The Battle of the Balls
Photo exclusive Concrete goes inside Nelson Court ... again
'Happenings' page two
Plus the City's only comprehensive g.uide to what's on where
MAY 12. 1993
' Raid could be linked to international operation, say University officials Report by- Peter Hart THIEVES who broke into the School of Information Systems (SYS) got away with computers worth more than 拢27,000, o~cials have revealed. The break-in was discovered by a security patrol in the early hours of Wednesday, April 28. Only top spec machines were taken, including 4 AppleQuadras, withthethievesleaving behind dozens of less valuable units. The burglars did not force any exter, doors whilst breaking in, and as ) certain rooms were broken into, there is speculation that the computers were stolen to order by professionals. " They knew the geography of the building pretty well,' ' said S YS Laboratory Supervisor, Chris Browne, adding that the thieves seemed to ''have a shopping list.'' He also said that police believe the thieves could be involved in a national or even international network of computer thefts. There have been similar raids in the heading for Romania or CzechoslovaUK recently, including one at Camkia, where they are unobtainable bebridge University. Other thefts have cawe of the ban. occured at the University of WashingAlthoughreplacementmachinesfrom ton, the University of California, Arithe UEA theft can easily be obtained, zona State University and Berkeley it will inevitably take some time to University. reconstruct the work stored on those In each case, Mac Quadras were also taken. targeted, again in faculty - rather than . Ironically, UEA's Superintendent of student - areas. Portering and Security Services, Mr Browneexplained that the United Maurice Morson, said that warning States has a trade embargo on a particunotices had already gone out to schools lar processor chip inside the Quadra, Turn to Page 2, Col. 1 and that the stolen computers could be
Refit for 路n ightclub installation, a revolving dance floor, dancing water fountains and, perhaps most importantly, the lighting and LEADING NORWICH nightclub Pepsound rigs will be updated. permint Park is to undergo a 拢1 .25 million refit in a scheme to maintain its Mark Brenner, Assistant Manager self-appointed position as 'Norfolk's of Peppermint Park, told Concrete: Premier Nightspot' . " Every now and then you need to do something dramatic,'' when Owners of the club, situated in Rose Lane, have called in leading designers 路 asked about the refit scheme .. He added that, " We will try to mainTrevor Stone and Mike Gibson to cretain the variety of atmospheres and to ate a completely different image. improve on them. An emphasis on Plans include an extensive video
By Niall Hampton
multi-functional things is what we' re going for, so that we can incorporate bizarre and different themes at the club." When asked about whether the refit would inevitably lead to higher admission prices, Mr Brenner said that the costs would be absorbed. No price increases would be levied and the door prices .would be kept at their reason-
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
Concrete, Wednesday,
Nightclub refit Cont. from Pa~c 1 able level. Peppermint Park is one of the most popular nightspots in Norwich for students. who regularly attend it s weekly student night, which is eoorganised v. ith the Norfolk and SufJolk area NUS. Such nights have seen cheap drink promotions, as well as barbecue dinners. Work on the refit is to begin within six to eight weeks, with a completion date mooted for October. but the club will remain open while this is ca rri ed out. CompetitiOn between Nor\\1Ch nightclubs is under tood to be fairly fierce at the moment especially with the de-
nu se ofthc club nights held at the Waterfront. Ritz) 's mghtclub. si tuated in Tomblands. is also planning a refit, but it is understood to be on a smaller scale than that planned for Peppermint Park. Mark Brenner secs the refit in his club as a benefit to his present cl icntclc, " We arc loyal to our customers, but we want to provide something extra for them as well. If you don 't like one area of the club, then you can quite easily go to another area. '' He added that, " It's about ti me Norwich had an up to date nightspot; \~ C want to be the first, not the last. We ' re thinking about the ne. ·t 5-6 ) ears instead of the short term."
Computer theft Coilt. from Page 1 and departments, advising them that Apple Macs arc H tlncrablc an d desirable items. But he said It was up to each department. and fro m their own budget to ensure that then premises a rc secure. · T m a consultant, it's 111) JOb to provide ad\ ice. · ' he added • E\'ldcncc sho\\S that the •
thieves left the campus via the back road, across the Colnc) Lane playing fields •SYS has put up a reward of £ l ,000 in additwn to £500 al read) oiTcrcd by Crime Stoppers for information leading to the arrest and charge of the offenders An)onc \\ith Information should phone 0800 555 111 or Norwich 633730.
o hitches ·n RAG trip? Photo and story by Craig Eason RAG hope to have raised over £400 in sponsorship money from their charity hitch to Amsterdam over the Bank Holiday ~cckcnd. OYer 30 people took part in the lu tch, \\hich offered a prize for the team that managed to get to the Damplatz 111 Amsterdam in lhc qutck c~ t tunc. The wooden spoon surely must go JOintly to the team that became geographtcally confused (endmg up 111 Pans rather lhan Amsh:rdam) as \\Cll as to the back-up team \\ho, despite ha' mg their O\\ n tran~port , m1ssed the !lam 1ch fcff)' de-
sptte vahant etTorts b:; dnver Antta , and nerve-calmmg va lium tablets (lomes and old men should not be allowed on the road). The back -up team had to drive toRamsgateand then from Dunkirk to llolland,arriving 111 Amterdam 45 m111utes before the fi rst team arri\ed Amsterdam oilers theehance to deprave yoursel( or to rema111 111 a total!) sane slate of mi nd and watch lhc rush of life 111 what is a \1brant cit}. 'll1e Fnda) of RAG 's arrival \\as the Queen 's btrthday and lhe \\ ho!..: ctt} had gone on the rampage. h en the pohce force had oftictally gone on holtda) , declar-
111g lhe centre a lawless zone, and the inhabtlants had thrown e\ cry th111g out on to the streets. The roads were duly littered \\ tth clothing, shoes, furniture, food , toys, and all sorts of debris that rrught be found in a bomb blasted war zone. The back up team waited at lhc Damplaf..L for lhe hitchers to arrive 111 drabs and drabs, fend111g otT drug pushers and per\Crts \\hilst dnnltng 9 bottles of cheap duty free champagne in 5 hours I he hitchers ccrta111l) encountered the cosmopolitan hfc of the city a Cherokee Indian, a strange Canadtan, a stoned [n:hman \\ho cons tant!) scrounged ctgarettes, and a bt-
sexual Palest111ian Jew priest \\ho claimed to sing without word and melody (and he certainly did). There were inevitably frequent otTers for all sorts of drugs and sex. The whole trip was great fun and should certainly raise some money for chanty, hopefully giv1118 RAG the boost they need after the fundraisi ng fa ilures of lhe past few months. • RAG's bungee jump is to take place this Sunday (May 16' 1 t ts open to everyone but th a lumt of I 10 places at theeYent, \\ luch takes place betv. ecn IOam and 6pm at Non\ ich Sports Village See RAG for details
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Texaco policy fuelling HIV discrimination
ByJames Melville-Ross
A FRESHER at Edinburgh University had a rather unfortunate experience last week. After staying up working on an essay until 5.30 AM, she decided to have a session on her sunbed. Imagine her surprise and horror when it exploded and caught fire. Her flat was scorched, but luckily, she managed to escape injury. The burning issue does remain however as to what happened to her essay... AS TON University's Guild of Students celebrated yet another inquorate general meeting last week. As little as 50 students are I.Ulderstood to turn up to their meetings (which are held during the day), so apathy definitely exists elsewhere. Curiously, one of the motions tabled at the meeting was to abolish Guild meetings anyway, but with only 3 quorate meetings in the last 6 years, not even this appears possible. BLUE PETER presenter John Leslie has been 'seen towith a female Drama at Birmingham Uni. The pair have been seen out in a nightclub, which has fuelled all sorts of press speculation - tabloid photographershaveevencampedoutside the student's lodgings. However, the university.s student magazine, 'Redbrick', are 'coming down against the press' to defend the young lady concerned.
W ARWICKUniversity's Union Charity Officer is understood to have boldly undertaken a sponsored snogathon around the Midlands for Comic Relief. Notable alumni must have found her lip quite irresistible - she snagged a •ball team , an MP, 3 Lord ••.ayors and a guide dog. Her cheekyexploitsraised enough money to push the overall total of Warwick's appeal to £10,000. SHEFFIELD University's Union scored a major victory recently when they forced the universitytobackdownonthe introduction of a £35 charge for health care. The Union fought for and secured a charge ofjust£13,leaving the university with the shortfall to pay themselves. Money from the health service is understood to be paid into the cost of keeping a 'private hospital' open. The university must be feeling a little unwell ...
News Sources: Cherwe/1, Edinburgh student, London student, Redbrick, Birmingham SUn and Darts. )
Nestle visit stirs up trouble A MANAGEMENT course due to take place at UEA has run into conflict with a fair trade policy supported by the Student's Union, writes J11lia
Union and Oxfam join forces in an attempt to provide longterm aid for developing countries. The campaign hopes to realise as one of its aims fair prices for the work done by impoverished farmers. By cutting out the middle-man (ie multi-national companies) they hope that third world workers will receive as much as 50% more for the items produced. Two major companies targeted by the campaign, Philip Morris (who produce Maxwell House coffee) and Nestle-
Smith. The course, organised by UEA's Careers Centre and due to be held in September, is being sponsored by major coffee producer Nestle, who have been targeted by a fair trade campaign. The campaign, entitled 'Shopping for a Better World ', was launched last week in Norwich and saw the Student's
Rowntree, are to be highlighted for their existing third world trade policies. Nestle are currently being criticised over their system of supplying free milk to women who have recently given birth. A recent claim by Nestle that they have amended this practice has since been refuted by the World Health Organisation. Although there is no Union policy calling for a boycott of Nestle products in their retail outlets, Nescafe coffee is no longer stocked by them. Jacqui Mackay, Communi-
cations Officer, stressed that even ifit was their policy to ban such products, they had no means to enforce their policies on non-union outlets around UEA. A representative letter of complaint from the Union is to be sent to the Careers Centre, but Jacqui added that after this action the initiative had to lie with the individual student, pointing out that it would be difficult to force a cancellation of the course, because of its importance to students wishing to follow a career in management.
THE STUDENT Union passed a motion to boycott all Texaco productS for the next two years at a UGM on Monday April 26. This action follows protests at Texaco' s UK Headquarters in London, against the firm's policy of compulsory pre-employment HIV testing. Texaco UK insists that all job applicants undertake a test for the HIV virus, ifemployees refuse the test or are found positive, they will not get the job. Act-up (AIDS coalition to Unleash Power) supporters demonstrated last week againstthis policy. They argue that there is very little risk ofHIV being transmitted in the workplace and therefore the approach of firms such as Texaco is becoming increasingly unacceptable. Through their policy, Texaco are openly flaunting guidelines laid down by the World Health Organisation and the Department ofEmployment, who describe such tests as "unnecessary and ineffective". Texaco justify their policy by saying that dismissals occur in the instance of an employee deterring customers from using their services and when an employee needs extended sick leave entitlements. Act-Upsaytheywillcontinueto intensify its campaign against the company until Texaco UK changes their 'prejudiced' policy.
