Concrete issue 163 24 03 2004

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Doubt remains over AUT marking boycott Restructuring plans alienating junior staff REBECCA LAWRENCE Deputy Editor

AUT lecturers at UEA are

awaiting news from their annual conference before celebrating a possible end to the assessment boycott after assurances on future pay secured from university employers last Thursday fell throqh within 24 hours. At the conference in Scarborough members will vote whether to suspend their action if talks with the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) can be set-up again. Members of the Association of University Teachers (AU11 took action short of strike when pay packages were offered which would significantly reduce their lifetime earnings. end national bargaining, and give a significantly small pay increase. On Thursday the AUT thought it had reached

a deal with employers, although details were not confirmed, for a pay increase from the original 6.4% to 12.2% over two years, and national pay bargaining to be retained. Acting departmental AI.IT representative for EAS Sean Matthews said it seemed the employers had made concessions in all three areas AUT members were concerned with. "We can't legally stop the assessment boycott until a decision is made at conference next week, but in practice, people will say we have got much of what we wanted. I'm very pleased. I think employers had this in their pocket all along, and were trying to see how strong we are, and we've shown them." But it is not all good news for lecturers as Or Matthews explained路 saying AUT members at UEA are extremely disappointed with the actions of Vice-Chancellor

David Eastwood during the course of the dispute. "He didn't even send a letter to people involved until very late in the day, and there was no official comment to students. He took far too long to address the issues and the letter he sent to staff was wholly inadequate and when he did write he failed to include part time and contact staff, or support staff (all of whom are concerned) in his circular letter. He said it was the best deal we could get and we should accept it. It's extremely disappointing to have an institution who hasn't seen fit to talk to people about the Issue" Head of Philosophy Rupert Read added that he very much hoped strike action could be called off. "I hope that the deal the AUT thinks it has achieved with the national employers will be going ahead. Cont. page 2


THE UNIVERSITY is facing a possible crisis as many lecturers are considering leaving UEA because of the attitude of the ViceChancellor and his management team during the AUT dispute. The anger towards the management has been brewing since lecturers felt left out of the consultation process towards the restructuring of the University, set to take place from August 1. An anonymous source said that in one school alone, 800Al of junior colleagues are looking for, or have applied for new jobs. "It shows the amount of distress caused by the restructuring and the anger felt at the way the dispute has been handled by the senior management. We've been kept in the dark as to what Is going on.

"They've appointed four members of staff that they think people will trust to encourage support. A lot of staff are concerned about the changes." EAS lecturer Sean Matthews said the management was not giving enough information to lecturers. "They are imposing a top down managerial pattern. Even the consultants have said the restructuring Is not itself going to solve the problems- it needs a shift in management culture. The restructuring has been accepted with so little detail it's frightening. "No-one Is against making things better, but Professor Eastwood has managed to make opposition to it seem as if you are against restructuring full-stop . He has missed the point that we are angry. There Is little evidence of how this will save money. Do we trust the managers even though we

are deeply anxious? The very consultants the management has employment have indicated there needs to be changes in the management culture." The summary report to the University 2004 produced by consultants PriceWaterhouseCoopers said "While we consider the move to a four Faculty model to be justlfted by the evidence we have collected together over these months, they are not in themselves sufficient to guarantee the achievement of the three University aims established at the outset." Despite David Eastwood claiming in an interview with Concrete last year that the consultative process was good value for money, many lecturers believe the contrary. Head of Philosophy Rupert Read said he believed the consultation process was Cont. page 2

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Co.aete Wednesday, March 24, 2004

ATTACK NEAR SPORTSPARK 18 year old woman robbed of her handbag while walking down University Drive. THOM SMITH News Editor A STUDENT was left shaken after her handbag was stolen during an attack on University Drive earlier this month.

The 18 year old wa s wa lking down the path oppos ite the Sports pa rk at a bout 1a m on S aturday. March 13. She was with a man who was tal king to h er. but then h e gra bbed h er s houlders. She struggled free but h e s tole

h er h a ndb ag whi c h co n tain ed h er purse a nd mobile phone. The m an was des cribed a s being 18-20 yea rs of age, 5 feet 7 inch es tall and of m edium build . He was wearing a dark woollen h a t , dark jacket

a nd trou sers. The a ttack comes several month s a fte r r e p ea ted re ports in Concrete of indecent exposures to s tudents and r eside nts of We st Ea rlh a m . In Oc tober. two female s tudents wer e fl ashed a t in the area a round univer sity drive. and another was fl as h ed while o n Colma n Road. O n November l. a nine year old girl in Th reescore . Bowthorpe was exposed to by a m an driving a Vau xhall Cavalier. Abo u t th ree wee ks later her s ister who was helpin g a friend with a pa per rou nd was fl ashed in similar circumstances by a young man in a car on S t Mil dred's Road. UEA Police offie r Constable Richard Bell has said that people should wa lk in groups '\vht>never possible. particularly dl night. keep to well lit

a r eas and avoid cuttin g throu gh Earlharn Park after dark" Constable Bell runs surge ri es for stude nts eve ry Wednesday be tween 12 and 2 in the Hive. Anyone with any informa-

lion a bout th e a ttac k is as ked to contac t DC lan Davies at the Ta rge t Crime Unit. Bethel Street police s tation on 01953 42-42-42 . B elow: Univers ity Drive w here the attack took place and ihe Sporispark ai night.


THIS MAN? NORFOLK police are t ryin g to ident ify the m an in t h e pic t ure (left) and are looking for witnesses to a theft he c arried out from the Safeway store at the BP Fiveways garage on Earlham Road in Norwich. At approximately 8:51pm o n Friday. 23 Feb r uary 2004. th e ma n en tered th e s ho p. p icked up two cases of S mirnoff Ice Black a nd left withou t attem pting to pay. He tu rned and looked bac k at the cashier wh en he was about h a lfway across th e foreco urt. Anyone who witnessed the incid en t. or wh o recognises the offender should contact PC Chris Art ingstall . of Earlham Polict> Sta tio n on 01953 42-42-42

T HE GALES t hat ro cked the country over t he week e nd caused damage around Norwich and on Campus. The picture on the ri~ht was taken on Sunday. out side th e back of t lie a rh building at UEA.

section oft he Rivt>rside eo m plex was closed to the p u blic on Saturday night because of loose ti les. A 60 foot tree fell across BluebC'Il Road on Saturday evt> ning. blocking the road and hit ting a parkecl ear.

Doubt remains over AUT marking boycott Cont. from page 1 Everyone wants the dispute settled this week. Our Vice Chancellor cou ld help by sign a ling hi s su pport for the deal. It wo uld have been better if UEA bosses had been more favourable towa rds the AUT action. ''Th e letter David Eas twood se n t out was very unsu pportive, and it is regre tt ab le th a t UEA leaders hip did not play a more positive and more pro -staff part in n egotiations. We do want to make UEA the best u niversity it can be with the Vice-Chancellor... Or Read hoped managers

Inside Concrete This Wee Page 2: Student Attacked Page 4: Mercy to sue Jordan? Page 6: Bus Changes Page 7: Student Wins Car Page 8: Building Work Page 9: AUT strike action

Elsewhere around th e n •f_(ion there was widespread damage and a number of deaths . Two peop le were killed when a tree fell on their car on the Blundeston Lowestoft Road. In Norwich meanwhile . a

Page 10-11: We talk to reporter Rageh Omaar Page 12: Europe's 9/11 Page 13: Travel to Australia Page 14: Campus Comment and loodents Page 15: UEA Enquirer

Page 16: Fashion Page 17: Cricket, Karate and football Page 18: Surfing success Page 19: Finals for Korfball team Page 20: Vidory for men's football team. Crossword

will learn that it makes sense to work with lecture rs. "David Eastwood is a good Vice-C h ancellor. and I h ope it will be easier to work together in the future ... Fina l year stud ent Ca t Clarke said s h e was very d isappointed tha t the University did not consider the welfare of its s tuden ts . "The Un ive rsity has not offered any official comment to stu dents. The only way I found out was through teaching s taff, and this was not always detailed . I think it has created a lot of an i-

mosity between staff and students. wh ich will h ave a long-ter m affect on students· a ttitudes to the Univers ity in general. " "I' m glad it al l seems to be coming to an end . as I was very concemed I wou ld no t be g r a du a ti ng w ith m y friends this summe r, and t h at the assessm ent boycott wou ld have long ter m consequences for my future ... A U ni ve r s ity s ta te m en t said that un iversities . thro u gh t h e UCEA h ave a lways been wi lling to continue talks wi t h the AUT in

order to bring the dispute to a co n clus ion and preve n t studt>nls fac ing disruption of th eir studies. "Discu ssio n s ch a ired by t he TUC have enabled n egotia to rs for b ot h parties to agree a set of proposals to resolve the s ituation. "It rem ains UEA's inten tion to min imise any d is rupti on to s tudents cau sed by the curren t AUT action . T h e Unive rs ity will awa it the ou tcome of t he AUT Council m eeting before de te r m in ing w h at infor mation to commu nica te to students ...

Restructuring plans alienating junior staff Cont from page 1 badly mishandled "The Priee Water I Joust> Cooper report to save money was a complett> Ilorlicks. in the words or Jack Straw. a waste of money. It would have been better to pay peopie within the University to look at restructuring as lht>se peop le know the University. The compnny was commissioned without consultal ion which was a m istake... Read added that <lt lt-ast the Vice-Chancellor realised the demoralization he caused. and that he had to make some concessions. "This had to be done to

keep Ieel urers on side during the changes as we and the support staff are the ones who will actually have to make the changes happen. It should not be a centralised dictation but a process of working together. The n •strucluring is badly Oawed. I hope they \vill implement it \1. llh a more bot tom up approach. I le added that key deci sions were made before the consultation process event took place . "For example. goi n g for four faculties instead of four super schools. Th e con s ultalion was to some extent just

pretence- it's a bit like elassie New Labourism. top -down stuff pretcncling to be demo cratic ... .., am certa inly awa re of a number of young staff who are considering leaving due to Ulf' re-structuring plans. I hope it will not come to this. Morale can only lw restored if th e administration will work with us. and the Unions. and not dictate from lht> top ... -, a m encouragin~ my stnff to stay as prospects remain strong at UEA. I'm optimistic (icsptte reserYations about the way the admin istra tion has handled issues ...

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Coaaete Wednesdav, March 24. 2004


JORDAN TO RECEIVE NO MERCY Norwich nightclub threatens to sue Jordan over no-show PAUL VINCENT Deputy News Editor

MERCY NIGHTCLUB is t aking legal ac tion against J ordan after the glamour m odel failed to show up for a personal appearance on Friday March 12th. Jordan. who en terta ined clubbers at Mercy on the opening night back in October. had signed a contract with Mercy before appearing on ITV's I'm a Celebrity. Gel me Out of Here

in January. However. on her return from the Australian jungle. she announced that s h e wou ld "retire" Jordan and go back to being herself. Katie Piice. Mercy had already paid a substantial deposit on the appearance fee plior to th is announcement, a fee which

was tripled when she hired a new manager. As it becan1e apparent that Jordan would possibly fail to show up for her well -advertised club night, her ex-manager. Dave Read, drafted in some playboy bunnies as a back-up plan. Toby Middleton. manager of Mercy Nightclub, said that he "would like to think that Jordan will cooperate" but admitted that "she's too much of a huge celeblity to have to worry about this sort of thing." "At the end of the day, we're h ere to give Norwich some of the best entertainment. both in terms of guest celeblities and music artists. The people of Norwich and of UEA should be the winners. its just unfortunate if celebli-

ties Jet us down". National tabloids showed pictures of Jordan and Peter Andre. who she met on ITV's reality TV show, on a date near Brighton on the evening that she shou ld have appeared at Mercy. The 2500-capacity nightclub. wh ich will soon be

launching its own radio stat io n . continues to attract celebrities. with Charlie Brooks. Ricky Hards and Shane Ritchie all scheduled to appear in the coming weeks. Below: Mercy nightclub on Prince of Wales Road Right: Jordan (Kalie Price)

