Concrete issue 064 16 10 1996

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Top UEA writers Chris Bigsby and Malcolm Bradbury give Concrete the low-down on their latest books

YEAR 1995

All the latest films, gigs, books, and plays, PLUS Competitions galore,


The chaos continues

STUDENTS LIVING in the beleagured Mary Chapman Court are again demanding tighter security. Despite repeated promises by UEA chiefs and City Council bosses to improve the situation, little bad been done. The late t incident to occur at the residences in Duke Street involved a car exploding in the underground car park. This was a flash-back to a similar occurence, reported by Concrete in April 1993, when students became increasingly worried about security when cars were damaged. Vandals have now been left to run amok amongst the vehicles. In January 1995, 22 rooms in Mary Cbapman Court were ransacked, despite warnings published in Concrete and voiced by the tudents. Residents have also bad to endure a flasher, a stripper, and barrassment from intruders at the site. After making the headlines three times, dithering UEA bosses paid for the fitting of locks on windows and balcony doors. However, there has been no improvement to the car park and plans are still uncertain. The City Council, who own the site, assured students at the beginning of the year that CCIV and a simple card sy tern would be installed. So far, nothing has been done, but the Deputy Dean of Students, Linda Shepherd said the incidents at Mary Cbapman Court are a "growing concem." "I think the Council has agreed for the work to go ahead," be said, "but it is behind schedule." "There will be security cameras in the car park and 10-15 spaces. Permits will be allocated to students," she added. Norwich City Council were unavailable for comment, but one resident, Ellen Dickinson (EAS1), called for action to be taken immediately. "Residents are concerned about their safety," she said. "Many feel increasingly isolated from the protection of the University." However, security supremo Maurice Morson said that moving staff to Mary Cbapman Court would undermine his commitment to security on campus. "In the car park we have no jurisdictioo", be said, "I'd love to provide a permanent security patrol at Mary Chapman Court and University Village. "But what I give to Mary Chapman Court I take from the campus and I can't afford to do that. "AI the moment we respond by visiting University Village and Mary Chapman

Accommodation bosses sleep STUDENTS LIVING on the largest University residence have been left angry and distressed after finding their rooms riddled w· bed bugs despite the University baving known of the pf8ts for several months. Two blocks (E and 'F) f Waveney Terrace have reportt\1 ~nfestation which has lead to stude,nts being covered in bites, some as many as 27 times. The present problem follows on from a spate -of isolated incidents reportec! in M~ 1995 and during the sum'mel' monthS. Union Welfare Officer, Paul threa ned the Donnelly, Accommodation Office in summer that be would publicise the problem if immediate action was not taken. "I warned them that if they didn't sort it out, I'd make slire everyone knew about it," be said. Students on Doors EZ and F2 of Waveney Terrace repo ed the problem yet again in $be week beginning September 30, and were lnto Nelson subsequently mo Court Guest Suite, but returned to their rooms a few days later to 6nd bugs crawling up the walls. Failure to eradicate the bugs has raised questions concerning way the rooms were treated over the summer vacation. Paul Donnelly cla~_s ~bllt the workmen brought Ui to deal with the problem failed to do so, and did not complete the job ~rly~ "I told the AccommodatiO§ ~ce about it over the summer. Maintenance were contacted and it was thought that they were doing the work, but they obviously

Cimex /ectu/arius: wreaking havoc on Waveney Terrace

weren't doing enough," he said. .~e problem was here 18 months UEA maintenance returned to ' SOrt • ago. It re-occured last year and then . \ out the present problem, but P,aul ._~ ~!JI over the summer. The remaines sceptical. ~ ~igation hasn't worked," be "The University seems to haxe ;_added. "Waveney. would have been brought in some dodgy eo mpan • If- shut down if it had been a hotel." the council department of Health Director 0 ,. Residences and And Safety had done it there would Services, Jenny''~rant, declined to have been a 100% success rate," he comment on any matter relating to said. the bed bugs 6asco, but Lawrence


Daly, Accommodation Centre Manager, answered Paul's critimms by saying that the City Co~l been informed. ~r Council indicated that they would (ollow tb same treatment as

us," h~ saldo ·-

However, ~ when Concrete approached the Department of Health And Safety, its spokesman

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I've started so I'll finish

A second-year Chemistry from Hull University obviously keen to apply lab techniques when he gu ilty to the charge manufacturing ampheta-

The chaos continues continued from front page ... Court and we maintain vehicle and foot patrols. "The incidents of crime at Mary Chapman Court are very small in comparison to what happens on campus." Calls for Resident Tutors to be allowed at Mary Chapman Court were answered by Mrs Shepherd who said, "There have never been Resident Tutors". Students are currently under the supervision of Or Donard De Cogan, the Deputy Senior Resident Tutor, but he is based on campus. "Or De Cogan takes a special interest in the students, n said Mrs Shepherd, "and he is accessible to them , as well as making periodic visits. The possibility of introducing Resident Tutors is being discussed ." Union Welfare Officer Paul Donnelley will shortly present a petition to Director of Residences and Services, Jenny Grant, which has been signed by almost 100 students. Ellen said the petition was "in the hope that UEA chiefs would keep their promises.n

Fishermen in Oxford were in for a surprise when a four foot giant rodent was spotted in the river. It had escaped from a University research farm .


" HOW did he do that?" we re the words on everybody's lips on Sunday September 30 at the UEA village writes Debbi Marco. Leigh Burbridge (EU RI) definitely made his mark on Freshers week by getting his leg trapped down the side of his bed. 11 is shouts for he lp were passed over as a prank for over half an hour until flatmates came to the rescue. A fire engine and ambu lance arrived at the scene and the whole rescue operation took about 30 minutes. Leigh was taken away, half naked, in the ambulance to the applause of Ills fe llow vi llagers. Lucki ly for Leigh the only injuries he sustained were a small scar, a slight sprain and a huge dent to Ills pride. So how did he do it? According to Leigh it wa something to do wi th a Def Leppard CD stuck down the side of Ills bed and his short legs. Don' t worry Leigh, it could happen to any vertically challenged heavy metal fan and j ust be grateful it was only your leg.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS of the Graduate Students Clul• are furious O\er n Union Manager's attemptsto discredit them with allegations of illegal drinking sessions. Minutes from a Bars and Entertainments comm1ttee meeting revealed that a manager had "personally been present during illegal drinking essions in the GSC'. l11e minutes of the meeting which was held on September 30 have subsequently been circulated for general readership. The Union manager also complains of the ''ongoing nature" of a separate problem, that of"the the rugby club arriving at Union events ·en masse' drunk, usually fTOm the GSC" According to section 13 of the GSC club rules the supply of intoxicating liquor in the club premises i not permitted after 11 pm on weekdays and I 0.30pm on Sundays. But the executve of the Graduate Studens' Association has hit back at the Union with an offical statement. "(I he Union Manager) has not been in,olved in illegal drinking sessions in the GSC because they do not exist. -n,e allegations are untrue and we the Executive undertake a strict admittance and serving pohcy ~ithin the GSC bar. "I! is rather the Union bars policy to continue the unsolicited serving of alcohol to its customers that ha~ caused these prob !ems." I he Umon has attempted t1keovers of the Graduate Students' Association. most recently last November. On several occassions in recent years, At the time. ex-GSA president, Ton} Burton commented that the Union ''saw the

...Cover Story continued fo r Environmental Protection, Malcolm Rust said, "We di d offer our ass istance but they didn 't want the help." Mr Rust also advised that all bedding and matresses be destroyed, but Waveney residents are still sleeping on their old matresses. The University is now hoping that its own maintenance team and private contractors, Rodent Services of East Anglia, can combat the problems m residences. Mr Martin of Rodent Services said that his company had carried out work at UEA on "several occasions," adding that, " Whenever the University's people were unavai lable, we came and did the job." Mr Martin states that he is not directly involved in the work being done at UEA and he was unclear as to who was in charge of eradicating the problem. " I ' m not sure whether we were doing the work this week or whether UEA people were," he said. Asked whether he thought the problem could be eradicated he added, "I don't think you wi ll ever get rid of the problem." Students are blaming the fai lure to eradicate the pests on a lack of communication between University officials , with conflicting advice being given to the students ..

