What goes on when the clothes come off
Kinnock on life after the election
Plus the City's only com·p.'f ehensive guide to 'vhat's on where
es1 ence s revea e
Fifers Lane replacement will be 'like living on a ship' Going... By Nia/1 Hampton UNIVERSITY official have announced their prop I for the development oft e d Univenity Village sit off the Earl ham Road which w spurchased earlier this year. But after seeing a full-scale mock up of a bedroom, Union Welfare OfficerColin Browning co demned the plans, saying 1t would be "like hvmg on a ship " He added that •'The rooms are very small With no room for an extra charr TVs Will be too close and there's not enough hanging space.l'mnotoverlyimpressed." However, the developers, Team Semces PLC, say they have had ample experience m buildmg student residences, with a recent development at Cardiff Universitybeinganinfluencefor their plans for UEA. In conJWlC· tion with marine engineers, they have designed compact rooms making as much economical use of space as possible. The plans were revealed at a MEMBERS of the Rugby Club unveiled their new t-shirts in the Pub last week to the disgust of the Union Executive who immediately banned them. A cartoon on the back of their shirts pictured a rugby player in UEA's team shirt holding a pint and a joint, with a naked woman bending down in front of the figure's waist clearly suggesting oral sex. A number of students and UnionE ecutivemembersfoundthe design offensive. As a result,
presentation given by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dr John Tarrant,andMrChveCrawford, an architect from the developer, Team Services PLC They outline the building of approxunately 720 student bedrooms, to be located in self~ tenng blocks. Residents from up to SIX en-SIIite rooms will share a kitchen whtch includes a dming area. Ifthe de.,. elopers receive planning penrusSion, then work on constructing the residences, off the Earlham Road, could start m August with the residences to open in September 1994. The rooms feature a long desk unit, whtch mcludes drawers and shelving. The bed has a large bookshelf above with storage space Wldemeath. Power is provided courtesy of two double power points, and data cabling sockets will be installed. Ensuite facilities and a wardrobe completethedesign;heatingwill be provided by gas-fired central heating.
Each block will houo;e 3640 students in an average of 3 storeys, and access will be by either
key or entryphone. The architects intend to arrange the blocks so as to create a courtyard where
Rugby Club clash with Union Union bars staff were instructed not to serve any individual sporting the T-shirt, and door staffat the LCR were told to refuse entry to anyone attempting to wear it to the disco. Exchanges took place between the Exec and those wearing the T-shirts throughout the evening. Polly Knewstub, Union Women's Officer, was disgusted by the
cartoon. "As a Union that has a policy against sexual discrimination, we will not tolerate a blatant display of offensive sexism.'' She added," The use ofsuch a picture is obviously sexist and we will take whatever steps necessary to ensure that they are not worn in any Union building, outlet or bar." JG Philips, a member of the
rugby club, seemed peturbed by the Union's reaction to the Tshirts and their subsequent response. ''The cartoon is an original design for a tour T-shirt", he said. "Weknewtheywereoffensive but not qui le in thelenns they were thrown back at us.'' He added that he saw the cartoon as being in the vein ofa 'Viz' character, notactuallydrawnfrom
Earlham Road and Wilberforce Road meet, which will be landscaped hke the rest of the site. Vehicular access to the residences will he provided via Wilberforce Road. and space for 130 cars 1s expected to be created. Gmduate students Will also be accommodated in the new residences and disabled access has been incorporated mto the des1gn of the blocks. External security measures for the site have }et to be decided, but Maurice Morson, UEA's Superintendent of Security and PorteringServices, said, "We're waiting for a policy but there's obviously going to bt: no resident security on the site." He added that he was seeking to increase closed circuit television, bearing in mind the access between University and the proposed residences. The University stated that the cost of the scheme is still under discussion, but stated that it will
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1 real life, but stereotypical to both women and rugby players alike. "We're not desperately bothered by it. "It's offended a bunch of people but it's really trivial." The Union have frozen the RugbyCiub' s grant account pending an undertaking that the shirts will not be worn on Union premises again. Richard Hewison, Communications Officer, intimated that the freeze will be revoked when such an undertaking has been received.
Photos by Craig Eason MORE than 70 people took partin RAG'sfirsteverbungee jump at Norwich Sports Village to mse cash for various local charities. Students and locals alike took part in the jump on SWlday May 16, ascending high into the air in a cage attached to a crane, then summoning up the courage to take the terrifying leap into nothingness. We preferred to stay with our feet firmly on the groWld.
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to paper We would hke to t'!.ke tl-1s oppor tur. to thank eve-rybody who has helped us th1s far t spcc1ally everyone who reads the paper e\ery fortmght, WJtbot..t whorr our work would be pomt '> We ho everyone rctt.rrun nt t year wu enJO)' the expanded co~ ewew I abletoofi rand
Photo exc/usi•·e by Peter Hart
fir t scrncsh:. m September, the llappc;: gs scchol" of ( o ctc (th entertammcr. and reVJ \\ ) \\ 11 becoree a separat paper Mth 20 pa ~ of DIU'>It:, I ws . e cu~ent
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Compensation awaltded after court action th eat I
By Chief Reporter
d to
RESIDENTS ofWaveney Ternce and the Union have secured compensation from the Univenity for disruptions due to recent building work after they threatened to take legal action. Colin Browning, Union Welfare Officer, was recently sent a memo by Roger Lloyd, Director of Accommodation Services to inform him that the University have agreed topay4 week'srent (£129.60) to the 12 residents of Waveney COl. Building work started on the groWld floor of Waveney C to improve the access for disabled students. Starting at the beginning of the Spring Term, the work lasted
ssatisfied with this, theresiand the Union threatened e UEA to court over the
is~e .
4.denaGraham(LAW3}, who instrumental in the fight, Wlllj determined to see the matter re~lved . She said that she was amazed at the University' s nonchalance in the matter. " We got ~t we deserved. Col in Browning was really helpful, an_d it' s goo<i that Roger Lloyd co-operated'', she said. Colin Browning admitted that it was a long slog to agree the compensation, but he stated that the residents were very determined. "I'm glad that a satisfactory outcome has been reached and trust that Roger Lloyd takes note and plans his work better in future. " Roger Lloyd declined to comment. ~
Waveney's COl residents for 11 weeks and caused considerable disruption to the residents above, some of which were revising for fmals. Both the residents and the Union could see no
reason why the work could not have been done in the summer. At the time, Colin Browning asked for the students to be offered a reduction on their rent,
but UEA only offered alternative accommodation, which the residents found unavailable when they enquired at the Accommodation Centre.
UEA urges sensible behaviour for finalists THE UNIVERSITY have issued a request to finalists asking them not to behave in an irresponsible way after their finals papers. In a notice distributed to those sitting examinations last week, the Dean ofStudents, Dr KiffMatheson, has asked finalists "notto engage in activities likely to cause distress or danger to others.'' In particular the notice aims to dissuade students
from throwing "messy substances" around the campus, although it acknowledges the end of final examinations as being "an occasion for celebration and high spirits.'' This year it would appear that celebrations have been somewhat muted, with some students pointing out that they do not compare very much with the antics ofrecent years. However, Dr Matheson does urge stu-
dents to celebrate and enjoy themselves, but to "behave sensibly" . University security staff have been asked to "dissuade students from behaving in unacceptable ways after examinations" , adding that articles orol:!jccts likely to lead to injury " or a breach of the University's General Regulations for Students" may be confiscated " temporarily" by security staff.
Student loans increase STIJDENT loans are set to increase in the next academic year by an average of around 10 percent
In a memo released last week by the Department for Education, students living away from home outside London, which affects UEA, will now be able to borrow £800 per full year, an increase of £85. In addition, final year students will be able to borrow £585, an increase of £60. Students living at home will get an increase of £70 for a full year, whilst fmal year students receive £55. Increases in the loans, which are well above the rate of inflation, are designed to reflect the government' s current policy; grant levels remain frozen and the shortfall between them and the cost of living will be met by the student loan. It is expected that parity between the loan and the grant will be reached in aroWld 10-15 years, so students will be then be financing half of their costs themselves. In addition, parental contribution levels to means tested grants have been revised with
the rate of inflation. However, the figures reveal that a student will be able to secure £3,065 for their maintenance in the academic year 19934. This figure is still well below the comparable amoWlt of state benefits such as income support and housing benefit, and implies that despite the increase, students are still living below the poverty level. Colin Browning, Union Welfare Officer, gave his reaction to the loan levels increase, stating that " It' s still a pitiful level of financial support for students.'' • A decision on the allocation of Access Funds for 1993-4 is still being awaited by HE institutions, although the government claim that " spending on the Access FWld will be sustained.'' •The Vice-Chancellor of London University stated recently that a ' graduate tax' was the way forward in meeting a student' s funding requirements. He considers a scheme similar to that used in Australia, where compulsory deductions are made from future earnings, as being " a viable alternative to student loans."
or 619289 or 619280
No extra charge after midnight
UEA to anywhere within the inner ring road : £3
UEA to Thorpe rail station£ 3.50
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
UEA NEWS ON CAMPUS T HE UN ION have released the preliminaryfmdingsoftheir Residences Survey. which was conducted over the past few weeks. 48% of students questioned said that UEA ' s rent levels were fair, compared with 52% who said the opposite -a tight vote. 19% of eligible students have applied for accom modation next year, 56% of which said that they preferred 30 week licences. The results were based on the data fro m 283 questionnaires. THOSE who sit on the steps in The Square will have noticed that the fountain stopped working recently. A source in the University ' s Maintenance division gushed forth to Concrete that a mechanical problem was to blame, with a broken pipe being the likely fa ult. Efforts are being made to mend the fountain, although not of the sort to move any mountain. STUDENTSwcreasked to help the University in their fi rst ever telethon, to be held this June. A notice in News 93 said officials were looking for' confident individuals' with good communication skills and an abi lity to ' think on their feet' . Those who volunteered to r&ise vitally needed funds for UEA were able to earn extra cash - at £.4 .26 per hour.
Non-Sabbatical nominations NOMINATIONS for the Union' s Executive non-sabbatical posts closed on Friday Week 5, leaving all but two posts uncontested, writes Georgina King. Dam on Roddis has been nominated to the newly created post of Environmental Officer, Liz Chard is standing as Sports Officer, and Daniel Owen is standing as Clubs & Societies Officer, sending his nomination from America, where he is currently studying. The current chair of Forum, James Tansy, has been nominated to the recently combined post of International and Community Liaison Officer. Despite Richard Hewison once commenting that the post ofPublicity Officer was a ' 'crap job '' , Leo Hollis has been nominated for the post, from which Liz Rice resigned in February. One of the two contested posts is that of NUS Officer, for which Polly Knewstub - the present Women's Officer - and Peter Dwyer are standing. The other is
that of Internal Affairs Officer, to which Rachael Maskell and Esther Jillet have been nominated. Lizzi Watson, current Community Liaison Officer and Finance Officer-elect, commented on the non-sabbatical posts in general. '' They require a hell ofa lot of work, but with a lot of the posts you can make them into what you want.' ' She dismissed claims that the benefits of the job (namely the Executive perk which allows free admission into all Union gigs, discos and films) outweigh the costs both time and degree wise, stating that, " Although the work is rewarding, it is very hard work. " Richard Hewison added, " It must be borne in mind what a huge commitment being a parttime member of the Executive is.'' Hustings and voting will take place in Week 6 in the LCR and at Fifers Lane.
