the students are 3rd year students on 38 week licences, as they need their rooms to study in during vacations for their finals. Adena Graham, one of the students affected said "Its disgusting we can' t study in our rooms during the day". The students requested Mr

Lloyd to have the work delayed until the summer, or at least not start until 9 a.m. They also want a rent reduction because they say they have not been able to use their rooms for seven weeks. Mr Lloyd has responded by saying no work will begin until 8.30 a.m, and he has offererd alternative accommodation on campus. Colin Browning, the Union's Welfare Officer, has also sent Mr Lloyd a letter asking for rent reduction but has had no reply.

Construction behind schedule The construction of the new residences - Nelson Court and Constable Terrace - is ten weeks behind schedule, but the University insists it will not affect new students,

writes \Georgina King. It was hoped that Nelson Court would be finished in time to take summer conference business, but, according to Peter Yorke, Deputy Buildings Officer, "this now seems

unlikely".Mike Benson, Director of Public Relations, asserted that the bookings which have already been taken for summer conferences are "under close review", but if contractors do not make up for lost time, guests will have to be relocated to other parts of the university. Peter Yorke explained that the building of two new residences simultaneously is "like

a big jigsaw puzzle, as there are many complicated operations which need to come together at the same time" . Meetings are currently underway between the University, architects and contractors, in an attempt to determine the causes for the delays. • Concrete will report on any further developments in a future issue.



News in brief 1WO PART time appointments were made to the Union Executive during Week: 6. Jaz Ihcnacho step! in as Anti-Racism Officer, whilst Phi! Clcgg inherits the position ofLGB Officer. Leaving the Bxccutivc this week is Kara Penn, who steps down from her position as HHC Chair.

She added that, "The School of Law can't always ignore itsomeone should be prepared to take responsibility, although nobody seems to be concerned." Nicola Sainsbury, UnionAca-

dernic Officer, said, "Ifthe University will inaease lecture hours in the School of Law, then they will have to improve the safety armngements."

BOOK SHOPPED! EAS FRESHER Tony Lansdowne had a nasty shock when he mislaid a £16.00 anthology of American Literature in the Arts building. Having reported the loss to the EAS office and the lost property office, Tony also had the sense to report the loss to the Union bookshop, as a precautionary measure. Imagine his suprise when the

book turned up in the bookshop next day! Luckily, the alert staff had spotted his book when someone had attempted to sell it, and kept it for him. So ifany student is in a similar situation, they could do very well to report their loss promptly to the Union Bookshop, as well as to the usual offices.

UGM BLUES look like becoming an institution at UEA foUowing Week 7' s gathering. attended by 46 students. That takes the inquQracy level to a whopping 3 out of3 this tcnn. The Executive cmphasiscthat publicity has been "crap", but we undCr.ltand that most students lament the demise of the notorious Happy Hour, which could possibly explain the dismal attendances. THE CANNABIS AWARENESS SOCIETY thanks all the people who helped to make their first Fifers K Block party on Saturday Week 6 a great success. They arc working on some "seriously freaky events" for early next tcnn and a "trip" to Amsterdam, so be on the lookout. "Thanks again and stay chiUed Iggi". WARWICK UNIVERSITY'S Valentine's Day matinee at their Arts Centre in Coventry featured a 12-f!linutc film showing nothing but shots of the male genitalia. The film 's title was modestly, and somewhat aptly, penned as ' Dick'.


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Concrete , Wednesday, March 3, 1993

Norwich City Council is threatening Sainsburys Supermarket, Queen' s Road, with legal action if it continues to open on Stmdays. The question of the legality of Sunday trading is one very much in the public eye at the moment. The City of Norwich has a far from clean record with High Court injunctions being sought against seven shops including Sainsburys and B&Q. The argument against such trading works on 2 levels. From a legal viewpoint, Sainsburys are entitled to open if two thirds of Norwich food retailers are in favour of Sunday opening, using

By Juha Sm1th Section 48 of the Shops Act. It is doubtful that this could really be achieved however, so for the meantime, the Council continues to battle. Phi! Harris, Chairman of the Council 's Environmental Services Committee, said, "Our position is that the law is there and we will continue to enforce the law while it is there". However, for the thirty-five Sunclay-only workers at Sainsburys, there are far more pressing concerns involved. One worker, Mrs Quinton claims that her job "helps us pay bills and have holidays, just basically to live".

For many, becauseoffarnilycommitrnents, Sunday is the only time they can work, and the £7 an hour they earn is essential. For others a one-day week is necessary to ease them back into full-time work after illness. For students, the availability of Sunday work in town has meant they can avoid going into debt. TheconcemoftheseSundayworkers at losing their jobs after the Council Ultimatum is so great that a "Save our jobs" campaign has begun to highlight the issue. A survey of students at UEA, shows that many make use of the Sunday openings to do their weekly shopping.

Ethnic jobs at Midland The Midland Bank is offering thirty summer work experience placements as part of its equal opportunities scheme, operating under section 3 7 of the Race Relations Act 1976. The scheme will be available to second year undergraduates from ethnic minority backgrounds. This will be the third time that the scheme has been run, and it offers eightweek long paid placements in Midland branches throughout Britain. Its aim is to give an insight into banking to ambitious students who genuinelywantacareer in the banking industry. They will undertake a variety of banking duties under the guidance of local managers and will receive development training to help them compete for jobs After Graduation, successful applicants



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will spend up to two years on the programme before taking up managerial jobs. Mrs Hilary Ledger, Midland's Equal Opportunities manager, said, "Midland is committed to equality of opportunity because it makes good business sense. We recognise the benefits ofdiversity in the workforce and are keen to attract high quality ethnic minority graduates who have the to reach



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senior management". However, when one student heard about the scheme he expressed concern, "Offering jobs to just ethnic groups is about as prejudiced as offering to just Aryans". Application forms and further information can be obtained from Mrs Ledger at: Midland Bank, I st floor, 47 Cannon Street, London EC4M


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Equal Opportunities Within Universities Queen's University in Northem Ireland has recently been the centre of a controversy focusing on equal opportunities within the workplace. Last June, Northern Ireland 's top university paid out£40,000 tosettletwocases in which it was alleged to have discriminated against Catholics, writes Suzanne

Turner. In 1989 Catholics represented only 18% of the locally recruited academic staff. A confidential report commissioned from independent consultants by the University itself, makes more than 200 recommendations for changes in employment practices to ensure equality for Catholics and women in its workforce. The report showed unfair representation of women in categories not traditionally viewed as female.

Queen's denied discrimination and cites the fact that the number of Catholic students has been growing steadily and now represents at least 50% of the whole student population, as proof of their commitment to equal opportunities. Academic Registrar at UEA, Mr R. Beck, commented that this university has an r.qual opportunity policy which it is committed to make effective. He explained that such a policy was " not designed to allow for certain quotas of male and females to be employed, as such quotas are usually illegal." Instead the UEA policy is instigated to "ensure that no job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, or political or religious belief." In 1990 a Project Officer worked at UEA to monitor

how committed the University was to Equal opportunities. Mr Beck explained the outcome of this project and subsequent report, "the essence was that having a policy itselfwasn'tenough and more was needed to turn these objectives into workable objectives. We are now following up these recommendations." Michael Benson, Director of Public Relations at UEA, echoed these sentiments when he spoke of equal opportunities for students. He explained that the general policy followed by the University also applied to the intake of students. When asked whether the policy worked he said, "It is trying to do a good job, but change doesn ' t happen over night. We have adopted a good practice, but it takes a few years. It is now up to the University to let people develop in as full a capacity as is possible."

No free time for student WITH THE Introduction of the Modular Semester System, many schools of study have found it impossible to avoid timetabling Wednesday afternoons. Lunchtimes and an extended day, perhaps lasting from 8am to 9pm also seem to be on the cards. Lecturers blame the larger intake of students and the availability of more varied courses which will take up more time during the day. One of the clauses of the NUS Student Charter, is to ensure that Wednesday afternoons remain non-teaching, available for sport and

activities. However, a lecturer in EUR seemed adamant that by next year Wednesday afternoons will be timetabled.

