Concrete issue 043 08 February 1995

Page 1



Kiddles star and daredevil, Peter Duncan, talks about his latest theatre role •••• as a scarecrow!



The Watedront will close within weeks, unless YOU vote for its survival later this month. UEA students will be given the final say on whether the Union continues to run the city entertainment venue. But if less than 300 students turn up for the meeting on Monday February 20, no decision 'Can be made and the venue will close. For good. Since The Waterfront re-opened in Decmeber 1993, thousands of students and local people have enjoyed some of the best live music and most innovative club nights ever seen in East Anglia. 'fhe venue may not have yet reached the high standards it set when it first opened in October 1990, but considering the alternatives Norwich has to offer, surely it is worth keeping for us and generations of students to come- especially when the venue is now standing on its own feet financially too. Union meetings may not be the most exciting lunchtime pursuit, but this decision will really affect you, your friends, and thousands of students yet to reach UEA. Surely that's worth an hour of your time on a Monday evening?

Turn up to the meeting on Monday, February 20 at Zpm in the LCR and vote YES to keeping The Watedront.

•nun to page 21 to see why The Waterfront should stay...

ies eve., foftnight

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Concrete issue 043 08 February 1995 by Concrete - the official student newspaper of UEA. - Issuu