Semester dates changed THE UNIVERSITY have announced a change to the dates for the 1994 Autumn Semester. Instead ofthe Christmas break starting on December 23, it has been changed to start on .December 16. The Union claim that the
decision to change dates was a reaction to their proposals that the original dates were unworkable, especially for students trying to fmd work over Christmas, and for foreign s tudents travellling home.
Jarrold AppleCentre"· Norwich Another Winning Deal. ... ---!Qir-- -
For further information or our free UEA price list contact Paul Freakley (All prices arc sub1ce1 to VAT at the current rate)
CLEANING services on Waveney Ter race may be contracted out next year according to UEA's Director of Accommodation and Catering Services Roger Lloyd. The University is planning to tender out the services to see if an independent contractor could provide better value for money than the University-run facility now in place. But despite University assurances that the relationship between student and staff will be a factor in deciding who obtains the tender, some members of the Union Executive feel that new arrangements might give students reason to feel less comfortable or safe allowing cleaners into their rooms, especially if cleaners are moved from floor to floor each day. Members of the help staff are
COMP UTERS worth £15,000 were recently stolen from the University of Westminster just after being replaced from a previous theft. Ten machines were stolen fro m the Department of Design a nd Media in Harrow.
By Matthew Broersma
concerned that the University take into account the cleaners' role in caring for students. '' The cleaners are part of the unofficial help staff; they'rethe first to see the students in the morning and can report it, for instance, ifthe student is sick,'' said a Resident Tutor. Mr Lloyd asserted that the selection of contractors would not be based solely on price. " The University will satisfy itself in due course that it will not be putting students at risk for a few bob.'' The National Association of Local Government Officers (NALGO)and the National Union of Public Employees oppose the experiment on the additional grounds that privatisation could extend to other parts of the university, leading to loss of pay, hours and benefits by cleaning staff, reasoning that privatisation has
proved itself a failure in the past. Ellie Reynolds, NALGO representative and co-ordinator of Non-Teaching StafTU nion, was not impressed. " Our basic reaction is that we don't want it, but we're being railroaded", she said. Tenders will be taken at the end of June, when a designated Registry group will make recommendations to the University Council, who will select the contractor. The University will be submitting a tender for the cleaning itself Based on the success or failure of the experiment, UEA may choose to re-establish the status quo, but Mr Lloyd admitted that the present system will probably not return. " Once you 've started things moving, it's difficult to get back to where you started'', he said.
Apple computers stolen again
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All of these systems include : 14 colour display (except Classic), mouse, mousemat & system software. LC systems also include keyboard.
Privatisation for Waveney Terrace
Colour Classic 4/80 & ClarisWorks £725
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£762 £910 £799 £953 £1024 £1131 £1346 £1504
Students are being advised to complete their coursework, p robably before the replacement machines are stolen again . The units stolen were Apple Macs, hybrids of which were stolen from UEA's Science
Block a few weeks ago, sparking fears that the break-in was part of an international network of computer thefts. Equipment has also been stolen from the London School of Economics in a similar incident.
Back early next term? In Norwich over the Summer? Concrete and our new title 'THE: E:VE:NT' will appear for the first time next year at the end of September. If you are around for any part of the summer vacation and would like to write features or news, reviews gigs or records, take photos or help in any other way on either paper, then contact us before the end of term in our office -upstairs in Union House, or by phone anytime on Norwich 258558.
-- --~--
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
In the
City THE BUILDING of Norwich's new hospital at Colney Lane has been thrown into doubt following an announcement that work will not commence until 1995, if at all. It was originally hoped that builders would be able to move onto the site at Colney Lane by the end of the year, though this nowlooksunlikely. The scheme to build the hospital is set to cost in the region ofÂŁ 150 million, but the scheme has to be shown to be economically viable before Treasury approval can be given. EUROPEAN football is set to arrive at Carrow Road next seasonfollowingArsenal'svictory last week in the FA Cup, which completed their cup double. As a result, Norwich City, who finished third ~e Premier League this season, will now qualify for the UEFA Cup competition. According to the Evening News, clubs likely to visit Norwich could include the likes of Real Madrid,Ajax, Lazio and lnter Milan. On the ball City ...
If you have a City story. phone Concrete on (0603)250558
Voluntary work Universities pays for graduates can expand By Hwee Hwee Tan CAREERS ADVISERS, faced with the likelihood that 1 in 5 graduates will be jobless at the end of the year, have suggested a worthwhile alternative: voluntary work. An adviser at UEA's Careers
Centre encouraged graduates not to go on the dole and wait for a job to materialise. ''Voluntaryworlcgives you the opportunity to gain experience that will interest recruiters when applying for permanent jobs" , he said. Students aiming to go into fields such as social work, nature conservation, the social services, counselling, clinical psychology or the fme arts will most
likely fmd that voluntary work is considered by potential employers as being compulsory. However, work experience is vital in other fields, for example in the leisure industry, and unpaid work could be a useful tool in fmding a job. Tim Longdon, Bass Leisure's graduate recruiter, emphasises this point. "We look for people with experience of working in the [leisure] industry. "That would include bar work, so they could demonstrate that they know what the business is , like. ' 'It bolsters their confidence and makes us feel a bit more confident that their [career] choice is a considered one", he added. Apart from voluntary
work, the concept of work shadowing is another useful way of gaining work experience. A spokesman for the Careers Centre noted however that many people apply for work shadowing, making it "more competitive and more difficult than before.'' He added that a well planned approach to voluntary work and job shadowing was important, which means doing some research, such as being sensitive to the fmn' s situation, addressing letters to a specific department and individual, and following up with a phone call. â&#x20AC;˘students interested in Voluntary Work should contact the local Volunteer' s Bureau (the Charing Cross Centre) in Norwich.
Anti-Racism week postponed ANTI-RACISM Week, which was planned to take place in Week 6, has been postponed until the Autumn Semester. Jaz lhenacho, Anti-Racism Officer, said that due to the time of year, the week would be postponed. "No-one's interested with exams at the moment, although the door-drop has been done. I'm going for more impact next term", she said. Jaz is keen to point out that the Anti-Racism Week will not be a 'black' week, but for anyone who
feels discriminated against. The main emphasis will be on education, making people aware of differences as opposed to the 'melting pot theory' approach. She is also hoping to organise a debate between two racial factions with differing views, and has been involved with a petition about the segregation of overseas students in Waveney Terrace, hoping that it will encourage the University to offer 38 week licences, so that they can integrate better.
Jaz lhenacho
UNIVERSITIES throughout the UK could increase their intake of students according to the recently published report of the Flowers Committee of Enquiry. The report, on the Review ofthe Academic Year, states that ifchanges to the present structure ofan academic year are adopted, then universities will be able to take increased numbers of students whilst reducing levels of overcrowding. In addition, the report conceded that different universities have different teaching aims, and that individual institutions should be left to decide their own policies on teaching , research and assessment.According to a report in UEA's 'News 93 ', the University's formal response will be to address the broad issues raised by the Flowers report, and will not attempt to focus on how the details will affect UEA individually. The main area covered by the report concentrates on possible changes to the organisation of the aca-
demic year, but does not actually recommend them to be adopted at this stage. Such possibilities include changing the starting date of the academic year, using an extended summer period for teaching, and perhaps ~ost boldly, demarcating the student body into two bruts, with each unit attending for different periods Within the academic year. As regards staffing logistics as implicated by the proposals, Lord Flowers commented that, ''Staffare naturally concerned about the impact on research and the possibility of increased teaching commitments. ' ' He added that, "They will need to be reassured that changing the pattern of the year can provide positive advantages.' ' -copies ofthe Committee's report are available in individual Schools and in the library, and are intended by the Flowers Commission to be ''circulated as widely as possible within instituti9ns."
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Get on your bike for justice campaign By Hwee Hwee Tan A CAMPAIGN to help innocent people who have been jailed for crimes that they did not commit has been launched by Liberty (The National Council for Civil Liberties). Under the ba~mer of' Bike for Justice', Liberty arc organising a sponsored bike nde from I IMP Wa~ land to Westmimster to be held on Saturdav Jul~ I 0. TI1e ride \\111 raise fw1ds for 1ts "Just1ce on Trial'' campaign, wluch h1ghhghts the plight of
HE spending should rise by 28°/o says report THE COMMITTEE of Vice ChaJJcellors aJJd Principals have called for University fundmg to rise by 28 percent next year. They claim that enrolments have risen b~ about eighty percent since 1979, a11d reductions in funding would "decrease the quality and cfliciency" of higher Education. TI1eir proposals, submitted to the Department ofEducation, call for more spending on libraries, lecture halls aJJd student accommodation, which U1ey consider necessary to lessen the effects of overcrowding.
\\Tongfully imprisoned people. Since 1989, the Appeal Court has released more thaJJ 50 people, maJJy of whom had served lengthy pnson sentences before havmg the1r convictions quashed as m1scarriages of justice. ·n10sc released include the Guildford Four, the Birmingham S1x, and Judy Ward, all of whom spent considerable time behmd bars for cnmes the~ have smce been proved not to commit. These cases have exposed !laws m the JUstice system. Pohce forces have been found to
fabncate evidence aJJd brutalise people into Signing false confesSIOns. In addition, legal advice IS poor a11d breaches of the Police aJJd Crimmal Evidence Act (PACE) codes ofconduct have been found to be commonplace. •Further informatiOn on Liberty's campmgn caJJ be obtamed e1ther from \\Titmg to Mike McColgan at 87 Scott Road, She!Tield, S4 7130 (Tel 0742 756360), or to · L1bert) '' at 21 Tabard Street, London SE 1 4LA (Tcl 071 403 3888)
Wi £6,500 prize in Guardian competition THE GUARDIAN newspaper have announced a competition to design a new political party, with a pnze of a scholarship worth £6.500,
writes Sue Aldfanus. The competition seeks imaginative people who can create a party with an identity, image, structure and a philosophy with the aim of becom ing a worki ng government by the year 2000. A imed at a "sceptical aud ience of under 25s", it is open to any students who can origi-
nate slogans, scnpts, posters and adverts. So if anyone thinks themselves to be a potential designer. copy-writer or art director. then they could well have a chance to ~in a substantial amount of money. • Theclosingdateforthecompetition is Friday June ll: entries should be sent to: The Guardian Communication Arts Scho larships. The School of Communicati on Arts, CitybridgeHouses, 235245 Goswell Road , Londo n ECIV7JD .
(Delhi-style lamb cooked with potatoes)
(rich red beef ste w,quite fi ery!)
(chicken c ooked with tomatoes & garam masala)
'Alllltie' s· .•
• -.
