Concrete issue 071 05 03 1997

Page 1


taxi firm for Its THE UNION has "appalling" behaviour, yet left the problem unresolved for an Incredible four months. Union Officer strongly critici ed the alleged " racist" and " abu ive" attttude of Beeline' drivers, followmg complaint from tudent . Beeline have been the Union's "We ordered a taxi driver not a recommended taxi firm for the last thug," they added. This incident was reported to six year . ln return for paying the UEA Security Supremo, Motri Union ÂŁ800 annually and offering a variety of ervice to students, the Morson and th in formation was company is given exclusive passed on to the police who are currently making enquiries. advertising and promotion rights. "We monitor all'the taxi ervices But as a resul t of students' complaint , the Union intends to the University and the way they axing Beeline from its pecial status behave," said Mr Morson. "Overall the conduct is quite and will prohibit the company from reapplying for tender this July. good, but sometime there are The news comes as three incidents that we have to follow students revealed how they suffered up ... Said Beeline day manager, verbal attacks and threatening behaviour from Beeline taxi David Goodall, "We work hard for UEA and we appreciate the work." He added that, in term time, 60% Racist attack of Beeline's bu ines came from UEA students. Last September, UEA tudent However, Mr Goodall admitted Glynn Bradley suffered a racist attack over the political situation in that the incidents had eau ed the company concern. Ireland. "Student hould come and tell "The taxi driver declared, 'It's us their complaints and we will ask lri h bigots like you that cause all the person involved to put it in the problem '," aid Glynn. "I feel that he was making light writing", he aid. Night Manager, Melly Arthurton of a situation which is very serious and importanL ln addition, he was added, "S tudents are late 50% of the time, we in ulting my identity." can be on time if they are on The most recent case was on Valentine' Day when time." two students, who do not Complaints wish to be named, booked Beeline taxi in advance Union Welfare Officer, Donnelly remains furiou , aying dispute occurred he has received "dozens" of when the students refused to complaints from tudents since pay full fare for a 25 minute late September. service and resulted in the driver "Beeline go against every equal trying to punch the male . tudent opportunitie policy that the Union and threatening the female. could ever have," he alleged, "they "He started swearing and are racist, abustve and unreliable. blinding and then said he would "They do not take complaints come and stave in th~ windows m erlously and there i no legitimate the house," they said. procedure set up by which students "We went to complain to Beeline can complain to them." but it was quite intimidating, they ~;!J~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~:W~~----~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------~ ju tdidn'twanttoknow.

2 News

Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

FOLLOWING last week' s election , delegates from UEA have been chosen to attend the NUS Conference. Over 500 students voted in the election last Thursday, which shows an increase on 1996 figures. Ten candidates stood for the seven places, with Joanne King (NAM) obtaining the largest number of votes at 89. The delegates for UEA are: Iona Wakeley (SOC 3) Peter Russell (SOC 1) Adam Maddock (CHE P/G) David Lain (SOC 3) Joanne King (NAM 2) Paul Tipple (LAW 2) Josh Kaldor-Robinson (SOC 3) The conference will run from March 24 - 27 and four of UEA' s delegates will be in support of the free education campaign which was defeated last year in favour of a change in education funding policy. The issues which have been highlighted for discussion this year are the Anti-Racism and AntiFascism policy, further education, and the Dearing Enquiry which is currently looking into all areas of higher education. Union Finance Officer, Ginge Kaye, who is running for NUS President failed to get elected as a delegate, as did Dave Manningham who is running for National Secretary.

Union Welfare Officer, Paul Donnelly...setting up awareness campaign

The Union has decided to launch a drugs awareness campaign following recent publicity over the issue. The ca mpaign, which wi ll be based in th e H ive, is scheduled for one week in M ay . consequences of taking drugs. Union Welfare Officer, Paul The news of th e campaign comes Donnell y hopes the campaign will rai se awaren ess on c a mpu ~ and j ust weeks after Union Fin ance Officer, Ginge Kaye revealed his provide self-help information for pri vate use of cannabi s. and follows ' tudents. "There is a huge population of on fro m recent drugs ra ids on students who take drugs and there campus by Norwich Police. i-. no use in den) ing that." he said . ""Thi s is a seri ous issue but at the end of the day people make their own minds up about what they do:· Paul wi ll be following on from a ca mpaign launched by the US to pro mote awa reness about th e dangers of taking drugs, but will he taking a slightly different approach. "The wed . will in fom1 people in a way that is not preachi ng or patron ising," he said. " We will cove r C\'erything from class A to clao,s C drugs and incl ude alcohol and tobacco ... Lea fl ets to be handed out throughout the week wi ll inform students of the ocial. psychologica l, legal and

Ginge Kaye was questioned, by the Police, at his home at about 8:30pm on Thursday, 27th of February, 1997 in respect to the Misuse of drugs act (1971) . No charges have been brought. Glfl!IO Kaye WliS quoied os saying "Since ~&eenl press et.Jcles have bllnounced my private Nfe to /he YoOrld. I have bean expeditl(/8 visit from the Lbcal Constabulll!y. I wos /hereforo not surpnsoo whon 8 knocJ< on /he bathroom door, some OO!nly trinutos a~er the arrival of the OffiCers. announced !h8ir prest!noe" Ho wont on to say, ''The OffioeJs wero vety pleasant and only found a llny amount of /lelt)I.JI CSMBbls " hi<:h they have repotted me for I W<>Uid also liko to tK!d thB/ smce /he pre$$ coveroge J hev& received nothing but support from union members and st!W!m! instructions NOT to resign. I WOUld like to /honk cvei)IOne for thek suppof('.

Paul Oometty and Becky Colley wero shodlod to hear that Ginge had been QU6Stioned. Bed<.y went on to say "I Wt.? oonbnue to !l!VO Gill(l') my suppotf'. NICk Robi1l!<lll was aware or the Incident and slated 'I •vss shocl<ed at/he news that Ginge had 006n quesboned by the Pchc8. I bo!ieve & sma# qusllllly Of cannabts was found but no chargQS hiMJ been brot,-ght. Again. II'IOIJid ~ke to rettelllle /he ffJCI. Ihat Ginge hes e privste life er.d whet he doos wiWn lhut is his nusmess, ho's a big boy now...'

"The topi c has become much more relevant rece ntl y," said Paul. " Thi 'i information will be devised so th at it will be useful now. whereas be fore people would have pa o,sed it by. ·'There is no use in clamping down on drug abu se unless it is done in a way that people will •espect. " he added .

Make the most of your vote


You have to laugh. Particularly if you are a Sabbatical, judging by this press release. The current Sabb team seems to think that having a Union Finance Officer busted for drugs is just a bit of a giggle. We wish we could share the joke, but we can't... Why? Well, if Ginge was just a 'private person ' , no-one would be the slightest bit interested in his consumption of herbal cannabis. Least of all the press he seems to think are persecuting him. But Ginge isn't and can't be a private person. He is the Union ' s Finance Officer,

Adrian pl ans to help the M akumbi Orphanage in Z imbabwe , and has been tra ining for the event since December. " Having spent a year and a half living a student life, l need to get fit again.'" he said. ··Thi is the ultimate challenge and I "ant to do it for charit y." An yone "ith ' pon<,orship or fund-rai'>i ng idea'> <,hould contact Adrian on Norw ich 46652 1.

something he and his fellow Sabbs seem keen to forget. lt was Finance Officer Ginge who so happily spoke to the press. That was the only reason his views were reported . And while he was busy boasting about his drugs usage, did he stop to consider the interests of the students he is supposed to serve? We think not.

Ginge is partly responsible for negotiating the Union's bars licences. With new legislation giving police the power to close any club suspected of allowing d r ugs on the premises, Ginge is jeopardising those licences and the Union's relationship with the City Council. This could affect the Union's use of the Waterfront.

NUS has launched the second P.hase of its campaign to increase the number of students who vote in the General Election. Since the beginning of the campaign last September, NUS has increased the number of students reg istered to vote by 250,000. NUS President, Douglas Trainer said, " I am pleased that so many more students will have an opportun ity to vote. " A spokesperson for NUS added, " The next stage is to see whether students want to take up th e option of voting by proxy."

• • • • • • • • • • • •• If Ginge had given any thought to this, he might have kept his mouth shut when approached by the local press. As it is, not only has he shown a reckless disregard for students' interests, but both he and the other Sabbs apparently think the whole affair is a bit of a joke. lt's nice to know that students' interests are a laughing matter.

Ne'\NS 3 -

Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

Undereover police drugs operations result in arrests at the Village and sparks new eoncern for residents

THE UNIVERSITY VILLAGE has come under the spotlight again, following two drugs-related arrests in recent weeks, writes Katie Nlcholl. Raids conducted by Norwich Drugs Squad resulted in one student and an outsider being arrested. The Village, which only involvement. opened in 1994, has been "In the last few weeks there plagued by high levels of has been police activity in eocrime, including one incident operation with the University at where six rooms at Willow the Village," he said. "We have House were ransacked over the seen people and things which Christmas vacation. require further inquiry." The University responded by increasing the amount of Arrests ccrv. but in the past three The student who was weeks there has been active not charged, police presence in relation to a arrested but however police have revealed possible drugs problem. links between the two cases. Raids "There was a connection between tbe outsider coming UEA Security Supremo, onto campus and the student at Morson denied that the Village," said Mr Morson there were any raids. who confirmed that "hard" 'There have been no raids on class ' A' drugs had been students," he said, "police discovered. activity has been mainly Nevertheless, Mr Morson concerned with outsiders." insi ted that the problem However, he confirmed that concerned out iders and was had been police not an issue of tudents dealing.