Student debt levels set to rise yet again By Nia/1 Hampton
done." Last year the survey concluded that the average graduating student owed £1,765, a figure which included amounts owed to the infamous Student Loan scheme. However, the survey is believed to 'understate rather than exaggerate the levels of student debt'. Despite this, Richard Hewison thinks that an 'average' debt level is misleading, as students obviously come from varied backgrounds and can rely on different levels of parental support. Yet this years figure could well top an average of £2,000 per student, as declining grant levels and the continuing 'popularity' of the Student Loans scheme take effect. •copies ofthe 1993 Student Debt survey questionnaires are available from Union House.
NUS Services Limited have recently released the questionnaires for the 1993 Student Debt Survey, which contains a chance to win a £50 book token. The survey, conducted yearly, aims to raise the level of debate about student debt. Its sponsors, Barclays Bank, believed that the results oflast year's survey were significant enough for it to be repeated this year. Forms for the survey have been circulated by the Union of UEA Students, who strongly support the survey. Richard Hewison, Communications Officer, told Concrete that, "We all know that people are being priced out of Higher Education.'' "We need to bring home to the government that mechanisms for financing students are failing and that something has to be
Non-sabbatical elections ers Lane. In addition to the regular posts, elections will also be held for the Union Sports Committee who are appointing Internal and External Sports Officers. •Nomination forms are available from the Information Office in Union House.
ELECTIONS for the Union Executive's non-Sabbatical posts are to beheld during Week
6. Nominations open during Week 4 and close exactly a week later. Hustings will be held during Week 6 in the LCR and at Fif'
or 619289 or 619280 ·J
No extra charge after midnight
UEA to anywhere within the inner ring road : £ 3
UEA to Thorpe rail station £ 3.50
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
UEA NEWS ON CAMPUS BUILDlNG work to adapt rooms for disabled students in Waveney Terrace has finally been completed. The work affected residents of C block who complained vociferously to the university at the time, especially as they were being woken early in the mornings by the noise. Union Welfare Officer Colin Browning is understood to be unpressed at the final results of the adaptations. A NEW AREA Convenor for theSuffolkandNorfolk branch of the NUS has been appointed . Kate Gay, a student at Norwich City College, was elected last week and inherits the post from the present incumbent, !an Mann. She assumes her responsibilities in September. RESIDENTS of Norfolk and Suffolk Terraces h3:ve been warned not to have barbecues on their balconies. Resident Tutors have been asked to dissuade students from such activities, due to the considerable fire risk. When asked for his response, one student said U1at, " I don ' t want to say anything in11arrunatory, they' ve got me over the coals this time.''
UGM U-turn produces the desired result
Identity for Historians
By Chief Reporter
A Centre for Historical Studies is to be set up by the beginning of the nel\.1 academic year to give a sense of identity to VI 00 History students. writes Gill Fenwick. The proposal came jointly from Nicola Sainsbury. Academic Officer, and the University's Working Group. "Th ere were problems even before the introduction of the Common Course Structure", satd Nicola. "with the V lOO students being divided between three schools, EUR EAS and SOC". Students involved feel that there is a lack of consultation between the three schools of study. The new centre will be set up within the Arts Building- administration for the course will be undertaken by the Centre and the students will have their pigeon-holes there . Although the proposal has to be agreed by Senate, Nicola does not foresee any postponements.
UGMs returned to quoracy in Week 2 when at least 250 students turned up in a response to the Union's latest drive to encourage attendance. In this, the first quorate UGM since November 1992, the Union had to revert to their Happy Hour/ Peppcm1int Park ticket, which was abandoned last term . Previous initiatives to make UGMs "more representative'' failed to produce the right results: ' Buzz Word Bingo' failed to secure full houses and the cultural food stands were. unfortunately, stalled . At Week 2's meeting, motions tncluding accommodation, Bosnian Rape, campus car parking and the Texaco boycott were discussed . Richard Hewison, Communica ti onsOfficer, branded the meeting "the most productivt> yet", before acknowledging that the return oftradi tional"incenti ves" has played a s ub stantial part in 'quoratizing' UGMs once again. lie added that the return of a Publicity Officer (the recently elected Leo Hollis) "was a strong factor in the return to favo ur of the UGM" amongst students, a lthough publicity for thi s latest meeting was largely left to the last minute. It remain s to be seen, however, what the effects of the Union 's U-turn ac hieve throughout the rest of this term, as the 'n ovelty' package of the Happy Hour plus a free bus and admi ssion to Peppermint Park could well wear off.
THE LACK of University funding has been vigorously attacked by the Association of University Teachers (AUT). The A UT, which has over 31,000 members, have just launched a can1paign to highlight the major problems facing Higher Education institutions in an attempt to increase aware-
Jarrold ';:; pleCentre ~ Orwich
Paul Freakley (A ll prices arc subj ect to VAT at the current rate)
University lecturers should be tested on their teaching ability and sacked if tiley fail tile tests, tile Centre for Higher Education Studies suggests . The research body also suggests tilat students should be consulted about tilcir tutors ' teaching ability . " I think tilere's a potential problem in doing that ,'' Dr. T .M . Williamson, lecturer in East Anglian Studies, said. "The difficulty would be tile attention would be on tile marking. A strict marker would get worse comments from stu-
By Hwee Hwee Tan dents as opposed to a good or ·fair' marker. The tests might lead to a tendency for lecturers to raise students' marks." Dr. Purkiss, who teaches in tile School of English and American Studies, disagrees . She pointed out that EAS already assessed its teaching staff Urrough student feedback, and student comments' were usually not biased against strict tutors . For Dr. Purkiss, tile crucial
factor would be tile organiza tion tilat was assessing til• lecturers . She felt tilat if a governmen body was doing tile testing, thi! would be a " Urreat to academic freedom" as certain subjects like Women Studie! (which Dr. Purk.iss teaches· would get tile boot due to til( nature of tile course, ratilCJ tilan because of her teachinf ab ilities . However, if tile testing wa! conducted by an independen· body, tilen she felt tilat it woulc be "a very good tiling"
By Niall Hampton
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ness of tilis nationwide affiiction. Leaflets outlining U1e AUT's can1paign will shortly be circulated to students Urroughout tile UK, setting out its chief objectives. Under tile slogan " Does mass higher education mean poorer education?", tile AUT are keen to emphasise the all too familiar problems currently faced by student and lecturer alike. The leaflet states tilat, "Universities provide high quality education but tiley will not be able to provide it much longer, witilout more money and more resources for students. " The Ulrust of tile AUT' s canlpaign seems to hint at encouraging tile Government to increase funding, altilough references to this are somewhat oblique , " Higher Education needs a greater proportion of public expenditure to maintain its internationally renowned excellence", tile lea flet says. They are also aware of tile current problems posed by student debt, crammed lecture halls, ever-larger seminar groups and tile scarcity of library resources, some of which are familiar to most at UEA . They urge students to, "Tell your friends; tell your parents; tell your MP." Research funding for universities may well be further stretched under tile terms of a recent White Paper proposal made by Williarn Waldegrave, tile Science Minister. He is understood to be considering whetiler to continue with the trend towards separate funding for university research and teaching. Such a move may actuall y outpace tile recent development to transfer only research overheads from universities to research counci ls, suggesting that universities may well have to push harder for research funding.
AUT. the union representing university. academic and professional staff, is distributing a leaflet to students throughout/he UK this summer, as part of a campaign to increase funding to universities.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Concrete goes inside Nelson Court... again
Photo exclusive by Steve Howard Story by Staff Reporter
Gone is the scaffolding, the wet cement and incessant sound of hammering and drilling - now there are men laying wall-to-wall carpet, checking the lighting and
putting the finishing touches to the kitchen lockers. For people who are worried about the pre-fabricated bathroom 'pods', don't be ... they are spacious, welllit and modem, if not luxurious. The bedrooms also need to be seen to be believed. Again, they are not exactly the Ritz, but the bed is comfortable, and the shelves and a desk are fully-fitted in every room. And finally onto the carpeted kitchen ... l 0 people get a microwave, two fridges and a freezer plus two moveable tables plus a patio outside ...
RAG events RAG say they are 'delighted' at the amount raised by selling second hand books ... ÂŁ468 will be going to the Jenny Lind (Children's) Ward at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital.
Courting the new residents WITH the first part of Nelson Court (behind the Sports Centre) due for handover to the University in a month's time, Concrete decided it was worth venturing back into the corridors ofthe new residence to show future tenants what they might expect... . How things have changed since wesetfootin there several months
'Lateness' update A PHASED handover programme for Nelson Court was agreed at a meeting between University Officials and Contractors on April22, as different parts of the buildings will becomereadyatdifferenttimes. The outcome is that blocks A and B ofNelson Court will be ready for occupation by July 31, while blocks C and D will be ready by August 14. • Although handoverdatesforConstable Terrace have not been agreed, the University hope it will be ready for occupation by September 20.
They also report that the Hitch to Amsterdam "on the whole succeeded", although one couple decided that Paris was more attractive. Another pair failed to get further than Calais. Future events include: (JThe Bungee jump at Norwich Sports Village - RAG still need a few brave jumpers, (JThe Red, Rude and Ridiculous disco at K block, Fifers Lane on Friday of Week 5 the less you wear, the cheaper it is to get in, (JBar Games at Live in the Hive also in Week 5 (JThe Beerfest in Week 9 classed by RAG as 'the best event of the year' including discos, fun games and bar-bques. They are also trying to organise a coach for Cambridge's infamous 'Strawberry Fair.' Anyone who wishes to go should let RAG know (their office is upstairs in Union
.....---- - - -
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
In the Week for women By City Amir Muhammad
NORFOLK County Council was wrested from C onservative control in an ' historic victory' for Labour and the Liberal Democrats las t week. Although no s ingle party now has effective control , the news must surely corneas a major upset for the Tories. In addition, Norwich City Council remains Labour-controlled following the results of last week ' s local council elections. EC ONO MIC foreca s t s continue to be increasingly confi dent about growth in Eas t An glia. In the latest maj or review published by UBS in London, house prices in East Anglia are expected to ri se by I 0% in the next year, a rise w h ich is well above the nationa l average of7%. A lthough the figures suggest that East Anglia 's housing ma rket will be one of the fastes t to recover in the UK, the review secs th is ' boom' a s being short-lived.
If you have a City story. phone Concrete on (0603) 250558
Last week may have been UEA Women's Awareness Week, but the don 't be misled by its title, for the issues touched upon affected not only women and certainly not only UEA. In fact, the event which generated the most interest was a lecture on Wednesday on the rape~amps in Bosnia. About 40 students crammed into the Bill Wilson Room to hear the talk and watch the accompanying video depicting the war atrocities on Bosnian women, 20,000 of whom are believed to have been raped by soldiers. The newly-elected Women 's Officer , Polly Knewstub, collected hundreds of signatures in the University and in the City, protesting this war crime, and plans to present the petition to a local MP. Issues closer to homedidn 't quite achieve the desi red response. The relaunch of the Women 's Action
Committee on the same day (despite the lure of free drinks) , plus the self-defence class and bookstall on Thursday, didn 't cause excited ripples among studen ts. Time to bring out that trusty old scapegoat, student apathy? And a theatre presentation called · ' Houseparty' ', scheduled forT uesday as part of the campaign, was cancelled " due to ci rcumstances beyond ou r control ", said Jacqui Mackay, International Liaisons Officer and next year 's Communication Officer. " The Women 's Week was important because we live in an intrinsically sexist society, and we need to raise awareness on all levels," continues Jacqui . For those, women as well as the Y~hromosomed, who want to know more about how to get involved in women ' s issues, specifically the newly-revived Women 's Awareness Committee, door drops and pamphlets are being delivered this week.