WHETHER you are wheely attached to your car, or are exhausted with it, the BBC want to hear from you, writes Peter 1/art. For somewhere m the corridors of Kensington !louse - the hub of Atmtie Beeb's documentary w1it- employees arc at work on a major new series about people aJJd U1eir vehicles. And tor one of the five 50 minute prograrnrnes in the senes. focusmg specifically on 1723 year olds, the BBC w<mt to feature some Concrete readers and U1e1r views on their cars. For example: Was your first car a g1tl from parents? Does your motor turn heads or IS it a turn-on·, aJJd has your hfc been
Creativity. harnessed· COULD you be the next Shakespeare or conversely, the next Barbara Cartland, asks Sue M cManus. Manchester University is exalting its new Creative Writing MA but, as we are accustomed to 'doing d iflerent · here at UEA, tillS is not news. Our own creative writing MA is the longest established in Britain. Now in its 23rd year, the course has produced such revered graduates as IaJJ McEwan and Kaz uo lshiguru, aJJd is taught by Rose Tremain and the skilful, but elusive, Malcolm Bradbury. As ever, academic snobberypervades the issue; purists argue that it is not possible to teach someone how to write a novel. UEA believes in providing a guiding haJJd, a metaphorical carrot to use a simple but not particularly creative analogy. Young novel writers on such courses are often derided as narrow-minded as they pretentiously spout forth tales of wild drug taking sessions. However, a typical seminar at MaJJehester does yield some rather incisive constructive criticism. One student said of her class-mate's missive , '' What I really like about it is that it's dead storyish." It remains to be seen whe ther another Hemmingway will e produced from such a course, but one has to admire them for trying. Why shouldn't literature students be taught to wrrite?
--~ .
• • ·.. _
fromAtoB tales of modern motoring d1aJJged by havmg your owu set of wheels? Jack1e Humphnes, Assistzn, Producer of the series calleo 'From A to B- tales of modem motonng' says a couple of programmes have already been made, with hundreds of people from all over U1e cow1~ telling the prograrnrne's makers about whv U1ey chose the car they did She added that the BBC waJJt to be tyrcd out by the voltunc of phone calls they recei vc, aJJd stressed that 1t does not matter whether those who ring are' dri \-
mg aJJ)tlung from ail old \\Teck toaGTi :" So instead of twang a back seat as students have been prone to do, \\h) not nngJackie on 081 895 6678, aJJd she promises to call back stra1ght away - so the bill IS on the Reeb'
Learning together? By Isodoros Colotas The "Learning Together" student's tutoring scheme, originally launched by Imperial College, London now expands nationally, as reported in the
Student Independent 11lls ambitious scheme aims to bring together people from the higher education in contact w~th the local schools. The student's main aim will be to help pupils \\1th their every day problems, a sort of "best mate" program. The scheme claims to be ben-
efiCJal for both parties, the pupils \\111 have a best friend to solve their problems while the student tutors will '"enhancetheir own c~mrnumcation and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to explain more clearly the subject they are studying". The scheme is already well established in the USA, and the Community Service Volunteers hopes U1at U1e same will happen in Britain. Alreaay 80 educational institut ions in Britain are taking part in the scheme which seems to be successful.
College closed NORWICH City College was closed last Thursday as lecturers staged a one day strike, orgaJJised by the Association ofT eachers in Higher aJJd Further Education. Some students stayed away
whilst striking lecturers fronted a picket at the front gates as daytime aJJd evening classes were disrupted. The lecturer's union staged the national protest in response to possible increases in working hours.
ThE bluE jEAN
we sell ...
(... NOT!!) .•. the best clothes in Norwich 11°/o off with your UEA/ NUS card LOWER GOAT LANE
------------~----~- -- -- -
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
It's Virgin on golden oldi~~s as Branson takes to the airWaves Niall Hampton examines the launch of Britain's newest radio station, Virgin 1215 AM Two weeks ago, Britain's newest national commercial radio station was launched unceremoniously from its London headquarters. Virgin 1215 AM, the only national rock channel, opened with a specially recorded version of 'Born to be Wild' by
INXS. Listeners to Virgin's opening hour would have heard a continuation of its AOR (adult orientated rock) programming, with, inter alia, songs by Queen, David Bowie and Jimi Hendrix proving a vivid contrast with the equivalent Radio One offerings of Snow, Shabba Ranks and Lenny Kravitz. Virgin 1215 is the first national commercial radio station to be launched since Classic FM hit the airwaves with great aplomb last year. Initial observers, and indeed listeners, may have thought that Classic FM would be BBC Radio 3 's only competitor, but it has since been argued that they complement each other. Classic's more populist approach to classical music, which has caused no end of amusement to purists, contrasts vividly with the 'establishment' delivery and content of Radio 3. Clearly, there seems to be room for two national radio stations that cater for the same musical genre. Richard Branson' s latest venture - having conquered British Airways, he is now mounting a bid to conquer British airwaves - is inevitably bound to be a success. This is ensured by the content and status of Radio 1, which has changed considerably in recent years, and has marginalised some ofits older listeners as a result. However, the problems that face Virgin 1215 concern firstly the fact that it broadcasts on medium wave in mono. Radio 1, despite all its banality and smug psued<KOmmercialism, enjoys the benefits of an FM stereo broadcast, using music largely from COs. Branson has thought of a way to circumvent this prob-
lem, audaciously suggesting at Virgin 1215's launch that the BBC should 'donate' Radio 4 's FM frequency in return for Virgin's MW one. Considering that Radio 4 is
Virgin 1215 is the first national commercial radio station to be launched since Classic FM all speech and news magazine material, this suggestion has its merits. Unfortunately, Branson is constrained by the lunatic radio broadcasting legislation that operates in the UK: 1990's Broadcasting Act states that the one national commercial station broadcasting on FM has to be music other than pop or rock. In addition, Branson faces another problem in the shape of the London Rock Radio (LRR) consortium, who are at present attempting to obtain a broadcast licence. Although not a national station, LRR could theoretically take 1/3 of Virgin's audience. So, despite all the conjecture, how is Virgin 1215 actually shaping up? I listened to a whole hour ofVirgin 1215's midday show which featured a 'triple decker' (three records played back-to-back suggested by a listener) and the 'music marathon' (consisting of six records played back-toback in a similar manner). Music as 'diverse' as Dire Straits, Bowie, Otis Redding, Gary Moore, Robert Palmer, OMD, New Order and Icehouse were given an airing. There was no half hourly news bulletin, a la Radio I, and Virgin's programming brief states that the music played is "lyrical rock" delivered as part of a "much more music" policy.DJs on the station include Richard Skinner, TommyVance, Chris Evans and Emperor Rosko. Advertising is kept to a
minimum (thankfully) and is nowhere near as irritating as other commercial radio stations. Listeners familiar with Capital Gold in London will find Virgin 1215looselysimiIar although the latter's music 'starts' from circa 1967. What did students think about Virgin's programming and content? Steve (EUR1) thought that it was ''Just one for the 9ldies", whilst Brett (SOC3) said that, "I do not forsee Virgin undermining Radio 1'sstatusasthenumber one commercial national radio station in the UK.'' Dominic (SOC 1)thought conversely that, "It is the shape of things to come." Virgin 1215's AOR programming and its return to the 'popprattle' formula now eschewed by Radio 1 does seem rather dated. Yet, this is the specific aim; Branson is attempting to catch listeners from the 25-34 age range (essentially the 80s yuppie generation), something which it appears he will do quite easily. Indeed, Radio 1 controller Johnny Beerling, speaking on the day of Virgin 1215's launch, feared that Branson could poach many of Radio 1 's older listeners. Despite an inauspicious launch, Branson 's Virgin 1215 looks set for success, as it seems to provide its listeners with what they want. Although the music played will not be to everyone's taste, its targeted audience are many, and reachable nationally. If Branson could make a swift change to broadcasting on FM, then he is, quite literally, on to a winner, competing with, but not complementing, Radio 1. Yet the birth of Virgin 1215 has brought the whole future of radio broadcasting in the UK into debate; the BBC has annexed 70% of the FM airwaves over the years - a farcical situation. Branson's tenacity with the advent of Virgin 1215 surely has to force a radical review of thesituation. Open the airwaves: this surely has to be the message to the Government.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
e secre
Ives o
-.sue McManus goes in search ofUEA's alter egos Once upon a time in the year 1963 BC (Before Conservatives) that rather odd and somewhat aloof entity - the professor - occas ionally paraded him/herself as a rather cccent ric and interesting character. The revered halls of EAS, weathered by the procrastinations and intellectual toilings of a long scholarly heritage - some 30 years (watch out Oxbridge) - still reverberate with tales of ' that faculty bloke' who painted his toe nails, rolled his own joints, placed flowers in his hair and \;Vatched his student world go by. I should explain that my ' assignment' this week was to plunder the depths of our assembled academe to see if anything curious lurked beneath the surface. My enquiry was genteel, I was not looking to expose the new 'squidgygate' tape or to see if one of
our talented academics leads a double life as Norman Lamont/Jeremy Beadle (the two are not unconnected), but it yielded nothing. As one professor said of one of his colleagues, "They're not into anything remotely interesting like ... cactus cultivation." I was on the verge of enquiring further of this strange horticultural habit - but he was not prepared to aiscuss the matter. Shame. As an academic staff member commented, " They can' t even be bothered with sin any more; they are all too busy writing articles or bringing up children ." This evoked some lines from a Larkin poem (perhaps " 'l'itten with the UEA faculty in mind?) : "Sexual intercourse began in 1963/ Which was rather too late for me. " Surely something subversive lurks
beneath the squcak.-y clean exterior of the professional profs. It seems that the most daring exploits of our current staff extend to literary discussions on Radio 4, or even -now don't get excited- a pundit slot on ' Newsnight' . I began to wonder if this Jack of extracurricular interest is indicative of 90's society. It must be a work hard, play soft environment out there. Quite possibly, there is a seething undercurrent of decadence and debauchery around this place that is threatening to emerge. Unless any faculty members can enlighten the readership that they are indeed interesting, I shall have to conclude that shocking industriousness is the name of the day. Zz:uz .. ..
Exam fever • • • • • • •
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Harry Stockdale mentions the looks at what some of those whom
Euphoria, exams, inebriation, sun, concrete, clothes, grass, frisbee, panic and porters. If you are in your final year this term is definitely about one of the above, and probably about most. Of course it is the same for all alike - but third or fourth year students are slightly more justified for slouching in the bars at midday, slurring and slurping away, dribbling over their notes. In fact you could be led to believe that the whole situation screams ' panic '. Do they only sit on the steps, and the grass banks behind, for inspiration? Or are they there for the sun? (surely not ... ) Or perhaps they are warming up their seats ready for the last LCR held outside at the end of the term? Finalists, whatever indi victuals might say, seemed
to have kept their heads above the closing waters of exam pressure - for this year has seen a marked reduction in the amount of' student crime'. Where are this year's mass pillow-fights held at Fifer's Lane (Z block versus F, G and H) and where are those friends jumping into a boat and attempting to row to Sweden? (The Porters testifY this has happened). Here are a fe w examples of what those people who will soon be leaving us are really like ....
HEAL THY TIPS ... Emrna (WAM) remembers helping shave the eyebrows off some very drunk first year when they were all at Fifer' s Lane. " It was all harmless fun- we planned it for one evening that term when he c ras hed out .. it worked a charm."
Huggy (MUSIC) has expressed a desire to blow up his lecturer- "all three, actually;" while Martin (music) remembers shoving another drunk friend into a sewage estuary. Quite mad.
NOT SO CLEVER. .. Some of you may recall that Saleem burned his notes on the grass in the Square half way through his exams in front of quite a few bemused students. The porters had to be called in with fire-screens . Saleems 's friends tactfully whisked him off so that he didn ' t relate too many of his escapades: so the funni est thing that happened to him was being elected onto the Student executive.
