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HOUSE HUNr/NG ~,,.NU fliT IW/11£IA1/'IIM
Work could start in 2 months- "Spend to improve" says Finance Officer
By Peter Hart
IBy Niall Hampton I PLANS have been revealed to refurbish theentranceto Union House in a scheme likely to cost in the region of£100,000. The scheme, which would include the complete re-designing of the existing entrance to illl, would be jointly funded by the Union and the University, who own the building. Plans include building a new entrance to Union House from the bus turnaround, completely reconstructing the reception area, and creating a new retail outlet where the Steward's office now stands.
It is understood that as soon as the exact financing for the scheme is agreed with the University, then building work would be clear to start in the Summer vacation. However, the retail outlet would not be ready in time for the Autumn Semester, so this will be fitted out in the first few weeks of term. Speaking about the Union's plans, Finance Officer Chris Hollingworth said that, "Higher Education is expanding and the Union needs to expand with it. "We are the social focus ofcampus and we have a duty to our members to continue and improve
our current services." The scope of the scheme does not just encompass the interior of Union House. The bus turnaround, presently out of use, is to be transformed. The compactor and the bins will be removed, car parking spaces restricted, and new trees planted. Officials are keen to make this area the first part ofUEA seen by visitors, which explains their possible involvement in the Union's plans. For some time the University have been attempting to have a bin store in the bus turnaround, and, in a shrewd piece of negotiation, the
Union have finally offered this to them in return for the University considering and partly funding the scheme. This would necessitate the Union converting the store that is currently rented by the Red Sound PA company, who provide technical backup for Union Entsevents. This could result in them relocating in Norwich, which, with the cost of transport, may increase the prices ofLCR discos and Jive gigs. The Union plan to get round this problem by eventually buying their own PA system, likely to cost in
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
DEFUNCT City music venue, The Waterfront, will re-open for three weeks in June for a series ofone-offevents, according to Union Finance Officer, Chris Hollingworth. The Union will be running the King Street venue partly to prove they are competent enough to take it over on a permanent basis. Chris says the Council's Leisure and Community Services Officer, David Albutt, agreed last Tuesday that the Waterfront could definitely be opened by the Union on a "one off basis", although the dates still have to be set ButNickRayns, the Union's Entertainments Officer, said they would like to open the venue for three weeks, on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. He added that the line up for the nine nights would probably include 3 major national bands, plus a series of 'club nights' which in the past have always been well attended. Chris explained that the pilot scheme was necessary because the Union has acted
on limited information about the venue, and had little idea abof.t the costs and logistics inv~lved.
It would also enable them to j~e response from students
and local people. Cbris added that it should not cost a lot to try, and that the Unipn' s existing staff and m~ement team would be used on this occasion. But there are problems to be faced before the venture can go
Manager of the Sheffiel Leadmill (a broadcast venlle for this year's Sound Cil)j '93), Phil Mills, said after an inspection of the Waterfront that £7,000 will need to be ~t to get the building readY for use. Preparations would include rem ving boards from the windo , re-applying for the Public ntertainments Licence
whi h has lapsed, and bringing industrial crane to hoist a tonne rock away from the fron doors of the venue, placed th~ as a security measure. said Chris: "We' d hope the Co~cil would contribute an
to Page 2, Col. 2
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Union Face lift? Cont. from Page 1
Waterfront Cont. from Page 1
the region of £75,000 But Chris Hollingworth sees this as being more cost effective. "Renting equipment is dead money, so there's no downside m buying it instead. In the long term it's better", he sa1d. Another longer term project could see the Union enhancing the LCR, and partitioning the area near its emergency exit. This would be used as an extension of the Hive in the daytime, and would be able to stage small concerts in the evenmg. The Union are also about to replace the carpet in the LCR, at a cost of£28 000. ChrisHollingworth sees this as perfectly viable. " Social space m UH is at a premium We need the LCR as a new social space, necessary for the enhancement of trade", he said, adding that "we must spend to improve".
amount to reopen the venue " He added that the Council have already stated that they would have to spend a " sizeable amount" of money to get the venue up-andrunning again. Because the Waterfront Trading Co. had no assets, further costs would inevitably include hiring m lights and a PA system, as well as equipping and stocking the bar. Chris also stated that if the Union did take over the venue on a permanent basis, then a cross-campus ballot would be conducted to determine the student view to the proposal. He now believes the Union to be the only serious contender to reopen the Waterfront. " We' re in with an excellent chance," he saJd. •The Umon ' s move comesjust3 months after the venue was forced to close,after The Waterfront T rading Company was forced to go into hqu1dation, w1th debts totalling more than £360,000.
Having a ball TI-llS year's LAW Ball will be the "best ever", according to LAW Society President, Jamil Abdullah He says the amount of 'entertainment' will ensure 1ts success. Events planned mclude: DA Laser show, DLaser shooting, DMag1C1ans and Jugglers, DUEA's String Quartet, DA Jazz band and DACasino.
Tickets for this year's LAW ball went on sale today (Tuesday), although only to members of the LAW soc and the school itself The system will be repeated on Wednesday, with tickets gomg on sale to other students from Thursday Non-members tickets are £36 for dinner (a three course meal) or £25 for those Wishing to arrive afterwards. They are available from Earlham Hall. Maximum 2 p/p.
Campus buses to be rerouted
PLANS ARE underway to reroute the bus services on the Plain, rendering the bus turnaround outside Union House obselete, writes Georgina King. From the end of the summer, buses will stop at Waveney Terrace and at the back of the Arts building on Chancellor' s Drive before gomg down to the Sainsbury Centre and Constable Terrace. The cost of the rerouting, estimated at £20,000, includes the construction of two new bus shelters and the reinforcing of give way signs by the Porter' s Lodge to prevent accidents. John Smith, Planning Manager for the Eastern Counties Omnibus Company, explained that there will be more stops, "wh1ch means buses
will be able to go deeper into the University". He added that, "We are adaptable to any changes the University fmd necessary; we just want to serve as much of the Plain as possible." Eleven buses an hour are routed through the Plain and Colin Browning, Union Welfare Officer, admitted that, "With the Sports Centre, cyclists, pedestrians, and bUlldmg works, the bus turnaround used to be dangerous". He explamed that the new route "will make the area much safer". Fears thatthe rerouting will have a negative impact on trade in the Hive and other outlets m Union House, which are commonly used as stopping points before catching a bus, have been dispelled by the
Union's Finance Officer, Chris Hollingworth . "I would be very shocked if trade in the Hive was affected", he said, adding that, "Wtth student numbers on the increase, trade in Union outlets wtll certainly increase".
£5 gigs DIN A NEW policy, Ents are offering 3 major bands in the LCR this term for £5 each. They are: The Fall (May 9), Blur(June 2) and Kingmaker (June 11). See Ents feature on pages 26 and 27.
UEA student in cliff escape SECOND YEAR ENV student Nicholas Long survived an horrific accident last week when his car fell 70 feet down a cliff at East Runton, near Cromer. Rescue workers had to work for over two hours to free him from the wreckage. Nicholas, who was trapped upside down between the front seats and the roof, was eventually cut free from the wreckage of his Nissan Micra car by fire crews from Sheringhamand Cromer following the accident on April 17. Access to the scene of the accident was severely impaired because of a lack of roads leading to the beach below. Consequently, a helicopter had to be used to airlift Nicholas to hospital in Gorleston. He was believed to be suffering from head injuries, and during the rescue kept lapsing into unconsciousness. Police are making enquiries as to why Nicholas appeared to be driving around a field near the cliff then finally drove over the cliff edge. Witnesses saw the car fall over the cliffand somersault before landing up wedged to the cliff 15 feet above the beach.
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Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Cars damaged at Mary Chapman Court
BEER PRICES look set to fall yet again for students at Birmingham University following a decision to change brewers. The University's Guild of Students (a former Union disaffiliated from the NUS) has been able to take advantage of free market competition for their lucrative business. The quest for lower beer prices in their outlets therefore seems to be realisable following the cessation of purchasing from the NUS beverage account. Bottoms Up chaps. SCANDAL FEATURED in Bath University's recent Sabbatical Elections when one of the leading candidates was disqualified and subsequently banned from using Union facilities. Apparently, the candidate had organised smear campaigns and had broken 'just about all the rules". Turnout for the election was WJderstood to be 25% of the student population - higher UEA's 16%. However, 's election was notably lacking an energetic RON campaign, as staged 'anonymously' here at UEA. DROP-OUT rates at Essex University have risen by 22%, according to their newly relaunched student newspaper, somewhat ingeniously titled "Exess". In addition to this, 6% of students were reported to be in debt to the University, to the tune of at least £485 each, an increase of 20%. However, whilst the amount of student debt increases, the average payout from Essex's access fund has fallen by almost 25% to £291 . THOUGHT to be "from a north London college" have been linked to terrorist activities through their membership of hard left Trotskyite group Red Action, according to media reports. The police believe that the group, set up by expelled Socialist Workerpartyrnernbers, have been aiding terrorist groups such as the IRA and the lNLA. The students are thoughttohave been involved in planting a bomb aboard a train at London's Victoria station in February. UCCA (The Universities Central Council on Admissions) are proposing to dispense with the system whereby provisional offers are made to students while they are still studying for their 'A'levels. They suggest instead that University applications should be made after the receipt of 'A'-level results.
News sources: Redbrick, Spike, Excess.
Pay as you wash in Norwich homes Report by Georgina King
Security fears at City residences STUDENTS LIVING at the University's Mary Cltapman Court residences are becoming increasingly worried about its security. Over the past few months, the University has been made aware of a significant increase in crime against student property at the residences, which are situated close to the centre ofNorwich in Duke Street. Most of the problems concern security in the underground car park, although other incidents have taken place without having been officially reported. Recent incidents have included a man shooting at resident's windows with an air rifle, whilst another man has apparently been walking through the car park gratuitously damaging cars with a hammer. In addition, four cars were broken into in one night last term. Concrete spoke to a former residentofMaryChapman Court, who informed us that cars have been stolen, windows smashed, and that drug dealing frequently takes place on an estate backing on to the resi-
By Niall Hampton and Harry Stockdale dences. "it's a bad area but no-one has bothered to secure the car park", he said, before adding that he "suffered it for two terms." It would appear that because the Mary Chapman Court residences are three miles from campus, and because the car park is owned by the Council, that University officials have decided to concentrate crime prevention efforts on campus and at Fifer's Lane. Maurice Morson, Superintendent of UEA's Portering and Security Services, conceded that they had no plans to install closed circuit television or to hire security guards. "Last year the crime rate in Norwich hit the 32,000 mark", he explained. "If I was a student I wouldn't park my car in the car park unprotected - I would have an alarm system added. I know students want to blame someone, but the only people you can blame are
Student friendly insurance scheme?
the criminals." Colin Browning, Union Welfare Officer, is aware of the problems in the car park and has brought the case before the Tuesday Club several times already this year. At one point Norwich City Council removed the faulty lighting in the car park, leaving students to fumble around in the dark, although they stated that new lighting was going to be fitted . A Council spokesman acknowledged that a "long term solution for security has yet to be found", adding that the premises would be checked over on a regular, but not a daily basis, by housing officers.