SECOND year maths student Russell Turner proved that UEA students have the best brains in Britain when he won his fir t round heat in the BBC programme, Mastermind, writes Peter


The Grad har: "clean ship" prospect of gaining control ofthe Orad Bar. "Jt is a strategy the Union has been following since the the GSC was established and one that has been rightly resisted." Closed circuit tele> ision cameras recently installed in Union Ilouse found no evidence that the GSC had held illegal drinking sessions. Divisions \vithin the Union were clearly highlighted \\hen an embarassed Communications Officer. ick Robinson, was forced to admit that the manager's accusations were untrue. "To the best of my knowledge, within my tenn of otftce the GSC has been run in good order. The Grad Bar nms a clean ship

and it's security is tight." Nick agreed that the Orad Bar was totally blameless in the face of illegal drinking allegations, and that a meeting of the Union Executive was needed to discuss tJ1e accusation and take appropriate action. ''Advice is being sought on the minutes," he said. '·I can assure you that the Exec will look into this matter," he added. "Unfortunately the beauracracy of the Union and its procedures i slowing things up." •For reasons of staff protocol as dictated b) the Union constitution. Concrete IS prevented from naming the manager involved.

We are not amused: Victims o[the Wavenev bugs "They said washing you r clothes doesn't get rid of the bugs, but then they said to wash all our clothes," said first-year Louise Edgington. "Then they said to take our clothes outside in the old and to give them a good shaking. They were j ust go ing ro und m ci rcles." Students were also urthappy with the University' s opinion that a stay in the Nelson Court Guest Sui tes provided compensation enough for their inconvenience. One Waveney Terrace

Resident Tutor co mplained further of the University' s handling of the matter. "A major problem is security," she said. "All the rooms were left open and there we re no workmen there. Many of the students are scared to tell the ir parents. They don't know what i happening." Paul added, " If there's a lack of communication from the University, then what hope is there?". Registrar and ecretary of UEA, Michae l Paulson Ellis, commenting on the welfare of affected students, said that the

University is "Doing all it can to remedy the problem." New gui delines include the praying and cleaning of rooms fortnightly. Even so, students are now see king compensation from the University under the guidance of Paul Donnelly. " Our rooms are uninhabi table," said Kate Willard (MGT 2). "We' ve been put in here as test dummies to ee if these bugs are going to bite again. We paid for standard accommodation and we've got inferior ac;COIJlll\Od tiop ~',

Russell, who's first round subject was ' the life and works of Elizabeth mart' then battled in the fa mous hot seat for a second time but narrowly missed winning a place in the Grand Final. Scoring a highly creditable 29 points in the second round, Russell finished in third place, having answered questions on Anarchism 1840- 1939. Russell, who revi ed for three months before each appearance, said, "The anarchistic lifestyle of the students at UEA have given me a gr eat insight into my second specialist subject. "The expected attack of nerves did not materialise" and Russell's time in the hot seat "flew -by".

Amazing architecture a r o us e.s interes.t UEA has been chosen to feature in a BBC TV series about architecture, writes Neil Anderson. The series, called Travels with Pevsner, aims to highlight Brita in's greatest buidings and monuments. Our very own Suffolk and Norfolk Terraces, with their incomparable pyramidic ziggurats, particularly caught the eye of presenter Can Cruickshank for the Norfolk edition of the programme. Pictures of the campus will be shown alongside other architecturally interesting sites in the county , including Wymondham Abbey, Holkham Hall and Cley Windmill. Linda Calling of the BBC told Concrete that, "Although Pevsner had written his volumes on Norfolk before UEA was built, he would have loved the architecture of the University buildings by Sir Cenys Lasdum , whose architecture he greatly admired." While many people at UEA liken the buildings to an NCP car park , Cruickshank will no doubt marvel at the intricate use of concrete and elaborate use of shades and colour. Filming takes place this week, and the · programme will be shown on

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Concrete, Wednesday, October 16, 1996

The LGB in conjunction with the Union has placed copies of a magazine, UK Boyz, which displays full frontal nudity, in Union House. Yet three weeks ago during Fresher's week, the Union banned popular magazine Loaded because of worries that it would offend. UK Boyz, a free weekly By "This has no relevance to the Loaded issue which I magazine for "Gay Adults"

Concrete, in conjunction with Smint, have got one hundred packets of Smint mints to give away. Retailing at 99p, Smint has been hailed as the solution to a mouth like a camels armpit! These low calorie, sugar free mini-mints also help to break down the bacteria on teeth that causes plaque. If you want to get your hands on this cool tasting prize, simply come into our office upstairs in Union House and tell us why you 're in need of refreshment!


was recently placed in the Hive, and will appear alongside the Pink Paper, another gay publication. LGB Officer Carla Moore said, "There is a massive LGB campaign this year and I want it to be accessible to all. I haven't had any problem with anyone complaining. "l place it there along with The Pink Paper as I feel that it is important that students can obtain gay literature without specifically having to ask for it," she added. However, the appearance of the paper comes only three weeks after a of sample pamphlet Loaded was snubbed by Union Academic Officer,


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Kat1e Newbury


Becky Colley for its sexual content. Becky branded Loaded as "trash" and said that "the only pictures are of topless women sticking their tits out", despite the fact that there were no topless photos in the free sampler. However, a Union Executive meeting, to be arranged this week, will decide whether the paper is deemed appropriate literature in the Hive. Despite the fact that Loaded was banned for its offensive nature Carla Moore remains adament that UK Boyz is not in the same league.

now understand to be closed." she said. Carla added, "Boyz is made available for any student, gay or straight, in Union House, as a service by the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Society."



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Concrete, Wednesday, October 16, 1996



Union General Meetings could face axe because of 11Student apathy 11 THE FUTURE of UGMs hangs in the balance, in the wake of last month 's disastrous meeting, which was attended by only 60 students, writes Martin Robinson. Fo ll owi ng a series of meetings. the Un ion Executi ve has been forced to di scuss the poss ibility of scrapping UGMs altogethe r. Academi c Office r, Becky Coll ey stated that student a path) wa s to bla me for th e las t inquorate UGM. ... , he \~hol e po int of cal ling a UGM is to gel students involved so th at the) can voice their opinion," she said . "But no-one seems to be interested in doing that at the moment," she added . An enl arged Stu de nt s Fo rum co uld act as a re place ment fo r the abandoned UGM , des pite the fact that on ly 29 of the I ll Forum places were fi ll ed thi s year. If UGM s are scrapped then elections will re-o pen fo r the forum, with increased pub li city in an effort to make it accountable as a student body.






VOTING takes place tomorrow for the non-sabbatical post of Women's Officer. The onl y candidate standing tor election is EUR stude nt Lisa Eldret. If elected, she hopes to overhaul th e way the Wome n' s Action Committee is run . .. , feel that the function of the Committee is to rai se awareness of \\ Omen's iss ues and thi s has been neg lected in previo us years," she said. The committee has bee n present at UEA for the last few years, but Li sa feels that more publicit y is needed to bring women 's iss ues into th e spotli ght. • lfLi sa is not elected. there \\ill be an oppertunit) to re-open nominations .

Visiting student dies

A .familiar!\' emptv UG M "The representatives will take a more pro-acti ve ro le in talkin g to students and voi cing students opinion," sa id Bec ky. There wil l be a UGM on October 31 to dec ide the meetings' fate.

Another poor tu rnout wou ld res ul t in the decisio n bei ng passed to the ex isting foru m. Becky sa id , " If peop le do want UG M's, then it 's reall y, rea ll y important that they turn up to thi s next one."

...but are sudents for 'em? WELCOME TO

Choose your candidate carfuiii

TH E STU DENT Fo rum was rocked when only 161 votes out of a possible 9,500 were cast at last weeks elections. Five of UEA's 16 schools now have no student representatives, leaving a big gap in the Forum. The Forum is responsible for making deci sio ns for the student body. Lucien Brown (EAS 3) claims that the failure of the students forum to recruit sufficient new members is all down to a lack of student awareness . "There was not enough advertising," he said. " People don ' t understand what the forum is a nd how important it is." he added.

One of the more positive outcomes of th e elections however, was that the School Of Nursing And Midwifery (NAM) has a student representative for the first time in its history. To allow NAM Forum representatives to be fairly elected voting takes place a week later than for the rest of the schools of study as all NAM students returned only last . Academic Officer Becky Colley, explained, "lt was difficult to get th e information out because the new intake had just started. " We wanted to maximise the number of first years that got actively involved. "

A STUDENT ha s died of a brain haemorrhage, jus t a few days after arri\'ing at UEA. Mrs Mosli ne I love, arri ved from Zimba bwe o n Friday, October 4 to spend a month as a V isitin g Profess ional with the Overseas De velopment Group in th e School o f Development Studies. Mrs !love, who had three ch ildren, held the important job of Und e r Secretary for Women in Deve lopment a t the Ministry of National Affairs, Emp loyment C reati o n and Cooperatives in 1-i arare , Africa. On T uesday October 8 she coll a psed . Des pite re peated efforts to revive her, she neve r recovered co nsc iousness. An official statement from D EV said, " Mrs Hove's death has been a g reat shock and a dreadfu l sadness to everyone in DEV and ODG ... we extend o ur deepest sympathy to her husband and three c hildren, to her exte nded fa mil y a nd to Zimbabwe."

