Blair Witch Project, Corduroy and Battle Droids in The Event
University_Runished by court over P-Otentially fatal ex losion in ENV laboratory_ By JAMES GOFFIN, NEWS EDITOR UEA HAS been hit with a ÂŁ23,500 bill after 1t pleaded guilty to flve'breaches of safety law. The dramatic legal hands-up came after a potentially fatal explosion in one of the University's science labs. Researchers in the School of Environmental Science failed to keep proper records on highly pressurised containers they were using as part of an air monitoring scheme, overfilling them dangerously. Their errors only came to light when one of the vessels exploded inside a lab earlier this year, forcing UEA to call in the Health and Safety Executive, who launched the prosecution.
Damage The explosion, which blasted the doors off the locker in which the container was being kept and caused substantial damage to the laboratory, took place just yards away from an area where students are taught. The court were told how recently qualified research postgraduate Henry Mclntyre and research associate Or
Jonathan Baker failed to follow safety rules . HSE Inspector, Eddie Scoggins, explained, "They double filled a vessel, and didn't use pressure relief, which they should have done." "They really didn't appreciate what they were doing . They were using vessels that the manufacturers specify can stand up to 401bs per square inch at over 2501bs per square inch." lt also emerged that the pair had driven across Norwich with the vessel in the back of a Land Rover, exposing hundreds of members to the public to the risk of explosion.
Potential "There is every chance that vessel contained 1OOOibs per square inch when it went bang. If you imagine what might have happened if you were standing next
to a lorry tyre when it went bang at 501bs, it's clear the potential for serious injury was there," explained Mr Scoggins.
Speaking after the UEA Director of Communications Alan Preece insisted that the University was taking the prosecution seriously, and pointed to their g~od campus safety record. 'We are not complacent and we have taken steps to ensure than 'an incident of this sort cannot happen in the future," he said. "The low level of the fine reflected our excellent health and safety record over more than 30 years," added Mr Preece. But according to the Health and Continued on page 2 ~._...., _ __
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2 News
Concrete Wednesday, September 22, 1999
Got a story? Let us know at the Concrete office•.. tel: 250558 email:
Prince of poultry to ~P-onsor
OlymP-iC pool
Free beer and cheap newspapers may not be the ideal combination for students, but they are certainly a welcome way to start of the. new academic year - and that's exactly what The Daily Telegraph are offering you. Simply take two different days' mastheads (the name and date on the front page) to the Union Bar, and you can get a free pint of Caffrey's courtesy of the newspaper; and only one pint, because the offer's stri ctly one per person ! Also up for grabs is a £36 discount on a year's worth of Daily and Sunday Telegraphs, courtesy of the NUS Sub bag, that w ill be available on campu s during the fi rst few days of te rm, or by phoning
0800 181 222.
CONSTRUCTION WORK on UEA's new swimming pool took a fowl twist over the summer- while workmen laid waste pipes for the development, turkey tycoon Bernard Matthews splashed out on a £50,000 sponsorship deal. The Norfolk millionaire, whose name is associated wi th poultry products the world over, will now also have a unique link to the University. sa id Mr Mallhcws. Director of Sport. Keith Nicholls. was keen Under the bootiful six-year deal, the to stress how vital private donations were to Speaking on a visit to the construction site. Olympic-sizc pool at the centre of UEA's £17.6 million Sponspark development will be the local lad spoke about the importance of make the project work. known as the Bernard Mallhews Olympic supporting the local community. Generous ''it's up to companies like us to help the Pool. "The Park would not be possible without local populati on as much as possible, and I Magnate hope they enjoy it in the future,'' he added. the generous backing of sponsors such as Bernard Mallhews,'' he commented. The bird magnate is delighted to be pan of Gobble the project. Other firms with links to orwich have also And UEA bosses were more than happy to " I am very happy to help provide this provided cas h for the scheme. incl uding outstand ing fac ility for the local co mmunity," gobble up the cash. Barclays Bank.
Wmill~ W~~~ W~~~
To celebrate the launch of their new mixer can, the energy drink Indigo are giving away 20 Indigo packs each containing a case of mixers, a t shirt, massage oil, foam bath and a record bag. To win just write down on a postcard what three spirits should be mixed with Indigo and bring it to the Concrete office upstairs in Union House ...
But the biggest wad of cash - a plump £14.6m- has come from the ational Lollery sports fu nd. which awarded its fourth largest grant to the project. Work on the Sportspark has been going on over the summer, with large pans of the car park and roads between Waveney Terrace and Nelson Court dug up to Jay massive new waste pipes up to six metres below ground. The construction of the main building has also con tinued. with the main frame now in place. The facility is due to open by the middle of next year. and as well as the swimming pool will feat ure squash courts, a climbing wall and a multi-purpose hall.
Francophile law students are set to receive a boost to their studies as a result of an award won by their school. The Franco-British Lawyers Society have dished out a £1250 grant to the School of Law to develop its French law library, after its panel of lawyers were impressed by UEA's commitment to developing relations between lawyers on both sides of the Channel. The award was presented at a special seminar in Cambridge, bringing together top political and legal minds from the two countries, including the French Ambassador, Monsieur Daniel Bernard.
cience set for £48m windfall TWO OF UEA's most prestigious schools are hoping they have found the right formula to win cash for new campus buildings. The Schools of Biological and of Environmental Science arc both bidding for a slice of a £800m governmen t fund for uni research. ENV is also hoping to host a new £I Om national Centre for Climate Change. banking on the stand ing of the world-renowned Climatic Research Unit to bolster its case.
Virtual reali ty
di~ca~c~ .
The CHE bid pushes at the edges of the subject. focusing more on social issues than the hard science of environmental change. As well as adding to the School's existing work. the £14m package includes a virtual reality st udio to help the puhlic. business and indw,try see what clinMle change means in real terms.
"it's primarily to provide for research. hut we arc 'er) ~cen on the idea that research feeds into teaching." said Dean of B 10. Prof
Prof Trcvor Dm ies. Dean of ENV. 1s excited by the
The £24m BIO bid is for a dramatic new curved laboratory off with building. topped greenhouses on its roof. Subjects studied would include human diseases like cancer, arthritis, and food poisoning. and investigations into wme plant
FAX: 01603 632977
Alan Dawson. ''People who arc active 111 research are very good at delivering up to date infonnation to students," he commented.
possibilities. "We arc looking for ne" ways of linking socia l ;ystems and economic systems with em iron mental research." he enthused. The ENV scheme will also 111clude two centres for industry, with one dcn1tcd to o,·crscas busim·" · A decision is c\pected on the bids b) late autumn.
CamP-US P-hones on hold as Systems Connections go bankruP-t Making the· PLANS TO wire up every campus room with a telephone were put on hold again this week after the company doing the work called in the receivers. System Connecti ons were su pposed to be installing a phone a nd int e rnct con necti o n in every st ude nt s· room. but went bust w ith just over half o f the ma in ca mpu s fill ed out.
The firm hung up their tools and quit campus, leaving lines dangling from the ceiling in Waveney Terrace. UEA bosses had hoped that freshers arriving this week would be able to keep in touch with
family and friends from the comfort of their own rooms , but are now scrabbling to put together a rescue package that will enable them to meet the final deadline of autumn next year. "We want to move as quickly as possible to a contract which means we can have the service up and running in the year 2000," explained Pro Vice Chancellor David Baker, who has been heading up the project. And he was bullish about UEA's position , despite the collapse of the deal. "Under the contract, if we pay £1 to the receiver, the wiring that has been done is ours. So we have got
something like £170,000 of wiring done for £1 ," he revealed . "Clearly, we are very well placed in terms of re-letting the
Well placed contract, because we already have half the main work done ." But he insisted the University would not rush into a contract that failed to safeguard service standards. "What we're looking to do is to repeat the contract with another supplier. I'd rather not have a service that is second rate and students are always complaining about - better to say tell everyone to buy a mobile phone," he cautioned. Any supplier must promise to meet strict quality standards, price
Service controls , and provide students with free access to UEA webpages.
connection. This is not the first time UEA's plan to install phones has hit trouble. Unive<-sity chiefs originally struck at deal with Key Student Services, but pulled out at the last minute over costs.
According to Pro Vice Chancellor David Baker, Key were demanding money up front from UEA and suggested charging every student on campus £50 for the privilege of having a phone. ''We. just weren't prepared
to sign a contract which obliged us to find the money from somewhere, and the place KSS thought we should take it from was students' pockets/' he explained. Instead, UEA signed up System Connections, who had originally been lined up as Key's main wiring subcontractor. Now the most likely company to take on the scheme is System Connection's service provider, whose Identity uEA ls keeping secret..
0800 575 575 or 01603 455555
John Major faces a great deaf of embarrassment this week as the secret diaries of one of his closest political aides are released. According to Judith Chaplin, who was his Political Secretary for two years while he was in office, the Prime Minister regularly told his staff that he wanted Margaret Thatcher destroyed. He was also in the habit of referring to her as "bonkers", "mad", "loopy" and "emotional". Maybe he wasn't so out of touch with public opinion after all ...
Have anotllar lie In ••• Good news for students • psychologists have now decided that people who prefer to loll in bed and work in the evening are more intelligent. The first studies of links between human intelligence and the 20 hour rhythm of light and dark revealed that subjects who considered themselves early rising "morning types" performed significantly worse in mental agility tests than those who considered themselves "evening types ", proving once and for all that early to bed early to rise does not make one healthy, wealthy and wise.
