Concrete issue 029 02 February 1994

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STILL HERE! Ifs our second birthday - special quiz inside

Student life at UEA in the



The latest Commercial Union UAU scores




A officials U-Thrn on Fifers Lane: 0 and P blocks close and students will be forced to move out after all Report by Niall Hampton UNIVERSITY officials bave betrayed students in two blocks at Fifers Lane - by reversing a decision not to permanently close 80 bedrooms.

By The Editor, Peter Hart

Their move means that 0 and P block residents have had to gather their belongings, say goodbye to friends and relocate to other blocks at Fifers Lane, which is itself due endoftlllsacaderrric But some are moving out to the private sector, thus defeating the Registry's attempts to cut costs, and one resident has left the University altogether, disgusted at the way the affair has been conducted by UEA authorities. Acting Director of Residences, Dennis Brown, was keen to refute suggestions that UEA had treated students unfairly, saying, "You' re asking for my views on what was actually discussed in making the decision, and I cannot give that information because I was not involved in the making of that decision." He added, "I have actually seen a number of residents from 0 and P block and I have discussed their particular concerns and, where possible, if I can resolve those concerns, I've tried to do so." But Union Communications Officer, Jacqui Mackay, voiced her dismay at UEA's decision to

Students have been forced to move out of 0 and P blocks at Fifers Lane. go back on their original intentions. "It's typical of the University's attitude towards students putting money before individuals that have come to study here. 'They handled a bad decision that resulted from bad management with great insensitivity and to go and try and do it again and tell the students five days before Christ-

mas is an appalling way to treat someone." UEA initially intended to close 0 and P blocks in November because of financial constraints, but backed down after student opposition. They then looked for other ways to cut costs. These included plans to cut cleaners' jobs and a cam-

UEA's lnde endent Student Newspaper

paign to advertise the spare rooms available at Fifers Lane. But this latter initiative proved unsuccessful, and the body that represents Fifers residents, the Horsham Halls Committee (HHC), opposed plans to make students responsible for cleaning their own rooms, as they feared for job losses.

PHOTO: Steve Howard The University then claimed it had no further options, and in a letter sent to 0 and P block residents over the Christmas break, officials said, "Both alternatives having failed, the University advised the Union of Students that it would revert to its original pro-

We're two years old this week, and what better way to celebrate our second birthday than by bringing Concrete's 7,500 readers the paper In colour... for the first time ever! It's not just a first for us, though, but a first for all student newspapers in the country. Forwheras they've sometimes managed colour on special occassions, Concrete will continue to be in full colour, next issue, and all those after that! At this stage in our life it is also good to look at what we've achieved in these last 2 years: namely the best and most widely read student media ever seen on this campus: and that's what you told us in our survey last December. All that, and we're still completely independent. Most people said we couldn't do it. But two years on and we're still here. Here's to the next twenty!

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Concrete, Wednesday, February2 , 1994

Betrayed... Cont. from Page 1 posal to close blocks." It has been estimated that at least seven cleane rs stand to lose their jobs_ HH C Chai r. Matthew Canty, acc used UEA of acting in an underhand way about the c losures. 'The University were very sly and didn ' t actu ally take into conideration how students would fee l about receiving a letter over the Christmas break", he said, adding , "The way that it's been handled since, with th e reallocation of rooms, just demonstrates that the university has no concern for stu dent welfare_"


Writer raps loans

Niall Hampton gauges reaction to the closures at Fifers Lane

"They've bee n so sneaky about it and they haven't treated us li ke adults. We wouldn ' t have liked it if they'd told us in ove mber that we ' re still goi ng to have to move ou t after Christmas, but we wou ld have rather they 'd done that than co me back after Christmas and then fi nd out we've got to move out when we thought we were safe." So sa id o ne di sgruntled res ident of Fifers P block, speak ing to Concrete shorty after returning from the Christmas break. For UEA's decision to c lo se tw o

D What do you think of the closure of 0 and P blocks at Fifers Lane? D Were UEA authorities right to shut down the residences in order to save money, or should they have covered the costs - resulting from a defecit in the residences account last year? D The Ed itor would like to hearyourview. Write, in confidence if you wish, to: The Editor, Concrete, UEA, Norwich, NR4 7TJ.


Closed Down! blocks of residences has angered many st udents, but due to its timing they were unable to offer much in the way of resistance. '' It seems like they wa ited on purpose unti I students had started going home for Christmas and then sprung it on us so we couldn ' t react like last time", added another resident, refe rring to eve nt s last November when UEA suddenly announced, "We are pleased to be able to tell you that; in the light of di sc ussions with students and the Union of Students, it has been decided not to proceed with

Fifers 0 Block - soon to be closing its doors to students

the closure of Blocks 0 and P at Fifers Lane." Of th e decision to go back on this, one 0 block resident said ruefully, "You get to expect thi s with UEA . They don ' t know where they' re going and the managemen t's a load of crap. "Being a firs t year comi ng into residences you do have instability - you make new friends and that's just been wrecked by these actions. There's a bitter taste about it. We feel that we're being made to pay for other people's mistakes." Another added, "Fi rst and foremost we're here to work and study and I think they 've shown a lack of co ns id eration doing it two weeks prior to the exams , and it 's messed up everyone. There 's not one person here that has n' t been affected by thi s." But one P block reside nt has decided that thi s latest Fifers farce has been the last straw, and has decided to leave the University. " I'm leavi ng UEA because they've shut o ur block. It 's a bloody disgrace, and it's driven me out because l don ' t want to li ve anyw here e lse. I want to li ve here w ith my mates and th at's it. I'm reapplying next year but not to here, because of the way they treat thei r students." According to HHC Chair, Matthew Canty, UEA ha ve offered no help for students moving

RENOWNED playwright

Alan Bennett has hit out at student loans, claiming they are " the worst things ever invented." ln an exclusive interview with

Concrete before he spoke last week in the Arthur Miller Centre's Lite rary Festiva l, the writer told how th e present sys tem of s tud e nt s upport would have prevented him from rece iving a uni versity ed ucati on. He added, "They're mis taken and deplorab le. Yo u want people to have the advantages between blocks. He thinks that the way that the Accommodation Office has left st ude nt s to essentially organise their relocations is indicative o f an approac h that "demonstrates that the University has no conce rn for student welfare." One P block res iden t having problems organising her move to another room at Fifers made a similar compla int. "If you go to the Accommodation Office they' 11 send you to the Dean of Students Office, w ho then send you straight back downstairs, and basically just wash their hands of it. We 've had such grief - they just don ' t wan t to know." UEA's opinion on the matter is to maintain that the deficiency in

A/an Bennett you had yourse lf. You managed, but I can ' t see how you can saddle yourself with a loan - that 's the mi stake and it's amazing that the Government don' t see that." accommodation finances must be brought into balance , but Residences Direc tor Dennis Brown has only been hi s post for a matter of weeks , and is reluctant to di scuss deci sions taken by his predecessor, Roger Lloyd. 'To actually discuss the detail of how that dec ision was made, I'm not actuall y in a position to di sc uss, because I don't know." But Union Com munica tion s Officer Jacqui Mackay found the Registry's attitude to the c losures deplorable. "The University are treating the matter as something that has happened and something they can't do a n y thin ~t, when they were the ve ~ e who created the s itua tion in the first place", she said.

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994


; s UEA Studio is 'fawltessly' opened ~~


Bomani was jailed for five years on January 27 for robbing a restaurant, attempting to rob a garage and possessing an imitation pistol. Bomani, who admitted to all three charges, had turned to armed robbery after his bank refused to lend him 拢4,000 for his final year of study. AROUND 100 Cambridge students found themselves all tied up when they took part in a protest against the Govemment'sproposed 10%grantcut They gagged themselves with strips of blue material and chained themselves together outside King's College, to show how the reforms would limit the voice of student unions.

LENIN could be on his way to London, according to a rumour printed in the London Student. 1be School of Eastern European and Slavonic Studies, it claims, could be preparing to make a bid for his body, which is currently lying in state in Moscow's Red Square.

Report by Jo Stubbington UEA's Drama Studio was officially opened on January 26 by acclaimed playwright Harold Pinter. A regular visitor to UEA who has been awarded an honorary doctorate of letters, Pinter described the new hi-tech drama studio as being "an exciting prospect" and "a wonderful space." "In a time of reduction and erosion of so much that we value in this country it does seem remarkable, and indeed inspirational, that this theatre has been built", he said, adding "It's a wonderful space and an extremely interesting prospect for anyone who inhabits it in the years to come." Before his address, the audience were treated to a taste of how the studio will be used with a series of short acting pieces. Firstly, students from UEA' s Drama sector re-enacted a scene from recent production 'The Tempest.' Then, Hoi Polloi, the Studio's guest company which includes

actors from six different European countries, staged a short extract from one of its productions, 'The Naked King of The Morning ' , which proved immensely popular. Renowned actress Prunella Scales (who played the long-suffering wife of Basil in hit comedy series 'Fawlty Towers') chose to recite Uta Hagen's witty ' Respect For Acting' , and spoke of how she thought theatre is declining in the UK. "I went straight to Drama school and to have this kind of freedom and opportunity when I was a student would have been a great benefit", she told Concrete. Her husband, Timothy West, read from Hamlet's 'Advice To The Players' and was followed by John Shrapnel's rendition of an amusing piece of observation on theatre art from Harold Pinter's 'Moonlight'. The Studio's opening celebrations finished with a reading given by Harold Pinter which also concluded this year's Arthur Miller Literary Festival.


MANCHESTER'S Student have found themselves water over a picture of an erect penis inside a condom, which had been used in the annual 'Pink Guide' to the city. Worried that they could be prosecuted for using the offending image, Salford and Manchester Metropolitan universities decided to censor the picture by hiding it under a sticker. The guide's editor, Garath Williams, has accused them of defacement. STUDENTS using the library at Aberdeen University were surprised to find two chickens them in some research recently. A brown chicken was spotted in the history section, 路eh prompted a frenzied as librarians and readers attt:m(lted to catch it. In the course of this chase, it was discovered that a black chicken was also wandering about. Both were eventually ejected from the building, with the aid of a couple of rubbish bins. STUDENTS at New College, Oxford have decided to change the name of their Junior Common Room from the Nelson Mandela Room to the Joanna Lurnley Room. This is to honour the actress' s achievements in the comedy series ' Absolutely Fabulous'. A NEWCASTLE student was let off with a caution after he was arrested by local police for possession of a drug purifying device. He was discovered after a photograph of the device was taken for developing at a branch Boots.