CKY ATTACK 'FANS' PUB ATTACKED BY Tempers flare at recent CKY Gig in the LCR AT LEAST two people were injured at the CKY show on March 16 in t he LCR, after the crowd who had paid £ 10 a head, and the band became 'agitated'. The show started out as most rock shows do. but the band soon began to take exception to the crowd - their main grievances appeared to be that everyone seemed to be far too young and were expecting the cast of the TV show 'CKY' which s pawned 'Jackass' rather than a rock show. After a few songs the band demanded that anyone who came to see TV stars should 'f**k off immediately' later adding 'f**k Jonny Knox'Vi lle' to ensure th at everyone was aware of their position on the issue. CKY were playing a freeform set and were determining which song they would

play next by asking the audience for requests, this system soon revea led to the band that the vast majolity of the crowd co uld only a handful of songs and led to their big singles such as '96 Quite Bitter Beings' being played early on.The majolity of the aud ien ce soon became unable to name any of their songs to requ est. As a result the band began to introduce songs as 'this from our second a lbum which I'm sure none of you own' and eventually offered to sing Good Charlotte covers so the audience would know the words. Later the band decided to

play something the crowd would know and gave them the choice between emo or Chlistmas songs . Tensions came to a head duling the encore when the USA was mentioned and booed by someone at the front of the pi t. The lead guitalist Ch ad Ginsburg replied "you boo the U.S.A. and I' ll come d own and boo your face c••tsucker" and then swung his entire mike-stand into the pit in a 'patliotic rage' - the individual it was aimed at received a large gash to the head but refused treatment from medical staff. However. being a largebased mike stand the intended victim was not the only one struck and the person next to him received a frac lured wlist. Picture: CKY


DRIVING LESSONS patient, friendly t uition Linda Crassweller 01603 870989 Pass Plus Available

WEST EARLHAM GANG THOM SMITH News Edito r A NORWICH pub has been targe ted by a gang of teenagers, who have beaten up customers , stolen in excess of £1500, and threatened the landlady. The "Above the Law" gang. known as ATL. have repeatedly trashed The Catherine Wheel on St Augustine's Street. According to the landlady. Ms Dawn Clarke. a 40 strong mob of teens. many of whom we re drun k or high on drugs targeted the popu lar Goth nights on four consecutive Fiidays. The nights have now been cancelled and bouncers have been employed to keep the gang out. The gang numbers about forty. ranging in age from abo u t nine to eighteen and has been the subject of reports in the Norwich Evening News and Concrete. Based in the West Earlham area of the city. they have been linked with vandalism. burglaries and muggings

across the city: many of the gang have diink and drug problems. On the first Fiiday. the group burst in at closing ti me. attacked Goth s in the p ub. and took £1.587 in takings from the till. About nine of them then grabbed Ms Clarke's 14-year old daughter. Miss Jade Button. who lives upstairs in the pub and h ad come down to see wh at was going on. They tlied to pull her out of the pub. while another thu g smash ed an ashtray and held it to Ms Clarke's throat. On one occasion s he confronted one of the gang's apparent leaders: "I went outside to him and said 'what do you want?' He said ·we're ATL we're above the Jaw. And then he spat in my face .., She went on: "We were stormed by about 30 to 40 of them. aged between 13 and 17. "They hit the pub like screaming banshees . I have never experienced anything

like it. .. After that, Ms Clarke employed bouncers to keep the ruffians out, but they merely hung around and attacked U1e Goths as they left. Ms Clarke added "This was a beautiful pub with a wonderful atmosphere which has worked really well . The Goth nights were attended by really decent people. But people are ending up in hospital. Customers daren't leave the pub at the end of the night. Several of those attacked outside have needed hospital treatment. and the thugs have attacked the pub. breaking windows and the estimates of damage run into thousands of pounds. Norwich police have confirmed that a significant number of officers have been called to the pub. including a public order unit and plisoner van. A number of arrests were made for common assault. Below:




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c.a.te Wednesdal'. Marr:h 24, 2004



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Got a story? Email us at


RWAN DA BUS SERVICES TO CHANGE First Bus Company is going to alter many of the City's bus routes and timetables on April 4th


DECIMATION m e ans the kllllng of every tenth person in a population, and in the spring and early summer of 1994 a program of m assacres decimated the Re public of Rwanda. Although the killing was low-tech - performed m ainly by machete - it was carried ou t at dazzling s peed: of an origina l population of about seven and a ha lf million. a t leas t eigh t h u nd red thou sand people were killed in jus t a hundred days. Rwandans often s peak of a million dea th s. and they may be righ t. The dead of Rwanda accumula ted at nearly three times the ra te of J ewis h d ead during the Holocau s t. It was the mos t effi cie n t mass ki lling s ince the a to mic bombings of Hiros hima and Nagasaki.' From We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our famil ies : Stories from Rwanda'. By

Philip Gourevi tch. Rwanda is roughly divided into two major ethnic groups the Hutu and the Tuts i. The Hutus were the ruling political grou p at the time, and th e governing pa rty was Hutu called Hutu Power. Power organised the system atic extermination of the Tutsi minority with the gove rnme nt broa dcasting its intentions nation ally weeks before the killing began. The Tutsis watched people from their own villa ges training

and preparing to kill them. Tutsis and minority Hutus. were exterminated by U1cir neighbours. relatives. often the very people they'd lived closest to their whole lives. Churches were seen as a sanctuary. yet the doors were un locked by the very ministers they believed they could trust in order to allow the mili tia to massacre the s heltering Tu tsis. Thou sands of women were raped after watch ing their family's die: they were told by the militia they ha d been s pared d ea th so they would 'die of sad ness' . It's now ten years s ince Rwand a experien ced the only Gen ocide s ince t he Ho loca u st. One ca n only begin to imagine the legacy that has followed . Rwanda faces huge s ocial and political problem s: its c hildre n growing up without fathers and wa tching their mothers die of aids, killers moving back to the very communities they ripped apart. How many times must the Inte rn a tional community . who fa iled Rwanda s o a ppallingly . d eclare 'never again' . while we tum our backs on the ethnic conflict tha t is tearing a part communities around the world . On Tuesday 30th March at 11 :30 (Week 12) there will be a minutes s ilence to reme mber all those that died in Rwanda . and all those tha t are left behind.


MAJOR revisions to First services are taking place in the Norwich area from Sunday April 4 . Though the direct citycampus services (25. 26 and 27) are not affected. those wishing to travel in other a reas of Norwich and the surrounding area may wamt to know about the changes. Timetables are available from the Traveline Sh op in Castle Meadow. and online at www. fi rstgrou p. corn. Alternatively. you can e- mai l you r queries to the UEA Bus Users Group : jeffrey. uk . Below is a s ummary of the changes: 9: Lakenha m · City Centre ·

14 I 14A Duss indale Park · City Centre· SilfJ.eld

19/20 Costessey Centre · Heartsease

All journeys to operate common route via Mill Road in Hethersett.

Extend ed from Mile Cross to Ives Road . via Vulcan Road and Fife rs Lan e re placing part of service 17. 10 I lOA: Sp ixworth · City Centre · Mulbarton · North Lop ham

18 C ity Stratton

Extensions beyond Mu lba rton to opera te at Monday to Friday peak peri ods only.

Extended beyond City Centre to Old Ca tton (White Woman Lane roundabout) via North Walsham Road .



· City

Revised timetable as a consequence of rerou ting service 22. City Centre (eastbound) stop relocated to St. Stephens Street to offer cornmon stop with 24 / 24A.

15/16 City Centre · Old Catton

All journeys to operate as service 16 via Calton Grove. Extended to new terminus in Old Catton: White Woman Lane roundabout Uu nction with Proctor Road/ Mountbatten Drive) . Extended beyond City Centre to Cos tessey Park & Ride. non-stop via Newmar ket Road and A47. 1 7 South Tucks wood · City Centre· Vulcan Road Route unch anged between South Tucks wood and City Centre: continues every 30 minutes to Brunda ll vi a Thorpe St. Andrew. th e n hourly to Blofield Heath (17) a nd hourly to Lingwood (17A). re plac ing 704/5/6. Northern section re placed by altera tions to 9 and 16.

M ile Cross

replacing 15.

21 N&N 1/ospital · City Centre · Sprowston

Frequency increased from 20 min u tes to 15 minutes. Monday to Saturday daytime journeys to serve Bowthorpe Shopping Cen tre. 22 Bow thorpe ·City Centre · Sprowston Frequ ency increased from 20 minutes to 15 minutes. Exte n ded from Bowthorpe S ho p pi n g Ce n tre to N&N Hos pital. Re routed in Sprows ton via Falcon Roa d West ins tead of Corbet Avenu e. Rerouted be tween City Centre and Bowthorpe vi a Dereham Roa d and La rkman Lane instead of West Earlliam. 28 C ity Centre · Thorpe


Street and City Centre via Weslwick Street St. Andrews Street - Bank Plain Castle Meadow St. Stephen s Street · Ch apelfield Road - Grapes Hill. 29 I 29A Taverftam



Revised timetable. Rerou ted via Old Palace Road instead of Anglia Square. All journeys serve Mill Corner. X50 Norwich · Sheringham

Revised timetable. Evening and Sunday service withdrawn . 52 Norw ich - Eas t Harling

Service withdrawn. 54 Norwich · Stalhwn; X56 Norwich · Fakenham; 58 /58A N orwich Poring/and B ungay

Revised time tables. 507 City Centre · Costessey Park & Ride

Re placed b etween City Centre and Costessey Park & Ride by 16. Re placed on Dereham Roa d by 22. 704/705 Norw ich Brundall · Great Yarmouth

Replaced between Norwich and Blofield Heath by 17. Off-peak frequ e n cy increased from 20 minutes to 706 Norwich · Ungwood 15 minu tes. To operate oneReplaced by I 7 A. way loop between Heigham ~~~~--------~~----------------------· Marriott

OULTON BROAD BODY A BODY was pulled out of Oulton Broad, Suffolk where the UEA's Sailing Team Trains on Tuesday, March 16. The body of a 69 - year old m a n was pulled from the broad . and has been named as Mr Rich a rd Biggs. o f

Elmh urs l Avenue, Oulton Broad . The body was taken to J a mes Pagett Hospital in Lowestoft. where an a utopsy was performed. There d oes not a ppear to h a ve b een a ny foul play. though an inquest will be carried out at a later d ale.

Bureaucracy stops Broads Authority Scheme being implemented this year GOVERNMENT red tape is threatening the future of a s c heme to increase safety of people on the Broads. The Broad s Authority was lo b ring d u e to pass by-laws tha t would see all boat owners having to produce boa t safety certificates on request. However it is unlikely that the rules will be in place by the target date of April 2005. The planned changes come after a Marine Accident Investiga tion Board investi gation of the death of Rachel Fry last summer. The 42 year old d ied after

the hire boat s he was in capsized near Horning Hall on the River Bure. The boat ha d been overloa ded and it turtled becau se of uneven weigh t d istribution. The Authority has fou nd itself in trou ble regarding its power to make by-laws. The legislation that created the Au thority does not allow it to pass secon dary legis lation in the sam e way as British Waterways. Jonat h an Ri chardson. naviga tion safety and project officer fo r the Broads Authority. said the snag was "extrem ely fru s-

trating ... We have to bring in a by-law and to do that we would have to lay down verba tim every s ingle s tanda rd we expect vess els to meet. "This rather hamstrings us . It would not be so b ad if s tandard s were already set. but the Boat Safety Scheme's techn ical standards are going under review. so we can not base them on those." The Broads Au thority will still be asking for Boat Safety Certificates to be produced vo luntarily. th ough it will have no legal a u thori ty lo demand them.

c..a... Wednesday, March 24, 2004

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UEA student wins a new car by buying a bag of crisps on campus


PAUL VINCENT Deputy News Editor

A UEA student luus won a car from a packet of crisps purchased in the UFO. David Howard CMP found the lucky blue voucher in a bag of Walkers cheese and onion crisps three weeks ago and has now been presented with the keys to his new Ford Focus. David was initially sceptical. he explained "I thought there had to be a catch. I've never heard of anyone winning in these promotions". David admits that he had no idea that there was a competition running and only picked up a pack of crisps

because he has given up chocolate for lent. While David endeavoured to find the catch. his flatmates. of Waveney M. were convinced that he really was a big winner. David was invited to a special presentation in London last week in which former England manager Terry Venables (who stars as a devil in the Walkers Ford advert) handed over the car keys. Following the pre entation, David and his sister Jo, along with some other competition winners. were invited to a three-course meal. David said that "overall I had a great day out, the PR people looked after us well and

Terry seemed a very nice guy". Although David doesn't yet have his driving licence he says that the win "has given me the incentive to learn". He has now applied for his provisional license and Walkers have offered to send him on a course of driving lessons as part of the prize. David is the youngest winner yet in this promotion, though. out of the 150 cars up for grabs. lOO are yet to be won. Walkers Brand Manager Samantha Green said that "we are delighted that David has won and we hope that he will eventually get to enjoy his new car".