Positive action In an act of supreme pessimism London authorities have decided to turn a sports centre into a makeshift mortuary on millennium night, with room for over 1,000 bodies. The move was prompted by fears that Thames-side celebrations could turn into a disaster should everyone decide to go for a swim. A spokesman also suggested that the mortuary could help ease the burden of cults who were staging mass suicides at the millennium.
Staff rue "devastating~ imRact of re·organisation on health of late Dean By JAMES GOFFIN, NEWS ED ITOR Angry staff in the doomed School of Modern Languages hit out at University bosses over the summer, accusing them of imposing unacceptable levels of stress on the school 's employees. The ;,tern cri ti ci;, m ca me in the wa ke of the trag ic death of EU R's last-ever Dean. P ro fes~o r Roger Pi pe-Fow ler. Profe"or Fm\ Ier died on June 20. after becom ing ill at a gathering of friends and co lleagues from the Sc hoo l. wh ich ha;, now been renamed the Sc hool of Language. L inguistics and Tram lation Stu dies
30 years." Bu t with in
hours ol the .19 I:U R slaiT had signed an
ann ou ncemcnl.
~x trao rd i na ry open k ll cr.
attack ing Uni versi ty manage ment for stac ki ng
intolerable demands
(LLT ).
on rece nt
Deans of EU R. "We utt erl y depl ore the fact that the burdens pl aced on successive Deans ha\·c had such de,·astating co nsequences for their pcr;onal health:· said the letter. " it is quite clear that both Mike Carr [the prcv iou:, Dean] and Roger Fow ler we re pul under unbearable and un acceptable pressure in a hostile cli mate."
Newsgroups And the letter - published on UEA newsgroups - poured scorn on the changes to EU R. which han~ seen large chu nl..s or th e School hi,ed off to the Schools of English and America n Studies. and ol Economic and Social Science . As a res ult of th e letwr. the Vice Chance ll or met with sc\era l members or the School. discus> ing
th eir co nce rn s in a meeting described by EA >pokesman Annie Ogden as ·'com. tructi ve". "Th e VC took very ;eri ously the concern s e' b) members of EU R about leve ls of .,tres; amongst >taff. and agreed the matter should be given urgen t att ent ion." she added. And the Un i,ersity abo defended the changes to the School. insi>ti ng that Professor Fowler would have approved of the new structu re. " Roger Pi pe-Fo'' ler had created the nC\\ struct ure of LLT in collaboration \\ ith hi' colleagues. and it was an idea in '' hich he firm I) belie,ed." stated M s Ogden. The new Dean or LLT. Jancl Garton. was Uila\·ailablc for comment. hu t was said to he optimi st ic and upbeat about th e new school.
Praise His death was notillcd 10 qaiT in a letter from Vice Chancellor. Vincent Wath. "ho praised Profes"u· hm !er as an "outstanding member of the Lni,ersity for O\Cr
WIN! Wl ! W N! £100 WORTH OF GIG TICKETS Concrete have got together with NUS and Doritos to offer £100 worth of gig tickets to some lucky student. And as an extra bonus, if you win you can choose which gigs you go to. Just answer the rather straightforward question... What are the new Doritos snacks called? Put your answer on a postcard in the competition box in the Hive, or alternatively bring it up to the Concrete office in Union House by Wednesday, 29 September.
Students heiR reclaim Unthank Road from car menace Students arriving in No rwich early this month found themselve s at the centre of a mass protest in the heart of the Golden Triangle. T he mai n stu dent housing area around Unthank Road was the scene for the City's second Reclai m the Streets demonstrati on, which saw large chunks of the road network brought to a stand\ti ll. Around 250 protestors, including dozens of students, met up at the main bus station at around 1.30pm on Saturday, September 11, before heading down Chapelfi eld Road, cutting off the road to cars. But the activists were met with a massi ve police presence, includ ing mounted police drafted in from Nottinghamshire.
Helicopter Followed from the air by a police helicopter, the anti-road demonstrators weaved their way through back streets to get to Unthank Road, where they staged a two and a half hour street party. Meanwhile, police kept several of the main routes into the city centre - including Newmarket Road - closed to traffic,
attempting to second guess the protestors' next move. Aided by a portable amp pumping out trance, dance and reggae, the Reclaim the Streets supporters held a street carnival , declaring the normally busy thoroughfare reclaimed from the car.
Leaflets Later that afternoon the protestors moved on to Chapelfield Garden, where they stayed until around 8pm . Leaflets handed out by the protestors explained the dogma behind th ei r actions. "The struggle for car-free · space must not be separated
from the struggle against global capitali sm , for the former is encapsulated in the latter." ''The streets are as full of capitalism as of cars and the pollution of capitalism is much more insidious," trumpeted the paper.
Peaceful The event went off peacefully with no injuries reported on either side. Only two arrests were made, one for an alleged assault on a police officer, and one for an alleged drugs offence.
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News &
The campaign to reduce deaths from the killer bug meningitis is using a new website, posters and beer mats to remind vulnerable students of the illness's dangers, and the symptoms they should be looking out for. "Students are one of the key 'at-risk' age groups for meningiti . We are targeting them where they are most likely to be - in the bar or on a computer," explained Philip Kirby, Chief Executive of the ational Meningitis Trust. UEA has had several outbreaks, Vaccinations will be available at the Health including one fatality in 1997. Nationally, Centre for students who have not had the the number of cases of meningitis has risen immuni ation at home. in recent years with an average of seven or "it is very important to know that the eight student deaths a year. vaccination that exists is against types A and C. It gives no protection against type B. We Alan Preece, the University's Director of Communications, is determined to stem that believe that one of the key jobs this year is rise. to let the students know that type B can be responsible for up to 50 per cent of cases, so Important they still need to be aware of the "It is important not to just think about symptoms," warned Mr Preece. meningitis awareness as one week, there is Protect a lot more to it. We place it in the context of our own much wider meningitis awareness " We are going to be doing everything we activi ty that takes place throughout the can to make sure that people know how to year." protect themselves and how to protect their Students will also receive a meningitis friends . The best defence, of course, is early diagnosis and treatment." awareness pack when they register at their chool of study and at the Health Centre. - see Union ad pages for more detilils
\1~ ~ \1~ ~ \1~ ~ \1~ 0
a young person's railcard
However much you enjoy Norwich living you're bound to want to get away from the place at some point this year. And that can prove expensive. But don't worry- we've got together with Young Persons Rallcard and now have five cards to give away, worth about £20 each. These Young Persons Railcards give you one third off all standard rail fares In Great Britain, and anyone aged between 16 and 25 can get one. Just answer this simple question ... Who travelled to London with Dick Whlttlngton? Drop your entries In the competition box in the Hive or bring it upstairs to the Concrete office before Wednesday, September 29.
Gents' Hair Styling l3 · 24 Weavera Laae, off Ge•tlemaas Wallr..
Telepboae (01613) 616167
Concrete Wednesday, September 22, 1999
Lead tbe way ARE YOU are a leader of the future? Pricewaterhouse Coopers , the world's largest professional services company, is sponsoring a competition to find the people who will be at the forefront of their chosen career in the new
ReRort says charge £200 for Rarking or face traffic nightmare TRAFFIC SNARL ups, cars circling searching for parking spaces, and an increasing number of accidents - that's the nightmare picture of UEA's future painted by a disturbing new report. The controverisal Traffic Management Study was started in October 1998, and delivered to Universi ty bi gw igs just before the summer break. But despite the seriou s warnings made by the costly study - written by outside consultants Oscar FaherRegi,try bosses have been repeatedly putting off a decision on the report 's ideas.
Solutions it sets out a broad range of
so lutions to EA's growing traffic prohlcrm. with either building more car parking spaces or slashing the
current number and spending large sums on pub Iic tran sport at the extremes. But it plumps for a mix of limitin g car use on camp us to current leve ls. and letting public transport take the stra in of an expected 30'7<- growth in student numbers by 2013. The report 's most controversial recommendation is for a£ 150-200 a year charge for parki ng on campus,
co mpared to L..Ji!-.~C:::!::t::::. the current £ I 0 barrie r card deposit. Campus parking would be denied completely to all first year stud ents. and any one who lives within a 30 minute walk of UEA. Oscar Faber . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E:==========:!~ as an al ternative to cars. sayi ng that she sa id. hope that the measure wi ll force And she is happy to welcome the studen ts and staff to share cars, or UEA shou ld fork out on upgrad ing prospect of the niversity spending the bus service to campus . better still , make them turn to subsidi sing tickets and revamping cash to encourage students to take alternatives like bicycles or buses. the bus. The weighty report backs buses bu s shelters on key routes. "O ne of my manifesto pledges Park and ride was to lobby the co unc il to subsidi se bus fa res between the And it calls on campus chiefs to work with Norfolk County Council campus and the Golden Triangle, and to places like the Waterfront," to get the Universi ty on a Park and explained Lara. Ride bus route from the orwich's south ern bypass. Response Union Environment Officer Lara o one from the University was Clcments is in favour of the report 's prepared to comment on the report, proposals. "C hargi ng for parking is but a source revea led that probably the most succesfu l way of management had been unable to agree on a unified response, despi te stopping people usi ng cars. it 's too easy j ust to dri ve on for no charge," sitting on the study fo r months.