ENTS election 'farce' THE ELECTION for three membe rs to th e new Entertainments Committee has been declared a " far ce" by Union Finan ce Offic e r , Chri s Hollin g worth , writes Gill
Fen wick. The election was held at Students Forun1 on Thursday May 7. According to Chri s, a nwnber of things went wrong, '' at the time it was not clear who was conducting the election, someone cast a vote all er counting had begun and someone voted who
was not on Student Forurn." The Conunittee - when fully elected - will consist of the Union Finance Officer as Chairperson, four members which will now be elected at the UG M in week 6, the Conunercial Services Manager and the Entertainments Manager. After the election was invalidated, it was decided to take it to the UGM to make it more democratic and representative, and the UGM will not even have to be quorate.
Nightclub to be redeveloped
By Chief Reporter FORMER NORWICH nightspot, T he Jacqua r d, may be converted in to 11 hom e a nd shops in a comme rcial development scheme to regenerate the area. The Jacquard , situated on Magdalen Street , closed last August and has been lying vacant ever since. Under the terms of this scheme, the club could be turned into a house and shop, with the possi bility of a Oat and bedsi t being built nex't door. Norwich City Council's plan-
ning department, in considering the scheme, stated that it " provides a w1i que opportw1ity to revitali se this important part of Magd<.akn St..n:et and as a result may stimulate furtl1er initiatives in the area.'' The scheme is to be funded partly by the ' Flats over the Shop' drive, which encourages the utilisation of space above shops in cities. Norwi ch Council, a housing association and a private owner are understood to be footing the rest of the bill. However, the scheme necessitates the demolis hing of 133
Flowered up?
NORWICH By Pete Snowman
Elvis · The Musical La Traviata & 11 Seraglio - Opera The Blues Brothers . Rhythm n' blues party Queen Victoria - Prunella Scales Orpheus in the Underworld & The Pirat es of Penzance- Operetta Julian Clary Punt & Dennis Bottom · Rik Mayall, Ade Edmondson
The Chippendales Dancing at Lughnasa - Wonderful Irish drama
Two Into One Ahilarious farce The Drifters Tickets for all events from £3.50 For information and booking call 63 00 0 0
Magdalen Street, a Grade Two li sted building next door to the former club. Concern has duly been expressed by English Heritage and the Ancient Monwnents Society, who both reconunend the plarmers to consider keeping the building and renovating it. But a report on the scheme states that the build ing is d i lapi - ~ dated and needs considerable improvement to restore it, before adding that councillors . Id approve the whole plan, ~ng J as suitable arrangements for both car and cycle parking can be made.
This month sees the opening of an independent enquiry into allegations of racial discrimination at the Inns ofComt School of Law, according to a report in The G11ardia11. The school, the only route into practice at the Bar of England and Wales, has been under fire from the Society of Black La\\yers (S .B.L.) and figures published last November seem to give weight to the society's position. According to last year's figures, ctlmic minority students at t11e school had a failure rate three times that of t11cir white counterparts. The controversy dates back three years, when a new course was introduced which highlights practical skills in law. Students are ot1en assessed on videotaped exercises whi ch means
that marking is largely subjective and allowances are wholly discretionary: a situation which has given rise to allegations of preferential treatment The enquiry, which starts to collect evidence this month, has been set up by the Council of Legal Education which runs the schooL The S.B.L. have little confidence in this enquiry, claiming that the team is unqualified for the job and that it \vill only be a token enquiry to clear the school's name. The society wanted a formal investigation by the Conunission for Racial Equality but the Commission have postponed any action until next September, al1er t11e publication of the enquiry' s interim report. In t11e meantime, the society is urging students to boycott the enquiry w1til it comes up wit11 proposals for dealing with their individual cases.
CHILDREN at H eartsease First Sch ool in N o rwich recently pla nted 180 p lants to improve their environment, including the eponymously named Heartsease pansy. The pupils paid lOp each towards the cost of planting the flowers, and were joined in the \'enturc b) their parents, one of whom is busy growi"" more of the appropria named plant, as it is understood to be quite rare.
If you have any stories wh ich you would like covered, contact Concrete on (0603) 250558 or internally on 2942
Survey confirms graduate job fears A recent su rvty ·uggests th at employers are ha\'ing problems in fillIng vacancies despite the recession and liquidity in the employment market. The survey. by Kingston Uni\'ersity's Small Busi ness Research Centre. gauged the opinion of more than 270 employers and employees in finn s ranging from traditional services to modem areas such as com puter and business serv-
ices. lt suggests that employers arc still very careful as to who th ey engage, and it is not just a matter of ha\'ing the right skills. Prospective employees ha\'c to be able to fit in, especially in small firm s that value ·team players·. Additionally, where employees have customer contact, a pre-requisite in service industries, they will also need to possess exactly the right personal an d social
skill s. Such news seems to be fairly obvious to those students graduating this year, who are more than aware th at a university degree is no longer a free ticket to a lucrative career. The survey merely confirms that employers know exactly what they want in an employee, and accordingly they are being choosy, despite the plethora of talent in the job market.
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
L - - . . - -
castle mall norwich
opens II.OOam
Thursday 20th may
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Alarms against attack Two new personal attack alarms have come on the market, in an attempt to combat the increasing numbers of crimes against women. The Bodyguard alarm is internally reinforced with steel and attempts to silence it by stamping on it, even driving a car over it, have proved fruitless. Its siren sounds at 130 decibels and will continue at maxi-
By Georgina King mum output for up to two hours . It is also possible to activate tl1e alarm for short periods, if a threat is perceived. Admiral ' s personal attack alarm doubles as a torch, and when activated a powerful lOOdecibel alarm will sound and the torch will flash . Helen Sullivan, Head Of Ad-
NUS: No future in computers
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DPop group Technotronic visited the Nonvich branch of Top Shop last Friday, to give a rendition of a few choice tracks and to sign some autographs. It's part of a nationwide Top Shop scheme: next week up-and-coming teen idols Worlds Apart visit the Oxford Circus branch, while Big Fun II appear at Middlesborough.Previous bands helping to promote the shop's products have included Sybil and Take That! I 31 J I 2(;EI 2 ~
1-IJI_L \ ~£~-rAVIAN S~Lt=CTI()N !
- - -- ALL
PINT OFDRAUGHT LAGER OR GLASS OF HOUSE WINE on MONDAY and TUESDAY evenings Offer available from S. OOpm with f ull meals only (minimum £3.90) on production of UEA/ NUS card
7 days a week: 1 1am - 1 1 pm M on - Sat 12 noon - 10.30pm Sun
7 St. Giles Street (close to City Hall) Tel 620829
Report by Simon Mann NUS have withdrawn from the mail order computer market, following a drastic reduction in the availability of ' futures ' finance packages. These enabled students to buy computers without having to pay for them until after graduation. Gail Devlin, from NUS Marketing Services, explained iliat it was only the special ' futures' loan scheme , provided by Barclay' s Bank, which made the mail order business viable. When the ' futures ' service started in 1988, originally with the Midland, 87% of applications were approved but by March this year the rate had dropped to 31%. Colin Chambers, manager of UEA' sUnionPostOffice, which acted as a sales agent for NUS Services, confmned that the cutback in loan approvals over the last year or so had drastically affected his computer sales: ''In
1990/9 1, our sales of computers for cash totalled £11 ,000, plus ' futu res ' fi nanced sa-les of £28,000. Last year, these figures dropped to £ 10,000 and £ 14,000 respectively. This is partly because of the recession, but it also seems that Barclays are taking a jaundiced view of graduate's job prospects." However, although Mr Chambers was very disappointed at the lack of warning from NUS about the withdrawal of their service, and the lack of a workable replacement scheme, he expects to continue selling computers: " We have set up a link with a local computer retailer, and we are trying to fmd someone else willing to run a ' futures ' style scheme. "The problem is that it would probably be linked to a specific supplier, which would limit choice.' '
Cancer helpline launched Cancer ReliefMacmillan Fund has launched a new national helpline aimed at supporting young people with cancer, writes Georgina King. The MAC helpline, whose patron is Phil Collins, is being operated by one ofCRMF's associated charities, Cancer Link, and will be a completely free and confidential servtce. Specially trained counsellors are on hand to answer specific questions, talk over problems, or, where necessary, just to listen. They will also be able to put teenagers in touch with other patients living in their area. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in teenagers, after accidents and violence, and affects one in 800 under 18 year olds every year. Approximately 2,200 teenagers are currently living
with cancer, and although the sixty percent survival rate is improving all the time, they need a consistent source of emotional support and advice. Macm.illan Servict>s Development Man ager Loretta Tin ckham explained, " MAC is aimed particularly at older adolescents who, finding themselves on adult wards, may have no counselling facilities and will almost certainly be cut off from other teenagers of their own age " . She concluded, " We are very keen that MAC should reach as many teenagers with cancer as possible. We are hoping therefore that students, who are likely to come into contact with adolescent cancer patients will contact CRMF for a leaflet". The Call Free MAC helpline number is: 0800 591 1028.
miral Catalogue hopes the added feature of a torch will encourage women "to carry it with you all the time, rather than leaving it in a drawer somewhere, which is the fate of so many alarms" . • Admiral alarms are available on0800600820andcost£1 1.95. • Bodyguard alarms retail at £15.99. People who want further details 0908 23440 I for details.
Stuck on a scheme? Norfolk police have introduced a car sticker scheme in an at1empt to combat rising cases of car theft, and, if successful, two fluorescent stickers in a car windscreen could tell police if a vehicle has been stolen. Launched in Norwich after a successful introduction in Yarmouth, the Ve h icle Watch Scheme has already armed nearly 10,000 Norwich motorists with sticker packs. The stickers are for vehicles not normall y used on the road between midnight and 5am. rf police spot cars showing the symbols during these times, they will stop and question the driver to discover if they have author· use the vehicle. Pc Kevin Joy explained tllat the driver would have to show identification to the police or further checks would be made. " lf it is being driven legitimately it will be a reassurance that the system works'' , he said.
Animal fashio ns The British Union for the Abolition ofVivisection (BUA V) have launched their animal fashions summer range. Following on from the sue of the Week for Laboratory h.. _ mals in April, this is the latest initiative in the awareness canlpaign against vivisection. The BUA V have launched a catalogue featuring items as diverse as T-shirts, dog shampoo, feeding bowls for pets, mugs, badges, pens, socks and wallets. Each item carries the " powerful message to end animal experiments.'' The BUA V' s fundraising is the most important source of their can1paign activities; this fashions catalogue is ilie second such initiative this year. Their Fundraising Manager, Adrian Burder , comments , " Pleasesupportilie BUAV' snew sales catalogue and help us to stop the catalogue of suffering in animal experimentation laboratories." • copies of the catalogue are available by phoning (071) 700 4888. Further information on the BUA V is available by phoning Clare Lothian (BUA V Press Office) on (071) 607 9533.