The annual Clubs and Societies Awards took place last Friday, and the evening was a storm according to Communications Officer, Ned Glasi er. Mlt was more fuller and more impressive than last year. as we were more organised and better abled. The ceremony consisted of live acts. the awards. and an after show party. It was hosted by two students, Tiro Demetris and Rob Castell. M

The prizes for Services to Sports went to ... Steven Harris (Athletics Club). Rachel Healey (Women's F.C) and James Ing (Cricket Club). Here is what nominators. friends and judges said about the winners: "As president he has organised the club from a small group of dedicated people into a large team able to compete at the national level. He Is utterly devoted to his club and has helped the club to gain new status within the university. During his time as president he could not have done amore for the club and thoroughly deserves to take the prize" . "This person is incredibly reliable. coming to all the training sessions including running Saturday training and making time for all matche . in which she is a solid and skilful player路 . "This person has shown

TO REGISTER TO VOTE AS THE first ever UK-wlde camp aign of the Electo ral Commission points o u t : ''If y ou don't d o politics there's not much y o u do d o". The 拢4 million campaign comes ahead of this year's Local Council and European

Parliamentary elections, to be held on June lOth. In order to vote. you must be on the electoral register. for which you can register if

you are a citizen of Great Britain. the British Commonwealth or the European Union. The European Parliament

passes laws that affect all EU citizens. The laws generally relate to the environment. human rights. consumer rights and economic development. European Parliament elections are held eve ry five years and you can either vote for a list of candidates proposed by a specific political party or. alternatively. for an individual candidate. Those not on the electoral register can doWTlload a form from the following website: Registrations must be received by April 13.

outstanding commitment to the club during his four years at UEA. coaching all the teams, helping integrate new players into the club and playing matches even when he was going through incredible personal difficulties. He has been an invaluable member of the cricket club and his contribution will be sorely missed when he leaves UEA."

The awards for Service to Societies went to ... Chris Howcroft (Drama). Tlm Morgan (LGB). Mltesh Pate! (Asian Soc.) and Therese

BY-ELECTION RESULTS THE BY-ELECTIONS for the posts of environmental officer, liberations officer and societies officer were held on March 17. There was also an electio n held fo r the Union's delgation t o the NUS' Natio nal Co nference. ELECTED WERE: Environme n t: Andy Higson Liberations: Frances Stapleton Societies: K Rahman (Shah) Th e five NUS conference dele gates: Andy Higson Beck Smith Daniel Connor Matthew Sparkes Rowena Boddington




Stolt (Nordic Soc). About Chris: "This nominee has been involved in and in charge of the technical side of the society for the last two years. organising lighting and sound and co-ordinating a back-stage tea. He has had an amazing amount of enthusiasm and has rarely if ever been known to complain about anything. What a star!" About Tim: "His enthusiasm shines through and he has a heart of gold. He is a fantastic friend who is very supportive and deserves recognition for everything he has done for our society over the years." About Mltesh: "He goes out of his way to make sure the job is done properly. writes regular newsletters and makes sure events run smoothly. working With other societies and the Union media to make sure as many

people as possible know what"s going on". About Therese: "She has devoted loads of lime and effort to the society. lifting it from what it was last year; they now have an event on every week. The socials enable those of us learning a language to practise it on the locals. Without her. we would be lost!" Other Outstanding Achievements Awards were received by Street Jazz for its popularity and the quality of its performances. the Fell Club for running a number of successful excursions and maintaining a high quality service. the Futsal club for achieving widespread recognition after being a fairly unknown society. and the etball Club for their success in the BUSA leagues and their fundraising cha rity walk.

SOAP-BOX DERBY RED BULL is loolr.lng for 80

teams to compete in a Soap Box derby race at Knebwortb , which wlli be on national TV and hosted by famous celebrities. Teams will be judged not just on speed. but also on creativity, performance and by a crowd clap-o-meter, with the top three finalists winning spectacular prizes including; an elite license to the Caterham Academy with all the frills. a four day trip to Lapland incorporating an artic circle rally and a private racecourse for the day with four super cars. To enter. competitors must design. build and drive their own home-made non motorised car and race headto-head in a series of heats .

with the top five teams raring in a grand final. The first Red Bull Soap Box took place in Austria in 2000. and has since visited several countries including路 Australia, Sweden. Belgium, Czech Republic. Finland. Ireland. Germany. USA - and the U.K (Leeds and Northern Ireland) .

Norfolk's tourist industry i s hoping for a good 2004 year, especialy after the launch event bad to be cancelled because of the weather. Day Out in North Norfolk was due to bring together visitor attractions and accommodation providers at the Pensthorpe Nature Reserve on Saturday. with a public open day Sunday, but both had to be cancelled because of doubts about the safety of the marquee. Exhibitors were positive about tourism prospects. depite the launch's problems. saying that generally hotel and guest house bookings were looking favourable.

EMERGENCY DRIU An emergency exercise to desi.gDed to h e lp save lives on the Broads will talr.e place on Wromam Broad this week.

Exercise Musketeer will see emergency services attempting to rescue people from a grounded broads cruiser. The drill comes after an unusually high number of deaths on the broads last year but a senior authority member has denied that this year's simulated emergency exercise was connected to last year's six fatal incidents. The excercise will involve the grounding of a large Broads Tours cruiser. the Vintage Broadsman. and the transfer of passengers from the boat to safety. including the rescue of people from the water.

DODGY PLUMBING? 110 homes are to be built in Hemsb y, near Great Yarmo uth, d e s p ite t h e sewers regularly overflowing and flooding the area with raw sewage.

Flooding caused by rain getting into the system has affected the area around Martham. Hemsby and Ormesby for the last two decades. Cou ncillors hav warned that it is seeping into Ormesby Broad . a source of drinking water. The decision was made following assurances from Anglian Water that the problem would be dealt with by installing rain water storage tanks at Marlham pumping station. However Anglian Water spokesperson Sara Rowland admitted that the tanks, due to be built by March 2005. would not solve Hemsby's flooding problem. She said: "It will end the flooding in Marlham and it will help reduce it in Hemsby, but it will not completely solve the problem ."



Wednesda y. March 24, 2004

Page 8

With new residences, car park, health centre ... the UEA is about to change out of all recognition KEY TO MAP: 1. Tennia Coarta under construction.

2. Multi Storey CU Park June 05 - April 08. 3. New Islamic Centre October 04 - October 05 4. Community Bulth Centre May 04 - AprU 05 5 . Phase 2 Waveney Building Ongoing until 2007

__ ·---., __

6. Catering Block Refurbishment Summer 04

',.,_0 .........,.


7. Hive Works Summer04 '

8 . Library Under Construction 9 . Sainsbury Centre Refurbishment August 04 - June 05 THOM SMITH

News Editor

THROUGHOUT the last year, Concrete has reported on the level of building work and the disruption it has been causing. Now, it seems, there is a lot more to come. The new library building is under construction at th e m oment. The m a in wo rk s h ou ld be finish ed in Dece m be r · Janu a ry. but refurbishment of the existing b u ilding a nd completion of the new building's interior will continue through 2005. As the "Colma n Hou se" res idences a re comple ted . the Un iversity is beginning to start the second phase of the new residences, this time on

The diner as i1 is now

the other side of Waveney. Ph a se 2 of the Waven ey con s truction will see work over the next s ix months to s u pply wa ter sewerage and othe r se rvices to th e buildings , before the m ain cons truction begins. There will be d is ruption to the catering senrices at UEA this summer and next year. The Hive as has been widely reported will be being refurbis hed. a nd th e Bowl/ Dine r/ lop Floor will be re furb ished ove r th e su m mer. The idea is lo create a glazed a trium running the length of the building. whi le making the inte rior mo re s pacious a nd modem. This of course means that there wi ll be no food a va ila ble between May I 7 and Augu st

I . however the re will be a lternatives mad e availa ble. and Ma ngo will have extra readym a de sandwiches and addi tional tills availa ble. Mean while the Sains b ury Centre will be closing for its re-fi t as reported in Concrete 162. which will a lso mean that the restaurant the re will s hu t for a s ignifi cant period . The Sainsbury centre wi ll be changed by the add ition of a new entrance area. visito r car pa rk . light well . addition al dis play spa ce a nd refurbis hment of the ga llery cafe. There will also be an indoor link betwee n the m ain galleries a nd the crescen t wi ng. Car parking is also to be upgra d ed . with the possibili-

ty of a mu lti storey ca r pa rk being pu t u p where the current car park is. This work is subject to a number of pla n ning considera tion s. bu t is p roposed for next s um mer. The h ealth centre wi ll als o be changing with a new comm u nity Health Cen tre bei ng built on the curren t te nnis courts . out n ear Blu e bell Roa d. The centre will encom pa ss the existing GP a nd d ental practices. as well as a pha rm acy. a nother la und e re tte a nd a n exte nd ed nursery a rea. The ten nis cou rts are being repla ced by a new tenn is complex c u rren tly being b uil t by the Sportspark. Near to the n ew health

Abnt•e Right: Work on tile Library. Abol'e: Tile p roposed NllM build ing Below: Tile new tennis courts near the Sp ortspark







cent re . if fu nd ing is con firmed . there will be a permen ent Is la mic Ce ntre to re place the temporary buildings curren tly there.



J u st off campus. on the and Norfolk Norwic h Unive rs ity Hos pi tal Trust s ite. there could be a new NAM bu ilding with the Nu rs ing An d Mid wifery School being located in one building rath er t h an at He llesdon Hospi ta l sp read throughout an array of bu ild ings. It is designed to have a s kills labo ratory that will replicate the wards at th e NN UH and a 200 seater lectu re thea tre a nd s eminar rooms witl1 the la test lech noloe._v.



In our latest law column, Roshanna Gammampila looks at the controversial release of the British Guantanamo Bay prisoners and asks what happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?"

An assessment boycott? Won't I get my degree? Rebecca Lawrence explains the facts about the AUT action and what it could mean for you any students will be confused about the assessment boycott undertaken by lecturers since March 1, which threatens to leave final year students without a degree if they cannot sit final exams. Students are unsure why the lecturers have taken this action, and what it means for their marks because they are being fed different pieces of information from teachers, and have not received an official statement from the University on their position. While Association of University Teachers (AUT) members have tried to inform students of the situation, the fact that many faculty staff in UEA are not AUT members means that students' uncertainty and anxiety has been increased by the failure of the university to make a clear statement - in contrast to many other universities across the UK. So just what is going on? The AUT is the union for a large proportion of university academic and academic- related staff and it took action against proposals set up by the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) which changed the pay structure of lecturers. The main points the AUT objected to were the abolition of national bargaining, the long-term deterioration of pay, and a pay rise of only 6.4% over two years, which has the potential to be below the rate of inflation. If forced to move to the new pay scale, someone entering the profession now, they argued, would lose £40,000 over their career relative to the current agreed pay scales.


tution is not very sympathetic to our cause. lt is upsetting because we work a lot more hours than the 9-5 their deduction suggests."

There is a worrying lack of communication and this has the potential to cause a huge rift between students, lecturers and the universities as the fragile trust between them is continually threatened.