PUBS AND CLUBS ... Saleem' s favourite pub is the Mitre - as Chris (EUR) will
eoncrete, Wednesday; May 26, 1993
Do universities still·discriminate? Antonia Banache poses the question and looks for an answer The number of young people who obtain qualifications is mpidly growing. According to statistics published recently in "The Times", boys are more likely to get a university place even though girls tend to get better 'A' level results. Does the same apply to UEA? Atthemomentthere are5991 students at UEA, ofwhich3073 aremale,and2918fema1e.Men consequently have a slight majority. But according to EUR's
According to
EUR's admissions office, students are offered a place according to their 'A' level results; gender is of no importance admissions office, students are offered a place according to their ' A ' level results~ gender is ofno
ence between gender, but what about the social background of the student, the social class that the student comes from? Is it still an important factor in deciding who obtains the best higher education? According to "The Times", it is. Nowadays, only 4% of worker' s sons go to university, and none of the girls from the .same social class go to university. UEA students agree with this. They say the socioeconomic background still matters: values, grants, influence ofparents, teachers, and friends are considered as being decisive. So it is not surprising that sons and daughters of better off or wealthier families represent a higher proportion of university students than those from a working background. The process ofbreaking down the class barriers is slow. Who is to blame for this vast difference? Should the parents try to ensUre their children's future, or should it be up to the government to make sure that everyone is given the same chance?
ing majority of male students: importance. OES, ESE, OP'I) however, the whereas women outnumber the As the figures below prove, men outnumber the women: fromACC, DEV,EDU, LAW, men regarding the majority of - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - -- - - the languages women in humani- It is not surprising that sons and daughters of better off or and arts subjects. These statiswealthier families represent a higher proportion of ties subjects is obvious: taken from tics stress the old ART, MUS, EAS, university students than those from a working background cliche of men CES,EUR, there are having the ten682 male and 1073 female stuSOC, MAN, there are 1149 1242 male students compared dency to study sciences whereas dents. For students of social male and 1107 female students. with 738 female. women are more attmcted to sciences, the distinction narrows For science students (810, Men are in the majority as far languages and art. somewhat, and there is no strik- CHE,ENV, MTII,PHY, CMP, as sciences are concerned, The UEA makes no differ-
·or not... unmentionable and will soon ·b e leaving us are really like... agree; but the diversification first year students, and proDRINKS•.• incl ud es the Unthank, spective students, should be Bellevue, GardenHouse, and Whisky, lager(Stella), South- ' infonnedoftheFreshers Trap the Vine and Warwick. ern Comfort, blackcurrant and - the effects of which can last longer than you might exThird and Fourth years are lemonade, Real Ale, bitterand pect. Even though a few ofcourseworlcingforthe most coke. threats have been made in part, but ifthey went to clubs, jest -a food fight in the Diner which most do not, where do SERIOUS•.• and burning down the library they go? The Waterfront and (whereupon, so the legend Peppermint Park were surWith all this interest in the goes, all finalists would prisingly only slightly more promptly receive 2: I 's)- the lighter things in life, one popular than Ritzy' s, even · might assume that there is Director ofthe Portering and though the Waterfront has little concern for the state of Security Services, Maurice closed down - but how can Morson, is not worried. Last student debts. Again there you break that bad news to should be no surprise here June 57 crimes were reported them. Let'sjustcr:ossourfineither. - a peak - the majority being gers that the Union might committed by ou tsiders. After three years here it still yet re-open it. would be quite understandThere are always th.o se who able ifyou found yourselfin a trophy-hunt and fridge-raid . He is well aware of that. desperately unhealthy finanRESTAURANTS••• " It does seem th at the cial situation: the worst debt I can relate is that of a little younger generation has exThe favourites, in pecking over £2,000; and the least treme difficulty in holding order, are Pedros, Lobos, the that of £200. their liquor - extreme diffiIndian restaurants- the BomPerhaps there is then a perculty," he added. bay, in particular and a Chi- fectly good reason why Whatever ... nese on the Unthank Road . Richard {EUR) stresses that Good luck.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Fashion Features
er You can tell from the luminous glow of white flesh making its first appearance in The Square that summer is well on its way. As the sun streams through your dishevelled curtains, thoughts are not on how many essays you've got to do this week, but whether you can really face putting on those shorts you bought from Top Shop four years ago. Summer seems to be the time when even the most fashion conscious ~bandon their labelled clothes in favour of a cooler, more ordinary look. But if you are anxious to keep up with the latest styles here's what Norwich's trendiest shops are predicting will be the clothes to be seen in this summer. Almost all fashion shop managers interviewed agreed that the 70s look (surprise, surprise) is here to stay... for a while atleast. This is reflected by the major chain stores. Platform sandals are everywhere including River Island and Dolcis and Top Shop are definitely putting the emphasis on the hippy chick look for girls this summer.
Philip Browne However Philip Browne, the owner of the menswear shop of the same name, feels that the 70s is not such an easy scene for men to get into as it was fairly drastic. Although you may have seen a fair few girls donning their flares and hipsters, boys seem a little more cautious. The mens' item which does have a distinct 70s feel is the skinny rib top which is continuingtoprovepopular. The more extreme elements of the era do not seem to be reappearing, Philip himself remembers wearing six inches platforms the first time rotmd and seems pretty thankfulthatthingshaven'tgone quite that far. Philip Browne also feels that fashion seems much more ordinary during the summer with most people playing it safe. Linen has been selling very well amongst Norwich lads, particularly in the more natural colours, and the ethnic look as a whole is proving very popular: especially tie-dye t-shirts. So summer fashion is not that exciting tlu~ year but what's going to be in this autumn? Philip says the gossip in London is that the look for men is going to become a lot more tailored, although perhaps not among students, with the re-
around the neck to create a floaty sort of look. Jewellery will still stay with chokers, but in a rather more delicate style, and single strands of beads are also popular.
Burton and Next
turn of shirts. He predicts that the Crombie jacket, anArthur Daley-ish style coat is going to be the in-thang perhaps going a little further back to the late sixties.
Dogfish and Catfish Dogfish and Catfish are geared towards the slightlyyotmge"J" chap and so promote a more casual image. The look for men remains on the street with perhaps a little bit of70s influence. However its not the Norwich street look, thank heavens,.but rather it generates from the New York scene. Indeed they are doing extremely well with the American label Stussy and are now stocking No Fear, a label which is huge stateside. Catfish has also just started stocking Sister Stussy for surfer chicks, but according to Managers Robin Norton and Nick Snell the main item their female customers are buying 'are tight fitting tops which can be worn with pretty much anything. They both agreed that there is still a big 70s influence on womens clothing and a few girls are looking for lc:;mnge type trousers - "the type of thing you see in Vogue". Don't worry girls just starve yourselves all termandyoumight actually be able to afford a pair. Nick feels that people are very aware offashion during the Summer as bodies are a lot more involved. "There is much more emphasis on looking good when the sun's out as you 're showing a lot more flesh." Please don't remind me.
Bazaar Malcolm Rose, the owner of Bazaarforwomenreiterated that the look for summer is definitely 70s - "very much a hippy im· age". He feels that also proving very big, but not j~ your basic jeans. There are lob ofitems worked with denim cotton and also a lot of garments styled like denim. The newest thing coming through, which is being pushed in London, is th<! A-line skirt. However Malcolm feels that this may take rather longer to sell in Norwich than London as the jump in hemlines from long to short has been very quick. He also feels that fashion is very confused at the moment with . designers promoting too many different looks and therefore confusing the fashion-conscious public. Whilst some are pushing the 70s styles, others are going for .the much talked about grunge look and he sees the latter as failing. Most people realise that . you can create the grunge image, or rather anti-image, down tt your local Oxfam for a couple of potmds. People are starting to feel pretty ripped-off as top designerschargeextortionateprices · for clothes which look decidedly tatty.
Blue Jean Co. David at the Blue Jean Company also feels, like Malcolm, that the style for this Summer is a "slightly hippy kind of image~ with people wearing things a lot looser. He says fashion is swaying away from the 80s labelism to a more individual style with
as 100
Simone Dunn looks into what's cool when the weather's not
"peoplediscoveringmoreoftheir own tastes", and predicts a re~ surgence of the beachy look this summer although it will slightly less brash and not quite as colourful as previously. As for what's selling, Mambo - the Australian surflabel- is remaining as popular as ever especially the "madder designs". Jeanswise, narrow fit jeans are stillselling,particularlyindarlcer denims. David also believes that white and ecru .<feni.m. will be worn by a lot ofpeople this summer, as in the last few. So all in all the top fashion shops in Norwich seem to be $~lying that the retrograde look is here to stay this season. But what about the major chain stores- do they agree with the predictions made by the boutiques or are they playing it safe and promoting a slightly more accessible summer look?
Miss Selfridge A spokeswoman at the Miss Selfi:idge H~ Office in London saysthestprebastwomajorlooks for this summer. The first is the Rag Doll look which is basically a progression of grunge. It's centred around the image of the carefree traveller of summer, which again has hippy connotations. Clothes are floral and layered and very natural. The other look they are promoting is the Palm Beach style which is a budget version of the Ralph Lauren country ~le. This collections consistsoflots ofstripes and dots and in particular drawstring pyjama pants. As far as accessories go, crochet skull caps are the headgear to be seen in and chiffon scarves are worn
Burton are currently in the process of re-latmching their image (and not a moment too soon) and seem to be keeping their summer gear tmder wraps. Next, meanwhile, are sticking to their classical approach to both men and womenswear with obviously more beachwear and swimwear. The emphasis is on natural fabrics and fibres with a lot of the clothing quite subtle and earthy. They predict that the look for women will remain long throughout the summer.
on functional garments. The fab-
rics used are much more natural and rough and create the workwear look with box shaped jackets, massive dungarees and fitted denim dresses. As with all the Norwich retailers the 70's are also said to be playing an importantroleinthecurrentfashions. Lots of bell bottoms, sari tops and Biba inspired ensembles. The overall message from Top Shop is "~ything goes"!
Their male counterpartsTop Man are also placing a strong emphasis on the workwear look with heavy denim again playing a big part. "Carpenter" jeans and dungarees are predicted as the latest alternative to classic western style jeans. The two other main looks according to the Top Man spokesman are the New Age Hippy and the look of the Brooklyn streets. The former is a transformaThis summer Top Shop say that tion oftheCaliforniansurferdude grunge is providing the strongest and is a mixture of70's inspirafashion statement of the season. tion and 90's attitude,.with lots They interpret grunge as a recyof bright trippy colours, pyjama cled look with a strong second pants and oversized shirts. The hand feel with patchwork denim Brooklyn style is one of"mean with a mixture of floral prints, ease and comfort"(!) with colours and textures. The new sweats, mesh vests and baseball feeling for summer, they say, is style shirts. one oflightness, movement and Above all Top Man. say that femininity with apron dresses, the most important thing for men waistcoats and tie front blouses. this summer where fashion is Workwear is also playing a concerned is experimentation, big part in the Top Shop summer . ·collection, with great emphasis relaxation and comfortability!