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
sex In
Hwee Hwee Tan investigates the current tendency for students to 'sell sex' "When I get the replies to my adverts for 'artistes' ," Freddie Bass, a London strip club manager, said, ''there's defiLitely a trend towards t~tudents coming to the prl)fession. About one half of the girls here at the moment are students. It's most peculiar. It's a very n:cent development." So why do students go into the sex industry? "I was struggling, getting in debt ... I was reaching my breaking point," a London student said. "Working as a prostitute has given financial freeand has enabledmetofinishmy degree.'' When I asked UEA students whether they'd go into prostitution, most of them said no. "I'dratherdrop outofmycourseand be a chicken plucker," a student said. But another female student d i s a greed. "If I really needed the money to finish my degree, I would,'' she said. "Without my degree I'd end up in a lowpaid job, factory work, mindkilling work. I wouldn't be able to stand
that." Being an escort is a lucrative business, as a former escort girl and Philosophy stu-
dent pointed out ''The money you can earn is mind-blowing. In one month working as
When asked, most students stated their refusal to do any sort of work in the sex industry on moral grounds, no matter how much it paid. ''It's the principle, not the money that's important. Once I had the money, it'd corrupt me,'' a student said. Another student added, "I'm not religious, but I wouldn't do it because of my conscience- I wouldn't be able to live with myself.'' Prostitution is the mainstay of the sex industry, but when asked whether they would work as kisso-grams, students were ambivalent. "I'd do it if it was anonymous,'' one student said. But other students would refuse to work askiss-o-grams even if they were desperate for money. "I'd be so embarrassed,'' one student said. "I wouldn't be any good at it'' So, if you wanted to, how would you get into the sex industry? "I saw an advert,'' Emma, a stripper said, "and went for an interview." However, the sex industry in Norwich is not as well advertised as it is in London. Escort agencies are neither advertised in the Yellow Pages or local newspapers like th~ Eastern Daily Press and
Kiss-o-grams are understood to be entry points into the sex industry, and recruits can usually progress to more explicit sexual services if they choose to an escort I earned five thousand pounds- enough to support myself through one year at university."
Evening News. The only agencies that do advertise in the local press are kiss-o-gramagencies, the largest of which goes under the name of 'Charmers'. Kiss-o-grams are understood to be entry points into thesexindustry,andrecruits can usually progress to more explicit sexual services if they choose to. None of the agencies in
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Norwichadmittedhavingstudents on their staff, but an employee at 'Charmers' said that, ''The amount you get paid varies: you can get from fifteen pounds to a hundred pounds. It depends on how good you are, if you know what I mean.'' It is quite easy to condemn students who go into the sex industry, but as Alice Sharp, the NUS Women's Officer
says, "If women need to do this to continue their courses, then I think you have to respect them for doing it. The main emphasis has to be on the government to whom wehavetosay: ifyou'recommitted to having people train for the future then why is it you're not giving people enough money to do these thipgs?''
----trrt IOJII WEDNESDAY JUNE 9th 7.30pm
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
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Having nothing better to do one evening late last week, Concrete ordered pizza from every take-away we could think of in Norwich. From our high journalistic standpoint, we marked our five contenders for speed of service, and the quality of the pizzas when they eventually arrived
~-D__o_m_in_o_'_s__~l ~~
Stotts/Pizza Plus
Delivery Time: 38 mins
Delivery Time: 35 mins
Delivery Time: 43 m ins
Delivery Time: 26 mins
Delivery Time: 22 mins
The disappointment of the delivery taking mo re than the 'price promise' of 30 minutes was soon abated by a pound off the price. However this still made our small deep pan with mushrooms very expensive at £5.05 ( it would normally be £6.05) . When it did arrive the pizza was warm but not hot, and was a little rubbery. Jts base was described by our tester as 'crispy and thick', but the pizza itself a little tasteless . The tomato was not particular fresh tasting and more pepper or herbs would have been nice. Their delivery driver looked about as happy as someone about to sit a three hour Quantum Physics final, which is perhaps not surprising for someone who spends their life driving round Nonvich on a motorized hair dryer • Tel: 663799
Double D's delivery time was res pectable considering they had to travel all the way from Aylsham Road to bring us our imaginatively named 'Might Meaty'. The name wasn'thelped by our size and crust preference either, as we ended up with a 'Super Thick Mighty Meaty'. This turned outto mean a warm and slightly soggy 12 inch pizza for £6.90 . plus an e:\.1:ra60p for delivery. The taste was 'OK, I suppose', but our tester was unable to work out quite what some of those 'mighty' meats actually were, (but he did have some ideas, mostly unprintable). 'Not the best I've had' he mumbled between mouthfuls . DoubleD do offer some non-pizza meals. such as Cajun chicken, lasagne and so on . Garlic bread is rather nice too .. • Tel : 400709
43 minutes does seem a long time to wait for 'fast food' , and as to confirm our worries the pizza was largely cold when it did arrive. The driver seemingly drove here on a toboggan run, \vith the result that most of the toppings weren't actually on the pizza when it arrived - just congealed in the corner. After a little re-arranging, the pizza (both crust and topping) was very nice, but would have been better hot. The garlic bread however is best avoided, being the worst we have ever tasted cold, dry and tasteless. Our regular sized, thick crust pizza (mushroom and bacon) cost us £6.50 plus 65p for delivery by high speed moped delivery, which for a late tv.:o topping pizza made it less than the bargaiu of the week. • Tel: 761515
Stotts is actually a fish and chip shop, but does manage a rather nice and speedy pizza (which it should do being only a few hundred ya rds from UEA) .. One bonus here is that if one of your friends moans about 'not really liking pizza' Stotts \\~11 happily deliver you fish and chips (or burgers, sausages, chicken etc) . Our nine inch beef curry pizza cost us a reasonable £4.40, but since there "sa minimum charge of £5, we made up the order with an excellent garlic bread that cost us a reasonable£1.10. The pizza was hot on arrival and nice!) spiced, with plenty of toppings .. The onions were sl ightly undercooked. and the base a little soft .. • Tel: 250543
Trads took only 22 minute'" · get us our well deserved l. ner, and cost only £3 .75 for a small Trad (beef pepperoni, mushroom, onions and peppers) . The pizza itself was excellent, and the toppings were plentiful. There was plenty ofspices and pepper, perhaps too many for some tastes (but certainly not mine!). The Trads menu is rather limited with only five pizzas on it, but they do also offer Ravioli and Tortelloni Ricotta. Baked potatoes are also on offer - at a meagre £1.75 each. Theonlydovvnsi"" to Trads is there unwillingn to venture beyond the Porters Lodge- when you call they \\fill give you a time, and you have to meet them at the Lodge to get your dinner. Not convenient, but well worth the trek. • Tel : 615853
. : . ·. 4110 LEFT: A bemused delivery driver from Stotts/Pizza Plus managed his short trek from South Park Avenue in 26 minutes.
RIGHT: Some time later 'Barry Sheene' emerged through Union House bearing offerings from Pizza One.
7110 .. ·~- ..
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Success for Sonia? Yes, it's that time of year again! On Saturday May 15, that bastion of new European music....that shining light in the black hole of the pop industry.... that.that show which gets massive ratings, yet no one admits to watching ....., the Eurovision Song Contest is back with avengence. W~h25countriescompetingthisyear,
it's up to bubbly songstress Sonia to representthe UKwith her catchyd~ 'Better The Devil You Know'. The UK hasn't won since the Bucks Fizz classic 'Making Your Mind Up' in
ARMED AND DANGEROUS? Fresh from their smash-hit national tour, 'The Posse' are fast becoming Britain's most lively and essential all-black comedy m. ith their new TV series on C4, they have cemented their reputation as "the cream of the country's young black actors•. Beginning on Thursday 13th May, 'The Posse - Armed And Dangerous' will parody Shakespeare, the Western, Jackanory, the chat show, Marriage and booze, through an assortment of sketches, dance and ensemble routines. The eight-man crew have appeared individually in TV programmes such as 'Chef', 'Eastenders', 'London's Burning' and 'Casualty', and are all experienced stage actors. With their original writing and ting talents, 'The Posse' hope to "project a punchy, incisive view of modem-day Black British life". This being the only show of it's kind, they are off to a good start - the series is directed by Liddy Oldroyd, best known for C4's 'Drop The Dead Donkey'.
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1981, so the nation waits with baited breath to see if Sonia can raise us from "nil poinr to victory, in what the BBC regards as "the world's premier popular music contesr. If you can't get to a television to watch 'our Terry'at 8pm, then do not despair! There's a simaltaneous broadcast on Radio 2 with Ken Bruce.
.1_ DD!ff!
SAT, MAY 15 8 pm
I Problems
for Bertie I
Following the tremendous success of the previous series, comedy team Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie return to our screens on Sunday 16th May (9pm-10pm), as the unlikely companions 'Jeeves And Wooster'. Based on the best-
Bertie Wooster and the inimitable Jeeves, have returned to the glittering metropolis of New York, where the former intends to lead a peaceful existence, well out of reach of his fearsome Aunt Agatha, Roderick Spode and the appallingly soppy
selling books by P.G. Wodehouse, with Laurie as the extrordinarily stupid Bertie, and Fry as the remarkably calm Jeeves who always saves the day, the hilarious duo have brought the charactersto life il parts they were bom to play. In the new series,
Madeline Bassett. The first episode has serious problems in store for Bertie, as he finds himself beseiged by his wayward cousins, and in possession of someone else's baby.
ITV FRI, 9-10pm
Angus Deayton and Susan Wooldridge
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT BBC2 launch an ambitious four week season of programmes entitled 'Crime And Punishmenf on Sunday 16th May, which promises to lift the lid off British justice and the legal system. Featuring a mixture of documentaries, plays, films, and archive cop shows, the season begins with 'Inside The Wig: Thinking Like A Judge', for which a film crew were allowed unprecendented access to record the selection and training of new judges. A major highlight of the season is a two-part serial beginning on Monday 19th, entitled 'Bad Company'. Starring Angus Deayton (host of 'Have I Got News For You?') in his first serious role, the serial examines the brutal murder of 13 year old newspaper boy Carl Bridgewater in 1979. ltfocuses in
Now Grant (Ross Kemp) is out and about, watch out for a showdown between him and his brother Phil. Will all be revealed on Thursday May 13 at 7.30pm?
Mark Radcliffeand Marc Riley go boldly where no radio presenters have gone before in their quest for a new way of broadcasting in the sppokiest show on the wireless, 'Cult Radio.' RADI06, TUESMAY11,8PM movie history. ODon't miss Rik Mayall in a
Cup. The Owls were beaten by the Gunners 2-1 in the Coca Cola Cup Final. Is this their chance for revenge? Can 'Player Of the Year' Chris Waddle overcome them this time, orwilllan Wrightbe pulling all the punches?