83% of AUT members then voted to take action short of a strike, which includes a boycott of assessment activities and a refusal to supply cover for absent colleagues. The AUT ballot had a huge turnout, and the growth of AUT membership since the dispute began has been huge. This is indicative, says Or Matthews, of the strength of feeling amongst lecturers. The AUT claim their action is not a dispute simply about a pay rise. They have been in discussion with the UCEA for two years to develop a new pay structure for higher education staff. Or Matthews explained that University pay has declined drastically over the past twenty years. "I've done ten years in higher education, and spent seven years doing a BA and PhD, and I earn £28,498. If I walked into the local Police recruitment office, I could earn £500 more as an entry-level trainee. I'd be on at least £5000 more as a Primary School teacher. There has been a long term erosion of University salaries. We are not militant people, and the seriousness of this issue is shown in the amount of people who have taken action in the AUT." The assessment boycott is the only way for lecturers to take action without impairing students' education. Or Matthews noted the difficult si tuamembers voted overwhelmingly to take tion the AUT members are placed in. action in a recent ballot after the pulled out of last minute talks over pay "If we strike, it hurts the people we are here for, proposals in December. The action but we are still taking classes, and offering all the with a series of strikes between 23-27 · usual forms of support - the least people we which was little noticed at UEA as it want to hurt are our students:· Head of Philosophy Or Rupert Read said the lecreading week. acting departmental AUT representative Or turers had to find ways of making their action Matthews said that in EAS the support have an impact and that the action was j!Jstified. colleagues had been very impressive. "What do you propose we do? We are offered an ineffective deal, which will badly affect Higher wo-rmrm; of the faculty surrendered two days Education and later- future students." in reading week in a strike that no students at noticed. UEA deducted our pay at 1/260th He calls on students to help get the issue is the highest rate they could have deductresolved by asking them to write to their MP, especially as UEA's MP is the Secretary of State (at other universities it was 1/366 or less.) for Education Charles Clarke, write to the media, did the University do th is? lt shows the insti-

"We are not militant people, and the seriousness of this issue is shown in the amount of people who have taken action in the AUT."

and most importantly to the Vice-Chancellor. Last week it looked as if the matter would be resolved when the Trade Unions Congress (TUC) issued a statement following talks held on March 16 between the AUT and the UCEA. The AUT announced it had secured an average pay rise of more than 12% over two years, and retained national bargaining, but also issued a statement to members saying that the assessment boycott will continue until the new offer is debated at next week's annual AUT conference on Thursday March 25. However, within twenty-four hours of the announcement, disagreements between the AUT and UCEA threatened to stop the alleged agreement. CEA chief executive Jocelyn Prudence told Universities that there was no 12% pay deal. "Please be assured that there is no change to the pay-spine. The pay deal remains the same as always has been", she said. While these bodies continue to battle it out, students and lecturers alike are left in a worrying situation. At present any exams not set before March 1st, when the assessment boycott started, will not be written. This leaves students with several questions: What action will the ViceChancellor take to ensure they graduate? What happens if there is a huge delay in getting degr~es, affecting what students can do in September when jobs and other courses require a degree? And most importantly of all, why hasn't the Vice-Chancellor told students what is happening? There is a worrying lack of communication and this has the potential to cause a huge rift between students, lecturers and the Universities as the fragile trust between them is continually threatened. The Vice Chancellor was given several opportunities to talk to Concrete but made no comment. Lecturers urge students to write to the ViceChancellor to get the issue resolved, but Sean Matthews tried to reassure students saying "it is with a heavy heart that we undertake this action. We all want to see you graduate. My sense is that you will get a degree, and it will all be settled." But this remains to be seen over the next week as we await the results of the AUT's recommendation to members to call off the action and whether talks will reconvene with the UCEA.


The plight of the 640 detainees at the US military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has been brought to media attention by the recent release of British nationals who were held there for over two years. The detainees were taken as AIQaeda prisoners of war in early 2001 and were kept without trial, in allegedly appalling conditions. They were released at the beginning of this month, following mounting pressure from Britain. On their return to England, the British prisoners have complained of being tortured and abused both mentally and physically while at Guantanamo Bay. They were captured and held by US forces on suspicion of close ties with AIQaeda. Following questioning upon their arrival in Britain however, the men were released without charge. What possible justification is there for the inhumane treatment of what now appear to be innocent civilians? In denying detainees access to the legal system, the US government is breaking its commitments to the Geneva Conventions and acting in a manner inconsistent with its own constitution. Both the obligations of the Geneva Conventions and established US military practice stipulate that individuals captured in battle should receive a hearing by a "competent tribunal" in the event of there being any doubt as to the grounds of the detention. Such due legal process has not been granted to a single one of the 640 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. In light of the release without charge of the British prisoners upon their arrival in England, it is apparent that the US denial of access to legal proceedings is a gross violation of human rights. If 640 of their own citizens were being detained in this way, it is fair to presume that the American public would cry "human rights violation!" and be calling for US for military action. In an interview with Sir Trevor McDonald on ITV1's Tonight programme, US Secretary of State Colin Powell insisted that the allegations of ill-treatment in Guantanamo Bay are false. He went on to say, "because we are Americans, we don't abuse people who are in our care". He said it is "not in the American tradition to treat people in that manner". lt remains undisputed however, that the prisoners have to date not been granted due legal process and, to use the cliche, is there ever smoke without a fire?

Above : Guantanamo Bay Tower

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March 24, 2004 c.cnte




Points o VIeW

Does UEA believe in God? This and other similarly large questions were addressed earlier this semester, when patrons of The Bowl took part in the World View survey. Alexandra Reid examines the results.

The Iraq War may have made him a celebrity, but Rageh Omaar still has grave doubts about the continuing confilct. During his recent visit to UEA, the BBC correspondant found time to talk to Katharine Clemow about his experiences reporting from a divided country, and why what we see on television isn't always the truth. ednesday 1Oth March saw more than five hundred people flock to the UEA lecture theatres to see BBC television's main correspondent on Iraq talk about his experiences reporting on life under the Saddam regime for six years, and what it was like to see Baghdad crumble overnight. The clear explanation for the numbers that turned out to watch him speak, as well as the millions who turned on their televisions and relied on his daily reports of the war, is Rageh Omaar's total integrity. it might also be because they wanted to see him in his trade-mark white jeans, red fleece, brown boots and the brown leather jacket he refers to as a "big, heavy thing". That jacket has seen some serious action and, while he's happy to discuss anything anyone wants to know, making them feel their questions and conc.erns are worthy and interesting, he gives the impression he's ready for the next conflict - to be there, on a rooftop, mike in hand, and ready to report the truth under censorship from no-one. During these times of questionable intelligence sources and the doubt that abounds regarding what our politicians tell us, anyone willing to confess they sometimes just 'don't know' is hailed as a hero. However, on the subject of Iraq: the culture, the nature of life under Saddam, the people, he does know. Omaar's book Revolution Day: The Human Story of the Battle for Iraq shows his deep


affection and respect for the country and the many friends he made during the 6 years he spent reporting there. lt also expresses his concern for the future of a people who have been liberated from a dictatorship but are now free to do what? Omaar found putting his experiences ard those of his Iraqi friends on paper cathartic. He says he began to see the "vital issues" of the conflict more clearly and this sense of discovery and =larification is apparent in the descriptions of life for the people before and during the invasion. In the dlapter 'The Last Hours of a World' he writes "it was extraordi· nary to realize that, in the last weeks, days and hours before this nation was submerged beneath full-scale bombardment and its existence changed utterly, there seemed to be no connection between its citizens and how they were viewed by the world outside.• This observation is tied up with the fact that the nation where civilisation first be~an was, for 25 years, represented by the face of a cruel and barbaric dictator. He talks about the horrible inevitability cf the conflict in Iraq after 9/11. He reported on the war in Afghanistan and was well aware of the restless moods of both Washington and London regarding Saddam's regime. In the book he stresses the unacknowledged importance of the hurran story of the war and its absence from all forums of discussion and decision making. "Just as the :>eople of this country did not appear to matter either to the

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A~~~ \td-~&. M'~t~~A~~~~~~~At

ecently, a world view survey was conducted in order to get a better picture of what people on campus believe and to give everyone some important questions to think about. So what exactly is a world view? Well, essentially our world view shapes the way in which we perceive the world and as James Sire suggested is ' ...a set of presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the basic makeup of our world'. In the bowl, 115 people were asked 6 questions about morality, human significance, the nature of a human being, what happens after death, truth and God in order to determine what kind of view of the world they had. Responses were processed using a computer database and people were told about their overall world view using 6 main categories: Theism, Deism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Existentialism and Pantheism. To give a very brief explanation of these terms; Theism is a belief in god, Creator of the universe, who has a relationship with all He created and from whom humans derive dignity and morality. Deism is a belief that God exists but does not really influence what is going on in our world. Naturalism describes the belief that everything in our world can be explained by natural causes and science, hinting therefore God does not exist. Nihilism is a system of thought which seeks to propose that God does not exist and therefore life is without purpose and no concepts (such as love and morality) or beliefs have any meaning or truth in them. Existentialism describes the modern system of


Iraqi government or to the press conferences of the coalition, the inspections meant little to a people who knew that war was coming and that they could do nothing to stop it." Writing the book has been a project that has meant a lot to Omaar, it was something he wanted to do as soon as he left Baghdad and despite never having written a book before he had a distinct idea of how he wanted it to be. "lt was very important to encapsulate that piece of history, what it was like before, what it was like to see the regime at its point of destruction, because there really aren't many people who were there to witness it." But he didn't want it to be the story of a war correspondent, and more than half of the book isn't about the war but the seven years of being in Iraq before it began, told through the voices of the Iraqis he got to befriend. 11

I saw that statue being erected; it wasn't the oldest statue, it wasn't the most important statue, it wasn't the most symbolic statue, it was the ·statue that was the nearest to the live cameras and that's it. 11

The title of the book Revolution Day: The Human Story of the Battle for Iraq says something about the author's views on the conflict. As the interview progresses, and throughout the reading and question/answer session of the talk, it becomes apparent that while Omaar agrees some sort of politicaVmilitary intervention was needed to prevent Saddam from becoming an increasing threat to the West, the way in which it was done was lacking in many respects. The suggestion that the battle was 'for Iraq' rather than 'of Iraq', which is the expression normally used, reveals Omaar's opinion that the Bush!Biair led coalition were not really interested in liberating the country, just in making it more accessible for their purposes. No one brings up the importance of oil in the lecture theatre but, as students, school children (some still in uniform showing what it meant to them to see the reporter), parents and Norwich residents ask Mr Omaar what he thinks the war was about, there is a deep sense of distrust of the facts as the Government has presented them that leaks out. He reveals a disparaging attitude towards the Bush and Blair camps and their handling of the 'situation' making several references to things Donald Rumsfeld has said which betray his ignorance of the country. He stresses the need for flesh to be put on the bones of this unclear call for regime change with the statement in the last chapter of the book that "the capture of Saddam Hussein cannot, by itself, prove the success of the coalition's strategy." On the toppling of the statue of the dictator that became one of the 100 top TV moments of last year he says "The statue coming down meant an enormous amount to the governments in London and Washington because for them it represented the success of their military invasion of Iraq to overthrow the government. They could look at those live pictures and say 'our project to invade Iraq and overthrow this terrible dictatorship has succeeded'". But what regime change meant for ordinary Iraqis wasn't clear. For everyone but the two or three hundred people that were on the scene Omaar admits, "lt was less important than was originally thought." This coming from the man who was literally jumping up and down with the initial excitement of the moment that kept me glued to the screen for hours is quite an admission but in the book and during





Rageh Omaar In animated mood. Photograph by Anna Plumeyer our chat he puts it into context. "I saw that statue being erected; it wasn't the oldest statue, it wasn't the most important statue, it wasn't the most symbolic statue, it was the statue that was the nearest to the live cameras and that's it." lt is this inside knowledge, the behind the scenes insight, that makes the book such essential reading and Omaar such a dynamic speaker and writer. His Muslim background and fluent Arabic, which singled him out from the other reporters, coupled with his extensive knowledge of the city, gave him an awareness of what was going on beyond the Hotel Palestine where the live broadcasts were done, which was unique. "There were much more important events that were happening in Baghdad that day that marked how Iraqis felt about the fall of Baghdad, such as the huge demonstrations in the Shia slums in northern Baghdad. There was no chanting for Tony Blair or George Bush. There it was about God, religion, Islamic state and everything else, but the cameras weren't there." n his personal experiences of the war he responds to criticism of the well-known claim that one of the scariest moments during the conflict was meeting the American soldiers when the Baghdad fell. "We didn't know what the American soldiers were like or what state of mind they were in. We knew the state of mind the Iraqis were in, so it was fear of the unknown." He explains that these emotions were experienced by every other journalist there because "they are scary! First of all the hotel had been shelled and we'd seen colleagues die 48 hours before. Secondly we'd remained in Baghdad, so all our reference points, the things we'd got used to and internalised, were from the perspective of the war from the Iraqi side ... The week the city fell the American army and the American marines printed leaflets advising the citizens of Baghdad to approach coalition positions with extreme caution. So that's why we were terrified to meet the Americans - they were shooting at anything they perceived could vaguely be a threat."


