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Building noise finally forces a rent redudion for North Waveney, but o her affeded residents get nothing ISABEL DYSON
STUDENTS Uvtng on the north side of Waveney Tenace are to receive a reduced weekly rate of rent u a result of the Phase 2 Building Project. As of Monday 19th April the University has decided to charge 拢26.32 a week as opposed to the regular 拢46.34 because of the Inconvenience and disruption faced by residents whose windows overlook the site. The construction site for the new halls of residence on campus, Colman House, Is situated Immediately next to the north side of Waveney Terrace. The construction has Intruded on students since work began and could greatly disrupt studies路 durIng this exam term. The University asserts that the building work Is an ambitious and demanding project but hopes this reduction will ease the frustration of residents and act as a form of compensation. Students who live In the
vicinity of the construction recognise the Intrusion to residents who are now to be partially refunded but are unhappy that the University does not extend Its acknowledgment further. The remainder of Waveney Terrace residents can hear noise from both builders and machines sometimes as early as 6am through to 7pm. Students from the south side of the building are extremely disappointed that no recognition has been given for the constant disturbance to their demanding schedules and are angry that although they are not In sight of the ongoIng work, the noise Is just as Infringing and disruptive to concentration. Wolfson Close, the smaller halls of residence directly opposite the site, has also been Ignored by the University's form of reimbursement. Residents have spent the time since construction began covering their windows from prying eyes and listening to the same dally noise levels as those In Waveney Terrace.
One International resident living In Wolfson Close claims they were not warned of the Inevitable disturbance and: "I am woken every day by builders and machinery.路 Residents are angry that those In Waveney Terrace are receiving compensation for the s ' me problems that they have been experiencing and continue to face since work began. Additionally some residents of Nelson Court whose rooms back onto the same site have experienced the same trouble as both Waveney Terrace and Wolfson Close. Students have been blocking out windows and were regularly woken early In the mornings of last semester. Singing builders and heavy machinery have Intruded on much studying and sleep of students across campus and the University's partiality to the north side of Waveney Terrace and failure to recognise other residents Is causIng a great deal of disappointment and Irritation to
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Co.cnte Wednesday. May 12, 2004
University's family accommodation broken into over Easter lSABEL DYSON
TlllEVES took advantage of a vacant campus during the Easter break after property was stolen from a number of empty rooms .
IF DRAMA and LLT stude nts are unable to prevent t h e clos ure of their schools it will not be through lac k of effort. When it frrst emerged in March that the University might eliminate Drama and LLT, staff and students of all schools were quick to voice their vexation. As the academic year draws to a close the campaign is gathe ring serious momentum. Mr ed Glas ier, the Union Communications officer, is confident that the 'Speechless' campaign launched last week will raise awareness of the issue in UEA, orwich and the nation.
The campus family reside nce, Suffolk Walk was broken into after intruders smashed through glass doors to enter the home of two PhD students on Easter Mond ay. Unlike other campus burgla t·ies, resu lting from
unlocked doors , local police believe this particu lar a ttack may have been pre-meditated. The raiders searched the property and stole up to £2500 worth of good s in lud ing two laptops, a camera, DVDs and cash. Another residence was also attacked by what is thought to be the same assailant and an additional laptop was taken. The break-ins are believed to have happened in daylight hours between 1pm and 6pm on Monday 12th April. Local police suspect the a ttac k could possibly be linked to a chance robbery at Norfolk Terrace on Sunday 4th April when a student left his room unlocked to use the kitchen during the evening and returned to fmd a digital camera and cash ha d been taken. According to th e Depa rtmen t of Secu ri ty and
orwich police it is the first time in a number of years that a burglary has occurred along Suffolk Wa lk and believe th at offenders take advantage of vacant properties during long breaks in the
term. It is urged by the police and campus security that students remain vigilant and lock all doors to help prevent such attacks, during both term time and holidays. Pictures: Suffolk Walk
'This is one of the biggest issues UEA has ever faced, " said Mr Glasier. Like many problems facing universities these days, this issue involves money, or a lack thereof. The University feels it carmot afford to con tinue subsidising Drama (a department of EAS) and LLT. Senior managers of the uni vers ity say that both are a drain on the university's funds as they both operate at a financial loss. Opponents of the closure say that the plan wi ll devalue students' degrees and set a dangerous precedent. They point to the invaluable cultural a nd social power of the departments and the diversity they promote. Professor Ralph Yarrow of Drama has helped draft a
plan h e thinks will keep Drama at UEA. The closure of the school would begin next year and end three years later, at a considerable
cos t to the univers ity. Under Prof. Yarrow's plan Drama would undergo several important changes designed to trim costs a nd save
money. These changes include increasing availability of the course, merging Drama with other departments and promoting and expanding the department's contributions to the community. The key feature of the plan is that it will cost £200, 000 less to implement than to close the school. The plan has been endo rsed by the heads of EAS and now goes to the executive committee. It is just one of many measures being undertaken by drama and language lovers to save the sc hools. The Union website has set up a section for those wishing to help or learn more about the issue; petitions have been in circulation for months and
WITNESS APPEAL POLICE are s e arching for witne s ses to a robbery incident that occurred at about lam, May 2. The victim was an 18 year old man , who was walking along Earlham Green Lane towards the Bowthorpe estate. The victim was approached by two other men and was wrestled to the floor whereupon one of the attackers stole the victim's 22" silver curb necklace. The two offenders made off down Earlham Green Lane away from the Bowthorpe estate. The offenders are described as follows: White, 6 '0" - 6 '2" (1.82m - 1.87m) tall, slim/medium build, 18 years, light brown short cropped hair. clean shaven, local accent. Wearing a cream coloured square bottomed jacket with a zip up front and small collar. White. 6 '0" (1.82m) ta ll , 18 years , medium build, clean shaven . Wearing a pair of dark blue jeans. Anyone with informa tion a bout this incident s hould contact Norfolk Police on 01953 424242 .
'Speechless' is b ecoming increasingly vocal. All of these efforts will climax on the 21st of May when the University Court arrives at UEA. The University Court is the formal body of UEA, made up of Norwich's best, brightest and most influential. Beginning at 5pm in the square, supporters of LLT and Drama will begin an immense celebration, not a protest, to promote awareness of the issue. Outside support is crucial to the movement and winning over the Court to their cau se is paramount to the campaigners. "Drama a nd LLT bring prestige to the university," said Mr Glasier. "UEA students should and will s up port the campaign."
Inside Concrete This Wee l WATERSPORTS "TWO-DAY-DIP" Page 2: Campus Burglaries and Watersports Page 4: Nexus wins award Page 6: Death in Ster Century and "Roofolution" Page 7: Blilding Work
Page 10: Alain De Botton Page11: Careers Centre Feature Page 12 · 13: Upcoming Eledions Page 14: Weather feature Page 15: Enquirer
Page 17: Travel · Finland Page 18 · 19: Fashion Page 21: Sport Interview, horoscopes Page 22: Soapbox and rowing Page 23: Football and futsal
Page 16: Opinia altl Zoodents
Page 24:
SUits interviewed
Canaries and crossword
THE UEA sailing and windsurfing clubs are holding the Unio n's annual Watersports event on June 8 and 9, whe re anyone can try windsurfin.g and sailing, there will be a bar-be-que on June 9. Anyone interested in trying the sports can come along whether they have any experience or not. Forms for signing up for the event are available at Union House reception, Les Alworthy and Vanda Turrell . For more information con tact the Union Sports Co-
ordinator, Les Alworthy in Union House. . . . . - - - - - - - - -- - --,
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eo.cr.t. Wednesday, Ma y 12, 2004
Nexus UTV wins an award in national competition PAUL HAYES THE UNIVERSITY'S student television station, Nexus UTV, was celebrating in the first week of Easter as they took their first victory in the National Student Television Association (NASTA) Awards for several years. The station's video for the track I Am a Scieniisi by the group Guided by Voices took the 'Music to Video' category. as judged by local Norwich company Bounce Records. The victory was especially sweet for Nexus as they were thi s year's hosts of the NASTA Conference and Awards. the third time they have hosted having previously done so in 1986 and 1996. The NASTA conference. first held in Plymouth in 1971. gives student television sla-
tions from across the country the opportunity to meet up, swap ideas. attend talks by industry professionals and of course celebrate their achievements at the Awards ceremony. Every year the conference is held by a different member station - in 2003 it was Glasgow University Student Television, and next year the conference is due to be held in Loughborough. The centerpiece of the Conference is of course the glamorous Awards ceremony. student television's equivalent of the BAFTAs. and Nexus hosted the ceremony at the Assembly Rooms on Theatre Street. Other major winners at the Awards included Glasgow. who look several categories including Best Broadcaster. and Loughborough. a relatively new station who took several category wins. But it was
Nexus who cheered the loudest as they took their first outrtght NASTA win since the late 1990s, courtesy of Studio Manager Alex Holloway, who produced the winning entry. The judge's official verdict was: 'This stood out because of its originality. It made it distin guishable from the rest." Alex was delighted to have taken the award, and in the words of fellow 'Nexoid' and Broadcast Manager Adam Ollaway - who presented the category - "it's been a long time in coming." Although Nexus look no other wins or highly commendeds at the ceremony. the station sees it as an important building block in helping to secure a firmer place at the heart of student life at the UEA. Nexus can be seen fort nightly on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at
LIBRARY BINS BOOKS PAUL VINCENT Deputy News Editor HUNDREDS of library books are headed towards the skip as part of the library's collection management process. The skip, which is located in the building site area next to the library building. includes many books for econometlics. oceanography and computing. among others. Kitty lnglis. director of library resources. explained that "withdrawal and dispos al of stock forms an integral part of the collection m anagement process in all academic libraries" . Items considered for disposal are only
disposed of a fter the applicalion of stlicl criteria. including usage statistics. Ms lnglis pointed out that 路we frequently pass withdrawn stock on to other institutions. both in the UK and abroad, if it is in sound physica l quality and if the content is still relevant and accurate. However. some material is out of date or superseded, or is in too poor a physical state". In addition . withdrawn books are occasionally put up for sale within library. Referring to l he skip currently outside the library, Ms Jnglis told Concrete that these books are "no longer of use to studen ts and staff at
UEA. either through being seriously out of dale or haYing been superseded by later editions. With limited space for our collections. it is important that we endeavour to keep our stock up to date to s upport the current teaching and research priorities at UEA". At a time when the university is fmally trying to organise a recycling scheme. it is shocking to find that the library had apparently not been planning to recycle the paper from the withdrawn books. When asked by Concrete. Ms lnglis replied "I wi ll certainly investigate the possibility of recycling the material" .
3pm in the Blue Bar. and has been running at the UEA
since the spring of '68. Below: Nexus members
BOBBIES BOBBING ON THE BROAD POLICE officers will once again be patrolling the Broads this summer following the relaunch of Norfolk Constabulary's Broadsbeat initiative. This is the ninth year of Broadsbeat. the most sucessful sponsorship scheme for the constabulary . Chief Constable Andy Hayman attended the annual la unch of the scheme at the Hotel Wroxham. Wroxham where he met representatives from the Broads Authority and spon sors . Some of the sponsors include QD Stores; Roys (Wroxham) Ltd; the Norfolk Yacht Agency; Navigators & General Insurance Lld; Hoseasons; Broadland Owners Association; and Slakes Holidays. For the Hrsl sponsors A R Marine Equipment Specialists of also joined the scheme Acting Inspecto r Russell Hickford, who is in charge of Broadsbeal. said: "If it was not for the support of our sponsors this wholly successful and popular initiative would not be
possible... Our officers will be patrolling the Broadland area in partnership with the sponsors and other agencies in a bid to make Norfolk safer afloat.路 PC Andy Ramsbottom and PC Jon Hopes. supported by PC Fred Minney. will be operating out of Hoveton police station. which affords good road access to all areas of the Broads, unW the season ends in October. the officers will be working with the force 's dive team and they h ave a new boat. The improved RiB has more working deck area and will enhance accessibility to the broads. They will also have regular foot and motor patrols throughout the season. using their Landrover Freelander. The season runs until the end of October. 2004. Officers will work closely with the Force's Diving Team and will be taking advantage of their new boat. The improved fast response inflatable rib now has more working deck area and will enhance accessibility to the Broads area.