It doesn ' t matter what your chosen job - if you 've got the ambition to succeed, the judges want to hear from you, as long as your under aged under 22 this September. If you think you could and should be a High Court judge, artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, or CEO of a multinational company, and could benefit from the career development advice on offer, then get in touch . The regional and national finalists will also have the chance to scoop a state of the art laptop computer, or the top prize of an all expenses paid to New York to shadow the company 's Chief E xecutive, Jim Schiro. , Explaining his company's ponsorshi p of the competition, Pete r Smith, PWC's Senior Partner in theUK said, "As one of the largest employers of graduates in the UK, PWC is continually seeking ways in which to help people reach their true potential and to create new leaders." For more details write to Leaders of To morrow Awards, 13 Craven St, London, WC2N 5PB, or visit the website at
Hey low SP-enders UEA students are SP-endthrift according to a survey_ carried out on camP-uses around the country_ By Clare Hamilton·Eddy
SEX, DRUGS and rock n roll are not a priority for UEA students according to a new poll of student attitudes and lifestyles.
33a Avenue Rd Norwich N Rl 3HN Tel: 01603 441096
The survey picked up on the habits of students across the country, and placed UEA at the bottom of the table for many traditional university pastimes. Manchester emerged as the month , bottom of the table. range place for spending on books. nation's leaders in illegal drug Surprisingly, UEA students use. drinking and sex with a also manage to spend the least Image generous 40 per cent of the on a week 's entertainment But students are not students claiming to have sex averaging only £14 .54 , in convinced that the survey contrast to South Bank whose at least once a week. reflects a fair image of UEA. at Their counterparts average is £24 .54. .. You cannot generalise Norwich tied with Cambridge Splash out about the university. it is not a and Edinburgh , where only 30 wide enough survey to mean per cent claimed a new notch Similarly, it was revealed that anything," said Rachel Gilyead UEA students do not splash out on the bed post every seven (EAS2). as much on drink as their days. And Tasmin Pearce (HIS 2) contemporaries across the Arrests country, averaging £18.71 per agreed . "There's people who have week compared to students at And despite a spate of drugdrink and sex everywhere and related arrests on campus at UCL who average £24.01. the end of last year. UEA rated In fact, the research paints there 's always people who don't. it's ridiculous to only a measly six per cent of the typical UEA student as swottier than average , catagorise universities," she students using illegal protested. substances at least once a achieving a respectable mid,
A LUCKY student has won the prize of a top pop punk band playing a free gig for her and her fellow students. Georgina Drake, a fin al-year che mistry stude nt , entered the co mpetiti on to win a free Sk unk Anansie gig last summ er, hopin g to give other mu sic lovers a good ni ght o ut. "They pl ayed here in my first year, and of a ll the bands I saw they were the be st," g ushed Georg in a. "I wasn 't rea ll y a fa n the n. but I de finit e ly a m now. In yo ur llrst year yo u go to sec eve ryth ing j ust to see w hat it is like: · s he explai ned. "They were mu c h be tt e r th a n anyone e lse I saw. I s uppose its beca use of the kind o f music ... Th e com pe ti tio n was adve rti sed at univers ities acro s~ tht: co unt ry . as
we ll as in Virg in Megastores, who are spo nsorin g the co ncert.
shoc ked to di scover s he had wo n. " I was rea ll y surp ri sed. I got a message em a il say ing I had won, and I' d got a load o f free tic kets for my fr ie nds and some signed artwo rk.' ' she sai d. - T he conce rt is on Fri day. Oc to be r I. at the Wa te rfro nt. Ti c ke ts w ill be avail ab le from the Un io n Box Offi ce a nd th e Virg in Megas to rc fro m Se pte mber 28, o n prod uctio n of stude nt ID - fi rs t come !l r>t se rved'
Effort G eorg ina s po tte d the on e-o ff g iveaway on a poste r in The Hi ve. and e ncouraged a ll her fri e nds to ente r in an e ffort to improve the un iversit y's c hances o f winn ing the unique prize. He r e ntry \\·as pic ked fro m tho usands recei\'ed - bu t she was still
TUC hear Motion Poet Laureate breaks with tradition by writing_P.oem for TUC ANDREW MOTION, the Poet Laureate and UEA's Professor of Creative Writing , broke with tradition last week by delivering a poem to the Trade Union Congress. In th e past th e Laureate has bee n lim ited to w riting ve rse to celebrate roya l shindigs, bu t th e tre ndy poet has already declared his desire to w rite li nes for a wider ra nge of nati onal events. Since bei ng appointed in May, he has written one poem in th e new ro le, for th e wedding of Pri nce Edwa rd an d Sophi e Rhys-J ones.
Childhood His new work for th e union bosses, a 30-line piece called "In A Perfect World ", detail s th e childhood literary prof 's experi ence of walking alongside th e River Thames, revelling in th e area's industrial heritage. And he cl aims its themes link in with the TUC 's wo rk on civil liberties, intern ationalism and Europeanism.
Commi ssion Speaking about th e co mmission, the poet and biograph er risked controversy by statin g he wouldn't be able to write for a bu siness audience. "I haven't had any approach from the CBI but I think it would probably be more difficu lt to do
one for them," said Pro! Moti on. Before deliveri ng the poem to activists at th e TU C's annual con f ere n ce last Tu esday, he mocked the efforts of th e Prime Minister, Tony Blair, earli er in the aftern oon. Referring to th e PM 's ju ve nil e rhyming verse, he joked it was "tim e to modernise" a co mment slightly lost on T U C c h air m a n r d L o Mackenzie. "I was taught that poetry should . ._ _ _ __
rhyme, but I th ought Andrew Motion 's poem was lovely," he com mented.
4- l>"-~ f~c.e tio(WtC~
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& News
• ••
Norwich Union unveils bus station revamR By ADAM BANHAM
NORWICH 'S DILAPIDATED bus station is to be transformed into a £25m shopping and residential quarter under a new scheme. In sura nce g iants Norwi c h Union have produ ced the plan s that wo uld and an office suite. The Orchard Gate developm ent will fill th e rundown void between Sa insbury·s at Queen s Road and the bu sy shoppin g mecca o f St Stephen 's Street. Ca fes. restaurants a nd shops would sit s ide by side with the business premises and a 140-room hote l in the newly pedestriani sed street. A number of small apartments wi ll be built at the All Saints' Green end of the site.
Development The deve lopment is the latest in a series of options put forward for the rundown site. aft er other pl ans were refu sed plannin g permi ss ion. lan Womac k, Norwich Union 's proj ec t d irec tor think s the transformati on will benefit everyone in the c ity. "The des ign has a human scale and the mixed use concept , inc ludi ng ho me,, cafes and res taurant s. will brin g li fe and activity to the area in the evening,"
- who own the Surrey Stree t s ite also include a hote l, fitness centre he said .
Proposal "This proposa l re n ects what we believe there is demand for in the city. The emphasis is on th e le isure s ide o f life , rathe r th an th e commercial side." But the c ity counc il is concerned about the future of Norwi ch's publi c transpo rt with out the central bu s station . They are currentl y in the middle of a study o f the C ity's transport needs, having a lready dec ided to permanentl y close Castl e Mall to most traffic.
Ventures • Other new ventures plann ed for the c ity includ e multi -million pound redevelopments at Ri verside and on King Street , and a Yates Wine Lodge off Tomb land . A Starbucks coffee hou se has recentl y opened on London Road, and Toys R Us now have a store at th e former B&Q warehou se site.
• • •
Double Vodka & Red BuD £3.50 Awarded Best Student Abnosphere by UEA Crawl Society '95/'96/'97 Probably the best Jukebox in Norwich, definitely the loudest 3 TV screens available for aD your sporting pleasures 8 Fye Bridge Street, Norwich NR3 1HZ Tel: 01603 623810
Letters/ Comment 9
Concrete Wednesday, September 22, 1999
The UEA photo casebook
When Josh and Elaine arrived at university they weren't looking for love ...
comment The Price of Safety UEA may have lost some money due to their breach of Health and Safety regulations, but science students could have lost someth ing far more important. That cannister could have exploded at any time. lt was pure fluke that no-one was in the vicinity and next time the University might not be so lucky. Staff must be properly trained and failsafes put in place to ensure that the safety of students is not so recklessly compromised in future.
Rising rents The rent strike in 1995 was probably the biggest student protest seen at UEA - so how come the Union has managed to lose the deal that ended the demo? Fair enough, some of the people responsible may no longer be here; but should rents rise because such an important document has been lost it will be a dark day for the Union.
•Editor: James Tapsfield •Deputy Editors: Mark Edwards Caroline Jeater •News Editor. James Goffin •Chief News Reporter: Clare Hamilton Eddy •Features Editor: Jack Hanauer •Sports Editor: Nick Henegan • Web Editor: Pete Chapman •Fresh99 Editor: Caroline Jeater •Editorial Contributors: Paul Stokes,
Adam Banham, Spencer T Whalley, Jan Kaucher •Photographers: Russell Burton, Rob Lutyens, Steve Cull ingworth, Graham 'Wiggines' Diggines, Gemma 'talking ' Pearce, Terrence Venables Special thanks to Paul and Stu, who just can 't seem to leave it all behind. This issue is dedicated to the memory of Small Fry - a fish like no other.