Thieves' golden triangle CONCERNS have been voiced over the safety of student property after a spate of burglaries,

writes Hmmah Malcolm. With an increasing amount of valuable equipment including stereos and computers, Endsleigh Insuance Company spokesman Sean 0' Reagan is warning that students are being spied on by thieves who work on a ' burgle to order' basis. "Students are at greatest risk from burglary in the ftrSt few weeks of the academic year", he said. The warning comes after a house was broken into on Portland Street whose members believe they were victims of organised burglary. A message left by the thieves read: "We've burgled you at last." Ann.ette R.awstrone (EAS 3) said, "We did all we could, locked up and left lights on, but if they want to get in then they will." Fellow student Rebecca Curran added, "They broke the window to get in but the neighbours heard nothing." Norwich is a relatively low risk area but such incidents have highlighted a growing concern for the safety of student property, especially in areas

such as the Golden triangle where properties are often poorly secured. However, Peter Steward from Norwich Police said that "thieves will target anyone, not just students. "Nevertheless students are particularly vulnerable because they are at university for most of the day," he added. Mr Steward's advice includes locking valuables out of sight especially in student areas of the City, and keeping watch in your area. "Become each others self-help group and just make it as difficult as possible for would-be thieves," be said. "Crime has decreased over the last three or four years, but it is still a large concern to us. The essence of crime prevention is to do the obvious." Campus security and insurance companies also recommend removing valuable property from premises during vacations, as many companies will not pay out insurance unless one member of the household is there throughout the holidays.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Concrete, Wednesday, October 16, 1996

All day, every day THE UNION announced plans to give Union House 24 hour opening last week, writes Joanne Robertson. If they gets the go-ahead, then the foyer, toilets and stewards office will be open for student access, providing round the clock security. Union Finance Officer, Ginge Kaye said, "We are going to have discussions on the possibility of opening Union House for longer. It will be a central base on campus if anyone has got a problem, like being stalked. " tudents can get a drink, or if they get the munchies, a bar of chocolate and there are also phones in there to save students going up to Porter's Lodge. It's just that bit more secure." Ginge added that the changes were unlikely to be im plemented immediately, but discussions will take place with stewards to see what level of service can be provided. Market Research will also be conducted with the students, but Ginge was unsure as to the extent of this research due to it being "very expensive". Union Welfare Offi cer, Paul Donnelly, welcomed the proposal. " It is a good idea if policed properly and may be necessary with the extended club nights," he said. "l would like to make Union House a more effective unit as a whole," he added.


Appeal to students Recent sell-out gigs at UEA have raised q~.o~stions waited outside the LCR in regarding the illegal trading of tickets on campus wo!te the hope of gaining a Gwen Truman and Rob Lutyens. ticket, some willing to buy Ticket touts have been trouble, but that he would them from touts for up to 拢40, which is four times present at all gigs since the act swiftly if the original beginning of the academic he received "":::~......-:'"--~ year, but the problem any selling reached a .climax last week price. when a team of four touts T h camped in the car park to hassle fans. The group posed as car park attendants and asked passing motorists if they had any spare tickets. This was despite the fact that there are , security cameras ,\路llll-:):~~....., situated within the ~ car park. ~ Maurice Morson, ~ Head of Security, said .~ that he was "unaware of the presence of touts on Sunday night" but that "CCTV should have picked them up." He added that crowds In complaints from the car park made it intensified students or staff. by ticket sales In the City difficult to spot any Approximately 50 people

Roll up, Roll up!

which allow touts to purchase unlimited numbers which they then sell on for enormous profit, often at prices which UEA students are unable to afford. A shortage of tickets was evident at the Ocean Colour Scene concert, due to the fact that tickets were limited by the Union to two per

fficer 'Ginge' Kaye laid the blame squarely at the door of those who purchase concerts tickets illegally. "If people did not buy the illegal tickets, there would be no touts," he said. Head of Union Entertainments, Nick Rayns, described the touting business as "an evil which will never be stamped ouf'.

TUDE T Communit~ Action (SCA) is calling for \ oluntcers to help in projects that could benefit the local communit~, ""rites fattltew Walker. Student are needed to take part in variou acti\ atie mcluding the "Mind ProJect" at th Copper Kettle Da) Centre. a schools reading st.::hcme in chools around Ul路A. and working \\-ith the homcles at St Martin's mght he iter. The CA as a national organisation which is um\ersaty ba ed, with the committee at UEA currently ha\ ing a membership of around 80. The Committee requires people who are enthusia tic and willing to offer approximately two hours per week on a regular basis. No previous experience is necessary. A spokesperson for the SCA was keen to stress that it is not a "helping" organisation. "We work with people, we're not here to help them," he said. Anyone wishing to join should get in touch with Ricky, Kate or Frankie v1a the CA pigeonhole upstairs in Union House near the Finance Office. Alternatively, contact the Committee on 592510.

Graduate Students

Association Graduate Week Last week the GSC celebrated the yearly 'Graduate Week', a week full of spectacular events to introduce postgraduate students to the GSC Bar. The week was a great success and many of you have been enjoying cocktails, Flamenco, beer, etc. Thank you all for coming! We will be organising many more events throughout the year. Don't just wait and see: we would like to get in contact with (international) students who would like to organise a themed night in the GSC Bar, for example a French night with crepes, a German beer night or Italian pizza night. Any ideas are welcome and we will help you organising it! If you haven't got your free membership card yet, bring a form (which you can find in the GSA Handbook) together with a photograph to the GSC bar. We will process the card within about a week. Non postgraduate students who are interested in an associate membership should apply by handing in a completed membership form and photograph. Further details can be obtained from the bar. Lunch time opening From last week onwards the GSC Bar is open again at lunch times on week days from 12 - 2pm. SASSAF rolls and several snacks are available from the bar, as well as tea, coffee, other beverages and a selection of daily newspapers. Evening opening times are as usual: Mon - Sat: ?pm - 11 pm and Sun: ?pm - 10.30pm. GSA Committee and Board of Graduate Studies

CONCRETE has joined forces with Rizla, the largest cigarette paper manufacturer in the world to offer our readers a sackful of Rizla originals. This range of filigrained papers are the newest addition to Rizla for the last fifteen years and include regular and king size. So, if you prefer your own cigarettes to any of those ready-made ones you can buy, come and ee us upstairs in Union House and show us how you roll yours!

We repeat the quest for new members for the committee of the Graduate Students' Association to help in the daily running of the bar and dealing with academic issues at UEA concerning postgraduate students. The following positions are available: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Bar Manager and Entertainment's Officer. Elections will take place on Thursday 7 November 1996. If you are interested in one of these positions ask for more information via Email: or the GSA pigeon hole. New representatives for the Board of Graduate Studies are also sought, namely for Arts, Humanities, Science and Vocational groups. If you want to stand for a reps position contact Toni Georgiou for more details.


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What Gets

You Going! HAVE YOU ever thought what motivates you to do your University work? Well, the School of Economic and Social Studies is hoping to fmd the answer when it begins an investigation into various aspects of the student learning experience at UEA. A group of 50 students are investigating the phenomenon ~ part of their research into social methods and have been commissioned to produce a report of the findings. Attention will be focused on resources supplied at UEA, motivation of students and part-time employment as a necessity within the student community. A sample of final-year students will shortly be receiving a letter from one of the researchers asking for an interview in relation to the student learning experience. " It is important that as many of the sample as possible attend the interview," said a mem ber of the team who is carrying out the study. " I believe it is a really important piece of research. At the end of the day, the value of UEA degrees applies to all of us." All answers are strictly confidential and the results will be published in January, with the final report being submitted to the University in April.

'· ....