FROM THE LAST WEEK BANNED FAN WEEPS IN COURT A CANARIES fan who had bought his season ticket for the next year wept in the dock after a court banned him from attending a match for the next three years. Mr Ryan Kiddell. 27 of Nelson Street, received the ban after magistrates heard how he was eventually arrested having recievcd several warnings about his gesturing and swearing at Wigan Athletic fans during the match on April 9. Kiddell started crying as the justices banned him from attending any of newlypromoted Norwich City's home or away matches for three years. and attending any national or international matches either at home or abroad for the same period . I le was also fined 拢250 and ordered to pay 拢60 costs after admitting disorderly conduct He had twice, in December 1998 and March 2002. been convicted of being drunk at football matches.
MAN RESCUED FROM TYRE A MAN was rescued from a mooring tyre by the Gorleston lifeboat early on sunday morning. The drunken 19-year old had been dared by friends to stand on the tyre. but s lipped and became wedged between the tyre and the qu ayside on the river yare just above Gorleston. The RNLI. Hre crew and police were called to rescue the man who was extracted from the tyre and taken to the James Pagett hospita l with hypothermia.
PARROT AT THE WHEEL NORFOLK police were on alert for a car being driven with a parrot at the wheel during the weekend. A member of th e public called police to tell them there was a rover 416 travelling towards Yarmouth on the A4 7 with "a live African parrot sitting at the steering wheel". lnsp Andy McArdle said: 'We put an observation message out and, had we seen the car. we would have stopped il. If th e member of the public really saw what he said. obviously it would h ave been a seriou s distraction to the driver."
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Colcrete Wednesday, May 124, 2004
Man dies in cinema after watching Sllaun of The Dead ROSS GRAINGER A RETIRED Norwich man died during Easter break after falling in a Ster Century theatre. On April 2 1 Mr Ala n Paterson and his wife, J enny, watch ed 'Shaun of the Dead' in the 32 4-seat fo ur -screen theatre. "He h ad been la ughing all the way through the mm ... said Mrs. Paterson . "J ust as we were going, the cast list came up. so we stood and watched it on separate steps. "l-Ie m oved along the front of a row of seats. and then , when he wen t to step down. it was very steep, and he fell ." Cinema staff administered first aid u nW an ambulance crew arrtved . Pa terson . 66, passed away in the hospital from hls injuries. It is not the first time someone has suffe red an accident in the cinema. In October 2003 Norwich m agis trates fined the cin em a ÂŁ6000 after a physically
handicapped man and his carer fell down twelve steps . Mr Clifford Neale was fortu n ate . He s uffe red cu ts. bruises and broken n ose. His carer was als o bruised when s he tried to hold onto the wheelch air as it wen t over the top lligh t of s tairs . In the prosecution th at followed Mr eale's fall . company offic ials admitted that the s teps in screen four wer e poorly lit and that wri tten evidence informing patrons
THE ''
of th e ris k was not present. Conditions improved after that inciden t, bu t they were not enough to preven t the unexpected dea th of Alan Paterson . "One of his fo r mer colleagu es contacted me to say they couldn't believe such a bundle of energy was gone," said Mrs. Paterson . Mr Paterson was retired a t the time of hls accident, bu t did part-time work aroun d the community.
"He kept busy with a parttime job, with h is grandchlldren and with work for S t George's in Tombland." An investigation into the incid ent Is und erway. Mr Boyd Taylor, a s pokes man for Norwich city cou ncil , said : '"We are investigating the incident and will report to the coroner, but cannot say any more at this time. "Our thou gh ts and sympathles are with Mr. Paterson 's fami ly. "
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? NORFOLK Police has released this e -fit of a man believed to be responsible for a sexual assault on a woman at approximately 10:30 pm on Monday April 19 at the Norwich Provisional Market . Th e offend er h as been described as a whlte man about 5ft 8 (l.72m) tall, of mediu m build and aged in hls thlrtles. He had mou sycolou red, colla r -length , un tidy, h ai r and a ligh tcoloure d , Mexican -style mou stache. He was wearing a grey tracks u it top and ligh t blue jeans at the time of th e assau lt and may have been carrying a rucksack . Following the incident the suspect is though t to h ave wal ked deeper into th e Market, heading in th e d irection of J arrolds. DS Jack Taylor, of Norwich CID , said , "The re were a nu mber of people in the area at the time of the attack and they could have heard or witnessed the victim crying out. I am also still trying to trace a dark -h aired woman wh o wa s waiting at the taxi rank on Guildhall and who may
have witnessed the inciden t. " Thls poten tial witness has been described as a whl te woman, aged in he r late twenties , tall and of thi n build. Sh e had wavy. dark hair just below the s houlders and was wearing blue jeans and a blue denim ja cket. she was las t seen near the taxi rank on Guild hall. Anyon e with any information about the incident or anyone wh o may recognise the offender should con tac t DS J ack Taylor on 0 1953 424242 or Crimes toppers on 0800 555 lll.
NORFOLK Terrace residents staged a peaceful demo at the end of last semester in protest at regulations which ban them from accessing t h e roof area outside their windows. The "roofolution" took place on Tuesday 30th Ma rch a n d saw students from blocks A and B climb onto the restricted areas and enjoy the sun for a couple of hours. A banner read "free the terraces" and a statemen t from the protestors . calling themselves "the roofolulion committee". explained that residents have "had enough of living in prison like conditions - with bars and bolts restricting our win-
dows". Access to the roofs of the Norfolk and Suffolk terrace residences has been banned
for several years. since a student fell from one of the buildings and injured themselves.
DRIVING LESSONS patient, friendly tuition Linda Crassweller 01603 870989 Pass Plus Available
UST DO BETTER A REPORT into the chaos resulting from a few inches of snow in January has prompted council officials to acc e pt that lesson s must be learnt. Several thousand drivers found themslves stranded in traffic jams after snow fell on January 28. Many people caught up in the gridlock complained they saw few police during the mayhem. and one of th e report's recommendations is for more officers during heavy snowfall. The report on the trouble that followed the bad weather reveals that the police had no strategy to deal with heavy snow. and communication between the constab-
ulary and local authorities was not good enough . Other proposals in the repost include: Spending ÂŁ100.000 a year
on providing more grit bins in Norwich and filling them more regularly. Improved communication and liaison between the councils, police and media. Giving members of the Public Transport Unit a role in the overall co-ordination of such "emergencies" to improve information for bus operators. Better co-ordination between the Emergen cy Pla nning Norfolk Maj or Incident Team and organisation s s u ch as emergency services . m aj or employers. taxi frrms and big companles. Pictures: S now Scenes from January 2004
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Wednesday. May 12, 2004
The Hive work is going well, and alternatives will be availiable for when the Catering Block shuts THOMSMITH News Editor THE IDVE bullcllDg work la all going well according to Mr Ned Glaaler, the Union Communications Officer, despite problems with the plans of Union House. The work to create the updated Hive ran into problems when builders hit a water pipe flooding the site at one point, and later severed one of the UEA computer networking cables. These incidents, Mr Glasier explained were due to inaccurate and outdated plans of the site from when Union House was designed in the '60s. The water pipe was not in the place it was a being, and the data cables' positions were never recorded. The only major setback was to the LCR disco on Thursday May 6 , when owing to a thunderstorm the previous day, there was no chance to put in a temporary fire escape and therefore the event that to be cancelled. Mr Glasier confirmed that the venue would be open for subsequent nights and, indeed was open for Retro on Saturday May 8. The LCR will only cost two pounds for the duration of the building
works. At the end of May, a crane will be positioned outside the back of Waterstones to lift steel into the site for the new elevator. As the lifting will take place over the walkway from the Bowl. a safety bridge will be built to protect those going to and from the Ubrary and DOS office. This will be only for about five days and all students will be notified by email of the exact dates. Other building work is also planned around the square. with the complete refit of the Diner/Bowl/Top-Floor building. The catering block will be closed from May 14 until September 1; however, food will be available in altemative venues. The alternative to the Bowl will be Constable Terrace Common room, which will open Monday-Friday 09:00 to 18:00. The Sainsbury centre will stay open as an alternative to the Diner. The staff restaurant, the Top floor will temporarily be relocated in the Elizabeth Fry Gurney Room. Mango will remain open as normal. Pictures: (Clockwise from top right} The Hive looking North. View from the walkway, interior near the LCR, folUldations that wtU support the extension and the elevator
NORFOLK'S OFFICIAL FLOWER CRITICIZED Alexanders felt to be inappropriate as County emblem Below: Alexanders Norfolk's flower
Below: Oxlip - Suffolk's flower
NORFOLK'S official flower was revealed last week, and la regarded by many as a weed. It was decided that Norfolk's floral emblem should be Alexanders (Smymiwn Olust.atwn) and not the poppy (Papaver Roeas) which was given to Essex. Conservation charity Plantlife International unveiled the results of the County flowers campaign on May 5. People were asked to vote for any wildflower that they felt would represent thetr county, with a panel of judges deciding the eventual winners. Alexanders is a wild plant with lime green flowers, that can be seen blooming in and around many hedgerows, and is described by the charity as "a striking coastal plant, spreading inland in Norfolk". Cambrtdgeshtre chose the pasqueflower, and Suffolk the oxlip as thetr county flowers.
Below: Pasqueflower: Cambrtdgeshtre's flower
on production of student ID 22 Prince of Wales Road Norwich TE~(0~603)62639~ Open ..... days. week 12 noon to 12 mlclnl&lat Parties and la~ Service . . . . . .
c..a.te Wednesday. Mav 12, 2004
Page 8
''AND NOW, THE END IS NEAR..." As the year ends, the Sabbs step down and Concrete asks them how they did it their way...
Have you enjoyed the last year?
Have you enjoyed the last year?
Have you enjoyed the last year?
Have you enjoyed the last year?
On balance yes - obviously there's b ee n [rust ra ting aspec ts. but I've also b een really inspired by some of the student re ps I've m e t a nd th e pa s s ion a nd drive. pa rti c ul a r ly a mongst the drama and LLT s tud ents in recent months - a pa thy is not d ead!
I h ave loved it. working for the Union and with UEA s tud ents h as b ee n a b solut e ly superb these last few years.
I have absolutely \vithout a doubt h a d the bes t yea r ever! All the things I've learned a nd the people I h ave m et throug h this job h ave taught m e things a bout myself. th e way I work and given m e a grea t introdu ction to life a fter univers ity - whil e s lill being in the sa me environment.
The las t nine and a h alf months have been some of my best a t UEA. The initia l tra n s ition from s tudent to 'prope r job' wa s difficult a t limes. but I do feel th a t I have a work e thic th a t I've n ever h a d before . I'm hoping th a t th e tra n s itio n back to路 s tud ent is a bit ea s ie r.
Have you fulfilled your manifesto promises? My m ai n m anifes to promises cenlrccl a round s tud ent re presenta tion. which is th e m ajor a rea I' ve focu sed o n this year. Union Council is la rge r and more dyn a mic than eve r befo re . and I h a ve worked \vith th e sc h ools to increase contac t a nd support for school-s tu d ent r e prese nta tives a cross th e UEA . Ho pe fully th e foundations I've b egun to develop \'fill pave th e way for a vibra nt a nd represe nta tive Union in future yea rs.
How do you feel about those promises you could not fulfil? Obviou s ly th e governments progress with th e univers ity fundin g aspect of th e Higher Educa tion Bill is di sa ppointing. not only for its impact on undergraduate fees but also the kn ock o n effec ts it is bound to h ave on pos tgra du a te a nd internalional students' fees. but I fe el th e Union did its bes t to ra ise a wa ren ess a nd interest an10ngs t s tud ents a nd we ha ve lea rnt from th e ex'])criencc .
Have you fulfilled your manifesto promises? Yes . mostly. I've fina lly got a decent Union we bsite go ing. raised eleclion tu rnout by quit e a lot and have been working h ard to m a ke sure th e Union is more professional a nd confident in the way it presents itself and. in particula r. its ca mpa ign s. The No to Top Up Fees campaign n a tio na lly was ulti m a tely un s u ccessful. but I think the UEA Uni o n can be proud of its contribution to it.
How do you feel about those promises you could not fulfil?
It depends wha t yo u m ean by h ave U1e cha n ce ... if. you were to turn back ti m e to my fin al year I wou ld defi an lly run for eleclion aga in knowing wh a t I know ... if you 're a sking me whether I would want to do anol11 er year in office then L11e a nswer would be no. I love the maj ority of my job. but I think four years involvem ent in th e Union is enough for a ny morta l and it 's now time for me to m ove on.