ANGLIAN WATER are introducing metered water for every house in Norwich over the next twenty years, despite fears that those hardest hit will be students and low income families. The company says metering could mean cheaper water for thousands of customers, especially single householders and small families in larger homes. However, Shelley Wright, Welfare Officer Elect , has branded the scheme "appalling". She believes that "Water is a luxury item, like gas and electricity; there is not an unlimited supply, but this is certainly not the best way to conserve it." Students have also condemned the scheme. John (MTH2), complained that"Everytimeyou have a bath, or just turn on the tap, it'll add to the bill." The scheme makes Anglian Water one of the first companies in the country to adopt compulsory metering as an alternative to
the existing system, based on rateable values, which the Government has ruled must be changed by the year 2000. Front 1994, the multi-million pound scheme will be implemented throughout the area at a rate of 50,000 houses a year. "The metering system will be fitted into all new houses," explained student landlord Paul Goulder, "and to all older houses as they undergo renovation." As far as his tenants would be affected he added, "At the moment, l pay all their water rates, but in the future I' Uprobably lower rents and let the tenants take care of their own water costs." Jerry Dodd, Head OfCorporate Relations for Anglian Water, said that he believed the plans would be well received by the public. "Market research has shown that as high as 70% of Norwich people are in favour of the scheme," he said. However, Laura (SOC2), expressed the view ofmost students. "It' ll make people aware of how much water they use, but, as usual, we'll be the worst affected."
Open verdict returned AN OPEN verdict was returned at the inquest on the death of UEA student Christopher Mahoney, whose body was found in the Broad on the 9th of March. Christopher, a third year MTH
student, had been missing for just over a month before his body was discovered. •EAS first year Robert Ford died three days after being taken ill in the library at the end oflast term.
By Hwee Hwee Tan ENDSLEIGH INSURANCE, the High Street insurer part owned by the NUS, has radically increased its premiums for students. For despite the fact that the NUS owns substantial shares in Endsleigh Insurance - one of the most popular insurers for UEA students - the furn has increased their premiums for student household contents by 109%, while most insurance furns have increased their premiums by only I 0%. Endsleigh has also added a new clause so that if you are away on holiday and your computer gets stolen, for example, then you will not receive any compensation from them, even though you are insured. Conversely, if you are not on holiday but return home only to
~Endsleigh discover that your computer has been stolen, then you will only be re-imbursed I 0% of what your total cover is. So if your cover is for an insured value of £2000, then you will only get £200 for your computer, even though it is probablyworthmuchmore than that. Endsleigh and the NUS attribute the premium increase to a rise in crime which caused Endsleigh's WJderwriters, the Dutch-based firm Gouda Insurance, to suffer losses last year. Students have expressed their shock with one student saying that he was very upset when he foundoutaboutEndsleigh'slatestpolicy.
or 619289 or 619280
No extra charge after midnight
UEA to anywhere within the inner ring road : £ 3
UEA to Thorpe rail station£ 3.50
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993 ~
Dark Rooms? It's the RAG Toilets NEWS ON CAMPUS POLLY KNEWST UB, Union Women's Officer, hasannounced the prog ramme fo r Women's Week, which takes place in Week 3. The Week includes films, self defence classes, the re-launch of the Women ' s Action Committee, cabaret, bookstalls and free condoms. For full details, turn to page 8. UNION ENTS have announced the formation of a committee to advise on the co-ordination of the Union Entertainments programme, particularly on the booking of live bands and other such events. They are looking for student representatives who would be invited to help formulate policy and to effectively offer a ' student ear'. Anybody interested should contact Union Finance Officer , Chris Hollingworth . UEA STUDENTS are understood to be bitter at the recent blanket price ri se in the Union bars. However, little is likely to come of such dissatisfaction, as the price increases really are, after all, pretty small beer. Anyone vainly waiting for a tonic in the form of a price cut will have found thcirexpectations well and truly scotched, as the Union will doubtless point out that the recent Budget increases effectively ha ve them over a barrel.
THE UNION have speeded up their ongoing drive to make the Union more accessible to its members by installing new signs in Union House, writes
Nia/1 Hampton. Gone are the reminders of pleasant confusion, ie nothing, in finding your way around. The lack of sign posting has been remedied, and as a result, no-one in UH will get lost when looking for their destination.
Not quite. On the first floor, a sign on a door indicates that you are entering the ' Dark Rooms', without really making it clear whether the room is dark because the builders simply forgot to install windows, or that it is ostensibl y used for some vaguely photographic purpose. Similarly, a door marked ' Concrete' does not indicate either the presence of a bag of cement and copious quantities of water,
or even of a student newspaper. But the confusion does not end here. Gone is the ' decimal point' in the door numbering system. Room 1.33, for example, has now been rounded up to 13 3, so the whole UEA-wide sys tem of standard numbering seems to have been signed off. In addition, the sign on the incredibly useful Steve Biko room suggests that through the door on the right one will fmd the ' Rag Toilets'. But why should RAG get their own toilets? What's wrong with the ones that everybody else has to use? In those much vaunted corridors of power, the ' Students Union Offices ', the names of the (outgoing) sabbaticals have been lovingly affixed to the respective doors, in a seemingly futile ges-
Construction delays CONSTABLE TERRACE will not be fini shed in time to admit new students on 20th September, according to Roger Lloyd, Director of Accommodation and Catering Services, writes
Georgina King.
Mr. Lloyd refused to reveal the precise reasons for the delay, merely stating that " the failure to complete the new residences" lies with " the contractors" .
Summer conference trade will also be affected by the delays. Mr_ Lloyd added that both new students and conference guests would be provided with " alternative accommodation". The director of UEA' s Public Relations, Mike Benson, was unavailable for comment. DThe Drama Studio currently being built adjacent to the Sports Centre has nm into dif-
ficulties and will not be fmished as s cheduled, writes
'Happenings ' Editor, Darren Fisher. A new openmg date has been set provisionally for November, although iliis too may be changed. The Drama Studio is becoming increasingly important to UEA' s drama sector after the popular Waterfront venue, which was used for severa l performances, went into receivership.
ture of aesthetic enhancement. Such a practice seems about as necessary as the construction of the Registry' s (very un-Biue Peter like) 'sunken garden' last autumn, which the Union at t11e time labelled as being, "a very sad set of priorities".
However, with iliis latest effort they seem to have excelled lliemselves in "a time of unprecedented student hardship". Maybe we should point out the cost of these lovely signs, which are, incidentally, politically correct. Around £400 ...
Student's car vandalised A CAR belonging to EAS student Nigel Harding was badly vandalised in the University' s main car park in the early hours ofTuesday Week I. The vehicle, a Vauxhall Nova, had four of its windows smashed in a seemingly motiveless attack which has left Nigel with a £238 bill for replacement windows. The vandalism was first noticed the following morning by porters. It is understood that the security cameras in the car park were facing the wrong way, even though Nigel had parked his car in a prominent place.
Nigel told Concrete:"Ifthe University are introduci ng car parking charges on campus, then surely security should be improved." • A SYS student, whose mother's hand bag was stolen from their car on campus, is appealing for witnesses to the theft. The back window of the Volv.,,. \ 340 was smashed, while it wa•':·i parked outside Suffolk Terrace. The bag, minus its contents was found in The Square. •Witnesses should contact the Porters Lodge if they have information about either of the above.
Union draw up bus survey
Red Army Ensemble · Fantastic spectacle Romeo Be Juliet · Creatclassicalballet Elvis · The Musical La Traviata Be 11 Seraglio - Opera The Blues Brothers· Rhythmn'bluesparty Queen Victoria - Prunella Scales Orpheus in the Underworld & The Pirates of Penzance ·Operetta Julian Clary Punt Be Dennis Bottom - Rik Mayall, Ade Edmondson
The Chippendales Dancing at Lughnasa ·Wonderful Irish drama Tickets for all events from £3.50 For informat ion and booking call 63 00 00
A QUESTIONNAIRE organised by Welfare Officer Col in Browning should help to alleviate the current problems concerning the no. 15 bus service which nms between the Fifers Lane residences and the Plain, according to tile Students Union. The purpose of the questionnaire is to try and identify times of peak demand in order that the Eastern Counties Omnibus Company can provide a better standard of service. At present, problems arise because of the vast number of students trying to get to the Plain or retu rn home at parti cular times, when only the small mini-
Update by Julia Smith bus service is provided. On a normal timetable, only three buses nm per hour, frequently meaning that students are late for seminars and lectures. Matters are not aided by buses that do not turn up at all. The attendance of Mr John Srnitll, the Planning Manager of Eastern Counties, at a Tuesday Club meeting last term set a precedent and showed how seriously t11e matter has been taken . The company's co-operation with thi s questionnaire appears to be another step in the right
direction. With luck, Fifers residents can look forward to stress-free journeys to the Plain.
Concrete's photo processing and printing by
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Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
in Manhattan ,
The 9pm-2am ADMISSION
pARt~.~.!,~!:~~~ ON PR£S£Ni "i\ON 0
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15 DOV E ST REET, NOR WI CH NR21DE Mem bership Number ............................. .
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Concrete, W,ednesday, April 28, 1993
Cash boost for NAC ... A POPULAR city venue has been given a major cash boost by the National Foundation for Sports and the Arts. The Norwich Arts Centre, housed in a converted City church, has been awarded a £50,000 grant, which Director, Pam Reekie, says will help their appeal to upgrade the building which is "bursting at the seams." She added : "W e're really pleased ... it's a great dea l of money and we have a number of plans for the building." Concrete understands that these include: 0 Creating increased capacity within the auditorium, by the addi tion of a balcony 0 Improving facilities backstage 0 Increasing disabled access and creating direct access from
St Benedict's Street 0 Constructing a new box office 0 Refurbi shing offi ces for staff. The variety of performances at the Centre this year (which last year had 70,000 visitors), has included music from indiebands Belly and Back to the Planet, and comedy from Rob
Newman and David Baddiel. Said NAC Chairman, Or Waiter Roy: "This grant is just the beginning, but it is a tangible recognition of our work and a tremendous encouragement for our staff and everyone in the region who supports the arts. Most of all , we can plan for the future."
... and venue Scales new heights! SYBIL FAW LT Y will meet Queen Victoria in a bid to raise more cash for a brand new city theatre. For actress Prunella Sca les, who played the long-suffering wife ofhotelier Basil, in the TV series FawltyTowers, is to play the Monarch who was "not amused" in a special performance at the Norwich Theatre Royal on May 30, to raise money for the Norwich Playhouse. Evening with Queen Victoria has appeared in theatres and
festivals across the country, and follows Victoria through a variety of experiences during her reign, including her relationshi ps with Prince Albert and Benjamin Disraeli . The Theatre Royal, which itself reopened recently after closure for refurbishment, is helping by charging only a nominal fee , while Ms Scales, a patron of the Playhouse, is making her performance a gift to the appeal
Norwich Playhouse Director Henry Burke, pictured last week.