lt was the anticipation of this fBaverick attitude that drove the masses to the streets in this country in protest against the war including a number from this university. What no one here knew was whether or not the soon to be invaded had any idea of the deep running feelings being expressed here. "The demonstrations were televised [in Iraq] but I think people, ordinary Iraqis, were very, I won't use the word fatalistic, I think realistic is probably right though. I mean no one doubted for the full year before the war that it was going to end in an invasion. lt was just sort of going through the motions; they saw it as a war that nobody could stop." This sense of the inevitability of coalition intervention didn't stop "People, and I was one of them, from being under the illusion that I had reported on the war in Iraq. I didn't. I reported on the invasion of Iraq. The war on Iraq is what's happening now and it started from the beginning of the huge looting and chaos and disorder since the city fell." He states quite clearly that "Ifs unclear who the victors have been." He also refers to Donald Rumsfeld's comment that what Iraq has is "a very untidy freedom.• On the issue of the preventative but questionably legal intervention by Washington and London he is inconclusive. He stresses the need for time in Iraq but says that with the increasing trend in kidnapping middle-class children and the endless lootings and killings it isn't there. He has grave doubts about the political systems currently in place and his optimism is entirely based on the spirit and strength of the Iraqi people. He worries that the longer their enforced reliance on coalition forces goes on the less resilient they'll be able to be. "lt is important to say that Iraqis now have freedams that they could never have had under Saddam Hussein. But until a peaceful and stable and sovereign Iraq is produced those freedoms are quite hollow. There's no point being able to say what you like, and read lots of newspapers, if there are car bombs every day in your street and you have a hand-picked American government."

The rise of naturalism has been increased by the recent advances in science, which are attempting to explain more and more of the world around us everyday.

Science. God. Kaboom.

showed by theists, suggesting that as a group they felt able to answer the questions with most conviction. The strength and consistency of the other views were all similar, ranging from 3/10 to 6/10, suggesting that there was variation in some peoples answers about their views. Some people were beliet'which suggests that the world itself is meanin fact classified as a mixture of more than one ingless, so that human beings are alone (there is world view (e.g. Naturalist-Nihilist) as the answers no God) and responsible for their own actions they gave did not point to one view over and above through which they create meaning for themselves. the others. The pantheist view (in this context) denotes the Some of the questions posed produced a definite divide in the views people held. When people were pantheist monist or 'New Age' view which does not offer a clear set of principles but often includes a questioned about the existence of God, 45% said belief in spirituality. This view denies God's existhat they believe that God does not exist, or that he tence, instead attributing divinity to individuals. exists ony in the minds of some people. 43% of The survey produced some interesting results. people however, did believe in God, saying that he Exactly half of people who completed the multiple was either the 'creator' who has concern for and is option questions were classified as existentialist. closely involved with his creation, that he is the The next most common view was naturalism 'designe( who is now uninvolved with the world or (23%). The rise of naturalism has been increased that he is an impersonal divine force within everyby the recent advances in science, which thing. The remaining 12% didn't believe are attempting to explain more and more !Belief at UEA lthat God was any of the above. of the world around us everyday. The question 'What happens to us Naturalists are likely to after we die?' also probelieve that one day duced a well spread ~d~~~


explain how everypeople believe that thing happens in we simply cease to terms of science. exist, while 22% believe we are The third most frequent of the six views judged at the end of was theism (12%), which our lives and then rewardunlike the two most common ed or punished in an after life views, states a belief in the exis___ (most commonly this is the belief tence of a God. This was an interin heaven and hell), and 20% esting figure when it has been estimated tliat less believed aither that we are reincarnated or that we than 10% of this country's population regularly go pass from one state of illusion to another. A further to a religious meeting of any sort. 24% did 1ot agree with any of the above. The remaining three world views made up slightly York University recently carried out exactly the smaller proportions of the UEA students surveyed: same world view survey, and found very similar pantheism, nihilism and deism making up 10%, 3% results to those collected here at UEA. The huge similarities in these results, which are from different and 2% of the vote respectively. As well as classifying people with a world view, this universities, suggest that while students do have survey also looked at the strength and consistency many difurent views, the relative proportions of students with these views are comparable nationof answers. The greatest strength (8/1 0) and consistency (7/1 0) when answering questions, was wide.


The greatest strength and consistency when answering questions, was showed by theists, suggesting that as a group they felt able to answer the questions with most conviction. f the 158 students surveyed in York, existentialism was again the most prominent world view (48%), followed by naturalism (20%), theism (15%), pantheism (6%), deism (6%) and nihilism (4%). These results help to increase the reliability of the results collected here at UEA, as the percentages are so similar. Theists were again shown to have the most consistency and strength in their answers, while the average consistency and strength when the results from all six world views were taken into account, was identical to that at UEA. There has been a wide variety of world views represented both at UEA and further a field on topics such as ethics, truth and God shape and guide the way that we live our lives. Each view is very different from the others. For example, theism stresses the existence of an all powerful God, while pantheism says that we all are God, and naturalism rejects the existence of a God all together. While each of these views is equally valid, they clearly cannot all be true. Our world view forms who we are as people, and this makes it important that we look at the case for each and decide for ourselves which we believe.


This survey was conducted in conjunction with the Christian Union's 'Life' events week that happened in week 5. If you'd like to discuss any issues arising from the survey, the Christian Union invite you fo Christianity Explored, a 6 week course which takes place on Monday nights from 7:30pm-9pm in Nelson court Common Room A. The whole course Is free of charge and everyone's welcome.

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Wednesday. March 24, 2004


n March 11, train bombs in Madrid brought massive scale terrorism to Europe, a tragedy that raises new uestions about international security and the success of the current war on terror. Here Helen Greaves ites about her experiences in Madrid, while Toby lewis and Sam Webber examine reactions. In Madrid

Comment 2.

Thursday News travels fast these days. I knew nothing about what had happened five minutes walk away from my flat until my boyfriend phoned me. "lt's all over the news," he exclaimed - a bomb in Atocha train station. Atocha? lt's the next Metro stop from me - surely I would have heard something. I opened the window while I was on the phone and could hear the sounds of the emergency service vehicles wailing through the streets. Still I wasn't shaken. I got ready to go out to university and naively headed towards my nearest metro, Menendez Pelayo. The bottom of the road was swamped with police, ambulances and firemen and I began to realise the extent of the catastrophe. From then on the day was horrific. The numbers of dead rose steadily in the news coverage that was seemingly uncensored and we viewed the grotesque images of victim after victim.

Now that such large scale terrorism has reached Europe, many are concerned Britain could be next. Michael Portillo MP. who is of Spanish descent, and still has family who live in Madrid warned last week that Britain must be on its guard in the run up to the next general election which will almost certainly take place next Spring. "We must expect Armageddon at out next election or sooner", he said. Equally worrying is the prospect that London is likely to face an attack of some kind in the future, following those in New York, Madrid and elsewhere. The Guardian's headline on 17th March proclaimed, 'Attack on London is inevitable'. This followed a statement by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens. Stevens stated, "lt would be miraculous if, with all the terrorist resources arranged against us, terrorists did not get through, and given that some are prepared to give their own lives, it would be inconceivable that someone does not get through to London.• lt should also be remembered that despite Spain's actions since the bombing, it was not necessarily related to the Iraq War directly, though it certainly hasn't helped the situation. Terrorists are, for example, equally against the French government, as they have banned Muslim girls wearing their headscarves to school.

Friday We went to the streets to be heard in our millions. Shops, bars and cinemas were shut, roads were closed whilst public transport was made free for the evening. The city came to a standstill. The people of Madrid swarmed towards Plaza de Colon. I went because I was angry. Why should those innocent people die just to make a point? What did they do? Surely this affects everyone? Although life in Norwich is sheltered, only when you are close to this sort of tragedy do you fully realise its implications. I take the train from Atocha to my University every day. One of the destroyed trains was pulling in to my platform. lt only had to be a few hours later and I would have died. Most of life is dictated by fate yet surely these people should not be allowed to determine our existence. Next time there is a campaign against terrorism I urge you to spare a few hours of your time. Sunday 10pm Everyone is in shock that the socialist party, PSOE have won. The consensus is that the old government was getting stale. Yet the events of the last few days have influenced the voters. They had no one to blame so the government should be scapegoated. If they didn't have troops in Iraq would this have happened? The new President Jose Luis Rodrlguez Zapatero has already made plans to start removing the Spanish troops. Is this a good thing? I can't understand it. The same people that went into the streets and made it clear that terrorism would not be tolerated are now in my opinion making it look like the terrorists have won. A Spanish friend of mine believes that the Iraq war was only state-sponsored violence. She would rather just have peace so that such a horrific incident does not happen again in her country. Whils.t this may seem to be evading the world's problems, the memories of a violent civil war still linger here. Helen Greaves

Comment 1. Madrid is a city in a state of shock. These bombs show that rather than simply targeting the United States, AI-Qaida are willing to single out any conspicuous supporters of the Bush government's hegemonic stance in

the Middle East. However, given that the Spanish people vociferously demonstrated against their government's support of the American decision to go to war on Iraq, wreaking vengeance upon them seems unjust. This Friday the Spanish people's moving demonstration, documented by our writer in Madrid, showed a united front against the incomprehensible logic of those who believe that blowing people up may aid anyone's cause. Perhaps tragically the bizarre movements in Spanish politics in recent days could be interpreted to demonstrate that terrorism has an impact desirous to its own cause. By crumbling to a surprise election defeat the right wing Popular Party (PP) were shown the cruel irony implicit in their name. The Spanish President Jose Marla Aznar's persistent attempts to blame the Basque separatist group ETA for the Madrid bombs became widely interpreted as distasteful spin. His foolish claims became confounded, as more evidence was revealed through the short days in the run-up to the elections that AI-Qaida was responsible. A politician's petty decision after tragedy has been shown capable of changing people's minds in the instantaneous shock and fear felt in terror's wake. Zapatero, the newly elected President immediately made a bold but possibly foolish statement which will almost certainly lead to the departure of Spanish troops from Iraq. The inevitable condemnations of these attempts to "appease terrorism• have been issued by American Right Wing think tanks and Democratic Candidate John Kerry. At the time of writing George Bush has yet to be so undiplomatic. PSOE, Zapatero's political party, has been in a similar political wilderness to our Conservative Party's lengthy period of ignominy. Similar to the shift in politics across the West towards centrist populism, it is arguably difficult to distinguish them from their right wing political opponents except that they had taken on a campaigning antilraq stance. Like many Left-Wing parties they have been feared as a potential liability for their countries economy whilst memories linger of the corruption and inefficiency during their time in power under the charismatic President Felipe Gonzalez. Concerns have also been raised as to how they will handle the Basque situation and its relationship to the countries problematic distribution of its various regions. lt can only be hoped that Zapatero's confident decision to withdraw from the War on Iraq will help Spain regain its self-respect in the way that it confronts its internal and external politics. Toby Lewis

There is no way whatsoever to appease this form of terrorism, nor is it wise to seek such a solution. In short those of us in Britain, and elsewhere in Europe, must continue to get on with our everyday business. Sir John Stevens stressed, "be alert, but not alarmed". London Mayor Ken Livingstone also made a statement following the Madrid attacks, concluding that terrorism would be difficult, but yet it must be beaten. "These are people who celebrate death. We would be fools to assume we will always be able to stop terrorists.• As we lace the very real threat in the United Kingdom of a terrorist attack of mammoth proportion, we must remain resolute to the fact that we value our freedom and our democratic society more than we can adequately express. 1t is these things that terrorists seek to destroy, and we must not give in to the hatred and violence, which they hope to foster. SamWebber

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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

The Aussie way round Tom my Bravo gives us a quick tour of Western Australia while telling us what we are all missing out on downunder. s you fly over Perth, you could be forgiven for assuming you had arrived in paradise. The spectacular coast lines with their striking contrast of perfect blue and white make Perth's welcome one to remember. The capital of Western Australia still has large areas of 'natural' bushland and from the city centre you only need to walk for twenty minutes or so before you get to some of the most beautiful woodlands you're ever likely to see. The city has been voted the fourth most liveable city in the world. After being here for five minutes you'll see

A why.