Have you fulfilled your manifesto promises? I think l h ave ma n aged to fulfil! as many of the promises tha t I m ad e th a t l could do. Some of th em were a development of U1ings th a t Michcll c a nd J o n h a d s ta rted in previous years . a nd som e h ave been things tha t I have done on my own .
How do you feel about those promises you could not fulfil?
Things a lways come up in Stude nts' Union s th a t ch a nge your priorities - th e clos ure of LLT a nd Drama . Unive rs ity res tru c turing. th e Hive refurb ishment - a nd Jots more. I think we' ve m a intain ed a good b a la n ce b etwee n our promises a nd th e things we' ve n eeded to react to.
Not that I a m trying to m a ke exc uses .. . but some of th e things th a t you wri te on your m a nifesto you la ter find out th a t they either a i-e n 't some th ing th a t you ca n h ave a dire ct effect on. or th a t you don 't really need to do a nyway once you s ta rt!
Would you do the job again if you had the chance?
Would you do the job again if you had the chance?
I did . I wo uld. Again and aga in and again.
I h ave loved this j ob. a nd being in Norwich , b u t a fter a yea r I think it's time for m e to move on. I U1ink J a mes Dra keford is going to do really well next yea r as th e new Finance Officer, so I'll ste p down g race fully!
Any final thoughts? Would you do the job again if you had the chance?
UEA s tud ents are really lucky to h ave a Union as we ll organ is ed a nd powerful as this one . I think in the last yea r we've done loads to return the Union to its co re purposes - re p resenting UEA students a nd fighting for th eir r ights. I'm really proud to h ave been a part of it a ll a nd I'll be gutted to say goodbye to a ll the m embers of staff a nd a ll the s tude nts who've m a d e my time here so brilliant.
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Any final thoughts? Thartk you to everyone in clubs a nd socielies Ll1at I have m et a nd worked \vith for being so fa ntaslic. but mos Uy thank you to the other sabbs for being such a sys tem of support over th e las t yea r. II IYA to the new exec. you 're going to love it!
Have you fulfilled your manifesto promises? Kno\ving wh a t I know now. th ere a re some things t hat I wo uldn 't ha ve written on my m an ifes to . There is so mu ch pa per pu s hing and rubber s ta mping n eed ed to enforce a ny c h a n ge. it m a kes it n ea r impossible to achi eve m ajor ch a n ge in a year. For exa mple. a full Fres h er's Wee k would be a brillia n t a ddition to th e student experience. bu t to get th at s ort of ch a nge ta kes years . S a rah and I have clo ne lo ts of work this year to try a nd en s ure th a t th e induction experien ces in Schools ar e mu ch more uniform and th a t's a big s te p forwa rd. Howeve r, U1ere's lots of m y manifesto U1 a t I h ave achieved and am proud of. NAM Soc is going from stre ngth to stre ngth. th e Inte rna tional Party was a huge success. Wave ney h a s b ette r security . th e Financial Aid s ec tion of the website is n ear completi o n a nd th e Equ a l Opportunities Policy h as been passed. It is disa ppointing tha t I can 't put big ticks next to a ll of my m an ifes to. but I am ha ppy \vith what I h ave ac hi eved. There h a ve bee n proj ects like Fa irtra d e Fortnight th a t I wasn 't anticipating a t a ll th a t turned into highlights of my yea r.
Would you do the job again if you had the chance? I wou ld love to do the job again kl10\ving wh a t I know now! It's b een a rea lly positive experien ce and I a m a bit worried that it \'fil l turn out to be th e b est job I ever have and I've peaked too early! It really is the best work expe rien ce ever. it's an unusual situa tion where yo u ge t to s ta rt a t a t the top .
Pledged to co ntinu e a nd s uppo rt the .. o to top up fees" ca mpa ign . lobby ing Ch arles Cla rke a nd th e NUS. Deal \vilh th e issu es of overcrowd ed lec tures . classes o n Wcclncsclay a ft ern oo ns. a nd publi cis ing the com pla in ts st ructure for courses. To improve student ,-epresentaion from schools and on Union Council.
Pledged to campa ign aga ins t top -up fees. Ge t s tuden t input o n wh a t should be clo ne a bo ut events a nd th e LCR and Hive. work with Enls to in c rease h a ppy hours and promo ti on s witho ut ta kin g money from o the r areas of t he Un ion . Inc rease con tac t between t h P Finance officer a n d clubs and soC's. incrC'ase and encourage Sportsn ights. Campaign for a better ,g raduatio n ceremonv and Grads Ba ll
Pledged to continue the fight against top-up fees . Say no to another sandwich "hop. particularly in the Lloyds TSB site Produce a high profile campaign to explain the purpose' of the Union Have the Union websitc redesigned . GC'l more' stucknt invo lvement in the rC'design of the Hive 1\ standardizC'd S~'StC'm that will enable clubs. ;,ocs and people to run and publicize events.
Promote the welfare networks already in existence. make financial help more availiabk. Encourage the inC'orporation of mature student". continue' thC' working of the Equal opportunities policy. fight for a real Freshers' Week. <'ampaign for increased and improved security on campus.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Alain de Botton - hero for bring a complex subject to the masses, or villain for taking out all the difficult bits? Toby Lewis talks to the man himself about the correct way to make philosophy fun. hat should one think or say about Alain de Bolton? This prototypical product of our media obsessed age has an impressive ability to express ideas clearly, yet sup· leaves many shuddering and wishing for good old-fashioned cryptic Heidegger. For is the problem with De Botton: we all think dumbing-down. This is because in his books nages to move through this complicated in an astonishingly condensed persuasive and has sales figures that make envious of those interested in publishing their explains why his position appears so lrnmn.rmn ;sed to most students and lecturers of ilosophy. other more valid reason is that he is partly responsible for the two execrable television series ' ~rrnrnn:"nving his latest book, Status Anxiety, his earlier impressive beginners' philosophy The Consolations of Philosophy. These pro· rams will teach you to phi losophise in a similar that a monkey learns to type the works of re after being given a typewriter and Kafka. The paucity of philosophy amidst e camp humour is probably due to the calculat· snobbery of the television executive who corn· lmi<:<>i<C>nF•rl the programs rather than any great fail· ng on th e part of De Botton. For what can he do avert the governing non sequitu r that more n 10 million people watch Eastenders and erefore we are all stupid? Also, he has a ten· to indulge in armchair psychology. But 't most unive rsity professors too? Yet in gener· we forgive them th eir teachings glean ed from a lnn<:r.r<>minist critique of Freud via Lacan and a. So why be annoyed by De Bolton's 'phi· as a guide to living' approach? He's a uct of the age of unreason, knows it, expl oits and finally, is probably worth reading . dismiss your anxieties about his lack of for he's fiercely intelligent and respected for widening the appeal of 1nn•1n.:.nntw beyond the university cam pus and its 11P\tnr<>P<> Philosophy should not just be 1ac<;esstu1 e to those who discourse at length on and monads but to everyone. For the sub· questions are fundamental to how we live, it is often regarded as the leisurely pursuit of most esoteric members of the intelligentsia. Botton describes himself as an essayist and ln<>•n<>r<>ll" utilises the aphoristic technique in order bring his points across in a pithy fashion and much to say against how some philosophy is
conducted in academia: "Academic writing is relentlessly impersonal and relentlessly serious, neither of which I think helps to get a point across. Entertainment shouldn't just be informa· live but entertaining. This is mainly because I have a very short attention span and so I try not to bore my reader because I get easi ly bored myself." One of my favourite examples of De Bolton's attempts not to allow the reader to begin tracing his letters as if they were hieroglyphs comes in his book The Art of Travel, where a chapter on the exotic reads in a bathetic sub· heading 'The Exoticism of Shitting Donkeys." De Botton twins himself with his favourite thinkers in his books and attempts to re late himself to Socrates, Alexis De Tocqueville or in this instance, Gustave Flaubert. Flaubert's Egyptian thoughts serve as a counterpoint for De Bolton's experience in Amsterdam to which Flaubert's desire to see man and beast in their wholesome entirety, shitting, pissing and buggering is well illustrated by De Bolton. The reader of this chapter on exoticism may be
"People say 'I just want to be happy' but as they don't analyse the word happiness enough they don't know what they're seeking. " disappointed not to fi nd out more about his antics in Amsterdam, for his free association on this place is supposedly inspired by the potential De Stijl origins of the letters in a sign in Schiphol Airport and little more. The technique of this book is De Bolton's showing how when he travels he relates his experience to writers he had read , catching their tangential relevance and developing his thoughts. This illustration of the thought process of the traveller seems a more honest account of travel than those who claim that they are constantly experiencing the place they are in . De Bolton seemed very bored in Madrid and I attempted to draw him out on why he felt so numb in this lively city, an accusation to which he became philosophically defensive ending with an argumentum ad hominem: "its very likeable but you can also have a bad time there. You can feel alienated anywhere, its all the more poignant and interesting when it happens in a place that's fascinating. Its not that bad to be alienated in an alien·
de Botton offering morsels of sandwich in addition to wisdom. Photo by Anna Plumeyer ating place ... Maybe your tourism has always gone well but I think people do have bad experi· ences in places because they're not in the right frame of mind for the place." One of De Bolton's key philosophical points is the difficulty for us as individuals caused by the expectation of others. The way this can lead to confusions is an evident problem caused by our inability to express cor· rectly what we want to say without being misinter· preted by societal values and the assumptions of people. This worry about people's objectification of others also applies to critics of De Botton . For the perceived over-simplification of this subject that many hold dear, is a failure to see beyond his fri volous styl e and to concede he is sincere in his attempts to make philosophy relevant as co ntem· porary society threatens to marginalize its impor· lance due to its supposed difficulty. nterestingly, De Bolton looked aghast as I quizzed him about a potential Wittgensteinian influence on his work. After explaining the strange connection I had made, De Bolton ami· ably expanded on the slur to his good name and admitted that he might have similarities to the impatient Austrian philosopher of language and his attempts to cure infected thought: "If you make language healthy you make people healthy. If people say what they mean then all will be well. This is a long-standing philosophical concern! If you talk clearly, if you analyse what you mean, 1f you use the right words for the right things then a lot of confusion will be averted. People say 'I just want to be happy' but as they don't analyse the word happiness enough they don't know what they're seeking. So there is definitely a lack of precision in our goals. I don't think it originates in language but is reflected in language." Somehow we should reorientate ourselves in the world and
language is but one of the confusing obstacles in the path towards understanding others. De Bolton's talk focused on how we react to death as a fairly significant theme yet none of the
"Academic writing is relentlessly impersonal and relentlessly serious, neither of which I think helps to get a point across." questions afterwards asked him about his remarks on gri ef and the hypocrisy we find our· selves in wh en ''the fu neral of someone we haven't seen for years happens, we can't really remember the person and then suddenly they're dead and we feel very sad." When I asked him as to why he felt no one picked up on this theme, he claimed "death isn't coincidentally a taboo · it's frankly terrifying and appalling: no wonder we shy away..." Death and our reaction to it is under· standably inadequately explored because of its taboo nature, though I felt his answer may have reflected why De Bolton's success has been so great. He begins describing death from the way we experience the finitude of our existence acknowledging the important societal angst to this theme. Yet problematically he seemed to endorse the taboo's phobia of a theme we should confront in a rational way but seemingly can't. This is perhaps a correct reading of how we react to that final event of our earthly lives but it also seemed to me he had dodged a conversation that philoso· phers should be more wi lling to embrace. Or at least such old opaque figures like Heidegger do, hiding in their lack of clarity perhaps greater pro· fundity.
Wednesday, May /2,2004
areer n Leaving UEA this year? Forgotten to look for a job? Em ma Rum ball suggests how the careers centre can help imagine that right about now, almost every one of you will be feeling the strain of those little buggers called exams. If, like me, you're in your final year and in the thick of it, the thought of having to find a job/career probably ills you with a sense of dread. And, let's face it, most final years are in such a whirlwind after finally having had to knuckle down academically, careers is the last thing on our minds. Well, fear not and listen up. I have done some career centre bashing in my time, but it appears that behind that orange door there is actually something for everyone. No doubt you are feeling scared/nonplussed/ stressed/terrified. {I know I do). The trouble is that when it comes down to it, researching your career interest is rather like a last minute essay - it takes more time than you think it will and does require a little thought. Whatever time you set aside and whenever you choose to do it, is entirely up to you, which is why UEA has no compulsory careers unit. Sadly hough, it's never going to be quick and easy. If there's a careers fairy, she isn't giving up her wand (there's definitely some jokes in there). But in a way, that's the beauty of it. No-one's going to slap your wrist for strolling in at graduation time, and not before.