DISSATISFIED Many students are already dissatisfied with other aspects of the Semester System, including the late breaking up for Christmas on December 22. Second year straight History students who are based in three schools of study, EAS, EUR and SOC are incredibly unhappy about the courses available for nex't term, choices taken last summer are no longer on offer.

Helga commented, "There are no courses that I want to do next term, my whole degree is mucked up". Two other students affected, have organised a petition to be spent to Nicola Sainsbury, Academic Officer, and leadmg administrators m the University. EAS are in the process of carrying out a mock enrolment for their course to check the viability of the scheme. However, staffthroughout the University seem to be as confused as students, does ? ' one know anything about Modular System coming into system next year?

Green Architecture at UEA THE NEW Residences currently being built at UEA claim to be the first example of 'Green Architecture' commissioned at any British University. Inspired to discover what ' Green Architecture' is, two third year W AM students have organised a conference, ' Architecture and the Environment' , inviting six architects who are famous for their practical and theoretical interest in these issues.

Jason Ions and Amanda Bunker are organising the event for Friday week 10, they explained, "We aim to explore how building affects our lives and their surroundings and see if it is possible to build a less destructive and wasteful environment for Western Society" . Architects attending, include Rick Mather, designer of the new Residences and master planner for UEA, Pat Borer, architect at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales.

Also, Brenda and Robert Vale, authors of 'Green Architecture: Design for a sustainable future' , Neil Thomas and Patrick Bellow who are involved in the conversion for the new Greenpeace HQ in London. A chance to question leading British architects about your concerns, the conference will run from 1Oam to 7pm. Tickets are £9 for staffand £4 for students and are available in the UH foyer, lunchtimes in weeks 8 and 9.

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Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993

VICE CHANCELLORS and lecturers at universities across the UK have launched a scathing attack on the Govenunent' s continuing starvation of funding for higher education. As a result of Govenunent policies, teaching and research are being threatened through a lack of investment, and cash for routine maintenance is being withheld. At Essex University, for example, admissions have risen by 50 per cent in the past five years, with no increase in teaching space- a living endorsement of the Government's current philosophies. UEA itself is no exception .to this; seminar groups throughout the University's Schools keep

on growing, to the annoyance of staff and students alike. "The Govenunent's description of this being an efficiency gain is really their synonym for doing it more cheaply", said the Vice Chancellor of Essex University, Professor Ron Johnston, before commenting on student hardship. "Students are increasingly labouring under severe f1D8Dcial stresses. The Government seems impervious to the growing mountain of evidence ofhardship", he said. Professor Johnston' s views were echoed by Edinburgh University's Principal, Sir David Smith "As the number of students increases, the amount of time for teaching does not", he said. The issue of increasingly

The Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Awareness Week is taking place this week and it promises to be packed full of entertaining and educational free events. On Tuesday there will be an Adoption Debate focusing on the question of whether gay couples should adopt. On Wednesday lunchtime in the Bill Wilson room there will be a political debate between the three main political parties focusing on their gay rights policies. On Thursday night at Fifer's Lane there will be a partyinKBlockandanother party will take place on Friday rught in Room 1.28 in Union House. The week will also feature a Safe Sex Workshop on Friday afternoon and a stall in Union

stretched teaching methods has been attacked by the Association ofUniversity Teachers. Its president, Alan Waton, acknowledges the problems students face. "They are being deprived ofsmall group teaching, deprived of books, and denied a li vinggrant'', he said recently. He added that, "The recent announcement by the Department ofEducation that the rise in student numbers will be held back is reneging on their promise to provide higher education for all those willing and able to benefit from it. "Unless we stop them, this Government will deny higher education to many and will continue to devalue higher education for the majority of our students."

Campaigners for the National Anti-Vivisection Society will be out on the streets this April to increase awareness of cruelty to Laboratory Animals.

• · Juliasmith Report by • a ki ng a B ungee JUmp

offering the people ofNorwich the chance "to take part in the most sensational sport of the decade" at a specially organised jump in the on Saturday March 6. Jumping began as a ritual practised every spring on The Pentecost Island in The South Pacific. Villagers would gather vines and wind them into long cords which the young men would wrap around their ankles before jumping from

high towers. At that time a good jump showed courage and was considered an omen of a good harvest to come. Nowadays, Bungee Jumping used cords of pure elastic capable of stretching nearly 400%, and it is regardedasmoreofa 'fun' activity. Air Bungeeclaim that pumped with adrenaline you will feel the elation of the Bungee Buzz for hours. They are keen to add that they adhere to the British Elastic Rope

Sports Association Code of Practise and that with a safety record of I 00%, risk of breakage is virtually llOIH:xistent. The price for the initial jump is £42.50 which includes membership of Air Bungee UK, training and insurance as well as the jump itself. For more information or to book for the March 6 jump in Norwich, contact Air Bungee by telephone on 071 935 1090.


House every lunchtime from 122 where people can fmd out more about the LGB Society and any other related issues. The Conference Room will also be open during these times for anyone wishing to talk, but wanting to do so in privacy. Videos may also be shown in the Hiveduringlunchtimes,andpublicity stunts are planned. Adam, a spokesperson for the Society explained the concept behind the week. "Basically we have two main objectives for the week. Firstly, we want to make everyone stop and think for a minute. If everyone on campus

A World Week for Laboratory Animals will take place between Aprill7 -24, where the public will be given the chance to make their own stand against the use of animal testing. A World day for these animals is held every year on April 24, but support this year is an-

By Vicky Whitfield ticipated to increase dramatically. In the run-up to the World Week, a special World Day bus will be touring the country to publicise forthcoming events. April 17 will see National street collections in operation, where donors will be given World Day armbands in remembrance to the animals who have already died through Laboratory testing. Following this, an exhibition/ press conference will be held at


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Westminster Central Hall on April 21topetitioncurrentlaws on teChniques now available. The World Day itself will be marked by a rally in London from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square, where speakers such as MPs, celebrities and International Representatives will voice their opinions on the issues involved. The NAVS are calling for as much support as possible to prevent flY further urmecessary cruelty. For further details, ring Beth Williarns or Steve Beddard on 021 212 4404.

Come and join us in Manhattan!

IGB'r ~THETIC WICKEDci'~~ ~ V.£ N Rave

pauses for just a second then we willhavedoneourjob. Wewant to make everyone aware that we areasmuchapartofyourlivesas you are of ours. s4:ondly we want to help people Who have been too scared to come forward before, or have foun~ us unapproachable in the past. There are supposed to be l 0% of people like us at UEA, but we only have 40 members." The Union have helped the LGB to meet the costs of the weekl by ~sing a £300 Executive Budget. Despite student apathy at recent events such as RAG week in week 5, the LGB are optimistic that their event will go we;! I. "This year we have a lot of support and everyone is helping."

Anti-Vivisection on the march


Air Bungee UK based in London is

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Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993


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Computer game addicts may not all be the sociopathic nerds that some imagine, writes Matthew Broersma. " Lemmings", " Street Fighter II" , "Super Mario World", "Sonic The Hedgehog" . Do these names create a spark of interest in your mind? If so, you may be a computer games fan. But don't worry, the stereotypes of the insecure, lonely video addict or the immature, overgrown kid don ' t always measure up to reality. "It' saloadofrubbish" says one student. " Video games aren't antisocial at all. Sometimes my mate will pop down and we' 11 have a game of pool together, or a few of us will play international karate." Some users felt a game system actually enhanced their social life. "It's good for social events, like a party," said the recent buyer of a Nintendo Entertainment System. "You can play it for a while with your friends, when you're tired of watching TV. " Even so, certain factors must be taken into account for complete social approval. "It' s not really a very social thing to do, after all," said one student describing his own silicon pursuits. "I try not to socialise with people who play computer games. I would certainly never go out and talk about video games." If computer games are an antisocial activity they nevertheless are spreading throughout our society; with a Niintendo now being an indisposable part of many

households, and Mario labelled "The icon for the nineties" by The Times, what Martin Arnis called the "banal fantasies of the nursery," are becomimg widely accepted both on PC and in entertainment sytems. But PC's unlike game systems are theoretically meant for word-processing and programming; when the latest golf simulation flashes onto the screen, doesn ' t it mean that the student is ducking work? " I know it doesn 't detract from my work," said the ownerofanArniga 500, ''I' m lazy anyway." A SYS student I spoke to is also relaxed about the seven hoursperweekhespendsdriving simulated race cars and saving Lemmings. "I like to think I do work when I need work . .. though I probably

spend more time playing than I should." One die-hard gaming fan has had to give up the habit in

"It's a load of rubbish" says one student. "Video games aren't antisocial at all. favour of school work. " can' t afford a system, don't just mean money." And ofcourse there are always other distractions awaiting the studious, like the pub. But at least playing a challenging game improves your reflexes and your hand-eye co-ordination, whereas all pubs leave you with is a funny taste in your mouth in the morning. Who knows , with beer prices as they are, computer consoles could rival pubs as places of entertainment before too long. A computer game's meaning varies from person to person; it can be a social event or a private obsession. But surely, whatever it appeals to, isn't it just juvenile fantasy at root? "I suppose so" replies the owner of an Olivetti PCS, "But there ' s a bit of a big kid in everyone isn ' t there?"

Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993


Butt out for the day The Campaign for No Smolcing Day goes for a few home truths to make you quit the habit, writes David Berrldge. Put away the cigarettes and start buying those mints. No Smoking Day - the baseball cap, the t-shirt and the stickers, not to mention the realms of terrifying statistics - has come around again. For those not amongst either the three hundred people a day dying due to smoking, the three hundred keeling over from lung cancer that stems from passive smoking, or too busy sueing Marlboro for a voice that's a cross between a dalek and Marlon Brando in The Godfather it provides the perfect opportunity to quit the habit, even it is just for one day. "Breathlessr' proclaim the posters for this year's campaign. "It takes your breath away!" Evidence suggests there is ample need for just such a day at UEA. A random poll indicated that around thirty per centofthe student population smoke at least 'occasionally', with around half claiming to be 'regular' smokers. Consumption levels of this second group ranged from two a day to levels near chain smoking proportions. · Why do they do it ? "I like it" ' - - John, a first year. "A cigarette relaxes me and makes me feel good." Others are less sure. '1t just bocomes a habit" says one. "And you

don't want to stop although you lcnow what the risks are."

beliefs is the view - enhanced by recent newspaper articles - that the of passive smoking has been NO.< lS.D~lnR

Day has done its this, quoting the ·~ ·Y'I\\I:ili•CWiea" of Physicians find· thait-cl~Jild.r•cn with both parents ,,"... ~·~·u-"''!'a .~.. nicotine equivalent 6Q"~{S(),(:i1~rc1ttes per year. .Kuh-~>··••.•. :-L holds little comfort twenty a day who are of the consequences of real but, at the same •.. ~!IIJI'~dl!QO it virtually impossible to ' " ' JJUUlmct

locate smokers Lone abstainers on Norfolk Terrace kitchen full of food is being Elsewhere, relatively free of lion. "It is arts problem" Said Science stlldent. cally very:sad being seen:with a ish." · Be that· ~s;it

pus. intolerable." Indeed, what lies behind such


times and repeat it whenever you feel like having a cigarette.

"All it does is make you impatient for a cigarette" said one person, albeit trying it for the first time. "The minute you finish chanting youwanttosmokeaboutthreecigarettes in quick succession." But smokers beware. Most annoying to non-smokersare continuous and usually half hearted attempts at giving up. "A friend of mine gave up every weekend" said a second year. "I've lasted a day they would tell you. This time it's for good. But you lcnew it wasn' t. By Monday they would have to go out and buy a new pack or worse, be spongeing cigarettes off other people." It is a sentiment echoed by others."What'sthepointofaNoSmoking Day?" said one. "It's a token gesture pretending to mean something but not meaning anything." When it comes to quitting however No Smoking Day itself has hit upon the less biologically based theory of scaring you rigid. Read the realms ofstatistics and you won't so much as look at a cigarette again for fear of; a) being struck down by smoking-caused strokes, b) losing an av· erage ofone day oflife per week, or c) getting a peptic ulcer. Then there are the Let's Make Quitting Fun! Fun! Fun! tactics, such as the Breathtaking Quiz and theBreathtalcingMusicPlaylistthat seems to suggest that listening to very bad seventies music such as

'Smoke,Smoke,Smoke that Ciga· rette' by Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen will have your fumigating flatmates quitting be· fore you can so much as think of saying, "Ephysema." Isn't this a case of working by fear ? "Yes" says one person I found smoking in The Hive. "But it doesn' t tackle the real problem which is what makes people start." All ofwhich ties in with the more general idea of university commmunities as a strange balance of intelligent people who should know better and the chronically insecure wanting to project a certain image of themselves. It is an image which, despite the constant campaigns and the realms of statistics and the Breathless

fuscia-coloured balloon pack is al· waysgoingtostemmorefromJames Dean ·jeans, leather jacket and fag in mouth - than Michaet Jackson and Bubbles in an hermetically sealed oxygen tent. PerhapsNoSmokiogDayismissing the point in these days of student hardship, when purely finan· cial concerns should do the job. A packet of twenty costs £2.21, on average. Smoke twenty a day and thats £15.47 a week, £67.04 a month and £804.44 a year. Quit on No Smoking Day and all of this can be spent on, well, eight thousand packetsofpolos to satisfy your newly emergent mint addiction. Still not sure ?Commander Cody - take it away !

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Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993

Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993

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Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993


...And Pa~l Lynes interyiews the Anglican Bishop of Norwich message that all religions Religion, in one fonn or an"And I'm not at all comfortme having doubts or feeling other, for better or for worse, lonely but it gives me hope and preach, generally being lessable with the idea of blindly has been with us for centuries. than-enthusiatic about the believing in something. Perpurpose." fonner while roundly praising A PGCE student states, "it is A need to believe in some sort sonally I'd like to see a bit of the latter. ofdivine being which looks over proof, ifl may!" primarily religion which causes our actions is, some would ar''All religions'"', says all the unrest and hatred in the Vinaya a LAW student had gue, an intrinsic quality ofMan. my mind this is all Anouchka a LAW student, this to say, " I was raised a But mention the word "reli"teach the golden rule do unto Buddhist in a predominately the fault of man and certainly not any God I can comprehend. gion" and the images that would others as they do wtto you. I Muslim country, butihavestudrespect anyone who is firm in Religion itselfis a word I detest iedallreligionsandthesocalled come to most of our minds would invarably involve backtheir beliefs, but find it astonand which I associate with those holy texts. There are internal ishing that this very thing, wardness, prejudice and opprescontradictions in so many of 'superficial' religious people, sion, or at the very least, wistful ofwhatever culture, who do not which should unite mankind, them! I am now more of a anachronism with a whiff of spiritualist myself." can breed so much hatred and practice what they preach." hypocrisy. To some, .------------------------::--'~"""":'T"'"'\"""--:711 The letter continthe very word evokes ues, "I honestly adnothing more than mire athiests a great cartoonish deal more than for ~ -_.....路-~ having thought careevangalists and _.;..,-vengeful ayatollahs. fully about the issue This is true even of God and making a conscious decision though a lotofusmay not to believe, rather have been raised in a than agnostics who particular faith. I spoke to a few UEA sit on the fence." ColinGray writes, students to find out "God does not care whetheroldhabitsdie much to what oreasy. "I grew up in a ganisation person pretty religious Musbelongs, Hea judges lim family", says a LAW student. "But when I came over to Englandijuststopped doing all that. I didn't even think about it. I have a prayer mat and a time-table in my room but I'veneverused either ofthem. I can never forget the thrill I had when I had my fust taste of pork. ..which is haram, or forbidden. I wasn' t crazy about the taste, but I forced myself to finish it anyway." "I guess other teenagers would rebel with drugs or something, but all I needed was a piece of dead pig!" Ben, a visiting EAS student says, " I think a distinction needs to be made here between ' religiousness' or spirituality, which I think is an essential component in every fulfilled person' s life... and the notion of established religion, which is something quite different." " I have read the sacred texts of the Christians, Jews and Muslims plus a few Buddhists tracts. In each of them, there are things which we can do without in this day and age. They need to be adapted." Bemard, a Chemistry student adds, "Historically the Catholic church has been responsible for so much suffering and injustice. And even today. Why do people go to church anyway? Just to look good I think, or at least that's true from what I've seen."