•Special Thanks to: UH Stewards. everyone at ECN •Concrete is published by the Union of UEA Students . Opinions expressed are those of the Contributor and nol necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. Use of the name ·rhe Event' appears by arrangement w1th the copyright holders. Planet Zog Lid. • No part of this newspaper may be reproduced or transmitted through any means including the improper use of Third Formers or magazines that will remain nameless · without the express permission of the Editor •Printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers Ltd .. Norwich. Norfolk NR1 1RE.© Concrete 1999.
o you want to get involved in one of the top student newspapers in the country? Then you've come to the right university... Since being launched six years ago from a small room in EAS Concrete has continued to grow and improve. Last year our achievement was recognised when we scooped Best Features Writer and came runner up in Best News Writer at the Guardian/NUS Student Media Awards, and this year we have again been nominated for Best Student Newspaper. Concrete has provided the launching pad for many a successful media career. Ex-Concreters now work at the Daily Mirror, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Evening Standard, Loaded, NME, Dreamcast Magazine and Bliss to name but a few. ONCRETE ~ !i!: Don't worry if you don't have incorportllting_t__~f!.!!..~t " Film fashtons w e'd f:'lt h c r forget any experience already - we can give you ~11 the training you need. So 1f you want to write news stories, features, or • • • $!\lrts In GEC Marcoal rev1ews, or 11 you're mterested ~ in taking photos or submitting ~~~~~·~~~~ cartoons, come and see us at ~~~~i~ ~ Soc Mart. Alternatively pop ~ -~ -= t?~ into the office upstairs in -- - ~~~~ Union House for a chat...
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10 Darwin Awards 16 Loose 12-13 Stephen Fry nmtil.nt Ends 14 Tuscany
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The Darwin Awards celebrate human idiocy, and they never seem to be short of material. Jack Hanauer picks some of the best moments ... e've all done some pretty daft things in our time. Generally they're fairly minor: some people leave the headlights on overnight or turn the chips to charcoal; others post a letter with the minor omission of the address, or flood the bathroom. All kind of embarrassing, it's true, but hardly serious enough to shame you into hiding . There are some individuals, however, whose actions make you question whether they really belong to a species who have mastered space travel and nuclear fission . Every year the Darwin Award is presented posthumously to the man or woman who "through single-minded selfsacrifice , has done the most to remove undesirable elements from the human gene pool" - ie they've killed
themselves in the stupidest of ways . Concrete has selected some of the most forehead-slapping examples, just to make you feel a little better about that time you decided to clean your parents' car with a metal scourer when you were 12. Don't say we never do you any favours ... In a case of particular note to students, a 22 year old man is thought to have died from overexposure to his own gas. Apparently the poor fellow dined primarily on baked beans and spent long stretches of time shut away in his room with no ven til ation. Consequently one morning he failed to wake up, and at the ensuing autopsy they found massive quantities of methane in his body. Let that be a warning to you to take a break from Goldeneye, and try eating something that hasn 't flopped out of a
tin from time to time . Fresh air and real food do have their merits you know. Another stark warning about eating habits comes from the tragic demise of Robert Puelo, a 32 year old American man who was making a nuisance of
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"Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet met his maker after opening a letter bomb he himself had sent" himself in a St Louis market. When someone threatened to call the police , he pinched a hot dog, shoved it in his gob and scarpered . He was later found in a heap outside the store, having choked to death on the six inch frankfurter. Law students' job prospects may be better than they had dared hope, if this story from Canada is indicative of the calibre of their rivals. While leading a guided tou r around a Toronto skyscraper, 39 year old lawyer Garry Hoy decided to demonstrate the strength of the windows to the visitors by ramming one with his shoulder. His faith turned out to be ill-placed ; after crashing through the pane in question he fell some 24 floors to his death. According to his boss, Hoy was one of the "best and brightest" members of the firm . You have to wonder how much longer that particular enterprise will stay in business really, don't you?
If you 're due to graduate with a degree in English , and are fast coming to the conclusion that thievery is the only feasible line of employment open to you , you may want to th ink again after hearing of Santiago Alvarado 's sad demise. The 24 year old burglar came to a premature end when he fell through the ceiling of the shop he was attempting - successfully, in a way - to break into. Unfortunately for Santiago he never got to benefit from his unauthorised entry , as the flashlight he was holding in his mouth was rammed through the back of his skull when he hit the floor. Well , it's been said before, and it'll be said again : crime just doesn't pay. The same goes for more violent ways of breaking the law. Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet met his obviously rather cack-handed maker after opening a letter bomb he himself had sent. Apparently he hadn't paid sufficient postage, and the murderous parcel came back bearing the legend 'return to sender'. Khay, unfortunately for him , failed to notice this , but to be frank if you put a return address on a letter bomb you deserve everything that 's coming to you . Here's one that will leave those of you who choose to avoid needless exercise feeling vindicated by your lifestyle choice. A stockbroker from San Francisco was taking his daily exercise when he got a little carried away - and inadvertently jogged over the edge of a cliff. His wife was later reported as saying that the 49 yearold "totally zoned when he ran". Maybe he didn't come out of his trance in time to see the ground speeding terminally towards him. Boys, as they say, will be boys - but not if they misuse their toys as ill-advisedly as Daniel Kolta, 27 , and his 33 year old friend Randy Taylor. Taking macho posturing to rather lethal extremes , they mounted their respective snowmobiles and embarked on a friendly game of chicken. They both won . Another chilling tale comes from the ski slopes around the Mammoth Lakes, California, where 22 year-old Matthew Hubal died after colliding with a lift tower which was strangely missing the yellow foam pad in which it was normally encased to prevent such an impact. All soon became clear, however, when it emerged that a figure matching Mr Hubal's description had been seen speeding down the slopes sitting on what appeared to be a large, flat yellow object just a few moments before the accident. lt did not take long for the local police to make the obvious connection. So if you're the kind of person who tries to turn the lights on in order to find th e candles during a power-cut, or who forgets to remove their cash from th e hole in the wall after making a withdrawal , take heart. At least you 're still around to tell the embarrassing tale.
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Stephen Fry has come a long way since he shot to fame with comedy partner Hugh Laurie: now he's also an accomplished author and actor, and is about to branch out into directing. Paul Stokes caught up with one of Norwich's f_ avourite sons when he came to UEA to receive an Honorary Doctorate over the summer
rom a distance he doesn't look remarkably different from any one else, reclining, as he his, on a bench enjoying the summer sur. and a cigarette. Indeed, as P;<'91f.!. sitting on benches 90~-";~0'- -:: ..â&#x20AC;˘ aatures might actually cause }?U to ,.' '~'?d him; he is a big-ish, stocky lad, aÂŁlfl.. 'tne bridge of his nose has a slight b ui distinct twist, indicating that in all probability it has been broken at some point. Big bloke? Broken nose? Probably harmless, but go the long way round just to be on the safe side. After all, you don't want any trouble. However, as this bench sits beside the green, green grass of Founders Green and the sitter in question is Stephen Fry, instead of avoiding him people can't wait to get near him. There is a queue of radio, television and press people all wanting to quiz him, while passing members of the public and this being the day of a graduation ceremony, back in the summer, there a good few of those point, stare and, if the chance arrives, say hello. And to cap all this attention, UEA are keen to rush him off and provide him with an honorary doctorate. lt seems that people don't just like Stephen Fry: they love him. But why? There must be an explanation for Fry's
popularity, but it's very hard to put your finger on it. Take myself, for example. I have watched nearly every episode of his television series v.ith Hugh Laurie, seen most of his films (including the 'family comedy' IQ), and certainly read all of his books (I have two of them signed). In fact, to come clean, I would say that Stephen Fry is one of my heroes whatever that may mean. Yet I still have trouble putting into words why I continually spend a tenner more than is strictly necessary buying his books in hard rather then paperback. And it's net just me, honest Guv. I know at least one other person who shares my level of enthusiasm and several others who have it in lesser degrees. Even friends who weren't Stephen Fry 'fans' seemed sui1ably impressed when I told them who I was going to interview, and more often than not repled that he was someone they too would like to meet. Why is he so popular then? Accepting ihe magnitude and breadth of his professicnal achievements, they alone do not seem to account for his extraordinary popularity. So he's a comedian who became a film actor? American comic Denis Leary ha& an inc reasing string of 'straight' credits to his name including the credible Demolition Man and The Thomas Crown Affair, yet he isn't giving the
Queen Mum a run for her money in the popularity stakes. Perhaps, then, it's because he's written a few novels as well. Well, okay, while we can agree that some 'funny men' like Seiin Hughes would after their own second rate efforts - wet themselves if they wrote anything of nearly the same quality as The Liar, it isn't unusual for a comic to stray into books. Yet no one else inspires the love Fry receives. Indeed, with someone like Ben Elton, who is actually quite good with the pen, more often than not you find they command a sizeable hatred quota. Work alone won't account for the Stephen Fry phenomena, then. And, as we indicated above, it probably owes little to his appearance. He isn't ugly, but then he's no sex symbol - he even criticises his own hair in the sleeve notes of some of his books. Yes, he has wit and charm, but these qualities in other public figures have just as often inspired revulsion. He also talks openly about his emotions and sexuality, a characteristic that is usually (though wrongly) deplorea by the uptight sensibilities of English public opinion. Is it, then that he's an amiable eccentric who drives a black cab when he's in London, or that he adapted the hit musicai Me and My Girn What is it about Stephen Fry? Clearly, looking at the issue from a safe distance doesn't work, so if there is a way to solve the Stephen Fry conundrum, then it has to involve lighting the blue touch paper and talking to the man himself.
ortunately, Fry's in town, or at least he was last summer, to receive a Doctorate of Letters from the School formerly known as EUR.