Perth has everything. Shopping for almost anything is inexpensive and the same goes for food. The place is teeming with cafes and restaurants and the atmosphere in town is almost always lively and inviting. What's more, Perth is immaculately dean. There's plenty of things to do too. There are always good gigs going on in King's Park (one of the most beautiful sites in Perth). lt's a huge area of protected land with the most amazing views of the city. lt has a sunset which can't be missed, outdoor cinema, tree top walks, and loads of places to just sit and stare, read or even enjoy a picnic. lt is a must for anyone travelling to Australia! The night life in Perth is also good. A serious R&B overload but if you look hard enough you'll find whatever you're into within a few minutes. A few recommendations: The Mustang bar, Northbridge. Uttle Creatures, Fremantle. Carnegies, Perth. The Flying Scotsman, Mount lawley. Now only a short drive away Down south to Margaret River, Dunsborough. 'Down south', as it's lovingly referred to, is definitely worth the three hour drive. Down here Margaret River is known for its huge swells and over the last couple of decades it's become one of the top surfing spots on the West coast. Most places down here are reminiscent of the Old English countryside. lt's a whole lot greener than Perth with plenty of old farms and adorable cottages set among a

landscape which is at times breathtaking . Dunsborough is probably the model for this. A very quiet "one horse town" where people seem either very content or just stoned as pebbles. Down south is pretty limited when it comes to anything other than surfing and just taking time out to relax. Each town only has one pub and the locals don't like it when you hit on "their woman!" The southern part of W.A does, however, claim some of the best wine producers in Australia and taking the winery tours can not only be a cheap way of getting faceless but also if you're into it they can be almost educational. All in all it's important that anyone visiting Perth should head down for at least a weekend. lt's a good idea to camp in one of the National parks amongst the bulldog ants and kangaroos. Despite not being all that much to do I've never heard of anyone coming back and saying that they didn't have a blast!

boarding. You could easily spend more than just a weekend up here if you can handle the heat. If you're one of these people who came to Australia for a year to work n stuff, and missed out on the West coast.. .. well you missed out big time! For those of you who are still thinking of coming then you're going to have the time of your life! ~~----------~--~~路

ow let's go up North: lancelin, Yanchep. Up here, about 3 hour's north things are very different. The scenery is more like the outback than English countryside and the heat is immense. Again there are Australia's traditional beautiful beaches but this time a lot less swell most of the year. lt is more suited to beach bums than surfers. A warning: If you're going to get blind drunk and follow your equally inebriated buddy who wants to find God down to the beach for a midnight swim remember-they have these little catfish called 'Cobblers' which if stepped on WILL HURT! For lodging, there are loads of villas around and can be rented pretty cheaply. You need a car to get around here but you won't be alone. lt's livelier than Margarets and Dunsborough with a bunch of cool backpackers and hostels. In the summer it could be too hot for most people but if you go in spring or autumn it should be perfect. There's plenty to do and see. lancelin is more touristy but for good reason . There is much more to do here. There are lots of, 'Learn to surf places' which I've heard are pretty good, as well as pretty much all the water sports under the intense heat of the sun. Also you can't miss trying out sand-


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Wednesdav, March 24, 2004


Campus Comment Incommunicado Whenever you purchase a product, you are entering into a legal ly binding contract between yourself and the retailer. ·-:-his is enforceable by law, and the retailer is obliged to inform you of anything you need to know about said goods that may affect your decision to buy that product. This applies to any work you mig ht have done on your house; or garden . In such a case, the person carrying out that work is obliged to tell you about any circumstances that have arisen that impact upon the quality, or even the length of time it takes to complete that work. it's not just that this is a legal requirement, it is in the best interest of that company to make you aware of anything that may dictate your impression of the work that's being done. Even more than this, it's just good courtesy. Universities operate under a deeply ingrained conception of society that manual labour is somehow subordinate to more academic pursuits. As students, we are led to believe that we are joining the cu ltured echelon of society. Our lecturers are, largely, intelligent, refined people ; and we assume the same of the ir superiors. lt can be assumed , then, that refined , cultured people would be courteous. More courteous, in fact , than someone who had not necessarily been to university and is more practical in the ir profession . So why, when our degrees. the product (becau se, sadly, they are now a product) that we have made a1-, agreement with the university to purchase, are threatened - tecause Ci rcumstances have arisen that may affect the time it takes us to receive them - have we yet to hear anything from the un iversity itse lf. Instead , they are leaving it up to the lecturms to inform us of the situation. l ~1 1s is the equivalent of having a brickie tellin g you why the Chapel field shoppin g mall won 't be ready on time. Isn't about time the University started showing the students. their employers, some common courtesy by explaining to them what is going on instead of putting more responsibi lity on ar. already beleaguered and downtrodden work force? Evidently, being a professor is not a good benchmark for a high quality of manners.


Editor Jim Whalley

Apparently in the interest of public safety, the roofs of Norfolk and Suffolk Terrace have long been out of bounds for their students residents. Jack Guest has other ideas ...

Deputy Editor Rebecca Lawrence News Editor Th om Smith Deputy News Editor Paul Vincent Photographers Gareth Davies Contributing Editor Toby Lewis Features Editor Toby Brunt Fash ion Editor Hannah Walker

If you live in Norfolk Terrace you 'll probably agree that 1t's the best acco mmodation on campus but yo u ll definitely agree that the University's 'nanny-state-style' policy of no access to te rrace roofs is a joke. The policy is an example of the worst that comes from 'The Age of Compensation', but it wasn 't always th is way. and it doesn't have to stay this way. The flat roofs of Norfolk an d Suffolk Terrace were designed to be walked on and used. The wide-ope ning patio-door style windows give easy access to the terraces wh ich are 1deal fo r all manner of roof pursui ts: sun bathing, reading , socializing. bird watching , revis1ng for exams. throwing stones at the lake, you name it. Judging from the pictures I've seen , UEA students of yeste ryear got much enjoyment from the terrace roofs (especially the birdwatch ers). Then one day a girl fell off, broke a couple of bon es and sued the University. Since then the 'wide-openi ng' windows have been bolted shut and a strict 'no-e ntry' to the roof rule has been enforced. If you thought Waveny was prison-l ike try l1v1ng in a place where iron wedges stop your kitchen wi ndows from opening more than a few inches wide (whi ch is marvellous on a su nny day when the big windows heat the terrace up like a greenhouse). Now it's pretty hard to fall off the roots . I've broken the rules and been out there. I've even stood on the edge. I jumped up and down . How said falling girl had the audacity to su e he Uni versity for what ultimately

was her own foolish mistake, I don't know. I'd like to meet her but 1f I did I'd make sure she signed a disclaimer in case she tripped over me and took me to court also. 'No win. no fee ' is th e catch phrase of the Age of Compensation . Founded on th e good-intention of helping those who cannot afford the raise a court case , the goodintention has had gross side effects. If I stumble and fa ll on a chink the pavement I don't take responsibility for my own action , I want to blame someone else. I sue the council · it's their stupid pavement. People now sue for everything that they can resulting in more and more laws and rules which ultimately restrict personal freedom . We're in a vicious down wards spiral · who knows at what ex treme it will end , 1f someone falls off a UEA walkway will they be next to go? I propose we at UEA do our bit to end the compensationary plague of our time right now. Where better to start the revolution of change then our very own Norfolk Terrace. When the sun next comes out and I feel inclined , I shall take my books and bird watching kit out onto the roof, breathe in the fresh air and feel the sun on my skin . If I am foolish enough to fall off and break myself I will take responsibility. I call on fe llow Norfolk (a nd Suffolk) Te rrace residents to join me. The accommodation office can 't kick us all out, we have strength in numbers' Maybe they'll target me for having written this article , fo r bemg the instigator. If so I will take the blow for the

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Sports Editors Tom Czaban Proof Reading Sarah Edwardes Advertising Manager Ben Millar Distribution Manager Joe Dunthorn e

Concrete is published by UUEAS Concrete Society ©2004 Concrete. ISSN 1351-2773 Letters should be addressed for the attention of the Editor. Jim Whalley. Letters must include contact details. but we will consider anonymous publication . We reserve the right to edit tor length and clarity as neccessary. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. Use of the name The Event 1s by arrangement with the copyright holders. Planet Zog Ltd. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced through any means without the express permission of the Editor. Printed by Sharman and Company. rest of you . I will be a Martyr of Norfolk Terrace, immortali sed in statues, poems and song for years to come. Be brave my fellow revolutionaries, they may issue our degrees. but they Will never take .... OUR FREEDOM!


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Sex, drugs and corruption: scandal rocks star tiddley-wink players TIDDLEY-wbab la mcne than jut a game at UEA: it's big basineu, with the projected clNUrea of Drama and LLT apparently a COIIt-euttiug ezerd8e to free up fau.u for

the COD8tructlon of a JRUPCM~e-ballt 90 000 ~~eat 8ladlam, abeady belDg Dlcbamed the Theatre of Tlddlea, at Colney Lane. However a series of scandals over recent weeks has led to questions being raised concerning the Integrity of the University's favourite sport. First came the arrest of three star UEA tiddlers on a mJd-season break in Spain after allegations that. following a drunken night out, they roarned the streets capturing stray kittens and using a chain saw to cut off two of their legs in order to watch them stagger~ round In circles mewling helplessly. The team manager 'Big' Dick lnahore has stood by his players, saying "It's the kind of thing any high-spirited group of lads mJght do, but there's always more tabloid interest when its tiddlers Involved. And you have to

remember the kind of pressure these boys are under; what you mJght earn In a year they earn in a week for Oicklng bits of plastic Into a cup. they're cosseted In five-star luxury and bombarded with fans who treat them as demJ-gods. It's hard for people to imagine the mental strain placed upon them.· Then last week Constable Terrace's champion tiddler Carnmon du ReelythincWebeleevthat was suspended indefinitely for what he calls "an innocent mistake". Suspicions were aroused when du Reelythinc-Webeleevthat. needing to tiddle only one more wink to ensure victory In a match against Waveney's Notmi 'First Choice· Rezedentz. instead began to gum wildly and swing from the ceiling In what fans have deemed a "passable" imJtation of a howler monkey, before firing his remaining winks wildly Into the spectators, causing seventeen blindings. eight choklngs (six fatal) and two decapitations. A subsequent drugs test revealed that 95%

of his blood had been replaced with a cocktail of anabolic steroids, LSD and Calor Gas. Du Reelythinc-Webeleevthat blames the positive result on an over-the-counter egg mayo roll he took for his lunch. The sport's disciplinary body. the Tiddleywinks International Tribunal, are also Investigating suspicious betting patterns before the match. In particular they are looking for an anonymous punter who placed £250 000 at odds of 10 000/1 against on a similar result. As he failed to collect, Incorrectly predicting the number of fatal choklngs, he has not been seen since he placed the bet. T.I.T officials describe Wm as a young man of medium build wearing full Constable Terrace tiddleywinks kit and dark glasses. Other distinguishing features include a large handlebar moustache which 'waggled comJcally' whe n he wound a key growing out of his nose, which appeared 'plasticy' and was several shades lighter than the rest of his skin.