the individual. Je-

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Is he then advocating the end of organised religion? He replies, "It's very easy to blindly slag off religion now, justas it was very easy to blindly accept it centuries ago. I believe that religion is like a snake.. .if you catch it by the tail, it will bite you, but if you catch it by the head you can examine it." A girl who wishes to be known as MJ says, " I am of a religion but it would be hypercritical of me to say so because I do not practice it. I certainly believe there is a God out there somewhere, I just want to take my time to discover Him." All of the students I spoke to were careful to make a distinction between ritualistic, orthodox beliefs and the essential

susHimselfsaidnot everyone who calls him 'Lord' will enter the kingdom of Heaven...! am to do =-- .-. ;;::=.-...-;.;;;;.;==-------.o.~ 路 things not because suspision." they look good but because they "Having different religions are good. If I turn around and should make us better people, return to God, asking him into as we can share beliefs and every part of my life, I can live compare perspectives. .But by his ability to please God forwhen it's j ust used as an excuse ever." to condemn people unlikeyourLast term the Christian Unselfto EternalHell, that's someion, the largest religion-based thing I fmd very disturbing." society at UEA, carried out a CONCRETE has received survery on religion. Here are a several interesting letters from few of its results. students on religion. What has emerged from this Mal writes, "I became a feature is the general feeling Christian just before coming to that there is a conscious shift UEA, which in some eyes away from the to-the-letter faith would be seen as unlucky as in established religions in fathey would see me as missing vour of a vague but curiously out on the student rebel fun. firm belief in the basic tenents But ifl am alone during all this of them. The world had survived well fun what purpose does it serve? So when I was feeling lonely.. .I enough before the advent of orbecame more aware ofmy faith ganised religion, and would in God. This faith does not stop probably do so after the last church, mosque, synagogue or temple has been torn down. But should the whole idea be chucked away just because it can't be proved in a science lab? As M J put it, " I know it's easy to blame religion for all those wars and killing, but I think that the mix of greedy politicians and a gullible public who are desperate to believe in something is much more to blame."

Rt. Rev Peter Nott It might be difficult to spot the connection between student discos and the Sunday sermon at first glance. Some students may feel that religion holds litle relevance to their everyday lives. The Bishop of Norwich, Rt. Rev. Peter Nott would like to question these assumptions. In 1993, Bishop Peter believes that religion plays the same role in society as it always has. Society may change but the fundamental aspects of people's needs do not. Students need to feel loved, secure, to make sense of their experiences, both joyful and unhappy. Thus; Bishop Peter stresse the need for God is "changeless and constant." Yet would the majority ofUEA students agree? Bishop Peter acknowledges that the composition of a typical congregation is largely fe-male and middle-aged. To most students, going to church would seem to hold little interest. The Bishop hopes to change this. With previous experience as a university chaplain, Bishop Peter believes the way to achieve his aim is not initially to get students to church, but rather, to undermine their assumptions. He is surprised to hear many of the preoccupations that students hold. "Tell me about this God you don't believe in," he would ask, and often will find himself in agreement, "Well I don't believe in that God either!" Bishop Peter's God plays a role in every aspect of life. The issues the Anglican Church involves itself in are often the same issues which students are concerned with. The connection between the church and UEA students, Bishop Peter feels , is strong.

"Do you think love is irrelevant to the life of the student? What about relationships, issues of right and wrong, the environment, the way the economy works to care for the poor? These are all concerns to students and they are profoundly religious issues." Yet conveying this link to students remains the problem. Bishop Peter concedes that people often see religion as a "little slot over there for Sunday" and that the Chaplain is "that bloke in the white collar." This, the Bishop insists, misses the intrinsic value of religion. Challenging these tabloid stl""'"~ otypes also works both ways. Just as Christians have got to- believe that what other people have to say is very important, so nonChristians have to believe that what Christians have to say is not just irrelevant nonsense. The Bishop is keen to listen to us. "We need to listen to students now because the church is part of the present not the future." However, Bishop Peter recognises that students do not feel comfortable in the church environment. The style of liturgy is not always easy to get into and sometimes religious groups can appear exclusive and insular. "There is quite a lotofhard work to be done," the Bishopadmits, and to make the connections clear between the concerns ofstudents and religious concerns is the way forward. Whether students still remain to be convinced, theBishopraises some pertinent and thought provoking issues which are difficult to dismiss outofhand. Perhaps the barriers between religion and UEA student life aren't so large afterall.

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Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993



Cheaper, but is it safer? The art of biking it By Joanne Mulley £66.50 is the price of an Eastem County bus pass, so thereforeitisnotsurprisingthatan increasing number ofstudents are opting for a cheaper mode of transport - cycling. However, although getting on a bike is a more economical, healthier and quicker way to get to and from the University plain, the roads in Norwich have proved hazardous to some UEA cyclists. One student fractured her wrist in a cycling accident when some boys crossed the road in front of her near the University, and on a separate occasion she was hit by a car. Malcolm, a second-year student, was involved in an accident last year when he was knockedfromhisbikeonNewrnarket Road even though it his right of way. "I was around, obviously in pain, when the driver got out and asked if I was all right! " When asked whether he was wearing a cycling helmet at

the time he said no, and that the accident wasn't enough to persuade him to wear one, which is hardly surprising, considering their awesome appearance. Motorcycle bel-

thoughtofthem. Sheandher friends began wearing them after one of them had an accident. "All three of us went together to the shop to make sure none of us

"everyone should wear them," although it was not difficult to note the irony in her voice. One student who wears cycling helmets argues that "I would rather look silly than end up dead! Ifyou are knocked off your bike at least they provide protection especially at night when there are bunches of thugs driving around in


mets which evidently serve the same purpose are far more attractive and less embarrassing to wear. One advantage of cycling helmets is that they help to cover "inane hair-styles" that was Angela Ripley's response when asked what she

chickened out!" However, it would take more than three people to persuade Carmela Sepe to buy one. "They are an eyesore, and if I bought one it would cost me more than my bike did!" Katie Denny thought that

In the future, drivers who "cut-up" cyclists will be caught on camera at the junction of Grapes Hill and Dereham Road, which is known to be a traffic troublespot in Norwich. In the past it has claimed one life and caused injury to 25 cyclists. By establishing these cameras, traffic authorities are determined to discover what is going wrong and to reduce the number of accidents. Some feasible resolutions were voiced at a Norwich City Council meeting; they included installing a temporary "stickon" strip island near the petrol


PHOTO: Malcom Forbes- Cable

station on De re ham Road and highlighting the bus and cycle lanes at the end of St. Benedicts so that cars do not follow buses over Grapes Hill into Dereham Road. Les Hopkins of the Norwich Cycling campaign told councillors that he would welcome improvements and he said campaigners would be asking for cyclists' views on these suggestions. So what do UEA students think about cycling in Norwich? Malcolm thought that it was a fantastic place for cycling because it is so flat, but he expressed the general view of

many other students, that there are not enough cycle lanes. "It is so pathetic ... a real let down." Hefeelsthatthecouncil should provide more lanes, especially near the University. There are none along The Avenues or Bowthorpe Road - areas densely populated by students. Despite the drawbacks of cycling, it remains a popular method of mobility for many students. So whether it is for environmental reasons, health factors or purely economic ones, there are some very good reasons for "getting on yer bike". Right Norman Tebbit?

