Concrete issue 033 11 May 1994

Page 1





Read the column that everyone's talking about



Make way for the beautiful people at the Fashion Show

Expanded to fit in all the UEA champions





T/i'le\\\. FREE

Issue 33: Wednesday, May 11, 1994 0



See page 23 for more details

giveawaY ' biggest ever concretes


I 8

===Nia=nH_ Im~pt_o-"==l THE LAW Ball's organisers say the June event will not become a dance-tit-dawn-disaster, even though local residents want to ban music from midnight.

r----- By---.., Caroline Adlem

CAMPUS rents could increase and cleaners .could be sacked in moves by Registry Officials to reduce a whopping £217,000 deficit in campus accommodation fmances. For a recent report by the Director of Accommodation stated that a review of services will need to produce a strategy for the elimination of the accounts deficit. But the Students Union are voicing concern that this could mean a reduction in services or an increase in rents and licence lengths. Welfare Officer, Shelley Wright, spoke ofher concern that students could receive a lower standard of services and

be forced to pay out more for accommodation - especially at a time when grants are being cut. "The Union will be protesting against any reduction in services - which could include job losses for cleaners - and they plan to prioritise the issue, fully involving students", she said. A petition will be circulated calling for a freeze in rent levels, the continuation of 30 and 34 week licences, the maintenance of high standards both on University Plain and in the soon to be completed University Village. It will also suggest that UEA should depreciate the current deficit on the residents account over several years so that next years' students are not forced to shoulder the whole burden.

Turn to Page 3, Col. 1

For although some 300 people living opposite Earlham Park have signed a petition to protest about the late disco and noise from the Ball, Law Soc President, Alex Radford, is confident everything will go ahead as planned. "I don't think this will actually affect the event as such," he said. But the residents are determined in their fight, and will table their objections to the Ball - which attracts over one sixth of ali UEA students each year- at a City Hall meeting on May 16, when the Law Society are due to apply for their music licence. Said petition organiser, Lynne Wright, "We don't want to stop anyone having a good time, but having music beyond midnight is not on. People have got children and they don't want to be disturbed. We just want some consideration really ... She added, "We've got no offence

UEAis Independent Student Newspaper

UEA Law Soc•s res~onse to Ball ~etition threat against anyone, and we aren't trying to be picky - we don ' t want to stop the event taking place. Music until midnight is OK but not afterwards." But Alex Radford commented, "We're not budging from a late disco, and we want Mrs Wright to withdraw the petition. We'll try and get her to do this, because we'll have taken all the interests of the local residents into account." Reports in the local press last week told of how angry residents were concerned about possible noise disruption after reading a licence application lodged by Law Soc in the official notices section of the 'Evening News'. Yet after Concrete organised a meeting between the two parties last Thursday, Lynne Wright conceded that the council's notice was in fact misleading- as it failed to make clear that the amplified music of the event would take place under cover. Nevertheless, she remains fmn about a midnight music curfew, but hinted that

6000 copies every fortnight

A/ex Radford some compromise could be reached. "I'll speak to some of the residents who . have signed the petition and see how they feel, and if there is room for negotiation, then that's what will be done," she said. City Council Licensing and Enforcement Officer, Ian Streeter, said that the

Turn to Page 3, Col. 5

Tel: 0603 250558

2 Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994


The BSE debate

just 6,000 go to NUS


LAST week's NUS demo - protesting against Tory grant cuts -attracted only 6,000 students. For the timing of the event, clashing with the period running up to exams later this month, meantthatsupportwas undermined. But an NUS spokesperson described the march as having "a good turnout", adding that "it was conducted in a very positive mood." And the possibility of holding another demonstration over the ten per cent cut in grants will be decided by next year's NUS executive. One coach was sent from UEA to the demonstration, which passed off peacefully with only one arrest and a small scuffle. eJim Murphy, a Labour student candidate from Strathclyde University, has been elected as the new NUS President. He succeeds Lorna Fitzsimons, the present incumbent, PHOTO: Stephen Howard next month. Ben Eiger, an Independent try officials that they will not be able currently in his final year at to keep a vehicle on campus. The King's College London, was only exceptions are for welfare or elected as National Set:!MltJ!J medical reasons- for which written and Steve Hale, an lnd•~oe,n, evidence will be required - or if ent Green student, as National Treasurer. resident on Suffolk Walk.

They want a two mile exclusion zone .----By--....., Mark Austin

BSE is back on the agenda as an issue of vital importance. For while a British schoolgirl lies in hospital with an illness allegedly related to eating a BSE-containing hamburger, Germany has only recently backed down on a proposal for a total ban on British beef. The Government says one thing and scientists another. So what are we to believe? Will mad cows lead to mad humans? See this issue's centre pages for the full report on this controversial issue.

CITY Hall Chiefs could be close to causing a 'bussed'-up, for they want to ban students from bringing cars on to campus, instead getting them to park and ride. The scheme was unveiled last week by a council sub-committee, with a proposed two-mile exclusion zone for bringing vehicles on to The Plain. Said Councillor John Newby, " We have asked the university to look at the issuing of permits to students and staff who live within a two mile radius of the campus." " What we suggest is that those people who live within this radius and are able to walk or cycle, should be restricted in the issue of permits in some way ." UEA Security Chief Maurice Morson stated that he had a great deal of sympathy for people living near the university without access to a garage, leaving them having to park in the street. But of the proposed exclusion zone he was less than enthusiastic, pointing out that it would be difficult to enforce, but

Research in Staffordshire has led to the possibility of building new halls of residence... with bricks made out of dried sewage. That should cause a bit ofa slink!

'' ••

Could this sight become a thing of the past? not impossible. "Is it absolutely necessary and is it absolutely fair? I'm not convinced," he said. •Students living off campus next year should have their permits updated before the end of the current

academic year. This can be done at the Traffic Office in the Porters Lodge on Mondays to Fridays between lOam and 3pm. •Students living on campus next year have been reminded by Regis-

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Concrete, Wednesday, May 11 , 1994

Rents to increase?


The Union are already claiming a victory in the removal of the upkeep of Fifers Lane from the residences account. For the Registry had previously wanted next years' students to cover this cost -atacostof£185,000ayear - but this has been abandoned due to Union pressure. Dennis Brown, Director of Accornmodationstatedthathewas "very concerned" about the level of the deficit, adding that he could see only three ways of reducing it - rent increases, cosH:uning or an influx of outside money. But as the residences account is a self-balancing account, he feels that rent increases or cost-cutting are the only options. Mr Brown stressed that his aim was to maintain the highest standards possible for the students consistent with running the residences without incurring a deficit. And he confirmed that next year all but 214 campus residences will have 38 week licences. Any further moves will first be discussed with the Union in an attempt to fmd the most acceptable way to both UEA and to students in reducing the deficit.

£60,000 has been given to doctors at Glasgow University to carry out some vital field work - studying the habits of British holidaymakers in Benidorm.

Full steam ahead' Cont. from Page 1

petition would be taken into account at the forthcomi ng meeting. "Certainly any objections have to be put forward. The applicant o n behalfofthe Law Society was invited to attend, and the committee will consider both the application and the objections." But A lex Radford, speaking aftermeetingLynne Wright, remains

Cont. from Page 1

THE Kit-Kat is still coming a cropper when it comes to campus choccie... at least for the time being. For following Week 9's inquorate UGM the Union's boycott ofall Nestle products looks set to continue until the end of the academic year. Representatives from Nestle were scheduled to attend, but pulled out when they discovered that speakers from Baby Milk Action (BMA) - at the forefront of the anti-Nestle lobby- were also to be present. Said Union Communications Officer Jacqui Mackay, "The fact that a huge international corporation like Nestle is neitherconfidentnorwilling to allow a speaker to answer the accusations ofa pressure group is very poor." She added, "It makes you wonder what they have to hide." And Andrew Radford, speaking

confident that the dispute with local residents can be resolved. "I'd prefer to negotiate and get it right, so that forthcoming Law Balls will be able to be held witho~t any problems from the residents at Earlham", he said. Andheadded:"We'vehadproblems right from the beginning of the year, but the Law Ball this year is going to be good."


on behalf of BMA, slammed Nestle's actions. "We at BMA are always happy to debate the issues and encourage feedback. "They on the other hand want debates that are just one sided. "The fact that they are not prepared to turn up just gives us more confidence that we are doing the right thing." • Local MP John Garrett will chair

a meeting about the issue on June 24 at the City Library, and students are being encouraged to attend. Said Jacqui,"The Nestle boycott has been one of the biggest criticisms made of the Union this year. "It is much more than an issue of whether students can or can't buy Kit-Kats and it is important that they get involved."

Jaz praises South African vote UNION Anti-Racism Officer Jaz lhenacho has given her reaction to last week's historic election result in South Africa, dubbing it "excellenr.

"I'm so amazed and really proud", she said, "When someone's been oppressed for so long it's assumed they want power and authority, but all Nelson Mandela

wants is equity: Jaz , Welfare Officer elect for 1994-5, added, "It's an excellent thing to happen - I certainly didn 'texpect itto happen in my lifetime!

DISCOUNTS on entrance prices for City venue The Waterfront have been armounced by the Union, writes Caroline Ad/em. From May 20, admission will be reduced by SOp on weekend club nights with the production of an NUS card. The offer, not valid with any other promotion, comes as the Union look to expand their activities at The Waterfront despite an inquorate EGM three weeks ago, when the issue was to have been debated by students. But the Executive are still bound by an existing mandate and will continue to manage the venue for the next six months and to expand activities. Said Communications Officer, Jacqui Mackay, "Access to and enjoyment of excellent arts and entertainments provision is an important part of student life. The Waterfront is a wonderful music and club venue with a great future for expansion that students can afford and c;njoy.

"We are very pleased and excited that the venue is able to continue for the next six months under Union management, run by students for studentsandtheirlocalcornmunity." The Waterfront will also attempt to cater for minority tastes. Jacqui added that a commercial venue would be unable to do this, but as the venue is being run as a service, nota profit-making venture, it can. Future plans include opening more than four nights a week, to include a wider variety of arts, such as dance workshops, festivals and world music. There will also opportunity for UEA clubs and societies to hire the venue. Jacqui added that in future , both students and the local community will be able to get more out of The Waterfront. Students will have anotheropportunity to dec ide whether the venue continues to be run by the Union at an EGM to be held in October.


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Concrete, Wednesday, May ll, 1994

YULE love the 'design a Christmas card' competition dreamed up by a top UK charity. For with substantial royalties up for grabs, students are being asked to participate in an Xmas card design By - - -..... competition set up by the Simon Jones Imperial Cancer Research Fund. And the best twelve designs will also ha,e the prestige of being displayed in a major exhibition at Bonhams of London. Thats' not to mention one hundred pounds worth of art material donated by Daler-Rowney. Eye-catching designs and exciting images are sought after in the hope that traditional images will give way to more radical ideas. Abstracts, cartoons and photographic work are most welcome. So if you like the ideaofsupport-

ing cancer research and possibly supplementing your grant, get designing. Work of any medium is acceptable but it must be of between AS and A3 size, accompanied by a registration fee of £7.50 for each work submitted. Any person may submit up to three works, to be sent to: An Image For Christmas Campaign Office, 48 Bell Street, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 2BG. •Cheques should be made payable to An Image for Christmas.

A technological breakthrough has been made by one Liverpool student; he has developed a manhole cover that doesn't explode in the rain.

Fierce debates have been raging at Nottingham University, over their setting aside of£500,000 for an important purchase... a luxury mansion for the Vice-Chancellor.

POSTGRAD IS WRITE ON! FILM finalist Darren Fisher is literally reeling with delight. For Cinema City have agreed to show his first flick, 'Kindergarden', on June 20, as part of a double-bill with 'Bodysnatchers'. Set in the future, Dazza 's directorial debut concerns the lives of seven inmates of a very peculiar prison - one of which looks surprisingly like a certain university

by UEA itself, as everyone says it looks like a prison", he said. "I also wanted something commercial on a small budget. I knew what I would have access to, so the story came accordingly." But UEA students will have another chance to see 'Kindergarden', as the former Concrete Arts Editor premieres the film on May 19as atrailertothe Union'sshow-

EAS postgrad student Susan Elderkin has been awarded runnerup prize in a national journalism competition, writes CarolineAdlem. Susan, currently studying for an MA in Creative Writing, has won £200 in The Daily Telegraph's Catherine Pakenham A ward for young women journalists. llerentryentitled ' Shoes That Fit Like a Glove' was inspired by her meeting with an old-fashioned shoe makerduringhertime as an English teacher in a Slovakian shoe factory. Th.: article included information about the manufacture of the shoes as well as anecdotes about life in the factory .

Susan received her cheque from Sunday Telegraph editor Charles Moore at a reception at London's Groucho Club, which was attended by 70 editors of national magazines and newspapers. Susan hopes that the award will lead to a career in journalism as it has for many past winners. The winner of the award was Jane Dowle, a freelance journalist. The award has been held since 1970 in memory ofTelegraph Magazine journalist Catherine Pakenham, killed inacarcrashat the age of23, . whilst working for the Telegraph magazine.

Want ajob?

. ..

STUDENTS with an interest in tourism are being asked to work abroad in European holiday parks this summer under an EC scheme. Under the tern1s of the scheme travel, board and a weekly allowance will be provided. Those who apply will be asked to fill in questionnaires inordertomatch them up to the most suitable of the hundreds of parks from twelve European countries in the scheme. And students can specify how long they want to stay - usually between two an::l six weeks.

..---By----, Caroline Adlem They will be expected to work a maximum 39week, with at least one day offin every seven. The park will provide board and accommodation, as well as a weekly tax-freeallowaneeof75ECU (about £50.00). The costs of the return journey to the park will be paid by a travel grant. Parks involved range from large

holiday centres with luxury accommodation to small countryside parks which cater for families with their own caravans and tents. The scheme, which is now in it's third year, aims to 'give the tourist managers of tomorrow an international perspective on their career through experience of the leisure industry abroad.' Many students who went on the scheme last year are apparently reapplying for the 1994 programme, which this year covers all 12 European Union countries.

THE CAREERS centre last week announced their summer programme of events, writes Mark Austin. The agenda which covers a range of workshops, training sessions and talks runs from now until the end of the semester when it will culminate with the popular 'Discover' management skills course which takes place from September 16-18. 'Discover' is an intensive three day practical course designed to give students a chance to identify and develop some of the skills they will need to be an effective manager. A 20 hour intensive course is also being provided in Keyboarding Skills. Details of all the above events are available from the Careers Centre and are outlined in the summer programme guide.

Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994

Miss Selfridge isn't selfish! MISS SELFRIDGE have just announced that they will be running a 10% discount scheme for students in all of their high street shops. From May 1, any student who presents their NUS card at a Miss Selfridge store will be eligible for the discount, although it cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offers, or with Miss Selfridge gift vouchers. Said Sarah Golding, Miss Selfridge Stores Brand Manager, "We feel that the combination of low prices and decent clothes is ideal for students."

One drunken student in Cardiff didn 't notice when she left something stuck on a gate she climbed in order to get into her hall of residence even though it was one ofher fingers .

Students evacuated in fire drama A NUMBER of students were evacuated from residences at University last Thursday after a fire broke out No casualties were reported. Police are Investigating the Incident.


GSA HANDBOOK Preparation for the GSA handbook is now under way. This will be sent out with the P/G registration documents to all new post graduates. The handbook will be a small booklet discussing what the GSA does, how to get involved, typical activities as well as useful names and telephone numbers and a map of where to find the GSA in University House. On arrival at the university there will also have been prepared an information booklet to be picked up at the Graduate Bar. The contents of this have yet to be finalised but as well as basic information it will also, hopefully, include pieces written by current postgraduates about their experiences here. As usual(!) WE WANT YOUR HELP making these booklets as interesting, amusing and relevant as possible. Contact the GSA through its pigeonhole in UH or at the Grad Bar itself.


SUMMER'S here and it's time to kick up your heels and kit yourself outwith some essential footwear, writes Lola Abayoml. And what better than 'Dead Basic', the new diffusion range from Red or Dead, which features the return of the canvas espadrille - updated with embroidery and textural uppers in startling bright colours as well as the original. For those cowgirls who know how to strut their stuff, there is an excellent round-toed cowboy boot made from traditional leather in rugged calf lengths and ankle styles. And for those hip and trendy men out there, 'Dead Basic' otTers a dynamic selection of shoes and ankle boots, although public opinion

has its doubts about them. "They look. like something your Grandad would wear", said one student. The range otTers a broad-based selection with the never-ending classic loafer undergoing a facelift. For all those seen donning Adidas Gazelles and leaping foot first on to the 'sporty' bandwagon, there's a line of retro trainers available in colourful suede and silver leather. With prices for women starting at £ 16 and mens from £8 for canvas pumps up to £59 for cowboy boots, students could well be putting their best foot forward throughout the long, hot summer - touch wood. •Dead Basic footwear is available in branches of Top Shop and Top Man nationwide.

Over the next few months many new beers, soft drinks and spirits will be on trial at the Grad Bar. We will be trying out John Smiths, Holsten Export draught and we will be ordering in more of the prize-winning Scottish beer Belhaven 80/ -. Holsten Pils will be swapped with another bottled pilsner and we will be taking off Miller . We will also order in Orangina as a summer thirst quencher as well as Pimms. There is also room for other suggestions so if you have a favourite drink, whether alcoholic or not , that you think will be a good seller then write it down and hand it into the Bar.

NAKED (WELL ALMOST) MAN IN BAR Gennan Tim's birthday party last week was a roaring success . Cake and a semi-nude male what more could you ask! Bruce (Grad Bar cashier) was overheard saying that he could do better and then spent the rest of the evening trying to fend off lecherous men and women who wanted to see him prove it. Some toga clad undergraduates who later wandered in also received a wann reception much to their horror as the safety pins holding up their sheets had a mysterious habit of coming undone.

INTERESTED IN A SUMMER BOOZE CRUISE? The GSC are planning a summer party on a boat cruising up the river from Norwich. Imagine lazing on the water on a sunny summer evening with a long cool drink summoning your energy for a frantic BOP TIL YOU DROP!



wntten and pa1d for by The Graduate Students Association





Concrete, Wednesday, May 11 , 1994

Fined for having sex

All boozed up LAST week we received a letter from an alarmed second year. "Dear X-Crete, "I'm a second year student and am writing to you to alert other students to a particular problem I've experienced with my Switch card . "About two months ago, I realised that my local off-licence took Switch . "I found this very handy, as I could go down with no cash in my pocket and still go home with a few beers, a bottle of wine and a packet of pork scratchings. "Excellent, I thought, all this booze and I still don't have to go to the hole in the wall only to find out that I've exceeded my weekly limit by Tuesday . "But imag ine my surprise when I had a letter from that nice man Mr Bank Manager, who asked me for my suggestions in respect of reducing my overdraft. "What I'd failed to take into account was that I'd spent about £632.46 in the space of one month alone, and that my bank statement had over one hundred entries from the same place. "I thought I could explain this away in some fashion , but I couldn't, because the bank manager exposed me for a fraud when I told him it was merely all spent on groceries and expanding my Level 42 CD collection. "You see, my local off-licence is called 'Booze', and now they've taken my card away, because I've gone over budget on 'Social Expenditure' ... "Please publish my letter so that others don't fall into this trap." Love, a distressed student. We think it's too late forthat, but here's your lener anyway.


A GUIDE TO SPOTTING THOSE TYPES SITTING IN THE SQUARE FORGET swanning about and table-hopping in The Hive. Summer's here and the only place it's cool to be seen in is The Square. But don't be intimidated by the hordes of studes that hang about aimlessly on those long, bright afternoons. Because, basically, everyone out there is a co mplete poser. They've eschewed the warmth, conviviality and quality coffee of The Hive to sit staring into space for hours on end. And the real shame is that they don't realise they 're actually doing it. Don 't fear though, because XCrete has got together with top style analysts to identify the most happening groups of people enjoying their sessions on the steps. Know who they are and how to avoid them. Arty types : These tend to si t at the top of the grassy bit- what's left of it - just outside UH, drinking mainly soft drinks or occasionally

alcohol ifthey ' re not too busy contempl ating some heavy intellectual conundrum . They invariably bore each other to death with herball y-inspired anecdotes and accounts of the multifarious forms of contemporary thought permeating our post modernist c ulturally fluctuating deconstructionist times man ... Beer Monsters: In contrast, this type of(typically male) person wants to be the centre of anention. So, to achieve this, they sit on the steps wavi ng glasses around at each other at the slightest and most tenuous excuse. This ritual is accompanied by a kind of neanderthal groan along the linesof ' Whaaaay ', which depending on the intonation, signifies either "Get the beers in", "God I got s .. t-faced last night", or more simply, "Going to the LCR ?"A void them at all costs, and if they gesticulate at you, just wave politely. The Luvvie: Members of this group are known to start the day with good intentions. They come in early, bring all their books and set

themselves up for a day in the library to swot for that forthcoming exam or essay. But then it all goes horribly wrong. They see one of their friends on the steps and spend the rest of the day locked in sunstroke-inspired goss ... Oh darling did I tell you

about that time when we went to Hectors and there was that man there talking about how he 'd spent the last fifteen years travelling around St Tropez in a converted ice cream van with an armadillo for company? No? Didn't I? Well, it's like this ...

A REPORT last week in that well known organ of quality unbiased journalism, The News of the World, told how stude nts at Cambridge are being fined for having too much sex. Suppose dl y, if st udent s are caught by college bosses in bed with a guest MORE THAN 15 TIMES A TERM, then they are liable for a £20 ' honking bill '. A lener sent by a senior tutor to students concerned reads, " It is highly embarrassing, particularly to a new bedmaker, to go into a room and find someone in bed with their girlfriend or boyfriend. "I should not like to do that in my own house, nor would you or your parents be happy to be presented with such a potentially embarassing situation." This inspired initiative has been mooted to spare the blushes of cleaners, who often stumble into rooms "to find youn gsters in the midst of passion." But UEA students were unfazed about the possibility of a similar scheme being introduced here on campus. "You must be joking", said a third year, "After a heavy LCR, thirteen pints and a greasy burger, the last thing you're going to have the next morning is a burst of passion. Especially ifyourcleanerwants to join in." Therewerethosewho said UEA couldn't support another Summer Ball ... buttheywerewrong. Two hundred tickets for the 1 Graduation Ball were sold in the first hour of them going on sale, with the rest sold in 3 days! •Atter-dinnertickets go on sale today (Weds) priced £15 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADVERTISEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~

Your Union Boycott Nestle How? Students voted at a UGM for this policy in the belief that a Union boycott of all Nestle products is a peaceful and effective way of bringing pressure to bear on Nestle.

Why? 1.5 million babies die every year because they are not breast-fed (UNICEF) .. A baby dies every 30 seconds from unsafe bottle feeding. Baby milk companies provide their milk to mothers and health workers because they realise that if they don't get babies on the bottle, they don't do business. Nestle sell nearly half the worlds baby food. They set the trend followed by other companies. Nestle also violates the UNICEF/ WHO International Code of Marketing, which bans all forms of promotion of baby milk, more often than any of its competitors. Nestle prioritizes its profits before the health of babies. lt gives free supplies of milk to hospitals often causing dependency on artificial baby milk that many families cannot afford. Over diluting the powder to make it last longer leads to malnutrition; diluting with unsafe water can lead to death.

The campaign against Nestle aims to protect all mothers and babies. A mother should have the right to. an informed choice. If she decides to use baby milk, her decision should be based on the advice of a healthworker, NOT on the strength of a company's marketing campaign. THE BOYCOTT WILL CONTINUE ON CAMPUS UNLESS AND UNTIL STUDENTS OVERTURN CURRENT POLICY AT A UGM. BEING A MEMBER OF THIS UNION ENTITLES YOU TO A VOTE ON THIS ISSUE WHEN IT IS NEXT DEBATED.





- -- -




The latest news from your student union. Issue Eleven, Semester Two, 1994

. .-.. ---nday labour Party MEP CSIJQ_iq~t~,:. .

.. : : := :=: : :~ :~l,~?P.lJJ:::::-... Bill Wilson Rm ··.===


. .

:·.. ... · ·. . ·.·...·._ ... ·. : .... ·,·.•. ·. ·.. . . ·. :.-::}\:.. · :····:· ··.. .

. : . The::s quare

Debate : Is Radicar=Aetion Effective?

Discussion : stt.JdgrifEnvironmentalism

Uoyd's/Midland 2-3.3Dpm 1.33 UH 3.30-5.30pm 1.33 UH


EG: ~ :,:=·:·.: • _ :_-_:.:::-:_·:::/:i·:;;r.!!i}::.;·::;rr;<::.

t-2pm Vid~::= ::· Koy~~Q.J$Quatsi and Roads Protest 2.30-4pm . da:~p.:·;-. :!i:::



Hive Bill Wilson Rm

~ ->::.::=::::

Hemp Speaker:::_;_: :· Busking .· Ceilidh : The Bubble Machine

1-2pm 3-5pm 9-late

The Square The Square Fifer's

10am-3pm 3pm-dark



Outdoor day Picnic

Society for Environmental Action

---------·-- --- - -- --

- - -·- -


-· - -· - -- · -


Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994

Leffers & Classifieds

concrete .


0603 250558 University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ Publisher: Stephen Howard Editor: Peter Hart Deputy Editor: Niall Hampton Assistant Editor: Joanna Stubbington Sports Editor: Stephen Hawkes Film & Listings Editor: Caroline Jenkinson rv, Video & Radio Editor: Michele du Randt Picture Editor: Keith Whitmore Advertising Manager: Simon Mann

Chief Photographer: Mark Turner Editorial Contributors: Caroline Adlem, Mark Austin, Simon Jones, Lola Abayomi, Damon Roddis, Josh Busby, Jane Homer, Bob Scott, Sally Banham, Suzie Bell, Stuart Paterson, Theo Mance, Paul Carr, Eleanor Perkins, lan Nundy, Victoria Clark, Chris Webber

Proof Readers: Tony Lansdowne, Alastair Cushion DTP Assistant: Nik Davy Technical Advisor: Neil Barnden Special thanks to: UH Stewards & Mogwai

Copyright (C) 1994 Planet Zog Ltd Concrete Is published independently at UEA. Opinions expressed are those of the Contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich

Concrete is printed on recycled paper using biodegradable inks


Concrete welc'omes your letters on any subjec-t. Wll~ther it is som,eiiilng w.~;y~ written about a~d y9u want to take iss·ue· with~ or you si~ply ~ want to make a point, we want to hear from you: So why nof'·drop "' us a line? The address is simply 'Concrete', UEA, Norwich. Anonymity will be respected but you must include your name _and address in the first . i~stance.

WHAT A LOAD Hello from Italy OF BANKERS! H


a Be lgian student at J EA , I would like to make a small co mment n the whole Shellcy Hill ve rsus LAMB case. Comi ng from a co untry where every studen t can pay his rent and bi lls by di alling a talking co mputer fro m any payphonc 24 ho urs a day, I would advise Shelley's mother to be afrai d of so methi ng else than a ha If baked boycott. English banks have always been more intere sted in le tti ng wonderboys play wi th stoc k market compu ters in the Cit) than in caring for thei r indiv id ual custome rs. rh anks to 's plendi d iso latio n. customer care has been degraded to a level whic h wou ld make any conti nenta l ba nk di rec tor shiver. In my count[), there is on!) one co mpany that takes care of all electronic transactions (cash dispensers, shops, gas stations etc). You will fi nd it di!licu lt to make them admit they had two serio us altempts at fraud in 15 years! (and the theivcs got ca ught). Over here, the inde pendent ban king advisor) ser\ice recei\ ed 2.579 complaints bet ween Janua ry and March 1994 - whi le some ha nk chiefs get paid £350,000 a year! Wou ld I dare to men tion m) sa\ings acco unt back home \\ here m) bank agreed that they would on! ) invest my money in companies with a clean environm ental record 0 Most cont inental students I know have already closed down the acco unts they opened in September and arc runn ing ever) thing from Fra nce and Gem1 any.

This couldn't be too difficul t, as I have fou nd that my Belgian card is accepted by more cash dis pensers here than the one I go t from Barclays! Barcl ays totall y blew it wit h me \\hen they gave my statements away to a co mpany without eve n te ll ing me, and th en refused to adm it they di d. Un lo rtunatel), send ing my money bac k home would mean double exchange cos ts, so I will just have to ho ld on (and pray). So Shelley, if your moth er will lose her job, it won't be because of some silly boycott, but because, under EU regulati ons, a con tin ent al bank \\'ill open next door and otTer the British what the) otTer everybody el se.