Strike has fatal consequences for UEA interior design dept. UEA was shocked, -ddened but smillng wtyly as news eme~ed that all but two of the UDlvenity's Interior Design staff had perished following a bout of badly misjudged strike action. Apparently, the staff voted to take industrial action In 1983, livid that their application for an Increased MDF budget was rejected. Unfortunately. it seems that nobody noticed, leaving the strikers to slowly starve over a 20year period. Evidence suggests that, In the early days of the protest. staff may have entertained themselves by redecorating the department; however. In their enthusiasm, they wallpapered over the door, thus sealing their fate. The terrible mistake was only discovered by accident. when a cleaner noticed a particularly pungent odour emanating from what

was thought to be a disused cupboard. Inside. rather than the dead rat she was expecting. she found the grisly remnants of the long forgotten school. Police were quickly on the scene, but were initially baffled by what they found. One officer commented. "I've never seen such a clever illusion of space In a mass grave.· Though details are still sketchy, it is thought the staff initially survived on canapes and wine kept for evening functions. but soon turned on one another. Human sacrifices were decided In Changing Roomsstyle 'designs to the death', with pairs of lecturers competing to decorate a room on a limited budget. Unortglnal ideas and overspendIng resulted In the culprtt being cooked to feed their colleagues. One of the few positive outcomes of the fiasco is that the BBC are

considering the concept for a new series. Speaking from behind his black ash-effect power-desk In an office crammed with corporate art and executive toys. the Dean of Inappropriate Brevity said, "In recent years we had begun to notice that UEA's decor hadn't changed for a while. However, the general consensus was that we'd stuck it out through the period when we were really unfashionable and were just starting to look stylishly retro. While we regret that dozens of staff have died In a dispute over reconstituted wood. the University as no plans to Increase MDF spending.· Now incarcerated In a secure unit, the two surviving staff members vowed to fight on. "We'll strike until UEA is brought to Its knees,· said one lecturer as he nibbled distractedly on his own fist.

Fans of the hit New York (America) TV show Selt and the City have been shocked, stunned, confused, appalled and outraged by what appears to have been an unfortunate misundentandlDg. The problem was one of context. The media has been drenched recently by a chit-chat fire-hose of speculation concerning the end of the popular series about the genital exploits of a band of garrulous slappers. Pages have been filled. air waves have been buzzing and 1V screens have been bombarded by electrons dedicated to the subject of the show's demise. "Sex and the City is so. like, over", cried one distraught. shoulderpadded, upwardly mobile and career-dedicated 1V exec fan. Unfortunately, it seems the hard-nosed and business minded yet still femJnlne, alluring and liscensed-to-be irrational and difficult young woman began a landslide of misinformation. Sarah Jessica Parker. who plays the wobbly-headed horsefaced pouty neurotic journalist narrator with a variety of constipated faces and quizzical moues, was quoted by a highly motivated and professional More Magazine, yet still girly and fond of chocolate, journalist. Betty Harpy. as agreeing with this statement outright: "yeah. Sex and the City. is, like, totally ana utterly over" she said. Gossip columns have erupted with speculation over the fashionable merits of living In cities and having sex. Half-brained vapid lifestyle-junkies the world over have been shaken to the core by the notion that having sex and dwelling In urban environments may. In fact. be passe. The M25 is currently grid-locked by screamJng prima donnas and ghetto-chique disco divas scrapping their spangly way to the countryside to live a solitary existence of chastity and reflection. Rural-based nunneries and spiritual communes have been rapidly stuffed to the rafters with 'it' girls looking for the ascetic and quite life. Sister Collins. Interviewed outside St. Margaret's. Devon. the stained glass of her chapel rattling to the bassline of Anastasia, was worried: "although we are pleased with the sudden Interest. we are a little concerned about how the girls will adapt to their new lifes tyles. Perhaps it has all happened rather too quickly for them. We've had a number of requests for salons, haberdashery and reductions in hem-lines (and something called a vibrating Black Mamba that's had us very confused) that we simply cannot fulfil. · Then. breaking down. she continued: "make them leave. Please. make them leave .. .• Sharon Waterfall-Sunshine, formerly a bistro owner In Kensington and a new convert to the current craze of rural chastity sweeping anyone who's anyone Into the countryside for a life of edifying meditation, analyses the phenomenon as follows while fumbling through a beautifully made rosary: "SJP has been a voice for a generation of nononsense. in-your-face, shout it loud and proud. take no prisoners. empowered, ambitious. hungry yet-still-femJnlne-and -h eycute-selfinvolve d-vain - and -scatty-at- th esame-time women; she has defined styles and fads across the globe. Fiercely independent females everywhere do whatever she says without question or forethought. Even if it might have been a tiny grammar error." Is chastity the new hedonism? Check our lifestyle section: p. 94


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·-" Wedn esday, March 24, 2004 Co.cnte


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The Dustbin ;Tweed grey suit jacket £20 , grey check trousers £15, Art deco tie £7, gold art nouveau dress £15, beaded clutch bag £10, silver art deco dress £15 , cream/gold shirt £15. Topman; beige shoes £45, suit jacket £80, suit trousers £40, hat £25 . Gap; blue and white striped shirt £29.50, jeans £48, pink v neck jumper £29.50. Topshop; black and white flower dress £30, pale green chiffon dress £35, black pointy shoes £25, diamante bow brooch £10. Miss Selfridge ; pearl brooch £6, pearl braceiVnecklace £6 .


-------------------------- -------- Wednesda , March 24, 2004

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Pa e 17

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HOROSCOPES lliiiiliiiilliililliiiil

CAPRICORN Proceed with extreme caution in the swimming pool. Planet Earth is still floating in space and that is what might happen to you if you keep drinking more than George Best on St. Patrick's Day. And No! You cannot see the missing Beagle from the Helipad on campus.

,...."'!!!"---.TAURUS Basically you are a bull. This is why love is hard to find at the moment. A trip to the personality clinic (aka Jack Daniels room) might help you overcome your current issues. Maybe you need to consider the recent previous offer from the person with L---.1--..;._.u three nipples. Watch total recall -This will help your understanding. CANCER Jupiter is a gassy planet. You are a gassy person. Change. Laidback and lethargic are not lexical entries you should associate with. The early bird gets the worm so get up early and get the worm. If the recent noise from Neptune makes you feel like throwing a raisin party don't: psychos are bad for your health. AQUARIUS You belong to the air group of star signs. Asda's own brand baked beans are polluting the air around you and your peers. Think more of your dissertation and less of your outie belly button. You're in your twenties now get over your belly button and start working on other areas ... like your face . GEMINI Do you? Don't you? it's a tough question any day of the week, but where you future surgery may be concerned remember that God created Adam and Eve: Not Adam and Priscilla. Lucky number is 999. -~~~~-~~~~~- Lucky Colour is cyan. Lucky day is 29th March.


VIRGO You think the cheerleaders want you . You are wrong. The injunction recently obtained should promote this. The 'Angels' are not objects. They are wonderful humans who can dance better than the spice girls, Riverdance man and Alan Partridge put together. Opportunity arises from a packet of unusual smarties. LIBRA There are two types of students. Those who dress like swampy, eating tofu and complaining about the price of hemp flavoured organic coffee beans and those who are like you. Don't hate the others; just be aware that their differences could see you in jail one afternoon. Love may come in the form of a late night msn conversation. LEO Recently you have been less lion and more pussy ... cat. Remember the old you and ask would your great aunty be proud of what you have morphed into today? Dolphin blood seems to herald luck for you at the moment, but please don't kill any. Instead try ARIES A recent confession may have those around you in disarray, but remember how and why you confessed . Look for a short person with a limp wearing a high visibility top. Lucky number is non-existent this month. PISCES Ok! So Pluto may be summoning you as the Van Wilder of UEA. but you need to remain focused no the academic areas of University life. Exams, tests and presentations are all looming so address them. Also, remember you have less money than a Romanian Orphan so stop borrowing money for the LCR!

SAGITTARIUS You're supposed to be a fire sign, but at the moment you're about as hot as the insides of an Eskimo. Take chances that come your way and stop procrastinating. Life is a game so learn how to play it and play it fast.



SCORPIO Sounds like Scorpion really, but deep down you are more of a Panda. Yield to the wise words of Ricky Gervais where being a panda in concerned. Just as your breed is endangered, so is your University life if you keep swimming naked in the lake singing Toxic, by Britney Spears.

UEA's first XI Cricket captain, James lng, believes his side has a strong chance of achieving BUSA success this summer. TOM CZABAN Sports Editor

Following a long winter break UEA's cricketers will be back in action ne:rt month, with the first round of BUSA matches scheduled for April 25th. However, the men's first XI has already had some success this year; they reached the final of the National Indoor Championships In January. This six-a-side tournament held In Northampton was open to all teams who compete In the top two BUSA leagues. and so featured some of the countries best university sides. Thus the fact that UEA reached the fmal of the competition was a testament to the strength of this year's team. ln fact they could have won it; the Manchester side they lost to In the final had already been comprehensively beaten by UEA once In an earlier stage of the competition. This was unfortunate, but not as unfortunate as what happened to the side In the BUSA league last summer. After a

strong season the team were sitting pretty at the top of the league with just one game left to play. But due to the busy exam period they were unable to raise a full team to play a struggling Leicester side. This saw them disqualified from i.he league and they were forced to sit and watch as the Cambridge side they had comprehensively beaten, progressed to the quarter-finals of the National cup. However, First XI captain James lng Is confident that this year will see a change In the side's fortunes : "I'll be disappointed tfwe don't win the league this season. This year, four of the six teams that were In our league last year are there again, and last year we beat them, we beat them easily.· Moreover, the exam period is scheduled for a later date this time around which should ensure that there Is no repeat of last seasons disappointment. This year, lng will field a healthy number of first year students following ongoIng trials at the Sportspark. He will also be looking to feed players Into the first team from the 2nd XI: "The second

XI means that everyone will play a game for UEA this summer. it gives them a chance to practice In a match situation. If they perform consistently they will then be moved up to the first team . Three players who performed well in the second team last season have already been called up to play In the indoor final .• The chances of UEA's two men's sides and the women's team In this season's competitions will be boosted by the employment of two professional coaches. In fact one of these coaches, Steve Goldsmith Is ex-professional cricketer-he played for Derbyshtre and has even lifted the coveted Nat West Trophy. If all goes to plan. there Is no reason why UEA carmot emulate Goldsmith's performance thi year, by lifting some trophies of thetr own. Anyone Interested In playing cricket for UEA this season should contact or alternatively attend training at the Sportspark on Monday's and Friday's at 3.40pm.


UEA's Karate club win an incredible eleven medals at regional tournament in Colchester JAMIE ELVIN

After a somewhat disappointing run in the BUSA championships (winning only two medals in the women's kumite competition), the UEA karate club stormed the regional tournament in Colchester, winning a total of eleven medals. For those uninitiated In the sport of karate, competitions are split Into two sections: kata (a performance of prearranged karate performed solo) and kumite (semi-contact sparring In which points are scored for clean attacks). Kumite Is usually split Into Individual events (grouped by grade, and sometimes weight) and team events, In which the club enters Its best competitors. The Colchester tournament Is an armu-

al event open to all karate clubs In the region, and this year UEA took home a large majority of the medals. The girls took only one medal with Faye Thomdycroft winning a bronze, but the boys were definitely back on form winning a whopping ten medals. The lower grade men's tournament was a clean sweep, with all four possible medals going to the club. The mid grade kumite was nearly as successful: taking home the top three medals. Adam, The Moth', went on to win UEA's last kumite medal In the men's brown belt section. The final two medals were secured by our two kata entrants, takIng home both the gold and the silver medals for the kyu grade kata.

UEA QUEENS DETHRONE KINGS UEA's ladies footballers battle their way in to the league cup final with a 2-0 victory over Kings Lvnn. ROB MOORE

This week the UEA ladies booked their place in the league cup final with an emphatic 2-0 victory over pre-tournament favourites Kings Lyon. The windy conditions threatened the standard of the game but UEA adjusted to achieve thetr best result of the sea son;UEA took the lniUaUve early on, forcing play wide and pinning Kings Lynn in thetr own half. It wasn't long before the hard work paid off. Nad Cutting pounced on a stranded defender, headed for goal and slotted the ball Into the bottom right hand corner, Cutting could have made it two before the break when, after a flicked on header she found herself In space at the back

post. but this time the keeper was equal to it, pushing it round the upright. After the break Kings Lynn emerged with renewed enthusiasm and for the early part pushed the game into the UEA half. Despite the pressure however. the defence stayed resolute and UEA still looked the more likely to score with thetr pacey forwards exploiting space behind the Lynn defensive line. With twenty minutes r emaining. Sally Hammerton scored UEA's econd when they countered, moving the ball from back to front at speed. The goal effectively sank Kings Lynn . and their frustrated players lost thetr discipline. In the end UEA were more comfortable than the score line suggested and now take their recent good form to the cup final, the venue of which Is yet to be anounced at the time of going to press.