A de ..• ree "Without the work? Sue \lc\lanus ian·estigates and ..-sks two l ' E .-\ "gr·aduates", .John Peel And

Q: What doesn't cost anything, does not require work and can give "intense pleasure" to both you and your mother? A: An honorary degree. Well at least that's the imI gleamed from John Hons (FM). Every university in the country feels the need once a year to bestow, on major and minor celebrities alike, that magic qualification which the rest ofus would have traded blood, sweat, tears and a considerable amount of money (not to mention heightened risk of liver and lung

damage) to achieve. The Vice-Chancellor's office describes Honorary Degrees as "one of the ways in which universities honour individuals who have made significant contributions in their lives." One wonders why using this criteria, Oxford University awarded Margaret Thatcher such a qualification. UEA Honorary Degrees are awarded based on the nominations of the assembly, including student representatives invited to attend, which are then voted on by the Sen-

ate. A two-thirds majority is needed in order that the named person be asked ifthey wish to accept an Honorary Degree. Famous UEA Honorary Graduates include John Peel, Barry Norman, Arthur Miller, Harold Pinter and Doris Lessing, not to mention Sir Fred Hoyle (astronomer) and Sir Crispin Tickell (International Diplomat) now that name just cries out for letters to be placed after it. Barry Norman told me that he was "hugely flattered" to receive his Honorary Degree from UEA. He added that it was ''the only academic qualification I've ever achieved." In further contemplation he added "Yes .. .hugely flattering and I accepted with alacrity." This statement at least should silence the intellectual snobs amongst us that think people awarded Honorary Degrees are as thick as .. .well something not very pleasant (alacrity - learned friends means "cheerful readiness.") He sees his degree as essentially a "lovely ego massage",

but he recognises that the degree is of 'limited' use, observing "I should think it's a bit naff to go around calling yourself 'Doctor' simply because someone's given you an Honorary Degree but at the same time I think of myself as a Doctor of letters which is very nice.

It has to be put up there with "our wedding day and Liverpool's defeat of Real Madrid" John Peel is similarly appreciative, "I have to say I was extraordinarily proud to get mine ... as I've always had a chip on my shoulder about having been too thick to go to university." Aah. "I worked with somebody who used to constantly brag to me about his degree ... he used to put me down because ofhis university education and my lack of it. .. it was rather nice to actually have a degree which trumped his

without actually having to do any studying whatsoever." The awarding of Royal Honours has no more nobility than the university honours system as Peel notes, "When you've got a kind of honours system where you can buy yourself honours then quite plainly it's the mark of a gentleman not to have been mentioned in an honours list." John concurs with Barry that it's nice to hear yourself praised and it has to be put up there with "our wedding day and Liverpool 'sdefeatofReal

Bar..-~· ~oa·man

Madrid (as) the great moments of my life." At this point our discussion was diverted into a discourse about the obvious merits that Middlesbrough F.C. blatantly holds over Liverpool but somehow a consensus was not reached. Returning to the discussion, I asked, do Honorary Degrees hold any sort of advantage apart from trouncing friends. "Well, absolutely none at all" was the honest reply. They are only useful in order

their· , ·iews

to "impress the gullible or impress the easily impressed." It is quite ironic to note that under current economic conditions the issue becomes ... academic ... as degrees of any nature count for little. Social mobility through education is now symbolized by the graduate with firstclass honours asking challenging questions such as "sorry, did you say Chicken McNuggets or Fillet-0Fish?"


NORWICH 763663


Concrete , Wednesday, March 3, 1993

Too many Americans? Nigel Harding and Tara Hoke, themselves Americans, on UEA's yank phenomenon '\

.J .

ImagineyouareanAmerican exchange student coming to an English univrsity to study English literature. You have long dreamed of experiencing life in England, surrounding yourself with English people to truly un-

anticpiation of your arrival. move into your room and find that several of your neighbours are ...American ! Foiled in your first attempt to sample British culture,you take a walk around the campus.

AAAggghhh! There are approximately I 70 American students currently studying at UEA. more than any other university in the country. This may seem like a small number when compared to the 7000 students at the uniJohn believes that life at UEA has versity as a whole. However,considering that been a culturally educating virtually all of the exchange students live on campus, their experience. "After all, I could number makes up about I 0% never have gotten wasted in a bar of all students residing on the students were American and I are still plenty ofopportunites presence of Americans at . Plain. remember thinking 'why did to mix with English people if UEA could well enhance their back home at my age - so God The proportion of Ameri- I bother coming here ?'" youlookforthem." She added understanding of their subcans is even higher in EAS, However, overall, John be- that she was troubled by the jects and better prepare them save the Queen." with 106 visitors versus the lieves that life at UEA has sightofherfellow Americans for their own year abroad at To your delight you dis- (roughly) 700 students here been a culturally educating who seem to " build a wall an American university. derstand the English culture. You have come thousands cover a real-life English pub. ful l time. experience. "After all, I could around themselves "in the If nothing else, the cohab.A. of miles to get the once in a Your excitement level Has this abundance of their never have gotten wasted in a bars and residences, thus dis- tationofEnglish students wi~ lifetime opportunity of study- reaches fever pitch as you pre- countrymen caused problems bar back home at my age - so tanci ng British students . the American contingent in ingyourfavouriteauthorsand pare to taste the essence of for Americanshopingto blend God save the Queen." Americans on campus could halls ofresidenceshouldserve playwirhgts in the environ- English life. in ? Another visiting student, also be beneficial to British to promote understanding of ment which moulded them. In you walk, only to be faced John,a visiting student in Jarnie, said: " Yes, it's true students as well. the two cultures and advance Youstepofftheplane, catch with a sea of baseball caps EAS,said :" Ididhaveaclass thattherearealotofAmeriFormanyofthesestudents, the condition of Angloa.,....tr_ai_n_to_N_orw_ic_h..;.,w _ith...;;,gr_ea_t__an _d_c_o_lle..;;g;;..e_s_w_ea_i_shi_._rts_._ _ _w_h_e_re_I_s..;o_u_t_o_f_I_6_o_f_th.,e~....::can:=.::s:...:o:.:n:..:thi::.=: . s-=cam=..:..:p~u=s~b-=u.:..:tth~er~e-.!.p_artt_._cu_l_ar_ly::._th_o_se_i_n_E_A_S..:..,th_e_.:. :Am::..:.:. ::e.:. :ri..:. can:.:__r.. .:.e. . :.la__ti__ on_s__. _ __


conc.r ete classifieds To place a free classified ad In Concrete Ollln the form lxllow, and post HIn any ofthe Concrete classHied boxes around UEA. Tluly are situated at the Stewards Cabin In Union HouS~~, In the Concrete Office, at the University Post/loom, and at the Porters Lodge at FHers Lane. Your ad will normally appear In the next Issue aHhough we reS~~rve the right to amend orr~fuS~~ any ad. You remain personally responsible for any ad you placB.

Lee (Msc Blocolold) When shall we begin to row down the river of life .. .. ..

Nlghttlne 503504. Every night 8pm 8am. Norfolk Terrace C03. 12.


Shy caring lonely male looking for lasting friendship. Only genuine replies please Box 183 Hello Martians - Isn't it funny how things have changed even Clefam are being mellow and there has been no talk of heat rays -strange !


... ,


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Shy,lonely 1st year male requires quiet attractive 1st year female for friendship and nig hts o ut. Box No 181 Dear Richard - Happy late Valentines day , thanks for the week, let's hope that there are many more .... .. not that many! Love Sarah xx

Nearly NEW Amlga 600 (new model). Boxed. games. joystick. under garuntee £220 Tel5923 70

Baseball jacket. burgundy with white leather sleeves £20 o .n.o. hltec advance tennis shoes originally £30 virtually new - £10. size 6 1/2. Phone Paul 617158 or write to Box No 182. Commodore Amlga ASOO( l megabyte RAM) w ith wordsworth word processor (on d isk). and o rig inal games software. Offers hopefully over £150 . Contact Nell Wllson SOC 2 or phone 629435.

wanted Good quality mountain/ hybrid bike. Any offers . Contact J.Hardacre EUR 3. House for 6/7 people for next academic year. Contact Karen Vems PHY 1 or Loulse Lambert EAS 1. 'Rewards' available If you can helplll Manuskrlpt · UEA's very own Haircut Band tourIng soon . Interested In getting Involved?- either promotion /artwork/contribution s t o affiliated fanzlne etc. . Get In touch . Also 4 track demo re-available soon .... keep the faith . Contact Mike Uwlns ENV 3.

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Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993


2 't_

( Week~-' Spring Term, 1993 )

The official line on·what's happening in your Union

Government Plans Reveal Societies Funding To Cease The intentions ofEducation Secretary John Patten on the prospects for student unions have this week become clear. The Government look set to publish a white paper in the next few weeks which will entail major changes to the way Unions run. The main proposals will include the splitting up of Union activities into core activities which will be funded from the block grant and non-core activities which will have to be funded by students paying a political levy at the start of each year. It appears that housing advice and welfare will come under core provisions and be something which every student has to remain entitled to, along with the ~vision of Union Sporting fa~ties.