"I'm delighted. ll's a great honour," he says, when I start by I asking if he's pleased with his award. "Particularly to get a Doctor of Letters from a university which is so associated with writers and the Malcolm Bradbury course, for example, so it's delightful." "There is also such a splendid clutch of honorary graduands [this year], with Delia and Salman. lt's funny, people have asked me who else was being graduated at the University, and they are two of the few people in the country where you could just give their Christian names and everyone knows exactly who they are. Answer 'Salman and Delia', and they go, 'Wow, yeah!' There's only one Delia and there's only one Salman."
In my last year Emma Thompson introduced me to Hugh Laurie and we got on straight away Ironically, though he'd never admit it, Stephen would probably also be known only by his first name if it weren't so common. However, we move on in our search for the secrets behind the man, and delve into the past for a clue: his Cambridge days, the legendary Footlights, fellow students who've become show biz chums. Maybe the answer lies here? "When I was down at Cambridge I was aware that it was almost completely unmixed joy there," he reminisces. "As much as anything, it's the friendship that makes it such an extraordinary time. An island of only three years in which you make such tremendous friends and you discover so much together - all those cliches about sitting up to fou r
in the morning drinking coffee and wine, talking and so on. And, as it happened of course, it was professionally very fortunate." Indeed it was. Fry's experiences at University were responsible for propelling him almost directly onto television: "I wasn't in the Footlights until my very last year," he explains. "I was in a lot of 'straight' acting, as it's called - Shakespeare plays and that sort of stuff. That is one of the advantages of Cambridge, the opportunity to do so much drama.. I was in well over 30 plays in my time there. Then in the last year Emma Thompson, who'd I'd been in plays with, introduced me to Hugh Laurie and we got on straight away, like a house on fire, and started writing scripts and things. And from there, you know, luckily got picked up by the BBC and asked to do things. But that was very much the end, it really was the last term or so that I concentrated on Footlights and things. Before then it was much more for the fun of it all." Nothing obvious there, so I change tack to try to get into the man, and turn our conversation to Fry's reputation for honesty in interviews. Why tell the truth? As Fry's hero Oscar Wilde wisely warned, "If one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out." Honesty, though recommended as the best policy, can get you into trouble, as Fry himself found out when he admitted to taking Ecstasy in a magazine interview a few years ago. The nation's self-appointed moral guardians condemned, the names of young drug casualties were unwisely - and unfairly for the memories of these unfortunate people - bandied around the place, and even elements of Dundee University, where Fry had been elected Rector, were openly critical of his reasoned and ultimately personal admission - and not advocation - of drug us~. So
why risk it? "I think, as much as anything, it's just practical," Fry begins frankly. "I'm honest in interviews because these days it's almost certain if you tell a lie you are going to be found out. So what's the point of concealing something if it's true? Concealing a truth is pointless if you know that someone will then find out, because it looks as if you are trying to hide it and then they find it out with far more urgency." He provides an example: "If in an interview you confess to splitting open dead rabbits and shagging them - which, I have to say, is not particularly to my taste - then when you are suddenly discovered shagging a dead rabbit you are going to be a lot less embarrassed: 'So? I always said this was my particular pastime.' So on matters like sexuality or one's past, or disreputable past, I think it's very, very sensible to say it." However, protecting himself from media vultures is not Fry's only motivation, there are also principles at stake. "lt's generally part of the culture that there's this absurd idea of confessionalism all over the place," he explains. "I think ... I feel particularly in sexual matters and so on, the idea that one should have to confess to things always implies that there's a guilt, and if one states them like saying 'I live in London' - for them to have no more moral weight than that - it is very important. Especially for young people reading, who themselves are going through all the guilt and horror of their own sexual identity and nature, if they can see that someone 'grown-up' can talk about it without embarrassment and not as if it's a terrible confession of guilt thing, it might make them feel better. I would have benefited from that, I think, when I was younger." This explanation not only tells us a lot about the nature and personality of Stephen frY. but within
his argument, even within his choice of words are the clues can that lead us to understand the love that so many harbour for the man - it's all about conforming. Fry doesn't. If you examine what he's been saying and the way he's said it, it becomes clear that Fry is challenging accepted convention. He's honest while others in the public eye feel the need to l_ie about everything
If you confess to splitting open dead rabbits and shagging them, then when you are caught shagging a d~ad rabbit you will be a lot less embarrassed
we root - despite our moral sensibilities and his dastardly deeds - for lago in Othello; and it's probably something to do with our delight when Manchester United or another high spending team are beaten at home by an inferior side. lt's one in the eye for 'the rules' and it appeals to the rebel in everyone. From his confused beginnings (including expulsion from school and an unfortunate stay at Her Majesty's pleasure for credit card fraud) to his place amongst New Labour's starlets; from his infamous use of some very blue language on a late night discussion programme, to presenting the televised Teacher of the Year Awards 1999; indeed, by simply being able to pursue a career as writer, actor and comedian (and probably one or two other things), Stephen Fry has been continually getting away with breaking the mould - and down we're rooting for him. That's why his performance in the forthcoming millennia! Black Adder film will be lapped up, and why the several other cinematic appearances he's making next year will be well received. lt's why his next big project, a screen adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies, which he will also direct, will be eagerly awaited, and it is why lots of people will groan with frustration when he announces, ''then I hope after that [Vile Bodies] I'll write another book but I haven't the faintest idea what it will be about." In the best tradition of not playing by the rules and getting away With, Stephen Fry is getting away with it. He's not conforming. Sometimes he might look like he is, but it is at these moments that he is usually getting away with the most, and lets face it, most of us love it. Stephen Fry, we don't just love you, we're rooting for you.
from their age upwards. He's prepared to openly confront his sexuality - and one need only think of all the discussion that followed Michael Portillo's recent homosexual admissions to realise that, despite the alleged openness of society, sexuality is still fairly taboo - and in doing so, hopes to help others. And while he's saying all these 'serious' things he somehow manages to squeeze in the grotesquely comic image of dead bunny rabbits being shagged, and turn the whole thing on its head. While he's talking we're taking him seriously, yet from nowhere he instinctively drops in a comic line to alter our perception. And, it seems, it is this ability to be a non-conformist while appearing to conform that is at the root of the public's affection. Think about it - we often have a sneaking regard for those who manage to break rules with a bit of panache and get away with it. That's the reason , why T/le.lfalian Job is such a well loved film, why
14 Featured
Wednesday, September 22, 1999
Famed for its beautiful views, food, and Tony Blair spending his holidays there, Tuscany has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy. Jan Kaucher describes his Tuscan experience ... f you're planning to take a holiday from Norwich, you may not immediately think of heading to a region of the world with enough churches to make Norfolk appear stuck in the Dark Ages. But you would be making a rash decision if you were to disregard the Italian region of Tuscany solely on these grounds. The first thing that strikes you about Tuscany is the sheer natural beauty of the area. You'll no doubt have seen the pictures of field upon gently undulating field stretching out into the distance, with the trademark ridges of majestic Cypresses completing the image, but until you've experienced it first hand you won't believe it. Just as most of us would never have entertained the possibility that Father Christmas was a fictional character until an unfortunate encounter with our leaden-footed parents one Christmas Eve, so it is that you won't believe the extent of the scenic splendour of Tuscany without viewing it with your very own eyes. But it is not simply rural beauty that this Italian . wonderland has to offer - far from it. For in the towns of Florence and Siena, Tuscany can surely boast two of the most culturally outstanding settlements in the Western world. Now, we've already touched on the whole church thing, and I don't want to bore you with details, but the matter does demand clarification. There is no doubt that the Italians like their churches, and churches aren't normally the most lively places you're ever likely to visit. But it is worth making the distinction between the small, dare I say it, dreary East Anglian houses of worship, and the bloody huge great Italian versions boasting all the artistic and architectural splendour the masters of the Renaissance could muster. After a short stay here you may return home to your local village church pretending everything's just fine. You may even perch on your favourite pew and pray like nothing's changed. But when you're sitting there trying to convince yourself of your faithfulness, the guilty knowledge of your steamy affair with chiesi ltaliani will come back to haunt you, and you'll know that your relationship with you r beloved St
Mary's will never be the same again. You have been warned. As for the people, we're all familiar with the famous stereotype of the greasy, shifty Italian with a tendency towards vino-induced violence, and, shameful as it is, it was this image that was lurking in the back of my mind during the weeks before I set off for my Tuscan holiday. Not the kind of preconception you would say was exactly conducive to three weeks full of bridging the cultural gap and developing a rapport with the locals. But help was at hand, in the form of a couple of Italian friends. So, what did they think of Tuscans? First Italian: "Oh, iza veerrrry nice peeeople. Veerrry nice!" Second Italian: "Oh yeeees! Toscana iza nicest peeople ina alia ltalial" Really? Both Italians: "Oh yeast lza Truuuuee!" This last
"Shameful as it is, the image of the greasy shifty Italian with a tendency towards vino-induced violence was lurking in the back of my mind" comment was accompanied by energetic nodding of the head and huge smiles. And so it was that I eventually arrived in Florence with new-found optimism. And so it was that I parked my car in the centre of the city. And so it was that I returned less than an hour later to find the lock forced, the door open and the car's contents removed. Just my luck to become the latest victim of the last surviving stereotype-fitting Italian in all of Tuscany. Oh well. The most spectacular man-made sights in Tuscany are undoubtedly located within Florence and Sienna, and it is within these towns that the museums with most of the celebrated works of art are situated. But these are by no means, the only two settlements the region has to offer which are worth exploring. The countryside aroundl and
between these two main towns is dotted with little villages, each of which harbour their own little treats. Indeed, it's sometimes quite a relief to escape the hustle and bustle of the main tourist spots and spend a relaxing day sauntering around the less hectic streets of Monteregionni or Montelpuciano. In fact some of the most impressive artwork to be found in all of Tuscany is located inside the Basilica in the small village of San Gimingano. The truth is that wherever you are in Tuscany, you're "J;;t~~tj bound to find yourself happening across something that will leave you at a loss for words. Even the most rapacious of cultural appetites cannot fail to be satisfied by a few weeks in this magical land. And speaking of appetites, we mustn't forget that all important ingredient of Italian life - the food! Now you may not have a bad word to say about Domino's Pizza, and you may cite Dolmio's tomato sauce as your favourite accompaniment to your economy pasta, but a few meals here will leave you feeling well and truly betrayed by the British food industry. Pizzas that fill you up with the ingredients on the surface - as opposed to the gallons of grease saturating the base - are the rule not the exception here, as are pasta sauces which don't need heaps of extra salt and pepper to give them any noticeable flavour. What's more, they're all available for about the price of a Diner dinner.