~ -leg

~ (])

...c: I .


to feel complete!) alone when I arri\e in Norwich and also because I would like to get to knO\\ the British uni versi ty syste m a littl e bi t better, because unfo rt unately, I wo n't be able to attend an open day. So is there anybody at UEA who wo uld like to wri te to me? I really hope so, and I prom ise to answer all the letters I ge t. My ad dress is: Vi a Nuovaluce 66,95030, Tre mestieri Etneo, Catani a, Sicily, ITALY Alen'{lftdm Santoro


Midtel Coene (CH£ Vis)

Crush. ed •••

t 's a good job seminars arc not a nything like Ra dio I quizzes. If they were, we might find ourselves being asked rea lly comp lex questions, then bein g told we have ten seconds. O r, even worse, in the t radition of children's televis ion, perhaps if we got something wrong we might be thrown into the gunk tank. I suppose in the case of UEA it would have to be The Broad. Co me to think of it there a rc one or two lecturers I wo uldn't mind t hrowing into the la ke, no names me ntioned of course! To11y Crush (EUR 1)




rues 17 May



ello, 111\ name is Alcssandra S:111toro, and I am a 17) car old Italian gi rl from Sicily. I love my \Cr) hot and beautiful country, but I have appl ied for a Hi gher Education co urs.:: in Non\ ich for q uite a number of good reasons. I am going to move to England next September and am already loo f.. ing fo rward to it. Now, my wish is to write to yo u - to anybody who wants to \\ rite to me- because I don' t wa nt

£6.5o adv

Wed 18 May £6.50 adv Featuring Sabres ol Paradise + DJ Andrew Weatherall

THE AUTEURS LUNA Mon 23 May £6 adv LENA FlAG BE lues 31 May £6 adv URBAN SPECIES + HONKY THE GIRL Mon 20 June £8adv EVERYTHING BUTx Thur 19 May

£6.50 adv


Please note lhalthe MARCELLA DETROIT gig Is CANCELLED. Tickets from Our Price, Andys, Soundclash, HMV, City Ticket Shop, UEA Union. Credit Card Bookings: 0603 505401




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Concrete, Wednesday, May 11 , 1994


Features An open letter from Damon Roddis, Environment Officer, and Josh Busby of the Society tor Environmental Action

o ru1n •••

The Union's Environment Week aims to increase awareness of green issues both at UEA and beyond. Concrete's Environmental Correspondent, Dominic Scholfield, reports on a topical local campaign

d the world for university knowm aroun UEA has Isn't it odd for . a t I teaching and research, . · p in env1ronmen a . ? Iea d ers h 1 environmental po 1•c•esv . lack totally inadequate iversity that complains about a dislsn't it odd, for a u7 £13 000 on unnecessary waste of money to waste near y . , one from recycling? I when it could be making m Y d the world about pose . . l'cymakers aroun . t If UEA is odvtsmg . ~~ • d cannot itself commit o environmental re_sp~nstblllty d a~ommentary about the fate of such initiatives, •t IS a sa our natural environment. . h d our own advice. more than 1000 We must ee ·r to the university of last year a p~~~ •on mbers was presented to the university students and sta me I' services. . g for better recyc mg as k1n .. h We are still wOittng. . for Environmental Action ave The Union and t~e So~ety thorities by contributing to the been negociating . wtth UE daub trying to enlist their support Y t' which will save UEA UEA 2000 strategic plan gyon conserve 10n, d ener or recycling an ff d minimal assistance. f ff · I have o ere f d which money, U~A o .'cloths t environmental issues ore a a a Their attitude IS flares, the environment is not will go away. . Unlike Adidos tra•ners or of style. foshionoble;it does not go out environment, or we allow our We either work to protect our . f life to degrade. ·11 boots through quo Itty o . b bl to see your caterpl or No-one Will e .a e your onti-UV sutt. 's concerned about the environ· We appreciate that everyone 'people acting in their own ways t and that there. ore many men, to support these Issues. we need the sustained support However, for UEA to change, of students. Your voice is essential. lying in the square on Mar 12U;; What could be simpler t~on your h and for the planet, or the EGM lunchtime and ro•se and for yourself. . to be ignored. Be heard or cont1nue

Protestors attempt to thwart the road building programme


environmental issues come to the forefront of awareness for Envionment Week, things are coming to a head on the front line of environmental campaigning at Wymondham. For there has been a protest there ever since 1989, when the Department of Transport (DoT) announced that a third bypass was to be built around the town due to the set of traffic lights on the previous road. And the protest is hardly surprising, as the route chosen goes through 'The Lizard ' , an area home to a colony of great crested newts - not to mention the fact that it is also some of the most beautiful countryside around Wymondham. Furthermore, Norfolk County Council has applied for trunk roads the All and A47 to become part of the Trans European Road Network. If this application is successful, then both roads will have to become motorways within a few years. When Friends of the Earth (FoE) heard of the plans for the new road in 1988, the group purchased a section of disused railway line on the proposed route, selling it off in metre square plots to slow the compulsory purchase of the land. And since February 6 - one day before the compulsory purchase order came into force - it has been the site of an ' Earth First!' camp. Sue Pollard of The Greenhouse in Norwich said, "Since it began the campaign has been gaining sup-

port from local people. The protesters at the camp are mostly local people, from a lot of different backgrounds. "They have been successful in slowing work but it's a running battle. For three of the last seven days we have been able to prevent contractors using a pile driver that costs £6,000 per day to hire." Consequently, the campaign desperately needs more people to help in the non-violent obstruction of work. The protesters are entirely peaceful, but understandably distrustful of the authorities. As in such cases, the Government's White Paper calling for the road to be built did not allow for any consultation with interested parties. In 1990 the public enquiry into the route of the new road heard promises to relocate the newts. But in June 1991 contractors went ahead and bulldozed hedges trees and ponds, and a year later the High Court heard a case brought by FoE, but refused to rule on whether the DoT had acted illegally. FoE subsequently had to drop the court action due to escalating costs. In the compulsory purchase of the railway line, only 14 out of700 plot holders were notified, and the campaigners are still arguing that the work is therefore illegal. But the reasons for opposing road building go far beyond the immediate loss of wildlife and countryside. A monitoring station recently set

up and run by UEA on the Norfolk coast has been monitoring levels of pollutants related to car exhausts that are sometimes as high as those in inner cities. The national press has recently reported that farmers in the East of England are losing millions of pounds from crop damage due to low level ozone, a secondary product of exhaust emissions. And human health effects of such pollution are dire - not to mention the safety problems as the volume of traffic on the roads rises inexorably. The environmental campaigners are universally quick to point out that they are not anti-cars, but just pro-transport. They want to see the country adopt an integrated transport policy, not just a roads policy, and their aim is to get people where they want to go as quickly and cheaply as possible with the minimum environmental impact. That means backing trains, buses, bikes and cars, each for journeys to which they are appropriate, an outlook that is not entirely negative. Despite the often appalling lack of regard for the public shown in such cases as this, local and national campaigns have won several notable victories in the past few years, and last month the Government cut its roads program from £21 billion to£ 18 billion. But this reflects the growing opposition to the 'roadmania ' within the Government itself as public outcry puts pressure on marginal Tory seats.



57 Dereharn Road)


Tel 764058 Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer






----------------------------------------------------------~----------------- 1 0 Co nc rete, We d nesday, Ma y 11 , 1994


ON CAMPUS Research has suggested that students are extremely likely to be approached by cult recruiters targeting UK campuses. Jane Horner's got the lowdown f you are intelligent, idealistic, come from a middle class background and describe yourself as spiritually curious, then, according to the Cult Information Centre (CIC), you are the ideal target for cult recruiters. Their leaflet 'Cults on Campus: An easy act to follow' aims to make students aware of the dangers of getting involved with what ostensibly appear to be harmless religious movements. It was written in an attempt to combat the increasing number of cases where cults have been found either recruiting or actually holding meetings on university campuses. Although it is impossible to estimate just how many people are involved, it has been established that there are well over 500 different cults in Britain alone. The basic problem is how can


one distinguish between genuine religious groups and those which should be avoided at all costs? Most cult beliefs are based upon the teachings of the Bible, but they normally seize upon one element of the Christian doctrine and distort it out of perspective. For example, the London Church of Christ believe that it is possible, even after baptism, to lose salvation. Their members are therefore continually urged to prove

their commitment, in a measure designed to avoid going to Hell. With a membership of approximately I ,000, this organisation demands full commitment from its members, who find they spend all their time worshipping, or working and recruiting for the church- leading to the neglect of studies, fiiends and family. Those who leave are pestered for weeks afterwards by visits from other members hoping to

persuade them to return. Rival cult, The Temple Of Psychick Youth, claim to be influenced by things such as the Church of Satan, surrealism, paganism, Buddhism and anarchism! Its members aim to "reject all mainstream values and morals in the belief that they can thus transform themselves and develop their interests." Their rituals include self-mutilation, as well as a way of contacting

Cults have neen ouna e r er' recruiti 19 or actually holding meetings on university campuses. Although it is impossible to estimate just hovv many people are involved, it has been established that there are well over 500 different cults in Britain alone. Tuesday 17th May

Thursday 12th May

The Hawk Dir: Peter Ransley 1993: US: 86 mins George LP· Helen M,ren, h Co~tigan, Rosemary Leac. of the Pnme After the success . Mirren t TV cop senes, suspec t as a detective, returns here, no .f who sushousewt e but as a b d to be the sepects her hus an 'The Haw\<'. riall<iller known as hy works dy photograp The moo . Mirren's es·ube the well in developtng calating fear that she wt next victim.

What's Love Got To With 11 Dir: Brian Gibson 1993: US: 118 mins LP: Ange/a Bassett, Laurence Fishburne This film charts the rise, fall and re-emergence of rock star Tina Turner. Fishburne puts in a chilling performance as Tina's brutal husband, lke, but the real honours must go to Bassett who looks, sings and moves like the real thing. Realistic gig scenes and hilarious sixties fashions give the film a high watchability.

Thursday 19th May Friday 13th May

~onrv Prrhons - Holr Grail DJr: Mark Forstater 1975: GB . 90 . · mms LP: John Cl Ch eese, Graham apman, Eric Idle Ter J ones • ry The first and best trio of film of the Python s centres 0 K. Arthur and hi . n mg the holy grails ~~ghts' quest for that revels . . acky comedy . rn cult status · 8 n.1Irant.

True Romance Dir:Tony Scott 19 93: us: 119 mins LP: Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Dennis Hopper A love story for the nineties, Slater and Arquette star as the smitten couple, determined to start a new life from the proceeds of a suitcase of drugs (which they mistakenly tool< from Arquette's pimp) befor.e the Mob closes in. Tarailttno s romantic thriller is violent, stylish and highly enjoyable.

• Tuesday 24th May

Angel Heart Dir: A/an Parker 1987: us LP: Mickey Rourke, De Niro, Lisa Bonet New York 1955, Private Detective Harry Angel is hired by a mysterious foreigner t? track down a once famous smger. The trail leads him to an encounter with voodoo and the seedy underworld of New Orleans . A great movie with a splendid final twist.

Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994




the self- the Sigil- which is based on an ancient sex-magic rite: the follower writes a desire on a document, and then anoints it with blood, spittle, body hair and other such niceties. When asked their opinions about these cults, or as they are termed, "new religious movements", a spokesperson at UEA's Chaplaincy stated that, as followers of Christ, they would be concerned about any individual who had lost the freedom to make choices in life, especially those relating to their faith. "A Christian is not co-erced into believing, but freely accepts Christ into his or her life. "Any group which seeks to indoctrinate people goes against the freedom of conscience", they added. And it is this loss of the freedom to challenge and question beliefs, as well as the mind control techniques which these pseudo-Christian organisations use, that cause the greatest concern. According to the CIC, techniques employed range from hypnosis and peer group pressure, to the use of dress codes, strict rules, chanting and games in order to make each member work as part of a unit, and not to think as an individual. Members are often made more vulnerable to indoctrination by sleep deprivation, a change of diet, isolation and the removal of all clocks and watches, all of which aim to disorientate, and to increase the feeling of distance from 'the outside world', and the life they led before their recruitment. Many cults encourage members to move into accommodation owned by the organisation, and to break ties with all non-believers, !ven those from their own family. Viewers of Channel 4's soap 'Brookside' have seen similar occurrences, with a 'religious' cult infiltrating a suburban neighbourhood.

Its leader, the sinister Simon, targets vulnerable characters to join his 'family', reflecting the evidence that cult leaders do not just target certain age groups. Yet, Simon's cult, according to the programme's script, actually originated in the university he was studying in previously, and the majority of its members were students. And back in the real world, although research has shown that the majority of cult members are recruited between the ages of 16 and 25, it is students who are even more at risk than most others. Recruiters choose their victims carefully. Someone under pressure from exams, or who feels lonely and isolated during the first few weeks away from home, is far more likely to respond to a group of friendly people who genuinely seem to take an interest in them. The most common method of recruitment is to strike up a conversation, then to gradually bring the subject round to the beliefs of the movement, and to eventually persuade the recruit to come to a meeting, discussion or get-together, to find out more. Although UEA appears to have had no problems with groups recruiting in this way, other universities have been affected. Birmingham's Guild of Students banned all cults several years ago, and since then, they have virtually disappeared from its site. But universities in the London area have been targeted in recent months by the London Church of Christ, who staged meetings in halls of residence. Their members have also been infiltrating societies, sports clubs and taking over meetings, even holding a 'baptism' in university swimming pools. The Information Network Focus On Religious Movements (INFORM), provides unbiased and up

to date information on any new groups, in particular whether they are regarded as cults or not. They state that it is not their objective to question the beliefs and methods of these organisations, but even so, some of INFORM's factsheets contain fairly horrific details. Apart from the time commitment, many cult leaders expect their followers to donate all their money to the organisation, to show their true devotion. However, the worrying fact is that not all of these movements are run by those who simply wish to line their own pockets. Many leaders actually believe in what they preach and see nothing wrong with their treatment of members or their recruitment methods- which recently included one instance when a student attended a Bible Study which he believed was organised by the university's Christian Union. But in fact, it was organised by a cult, who continued to let him think this until they had virtually brainwashed him with their beliefs. The message from the Cults Information Service is therefore that anyone, if the circumstances are right, can be convinced to join a cult, and they urge students not to think themselves immune to recruiters. Perhaps their warnings are best summarised by the words of one of their spokesmen, himself a former cult member. "Smart people don't go out and join cults. However, smart people can be recruited by cults, so beware", he said. • Have you been approached by a cult? If so, Concrete:s- Editor would like to hear from you. Write, or call - in confidence if you wish- (0603) 250558. Further advice can be obtained from Richard Fletcher from The Cults Information Centre. He can be contacted on (081) 651 3322.