Chart topping band involved in brawl outside Norwich Nightclub CREW MEMBERS of the Top Ten band Ocean Colour Scene were injured during a fight which broke out at Zoom nightclub last Saturday night, writes Katie Nicholl After spending most of the evening at the said that the band themselves had not been club Rumbleat the LCR, the band decided to involved in what he called "one of those go on to .t:oom \\here trouble broke out incidents we just want to forget". soon after they arrived. He said that the band had been shaken up, Many clubbers were evicted when a but the sell-out gig at the LCR went ahead stmggle broko: out in which three of the as planned despite the injured crew memcrew members were injured and one bers being unable to work. received stitches at a local Norwich hospi'Tans should be assured that this will not tal. affect any plans Ocean Colour Scene may The manager of Zoom called the incident have to tour Non.,tch in the [i.Jture," he coma "publicity stunt'' and smd that it was the mented. first time there had been police involvement Police are appealing to an) one who may at the club for months . have seen the incident at Zoom to contact A . pokesperson for Ocean Colour Scene them on 768769. Ocean Colour Scene: Will retum to Norwich despite brawl

Finance Officer seeks to reallocate Clubs and Societies funding UNION Finance Officer, 'Ginge' Kaye is looking to reform the aJJocatioo of funds to clubs and societies to bring Union grants in line with club membership numbers, writes Sarah Hemmingway. Ginge wants to try and make funding fairer for socieites with more members, and would rather see the system modeJJed on those at other universities. "At the moment there isn't a proper formula for bow much societies get" he said "The University of East London has a fair system whereby money is aiJocated per member. A founder member of the new Students Hugging Acitoo Group (SHAG), Ginge has seen first hand the increasing demand there is for Union money. With over 230 people signed up at oc Mart SHAG is one of the largest societies at UEA, and is entitled to funding on a par with other societies up to £200. But, Ginge is adament that he is not reviewing the system for the benefit of the

the new SHAG society and that simply plays a figure-bead role in SHAG since it was part of his election campaign last year to promote student friendliness and stop all this 'blanking' behaviour. "I have got a hand in SHAG, because it was my idea" he said "But I want a fair system which will make it easier for me." The only certainty in the existing system is that Sports Societies get the largest grants and that the allocation of money for safety equipment is given priority. The Student Hugging Action Group was formed to help students co-operate with each other and the £3 membership fee is the minimum charge to cover plans for the next month, which started with a party on October 9th and will continue with more events providing excuses to HUG aJJ those people you want to SHAG.

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Plans for new hospital could have major effects on environment around UEA BUILDING work will begin on the new £170 million Colney Hospital on Wednesday, October 16, following a furore over the planning decisions behind tbe new multimillion development, writes Katie Nicho/L The major new scheme, despite being one of the largest privately funded construction projects ever in Norwich has come under fierce attack from local residents and environmentalists who object to the project being built on a 63 acre green fie ld site. Colney Hospital, to be completed by the year 2000, will replace the existing Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, on Newmarket Road and the West Norwich Hospital, on Bowthorpe Road, in a bid to centralise the old facilities and ageing buildings. But, although endorsed by the Royal Fine Arts Commission the plans for the scheme have come under scrutiny from

carried out. Said David Cannon of 'Keep Norwich Hospitals Norwich, "They've had 20 years and they haven 't thought it through, this is just another example of planning going by stealth. The scheme is a potential environmental disaster. "The one or two storey building

ere we go, here we go, here we go! Yes. this issue Hype goes football mad, as I strap on my shinpads and check out the wonderful world of soccer on the web. My mission is simple· To seek out and report on the best that the intemet has to offer any discerning footballlover. Whether it's up-dodate results, your team's top terrace songs, or abusive jokes about Man Utd, it's be lurking likely it'll somewhere in cyberspace. So. like Eric, why not dive in?' As a start, I checked out Soccernet (, which is one of the most comprehensive football sites around. There's results, reports, and plenty of statistics for budding Statto's to get their heads around. You want a list of the Premiership's top scorers? You got it! The major drawback of sites such as these is that, while they do provide plenty of information, they're not actually that interesting to read. What you need is an on-line fanzine, the intemet equivalent of something like When Saturday Comes. And


as if by magic... Yup, the best soccer fanzine around does have a web-site ( /), and it's a great mix of serious features, fans' rants, and a large dose of humour. I asked Tim Bradford, the editor and incidentally also a UEA grad, what attracted WSC to the idea of having a website: "In our case, interactiv1ty and accessibility. Readers can write reviews of their favourite pubs for watching footy, have a rant, write a match report or even tell us how they lost their virginity after that away tie at Scunthorpe. • The site developed from what was originally an electronic mail results service, and grew naturally from that, or as Tim puts it, "lt just happened. • However it got here, the 'Half-Decent Website' is definitely worth checking out, particularly for

the 'I Scored' page where fans get to relate their football/pulling tales, Sticking with 'The Fans', and continuing the UEA thread, any Red Devils out there will definitely appreciate the Eric Cantona fan page, which is actually located here ( 113/ec.htmf). lt's packed full of into and pies, with a healthy dash of songs, poems, and pictures of that kung-fu incident If, like Oliver Carruthers (the site's creator) you believe that Eric is The King, then you should rush to check this out. But fear not! If you, like me, fail to see the charm in our Eric, then some kind soul has set up the Mancheter United Hate Page (, which despite the name claims to be "more of an Eric Cantona hate page". Tres b1en mes amis! But of course, football

origina l ly proposed is now going to be a four storey


eyesore with a I 00 ft chimney P"' which was never accounted for. I think it will be catastrophic buse going up Above: Colney lane hospital- an artist's impression University Drive Below: The site laid out will have However planners of the development problems crossing over at the Porters' South Norfolk District Counci l deny that lodge. the new Hospital will have a major "The reason for sending buses through environmental impact. Spokesperson for UEA is because Earlham Road will be the scheme, Louise Zucchi said, "Whilst clogged up." Paramount importance was paid to the Michelle preservation of the preservation of the flora of and fauna our principal concern is to provide adequate health and accompanying transport service, She claimed that the new Colney Hospital would be, "Very much less intrusive than the present concrete atrocities criticise new in Norwich. Council Planning Office official Chris link which the Trett assures environmentalists that no final environmentally decisions have been made for the bus link as yet, he said, "The cross-valley route is only sensitive Yare Val ley. "The project will cause massive a proposal and will be decided later on." environmental damage which wi 11 wreck and added that "This had to be a balanced not only the Colney site but the whole of decision and the pros of the new hospital which will establish many new benefits Norwich and Norfolk," she said. outweigh the cons."

wouldn't be the same without the nutters. Someone has helpfully compiled a collection of the craziest soccer stories, including the Maine Road chicken man, the ball-boy who got sent off, the player banned for playing a trumpet on the field of play... The list goes on and on, and will have you chuckling at your monitor. Head to the Reading club pages to find it:( tml). For all you Fantasy League addicts out there, the net can fulfil your wildest fantasies. Forget pen and paper: do you want to buy real players? The Calciomercato site (http : llwww .!calciomercatolenglish.shtml) has a list of players whose contracts have run out etc. Now you too can buy that Italian Sweeper you've always wanted! But what about Norwich? I hear you cry. Well, there's quiet a few sites, with a good place to start being 'Canaries on the Net' (http:/, since it has a list of all the others. The more daring amongst you will certainly want to visit the Norwich City Supporters Club of Scandinavia page (http://www. hibo. nolhomelst

ud/uq4/index.htmf), The only problem? Its in Norweg1an! Anyway, this can only serve as an introduction to the wealth of football stuff on the net - the best way to find cool sites is to dive in to one of the many links sites around, and then go from there On Hype 's website this week there'll be a load of really cunning links, the full Tim Bradford interview, as well as any other football-related stuff we can find. Altogether now, "lt's coming home, it's coming home .. ." WEBS/TES OF WEEK Yahoo! UK and Ireland The net's largest index moves to Europe. Faster and often more relevant than using the American edition. Spiritual Cockroach Engenderment Museum. http://www.cockroach org/-k mon A web museum dedicated to the writings and artwork of surrealist K. Ungeheuer. You don't see much odder than this one, Urban Legends Archive m/ Alligators in the Sewers, toothbrushes on holiday, etc.

etc. A lot better researched and more Interesting than the execrable Saturday Guardian column. Fine City Ents Guide atson/ All you need to know about events in Naaarech. Includes details of what's going down at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival. Release Chemical Inventory postcode. html Award-winning site from Friends of the Earth. Find out who's polluting your local environment.