The trouble is that when it comes down to it, researching your career interest is rather like a last minute essay- it takes more time than you think it will and does require a little thought. you feel you've left it so long you're now embarto show your face, then there's actually really simple things you can do. If you prestart job hunting yourself and really can't up the courage to go into the CCEN, then prospE:lCtl>.cc>.uk is a great site for giving you and direction on everything from assessing you'd be good at, to giving you the low-down companies, to looking at a whole variety of going on nationally. The Careers centre's also gives you loads of into on the local and national opportunities available new graduates and students in general, and every Wednesday. So if you're around Norwich next
~!:..~=--- ---·
The CCEN is also still running loads of workshops, covering everything from working abroad on vacation placements, to how to use you degree in the big wide world, as well as CV/application form/ first interview workshops, both general and school specific. These are great and bring the whole world right to your door-step - and there's masses to do out there. Times are in the weekly careers email, and you can also pick up a leaflet from the CCEN. If your idea of going to the careers centre is minimal contact, then there is a drop-in opportunity (with no obligation to fill in the little pink form) where you can be seen almost straight away. This is to kick start your research and ideas or confirm them if you're already some way down the trail. If you want to try the computer programme the CCEN offers in conjunction with this, then its worth remembering that what comes up is only suggestive. So if you're looking for something to clarify your ideas and not confuse them further, this may not give you the answers you're looking for. But there is no obligation to do any of this and if you want to go the whole hog straight away, nothing beats a booked 40 minute appointment with an advisor for a long chat, so don't be put off. he onus here is on you - what your interests are, what motivates you, why you chose your course, what you've gotten out of it and being at Uni in general, where you want to be living, personal experience - and hey, how often do you get to talk about yourself and your dreams non-stop for 40 minutes? The aim is to give you personal awareness about just how much there is out there for you - by making you consider differ-
ent routes, giving you advice, answering the 101 questions you may have and showing you how to find your way around the mountain of information available - without ever being directional (in that they will never tell you what to do, not that they will leave you to flail around in the dark) . And noone's going to laugh at you if you really do want to be a rock star (hey, we've all been there). So go for it, you've got nothing to lose. For those of you in schools like EAS, who feel your degree is frighteningly non-specific (like American studies - affectionately known as a Mickey Mouse degree) then having no idea what you want to do can actually be of huge advantage, as it means you'll be far more open-minded to the world of options available to you. And if all else fails, and despite any fears you may have desperation takes hold, in true student style there are two crash courses in careers after exams for people who have done diddly squat. These cram in everything that's been covered over the past year because (unsurprisingly) graduation is their busiest time. it's better late than
If all else fails in true student style there are two crash courses in careers after exams for people who have done diddly squat. never to attend the Careers Centre for bad reputations can be suspiciously self-perpetuating. As it's definitely worth giving the careers centre a bash and sounding out the people who are there to give you all the help you could possibly need. it's worth giving everything a try once. If this just feels like something else to deal with during the madness that is graduating, then I don't blame you. But bear in mind that there is an open CCEN door for one-on-one chats, even after graduation, to discuss the transition from university to full time work, because lets face it - why should this be any easier than leaving home and coming to Uni? And if all this sounds boring, then just think how bored (and annoyed) you'll be if you miss out on a great job opportunity because you were scared of an orange door. Try not to miss the boat on what is out there for you - you didn't do a degree for nothing now, did you? (Just think of the debt). So best of luck with exams - May the force be with you! The final days of true freedom are running out - use them well my friends.
Page 11
Lazy days For those with a little more time on their hands, Sarah Smith offers advice on how to use the summer months.
1) You must visit a beach. lt can be anywhere from Ayia Napa to Cromer - just go. lt is not summer without visiting a beach. If you go abroad you'll probably have good weather. In Britain even if its freezing cold you must still go (although you can draw the line if it's pouring with rain.) If it's local get together a big group of you and see how many people risk frozen extremities in the North Sea or Atlantic - go on, don't be a wimp. 2) Read all those books that you've wanted to read over the year but haven't had time 'cause you've been constantly hungover or finishing the essay due in two hours. Well, now is your chance as there is no uni work to be done. 3) Catch up with all your friends from home who are also back from uni, but make sure you keep in touch with your new ones too. If you really are skint new friends around the country can provide a cheap holiday, just make sure you return the favour or they may not be your friends by next year. Another option is to find a meeting place in the middle (no it doesn't have to be exact). Ideally make it somewhere interesting like a city as you don't want to spend your time sitting in a train station in the middle of nowhere. 4) Spend a week (preferably not one where you are working a lot) going clubbing/drinking etc every night. Revisit all your old haunts or try out some new ones. Yes you will be absolutely dead on your feet by the end of the week (especially if you are also hungover) but it will be worth it. Alternatively if you don't have the time for that just have a night out and then go straight on to work or similar afterwards as it will generally have a similar effect. You will be tired and, girls, those shabby trainers you own will suddenly look like Gods gift to your feet but it will be worth it. 5) Watch the Olympics. Yes you may have absolutely no interest in weight lifting or speed walking but there will be nothing else on telly because everyone is saving the decent programmes for autumn. Your only other option will be Friends repeats where you will get so confused, as they play episodes from random series back to back. 6) Invent new cocktails by chucking any fruit and alcohol in the house into a blender and seeing what happens. After the initial problems of forgetting to put the lid on (Yes the kitchen was always pink) and slightly over doing quantities (We have enough to last three days) you'll find you can actually make a good cocktail to make you the king/queen of all future parties. Just please don't give anyone alcohol poisoning. Pure alcohol will not give you a nice drink. 7) Attempt to make the worlds longest daisy chain but give up when it breaks for the fifteenth time ... as you try to put the first two together. 8) Try and teach a friend a new card game. The harder the game and the rules the more fun it will be. Neither of you will have a clue about what the other one is on about and you'll end up playing different games. If you do manage by some miracle to end up playing the same game by the same rules be very happy until the point when you realise they've just beaten you for the fourth time.
12, 2004
Next month, Britain gets to vote. Past precedent suggests students probably won't. But, argues Edward Mooney, not visiting your local polling station could have catastrophic results. And even if you don't approve of any of the candidates there are still other things you can do ...
n June 1Oth 2004 the country goes to the polls. Well, enough said. Go and vote. Enjoy it! Oh of course, this is a student newspaper. Students, famous for watching The Shiny Show (weekdays, BBC2, 9am) more regularly than Prime Minister's Questions (Wednesdays, BBC2, 12pm). The Great British Student<"'1 who worries more about the price of a pint and a packet of Cheese & Onion than human rights abuses, and has probably never pondered whether human rights even exist - ooh, philosophy. This university has in the recent past publicly shamed itself by having a bigger and more vocal protest against the truncation of Freshers' Week, than any other issue, including top-up fees. Frivolity and fun triumphing over peace and love. Well, you have a month to change your ways. For some it will not be hard. Local council elections provide Green Party supporters with their biggest excitement as discussion of the exact content of recycling boxes (paper, cardboard and glass) and the origin of the electricity which powers the city's streetlamps (Scotland's sparkling clean hydro-power) brings their issues to the fore. European elections provide the BNP with its chance to peddle its irrational, selfish fears not of the country going to the polls but to the dogs, overrun by Poles. An awful, but lovely, pun there signals the sort of attitude most students have to elections - ironic and disdainful. Turnout at local and European elections are traditionally low, and getting lower, and most UEA students won't even know of their taking place let alone make the effort to ponder the choices and place a cross in the box. Yet whilst you worry about your tan and look forward to Big Brother Five, this Great Democratic System""1 we are currently imposing on anyone who looks at us wrong ly wil l be heaving into motion and gloriously handing over power to the people, for one day only. And yet so many ardent supporters of capitalist democracy's unstoppable march across the world will sit on their hands and look forward to an evening of property makeover programmes on Channel 4.
cally depressed by Thatcherite policies have most to gain from the institution Thatcher worked hard to hamstring. Despite these silent positive changes and the noisy nationwide negative attitude to the EU, the elections are ritually ignored. One British EU Commissioner noted after the last dismal turnout, when the UK finished bottom of the then 15 EU countries, that "What people don't realise is they have failed to vote for people who have the power to change their lives." (Leon Brittan)
the Molotov cocktail to the genteel activity of box crossing. Genoa, Seattle and regular Mayday unrest turns the politically concerned incoherent yobs, and the law-enforcing authorities turn into instruments of totalitarian repression. So, changes do occur- for the worse, on the whole.
lt Changes Nothing.
There have only been five direct European elections. They were introduced in 1979 as an attempt to make the EEC (European Economic Community) , as it then was, more accountable and more present in the eyes of the European citizen. Over the past two decades the European Parliament has been granted more and more powers, and will be granted more in the future, but over the same period turnout at the elections has dropped . The last elections garnered but 23.3% of the electorate. Much of the problem is that 1979 also brought Margaret Thatcher to the ballot box. Her victory allowed her to pursue a radically anti-European policy and over a decade she made Eurobashing into a national pastime and the staple of the tabloid press. The initial 1970s enthusiasm for the EEC was quashed under biased reporting - you probably know more about Vegelate and straight cucumbers than the billions of Euros donated to such areas as Peterborough, Belfast and Strathclyde. Many millions have gone to areas in Yorkshire alone. Ironic of cou rse that those areas most radi-
Homer Simpson, through a series of typically outlandish events, creates Tomacco, tomatoes with all the flavour and addictive qualities of tobacco. His daughter, always more alive to political and ethical questions than her father, urges him to destroy his discovery to save the children of the world from the abyss of addiction. One plant stands in front of Homer, requiring only a swipe of the arm to save humanity. Homer's response? "But I'm only one man. What can one person do to change the system?" This, the usual rallying call of the apathetic, can be heard from many mouths as election time approaches. it's often said with a sorrowful tone, a sigh, a short silence, and then the real debate starts: were SJP's shoes better in Season Two or, the minority camp, Season Five? it is a serious problem, of course. The UK's largest ever demonstration recently implored the government not to go to war. Well, that was a waste of time. Many people are turning to direct action, preferring the searing certainties of falling shards of McDonalds glass and
it's not much of a choice then . Vote and nothing changes. Don't vote and, er, nothing changes. This is partly the result of the UK's old ioned first-past-the-post system which .famously can give smaller pa ties apparently huge percentages of the ballot, but reward such hard work at the polls with only a few seats. If the sitting candidate gets one thousand votes but a competing one gets nine hundred and ty nine, after twelve recounts, the sitting candidate wins, and renders those nine hundred and ninety nine votes useless. The Republic of Ireland has transferable vote proportional representation (similar to the system used at the Union elections - you remember, the one also didn't vote in); France has multiple rounds of voting which serve to knock out certain parties and allow votes to be cast again - these systems mean that no vote cast is ever useless and every voice is capable of being heard. Unfortunately it has become a disappointing trope of British politics that the party currently inhabiting the wilderness dabbles with proportional representation as a manifesto pledge, but mysteriously fails to implement it come the glorious years of government. First past the post favours the ruling powers.
Voting Turnout in other EU countries Belgium 90% (90. 7%) Luxembourg 85.8% (88.5%) Italy 70.8% (74.8%) Greece 68% (71.2%)
Spain 64.35% (59.1 %) Denmark 50.4% (52.9%) Austria 49% (56.8%) France 47% (52 .7%) Germany 45% (65%)
First past the post
Portugal 40.4% (35.5%) Sweden 38.3% (41.6%) Finland 30.1% (na) Netherlands 29.9% (35.7%) *figures in brackets 1994 turnout Average EU turnout at 1994 election 56.8%
c..r... Wednesday, May 12, 2004
What to do? As we wait (in vain?) for proportional representation, and continue to
fail to cast those votes, governments and ruling bodies run roughshod over our rights and beliefs. And every low turnout has Peter Snow worrying his swing-o-meter will shortly have nowhere to swing and greying academics reminding us yet again that, "People died for this right." Feminist activists ring radio talk shows to sing the praises of Emmeline Pankhurst et al to the tune of Guantanamera, and claim falling turnout as a male conspiracy, and tar too well-dressed sixteen and seventeen year olds from glasshouse grammar schools tell us that loads of under eighteens would vote if only they were al!owed. Special correspondents always report from Greece where voting is compulsory. All talk, always the same talk. Meanwhile new initiatives - text voting anyone? - have failed to raise the turnout. The government worries but not too much because lt knows, and revels in, the awful truth - apathy is implicit support.