Top Shop
IS on The students' view
As for UEA students - are they r~Uy bothered about what's in and what's not or is it just a case of keeping cool in the summer heat? Helena Christensen ofEUR 2 certainly feels this way. She seems more concerned about what she wears in winter as in the summer its just a case of "putting on something that will keep you cool that is in the cold sense of the word". She also thinks that summer tends to be so short that people are reluctant to buy clothes as they can't wear them for very long.
"You get lots of blokes who wear shorts in the summer when perhaps they shouldn't!" In contrast another EUR student. Natalie Shepherd, cares more about what she wears 'in summer than she does in winter because it's hot. so people exposetheirbodiesmore. She feels that "there is a lot more pressure on what you look like whereas in the winter you can cover up with woolly jumpers". However she thinks in the end it gets so hot that people don't really give a toss about what they wear as long as they can stay reasonably keep cool.
.'s really quite amusing when people come iit wearing their shorts for the first time as they scuttle around thinking 'Ob God, don't look at my legs!' Lucy Edwards feels that this may not be such a good thing. "You get lots of blokes who wear shorts in the summer when perhaps they shouldn't!" The putting on of shorts does seem a bit of a sensitive issue. Helena says that its really quite amusing when people come in wearing their shorts for the frrst time .as they scuttle arotmd thinking 'Oh God, don't look at my legs!' However Nicola CarterofEAS
2 will undoubtedly be wearing "shorts, shorts and probably some more shorts, because its not very easy to ride a bike in a long skirt". But she does find that it is easier to be fashionable in the winter as the quality of the clothes is much better where as in the summer clothes are·a lot more casually made. Most people asked found they probably boughtthesameamotmt ofclothes in the summer as in the winter. History of Art student. Romaine, said "I'd definitely ·buy something that really appeals to me £egardless of what season it is". It seems that the majority of studentsdon'tseemallthatbothered clotheswise when it comes to summer as most see keeping cool as their top priority. How. ever there is defmitely a paranoia felt by a lot of people when it comes to baring their legs, whether its because the shape is wrong or the colour is a bit lacking.
"I'd definitely buy something that really appeals to me regardless of what season it is" At the end of the day in reality it shouldn't matter greatly what you wear but in reality all too
'J opShop and Top\ I an haH compill·d thl·ir
O\\ 11
!!Uidl·s to\\ hat tlwy think\\ ill hl· in and out this summt>r in
till' fashion and st\le \\Orld. \la"r of it \\hat ~ou \\ill, I just hope I don't hear an~onr sa~ in:! ''I hat's lbd!'
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Don't leave me this way Janet McTeer and lmelda Staunton return to the roles of Loretta Lawson and her friend, Bridget Bennet, in 'Don't Leave Me This Way' on Sunday, 30th May (9pm- 10:35pm). The film is the sequel to the highly-acclaimed 'A Masculine Ending', seen on BBC11astyear. Based on the best-selling novel by Joan Smith and adapted for the screen by Catherine
REAL LIFE? What happens when seven young people, who have never met before, are deliberately taken from different backgrounds and invited to live together in a luxury New York loft apartment beyond their wildest dreams? The answer is in 'The Real World', C4's new 18-episode documentary series, which begins on Sunday 6th June. Part soap opera, part fly-on-the-wall film, it follows the lives of the seven -four guys, three girls - as they adapt to their new surroundings and their new housemates. The show uses real people, not actors, and there is noscript. "'The Real World' is real life", we are told. However, with a poet, singer, artist and model amongst the group, they are hardly exemplary of the majority of the population.
Jd -j!:
Time TBA
Buchanan, the feature-length mystery sees. the academic amateur sleuths unite once again to solve the mysterious disappearance of an old friend. With an excellent cast and clipped dialogue, this whodunnit certainly stands out from the crowd of recent detective programmes. The two leads are both engaging an_dfumy, particularly lmelda
Immensely popular after ifs first showing earlier this year, a repeat screening of 'The Good Sex Guide' continues on ITV on Saturday 29th May (12:30am - 1:05am). Brash blonde Margi Clarke presents a down-to-earth mix of comedy, interviews and expert advice on how to get it right between the sheets. Illustrated with hilarious sketches by the likes of Tony Robinson, ' Birds Of A · Feather"s Pauline Quirke, Bernard Hill and the prim princess of the costume drama Helena Bon ham-Carter, Margi's sex guide is the perfect TV companion to all matters carnal.
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Staunton, recently seen in Kenneth Branagh's comedy
'Peter's Friends', in which she played ajingle-writilg, over-protective mother. Bill Nighy, who can be seen in 'The Men's Room' on BBC1 on Bank Holiday Monday, also stars as Loretta's estranged husband, journalist John Tracey.
~ ~ -
1 0 00
SUN, MAY 30 9 -10.35 pm
Major artists from all areas of pop and rock will come together in the name of peace on Saturday 29th The second programme asks May, for a special concert in the what really turns a man on? troubled city of Belfast. PeterGabriel There'sexpertadvice on erec- · tops a bill that includes Del Amitri, tion difficulties -very appropriThe Levellers, The Orb and The ate after a Saturday night Saw Doctors, other names areto be drinking bing~ - and there's a announced. One FM presents the music live across the afternoon and discussion ofthe aD-important evening , interspersed with records question: does size realymatand interviews with the bands. ter?
ITV SAT.MAY29 12.30am-1.05am
0 Ken Russell' s four-part dramatisation of ' Lady Chatterley•; D.H. Lawrence's controvers.ialclassicnovel,begins on BBC1 on Sunday 8th June. DLennyHenryand Sarah Greene host 'The Red Nose Awards' on Monday 31st May, (6pm- 7pm) which gives children the chance to vote fortheirfavourite stars. Of course, the evening will be a mix of Take That, Wayne's World' and the usual soap stars, but with Chris Evans and A'hgus Deayton involved there are bound to be a few laughs.
who witnesses a gangland mur-
der in Soho, and finds himself inextricably bound up in the case.
0 'Wonder Woman: THE MOVIE' is bound to bright.n up everyone' s Bank Holiday (12:•opm - 2pm), as Dlana Prince and her 'lassoo of truth' go In search of truth, justice and the perfect perm. IJWatch Paul Newman and Tom Cruise battle it out in the hustler stakes in 'The Colour Of Money' on ITV, Saturday 29th May (10:20pm -12:30am).
IJFrom the common-or11ar.den magic mushroom to the hash brownie, Hank Wangford (yes, tf1at's his real name) ruminates with Leslie FCM"hs on the subject of edible highs In 'Table Talk On The Sixltu' on Radio 3. A singer, gynaecolo-
IJFootball coverage on the
gist and one ofttlt signatures
Beeb and the 'other side', switches from the FA Cup, to the Cup Final, with ITV showing the England v Poland match at 7:15pm on Saturday 29th May, and Desmond lynam introducing the England v Norway match on Wednesday 2nd June (7:45pm - 9pm).
on the famous 'legalise marijuana' advertisement in The Times in 1967, tune into Hank on Sunday 30th May (1:05pm -1:20pm.
DPenned by Lynda ('Prime Suspect') La Plante, C4's new twopart thriller set on the alternative comedy circuit, begins on 8th June. Aptlyentitled'Comics', it's the story of Johnny Lazar, an American stand-up comedian, who witnesses a gangland mur-
~ .~ - - _&,_..,._...,... .... . ,..., _ .:-:.....,_...,.. .....,...-:-----.......-:--
IJ'Switching Channels' (see picture .above) on BBC1, Sunday 30th May (7pm - 8:45pm) stars Kathleen Turner as ace reporter Christy Colleran, who announces she's quitting her job at her ex-husband's TV station (Burt Reynolds) to marry sports good tycoon Blain• Bingham (Christopher 'Superman' Reeves). Predictable, but fun. - .---- -. -- _ ___________ -. - -- .- .-. -. .J .
IJRadios 1 & 2 are dedicating a day of broadcasting to the BBC's Volunteer Week campaign, 'Do lt!', on Tuesday 1st June. With Sarah Kennedy on Radio 2, Simon Mayo fronts the One FM contribution, which is aimed at mobilising listenersto takepartinvolunteerschemesin their area.
intrepid boy reporter Tintin is back for a new series of thrilling adventures on Radio 5. Along with his trusty sidekick Snowy the dog, his friends the old sea dog Captain Haddock and scatterbrained Pf:Ofessor Cuthbert Calculus, and bumbling detectives the Th0ft'1)son Twins, the face that launched athousand hjlircuts saves the day every Sunday morning from 9:30am · -10am. LioneiJeffrles, Andrew Sachsand Stephen Moore provide the voices.
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Alcoholism •• All the Trivia you never wanted to know... ... Kate Ainscow meditates over a pint about the oddities of drinking Have you got tbe 'Zelig' syndrome? In Woody Alien's play documentary, a patient can mimic anybody be spends time witb. Amongsttbeoverweigbt, be slowly bloats; witb an obscure tribe, be rapidly adopts tbeir native tongue; witb blacks, be begins to darken; placed witb scientists, bis medical understanding suddenly enlarges. It is his way of discreetly fitting in and being absorbed into a new crowd. An acute sensitivity will always be there to shelter
him. Having a multiple identity is exactly what people take aboard when getting dnmk, as one second-year explained , " When you' re dnmk and happy, you' re adaptable ... you feel you' ve blended in without even trying". There is a kind of genuine keeness to cut the formalities and merge over six pints. People have different speeds in growing together, but eventually a bit of them rubs off on you, and you on them. Drinking skips the initial
phase. Students are renowned for over-drinking. The institution system makes a fragmented day so you' re moods are always being pulled about between work and rest, stress and boredom or depression. And being quite an insular complex, there is the feeling of claustrophobia of knowing too many, too few. But at the forefront, it' s just down to plain old tradition. However, many LCR fans said they don ' t even enjoy drinking, it' s simply to get drunk. "If you' re not quite pissed, then it's awful ... if you' re sober it' s even worse", one student stated. Associating the taste with a loss of inhibitions is the only source for · wanting it, if any. The Union pub attracts lunchtime drinkers, it's like a cool, civil cave to retire to. Groups tend to meet up here twice or three times a week, perhaps have a bottle of wine on the weekend, or drink a spirit in the evenings. They are not chronic drinkers. ''It's my metabolic rate, after 3 or 4 pints .. I can' t cope with
anything more than that. It' s like a safety valve I've got" said a mature student. In contrast, many heavy nighttime drinkers claimed they' d refuse to buy a pint at lunchtime even for the same price ofa coffee. Some who didn' t enjoy more than half a pint saw the process more as sampling delicious taste sensations. Rather than working for an effect. With liquors, the actual swallowing action was appreciated, " ... it' s really smooth and slides down the back of your throat .. like a bit of nouveau cuisine", one connoisseur noted. Drinking is like anything habit forming. If you have enough, you acquire a taste. But if you hate grapefruit why get used to it? The Health Education Authority encourages us to drink less, suggesting low-alcoholic mixes, such as fruit punch! It would be interesting to see how many people would turn up for an LCR with justfruitpunchesandntilkshakes on offer! If real fresh blends were made of your own choice with a menu of I 0 fruits .. peach.. nectarine ...
grape.. pineapple.. strawberry... students might get really into it. And for the drinking desperados, there would always be the lace conccctions, with a special sly surface texture.