Brookside's cult-leader. sinister Simon, played by Lee Hartney

"When you meet the friendliest people you have ever known, who introduce you to the most loving group of people you've ever encountered, and you find the leader to be the most inspired, caring, compassionate and understanding person you've ever met...and all of this sounds too good to be true -it probably is too good to be true! Don't give up your education, your hopes and ambitions to follow a rainbow." Jeannie Mills Ex-member of The People's Temple, later found murdered



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1 2 Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994


19 A photo Peter Hart and




Tel/ Fax (0603) 250460 Mobile (0850) 235161


Make way for the Last week saw the return of the ever popular fashion show at UEA. lt was the time of year when the beautiful people of UEA get the chance to prove that they're 'too sexy for their shirts .. 'and pose and pout to their heart's content in some of Norwich's top togs. Produced by the Better Than Life Production Company, Summer Fashion '94 featured clothes from local shops Dogfish I Catfish , The Blue Jean Company, Bazaar and Philip Browne with hair by Diva. The Dogfish/Catfish collection was, as路 usual, the epitome of originality. From out of the crimson haze where smoke and spotlights met, the parade of models were an impressive spectacle. Only the locally based boutique could mix such unlikely combinations on one catwalk with such success. Spots met stripes and checks danced down the catwalk to show a versatile collection that proved popular with the audience. Bazaar crossed the divides with their far reaching fashions which ranged from the futuristic to the ultimately feminine. Black and silver featured heavily in lycra, leather and velour. Short skirts and crossed back tops were the order of the day in the first half of the show but were replaCed with buttons and bows in the second. Flowers were festooned onto sarong style skirts and button

Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994



special by Keith Whitmore

beautiful people down dresses which were layered over lycra or teamed with short tops and bare midriffs for a sizzling summer look. Philip Brown's collection was on the 'white' side offashion and layers again featured heavily. Cropped ribbed tops were worn over long white shirts and linen look dresses were seasonably short. Colours, stripes and patterns provided a kaleidoscope of colour with a hint of sixties feel in the designs. And even the bathrobes were flying high at Philip Browne with their heads in the clouds! The Blue Jean Co. gave an exhibition of casual wear comprising jeans with jackets and waistcoats of all shapes and sizes. A long blue button through dress worn over black lycra hot pants was a popular look completing a varied collection which promoted an affordable up to date appeal. With styles by Diva the hairshow models were certainly a cut above the rest. The array of sleek bobs, cuts and crops created by Diva's stylists Matthew, Julie and Jason was an artform in itself... this was shine time fashion at its best! All too quickly it seemed, the show was over and the beautiful people of UEA made their final promenade down the catwalk... until next year anyway!

By Jo Stubbington

inspirational clothing 17 bedford street norwich 762661


Concrete, Wednesday, May 1 1, 1994

Concrete, Wednesday, May 11 , 1994



& he debate over the safety of beef which began in the mid 1980s with the discovery of the widespread BSE epidemic in cows is once again a live issue. On one side stand the Government, claiming that mad cow disease is not a risk to human health and that there is no need to worry. And, on the other, stand scientists... countering that there is absolutely no evidence for the Government's claims. The spark for the recent ignition of the issue is the case of 16 year old schoolgirl Vicky Rimrner. Vicky, an apparently normal and healthy girl until a few months ago, is now lying critically ill in hospital. For she has a progressive degeneration which has left her deaf, blind and unable to speak. The significance ofVicky's ill-


to believe and how we should apply what evidence there is to our own lives. When BSE was flfSt diagnosed in 1985, it was estimated that the epidemic would peter out at between 17-20,000 cases. This figure was reported by a committee under Sir Richard South wood, set up to assess the significance of the BSE epidemic. In June 1988, Southwood recommended that the carcasses of affected animals should be destroyed by incineration, as this is the only sure way to destroy the infective agent. A month later, the then Minister of Agriculture, John MacGregor, announced a food ban whereby sheep and cattle would no longer be fed 'their own' brains and offal. This process, known as 'rendering', is a result of modem society's demand for quick cheap food, and

Scientists and ministers still choose to disagree about ~~ e spread of mad cow disease, despite a teenager contracting the human equivalent of the disease this year. ark Austin chews over the facts and attempts to find out if all the scaremongering really was worth it after all

Vicky Rimmer, an apparently normal and healthy girl until a few months ago, is now lying critically ill in hospital. .. the significance of her illness was first raised by the Daily Mirror's headline, 'Mad Cow Tragedy Blamed On Hamburger' ness was first raised by the Daily Mirror's headline, 'Mad Cow Tragedy Blamed on Hamburger', when it went on to report that she was suffering from CreutzfeldJakob disease (CJD), the human equivalent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). To add fuel to the fire, the German Government have rejected imports British beefon the grounds that it is impossible to be too careful, in the light of the fact that there is no hard evidence on the host range of the potentially lethal disease. In the words of German Health Minister Horst Seehofer, ''Today we know that with these lethal diseases, we cannot act too soon. "We must exclude possible risks for people across Europe. "A catastrophe such as we saw with AIDS would be a declaration ofbankruptcy for health protection in a united Europe." He hints that foresight is preferable to hindsight - at least in this sort of issue. Mr Seehofer is simply saying the possibility cannot be excluded that BSE can be transferred to humans. And amidst all these conflicting views, it is difficult to know what


plenty of it. it has led to intensive farming practices to meet the increased demand, such as rendering and battery hen farms. The full text of the Southwood report was published in February 1989, its ominous conclusion being, "From present evidence, it is likely that cattle will prove to be a dead end host for the disease agent and most unlikely that BSE will have any implications for human health. "Nevertheless, if our assessments of these likelihoods are incorrect, the implications will be extremely serious." Southwood's criticism of the wisdom of intensive farming practices was not what the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) wanted to hear, especially his warning that, "It may be a decade or more before complete reassurance can be given." But under a joint announcement with the Department of Health, they twisted Southwood's conclusions to say, ''The Report concludes that the risk oftransmission ofBSE to humans appears remote and it is therefore unlikely that BSE will have any implications for human

Could biting the burger be TllOre risky than we think? health." spoken critic of what he sees as a And all of a sudden, the public cover-up by the Government. were nottoo concerned about BSE. He writes, ''There is little reaYet the reality is that such apa- son to blame the feed at all in rethy may be fatal. cent years. Far from petering out at 17,000 "Rather, this endemic situation to 20,000 cases, instances of BSE in cattle is likely to have been perpetuated by vertical and horizontal are still rising today. More than 100,000 cases had spread in cattle themselves." been confirmed by August 1993, MAFF deny this, but adds Prowith a monthly figure of about fessor Lacey, "If vertical transmis3,000 to 3,500 during 1992-3. sion were happening, BSE could Professor Richard Lacey, a go on for ever." medical microbiologist at Leeds Ifthistransmissionofthedisease University, has been the most ou:- from cow to calf is taking place,

then the cruc1al break pomt IS the 1988 food ban. Professor Lacey claims that any calf born after the ban was brought into effect and that grows up to develop BSE could not have got it !Tom the feed. Yet they have been coming endlessly. The Government says that it is due to old feed still circulating, but this is becoming increasingly unsustainable. The Government then increased its claim to say that such old feed

was still around tor Ill months at~ ter the ban, but as farmers mostly buy their feed in monthly lots, this is unlikely. Professor Lacey claims to have hard evidence of maternal transmission and predicts that between 50,000 and 5 million people will die from CID - the human equivalent ofBSE- in the next few years. He bases this on the assumption that one per cent of people who路 have eaten infected beef products may suffer from the disease.

Put like this, people in Britain are currently in the middle of a massive experiment, whereby everyone who has eaten beef in the past few years is a guinea pig. The Government's claim is that the disease in cows has resulted from feeding cattle with offal from sheep that had the disease scrapie, similar to BSE and endemic in sheep for centuries. There has never been any evidence that it is transmittable to humans, and on the same basis, ar-

gue the Government, BSE poses no danger either. What is missing from this theory is acknowledgement of a fact that both Lacey and Southwood, in his report of 1989, have recognised. In the report, Southwood warned, "It cannot be automatically assumed that animals and man will react to BSE agent exposure in the same way as they have done to scrapie." What both Lacey and Southwood are pointing out, is that

when one of these infective agents has passed from one host to another (as in the Government's theory ofBSE originating in sheep scrapie), then the agent may alter in properties including its potential for infection. In other words, having jumped one species barrier already from sheep to cattle, and possibly mutating along the way, BSE would be perfectly capable of jumping into humans. One may remember the mass of media attention that MP John Gummer attracted in May 1990 when he publicly persuaded his daughter Cordelia to eat a beefburger. This backed up his statement in the House of Commons that beef can be eaten safely by everybody. This exemplified what had become the core ofthe Government's BSE policy, namely the argument of no evidence. While this was in fact true, and still is, it is also intensely deceitful as there is equally no evidence that beef is not harmful. It cannot be stated for sure whether or not Vicky Rimmer is just such an example of the disease's potential, but the CID Surveillance Unit in Edinburgh, beaded by Dr Bob Will, claims to have established what it says it a causal link between BSE and CID. In a report published last year, the unit showed eight farmers who had developed CID. As there are only about 50 new cases of the disease each year in the UK, this evidence sounds particularly damning. In fact, only two of the farmers had BSE in his herd, but given that there are only 115,000 dairy farm workers, even two instances of the disease among them is above usual expectations. It is easy to see how both the scientists and the Government could use these figures, and they illuminate the heart of the whole debate overBSE. Nobody knows what to believe, but everybody knows what they don't want to believe. If scientists such as Professor Lacey are right, they will be vindicated within the decade. For as the Right Honourable William Waldegrave recently admitted, politicians are notorious for covering things up, so it may serve us well to trust the scientists, who after all, should know what they're talking about. We may well be mad not to sit

John G~mmer; and daughter Cordelia, in 'that' photograph

16 Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994

ID-IMV I Ui-1 lb.


ge 'ki.S

M ii§IE


PREVIEW The arrival of Lord Sabre, alias DJ Andrew Weatherall, and his Sabres of Paradise team, at The Waterfront on Wednesday May 18, looks set to transform the venue into a location reminiscent of the Sabresonic club night in London. Weatherall is probably best remembered for his work with Primal Scream on the single "Loaded" and the album "Screamadelica". Set up in mid-1993, the Sabres of Paradise project gives expression to Weatherall's own vision of music without the interference of middlemen. His two collaborators, Gary and Jagz, are responsible for most of the essential technical and production work, and the project issued an album entitled "Sabresonic" towards the end of last year. lt consists of an original mixing of slow dub groove with high octane bpm madness, whilst swirling over and around this base come an eclectic combination of acidic indulgence and guitar and horn influences. The music is unique, much as Weatherall himself has always been. Simultaneously praised and reviled by

critics, he believes that trends are to be set, not followed. In addition to setting up the Sabres of Paradise record label to purvey his own brand of aural bliss, he has also established the "Sabresonic" club night and assumed the alter-ego of Lord Sabre. He has posed as Lord Sabre sporting a rabbit mask. a croak and wielding a sword. This has led to he and his girlfriend being addressed as Lord and Lady Sabre, as a result of which he has recently decided to metamorphosise once again. Moving in a more hip hop influenced direction musicwise, the personage of Lord Sabre is about to succumb to an unfortunate end. Weatherall's chameleon-like ability to re-invent himself has stood him in good stead in the course of a career characterised by his own unflinching determination to follow his instincts and break trends. With this in mind, Sabresonic on May 1 should be nothing if not full of the unexpected. • Tickets are priced at £6.50 in advance. Mark Austin

The Proclaimers PREVIEW Auchtermuchty's most famous export, The Proclaimers, pay a visit to UEA on Monday May 16 as part of their nationwide tour. This tour follows last year's successful promotional visit to America, where the single 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)' sold over a million copies, and the twins ended up playing to 22,000 New Yorkers at Madison Square Gardens. Now they have released a new album 'Hit The Highway', which has already spawned one major hit single, 'Let's Get Married'. CJ • Tickets for the gig cost £8.50 adv.


You could be forgiven for thinking that it is a further Government intrusion into our lives when you first come across the Ministry of Sound. The name actually belongs to one of London's biggest and best clubs, which is now exporting its unique atmosphere and style around the country in a tour of colleges and universities nationwide. The show hits UEA on Friday May 13, when the LCR will be transfonned into a small slice of the Ministry's London base. The DJ delights will include the club's residents Justin Berkmann and Bert Bevans, who will be spinning up a musical tour de force to match the best that a night at the Ministry in London can offer. They will be joined on the night by fellow DJ's Paul Oakenfold and Eli, plus live support from Apollo 440 and The Good Strawberries. The aim, say the club, is " to bring a small taste of The Ministry of Sound to places and people who otherwise may not be able to visit us in London." As well as their own DJ's, the club will also be bring-

ing their own sound system, lighting rig and decor to revolutionize the LCR. This will be the club's second forage outside London, after their highly successful 1993 tour in conjunction with Mixmag during which every date sold out and which Mixmag reported as "one of the best things that happened in clubland that year." Since The Ministry of Sound opened in 1991, it has consistently earned praise from all quarters, including The Daily Telegraph, which reported that the club "is spoken of as the best nightclub ever." Its sound system is claimed to be the best in Europe, and its success has been achieved by combining this with star DJs and live acts from both this country and the USA to produce nights of the highest quality house and garage to be found anywhere. With such a reputation plus national and international acclaim, UEA looks set for a night of the best of the uplifting stuff. __,;.. •Tickets are priced at ~ · £7.50 adv. Mark Austin



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- - - - - - - - -- Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994

Weddings Parties Anything PREVIEW Weddings, Parties Anything bring their distinctive style of rock to UEA when they play Live in the Hive later this month. Wrth the release of their latest single and album, Weddings Parties Anything look set to metamorphose from cult darlings to major contenders. After bulging with promise since their inception in 1984,

the international recognition of their highly literate musical style is nothing if not overdue. Fronted by the irrepressible Michael Thomas,the band have always had a knack of turning traditional rock expectations firmly on their heads. They have forged a working marriage between folk, country and primitive rock 'n' roll which has quickly won them a

lustful battalion of admirers back in their native Melbourne. In an age when rock's vocabulary looks increasingly malnourished, WPA seem to delight in creating fresh forms out of the rocks and sticks of words. Like a lot of the best Australian fiction of recent years, WP/\s song narratives are not so much tall as horizontal, built to transcend their locality and float across the world to a wider audi-


Among those who have already fallen under the WPA spell are Shane MacGowan and Billy Bragg. Bono recently remarked,"! really envy Michael Thomas. He writes songs that old men can sing in pubs and kids can dance to. We've been trying to do that for ages." To judge for yourself make sure that you catch them in the Hive on May 17 where they are to be supported by Liberty Cage. Admission is free. Jo Stubbington