Compiled by Caroline ]enkinson

Ents sweep the board UEA has swept the board in a nationwide poU of campus entertainments, landing the top prize as the best college venue in the country, writes Adam Martin. Readers of 'Live' magazine considered UEA' s programme of campus ents, operated by the Student Union, as being the best college line-up over the last year. Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay felt that the award was justified by the man-

ner in which entertainments are managed at UEA. For instead of having a single manager who can essentially dictate music tastes, the Union's Entertainments Committee - which includes students -allows opinion to be gauged as to the bands and promotions that those at UEA would like to see. Said Jacqui, "It' s wonderful to have had the qualify of our Entertainments programme recognised nationally." The Union's campus entertain-

ment programme at UEA is not profit making, as ticket prices are kept at a minimum in order to cover costs. Profits are only used instagingsucheventsas 'Live in the Hive'. UEA student opinion as to the quality of their campus ents varied from the rare "Brilliant" to the scathing "What good bands?", and with the re-opening of The Waterfront, one student offered 'Things Can Only Get Better" for her opinion.

Knowledgeapple LGB Soc's stall in UH last week THE Government are coming under increasing pressure to change the law on the homosexual age of consent, which has remained at 21 since 1967. For a debate has been scheduled at the end of January with a free vote to be taken in the Commons.Supportforachange in legislation has been voiced by MPs from all sides in the House, and at present there are three options open to Parliament. Firstly, to retain the inequal age of consent- currently 21 for gay men and 16 for heterosexuals -secondly, to amend the law and have an inequal age of consent with 18 for gay men and 16 for heterosexuals. Or thirdly, to introduce an equal age of consent for both

heterosexuals and路 homosexual men of 16. Union LGB officer Phi I Cl egg felt that the present law needs changing and is urging students to lobby their MPs. "It's equality we're after and that is why it is so important to take action now", he said. UEA' s LGB Society have accordingly produced a letter-writing guide and information sheet to help, and last week collected signatures of support from a stall in Union House. Said LGB member Adam Baker, "People are saying that it is about whether sixteen year oldsshouldhave sex, but it's not about that. It's about whether we should be equal to everybody else."

Student found dead A FIRST year BIO student was found dead in university residences on January 18. The deceased, Stuart Middleton, was a popular member of his school and had many friends at UEA, all of whom are devastated by his death.

He is understood to have been greatly upset by the recent death of his grandmother. His funeral was held in his home town of Staplehurst on January 25. An inquest into his death will be held in Norwich on February 2.

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Co ncrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

Anglia's anguish at takeover bid Report by Caroline Adlem THE UNIVERSITY has finally gained some forn1 of recogniti on after thirty or so years with the arriva l of a new co ncrete sign on University Dri ve. Thi s should help all those people who still don ' t know exactly what that building at the bac k of Earlh am Park is ... TH E C AREERS FAIR held recentl y in the School of Educati on managed to attract over 200 students. The morning lectures offered advice on making job applicati ons and techn iques fo r deal ing wi th those first interviews for teac hing appointments. In the afternoon, lectures consisted of Norfolk, Suffo lk and Voluntary Servi ce Overseas promotions. In the Li nk Suite, there was an exhibition which included stands from Norfolk and Suffolk LEAs, the NUT and the UEA' s own Careers Servi ce. JOHN SIMPSO N, the BBC correspondent, is visiting UEA's Politics Society on Wedn esday February 2 to give a ta lk entitled "News Reporting and the role of the media. " The meeting will be held in the SOC General Common Room (on the third floor of the Arts Bui ldi ng) at 1.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Anglia TV's headquarters in Prince of Wales Road

PHOTO: Keith Whitmore

ANGLIA Television is to be sold to MAl , t he group which a lready has a majority holding in Merid ia n TV, following its £292m bid last mont h. The deal wi ll li nk the Southampton-based broadcasting newcomer with Anglia, one of the oldest ITV companies, giving the new group access to 9 milli on viewers and 18 per cent of ITV advertising revenue. The local broadcaster had been consideri ng a range of options, but saw MAl as representi ng the best deal for shareholders, staff and viewers. MAl boss Lord Holl ick intends to keep Ang lia TV's head office in Norwich, but jobs may be lost as a resul t of cost cutt ing. MAl have given three reasons for bidding for Anglia; they believe it will raise thei r advert is ing revenue, permit cost-saving and

will allow joint programme making. Anglia, which has held the region's franchi se since 1958, will continue to make its own programmes such as 'Survival' and the much-acclai med 'The Chief. ' But some critics are doubtful of their intentions. Advertising revenue should benefit from the combination of the two airtime sales teams, but whi le Meridian ' s financial influence will be welcomed, it is not itself a programme maker. It is also feared that any possible job losses wi ll come from Norwich, where Anglia has a staff of 560. Anthony Vivis, Media Studies lecturer in EUR, believes that it is very important to keep Anglia TV based in Norwich and hopes that MAl boss Lord Hollick will stick to his stated aim of continuing to allow the station to remai n a programme broadcaster.

Allotting Help Springing into the CC IT may seem that the only thing which most students culti vate nowadays is their overdraft s or thei r hai r-length , but for any one whose idea of a garden is more th an j ust the clump of moul d growing at the back of the frid ge, there is help at hand to make gardeni ng as stress and strain-free as possible.

Herba l remedy company Rheum aso l suggests usi ng a " kneeler-seat" to reduce backstrai n and to always make sure you are usi ng the right tools fo r the right jobs. It 's non-addictive and has no side-effects and is avai lab le from Boots, chemists and health food outlets nationwide.

Bargain Hotel Rooms For Students ST UDENTS have recentl y been offered a considerable concession by a leading European hote lier, writes Michete Du Randt. Those under 26 can now stay at one of 300 Ibis hotels throughout Europe for a rate of only £20 per night. Located in city or

tow n ce ntres in eleven different countri es throughout Europe from Portugal as far east as Poland, Ibis Hotels should now offer the perfect accommodation solution for anyone deciding to go inter-raili ng thi s year. A two-star hotel chain , Ibis offers its guests a 24-hour

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service including a restaurant and bar, do ub le or twi n-bedded roo ms with the option of ensuite bath and shower faci lities - all at budget rates . Rooms contain ce ntral heating, di rec t-dial telephones, and a desk, but they cannot be booked in advance.

Time to spare? STUDENTS with time to spare are being targeted by the British Red Cross, who urgentl y require help in makin g collec tion s, writes Martin Plant. Red Cross Week is to be held between May 2 and 8 in order that the wide range of services they offe r caring for people in cri sis may continue, and the organisers require assistance with collecti ons to benefit from the generosity of the public, to raise much needed fu nds. Said Michael Wh itl am, British Red Cross Director-General, "We badly need people to help with our collection. "Even if you can onl y spare a few hours during the week your help wou ld be greatl y appreciated. We' re pinning our hopes on you." • Further details about becoming a volunteer are avail able from Angela McDonough on 071 -235 5454 extension 5168.

Spring into the new semester with a visit to the Careers Centre A SOUND New Year' s resolution fo r stude nts could be to visit the Careers Centre. For with the new program me of eve nts fo r Spring 1994, there is sure to be something available fo r everyone writes Miche/e du Randt. A series of media events conti nues on February 2, with a talk on TV producti on, which is fo llowed by a lecture on TV operations on February 9. Both events are due to take place in LT4. Earlham Hall wi ll be hosting

the Law Fair on February 3, where representati ves fro m 14 different law firms and societies will be avai lable for info rmal chats about career possibiliti es. For those interested in doing voluntary work abroad, a talk given by VSO takes place in the Careers Centre on February 2, which will be accompanied by wi ne and cheese and some informative videos. New fo r 1994 is ' Pros pect (HE)' - a service from the Careers Centre enabling the

u se r to loo k a t hi s o r • moti vations and capabilities, and to search a database for nearly 400 different occupations to find those which identity with personal profiles and constraints. • The Careers Centre is open during teaching weeks from 9 am to 8 pm Mondays to Thursdays and from 9 am to 5 pm on Fridays. A duty adviser is available for qu ick queri es each morning and afternoon from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm and fro m 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm.

Environmental conference means business A major conference fo r young people which seeks to increase awareness of environmental issues has been announced. The eve nt, 'Earth in the Balance' seeks to di sc uss ideas for maki ng Government and business pay greater attention to green issues, and will provide a ten point plan for greening Britain and dealing with world -wide environmental problems. The conference wi ll take place on Saturday February 12 and

Sunday February 13 at the Uni versi ty of London Union. Speakers will include Sarall Parki n, a former se nior Green Party member, John Elkington, the author of 'The Green Consumer Guide', and Dav id Gee, fo rmer Director of Friends of the Earth. Said conference organiser Bill Eyres, " In 1989 the Green Party achieved a 15 per cent vote in the European elections, forcing the other political parties to take environmental issues seriously.

" Unfortun ately, much talk has led to little action. 'Earth in the Balance' is a battle cry from young people calling upon poli ticians and business not to ignore env ironmental iss ues in the ru n up to the European elections and beyond ." • Further information on 'Earth in the Balance' may be obtai ned fro m Billor Ronald Eyres, 27 Grove Terrace, LondonNW51PL. His telephone number is (07 1) 485 7873.

Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

Double Parked! STUDENT Pat Field was left "outraged" at being made to pay twice for a UEA car park barrier card, writes Jo Stubbing ton. For after her car was stolen she was made to pay £I 0 to reregister her new vehicle. " I was absolutely furious, being made to pay again was the final slap in the face", she said. Her J-registration Vauxhall Astra was stolen just days before Christmas from the University car park despite being immobilised. When found by the police on Christmas day, its was completely burned out. But insult was added to injury when Pat tried to register her new car as heartless UEA officials refused to waive the £10 charge to replace the barrier card which had been in the stolen car. Said Pat, "I had had a bad day and when I discovered that my car was gone I just couldn't believe it. When I realised that I was going to have to pay the extra charge I felt completely demoralised." Under the old system barrier cards were issued and renewed free of charge but the introduc-

Making splash EUROPE'S Largest exhibition and festival of underwater sport in Europe is due to take place in London in March. The London International Dive Show, to be held in the National Hall Olympia on March 26 and 27, caters for sub-aqua sporting activities and provides the ideal opportunity for anyone wishing to find out more about this increasingly popular leisure pursuit. Whether a serious , seasoned diver or a novice just looking for advice on how to begin, the show offers visitors the solution with over ngevefrom diving equipment, clothing, diving boats, holidays and courses. •Prices for the London International Dive Show have yet to be announced, but further information on the event can be obtained from Sarah Hird or Heidi Thomas by calling (071) 373 9711.