Concrete-; Wednesday, October ·16, 1996· ~

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•1970s UEA graduate Roma l:lolland has since begun a career at the BBC. He/en Loven finds out how it can be done ackin1977, Roma Holland was a fresh-faced first year at UEA, embarking on a course in Comparative Uterature and French. Nineteen years on, she is a director at the BBC. At a time when new third and fourth years start to think about what lies ahead after their final years, I asked Roma how being a UEA graduate affected her in the job stakes, and whether Norwich remains a positive influence or has paled into

Roma spent her third year in France, and followed a course at the Sorbonne in Paris as well as working as a language assistant in a lycee, which turned out to be an "amazing experiencen although it didn't provide a great deal of inspiration career-wise. 'While I was at university, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do afterwards • so forget career plans! Today there seem to be a lot more vocational courses that lead into a particular field. I took a six month secretarial course

on various courses and is expected to be able to do pretty much anything, rather than sticking to any one job for too long. Practically. this isn't very realistic, but it does mean I never get bored. At the moment, we're working on daytime TV, which is notoriously nothing but cookery and women carrying babies! People watch it though, it's compelling: viewers seem to want undemanding television at lunchtime." Now we came to the crux of the matter: just how well did UEA rate as a CV "While I was at university, I had absolutely credential? no idea what I wanted to do afterwards - 'When I first started jobhunting, so forget career plans!" - Roma Holland the Comparative Literature course at UEA had insignificance. when I graduated and then a "I really enjoyed my time at TEFL course; after which I a very good reputation; UEA. I think that, like a lot of decided that I had really Malcolm Bradbury had raised done enough courses, and the profile of the course and ex-students, if I had my time worked for a firm organising a lot of people were aware of again, I would work a lot it. The university at the time language holidays. I then did harder! I do regret not having was fussy about the grades made the most of my studies lots of different little jobs • which were good when I really had the required to be accepted on opportunity to, and also not having taken advantage of the sports facilities on campus. Although I joined the film society, I didn't really become involved in anything seriously. But I made a lot of very good friends that I'm still in touch with, many of whom stayed on in Norwich. I have some excellent memories!" Having gone straight to university from doing A· levels, Roma found that, in common with many others, she had high expectations of student life that weren't completely fulfilled, and her initial feeling was of disappointment. "I had expected it to be completely different from experiences and a lot of fun the course, but I did hear a before starting as a secretary school, and found that it rumour that they conducted a at the BBC. I gradually wasn't. We were still doing little experiment the year moved up and found myself nightmarish translations and after I left, whereby they let once again following loads of in anyone who wanted to had to read twice as many books as for A-level. lt took courses. come, regardless of their A"The general idea at the level results. I never found me a while to relax into it and BBC is that everyone is sent out if it was true." (Roma was enjoy it."


astounded to hear that UEA had since earned the nickname 'Universfty of Easy Access'!) . "lt was reassuring, however, that as far as securing a job, it became irrelevant whether I had a 2:1 or a 2:2. lt is also true to say that the most useful qualities I developed at university were social! I tended to pick up work skills on the job itself


when a lot depended on me." So what final words of wisdom could a successful Norwich graduate give to those who have yet to shed that student image? "Looking back, I wish I had made more of university. Now, the thought of having three years just doing a degree seems like total luxury, when some people do it in the evenings, at the

same time as a full time job. I didn't appreciate it then, needless to say! I did love the fact that I got to meet all sorts of people from all over the country, which was different from school. "Eventually, I came to appreciate that my experience at UEA was beneficial in ways which weren't immediately apparent to me."









10 Concrete, Wednesday, October 16, 1996

UEA has a worldwide reputation for its contribution to the canon of contemporary literature and criticism. Seth Levine chats to Malcolm Brad bury, the man who started it all, and looks at two- new books hailing from the UEA stable hough tWo very different books, both are linked by he writers' association, past or present, with UEA. Malcolm Bradbury, UEA's prodigal father of reative writing, was in Norwich recently to talk bout his latest project, The Atlas of Uterature, which includes contributions from UEA faculty members Christopher Bigsby, Jon Cook, John Fletcher, Eric Homberger and James McFarlane. Christopher Bigsby, professor of American Studies at UEA, has also just published his third novel, Still Lives, marking a departure from his previous works of fiction based on Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. Both the books present something to the reader which requires a suspension of certain literary prejudices and preconceptions. The first, The Atlas of Literature, edited by Malcolm Bradbury, represents a break from traditional literary scholarism by concentrating on the times and pl~ces that bore great writers and works, an area often neglected in literary路studies. Professor Bigsby's novel, Still Lives, was inspired by the work of American photographer Lee Miller, and draws convincingly on her photography to create a moving narrative of missed opportunities. 1t is, however, a work of fiction, and the distinction between the inspiration for the book and the character created by it must be made.


erman Melville once said that, "Nearly all literature, in one sense, is made up of guide-books." So The Atlas of Uterature may lay claim to being the ultimate literary guide-book or, depending upon your perspective, the ultimate guide-book to literature. In scope and objective this work of reference bares similarities to Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy. Both works aim to take specific areas of intellectual


- a lot of the contributors are academics - but ifs a way of looking at literature that I never pursued whilst teaching at UEA. Obviously literary criticism does have this enormous textual emphasis, but it was always fascinating to me as both a teacher of literature and as a writer that you were describing some parts of what writers do at the expense of others, and time and place is one aspect that

by writers whose works enrich our lives, The Atlas of Literature is an interesting and rewarding work. Whilst some of the earlier entries on The Middle Ages through to The Enlightenment are necessarily weighty, the book's greatest appeal lies in its coverage starting with The Romantics through to The World Today. From the

zeal about presenting the truth of life's harshness. "She spends her life trying to save other people, and she thinks that photography may do that. At one stage she tries to record the faces of all the people who died in the


inquiry out of scholarly isolation and into their greater historical and social context. Bradbury, who wrote a majority of the contributions and commissioned many other authorities - including Louis de Bernieres, Justin Cartwright and Melvyn Bragg - to work on the book, is quick to point out that the aim was not to produce an academic book exclusively about literature. "I hoped the book would have academic worth

does tend to get shut out. The idea that, collectively, place is important for writers isn't a particularly strong topic in literary studies." The essence of literature is, of course, the emotional response the writer is able to elicit from the reader, and a great work of literature, like any piece of art, is often able to evoke the desired response irrespective of restrictions like time and place. To this extent, it is no more necessary to know where and how Jane Austen lived to relish her work than it is to know what Van Gogh had for breakfast the morning he painted his sunflower. lt is, however, a fascinating topic in its own right, .and an interesting study of the symbiotic relationship between literature and time and place. More than simply ._~--assigning specific writers and literature to their geographically and historically correct place, The Atlas of Literature looks at both the cause and effect of other disciplines in relati on to literature: the visual arts, music, politics and so on. Professor Bradbury, himself a novelist, playwright, critic and journalist, enthusiastically takes up this multidisciplinary aspect of the project. "I can compare this project to doing a television play or series. You have a passion or interest, then you start working with people who have all these skills, and by using their gifts you can add to and enhance your own curiosity. lt gave me great personal pleasure to have my passions indulged and gratified in a way I could never do myself." Approached as a unique guide to the worlds inhabited

0 Lake District of The Romantics, through to Kafka's Prague, Existentialist Paris and The B'eat Generation's America, the maps and illustrations are beautifully presented, and the commentary interesting and informative. The Atlas of Literature not only offers an interesting approach to literature by creating a broad framework categorized by time and place, but also presents insights into the essence of those times and places through the literary activities taking place there. he theme of time and place must have much occupied Professor Bigsby's mind of late, having contributed to The Atlas of Literature and completed a novel in which the importance of the moment is central. Stiff Lives is a complex novel, questioning the capacity of any