9 sea The Auteun returning to The Waterfmnt, with their likeable brand of tunefullndle pop. Reriding high In the charta fhelr latest single, 1Chlnese Bakery~ th/$ Is a band you should not mla. They're going to get bigger.•• and bigger. ••

Chumbawamba PREVIEW India bad boys, Chumbawamba, will be playing the UEA on Wednesday May 18. The group have come a long way from that first gig in 1982, when they were bottled off stage. Through banned albums to changes in record companies, they have managed to keep their deviant and confrontational edge, as well as topping the India album charts several times. 'Anarchy', their latest album, was released last month, and declares just how sweet, pleasurable and style conscious Chumbawamba's war against the world is; a war which now continues with their current tour. •Tickets cost £7 adv. Carolina Jenkinson

New wave ol the lirst wave

The Buzzcocks PREVIEW

The Buzzcocks were one of the first wave of "punk" bands. Their music, described as "cosmetic metal music: manicureduobe", maintained the vitality of its manic roots while combining with Pete Shelley's bittersweet lyrics to produce a palatable "pop" version of punk. However, they never lost touch with their original ethos and the ironic and laconic humour of early songs such as "Boredom" and "Orgasm Addict" - ("Well you tried it just the once/found it alright for kicks/But now you've found ouUit's a habit that sticks"), was still to be found in

later work such as "Everybody's Happy Nowadays". But in 1981, they split. By then, punk was represented by the likes of Bow Wow Wow and AdamAnt. In 1990, "due to public demand", they reformed and have been touring ever since, (supporting Nirvana last year), and on Saturday, May 14, they appear at UEA. Go see the Buzzcocks! "Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't've fallen in love with?" eTickets are £8 adv from the usual outlets. Bob Scott

Outside PREVIEW Acid Jazz comes to Norwich Arts Centre on Saturday May 14, in the form of the group Outside. Their show has been moved from its original date to this new one to avoid a clash with the Brand New Heavies gig at UEA. Outside is centred around the multi-talented 20 year old Matt Cooper, and features Cleveland Watkiss's stunning vocals. The debut album, 'Almost In' was recorded at Matt's home, and he takes the credit for writing, producing, engineering, mixing, drums and keyboards on the record. On stage, Matt and Cleveland bring together sampled beats and live improvisation, treating the audience to some decidedly groovy tunes from some decidedly groovy musicians. . Tickets are £6 or £4 for concessions).

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REVIEW •The Waterfront, May 4

Paul Carrand Theo Mance look at the latest from bands including Galliano, Positiva, and The Cruel Sea GALLIANO Long Time Gonen" The latest single from the eternally tab Galliano, back with new material for their soon to be released third album . And the band , as usual, fail to disappoint, moving forward with this strong track. it's not quite in the same mould as the previous LP, 'A Joyful Noise Unto The Creator', but all the usual Galliano !ropes are there : a funky groove, soulful vocals and a melodic arrangement. Accompanying tracks , 'What Colour Our Flag', 'Cold Wind' and 'Rivers' are well worth a listen. Other bands on the retro trip could do very well to listen to Galliano. 'Cos they're the best, that's why.

POSITIVA Phase Dne/LP A compilation of dance tracks released on the Positiva label, 'Phase One' includes a number of club faves and some more chart driven material. Recent hit, 'I Like To Move lt' by Reel2 Real , is featured in two versions , and there's also Hyper Go Go 's 'Raise', Judy Cheeks' 'So In Love (The Real Deal), Diddy's 'Give Me Love' and Exoterik's 'Void'. All in all , this is a well put together collection of cuts from a label that's definitely going somewhere. The Choice Me Happy/ 7" Ever heard of MTV darlings Four Non Blondes? Belgian brother and sister The Choice probably have, judging by this track. Riffing gu itars , plodding drums and an attempt at vocal harmonies just serve to call to mention just about

Gal/iano: Fab ... and playing UEA on Friday May 27- interview coming up in the next issue everything else that's going on with indie-esque pop at the moment. Not really very derivative, but if you like this sort of thing , you can catch them at UEA when they support The Proclaimers on May 16.

THE CRUEL SEA The Honevmon Is Over/LP The third album from a much celebrated Aussie band , who incidentally scooped the four biggest awards at the antipodean equivalent of The Brits in March. One thing common to Australian bands is their dedication and willingness to slog it out on the road . And this comes across on 'The Honeymoon is Over' , a collection of 13 songs which pays credit to a touring band . Musically, it's not a simple question of looking for Crowded House, INXS and Midnight Oil influences. For The Cruel Sea owe more to country, courtesy of

frontman Danny Rumour, a cowboy guitarist from Melbourne - so he'd have us believe. And it's good to hear an album trying to do something a little different for a change . Cuts 'Orleans Stomp', 'The Honeymoon is Over', 'Naked Flame' and 'Seems Twice' are probably the strongest on the LP, but this shouldn't detract from the others. Impressive stuff. And it won them Best Band and Best Album back in Oz .. .

CODEINE The While Birch/LP A slight problem . Play this on 45 and it could be remotely interesting. But it's supposed to be on 33. Shame. 'Cos 'The White Birch' features one guitar and one drumbeat and it's very repetitive . Its crescendos on the B-side however, but then it seems unthinkable that someone

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could actually part with a few sovs for this. lt should be condemned to the bargain basement, but even then it'd be too expensive . Dire.

WHITEOUT Slarclub/12" Interesting vocals and guitar combine to produce a

listenable and enjoyable record. "Everybody wants to be a star'', but a little more effort is required before they actually achieve their aim . This is released on Silvertone, the original home of the sadlyin limbo Stone Roses, but it doesn 't look like Whiteout will emulate their success, at least not with this .

Call me old-fashioned but I like a band to have a bit of personality. The support Pram don 't understand this concept. This is OK if you've got good tunes to play but there shambolic set, devoid of life as it was, was in a word shite. A lack of personality is definitely not something you can accuse Pulp of. With his shirt half-unbuttoned and resplendent in super ribbed corduroys, Jarvis Cocker is the perfect alternative frontman . He's got it all. The fopp ish moves, lyrics of sleazy sex and kitchen sink dramas, he makes a refreshing change from the normal indie "sex god ". Tonight's set was a bit of a stormer. Most of the songs worm from their recent top 10 album "His n'Hers", with a few classics from their first two LP's. Highlights included the recent hits "Do you remember the first time" and "Lipgloss" and a great "Razzmatazz". lt has to be said that there's something pretty wonderful about the bontempi-esque. - . l keyboards Pulp employ. lt~ seems to go with the whole Woolworth's circa 1974 feel of it all , which distinguishes them from your average 'T -shirt band '. Thirteen years is a long time to wait for success . On the evidence of tonight's gig it should continue. Jarvis Cocker deserves to be a proper pop star, a regular on Top of the Pops. lt just remains for you, the public, to buy the records to put him there.

Stuart Paterson

Kenny Thomas PREVIEW Don't forget that Kenny • Thomas performs at UEA tonight (Weds May 11 ). The Brit-Award-nominee is promoting his new album , 'Wait For Me.' Tickets are £9 .50 advance. •Roachford is also in Norwich tonight... down at The Waterfront. Tickets are £6 .50 adv.

The Wilde Club PREVIEW Next Monday (May 16), Bivouac take to the stage at the Wilde Club (Norwich Arts Centre). Support comes from Seaweed and Let's Scare Jessica to Death. Tickets are £3.50adv or £4 on the door. The following Monday, May 23, Ollie Redmayne , of The Wilde Club, has confirmed Spacemaid , with support from Believe. Tickets are £3 adv an d £3 .50 on the door.

Concrete, Wednesday, May

11, 1994 19



PREVIEW Frank Drebin is back... with all new adventures, all new dialogue, mostly all new jokes and many new costumes. Following the success of Naked Gun 21/2 (the highest grossing movie ever made with a fraction in the title), which in turn followed Naked Gun, which was based on the 'Police Squad', series comes Naked Gun 331/3. Billed as 'a moving account of a mans search for destiny, punctuated by the usual the film follows the of the now retired (but none the less still intrepid) Lt.Frank Drebin, played as ever, by Leslie Nielsen. Our hero is undercover after

two films, as well as newcomstumbling (probably literally) ers such as 'Guess' jeans across a terrorist plot whilst trying to ignite the hot-burning supermodel and Playboy embers with his new wife, Jane model Ann a Nicole Smith . Spencer-Drebin (Priscilla Producer Robert K Weiss Presley). believes that the movies work because 'everything is absoWith their new production the lutely believable and the integteam hope to 'threepeat' the success of the first two movies rity, despite what's going on by retaining the elements that around them. If we aren't able to accomplish the audiences loved whilst moving the film into new areas. that, our fall back is for the For this reason, says director actors to talk really really fast. ' Asked if he felt any pressure or Peter Segal, he decided to added responsibility in taking shoot the film in a dark, over the helm for this third in French, impressionistic style. the hit series, he replied 'Not The cast includes the familiar really. I didn't like the first two faces of Leslie Nielsen and Priscilla Presley, as well as all that much.' Caroline Ad/em much of the cast from the first

This fortnight at Cinema Citv PREVIEW There's a plethora of films at Cinema City this fortnight, taking in a number of different countries and periods in history. "The Northerners· (15) starts us off with a bizarre trip to the Netherlands. The film focuses on one new town, which has some decidedly strange inhabitants- their lives are dominated by carnal desire, religious fanaticism and downright nosiness. "The Northerners" is showing for two days- May 12 and May 13. China is the next port of call, for "The Blue Kite" (15), which has been banned in its own country. This is a warm and intimate story about an ordinary Beijing

family who are caught up in the social and political upheavals of the 50s and 60s. lt runs from May 16 until May 18. Fans of British costume dramas should be in for a treat with "Century· (15), although this isn't your usual Merchant-Ivory offering. Strong performances from Charles Dance and Miranda Richardson combine with the unusual story of a young doctor who becomes involved with a group of visionary scientists. "Century• is showing from May 19unti1May21 . Finally, we round off the main features with a visit to medieval F ranee for "The Hour Of The

Pig" (15). During this period of history, animals were subject to human Jaw, and could be put on trial- which means that one Parisian lawyer finds that his first case in a new town is to defend a pig accused of murder. This is worth seeing for a true example of ham acting .. .... The film begins its run on May 23. Dotted in between these films are some true classics, the most notable being Fritz Lang's silent masterpiece "Metropolis" (U), and the black comedy "Dr Strangelove· (PG), which stars Peter Sellers. The Friday late-night showings are "The Man Who Fell To Earth", starring David Bowie, and the Japanese crime movie "Violent Cop" ( 18).

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Concrete , Wednesday, May 11 , 1994






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Four Weddings & A Funeral PREVIEW


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Caroline Jenkinson takes a look at the other films on in Norwich


"Four Weddings And A Funeral" is the latest film from director Mike Newell, which is, not surprisingly, centred around four weddings and a funeral, and is cited as a story of "8 friends, 5 priests , 11 wedding dresses, 16 parentsin-law, 2000 champagne glasses and 2 people who belong together, but insist on staying apart." Set in London and the Home Counties, it is the story of Charles , played by Hugh Grant, who is an experienced attender of weddings. But the more he goes to, the less he himself actually wants to get married himself. This is not for lack of girls , as his life has been full of girlfriends that he adores, but he is unable to commit to them . This changes with the advent of the American Carrie , played by Andie MacDowell, who Charles not surprisingly encounters in a church , at the first wedding of the film . Enchanted by each other, they spend the night together in her hotel, but are unable to follow their instincts and Carrie flies back to America next morning. Billed as a "radical romantic comedy" , the film follows the

1-lJ.J ~J D

'Mr Bean ', Rowan Atkinson, plays Father Gerald couple through a further three weddings and one funeral , until Charles is ultimately forced to make a decision of whether he should follow his heart. At his own wedding , he finds the woman standing next to him is not the one that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. The screenplay for the film was written by Richard Curtis, who also wrote "Biackadder'' and "Mr Bean" , and concentrates entirely on the moments of drama and crisis that

weddings and funerals are, never falling into the trap of presenting a soap opera style picture of life between them. As director Mike Newell points out: "One gets jaded with comedies pretty fast but this one just made me laugh and laugh on the first reading , the second and then on the third ...... I hope it is true to its English self, I am sure it is very funny and it will translate broadly." •The film starts at the Odeon on May 13.

Mark Austin

The crowning lorv from King The Dark Hall PREVIEW Stephen King's tale of the evil forces that dwell within all of us, 'The Dark Half', will be crawling onto cinema screens from next week. The film does not tell an autobiographical story, but it draws its sources from King's own experiences of creating Richard Bachman, an alternate writing personality, and then killing him off. Thad Beaumont (Timothy Hutton), the central character of the film , though, has less success than King in getting rid of his alter-ego, Gearge Stark. In fact, Stark starts to develop a terrifying life of his own .. .. "'The Dark Half is a 'Jekyll and Hyde' story," says writerdirector George A Romero, "in the sense that it explores the dark side of all of us. it's a very thought-provoking story, because revealing our dark half not only affects our own

There are many unanswered questions in the universe, such as "Why are we born?", "Why do we die?" and "Why hasn't the luscious Liam Neeson won an award for the excellent 'Schindler's List' (15) yet?". lt might be worth going to the Cannon to ponder on that one. And while you 're there, you should also try and catch 'The Paper' (15). Michael Keaton shines as the journalist trying to sort out his life in a day. Meanwhile, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jeff Bridges are going decidedly loopy in 'Mother's Boys' (15) and 'Fearless' (15) respectively, albeit for different reasons. She's psychotic, and he thinks he's invincible; they'd probably make quite a good couple actually. Finally, while we're on the subject of being loopy, there's 'Ace Ventura - Pet Detective' (12). lt has to be said , Ace isn't as nice as the dolphin he has to save. Onto the Odeon , for a large dose of 'Deadly Advice ' (15). Jane 'Absolutely Fabulous' Horrocks plays a young woman who happens to have Jack the Ripper as her best mate. Handy really, seeing as she wants to kill her ogre of a mother. From murder to music, with Backbeat (15). I defy anyone to sit in the cinema and not tap their feet to the music of the Fab Five, as they then were. Steven Dorff plays the ill-fated Stu Sutcliffe. The Odeon could make a fortune selling tissues if they continue showing 'Shadowlands' (U) and 'Philadelphia' (12). Both Debra Winger and Tom Hanks manage to wrench tears out of the hardest hearts, as they cope with life and death in the shadow of cancer and Aids. Not very cheering , but certainly uplifting. CJ lives but our families and relationships as well.• Romero has been involved with horror movies before - his best known work is the flesheating zombie classic 'Night of the Living Dead' - and he is also a good friend of Steven King , which made him eager to work with him on this film . "I had always wanted to adapt one of Stephen's novels," he says. "I enjoyed the challenge, because it's always difficult to compress an ambitious book into a manageable script. And because I know him so well I was especially concerned to make sure that Stephen 's voice as a writer could still be heard in the movie." '•The Dark Half is showing at the Odeon from May 20. CJ

Great 'Roy Chubby Brown' prizes



He's the undisputed king of blue comedy,' an ~ain's self-proclaimed 'crudest and rudest comedian. Although he's never been seen o~ TV, he has a large and loyal following, perfo.rmlng to ~v~r n video 500,000 people a year and bemg watc e o by over 6 million people. He is of course, Roy 'Chubby' Brown , whose first ' fil 'UFO' ·Is to be released onto the Video feature 1 m, · t market on May 18. So to celebrate thiS fact~ we a Concrete have managed to get our sweaty httl~ t hpaws on a copy of the video, as well as a very e c in 'UFO' baseball cap. And not only that, b~t we al;o have a pair of tickets for one of Chubby s farthing shows at the South Pier in Blackpool on ':r~ay September 23! To be in with a c.hance of e winning , all you have to do is answer thiS space-typ

hi · •star What was the name of the spaces p m Trek'? Was it: (a) Highrise? (b) Enterprise? (c) Ooris? .