Graduate Stude-.d's Association


Pat Field with her new barrier card PHOTO: Mark Turner lion of new computerised barriers heralded the present deposit scheme. UEA Security Chief Maurice Morson stated that before automation the return rate for cards was only fourteen per cent. "The deposit system had to come in and the only way that it can work fairly for everybody is

that if the barrier card is lost you forfeit the deposit", he said. Union Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay described the situation as showing "a typical lack of both respect and care for students." "The Union will do everything that they can to help in this case", she added.

LAMB could soon have 01ajor effect WITH many students receiving grant cheques after the Christmas break, the LAMB campaign (Lloyds And Midland Boycott) has chosen to raise its profile once again, writes Anthony Cartwright. ln an initiative organised at UEA by DEVSOC, leaflets were distributed to students collecting their grants in Union House urging tho e with accounts at Lloyds and Midland to close them. But the 'grim reaper' figure, who characterised LAMB's campaign last October, was strangely absent. DEVSOC's action at UEA is part of a national campaign based in Manchester, where LAMB's action has contributed greatly to a 40 per cent drop in student accounts at Lloyds and Midland banks in the area. A spokesman for LAMB said they were "delighted by the stati stics" and would continue to be "a thorn in the side of the banks involved with third world

ships and College Athletic Programs in the USA' which explains the opportunities behind sports scholarships and how they can be taken up at I ,800 colleges in the


Those looking for work abroad for a longer period of time than just the summer will surely welcome two further new edition later in the month, which include the second edition of 'Teaching English Abroad' and 'Live and Work in France' which has been expanded by 40 per cent for 1994.

The links between the Graduate Students' Association and the Graduate Students' Club are to be redefined in a move calculated to make the Graduate Students' Association more representative of the 1,500 post-graduates now studying at UEA. In recent years the Graduate Students Association has lost both its political way and fepresentative role. The Association has been defined merely by its role as manager of the Graduate Bar. The Graduate Students' Club, which runs the bar and cornmon room in upstairs UH, has become the focus instead of the subsidiary , fund-raising body it should, and has traditionally, been. With the arrival of the current elected cornmittee this balance will now be redressed. In a policy document which will be made available to all post-grads the aims of both GSA

and GSC will be clearly defined. lt will also reveal how a wider group of post-grads can become involved in the decision-making process. Members of the GSA Committee have access to a broad range of University committees and as such have an important role to play in the policy- making of the various organisations which run the University. Making the desires, criticisms and general opinions of the postgrad population known and felt have in the past had a huge impact . The voice of graduate students at UEA must again be heard loudly and clearly so that issues such as funding, accommodation, research facilities, the standard of teaching and supervision for graduates are not overlooked and the potential for improved conditions is recognised.


WE NEED POSTGRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES IN EVERY SCHOOL. If you are interested contact: Simon Jordan c/o GSA, upstairs UH.


TRADS PIZZA Licensed Restnurant & Take -Away debt." LAMB's campaign uses the apparent disadvantage of being a student fighting big business skilfully, by highlighting the fact that students are important customers to the banks and certainly more so after graduation, when banks attempt to maintain former student's accounts, however overdrawn. The LAMB leaflet currently being circulated at UEA reveals the astonishing statistic that banks expect to make £18,000 in total from a life-long customer, a considerable amount.

Getting away from it ... PUBLISHERS 'Vacation Work' have recently published their 25th editions of guides which have proved endearingly popular with students. New titles 'The Directory of Summer Jobs Abroad ' and 'The Directory of Summer Jobs in Britain', join new editions of 'Summer Jobs USA' , 'Internships USA' and 'Adventure Holidays ' which are also released the same day . In addition, Vacation Work have also compiled 'Sports Scholar-


Matching demand and interest in Eastern Europe, Vacation Work also publish 'The Traveller's Survival Kit Eastern Europe' on February 7, a comprehensive guide packed with essential and up to date information for anyone planning a trip to the former eastern bloc. •The above titles can be obtained from bookshops or direct from writing to Vacation Work Publications, 9 Park End Street, Oxford OX I I HJ . Telephone (0865) 241978.

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53 Earl ham Road, Norwich NR2 3AD. Open every evening - Mon -Sat 5 -11 pm, Sun 6 • 1Opm. Last orders 30 m Ins before closing.Minimum order for delivery £6. UEA deliveries to Porters Lodge or Union House reception on no Fifers deliveries



Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

In the A MEDICAL TEAM from Norwich, who have spent the past two weeks in Bosnia, narrowly cheated death after a rocket attack in Sarajevo. They had been working in the city's Kosevo hospital, when the attack on the hospital took place. Theatre Manager Mandy O'Toole said that four rockets flew straight past a third floor window heading towards the airport. NORWICH based radio station Broadland have announced that they hope to have a new 24-hour station by next year. A survey has been set up to find out what sort of music listeners would prefer, on the new station.

A SWARM of starlings has turned St George's Park in Great Yarmouth into a health hazard. Piles of droppings, four inches deep, have been left under some trees. The council's pestcontrollersclaim that they are losing the battle against the birds, because they have become 'attuned' to the sirens and lights that have been used to disperse them in the past

A guiding hand for students THREE new books designed to make student life a breeze are soon to be published in partnership with the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC). The latest titles in CRAC's 'Student Helpbooks' series, 'Student Life: A Survival Guide', 'Pay YourWayasaStudent' and 'CYs and Applications', are designed "to help students of all ages make the right choices about their careers and education ... and to raise the issues that must be considered, give straightforward guidance and point to sources of information on further and higher education, careers and training." Due to be published this month, 'Student Life: A Survival Guide' aims to help students through the first year of university and college, covering important areas like dealing with finances and finding accommodation, with tips from both students and graduates. It also answers questions about travel, studying, social life, emotional traumas, sex, drugs and health, safety and discrimination.

'CYs and Applications', also available from this month, is billed as a "practical guide to presenting yourself on paper... an invaluable tool for young people tackling applications for the first time." It includes advice on CV s, covering letters, job application and college application forms, and contains "masses of tips to make your application eye-catching, informative and impressive." However, students will have to wait until May for possibly the most useful volume, 'Pay Your Way as a Student', which provides a guide to work opportunities and sources of funding available to students. Including information on savings plans, bank overdrafts and postgraduate awards, the book, which includes advice from financially-adept undergraduates, will be available at £7.99. e CRAC's Student Helpbooks will be available from most quality booksellers, but can also be ordered by phoning (0403) 710851.



Two of the three books and their endearing covers ...

Centenary for Castle Museum

Cheap Euro breaks CAMPUS Travel have just announced what they are calling their best deals on flights to Eastern European destinations. Under their new 'Winter Breaks in the East' promotion, a return ticket to Prague will start from £129, and a return to Budapest from £169 . Campus Travel are also offering a two night package in Prague from£ 165, and three nights in Budapest from£ 189. Bookings can be made by contacting Campus Travel, 52 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW 1W OAG, or by calling their Telesales service on (071) 730 3402.

Mercury cut phone costs THE expense of making regular telephone calls home is a burden that many cash-strapped students could do without, writes

Martin Plant.

PHOTO: Paul Denny THE Norfolk Museums Service recently launched its 1994 celebrations which commemorate a number of significant anniversaries. For this year, the Norwich Castle Museum celebrates its tOOth birthday and has specially commissioned a play, 'Dinosaurs on Ice', to mark the occasion,

which is touring schools and other venues in the Anglia region until May. Festivities also take place at the King's Lynn Museums, Thetford's Ancient House Museum, and Nelson's Monument in Great Yarmouth. The Castle Museum has also launched a new exhibition celebratinJ! the curious

and the strange, 'Like You've Never Seen it Before', which is on show umil April. It offers visitors an eclectic mix of "bizarre and beautiful objects selected from the collections of the Norfolk Museums Service. • For further information the Norfolk Museums Service can be contacted on (0603) 223624.

Fortunately Mercury Communications have come to the rescue and are now offering a solution to this problem in the form of the new Mercury Calling Card which can be used for any telephone, including the BT or Mercury networks. Calls are charged at Mercury's cheap rates to your next bill or, if your family have an account, charged to that instead. No subscriptions or monthly charges are levied so only calls

made are charged. Three levels of service are available dependent upon individual needs, and the service is open to anyone, although subject to status. Mercury's 'Premier Service' allows the subscriber to make national or international calls, whilst the 'UK Service' allows calls within and back: to the UK only. The '3 Call' service restricts calls to just three specific UK numbers. •To be able to obtain more information on Mercury serv· ices, simply call freephone 0500 500 194.

Jo Verr et - lrvin V erre t

The York Tavern THE YNN'PLACE TO BE Traditional Pub Serving Excellent Selection of Real Ales and Food - 7 days a week. Pool Room, Beer Garden, Live Music, FREE Use of Function Room for Parties & Meetings.

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- - - -- -

Concrete , Wed nesday, February 2, 1994

Calling all hunks in trunks ... CULT TV show 'The Word' is inviting applicants to enter its 1994 Mr University competition writes Michele du Randl. The winner will be tlown to the USA to participate in an international Mr University Contest. Channel 4's popular late-night programme will be selecting ten competitors from seventeen UK universities for the event, which in 1992 witnessed Mr UEA Fabian Sandford-Adams- reaching second place in the finals. His appearance on 'The Word' allowed him to achieve almost supermodel status with his campus fame at UEA. To become a Mr University 1994 candidate, entrants must complete a deeply-delving and possibly embarrassing questionnaire, which involves such questions as, "What is the most outrageous thing you've ever done?" , " What is your greatest ~-i"''"rrof'nl ?" It also asks for personal views on the show itself,

including its presenters, guests and features. There is the opportunity to show off with the use of a tapemeasure, since the application form requires vital statistics such as height, weight, chest and biceps-size etc. But if your ego is as big as your muscles, you could even admit to statistics of the more personal kind, although it can't be guaranteed that Dani Behr will measure it for you! For anyone willing and able to enter this unique chance to come face to face with such superstars as Terry Christian, then 'The Word' want you. Says their poster-slogan, "If you're a hunk in trunks and have the intelligence and charm to make it, don't be shy -give it a try!" • Application forms are available from Union Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay, upstairs in Union House.