Conspiracy lt is oh so easy to spin apathy as support. "Our supporters don't need to turn out because we have such a huge majority." Much electoral
Pa e 13
campaigning, except In skin-of-the-teeth marginals, is not, shock horror, positive, but negative - aimed not at getting support out, but at keeping the opposition at home. Wonder why you don't see much campaigning by the Labour Party in Nelson ward (ie the one in which most of us live)? Their majority Is large enough, and there is a big enough body of key supporters, that it would be too much of a risk to do doorstep canvassing and awake the capricious and unpredictable floating vote. Instead they can keep as quiet as possible, and roll home to a 'glorious' victory on a turnout of thirty per cent. The only major campaigner, as yet, is the Green Party which has no such core support on which to rely.
Spoil So it is simple. Don't 'abstain'. Abstention Is laziness with good PR. Spoil. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est? Go to the polling booth, preferably after having investigated the options and made an intelligent decision based on policies and beliefs, and, if no candidate rings your political bell write 'arse bum' all over the ballot. Or cross all the boxes. Or compose a naughty limerick using the surname of one of the candidates. Go free. In the early hours the spoilt ballots will form a nice visible pile in front of the candidates' eyes. lt is very difficult to spin utter rejection.
The facts Election date - 1oth June Locations Nelson Ward Polling Station (most of the Golden Tnangle) is at United Reformed Church Hall, 1, Unthank Road, Norwich, 7am-10pm University Ward Polling Station Nelson Court common court 7am - 1Opm To arrange a postal vote e-mail elections@norwich.gov.uk or ring 212053 or 212055 NB You do NOT need a polling card to vote. Simply go to the polling station and show some ID. Whatever the status, to vote you need to be on the register, if you're not it's too late! Remember to register next time. Bear in mind you may be reg1stered at home so make sure to arrange a postal or proxy vote for the European elect1ons. In the local elections you have lWO votes, one here, one at home. Make sure to use both.
G ? •
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Last summer was fantastic - almost three months of Mediterraneanstandard sunshine. But what are the chances of it happening again this year? James Conway went to UEA's climate centre to find out. ell this isn't the nicest time of year for us students is it? As this month of exams continues to bring stress and tedium let us keep calm by thinking to those months ahead. The summer holidays! There's nothing like taking a break from revision to flip through a full colour brochure adorned with pictures of sunny Mediterranean beaches. There may still be a few last academic hurdles to get past but many are already brushing up on Spanish and deciding how many pairs of shoes to pack. Yet whether you are jet-setting to some paradise on the continent or if you've simply booked yourself in at a British resort we are all asking the same questions: Will there be another heat wave? We've all heard about global warming , but does this really mean continued recordbreaking summers? The weather has been very on and off recently but when will the summer really start? And of course, for which week should we book our vacation? Concrete thought it might be an idea to get some answers. Fortunately, it wasn't necessary to stray very far for results. What may be unknown to some students is that the UEA is home to some of the leading experts in Meteorology and Climate Change. If there was anybody who could explain what to expect for the summer climate, they would be here on the campus. I made my way to the top of the Environmental Science building to visit the offices of WeatherQuest. WeatherQuest were set up when the Met Office closed down their department in Norwich and a group of lecturers were joined by the Met staff to form their own forecasting company. Originally only dealing with local observations they are now celebrating their 3rd Birthday and the 10 strong company run an almost 24 hour service. They now supply national predictions for insurance companies, The Eastern Daily Press, over a dozen BBC radio stations and even the odd television forecast, not to mention local forecasts for farmers in East Anglia . Dr Stephen Darling, Senior Lecturer at UEA and a director of WeatherQuest, was kind enough to show me around. Unfortunately my first question yielded a disappointing
Metrology is almost completely IT based now. The most powerful computer in Britain isn't owned by the banks or ministry of defence, it's owned by the MET office. 11
answer. "Our work isn't directed at seasonal predictions" said Darling, "but other research suggests it will be an average summer th is year". So no heat wave like last summer. Looking around the office from the broadcasting chair I could see three of Darling's colleagues each busy with a computer while on and off the phone the whole time. "Meteorology is almost completely IT based now," he says, "The most powerful computer in Britain isn't owned by the banks or airports, it's owned by the MET office." s I write this article it is the end of a rainy weekend , but the prediction at Weathe r Quest is that the rain should have stopped by the time Concrete goes to press, and the sun should get warmer and warmer giving us a wonderful weekend. This made me feel better about the lack of a heat wave, yet I was still convinced that Weather Quest were holding back some information vital to my summer planning . I tried a different tack and asked Darling to tell me the dates he'd booked for his summer holiday, but this still didn't get me very far. He was able to tell me that in an office sweep stake he'd placed a bet that July 16th would be the first day to hit 30C in norfolk this year, "But", he assured me, "This is strictly a guess, based simply on an average summer" . When I asked if global warming had any1hing to do with the heat of last summer he answered carefully with "we cannot say that Europe's heat wave last summer was caused by global warming , but those kinds of temperatures coincide with predictions on the future of climate change." Fair enough . So at least we can expect to see hot summers become more frequent , but alas just not this year. I was glad to hear that some nicer weather was round the corner, but I was still interested in the issues surrounding Britain's changing climate, and I knew the man I
had to talk to. I thanked Stephen for his time and left the WeatherQuest team to their weather questing . I was lucky enough to get th rough to Professor Mike Hulme, the Executive Director at the Tyndall Centre, a group of scientists leading research into the impacts and solutions to climate change. He too began by telling me that this summer would not see a heat wave, "these events are rare, even though global warming will make them less rare." He also explained that last summer wasn't quite the record breaker we thought it was. Although we did have one exceptionally hot week, with Herne Bay achieving Britain's highest temperature, it was not so impressive nationwide all summer long. "The summers of 1976, 1990 and 1995 were much hotter over an extended period of time and for a greater part of the UK than 2003" Hulme assured.
So at least we can expect to see hot summers become more frequent, but alas just not this year. As for planning when to book my flig hts he confirmed what I had learned at Weather Quest. "Climatologists cannot really predict day-to-day or week-to-week weather more than 7- 10 days ahead , certainly not accurately for this part of the world. So I'm making no bets about when to take your holidays this summer". However, he did let me know that he was taking his in the first three weeks of August. But there is a serious point to be made here. Although we cannot predict when and where these record breaking temperatures are going to occur, we know that they wi ll become more and more common all over the world in the following decades. And of course climate change brings events other than hotter holidays. We'll be witness to wetter winters, higher sea-levels and drier summers, causing grave problems for agriculture, other industries and entire populations. Mike left me with a message that underlines the work in the Tyndall Centre, "Climate affects just about every1hing we do so it pays to prepare for it". To find out more about weath er forecasting at the UEA visit weather quest at www.weathe rquest.co.uk, or find out about the changing climate look up the Tyndall Centre at www.tyndall.ac.uk.
Presidential Apology? Universal outrage at suggestions that UEA's president has apologised
80s pop stars honoured in costly renovation mix-up FOLLOWING a series of blunders that one anonymous source described as McompUcated but strangely endearing" the Union of UEA Students have announced major changes to their Union House redevelopment plan. Though details remain elusive, much of the confusion appears to centre around the construction of a 60-foot pewter statue of 80's pop group Mike and the Mechanics. At a press conference held yesterday, Union representative Paddy O'Batmobile attempted to draw attention away from the issue by juggling and repeatedly falling over. However. sensing some dissenters amongst the capacity crowd. he rose majestically to his feet and, with his customary lilting Japanese accent, outlined the situation. "Clearly it would have been more convention-
ally practical to have the bar we originally ordered," intoned the excitable scamp, "but the statue has many of its own advantages, not least rendering the rest of campus almost entirely immune to lightning strikes." The incident is the latest of several to involve maverick building contractors Honest Bamey"s. Only last month the company, who were initially celebrated in the press for their pioneering policy employing the elderly and infirm, provoked controversy by delivering a giant model of former Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman La.mont to Leicester City Council instead of a municipal swimming baths. Honest Barney's owner, Barbara SandHamwich, opined, "It isn't our fault if clients don't speak clearly," although he did concede that "the tick boxes for 'giant statue' and 'all
other work' may have been too close together on our order form". Back at UEA, reaction has been decidedly mixed. 10-year-old Math prodigy Ronnie Backgammon (DEV2) damned the project with faint praise, questioning if all the Mechanics v:..re entirely necessary. "I always thought Mike was the only one with real talent," he is believed to have muttered. On the other hand, many are pleased that UEA can finally compete with Oxford and Cambridge, whose respective out-sized effigies of Phil Silvers and Sir Richard Attenborough have long kept them atop the university league tables. On a more melancholy note, it is thought all Union activity will be suspended next year, to find funds for the vast tonnage of pewter required to complete the project.
One of the fake pictures.
How Mr. Clarke actually looks
In the previous edition of The UEA Enquirer, readers may have noticed our lead story 'Shock photos prove Clarke is war-mongering bastard'. The article was based upon photographs obtained by The Enquirer that suggested Charles Clarke, Norwich MP and Education Secretary, may have been WUUam the Conqueror. We have since discovered the pictures (one of which is printed on the right) were brilUantly crafted fakes. As a result, we would Uke to apologise to Mr Clarke for any distress the article caused, and re-assure readers that he neither "ruined the British Isles for generations with his fancy French ways," nor stayed our beloved King Harold." The Enquirer would Uke to promise it won't happen again. M
Over the past few days rumours have abounded that The President of the UEA. Mr. Forge Mush, may have gone on record as apologising for something, once. As usual, we have launched a full -scale investigation. Clearly, irresponsible apologies offered willy-nilly to all and sundry for minor misdemeanours or 'occurrences that were within our control to avoid' are dangerous, not least because it risks besmirching the glorious name of our righteous university. If the President were to romp around tossing out abject admissions of fault to all the rtff-raff that have been wronged by this. God's Further Education Institution, then what of our students? How would they recover from the suggestion that 'outsiders' may have reason to feel aggrieved? Would they continue to submit essays for marking if their visions of these virtuous grounds were muddied? Surely apologising for things that are our fault Is therefore an unquestionably irresponsible act, best avoided. It may even encourage those outsiders who seek to bring down our hallowed halls, furthering their misguided and divisive conceptions of the UEA as capable of error or JLoral fallibility. Questioned after his traditional, weekly, post fox-hunt dog-baiting jaunt, Mr Mush was approached over allegations that he was once overheard apologising for lightly grazing a failing student about the head with one of the university's many definitive and final style guides. "This is a gross exaggeration" said the president, surrounded by a group of staunch supporters "I may have once expressed regret that it had to happen in order for the backwards nit-wit to get it in to his thick skull that this is the way we do things here. But this doesn't constitute an apology. Don't be so rash. It still religiously implies that the fault was his own. He deserved it and brought it on himself for, quite simply. being uncivilised enough to invite my wrath. To suggest otherwise would be impious." At this he laughed, as did his supporters and this reporter - lucky enough to speak to him after the question was specially selected from many submitted a week ago to his press corps. There are those who would seek to lower the prestige of the presidential office by suggesting that the student's alleged dyslexia . apparent foreign-national status and the president's 'evident' wish to steal the young man's wallet after losing his traveller's checks on a boozy holiday. provide grounds for perceiving wrong-doing. Such factions welcomed reports that the mighty and upstanding president may have admitted fault. We caught up with one such lunatic outside one of our Illustrious leader's famous torch-lit Carrow Road rallies. He said. while salivating profusely and glancing from side to side in a most base and alien manner: "If you do something wrong you should apologise. The president's position as the figure head for our university places an extra onus on him to act appropriately and humanely. providing an example that we and the rest of the world (Ipswich) can follow. His reported murder of a student with an Item of stationery serious compromises ... â&#x20AC;˘ at this point the heathen was unfortunately killed In what was clearly an accident or suicide.