"The Univer ity potential market-place and i een by drug dealers as a place to go looking for customers," he said. "We have picked up on these visits and have informed the Police. "One outsider has been served with a formal notice and the University i prepared to take him to court for an injunction in the interests of student ."

Drugs And he added, " He is known to be involved with drugs and other criminal offences." University Police Liaison Officer, Inspector Sandra Wilkinson would only confirm that people had been arrested in connection with the University.

problem as "ongoing" and said, "People have been arrested in connection with attempts to supply drugs to students." Pre ident of the Village People Society, Jayne Brown described the Village as a "sitting target for aU sortS of crime. 'There is a known pusher from the West. ÂŁarlham Estate who comes io the Village," she said. "He approaches tudents and asks if they want anything." However, she added, "We have not seen or heard of any police activity. "Student tend to be more concerned about security in the Village and the fact that there is sec urity no permanent presence."



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4 Ne1Ns

ST AUGU STINE'S Swimming Pool in Norwich looks set never to re-open following a recent engineers report. The pool, which was closed last December, has been plagued by problems with an unsafe roof. A recent engineers report revealed that t he roof is beyond repair and the Counc il has t aken t he decision to keep the pool permanently closed. A lottery bid for a new pool at Riverside is in the pipeline, and the Counc il hopes to speed up the bid now that St Augustine's has shut. Said Chair of Leisure and Community Services, Doug Underwood, "The fact that we have not got a pool in ·Norwic h should strengthen our chan ces of a successful bid at Riverside. " We will be pulling out all the stops." provtstons Meanwh ile, have been made with other d istrict councils, schools and the Aquapark to ensure that people can swim at a reasonable price. There have also been discus sions of the possibility of free transport to and from other pools.

Concrete, Wednesd a y, March 5, 1997

MARCH 17 sees the launch of LGBT Awareness Week, writes Neil Anderson. UEA 's Lesbian, G ay, Bisex ual and T ransgende r Society has organi sed a week of activ ities which it hopes will increase awareness on campus of gender issues. Un ion LGBT Officer, as poss ible and what they which encompasses al l faiths describe as . ·'upbeat and in and religions. Carl a Moore will run a stall in T he Hive , promoti ng your face". "People need to be made debates, fi lm screenings and 'The message is 'We' re more aware of gay issues and here and we' re queer and the way gay people sex ual health workshops. treated." Free condoms will also be we're not going away''" said distrib uted th roughout the Carla, who hopes for success Awareness week. but is aware that thi s will depend on the response from Preside nt of the LGB T Events ·tudents. Society, Dan Helier. stressed Following recent "We are trying to get a the need for people to be mi xture between controversy in the letters of the good more awa re politi ca l events and social pages of Concrete, Carl a is homosexual community. keen to offer support to all events." she said. "There are a majority of those who need it. whatever "We want to stress that people on campu s who are their beliefs. there is a support network for not necessarily homophobic, but can spend 52 weeks of the people who want to come and Diversity talk, and hopefully making year ignoring the fact that ourselves more visibl e for ''There have been a lot of there are peopl e out there just one week wi ll be a step in who arc different di screpancies recently about them,'' he said. the right direction.'' values and Chri stian " It is basicall y In contrast to the recent homosex uali ty", she said. ·coming Ou t Week '. th e "We want to show that education, and that LG BT Society intends to make th is campaign as loud

Fire wrec theatre CAB FIRM CHAOS

Poly-Gone? By Emma Newbery

GOVER NORS at Ang lia Polytechnic Univers ity have decided to review its name, foll owing allegations that it is by m isu nderstood employers and grant awarding bodies. The University originally wanted to call itself 'Anglia Un iversity' bu t compl ai nts were rece ived from UEA who felt this would lead to further confusion. Said APU Public Relations Manager Marcia Baldry, " Some people feel that Anglia Polytechnic University is more difficult to market, as it is quite a mouthful to say." And she added, "The public are not quite sure whether it is a University or a Polytechnic the two words side by side send quite conflicting messages." As yet, there are no firm plans for what the new name cou ld be and w ith a Gov!!rnor's meeting set for April, discussions are still in the early stages,. However, a name-change would involve wrangles with constitution , local authorities and other academic instit utions.

Above... The Sewe/1 Barn Theatre lnset..a/1 internal fittings will need to be replaced

A SUSPECTED arson attack has resulted in the virtual destruction of a local theatre, writes Jane Kirby. The Sewell Barn T heatre, situated o n Constituti on Hill in the City, suffered ex te nsive damage fo ll owing a fire on February 22. 40 fi re- fighte rs rushed to the scene to funhcr fi re bemg reported backstage. battl e aga inst the n ames, wh ich began in The wardrobe area and rehearsal room were a lso ravaged, and water damage the earl) hours of the morn ing. Police suspect the fire was an arson has spread throughout the building. However, the shell of the barn is still attack, but the cost of rebuilding the theatre has not yet been fully standing. and Chairperson of the theatre established. soc iety. David Dixon, is hopeful that the Said Theatre Pub licity Manager, Lee interior can be rebuilt. Jackson. "The whole place will have 10 "We were demoralise-d for twelve seconds,'' he said. "but we have now be gutted and re-wired. lt will also need recovered and are very much alive and new li ghting, and probably new seats." kicking." The fire began in the bar area with a

Continued from front page However, despi te these serious concerns, the Union has admitted that it consistently failed to inform Beeline of the Union's intention to axe the company from applying for tender. In a bizarre twist, Bee line' s du mfounded managers fmally heard of the intended ban not from the Union , but from Concrete' s news team. The saga began at an Executive meeting last November, when Union Finance Offi cer, Ginge Kaye was instructed to tell Beeli ne of the banning decision. ''That is not what Ginge told me two days ago," said David Goodall. " lf this is the bull ***t we are getting from both ends, then we are not getting the truth are we? ''These in cidents with students are serious, but nevertheless, to say we are to be excluded after six years is harsh." Ginge admitted that he had fai led to act on the instructions of Exec and blamed "other things" relating to the Union for "ovenaking" th e Beeline issue. "I have made a mistake," he sai d. "There is no record of the contract in any file that I have and I was not aware that Beeline are going to be excluded from the tender." Ginge's comment comes despite the banning decision being taken in a minuted meeting at which he was present. Union Communications Officer, Nic k Robi nson added that it was easy to become "swamped" by too much work. "Executive meetings were run very informally in the begi nning and everyone too k on lots of jobs.'' he said. But Paul condemned Gingc's neglect of the matter, saying he was "disappointed" and the affair was now a ''big mess". "I trusted that Gi nge would follow it up," he said. " He shoul d have done wh at he was mandated to do by the Exec. "I wi sh I had been responsible for it because I would have· foliowed it through when it happened . However, no meeting was arranged between Beeline and the Union to discuss students'

concerns." Asked if Beeline hould have been able to address the complai nts, he said, "Personally , no I do not thi nk they should have been given the chance because th is is one incident too many. "The report of the attack back in September with witne se meant that the allegations were serious enough to say ' right that is it, this is one step too far from Beeline'.'' "We decided that we would not accept that sort o f behaviour." A member of the Union Executive commented, "It is symptomatic of the way this Union has been functioning over the last year that simple decisions made by Exec have not been put into practice by members of the Sabbatical team."

Ne\NS 5

Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

Campus residents annoJed by pranksters setting oH fire alarms I

Students from the School of Physics have received wriHen assurance that their will course units continue, writes Jane Kirby. Following the furore urrounding the closure of the undergraduate physics programme in January, s tudents have expressed concern about a possible "running down" of the department. However, Head of Physics, Professor P Coleman has written to students saying, "It is planned that all UEA-based course units currently available ... will be offered until there are no pbysic students to take them . Your degree programme should therefore be e entially unaltered from that which you expected." Union Academic Officer, Becky Colley welcomed the news. "Now the students know where they stand regarding the clo ure, and the decis.ion to keep all current units is reassuring," she aid. However, Becky expressed concern for Interdisciplinary Science students tudying at Lowestoft College, some of whom wished to join the physics programme. "I am disappointed with the University' s lack of provisions for students who were promised entry onto the physics undergraduate programme if they wanted it," she said. "The fact that there are some IDS student who wanted to convert to physics undergraduate degree , has failed to be recognised by UEA." Nevertheless, Pro-Vice Chancellor Or Richard Jones says the University is keeping students informed. "We are in touch with the students and will do all we can to help them," he said. "There have to be discussions with individual students because there is no general solution."



STUDENTS have expressed anger following a spate of incidents involving fire alarms being set off, some of which have been Identified as deliberate pranks. An average of two alarms per day have been registered with Norwich Fire Service, who have been called to the University a massive 69 times since January. fed up as us ." Over 40 of these incidents have occurred in Norfolk, Suffolk and Norwich Fire Service have now Waveney Terraces. decided to send just one engine to the Adam Dean, living in Waveney scene instead of the usual three, and Block G, admits that the problem is will call for back-up if necessary. partially caused by cooking in Station Officer, Richard Herald kitchens, but feels the majority of hopes that students and the incidents are the result of practical University will work together to jokes by students. solve the problem, which he attributes to accidents and "malicious Drunkeness behaviour". "It is my belief that if everybody "I think most of the time it is was to make an effort we could get drunk people blowing smoke into the the number of calls down," he said. detectors," he said. ''There is a particular problem in EUR student, Amanda Aiken Waveney Terrace and without doubt agrees, and believes that students this is caused by malicious would be at risk if there was a behaviour." genuine fire. Concern "Most of the alarms have gone off He also expressed concern at the purposefully, and students are now "potential danger" to members of the staying in their rooms as a result," local community, saying, ''The fll'e she said. services could be somewhere else "The fire service have responded as quickly as possible, but they are as doing some good."