'Or to a flying start 11IE RAC has launched a roadside breakdown service which they promise will get student drivers ' of to a flying start' (sic), writes Peter Hart. As long as the quality of service is better than the quality of the RAC's press-releases (hence their spelling error), they say the new service, ' Sta rter,' will be ideal for students . It is relatively cheap, but still offers roadside breakdown repair or a tow to the nearest local garage if the vehicle cannot be restarted on the spot.
The package also includes access to other RAC member benefits (such as expert motoring advice) and discounts on a wide range of car-related products. " With Sta rter we want young and student drivers to realise that RAC membership is sQmething they cannot afford to be without," said Andy Brovm, the RAC' s Director of Marketing. • Membership costs £29 per year if payment is made by direct debit or continuous credit card authority and £35 othenvise.
• Local police together with Norfolk County Council are targeting young drivers, in a bid to reduce road accident figures . It is hoped that a pilot tuition scheme can be set up to educate drivers aged betwr 17 and 25 , fo r although t. represent only ten per cent of drivers, they have thirty seven per cent of all recorded accidents.
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thigh-slapping, foot-stomping oompa.
~ IJ~~~'{\ L~l:J8
Munich Bierkeller Men and Tom's Top Ten Real Ales on tap
PUB GAMES alternative music from local bands
starting after 9pm
PASSCHENDALE + MANUSKRIPT live funky acid jazz with
fs55~~ ~RA . . ,; ,. .;.,...;;;G_B_E_E_R_FE_S_T_IV_A_L~ THEY'RE WILD A ND THEY'RE IRISH,
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Sprouting worries over park access By Staff Reporter
NORWICH AIRPORT is considering a £400,000 extension of its terminal building to handle a 10% rise in holiday business. The airport, which handled 200,000 passengers in 1992, is expected to increase its number of scheduled flights, which presently stands at 9 per day. UEA students living at Fifers Lane are expected to be unaffected by the increase in noise levels.
NORWICH police say they have growing concerns that the city centre's latest park could pose a problem if it is kept open all night. They say the root of the problem is that the park, located on the roof ·of the £145 million Castle Mall, may become a target for vandals - and that its proximity to King Street- Norwich's red light district- might also sow the seeds of crime. But although City police say
they would like to cultivate a policy where the park closes at night, City council Park Services manager, Clive Olley, said they generally keeping their gates open round-the-clock. Said Insp Nick Barnard: "I don't think there would be any benefits to be gained by leaving it open all night. It will make our work and the Castle Mall's much more difficult." And he added that the potted history of problems experienced with the City's Chapelfield Gardens could transfer themselves
Pete Snowman reports WEEK One saw SCA Awareness Week at UEA. "SC what?" you say. Well, that was the whole point of the event. The Awareness Week aimed simply to let people know what SCA is about and hopefully to attract some interest and support. With a stall in Union House all week, a T-shirt sale by the Harford Manor School (a special school for pupils with mix~ disabilities), and an infonnal .drinks and nibbles meeting to end the week, the event seemed to succeed in attracting interest from around campus. A similar event is planned for next semester. Student Community Action (SCA) is a student-run initiative,
wich's Golden Triangle, which have 'soared' in recent months, prompted 70 of its resid~.ats to seek a meeting with the local police. The meeting, ostensiblytooffercrimeprevention advice and to enable the public to meet the police, was organised by local Liberal Democrats and was held at Avenue ,.... -st School. The area, )eh has a high student population, has been particularly prone to a recent increase in burglary and theft.
ADVANCE BOOKING for the Theatre Royal's new season has exceeded all expectations. During their priority booking period, the theatre's Friends made a play for tickets, enabling the box office to gross £41,000 in the ftrst full day, a ftgure up by £10,000 on last season. To cope with this dramatic upturn in business, the theatre's Box Office is to open on Sundays for telephone bookings only. Hopefully, no-one will be left waiting in the wings for tickets on the night.
If you have a City story, phone Concrete on (0603) 250558
SCA week...
CRIME levels in Nor-
A SURVEY attempting to ascertain the 'green shoots' of economic recovery in the UK has suggested that East Anglia is currently "in the doldrums" . However, the Evening News suggests that the long awaited recoveryin thehousingmarkethas arrived, stating that more people are house hunting in Norwich than since the boom of the 1980's. The paper adds that this development " could be good news for the local economy."
to the new park. Castle Mall centre manager, David Newton, is also against keeping the park open at all times: "Not many people would wish to visit the park after midnight for the right reasons," he said. [JWhat these officials say about vandals and prostitutes may all be true, but Concrete can't help having a sneaking suspicion that they'realsoafraidsomeonemay break into the mall by digging down through the park's
Vets to be vetted
HUNDRHDS of university students from countries developing biological weapons could face comprising of various projects . Government vetting, according which are aimed collectively at to a report in T7rt! lndt!pt!lltknt helping out a little in our local Overseas postgraduate students community. on science courses will be moniAccordingly, SCA is currently tored, following fears that their involved with about 18 projects in knowledge~ could be used to doand around Norwich. These range velop biological weapons in their from baby-sitting to helping out native countries. with children - both able bodied One university has already been and with disabilities - in schools approached by the Ministry of and youth clubs and visiting hosDefence about a student who appitals. Additionally, SCA is inplied to join one type of course, but volved in a shelter for the homeswitchedonarrivaltoooewherehe less in the City. would learn how to "handle and The big project at the moment is manipulate dangerous microbes the production of a ' talking magathat could cause human and animal zine' -MAGNET -fortheblindor disease." Although the Foreign Office sight-impaired community. SCA refuses to name countries with prohope to have it ready for Week 4. grammes to develop biological • For any infonnation about SCA weapons, they are understood to and its activities, contact Julia include China, India, and Libya. Dixon at the RAG office.
'Our hands are tied' UEA passes the buck over LAW access Update by SueMcManus IMPOTENCE of the administrative kind surrounds the debate over the future of the route between campus and the School of Law, based in
Earlham Hall. Following a petition organised by LAW students, little action has been taken. The U niversitypersists with its line that the land is owned by Norwich City Council and they are unable to make changes to the route which is criticised for being badly lit with an uneven and slippery terrain. Robin Thomas, the University's Safety Officer, said that the matter was discussed at a recent Safety Committee meeting, and although the University is sympathetic, its hands are tied. He said that he saw nothing ostensibly wrong with the longer route [ie walking along University Drive], claiming that it is "reasonably well lit and open", but he acknowledged that the shorter, more direct route is bad.
He argued that concerned students have to take responsibility to ensure that no-one walks along the route after dark, and he highlighted the potential for 2 students to join the University's Safety Committeetofullyvoicetheiropinions. The posts have been vacant for sometime, and' student apathy' is blamed. Colin Browning, Union Welfare Officer, is shortly to discussthematterwithaNorwich Council representative. However the situation at present remains in stalemate. It is understood that LAW students feel bitter that the University and the Council between them are reluctant to do anything about the issue, but they concede that with summer rapidly approaching, the problem will lessen with lectures finishing in the now lighter evenings. John Clarke (LAW 2) told Concrete that it is as if "students are an add-on accessory to the University", when acknowledging that little ap~tohavebeendoneabout
the problem since it was first reported to Concrete.
Dedication to Education Special UEA Pricing
With our continuing suppon to education we are able to provide UEA srudents and lecrurers special prices on all Apple Macintosh products, peripherals and software. For your free UEA price list or further Infonnation contact Paul Freakley
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Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Suzanne Turner investigates the need for a Women's Centre in Norwich " Women's Centre? That 'ssexist isn't it?" So comes a very unoriginal quip and reaction to one of the very few women's only spaces in Magdalen Street, "The Women's Centre." At a time when many women wish to highlight the concept of equality amongst the sexes one might ask why one group in Norwich, and numerous others around the country are highlighting the divide between the sexes byestablishing Women's Centres. Helen Corner, a volunteer at the Norwich based centre (which is one of the largest in the country) explained, "This is a women' s only space because there are very few. It makes it a lot easier for women to talk for women and with women here." When asked whether Helen considered such a concept to be sexist she insisted, " We ' re not saying that men are evil bastards, but this is just our Centre. " There' s nothing stopping them setting up such a group. We're just saying we've taken the step for organising this."
Such a comment echoes the policy of no men being allowed into the Centre. If they come with girlfriends or wives they are asked to wait outside. Set up in the late I 970' s, the Women's Centre started with a group of women squatting in Argyle Street. These women wanted to provide a centre to voice the politics of the day. In time these women obtained an equal opportunities grant from Norwich City Council which enabled a centre to become established in a council-owned building in Bethel Street. A move to Exchange Street occured in the course of time as the centre ' s maintenance grant was cut. Eventually the grant reduction forced the women to move to their current address, where they have been for the past two years. Helen sees this move as a positive one. " lt's more accessible and less foreboding. We can be here for a lot more women. " However, fundraising is now essential in order to maintain the cost of keeping the centre afloat. When you enter the centre you
dents drawn from her own time at UEA which show that ignorance is rife. All too often she sees the university as being a "closed shop with ivory towers." Such attitudes can have dangerous consequences. Helen recalls one incident, "There was a rape by the Broad wh ich occured and we were simply told that it was a flasher. This could have been very dangerous. "There is a stereotype image of a campus rape and an attitude to female students, so it is important that women can stand up for themselves." The Women ' s Centre is withineasyreachofUEA, situated at 36 Magdalen Street, Norwich. Tel: (0603) 628130. It is open on Saturdays 11 am to 4pm. are immediately overwhelmed by the size and consequently the mtirr.a~.:y it can provide. As part of a converted pub, old wooden beams and brick work can still be seen.
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Opening Hours 9- 5.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am to I pm Saturday
The centre consists of one room large enough to house a small resource centre of leaflets and information for women on issues ranging from health to education, a desk and floor space to sit and talk. The Centre has come a long way since its radical period in the 1970's, and is eager to move away from stringent femini st branding which may portray it as unwelcoming. Certain basic policies however still hold it together. l le! en explained, "Today there are a lot of women who would say that they
diverse set of courses to be run from practical confidence building, introductior. to languages, wordprocessing and the more unusual or recreational workshops such as massage and aromotherapy. The Centre also provides an essential pregnancy testing facility. This is made all the more vital by the fact that one year ago GPs and family planning centres were told not to conduct pregnancy tests unless they were paid out of their own pockets. As a result, Helen explains that there are no
"This is a women's only space because there are very few. It makes it a lot easier for women to talk for women and with women here." wouldn' t hold feminist views, but as a collective we still have a set of principles in order to enable us to work as an organisation." " We maintain the basic principles offerninism which are nonjudgemental, anti-racist, anti-homosexual and confidentiality." "In this sense we are still very much political. Out of this the centre can provide an environment which allows anyone to become involved. The centre is all about choice." Consequently, U1e women who help to run the centre become involved in order to meet with and be wi th other women. These women are all volunleers and have no formal training, only basic counselling skills. lndi viduals bring different skills with them which enables a
free tests available on the N.H.S. This leaves many women faced with a fmancial dilemma, as they are unable to afTord a pregnancy test ranging from £5-£ IS . U.E.A student participation is apparent in the Women's Centre on activities such as marches, but I-Ielen thinks that "more University women should ge.t involved with the rurming of the centre." She stresses that the Centre is a resource which " lets women do what they want, and get U1eir own ideas ofT the ground." "If there 's anything U1at anyone thinks isn ' t right in their life, ei U1er with themselves or with others, then they can try and change it." Despite the fact that universities are supposedly fu ll of open minded liberal human beings, Helen is able to cite several inci-
Women Week Week 3 sees the launch oftheUnion's Women's Week which will include the following events. Two guest speakers from London University will be talking about Bosnia, and showing a film made in conjunction with ITN about Bosnian rape which they are trying to get made into a war crime. A tition on this issue be organised, so anyone who is interested in signing should contact Polly Knewstub, Union Women's Officer. Self defence classes will also be run during the week, and the relauncb of the Women's Action Committee takes place with free drinks on Wednesday Week 3. In addition, The Rumourazit Theatre Company present their 3 women cabaret show on Tuesday Week 3 in the Chaplaincy. The time for the performance is yet to be announced. Throughout the week, there will also be health and book stalls, free condoms and a No Means No campaign.