• 4
What more need be said? But if you're still not convinced, then let me ask you one simple question: do you like ice-cream? If the answer is yes (and surety it is) then there is nothing for it but to head off to Tuscany. You may reckon that Walls offer a pretty good selection, and regard a choc-chip cometto as the pinnacle of chilled snacks. But until you've tasted at least one of the many and various flavours of Italian gelato; be it melon or tiramisu, lemon or pistachio, peach or hazelnut, you simply have not tasted genuine ice-cream. Enjoy you r trip!
Factfile • How to get t here: None of the main airlines fly direct to Tuscany, but RyanAir offer return flights to the nearby cities of Bologna and Plsa from around £80 If you travel midweek. Availabi lity Is limited though, so book eat1y to make sure.
• Accommodation: Youth hostels are the cheapest places t o stay, unless you feel like camping, whic h could be a little rash at t his time of year. A bed for t he night will set you back about £7. If you are planning on touring more of Italy Invest In t he Youth Host el Association card for good cheap accommodation.
• Other details: The favourable exchange rate means that you can currently get about 3000 lira to the pound, which Is good. But 1t will also mak e you feel a damn sight richer than you actually are, so be careful.
• Language: While you can get away with speaking some English In the big cities, In the smaller towns a phrase book Is a necessity, as Is leamln& some key basic phrases.
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Featured 16
Concrete Wednesday, September 22. 1999
So you think you know about. ..
Spies 1. What did Robert Tomlinson post on the internet last year? 2. Which American President allegedly had an affair with a German model/agent? 3. How many James Bond films have been released? 4. What were the names of the five men who comprised the Magnificent Five? 5. Who was originally teamed with John Steed in the television series The Avengers? 6. Which organisation did David Shayler reveal secrets about when he fled the country in the early 1990s? 7. What was the name of the call girl who John Profumo had an affair with in 1961 while she was also linked to a Russian attache? 8. For which organisation did Melita Norwood work while passing secrets to the KGB? 9. What actress played Vanessa Kensington in Austin Powers? 1 0. Who's hand "do you not want to see where his hip be at?"
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advertisement from the students union
GREETINGS FROM THE SABBS ] Welcome to these our first Union pages. The first task is to welcome all the new students joining us this year, not just the freshers but all our new Postgrads and Overseas students who will form a valuable part of UEA's community. The next think we need to do is welcome back all the returning students, after the quiet summer we've had it's a relief to see you all back again. We 've spent this summer preparing for the year ahead, and having spent about a month away on various residential courses, and a month in our offices we think that we're about ready to face the year ahead. As many of you will have noticed by now the summer months have seen a significant renovation of the commercial outlets on campus The paper shop and the post office have both been given new looks, an insurance bureau has been added and the refit of the second hand bookshop has been completed. Any one wishing to see us in the next few weeks is more than welcome, just come up to the offices on the top floor of Union House and knock on our doors. Have a great year, and don't forget were here because you put us here, its our job to represent you.
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Lis a
CLUBS AND SOCIETIES SPECTACULAR It's all to easy to pass over the chance to join any of the Union's clubs and societies. The function played by these clubs and societies is immensely important, for many people they are the basis of a busy social life and a chance to meet new people, for others they are the opportunity to fulfil a goal, such as playing first team rugby, or running a society themselves. Becoming active in a Union society also looks really good on a C. V so all those hours spent juggling suddenly change from being a fun pass time to being the edge in an interview. This year SOCMART and SPORTSMART are on FRIDAY THE 24TH in the LCR and the SPORTS CENTRE respectively, this is your chance to meet the people who run the clubs, ask the questions and join up. We hope that there is something for everyone, but if there isn' t why not start a society yourself? All you need is 30 like minded individual s, fill in a few easy form s and you 're up and running. Any one wishing to start a society should see the Clubs and societies Officer, Matt Porter or the Finance Officer, Andy Marriott as soon as possible. Don ' t just think about it, go out and do it!!
RETURN OF AN OLD FRIEND I That's right folks LIVE IN THE HIVE is back and its bigger than ever! For those of you not in the know, Live in the Hive is weekly slot in the entertainment calendar when free , or outrageously cheap entertainment is put on by the Live in the Hive is us giving back to you! Live in the Hive kicks off this Thesday with the excellent "Royal Family" a tribute the super group Queen, you know all the songs, now come and see the stage show. We've got a vodka and redbull at the unbeatable £1.30 and if that still isn't enough the first 600 people in the queue outside the box office at 8:30PM will get a ticket to a FREE SKUNK ANANSIE CONCERT at the Waterfront. Other great 'Live in the Hives' to look out for include the ever popular Karaoke in week two, this year we are giving away £100 to the best singer. Week three sees a 70's funk night, running in conjunction with the Blaxploitation film night including a live band. Later in the term Peter Zenner the mind reader and Hypnotist will be appearing, a show never to be missed! With entertainment like this why go anywhere else? Live in the Hive every Tuesday I'll see you there!!
DON'T James '\
October I Oth £15
Faithless featuring Groove Armada, Hybrid and DJ Paul Van Dyke October 13th £13 Beth Orton nominated for the mercury music prize October 27th £10 Paul Oakenfold featuring the Dope Smugglaz November 12th £11 Jools Holland November 13th £14.50
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un1onnews â&#x20AC;˘
en1n Meningitis continues to be an important issue on campus, and this year sees the introduction of a nation-wide immunisation programme among new students. All students will receive details about this programme when they register with their school of study. The immunisation will give good protection against type C meningococcal meningiti but it is not foolproof and it give no protection at all against type B. Everyone has to remain alert to the dangers. According to the Office of National statistic , the number of cases of the disease has been gradually rising over the past few years. Students seem to be particularly vulnerable to meningitis, statistics show that cases occur almost twice as frequently as those among non students in the same age range. The higher incidence of cases among students is possibly due to the new independent lifestyle they enjoy and the associated stresses of University life. Jonathon Buckley from the National Meningitis trust stresses that "the vast majority of cases are single, isolated incidents and that meningococcal diseases are only spread through close, intimate contact." Whilst the disease occurs naturally in saliva at the back of the nose and throat it is carried in droplets and can't linger on surfaces once expelled from the body. The close living conditions of campus residences can nonetheless pose a greater risk according to campu GP, Dr Coathup. "First year undergraduates who smoke and are living in halls of residence are at the highest risk," he aid. Awareness of both the disease and its symptoms are imperative a early discovery is crucial for effective treatment.
A rash may appear which will not disappear when pressed firmly with a glass.
Only some of the symptoms may be apparent One of the main danger i that the ymptom of meningitis are similar to those of flu or a hangover and for this rea on students are inclined to dismiss the initial symptoms of meningitis. The National Meningitis Trust stresses the importance of 'looking out for your mate'. This is echoed by Dr Coathup of University Health Centre; "if you get ill, tell somebody and get them to come and check on you every four hours or so, even if they've got to wake you up. People have to be aware of the signs and the symptoms of Meningitis so they can get on the phone really quickly". Both the Students Union and the University are keen to raise awarenes of meningitis. You should find poster around campus about the dangers of meningitis. We will be organising special awarenes events throughout this term. MAVIS (The National Meningitis Trust's Mobile Awarenes and Information Service), will be visiting campu in October, giving staff and students acce s to expert advice about Meningoccal disease. If you would like to get involved or have some input into this awareness campaign or would like more information, contact Claire Kober, the Welfare Officer (upstairs in Union House)
National Meningtis Trust 24 Hour Support Line 1t Meningitis Research Foundation 24 Hour Helpline 1t
0345 538118 0808 8003344
If any of the symptoms develop the Health Centre (01603 592172) should be contracted immediately.