LGB slams survey findings By Jo Stubbington THE LGB Society has hit out at a claim that only one in ninety men are actually gay, branding it "pretty stupid." The recent survey 'Sexual Behaviour in Britain' , which was exclusively published in the Daily Mail, suggested that one in ten men are gay and suggests that in reality the figure is only 1. 1 per cent of the whole population, a conclusion that strongly contradicts previous statistics. But despite being heralded as "the most exhaustive survey ever conducted into British sexual habits", LGB Officer Phi! Clegg dismissed its findings. "It really is pretty stupid to talk about things like that. If the figures stated that one in ninety were out and gay then that is different otherwise it is a very difficult thing to gauge", he said. "The way that the information is collected for such a survey of-

ten acts as a deterrent with people reluctant to come out in answer to a door to door type of survey." The survey also refers to homosexuality as "a passing pha e" and alleges that it is nothing more than a "misleading sexual myth", something that has outraged the country's gay population who dispute both the survey's findings and its research methods. Added Phi!, "Were this the case then rallies wouldn't be so well attended and you wouldn't get hundreds of thousands of people marching either."

Job prospects improve

UEA 's Fabian Adams-Sandiford, who came second in the Mr University competition two years ago

OJOB prospects for graduates have significantly improved - at least according to a report published last month. DThe Association of Graduate Recruiters suggest that employment of graduates is set to rise by 7 per cent on 1993's figures.

DTheir chairperson said that many companies were keen to attract new recruits because of the recession paring their re ources to the bone. The projected increase is coupled with an expected rise in starting salaries to£ 13,500, an increase of 3.8 per cent.

Registering to vote is all about exercising your right to make your voice heard by politicians. The best way to protect your rights at work and to make employers listen to you is to join MSF, the union for skilled and professional people. To find out about MSF's special student membership, phone us free on 0800 289819.

MEETING Chris Smith MP Thursday 17th Feb I pm Bill Wilson Room Name _ _ __ Address (on I 0 October 1993)

Postcode __ Oeclarauon: I declare that to the best of my knowledge the paruculars giVen are true and accurate and that all those whose names are entered herein are cmzens, other Commonwealth couzens or citizens of the lnsh Republic, and will be aged 18 or over on I 5 February I 994 .

Signed ___ _ Date _ __

Voter 9 4 registration

So get on the register today!

Complete and send to the Electoral Regisrration Officer at your Town Hall, or post to Labour Students, FREEPOST, London SEI7 !BR Tel 071 234 3365.



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Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994


lan•s no Nei h-bore! Exactly 2 years after Neighbours star Stefan Dennis was interviewed in the very first issue of Concrete, Peter Hart returns to the Neighbours theme and talks to lan Smith, better known as the proportionately challenged Harold Bishop


ah, Madge! It's not the kind of thing that 'Neighbours" Harold Bishop would have approved of, but here I am sitting in a room with a man who is putting make-upon. Lots of make-up, beginning at the neck and working up over the chin, nose and forehead. But it's okay, because this man is Harold Bishop .. . or rather the actor who played Harold for five years in Neighbours, !an Smith. He's sitting in a rather small theatre dressing room in the heart of Southampton, where he's starring in panto with Gloria Hunniford and Brian Conley. I've just stepped in the door and I'm already wondering why l' m here. After all, I was waiting outside for twenty minutes because lan hadn't been told I was coming, and everything had begun to look like it did two years ago when I turned up to interview Stefan Dennis (who played Paul Robinson), and he was out jogging. (And then, when Stefan re-

turned, I walked into his dressing room to find him clothed only in a pair of white,lycra cycling shorts.) But thankfully !an's wearing rather more clothes at this moment, as I find myself face to face with the actor who played a 'proportionately challenged' character in and an Australian soap. The character who irritated millions of people with his goodygoody habits like singi ng in the church choir and cub-scouting, and that phrase: "Aah, Madge!" But the man behind Harold Bishop hasn'tjust been a TV soap actor.In fact, most Australian soap stars are rarely just actors. Take Jason Donovan and Kylie or Danni Minogue, and Craig MacLachlan: they all became 'successful' pop singers. But that, of course, isn't !an's scene. For although he began as a singer, "it was a totally different sort of singing to what it is todayI started off as a club singer." But wait a moment. Didn't he make a commercial record with Anne Charleston (Neighbours'

Madge)? A cunningly-timed 'Christmas album' in fact? "Yes, and it was just terrible," !an admits. A lot of people would agree with that. They may, however, be unaware of !an's other talents.He has also been a stage actor, and a writer. Ian begins to thicken the layer of fo undation already on his face and neck, and says of his writing: "I didn't start writing 'til about 20 years ago and didn't have any luck until about 13 years ago." But plenty of luck has followed since.This, after all, is the man responsible for about 90 episodes of that often-criticised Australian 'drama' series, 'Prisoner Cell Block H'. That is, he wrote about 90 of them, although oversaw about 600 in his time as Editor of the show. So is he proud of his 'Prisoner' success? "I cringe a bit when I see it," he says, "because I think it has dated. There are things on that screen now that I would never write now." But he didn't only write for it, he also appeared in it.

WIN a bottle of Moet champagne in association with


The next issue of Concrete will contain a special listing of Valentines messages- all for free. To get a message included, send it to us at Concrete at the address on the right, or put it into one of our post boxes outside the Stewards Cabin or in the postroom at UEA. If you give us your name as well (which we won't print unless you ask us to), we'll enter you into our competition for the wittiest, slushiest, silliest message. The winner gets a bottle of Moet et Chandon champagne, kindly provided by Ritzy nightclub. Pluck up courage and get scribbling!

r.- ------ - ------ -- --- - ---- - ~


Valentines Classifieds Your witty, slushy, silly message:

I I I I I I I I I :

~~~o~ur~n:a:m:e~~=====================================~,D~o-y_o_u_w_a_n~t-yo_u_r~,==~, ~optional):

name printed?

L--- ----- - ----------- -----~

Says !an, perhaps only speaking a little of the truth: ''The only reason I was in it was because two actors didn't turn up." That's hardly an excuse he could use for his starring in Neighbours, the soap which is still watched by more than 15 million British viewers every day, and consistently features in the top 5 programmes showing on British TV. For although Ian again began by writing various episodes, he soon found himself landed with the part ofHarold. A role which he stuck at for five years! So how did that come about? ''They came up with the idea of 'a friend for Madge', and came to me saying, 'what do you think we should give Madge?'" !an says he advised the programme's bosses that nothing is more entertaining than chalk and cheese - and that she Madge should be given someone who is "totally, totally opposite." He continues: "We wanted to make people ask, 'What in God's name does Madge see in this idiot?"' So he decided to try out the role for its scheduled six weeks, walking in on Madge some years after her previous husband, Fred, had walked out, leaving Madge to cope with tom -boy Charlene (Kylie Minogue) .

"I played Harold reasonably straight for about two weeks and I was getting no feedback from anyone," he remembers. That was at the stage when Harold seemed q uite normal. He was, after all, the chap who had simply missed out on Madge the first time around, when she had married Fred. So !an decided he wanted to create some sort of public reaction and "I went over the top. That's when the double chins started to be more pronounced, and the facia l jowls wobbled a bit more ... " Personally, if I was an actor, playing such a part wou ld severely worry me. After all, the poor soul who played the irri tating stickybeak, Nell Mange!, had to leave the show after small children started shouting abuse at her in the street. So didn't Ian suffer from a similar problem? He says 'no': "People seemed to take Harold to their hearts for some reason. I thought 'Gee, is this a sad comment on society or what?"' "He was a composite of two reallife people. One person I really didn't like, and the other person I love dearly. So the annoying part of Harold, the part that makes you really want to kick his butt until his nose bleeds is the person I don't like. The other person is the person l love." If !an wasn't hounded out of

the soap, then why did Harold suddenly disappear into the sea one fine day, never to be seen again? (Apart from the fact that five days, let alone five years with a character like Madge would surely have been enough to persuade anyone that it was a good idea to disappear for ever.) !an replies quickly, and abruptly: "I left the soap beca use they wanted me to leave. ''I'd love to be blase and say I walked away from it, but no. They offered me a contract that they knew I wou ldn't accept and I didn't." Right. That really on ly leaves one question for me to ask: what does the future hold? Without any hesi tation Ian says "writing," adding "I never wanted to step in front of the camera after Prisoner, but I just had to go where the money was and where the work was, and that's how I ended up in Neighbours." So if another Australian soap wanders your way, and Ian Smith's name is in the credits, you'll know he's been at it again. And despite what he says, you can promise yourself that, as sure as the sets are wobbly, !an · on screen before long, even with a cover version of 'I Should Be So Lucky' winging its way up the charts.

Resident Tutorships for 1994/95 Applications for Resident Tutorships for the academic year 1994/5 are now invited from suitably experienced students and members of staff. Students who will be abroad during 1994/ 95 may also apply now for appointment In September 1995. Resident Tutors form the vital base of a pyramid providing for the welfare and good order of students in University residences. The system demands that students take a good deal of responsibility for their lives on a day-to-day basis, but provides an extensive network of welfare and support services to protect the rights and interests of both individuals and the community of which they are a part. Further particulars are available from the Dean of Students Office (Room 0.1 08, ext 2890). The closi ng date for a pplications is Monday 21 February 1994.

Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

s ' (~


s~~:: 7;;g:o~:1PHER),

Well, we've made it - for our second birthday! For the last two years, Concrete has been bringing local, international and campus issues to UEA's students. During the last year our headlines have included 'Students Hurt In City Attack', 'UEA Spending Slammed By Union -Again', 'A ~~ ' Veek a Failure' and '£30,000 Theft From Campus'. ~ ~ _ .rted controversy with our story which reported on the Nestle ban, have covered the attacks on students by the Government, promoted student welfare issues and have followed closely the opening of the 'Waterfront' music venue. We have also examined issues such as racism, fascism, Aids and Date Rape in our Features pages. and have kept UEA students up to date with the latest sport and UAU coverage.

such big names as ex-Norwich City Manager Mike Walker, comedian Jo Brand, film buff Barry Norman and ex-Labour leader Neil Kinnock. Our photographers have been inside the new residences whilst under construction, captured student Fashion Shows and the opening of Norwich's Virgin Megastore and have been in the thick of the action at London's Unity March. Now we've gone full colour - the first student paper in the country to do so on a regular basis. And we're still the only student paper in the UK which is completely financially and editorially independent. We also have a sister paper, The Event, which makes us the largest student paper as well! With all that in mind, our future has never looked better. Here's to our next few years! Thanks to all who have helped us so far.....

~--:-_ _,~."'- E

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 2,

Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994


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.arc ssc ppang up Ulctr which is to incl


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Resident forced to



Students could in Waveney a) COPULATE?





b) HAND? c) HOME?




US students upset by




Sharp rise in Overwhelming vot~ campus to open Students offered UEA advice slammed by Little surprise • • Untonagatn at NUS a} BAR PRICES? b) BUS QUEUES? c) CRIME? .


l'tl '#




....:::» -

•e it is never true: Jt r~' by John Pauen. Secre,11 " so diffic ult to believe in the Swte for Education and 1ity of respect for all :, at Jast years Conscrva-





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12 Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

Former student John Cockings, who graduated in 1970, recently visited UEA and found much has changed over the years ... They say you can never go back. You can visit though, and see how things have changed. So I did. Again. The UEA Society sent this circular about it, "If you would like to come along,please complete the enclosed form and return it to me with your cheque. Hoping to see you on 9th October. Best Wishes." I had phone calls too. Pauline said she'd like to come up and bring Rob, although he'd not be interested in the event itself. Stephen said that he and Sue would be coming, but they'd stay on the Plain in a guest room. John and Sue could come after all. but they'd have to leave by lunchtime on Sunday as John had

a job interview on Monday morning. John and Jeoifer would stop by too but couldn't stay because of the little ones. Suddenly, I had a house full of friends. So I checked with Julia Bowen that we could all drop in on the 60's reunion during the afternoon without booking. Yes, she said, but there were some problems. The circular said that the event was in 'The Hive', which appeared to be another name for Union House. 1 thought I knew where Union House was but there was some discussion about it After all, we had been used to the Union being near MAP, down in the bottom corner of the Village.

As I well know from negotiating the parked cars and mud, University Village is being re-developed. Isn't ita shame that we didn't have a reunion there before they flattened it? After all, when we had arrived, back then in 1967, it WAS the University. As we wandered past the Sports Centre, Pauline was swept off her feet by some hunk in a rugby shirt. Some things just don't change. Once we'd reached Union House, we found a sign indicating that the 60s reunion was inside. We went in through a door called 'The Hive' (are they really naming doors now?) to a warm welcome and the popping of flashbulbs.

'A man-eating Venus flytrap from outer space. wacky songs, zany costumes, and Su Pollard '




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This architect's model was how University Plain was supposed to look - so what happened? In the cheerfully stained concrete cavern were groups of chatterers and lost looking individuals who looked like total strangers to me. As I drank my pint, some of the faces began to look faintly familiar... Jan Gibson gave us a short speech of welcome spiced with his old familiar wit (does he still bum drinks off students?) and the obligatory heckler. I then wandered off with John through the drizzle to the Chemistry building and another warm welcome. How come the staff look the same, but we've aged? Personally, I can think of plenty of things I'd rather do on a Saturday afternoon than chat to old students, but they didn't seem to mind. Thanks guys. Cath and Pete came in just as we were leaving to see the new residences, so I'll really have to make the effort to pop over to Attleborough and see them ... We then looked at the new residences ...oh dear! What has the University done this time? I lived at Horsham -you know - that place next to the old disused wartime airfield on that little country road (Fifers Lane). I watched Norfolk and Suffolk being built to some architectural whim on shifting sands and

Horsham's Z block to a 25 year life expectancy. Then came Waveney- an architectural limbo dance. How much lower can they go? I had to find out. We prefaced our visit with a quick look at the new Drama Stu-

from the light in the corridor which was hardly conducive to sleep. I didn' t get much of a look at the multi-person flat on the ground floor, but the so-called two person flat would have been quite nice as a one person flat, without

路University Village is being redeveloped ... when we arrived, back then in 1967, it WAS the University dio, carefully designed to match the other faceless non-entities, but it did seem cosy inside. The residences are shy, but they do have signs on them to tell you what they are, albeit in small whitish writing on transparent plastic. As the background is either the sky or the building's walls (whitish), the sign is invisible. We first looked at a common room, and I was impressed. It loked useful and li veable, a sort of light and airy Horsham Gblock common room. Upstairs, we looked at a guest room, which was OK, but not great The fan didn't work in the bathroom section, and the door was so badly fitted that you could read

much storage space. Its kitchen might have been big enough to swing a mouse, if the door had opened the other way, but the space for storing kitchen utensils and food was obviously, as several pointed out, designed by a man who was suffering from terminal anorexia. Generally, I liked the use of curved walls and odd angles in the common parts of the building, but wouldn't pay the extra to actually live here... Finally, we all met up again and went back to mine for the real business of the reunion, from which I took until Monday to recover. I must be getting old ...

r----------------,..,_-------,..,....,.--....---------~---~-- Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994



~curse at

·it's all the UEApurely for the pleasure of it.

Cooking breakfast on Norfolk Terra

ce circa 1967- love the facilities/

A reasonably sized seminar group - clearly this Is a thing of the past...


UEFl The extensive range of catering facilities


on offer at UEA In 1973...

First degrees at UEA cost £83 per year, and the majority of students lived at Fifers Lane, or "Horsham St Faith" as it was referred to in the 1969 prospectus. Meals other than breakfast were expected "to

be taken at the University. •

Elsewhere, an article in 'Mandate' suggested, "In all probability, the student population of UEA will stand at 78,000 by 1980", and that the staff to student ratio would fall.

Flnot COCJVI'I!JhiOd at IIlo llr111sh Mu-urn


·- -....





.,, ..._. ...,.

Chips HUndredth

Issue The SU newsheet 'Chips' marks its 1OOth Issue, 1970

Using an lnfared Spectrophometer to design a new hairstyle? • Concrete wishes to thank John Cocklngs for

kindly lending us these materials during the compilation of this feature

Horsham '0' Block, as It was fondly known, In 1969. Twenty five years later, it seems to have finally closed its doors to students...

~EA's student newspaper 'Mandate' circa 1969






- ---



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+ Sats + Suns

The latest news from your student union. Issue Seven, Semester One, 1994

Welcome back! This term I bit of semester is only eight weeks long and heralds: • LGB Awareness Week (starting on 28th February); • International Women's Day (March 11th) and the • Sabbatical Elections (being held on March 3rd). The first Union General Meeting is the Annual General Meeting to which the Union Accounts for 1992/3 and Budget for 1993/4 will be taken - your chance to ask questions about the finances of the Union. The AGM is at 7pm on February 7th in the LCR.