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Concrete's four page pull-out guide to the triumphs and traumas of finding somehere to live away from UEA in Norwich Words and pictures by Stephen Howard October may seem a long way off, but now is the time of year for anyone living in University accommodation and coming back to UEA next year to look for somewhere to live. Next years first years and certain 'priority categories' ofstudents can expect a cosy University room waiting for them when they return next year, butforeVeryoneelse, the house hunting season is now on. For this years firstyears,househunting for the first time, Concrete presents in these four pages some timely advice. Finding a house may not seem like the most important thing to do right now, but considering that you will be living in the dwelling of your choice for the next 12 months, and paying possibly thousands of pounds in rent, it is worth taking some time in getting it right. Living away from the constraints of the concrete blocks ofUEA Plain or RAF Fifers need not be all bad , with new freedoms tomakeasmuch
noise as you like whenever you like, no cleaners to wake you in the morning, and a bathroom and kitchen shared by only 3 or 4 people, not 14. House parties will be many and plentiful, and ifyou choose a house carefully, the chip shop around the corner may mean you need never cook again. Suddenly the city centre is just a
people living on sofas and even in tents are not uncommon (but often exaggerated) and the rent, competing with people on incomes who want to rent houses, is often much higher. Spare a thought for students in parts ofLondon, where rents ofÂŁ50 a week or more are normal, and increased grants are offset by travel pass costs and a higher cost of living.
Differences occur in the other costs, for example in the calculation of households bills, and in some cases Council Tax. Obviously the more people you live with, the smaller your share of the gas and electricity bill. The ultimate luxury has to be having your own telephone in the house, but withthedownsideorwhooweswhat'
Ltvtng away from the constraints of the concrete blocks of UEA Plain or RAF Fifers need not be all bad need not be all bad, with new freedom to make as much noise as you like whenever you like, no cleaners to wake you i~ the morning, and a bathroom and kitchen shared by only 4 people, not 14 stroll away, and even Peppermint Park is just a short stagger from your front door. Accommodation in Norwich is relatively plentiful, with none of the shortage problems of places like UniversityofKent, whichhasonlya relatively small city to absorb many thousands of involuntary university tenants.
In Norwich, the most common form
of accommodation is three or four students sharing a terraced house, although occasionally cheap flats are taken up by those who can afford them (or whose daddy can afford them). Rents are surprisingly variable, but you can expect to pay around ÂŁ35 per week for a room, with shared use of the kitchen and bathroom.
when the bill comes in, and the fact that the parents can now ring whenever they want CAnd where were you when I rung last night?'). The conditions of the Norwich student houses also varies widely. The majority ofhouses that students end up renting have been student houses for years, owned by 'professional' landlords. Often the maintenance ofthe houses
has been somewhat lacking, with leaking roofs, and furniture and kitchen appliances from the 60's (in some cases the 1860's!). It is worth looking around though as many houses are much better, being repossessions or family houses that the owners cannot sell. The owners simply put the house up for rent to try and reduce their losses. Be careful though that the contract says that the house is yours for a year, and that the landlord does actually own the house he is renting. There are also, believe it or not, some very good landlords, with a philosophy that if they look after their tenants, the tenants are more likely to pay the rent, and not wreck the house. One city landlord has even been known to throw parties for tenants. All in all renting yourself somewhere to live can be'a good experience and it is certainly good experience for real life away from University that reaches us all in the end. Take a look at the following pages, and think carefully before you sign away your life on the dotted line...
Paul Gou/der with his daughter (and manager) Lynn, and a happy tenant
Horror stories abound of lardlords imposing strange conditions on tenants, and repairs that never quite happen. Not all landlords fall into this category though. Perhaps the first definiteexception are those landlords which are not individuals at all, but housing associations or companies. In Norwich, the Broadland Housing Association owns a large modem block of flats in Bowthorpe, in someways like a hotel. Four or five large roomsshareamodem kitchen and bathroom, and many of the rooms have balconies (although most balconies simply overlook other parts of Bowthorpe, and so are of limited attraction). The block itselfhas a resident caretaker, which as well as meaning quick repairs helps with the security in what is perhaps not quite the
Belgravia ofEast Anglia. In the private sector, the most famous landlord amongst students is a certainPaul Goulder. Known as much for his flamboyant style (he rides around Norwich on a Harley Davidson bike) as his houses, he rents his houses only to students. Paul explains this policy by saying that he has found over the years that students (contraryto some local opinion) are responsible people who look after his houses -much better than 'family' residents. The theory is that if the landlord looks after the
tenants, the tenants will
look after the houses. The motivation for renting out houses came from a nephew, who away at University elsewhere in the country, found he could not rent a house. Paul, a builder by trade, who describes himself as 'left wing Labour' decided he would rent out the houses he was building and refurbishing, rather than selling them. He seemsto be doing something right in his approach - all forty plus houses he owns around Norwich are already booked for the coming year.
Finding a house can be a traumatic experience, and for many students comes at a time of the year when they would much rather be sitting in the square, and should be revising for Prelims. Once a contract has been signed to rent a house for a year,itcanbeverydifficultto move if you simply decide that the house is not the right one for you. The recession has meant that there are currently plenty of houses to rent in Norwich, with IJU!DY owners ofhouses renting rather than trying to sell at low prices. These houses are not necessarily the ones on offer in the student price range, but has meant that manyother P e o P 1e
poor quality house, or high rent. The first thing to decide when looking for somewhere to live is who you are going to share the house with. Outside the University, there won't be a cleaner to clear up the kitchen every morning, ora resident tutor to moan at the person next door with the monster stereo. Ask yourself, can you really put up your prospective housemates for a year1 nie next step is to work out the rough area you want to live in. Ifyou have a car, then this is less important, but otherwise a good bus route (day a n d evening),
Once a contract has (mainly been signed to rent or being t h o s e close to workingin a hOUSe for a year, it UEA is the city) • clearly a h a V e can be very difficult good bet. m ed to move if you Resolufromcheap tions to rented simply decide that cycle to houses into U E A these ' re- the house is not the m a y cession • bt tio_r...;;.y_o_u_ good s e e m Victim, _r_I....;;;g__o_n_e __ in
ing LCR disco. area between UEA and WlCOIJlfortable, but will also For all these reasons the most Bowthorpe, and even some of put your heating bill upconpopular place for students Bowthorpe itself. The bus siderably. to live is the Norwich route is long and tortuous in Other things to pay particu' Golden Triangle', the area the evenings, but there is a lar attention to are the bathbordered by --~.---'7r"--..-.,r-"1,..----:-~-r--:--~-. room and the Derehem What is particularlY important is to start kitchen, not Road and looking early. Just to decide who wants to only to see the Unthank condition of live with who, and then to find a house them (does the Road, with which everyone actually agrees is hot water actuEarlham Road runhabitable can take many weeks, and at ally work?), ning right this time of year there are many people but to see down the whether the centre. _ _a_ft_e_r_t_h_e_fi_e_w_'r_ea_ll=-y_d_e_c_e_n_t_'_h_o_u_ses__ size is likely to The buses run Wltil about midnight, and the area is close enough to allow the extravagence of an oocasional taxi to be affordable. Walking is possible, but doesn' t seem to be popular amongst lethargic students. Other popular areas are the
cycle path right into the centre of the 'village'. As far as a house itself is concerned, the first thing to look at is the general condition of the place. Draughts and damp (not uncommon in a l 00 year old terraced house) are not only
0 V
properties. This plentiful supply has meant that there is no real rreso~i~)have to accept a
the Sum-
met" sunshine, but will seem different in Januaxy, or after a particularly heavy go-
\\'here to looli Union LtuUllord/
Ltmlllulv Itulex Record (with conunents) or past student's experimc:es and houses in Norwich. Upstain in Union House.
Union Notice botud. Anyone is free to place notices either for houses, or for 'person needed to share' on board downstairs in UH.
Accommotbuion Centre Large board cMng detailS or many rooms, houses and flats. General info as weB.
Broa4Uuul Housing Properties at Bowthorpe as wen as elsewhere in the aty. Tdephone 610278
Evening News Oassifiedseveryeveningfor a broadrangeofhouses. Spedal supplement on Thunday.
Privtlle Ltuullords Paul Goulder, Tel. 419427.
Acconrmotlalion Agencies lbesemaydaarce. Wmsum Properties 623084. Kent Management 767100.
MltcheDs 622414. Third Years A good wayof'tintmga house - find a third year who is moving. They will be able to describe the house and the landlord.
Pop into Pizzaland in N · and you can treat your family and friend to a pizza for just one penny! Choose from our mouthwatering range of traditional and deep pan pizzas - including the new r-----gourmet range. What To Do:
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Simply cut out the voucher and take it along to Pizzaland in Norwich S · (Re d L •lOn treet, OppOSite Debenhams). Buy one pizza and get the second one (of the same value or ~ less) for only 1p. O.u.er ends Fn"daY. 11th June 1993 and is valid every I day except Saturday. Voucher only I valid at Pizzaland in Norwich. L
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· IN
be adequate for the number ofpeoplethatwilllivethere. Many students houses end up housing more people than was intended by the builders, with lanlords pressing downstairs lounges and dining rooms into service as additional
bedrooms. There is not actually anything wrong with this (unless the front door of the house happens toopenstraightintoyour room), but it can make things rather crowded. For largecgroups (perhpas five or more) a few larger houses are available in Norwich, at about the same rent per room as the smaller terraces - but bear in mind the crush on the kitchen as mentioned earlier. What is particularly important is to start looking early. Just to decide who wants U> live with who, and then to find a house which everyone actually agrees is habitable can take many weeks, and at this timeofyeartherearemany people after the few 'really decent' houses. Friends can soon become enemies in the depths of the househunting season. Also don't be tempted to wait until SeptemberorOctoberto look (to avoid paying rent from July). You will either end up in a real dump of a house miles from anywhere, or will spend the first few nights of next term on a camp bed on the floor of Fifers Lane K Block (the usual'emergency' start of term address). ·Maybe that's not so bad after all...