Students have expres ed concern that the alarms could be too sensitive, but UEA Director of Health and Safety Services, Or Robin Thomas believes there are no faults in the alarm system. "We would expect a uniform rate throughout the University if there was a problem with the alarms," he said. "My sympathies are very much with the tudents."

Alarms Nevertheless, Union Welfare Officer, Paul Donnelly believes that students are suffering as a result of University inaction. "Whoever in the University is in

charge of the blocks should be more thorough in their of investigations how the alarms are being set off," he said. "Instead the University are

dragging their feetl~~~~~~~~l!~~~--~and unless there is a a criminal offence to purposefully set clampdown this will happen for the off alarms. rest of the year." "We are currently considering However, Accommodation Office what other measures might help Manager, Laurence Daly believes the reduce the number of false alarms, he University is doing all it can, and has said, "but continue to rely on the recently sent a reminder to students diligence of students to report people in Waveney Terrace stating that it is who they believe to be setting alarms off without due cause."

,-GUINNESS,- CARLING BLACK LABEL,UNION has withdrawn the monthly magazine Murder In Mind from the Union Paper shop, following complaints from students. Union Welfare Officer, Paul remove the magazine following content. The first copy of the magazine read ' Fred and Rosemary West: The couple whose quest for sexual excitement drove them to murder', with other titles including 'The Yorkshire Ripper', and 'The Japanese Cannibal '. Paul feels the magazine's content and approach to material is offensive and unnece sary. "1 personally fmd this sick and I do not think it has great academic relevance," be said.

Donnelly took the decision to concerns being voiced over its '1t might be a good read to some people but to others it is offensive and is disrespectful to people 's sensitivity about the issue." And be added, "1 do not agree with censorship and people can ask for the magazine if they want it, so hopefully it won't get too many peoples backs up." The magazine will now be available by reserved order from the shop, but students must ask for the service.






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Concrete. Wed nesday, March 5. 1997


Nose Competition I

Students join forces to publicise environmental issues


DIF FERENCE UEA societies have joined forces this week to bring environmental issues to campus, writes Gwen Truman. A mnes ty Interna ti o nal , Anti - A nim a l A bu se, a nd the S oc iety for Pe ace h ave got together to campaign for a greener way of life. T oday wi ll featu re a deba te to bring events together in a n and a free fi lm screening at 7pm attempt to raise aw areness of in the Bill W ils on roo m , and an w hat s ho uld be a da il y concern . information stall o n landmines "T hi s is a way o f ha vi ng o ne w eek concentrating on wi ll be present on Thursd ay. e nvironmenta l issues," she sai d. Vegetarian and vegan food wi ll a lso be pro moted everyday '"H o p efull y so me thing wi ll bel wecn 12 and 2pm . trigger in pcop le "s minds if U n io n Envi ro nme nta l e ve ry day they are bo mbarded with images." Officer, Maggie C hamley hopes

Roya l Mail have launched a new Gap Year Guide in conjunct ion with travel experts from Lonely Planet. The g uide i' pac ked with fac t> and ~ u gg c~ ti o n ~ about how to plan and fi nance a year out du ring or fol lowing your degree . al ong '' it h safet y tip~ and other u,e fu l adl'icc. A rece nt Roya l Ma il Int ernati ona l ' un cy revealed th at m ·e r one fifth of peopl e aged 20 to 30 have taken a yea r out . and .J 'J per ce nt of the m ;a id the) felt it had he lped them in the ir caree r. And more than a thi rd of graduate> who d iu not take a year o ut reg retted 11.

Of the ~)0 e mployer' from numerOUS indu,tric; th at were qu ittc u . 87 pe r ce m agreed lhat it wa-., a good idea to take time o ut to trave l. More than ha lf added th at thq fel t it wou ld broade n ho ri zo ns and help peoples uew lup ment or a mat ure attitude . Ct~ll crt' IC has o btamed cop1 cs o f the gui de to gil'e away. Just place yo ur answer to the to ll mv ing q ue> ll on on a pos tc ard a long w ith yo ur name . sc hool and tele phone number.

What is the capital of South Africa?


5 4

CONCRETE, in conjunction with campus radio station Livewire has got ten party tickets to give away ! The Comic Relief party will be held in the LCR on Friday , March 14 and will feature live acts and local bands. To be in with a chance of winning one of the tickets just answer this simple question : What was the total amount raised by Comic Relief in

1995? Place your answer, along with your name and telephone number in the Concrete competitions box sit uated in Union House foyer before March 12.



Red Nose Day is on Fr iday, March 14 th is year and schools, businesses an d instit utions across the country will join in the fun-filled acti on to raise what Comic Rel ief hope will be the biggest total ever. T h is

year a ls o

m ar k s

th e

c h arity" s te nth b irthday a nd the hy perd r ivc o f t h e probisc is p la s tic us ru b is (the •·ed no s e ) is s till in full fo rce . bu t nnw in a f u rrier vc r'\ ion! Head of Pub lic Fu nd ra isi ng. Mr Pa u l G ill cs pi e says he h ~" hi gh ho pe' for l <l mi c Relief in

w hi c h has go ne to s uppo rt c haritab le projects . Fund rai s ing costs incu rred by Co m ic Rdi c f arc spo nso red by various co mpa nies in the UK. mean ing that a ll cas h do nated by co mpa nie s and th e publi c goes direct to the organ isatio n for dis tri but ion . Two third s o f th e money raise d th is y<!ar wi ll go towards lon g term self-su ffi c ie nc y projec ts in Africa . wi th the re ma ining ca sh being dona ted to those w ho need most help in thi s country. So fa r. in Co mi c rd id .. , hi sto ry. over .l7 3 milli nn has been spe nt in Africa . Rece nt I). mo ney has hee n spen t t< > educate inhabitants abou t lanJ llliii C aw arene". a nd o ve r £40.000 has been a ll oc at ed to hdp " o me n in Ghana 'e t up s mall bu s in c"c' . A proj ec t is a lso unde rwa y tu loo k int o the pli ght of street c h ildre n. mi lli on ha s been 'PClll in th e U K in the! fo rm o f 2 .800

Of the poorest countries in the world, 18 out of 20 are in Africa

J')97_ .. The s igns a t thi' stage . just two week' int o the ca mpa ig n. ar e very pos iti ve. W e arc look ing at a resou nd ing succe":· Si nce it s launch bac k in I 'JH6. wh e n C li ff Ri c hard a nd the Yo ung O n e~ re leased Liv in· Do ll.


Ne\Ns in de t h 7

rete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

WHAT'S ON AT UEAt !'AG and Livewire will be host. •ng a series of events next ~eek, culminating in a fund-raisIng party in the LCR on Friday 14.

All ~eek, Li:ewire will be holding a raftl~ m the 1-_live, with prizes including

a helicopter nde, tickets to see Ben Elto.n, a day for two at a health spa, and a spm on the Lotus track ~G will be holding a week-long specJaJ game of Assassin. Monday will see an evening pub crawl, and on Wednesday there will be a beach party . at Norwich Aqua Park, wt'th a Corruc R . e!Jef pub quiz also being held in the Back Bar

~riday 14 will see a four- ven ue event five-a-side football in th e Sports . Centre, live local bands in the Hi M~Iky Lunch at the Waterfront,~~· surpnse appearances from famous comedians, c~baret, pizza and big screens at a Party m the LCR Tic~ts for the party cost £4 and are avrulable now from the Union F' Office. mance Wi th

, the young and old, with drug and problems. majority of Comic s supporters are the ' s children. year, 60% of schools the country helped to money through nondays and sponsored and the charity

Comic Relief hopes this year to go beyond the whopping £22 million raised in 1995, when a record-breaking £8 million was donated on the night by debit and credit card holders. Odds are in the charity's favour, with Mr Gillespie expressing delight that sale of the new-style nose (available from WH Smjth, Oxfam and Menzies) is on the up. '"'The sales of red noses are 40% up on last time. The shaggy noses are flying of the helves and we hope to sell all 4 mjllion." Thjs year also sees the launch of a new product range to help pump more funds. They include the new clothes pin badge (£I - for those who are cautious about wearing a big furry nose on their face), 'scratch your nose'

in 1994, an educatjonal and video pack, entitled Better' was to encourage cruldren the incorporation of chjJdren into school

vfr Gillsepie explruns also I a large amount of money is ) rrused by groups who thjnk >riginal fundraising ideas. >mic Relief is funny in the se that get st of lottery e IVe instants, a money ID from OVer+v, mOSt OVer Delia Smith 'single ·~' cookbook, and the rce but Ani maniacs n what ;, in 1995, two thirds of the T-shlrt at £6.99 (mail order 01536 720 120). The motto of the 1997 camprugn, "Small

14 million people · th UK 1· l·n

P the age of 65


Change, Big Difference", reflects the hope that the nation will do something small and give a little time to make a real impact. £730 million

Minogue sister), Gladiators and the Spice Girls will all be making a guest appearance. Cash will also be rrused on the evenjng through phone - ins. Head of BBc Entertrunment 70 and Chair of Comic Relief, Paul Jackson, is confident the event will be a success. "The money really does get to the grass roots for local people to use to help themselves rebujJd their lives. know that everyone will get behind our efforts again this

"The sales of red noses are 400/ up circulation on last time. The to the value of less than shaggy noses are SOp, and off the the charity flying " f wants the public to shelves. · Head o Public Fundraising collect together small at Comic Relief change worth of coins are in

and deposit it at the nearest bank, bujJrung society or post office. fn Africa, three pence wi ll buy a pen for a cruld , 33 pence buys a cup and plate, and £1.70 will allow a Ghanaian woman to join a literacy course. Stay-at-home supporters can look forward to a wider range of talent as BBC! host six hours of the very best in comedy and documentary. Jennifer Saunders and Angus Deyton, with specials from Men Behaving Badly (including a glimpse of a


Mr Gillespie adds that Comic Relief is the only day in the year when everyone has the chance to get actively involved in rrusing as much money as possible. " It is a day when the nation comes together to do something crazy and make a really big difference. The public seem more positive than ever before."