BAD LUCK JOHN! Good news to report for once. Student Union Reform (in the Education Bill) has come under fierce attack in the House of Lords - concerns are being expressed on all sides about Clause 20. This clause, if passed, would give the Secretary of State for Education the power to regulate which Union activities could be fmanced from public funds. This would be disastrous as it is likely that 'acceptable' activities would be limited to welfare, sport, catering and internal representation. The Bill does not detail what the legislation would be for definite however but this is precisely what has led two Tory peers to put forward an amendment scrapping Clause 20 - the Bill as it stands would give John Patten the powers to put what restrictions he wants

on the public funding, and therefore future, of student unions. The House of Commons can overturn amendments from the Lords but many Tory backbenchers have indicated that they would not be willing to do is important

that we continue to lobby local MPs so please write to: (YourM.P.) c/o House of Commons, London SWlAOAA

ITIS HAVING AN EFFECT AND OUR ARGUMENTS ARE BEING LISTENED TO. Representatives of clubs and campaigns threatened by reform are lobbying MPs at the House of Commons over the next few weeks to emphasise the importance of their work.

Student Debt

MPs with the encouragement and support of students managed to get a debate tabled in Parliament on the cut in grants announced in November's Budget. Unfortunately the vote was in support of the Government so we must continue to campaign to show how unacceptable levels of student debt and poverty already are and that further cuts in student financial support will increase debt, cause more students to drop out and prevent an even greater number of people being able to afford a University education. The National Day of Action to protest against cuts in the grant took place on January 20th. At UEA students filled in debt slips with their total amount of

debt accrued so far at university. The debt totals were added up and placed on 'debtometer' which reached its top level of £500,000 worth of debt from ONLY two hundred and sixty-three student, this is shocking considering these student have only been here a matter of weeks. It indicates that total debt levels amongst students at UEA may total as much as £14 million. We are conducting a confidential and comprehensive debt survey amongst student at UEA to provide further and accurate clarification of the severity of debt here. This information can be used to illustrate to the outside community and local M.P.s that the problem has become so great

that a further cut in grants would be disastrous. Please sign the petitions in Union House condemning the current situation and calling on Patrick Thompson MP to prioritise this issue as one of central importance to the future of our education system. Advice leaflets detailing sources of frnancial help for students are available from the Welfare Officer and the Advice Unit. Debt surgeries organised by Norfolk Money Advice offering confidential and free advice for students are being held on the 3 February and 3 March between 12 and 2pm in the Advice Unit upstairs in Union House.

UNIVERSITY CLOSES 0 AND P BLOCKS AT FIFERS LANE As you are probably aware the University has been trying to implement measures to save money in the residences account which is currently showing a large loss. They tried last term to • close 0 and P blocks and force students from these blocks to move elsewhere on Fifers. Students and the Union argues successfully that this was completely unacceptable - the finances of the University is their problem and students should not have pay for the University's incompetence

to manage their own account. Plans to cut cleaning and laundry services which would have caused the loss of twelve jobs, were also successfully opposed. However the University in its very questionable wisdom decided four days before Christmas that it would close 0 and P blocks by the start of the next semester. Many students learnt of this news whilst at home and have returned being told they have to make arrangements to move out when sitting their

first exams at university. A number of students, sickened by the attitude of this university and their treatment of them, have decided to leave university residences all together so that they can continue to live with friends in houses rented from landlords that will not just turn round and tell them to move. Students are currently deciding whether to take further action to protest against the University's decision.

'Cement' is written and compiled entirely by the Students Union. lt appears here by commercial arrangement with Concrete

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16 Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

EntePiainmetJt - in association with The Event ~



Alan Bennett is one of England's most accomplished playwrights, who in the words of one critic, is our "pre-eminent comic dramatist." Such a label seems quite appropriate to the author of the popular TV screenplay 'Talking Heads', as well as of plays which include 'A Private Function ' and 'An Englishman Abroad '. Yet the man whose talent lies in recreating the very essence of social intercoursedialogue - admits that nothing short of "dynamite" prises him from solitude. Making an appearance to speak at UEA is therefore a significant event . "Everybody steals. I steal people's remarks - it's just finding good people to steal from", says Alan Ben nett, speaking just prior to his appearance at UEA. "I'm not a recluse but I don't see enough of life to get ideas. I used to keep ideas in a notebook but stopped - I saw someone else doing that and thought they were mad! "In Camden, I live next to a street market and should be able to reproduce the language of the stallholders. But I'm tuned into Northern vernacular- beyond that I'm quite limited. Men don't talk in the north; my father was very quiet - he didn't utter a great deal." Fortunately, Bennett, and the characters in his writings, do have plenty to say. His interest in dialogue was no doubt substantially developed whilst a student at Oxford , between 1954 and 1957. "They used to do concerts at Oxford at the end of term: sketches, skits, silly, filthy things. I did a 'Queen's broadcast' and a parody of an An glican sermon." His earliest work, 'Beyond The Fringe', was a collaboration with his contemporari es at Cambridge - where he spent one year- Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller and Dudley Moore, but Bennett has clearly adjusted to working on his own , although he admits having encountered problems when gathering ideas. "I 've had problems finding them . Ideas and plot are a real drudge. I write and have lots of cards with ideas on , which I've done for years . "I 'm getting better at doing things to commission : I'll tend to write something then show it to someone. Generally speaking, if somebody comes out with an idea, it doesn't come to you. " Bennett adds that he is quite regimented when it comes to working , and he treats the process in a way not dissimilar to a 9 to 5. "I sit down at 10 o clock and start and keep office hours. it's not lonely or agonising, but that's not the criterion really. lt need not be nice . lt always galls me, people making a fuss about the problems - it's better having a family I suppose." A recurring issue in Bennett's work is a tendency to pokefun at the English way of life, and

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in particular, at its class structu re and resultant social barriers. "That's to do with not being quite certain what your posilion was . My parents were working class, but the sense of being on the move makes for a lot of humour. If you're smack on the edge , you don't know where you are." Does this explain why Bennett has retained his roots in the shape of a regular Northern angle in his works? "Yes , it's in a lot of things I've written . it's a voice in your head - I'm not flying the flag for the province. it's just that it's the voice you've had from childhood . Childhood is the most dramatic time in your life - certainly it was for me." Some of Bennett's works , most notably 'Habeas Corpus' and 'The Old Country', seem to both suggest and explore the possibility of a decline in English society, and in the nation itself, something acknowledged by the playwright. "I used to be more conscious of this . 'Forty Years On' was about that. I think one thing that happens, is a fairly broad spectrum then a narrowing down. Beckett was a good exapmle of this . "The thing about England regarding class and culture and institutions is that you both love it and hate it. In 'Forty Years On' in a sense it's the reason why you come to write. You write about it because it's an unresolved question in your mind. You actually can't make up your mind." 'The Old Country' , a play which dealt with Engl ish decline through the eyes of expatriates in Russia, was lent a sense of objectivity through Bennett's choice of location. 1 Was this the underlying inten- · tion ? "I've been to Russia once , in 1988. Yes , it is distance, you get perspective on it. But if you're in Moscow or Africa, you're still away from the centre."

Bennett also claims to be away from the centre himself politically. But only slightly. "I was a terrible Tory when I was 16, but I'm not now - it hasn't been difficult to do that in the last ten years. I'm a conservative with a small 'c', and the two are so much opposed ." Nevertheless, he is dismissive of the current Government and their stream of judgements on modern society - for example, Michael Portillo's 'chattering classes' . "I switch off - I hate that phrase. You can't complain about the destruction of English institutions when you're a disciple of Margaret Thatcher, who spent over ten years dismantling them ." So does Bennett see literature as a lens through which to view life, and with it morality? "Yes , but you can only do this in what you've experienced yourself. it's best not to be too clinical or academic about it though . This old lady [a woman who lived in a van on the drive of his London house for 15 years] , you could say that she was a reproach to society, but she was extremely cantankerous and an arch Tory - not a conventional identity. When you put things in human terms , these things don 't fit. " Ben nett definitely possesses considerable skill in the area of portraying life realistically in his art, something recognised by both public and critical acclaim. But does he think that the labelling of writers by critics is a valid practice? "lt makes you feel a fraud ; in any case , you could be labelied one day and the next it's somebody else. If you start believing it, then it's a problem. Any writer knows that you can't believe it." So, leaving aside public praise , which of his own works is he happiest with? "I liked 'Enjoy' which no-one else liked. 'A Woman of No Importance' -that couldn't

• Pie By Keith ""'h ·t rr, I more have been improved , nor could 'An Englishman Abroad', and 'Talking Heads' is fine ." Will this satisfaction mean more 'Talking Heads' in the future? Unfortunately not, it seems. "I find that I can't write them I've been trying for four years , but I could have written six more at the time." He adds that the more you work for the BBC, the less famous you become. 'Their Drama department used to be a hive of activity, but now it's a ghost town ." Could this be construed as a pessimistic view on the future of English writing? Bennett thinks not, and some current TV programmes he enjoys immensely.


"All the sitcoms are very good , but 'One Foot in the Grave' and 'Absolutely Fabulous' are very very good. If I could write some of that, I'd be happy." Talking about writing, why did Bennett adopt drama as a medium as opposed to prose


or poetry? "I've got an ear for dialogue, but I'm not good at reasoned argument - that's why I'm not a don. Drama is a way in through the back door: you always seem to need to know more as a novelist, but you can still be stupid and write plays!"

• Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

This semester's 'Live In The Hive' programme of events kicks off this Tuesday with an end of semester party disco which promises to see off those exam blues with a night of non-stop poptastic hits. 'Haze vs The X Factor' bring their 'Circus of Horrors Show' to UEA on February 8. Describing themselves as 'a wild theatrical rock band' the band encompass fire-eating, macabre visual stunts and secret cabaret style illusions. Last year the band caused a UFO scare after people phoned the police claiming to have seen strange lights in

the sky, when the police arrived they found the band rehearsing a scene from the show and firing laser guns into the sky. Lead singer Haze was intact ordered to give up fire-eating after complaining of stomach pains however he vows to continue the act relentlessly. A change of style comes on February 15 with an appearance by Hank Wangford & His Lost Cowboys. Hank who claims that he is Suffolk's original cowboy guarantees an evening of wild, raucous and kick-ass country. Other events include a Glam

disco where you can hear all the golden oldies from the TRex's and Gary Glitter's of the seventies (and you can even wear your flares and platforms too!) The spectacular Ents quiz provides students with the opportunity to win a first prize of £100 and Greg Proops, fresh from 'Whose Line Is lt Anyway'brings his own unique style of stand-up to UEA on March 8. The programme is rounded off on March 15 with The Persuaders and Mister Bumpman.

Waynestockl Wayne's cousin Dwayne visited The Hive last Tuesday