medium, specifically

r~~t~?:~phy writing), to

~~~~u~~ !he

concentration camp, in an attempt to neutralise what had been done to them and to give them back their identity. Still Lives refers, obviously, to the photograph, but it also has the sense of 'still lives' [as in 'to live'] in that a photograph has the ability to immortalise." From childhood, Bigsby instills Miller with a sense of injustice that makes her desperation for recorded truth more tragic, particularly with the knowledge that she will get to record the pinnacle of human barbarism in the death camps of Nazi Germany. There is a pervading sense of futility in the book, not only of her efforts as a chronicler, but of her attempt to construct a meaningful, coherent life for herself. "Photography is nearly always a failed enterprise, most things are. Life is a failed enterprise. Words can never really say what you want them to say. She makes a lot of mistakes,

"Wor k.Ing Wl"th 0 ther Wrl.1ers on "'"h A tIas Of she misreads a I I e lot of the world Literature allowed me to use their gifts to add to and ~:: ~~~ki~ at. In enhance my own curiosity. lt gave me great personal seems so futile pleasure to have my passions indulged and gratified ~tt:~P;~~ 路in a way I could never do myself" - Malcolm Bradbury capture

moment or a life. The life in question is that of American photographer Lee Miller, a disenchanted fashion photographer who became a pioneer in war photography, an area at the time dominated by men. From a lonely childhood in depression-time America, to the horrors of the death camp at Buchenwald, Professor Bigsby charts her desperate attempts to capture and preserve truth and identity through photography. Despite being inspired by the life and photographs of Lee Miller, Still Lives is a work of fiction, and as such Professor Bigsby had to think in terms of Miller's situation. "Adopting the persona of somebody removed from yourself is, in a way, what fiction is about. Sometimes removed in age, sometimes in gender. I couldn't think of any way of telling this story in the third person - it had to be a first person narrative. This story had to be told from inside the sensibilities of the person experiencing theses things - she was the eye behind the camera, and I had to go behind the camera to see what she saw and feel what she felt." The inspiration for the book came not only from Miller, in whose work Bigsby became interested during an exhibition at The Sainsbury Centre in 1993, but from the British war photographer, Don McCullum. "By the time I interviewed him for radio, he'd taken so many images of war that his new book consisted of pictures of trees and fields and rivers. Having taken so many pictures of war, it became impossible for him to look through the lens at those images. The same is true for Lee Miller. Looking at those images again would make you recoil." In the novel, Miller has a missionary

everything she's experienced in black and white. But in many ways she is wrong. Much of the information we have from that era comes from those photographs."


oth books will undoubtedly enhance the reputation of UEA writing. Both Malcolm Bradbury and Chris Bigsby have succeeded in balancing the demands of the distinct fields of teaching and writing for publication. Beyond the success of their own books, their link with UEA

can only serve to increase the institution's profile and create a fertile environment for new talent. The most obvious manifestation of this literary fertilisation is the creative writing MA, established by Bradbury and now run by Andrew Motion. The recently released anthology of new writing by last year's MA group, Fish Tank (see next issue's Bookshelf section), is evidence of UEA's continued commitment to developing talent. lt is obviously a source of great pride to Malcolm Bradbury that the MA he initiated is continuing the tradition. "I stay abreast of the creative writing MA, which Andrew has added a poetry strand to. The quality of writing in the new book was very good, which is gratifying to see." As long as writers associated with UEA continue to produce work as interesting and challenging as these two books, the institution should continue to attract and nurture new talent for the foreseeable future.

12 Concrete; WedAesday, October 16~ 1996·

o c rate

rco•nment] Grad Bar, bad bar?

Perhaps Unjon manaaers will thjnk twjce before libelling other organisations in the future. The allegations of an individual manager within the Union have been proved utterly unfounded. The Executive has assured Concrete that it will be looking further into the matter. Are we to expec.t a full explanation of why unconfirmed allegations were printed? Further still, will we be told the intent behind them?

Concrete welcomes your letters on any subject. Whether it is something we've written about that you wish to take issue with, or you just simply want to make a point, we want to hear from you. Write to us (before 1pm on Wednesday, October 23 to have your letter included in the next issue) at the address below or via our postboxes in the foyer of Union House, marking your correspondence for the attention of the Editor, James Curtis. Anonymity will be respected but you must include both your name and address in the first instance.


lt's about time that the new Unjon Exec took a tougher line on the disgraceful behaviour of certain managers to prevent this embarrassing incident from being repeated.

Union Takes lt's Pick ooes the Union have the right to decide what we read? After banning the popular magazine Loaded from Fresher packs because of its sexual content, the Union has decided that a gay magazine with full frontal nudity is acceptable. Both magazines are informative and entertaining. Both contain nudity. Why does the Union consider blatent heterosexuality to be offensive, but not blateot homosexuality?

Both Losdetl and Boyz are popular publications. why should the Union's agenda allow one Yet forbid the othet

Bugs In The System What kjnd of Impression Is UEA providing to !t's residents ? Returning and first year students should not have to accept such a low level of service. If Welfare Officer Paul Donoelly informed the University of the presence of bugs during the summer, whyhas the problem still not been resolved? Full eradication is needed before more students end up with bites on their bodies that don't need to be there.

This js just another case of the University shuttjng the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Listening Not Lecturing

concrete UI!A'•

Opening Hours: 8pm - 8am every day for drop-in or phone 503504

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confident ial li steni ng an d information ser\' ice

• Editor: James Curtis • Deputy Editor: Matt Fasken • Go-News Editors: Joanne Robertson, Jane Kirby • Features Editors: Sam Richards and Helen Lovett • Sports Editor: Scott Tompsett • Picture Editor: Andrew Bailey • Contributing Editors: Simon Mann, Cafoline Jenkinson • Staff Reporters: Neil Anderson, Katie Nicholl, Hannah Malcolm • Editorial Contributors: Gwen Trueman, Rob Lutyens, Jane Rigby.Jones, Sian Stalley, Amelia Hamer, Debbi Marco, Sam Howard, Martin Robinson, Jeremy Bartholomew, Catherine Jones, Sarah Hemmlngway, Matt Walker, Peter Norris, Emma Newbury, Ellen Dickenson, Adam Aiken, Chirs Waldron, Nick Triggle, Andy Tyler. • Photographers: Scott Tompsett, Kate Crockett, Matt Fasken, Jane Kirby, Chris Loader, Rob Lutyens, Andrew Bailey • Advertising Manager: Ben Maltby • Copy Editors/proofreaders/typists: Sarah Farrugia, Jo Pavey, John Spacey, Hannah Daw, Louise Maskey, Gita Sisupalan, Diane May, Marcel Vlietstra, Oliver Uttle, Vick Scales • Special Thanks to: UH Stewards, Bonusprint, everyone at ECN • DTP Assistants: James Curtis, Matt Fasken, Scott 'the rod' Tompsett, Sam Richards • concrete is published by the Union of UEA Students. Opinions expressed are those of the Contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. Use of the name 'The Event' appears by arrangement with the copyright holders, Planet Zog Ltd. •No part of this newspaper may be reproduced, transmitted by any means electronic, technotronic, telepathic, agricultural, In a tulip rolled by our Finance Officer or otherwise without the prior written consent of the publisher. • Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers Ltd., Norwich, Norfolk NR1 1 RE. © UUEAS, 1996.

cortdrete, Wednesday, ' OCto~r' 16; 199'6 '13 · .L

The taste of Italy? sac

am a new student in 1 and I am just finding my feet, so I decided that I would check out all the eating houses on campus. I entertain a lot and I love good food, so I know what sort of things to look for and to expect. I was very disappionted with the Italian restaurant (Piccolo's}, the staff were rude and unhelpful and seemed harassed.


A smile would not go amiss either. The food was shabby and had very little taste. I know that we are students and we have little money but I do not think that we should be treated like this. This did not happen over one or two days, I thought it was me so again, I went back to see whether or not it was a one off, but unfortunately it wasn't. Several times this week I have been in, the food is cold, dried up, crispy and lacks taste. I feel that something should be done. However, The Bowl is excellent, the people are nice, polite and nothing is too trouble much for them. Beverlee Bolton-Debbage

Decision Time for Single Parents Perhaps other people concluded that the shouting on Tuesday October 1 outside the Elizabeth Fry building was down to the fact that some poor unfortunate had been dealt some 'bad acid', and was definitely off on a weird one. ' Drug induced psychosis,' my nurse head reasoned. But my nurse head was back in the days when we actually bad a health service. Anyway, it turns out he wasn't tripping, but was a tad annoyed. Outside our class were six policemen, in full battle-dress, shiny boots and all. I was rather alarmed, was there a bomb? Also present were CID plainclothes (brown chords). An international terrorist perhaps? Being curious, I asked a particularly handsome member of the constabulary what was up. Basically Mr John Redwood MP had appeared for what was essentially a 'Public Meeting' to address students at UEA. Apparently this address had been 'covertly' advertised. According to one person present at the meeting, he had talked about Europe. Attendance number approximately 30. I'm a single mum commuting from