Concrete. Wednesday, Marc h 5. 1997

Dear Dearing ... By EMMA NEWBERY

The Dearing Enquiry has been underway since last June, but a flurry of proposals for the introduction of top - up fees and controversy over increasing numbers of students has brought higher education back into the public eye.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S Day hits Norwich this Saturday, and will be complimented by a two week programme of events , writes Joanna Powe/1. No rwich C ity Counci l arc ca ll ing a ll fe m ale stu de nt s to tak e part in th e prog ramm e. with so me activiti e> in the City be ing o ffe red at half p rice or even free . Norwi ch C ity Counc il Women 's Arts Centre Manager believes th at Internation al Women 's Day O ffice r. Clairc Sta nley hcl icves the day, which was first celebrated m should be a day of celebration . '" It is a c han ce to cel ebra te I \!09, will be a success. women· s ta le nts and how they have '"l t is an occasion which mark s moved on in the music world ," he wome n's achieve ments in and ou t said. of Norwich." she said . "and is a Uni on Women' s Officer. Li sa c ha nce fo r a ll wo me n to get Eldrct added , "The day is togethe r." important because it hi ghli ghts lhe In cluded in the sc hem e are achi e veme nt s a nu brilli a nce o f ex clu sive half pri ce saun as a nd fe ma les ac ross the world , but steam sess ions at the No I Gym brings atte nt ion to the fact that C lub in the City . there a rc sti ll many probl e ms to do Cinema Ci ty is also contributin g with inequ ality and sex ism that to International Wo men's Day thi s need to be tack led." Sunuay by sho wing Souvie ns-toi A prog ramme has been Moi . a film cove rin g one Al gerian produced to in form students of the woman 's ex ile in Pari s. events surrounding the day wh ich orwi eh Art s Ce ntre al so can be obtained by calling the la unc hes ''Wo me n in Mu sic Leisure and Community Services Festival" ' week whi ch will take on 2 121 18. place from Thursday, April 24 to Satu rday May 3.

UEA witnessed anger a nd confu sion s urrounding top- up fees back in January, but rej ected the proposal at least unti l the o utco me o f the Dea rin g Enquiry beco mes c lear. Government ~: ampai g n s bac k UCAS fi g ures for 199 7 show in 1979 to in crease the number a small inc rease in the number of students go in g to uni v er~ it y o f a pp licant s, and the tre nd hasve proved su ccess ful o n the su ggests that th e number is whole. actually levell ing o ff. One in three pco pk a rc no" Neve rthel es s, the hi g h numbe r of student> p o~es in the hi ghe r educati o n sector. co mpared to one in e ight back in crit ica l que stions about how 1979. hi gher education will be fund ed now and in the futu re . But figures abo show that the stud e nt to >ta ff ra ti o has Funuing to universities has inc reased by 25 per cent ove rall increased radica ll y. Evid e n ce put be fore th e in th e last e ight years, but due to Dearing En q uiry co mmittee last the gro wing number of stuue nts fundin g per head has actu all y month suggesb that before long there will be too man y graduates dro pped by 30 per cent. in the cou ntry. and a hi g he r T he Dearing Enquiry is set to report by the summer of thi s le ve l of g raduat e year.


' ANGLIA TELEVISION have finally apologised for the offensive behaviour of a warm-up comedian, writes Jane RigbyJones.

Don't forget



G HOURS 9 • 5.30PM



U EA student. Edw;trd Recs, co m plained to An g lia last 'o ve mber fo ll o wing R icki Jay 's ·'racist. sex ist a nd ho m o pho bic" jo kes during the filmin g o f th e g ame >how . Sp lit Second . Edward received a letter from Bob Cusins. producer of the sho w, howe ver, hoth Edward and Uni on Welfare Officer. Paul Donncll y were dissati sfied with the response. Recent ly Contro ller of Programmes and Prod uction . Mr Malco lm Allsop made an offi cial and compl ete apology via Paul on behalf of the Norwich - based compan y.

Regret '" I wo ul d l i ~ e to add my si ncere reg re t for any embarrassment and o ffence caused to anybody within the audi ence by the comedi an's materi al". he sa id adding, '"A new prouucer has been shown all correspondence anu will ensure that such offending material is not used again and that the warm-u p art ist chosen is aware of all pro per sensiti viti e ." Paul said he is sat i ~ tied wi th the apology, and as a result has lifted the ban whi ch has prevcnteu Ang lia from adve11i sing in Uni on House. "The lett er has gone n ght to the lop. anu they have taken it seriously." he said and added. ""Basic;J!I y I coul dn't have ex pected anyth ing more. They ha,·e apologised in full both to Edward and to the Uni on."

Edward said he was pl eased that the issue had finall y bee n acknow ledgeu a nu dealt with pro pe r! }. " I am pl eased that we ha ve tinally got an apo logy fro m Angl ia. I am also glad that my comments wi ll be passed on to the new producer so that thi s kino of occ uJTencc can be avoided in the fut ure."' he sai d.

Common degree plan proposed The proposal for a common degree plan to secure top grades in Higher Education has been suggested by government advisors as a part of the Dearing Enquiry, writes Katie Nicho/1. A co mmo n pl a n wo uld e nsure tha t deg ree q ua li fi c ati ons w o u ld be tween be c o mparable inst itu tions and therefore wo u ld easily dbcernible by be

empl o yers a nd acade mics . The move comes in response to th e o ve rwhe lmin g numbe r o f student s who ha ve been awarded to p quality deg rees. A spoke> person fo r HEQC , Brig itte Wil son sa id. "There is a tre nd now to award more first cl ass a nd upper sccontls ... However, she sa id thi s was a res ult o f the boom in the numbe r of people in the Higher Education sector and was not due a hi gher calibre of stuucnts. Uni o n Academi c O fficer.

Bec ky Colle} is scept ical about the proposal. She recog ni se s the importance o f an a ll -round >ys te m to monitor con sistency . ho we ver. she is opposed to th e 1dea o f a national curriculum. '· It is important that sta ndards a re main tain ed be twee n institutions. but it should not be in the fon11 o f a natio nal curriculum for unive rsities:· she said . The Dearing Enquiry wi 11 report afte r the Gene ral El ection and the proposed plan s fo r a co mmo n ucgrec plan wil l either be aducd or rejected.

Features 9

Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

st +If you're fond of emulating your literary heroes, you could . do worse than buy a second-hand car, fill it with your best mates and drive across America, just like in Jack Kerouac's cult novel, On The Road; Ceri Evans plays Sal Paradise or many students at UEA, a compulsory year abroad provides more than the chance to study in a different country - it also gives an opportunity to travel. I spent last year studying in the United Stat~s at the University of Richmond, Virginia. After nine months spent within the protective atmosphere of the campus, I set out to discover the 'real' America. I had allocated myself no small task; the plane to take me home was leaving from Richmond six weeks later. In the meantime, I intended to see America the way it was meant to be se~n: from the road. Coast to coast and back again, and the clock was ticking. During my year in Richmond, I had shared the purchase of a second-hand car with a friend, and we wanted to make the most of it. lt was cheaper than you might imagine and well worth the investment. I made use Of my student loan, and the whole trip cost about £1,500 each. Four of us squeezed into the car, and to be honest, the prospect of a 10,000 mile adventure scared us to death! Our first test came after two hours. We had stopped at a roadside cafe when we noticed liquid coming from the engine of the earl As luck would have it, there was a ramshackle garage across the way. Out here, the trade currency seemed to be beer and it cost us a couple of bottles to find out that


the natural outflow of the air conditioning was at fault. We then had to persuade the mechanic that London was not a country, and no, we didn't know his cousin Kenny who lived there. lt was our first taste of rural America. Our first taste of urban America came when we hit Chicago. We were entering one of the biggest cities in the US and I didn't even know six-lane


attractive in its own way; especially as electric storms are common and because the land is so flat, they can be seen for miles around. 1t is an amazing (if not slightly hair-raising) lightshow. In Denver, we retraced the steps of Dean Moriarty from On The Road before making our way to the Rocky National Park where we had a snowball fight by the side of a frozen lake, despite a temperture of 70 degrees. Onwards we drove into the nothingness which stretched all the way to California. The long, straight, flat road was tempting,. but as I found out to my detriment, it is not an open invitation to attempt the land speed record. While there were no other vehicles on the road, there was a cop car hiding in a ditch. He clocked me travelling 13 mph over the speed limit and promptly gave chase with siren blaring! Speeding on American roads is an offence that carries a hefty fine, altt)ough playing my best innocent English girl abroad went some way towards getting mine reduced. · As we passed into California we had The Eagles' Hotel California blaring from the stereo. The experience was slightly surreal to say the least. I couldn't quite believe that we had crossed a continent! California is all they say it is and more - I arrived slightly sceptical but fell in love. The cosmopolitan metropolises of LA and San Francisco are barely a few miles from the idyllic peace of