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In their first ever BUSA appearance UEA Surfers finish a respectable 14th. After months of training in the Arctic conditions of the North Sea UEA surfers were ready to take on the top university surfers in the BUSA league. The form a t of the tournament was five men , fifteen minute heats with the top two surfers a dvaning on lhe strength of the sum of their two best waves. The waves at Fistral beach were about head high and the wind was s lightly offshore making the conditions good. Unfortunately this did not help Andy Wellstead in ilie first heat who finished third. In heat nine John Cherry produced an awe inspiring performance securing top spot and a place in the next

round. Coli Faragher hit the water at mid -day and went thro ugh ln second place showing off his long boarding repertoire; the high light being a mass ive off-the-lip at the end of las t wave. his Douglas Clayton caught a high score first wave. wh ere he bashed the Lip and came down with it still managing to stay on his feet, but the second wave never came. Mark Vowles stormed his way to the outside but the strong side current took him out of sight. He was disqualified as the judges claimed they couldn't see him. Mark White paddled out in shore break condition~.: and got battered by the heavy

waves to fmish in last place. On Saturday Rachel Phoenix fo und herself in a heat with two strong girls , and her moves were only enough to win third position. In the th e me n 's second round, Ch erry fa iled to repeat his performance on the preVious day. finishing in fifth. However, Faragher booked his place in the fmal, eventually finishing in third with the judges claiming he lost due to the short board criteria of marking. He fmished in joint 30th position from 312 competitors, This marked a successful weekend for UEA on the whole as they also finished 14th out of 31 universities overall.

After a successful BUSA campaign UEA's netball side are now eyeingNorwich & District League The UEA Netball team is celebrating after one of the most triumphant seasons of the club's lifetime. This year's committee wanted to revamp ilie club , stating "our priority is to create a fun and friendly club where all members have ilie opportunity to get involved and p lay as much n etball as possible." After securing over 60 members, the girls began the season with a 26 strong squad, and a diligent commitee. The hard work of both the

commitee and the players has clearly paid off. With the support of new coach Helene Lincoln, both the second and first teams fi nis h ed th e BUSA league in secon d place with wins against Leicester (lsts), Lincoln (2nds) , De Montford Leicester (lsts & 2nds). Northampton (l s ts& 2nds). De Montford Bedford (2nds). S taffordshire (2nds) and Derby (lsts & 2nds). The team also stand a chance of winning the Norwich and District Winter League after defeating the

leagu e's top team Norfo lk United Aylsham . The side also organised a spon sor ed walk around Norwich and a raffle on behalf of Cancer Research , raising over ÂŁ1000 for the cause .While the Netball Sports nite. took more money ilian any oilier Sportsnite in even t's history. To celebrate their s u ccess this season, the team are now set to go on tour in April; this promises to be a fitting end to a very successful season.

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c..nt. Wednesday, March 24, 2004


Page 19


UEA team defeated in BUSA Shield final by Birmingham

UEA's Korfball team reach the final of the British Universities National Tournament held in Nottingham

After a fantastic season, the UEA men's BUSA fencing team met their match last Saturday against Birmingham. The squad, who received a team of the year award In last week's CASAs had battled hard since September defeating the other clubs In the league, with an unbeaten home record. The season's results were largely the work of three fencers, Stephen Domek, Paul Southam and Ben Rackham; Graeme Weatherill, Stewart McKane and Chrls McConnell contributing when necessary. The team gained a place In the shield competition, beatIng Kings College and after a nail biting match Strathclyde to make it to the final, the club's best achievement In ten years. The final began with epee,

The UEA Korfball team lived up to their reputation by reaching the Final of the British Universities National Tournament in Nottingham this weekend for the second year in succession. The tournament had started well for UEA; they overcame some tough competition tn the initial stages to finish top of their group. Lancaster were thetr first victims as Alan Wells and Luke Jefferey combtned for a hat trick each tn a 10-2 UEA wtn. The team then beat Oxford Brookes 11-1, with Paul Beale shooting well for his four goals. Luke Jefferey and Sarah Papworth consistently tntercepted the opposition's passes tn defence, with the whole team performtng at a very high level. A surplistngly close game against Nottingham Trent proved to be the toughest test of the group; UEA came from behind to wtn 4-3. Fantastic teamwork was the difference between the teams with Kate Hennessey and Carolyn Wiight shintng tndividually. Goals from captain Neil Wakefield, Luke Jefferey and Paul Beale ensured UEA were guaranteed a quarter fmal place before the final group game.

but although usually good with this weapon, the opposition proved formidable scoring 45 hits to UEA's 31. With a number of referees' decisions tn thetr favour, Blrmtngham won · sabre 45:25. Despite clawtng back point after potnt in foU, Btrmtngham won overall 135:97. Accordtng to Club President Chrls McConnell: 'We're not too disappotnted with the result because Btrmtngham were able to field a larger team with specialists tn every weapon. Our guys were getting Ured by the foU match, but Btrmtngham could field three new players." 'We'd like to thank everyone tn the Union and the Sportspark who has helped us this year, especially our coach Andrew Sowerby for all the hours he has put tn".

A youthful St. Andrews team gave UEA some shooting practice for the latter stages as Alan Wells. Jon Carter and Laura Jedrzejewskl all scored well tn a 10-5 victory. ln the quarter final UEA disposed of an Impressive Cardiff team. Strong attacktng play from Sarah Papworth and Carolyn Wiight proved to be the decisive factor as UEA won the game 5-3. This result set up a semifinal on Sunday against the outside bet to the take the title, Edtnburgh. This turned out to be the hardest game of the tourna-

ment; UEA went 2-0 down tnslde five mtnutes. but clawed the deficit back by half-time and stormed tn to a 3-2 lead with goals from Sarah Papworth and Luke Jefferey. The team's destre to reach thetr second final tn as many years eventually saw them through to the end, wtnning the game 4-2. The final that everybody expected dldn't disappotnt as Sheffield and UEA took thetr Iivalry to a new level. UEA were outplayed tn the fust half, and soon found themselves 3-0 down. But some fired up shooting by Wells and Jefferey (who

would both get a hat trick tn the game) saw UEA pull back to 3-3. However. the expelience of Sheffieldshone through; they scored cltnJcally from free-passes and penalties to lead 10-7 with five mtnutes to go. UEA's tnexpertence proved clitical as they missed 3 important penalties although support from the ever-present Tom 'Coach' Baker kept hopes up. Real team spllit and determtnation, tn particular by Hennessey and Wells. so nearly took the game away from Hallam at the end but ultimately they held on to wtn 11-9.


UEA emerge as 10-8 vidors in the annual derby with Essex TOMCZABAN Sports Editor On the lOth March UEA

travelled to Colchester to compete in the annual derby with Essex University. Last year UEA hosted the event tn which the two Universities compete tn a host of sporting disciplines, and won comfortably. This year was closer, but UEA still triumphed, defeating Essex 10-8 on thetr own turf. UEA's hockey team capped an excellent season by dotng the double at the derby. The ladies side ran out comfortable 7-0 winners. while the men's team was equally impressive; they cruised to a 5-0 victory. Not to be outdone by the hockey team. UEA's netball side also achieved a whitewash. ln two keenly contested matches. the fust team eventually emerged 31-16 winners. and the second team emulated this success; also winntng by a fifteen potnt margin. In football however, there was a mixed bag of results. The men's first Xl went tnto tbetr Derby Day match Iidtng high and full of confidence

followtng thetr Junlor Cup success the Monday before. They coasted to a 3-0 victory. Nick Dyer bagged a brace and Lewis Broomfield got the other thanks to what finalyear Mark Hlckson desclibed as an "overwhelming mldfield performance". Unfortunately however, the men's second and third sides found thetr matches much tougher. The second Xl were trounced 8-0 and the thirds lost 3-1. UEA's ladies side also battled hard, but against a strong Essex outfit eventually lost 3-1. However. stnce then the sttng has been taken out of this loss somewhat as they have progressed to the league cup final . In rugby, UEA's men's ftrst Xl edged the game and were rewarded with a narrow 1913 victory. UEA's ladles however, found themselves up against an expelienced Essex side and it soon became clear that determination alone was not enough: they were beaten 56-5. UEA's ultimate Flisbee team once agatn demonstrated thetr callber on Derby Day. Thetr training this season has clearly pald off. They

were too strong for Essex, and ran out 15-7 victors. In badminton UEA deserved better; the competition saw a strtng of fine tndividual performances by the UEA competitors, only for Essex to wtn overall by just one potnt. Essex weren't however as fortunate tn the Amelican Football match-up. This year UEA's Pirates have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with, and it was no surplise when they saw off thetr beleaguered opponents 35-21. Elsewhere, UEA lost 10-2 tn the pool competition. although the standard was a credit to the player's from both sides, and further losses for UEA came in the trampolining and horse-Iidtng. But there were two victolies still to come. UEA's rock climbers have clearly been taktng advantage of the facilIties at the Sportspark. They showed both strength and determtnation to secure an Impressive victory. Whilst the women's rowtng team notched up another all important potnt. helptng to ensure a jubilant journey back to Norwich for the victoIious UEA.

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REASON PREVAilS IN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP With their BUSA campaign finishing a month ago, the attentions UEA's golfers soon s~ed to the ~ group society championships. Following last years team car crash, the date of the event was re-arranged for March 13th. With 2003 champion Graham Badger absent. the field of sixteen was left wide open for a new champion to emerge.The conditions were blustery and the day became more a test of endurance than ability. Jon Reason carded the best score of the day with Matt Tilbrook finishing runner up, two shots behind. At the turn both players were tied but with a solid back nine of two over par Reason secured victory. Reason's playing partner, James Taylor, praised this performance:" Jon really deserved to win. He's been playing well all year and put in a good performance today in extremely difficult conditions. Some of his approach shots were exceptional in the circumstances . The whole day was very enjoyable with all abilities from the society turning out to compete". The best net score was achieved by Chris White with Stuart Mckay finishing as runner up . Longest drive was won by Tilbrook driving some 300 yards on the par five, eighth hole. White won nearest the pin, hitting a five iron to within three foot of the hole on the 140 yard seventeenth.

Men's football first XI demolish Gayton United to lift the Junior Cup at (arrow Road. ROSS GRAINGER

The men's first team ended the season on a resounding high this past fortnight with a stirring victory in the Junior Cup final. It was a special end to a season that has had its fair share of spoils for the boys in white. At Carrow Road on the 8th of March, UEA took the field against Gayton United in the final. Undaunted by the impressive setting, they . dominated / the ftrst half / and needed only fifteen minutes to"<=-..-. get the goal they deserved. ( Striker Lewis Broomfield was released down the right wing and pulled the ball back to first-year midfielder Jake Berry. Woeful though the marking was, Berry still had some work to do. He got the ball out of his feet and nipped past his marker to fire home from eight yards. With the lead and the

momentum, UEA continued to press and could have put the game out of reach within half an hour. Left back Dan Ward put in a great cross that Broomfield could only head straight at Gayton's keeper. But whil~ the lead was only one, Gayton were always in with a chance of snatching an equalizer, And that is exactly what happened on the stroke of halftime . A corner from the left was not dealt with and the ball fell kindly to Gayton's Chris Bunting, who half-volleyed an \ unstoppable shot past keeper Henk van Dalen. Not for the first team this season, UEA's dominance was everywhere but in the score line. If the first half belonged to UEA then the second half, for the opening fifteen minutes at least, belonged to Gayton. They came flying out of the blocks and nearly grabbed two in the opening five minutes. However, some sterling defending by ' UEA's back four ensured that 1111111111~ they were

able to weather the storm. The plucky Gayton side were made to pay for their misses when Broomfield got his head to a Fish free kick and restored UEA's lead after thirty minutes. Dan Petto, who had replaced Duncan McHardy at halftime, helped put the game out of reach. Midfielder Mark Hickson met his fantastic cross from the right and nonchalantly finished on the half volley. Two up and with Gayton fading, UEA began to play some wonderful football, taking full advantage of the smooth surface. Their passing and fitness was soon rewarded with a fourth goal. Fish arched the ball in to Berry's feet, putting him clean through on goal. The 'fresher' composed himself, before swerving the ball past the hapless Gayton keeper and into the bottom corner. It finished 4-1, and when the whistle blew for full time supporters from both sides rose to applaud what had been a great game. Moments later. UEA at last got their hands on the Junior Cup, a trophy that has eluded them for the previous three seasons.

Photographs by Gareth Davies



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