Lowestoft, and have been offered accommodation on campus, but here's the catch. The Nursery is currently at capacity, (in accordance with Social Services regulations), so it is pointless taking the house without the nursery, so I fall back down to the bottom of the housing ladder to wait my turn again, and hope that by some throw of the cosmic dice, Nursery and House coincide magically, for me to shout 'BINGO!' For the moment, though, I'm still in Lowestoft, and on average waste four hours travelling per day. PARENTS CONTACf YOUR WELFARE OFFICER TO VOICE COLLECfiVE CONCERNS. Anyway, on October 2, whilst watching a very early breakfast TV, I was enthused to note a photograph of Mr John Redwood within the Elizabeth Fry building, yet was astounded when the reporter clearly announced that "Mr Redwood, was in Norwich yesterday to raise funds fo r the party. Question: 1. How much did the total amount of policing cost, to an address that was essentially

public. 2. How much would a Portacabin nursery attachment cost? (bearing in mind as parents we PAY for the service, and as such it could make a profit). 3. Shouldn't we be lobbying Mr Redwood for funds? Do any matbamaticians out there agree with me or am I just stupid? The University 'appears' to have a policy regarding parents, and it's only fair that this policy is honoured, nay defended. I've already lost one place at the University because of poor facilities and misleading promises made in glossy brochures, I don't want to lose another. I don't wish to represent the cliche of single-parents 'scrounging' off the state either. (He said he'd marry me, honest Mr Redwood, and I believed him, but be was an ace guitarist, and a Scorpio with killer eyes! Mums and Dads are here to stay, so bow about that Nursery hmmm? I'm on a development course, how can I (ethically) fight for others if I can't fight for myself?


WM...,. a..,...

There la alwaya a feeling of potential, Hke absolutely anything could happen. Anyway, I was lust minding my own bualneu, walking pat one the other day when I uw two blokH I knew painting the place. One wu struggling to remove exterior paint In the kind of airstream only encountered In Lowutoft, the other . . . whacking the skirting In with red glou, nice. They wanted help, rolling yer aleevea up eort of help. I made my excu..., "up to me eyeballaln appllc8tlona• I eald. But how Ironic ea excu... 00 ·lt tume out the piHe la HI to become a drop In centre for the~ Unleeatheanotty

fter being a regular, satisfied customer at he student bar I find myseH in a tizzy. Mmmmmmmh, having ventured to the student bar to see some fit football jocks I was shocked to find one actually toppled on me. Yeah, we all understand football initiation night. However, standing on a chair, falling backwards on

to a table, full of drinks and surrounded by people goes beyond the limit of toleration. Our night was ruined as we were faced with the decision of licking lager off the floor or wringing it out of our clothes, neither were very appealing. They say time is a great healer, well football lads, a pint will do.

buelneea oommunlty have their way who are oppoelng 1t on the ground• that tourl8ta might not like n. Well

lt'e tough len't n. Anyway, nothing quite llkelapaed catholic guln. I lent them a ladder, but n wasn't enough to keep me out of trouble at home though. Somehow I have the dlatlnct ameli of glou In my nolltrlle. Just like the morning after the night before when we uy "never again" (I had wanted to give other8 a go), I aalcll wan't going to do thle anymore, and we don't...untll the next time... TonyCtvtlh

- .:.-

R/clcl Csmscho SOC 1


C. Chroston

A guilty conscience hen lt all comea to Ylbeeln the brickwork, people eeem to fall Into two camps, tho88 who believe and tho88 who don't. I do. In the lat8 '80111 worked on the old Bryant and May factory In Bow, famoua for the match girls strike and and . . . .lnduatrlal dl. . . . callad 'Pho.....,. the exact aymptoma of which • • unaware. Anyway, however IMfiY studio t1ata were lnatallecl chatng the 'Gentrlflcatlon' or 'Yupplllcdon' I callad 1t, the miHry alright. Empty hOueN . . WW'd, eomehow you get of tinge, you luat don't alwap know what. Empty .abope howevw are dltlerent 41881n.

Bitter Drinkers

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· · · ·-· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ·· .. ·· · · · · · · · - · · · · · · · · · C'OOCfete, Wednesday, October 16,· 1996·




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oyBt, Uni n Thut!!day th OctobBt

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Adam Aiken Looks Forward To A Local Derby Spectacular As The Canaries Hit Top Form "IF WE play like that we're going to murder teams," said Norwich City Manager Mike Walker after his team had demolished Tranmere Rovers in the second half during their recent game at Carrow Road.


The fact that only one goal was scored does not reflect so much on woeful finishing as it does on the wonderful goalkeeping displayed by Rovers ' Danny Coyne, an exkeeper himself Walker added, "It takes a lot for me to praise goalkeepers, but I thought he was outstanding." A Neil Adams header, a Mike Milligan 35 yard piledriver, and numerous efforts from the likes of Keith O'Neill, Robert Fleck, Darren Eadie and the fit-again Andy Johnson were all stopped by Coyne. Cliched it may sound, but on another day the Canaries could have scored five or six. As it was though they had to settle for Fleck's equaliser after John Alldridges early (almost inevitable?) goal for the visitors. The best moment of the match came soon after Fleck's strike when Keith O'Neill beat half a dozen Tranmere defenders with a dazzling run, his shot helped in by the offside Adarns. The linesman's decision not only denied O ' Neill his first senior goal at Carrow Road but also ruled out the possibility of the finest

Heads Up, Norwich get back in on the action.

efforts seen by the 14,500 spectators. The following game was a Tuesday night affair at Grimsby, with early strikes from Eadie followed by an own goal and one from O'Neill resulted in a 4-1 win, highlighting that City can score goals even with a lone striker. Eadie will have been particularly satisfied with the outcome - harshly sent off last year afterin a tussle with Grimsby's Gary Childs, Eadie not only scored twice but also saw Childs himself sent for an early bath. Next on Norwich's agenda is their derby match against Ipswich, which as the most recent derby results suggest should be a remarkable. In the first of the recent meetings between City and Town, the Suffolkmen won 2-0 at Carrow Road when Norwich were four points clear at the top of the Premier League. This was the Canaries' first home defeat of the season and it came just four days before Christmas. The following season saw Norwich win the home leg 1-0, but the real excitement came at Portman Road, but just ten days after ouplaying the mighty Inter Milan, ten-man City lost to an injury-time own goal by future manager Gary Megson town fans were estactic whilst the visiting contingent of supporters just wanted to curl up and die. By the end of the 1994-95 season, both

teams had dropped out of the top flight, but at least the team from Norfolk went down smiling after achieving the "doub le" over their neighbours for the first time in 43 years. A disputed penalty at Ipswich proved to be the winner in a 2-1 victory. With a 1-0 victiry sealing the result at Carrow Road. Last year, at Norwich, the home team took a 2-0 lead only for Ipswich to score through a Wark penalty with eight minutes left. Four minutes later, another penaly decision was revesed as Wark placed the ball on the spot, much to the fury of the Ipswich players and fans alike. At the end of the season, promotionchasing Town won 2-1 with a last minute own goal as goalkeeper Bryan Gunn completely missed the ball when trying to clear a backpass. The ghost of Megson (by now City manager) had come back to haunt Norwich fans. Whatever happens this time around, on recent form the derby should be an enthralling match, an added ingredient will be the appearance of !an Creek (if he is fit). After spending a decade at Norwich, he moved to Ipswich in July only to change his mind and return North a few days later. Now City ' s captain, it will be interesting to see how near to the opposition fans he dares to venture!


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In A League Of Their 0 n UEA FOOTBALL have kicked off to a good start this season playning in the league they won by storm last year writes Peter Russe/1. 0..:; pi le beating everyone convincingly last season

a controversial decision has kept them down in th..: second division of the local league. But although disappo inted by the decision the team has already put together two consecutive victories, even aft er twelve changes to last years team line up. lJEA. playing Marlborough Old Boys on Sunday 6, u~ed a combination of pas. ing. with Llirt:ct play, opening the game for some lively play on the wing. But against the run of play it was Marlborough who took a 1-0 lead. safely tucking away a penalty, which came from ,a controversial handball decision. lJEA countered immediately though. with Captain Sam Taylor taking the honours for the almost instant


It take long for UEA to get ha k in business again, exerting C()ntrol over the game and allowing Thor a more than worthy goal on the ~troke of half time, which punisht:d the Marlborough goalkeepers poor handling. The second half failed to live up to the promise of the first. with UEA not being able to capitalise on their domination of play, which was only marred by some bad fouls by Mar! borough. this left the full time score 2-1. With a defence which perfom1s as well as that of Andy Jngham and Scan Rigby with Chris Weeks in goal it looks like there will be few goals SC<JrecO against UEA this year. But it is the hostility of the opposition and referees that might be the cause of most concern the top UEA squad, as Alex Skilton found when was left to limp off with a broken shin-pad, of one of the many physical cballenp-



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- - -- - -- - Concrate, Wedn~sday, October 16, 1996


Hockey Need Slick Sticks UEA 2 V NORWICH CITY IV 1 A COLD start for UEA men's hockey firsts yielded a 2-1 victory over Norwich City IV in thel first league match of the sea n, writes Mark Tattersa/1. Play in the fi rst ten minutes was all Mark as be deftly slotted hom e the opening goal from an impressive shot on the turn . From this impressive opening play UEA could have been expected to be on a rout, but battled through the first period to no further avail, walking off of pitch at half time still only 1-0 up. The second half began by UEA continuing a downward trend, allowing Norwich to come back and capitalise on therr attacking play to snatch the equaliser right at the restart of play. The shock of this prompted Captain Dan White to rally his team, who fought back convincingly making the rest of the match more a question of how many goals UEA could score. than if they could score at all. Making wave upon wave of attacks UEA pierced e flagging orwich defence, but only managed one more goal before the end of the match, courtesy of newcomer Jake. Dan White commented afterwards " We' re delighted to win the first game of the season but really it should have been four or fi ve one.'' It still re mains to be seen if the team 1s capable of beating teams of a higher tandard though. especiall) as UEA lack the clinical fmishing pov. cr to make the most of their open play. S hurmer '~