I didn't even know six-lane motorways existed before suddenly I was driving on one motorways existed before suddenly I was driving on one. To make matters worse, we took a wrong tum and ended up in one of the city's worst ghettos. Despite the detour, downtown . Chicago was well worth the effort. The top of the Sears Tower affords amazing views over the city and Lake Michigan. We were able to sunbathe on a beach in the middle of the city! From Chicago, our grand tour took us through Iowa, Nebraska and Wyolning, where ttie buffalo roam (or used to, at least). The Great Plai(ls are indeed as desolate as they are portrayed. However, even a barren landscape is

Napa Valley and the Monterey Peninsula. The ski resorts of Taho are just hours from the searing heat of Death Valley and the Mojave desert. The state has all this plus Yosemite National Park, Giant Redwood forests and hundreds of miles of dramatic coastline. Next stop was the Grand Canyon, one of the natural wonders of the world. Unfortunately, during our visit, the view was obscured by the pollution created from constant flights over the ~rea by environmentally unfriendly tour operators. The peace and quiet was broken by the thousands of tourists (us admittedly included) who visit the site cfdily. We visited the South Rim but were assured that the North Rim is less commercialised. Our journey through Texas took two days of almost constant driving, during which all we saw were cattle ranches and oil fields. However, our visit to San Antonio made up for it all. The city was clean, pretty and friendly. lt contained many old buildings, a legacy of the Spanish/Mexican occupation of the area, giving it a historical feel which is lacking in much of America west of the Mississippi. Another city steeped in history was next on our itinary: New Orleans, home of jazz. One benefit that a trip to

Arizona brings to those under 21 is that ifs about the only state where the legal drinking age is 18. If you intend to drink, though, be warned - a beer can cost upwards of $6 (£4)1 Many people just wander up and down Bourbon Street listening outside the jazz cafes; it's much cheaper and the whole area is buzzing from about 11 pm until' the early hours. The last stop on our tour was in Memphis. A homage had to be made to Graceland, which was replete with hideous '70s decor and a lot smaller than I

had expected ·for the home of the King of rock'n'roll! From Memphis we made our way back to Richmond. 11 seemed a lifetime since we'd. left. We were all road-weary, but there had been no major catastrophes along the way,--and we were all still talking to each other oust). lt was the trip of a lifetime, and to this day I still find it hard to believe that we actually achieved our aim. lt is definitely something I would recommend to anyone who can spare the time and money. ·



Concrete needs a new Editor for the next academic year. It's a full time post and you will need to be a UEA student in your last year or able to intercalate for a year. You will also need to have a sound background in print media. In the first instance send a CV and covering letter to: J ames Curtis, Editor, Concrete, PO Box 410 Norwich, NR4 7TB

10 Features

Features 11

Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, .1997

they are not eligible for such discounts, meaning they find it more difficult to compete competitively. Independent stores account for only 6% of Vital Distribution's business. This is somewhat surprising consi"ering that larger record companies are responsible for their own distribution and Vital deals mainly with smaller labels. Vital maintained that offers on new releases are available to all retailers, although if a store has a large account, then it is possible they will receive a further discount.

orwich may not be the heart of the British music scene, nor the world's greatest sh?PPi~g c~nfre, but being a UniVerSity City, mUSIC inevitably sells. This climate has given rise to an increasing number of retailers · trying to persuade students to part with their precious grants and forgo the luxury of eating for a week in favour of buying the latest releases from whichever musical virtuosos were leering from last week's NME front cover. The question is, how do they compare? Are the biggest stores necessarily the best, or is it worth trekking around the back alleys of Norwich in search of bargains? This tour of the Norwich record emporiums begins at the large HMV store situated in its new location just off Market Square after a year's absence from the city. The store's catchline "top dog in Norwich" is a confident attitude which assistant manager Simon Moore certainly subscribes to. He cites the "charming staff" and the fact that the shopping space is all on one level as being HMV's strengths. He also stated that students formed "the most important market in any city", but despite this, the store presently has no specific student discounts in operation. When asked why a large chain with huge buying power was unable to sell


many products cheaper than independent stores, Mr Moore suggested that prices could be cut, yet this was unnecessary due to the popularity of the HMV name in the music retail market. He indicated that customers will use HMV because it is a chain they' re familiar with, and the outlet has a prominent position in the city which brings in a great deal of passing trade. Despite Mr Moore's insistence on his store's superiority, not everyone is happy with the service. Some student opinions we gathered complained of slow acquisition of orders and that staff are unhelpful in dealing with more unusual requests. Mr. Moore also offered few convincing reasons to favour HMV over its main competitor, the Virgin Megastore, situated at the main entrance to Castle Mall. Virgin provides a similarly wide range of music and accessories which assistant manager Stuart Cavaliero claims is the largest in East Anglia. They pride themselves on catering for all tastes, from popular to alternative. Specialist music is clearly sectioned and the range is comprehensive. However there is a heavy CD bias and the token vinyl section is decidedly

ropy. Great for a fan , less so if you're a budding DJ. Many students we spoke to suggested that an advantage of the Megastore is the keenness of staff to help, a quality which is becomiqg more and more unusual in the larger stores. However, student comments indicated that Virgin had similar problems to HMV when it came to acquiring orders. Prices in the store are fixed according to national Virgin policy and Mr Cavaliero stated that any aboveaverage prices are counterbalanced by regular in-store offers. There is no student discount at present, although

receiving much of the city's shopping trade. Our Price, though, were recently bought out by the Virgin chain, so expect very little difference in price or policy here - it basically functions as a more compact version of its big brother. A walk up the hill to Lower Goat Lane will bring you to Uzard records. Lizard specialises in alternative, indie and rock music on. a variety of formats including a large amount of new and second hand tapes and vinyl. If you're an avid music collector, you can also get hold of rare promos on all formats, and even concert programmes. They have found their niche in the market and enjoy popularity from the ever increasing demand for non-commercial music. Unfortunately, being a smaller independent without the buying power of their larger rivals the prices are slightly higher. However, as manageress Nicki Thacker informed us, they are able to stock albums at bargain prices of around £10.99 or less in the first week of release, due to a pre-ordered deal. lt is when a product must be re-ordered without such a deal that prices are forced up.-One student rightly pointed

lt seems that suppliers are generally geared towards the major stores, but if the large stores recieve preferential rates from the distributing companies, these savings are rarely passed on to the customer Mr Cavaliero hinted that his may change. We'll see... lmost next·door to Virgin, like a limpet on a whale's back, is the tiny Compact Disc Centre, stocking chart COs and a reasonable selection of back-catalogue material for its size. Prices are competitive and it is always worth a browse. Our Price is well placed at the major pedestrian junction at the top of London Street, giving it the opportunity of ·


•Are your record shops giving you valu~ for money? Andrew Davies and Becky Williams peruse the pricing policies and stocking statistics to uncover the truth that lies behind those display shelves out that this practice benefits the fans who are keen enough to purchase the album within the first week. A major benefit of Lizard records is a 5-1 0% discount for students, and it is the only store we discovered that practised one. You'll find Andy's records next door to Lizard, stocking a similar selection of products to HMV and Virgin. However, they do have a larger vinyl selection with a long-standing special offer of £3 off every vinyl LP. We are also assured that this is not an exercise in selling off products to scale down the section, as has been the case in many major . stores. We found the shop's prices quite high, considering Andy's is a national chain and asked assistant manager Ben Killingworth to enlighten us. He admitted that the stores are actually losing custom and the higher prices (set by Andy's national policy) were enforced to try and claw back some money. The main problem that this outlet has is its location. it is trying to function as a major store without the prominent position, _and lacks the specialisation of an independent that would make people

go out of their way to visit it. Even so, Andy's does have many benefits to offer, for instance, friendly service and more importantly, staff who know about music, a quality sometimes lacking in larger stores. They also sell a different new release or classic album at £10.99 each week. This deal is geared towards students and is mainly advertised in the music press so it's worth checking to see what is on offer. Further away from the high street and the mainstream is Soundclash on St. Benedicts street. One of its distinctions is the predominantly vinyl stock, and this format accounts for at least 75% of their sales. They believe that a key advantage they have over competitors is stocking cutting edge and alternative material, simply not available elsewhere in Norwich. Back catalogue material is mainly kept on vinyl and space is valuable on the small shop floor, so they are unable to be as comprehensive as the majors. Still, as they rightly point out, a good deal of space in larger stores is taken up by "500 copies of the Spice Girls CD. You won't find that here... at all!" Soundclash feel that suppliers are

generally geared towards the major stores, and claim that if the large stores recieve preferential rates from the distributing companies, these savings are rarely passed on to the customer. Student comments regarding Soundclash are favourable, and the friendly service is often commanded. However, the specialisation in alternative dance means the shop is usually full of DJs, which some students we spoke to found offputting. One student felt the atmosphere was pretentious, making her feel uncomfortable in the store. Yet if you can get over this, Soundclash is worth a visit and is the most significant vendor of alternative sounds in Norwich. inally, a little out of the way on Magdalen Street is Ray's CDs stocking new and second-hand items, including computer games. Prices range from £5-11 for new CDs and from £2-8 for second-hand ones. Oasis' Definitely Maybe on CD will cost £11 new and £7 second-hand - both are competitive prices. Manager Ray Maddicks states that he can't stock new releases at low prices because the wholesalers favour the larger stores who can buy in bulk, and therefore receive privileged rates. You might not find everything you want in this store but there are some

main point evident from our research is that the major stores endeavour only to compete with one another. They do not look at independent stores, even if prices are cheaper, because they consider the


independents too small to be any threat. Therefore, prices can and do vary, especially on less well known titles, so it is always worth shopping around. If you're into music, games, videos, magazines and T-shirts and you don't want to trek around the city in search of bargains, then the major stores will be able to satisfy all your needs. On the other hand, if you're willing to get a bit of exercise, you prefer your records on vinyl, you're after-that hard to get Snowpony 7", or you just prefer a more intimate service, then you should check out the smaller independent shops. We haven't even had space tp mention the numerous specialist second-hand shops to be found in the city. With a little dedication, you're likely to find a few bargains.