However, many activities such as funding clubs and societies, Rag, Student Community Action will become non-core. Thus it

will become illegal for the Union to contribute any funds to clubs and societies, other than what's in the levy. NUS were quick to respond to this new threat by starting consultation for its own proposals for reform in advance of Government legislation. NUS are taking on the Government on its proposals for voluntary membership by putting forward the possibility ofan opt out -conscience clause . This would mean that if a student decided they desperately didn't want to be associated with the Union and its clubs & societies, then they could sign a piece of paper saying they want nothing to do with it and then disap.. pear. The Union Executive have responded by a cautious welcome to the document, however Student's Forum will have the final say when it meets next week, (anybody wanting to contribute

welcome : Wed Wk8, 6pm, Conference Room). Communications Officer Richard Hewison said, "I have no problems with the NUS approach : the opt out clause still guarantees the automatic entry to the Union by all, and think few people will take up the opt out. I think it is important that it is a conscience clause and not a here's a tenner if don't join the Union which would be a most cynical move. The Governments pay to join proposal would be devastating : this year in one week 2000 students queued for an NUS card in UH and it was chaos. To get 6000 people to have to pay before even joining societies would spell catastrophe. • The Executive believe the priority in fighting this legislation must be to get the Government to recognise the value of clubs and societies contribute to student life, and ensure their future as a Union core activity.

30 Week Rooms Back A major landmark in the fight to keep ( /make) residence accommodation more friendly to students was reached last Tuesday when the University's Student Affairs Committee made a surprise move in backing the Union's urgent plea for licence lengths to suit student needs. Union Communications Richard Hewison said of meeting, "this decision represents the culmination of a vast amount ofhard work on the Un-

ion's part in both lobbying the committee and producing detailed figures to back up our claims. However, the fight is not over yet- the decision to go ahead with 30 week licences next year has been taken, but we must ensure it is not overturned at a later stage. The Union are to launch an intensive survey of residence needs in the very near future. • Other members of Student Affairs Committee were strongly in support of this move,

including academics. SYS lecturer andrepresentativeofSenate, Allison McLintock said, "I am very happy that the committee recommended the retention of the 30 week licence to allow students maximum flexibility necessary in times of fmancial hardship." The next committee to discuss the matter will be General Purposes Committee who do, theoretically, have the power to overturn SAC's recommendations. We must ensure they do not!

Skiving, Lazy, Scrounging Sabbaticals? It's not all perks ,perks ,pe~b! In the last issue the pleasant sideofbeinga sabbatical was reported . However there is a lot more to it than getting in free to watch The Saw Doctors. Read on and be astounded,well vaguely interested perhaps maybe possibly potato. Never having been involved in the union before I became Finance Officer, I was swprised at how difficult the job was. Often the sabbaticals work late into the evenings and sometimes at weekends. The amount of information to take in as quickly as possible is immense; and we are often expected to argue issues with University staff who are vastly more experienced than we are. On taking up the post you are immediately expected to become the Margaret Thatcher ofpublic speaking (although not necessarily with the same views). Sitting in a council chamber surrounded by patronising University bigwigs is not as pleasant an experience as getting stuck in a lift with Kylie Minogueand some ice-

cream. Management Committee (4 sabbaticals+ the General Manager) have made over 300 decisions this year alone. Without the sabbaticals the day-t<Hiay running of the union and its company would be left to the staff. It has been said that nobody knows what the sabbaticals do.Well ,how many people know what the General Manager's called? How many people know that we even have one? Whilst I have been writing this article I have been interrupted by 4 clubs who had to see me ,3 telephone calls and a cardboard cutout of Barbara Streisand. That's not all I personally have to do.I am a member of 14 committees ,which are the places that all decisions are made ,believe it or not. I have also done a budget of over £500,000, sat on the Waterfront Trust and many ,many more besides (not available in the shops). I am the officer responsible for all staff,Chairperson of the Company (SUS Services Ltd.),responsible for allocating funds to all societies and a charming, intelligent ,witty,handsomemember of the community.

Whilst I admit there are perks available absolutely no-one could/would attend all LCR's ,gigs and films.Richard Hewison said: "In my year as • a sabbatical ,I have attended 1 gig ,no ftlms and about 3 LCR's. One of the reasons for this is that ,on many occasions ,I'm actually working late whilst gigs are taking place." Chris Hollingworth ,when contacted ,retorted: "Sabbatical ,what sabbatical? Never heard of him .Anyway get out ,... of the toilet. Bog offi" Being a sabbatical is often a thankless task and involves a great deal of hard work. People still criticise these strange animals but often without any idea of what they actually do and having made no attempt to get involved. After all , not long ago we were students too. We have social lives (to some extent) and we can only try and do the best job that we are able to do. Congratulations to Annie, _.. Jacqui, Lizzi & Shelley - we hope you know what you're lettingyourselvesinfor. Watch out for a coming feature-" A Day in the Life of a Sabbatical" by Chris HollingworthFinance Officer.

NUS Produces Most Devasting New Evidence Constructive Document Yet The National Union of Students recently produced its most widely acclaimed work ever in its new Charter for Students. The document was produced as a response to the Government's announcement of its intention to produce a Student's Charter as part of its series of rights charters. However, the anticipation of this by NUS has forced the Government back to the drawing board on its proposals. (For full details see the ad on page 2) With the move towards semesterisation now gathering

pace at a frantic speed, the NUS

document addresses the problems which may be faced by students in a manner which has drawn widespread praise from the media. The charter argues for compensation for late grants, a return to the benefit system and the proper & adequate fmancing of any move to semesterisation for both institutions and students. NUS Officer Shelley Wright said of the document, "I believe very strongly that the charter demonstrates NUS's unblinkered and forthright atti-

tude towards the future of higher education : it would of no use to merely ignore or deride semesterisationandNUShavetackled the issue in such a way as to ensure students get a real input into the structure which will result." Copies of the Charter are available from the Communications Officer, Richard Hewison, upstairs in Union House. For any students interested in having their comments fed back to NUS on the charter, there will be a meeting to discuss it Mon. wklOat lpmintheBillWilson Room.

Shows Exec Crumbling

Shocking new evidence provides a clear indication that the current executive cannot hold on much longer. A spate of resignations has now left a mere 14 members left out ofa full committee of 15! A clearly distressed Union Communications Officer said, -I'm afraid we cannot deny the truth that the executive is on its last legs. Obviously, the resignation of Jim Hickman

was entirely due to executive

friction, the fact he moved to Birmingham being completely incidental. A closer inspection of the executive reveals even more worring trends : of the current 11 full members of the executive only I0 have been there since the start of the year and have no intention of resigning. Clear signs of apathy are evident in the vacant post for Publicity

Officer too. Union spokesperson Richard Stalin said, "I just can't understand it, the post has already been advertised for 3 days and a mere 3 people have enquired about how to go about standing." All this would seem uncontravertable proof that the exec is down for the count -look out for more quality journalism to expose the truth in a paper near you soon!

IPravda is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. It appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete j·-


Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993

concrete 0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4, 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Chief Editor: Peter Hart ~ Editors: Gill Fenwick & Suzanne Turner Happenings Editor: Darren Fisher Sports Editor: Katharine Mahoney Chief Reporter: Polly Graham Picture Editor: Craig Eason Staff Photographer: Rob Hardy Advertising: Simon Mann Distribution: John Barton Layout Assistants: Paul Coslett, Mike Bradbrook Proof Readers: Alistair Cushion, David Hatton Typists: Thuy La, Harry Stockdale, Niall Hampton, Georgina King Photographers: Phil Vickers, Malcolm Forbes-Cable, Mark Turner, Caroline J(jepels Contributors: Niall Hampton, David Berridge, Matt Broersma, Hany Stockdale, Georgina King, Jamie Putnam, Amanda Cresswell, Amir Muhammed, Vicky Whitfield, Julia Smith, Caroline Kiepels, Joanne Mulley, Sue McManus, Nigel Harding, Tara Hoke, Paul Lynes, S Grocett, John Holmes

Many Thanks to Technical Advisors: Neil Barnden, Mike Salmon, Peter Roberts, Dave Cartwright Thanks to: Union House Stewards

.,..: .