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When yuu buy any 10" Traditional. 7" 0ecp Pan ,,. Cowmct piu~.thi, voucher entitles rou toooeorthcumnalueor tcss.fo..tp. The offer it nlid evay day nupc S.marday. h epplicsto Eat·in .....,, OCIIy. V""""" noc rolccmoble fur cooh o< in~ wit\
onyo~~oerofrer. OITcrcnck lllhJ.....99l.
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572 1
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
When renting a house, the vast majority of landlords will insist on each tenant signing a contract ag.-eeing to certain conditions, md the level of the rent. In general it is better to get a contract than to go along with a landlord who prefers the 'just pay me cash' approach. Beware such landlords, who could be fiddling their tax retwns by not declaring income (not your problem), or
itcouldbethattheyhavemortgage or money problems (quite possibly your problem if the house is repossesses by the mortgage company). Many mortgage companies insist on prior knowledge ofletting-andwillnotalwaysagree to it. Most agreements signed in Norwich are 'Assured Shorthold Tenancies' which are governed by the 1988 Housing Act. Such agree-
ments must be for at least six months, but are commonly for a year, starting in June. Thismeansnormallythatyou will be paying rent over the Summer, for a house that you will possibly not
where the landlord actually lives in the house him! herself. In this case you are a lodger, and your legal protection is much less. There are also lots of things
problems later. The Union Advice Unit (upstairs in Union House) have a numberofstaffwhohaveexperienceofdealingwithhousing matters, and can offer the w a r y
---.l::r-:f:;;--y-O_U_a_r_e_g_I=-路V_e_n_a~li:-c-e_D_C_e~t-O-S-:I-g_n_ ~:~t:r a inguntilOctober rather than a contract, the n~ber of to find a house, servtces butthenfindooly landlord is definitely on the fiddle - Whilst~ot ~ ;~a~~~st licences exist solely to try and get ~c~;!;~ Some landlords round the protection of the 1988 they are will allow you to more than Housing Act willing to sublet the house ~~~;:~::/a~~
(i.e. rent it out in the Summer to someone else, perhaps a graduate, or foreign language student), but you need their permission. 1f you are given a licence to sign rather than a contract, the landlord is definitely on the fiddle - licenses exist solely to try and get round the protection of the I 988 Housing Act.
that appear in contracts that are also not legal. Clauses like 'no visitors to stay overnight' are illegal (but they do appear!), as are 'the landlord may make an inspection of the property at any time'. Such clauses would never stand up in court, but obviously it is better to get a legal and fair contract from the outset, rather than risk major
look over any contract a student is asked to sign, and have this year produced a Housing Pack, which gives many ofthe legal details, and the staff there are available to look through any contract you are given. Janet Peck, who runs the Advice Unit, warns never to sign a contract on the spot, and always to get it checked by someone first. Once signed
(and assuming the contract is legal) you are liable to pay the rent for the whole year. In extreme cases the Union pay for a solicitor to take up any problems that arise and give free advice. Legal difficulties are in the main still quite rare and can normally be amicably resolved. The most pressing legal problem you are likely to face is an argument with your housemates over who foots the bill for the wine stains on the carpet after the never to be repeated house warming
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Hunter and the hunted Concrete's Craig Eason joins UEA's hunt saboteurs somewhere in East Anglia ...
During the Easter vacation a fifteen year old hunt saboteur was killed under the wheels of a horse box while attendingameetoftbeCambridgeshire bunt. This is the second death of a saboteur in two years and highlights the increase in violence when saboteurs clash with the hunt and police. The principle of the hunt saboteur is simple enough; the death of an animal (whether a fox, hare, badger or pheasant) for the sake of sport is sickeningly wrong and should be banned. In practice, however, when large numbers of people converge in a frustrating attempt to stop a pack of bloodthirsty hounds and hunters from killing the fox, tempers flare and scenes ensue. The hunt consists of the rich country gentry and their followers who enjoy nothing better than a good gallop in the clean country air, with the thrill of a good hunt to boot. But the gentry now have the security of their hired hands: black capped hunt stewards who are employed on the day of the hunt to prevent the saboteurs from reaching the huntsmen or hounds. This added dimension to the chase has been the source of most of the conflict. These hired hands can use force to evict trespassers off of the land that the hunt is taking place on, providing that the land is owned by a hunt supporter. So, in a typical hunt, there is a fox being chased by a pack of hounds. This is followed by the hunters, who are being chased by
hunt saboteurs who are in turn chased or blocked by the hunt stewards. While this is taking place, the hunt supporters drive around the country lanes in their Shogun jeeps and Range Rovers cheering the hunters and spitting and swearing at the saboteurs, who usually drivearoundin white transit l.;.:r:l.,..IJ"'» vans. The hunt II'!.<;IMl·Nn claims to be 1 ~·-;.;:o'c;~ .,..;~
forty hounds and over fifty horses charging over the countryside would damage it. Inrecentnewspaperreports there have been suggestions that left and right wing elements are infiltratingtheHunt Saboteurs Association to escalatetheviolence and create a class issue, where the main objective is to clash with the upper classes . Red Action (thesocialistterrorist group)
fair to the fox LSi:~~~~~~~ and the National and very conFront are two siderate towards the environ- groups alleged to be involved. ment; they also claim not to However in the main hunt cause damage to the country- saboteursarepeacelovingand side. do not associate themselves But many would say that with this type of action, be-
lieving in more peaceful demonstrations and preventing the hounds from reaching the fox. They spray the ground to
confuse the hounds, and use hunter's horns to distract the dogs once they are on the scent. In one reported instance,
hunt saboteurs jumped in the fox's hole when the huntsmen were trying to dig it out. Saboteurs also try to ham- .. per hare baiting and pheasant shoots. With the hare baiters the principle is the same, confusing the hounds so that the hare escapes. The method of frustrating the pheasant shoots is a little more dangerous, or foolhardy. The shoot is stopped by walking in front of the line of guns as the shooters are firing at the flushed birds. All in all hunting as a pastime is losing its credibility, as more and more people become environmentally aware. But the support for the Hunt Saboteurs Association and the Anti Bloodsports League is not as much as it could be when balaclva-wearing ag- , gressors start class wars in the countryside and tarnish the image of the true hunt saboteur.
. 26
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Entertainments Feature
Niall Hampton interviews Nick Rayns, Entertainments Manager, and lifts the lid on th_e Union's Ministry of Fun The Entertainments jor gigs, 100 lop cases and s!Udentprogramme offered films and 30 weekly led productio~. by the Union ofUEA discos every aca- Holf'evet;, . it i$ :9 ftpn Students is one ofthe demic year. In addi- · underesiimo.teif just most extensive in any tion to this there are how much wqrkgoes UK university, with numerous free vari- on behind the scenes anaverageof40 ma- ety events, show- to engineer such a
prograih/i;e, ti'hii somestudentswiH:a/.:.
0 Tlae.Siutmen's gig in the LCR must be the scoop of the year thus far...
we were to limit the audience to :students, they would never get ~ to playing a concert hall. Even though the bands yveput on - rock bands, g_oth ban4s, whatever the branch of:music happens tQ~-theywouklgenerally speaking only appeal to a certain fraction of the students, similarly, to the City ofNorwich.
LIVE CONCERTS INTBELCR 0 How are bands actually booked? There are basically two ways. If • we decide that there's a band that we particularly like the idea of putting on, from using obvious feedback --the sales ofrecords/ tapes etc and response in the LCR discos. for example - then we will go out of our way and look for that band. We'll make the agent or record company who represent them an offer to come and play here. Alternatively, having dealt with most of the agents for som_ e years they will phoru: 1.1$ up and ~y that such and such a band is touring next May ... that's .how - we go about doing it. An agent will be able to tell )'Q\1. wrntt the plans are for that band probably three to four months in advance: if there's an album out, what the promotion will be, w]WJ<.indof TV shows they'll be on etc.
DHow is the fufor- the bond's performance arri~ at t Backwards is the answer l.sttppose. We decide what we think the market could stand for .a ticket and we work back from that to what we think a show would gross. - From that you can come to a reasonable estimate of what a show is worth, but the problem is that you're planning the things three to five months in advance and you' ll have to make an educated guess. Some bands will become prominent within the space of three to fowmonth:;.
OAnd they could always fade into obscurity within the same time. Yes, you do have to make an educated guess as to what their status would be when they actu• llly come to play here.
be aro\Uld the £2-2,500 mark.
That would be the next bite out ofthedoormoney, and after that then there would be thepn>l!l.Ot-
Good to do, yes, but I wouldn't call it the ' scoop of the year' . er• sprofit, a m&lesbun6\ln(and The timing was perfect for that the next part would 1hertbe split and I can cite you !Mn)l times and ~hared between. ~ · OO!l4 when we've actually managed to and the Union. The barids may book a band and they'll hit No.. 1 therefore well come aW!Y with in the alb\l.ffi or singles chart the · their fixed guarantee, plus a: perday they arrive {Shake~'s centage ofwhat wasmooe on1.he Sister and T'Pau for-example). door. There are other: times though · when irritatingly enough halfthe DRq:ardil.gthe d,t}i.ce t}f co11audience you expect towme will -cerl, you are monitoring the actually materialise on the nighf, muic sct:ne IMUl yoll Wont to DAs regards the ShtllfUil. gig for example, were aJJ..your Ot!Q'heads covered? Did you actually set the ticket price in advance and have to mediate your fee with their agent? The usual format for paying a band is called the guarantee -in other words the amount that the band is guaranteed to take away. It could be £5,000 for example. The next part of the equation would be the coSt: of ouf expenses for putting the show on, which would inclUde the elec.trician and the door staff etc: the fiXed overheads would usually
p.id on tM best bands that you Nngt!t.- So .is itpufdy q f,ation of supply and demand'! It has to be, because if I was to pick strictly' studen~bands' then we wouldn't put in half~ IMny shows as we do; tlu:re) ar.en't strictly speaking that many •student oriented bands'. You'reprobablyaw.arethatBjom Again are the most popular band with a strictly student audience. With that type of band~ we used
to do Gacy Glitter for exainple+ you could guanmt.ee that 75% of the capacity would be students. But. there are very few bands likt::
that. Most bands have ~
cross section of appeal, ~W:d• if
w4y$ . >1no4n
Magnum, A _League . of Their Own an4 Barjly dt'e not what ffiEY really want.
OSo iOJJI nuu:h influence does tlte city haw hi your choice of cqncert'! Inoommercialterms?Gigswould . never ever be ftnancially viable without there being a public. We would end up with an Ents programme like the Hive ·.· smaller events all round that aren't geared to major concerts.
Q[ltcidentally, what is the exact capacity of the LCR'! Wild estimates exist for this. The LCR holds 1470, but you can increase that capacity by US· ing the Hive in wnjunction with the LCRand it could go up technically by another 210. For concerts, however, you can't do that; 1470 in there is not
unbearable butit's full, it's comfortable. Anything more than that would be uncomfortable.
for- differe1lt thi,ngs. There are lots of rides and games t11at.are av~ahfe-, although not alwa)'$!:beap 1o book: the average wst is about £400.
