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ENV ROStgrad slams UEA bosses over P-OOr SUP-ervision By GRAHAM DIGGINES, Assistant News Editor Complaints by a UEA student have attracted national media attention , following his long-running battle with University chiefs over bungled PhD supervision. ENV postgrad Don Staniford has not only embarrassed UEA with coverage in the
Ttmes Higher. but has also won£ I ,000 legal backing from NUS and the Union to pursue his case. As part of his fight. Don has recently published a report slamming what he claims to be University-wide malpractices and has complained to the Advertising Standards Authority alleging UEA"s slogan "Committed to excellence in teaching and research" is misleading. Don. who began his doctorate in October 1993. is furiou:. and claims he lost almost two years research due to poor supervision and a lack of information. 'The Guide to Good Supervisor Practice, which outlines the responsibilities of the student and supervisor. was not published until January 1995 and wasn't handed out [in ENV] until April or May 1996." he said. "Before it was published you didn 't know what your responsibilities were: · Don 's fight for "some truth and a little
justice·· took off after he was unable to sort out his grievances infom1ally with E·Nv and decided to pursue UEA's Academic Complaints Procedure last October. Hi~ complaints include that: he did not have a three person supervisory team, as promised by UEA he received little or no support from his principal supervisor he once went 15 months without a supervision meeting - due to take place at least once a term the two month Academic Complaints Procedure took six months in his case the offer made by UEA to resolve the dispute was inadequate " 1 said I wanted two and a half years money and two and a half years lost earnings," revealed Don.
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") did not put a figure on it but that is a lot of money." Last November. Dean of ENV. Professor Vine. upheld Don 's complaint. thanked him for highlighting problems with graduate supervision at UEA and offered him a remedy package worth £4.000. But the UEA Prof now says that Don should have taken greater responsibility for his studies. ·· If Don did not see his supervisory team it may well have been his fault." he said. "It was not clear among:.t a welter of stuff what his complaint was. "If I had realised that he was going to be so legalistic about it I should have asked him to state his complaint more clearly.'" University bosses later put together a final. more improved package. but which still fell short of Don's demands. Don is now considering the last resort of calling in the University Visitor - the highest level of complaint available to students - to resolve his case, following the results of a £1.000 NUS and Student Union backed barrister's report. continued on page 2
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