~Clcii() Lpa__rti_~_la_r_on__M_icha__e_I_Ha_c_~_e_y,_1h_e________~----------~
new comedy series on ITV on OOn Saturday 15th May, lwenal and Sheffield tread the hallowed turf of Wembley Stadium to do battle for the coveted FA
youngest of the four men convicted for his murder, who has consistently proclaimed his Innocence. 'Crime And Punishmenf wiU also give aua~ences the chance to see old favourites such as 'RumpoleOfThe Baily', 'Kojak' and 'Shoestring', and regular feature film slots on BBC2 wiO reflect the theme of the season. Sunday 16th May sees a special screening of the powerful drama 'The Accused', staning the Oscar-winning Jodie Foster as a rape victim (10.20pm -12.10am). 'Serpico' (Sunday23rd May) featuring AI Pacino, and the Henry Fonda classic 'Twelve Angry Men' {Saturday 29th May) will also be shown.
Tune in at 3pm on BBC 1 and let the battle commence! OFrst a new theme tune, now it looks tike 'EastEnders' is heading for a new time-slot as well. The soap is set to go thriceweekly, with 'Casualty' fining in the early evening gaps, as the nation mourns the loss of Spanish epic 'Eidorado' in July. QRichard Gere is 'An Officer
And A Gentleman' on BBC1 on Tuesday 18th May (10:20pm 12:20am) in the hit romantic drama, also starring Debra
Winger. During gruelfing training to become a Navy pilot, Zack Mayo rnee1s local factory girl Paula. As their relationship progresses, he begins to suspect her motives for dating him... Keep tissues handy for one of the most romantic endings in
Thursday 20th May (9pm 10pm)entiUed'MickeyLove', in which Mayall plays a suave game show host OMickey Rourke stars in the boldngdrama 'Horneboy' on ITV on Saturday 15th May (10:35pm -12:40am), QFifers is famous! Watch the des. res. on screen in 'The Dam Busters' on ITV oat 3:15pm5:15pm, on Sunday 16th May.
OMeet Britain's last surviving hangman at 8pm on Tuesday 18th May on Radio 4. 'The Prospect Of Hanging' talks to Syd Dernley about his previous 'career' and reflects on the place of hanging in the popular imagination of Britain.
his band are in fine form with Youssou's new material. The show starts at 7:30pm on Saturday 15th May.
ORadio 4's new series 'Kershaw In Cuba', which begins on Tuesday 18th May, discovers two very different styles of Cuban OYoussou N'Dour returns life. From the Cuban to Radio 5's 'Afropop Yuppies of Miami to the Worldwide' stage for a impoverished residents of stunning concert perform- Cuba itself, Andy Kershaw ance, recorded live in New looks atthe politics, meets York on the last night of the people and listens to his American tour. The their music every TuesSenegalese superstar and day morning at 1Oam. While the times and dates of these listings were correct at the time of going to press, Concrete can accept no responsibility for changes made to programme schedules.
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Coffee Ir et? _,_,_ , :i Mackay argues the case for free: : : : : : :( ===: := =,·=<·p roducts and, in particular, coffe We drink 32 billion cups of it a year. It is produced in more than 40 developing countries and has the biggest world market aller oil (and sometimes looks and tastes quite similar). Some people can't wake up in the morning without it .. .... It ' s coffee, and people in the Third World are being exploited to produce it for us ... Last week 'The Guardian ' rumounced the latmch of the Fair Trade mark, a guarantee which will be awarded to goods that are fairl y traded. Oxfam are campaigning on the issue of fair trade this year and in conjunction with 3 other organisations trading with producers in the Third World, are marketing "Cafedirect", a fairly traded coffee. The Norwich based group, "Shopping for a Better World" has been formed to campaign on fair trade, having also chosen coffee as their first product to target. Over the last few years we
have seen something of a green revolution in our shops. Most supermarkets now have their own brand environmentally friendly goods and recycled products are
producing coffees. The fair trade movement aims to buy directly from producers in the South, and pay them a decent price: "a price which gives security and dignity
essed products. This in effect meru1s developing countries are forced to continue producing raw materials instead of benefiting from the extra skills, technology and money that processing would bring . So groups that are successfully encouraging retailers to stock fairly traded goods (supermarket chains such as Waitrose stock coffee, as does the Union shop on can1pus), are also actively raising the issue of trade amongst the public, and students in particular. As a nation we are used to responding with emergency aid to disasters in the Third World, but when such countries are paying back more in debt repayments than they receive in aid, it isn' t a solution. "A handout is for today". Whereas the fair trade movement is a long term project to achieve long term change. ln 1985, when world prices for coffee and copper collapsed rich countries paid £19 billion less for African products when aid to Africa at the time of the Ethiopian fanline amounted to £3 billion. Aid succeeds in keeping poor countries poor and rich countries rich. The answer to improved living conditions in the Third World seems to lie with us, the consumers. We all buy food and clothing and with this comes a power and responsibility. 80% of Third World income comes from trade and we as one
For every pound we spend on coffee only eight pence reaches the field worker. A larger percentage is divided up to be invested in the advertising war waged between the companies producing coffees widely available. Fair trade " is about choosing products t11at are people-friendly too, goods that support rather than exploit Third World producers," said a spokesperson for Shopping for a Better World. At present for every pound we spend on coffee only eight pence reaches the field worker in exchru1ge for growing, tending and harvesting that crop. A larger percentage is divided up to be invested in the advertising war waged between the compaJlies
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to the producers and their families," say Oxfam . ln practice this can mean a 50% increase in wages. But he problem isn ' t as simple as this. Another huge obstacle to world wide fair trade which needs to be overcome are the trade policies of the West that discriminate against Third World countries. The EEC , for example, allows raw materials such as coffee beruls into the Community but high barriers face proc-
ll ~
I'Vt E N U
1. Gulai lkan Dengan Kentang
2. Ka i Pad Ped
(br a osed chicken in a spicy sauce)
· 3. Babi Kecap
(pork i n soy sauce with mushrooms)
of the richer nations in the world are practising unfair trade with the Third World. Says John Button of ' Green Pages' , "We can ignore, or we can be paralysed by
guilt, or we can do something to change our perceptions and our practices." Fair trade can1paigns are empowering us as consumers to make a difference by choosing to buy fairly traded goods that directly improve the wages of Third World producers . Cafedirect is available on canlpus and fair trade campaigns will be run at University from this term, and in the city and nation-
ally for the rest of the year and beyond. If you weren't aware before, you do know something now about how you can trade for change in the impoverished Third World so more peoplt __,e Jose Rivera Campoverade, who grows coffee in Peru, can benefit. As he says, "The higher price ._iiiijljll!!i we get when we sell coffee to Cafedirect meaJ1s that now l can afford more food for ~ my family a nd Aid ~ send my children to school properly equipped with pens and notebooks for the first time." • (Contact Shopping/ora Better World, 38-40 Exchange Street Norwich or attend the mee' · • held on Tuesdays, I o 'clc. 1.28 or contact Oxfam Student Network through Hwee Hwee Tan (EASJ), Andy Peny (DEVJ) or JacquiMackay, lnt. Officer, Union House.
DCoffee consumption in the UK has doubled in the past 30 years.
OCoffee is produced in more than 40 Jrd World Countries.
llp Wages 3Sp Costs of Produc flon
18p Swte· 7p
57 p AdvertJsmg, overheads and
profit• • K~y
• Cosw Rico
• • UK
Christia n
Din the United Kingdom we drink 32 billion cups of coffee a year.
Plain Boiled Rice
Concrete's photo processing and printing by
Sweetcorn Fr itters 30p. e ~--.;;.;~-
Praw n Crackers
Avai lable from 6pm-10pm.
•• •• •• •
(0603) 615652
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Language students get away from UEA Suzanne Turner offers advice on what to expect from doing a year abroad as part of a course. She also asks some students about their experiences ~way
For language students at UEA the chance to spend a year in a foreign country may seem like the perfect way not only to improve a language but also to experience the culture of a new country. Howev.er when the reality ofa plan on an UCCA form arrives does it always live up to expectations?
Common worries for students spending a year away often revolve around the relationships which they develop while at university. A second year EUR student who will be living in FranceandGermanynextyear explained the concerns of many, "My outlook has changed a lot on my year abroad, because when I came to university I was really looking forward to it. It was going to be the high point of my degree, but now although it may still be the highpoint of gree it will definitely no oe the high point of my life at university. A lot of the friends that I have made here are three year students who will have graduated by the time I return. I probably won't see them again." This year certain students have taken these sentiments one step further by cancelling their year abroad. An EAS student planning to spend a year in America next year explained her reasons for cancelling the year, "I'm not eighteenanymore. It just isn't practical. I want to get my degree and go out to work. I d want to leave my boyfriend for a year. Things just change." Once in the country the possibilities for new experiences are vast but it helps to be made aware ofcertain aspects ofliving in a foreign country. Zoe Waddleton a second year student currently studying at Umea university in Sweden explained her initial experiences. "My course was in a mess when I reached Sweden but the teaching problems sorted themselves out. My course is really intensive." Zoe stresses the importance of making connections with other International students in a similar situation to yourself, "you should ask to be put in an international group. That way you can speak the common language and noone will mind ifyou mess up"
Money often causes problems when one has to work in a foreign currency. Certain LEA's do not make budgeting any easier as they give students their entire year's grant in one instalment. The temptation is then to spend that money in the first term. Many students currently abroad are having to fall back on student loans to make up the short fall. Transferring such large sums of money from England to a foreign country need not be complicated. Zoe explained how she coped, "I opened a bank account in Sweden and transferred money from England. I asked for the cheapest and quickest method and it only took a couple of days." Living costs in certain foreign countries are often higher than in England, but local LEA's reflect this by banding countries in 'cost of living' brackets, and setting the grant levels accordingly. Sweden for example is classed as a ' highest cost' country and the Swedish Embassy recommend £6,000 capital for a ten month stay in the country. Food prices reflect such budgets. Many students find that they can spend up to £40 a week on shopping bills. "Outofthisidon'tbuy any luxury items and I have most ofmy toiletries send over from England as they are two to three times cheaper," explained one student. "Alcohol is also expensive," she continued, "with a pint of beer costing £4- £5 . The price to get in to an average night club is £8, and once inside spirits can cost anything up to £9."
"My course was in a mess when I reached Sweden but the teaching problems sorted themselves out. My course is really intensive." Surprisingly, accommodation costs do not always reflect these high figures, and housing facilities are often
better than one might find in England. Zoe explained, "because of the Swedes' higher standards ofliving there is a much better standard of living for students as well. I'm living in a corridor with six people and we have a large kitchen, dining room, TV room with satellite TV. Every room has its own telephone line, bathroom and
"The price to get in to an average night club is £8, and once inside spirits can cost anything up to £9." hallway,allfor£157amonth." Health insurance is a necessity for anyone going abroad. E.C. Countries naturally take the El-11 , but for non-E.C countries other provisions must be made. Private personal insurance can be expensive, but Student Unions can sometimes offer a cheaper policy. Zoe registered with the state D.H.S.S. once in Sweden so that any treatment that she has will be charged to the U.K. government. With the average cost of a trip to the doctor's currently at £13 this is essential. Prescription costs can be kept to a minimum whilst you are abroad by getting all the supplies that you are likely to need before leaving the country. In such cases a doctor's letter may be necessary for passport control to explain why
you are carrying large quantities of drugs. Most LEA's will let you have at least one trip home during your foreign studies which is paid for out of the grant. One student suggested a useful hint when coming home, "it's a good idea to keep all of your receipts from travelling. You should send copies of them to your local LEA and sometimes you may
find that you are entitled to a refund on your travelling expenses." In general students on their year abroad seem to enjoy their experiences. "It's not just the language but the pure fact of the number of people that I've met" says one student having just spent six months in Sweden and about to embark on six months in France. Students in the French or German department
at UEA have an advantage when planning their year abroad as a "Year Abroad Office" has been established designed to help translate documents, fill in awkward paperwork and generally give advice. This year approximately one hundred and fifteen French and German students~ being processed by this o e and also a number of SOC and LAW students.. The ork generated by this number of students is horrific and although the office has two co~rdinators only one member of staffcommits herself solely to the office. She works three days a week during tenn time. Nevertheless students say that the level of help that they have received is amazing, and comments such as "incredibly helpful" are not uncommon. One EUR student sums up the experience ofliving abroad, "living so far away from home you mature very quickly. You have to be almost totally independent I've got a work permit to stay out here until September and I've even considered living out here later."