Wedn esday, May 12, 2004
Campus Comment Refunds for all? Obviously the decision by the University to reduce the rents of some students affected by the noise of the building work on Campus has to be welcomed, but as Concrete has made clear for the last year, it is not just students on one side of Waveney Terrace who are affected by the construction of Colman House. Not only has it taken more than a year for the UEA to actually do anything to compensate those affected , but the accommodations services have completely failed to take into account the huge number of students in Wolfson Close and Nelson Court who have been complaining just as vocally as those in Waveney, and in a many cases have been even nearer the building site than those who have been considered for compensation. Is it really too much for the University to treat all the students, including those in Wolfson and Nelson equally and fairly, by cutting their rent as well?
Acting Effectively The news that the Drama sector has devised a plan that could allow them to continue, and save the UEA a considerable sum of money (about £200,000 according to estimates) begs the question of how much thought the university actually gave to the decision to close the sector in the first place. The suggestions th at were made that the University had already decided to close the sector and the consultations were a sham are perhaps given some weight by the fact that a new system that will save money, and the sector has been thought of by the staff of the sector - not by the University's professional accounting systems - in the three months that they were given between learning Drama was destined for closure and the final hearing. Concrete now asks that the University Court gives the sector's plans a fair hearing, especially since many feel fairness and due process seem to have been lacking in the University's decisions so far.
Crack out the finger splints, it's exam time again - Ross Grainger wonders if exams should be tests of mental ability rather than physical endurance.
CONCRETE Editor Jim Whalley Deputy Editor Rebecca Lawrence News Editor Thom Smith Deputy News Editor Paul Vincent Photographer Jassim Happa Contributing Ed itor Toby Lewis Features Editor Toby Brunt Fashion Editor Hannah Walker Sports Editor Tom Czaban
ho writes? Trapping a th in, moist writi ng implement between you r fingers and scrawling out some thin g worthwhile. Who does that? No one. No one writes. Writing's nothing to write home about, never has been. The pen has long since succumbed, not to the sword, bu t to the compute r, lap top and mobile. People don't buy fancy writing pads and write letters, they bu y Microsoft Word , type the letter, and print it out in a fancy font our puny digits could never hope to emulate. Or they email. Coffee shops these days are swarm ing with young poets jotting down a ve rse on their Mac, not a serviette. Teenagers don't even pass love notes in class anymore, they text each other with their phones on silent mode. And when was the last time you pulled someone and wrote your number on his or her hand? lt was a barbaric age, it really was, but we're evolving now. Over mouse and keyboard our hands are stretching, reaching out furth er. Given writing's slow decline. you can imagine how surprised I was wh en, sat waiting to begin my first exam, I realised I had to
Ioodent1 1./(U.., niAT's IT I
invol ved writing. spending glued to laptop they might as well have asked me crawl after all these years of walking. Perhaps I cou ld claim disability, I thought to myself, as I struggled to keep the essay legible. My wrist is cramping up here, surely th is is hindering my performance. When you make a mistake on a computer there's no problem . 'Delete' and it's gone, never existed. That delete button gives us the freedom to write whatever we want. When yo u make a mistake writin g an essay. however (and I made plenty), the best you can do (assuming you 're working in pen) is a crazed, irate blur of black or blue 1nk. it's been a while since I had to worry about spelling something incorrectly. Simple, everyday words like 'recommend', 'tomorrow' and 'absence' were all written with a twinge of uncertainty. That little paper clip that tells you when you've made a mistake was nowhere in site. Oh, sorry little man, nowhere in sight. So what's the solution? With all the money we're spending on expanding the space we have to get pissed in th e hive we co uld have purchased laptops for the exam period. Think about it: no more cramped wri sts.
Proof Read ing Sarah Edwardes Advertising Manager Ben Millar Distribution Manager Joe Dunthorne
Concrete is published by UUEAS Concrete Society ©2004 Concrete. ISSN 1351-2773 Letters should be addressed for the attention of the Editor, Philip Sainty. Letters must include contact deta1ls, but we will consider anonymous publication. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity as neccessary. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Publisher or Editor. Use of the name The Event is by arrangement with the copyright holders, Planet Zog Ltd. No part of this newspaper may be }eproduced through any means without the express permission of the Editor. Printed by Sharman and Company. perfect spelling and grammar, no more penci l cases (someth ing as small as a pencil hardly deserves its own case) and no chance that you r brilliant thought on Bntain's waning imperialist powe r wi ll be lost on an ex am marker unabl e to decipher chicken scratch.
by Mark Kelly I
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c.a.t. Wednes:!ay. May 12, 2004
Page 17
Fi The Python's rated it a poor second to Belgium, but Finland h路as a great deal to offer. Katharine Clemow presents the case for the defense. here is a common misconception that Finland is always covered in snow and full of miserable people who drink a lot. The first part is definitely not true. While it does have its fair share of snow during the winter, I've spent two months there and never seen it rain. As soon as the snow's gone the sun shines like it's been on holiday for months, which of course it has, and the summers are long, golden and glorious. In fact it's a stunningly beautiful country all year round; threequarters of it is still covered in forest and hardly anyone lives there. lt is either crisp and sparkling with waist-high drifts of the white stuff or bathed in floods of brilliant light and soft with shadows cast by trees that couldn't care less about the changes in politics or geography that finally resulted in Finland's independence in 1917. However, the history of multiple occupations from which the nation was finally born is apparent in the existence of two official languages, Finnish and Swedish, something which is unlikely to ever change but makes going to the cinema a curious experience. With two sets of subtitles going on there's little room left for the picture. But this is a trivial inconvenience in the context of everything Finland and her people have been through. A Finnish friend in her early thirties can recall a time when the signs on restaurant doors read 'No dogs, and no Swedes', just one example of the deep running feelings of a nation that has been squabbled over for centuries.
As a visitor you really get the impression that the powers that be are trying to make it as easy as possible to enjoy the city and all it has to offer. Helsinki, the capital city, is located on the southern coast of the country and getting from the suburbs to the centre of town can involve a Metro ride over a river with breathtaking views of the Gulf of Bosnia. The ease of getting from A to B is down to a number of factors including the clean, well-maintained, punctual and impressively efficient public transport system, as well as the lack of crowds found in most commercial canters. Fewer than a million people live in the capital so even Christmas shopping is a peaceful experience. To travel around the city you have a choice of buses, trams and the underground Metro and one ticket is valid on them all. Tickets can be purchased from the drivers of buses or trams or the ticket machines or Kiosks that are everywhere. Two euros will buy you 90 minutes of unlimited travel. As a visitor you really get the impression that the powers that be are trying to make it as easy as possible to enjoy the city and all it has to offer. Cultural attractions include the Ateneum or National Gallery which hosts a wide range of beautiful works portraying the rich green and blue landscape of the country and the illustrated stories of Finland's literary heritage preserved there throughout years of political and social upheaval. For fans of modern art there's the expensive but comprehensive Kiasma. 1t would take days to see everything the controversially ugly building contains and it includes some of the strangest expressions of concern at the ways of the modern world that I've ever seen but it's worth a look. There are also churches to explore, some of them truly awesome in design, and they range from the reddy-brown Russian Orthodox building to the green domed Tuomikirkko, which overlooks the impressive Senaatintori, another market place and the centre of Helsinki's political scene. Stockman, Helsinki's department store, plays a central role in the life of the city. At Christmas it boasts the finest lights in town and its famous clock is known throughout the year as the place to meet with friends before going shopping or spending the evening at one of the vast variety of restaurants and bars. My favourite drinking establishment is one called On the Rocks. lt faces onto another big meeting place the Rautatientori, or Railway Station, and is frequented by a wide range of the city's population, from young professionals in the darkened club below to the Hells Angel-types that will bet their lives on a game of pool. Something worth bearing in mind on a night out is the strange variety of age restrictions needed to get into some places. They range from the '18' requirement we're used to here to anything up to '24' for no apparent reason so
it is advised to take ID with you. On the Rocks doesn't close its doors 'til 4 in the morning so once in you'll be able to spend most of the day and night there and there are many places that open as early as 8am which might account for the number of people you'll encounter who are permanent patrons of one or another watering hole. In winter temperatures regularly get as low as the -20s and the short days - you're looking at sometimes as few as 5 hours of light a day - mean Finland does have the most depressed population in Europe (so you wouldn't be wrong for believing the second part of the opening statement) and booze and fags help pass the time.
If you don't have a sauna expect to be sharing a communal one with multi-generational groups of blond naked people intent on getting sweaty and hitting themselves, each other, and you, with bunches of birch twigs. he long, bitter winters mean the Finns make the most of the summer months and people who go to see and be seen can be admired spilling out of the cafes and bistros that line the Esplanade. Others with humbler intentions can be found clustering around the art and craft and fruit and veg stalls at the Kauppatori, the market that sits on the very edge of the harbour. Cooled by the sea breezes you can spend hours strolling around this area and there's no better way to spend an afternoon than buying fresh produce from the friendly venders with the prospect of a picnic in the shade on the gorgeous island of Suomenlinna just a short ferry ride away. The island has great historical significance and there's lots to be seen if you're into handsome fortresses and relics of impressive military feats . But for most people the peace and seclusion is attraction enough and, as with anywhere in Finland, it is possible to
find a spot that feels totally undiscovered and revel in the isolation of a perch on a rock by the sea and the superb natural beauty that surrounds you. For a similar experience with a life span of several months a year rather than a single afternoon many Finns retire to the Summer Houses that the majority of them have access to either because they own one, can rent one, or can use one belonging to the company they work for. They tend to be made entirely of wood with lights and televisions run by solar power and, as there is enough uninhabited space for most to back on to a lake, have water pumped straight from the lake into the kitchen. lt is hard to imagine many Brits reveling in the sort of pursuit that requires a long drive to the pub and an outdoor loo but they provide a great alternative to hotels if country living is your thing , and can be obtained from agencies in the same way as cottages are let here. If you do choose to spend time in the countryside then Vasta, a weird but wonderful ritual is a must. Summer Houses usually come equipped with a sauna, the Finns have none of the issues with nudity we have here so if there isn't one integral to the house you can expect to be sharing a communal one with multi-generational groups of blond naked people intent on getting sweaty, hitting themselves, each other, and you , with bunches of birch twigs, covering themselves in honey and jumping headlong off small promenades into freezing cold lakes. You've probably heard of people rolling around in snow after a sauna, this is a similar idea and variations on the theme mean the practice can be done at any time of year. While it sounds hideous and I was initially reticent to join in I've never felt so healthy in my life and after a week by the lake I'd learned to row a boat, watched solar powered TV and swum naked under the midnight sun . Lapland, to the North of Finland, is the home of Father Chr:stmas and there's no doubt that they do winter in style, but this year the snow had gone by Easter and today it's a sunny 25 degrees. While it's drizzling and grey here Finns are heading for the beach , so now is as good a time as any to rethink your suppositions about what is often thought to be an odd, rather nondescript place: book a flight, and try the birch twig thing for yourself.
.Page 18
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Yes, it's true that UEA isn't known for its fashion sense. But we had a scout about and found that there are a lot of you that are extremely well dressed. lt's not often you get the chance to ask strangers where they got their clothes, so we did it for you. Photos by Dylan O'shea.
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Link the pants to the person. Each person was asked to describe their underwear. They were: 1.Love Kylie tie up pants. 2.Norwich City boxers. 3.Primark pants tan with brown trim . 4.Tightie whities. 5.1% spandex kangaroo pants. 6.G string . 7. La Senza black see through thong . 8.Grey boxers. 9.Biack briefs with stars. 1O.Market imitation Calvin Kleins. 11.Primark pants, black with lace trim and bows.
c.a.t. Wednesday, May 12, 2004
1.Jonesy Where are you're clothes from? Trainers, by Eros from Schuh. Jeans, by Road from Cult Clothing. Retro Zippie, Topshop Oxford Street. Belt, H&M. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite Item of clothing? My T shirt with turkeys on it. Name your style Icon. Matt Sargeson. Sum up your style ..... Pervert in a bush, big bottoms skinny tops. 2.Jess Where are you're clothes from? Skirt, Vintage from London. Black top, Urban Outfitters. Army coat- Vintage from Portobello Rd. Earings, from Australia. Or Suess badge- b'day present. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite item of clothing? My boots from Shelleys, infinately comfy. Name your style icon. Gwen Stefani. Sum up your style ..... London vintage chic. 3. Charlle Where are you're clothes from? Bag, by Gola, it was a present. Shirt, Zara mens. Hoodie, Retro Benetton. Jeans, Topshop. Sandals, Berkenstocks from Schuh. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite item of clothing? my Flip flops from Majorca Name your style icon. Rab C Nesbitt. Sum up your style .....