Put your answer on a postcard along With your d name and a contact address/ phone numb~r an send to Concrete, UEA, Norwich, or bnng lt up to the office in Union House. Usual Concrete rules apply.



•Theatre Royal, March 26 If you are looking for a play that has all the complexities of a spider's web with the uncertainty of the characters involved , then 'Home' is definitely not for you . The play is far from dynamic and any attempt to find a plot will be to no avail. But what it does offer are the reminiscences of two elderly gentlemen on a beautiful sunny afternoon (Paul Eddington and Richard Briers), who provide you with the facts and figures of their lives with a sense of disconnectedness. Only the need for conversation sustains the momentum. In stark contrast to the two gentlemen, Marjorie and Kathleen are full of life, and to put it crudely are "on the pull" . Their lives, unlike the two gentlemen, are living in the present and possess an inner

energy that is as bold as their presence on the stage (you cannot fail to notice Kathleen's (Rowena Cooper) laugh). All of the performances were executed excellently, which was a God-send as the set-up could easily bore you to death with its lack of action . That is with the exception • Alfred (John Pitt). A man of little intellect and few words, who effects his presence with the ferocity of a bulldozer. And his tall , erect figure and his innocence bring the play to its moving end . In a play where the characters are allowed to be who they are in the everyday meanderings of life, the poignancy of the statement 'If a person can't be what they are, what's the point of being anything at all' rings true.

Lota Abayomi

Metalcholia REVIEW Throwing off their shackles and crossing the boundaries of dance at its most creative , The Cholmondeleys bring their new show, Metalcholica, to Norwich's Theatre Royal this month . The seven wild women hit the road and tempt danger as they freewheel through territories of arid plains and dusty tracks in an extravaganza of style character and wit. The shows choreography together with the specially commissioned score gives a new dimension to British dance as we know it. le The show is at The Theatre Royal on Sunday May 15th. Tickets are priced from £2-£7 . Jo Stubbington


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Concrete, Wednesday, May 11 , 1994

Only The Lonely PREVIEW Roy Orbison fans are in for a treat next week, when 'Only The Lonely', the story of the 'Big 0', comes to the Theatre Royal on Monday May 16. The show tells the tale of how one man sang his way to success, and then sang on when personal tragedy beset his life. All of Orbison's classic hits are included, from the time that he first burst onto the world stage in 1961, to his comeback years later with the Travelling Wilburys. These hits include 'Pretty Woman', 'Crying' and of course, the song 'Only The Lonely' itself. •Tickets cost £3.£16.

The Queen 1 11 Road PREVIEW The Queen is to come to Theatre Royal with her corgis after ng been banished to a council estate ... according to Sue Townsend, anyway. For the creator of Adrian Mole has written a royal spoof which has been described as 'the funniest thing since Adrian Mole' by the 'Daily Telegraph'. The story, starring Pam Ferris, tells of how the Royal Family, deposed by a new Republican Government and allocated housing on a Leicester council estate, come to terms with their new situa-

tion . The play is accompanied by some rousing songs written by lan Dury and Micky Gallagher of Blockheads fame. The show is in Norwich from May 26 to May 28. Tickets are priced between £2 and £13.50. Also playing at the Theatre Royal in the same week (Tues 24, Weds 25) is Road . lt combines the drama , pain and comedy of modern living as a group of young people set off on a night out which is to prove the most moving of their lives ... Tickets are also £2JS £13.50.

'Lighten Up Comedy Tour' PREVIEW Some of the best and brightest talents in American comedy will be paying a visit to Norwich Arts Centre on Wednesday May 25, courtesy of Marlboro Lights and the 'Lighten Up' Comedy Tour. Now in its second year, the tour looks set to become an established feature on the comedy calendar, and as it is the only live forum for America's top stand-up comedians, it is something well worth watching out for. Headlining the tour this year is the New Yorker Jon Manfrellotti, who was the undisputed star of last year's 'Lighten Up' tour. Accompanying him will be Keith Robinson, Scott LaRose and Jim Breuer. Manfrellotti is considered by many to be one of the best comics working the New York circuit today; What's On magazine described him as being •appealingly downbeat ... des-






tined for stardom". His blend of sarcastic wit, unique ItalianAmerican attitude and sharply honed improvisational skills have taken him to some of the best comedy venues in America, including Los Angeles' Improvisation and New York's Catch A Falling Star. Keith Robin son, described as a high-energy cross between Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor, first took to the stage in 1984. Since then, he has become a regular on the comedy circuit, as well as appearing on several TV shows, including 'MTV Comikaze' and MTV's '1/2 Hour Comedy Hour'. Scott LaRose is probably best known to British audiences through his appearances on 'Northern Exposure'. On stage, he draws on an unlimited supply of characters, comic bits and voices to produce a one-man sketch corn-


edy show of life's funniest personal moments. Finally, there's Jim Breuer, who cannot be described as your average stand-up comedian . He's a walking, breathing transformer: one minute he's a flamingo in the Florida heat, the next he's a tough New York pigeon, then he turns into a one-man party, playing the most unusual cast of guests you'll ever see. One thing's for sure- the 'Lighten Up' Tour promises one of the best comedy nights around! Tickets cost £4 (£2 concessions). Caroline Jenkinson

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(;11()1(;)~ Peter O'Toole, Daryl Hannah and Steve Guttenberg get mixed up with some spooky goings-on in the comedy-film , "High Spirits", on BBC1 on Wednesday, May 18, at 10:30pm. In a vain attempt to prevent foreclosure of his rundown Irish hotel, Castle Plunkett, the owner hits on the idea of attracting visitors by claiming the place is haunted ... Kim Basinger and Bruce Willis go on a "Blind Date" on BBC1 at 9:30pm on Saturday, May 14, but our dear old Cilia Black won't be lurking in the background , waiting to capture their rendezvous on film and embarrass them later on . lt's a shame really, as Basinger gets a bit freaky after a couple of glasses of Champagne, and the results are outrageous ... Channel Four screens "Let Him Have lt" this fortnight - a powerful , provocative and passionate reconstruction of the notorious 1952 CraigBentley murder case when epileptic 19 year-old Derek Bentley was hanged for the murder of a policeman after shouting out the infamous words , "let him have it! ", to Chris Craig who actually fired the fatal shot. The film features stars such as Tom Bell, Tom Courtenay, Michael Gough and Mark McGann.

l\Aill() (;11()1(;)~ The Fab Four live on thanks to the Bootleg Beatles, who are the subject of a show for Radio Two, "The Magic, The Mystery, The Bootleg Beatles In Concert", on Saturday, May 14 at 6:00pm. Relive those memorable heady days of the Sixties as Neil, Paul, Andre and Rick (well, one out of four isn't bad!) play a collection of well-known songs from the NEC in Birmingham .

HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE FORTNIGHT AHEATJ Desperate for money to buy illegal drugs to satisfy his out-of-control habit, Brookside's Jimmy Corkhill has been thieving from both family and friends. Already duly convicted, this week the guilty defendant faces the magistrate in Friday's episode (May 20, 8:30pm) to await the final decision of the court and receive his sentence. After the death of Frank Rogers and Tony Dixon, Jimmy's guilt forced him deeper and deeper into the low-life world of seedy drug-dealers and addicts. Only his everfaithful wife, Jackie, has stood by him through thick and thin, despite him thieving all her jew-

"The Crystal Maze• returns to Channel 4 on Thursday, May 12 at 8:30pm , with a brand new series and a brand new presenter, none other than Edward Tudorpole, the man who fronted that infamous Eighties group, Tenpole Tudor. Ed will be guiding contestants through the four timezones - Futuristic, Aztec, Medieval and Ocean World, with a mix of games set against the clock in search of the crystals and some big prizes.

ellery and even resorting to physical violence on several occasions. His boss, the ever-dodgy Barry Grant has been a helpful friend through all of Jimmy's trauma and has promised him his job at "La Luz" nightclub. The magistrate may come down heavily on his luckless prisoner - or treat Jimmy leniently in view of his drugs problem. But whatever the outcome, things will never be the same for the .residents of Brookside Close, now that two wellloved members of the community are dead and a less-tha n-loveable rogue has managed to unnerve everyone else with his dirty deeds.

The story ol powerlul love 'Sommersby' is now out on video to buy. Amanda Cresswe/1 reviews the film Sommersby is a powerful love story starring Richard Gere and Jodie Foster. Jack Sommersby (Gere) who had left seven years ago to fight in the Civil War, returns to the downtrodden Southern town of Vine Hill a changed man . The previously crude, arrogant and often violent character rekindles the love that once drew his wife Laurel (Jodie Foster) to him, showing him to be kinder, gentler and more passionate than she ever remembered . And not to worry girls, Richard Gere does shave that hideous beard). By pioneering the cultivation

of the tobacco industry, Sommersby restores prosperity to his war torn town, bringing dramatic change , not only to the town , but to everyone in it. At a time when slavery had been apparent,both black and white are made to work together to turn the tide of poverty.

The transformation of Sommersby is in fact so complete that people begin to wonder if he is really the man that he claims to be, especially when three drifters say otherwise. At times, even his wife begins to doubt him:the dog certainly does.

snoo\<.e{... Md a whole lOt more\

Questions seem to arise when Sommersby's feet are two sizes are too small. He has the smae face, the same voice, but is he really the same man that left the town seven years ago? Beautifully crafted, and wonderfully made, the film is a tale of passion , deception, hope and sacrifice that holds you right to the end. The ending is unpredictable. A court case places

Sommersby in difficult waters, to say the least,and the rsult is not exactly one you would expect. But Laurel , the ever adoring wife stands by producing a touching and moving end. lt is not an action packed film but it is definitely a good film to relax in front of on a Saturday afternoon. lt combines the talents of Jodie Foster and Richard Gere to considerable effect.

Chelsea take on Manchester United as Desmond Lynam introduces "FA Cup Final Grandstand·, live from Wembley Stadium, on Saturday, May 14. BBC cameras go inside the hotels to report on the teams as they make their final preparations, (but don't expect a glimpse of Ryan Giggs in a bathrobe!) and kick-off is 3:00pm. Hosted by Patrick Swayze and attended by Prince Albert and Princess Caroline of Monaco, "The 1994 World Music Awards" from Monte Carlo is on Anglia on Tuesday, May 17 at 10:40pm, and features live performances from a host of stars including Whitney Houston and guest appearances by Cher, Claudia Schiffer, Bobby Brown and Michael Hutchence. The best of all things weird and wonderful is explored in a new series of "Viva Cabaret" , starting on Friday, May 20 on Channel 4 at • 10:30pm, with the first show covering all things sexual, featuring sex-goddess Eartha Kitt, the Doug Anthony Allstars and the Gstring-clad juggling band, Skate Naked.

• Satellite Television - all channels, wide screen

• Video Games l:l £150 jackpot machines • Hot and Cold Food always available -Low Low prices eg Chicken Nuggets and chips £1.50


· · ,- (Snooke~ tabl~s £2.20 per hour per table midnigh't to 6pm, £2.60 p_er . ~Q.I.l~ per_~!J_ble 6p_m - midnight). _Pool -'Op P~I g~•TI ~

• Licensed Bar - Low Low prices eg Carling Draught £1.45 a pint - Bar Open 1Oam - 11 pm Man - Sat, 12am - 3pm & 7pm - 10 .30pm Sun.

FREE Membership on production


event £3.50







New and used classics to get you dancing. Plus live music with Kaliphz (Rap)



WEDNESDAY 18 MAY A host of established and young authors are headlining UEA's Spring Festival of Writers, launched two weeks ago by Creative Writing Fellow, Terence Blacker. Following the withdrawal of Pat Barker due to Ill health, eight writers are involved In the event which began on April 28 with a talk by Andrew Davles, and due to conclude on June 8 with the visit of American author Wllllam Gaddis. "The aim festival", said Blacker, "Is to g together not only established names but also some of the more

controversial and younger writers." And new writing Is a main aim of the series, as evidenced by the Inclusion of Will Self, Ray Shell and Pam Houston - expected to be of special Interest to students. Will Self, speaking in the Salnsbury Centre Conservatory on May 17, has taken up writing against a background of both soft and hard drugs. This has a strong Influence on his material, which has equally enthralled and outraged critics. He is followed by Pam Houston on May 24,

whose first collection of stories, 'Cowboys are my Weakness', takes as its theme the relating of love and loss In the great outdoors. The visit of Ray Shell on May 26 continues the emphasis on new, younger writers. His first novel, 'Iced', detailing the diary of a crack addict, was Inspired by a reunion In 1991 with an old friend whose life had been destroyed by the drug. Other writers visiting UEA include Hilary Mantel on May 11 -whose latest novel 'A Change of Climate' has been nominated for the Booker

Prize, and John Banvllle, who speaks on May 31. But the coup of the series must be on June 8 with the rare public appearance of Will lam Gaddls described as one of the great post-war American writers. IThe visits, with the exception of Will lam Gaddls who will be speaking to Professor Malcolm Bradbury, take the form of a reading by the author from his or her own work, followed by discussion and questions from the audience afterwards. •Further Information is available from Val Striker on (0603) 592810.