DLet's discuss the 'Li~ in the Is the money llhNys l'tiCOIIJ't!dfrotit th-e bar coW-r the free entry to these Hi~' programme.
eliellts'! Ye~, There'$oosecretabout the
faci that the/Live in the Hive' programme i~ done for two reasons: one of them. is to provide tmteyl~ent that is strictly speiUdng for students, because it directly goes back to the people who use the facilities; it's not advertised in the city or open to the public in the sense that we actively encourage the public to come to it. But the programme is alSQ. designedJo emure .that ~ facility is used to its best advantage, and it .}\as been tremendously succeisful Youcan 'thelp but on Tuesday nights see that the p~ace is paclced almost every ·· week.
OHow do you book artistes and ads for the 'Li~ in the Hi~' programme'!
We do a complete cross section of all kinds of live entertainment. A bit of variety, music, even down to the lunacy ofS\I.ffio wrestling. If it's a question of what's on offer, we look aro\Uld
r--::::T=H=E-=INF~A::-:M:-::-0-::-U=s-::---~ . LCR: DISCO DELIGHT? Qlf'htif thdasic musicpolicy at an LCk disco'! There is no 'basic music policy' as such. I suppose it's evolved.
0 BRl)'Oil do try to caterfor all ldntlf oftastes. .. {fhinlc most DJs are usually receptive enough to people who ask for certain kinds of music, but it's got to be within a reasonable band. People will come up and ask for records that are 1U1playable and unheard of which no--one will be satisfied with more than them. It's a hard line to walk, but the general appeal, the test of what we do, is if people actually come back week in week out.
0 What's the average attendonce at on LCR discq'! On average 800, but for the first and last one of term, when we have to use the whole building,
o0nbrete, Wednesday, April · 28, 19_ 93
Entertainments Feature
our capacity goes up again. The foyer of the Hive can be added to if necessary, so I supppose the largest attendance could be about 1800.
aYoullSe a stwknl DJ at the LCR discos and at some 'Live in the Hive' events. Is this open to anyone'! It is open to anyone who shows talent in doing it- everything we do is open to anyone to try and do. But it's not a game, it's hard work. We can't work the system we do Wliess we have permanent and reliable people doing it.
STUDENT PRODUCTIONS OLast term's Spring Fashion Show was a great success. Wltat was your involvement in it? part of our brief is to ensure that things like the Fashion Show and other student productions are encouraged as much as possible . We provide technical backup, advice on the PA and lights etc, and there is a fair amount of age and experience to draw on. Generally speaking, we're here to encourage student talent. It makes it so much easier if a student comes to the Ents office and says, "I want to do this", as they obviously have the enthusiasm to do it. However, overcoming the mass of technical details is hard work; if we agree to do that for them, and the production takes place, then I think we perform our brief.
ClAre you actllally responsible for Union Films too? Yes, that comes under our brief as well. We book films usually by looking at the adverts in ' Time Out' ; it's a question of reading reviewsandknowingroughlywhat would appeal. We go through an agent and list the films that we' re interested in; they give us dates and we try to match the two together to our programme. Despite student tastes supposedly being somewhat off-beat, the best publicised Hollywood movies are the strongest sellers.
I CONTROVERSY I QHave Ents ever had any~ tercations with the Union Execlllive concerning the type of events that are pill on, especially over gender, racial or political issues? The main problem would appear
to be with alternative comedians, whose main strength is baiting the audience by being deliberately controversial. As they feed off heckling, this is a problem: it could be levelled that we' re putting on acts which contravene Union policy. But you can't prevent it short of actually writing a comedian's script, and you are always going to come up against the possibility that someone will take offence. Wedon' tgooutofourwaytoput on someone who we think is controversial just for the sake of causing controversy. On the other hand, we did put on someone interesting like David Icke, but I' m sure that certain factions found him offensive.
a Wltat pbms do you have for this term? The proportion of shows goes down to about 10 in the Summer Term, but there is this plan to stage an end of year bash. There's no suprise that Bjom Again are going to headline, and we've hopes that Galliano will play on the same bill. Hopefully, there's a broad cross section ofinterest there, and there will be some smaller variety acts in the Hive area. The whole building will be in use. That' s the basic plan, but we haven' t planned it sufficiently to be able to give you firm details.
I THE ACID TEST ITHE WATERFRONT I a Basically, as regards the popularityofEnlsevents, would you say that you are providing what studenls want? That's very difficult to know really. I suppose the only way you know is if they vote with their feet and actually come. It would be no secret to say that there' s been a fair amount of discussion here within the Union as to whether we do target enough of our bands deliberately towards a student audience or not. There' s always somebody who wants to go to something who considers that event to be the best event of the term. But ifyou ' re targeting bands that are intentionally aimed at students, should you actually decrease the price that you charge or not? I think that this is a policy which may well come to fruition this term, but I can' t say for sure as it' s a Union decision. From my own point of view, I would lean towards it. I think that it would be much better to have something like the Blues Brothers review that we did last term, but instead if charging £8, which would still be considerably less than what the Theatre Royal will charge for it when it arrives in May, I would much rather see us charge £5 or whatever, have twice as many people and appeal to students right across the board. I expect that we would take much more money over the bar, so in total, it would generate almost as much money as it did at the old ticket price. I think that is a policy which we should pursue this term and I hope the Union will agree to do that.
a Wltat is developing regarding the Union's proposed involvement with the Waterfront? The Union is interested in expanding its operations off campus. Students spend a suprising amount of time off campus and we think that the facility would be well used. It could expand the Union's role and could be seen to contribute to the community's good rather than being only useful to students. It can be seen to provide a service that's of use to the community as well. I'm sure that Norwich Council will want to go into partnership with someone for a start, and I would hope that we could do it [form a partnership to operate the Waterfront] in conjunction with the Norwich Arts Centre. I do hope that the Union will come to a stage when it can work in partnership with the council that's the plan- and if that goes ahead then it'll be very interesting, and a good challenge for both parties.
aWould you like to mention anything in retrospect? I'd like to reiterate that if anybody is interested in doing anything for Ents, then the door is open to anyone. The Fashion Show right from the word go came out of interest from students, from people who have got ideas, and there will never be a situation when we can't listen to them. We can' t always promise that these ideas will come to fruition, but we'll do our best to make them come across. •Turn to 'Happenings' for a look behind the scenes in the
Union's Ministry of Fun.
Bouncy bouncy, very bouncy: Inflatable Bouncy Boxing in the Hive
PHOTO: Rob Hardy
* T JW() VOOL -Snooker tables at£ 2.25 per hour per table * SA- allTlLLITt TtllVI,I()N channels , wide screen * Vl()f() CJ!Mti !N() £ llif) J!t~V()T MAttiiNfi * tl()J !N() t()L() f()()() !LW4ri .!V!IUELt lOW lOW prices eg Chicken nuggets and chips £ 1.50 * LltfNtf[) lj!~ CJ.CJ.
~~()()1\fV AULf~ ~[)
LOW LOW Prices eg Carling Draught£ 1.45 a pint Bar Open 1Oam - 11 pm Mon- Sat , 12am -3pm &7pm -1OJOp~ Sun
fim membership on production of UEAI NUS card St. Marys Plain Norwich Tel 627478
Concrete , Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Right on cue, Simon Mann finds a 24 hour haven in the heart ofNonvich It was nea rly three, that time of thenightwhenit's too late to go to bed, too early to think of anything else; sheltering in the nightclub doorway, waiting for the taxi which was never going to come, he s tared out into the cold drizzle, busy making the sad and empty s treet sa dder and emptier. The heat and noise of
managers to the unemployed . Al though principally a snooker club (they have22 tables, with some customers booking the same slot every week fo r the 14 years the club has been open) Canary Cue has much else to offer, as Ruby is keen to emphasise. "People use the club
The principal thing which makes this community possible is the fact that the Canary Cue cl ub never closes; apart from the licensed bar, which keeps regular pub hours, the cl ub has been open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, since Ju ly 1992 and a prolonged tussle with the plan-
men!. The food on offer is basic but good; a mug of tea or coffee costs 30p, and their most popular snack is chips with a layer ofmelted cheese and the sauce of your choice, for 90p. Lazy snooker players do not even have to leave their table
---------------------------------------------------------''H unc h•Ing h•IS s h ou Jd ers againS • t toorder,asthereareintercoms near most tathe rain he stepped out onto the pavement. Go visit the yellow bird, he thought. He felt the b • • f •1 egin nings a SIDI e...
thedancefloorseemeda bles; iftired ofsnooker, million light years away; ' members can watch satlife was suddenly flat and ellite TV, play pool , dull and terminally gray. If amuse themselves with a guy had a mind to get the club's video and depressed , this was the tt gami ngmachines,orjust time. Still no taxi. lie sighed 0 sit around and talk . .. deeply; there was only one ---------------------------------------------------------The club is proud of thing for it. for all sorts of different reasons; ning authorities. "We had to go to its faci lities - Barry 'Nippers' Hunching hi s shoulders against some come for the snooker, some appeal," said Ruby, "and we won Pinches, Norfolk's only professional just look in for breakfast before because ofthe strong support of ou r snooker player! earned to play here the rain, he stepped out onto the pavement. Go visit the yellow bi rd, starting work. Qui te a few taxicustomers. Ma ny wrote in, and over -and the low prices it offers; with a he thought. He felt the beginnings drivers drop in fora break, as we are 20 turned up to the appeal hearing. NCC 'Passport to Leisure' card, of a smile... the only place in Norwich offering Now, most of our neighbours are members can play, subject to some hot and co ld snacks 24 hours a day. happy, and some are also good cusrestrictions, fo r as little as £1.50 per Well, not everyone visiti ng the Local office workers use us as a tomers!'' hour per table. Al l in all, the Canary Canary Cue Club comes in doing a canteen , or order takeaway food Oneofthe noticeable things about Cue Club is well worth a visit. bad imitation of Bogart, but, acThe Canary Cue Club is at St. from us . the club is its easy and relaxed • cording to Ruby Bales who runs the "lt 's noticeable that d ifferent atmosphere; despite the wide variMary 's Plain, jus/to the north of place, they get a fa ir cross section of times of day bring different kinds of ety of members, Ruby said that the ciry centre, and is currently people; from taxi-drivers to solicicustomer; I think of the club as there is very rarely any trouble, offeringstudentsfreemembership. tors, students to shop workers, bank bei ngacomrnunityin its own right." which mustbearemarkableachieveRing 627478for details.
*among the lowest theatre in the country *tickets for all events from £3.50 (or less *good views and audibility from all parts of the house
Booking *seats can be reserved by phone *mak! sure ofyour seats and pay later *diSCOUnts for booking of 20 or more *reserved seats held for up to four weeks *friendly, efficient staff at the end of the phone Call 63 00 00 for information and bookings
Three course meal, Champagne breakfast, Free wine and cocktails, Disco, laser shooting, Free prize casino, Live bands and much more!! Dinner ticket: l embers £32, non £38 Afterdinner: £ZZ members, non £25 Ticket .&rraacemeatl: .. Oil sale fltom larllaam .all,
to membetl Z'ltla/ zaalprnjam · Jpm. .. a.oa Apriltua . ~ 2p& :·:· _:: ;:&• ttektu Jl...... pet, ltehO.if ·
••• lltllberi 21ti].