Jo Stubbington

The Commitments- showing on February 9

Union Films February's Union Films start with 'Withnall and I' on the 1st. A British comedy set in the sixties, the film stars Paul McGann and Richard E Grant as resting thespians who swap the horrors of the city for a terrible trip to the countryside. Action flick 'Robocop', showing on the following day, is set in the Detroit of the fu1ure and stars Peter Weller as the cop blown to bits in a shoot-up then put back together as a sleek and shiny cyborg programmed to chase the bad guys. All time record breaker 'Jurasslc Park' is showing on the 3rd. When scientists discover eons-old mosquitos full of preserved dinosaur blood and manage to recreate live dinosaurs, a wealthy Scottish doctor then populates a Disney-style theme park on a remote tropical island with

them. Starring Laura Dern, Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and a host of dinosaurs, this Spielberg blockbuster has stunning special effects and is well worth a view. February 4 sees the arrival of 'Demolition Man', which stars Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. lt sees both modem day cop (Stallone) and criminal (Snipes) resuming their battle in the future, after both are frozen Stallone for a crime he did not commit. When Snipes escapes and proves too much for futuristic crime fighters to handle, Stallone is defrozen to catch him. '3 Colours Blue', showing on February 8, stars Juliette Binoche as a mother who attempts to build a new life in Paris after losing her husband and daughter in a car crash. But escaping the past proves a harder task than she had anticipated. Alan Parker's hit film 'The Commitments' is screened on the following day, February 9. Based on the


novel by Roddy Doyle, it follows the formation ahd turbulent rise to fame of a young Irish soul band, and has made rising stars out many of its then unknown actors. 'Dave' (February 10) stars Kevin Kline and Sigoumey Weaver. Kline plays Dave, a man who, because of the incredible resemblance he bears to the president, is asked to impersonate him. But can he fool the president's wife (Sigoumey Weaver) and will she realise if he is alien to her? 'Guilty As Sin' can be seen on February 11 and 'Passion Fish' on February 15. The following evening sees the 3-D version of 'The Creature from the Black Lagoon'. Scientists on an expedition exploring the Amazon discover and are menaced by an amphibious gill-man; this 1954 black and white cult horror flick is said to have inspired Steven Spielberg's film 'Jaws'.

Complied by Carol/ne Ad/em

February 8 Alain Kirili: Open Form to Sculpture May 15

Bold and sensual abstract sculpture by contemporary French artist

June 7 'Go' exhibition about Boardgames, to An curated by the first MA students in July 9 Museology at UEA February Exhibition events to workshops July lectures details from Sainsbury Centre Reception

objects roadshow activity day

phone 0603 56060 Open Tuesday to Sunday, 12 to 5 Coffee Bar and Bookshop





Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994

Letters & Classifieds

concrete 0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ

Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart Qeputy Editor: Niall Hampton Assistant Editor: Joanna Stubbington Sparts Editor: Stephen Hawkes ·Picture Editor: Phil Vickers Advertising: Simon .Mann,,:;, ~




Ph9tographers: ~ Keith Whitmore, tih ." J~ar~ Turoerr Paul D9n'ly, ;;wi;r "v T


t /

Editorial Contributors: Caroline Jenkinson, Mich81e du Randt, Carolina Adlem, Anthony Cartwright, Jo Stubbington, Eleanor Parkins, K Black, Ghris Bally, Martin Plant, John Cockings, Adam Martin Production: Neil Bamden Special thanks to: Union House Stewards, Mogwai and the UEA Pony

Copyright (C) 1994 Planet Zog Ltd Concrete is published independently, at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the publisher or Editor.

Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, flouen Road, Norwich



Concrete welcomes your letters on any subject. Whether it is something we've written about and you want to take issue with, or you simply want to make a point, we want to hear from you. So why not drop us a line? The address is simply 'Concrete•, UEA, Norwich. Anonymity will be respected but you must include your name and address in the first instance.

The Last Word on Sex As the Christian community'here at UEA, we would like to comment of the issue recently brought to our attention by the distribution of "The True Christian Safe Sex Guide". The group distributing the leaflet is in no way connected with the Chaplaincy, and although it states the biblical principles which we hold - such as sex being kept for maniage, and the practice of homosexuality being displeasi ng to God- we do not agree with the way in which the subject was hand led. We also disagree with the implication that rock music and soap operas are wrong in themselves and that they should always be avoided. We do not want to impose our be-

liefs on anyone, but would like to point out that being a Christian is not a matter of obeying a set of rules, but is about having a relationship wi th God, as such no-one can earn God's approval by what they do, or don't do. Could we ask that thls issue now be publicly left to rest, and that no vindictive phone calls are made to Or Alan Clifford. lf anyone has any questions they wou ld like to discuss about the issue of sexuality, or any grievances they want to air, they are we lcome to come into the Chaplaincy and talk to us about them.

Rev Dr D.}. l.Joyd (A nglican Chaplain)

Bitten by the Bans As I sit here, enjoying my cup of Nescafe (SU number one), eating a Kit-kat (SU number two), whi lst contemplating which variety of Findus crispy pancake to defrost for supper (SU number three), two thoughts cross my mind. The first is that I must try to follow a decently well-balanced diet; the second is that the newly imposed ban on Nestle products is complete and utter nonsense at its best. The only possible result of this action, apart from an immediate 200% sales increase in chocolate and an increase in the average weight of students by approxim'\tely 21bs, is to antagonise the Kit-kat munchers and the polo addiet of the student population i.e. about 97% of the students here at

Nestle alone, is responsible for the deaths of 4000 babies in Africa, per day. Really? This appalling figure of infant mortality may well be accurate, but its cited cause, the widespread use if Nestle babymilk is not. Famine, dysentery, polio and malnutrition are all other major contributing factors. Apparently breast feeding is the magic solution to all this. We must remember that many thousands of women in Africa are not physically capable of breast feeding their children. Breast feeding requires a basic level of health and nutrition in the mother, levels that tragically, many women do not have. If the perpetrators of this ban genuinely want to address the problem of infant mortality in Africa,

UEA. I s_ay 97% because although reponed figures range, some 3-4% of students voted for this ban. With such rel1. able information to

may I suggest that they look a little further away from th e supermarket shelves or the vending machine in the lobby of union house · Time for another cup of coffee, I think. Name and

base their opinions on I can hardly say that I blame them! After all Nestle, and let's be clear about thls,

address supplied

Outona LAMB I respect the opinions of the three people who wrote in your last issue (Concrete Letters 24/11/93) in reply to my first letter (29/9/93) and thank them for expressing and outlining so concisely the very attitude I was trying to highlight in the first place. Carl Davies wri tes "I feel that in the balance, a question of life of death for mi llions should take precedence over non-fatal problems." A very admirable attitude - but would Mr Davies be prepared to see years o f his hard work, at GCSE and 'A' -level, go for nothing because his parents could no longer afford to support him in his degree studies - due to a campaign which forced his parent's employer to make her redundant (because of loss of profi ts) ? Why do I suspect he wouldn ' t? I agree that mine is not a life or death situation, but I have worked bloody hard to get to this university, to study for thls degree and I object to Mr Davies telling me that my sacrificing my future career (after I have got this far) which I intend will last and support me for life, is justified because my mother's employer lent third world countries money they were stupid enough to take, knowing they could not pay it back. Guy Hughes and Ben Wheeler echo Mr Davies' sentiments: "we feel that when push comes to shove, the problems of Third World countries heavily indebted to westem banks are more of a priority... many children in these nations can only dream of education we take

for granted." You may take your education for granted, I do not. Should I be grateful and rely on the 'welfare state' you mention? With the chancelIor's recent I 0% cut on grants, I would be fasci nated to know how. The attitudes of these three are, I fee l, indicative of a large number of students at UEA. I have found that a Jot of people at thls university are far more concerned about people 3,000 miles away than their fe llow students who whilst maybe not starving, are in fi nancial (and other) problems which are j ust as important to them. Ce rtain stud ents seem to be more interested in pursuing a part of political social and moral ideal (i nstead of facing the fact that we live in a back-biting capitalistic world) without caring who they tread on in a quest fo r such. The T hird World countries needed money- if Lloyds and others had not lent it to them, they would have had to obtain it by some other method. When my situation hits cri si ' point (although I realise, 1 Davies, that it couldn't possibly be as desperate as that of those in Third World countries) I will be su re to inform those who support the LAMB campaign and they can tell me that I am one of the fortunate ones, living in a country with a ' welfare state and social security'. I am sure that they will cheer up no end and make me realise j ust how lucky I am.

Shelley Hill (LAW 1)

ROOM FOR RENT £30 per week. Next to laundrelte- Unthank Road, close to all shops. Luxury+

HEARSAY FANZINE altema tive/ college rock and pop #3 Features Aimee

tumished. Share with 3rd year. Mellow character required. Sebastian 667891 orWAM 111

Man n . Al so demo tapes wanted for review/free listing. Co ntact E. Moore. EAS Ill


Slamming the Government's Fuel Fun Despite a reported rebellion of around forty Conservative MP's, the Government is still adamant on the imposition of VAT on fuel coming into effect fro m Apri l 1994. The main problems resu lting from the implementation of this policy far outweigh the financial reven ue which could be gained. I am not in disagreement with the Government's views that the public sector borrowing requirement must be reduced; to achieve this some form of taxation must be introduced. I am, though, in dispute with the form of tax they are proposing as a solution. Healthy economic growth is certainly somethlng to pursue and sustain in this country but the process by which it is achieved is vitally important and should not compromise the rights of the individuals it affec ts. To justify such an argument it should be hoped that accurate and relevant evidence will be provided.

It will and the weaknesses of VAT on fue l shall be exposed. Firstly, VAT on fuel is a form of regressive taxation. That is higher income earners pay the same percentage rate of tax as lower income earners. So VAT on fuel wi ll take up a larger proportion of the lower income groups earnings. This can safely be interpreted as grossly unfair. This point has been noted by many, inc luding 2Tory backbencher, Sir Rhodes Bryson who was quoted in the Sunday Times as saying "VAT on fuel risks becoming the poll tax ofthls Government." In many ways VAT on fuel is alarmingly similar to the infamous poll tax . It threatens to disrupt the social fabric of society and create large inequalities in terms of income. Unfortun ately for John Major, instead of creating a "classless society", ironically, he may well strengthen, the disgraceful class system of this country. Returning to the argument of

gross unfairness, VAT on fuel will succeed only in placing a heavy burden upon the poor, less well-off and vulnerable in o ur society. Prime examples are the elderly, single paren t families and students amongst others. A second major point to raise in the argument against the imposition of VAT on fuel is that it can be considered as contradictory to the Govern me nt' s own eco nomic policy. Indirect taxation can lead to a sustained rise in prices and inflation will rise accordingly. In effect the Government will undermine its own 'proud' policy of low inflation and threaten price stability in the British economy. This negligent attitude towards Britons and its citizens affairs and interests is unacceptable. It is most encouraging to hear of a group of 'rebellious' Tory MP's threatening to vote against the imposition ofVATon fuel , unless the Government announces a more

generous compensation package fo r pensioners . The chancellor, Kenneth Clarke, wants to limit compensation to £ lOOm while Peter Li lley, the social security secretary, is seeking up to £500m. Heartening (if optimistic) news for pensioners but what about the other groups who will suffer? The arguments I have put forward are of great magni tude, I believe, and are realistically applicable. It is important to note that even if the Government introduces widespread exemption for the ' needy ' then they wi ll only be creating an uncertain tax which because of the Jack of full payees is unnecessary and ineffective. Hopefully sanity will prevail and the Government wi ll be defeated in its proposals for VAT on fuel. If they are then it will be a victory for justice, morality and good old-fashioned common sense.