· varied from shop to shop, we picked four If you were wondering exactly hotwdprn•ce t s~opplng lists and compared the costs cos tfiat might _well be on s u e . . VIrgin HMV

11 '








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£11 .99 .

£1 3.99


£1 1 .9~


not available


£1 4.99


£11 .99

promotional price

promotional price



£1 0.99





12 Letters &


Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

am writing in response to the article which appeared in the February 5 issue. The article reported that a Big Issue vendor was found injecting heroin in the toilets of the Union Bar. I feel that not enough emphasis was put on the fact that this vendor was in no way connected to the present vendors on campus. Although the present vendors were Interviewed by Concrete, the article made no reference to their views on the matter, or to the fact that they did not know the man concerned. The present vendors are now finding that their sales have dramatically decreased since this article appeared. lt seems that they are the innocent victims of an insensitive piece of reporting by Concrete of an incident that occured some months ago. K Mllman EA S 3

I False fire alarms have caused a massive number of callouts for the Norwich Fire Service, who have made nearly 70 visits to the campus since January. Many claim that the alarm systems are much roo sensitive, but practical jokes by students have been blamed. Whatever the cause, the·fire service are now sending out one instead of three fire engines in response to an emergency call. Many students are angry that they are now receiving a poorer service because a minority insist on messing about But Union Welfare Officer, Paul Donnelly, believes there should be more investigation into the causes of the alarms. The University must act quickly; whether it be faults in the system or the wori( of pranksters, student lives could be at risk.

Drugs raids at the Village are bad news for pushers who visit the campus with the intention of selling drugs to sludents. Following the raids, the site is now being "strictly monitored" according to University Security Supremo, Mr Morris Morson. Both the Police and University believe that the drugs problem is linked with outsiders. However, news that one Village student may have City drug connections, puts the situation in a new light. The non-student who was arrested by police is known to be involved with drugs alongside other criminal activity. The University tried to tread softly and kept the situation undercover, so that many students were oblivious of the raids. However, the discovery of "hard" drugs on the site must raise serious questions about the welfare of residents and the extent to which they are exposed to risk.

Taxi shambles .

According to the Union, their recommended taxi firm is allegedly no longer fit for student use. Yet in the four months since they decided this, absolutely nothing has happened. If students are allegedly at risk, then how on earth could this have happened? . Whilst Sabbs bicker about who was supposed to have done what, it is left to Concrete to break the bad news to Beeline. And UEA's students are left· as usual -completely in the dari(.

c ana QQQ

uau OOd

Editors note: Mr Jon Southgate, Distribution Co-ordinator for the Big Issue in Norwich, has contacted Concrete to express his thanks for the way in which the paper approached the article. Concrete wishes to reaffirm that the incident was the action of an individual, and not a reflection of the work done by Big Issue. 'm intrigued. Can Dan Trelfer · still breathe? If his head is as far up his own posterior as it appears, I would guess not. The Livewire poster in question is sexist and degrading. Dare the cynic in me suggest that there was a hope that it would provoke a controversy, providing extra publicity for the show in question and Livewire? Of course, when challenged, those in question will feign ignorance and probably provide some 'post-ironic' justification. Wh ich is exactly what happened. Had ·there been no 'uproar', a lot fewer people will have heard of the show in question. John Miller EAS4



Writing Listening wrongs Not Lecturing Opening Hours: 8pm- 8am every day for drop-in or phone 503504 nmlidl·ntial listl·ning and information sl'l"\ in·

hoose Christianity, but why would I want to do a thing like that? In the last edition of Concrete '(February 19) we were treated to a rivetting piece of writing by Michael John, about the students he knows lack of life, and their inability to help themselves, that is all the students beyond the Christian Union ..The circle of people with whom he associated outside the CU consists of his flatmates, of whom I am one, which is why I am so outraged at his judgemental and patronising comments. Let's right a wrong here none of us are permanently drunk, none of us are drug addicts, and only one of us·has the 'choose life' poster, which in John's own words has 'taken over almost all the student bedrooms that I have seen' or at


least one in thirteen as the case may be. I was utterly insulted that our God loving friend could write such lies. Does the majority of society 'lead a dull and purposeless life' as Mr John suggested? I'm sorry to disappoint the readers but none of us have tried to solve our own emptiness, because we enjoy life, and are by no means dissatisfied. Yet Mr John had the audacity to writed his wori( of fiction, in a disgraceful attempt to inflict his views, on a society which has bad a skin full of fundamentalist Christians "forcing Jesus at us. Perhaps before writing again, Mr John should consider his subjects, to prevent a repeat of the mis-representation he offered in the last issue. 'Get a life...don't choose Chrlstl' A Marrlot SOC1

(01603) 592505 Monday 8- 10pm (Term Times) University of East Anglia Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ

Confidential listening without prejudice


Monday 8 • 1Opm (Term Time)


- - -



- - -------------- -------------------~------~--------------

Letters & Cotntnent 13

Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

Fear of the same Love • I I am writing in response to Edward Reeves · letter (Concrete. February 19) and to the debate in the letters page of the last two issues surrounding ' homophobia ' and homosexuality. First of all , the argument that ' homosexuality ' only means an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuality is patently flawed. Language is constantly evolving , if we look at the linguistic roots of the word ' homophobia , it actually means something like ·fear of the same·. In our culture , homophobia now refers to a prejudice against those who do not conform to the heterosexual stereotype , including people who are lesbian , gay , bisexual , transgendered or j ust look ·a bit poofy '. However the real purpose of Mr Reeves · letter and another (anonymous) letter seem s to be to attack homosexual ity as a 'lifestyl e cho icE- ·. Homosexuali ty rs not ~ li fE!'t yle r hoice. I di0n "t wak e up one day and think. ·o t• I knuw todav 1" !1 tanC' y

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f iS


irrele va n• I could no mnr,-. stop bemg ga y than I coul o

stop being left handed or brown eyed . The only choice I had was whether to deny an essential part of myself by staying in the closet . This would have had advantage of not the offending Mr Reeves · sensibilities. but would have also condemned me to a solitary and difficult life. Coming out is one of the most difficult decisions to make. even at University, one of the most tolerant environments imaginable . By coming out, we reveal a very personal side of our lives and open ourselves up to attacks and intolerance from people we considered friends as well as people such as Mr Reeves . However, by coming out. we make a statement and make it easier for others to come out and in so doing , we strike a blow against intolerance. Com i ng out is an expression of ourselves. it is not a lifestyle choice and if we publicise thi s it is for those people who are not yet able to come out. Wr: do not publ ici se our se xu ality to ottend people rr.ere ty sn that ot hers will understc>rci ana peop le i'1 srm ric>r r> osi; ,ons wi t; ga in ll•e r. ontrotr.c·e tr co me out n·., m~ :· IVe !

J o r. h Kaldnr-Robinso t'


n response to Edward Reeves' letter of February 19. I am a Christian. I see where you are coming from : The Bible does appear to condemn homosexuality, and in that sense your disapproval is not 'homophobia'. But I have two main points to take issue with. Firstly, there is a school of thought that suggests references in the Bible (such as in Leviticus 20) may have been written in a society that knew male prostitution of young boys as the only form of homosexuality. The modern relationship of love between consenting men is a relatively recent development. May I also point out that just five verses later, it is stated 'if a man has

not condemnation

sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, both the woman and the man must be cut off from their people.' We disregard this because we recognise that in our modern society, such a thing can occur without causing harm or pain to anyone and, as such, may be regarded as a 'cultural' command at the time of writing. Many scholars consider the relationship between David and Jonathan (1 Samual 20, 2 Samual 1) to be homosexual and it is described beautifully and eloquently in the Bible. This is a complex debate, but my basic point is that God as know him would not condemn any form of genuine love. I do not accept that

[\~~~;G,; UEA's Independent Student Newspaper PO Box 410,Norwlch NR4 7TB Tel: (01603) 250558 Fax: (01603) 506822 E-Malt

Christianity is based on denying our 'base, animal instincts'. Often our instincts are good love for a partner, selflessness for our children, wanting to help those in need. We do not always need to try to have positive attributes - often our instincts are ones of love. What we must do is determine which instincts are love and which are not. Thus, pure lust for another man may be 'animal instinct', love for him is also an instinct, and one a Christian should not condemn. I agree that society is becoming more liberal, and there are worryinbg sides to that, but if, in our liberalism we are finding greater tolerance towards those who are different from us, then I am all for it. Surely that is the

basic premise of Christianity love for our neighbours, above all else. This is my second point. As a Christian I presume you regard spreading the message of the Bible to non-believers as a vital task (it says so many times in the Bible). If so, you must be very careful how you present your views to others. Your apparent arrogance in refusing to consider other views can only serve as 'proof' that Christians are pompous and out of touch. By warning of 'destruction' and 'evil' you fail to communicate the most essential point - the love of Jesus - surely this must be made evident in any theological debate. He/en Fox EAS 4

If you have any opinions which you wish to air in Concrete, please mark them for the attention of the Editor, James Curtis, at the above address. We reserve the right to edit all letters tor leng~h and clarity.