The bottom line is Tell someone (friend or resident tutor) if you are feeling rough and get them to keep an eye on you .
.______ _ __
I This is simply to give you a brief overview of what sort of decisions have been made in the Union over the last 12 months, and how the Union function s as a democratic organisation. The policies adopted by the Union, from Wednesday afternoons to ethical investment have all been suggested and voted for by students. Any student can subm it a policy idea to the Union for discussion. If you'd like to find out more about how to go about it, or you have any burning issues that you feel the Union should be tackling, whether they have local, national or international focus contact the ACADEMIC OFFICER upstairs in Union House (e mail for more information.
l'n ~ ·J: I!-3 ·U'IJ ._ i =J ;l: t•I•J: El Wednesday afternoons have traditionally been kept free of lectures and seminars to allow students to participate in the wide variety of sporting activities available at UEA. After the Union found last years students were being expected to attend lectures on Wednesday afternoons, they decided to lobby the University to change this situation. The Union successfully negotiated with the University that unless it was completely unavoidable, no lectures or seminars would be scheduled for Wednesday afternoons.
This year, we want to ensure that this agreement is being upheld. So, if you or anybody you know has Wednesday afternoon lectures please let us know by contacting the Academic Officer in Union House.
I: Iii i! ~
You may have noticed by now, if you've been into the Union Food Outlets or Paper Shop that they don ' t sel1 Kit Kats or indeed any other Nestle products. Thi s is a result of Union Policy passed last year calling for a Union boycott of all Nestle products. Why? The International campaign against Nestle began in 1977 as a result of their alleged marketing of Baby Milk products to mothers in developing countries. Nestle were accused of di scouraging mothers from breast feeding their children through their marketing strategy. In 1990 T he World Health Organisation published a declaration on the 'Promotion and Support of Breast feeding ' . This document highlights the benefits of breast feeding, such as the fact that it contributes to women's health by reducing the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and reduces the incidences and severity of infectious diseases in babies thereby reduci ng infant mortality rates. The declaration also call for the implementation of their earlier 'International Code of marketing of Breast milk substitutes' by 1995. This code has 10 main provisions and stresses that companies should not advertise Baby Milk products to the public through the distribution of free samples to mother or by any other means. Nestle have consistently ignored the recommendations of the World Health Organisation and are alleged to be continuing marketing Breast Milk Substitutes to mothers.
This is why last years students at UEA, along with students from other universities across the country decided to join the international boycott of Nestle products.
One of the major issues confronted by students at UEA last year was that of the University 's investment policy. It was discovered that UEA used no ethical criteria whatsoever when deciding where to place the huge amounts of cash it invests in the money markets each year. The campaign organised by students focused mainly on possible UEA investment in companies which manufacture Arms for export to countries considered to be under the rule of oppressive reg imes. Campaigners collected 2,500signatures from students and University Staff calling for UEA to dis invest in these companies. The issue was then brought to a Union General Meeting where over 150 students voted to support the campaign for ethical investment at UEA.
A working Party has now been set up within the University to discuss the issues in the hope that with Union and University co operation Ethical Investment at UEA will become a reality. ~
', I
, I i
DON'T. PANIC!!! Course books are arriving every day. The very book you are . s erate for may be among the • ~a....
1 £~] ~Lo~!tt!A 4 newspapers at fantastic student prices!
Newly refurbished over the summer, the University paper shop offers a wide range of national and international newspapers, magazines and journals.
Forgotten to bring stationery for that all important first lecture ... don't panic, we have a wide range of paper, pens everything you will need to survive the first semester.
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Concre te Wednesday. September 22. i 999
What would you miss out on [Y.OU reject SP.Ort and exercise in favour of lie ins and junk food? Nick HenegM !!P.Iains... fter the 'Ire~, of wondering whet her that clu'i ,•e plac:e at universit y ha~ heen sec ured. the ~ tr<.:~' of actuall y leavi ng hornc and the di fli cull bw.ines~ of luggi ng an unfcasihly large number of ho'c' across ca mpu'. you' ll probab ly be ready ror a rest. Some hope! Not onl y will th e puni;,h ing ;,chcdulc of socia l events demand your att<.:nt ion. but the arorement ioned boxe;, w ill have to h<.: unpackcu and th<.: intricac ie;, of the campus J.. itchens have to be unravcllcu. Don' t worry, th ough. A~ the ha~e of drunkenness passes it wi ll beco me apparen t that these an:: by far the most hectic few w.;eks yo u'll cnco umer during the who le or the ilrsl year. So, w hi le on your tour of carn pus that would d o uhll e~s l y rival any of Michael Pal in' s ex pl oi ts, why not pop into Sports M art , where you wi l l be approached by coun tl ess people
rcpresenling an
try tho;,c activi tic, that you 've al way' fancied doi ng hut could ne, er be bothered 10 foll ow up on. But a, you leave the ;,port, centre clut ching your new cluh membcP,hip i' it the begin ning of a long and d i sti n g u i~ h ed. ;,po radic or even ' hon lived >purt ing career? For, be lieve it or not, during those cold win te r months t ho~e oh so co mfort ah lc campus bed;, and the lure of the various watering hole;, mi ght well ;,ee m more attrac tive than an aft ernoon on the playi ng f"tcld> or in the gym. But don·, worry Concrete is on hand to reveal wh at would be mi s,ed if you succumb to th e te mptations of bad TV and l c t h ~rgy.
Of course. there is the small maller or maint ai ning at l.::a;,tthe min imum amount of physical firn ess: after all the human body can onl y take so much of the as yet uniden tifi ed contents of the Brc·akers menu be fore startin g to degenerate rapidl y. Th is is not to mention those daily
(\\ell more or le,s) can be offset hy the regLtlar prac ti es offered hy most ;,ports clubs. not to mention the extra chance to burn otT thos.:: unwanted calorie' in both local league and inter-un i, ersity competit ion. "'But I could get the same effect by ru nn ing to lec tu re;, or li fting all th ose heavy book~ in th e library.'' I hear yo u cry. Well if the fi tness element of
"In those cold winter months, the comfortable beds and the lure of watering holes might well seem more attractive than the playing fields or the gym"
unimaginabl e number or sports clubs (some of which you didn ' t even dare bel iev.:: existed) making you otTers that you would be a foo l to refuse. After all , as the cliche goes. uni versity is the pe rfec t place to
trips to the bar that also help make it dillicult to main tain any se mblance of a healthy lifestyle. However, all of these self abuses
sport at UEA has fail to impres' then there areed;,ome le;,s obvious benefit s to keeping those boot' polished. The most important of these hidden treasures is that un le. s you ' re invo lved w ith the sporting community it is even harder th an normal to land that valuabl e seat in the bar. I ndeed. almost every Wedne-sday and Saturday it is impos. ible to step int o the bar without witness ing th e University 's sportin g elite celebrating their latest victory or maybe even drowning their OITOWS, all in the comfort of those tasteful soft furnishings. lf the sporting l ife is rejected not only will you return from the bar sore limbed from standing up, bu r you will also rorfeit the chance of gaining the obli ga tory if not altogether tasteful pseudonym.
advantages. Primaril y. it all ows the owner to get away with the mo;,t unimaginable of outrages without th ei r own good name being subj ected to wide.,pread ridi cule. Un fortunately though, in the eyes of the tea m you' ll still probabl y be a lau ghing stock. I f inli1my is avoided then perhaps the ce lebrit y elemen t of spnrt can be exploited . In this age of ~ po nin g superstars wi th un imaginabl e wea lth and daily media coverage it is unsurprising that the trend has passed down the ranks. For example if the most well known sponing pe rsonalities have attai ned movie star status in the J 990~ then it would be fai r to as ume, considering celebrity inllation of course, that university sports types can attain the equi valent celebrity status as the average sports professional from rhe 1950s. Strange but true. So don't be di scouraged when steppi ng ou t f or that fixture in front of one man and hi s dog: you will have some fan s, even if they can ' t be bothered to >land out in the-rai n on a Saturday afternoon. A lso, as you may have noticed. orw ich is hardly at the cent re of the B riti h hie. . and travel in and out of the area i; frw.trating at best. But if you're a traveller m heart the ;,porting scene is perfect. Sure, away ties may only take you to some unpronou nceable village in the uepths of the East Ang l ian country>ide. or - if you're lucky E,;,ex University. but at lca>l it pro>es there is life heyond campw•. And who knows, your chosen club may "ell exc:e l in BUS!\ competition. providing yo u'' ilh opportunity to travel a;, far afield a;,
Scotland or Southampton. dd to th i;, tou r' o rg an i~ed hy indi vidual clubs and the spurting world is your oy ;,ter. AII1Jf thi s m.icle, i f there was a . ingle rea;,on for persevering with
w.::ll a, Lite occasiona l but .::agcrl y awaited, ball or awards dinner. You and your sporting comrade' will be abl e to frequent the LCR in all manner of ridicul ous
"Away t ies may take you to some unpronounce able villa ge in the depths of East Anglia, or · if you're lucky · Essex Uni; but it proves there is life beyond campus" sport durin g yo ur Lime at UEA it would have to be the so,·ial element. Geuing involved in sport is the perfect way to meet new peopl e wi th si milar interests and whether yo u' re a buddin g international star or purely in it for fun yo u' ll be guaranteed a great lime thanks to the regular pub crawl s and soc ial events organised by most cl ubs as
costumes without anyone giving you a second look. If al l of the-se benefits have fail ed ro convince you to sti ck with sport. then frankl y your case is hopeless and you are doomed roan armchai r-bound fu ture. melancholicall y remini scing about the day you chose Richard and Jud y over that planned trip to the gym.