Anthony Wraight (SOC 1)

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Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994




UEA net success ON January 19, the women's team had the pleasure of entertaining Southampton University's volleyball squad. But UEA experienced a slow start and due to their lack of cohesion, Southampton took an early lead writes Eleanor Perkins. However, once the UEA side had sorted out a few teething problems they won the first set 15:13, and the second 15:9. This 2:0 victory allows them to progress to the next round which will be played on the 9th of February. Meanwhile, the UEA men's squad travelled to London to play against South Bank University, and the visitors took advantage of a disorganised home side and won the first set 15:6 thanks to the particularly good spiking by Thomas Martha. Unfortunately, UEA could not maintain the lead and South Bank just managed to win the second set 16: 14; with the score at one set each both teams had it all to play for. In the end it was good recep-

tion and blocking by UEA which helped them win the following two sets from the home side, taking the third set 15: ll and the fourth set 16:14. With a final result of 3: I, UEA men's have another victory under their belts and are through to the next round, travelling to the University of Greenwich on the 9th of February.

UAU Volleyball Round Up During the weekend of November 20 and 21, a mens and wornens volleyball team from UEA travelled to Essex to take part in the first of their Commercial Un ion UAU championship matches. Although the newly-formed UEA men's team had a slow start, losing to Cambridge 0:2, the team did improve as the day went on and with overall good play and captaincy by Frank Spinner, the team worked together to provide entertaining volleyball. Good setting by Thomas Bartneck and Darnian Elcock pro-

vided other players Thomas Martha, Marc Naura, Klaus Roschlau, Darren Smith and Bernd Moll with the opportunity to finish the rallies and win some points. The team were then able to win the following two matches, against Middlesex and Hertfordshire, thanks to the added support and calls of encouragement from the women's team and substitutes on the bench. UEA refused to give their opposition a chance and won both games 2:0. Finally the squad played the home side, Essex, where they came across tough opposition and although UEA fought hard, they were unable to win a set. Overall the men's team were placed third, a pleasing and welldeserved result for a hard-working squad. The following day was the turn of the women's team but their first match was unfortunately lost I :2 to Essex. Although UEA managed to win one set, they weren't able to take


the match off the home side. However, the whole squad were determined that they would make a comeback and with the men's team, a good coach and other supporters on the bench, they pulled together to improve their game. Thanks to all the morale boosting chants from the supporters, including those who did not get a

chance to play like Carolyn Meddorsmith, the following matches were won 2:0 by UEA. In the matches against Hertfordshire and Middlesex, good digging by Stephanie Vogel and Andrea Haid provided setters Eleanor Perkins and Therese Lefevre with the chance to set up some good balls for hitters Claudia Greirner

and Louise Agran. At the end of the day UEA wornen's hard work paid off when they were ranked first overall. A special note of thanks must go to UEA women's bench coach, Ray Capewell, who travelled all the way from Leicester, in the Midlands, on Sunday morning to coach the team to victory.

UEA finally foil UCL Hockey Headaches UEA 17- UCL 10 By K Black


LAST Wednesday saw UEA's fencing team face their toughest test yet in a strong UCL squad that sported a top class foil and epee team. Although confident from an unbeaten run last term, UEA nevertheless looked forward to the challenge. The first bout to take place was the captain 's foil , but the usually brilliant Chris Morton seemed not to be completely on form as continually his favourite hits missed the target. Taken aback by this unexpected defeat, UEA came together as a team like never before. Brendan Richard fenced his best il since joining from California, and Chris Burdett, now establish-

ing himself as a flfSt team fencer, did well to win a difficult bout to make the score in the foil a tense 5-4 victory. Morton continued the good work as he filled in for the injured Swede 'Class' in the Epee. However, UCL's Epee team were in a different class and fenced a superior standard of weapon. UEA were not deterred, and showed real grit and determ ination with Dorn Hagyard winning 2 of 3 bouts to keep UEA in the match. Third Epeeist Malcolrn also fenced hi s best to win a much nee ded fight ; the Epee team showed real spirit against quality oposition to narrowly lose 4 -5. With the score tied at 9-9, it was left to the Sabre team to make or break the match.

Led by Olivier Cahn, Marcos Sirnpson and Chris Morton proceeded to show UCL how this weapon should be fenced ; Sirnpson being very impressive as he fenced the kind of Sabre that UCL could only marvel at. Cahn and Morton also were in a different league as UEA destroyed the last of the Londoner's resistance. 8-1 was the score. Said Simpson, "It was a remarkable team performance with everyone fen cing their hearts out. Non team members came and gave support that I think gave us a definite edge. Brendon, Dorn and of course Olivier all fenced very well with excellent leadership from the captain. We' ve built up a real team atmosphere this term and this result shows testament to that."

2nds in epic fight UEA 2nd XV 3 v RAC Clrencester 10 WI THOUT doubt this was UEA's strongest perfornance of the season so far against a well drilled and experienced Cirencester 15. From the first whistle, UEA's blue shirts worked hard to make the most of wha teve r sca nt possessio n they could manufacture against a powerfu l opposite front eight, and despite the atrocious conditions the UEA pack (led by Chris Coole) endeavoured to drive the RAC off the baiL, and caught the home team offside everal ti mes. In the second minute, Will Silk punished Ci rencester for this infringement of the rules by delivering a perfectly struck penalty (35

yards out) to give UEA a 3 point lead. From the restart, Cirencester started to create some excellent possession by rucking over econd and third phase bal l, as well as from the set pieces, which made life extremely difficult for UEA's backs. As conditions worsened d uring the second half, which made handling in the backs increasingly difficult, Cirencester di rected their offensive close to the fri nges of UEA'~ pack - but came in for a shock. Some rnagnarnirnous defence by No 8 Seb Katkhuda and flanker Matt Smi th quickly closed down this op t ion. Fu rth ermore l an Higgi ns (a newcomer to the second team) cleaned up the scrappy ball superbly which enabled UEA

to take the game back to an increasingly concerned RAC 15. In the set piece UEA's front row wrought woe upon an intimidated opposi te front three. In the lineout too, Malcolm Forbes-Cable, in devastating form, soared and pl ucked the ball out of the sky, and put Cirencester's left wing and full back under immense pressure. With some high kicks and di rect runnin g, U E A to uc h ed do wn through a rampant Seb Kathkuda, onl y for it to be disal lowed. However, UEA immediately took up the offensive but both time and luck ran out for the 2nds, despite havi ng displayed an entirely corageous perfo rma nce aga in st a res pectful Cire ncester team (w ho tho ught they were in for an easy fi xture).

By Chris Rally UEA's three men's hockey sides experienced different levels of success in both local competition and the UAU championships last term. The only remaining representative in the UAUs is the Third eleven, who travel to Reading this term. UEA's First eleven failed to reach the knockout stage, whi lst the Second eleven were drawn to play away at St George's Hospital in London, a match which took place in December. The wet and blustery conditions were not conducive to playing hockey, but UEA's Seconds did not do themselves any favours with a poor display, and with some interesting and imaginative umpiring the game was not particularly well tempered. The state of the pitch and the standard of play matched the surround-

ings - bleak! St George's took the lead from a short corner early in the first half in one of their rare sorties into UEA territory. UEA then proceeded to squander chance after chance until towards the end of the game, but Paul Hopkinson then managed to squeeze the ball home after a goalrnouth scramble. The prospect of extra time in the dark was not relished by any player, but it was not needed, as St George's clinched it at the death with a superbly struck effort from an acute angle. Although disappointed, team spirit was good after the match, as sorrow s were drowned in the Christmas spirit. Positive points from the m atch was Mike Henderson's return to UEA with the bus a nd the eme rge nce of Belinda as a representative of everything positi ve about the Second Xl The situation of the team s in



the local leagues has also been mixed. The First eleven, fresh from promotion last season, have found the going tough at the higher level and are still searching for their first points. The Second and Third elevens are battling it out in the same division, with the Third propping up the league at present whilst the Seconds are challenging for the championship. Two losses in the final two weeks of term against the Nomads and Holt Harlequins saw the second eleven fall from pole po- .._ sition to third place, two points off the lead. Holt currently lead the division with the Pelicans second. Both teams have to vi sit UEA this term and play on the astroturf, a prospect not reli shed by many, although this has clearly been an advantage - reflected by scorelines such as 5:0 against Broadland and 11 :0 against Dereham.






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Concrete, Wednesday, February 2, 1994


concrete sport

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Pirates seek first win BCAFL: UEA Pirates 0 Staffordshire 20 "

The second half of the Collegiate American football season kicks off with the UEA Pirates still looking for a win, after a mixed Week 8 display against the seemingly playoff-bound Staffordshire Stallions, which ended 1993 on a sour note, writes Stephen Hawkes. Only a half-time blasting by several more experienced players sparked the previously lacklustre Pirates, but the damage had already

been done after impressive Staffordshire ran up twenty points in the first quarter alone, scoring the first time they touched the ball , with Nick Haven returning a UEA punt 65 yards for the six points. Staffordshire, after a 42-6 thrashing of Aston, quickly extended th eir early advantage through a 30 yard Jon Wyse pass to Matt Justice. Wyse then threw a 61 yard bomb to Haven to complete the 20 point onslaught. UEA were a different team in the second half, but still could only

break through the tough Stallion defence once, when QB Warren Smart con nected wi th wide-out Neil Sullivan for an 80-yard touchdown. This, however, was negated by an offside penalty. Daniel Bel tram and Simon Gorlick led the Pirate defence that shut out Staffordshire through the last three quarters, but the initial 15 minutes were to be decisive, and the Stallions start 1994 as one of three teams in the Southern Conference with unbeaten records, standing at 4-0 after their victory at Fifers.

BCAFL roundup JOINING the Stallions on 4-0 are the Cardiff Cobras, who completed a perfect first half of the campaign with a hard fought win over the now 1-4 Birmingham; Graeme Odgers and Neil Harris mastered the atrocious conditions to run in the only points. _j, These two rest behind the 5-0 Leicester, but above the reigning champions, Southampton, whose

coach Andie Capp has recently applied for a post with BAFA Division One senior team, the Birmingham Bulls. Southampton closed the year with an 18-8 win against the Bristol Bullets, after Bristol took a half time lead on a dazzling 65 yard run by the former Teeside stand-out, Terry Robinson . Southampton, however, replied with their own

rushing attack in the second half, with Eustice Fointaine running for two second half scores to complete his hat-trick and the win for the Stags. Bristol come through the holiday standing at a 2-2 record, after beating the Bath Killer Bees, 24-22. Loughborough lead a trio of teams pursuing the top four, after shutting out Warwick 19-0. Oxford and Cambridge lay behi nd the Aces, with Oxford having the advantage after a varsity win before the hoilday, the Cavaliers beating Cambridge 20-8.

BCAFL Southern Conference Top Eight Standlngs as at Jan 1 1994 1 Leicester 5·0 2 Staffordshire 4-Q 3 Cardiff 4-0 4 Southampton 4-1 5 Loughborough 3-1 6 Oxford 6-2 7 Bristol 2·2 8 Cambridge 2-2

UAU Results: 2nd Knock-out Round, January 19 FOOTBALL UEA i v St. Barthomlew won w/o VOLLEYBALL UEA ii 1-0 Read ing ii Women 2-0 Southampton UEA iii 0-6 W. London Institute iii Mens 3-1 South Bank UEA iv 1-3 RHBNC . Women 0-21 Sheffield NETBALL UEA ii 27-64 W. London Inst. ii BADMINTON U EA ii 3-6 Bristol ii WOMENS SQUASH UEA v Sussex lost w/o WOMENS BASKETBALL UEA 44-41 QMWC MENS TABLE TENNIS UEA v LSE won w/o MENS FENCING UEA 17-10 UCL WOMENS WINTER TENNIS UEA 0-6 W London Inst. MENS HOCKEY UEA iii 0-10 Reading iii

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