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
u e Steve Howard takes another look at Norwich's new shopping centre Castle Mall, which looks set to defy its critics and be a success when it opens later this year rest of the mall is due to open in ' late summer' , possibly September. The roof of the centre will be made into a public park, and is itself nearly finished. Unlike the rest of the centre, this will be run by the council on completion. There will be 75 smaller shops, some only occupying 300 square feet, which means that even companies with specialist shops. should be able to afford space. Prices for the units have been subject to much speculation, with no firm prices actually being available to the public at large (although there is nothing unusual in this) . It is hoped by the developers that many of the retailers will be new to the area, and not simply moving from older shops within the city. To this end, the developers have been running a series of' Castle Mall' specials to bri ng top retail managers fyou had been away from Nor- tres. up fro m London. wich, and returned to drive The shops will include five large Being built underground means through its centre today, you units, up to 45 ,000 square feet in that the developers have managed would be surprised to find that some- size, with one of these already being an ingenious layout, that includes linking the mall body appears to - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- -- have built a with most maThe shops will include five large units, up to raised park jor city centre where the dis45,000 square feet in size, with one of these streets. used Cattle The most obMarket once already being fitted out as a Virgin Megastore, viou s entrance stood in front and due to open ahead of the rest of Tbe Mall is by the existof the castle. ing Argos store, next week (May 20). What you and is where wou ld be missing~--~-~----------------------is one of Europe's fitted out as a Virgin Megastore, Virgin will be situated. largest underground shopping cen- and due to open ahead of the rest of A further large glass entrance will tres. described by its developers The Mall next week (May 20). The be on Castle Meadow (just up from Friends Provident as set to become 'the focal point of Norwich ' . Whilst many would question how a shopping centre, no matter how nice. could ever become a real focal point, there is no doubt that tl1e centre will be substantially different "("., to centres elsewhere, and could dramatically change city centre life. 1 By building largely underground , ' and offering the planning ' bribe ' of large car parks, Castle Mall's developers have managed to create a huge centre right in the heart of the City, rather than out a t the edge like elsewhere. This will benefit non car owning students (and other shoppers), and will hopefully mean there will be less of a 'killing' of the rest of the city centre, unlike what has happened when new developments have been built outside other town cen-
f ..
The inside ofthe glass atrium that will form the centrepiece of the Mall Pizza Hut), and there will also be entrances on Timberhill, off Fanners Avenue, and one on Cattle Market Street, just up from Peppennint Park. Major stores confirmed to have taken space include Boots. Argos, Dillons Bookshop and Motl1ercare
as well as Virgin, and MacDonalds are rumoured to be considering a large restaurant. A large number of other re~s are known to be interested in space in the Mall, but the developers are not releasing names until final contracts have been signed.
ta.., .
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
The ex ected and the ex erienced Gill Fenwick asked some students if their first year at University had lived up to all their expectations "Best years of my life" , "sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll" and "an orgiastic frenzy" have all been used to describe the years spent at University. But whether you come straight from school, from a year abroad or from a job as a mature student, University, like most things in life is not always what it's cut out to be. Having to cope with the academic side is bad enough but making friends and having a great social life is what usually gets us through the 3 or 4 years here. one 2nd year said, "In first , I think most expectations of university social life are true, and you only get disappointed in the 2nd year because you no longer have the community spirit that is so important when you first arrive at University" . Many people also comment on the differing experience of community social life between Fifers and the Plain, but for those who don't meet many people through accommodation, there are always sports, your degree and societies from which to form your drunken orgies. To many, student life is all they expected, all-night parties and drinking sessions, lots of partner swopping and fun, fun, fun. Howthey, I think, are a minority. most people enjoy their time at University, when comparing the reality to the dream or expectation, shouldn't we be more disappointed?
A fresher's view... "After having been accepted for UEA and reading the Undergraduation booklet and the Union's Welcome package, expectations for the next three years were to say the least, high. It came as a great relief to turn my back on an unspectacular career, which was becoming, basically, tedious. Somehow, theideaoflivingfor three years on a fraction of my previous earnings was offset by the chance to do something a lot more interesting and fulfilling than merely travelling to the same office day in, day out... So, I arrived at the Plain on September 30th, but due to messing around, it wasn't until the next day that I met the other residents on my floor, and I was faced with a peculiar dilemma.
Yes, due to living on the ground floor, welcome to single sex life. Before really knowing what was going on, the first few days easily became the first few weeks, and after about a month of lectures, seminars and campus life, I found that expectations had, once again, failed to live up to reality. I found that I had no problem with the academic life, save for the fact that Prelims, despite being outside the Honours course and branded as a "doss" by most second year students, were actually quite demanding. Essays had a habit of stacking up together at the wrong times, and 9 am seminars could be a real hassle following an indulgent Live in the Hive or an LCR. But socially, by the end of the first month at UEA, the cliques had been set up and walls effectively erected. 'The F block lot' , 'Suffolk C', 'Norfolk E', as well as 'yeah, they're from Fifers' became familiar terms (and excuses) to account for the lack of social networking taking place. Living on an all-male basement floor doesn ' t exactly auger well for meeting ' the thousands of people that you meet at University.' For that hackneyed old phrase, 'life's what you make it', comes into one's head again, and does have a reluctant air of truth about
it. Instead of thinking that everything will come to you in time, as some people would have you believe, you really do have to make the effort yourself. Not even university is exempt from that despite the old 'best days of your life' tag. So, UEA has so far been not really a question of 'expectations shattered', but more one of 'expectations modified."'
Two American girls give their opinions... "When we came to England, we were expecting English universitystudents to be a lot different from American college kids. However, we were surprised that things were, in many ways, similar. We thought we'd left behind the distinct social cliques, the crazy drunken parties and the everyday social worries that we were used to at home. It shocked us at first that the Hive and the LCR attracted so many regular party-goers, because
we had thought that English students would tend to be more subdued and relaxed. We were expecting less of a cohesive community, more disinterested individuals. What we discovered was that there were many clearly defined social groups who generally stick together very closely. We find this to be true in the states as well, except our cliques are usually smaller and often single sex. Of course, as foreign students, we were expecting many cultural and social differences. But we didn't plan on encountering such a language barrier. Expressions such as 'bollocks', 'taking the pi ss' and 'snagging' were as different to us as a foreign language. Also, we were not eJg>CCting dormitory halls (residences) to be a main centre of the social life. It seems as if each on-campus corridor is an ongoing soap opera. We certainly did not expect to come to a university with so many Americans, but we feel that we've had enough contact with the English students to begin to understand their university lives." Caroline, a Swedish student gives her point of view ... " I expected all English universities to look like Oxford of Cambridge - big pompous stone buildings, and the students to be oldschool-boy-types. When I came to UEA I was shocked with the building, it looked like something out of' Moon Base Alpha'. Student life is very similar to Swedish University life, but everything here is run by students like the bars and not as organised as in Sweden. Socially, UEA is very cliquey in groups or societies, although I was impressed with the variety of societies which the Student Union offers. Living on campus is good and bad, as a foreign student and my first year here its good for meeting people and to go down to the pub whenever I want! But living on campus, it is hard to integrate into English society, it feels closed off and narrowminded. In Sweden, residences and spread out in the city. My only complaint is that all international students are crammed into Waveney so they tend to stick together and it is more difficult to integrate into the English way of life or meet English people.''
lbJtttrre IOJIIJ
*seats can be reserved by phone *make sure of your seats and pay later *discounts for booking of 20 or more reserved seats held for up to 4 wee *friendly, efficient staff at the end of the phone
._ 2 8
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Fascism on the march again? Jenny~.Witt . report~-~~.on:= the.-:·: rlsing~ : ,ti~~~:~.of .:.ationalism ........ . . . -
Nicholas Ridley's deatll on 6 March brought back memories of his remarks on tlle expansionist tendencies supposedly innate in 80 million German nationals which he expected would lead tllem to "take over Europe. " I l.is comments may have been regarded as utterly insensitive at tlle time, particularly by businesses hoping to surf into tlle German economy on tlle emerging tide of European togetllerness.
Headline events such as the attacks in Rostock inevitably create a distorted view of the situation Today, however, tltey are far more likely to express fears held in all layers of British society. Clearly, tlle spate of attacks on hostels for asylum-seekers in tlte autumn of 1992 has reatTmned for many the cliches of the thuggish German striving to create
an ethnically pure nation. That a frighteningly large number of Germans have taken part in tlle atrocities committed against guestworkers, asylumseekers, people witl1 disabilities and left-wingers is a fact. Titat derivations can tllen be made about "tlle German character", however, is still a dangerous conclusion. Headline events such as tlle attacks in Rostock inevitably create a distorted view oftlle situation. While the German federal crime department (BKA), registered about 1830 racially-motivated attacks in 1991, the German national newspaper " Die Welt" put the figure for similar attacks in Britain at 3373 in t11e same year. 1992 has seen a rise in racist activity in botll countries. Alarm appears more justified in tlle face of the increasing levels of organisation within tlle German right-wing political spectrum. Openlyneo-fascist parties can now mobilise several tllousand demonstrators. 'Ote German People's Union (DVU), comparable in its manifesto and tactics to tlle 4000-strong British National
Party, consists up to 25 ,000 supporters. The Republikaner Party, targeting respectable, anti-European voters, has gained up to I 3 percent in regional elections since 1991. The various groupings openly advocating violence and their continuation of Hitler's policies all togetllernownwnberapproximately 6000 active members. Official bodies now suspect tllat most of these groups are willing to co-ordinate tlleir activity and that tlle Rostock siege was prepared by some of tlle para-military groups witll tlle covert support of the DVU.
Openly neofascist parties can now mobilise several thousand demonstrators In addition, the negative effects of unification on people 's lives such as unemployment, housing shortages and proposed
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wage freezes have created fertile breeding grounds for the scapegoating of social groups not adhering to the German stereotype tllat the right-wing groups have managed to revive. The main parties have lent a degree of legitimacy to those groups by presenting immigrants as problem number one. Bremen ' s social-democrat (SPD)mayorcalledforaBremen " free ofasylum-seekers. "-and was faced with a net vote transfer to tlle Republikaner Party in the next regional elections. The rise of the German far right has undoubtedly shifted political debate to the right. More thresholds have fallen considerably: daily news items of demonstrators against racial violence were covered by the news and papers-there have been many more in most large cities. Moreover, s ince the firebombings in Molnn resulting in three deatlls in November 1992 inhabitants of various towns have begun shielding "their" hostels from attacks by neo-NaZIS.