Alcoholism. Its a strange and challenging subject, and what the heU do I know about it? I do know that I need a drink quite badly in order to write this. So, does that mean that I should sit in a room, announce my name and say''I'manalcoholic"?Well done Sue, admission is the first step. There is a fine line between alcoholism and sobriety and the difficulty arises in knowing when you ' ve crossed it. My reliance is
...And Sue McManus questions the meaning of alcoholism and admits to a few personal over-doses of the stuff less on the alcohol and more on the so-called ' ambience' of regularly visiting the boozer with my friends. In my native North-East, alcoholism is not so much a problem as a wayoflife. Ifyou don' tdown ten pints ofbitter a night and smoke at least twenty woodbines, then you' re not a real Northerner (and that's justthe women)! Indeed the bravado of drinking contributes a lot to a problem that is becoming increasingly wide-spread. In attempting to experience the sweetness and subtlety of swallowing fifteen Castlemaines, you can easily lose sight of the drinking game and not give a XXXX for anything
going on in your life. The maxim ' moderation is the key' tends to become hazy with the everyday problems of exams, money, health, whether Charles and Di will get back together etc ... The stresses of the modern world for the average student are difficult to cope with and sometimes require more than light relief. Just make sure you can hop in a straight line, holding your nose (which incidentally seems to me an odd request when sober) and you' Ube'sorted'. WeU,thankGod I've finished this article, I think I' 11 have another drink to celebrate.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
SI e_u If you listen really hard, and ignore the monotoncs of the diggers and drills all round the campus - you should be able to hear something different. Walk out along the broad and you will realise nature ' s secret. Summer is here in all its glory. So ... out with the shades, the P1mms and the beer. Out with the scissors- cut up your
Already, too. a few bronzed faces proudly parade the campus - but don 't be disheartcncd - they arc cheating (ask them)- they have been sneakmg away to the sun-beds in Norwich . Don ' t be too disturbed, if, ever staring up at the towers of the Norfolk and Suffolk terraces, you think that you see the flash of a dagger held aloft a feathered head-dress -
Already, too, a few bronzed faces proudly parade the campus, but don 't be disheartened ... they are cheating and have been sneaking away to the sunbeds in Norwich oldjeans -lop off those pony tails . On the Plain, in particular, groups of friends are already buying barbeques at £I 0 and charcoal at£5- while the more daring have collaborated with their kitchen implements in the vain hope of recreating a stove.
for you can be sure that the sun is playing tricks on your subconscious. These buildings are copies of temples built by the Aztecs, centuries ago, to their Sun god to hold human sacrifices regularly ; gleaming blood flowed down the terracing then in the same sun light that
~ - .~-~ - : ·-~~~
~~~-- .,.. -. :· "*_-... ~- ~ ;~ ~~.::,-
Aztec temples.? dances the ripples ofthe Broad here today. So drink and make merry. I'm ofT for a Guinness. I may
be some time ... Talk amongst yourselves .... Meanwhile here is a solar brain-tease:
You ask yourself why on earth might the sun play tricks on you? Well, here ' s one theory .
Scientists believe that light travels 186.000 miles in one second; one estimate is that the sun is 92,9-l8,000 miles from Earth. That means that it takes just under 10 minutes for light to travel from the Sun to us. GOOD NEWS : we get 499.7 extra seconds of sunbathing once the sun has actually gone down. BAD NEWS: sundials are, and will always be, ten minutes late. No wonder Alfred burnt the cakes. Roosters. too. have no time sense. However, you do have a legitimate reason for being 8 minutes late to a lecture, although I shouldn ' t try that excuse for an exam (good luck if you do!) By Li-}e way if you could see the nex1 nearest star (bar the sun) you actually saw it over four years ago. What was that about the Aztecs again?
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Ex-leader of. the pack Keir Brennan-Sin1mons meets the former Leader of the Opposition, Neil Kinnock MP As Neil Kinnock strides vigorously into the interview room, his manner is confident but by no means relaxed. "I take the swan approach to leadership," he once said. "Trying to appear smooth on the outside whilst pedalling like hell underneath." These days, the hinl of tension indicates that he is still pedalling. It is a well known cliche that politicians are always smooth. They win your confidence while winning their arguments in clever linguistic dances - this one is no exception. But in person, it's difficult not to warm to Mr Kinnock. His red hair and freckled face appeaifar less dissonant in real life than they did in those close-frame tabloid photographs. His boyish Welshness seems more endearing than it ever did on television. Hisresponsetothesuggestion that we should flnish our coffee before starting the interview is good-humoured. "It's alright," he says, '1'm notlike Jerry Ford: I can talk and drink coffee at the same time. I can even chew gum if you want me to." In the year since the election, Kinnock's opinions haven't changed much. He still describes himself as a 'democrat socialist.' . "The middle ground is where politics is," he says. "There is no constituency at the far left or the far right Anybody who thinks otherwise is regarding socialism as a kind of minority religion; they want to run it from the fringes, to be political hermits. Well, if that's what they want, fme, but that's not going to transform the living standards and opportunities ofthe people about whom we care the most." · With the democratic socialist flag flying, Kinnock turned the Labour Party upside-down and shook it by the ankles. (Though to say that he "made the party electable" would perhaps be tinged with a little too much irony.) Kinnock not only changed the Labour party, he also changed himself enormously. When he flrst became an MP,
at the age of28, he could be seen as an angry young man shouting from CND platforms. "Anybody who isn't capable of changing their mind hasn't really got a mind," he asserts. But no-one changes their mind without reason, and back then it was his realism which provided it. "If we'd stuck there," he says, "I think we would have been virtually wiped out. What was proposed during the early
the question facing him now is, does life lie ahead or behind him? In the year since the election, many have suggested that he must either fmd an important role, or fmd himself washed up. Yet the role Kinnock is assuming, to some extent, confounds such beliefs. While appearing on Channel Four and the radio have regularly kept him in the public eye, he has also settled once more in to the life on a back bench MP. And he plans to continue in much the same manner, making a couple of television programmes and writing a book about the manufacturing indus-
Kinnock not only changed the Labour party, he also changed himself enormously. When he first became an MP, at the age of 28, he could be seen as an angry young man shouting from CND platforms. "Anybody who isn't capable of changing their mind hasn't really got a mind," he asserts 1980s was more of the same. Labour was looking over it's shoulder, it was looking backwards all the time. We were putting a wider and wider gap between ourselves and the people of Britain." Perhaps his flercest battles were not with 'Militant', but with the media. His distrust and even dislike of some jownalists is common knowledge. And not without reason. The media made much of rumours of a shouting.match between Kinnock and a member of his Shadow Cabinet, and of suggestions that he and Norman Tebbit had come to blows. "All these things were wildly overreported," he asserts calmly. Despite the calm tone, however, the antics of the press clearly irritate him more than anything else. While these days Kinnock is acting more and more like Bill Clinton, appearing on Channel Four programmes, and even presenting his own radio show, he points out that Clinton could never have been so honest and upfront a leader in Britain. "He would have been torn to shreds," says Kinnoclc, "by the kindofpresswehavehere. They would have used a picture ofhim and said, 'Do you really want this man as Prime Minister?'" It might be a relieffor Kinnock that such things are now in the past. But if so, other worries have surely taken their place. At the young old age of flfty,
~He is clearly enjoying himself, and fmding new challenges. "When you're stuck behind a microphone and all the power in the studio goes down," he says, "it can be pretty terrifying." .But Kinnock is never far from politics. "The fmal indictment of this Government," he says, "must be that the best brains in Britain, our graduates, can 'teven fmd work when they leave." His son recently graduated, so it seems that this is something he really about. One gets the feeling, though, that he cares about almost everything he says, and that he cannot help showing it, despite trying to be a 'swan.' Honesty is one of his most attractive qualities, yet it is probably what lost him the election. Oneonlyneedremember,fur example, his ironically delighted shouts of, ''Well, all right," at the now infamous Sheffield rally. While his opinions may have changed, his passion certainly hasn't. "The same injustices stain the world," he says, "the same wrongs need to be righted. Ifyou say I was an angry young man then, I'm a pretty furious old man now." Although his days as 'future Prime Minister' are now over, Neil Kinnock is about as likely · to bow out of serious democratic politics as Sir ~ward Heath was a decade ago.
• Interview by kind permission of London Studnrl, 29.4.93.
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Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
'Catch 22' and all that: Simon Mann gets an exclusive interview with Joseph Helier "Is that the elderly American gentleman?" the hotel receptionist asked, in response to my announcement that I had come to interview Joseph Helier. Clearly the name did not mean anything to her; but this is a very familiar situation for the quiet and amiable author of' Catch 22 '. "That's
ing else I much like." His current reading, unsurprisingly for a man so attached to going over things again and again, is actually re-reading. ''I'm going back to reading classic novels which I didn't appreciate when I was much younger; I have more patience
Helier was once quoted in a magazine article as claiming to have only one hobby: lying down. Even this single modest relaxation seems to have been abandoned persisted throughout the thirty years since the book was published. The name Joseph Helier does not register often with people, wheras 'Catch 22' does." It is clear that having his first novel be so much more famous than its author is not a problem: he is not even troubled by the fact that many people do not even know ' Catch 22' is a book, thinking of it simply as the cultural expression it has become. "Even among the people with whom 'Catch 22' registers, maybe half have never read the book but have seen the movie, and half of those saw the movie on TV ... its being a cui tural phrase is fine, I see it at least once a week in a newspaper or magazine." He talks about 'Catch 22' rath~r like a father might discuss a child he does not see very often these days, but of whom he is very proud. "It's so distant from me; I know it's mine, and it's nice to know I wrote the book, but it's something I did forty years ago." Perhaps the best thing that the phenomenal success of 'Catch22 ' did for Helier, was to ensure that he could spend the rest of his life doing the two things he most enjoys; writing, and re-writing. He was once quoted in a magazine article as claiming to have only one hobby: lying down. Even this single modest relaxation seems to have been abandoned. "I have no hobbies. I like writing, and I like re-writing even more. I like listening to music, and reading; I enjoy being with friends, and going out and meeting other people, but there's noth-
now. I'm reading Proust at the moment." With a smile, he adds: "That's a year's work." He sees writing as being very much his occupation in life; he writes about three A4 pages in longhand every day, which he then repeatedly rewrites before transferring it to a word-processor, so he c<1nyou guessed it - re-write it again. All this work may be a pleasure for him, but it is also difficult, and has not become easier over the years. "I am always re-writing; writing in longhand and seeing what the possibilities are with changing language, and seeing how to expand a character or situation. I usually think about it all day. I write sentence by sentence; I can conceive of a book in a night or two, maybe one night and a week of puting together all the ideas running through my mind, but the actual putting it down, that's very hard work for me." It is important to Heller that his writing is always breaking new ground, yet at the same time he sees the need for a strong organising frame which should be common to all fiction writing. "My novels tend to be experimental, apperently undisciplined and free-wheeling, different from each other, different from other novels. However, I do believe that all novels, including my own, should have a beginning, a middle and an end; the reader should understand what the beginning is, and should understand what the nature of the work itself is going to be." He is quick to acknowledge
that he sometimes breaks his own rules: '"Catch 22' had trouble for the first year because it was pretty slow to announce what it was about; that was intentional, but if I was doing it again, instead of waiting until page 80, I might have started at page 40 or so." Late starting is something Helier had problems with right at the beginning of his career. While at New York University soon after the war, he attended one of the earliest creative writing courses, and more often than not the comment written on his work by the tutor was: "why don't you begin on page 3 or 4 ?" Forty five years later, he speaks approvingly ofthe way that course was run. "The man who conducted the class never taught. He just commented on the work; he would point out when things were contradictory, or where our plots were trite or lacking originality." It is an approach he employs himself with the work he has been doing at St. Catherine 's in Oxford. "I don't think of myself as teaching creative writing; what I set up was a series of 'Creative Writing Workshops.' "For those stdents who were writing fiction , and who wanted to do this, we would meet one afternoon a week and discuss what they were
writing." He is not impressed by the dogmatic approach to creative writing which is be-
City centre location next to central Library Theatre Street Norwich NR2 1RL
coming increasingly popular, particularly in the States. "Some colleges give degrees in creative writing. "I understand the instructors are very firm that students should stick to a certain conception of what a short story or novel should be like. I am inclined to disapprove of that approach, seeing it as a narrowing of possibilities in fictional expression." He is even less impressed by the current much-publicised speculation, both here and in the US, that the novel is currently in a cultural backwater. "There\\ as talk about that when I was going to college. There is no shortage of talent there is, I suppose, a shortage of an adequate market for that talent, to the extent that a talented and hardworking author might find it hard to survive on the available income. "Also, the abundance of such talent makes it more
relaxed frl路endlu
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and more difficult for the very good novelist to become outstanding." The most enduring image from the interview centres on one of the principle ways Joseph Helier takes the daily exercise necessitated by the serious illness he had some years ago; it seemed to sum up his whole approach to life. "My longest exercise is walking on a treadmill. My legs are very weak, so I figure I can keep them from getting weaker by doing that. "It isveryboringafter45 or 50 minutes, of course, but on the treadmill I am re-writing what I wrote in the morning, and improving it greatly, getting thoughts, getting exchanges of dialogue." A white-haired man, walking nowhere while he concentrates on endlessly re-cycling words into constantly changing patterns. I would like to think there is a sign on the front of that treadmill. It would read; "Do not disturb: writer at work."