Unplanned, rugged shirts and jeans. Last time I went shopping last Christmas. 4.Dean Where are you're clothes from? Jeans, Self flared from Thailand. Trainers- my Brother from Cult Clothing. T shirt, Soviet Union T shirt from Egypt. Necklace from Wathamstall market. Belt H&M. Hoodie, borrowed. Cord Jacket, borrowed. Out of your wardrobe, what Is your favourite item of clothing? My Trainers Name your style Icon. Tom Patman. Sum up your style ..... Accidental suave, casual cool.
Coco Chanel. Sum up your style..... Lazy lndie. 7.Sasha Where are you're clothes from? Jacket, Camden market. Shirt, Topshop in the sale. Trainers, denim Reebocks. Jeans, Cult Clothing. Earings from Oxfam a year ago. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite Item of clothing? Polka dot dress from Monsoon . Name your style icon? My Baba. Sum up your style ..... Reasonable, colourful, affordable.
Where are you're clothes from? Cord jacket from Frank. Pink jumper, Frank. Jeans, from Oasis ages ago. Shoes, Raw. Scarf, B'day present. Shell Necklace, B'day present. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite item of clothing? My jeans. Name your style icon. Italians. Sum up your style ..... Random parrot bright.
8. Rose Where are you're clothes from? Coat, Primark. Jeans, Benetton. Shoes, Boxing boots from a sportshop. Belt, Zara. Bag, Primark. Heart earings, Cheap shop from Gillingham Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite item of clothing? My boxing boots. Name your style icon? Debbie Harry. Sum up your style ..... Different, I doni care where my clothes come from. Have fun .
6. Emma Where are you're clothes from? Nick Cave T shirt, Internet. Jeans, Dustbin . Baseball boots, Raw. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite item of clothing? Name your style Icon.
9. Toby Where are you're clothes from? Jeans, By Diesle from Philip Brown. Goodies Tshirt from T.shirtking.com . Trainers, Puma Running style, Jamaica addition . Grey hoodie, my girlfriend Lizzie's. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite
5. Liz
item of clothing? 1939 Navy Jacket. Name your style icon Lord Nelson. Sum up your style ..... Military baby eater. 10. Toshai Where are you're clothes from? All clothes from Japan. Shoes- by Camper from Spain. Out of your wardrobe, what is your favourite item of clothing? Navy Cardigan. Name your style icon. Sean Penn. Sum up your style ..... casual quirky. 11. Daniel Where are you're clothes from? T shirt, Topman. Cap, Von Dutch. Jeans, H&M. Belt, Topman . White Lonsdale trainers, Burtons. Zip up top, H&M. Out of your wardrobe, what Is your favourite item of clothing? My H&M zippie, I wear it all the time. Name your style icon? David Beckham. Sum up your style ..... Overly camp. ·SJaxoq .-()Jo I.PJMJON: ~ ~ SJaxoq ABJE) :o~ s1ued ooJe6uelj xapueds % ~ :s ·s1ued dn B!l BJIA>I BIIOl:e ·sMoq pue WJJIB:Jet 41!M lj:Jefq 'SIUed ljJeW!Jd:L ·sp04S AOQ WJJI UMOJQ 41!M Uel SIUed ljJeW!Jd:9 ·SJeiS 41!M SjB!JQ lj:Jefq:g ·sUJBI>I UJIIfe:) UOJiei!W! 19ljJe~ : t> 6UJJIS E):£ ·6u041 4600J41 aas lt:leiQ ezuas e1 :;:: ·seJI!4M BJI46!l : ~sJeMsue 1ued
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Ctlcrtll Wednesdfl , Ma
12, 2004
Pa e 21
CAPRICORN Leave town. Although it's true it wasn't really your fault, nobody else is going to believe you. Join a monastery for the next five years and it'll all blow over. I promise, it'll be fine. The little stars in the sky told me. They whisper in Spanish. ,...._ _ _.,.TAURUS Tumescent Mars in your digestive tract chart spells trouble for all Taureans that indulge in rather too much pie shovelling. Put down the piles of Fray Bentos you chubby pastryphile and have a jog, after juggling four grapes ·for an hour and wearing '---..:....--'-' your trousers the wrong way round, or you're dead. CANCER There's nothing funny about cancer, and that's the trouble. You're just not very amusing these days. Try dressing up as a Nun and assaulting shoppers in the Castle Mall this Friday, when they all realise it's you everyone will laugh . A lot. With you .
AQUARIUS Eat more. Sleep more. Worry less. Avoid exams. Have more sex. Do less work. Live in harmony. Be good. Have fun . Hug someone today -- nothing funny. Stop reading horoscopes, you don't need them . You are your own master now.
GEMINI it's been fun , stressful, and often verging on the edge of catastrophe, and now it's nearly over. You may be feeling relieved now, but you're going to miss it. lt's probably best if you go somewhere really hot to recooperate. And buy DVDs. VIRGO Say your prayers Virgo, I'm coming for you. Stop larking about on TV repeating everything "Oh, he's missed it... he's missed it!" or, "it's on ... lt's on! it doesn't add anything it's just stating the bloody obvious, a dyspraxic toddler could do the same. LIBRA Grumpy Pluto has run off with your motivation and stuffed you full of cabbage instead. Stay away from people this fortnight, your veggie breath is enough to melt granite right now. Buy a flag , this is very important. Don't ask me why. Get lost.
LEO lt's time to hand him over now. it's only going to get you in further trouble. Besides, the US have been after him for ages and there's a pretty big reward, it might just help pay off the money you've spent on your collection of spores.
ARIES Gargling with rhinocerous happy and full of tulips and summer nights you are now the best of words in the ear of the virulent chiff-chaff bubblling of trenchant dive monkeys. Only true horoscope fans will understand this, otherwise you are a faker. PISCES Fed up with your irritatingly gullible flatmate wandering round all day mumbling about gargling with trenchant dive rhinos, or something like that, you should take time to build a spaceship out of loo rolls and sell it on eBay.
SAGITTARIUS Make an effort to go an entire week without mentioning exams to another person once. Not at all. If you suceed then you will have earned the respect of Mercury, who is feeling a little tetchy of late. He will feed you toe jam through a straw.
SCORPIO Take special care, Scorpio, to make sure you fit in everything you've wanted to during your time in this world. This is your last week on earth, you have permisssion to spread your wings and buy .___ _ _ __, that pair of shoes you've always wanted.
In a career spanning fifty years Lester Shapter has refereed over five hundred football league games. Tom Czaban caught up with him to talk about refereeing in the middle east, the advent of video footage and .... sending off George Best. n the 2nd of November 1976 George Best, wearing the whites of Fulham hauled down a Southampton defender. Hearing the imminent whistle the impish Irishman jumped to his feet to hurl expletives at the presiding official. The man in black did not hesitate; he reached for his pocket and produced a red card. That man was Lester Shapter. Twenty-eight years later Shapter greets me at his Torquay home with a firm handshake and a headlamp smile. With a crop of silver hair and sporting an adidas t-shirt he still looks every inch the man who refereed 576 football league games. Shapter however, still remembers his first. Having qualified at the age of fifteen , he soon became a class one referee and was called upon to officiate a fixture between Reading and Darlington. This step up proved to be a stern test: "In the first twenty five minutes everything that could have happened to a referee happened. I disallowed a goal, awarded a penalty, sent the manager off and the linesman fell over the hoardings at the side of the pitch and broke his leg". But since then, Shaper has never looked back. His reputation grew, and he was soon knocking shoulders with some of football's greats. Moments after I have introduced myself he is chattering zealously about players such as Bobby Charlton: "he used the most foul and abusive language", and Gary Mabbutt: "I've known him since he was in short pants". And it quickly becomes clear that, while on the pitch the mark of a good referee is that he passes through a game unnoticed, off the field Shapter is
"I always kept a special eye on players like Graham Sounness and Johnny Giles as they are always more liable to commit offences." quite a character. His fifty years in the game have allowed him to travel the world and ensured that he has countless stories to tell. In 1990 he was invited to Omani (near Kuwait) to referee in a three-week tournament. The Omani football association was so impressed with his performance that after it had ended he was offered a six month contract as the country's referee's officer. He duly accepted, but soon realised that in Omani refereeing was a dangerous occupation , and he still has the scars to show for it. During an under 19 game Shapter awarded a penalty two minutes from time: "lt was a clear penalty, the goalkeeper rugby tackled the centre forward . A short time afterwards I noticed a player rush-
ing towards me out of the corner of my eye. I went to pick up the ball but before I had a chance I felt a searing pain down my right leg. I'd been kicked hard." Shapter gestures at a lump on his right leg; the kick broke the inside and outside of his ankle. Surprisingly, this was not the first time Shapter had been assailed in a game. During an Anglo-ltalian tie between Yeovil and Sari, he red carded a feisty Italian and received a punch in the chest in the melee that ensued. earing Shapter recount these incidents, I begin to ponder why anyone would choose to be the man in the middle, but he soon puts me straight: 'When you're involved you see the overall picture of a match. My focus was on the laws of the game but I also got to watch a game of football. I still get the same buzz refereeing local games today as I did all those years ago." The 1987 Littlewoods Cup Final featuring Arsenal and Liverpool is testament to how absorbed a referee can become in a match . The winner came in extra time, but Shapter was so engrossed in the game that even when it had finished he was adamant that the sides had only played ninety minutes. He had to watch the video replay before he was convinced. Of course since then professional football has become a lucrative business: ''There is so much more money in the game now. Today's referees are on structured fees, they are paid £32,000 a year, £1,200 a game and have all their expenses paid for. When I retired in 1991 I was still on £145 a match." However, these wage increases have meant that the performances of referees are under more scruti -
ny than ever. Their every decision is analysed and they are ritually criticised by fans, the press and match commentators. This is something that Shapter deplores: "I hear Andy Gray and it makes me laugh. He watches the game differently from a referee. Incidents that he dismisses as 'handbags' are sending off offences; these are the laws of the game." Nevertheless Shapter concurs with many pundits calling for the use of video replays to ensure correct decisions are made during matches: "using video footage is a wonderful idea. 11 should be used for offsides, and determining whether the ball went in and out of play, and that includes the goal line. it's just a shame that the FA have their heads in the sand. They seem to be rejecting the idea simply because they don't want to use other sports' codes of practice." Shapter also suggests that each referee should develop his own style in preparing for matches: "People say referees should not need to do their homework on players, but I did. If you don't then you're likely to miss something. I always kept a special eye on players like Graham Sounness and Johnny Giles as they are always more liable to commit offences. Fortunately Shapter had no qualms in establishing his authority over volatile players, after all his full time job was with the British police. He even marched with the British police band at Wembley which guaranteed him a unique record : "I am the only ref who can say he's played at Wembley (during a celebrity match preceding a Charity shield), ran the line at Wembley, refereed at Wembley, and marched at Wembley." Not bad considering Shapter only initially became a referee as a means of earning some extra pocket money. Anyway, back to 1976 and George Best. And a question that has intrigued me from the start: what exactly did Best say to him? Shapter looks up and chuckles: "lets just say he read my horoscope in colourful language."