Sport 23
Concrete Wednesday, September 22, 1999
Hollywood Hotshot? Film star Geena Davls has failed In her audacious bid to make the American Olympic archery team. The star of the hit movie Thelma and Loulse could only manage 29th place In the national championships, which also act as qualifiers for the Sydney 2000 squad. Yet Davis will still make it to Olympics, albeit as part of an exhibition event. Despite only taking up the sport two years ago she has secured a wild card entry In the international Golden Arrow event that will run alongside the Olympic competition.
RusedskiAced British tennis star missed the chance to overtake rival Tim Henman in the world ranklngs and supersede him as British number one. Rusedski was left red faced after looslng to underdog Italian, Laurence Tiel mans in Tashkent's President's Cup. The Brit never got going and lost 6-3 6-4, adding to the embarrassment of squandering a two set lead to when he lost to Todd Martin in the US Open.
Keeper's Blackout Mystery The future of the young Portsmouth goalkeeper, Aaron Flahaven Is in doubt after he mysteriously collapsed during a match - for the second time in a year. The incident occurred during the Worthlngton Cup tie with Blackburn Rovers when he went to clear a back pass. Flahaven was carried unconscious from the field to the dismay of a stunned crowd, just as he was almost a year ago In a match against Swindon.
Faldo in the Rough Golf star Nick Faldo was forced to make personal transatlantic phone call to Colin Montgomerie to diffuse the controversy over comments made earlier this week. He is quoted as saying that Monty, currently top of the European money winners list, is only motivated by "fat cheques". The broadside came after the out of form Faldo was dropped from the Ryder cup team but his agent insists that " here is no animosi " between the two la ers.
Concrete makes its fortnigblly_ visit to Carrow Road AFTER A disappointing end to last season that saw them slump out of contention for a play-off place, City started the new season shakily due to an injury crisis that saw star attackers Craig Bellamy and Darren Eadie sidelined. orwich travelled to West Bromwich Albion for the first game of the new campaign, and secured a 1-1 draw thanks to a goal from summer signi ng Paul Dalgli sh. Then there was an early break from the league as Cheltenham visited Carrow Road for the fi rst leg of their Worthington Cup tic. As expected , City dominated throughout and came out 2-0 winners thanks to two first half goals from lwan Roberts. Birmingham away was the Canarie~· third match in a week. and the game saw their fortunes take a turn for the worse .
Inspirational Not only did they Jose the game thanks to an early strike from Jo hn McCarthy, but inspirational captain Matt Jackson limped off injured. Norwich's disappointing start to the ~eason continued with a 1-0 defeat at Charlton. and thing:, almo:.t got even won.e when Cheltenham, who were only promoted to the football league this 'eason, came very close to dumping City out of the Worthington Cup. Despite a two goal lead from the first leg. the tic was forced into extra time after Cheltenham ~cored two second half goa ls against an injuryplagued orwich team.
Blushes Fortunately City's blu-,he' wen: saved thanks to Lee Man,hall's IOOth minute goal. Things didn't get any better when promotion fa,ourites Bbdburn
Rovers visited Carrow Road for one of the biggest games of Norwich ·s season. The Canaries were comp lete ly overpowered by the Lancashire side, who were still surpri singly lookin g for their first win. Thanks to their depth of quality the match was soon secured with two goals from orwegian international Egil Oestenstadt. leaving a beleaguered City at the foot of the First Division with a solitary point. And a bad day turned even worse for City as former Manchester United player Phil Mulryne broke a leg, add ing to the massive injury problem. Two days later City doubled their points tally for the season by forcing a draw on their trip to Walsall.
Dominated Walsall hit City with an early goal. dominated the first half and should have put the game out of their reach. Yet the Canaries managed to equalise aga in st the run of play with ten minutes of the first half left. when Lee Marshall converted a teasing cross into an open goal. The Canaries were caught napping after the break. and Walsall regained their lead after on ly five minutes. The poi nts looked secure for the home side until the dying 'econds when Adri;m Cootc latched onto a speculative long hall to gain
Norwich a valuable point. Then there was a double boost for City on September 11. ot on ly did they post their first win of the season but .tar midfielder Darren Eadie retumcd from injury to score the winner. Things started well for orwich as lwan R obe rt~ grabbed the lead on 19 minutes. but th ings ba lanced out when Crewe equa lised before half time .
Winner However, the game turned when Eadie came off the bench to ;core a fine winner. in the process lifting City off the bottom of the table and above Crystal Palace. Tranmere and Swindon. But the Canaries were brought back to earth when they returned to Worthington cup action. en tertaining big money side Fulham . The visi tors went into the break one goal up and extended their lead just after the hour mar!- when Adrian Coote put the ball into his own net. Two more goals in quick succession for Fulham saw the match - and in all probability the t1e - put out of orwich's reach.
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Lee Marshall: 02
St Mary's Plain, Norwich Tel: 627478 Only 5 minutes from Norwich market
UEA blitz international talent in best ever Henley_performance By NICK HENEGAN, Sports Editor
i;t•i@iij!i Henley Regatta I
THERE WAS no rest for the Women's Boat Club during the summer break as, cheered on by a wealth supporters, the senior coxed fours posted a series of tremendous displays to reach the semi-finals of the Henley Women's Regatta. The event, whi ch took place on Saturday, June 19 and Sunday, June 20 saw competitors from all over the world descended on Henley, the spiritu al home of row ing, for the largest and most presti gious events in the women's rowing calendar. The UEA crew were taking 10 seconds. The semi-fi nals saw the But that was j ust a taste of UEA crew row the race of their part in the College Crews category and were competing what was to come from the lives, completing the course in alongside some of the most impressive crew. an outstanding time of 5 highly rated sport ing In the second round UEA minutes 49 seconds, only to be universities from Britain and were drawn against opposition heaten by the narrow margin of abroad, a fact that makes their of true international quality: one length by Oxford Brooks. Austral ia's Sydney University achievements all the more Quality outstanding. team , the majority of whom attend the world renowned UEA's time in the semiHistory Sports Institute. linals meant that they were The team. which comprised third fastest out of a high However, this did not phase quality field of twenty-,·,x atasha UEA, who posted a time of Helen Ferrier, teams. pipped only by Oxford five minutes 59 seconds 10 Howard, Hannah Bloxham. Brooks and the beaten finali,ts. brush the crew from down Kate Pankhurst and cox Adam Cape Town University of under aside. winning by three Chapman, and was coached by South Africa. and a half lengths. Alan Wells, secured their place "We outdid both our in hi story as the most Euphoric expectations and our coach's. successfu l UEA crew ever with but now the remaining Fresh from th eir victory, the strong and consistent row ing members of the team can bui ld euphoric crew went into their that was only outdone by the quarter final against Wolfson . on this success and do even eventual winners. Oxford better next year," said captain College, Cambridge in Brooks University. Hannah Bloxham. optimistic mood. The lirst round saw UEA up ''The boat club is always And their optimism was against the highly rated looking for new members and well founded, as they Manchester University. anyone is welcome, so come the opposition overcame A line performance sealed and see us at Sports Mart," she without difficulty, again in five an easy win for the team in a added. minutes 59 seconds . respectable time of 6 minutes
1n By SPENCER T WHALLEY, Sports Editor
UEA 5-0 Tuddenham
UEA Firsts were back in local league action last Saturday with a home tie against Tuddenham Marsh FC. The match started off well for UEA, who quickly got to grips with the windy conditions and were troubling the Tuddenham defence within two minutes. UEA's speed and agility up front soon minute that Will Allan in the UEA began to show dividends as goal was tested. consistent pressure proved too much A second goal was inevitable, and it for the visitors, forcing a defensive came from a swift move on the right. error that allowed Rich Clark the opportunity to hammer one home Tom Pearson collected a long ball from 25 yards. and had the time to deliver an accurate cross that was deftly Hammer directed into the net by Rich Crozier. Throughout the first half UEA were This seemed to shock Tuddenham cruising, and it was not until the 30th
into life, and they started to put some fine passing moves together. On e such move caused confusion in the UEA defence which culminated in a serious coll ision between Andy Hannet and his own goalkeeper, resulting in Hannet being taken to hospital by ambulance.
Wind The second half saw Tudenham kick off, this time with the considerable wind advantage in their favour, and they used it to full effect. But some resolute defending from Gavin Read assured that Tuddenham got no further than the
18 yard box. UEA built on their first half performance and a superb run and c ross from Byrne allowed man of the match Ben Larkin to fire a shot past the keeper. By now victory was certain, and UEA were dismantling the Tuddenham defence for fu n. The fourth goal came when some delightful skill by Larkin left Byrne free to place a shot into the net, and in the dying minutes Crozier scored another to make it 5-0. "The team played well," said captain Simon Wi lson. "Getting maximum points from three games and a clean sheet can't be bad," he added.
Don't forget to sign up for the club you are interested in at Sportsmart on Friday, September 24, in the sports centre