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All club nights start 9pm, finish at 1.30am. Except Sabres. Bar now open till1am Fri/Sat. Over 18s No Dress Code ROAR

.... 24

Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994

14 day listings in association with the Theatre Royal - Rese valions (0603) 630000 Cannon See Wednesday. Ode on See Wednesday.

Compiled by Caroline Jenkinson



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Cinema City The Joy Luck Club- 5.30pm. The Northerners (15) - A bizarre Dutch film , set in a new town, where religious fanaticism, carnal desire and downright nosiness dominate. 2.30pm , 8.15pm.

Theatre Royal See Wednesday. 7.30pm .

Norwich Arts Centre Hopkinson Smith -A Baroque Lute Recital from one of the world's top lutenists, featuring music from Weiss and Bach. £6/£4 cone, 8pm. Boswells Acme Blues Co. 9pm to midnight. Hy's Club night. Admission £2 , 9pm to 2am . Happy Hour- midnight to 1am. Peppermint Park Admission £1 for ladies and £2 for gents.

Ode on Some or all of the films from Wednesday. Plus Four Weddings and A Funeral (see page 20). Ring for more details.

Cannon Screen 1: The Paper (15)Stars Michael Keaton (see pie). 2pm, 5.30pm , 8.15pm. Screen 2: Ace Ventura (12) Hilarious comedy about a pet detective. 1.30 , 3.45, 6, 8.45pm . Screen 3: Schindler's List (15) Speilberg's award-winning epic about the Holocaust. 2.15pm , 7.45pm . Screen 4: Fearless (1 5) - Film about a man who survives a plane crash , starring Jeff Bridges. 2, 5.45pm . Also Mothers Boys (15)- With Jamie Lee Curtis . 8.30pm Odeon Screen 1: My Father The Hero (PG)- With gerard Depardieu. 1.15pm, 3.15pm, 5.15pm, 8.30pm . Screen 2: Deadly Advice (15)Starring Jane Horrocks ('Ab Fab'). 6, Bpm . Screen 3: Backbeat (15)Steven Dorff stars as Stu Sutcliffe -the tragic fifth Beatle . 2, 3.45pm. Screen 3: Shadowlands (U)1.05pm , 5.40pm . Also showing is Philadelphia (12)- 1.20 , 5, 7.45pm .

£9/£6 cone, 8pm .

UEA Gig: Kenny Thomas, one of Britain's most distinctive soul voices. £9.50 adv. Spring Festival of Writers: Hilary Mantel, author of 'A Place of Greater Safety'. £3/£2 cone, 7pm.

The Waterfront Roachford - rock, soul and funk rolled into one band . £6.50 adv. Oval Band Competition. Boswells Horizon . 9pm to midnight. Hy's Club night. Admission £1 , 9pm2am. Happy Hour 9pm-2am . Manhattans Up For lt Promotions presents 'Giving lt The Large One', with Manchester's Infamous Mark and Adrian Lovedup. Entry £3 with NUS card . Ritzy Go. £1 .50 admission before 11pm, £2 .50 after, 9pm-2am.

Cinema City The Joy Luck Club (15)- A moving exploration of the past lives of four Chinese women . 5.30pm . Bodies , Rest and Motion (15)8.15pm. Theatre Royal Macbeth - Sir Derek Jacobi and Cheryl Campbell star as the ill-fated Scottish noble and his ambitious wife, in the RSC's production of Shakespeare's tragedy. £18 .50-£3, 2.30pm , 7.30pm

Peppermint Park Happy Wednesday. Pints £1 , all other drinks £ 1_50 _

Theatre Royal See Wednesday. 7.30pm only. Norwich Arts Centre Hank Wangford and the Lost Cowboys- an entertaining night in the company of the Greatest Living English Cowboy. £7/£5 cone, 8pm .


Odeon See Friday. Cinema City The Joy Luck Club - 5.30pm . Animal Farm (U)- Fifties animated version of Orwell's tale. 2.30pm . The Servant (15)- Dirk Bogarde plays a manipulative servant, in this psychological thriller scripted by Harold Pinter.

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Theatre Royal See Wednesday.


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Seven Little Sisters frenzied and acclaimed folk music. £6/£4 cone, Bpm .

Gig: Buzzcocks - one of the best punk bands of all time. Support from These Animal Men. £8 adv.

Oval Ska Special - with Serious Ska. 8os wells Nostalgia. 12 noon to 3pm .




Oval Those Glam Rockers . Boswells Beyond the Blues. 9pm to midnight. Hy's Club night. Admission £4 all night. Manhattans Club night. Free admission before 1Opm with an NUS card, £3 after. 9pm-2am . Ritzy Fast Trax. Admission £2 before 10.30pm , £3 after, 9pm-2am. Peppermint Park Club night. £3 admission all night.

SATURDAY APRIL 30 Cannon See Friday.

Theatre Royal The Cholmondeleys- the acclaimed dance troupe , in their 1Oth Anniversary year, present 'Metalcholica'; seven wild women take to the road at speed . £7.50-£2, 7.30pm .

The Waterfront Cow Club presents Milky Lunch DJs Simmy, Girls Together, Tim Harrow and Miss T (House). Upstairs - The Cooker (Funk/hip hop). £5/£4 cone. 9pm to 1.30am.

Gig: Ministry of Sound . One of the greatest clubs in London takes to the road for a full UK tour. £7.50 adv.

.,~"'' i ,~~ 8.15pm. .'

Norwich Arts Centre Steve Howe - an evening of mixed music, including rock, blues , fol k and country, from the former Yes guitarist.

Cinema City The Joy Luck Club - 5.30pm . The Northerners- 8.15pm. The Man Who Fell To Earth (18) - David Bowie plays an alien who comes to earth in search of water for his drought-stricken planet. 11pm.

Cinema City The Servant- 5pm . Metropolis (U)- Fritz Lang's futuristic fantasy masterpiece. 7.30pm .


FRIDAY MAY·13 Cannon Some or all of the films from Wednesday. Ring for details.

Odeon See Friday.

Norwich Arts Centre Wilde Club: Bivouac, Seaweed and let's Scare Jessica To Death. £3.50 adv/£4 door.

Cannon See Friday. Odeon See Friday.

UEA Cinema City The Blue Kite (15)- 5.30pm, 8.15pm . Theatre Royal Only The Lonely -The Roy Orbison Story. A moving tribute to the man whose own personal tragedies inspired such greats as 'Pretty Woman ' and 'Only the Lonely'. £16-£3 , 7.30pm.

The Waterfront Meltdown - Classic dance. £3.50, 9pm-1.30am . Oval Buster James Band . 8os wells Chris Simmons Band . 9pm to midnight.

Hy's Club night. Admission £3 before 1Opm , £4 before 11 pm and £5 after.

Manhattans Club night. Free admission before 1Opm with NUS card , £3 after. 9pm-2am. Ritzy Furious Fun. £3 admission before 10.30pm , £5 after, 9pm2am . Peppermint Park Club night. £3 admission before 11 pm, £4 after.

Gig: The Proclaimers. £8.50 adv.

8os wells Jonathan Dodd . 7pm to 11pm. Ritzy Nth Degree. Entry free before 11 pm with an NUS card , £2 after. 9pm-2am. Peppermint Park 50p pints all night. Free admission with a ticket.


Parties Anything . Spring Festival of Writers: Will Self, controversial author of 'Cock and Bull'. £3/£2 cone, 7pm.

Cannon See Friday. Ode on See Friday. Cinema City See Monday. Also 2.30pm. Theatre Royal See Monday.

Boswells Jazz 'n' Blues Jam. 9pm to midnight. Hy's Club night. Admission £1 , 10pm-2am.

UEA Live In The Hive: Weddings

Cannon Cinema, Prince of Wales Road. Tel623312 Odeon Cinema , Anglia Square. Tel 0426 932450 Cinema City, St Andrews Street. Tel 622047 Theatre Royal, Theatre Street. Tel 630000 Norwich Arts Centre, St Benedicts Street. Tel 660352 Maddermarket Theatre, Maddermarket. Tel620917 Manhattan Nightclub, Dove Street. Tel629060 The Oval Rock Houl)e, Dereham Road. Te1748244 Peppermint Park, ~ose Lane. Tel764192 . ~~Ritzy Nightclub, Tombland. Tel621541 Boswells/Hy's, Tort]bland. -Tel 626099 . The Waterfront, King Street. Tel 632717 .;. ..•



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Concrete, Wednesday, May

11 , 1994 25

14 day listings in association with the Theatre Royal - tickets always from £3 or £4 • WEDNESDAY MAY 18 Cannon



See Friday.

the 'Red Barn Murder' of 1827. £5/£3 cone, 7.30pm.

See Friday, May 13.

Drama : See Wednesday.

Ode on


Ode on


See Friday.

See Friday, May 13.

Dogs D'Amour.

See Monday.

Sabresonic, featuring Sabres of Paradise and DJ Andrew Weatherall. Top tunes and a classic club night. £6.50 adv.

Theatre Royal


See Monday. Also 2.30pm.

Band Competition.

Cinema City

Cinema City

8os wells

See Thursday. Also Swallows and Amazons (U) - 2.30pm.

The Alan Stuart Octet. 9pm to midnight.

Theatre Royal


See Monday.

Club night. For prices and times, see last Saturday.

Boswells Norwich Arts Centre The Winter Wife - a powerful production of Clare Tomalin's play about the last days of writer Katherine Mansfield. Presented by the One From The Heart Theatre Company. £6/£4 cone, 8pm.

UEA Gig: Chumbawamba, the confrontational indie popsters, with support from Gunshot. £7 adv. Drama: Sinners Detected: The Mysterious Murder of Maria Martin - a new play, written by 1st year Drama Students, which revisits the East Anglian tale of

Lee Vasey Band . 9pm to midnight.

See Friday.


Norwich Arts Centre

Club night. For prices and times, see last Wednesday.

Rico and his Band - the celebrated Jamaican trombonist, who has played with Bob Marley. £6/£4 cone, Bpm.

Manhattans King Prawn Club - Solid Hardcore with top national DJ Hype. 9pm-2am.

Ritzy Go. 9pm to 2am.

Peppermint Park Happy Wednesday.


The Waterfront The Auteurs - a welcome return to Norwich for the group who were last seen in the city supporting Suede. £6.50 adv.

City (15)- 5.45pm, B.15pm.

Compiled by Caroline Jenkinson

TUESDAY MAY 24 Cannon See Friday, May 13.

Ritzy Furious Fun. 9pm to 2am.

Odeon See Friday, May 13.

Peppermint Park Club night. For prices, see last Saturday.


Cinema City See Monday. Also 2.30pm.

Theatre Royal Road - by Jim Cartwright. A funny, yet disturbing play about a group of young people on a night out. £13.50-£2, 7.30pm .


Maddermarket Theatre

See Friday, May 13

See Friday.

Ode on

Norwich Arts Centre

See Friday, May 13.

Reel Love No 4 - Underground film festival. £2, 8pm .

Maddermarket Theatre


Norwich Arts Centre

Demented Are Go and Dump In The Bath.

Kathy Rose - a magical evening of dance. £6/£4 cone, Bpm .

See Friday.

Cinema City

See Friday.

See Friday.


Manhattans As previous Saturday.


Ode on

Maddermarket Theatre

Oval Punk Nite -with UK Subs and support.

Theatre Royal

8os wells

See Monday.

The Fat Slugs Blues Band . 9pm to midnight.

Peking Opera Blues (18)- Spm . Or Strangelove (PG)- Peter Sellers stars in this classic black comedy. 7.30pm.

Theatre Royal Howard Keel - an evening of memorable songs from the star of many musicals. £17.50-£4, 7.30pm.


Are My Weakness'. £3/£2 cone, 7pm .

The Waterfront Marcella Detroit. Formerly the other half of Shakespear's Sister, Marcella has now gone solo. £7.50 adv.

8os wells



Broadside Swingtet. 12 noon to 3pm .

Live In The Hive: Film Quiz. Pit your wits against a series of questions on all your favourite clips. Spring Festival of Writers: Pam Houston, author of 'Cowboys

Jazz 'n' Blues Jam. 9pm to midnight.

Hy's Club night. For prices and times, see last Tuesday.


Norwich Arts Centre Antonio Forcione and Neil Stacey - guitar virtuosos with a fiery mix of Iatin and jazz. £6/£4 cone, 8pm.



Club night. For prices and times, see last Thursday.

See Friday, May 13.

Odeon Peppermint Park

UEA Drama: See Wednesday.

£1 admission for ladies, £2 for gents.

See Friday, May 13. Plus Naked Gun 33 1/3 (see page . Ring for more details.

cover of 'Spirit In The Sky '.

Boswells Acme Blues Band . 9pm to midnight.

n See Friday, May 13. Plus The Dark Half (see page 20) . Ring for more details.

Hy's Club night. For prices and times , see last Friday.

Cinema City See Thursday. Also Violent Cop (18)- 11pm.

Manhattans As previous Friday.

Theatre Royal


See Monday.

Fast Trax. 9pm to 2am .

Maddermarket Theatre

Peppermint Park

The Tempest - the Norwich Players perform Shakespeare 's romantic comedy. £6 .50-£2.50 , 7.30pm .

Cinema City The Hour of the Pig (15)5.45pm , 8.15pm.

FRIDAY MAY 20 Cannon

See Friday, May 13.

Maddermarket Theatre See Friday.

Norwich Arts Centre Wilde Club: Spacemaid and Believe. £3 adv/£3.50 door.

The Waterfront Lena Fiagbe - £6 adv.

Ritzy Nth Degree. See last Monday.

Peppermint Park SOp pints and free entry with a ticket.

Club night. £3 adm ission all night.

Norwich Arts Centre 36 Rebels - a colourful rock/ opera , set at the time ofthe Spanish Civil War. Presented by Norwich Music Works . £5/£3 cone , 8pm .

UEA Drama : See Wednesday.