Concrete (including "Happenings") is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Management. (c) 1993 Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich Concrete is printed on recycled paper, using biodegradable inks


Ove seas students On February 15, Week 6 the Overseas Students Association held an "International Festival 93" at the LCR This event was a great suecess due to the excellent organisation on behalf of the O.S.A. Committee and the participation of the various cultural societies. These included, The oriental, Hellenic, Malaysian, Asian, Skan Klan, Latin, Ethiopian and Arabic. Others who also took part included the Ballroom Society and the Jugglers of UEA. There were magnificent independent perfonners such

as the soul duet of Huggy Bukeuya and Tom Chapman and all outside professional flamenco show, food stalls by the already mentioned cultural societies, clothes by Lynx and Valentina a photography exhibition by Paul Harley and the participation of the International Norwich club. The finale of the festival was an International Fashion Show and a disco with world wide music. This cultural evening has taken place in previous years, but usually on a smaller scale. We hope that this year was a stepping stone for the festi-

val to become in the future a recognized and well known annual event. It seems as though overseas students are a minority at this university, but statistics show the contrary. Nine hundred students are foreign which represents approximately 20% of UEA. The festival had various aims. The main ones were, to represent and support fo reign students, to bring together all the various cultures and traditions, and the same way overseas students learn about British culture the festival gave the opportunity to allow

home students to appreciate and taste different food, traditions, music, dance, extravagance and humour. Goodbye 92-93 committee. Welcome the 93-94 committee. They are: Savvas Haperis President. Allan Sene Vice-president. Karin Ioannidis. Secretary. Gunesh. Treasurer. GeorgePaglas.Shakil Ahmed. Social Co-ordinator.

Khairul. Sports Co-ordinator. Shakil Ahmed

Burglars on campus? Copy of a letter sent to the Accommodation Office UEA Febroary 15. We had to report another attempted break-in to the porters last night. This time the burglar got as far as trying to pry the doors of rooms 2 and 3 open with a sharp object. For over a week now, we have had someone knocking on the ground level windows to see if we are in, loitering in out hallway and rurming away when discovered, and even turning the door-handle when we have been inside the room! We have also

noticed that when this person is trying to break-in, his accomplice waits outside on the grass and watches. It is likely that the burglar is a fellow student also living on the Plain. He enters so frequently that he probably has a pass-key to the front door, and there have been no signs of forced entry to that door. So far, we havenotbeenablcto catch him, but we have reported

each incident to the porters as it has happened. We feel like "sitting-ducks." By next week this person will most likely have succeeded in his attempt to break-in. Surely it is within your mandate to provide safe, or at least reasonably safe, accommodation for students. Our personal property and physical safety are at risk Names and address withheld

Cancer appeal I wonder whether I could appeal through your letters page for people to support Tenovus, the Cancer Charity, whenever they are taking part in any sort of sponsored event, be it a marathon run, parachute drop, head shave, bungee jump or whatever! Tenovus, a registered charity, have been established for nearly 50 years and are one of the leading cancer charities providing funds for cancer research and, through the Freephone CancerHelpline(0800 526527)and our experienced nurse cotmsellors, comfort and support for cancer patients and their families. lf any of your readers would like to j oin our doctors and nurses in the fight against cancer, they can send for our sponsor pack and free T-shirt by phoning 0222 621433 or writing to the address below. Peter Seark Appeals Mauager Tenovus 11 Whitchurch Road CARDIFF CF4JJN

Feminist Writers Novels by Women Women Travel Writers Books by women gardeners Women Artists Political Women Female stars of stage and screen Famous cook beaks by women Women poets and playwrights Celebrated women in history Science and medicine W omens s porting personalities

Womens day postcards plus NEW FEMINIST T-SHIRTS

. Concrete, Wednesday, March 3, 1993



Semi-brilliant Ballroom Darren Fisher reports back on a night of relative success for BALADS Sunday February 14 started at 5:30 in the morning for the membersofBALADS, UEA's own Ballroom And Latin American Dancing Society. Valentine's day it may have been, but there was little romance present in the cold bodies standing outside Union House in the dark, waiting for the coach to take them to the Winter Garden Pavillion in Weston-Super-Mare. At about the same time every year all the Universities in the South converge on one unsuspecting location to strutt their stuff, and show the judges that (hopefully) they are the best. Amoung those competing this year were Oxford, Cambridge, and London hnperial, so UEA were up against some stiffcorn-

petition. First up were the beginnersthe dances the Jive and Quickstep. Out of the four couples in this section three made the semi-fmalsinat least one dance, and for the ftrst time ever UEA got a couple into the final. Next came the team competition, where four couples form a team and each dance a different dance - this year it was the Jive, Quickstep, Cha Cha Cha and Waltz. The standard was very much higher than the beginners, but again UEA did better than ever before, getting into the semi's of the ~altz. In the open event, where anyone can enter ofany standard, again UEA made the semi-finals, this time in the Rumba. At the end of the day there

remained only the presentation ceremony, but unfortunatley, the first couple up to receive an award were from UEA, but they left empty handed as the organisers had miscounted how many trophies they had. However, at the end of the ceremony, they realised they in fact did have enough trophies, and UEA had the honour of receiving the ftnal award of the night, which usually has the prestige of going to the winning team. The winning team this year was Imperial who also won nearly every other trophy. After the last waltz, all that remained was to trek home, and start practising for the Inter-Varsity competition in week 8, where all will meet again, this time battling it out in London.

Good fun ... or madness?

Cricketcr-6 on form The UEA indoor 6-a.side cricket team, have so far had a sparkling early season, writes Simon Grocott. After thumping victories in their opening two matches of the league, UEA were expected to do well. The first game ofthe season was an easy 79 run victory over Breckland, and the second match was a similar field day for the batsmen, with the exception of the captain, C. Jackson, who was out first ball! On the 7th February the UEA Cricket team met an extremely strong Thetford A team. After travel arrangements went awry, UEA eventually fielded a full six players. UEA won the toss but their batting failed to come up to its high billing, with the final score only reading a mortifYing I 06 for 5. John Price was run out by S. Bell after their picnic, half way through the run, throwing UEA 's whole game plan into a worrying frenzy . Only a last wicket stand by D. Fox, supported by S. Grocott managed to alleviate the situation and produce a slightly respectable scoreline. As the tension rose, UEA knew they would have to field out of their skin to prevent Thetford stealing the victory. They did so in dramatic fashion, with a great all-round bowling performance and inspired fielding by D. Smitt. The sixth batsman and the Thetford Captain however, proved to be the thorn in UEA's side, scoring an individual&! not out. This put Thetford in the position of needing four runs from the last ball of the game, but they could only manage two in their bid for victory. The crowd gave both teams a standing ovation as they left the pitch.

Warren Smart spoke to the Parachuting Club about the excitement of the sport "From 0 to 125 miles per hour in 3 seconds," boasts a poster with the seductive picture of a brightly coloured person falling from an aircraft, backdropped by clear blue skies. I was asked to meet with Jon Sealer, president of the Parachute Society, to find out whyright minded individuals were throwing themselves, gleefully out ofplanes, to intricately stitched ~ trying to survive a fall earth.