Wlleei-Wind BUSA cycling multi medallist Jo Tuck was back in action recently, nearly riding a personal hest time in th e Norwich ABC 50 mile time trial, writes A1uly Tyler. Jo, clocked 2:39: 11 in the race which too place on the A47 between Swaffam and Bov. thorpc that saw riders exposed to heavy rain and near 35mph headwinds on the return leg. Showing her strength Jo caught a fellow competitor who had started two minutes earlier only four miles into the race, notching up the second fastest ladies time of the day and beating a handful of male riders into the bargain. "At least you know you're not going to be last when ) OU catch someo ne!" she said ''But to be within 13 seconds of your PB on such a hard day is very pleasing considering how race rusty l am'' After her latest uccess Jo now thinks that she v. ill be ready to take on the other riders in the BUSA' s later this month. " I'm looking to defend my hillclimb gold medal on October 20 so. hopefully, today should have lifted my form a little."

_Ne_tb_a_ll_Squad On Targe___t_F____o_r_B_U_S_A_B_a_tt_l THE NETBALL firsts kicked Into action on Sunday with an Impressive display of skill which took them to fifth place In a local league tournament, postponed last summer,wr/tes Scott from Tompsett Relegated from the Norwich local league last year UEA showed their past form was just down to half the team being overseas, sailing to victory against their league rivals in this netball marathon. UEA took the play to their opponents from the very fust match, beating the Sparks convincingly 14 - 4. Second for the axe came the Hollies with UEA running rings around their defence minutes into the first half, with goal attack and shooter taking shots at will. Final score 13-5 The next of the 12 minute matches was more of a test, the Scorpions trained by the county coach showed they had a sting in the tail, with a nervous UEA finaJJy succumbing to a close 9-8 defeat. The returning team has been boo ted by new recruit Sarah Harrison who has experience at All England level and it was her deadly aim as goal attack that accounted for many of the fast passing moves being converted into goals. This great attacking strategy was underpinned by a solid defence with Nicky Price, Sally Thorpc and Sarah Gahghan doing sterling work at goal defence and goal keeper, letting only 17 goals through in the fust four matches. UEA won their way through to the top play off group in the afternoon, but the tougher games began to show with UEA losing their fust four of the session, Although this included a defeat by the Uoyds Bank 'Thoroughbreds', who e team includes an England international shooter. The team came back winning their last two games, employing the same quick passing and characteristic pinpoint shooting to beat The Merlins 16 - 12. With a class performance like this in the first three weeks of term it looks like the netball team will easily make the grade in the local league and BUSA 's this year. Club President Julia GiU is optimistic for the teams chances in the next few weeks. "We really came together as a team, it wa really good match practice for the BUSA' s." Event organi er Myra Hawtree was also impressed by the teams display, "Considering the club has only been back together for three weeks they looked like they were working really well together, pas ing and especially shooting."

Sarah Harrison, pin point shooting

Forlnighlly BUSA Fixtures Wednesday October 16: Men's Football, UEA I,II,IIl,TV v Greenwich, home. Women 's Football, UEA v Greenwich, home. Men's Badm.iJiton, UEA I,II v Kent, Sports Village. Women's Badminton, UEA v Kent, Sports Village. Women 's Basketball v Kent. Fencing Men and Women, UEA v Kent, home. Men's Hockey, UEA I,II,IIl v Kent, home. Women 's Hockey, UEA I,II v Kent, home. Netball, UEA 1,11 v Kent, home. Men's Rugby, UEA I,II,IIl v Kent, home. Women 's Rugby, UEA v Luton. Men's Squash, UEA I v Herts, home. UEA II v Kent, home. Women 's Squash, UEA v Kent, home. Men's Table Tennis, UEA v Kent, home. Volleyball men and women, UEA v Kent, home. Tennis Men and Women, UEA v Kent, home. Mens Golf, UEA v Kent Home. Wednesday October 23: Men's Football, UEA I and Ill v Bucks college, away. UEA 11 v Christchurch Canterbury, away. Women 's Football, UEA v Bucks College, away. Men's Badminton, UEA v Christchurch Canterbury, away. Women 's Badminton, UEA v Middx, away. Men's Basketball, UEA v City, away. Women' s Basketball, UEA v Cambridge, away. Fencing Men and Women, UEA v City away. Men's Golf, UEA v Nene, away. Men's Hockey, UEA I v ene, away. UEA II, Ill v Cambridge, away. Women 's Hockey, UEA I v Cambridge, away. Netball, UEA I, ll v Cambridge. Men 's Rugby, UEA n V Greenwich, away. UEA m V Nene, away. Men's Squash, UEA I V Bucks College, home. Women 's Squash, UEA v Bucks College, away. Men's Volleyball, UEA v Cambridge, away. Women's Volleyball, UEA v Luton, away. Tennis men and women, UEA v <;bristchurch Canterbury, away.

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20 Concrete, Wednesday, October 16, 1996




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UEA CRUISED to a comfortable 49-5 win over Fakenham last Saturday without ever having to produce their best rugby. For a while it looked like UEA could be in for a tough afternoon, playing against a strong headwind in the first half and were soon under pressure as Fakenham had the better of UEA in the opening exchanges, taking a deserved try in the tenth minute, planting the ball in the left corner. UEA countered, placing Fakenham under pressure but were surprised not to take the lead earlier as the opposition were rattled by their Chris attacking play. The breakthrough finally came in the 27th The rest of the match was effectively UEA's minute when the UEA pack, encamped in Fakenham's 22, drove through the line to take and their superior fitness showed, running in an additional five tries in the remainder of the the try. Despite pounding the Fakenham defence match, leaving Fakenham in their wake and still further before the break the first half score only able to vent their frustration through their remained the same, after a drop goal attempt foul play. UEA should be really happy with a rebounding off of the left upright. Skipper Nick Cooper warned against sitting comfortable win over average opponents and it back in the second half, during the interval and it is cheering to see that the big winning soon proved that he was not going to sit back margin was enjoyed by a "bumper crowd" of over 50 people. and watch. The scoreline doesn't hide that UEA m:1de a As the second half kicked off he sought to lead by example, making the pace with a 50 number of errors, which included a number 'o f yard run, which was cut short only by a crude handling errors Club President Steve Lightfoot was very high tackle, this led to a succession of penalties, one of which ran over into the corner optimistic for the club's chances in the forthcoming league and BUSA fixtures. for a try. "It's a great result, now the team has scored Cooper went one better ten minutes later, when he cut across from the wing to set off on 105 points in the last two matches, Jets hope a brilliant cross field run to take a try on the this is the beginning of a bit of a roll." he said. left corner.



UEA Panthers In The Pink

UEA's MULTI-NATIONAL basketball team got off to a flying start in this years league, blitzing their way to a whopping 97-33 win over Costessey Atlantics. Scoring opened within seconds when American Matt Thornton racking up three points almost instantly after the tip off. Although play was held up with stoppages in the fir t minutes the match soon opened up when the Panthers launched a series of counter attacks with Matt Thornton, Roli Savvaris and Abie Savvaris scoring freely. The scoring bonanza coupled with tight man to man marking defence tactics meant the Panthers went into half time with a comfortable 48-17 lead. The second half saw a change in the team line up as the players on court began to lose some concentration. stopping the Panthers from

capitalising on a tired Atlantics side. The Panthers strength told later, as they laid siege to the Atlantic's basket, with Zac Ireson snatching a number of points from some flowing play. With just over one minute left on the clock the Panthers called their first time-out, to focu their efforts on one last push for the illusive 100 points which they narrowly failed to reach taking 97 points. The excellent result goes some way to making up for last years disqualification and the subsequent demotion to division two. Panthers' coach Costas Callis is confident of a swift return to the top division after they proved they are going to be the team to beat in Division two this year. The match's top scorer, Panthers' Roli Savvaris said, "The games will get harder but at this rate we should win the league." Club president Evangelos Panagi has even


bigger ambitions for hi. team this year. "We want to make UEA basketball a huge spectator sport, and are hoping for funding so we can promote the game."

Team: Evangelos Panagi, Nicos Yiambides. Roli Sawaris, Zac lreson. Char Mourouside.~. Terens Chichon. Abie San路aris, Matt Gill, Mall Tlzornton, Paul Anderton.

Troians Back To The Country NEWCOMERS Wayne Lincoln and Kelly Box showed UEA Trojans the way when they came away with two second places in the first RAF League cross-country, last Wednesday. Wayne was backed up in the men 's race Heather Sears coming in 6th and 12th by Roger Mullins who came fifth, Dan respectively. Stephens in 15th place and Club President C lub President Rob, said afterwards, Rob Barnes in 16th place. "This is an excellent start to the season. In the Women's race Kelly Box, a Some of us are still finding our legs after visiting student from Colorado, made the training on the track all summer, but we running look easy, with the top four of the are already looking really good for the team Cas Carlile, Amilia Craighill, next race at UEA."

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