•Editor: James Curtis• Deputy Editors: Matthew Doyle and Matt Fasken •News Editor: Jane 'nyeah' Kirby •Assistant News Editor: Katie Nicholl• News Researcher: Emma Newbery •Features Editor: Sam Richards •Sports Editor: Nick Triggle• Picture Editor: Rob Lutyens •Consultant Editor: Simon Mann •Chief News Reporter: Neil Anderson •Editorial Contributors: Jane Rigby-Jones, Ceri Evans, Helen Reid •Photographers: Kate Crockett, Matt Fasken, Jane Kirby, Chris Loader, Rob Lutyens, Andrew Bailey-Advertising Manager: Matt Doyle • Copy editing: Robin Simms, • Special Tlumks to: Emma N. for being top UH Stewards, everyone at ECN •DTP Assistants: James Curtis, Matthew Doyle, Matt Fasken, Stuart Dredge, Sam Richards•Concrete is published by the Union of UEA Students. Opinions expre sed are those of the Contributor and not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. Use of the name 'The Event' appears by arrangement with the copyright holders, Planet Zog Ltd. •No part of this newspaper may be reproduced or transmitted by any means electronic, xylophonic, or with any references to members of Union staff without the prior written consent of the publisher. •Printed by Elastem Counties Newspapers Ltd., Norwich, Norfolk NRI I RE. © UUEAS, 1996.



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Features 17

oncrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

+Every fortnight, we take a well-known campus celebrity to the bar, buy them a drink and then ask them a load of random questions. THIS ISSUE: Union Communications Officer, Nick Robinson What do you have in your sandwiches? I like fun sandwiches where you cut tomatoes out and make them into eyes, then have a carrot for a nose and a bit of cheese in the shape of a smile. Who do you fancy? Lots of people I know. If they're female, I probably fancy them. When was the last time you had a fight? Last July... I was a out for a walk, and I saw two people picking on someone else. it was getting a bit out of hand, so I waded in and broke it up. What makes you cry? I cried when I found out my brother was getting married, and when rny niece was bom. And I cry when I get a ball in the nads. What's in your pockets? Wallet, dirty hanky, spare change, my inhaler, an old train ticket and a huge bunch of keys. What are the keys for? There are a load of keys for the Union offices, my room, my bike, a key which lets me into all Forestry Commission land because I do contract work for

them, a bird hide key, a key for the BIO field store which I'm not supposed to have, and one of only three keys that exist for the BIO compound because I trap moths there. What do you never miss on TV? I like ER, Friends, wildlife programmes ... but at the moment, I'm into Cheers. How much can you drink? I don't know. Sometimes I can go into a pub and get drunk on the smell, but last night I was pretty well gone and I had ten pints and three whiskey chasers. I still had room for a curry.

the last thing you want for it to do is go blue and drop off. What's your party trick? I used to be able to open a can by bashing it against my head. Can you dance? Back when I used to go to punk gigs, I liked to slamdance. I used to stagedive off 40-foot stacks.

What was the last record you bought? Tiny Music by Stone Temple Pilots.

Do you believe in an afterlife? I believe in the Gaia theory, which states that earth is an ongoing process. When you die, you become food for worms, and your elements pass on through the soil and the food chain, so we're always moving.

What instruments can you play? I can play the recorder, the bass guitar, the bodhran and I used to sing in a punk band called Misconduct. Oh, and I play the spoons.

Now for the trivia section: Which motorway links London with Southampton? The M3. Correct!

What was the last thing that you made? A pencil holder out of old Coke cans.

Who wrote the novel Madame Bovary? F••• knows! Er, it was Gustave Flaubert.

Boxer shorts or Y·fronts? Boxer shorts. They're less restrictive -

secretary? Malcolm Rifkind? The shadow education secretary is Davld Blunkett. Oh well, party politics is shit, anyway.

Who is the shadow education

Nick Robinson was drinking an orange and lemonade (due to a heavy session the night before, he claims) and talking to Sam Rlchards.

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18 Sport


The Badminton Club are once again nearing the end of a highly successf ul season, yet t hey still shy away from the limelight which seems to be forever hogged by the likes of the rugby and hockey clubs. Last year the club was presented with the prestigious University Team of the Year award , after the success of the men's 1si's who got to the last sixteen of their BUSA Championships , and the 2nd's who did even better as they reached the semi finals. This form though has not quite been carried th rough to this year, as the men's 1st's faltered before Christmas, and only made the second string Shield competition. Club President, David Payne explained this disappointment, "The change to rank instead of block fixtures for the BUSA competition has meant that the men's 1st's are thi s year in the shield competition. "This development has been detrimental to all sports societies as it has broken down team moral , players no longer know who they represent." Nonetheless both the men's teams reached their quarter fi nals, before being knocked out by Strathclyde and Durham respectively. The ladies did not enjoy the same success losing 7-2 to Royal Holloway, in the second round of the Championship. Admittedly this season's progress has been restricted by major rebuilding throughout all levels of the club. Club captain Simon Bell commented, "Many of last year's men's team have graduated, leaving this year's 1st and 2nd teams on a level footing ." First team captain, Andrew Mather, agrees ''The competition for places is very intense, many of this years 1st team were in the 2nd's last year." Despite this loss of players all the teams are

doing well in the local competition. Both men's teams are in with a chance of winning th eir respective leagues. In a wider context the club surprisingly stands as one of the largest societies with around 200 members, of all standards, although there is a thirty member squad, consisting of twenty men and ten women who compete both in the BUSA competition and local league. The annual fee of £7 to join , which has remained constant for the last four years, entitles members to use the club's equipment, facilities, and reap the benefits of specialised tra ining provided by members of the squad. The club is also very socially active. it is one of the few sports societies to have an annual ball , which it holds before Christmas, and there is a dinner held in April as well. Aside of all these achievements David Payne has even higher hopes for the futu re. "I am attempting to make the club more visual , both among the sports societies and among it's own members, hence the open tournament held in February which provided members who are not part of the squad with an opportunity to compete." he commented. "Many members did not even know who was runn ing the club last year."

••• •• •




UEA's basketball teams had a night of mixed fortune in the leagues on Tuesday February 18. In the first match of the night ladies made a miraculous recovery, to clinch a convincing victory i the closing quarter, after having trailed by five points for majority of the match.


Too lose For Comfort By JASON GAPPA •

On a windy Saturday February 22 the UEA men's football 2nd's squeezed past Zenith 2-1, despite missing five of their usual players. Plagued by injuries, UEA improvised by juggling their squad around, Tom Connors, normally a forward, displayed his versatility by playing a solid game in goal for UEA. UEA showed promise early in the first half when midfielder, Edward Flinn opened up the scoring. With some strong forward play from Serge Micallef they carried on cutting through the Zenith defence, but lack of team understanding told as the killer ball was not delivered on several occasions, until stand in captain, Tim Tompkin was able to extend their lead. The second half saw a change in fortunes as the poise of the first half disappeared from UEA's play, frustrations grew, culminating in the sending off of Edward Flin ~ for pushing a

Zenith player. This was just the motivation Zenith needed as they went in search of a goal that would bring them back into the game. And in the 60th minute their numerical superiority breached the UEA defence when they scored with a beautifully headed goal from one of their forwards . The pressure to keep the lead led UEA to become more defensive, with Zenith doing all the attacking in the latter stages, but UEA defended admirably to claim a 2-1 victory. After the game UEA's injured captain, Sam Taylor commented, "Considering the lack of players available for selection , we are just happy to pick up the victory. it got quite desperate towards the end."


The beginning saw the game move quickly from end to end, with both teams missing chances, and as a result few points were racked up. it was a sloppy affair, but Earlham did manage to establish a lead with their quick breaks from defence . UEA valiantly staged a fightback at the end of the first half, inspired by the statuesque Tanya Lunders who defended reso lutely , and shot accurately. This kick started the match into action , and the first half ended with a rush of points, UEA trailing Earlham 3035. Th e second half showed a marked improvement in both teams' play but Earlham seized control and doubled their lead to ten points. With only nine minutes left to run on the clock however, the home team shifted to a higher gear, with Alexia Paphiti bagging a hat-trick of three pointers. Everything went UEA's way, and when Helen Charrel scored from a rebound with four minutes remaining they took the lead for the first tim e in the match . In the dying minutes Papyhiti and Charrel's continued accuracy saw UEA extend their lead to twelve points, finally taking the match 73-61 . Team coach, Louise Goncalves was ecstatic with her teams recovery, "They did very well, to come back after trailing for so much of the match. They really

picked it up and played as a team." In the men's match against Thorp there was sadly a different story, they crashed to a 60-52 defeat. it was clear after only five poin were scored in the opening five minut that this was not to be a thriller. Indeed, it was a lacklustre match wit many niggling fouls and careless play. The match began like the ladie game, Thorpe made the most of th• few chances, and opened out a si point lead. They defended tightly and frustrate• the UEA Panthers to lead 28-22 at th• interval. The second half though saw som improvement. Bullish forward Michalias, who ende• the match on 22 points, led a UE1 fightback which saw them make th• best of fouls and rebounds. Indeed, a strong burst from the bac by Michalias allowed Dion Briggs t, stylishly take a three pointer whic gave the Panthers a slender 42-41 lea with ten minutes to run. But despite the new excitemer Thorpe again crept back into the mate~ and the closing minutes saw the lea change hands several times. Sadly, the Panthers frustrations eo~ them the match in the final minute, a: they collapsed to a 52-60 defeat. After the match Michalias summa< up the mood of the game for UEA. "WE played rea lly bad, and are ve~ disappointed."