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
(Week 6, Summer Term, 1993 )
The official line on what's happening in your Union
Union Ban Sexist Shirts
Many observers may have been surprised by the Union's less than enthusiastic reaction to the charming new sweatshirts designed by the Rugby Club.
The shirts depict a naked woman grovelling before a rugby player
After receiving complaints from annoyed students at the Union's Thursday night disco, Union Communications Officer Richard Hewison decided to ask people wearing the shirt to remove it or leave the premises. 'We nm the Union and it's entertainments for the benefit of
everybody. People were made to feel uncomfortable by this, and therefore I asked them to desist," said Richard, ''the Union bars have clear notice that sexist behaviour in the bars will not be tolerated, and these shirts went way beyond the mark." OnefemaleattenderattheThurs-
day event had this to say, "I am really getting fed up with getting from idiots whose this sort of only aim seems to be aserting their frail male egos. It is bad enough in life as a whole to see us being treated as second class citizens, but you expect better from what's supposed to be our
Union. I cannot recall seeing anything which is more degrading to women as a whole." A spokesman for the Rugby Club said, "Of course we did it to wind up the Union. But it's not fair, they're always picking on us. People stereotype us as stupid and brainless, but its just
not true. If you look at the shirt, you can tell she's enjoying it. Its all subjective to say its offensive." The Union's position remains that individuals wearing said shirt will not be admitted to all Union facilities.
Students Forum The Choice of 'a disgrace' The People (?) After delaying the Union'sPolicy lapses since the Autumn Tenn, the inquorate meeting of Student's Forum last Thursday threatened to leave the Union with no policy except that passed this year to work on. However, Communications Officer Richard Hewison has taken the unusual step of ruling Student's Forum 'incompetant to deal with the Union's Policy Lapses'. When called on to explain his actions Hewison said, "It is my job to oversea the Union's Constitution, procedures and policy.
Student's Forum is charged with the task of updating the Union's policy annually, a duty it has failed to enact this year. What I have in effect done is refered all policy to which an objection against lapsing has been raised to its next review in 1994/
Student's Forum has proved to be one of the Union's most cumbersome bodies so far this year, and questions have been raised as to its usefulness by many of the executive and other students. 'We have seen a return to
prominence ofUGM's this year, as well as a highly motivated and effective executive, but it appears Forum may have been squeezed out in the middle", said one Forum member, "I believe Forum is an important part of the democracy in this Union, and it is vital it is revived next year". Elections to the Student's Forum are currently taking place, if you think you can do a better job than this year's lot (ooh! that would be hard) then look out for posters advertising the election in your school - soon.
Problems with your course? Then make an appointment to see Nicola Sainsbury, the Union's Academic Officer. Nicola will be available eve Thursday afternoon without appointment to deal with â&#x20AC;˘ your queries
The ballot box has closed on another round of nonsabbatical elections, which are notable for the lack of competition and that all posts are applied for. Five ofthe Union's posts are uncontested, though reopen nominations is still an option in all cases. They are:
Community & International: James Tansey, Environment: Damon Roddis, Societies: Daniel Owen, Publicity: LeoHollis, Sports: Liz Chard However, in the case of the other two posts it looks like hot competition for Internal Affairs from Rachael Maskell and Esther Jillett,
New Semester Dates follow Union Presure Following bitter criticism over ending term on December 23rd this year, the University have vowed never to let it happen again and have agreed the term dates as suggested by Nicola Sainsbury, the Union's Academic Officer for 1994/95 and 1995/ 96. "It has always seemed like common sense to us to just rearrange the Autumn Term so it finishes the week before Christmas!", said Nicola. "The University will now be setting its term dates 3
years in advance and in 94 term will finish on December 16th, and a day earlier in 95". Nevertheless, students will find themselves severely inconvenienced this coming year. Those travelling home by train will face huge expense, whilst for student parents and overseas students the problems may seem insurmountable. Perhaps the Union could organise its most sucessful strike yet this Autumn ....
whilst Peter Dwyer and Polly Knewstub will fight it out for NUS Officer. Whomever you support (or nobody as the case maybF) make sure you registerybur opinion on Thursday Week 5 either at breakfast at Fifers Lane or in Union House during the day.
Waterfront now not to get trial opening Delays in getting theW aterfront ready to open have led to the Unionpullingoutofplanstoopen this side of the summer holidays. However, the Unions interest in the potential of the venue remains wtdiminished.
Union Finance Officer Chris Hollingworth commented, "Its a real shame we couldn't get a feel of the VCI)Ue this term, but to attempt to run it week 10,11 & 12 would yield us little information of value. Nobody is to blame for this set back, and hopefully we'll be on course to do something right at the start of next term". If and when the Waterfront project fmally comes to fruition should hopefully become clear in the next month.
Pravda is written and compiled entirely by the Student Union. It appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Letters & classifieds
concrete Not charmed over article 0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4, 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart News and Features Editor: Gill Fenwick Happenings Editor: Darren Fisher Sports Editor: Katharine Mahoney Listings Editor: Georgina King Chief Reporter: Niall Hampton Picture Editor: Craig Eason Staff Photographer: Phil Vickers Advertising: Si.mon Mann Distribution: John Barton
Layout Assistants: Thuy La, Paul Coslett, Jackie Stafford, Jamie Proof Reader: Alistair Cushion Typists: Harry Stockdale, Simone Dunn, Tony Lansdowne
Photographers: Mark Turner, Simone Dunn Contributors: Andy Knights, Matt Broersma, Isodoros Colotas, Simone Dunn, Antonia Banache, Kate Ainscow, Keir Brennan-Simmons, Harry Stockdale, Georgina King, Jarnie Putnam, Julia Smith, Sue, John Holmes, Hwee Hwee Tan, Simon Litton, Sheldon Hall, Simon Lau, Eleanor Brocklehurst, Simon Mann
Many Thanks to Technical Advisor: N eil Barnden
Thanks to: Union House Stewards Concrete (including "Happenings") is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Management. (c) 1993
Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich Concrete is printed on recycled paper, using biodegradable inks
Several members of our agency have brought to my attention the artick recentlypublishedinyour newspaper regarding Ki ssagram girls and naming our company m a most derogatory manner. Amidst cries of " sue them .. which I have res1sted, I am \Wtting to put the record straight Whilst everyone is entitled to their 0\\11 opinions, what one
Thanks for support I am writing to thank your readers for the tremendous support we received for our activities for World Week for Laboratory animals in April. Sympathisers helped with our nationwide street collections, some attended our lobby of parliament, others wrote to their MP during World Week and many attended our peaceful 25,000 strong march and rally in London on World Day for Laboratory Animals itself, April 24th. Speakers at the rally included Simon Hughes, MP , Ken Livingstone, MP, Tony Banks, MP, Harry Cohen, MP and a special message of support from Andrew Bowden, MP. This reflected the cross-party support for progress on the issue ofaninlalexperUnen~.
Our grateful thanks must be expressed also to those supporters who helped to collect 96,500 signatures on our parliamentary petition, in only six weeks! Many MPs were surprised at the amount of scientific evidence against animal experiments which we presented at our three day exhibition in Westminster. Everyone who helped to raise funds, write to their MP, attend the rally or sign the petition will be delighted to hear that many MPs were extremely interested in the suggestions put forward on our petition. One of these was to allow organisations like NA VS to review technical data involved in proposals to conduct animal experiments before the experiment takes place, so we can suggest a suitable non-animal method. NA VS has funded non-animal scientific and medical research to the value of £3/4 million over the past twenty years and has a great deal of background knowledge and expertise to offer. Our projects have included drug research, cancer, cot deaths, dental fi llings and safetytesting. Those who have helped in your area will be please that they have contributed to our attemp~ to break the deadlock on this issue, by opening up much needed dialogue between the leadmg anti-vivisection orgarusation and those responsible for regulating animal experimen~ .
Jan Creamer (Director of NA J.-S)
perceives and what is actual fact are sometimes two different thmgs. F1rstlv, we have been in business successfully for 16 years m Nonnch seeking employment for many yOtmg people, being registered and hcensed by the Department of Fmployment. Secondly, we fc!cl that any form of hght ·hearted entertamment
whtch maki!S people smile in this vel)' stressful world must be a plus. Our g1rls and guys certamly do not offer any extra services as suggested by your paper, our team consisting of those who prefer to work as opposed to hving off the State. Yes, they are able to earn f. I00 per evenmg. as they can deliver several telegrams over a
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Faith No More - Live, Robert Palmer - Addictions 1, Nelson - After the rain (Fave of Henry Rolllnsl), Little Angels Young Gods, Warrant Cherry Pie, Poison - Flesh & blood, Thunder - Ball Street Symphony, Roxette- Joyride . All £A each. Contact Nlgel Hording EAS 1
Two pairs of green Levi 50 1's. 31' w aist, 29'1ength and 31' waist, 31'1ength. Very good condition. Only£ 10 each. Contact Laura Wood EUR 1 or phone 506117.
(Provisionally) £30 per week . Contact: Tony Lansdowne/Niall Hampton EAS 1.
Tortured romantic hero seeks beautiful princess to Idolise and adore. Box No 212
Small fr.dge (before/at endoftlme)wanted. Box No. 211 A medium sized travel ruck sac in good condition, by the end of the summerterm . Please contact Nlkki Sharpe SOC 1.