Oval Or and the Medics - former chart-toppers with their

rue 7th. Tues I Wed 8.00pm 'hur · Sat 6.0 pm a 8.45pm Tickets from only £3.00


- - -- -- ------ --------



26 Concrete, Wednesday, May 11 , 1994





THE Toronto Blue Jays will have to play at least 167 games before even thinking about lifting the wo rld series this year. But fo r the UEA Black Sox, the task is a whole lot easier. Just fourgamesareto be played this May to decide the University World Series, and UEA have a great chance of victory. The British Baseball Federation have decided that a tournament between the only five teams playing baseball at universi ty level is the best way to decide the champion thi s year. lt will take place in Coventry on May 21, wi th Worcester, Bradford, Hull and Warwick competing with UEA 's team for the crown. That there is a tournament at all is a surprise, as this is the first year that there has been a un iversity 'conference' . The Black Sox have been waiting for news of fixtures the whole season, as only one friend ly, a victory against tournament host Warwick, has been played. UEA's baseball team initially competed under the name of the Anglians, and contested the Anglia region division of the BBF "\lational League in 1989/90. The 1990/ 1 season sa" the Anglians capture second spot, and


the future looked bright, with many newcomers attracted to the sport. All changed, however, last year when the league was split into a Northern and a So uthern co nference. President, Rachel Hayman, explains, "There were simply too many matches fo r a uni versity team, and we often had too far to trave L" Thus, the change to the newly formed university division that pro mises good competition, and more importantly, fun- the most important ingredient fo r the Black Sox. "We're all beginners, no-one is incredible, we ' rejust really out to have a good time. Anyone can play, male or fema le", explains Hayman. "The problem is to keep people's dedication up ove r the winter." • Practices take place on a Wednesday and Sunday atlernoon at Colney,and on Friday afternoon in the Sports Centre. One more friend ly is planned against Warwick, before the tournament on the 2 Ist. If the idea appeals to you, contact Rachel Hay man (EUR3) or contact the club in the Sports Centre .

A CONVOY of six vehicles pulled out of UEA on April 29, each fully laden with windsurfing equipment.

..----By----, Sally Banham Championships, organised by the University of London windsurfing club. At attracted over one hundred

Their destination was Clacton-On-Sea for the 2nd Bic National Student Windsurfing

First time for Ski Team Members wanted or b cIub -

UEA's Skiin g Cl ub a re through to the final of a major national competition - at the fi rst attempt. For the first team a re th rough to the last stage of the Kings Cup, to be held on dry slopes at Brentwood on May 14. Said Club President, Greg Swallow, "We're delighted to get through to the final as its the first year of proper racing, and hope that we at least make the top ten from the original 120 teams." After steady progress

through the competition, the first team fi nished in f ourth placeinthefourthround,with t he seconds coming seventh, a result enough to out UEA in the finals. The Skiing Club also entered the British Snow Championships, which attracted 1,500 entrants. The mens and womens teams both finished in fourteenth place, from 45 compe ting. They also entered the University Championships last year, finishing sixth overall in the UK.



o~vJng ~

F l RST year student, Chris Webber, is looking to start a boxing club for next year 1994-5. And he is keen to hear from anyone inte rested in joining. The ai m ofthe club would be to offer members with or without experience the opportunity to learn the ski lis and practice the art ofboxing. Training wou ld consist of bag

work, punch and speed ball, sparring and pad work to develop speed, strength, fitness and confidence . Anyone interested should sign the list on the 'Boxing Club' board in the Sports Centre or contact Chris through SOC I. He is also eager to hear comments from anyone wi th concerns or objections to such a club.

competitors from more than 20 univers ities. The weekend began with light winds and hence a free sty le competition . This was followed by Division 2 co urse racing and as the winds picked up slalom racing for the Division I sailors. As the winds lightened on Sunday and Monday, the competition took the form of course racing for both divisions. Off the water the team headed for the local bar- supposedly El vis is alive and lives in C lacton! On Sunday evening the organisers had arranged for a Lord Mayors reception, fo llowed by a pub crawl, which took in some of the hot spots ofCiacton. Results: Division 1 - Ti m Hoski nson came an amazi ng fifth overalL T he womans event was w on by honorary UEA race team

member Jo Sperryn-Jones the art college, who came 17th overall. Together with Andy Sample (lOth) and Pete Benn (28th) the team won the bronze medal. Other results- Sally Banham came third in the womens (38th). Rob Carter retired due to an ankle injury sustained while at Torn Peppers by Imperial College . Division 2 - Sharon Davis came second in the womens race series, Geoff(somewhere), S ue Gascoigne came sixth. But the urban surfing champion was Saul Kee ns. T he event was we ll organised and fi nancially supported an . set continue. So, anyone o ut there who's keeping their cheese rolls under their hat or w ho j ust wants to get into rubber, then co me w indsurfing!

ISUMMER SPORTFIXTURES I CRICKET MAY 11: 1sts vs Bucks (h) MAY 22: UAU First Round MAY 25: 1sts & 2nds vs Anglia Poly (h) MAY 29 : UAU Second Round

GOLF UAU Quarter Final vs Birmingham TBC

ATHLETICS MAY 18: Woodford Green Open, London

BASEBALL MAY 14/15: Worcester away

GRAND PR/X Final Round: Athletics May 11

CRICKET 1 sts: lost to Essex Beat Herts by 122 runs 2nds: Beat Essex by 5 wkts Beat Herts by 5 wkts

RUGBY Norwich Sevens: Plate Final vs Thetford 17-19

GRAND PR/X Standings after 9 rounds 1. DON•T FIGHT IT 326 pts 2. NEON TEDDIES 324 pts 3. YEAH MAN 315 pts 4. FELIX•s CATS 292 pts

Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994




Cricket firsts sllow tlleir u~u


DESPITE losing to old rivals Essex, a victory against UAU first timers Hertfordshire should be enough to see UEA ftrst team through if they can beat whipping boys Buckingham, writes Suzie Bell. An excellent fielding display saw the Essex team dismissed for 108 in the season opener. Ed Bottoms took 4 for 24 in a tight, accurate spell leaving captain Cameron Green to wipe up the tail and finish with 3 for 9. However, chasing this meagre total proved too demanding for the inexperienced batting line-up. When Green was dismissed with the total on 87 for 7, the game was all but conceded as the tail capitulated. The weak performance at Essex meant that the tie with Herts became a virtual knockout match. Batting first, UEA took the attack to the Herts bowlers with Marcus Webb scoring a and Duncan Evans in with a calypso 29. UEA fmished with 218 from their 60 overs. Despite a good start the Herts batsman had no answer to the tandem spin attack of Green and Edlin. Turning the ball both ways and using all their guile, the two managed to reduce Herts from 62 for 0 to 96 all out - an absolutely tremendous effort. "It was a very professional performance", said Cameron G ~~~ take on Buckingham on May 11 needing to win to

INDOOR, outdoor and beach tournaments have marked the arrival of summer for UEA's volleyball teams, who have entered several local competitions. The first of these took place on April 17 in Kings Lynn, with the 'Werd Gethin', an annual event in the Norfolk area bringing together 12 local teams to compete for the cup and plate competition. This year, 14 UEA players made the trip for the one day event to represent two mixed university teams. As both of these sides are simply a combination of the UEA mens' and womens' squads, ne itherhas had much of an opportunity to play together before the tournament. In their pool, UEA I met the

UEACC's second eleven are looking a good bet for making considerable inroads into the Commercial Union UAU knockout competition this year after comfortable wins over Essex and Hertfordshire. Although the team have played well in both games, two individual performances considerably helped UEA into qualifying for the knockout round for the first time in two years. President James Grigg demolished Essex with figures of 6-24, whilst finalist Jez Alderson batted the whole innings against Herts for a classy 53 not out.

Eleanor Parkins Clangers, Team Armadillo and the Panthers. Despite a somewhat disorganised start, they gained confidence and played well together, going on to beat their three opponents and win the pool convincingly. The UEA 2 side played in a different pool against Rudd 's Rubble, North Walsham and Cobre Youth, and experienced a bad start when they lost their first match to Rudd' s Rubble. But after this they managed to beat their other adversaries in the pool, and at the end of this first round UEA 2 were also placed first in their pool -meaning that both of the UEA squads were through to the quarter fmals.

Here, UEA I played their match first against the Ferrets. Although they began confidently and were winning 14:6, the side became complacent and a series of silly matches lead to a 17:16 loss overall for UEA. It was then UEA 2's turn to play their quarter final match against the Clangers. After 25 minutes of play UEA 2 lost the game 13:9 through a lack of concentration and teamwork. These two losses were a disappointing end to what was largely a fun day of volleyball. But the team are anticipating a great time at their next tournament, taking place in Cambridge on the May 28 and 29, where one mixed team has been entered for the main competition, together with five pairs in the 'beach' event.

Narrow defeat for Sevens

Good trr_ WRFCI THEnatlonallnter-unlverslty women's rugby tournament took place at Warwick Unlvarsity on May 1, writes Vietorla Clark.

UEA's WRFC arrived late after a four hour journey, and were told they had to play Immediately. Afterconcedlngtwoqulck

composure and scored three excellent tries, from Anna Hillier, Tlna Bament and Carolina Tomlin. Due to this win, UEA avoldedthewoodenspoon, but narrowly lost the next two games The eventual winners of the tournament was Car-

UEA's Rugby firsts went into the 24th Norwich Seven's Tournament hoping to defend the Plate that they had won for the previous two years. After a defeat in Round One toHolt(24-IO), UEAprogressed into the Plate competition, where they met a tactically limited Dereham side. The 21-10 scoreline did not tell the whole story as UEA tried to show the flair and style that has become synonymous with

G0 on, be

qualicyfo'fiAND ;;;~~路;~cc;;;路BEST 1 sport... UEA 75-5 bt Essex 74 all out UEA 141-5 bt Herts 140 all out


Captain Chris Sally took an experienced side toEssex and called Grigg's batting "outstanding." Essex offered only token resistance on their way to 74, a target reached relatively easily by UEA. Andy Knights, with 21, and vice-captain John Roberts, with 17, saw the seconds to their target. This victory was testimony to UEA's strength, as Essex have traditionally been the reference for UEA's past teams. The seconds controlled . Hertfordshire with as much eas-e, albeit with four absentees and a few flutters on the way. Chris Sally led by example in the field with a brilliant driving catch, and while Grigg took a back

seat, Richard Parkin and Khurrm Akram with figures of 4-41 and 2-29 respectively picked up the slack after Nick Carlton had made the breakthrough. Some late runs from Shahid and lrfan pushed the Herts total up to 140 and although UEA struggled early on, falling to 65-5, Alderson and James Colvin, with a partnership of 76, saw the side home in some style. With the prospect of Mark Thompson, Alistair路 Richards, Andy Knights and Steve Harris coming back into the side, UEA could advance a long way in the competition. Sally summed up the qualification as "A good job done and a great start to the UAU season."

Would you like to write sports reporb for Concrete? Would you like to eover the kinds of Jports that aren't covered here? Or do you think tbe sports pages could be improved? Tbe Editor would like to bear from. you. Write to Peter Hart, Connete, UEA. Norwich, or phone (0603) 250558. Alteraatively, you ean contact tbe paper's Sports Editor, Stephen Hawkes. Simply come up to tbe office in Union Houl!e aad drop bhn a liae.

Gold George EAS Undergraduate, George Patten, has scooped a gold medal after playing for England as a goalie in the British Universities Home Nationals Football Tournament. George is now hoping to be selected for the World Student Games in Tokyo next summer.

their seven's rugby. Round Two beckoned as did a strong Wymondham side. . In a wonderful match the scores ended I0-1 0 with UEA stealing an extra time try to win by 15-10. Thefinalproducedan exciting match against Thetford. Scores were exchanged early on and at half-time UEA trailed by two points. Unfortunately it was a deficit that the team were unable to close as they were defeated by


19-17. On the strength of this performance things look to be on the up for rugby at UEA. Special thanks must go to the 60 to 70 supporters who turned up and could be heard in Thurrock. Squad: D Clays (capt). G Hesford, S Hiles, S Johnson , N Oliver, S Mullins, G Welds, C Cool, S Belo. Tries: N Oliver and G Hesford (4); S Johnson (2); D Clays (2); S Belo (1 ); S Hiles (35)




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Concrete, Wednesday, May 11, 1994



concrete sport

55555 ~~=-


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Firsts and Seconds in historic title double THE 1993-4 season has again been a remarkably successful one of the UEA Football Club, culminating in an unprecedented double By - - - championship victory for lan Nundy both the First and Second elevens. a great time and enjoyed ourHaving won the Norwich selves. Business Houses League DiviHe added, "I hope that next sion One title for the first time year it keeps going and that the in their history the previous year, effects of semesterisation and the First eleven's victory this teaching on Wednesday afterseason at times seemed improb- noons doesn't spoil it all and make it hard for us." able. This year's challenge came But was certainly more excitonce again from Waterloo, but ing, if not as convincing, as last year when the club dropped a more notably from Bridgehouse, mere three points (a league who led the table until the final record) and finished eight points Saturday of the season when clear ofsecond-placed Waterloo. they met UEA in what was to Said team captain, Nick be the championship decider. With the top three teams all Hoskyns, "It was a great having one game left to play, it achievement to win the league. was conceivable that all three To get a team out every match could finish with a total of 30 was difficult, but the atmos- points and goal difference phere and organisation from last would be called upon to sepayear helped. rate the three way tie. "The players were really great But Waterloo's challenge faland made my job easier. We had tered when they went down by

a solitary goal to fourth-placed 'The Moon', leaving UEA to beat Bridgehouse to retain their title and pip them at the post by virtue ofa far superior defensive record. This they did with some style, romping home with a convincing 3-0 victory (two goals from Finlayson and one from Evans), demonstrating to the sizeable crowd a superiority in their play which had at times seemed to have deserted them during the campaign. Congratulations to all those involved throughout the season and to captain, Nick Hoskyns, whose eloquent four-lettered football prose helped build impressively on last year's success. Squad: George Patten, lan Nundy, Rob Jarmyn, Steve Taylor, earl Warner, Calvin Dawson, Mickey Stewart, Paul Evans, Alan Wilson, Atle Kartsen, Tom Finlayson, Nick Hoskyns (c), Robin Powell, Kev White, Owen Vince.

SECONDS UP. .. CONGRATULATIONS must also go to Second eleven captain Jeremy Lowery and his team, writes fan Nundy. For in their inaugural season in the Norwich Business Houses Fourth Division, they dominated proceedings, losing only one game to clinch their first league title with some ease. Celebrations began on April 27 when two Simon Smith

goals in the 2-1 victory over Costessy 'A' gave UEA the points they needed to be crowned as champions. Notable contributions from first years Scott Burnett, Calvin Dawson, Kev Robinson, Daniel Evans and Martin Watson combined with those of Scott Wade, Nick Chalk and Daenson Scipio gave the side a very dependable feel, and with the 50 goal

PHOTO: Keith Whitmore partnership of Jim Smith and Lowery wreaking havoc up front, they were always going to be a difficult team to beat. Squad: Scott Burnett, Daenson Scipio, Matt Hitchings, Kev Robinson, Daniel Evans, Martin Beet, Scott Wade, Calvin Dawson, Simon Smith, James Lindow, Jeremy Lowery (c), Jim Smith, Nick Chalk, Barry Robertson, Lyndon Ives .


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