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
(Week 2, Summer Term, 1993 )
The official line on what's happening in your Union
HOUSE STUDENTS SAY NO THANKS TO 34 WEEK LICENCES HUNTING? lbisyearthe University has more bed spaces to give to third years than ever before, but less students than ever want to take them up. A mere 19% of students invited to apply for residence next year bothered to complete the form. The University had put aside 3 34 beds to be allocated directly to third years and a further 156 for the - administrative reserve -
those that go into clearing at the start of next year. But with only 350 of next year's third year applying, it would appear the University may have been over optimistic in its calculations. Reasons for this may include the fact that students have grown accustomed to the not being able to retwn to residences after the first year.
Other explanations which may be advanced include alarmist headlines in the student media putting people off, but it may also be that the University simply isn't catering for the needs students have in terms of residences. There was no mention of30 week licences being available, as well as no opportunity for returning third years to move straight in to
residences and stay there over the summer rather than sublet in the city. Whatever the reasons for this phenomena, the Union is commissioning a survey into student needs from accommodation in an attempt to identify where the University is going wrong, and to try an ensure the Union is working to get this.
Government UEA Student kes step back Survey Yields on Voluntary Strange Results Membership IT was brave words back last September when John Patten announced to a mixed reception at Conservative Party Conference that he was going to 'break' student unions. He was going to make announcement just before Christmas as to how he was going to achieve this. with APRil.. drawing to a , thereisnowordonhowhe ts going to achieve his aim appart from an admission that whatever he comes out with will not go before parliament until at least the '94/'95 session. Meanwhile, NUS itself has responded vigorously NOT by burying its head in the sand, but by addressing the critisisms of the Government head on. In publishing its charter on responsibilities and duties of student unions, NUS has not only
stolen the impetus from the Government, it has sent Education Office minions back to the start on their ideas for union reform. One of the main problems for Mr. Patten is the fact that student unions in Universities are usually established by the charter of the University and designed not only to provide social facilities for students, but also to be an integral part of the structure of the University decision making process. Principals and Vice-Chancellors across the country have spoken out in support of their unions, including UFA'sown Vice-Chancellor. Indeed, with the current state of play, many student unions may now be feeling slightly more secure than some of the people wishing to abolish them ... .. ...
THE survey conducted at UEA at the end of last term reveals that UEA's student population is spread almost evenly across the wealth spectrum. When questioned on the level of debt students expected at the end of their degrees the survey showed 23% of students were confident of leaving debt free, whilst 21% expected to be over ÂŁ2,000 in debt with the rest balanced in the middle. Also, a straight 50% who responded had never felt any needforaparttimejob, whilst the other 50% either had a part time job or need one and couldn't find it. Views were mixed on the value of the degree here too. Only 9% believed it would guarantee a job, but then only
9% believed it wouldn't help at all. 45% thought it would help a lot, whilst the remaining 37% were less confident, thought it may be of use. However, one thing which there was more agreement on was the experience of college life. Eighty per cent replied that it was worth it being at UEA, with 45% going as far as to say it's the best time of their lives! But would we have stood a better chance of a job if we hadn't bothered coming? A massive 83% think not. Many thanks to all who took part in the survey. PLEASE help us out with the residences survey this term - the results of that will be more important thanjust5 minutesoffameon BBC2!
Traditionally, it is now that first and second year undergraduates start running all over the city in groups of 2 to I 0 in an attempt to secure a hovel to call home for a year. The sad fact is though, for many finding their dreampit for '93/'94, there are a thousand-and-one problems about to befall them and a million-and-one land lords/ladies awaiting them withopendirect-debitmandates. The Union's Advice Unit has just completed the preparations for this years 'Housing Pack'. This folder of information is available free on request and contains facts and hints on what to look out for both in hunting for a house, and then surviving the course of the agreement.
However, it is not only Janet Peck's word you need to take on housing. Once you have pinned your claim on your new mansion, come and have a look through the landlord/lady index where past tenants of student houses have recorded their thoughts (not always complementary and sometimes approaching libelous!). Over the next few weeks, the Union will be organising a series of talks and advice sessions for those who are interested in various aspects of surviving a year in the wilds of Norwich. Look out for more details
soon. Alternatively, you could just stand in the non-sabbatical elections this term and get a room guaranteed as a 'keyworker' for next year .. ... ..
UEA Lags Behind On Student Justice IT will come as no surprise to many disgruntled students that if they get a mark in an exam radically lower than they expect -tough! lbis comes as a natural progression from the situation with GCSE's and A Levels. However, a survey by UEA's Nicola Sainsburyrevealsthat we are almost the only University in the country where there is absolutely no system of appeal. Many institutions have appeal systems whereby students can question whether their marks were recorded correctly, if the calculation on which their degree class was based is correct or
even if some failure to operate the exam system properly might have affected a candidate's performance. A few institutions are prepared to investigate accusations ofbias/ prejudice on the part of examiners. Nicola hopes to work over the summer term in developing a system to put to the University. In the meantime, if you suspect that you've been unfairly treated and unable to appeal in any of your assessments, please contact Nicola as soon as possible - it will all add more weight to the case.
NUS Satisfied at Peppermint Park Safety Changes Peppermint Park has over the past two years gained a reputation as the place to be on a Monday night for a student night that was both safe and fun . However, this Spring term saw 2 incidents which raised hard questions for NUS to address, one of these incidents in volving a young
woman student sustaining serious head injuries ( from which she has, fortunately, recovered) at the hands of a rather large and unpleasant assailant in the club. Area Treasurer and organiser of the Monday night disco, Richard Hewison, said of the incidents, "the nature of these events was
such that we felt action had to be taken. The Monday Night disco is the Areas fmancial lifeline, but we needed to ensure that we could operate it in a way in which student safety was paramount. After several long meetings, new security arrangements are now in force on Monday nights with
the security staff dressed more casually, circulating more and student reps combing the club keeping a beady eye out for trouble. It 1s hoped that more students can be found who are willing to work both behind the bar or glass collecting on the Monday in or-
der to ensure the atmosphere remains student friendly. (Anyone interested should contact Richard Hewison direct). "The Peppermint Park venture is unique m that it provides a full club student night, controlled by students, involving students and where profits from go back to
benefit students" , said Richard, 'l am confident in the 'new look' designed for this term- we MUST ffill]ce sure scenes witnessed last term are never allowed to happen again. I appreciate things like that do happen in nightclubs, but a student night we run MUST be different!â&#x20AC;˘
IPravda is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. It appears here by commercial arrangeme t with Concrete I
Concrete, Wednesday , April 28 , 1993
concrete 0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4, 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Managing Editor: Peter Hart Editors: Gill Fenwick & Suzanne Turner Acting Editor: Niall Hampton Happenings Editor: Darren Fisher Sports Editor: Katharine Mahoney Picture Editor: Craig Eason Staff Photographer: Rob Hardy Advertising: Simon Mann Distribution: John Barton
Layout Assistant: Thuy La Proof Reader: Alistair Cushion Typists: Georgina King, Harry Stockdale, Arnir Thiliagadurai Photographers: Phil Vickers, Keith Whitmore, Contributors: Niall Hampton, Harry Stockdale, Georgina King, Jamie Putnam, Julia Smith, Sue McManus, John Holmes, Hwee Hwee Tan, Pete Snowman, Jonathan Batty, Matthew Lawrence, Simon Litton, Abi Patton, Simon Mann
Many Thanks to Technical Advisors: Neil Bamden, Mike Salmon, Peter Roberts, Dave Cartwright
Thanks to: Union House Stewards
Concrete (including "Happenings") is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Management.
(c) 1993
Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich Concrete is printed on recycled paper, using biodegradable inks
L etters Letters on any topic that will be of interest to our readers are welcome. Please write to: Concrete, UEA, Norwich, NR4 7TJ. Alternatively telephone us on Norwich 250558. We can't publish anonymous letters, but will respect requests to withhold the writers name
Wake up over 'awakenings' It is disappointing to read of complaints about disruption caused in Waveney Terrace resulting from renovations to rooms for disabled students at UEA (' Concrete ' , March 3, ' Rude Awakenings' p.3). Apart from the fact that the renovation work is likely to be only one week over scehdule, and that all affected students were offered alternative accommodation at an early stage, the complaints appear to be lacking in consideration of the purpose of the building work. The students concerned, particularly fmalists, are undoubtedly fee ling under pressure as their examinations draw near. But have they stopped to think about potential students who carmot attend university at all because of lack of facilities for disabled people? This initiative to improve existingaccommodation for the disabled by the University should be welcomed, and many other measures should be encouraged so that the NUS Declaration of Student Rights including "study in an environment free from discrimination" can be a realistic aim. The same edition of Concrete rightly highlights problems of Equal Opportunities in Queen's Uni versity, Northern Ireland and raises the issue ofEqual Opportunities at UEA, where there is clearly much to be done. However, if students themselves are unwilling to tolerate some discomfort which facilitates positive changes in favour of increased equality of opportunity, can they really expect a positive approach from others?
Stephanie Jones Equal Opportunities Officer, NA LGO, UEA â&#x20AC;˘ Editor' s note: The point of Concrete's story was to stress the fact that (I ] the building work was being done during term time, when students were trying to study and (2] that it began at the start of term, and was not going to finish until the end of term, despite the fact that Waveney Terrace residents had been told it would only last two weeks. We are sure that none of the students mentioned had any obj ection to work which would level the gap between their peers.
H you would like to write for Concrete phone 250558, or come to one of our weekly Monday meetings at l p.m. in Union House in room 1.33.
Water Aid You may remember some months ago that you very kindly helped us recruit volunteers for WaterAid. With your help, we were able to place some excellent college students into voluntary positions. We now need more volunteers to help us with our everincreasing workload. We urgently need voluntary support in our fu.ndraising and overseas department in London , to help with many vital administrative tasks which ensure our supporters and projects overseas are properly cared for. If you can type and can undertakea variety ofjobs for one or two days for an indefmite period, then we would love to hear from you. In return, we can otTer you a friendly office environment, your travelling expenses and a small lunch allowance. Your role in WaterAid will provide you with first hand experience of working with a development charity, and enable you to learn or develop valu-
able administrative skills. For an application form and job description, please contact:
appeal to tackle the problem of the population explosion. The aim of this campaign is twofold: to increase awareness of the suffocating effects of global population has on society, the quality of life and the environment. Urgent and effective action is needed to secure the future of " perso.nki.nd". TI1e other objective is to raise funds to fmance existing and future programmes throughout the world. The most successful fundraisers will be given the opportunity to sec a programme in operation in the country of their choice. I strongly believe that if pop stars and comedians can organiseeventslikeBandAidorCor.nic Relief, then intelligent students should be able to pull off the campaign of the year. I know the goals of this campaign can be acheived with nationwide student support. If anyone can help, I would be grateful if they would contact me.