Wednesda Ma 12 2004
Soapbox Whats best and wom in Sport today. .. Tom Czaban looks at the burning issues
Countdown to the Olympics
UEA crews competed in the BUSA regatta over the bank holiday weekend. This event has been described as the biggest regatta ever, comprising over 700 crews and held over 3 days . In particular there were a huge number of entries for the Novice IVs and Vllls with up to 70 crews in these categories. The fresh-faced UEA rowers were not however put off by this. On Saturday several crews progressed from the qualifying time trials into the top 24 and then through their heats to the semi finals . Moreover, Adam Carter progressed to the semi final in the sculling category, the Women's Championship VIII made it all the way to the final and finished 6th . A gutsy performance against the likes of Oxford and Cambridge! On Sunday the Women's Championship IV (Jess
e build-up to the Olympics is now entering Its final stretch - there are less than lOO days to go. But while the athletes are adding the fmishing touches to their preparation, official in Athens appear to have taken a less professional approach . Despite the Games being awarded to the Greek city in 1997. mqjor works did not start until 2000. Consequently. only 24 of 38 venues have so far been completed - and just last week the organisers suffered another major setback which aw them forced to postpone the in tallation of a huge tee! dome above the main stadium. This is a worry, but more perturbing for the newly elected Greek government is that th ese problems h ave seen th e estimated cost rise from an original £2. 7bn to £3bn. Tracey Morris: GB Marathon hope This lack of planning is di appointing - particularly when one considers how many countries were bidding to host the event in the first place. Unfortunately, it seems to have become a trend in recent years for countrie to a cept the prestige of holding such an event without con idering the work and fmancial comm.itments that this will entail. ln their defenc . before re ent world events no-one could have predicted that the Games would require such stringent secwity measut¡es. 111is security alone is et to cost lbn euros, with American. British and Israeli ath letes to be given 24-hour armed guards to protect them against terrorist attack . lt has also been suggested that athletes from other ountrie who have sent troops to Iraq sho uld be offered similar protection. and if it is decided that this is nece ary then se utity co ts are set lo rise further. These security Issues were brought to the fore last week with thr ee bombs exploding in Athens. The atiacks injured a policeman and badly damaged the station in the central clistri t of I<alilhea , near everal hotels which will be used by Olympi officials. The Olympic Commltee mu t offer a posltiv re ponse to these attacks regardless of the financial implications otherwise we could see athletes boycotting the event in the interests of their own safety. However, if Athens is able to overcome these problems and completes the project in time for the opening ceremony on August 1 l th, this year's Games promise to be a fantastic spectacle. ot only i the event returning to its birthplace for the fir t time since 1896, but al o a record 202 nations are set lo compete. Th.is number better the previous mark et by Sydney in 2000 by three countries the International Olympic omm.ittee haver instated Afghanistan and introduced East Timor and Kiribati to the competition. Amongst the 10,500 athletes set to compete is marathon rurmer Tracey Morris. Her late pu h into the Great Britain quad i surely the story of the Olympic so far. She qualified after finishing tenth in the London Marathon - an astounding performance considering h e only took the sport up a~a.in seriou ly 18 months ago. After the race the 36-year-old contact lens optician enthused. "I can hardly b lieve it. I will now have to speak to my bosses and see if I can get the Lime off work." A remarlcable story, and amongst the criticism snrrounding the pr eparation in Ath ns, a reminder of what the Olympics is all about.
Kersten Coombs) were mined to show UEA had caliber. They progressed through the heats the semi final and then on to the final. The line-up was tough : Newcastle , Cambridge (with fresh legs as they'd e vaded one of the heats} , Oxford, Nottingham (on home ground) Durham were the fi nalists. Oxford and Nottingham, who went on to win , pulled away from the start. UEA soon broke Newcastle and Durham, and for the re mainder of the bronze was fought . As Cambridge tried to pass UEA, the girls responded strongly : nothing was going to deny them , and they steamed to bronze by a second.
The original plans for the main Olympic stadium (above) may now have to be changed
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c.cntl Wednesday, May 12, 2004
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FUTSAL FINALS CUP DOUBLE FOR UEA lADIES UEA futsal teams compete in first National Championships wins, losing a playoff to York
In March the UEA Futsal
club took two teams to compete In England's first ever National University championships. The event took place In Sheffield with twelve teams competing over the weekend. It had been organised with a view that tWs would set a precedent for establishing futsal as an official BUSA sport In future years. The tournament was organIsed by Sheffield Hallam University and took place at the academy of Sheffield United's youth section. The sport, a form of Indoor 5a-slde football with a smaller ball, Is largely unknown In the UK despite Its substantial following In Europe and South Amelica. There are professional leagues In these countlies, where clubs like Barcelona and Flumlnese often run futsal clubs alongside their football teams. The UEA teams experienced mixed results, the two groups of six each Including a team from Hallam and a team from the eventual winners Sheffield University. The UEA 'A' finished thtrd after two defeats and three
'A' to finish sixth overall. The 'B' team found thetr group mu ch harder, and finIshed eleventh after an enthralling playoff with York 'B '.
However, In the first year of the club's existence, tWs was a performance to be proud of; the real achievement has been the formation of the club and the enthusiasm and commitment shown throughout the year of Its members. The club plays twice a week and has a membership of over 60 players. For most of these it has been thetr first expelience of futsal, and there has been a massive Improvement In the standard of play since the start of the year. The skills requtred are naturally similar to football, but many find the game much more fun to play than regular Indoor soccer: it is more flexible and more dependent on speed and technique. Following the successful election of a new committee. the club hopes to progress and expand In future years, and to play a part In the growth of an attractive sport which has massive potential to be as popular In Blitaln as it Is elsewhere.
Women's football side end magnificent season with an extra time cup win over Mulbaton Belles ROB MOORE
Last week UEA Women made it s cup double for football at the university when L~ey edged out season livals Mulbarton Belles 3-2 In an extra time thriller. The teams had met twice before In closely contested encounters which resulted In a 2-2 draw and a 3-2 loss for UEA. On paper the game promised much and did not fall to deliver. UEA entered the game off the back of good recent resu lts against Norwich City and Kings Lynn. For the first five minutes the game was scrappy as nerves got the better of ability. But as the game settled down it was UEA that broke the deadlock. After some good movement down the light hand side Laura Angel's cross was not cleared and fell Instead to a surplised Sally Hammerton. The former Sheffield Wednesday . starlet made no mistake, coolly slotting Anglia In to the lead. After the good start UEA failed to capitalize and allowed Mulbarton back In to the game. They began to dominate the midfield and focused passing down both flanks to good effect. It wasn't long before the
game took Its next twist. Mulbarton hit UEA on the break and caught the defence flat footed. After a desperate effort to chase back by defender Laura Angel she was judged to foul the forward In her last ditch challenge and the referee pointed to the spot. Despite a great effort by goalkeeper Gemma Nlchols her outstretched hand could not keep the powerful shot out. The first half ended 1-1 and UEA were despondent having allowed Mulbarton to get back on level terms. In the second half neither team took the Initiative, and both sides released possession too easily. Fifteen minutes In, UEA were dealt a fur-
ther blow when mldfield playrnaker Rachael Healey was forced off with an Injury. Mulbarton took control of the game and as the half wore on UEA were In danger of letting the cup out of thetr grasp. Sure enough after half an hour Mulbarton countered at speed, capping a well crafted move with a tap In from a pin-point cross. With Mulbarton still on top and ten minutes left the game looked lost but In Hammerton and Cutting UEA have two forwards who are capable of turning any game. Having weathered the storm the ball fell to Cutting on the half way line. she skipped past two defenders and smashed a 20 yard shot
In to the top corner. 90 minutes ended 2-2 and UEA brought on Catheline Barnard to tighten the defence. As players tired the pace of the game slowed with both teams m ore patient In thetr build up. As penalties loomed the stage was set for someone to make a name for themselves. UEA were not to be denied thetr first piece of silverware. After more good work by Cutting down the light her cross found Kate Urwln and with space and time she calmly placed the ball out of the keepers reach. As the clock ran down Mulbarton found no way back and the final whistle gave UEA tbetr first trophy.
UEA PAY PENALTY Men's football fourth XI lose cup final in penalty shoot out TOMCZABAN Sports Editor
Having lost just one game all season UEA's fourth XI went In to Thursday's F.J .Potter final against Canary FC brtmmtng with confidence. They h ad already twice defeated the yellow-clad side comprehensively In the league, and as such entered the game as favoulites. But tWs was not to be thetr day. From the kick-off it became clear that Canary had not travelled to Mulbarton to leave empty handed. They Immediately forced UEA on to the back foot, but having weathered the early storm it was UEA who drew first blood. Ross Langley expertly drove In a cross from the light wing and Dave Tickner steamed In to nod the ball over the advancing keeper. However, although UEA had the lead Canary still had the Initiative. They continued to press forward and were rewarded when a looping cross caused confusion In the box. The ball dropped kindly for Shaun Duffield and he gratefully guided the ball In to an empty net. The second half continued In the same vein as the first. The game was being played at a tremendous pace but clear-cu t ch ances were
sparse. Gareth John and Sam Ruddock both came close to putting UEA back In to the lead . While at the other end some smart defend ing from Tom Nash denied Canary a certain winner. With 9 0 minutes unable to separate the two sides it would have taken a brave man to predict a winner. As it happened tWs winner never came. Duling extra time both sides cancelled each other out- and when the referee checked his watch for the last time the players conceded that the only way tWs game was going to be settled was through the lottery of a penalty shoot out. Tlckner, Nash and the tire-
less Graham Roberts confidently stroked home thetr spot kicks. but unfortunately Canary were equally calculated with thetr finishing. And when Tom Casling's penalty was sent the wrong side of the light hand uplight. Canary setzed thetr chance. Darren Perry thrashed In the winner to cruelly end UEA's double winning hopes. After the game captain Nash could not hide his disappointment: "We could have played better, but it's been a great occasion for the team." However, with some convincIng wins since then, finishing top of the Norwich Business Houses League should be more than a consolation.
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Norwich City secure promotion to the top flight and finish the season as division one champions IAN SMITTON
AFTER an eighteen year gap , Norwich City have finally won some silverware by gaining promotion to the Premiership as champions of the First Division.
seven consecu tive wins saw Nigel Worthington win manager of the Month fo r April. The awards did not s top for there for the Canaries with Darren Huckerby procuring the Division One Player of the Year.
yea r. h owever. h as not been down to I JL._...,_ _ "' â&#x20AC;˘t, >~~ u a l s bu t a uniqu e s pirit. r unning from Canartes even Delia s h are holde r ing as Crystal Smith. through the manbeat Sunderland. agemen t team and the Furthermore. to the s upporters. ri es ove r Though s triker Huckerby Wa tford an d h as clearly been somemean t th at th ing of a catalyst for sucthough Norwich also have the aga ins t S und e rla nd , the title we nt to the defence in the leagu e. a not los t on Norwich fans Can a ri es as n ear est c ha lvoted s talwart centrelengers West Brom lost s u ccessive ga mes to Reading back Craig Fleming as their Player of the Year. a nd Stoke. The re is little doubt tha t Incredibly Norwich were a Norwich have fu lly deserved best price 40/ I to win th e the title; indeed a ru n of league a t the beginning of the
season. their early resul ts did little to concern the bookmakers. In September. however. Worthington m a de :...'lree inspirational loan signings: Peter Crouch , Kevin Ha rper a nd Huckerby wh o gave an al ready impressive team the extra flair needed to move on to another level. S ince the a rrival of the loan playe rs th e re h ave bee n co un tless highligh ts for Norwic h s upporters. Ra nking high must be doing the double over Ipswich , the party scenes at Watford and Huc ke rby's wo nder -goa ls agains t Cardiff a nd Wimbledon. For me, the victory again s t Walsall at the Bescot Stadium was monumental; it was tha t day tha t Norwich turned into a s ide. not tha t could just win away from h ome. but tha t could destroy a team in the style of cha m pion s. Undoubtedly next season will
be extremely di fficu lt for the Canaries and the change around in staff has already begun with legen d !wan Roberts released to pave the way for new players. Team
spirit wi ll be key for Norwich next season; Leicester have proved this season that bringing in a team fu ll of new players will not keep you in the Premiers hip. One or two
additions to Norwich's current squad though will give them a fighting chance of emulating the likes of Bolton and Portsmouth by staying in the top flight.
2) Cold Dessert, various flavours (8 ) 6) Sport a s sociated with this years Olympic h osts (8) 8) Beach es are ma de of it (4) 9) Egyption God (6) 12) Formula One team (8) 14) Concert (3) 16) Tests (5) 18) Brigh t Colour (6)
1)Trees found in hot areas (4) 3) Tropical fruit (7) 4) Location for 2004 Olympics (6) 5)Football event ... 200 4 (4) 7) Going Places (6) 8) Hot season (6) IO)Balearic Party Is land (5) ll ) Summer Shoes (7) 13) ... Rich ard s s tar of 'Summer Holiday' (5) 15) De-stress (5) 17) Way to earn m on ey , get
a ... (3)
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