Complete home for sale. Three bedrooms , semidetached, parking on driveway, fully fumlshed , Ideal present from rich parents. £A7,00Jcloseto ·UEA. Contact Jo West EAS 3 or phone 57829.
Two persons to make group of four to rent property off Eariham Road .
Lonely at the LCR? Attractive but lonely second year female required with a good sence of humour. Write to me .Box 213 New Naturist club startIng this Summer for afternoons by the Broad. Contact John, Box 214 for details .
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Back early next term? In Norwich over the Summer? Concrete and our new title 'THE: E:VE:NT' will appear for the first time next year at the end of September. If you are around for any part of the sum mer vacation and would like to _ write features or news, reviews gigs or records, take photos or help in any other way on either paper, then contact us before the end of term in our office -upstairs in Union House, or by phone anytime on Norwich . .. -250558. . ~·
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
Is there sports equality for all? Katharine Mahoney looks at some · of the issues that have affected sport for people with disabilities. The British Sports Association for the Disabled (BSAD) was founded in 1961 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, a world renowned neurosurgeon, to provide and develop sport and recreation for people with disabilities. The BSAD has approximately 50,000 individual members and it has been involved in such projects as providing a classification system in sport for people with disabilities. In 1988, the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys produced a report which found that therewere6.2 million adults with a disability. This number makes up about 14% of the total adult population. So why .is there a lack of development of sport for people with disabilities? Firstly, there has been a lack of sport and leisure-related facts and figures. Unfortunatelyintoday'sworld of performance indicators, such mformation is vital to guarantee value for money. Secondly, the complexity of the organisational bodies has meant that local authorities can become confused when many different bodies make an approach claiming to represent the same people. The media has also had difficulties in providing" easy" clear coverage. However, there is a trend now towards greater co-operation be-
tween bodies. Lastly, the problem seems to have been education, historically, children with special disabilities have been segregated into ''special'' schools. Where integration of children into mainstream schools has taken place, there has often been a lack of provision or.,;port and P.E. to pupils involved. Whatreallyneedstotakeplace is to see that a targeted approach is taken to develop more provisions for people with disabilities. There also needs to be an everincreasing number ofpeople willing to learn more on how to better provide for people with disabilities. By raising the profile of the issue, through articles like this, maybe more people will become involved and work towards providing an equality in sport for all. For students with disabilities interested in Hang-gliding, the President ofthe Hang-gliding society is arranging coaching sessions. Contact him by leaving a message with the Steward in Union House. (Thanks to the BSAD and Richard Hunt for the information). •If anybody is interested in putting forward a personal view on the subject, please contact "Concrete".
Concern over steroids Anabolic steroids are no longer a purely sporting problem. More and more people who do not intend to compete in sport are using them, purely for recreational use. Such use has led the Sports Council to try to control gym-
nasiwns and other establishments where they might be distributed. The doping control budget will also be increased to£ 1million by 1995 and there will be more out of competition testing. Look out for our feature on Drugs in Sport next issue.
For the love of football Gill Ftnwick asks Phil Whelan how he has managed to juggle his professional footbaU career with a 3-year degree course Phil Whelan is (perhaps) one ofUEA 's more famous students - at least to the football fans. Phil, who has just sat his finals, has had the unenviable task of juggling his professional football career with his Accounting degree. Phil explained "I came to
UEA because I was playing for Ipswich Town. "I could have played for Blackburn and not gone to University, but Ipswich offered me the chance to do botb." He was asked to go for trials for Ipswich Town while playing for a semi -professional football team in Leeds during his 'A' Levels. ''It has been a dream since I was a child to play football professionally.'' Phil has now played for Ipswich for the last three seasons, "A couple of days a week I go down to train and I can play one or two games a week. If there are two games in a week, it can be quite demand. ,,. mg. "The first two years were not particularly difficult, but this year, with it being my fmal year and playing for the
Cash jump Nine of UEA's Trampoline Club members performed I 020 somersaults (of varying standards!) in just 90 minutes on TuesdayofWeek 3 to raise cash for Bryan Gunn' s Golden Goals Appeal for Leukaemia Research. They raised £141.25 .
Concretels photo processing and printing by
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(0603) 615652
first team and being in the Premier League, it's been much more difficult.'' "Ipswich has had quite a good season, considering it's our first in the Premier League.
I usually play centre half so I'm the one who gets the ball and wellies it up the field" However it has not been plain sailing all the way for him. "For a couple of years
things didn't go that well for me. "I was just playing in the reserves and things were getting me down - having to do all my work as well. Then luckily I got my break last year and played in the last eight Qr nine games last season when we won the League and ge>t promoted. "I don't think I'm famous, except around Ipswich maybe. I've only been in the first t(:am for a year." Phil will be going to America in July to play with the National Student team. His other aims are to score goals. ''I haven't scored since my fust two games and I get a bit of stick for it. "It's every player's ambition to play for the England Squad" However, Phil is still pretty much down to earth. "One day when I finish with football, I'll return to Stockport... after all, home is where the heart is! ''
Student staff Guest Suite clerks OUEA Conference Office looking to recruit a team ofstudentstaffto assist with running ofthe new Nelson Court Guest Suite
oEach member expected to work at least 1 shift per day for a sequence of 5 or 6 days (sttift patterns flexible) OCommitment expected for at least a semester
OSuite comprises 62 single en suite bedrooms providing all year round accommodation for visitors to the University
OShift patterns worked out by the end of the summer term
OTeam will cover 07.30-22.00 hrs, 7 days a week in 3 or 5 hour shifts
oGuest Suite opens September 18 1993- when employment will begin
Clerlca will unrle~Vke uaual front of houae reoeption dut/N: lnolude taking forward booking• andreoeiving guem. The olerk on duty will a/ao be rea~naible for anauring, in Oalaon with the Hou.tkHper and o/Nnlng lttdf, that the room• are ready for oot:tUpat/on and that they are ltooktd with hoapitality paoka and touri•t information. 0 Applicants should be smart in appearance, with a friendly, helpful manner • experience in dealing with the public and/or handling cash an advantage
ORatas of pay in line with those of student Conference Assistants which is currently £4.26 an hour. No enhancements are paid for overtime or unusual hours worked
Please apply in writing, stating relevant work experience and why you think you would be suitable for one of these positions, to Joanne Griffiths, Conference Services Manager, Accommodation and Conference Office. The closing date for applications is June 11993
,. ""
' .. •
Concrete, Wednesday, May 26, 1993
owled o er!
Katharine Mahoney asks: could ten pin bowling be for you? If you thought ten-pin bowling was a game of the past, you may have been misled! Bowling has always been incredibly popular in America, and like so many of the American sports, its popularity is growing in this country. Gone are the days of Bowling Alleys with only a few lanes which are family run. In their place are large complexes like Solar Bowl with thirty lanes, a conference room, video games, a snack food restaurant and a fully equipped bar. Bowling has been a demo sport at the Olympics twice and it's popularity in the U.K. is growing all the time. At the moment, there are 4.8 million serious bowlers with201 centres around the U.K. Solar Bowl is a fairly new development. It only opened in September, yet it already has 1000 members. The ftrst thing that strikes you when you walk in is the quality of everything. The second is the facilities a vailable. The centre has it's own Pro-shop, which stocks everything for the serious bowler. Your own ball though will set you back between £48£105 The inside is well designed, with facilities for people with disabilities and a children's play area. Snooker tables and video games are also available for those waiting to bowl. The centre has 30 lanes, all equipped with top class equip-
ment from America. As Alan Carpentercomrnented, '' No expense has been spared. '' To try to generate interest, the centre also runs Leagues, for example Ladies, Men's and Mixed. Leagues are all available at different times of the week but unfortunately they are all full at the moment! Knowing absolutely nothing about bowling, I was quite surprised how seriously many people played it. The attraction seems to be that not only can you play against an opponent, but that you can also play against yourself. There are I 0 frames in a game, and you have 2 bowls per frame. Yet it isn't just a case of chucking the ball down the lane, closing your eyes and praying. There is a lot of skill involved. First you have to know how to stand, you should have your heels
Prices for peak time are SOp entry, £2. 50 per game and 60p shoe hire. If you go ofT peak then there' s no admission, £1.95 per game and 60p shoe hire. They are also offering a special student deal at the moment, if you produce your NUS card you can get 3 games for 2, ofT peak. Solar Bowl also has something else going for it, namely its bar. which is a direct replica of its Ipswich branch which was voted 'Best Bar in the World' by the American Bowling Journal. It sells real ales, Bass is £1.60 and Toby is £1.40. Solar Bowl are also hosting an international tournament- the "European Fives" from 12th to 13th of June. The U.K. national teams will be there, along with the likes of the Danish and the Germans, and spectators are welcome. In fact the catchphrase for bowling seems to be " competitive but social."
fmnly placed on the approach and the left foot slightly forward. The hips and shoulders should be squared at the target with the elbows next to the body and the knees slightly bent. There are several different stages to 'taking your steps': the pushaway, pendulum swing, backswing and sliding step, not forgetting the follow-through. Obviously there was a lot more to this than I at first thought! Each game takes about I 0-15 mins per person. To get maximum time and fun tt's best to play with six people on a revol ving basis. The balls have different ftnger sizes and weights, ranging from 8lb to 16lb. To bowl proper! y you should use the heaviest ball possible. Prices for Solar Bowl vary, peak time is 6pm onwards on weekdays and 12 noon onwards at weekends.
THE STUDEN1-,S' LANDLORD Sorry! All houses now full! But rooms available for the Summer vacation at £20 per week
Good performances: but both teams go out On the Sunday of week three, UEA hosted Essex at Colney Lane in the final qualifying cricket fixture of the season, writes A ntry Knights. Although the ftrst eleven went down to a strong Essex side by five wickets, they still qualified for the knockout stages. UEA managed a meagre total of I 09 all out, only Darrcn Smith managed any resistance with a solid 47. Essex made a bad start to their chase but recovered to easily pass the UEA total with five wickets to spare. Martin Pearson bowled a fine spell taking 4 for 47. The second team put up a betterperformance against a hostile Essex side.
Batting ftrst, they managed I 78 for 6 in their 60 overs. Andy Knights, 49, and Steve Harris, 44, made the major contributions. A superb spell of fast bowling by Seb Beloe supported by the slow bowling of skipper Knights, managed to make the Essex batsmen struggle, but failed to stop them passing their target with only three wickets in hand; knocking out the 2nd team in the process. On Sunday, Week four, UEA entertained Sussex in the ftrst team knockout. Prospects looked good with returning players and in-form acquisitions from the second eleven. Thus, it was with gloom that
captain Gareth Bi llington watched his top order fail yet again as UEA slumped to 27 for 3. Rather than surrender, the frrsts dug in and with contributions of 32 from Suz Bell and 61 from Andy Knights managed to set Sussex a target of 206 . Danny Fox battled well for a calypso 38 in only 22 balls to provide the best entertainment of the day. lt was very tight all the way for Sussex but in the end they overcame the UEA total in the penultimate over. Martin Pearson again was the pick of the bowling with 2 for 27 . Both captains would like to thank the teams for a tremendous effort in the UAU's this year.
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