The anti-fascist movement, though suffering from general fragmentation, IS gainin g
in a ·e rmany .
~ ...
strengtll. Last year' s public sector strike and tlle current steelworkers' dispute in tlle Ruhr have generated what are called "don ' t touch my pal-campaigns", contributing to solidarity among guestworkers
The anti-fascist movement, though suffering from general fragmentation, . . . 1s ga1n1ng strength. and native Germans. Germany now appears to be :.n a situat ion where neo-fascist forces on tlle one hand and antifascist ones on the other are in a power-balance, and whose outcome is far from certain. Government crackdowns have so far targeted only the most insignificant right-wing groupings and have done little to restore people 's confidence in the administration ' s control over the political and economic situation. Yet tlle existence of a sizeable
and growing opposition to the neo-fascist threat should thwart the view that racism is innate in Germans. Those who hold it should further bear in mind that fascist movements presently exist in Italy, Belgium, France, Austria, the US and Britain to name but a few, and that they invariably feed on tlte decline in people's living standards. As recently as September 1992, when confronted with the slogan "Germany for the Germans- send foreigners home," in a survey for the "Stem" magazine, 85 percent of those questioned disagreed with the statement. This result has to be seen against a backdrop of two years of significant achievements by the German far right. To suggest that racist leanings are an integral part of the German national character (if such a thing exists) is to let biased images reinforce long-standing prejudices. These will in turn prevent th,. recognition of the increasingly importantanti-fascistmovement in Germany today.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
(Week 4, Summer Term, 1993 )
The official line on what's happening in your Union
Stop the Rape in Bosnia Campaign An Amnesty International report found that approximately 20,000 women have been raped m former Yugoslavia. Rape is being used as a strategic War ploy ,something which the Intemational community seems to be overlooking in its quest for peace. Thoughtherehavebeenreports that it is not only Serbian aggressors who are responsible for these unacceptable atrooities it can be said that the majority of victims are Muslim wornenandyounggirls, to those who practise the Muslim faith
rape is the ultimate degradation. Not only do they experience all the horrors and trauma of rape but they fmd themselves cut off from society, with no family, friends or community to support them. Yet still the active and deliberate pursual of this policy is not on the agenda of the International peace attempts. This must change. This is not just a womens' issue that can be marginalised or dismissed, it is in an issue that should concern us all, that we should all fighting against. The Stop The Rape in Bosnia
l 'nion Policy to Lapse Every year, vast chunks of the Union's Policy slides off the Union files. This is due to the fact that policy ceases to be policy 2 years after it was passed, unless an objection is raised to it lapsing. elow is listed all the policy up for lapse this year. Unfortunately, the Union Constitution was changed recently : previous to last year policy lapsed three years after it was passed, therefore this year policy from both 2 and 3 years ago is up for grabs. If you wish to see any of these policies and/or raise an objection to them lapsing, please see the Communications Officer before 6pm on Thursday Week5. These are the policys: Policy passed in the Academic year '89/'90: Environment Students and
Benefits Nursery Motion Loans Abortion Nestle Boycott Loans (2) Loans (3)
Policy passed prior to '8 9/ '90 retained in '89/'90 Victimisation Intimidation Lesbian& gay Rights Aids Pornography Participation in the NUS Remembrance Day Ireland, Decriminalisation of Canabis, No Platform, Safety and Security Namibia Education Namibia(2) Policy Passed in '90/'91 NUS Affiliation GulfWar Policy Passed prior to '90/ '91 retained in '90/'91 South Africa - Shell Boycott, Housing, No Platform (Re affmnation), Women and Abortion, IRA/Ireland, Sexism, Arms Race, The NHS, Harwich Prison Ship Education Emergency Motion of VP and Secretary Behaviour Middle East Peace Studies Clause 28.
campaign has been established to do just th1s and is encouraging people to ensure that we are aware of the devastation that Bosnian women face and to put pressure on those in positions of power to demand an end to this subjugation, humiliation and potentially devastating treatment of Bosnian women. So sign the petition, write to your M .P, and join us in trying to end these atrocities in the short term and providing support and counselling in the long term for the innocent victims of this horrendous war.
What Do You
Want From Ents? At last the Union has an Ents Committee and this is a chance for any student to voice their opinions on any aspect ofEnts and see it acted upon (possibly). Opinions on anything ranging from future development of Ents to current or future programming are welcomed. Already a 'Summer Bop' is being planned and that is only after one suggestion . Future developments may include The Waterfront, refurbishment of the LCR, buyingmoreequipmentandmany many more (available in good bookshops). If you have an axe to grind or preferably some praise to heap , please see Chris Hollingworth, the Union Finance Officer. Your opinions will help to make the Ents Committee effective and hopefully one of the most progressive Ents departments in the country (excluding that rock venue in Wolverhampton).
Floods of Students Return to General Meeting Last Monday saw the first quorate General Meeting since the Autumn term, and in most peoples opinion the most productive meeting yet. Free entrance to Peppermint Park, and a happy hour were used as incentives to get people along. However, the return of a Publicity Officer to the executive was undoubtedly a strong factor in the return to favour of the General Meeting During the meeting, 6 motions
were passed which committed the Union to thefollowing policies: •to launch a major campaign to raise awareness of housing problems students are likely to face next year, and to continue to fight the University for 30 week licences: •to push the University to establish an appeals system for students who believe they have received an unfair degree result: •to raise awareness of the way rape is being used as a
weapon of war in Bosnia and to push the governmen• to do something about it: •to Qppose all attempts by the University to impose car parking ch8Jles: •to oppose the infringement of employees rights at the Timex factory and organise collections for the s•rikers: •to boycottTexaco whilst it co,.tinues to impose com(lulsory mv testing on iu staff.
New Executive To Be Elected Week 6 Fed up with the same old dull faces poncing about the Union Offices? Are you able to inject vital new life into a tired old organisation? Then Week 6 is the time to do something about it. Seven of the Union's Executive positions come up for election. They are: - Clubs & Societies; Comrmmity & International; -
Environmental; - Internal Affairs; - NUS Liaison; - Publicity, - Sports. If you fancy the challenge then your nomination must be received in the House Manager's Office, upstairs in UHby Thursday Week 5 at 2pm. Being a part time member of the Executive involves a large degree of commitment to your portfolio, and most of the cur-
rent part timers spend in the region of 15-25 hours a week in the offices upstairs in Union House. However, there are perks as well! the infamous executive pass allows free entry to all Union films, gigs and discos. When attending thisevent,executivememberscan expect to be called upon by the staff if they are needed. For further details, contact Nicola Sainsbury, upstairs in UH.
Meeting on Monday week 6 at 5pm, Bill Wilson Room. This is to set up a group for any student with a disability. If you require any further info, please contact Lizzi Watson in Union House or internal extension 2593.
lPravda is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. It appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
concrete 0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4, 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart News & Features Editor: Gill Fenwick Happenings Editor: Darren Fisher Sports Editor: Katharine Mahoney Listings Editor: Georgina King Chief Reporter: Niall Hampton Picture Editor: Craig Eason Staff Photographer: Phil Vickers Advertising: Simon Mann Distribution: John Barton
Layout Assistants: Thuy La, Paul Coslett Proof Readers: Alistair Cushion,
Jackie Stafford Typists: Georgina King, Amir Muhammad, Matt Lawrence Photographers: Mark Turner,
Son B Hoang Contributors: Jamie Putnam, Julia Smith, John Holrnes, Hwee Hwee Tan, Gareth Ackroyd, Andy Bird, Nikki Shipley, Arnir Muharnmad, Simon Mann, Jarnes Melville-Ross, Jenny Witt, Jacqui Mackay, Suzanne Turner, Pete Snowman, Jonathan Batty, Matthew Lawrence, Andy Bataille, Mike Unwins, Matt Broersma, Martin Oldman
Many Thanks to Technical Advisor:
Neil Barnden
L etters Letters on any topic that will be of interest to our readers are welcome. Please write to: Concrete, UEA, Norwich, NR4 7 TJ. Alternatively telephone us on Norwich (0603) 250558. We can't publish anonymous letters, but will respect requests to withh?~d the writer's name.
Car park response Your issue of 28 April refers to a student's car being vandalised on the Main Car Park and says ''it is understood that the security cameras were facing the wrong way, even though Nigel had parked his car in a prominent place.'' Which way would you like the cameras to face? They cover an area of which the Main Car Park is only a
Concrete is printed on recycled paper, using biodegradable inks
M Morson Superintendent of Portering and Security
Nigel Harding's car
PHOTO: P. Vickers
Birmingham beer price correction I would like to correct some gross mi stakes in the fi rst article of the ' 'Campus to Campus '' column regarding the Guild of Students at Birmingham University: I) The Guild has not left NUS or its commercial organisation NUSSL from whom all brewery deals are negotiated nationally. 2) The Guild has not obtained
cheap beer by taking advantage of the " free market"; they still purchase their products from the NUSSL's stipulated suppliers and therefore pay exactly the same prices as all other members, including the UEA. For further infonnation the price that a Union charges for its beer will not be based solely on the buying price. Rents
etc. vary from University to University as will the amount of profit which is necessary for the bars to generate. A well-established Union such as the Guild of Birmingham will not have many of the costs of development , e.g. those we are still covering at UEA. That said, at the time that the current edition of the Poly-
technic and University Handbook was published , beer prices in the Guild bars at Birmingham were Sp per pil}t more e:-.:pensive that ours. I point this out in case anybody reading the article should misguidedly get the notion to call for UEA to leave NUS!
Tom Balls SU Bars Manager
Concrete Classifieds To placti a lrtifl class/lltid ad In Concrtilti HI/In lhti form /xllow, and p ost/fin any of lhti Concrtilti classllltid boxtis around UEA. Thtiy arti slfualtid allhti Sltiwards Cabin In Union Hou541, In lhti Concrtilti Officii, allhti Unlvtirs/ly Post Room, and allhti Polftirs lodgti al Flltirs laM. Your ad will normally apptiar In lhti ntixllssuti a/lhough Wfl rtiS41fVti lhti rlghllo a!THilnd or rtiiUS41 any ad. You rtimaln ptirsonal/y rtispons/blti tor any ad you placti. To alltheun dergradsunfemale with outgoing more c an be yours\ For f()l" ~ale fortunate enough to personality required for a m odest fee. you too ·. know me - the best of friendsh ip and nights out c an experience the deSingle breasted dinner luck with your exams! at the LCR. Contact Box lights of ' Nietzsche- The j acket and trousers Graham No. 201 Music al ', a modern (wool/ polyester), jacket (The Chemist from Hell) farce from UEA 's highly (38" short). trousers (33' SEX, marmalade and successful Drama Soc . waist). £45 o .n.o. ConInteresting second year philosophy . All this and t act Jim Rothwell EUR2 Tel:507944
Thanks to: Union House Stewards Concrete (including "Happenings") is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Management. (c) 1993 Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich
part, with a potential of I I 00 cars on view. And what was a prominent place to Nigel was a blind spot for one of the cameras. I would have expected criticism of security arrangements to have been checked with me before going to print with a one-sided view.