The young man who dropped himself into the booth beside me looked sane enough, he even looked like a regular bloke. As you may have guessed, as cliched as it may seem, I come from the school of thought that says exiting a perfectly good aircraft, goes against the grain somewhat. Would this "bloke" convince me otherwise? It would have been easy to tackle a Biggles look alike, if only because I have an ingrown dislike for the good looking all singing, all dancing 90's style hero, all after-

shave and perfect smiles. The cautious Jon Sealer was now sitting, waiting for my first question with that puzzled look o( "1 know what you're going to write about, the madness ofjumping out of perfectly serviceable aircraft." Damn, he'd found me out. This was not going to be the push over I'd hoped for. More importantly, I was impressed by this mild mannered polite and very sane chap. He spoke of how the club meets regularly to drive down to Peterborough, where each jump costs eighteen pounds which drops to twelve pounds after some experience has been gained. It takes one and a half days to complete the training required for the first jump, which is in the afternoon of the second day. Equipment is provided and thanks to the association being a member of the British Collegiate Association, each jumper can either join for just one "experience" jump or move up to competition. One can even move


Worth their weight in gold? By Matthew Brown Winning an Olympic gold medal, it would seem, does not necessarily guarantee continued recognition or future financial security. Eight British athletes won gold medalsinBarcelona,buthowmany people now, six months later, could recall the names of all eight? Most, if not all, will remember Linford Christie and Sally Gunnell. Chris Boardman will probably remain in the memories of most people, even if it is due to his Lotus bike rather than his actual performance. What of the remaining five though? The Searle brothers, Johnny and Greg, Garry Herbert, Matthew Pinsent and Sieve Redgrave. Howmanycouldclaim to remember British rowing's "famous five''? Linford Christie could probably earn enough over the next four years from advertisements, endorsements, and guest appearances to never have to work, or run, again. The same, however, cannot be said for Sieve Redgrave. His personal sponsorship from MI group has run out and, unless another sponsor is found in the next few months, he will be forced to stop


B •

rowing at the top level. It is not as though Steve Redgrave is a new face in British sport either, with three consecutive Olympic golds, three world titles, and triple gold at the 1986 Commonwealth games, he is not only the most successful British oarsman, but arguably the most successful British Olympic athlete. For Steve Red grave to be forced from the top level due to a lack of sponsorship would be a travesty of justice. If Beefeater Gin can find £1 m to support the Boat Race for the next three years, surely somebody can come up with enough to keep Steve Redgrave rowing, at least until the 1996 Olympics at Atlanta. There is little point in promoting rowing at Oxbridge, and other universities, if those that attain the highest levels are then forced from the sport because of a lack of support.The media are partly to blame, if rowing remains at the edge of British sports coverage it will never attain the levels of interest, and sponsorship, afforded to other niore noticeable sports. It is time that rowing was brought to the nation's attention and the myth ofrowing being an elitist sport lost.

OTTON onto frcefall sky diving after gaining some experience at the static line jumping stage. The club has some forty members at present and would like to sec more people. They will even arrange a few days for the Easter holidays and Jon was keen to impress that he and the other members of the club will always be willing to arrange transport for those wishing to join. I was impressed and even excited by the very sane and exciting sport that I secretly knew was good fun and as safe as falling off a kerb. Maybe I'm just a coward at heart, who knows, I might just give ita go.

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The Commercial Union UAU results The Men~ 3rd Hockey have unfortunately been beaten at the quarter final stage by Loughborough. Result: UEA 0 v Loughborough 12


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concre e s Sports injuries Sports injuries can be painful, frustrating and expensive. Katharine Mahoney looks at how to help the healing process







Sport is getting more and more competitive every year and athletes are pushing themselves harder than ever before. This inevitably means that sporting injuries are becoming more common. The type of injury sustained differs according to which sport you are doing. Contact sports have a high rate of injuries, in football for instance the most common injuries are to the ligaments in the ankle, especially external ligaments. Also common are knee injuries (either ligaments or cartilage) which are usually caused by the trawna of a tackle. In hockey, surprisingly the most common injuries are to the calf, more often than not caused by being hit with a hockey stick or a fast moving ball. Broken legs are another hazard, with a lay-up period of 6-8 weeks and very slow rehabilitation because of the high susceptibility of the limb being broken agam iflt does not heal strongly enough. In badminton the most common injuries occur in the shoulder and the back, usually in the form of pulled muscles. Squash is the same, although it has a higher incidence of lower back disc problems due to the fast, twisting, turning nature of the game. Athletics has most incidents of knee injuries, usually caused by over-training. Many youngsters suffer from knee problems such as inflammation because they are pushed too hard too soon. In adults the most common injuries are shin splints and stress fractures, these take a long time to heal with three months lay-off and a slow rehabilitation. Stress fractures can be very di fficult to diagnose, the only way to detect them is Urrough a bone scan and they often don ' t show up until Utey have started to heal. Sprinters can have alot of upper arm problems, possibly due to the action of the arms when running. Torn muscles are common in top-<:lass athletes when they are pushing themselves to their limits. In all sports, especially contact sports, cuts will occur. Facial injuries may need stitch-

ing but just as important is the need for an up-to-date tetanus injection. East Anglia has the highest incidence of lockjaw, caused by the tetanus bacteria which occurs in the ground. Perhaps the most frightening injury to deal with though is when a player swallows their tongue. If

After only three minutes a person can stop breathing, and if no blood is taken to the brain this could prove fatal this happens, it is imperative that quick action is taken. The usual method is to try to pull the tongue from the Urroat. After only three minutes a person can stop breathing and if no blood is taken to the brain it could prove to be fatal. These days, after an mjUf) has been sustained there are specialist ways of helping the heal ing process. Tite three mo.>t common pieces of equipment used for spor ts treatments and rehabilitations are laser, ultrasound and inta-ferential. Laser is used to treat inflammation . It breaks down lactic acid which is built up in the muscles when the patient is injured. Ultra-sound on the other hand enlarges the blood vessels. This means that more blood can be sent to the injured area. Lastly inta-ferential treatment

is used to stimulate muscles. A multi-gym is also used in the rehabilitation process, to build up injured muscles. A vital new piece of modern technology is now coming into use. The !so-kinetic machine tests muscles for strength and endurance. lt can also give a reading of the comparisons of one limb's strength to another. Lasers and ultra-soWld can be very dangerous in unqualified hands. An ultra-sound on too hot and left for too long will basi1:ally change a muscle and make it go fib rous and the tissue may eventual!) have to be cut out, if damaged badly enough. Some of the injuries mentioned can be prevented. Many people warm-up, but warming down can be j ust as}t. A proper warm-up will take about twenty minutes. At first it should be static, thigh stretching and calf hmbering up. Then moving on to running and moving exercises to stretch and warm-up all the muscles. At the end of each match, ten minutes warming down will help to disperse the lactic acid buildup in the muscles. This should be done directly after the match and involves stretching leg muscles, lying on your back and stretching back and shoulder muscles. Deep breathing exercises will also help. Although sports injuries can be very painful and frustating, there is now so much new technology that more injuries can be successfully treated than ever before.

This is the last issue of Concrete this term. The next issue will be out on April28. Happy Easter from all the team!



John Holmes looks into a worrying dilemma The introduction of Ute Common Course Structure in 1993/4 will herald a series of changes to academic life as we know it. It will also however, have repercussions on our non-academic life too, particularly sport. Wednesday afternoons have traditionally been kept free oflectures and seminars, in order that there could be a common period, nationwide for students to participate in inter-university sport, play in local leagues and practice for matches. This honourable tradition also provided a time for student parents to spend time with their children, it meant some students could take jobs and in recent years it had been utilised for the University' sown very popular Grand Prix Competition. This situation may no longer hold and Ute University seems to be introducing the new policy by a process of stealth. At one meeting it says that Wednesdays will only be used as

a last resort and on the other a school like SOC is timetabling 12 slots between 1400 and 1900 on Wednesday afternoons - hardly last resort. The SOC guide to the introduction of C .C.S. clearly states that while 1300-1400 will be kept clear, Wednesday afternoons and the " unsociable" hours of 17001900 will be treated just like any others. There is the impression that most, if not all, other schools have a similar outlook. If this is the case we will therefore have 45 hours a week of potential teaching time (09.001900 minus lunchtime, five days a week). That compares with 32 hours at present (0.900-1700 minus lunchtime 4 and a half days a week). That would seem to represent an increase at about 30+%. Now, it is certain that student numbers will not be increasing by that amount (or staff numbers) therefore why do we need so much

potential teaching time? The University argues that flexibility is needed to accomodate the timetables across the Schools. The point is that flexibility should also incorporate the clear desire shown on the part of students to take part in non-academic activities - indeed the University should see it as fundamental Utat University life is not only about taking a degree. It is a case of building characters, experience and encouraging responsibility and activity. This point really should be taken on board, and the University must realise that losing Wednesday afternoons will deprive a great many people ofa chance to participate in University life. More importantly for sport, if we lose Wednesday when are we going to chance to keep up sporting act! ties such as practices? And what will happen to participation in competitions such as the UAU ' s? Only time will tell.


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