Sally Pharo-Tomlin, WaterAid, 1 Queen Anne 's Gate, London SW1H 9BT Te lephone: 071-233 4800
Student Campaign I write with details of a nationwide student campaign I am planni ng with the sponsorship of Marie Stapes International , a British charity working in the fie ld of Mother & Child Healthcare and Far.nily Plaru1ing. I graduated 2 years ago and while on the notorious travellers' trail spent three months working in Ethopia. What I found most striking about the developing world was the sheer number of peoplewherever you look the streets are teeming with humanity. My experiences in the developing world have motivated me to set up a nationwide student
Julia Black, Flat Stafford Court, Kensington High Street, London W8. Telephone: 071-631 0710 f0) and 071-938 2750 (H}
Mem bers N ightclu b
I 15 Dove Street 1 I Norwich I I Tel: 629060 I I I I I
Must be enthusiastic, energetic, have excellent personality. Able to communicate with all fellow students.
TO PROMOTE Special student nights. Free weekend room hire to students. Creating new ideas & events for all students .
: e6Hte aHd j<Jile eu Ut ?lt~f I '--------------------------~
Concrete, Wednesday, April 28, 1993
Dates for a sporting summer
The Timeless Weapon The Archery outdoor season is just about to start Yet how many people have considered the history of the sport?
With the advent of summer, there comes a whole new sporting Calendar. Names such ~~ as Henley Regatta, Royal Ascot and Wim?lech-, bledon are synonymous with British summer-time. There is a strange mingling of the traditional and the innovative, the Epsom Derby for instance takes its place alongside Power Boat Racing. The range of sporting failures available, make the summer one of the most exciting sporting seasons of the year. Here are just a few of the important dates for your diary.
MOTOR RACING - 19th June is Le Mans, the 24 hour, nonstop race in France. Followed by the British Grand Prix on July 11th. FOOTBALL- 12th May is the European Cup Winners' Cup Final on 15th May. The Football fixtures fmish with the England Tour of the USA starting on 6th June. EQUESTRIANISM- summer is a busy time for racing. The Epsom Derby takes place on 2nd June with Royal Ascot combining fashion and racing on 15th June. A Special 400 year Commemorative Race is on I st July, with the prestigious King George VI stakes on 24th July.
the Foot-
S 1st team. wh0 WOn
Division One of the Norwich
Business Houses League. QSquash also did extremely
Polo also has a major fixture, the Queens Cup takes place on 21 st May and for 3 Day Eventing the WorldChampionshipsareatBadminton on the 24th May. CRICKET- possibly one of the most watched summer sports. England has three One Day Internationals against Australia on 19th, 21st and 23rd May. The England v Australia Comhill Test Series starts on June 3rd and the Benson and Hedges Cup fmal is on 1Oth July. TENNIS - the Stella Artois Championship is on 7th June and from the 21st June the Wimbledon Fortnight starts. It culminates with the Women's Singles Final on 3rd July and the Men's Singles Final on 4th July.
well, when the Men's l st won Division Four of the Norfolk
League. 0 Well done to Iqbal AIBalushie who took 1st place in
GOLF- 25th May is the Volvo P.G.A. Championship, followed by the Dunhill British Masters on the 3rd June. The 15th July sees the competitive 122nd Open Championship in progress. ROWING - who could forget Henley Regatta on the 30th June with all its regalia? On the 16th July is the National Rowing Championships. SAILING-the lstofJulyhosts two major events, the Mobil North Sea Yacht Race and Gala WeekandtheOneTonCup. The 31st July sees the Solo World Championships and also the start
Kata at Black Belt level in the Colchester Karate Competition. 0 The Commercial Union UAUsresume onApril25 .
of the infamous Cowes Week. CYCLING-theMilk:Racetakes place on the 31st May. The 20th June sees the start of the Isle of Man Cycle Week and on July 3rd the gruelling Tour De France starts. POWER BOAT RACING- on the 31st July they host the British Grand Prix. RUGBY- whose season continues into the summer. Two big cup finals take place on the 1st May, the Pilkington Union Cup Final and the British Rugby League Final. On the 22nd May, the Lions Tour to New Zealand commences.
If you woti[dJike the results of your
team featured
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In prehistoric times the bow and arrow proved to be an effective weapon. It was far more efficient than the spear at killing animals at longer ranges. Its popularity as a weapon was re-introduced into England in 449 AD. by the Viking King Vortigern, when it re-emerged as the Longbow. It was theWelsh that then became the main exponents of the bow and arrow until 633 AD. The popularity of the weapon especially amongst the Welsh, led to it being taken up by the English and the Normans. The weapon stayed in use right up to the 14th and 15th centuries where it was used in major conflicts and was a significant force until the development of the musket. The original weapon was a six foot bow, made out of yew. Today, thebowishighlyadvanced, through the use of up-to-date technology. The new "ReCurve" Bow is made of fmely worked fibre glass with more efficient strings. Even the metal handle has a groove cut in it to enable the arrow to travel straighter over the bow's frame. The arrows are also no longer wood. At first, aluminium arrows were used, then they progressed
to carbon-fibre; however this was abandoned because it shattered The arrow now is made of aluminium and coated in carbon-fibre. Archery is not generally regarded as a spectator sport, thereforeitdoesnothavemuch television coverage and sponsorship is low. It can therefore be expensive. The archer aims at a target from a distance ranging from 80 yards down to 20 yards for the juniors. The competition consists of rounds made up of eight and nine dozen arrows respectively. Archery has its own governing body, "FITA". This body nmsitsown "FitaStars"award scheme which starts at 1000 points with a maximum of 1440. The world record is at the moment held by a Korean with 1375 stars. Norfolk itself has eleven regional clubs, with over 200 members. Two clubs are to be found in Norwich, these are the Norfolk Bowmen and the Norfolk Company Archers. Archery is a sport seeped in history, after all many great men have fallen because of a bowman's arrow, just look at Kin Harold!
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A golden success Katharine lVIahoney looks at the bright future of the cycling industry Few people watching the Pursuit Racing at the Olympic games will forget the excitement they felt when Chris Boardman rode a recordbreaking time to take the Gold medal. Norfolk had every reason to be especially proud, since the revolutionary Bike was designed and developed in the county. Pursuit Racing is run over 4000m on a closed course. The two competitors start on opposite sides of the track and try to gain an advantage on the other rider. Cluis Boardrnan clinched an amazing victory on the revolutionary Bike, designed by Mike
Burrows and developed by Lotus. Mike Burrows is one of the leading human-powered vehicle and bicycle designers. His original monocoque bicycle was banned by the international authorities in 1986, however the ban was fmally lifted in November 1990. During 1991 , Mike Burrows was contacted by Lotus Engineering to enquire about the possible development of the monocoque concept. A true monocoque according to Lotus'defmition is, "A completely-closed, thin wall, unitary load-bearing shell structure which cannot be analysed as individual load-bearing members. "
The "LotusSport" Pursuit bike had this monocoque structure and was derived from Burrow's "WindCheetah" to which Lotus Engineering acquired the rights in February 1992. Lotus then went on to develop the structure and shape of the bike to optirnise the performance and minimise weight, this eventually led to a bike capable of winning at the Olympics. The " LotusSport" Pursuit Bike is going to have still an even greater impact on the cycle industry. Richard Ballantine is quoted as saying, "The LotusSport monocoque is a revolutionary bicycle that will transform the design of all road sport bicycles
Ever 'eard of the Black Sox? IT is a little known fact that the University of East Anglia has its own baseball club, writes Matthew Lawrence. What is even more astonishing is that this is a nationally unique feat. Apparently, no other university has yet embarked on such a worthwhile idea. There was a rumour last term that Essex University would oblige in becoming our sole academic rival but this proved false and so we are left with no fully-fledged university opposition. The UEAAnglians formed four years ago, led by an ambitious EAS first year called Nick Tay! or. From then on, the club has gone from strength to strength (in terms of membership at least- I will not discuss our sporting prowess just yet: suffice to say, we have had our ups and downs). On I Oth November, the 1992/ 93 Baseball Committee discussed widespread changes for the club. Along with ordering a whole batch
of new equipment, it was decided that the club should have anew look and a new name. After much deliberation, out went the blue and gold and "The Anglians" to be replaced with all-blackand "The Black Sox" (and definitely not "The Zebras", "The Sharks", "The Politically Corrects" or "The Dirty Sox" as some misguided members suggested') Last season, the Anglian League of the British Baseball Federation (BBF) comprised four teams: UEA, Tiptree Rays, Stevenage Knights and our arch-rivals Norwich Wanderers. RAF Lakenheath also fell within this category but as they were a US Air Force base and were quite professional in their approach, these games were classed as "friend lies". Of the twelve league fixtures we played, only four resulted in victones. This was due, in some part, to the fact that we did not have a good regular pitcher and that, on the day, our battling was just not up to
scratch. Consequently, our final league position was third. Our cup campaign was short and sweet: after a bye in the first round, we were treated to a trip to Ipswich in the second, where we were resoundingly beaten 21-1. We did not get a "hit" (a technical term) all game. Oh dear! Unfortunately, the season before last yielded eleven victories in fifteen games and so last season could be seen as a step back for the club in terms of success. However, with players coming and going, year in, year out, this is quite natural. This year we are pretty optimistic. The new intake is showing signs of great promise -we just hope they will stick with it until the summer term. Then again, as the old maxim goes, it is not the winning that is important, it is the taking part - and that is basically the essence of our club, as our motto will testify: "UEA Baseball - No Talent, No Worries."
Did You Know? In 1919, agroupofnineUniversities met and agreed that an "intervarsity athletic meeting" would be advantageous for their students. That same year saw the first intercollegiate Athletic Sports meeting held in Manchester. Thus was born the Inter-Varsity Athletic Board of England and Wales (IVAB). ln 1922, the fVAB began to introduce further sports to their programme, namely Association Football , Hockey, Rugby Union and Swimming. So far, only men ' s sporting nccdswerecateredfor. But in 1923
the Women's Inter Varsity Athletic Board (W1VAB) was set up to organise similar events for female students. In 1930, it was decided that a more universal name was required and the organisation became known as the "Universities Athletic Union" (UAU). In recent years the number of member institutions has increased dramatically. The UAU now has a membership of sixty-nine institutions, actively involving some two hundred and fifty thousand students taking part in almost sixty champi-
on ships, ranging from Lacrosse to Tenpin bowling. The UAU championship have spawned some very successful sportspeople to date, including Sebastian Coe, Jon Potter, Olympic Games and World Championship Silver Medalist with the England Hockey team in I986 and Chris Oti, England and British Lions International. Commercial Union's four year sponsorship of the UAU has ensured that in that time, no students with ability, have been denied an opportunity to improve their skills, through a lack of funds.
in years to come. Its launch marks the start of a golden era in cycle racing for Britain." This is backed up by Lotus' decision to commercialise the Bike. They hope to launch a range of "LotusSport" bicycles, which will be headed by a Time Trials variant of the Olympic Bike. These bikes will not come cheap though, at around ÂŁ1500 they ' ll only be for the serious, recreational cyclist and for the true enthusiast there will be a range of Lotus Sport cycle accessories, including helmets and clothing. The bikes are to be manufactured at an aerospace component facility in California and will return to be assembled in Norwich. Will Norwich and Lotus be at the centre of revolutionising the cycling industry? Only time will tell.
The Lotus Bike
THE STUDENTS' LANDLORD Sorry! All houses now full! But rooms available for the Summer vacation at ÂŁ20 per week
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