P.J. Harvey ticket for sale - £5. Save two whole pounds! Nigel Hording EASl. Suffolk Terrace Floor 03 Room 05.
Audiencefor 'Nietzsche' - "The Musical" - Volunteers shoul d have a good sense of humour and be available any evening from Saturday 22nd to Mond ay 24th May. Tickets - UH foyer, WeekS.
Cla§§ified ad f()r-m
Your message:
Ad Section:
nck for box number
Your Name/ School/ Year 11 you want your name and address to appear make 11 part of the message. If however you do not wish your name Of address to appear you may use a tree box number. Your ad w111 be allocated a number by us and replies will be forwarded to you 10 days ctter publication of the paper (any further replies will be forwarded as they are received) . To reply to a box number adVertisement address your reply to the box number and send IIIo 'Box Numbers, Concrete, UEA', Norwich ' Oflakelttothe University post room, Of the Concrete otnce In Union House.
Concrete, Wednesday, May 14, 1993
Sport Away win ... at last! By Nikki Shipley UEA women's football team ended their season on a high note. On Sunday May 2nd, UEA won 2-0 against Brunei (Goal scorer- Kath Jones). Not only is this a good way for me to go as Captain but it is actually the first away game that the team have won in, at least, the last 2 years. The team have won all their home games this season but unfortunately have suffered some big defeats away (until now). I would personally like to thank everybody that has contributed in some way to an excellent season and wish those that carry on good luck for the future.
Chaplaincy win Not to be outdone by the official UEA fottball team, on Saturday May 8, the Chaplaincy football team played Holy Trinity (not the Holy Trinity) in the final of the Bishop Maurice Wood Cup Final (BMW for short). After battling their way through the preliminary stages they were not expected to win as their opponents had finished third in the league opposed to their own second from bottom. Going 1-0 down after the first two minutes, things did not look good. However by half time they went into the dressing room 2-l up. In the thrilling second half they extended their lead only to have it cut back to 3-2. Again they scored, but with ten minutes to go Trinity pulled another one back. After another tense few minutes the final whistle blew- the Chapliancy victorious with a final score of 4-3.
I .
Trojans at Edinburgh Last Bank Holiday weekend saw UEA ' s Athletics team, the Trojans, go to Edinburgh to contest this years Commercial Union UAU Championships. A select team of ten contested events ranging from the Women'~ lOOm to the Men' s 3000m Indeed, it was the Walk which brought UEAs greatest honour, a Bronze medal for Ian Richards. The other notable performance was a dead heat for eighth in the Women' s400m (going to Claire Wrighton). Importantly though,
five athletes, John Holmes (BOOm), Paul Fallon and Duncan Saunders (both 5000m), Ben Collins (3000m Steeplechase) and Ian Richards all set personal bests and all of them will still be here next year to improve on their times. The championships, as usual, were very well contested. Loughborough, Birmingham, the Institutes of Cardiff and West London, Oxford, Cambridge and the home team all sent strong squads as well as the elite sprinters from Sal ford.
Finished your finals?
Varsity baseball Black Sox on track for UAU championship, Matt Lawrence reports British Baseball history may wen have been made on Wednesday 5th May 1993 when two opposing university-accrued basebaR-playing teams took to the diamond in
Canley, near Conventry. A quick telephone call to the UAU ril hopefully confirm this but baseball could possibly have been popular in years gone by (the nineteenth century perhaps?!). However, eveniftherecord books the University of Warwick on the aforementioned date and, thankfully (surprisingly?) UEA came through as emphatic winners, by forty-six runs to thirty-one. It may have been UEA's greater experience, in terms of both games played and organisation (although the present team has only been playing together since the beginning of the term), or just plain ability. Nonetheless, it was a most satisfying victory, what with two defeats already this season. To be proclaimed (perhaps a little prematurely and, dare I say it, presumptuously) university champions is an accolade that the UEA Black Sox has been searching for three seasons. The elusive fixture came about when the University of Warwick contacted UEAat the end ofthe last term. They had formed their club just this year and knowing, that UEA had a team, they saw an opportunity for some giant-killing (well, maybe not!). A three-hundred mile round trip did not daunt the Black Sox. They were ready but maybe a little apprehensive. After all Warwick had contacted them. Perhaps they thought they were good enough to beat us ... No. Evenarunoured 17-15victory over Birmingham did not help them. UEAscored thirteen runs in the first inning and ten in the next. Warwick got two. The score remained at 23-2 through the third. In the fourth, UEA got nine more runs and made four substitutions. As usual, they almost collasped from the change, letting Warwick score fourteen . The fifth yielded no
tENNIS RESUlts Mens UEA 5 vs UCl4 Womens UEA 6 VS UCl3
cy a day out?
runs for UEA, while Warwick got four, but dominance was re-established in what was to be the last inning, the sixth, when twelve runs were scored by the away team. Eleven runs by Warwick could not save them. On the day, all ofUEA's facets appeared to be superior: Warwick used four pitchers (one of them female, I hasten to add, and arguably the best- she certainly pitched the longest), UEA used two (Club President Dan Child and rookie Craig Edwards, who performed compentently in his first match as pitcher); UEA batted superbly they could have had at least three home runs had the rules on what constituted a home run on this particular pitch been in their favour, while Warwick frustratingly found the gaps in the field; UEA were also by far the classier fielders, the highlight being Matt Burke's superb jumping catch at second base. Also on the day, manyUEABlack Sox records came tumbling downall of them to John Reichard who equalled the records for most 'bits' and runs in a game and broke the ones for most ' doubles' and most ' rbis' (runs-batted-in) in a game. I am sure many team performance records fell as well . All-in-all it was a very groundbrealcing day, and one that I am sure was enjoyed by all who participated (the UEA representatives at least!)
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Squash firsts do it again! For the third year in succession the men's first team has won its respective division (div.4 out of 11 divisions) in the Norfolk League.
This represents no mean achievement if you consider that in the two previous seasons to this winning sequence the two men's teams were both demoted (twice!) and a losing consecutive sequence of some twenty-five matches was recorded! The season consists of 16 matches played over two terms with a maximum 20 points available for each match. UEA managed to record three maximums but had a tense wait to see final results as they could have been pushed into the runner-up spot by just one point. As things turned out though, they won by 5 points. So what does the captain put the recent successes down to? "Well the lads have performed well and being able to include one or two internationals has helped -one actu-
ally and he's Australian! The team is represented from all walks of university life undergrads, post-grads and staff, the latter two groups bringing stability into the team! "Special moments from the season include Arun Mistry' s shorts and those lovely legs and Jon Caton being beaten by a girlie." The second team had a completely contrasting season (need anything more be said) and unfortunately were demoted- only one way for them to go next year!
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con UEA football champions .
They win Division 1 for first time in 25 years ByAndy Bird The 1992/3 Football season began at nine-thirty in the morning, at Colney Lane, on Saturday0ctober3rd. Over SO hopeful s were there, new and old, waiting to see if they would be picked for UEA' s only side in the local Norwich and Business Houses Satu rday League, the 1st XL The first game for UEA was the same afiemoon , tmfortunately they lost 3-1 to Norwich Utd A. However the League secretary, Stephen Wailer was watching the game and predicted in his article in the " Pink Un" that, '' UEA were the ones to watch'' . This certainly proved to be true as the UEA team did not lose again all season, and eventually won the Divi sion I Championship for the first time in the University' s 2.'i year history. Along with the title, UEA collected a record nwnber of points (4 5 points out of a possible48 pomts) and ftnished the season with I 9 consecuti ve victories. UEA ' s top goal scorer was Tom Finlayson, with 39 league goals
in 2 1 games, including 7 ha tricks (although team members clai m some of the goals had come off the opposition !). His striking partner Nick Hoskins provided great support and netted 16 goals. UEA' s safe hands at the back belonged to Anthony Ebbutt, who was voted team player of the year. His outstanding saves helped UEA to victories in some games that could easily, otherwise have been drawn. Ebbutt along with Tom Finlayson represented the Southern England University side. Defense was strong (at times!), with dazzling runs from the back coming from Carl Warner and lan Nundy, plenty of '' left foot '' clearances from the ever present Rob Crane, and commanding play from Andy " the Voice " Donnell y and captain Jimmy Jarmyn. Midfield saw the battling of Alan " the Ox" Wilson, Paul Hodgson and Micke y Stewart, with Robin Powell and Steve Parker doing the business on the wings. Although UEA teams in the past have been close to winning
UEA Cricketers beat UCL By Gareth Ackroyd Following victory over Buckingham and a controversial defeat at the hands of Middlesex, a win at UCL was imperative to keep UEA ' s hopes of further progress alive. UEA, ba tting first, began steadily with Mark Edlin (22) and Matt Rush ton (1 0) adding 32 for the f1rst wicket. Chris Jackson with ten and top-scorer Lawrence Po-Ba (31 ) helped the score to 8 1-4 before a collapse ensured a disappointing total of 94 all out. Instead of crumbling in the fiel d UEA fought back tremendously. Andy Kerr bowled menacingly. Mark Edlin, enjoying the day, opened the bowling alongside Kerr, with his left arm spm, bowling through the innings to finis h wi th five for 37 from his 15 overs, helped by two stumpings by Captain Gareth Billington. Jon Camp bell replacing Kerr
helped Edlin speed the defeat ofUCL, leaving UCL62 all out. The second team also needed a win to keep in with a chance and succeeded with one ball to spare in a tight finish. UCL amassed 182 for 8 in their 60 overs with CaptainAndy Knight claiming 7 for 42 in a bewildering spell of slow bowlmg. Much improved fielding helped to keep the score down. In reply a fi ve innings of70 by Steve Harris maintained momentum, supported by Paul Ho ward ( 17) and Seb Beloe ( 14 ). Keir Monelle continued the good work with 25 before a collapse left UEA on the brink of defeat, from 165 for 5 to 175 for 9 in under four overs. With one over to go debutant Stuart Patterson stole a single to leave UEA needing four off the last five balls. Three of these produced no run before Gareth Ackroyd hit the penultimate ball to the boundary to conclude a successful day for UEA cricket.
the league, I think the difference this year is down to the determination and reliability of a good squad, and special credit should go to team captain J immy Jarmyn for his organisation both on and off the field. All in all a high standard has been set for next years players. Good luck in the 1993/4 season.
Women' s cricket is back!
By Susie Solway
Sorry! All hou$e$ now f ull ! But room$ available for the Summer vacation at ÂŁ20 per week
Women 's cricket has finally returned to UEA after a break of four or five yea rs. At the moment, we are all very much beginners, but would welcome any women who would liketo have ago at this trad itionally ma le-do minated game. Our team (we play 6-a-side at the moment due to lack of players) joined the male cricketers in a trip up to Hull University on Wednesday 21 st April, and got on very well, considering it was our first game and considering that Hull University W .C.C. were runners-up in the UAU' s last year. Hull are coming down here to play us on Sunday Week 8, and we also hope to organise other fixtures against clubs in the region. We could do with more players and a little support at matches, so any one interested should contact us as soon as possible (via our pigeon-hole in the sports ce ntre) Cricket to the uninitiated may seem bori ng and complicated, but its really a great game to play and ideal to watch on long, hot summer days when the exams are over!
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