Sport 19

Concrete, Wednesday, March 5, 1997

• •

for By NICK TRIGGLE, Sports Editor

Promotion from the NE Division 7 was virtually guaranteed for UEA men's hockey 2nd's on Saturday February 22 as they brushed aside a spirited Norfolk Nomads side, 5-1. UEA found their footing straight away as midfielders Nick Medniuk and lan Trueman kept possession, and pulled the Nomad defenders out of position presenting Rupert Snelling with three golden opportunities in the opening ten minutes. As early as the fourth minute he rounded the keeper only to drag the ball to • wide to score. He made no mistake with his second chance as he finished off a brilliantly executed move down the right hand side from which Rick de Silva pulled the ball back from the byeline, for Snelling to finish it off. Three minutes later he grabbed his second after the ball fell for him during a goalmouth scramble. Cautious not to lose the game in the opening encounters Norfolk thwarted UEA's attacking exuberance by defending in great numbers. Predictably it was from a set piece that UEA scored their third when from a short corner Tom Hawes' powerful shot was only blocked, and Rick de Silva fired in the rebound . UEA carried on dominating, but lost their cutting edge as they failed to create anymore clear cut chances, and their frustration grew on the half hour mark when the Nomads pulled one back

through some sloppy defending, leaving the half time score, 3-1. The second half became somewhat of a stalemate as both teams matched each other for aggression. Tempers soon frayed and Stugo Sewell picked up his second card of the game and was sent to the sin bin. The game erupted back into life in the 24th minute with a flurry of short corners, which from one of them the Norfolk keeper defied UEA with three successive reflex stops. But UEA pressure told a few minutes later as they were awarded a penalty for deliberate obstruction. Rick de Silva in turn stepped up and converted it. And the scoring was completed five minutes later when a long cross from the left found the Norfolk goalkeeper grossly out of position, to allow Tim Pestall to tap the ball into the empty net. Although Norfolk did go in search of a consolation goal, UEA remained on top to see out the rest of the game. Captain Tom Hawes echoed the confidence of the team afterwards. "We are continuing on with our success, and this now leaves us with one of the best records of UEA teams this season. •Up, up and away as UEA hockey 2nds continue their winning ways "I am very pleased", he concluded.

r-------------------------------------------------------------------, : Cricketers wanted for Norwich Wanderers!

: Norwich Wanderers are looking for club standard players for both first and second teams. The club play In the Alliance divisions on Sundays. They have strong links with UEA students who have played for the club in the past. If you are interested, 1 please phone Tim Beeden on Norwich 721021 or at UEA on ext. 2891. Indoor net : practice begins on March 6 at Wensum Lodge from 6.30pm.

l l I



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By NICK TRIGGLE, Sports Editor

The ladies rowing 1st eight finally escaped from the shadows of the men with victory in a novice race on the Trent, in Nottingham on February 23 to prove they are a force to be reckoned with.


The team comprising of Linda Rothera. Eva Banziger. Liz Ewcn. Chrissy Mitc he ll. He le ne Kristianscn , Cami ll e A ll eync, Louise W ilcock and cox, Cathc rine Hayhurs t, battl ed again st driv ing win ds a nd ra m to put in an outstanding perfo rmance co ming home firs t in a time of 20 mi ns ! I secs. The win was secured ahead of e ight other crews. one of which was the UEA womens novice 2nd's who themselves had a fine row. beating two other novice crews. Rowing c lub membe r, Sa ll y George said afterwards, " All the crew~ rowed really well. and 'hould con tinue to improve throughout the season.'' This s ucces s partly compensated for their di sappointmen t when victory narrowly escaped them at the Norwich head o n February 8. after their boat we nt int o the bank allow ing the Norwic h womens team to slip by. Although the women were unsuccessful in that race, the club still did we ll wi th the triumph of the men·" I st team of Harry Chaimer, Jamcs Orme, Richard Kelsey, Ol iver Ryder and cox James Bracey. an d an encourag in g performance from t he nov ice men· s fours, whose strength and ability to ld as they beat two men's senior coxed fo ur team. The joy on the water was also matched by further financia l backing, with the news th at the GSA have donated mo ney fo r new eq uip ment , and re furbi shment.

UEA Rugby team storms into last eight of BUSA challenge after obliterating Oxford By SCOTT TOMPSETT

The womens rugby team salvaged some pride for the universities sports clubs when they put in a storming performance to reach the last eight of the BUSA Shield competition on Wednesday, February 19. Pl aying in freez ing and g usty c o nditi o ns the tea m m a naged to pit togethe r so m e s upe rb a ttacki ng play. W ithin five m in utes of the match O xford Brookes had been pushed bac k to with in fee l of th e ir o wn try line. A nd it was o nly the stre ngth of th e O xfo rd de fence th a t prevented a n earl y o pening for UEA.

ATTACK T he UEA attack was so relentless that w ith in the first twenty minutes of the match the ba ll d id not pass into their own ha lf. However a q uic k break by Brookes a lmos t ended in a u·y when thei r grubber kicked the ball the length of the pi tch only to knock it in to touch before being able to take the try. Oxford made another break ten minutes later though, which caught UEA off g ua rd, and ended in a Brookes try in the left ha nd corner. UEA upped the tempo once again. and countered to make the score S-S just before ha lf time. T he break proved the turn ing po int of the match as ' UEA ga ine d the adva ntage of the how ling wind , and soon took ano ther try.

DOMINATION With the weathe r co nt inu ing to c lose UEA fo rged aJ1ead w ith an ex pa nsive game that left Oxford lagging be hind, wi th crisp pass ing, dominatio n o f the




maul and li ne out s. B y the e nd of the match another fo ur tri es had gone over w ith a co nversion by C apta in Em il y Ryall. Leavi ng the tall y at two tri es fo r A li ce Mi lford-Scott and o ne a p iece fo r He nni e Patt inson, Emil y R ya ll , Ka te Le e and Ho ll y Be nto n. Captai n Emily commented after the bruising battle that "The team has really do ne we ll today th is was a really g reat team effort." T he quarter final draw p itted UEA away. aga ins t an ex pe ri enced Wo lverham pt on side a week later. a match w h ich their passion and tes ted comm it ment to the full.


STRENG TH After 75 intense minutes of ba ttl e the first, a nd solitary breakthrough was m ade thro ugh the stre ngth and mobility of the UEA pack, which p ut prop Ho ll y Benton over to score. W o lverhampton came back w ith the expected ons la ught , but the UEA p layers he ld strong and saw o ut the match to trave l ho me w ith a ti g ht 5-0 vic to ry. No w w ith a p lace in the se mi final s secured confide nce is sky hi g h as n a nkcr, Mi c he ll e Hayes ex pre sed, "The team has !eall y tra in ed hard for this . "Eve ry match we j ust go ou t a nd play o ur very best, we don' t even wo rry abo ut the o ppositi on."

·Stretching for the top: UEA Women leap in to the final stages of the BUSA shield

Across 1 e.g. Derby (4, 4) 5 Voyage (6) 10 Forbidden (5) 11 Carrots and turnips (9) 12 Health food retailer (9) 13 Bequeath (5) 14 Remarkable (7) 16 Wound (6) 19 Drives (6) 21 Road reflector (7) 23 Muddle (5) 25 Boxing skills (4, 4) 27 Policeman (9) 28 Prickly shrub (5) 29 Comment (6) 30 Achieved (8)

Down 1 Attractive (8) 2 Leafy garden (9) 3 Girl's name (5) 4 Gun (7) 6 Remember (9) 7 Stringed instrument (5) 8 Survived (6) 9 List (6) 15 Tower guardian (9) 17 Height (9) 181mproved (8) 20 Flashing light (6) 21 Competition (7) 22 One at social gathering (6) 24 Jean material (5) 26 Snake (5)

Across 1. Darts, 4. John Regis , 8. Ebdon , 9 . Nick Faldo, 11. Mans, 12. Clark , 14. Ashe , 17. Paul Gascoigne , 20. Missed the bull , 21 . Jack, 23. Slogs, 24. Amen , 27. St. Andrews , 29. Rodeo, 30. Nigel Benn, 31. Alien. Down

1. Dream Team , 2. Redknapps , 3. Sank, 4. Jan. Rels , 6. Gills , 7. Stone, 10. Carlsbe rg , 13. Li ghtblue, 15. S uke r, 16. Lotus , 18. Goldmeda l, 19. Elton J ohn , 21. Jaso n , 22. Chang, 25. Idol, 26. Spot, 28. Son.

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