Concrete issue 171 12 01 2005

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Issue 171 ·Wednesday, January 121h 2005

Sp<!Ciol Student Bar Prices in the lCR at all Student Union Disco's




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1 '•Ill ,f

Free - Please Recycle

of different drinks will be available to you at a discounted priced. So why now? Or Its about time! I hear you cry, well there has been some reasons why it hasn't happened from the beginning of the year. With the current Government's clamp down on binge drinking. as the cause of all the problems in this country. it has become important for the Union to ensure that we are passing on the message of responsible drinking. We are under the spot light since many people believe that all that students do is drink and obviously it must be the Union's fault that you drink

as much as you do!! It has been expected that the Union must lead the way on ensuring that we are encouraging responsible drinking. The lack of drinks promotions has not been the Union profiteering to pay for the Hive redevelopment: it has been a course of action to ensure that we follow a social responsibility policy recommended by the NUS. However. it has become clear that our competitors in the city that are motivated by the mighty £ . have not been so socially responsible in their attitude to selling drinks. Since it is your Union , it has been decided to offer some drinks at reduced price

to you as an alternative to crawling into the city. At every student event. whether it is society function or disco, the drinks promotions will run in the LCR and the Hive. The promotions will vary from to time to time. but at least three products will be offered at a reduced price. So take a look at the posters or ask the bar staff and they will tell you what is available at the event at a reduced price. Don't forget that the Union is non-profit making, so the money you spend in the bars helps to give funding to societies and clubs.

Ie cations officer. was also able to give another £400 to local charities. That makes a grand total of over £2.500 raised last term alone. BUT WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP ... After the terrible occurrences in the South East Asia. it is clear from the media coverage that there are people who are not as lucky as we are and that we should do every thing that we can to help those less fortunate than us. A number of events have already. been organised to provide us with the opportunity to help. At the first LCR disco of term . "Las Vegas night" on Thursday 13th January. col-

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We have learnt. from a reliable source. that at every student night this term, the LCR and the Hive bar staff are going to let loose 'PUPS' and let them run riot!! Does this mean we are going to have to sup our drinks surrounded by Labrador puppies trailing toilet rolls? The answer is no!! As cute as this may have been. 'PUPS' is the new drinks pricing scheme being brought to you by the Union's bars. At every student evening event this term that is held in the LCR -------------------~-------~-___, or the Hive. a number

Despite many of .YOU not having your loans, in the autumn term you have dug very dip into your pockets to help charity. A number of events took place throughout the term raising money for a number of charities. RAG raised through the 'Pimps ·n· Hos' disco and from the Christmas Fayre a total of £1250 which was donated to Children In Need and Shelter. The Union's bars organised a prize raffle and took donations for lots of t-shirts and mince pies. The bars raised £1190 for The Big C Appeal. a local cancer charity. From the Christmas Fayre, Cat Lumb. communi-


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lections buckets for the 'Disasters Emergency Committee' will be coming around. Also RAG Is organising another 'Pimps ·n· Hos' disco to take place on Tuesday 8th February with all the money going to the South East Asia Fund. The picture shows the Union's bars handing over a cheque for £1191.40 to Hannah Chroston of The Big C Appear. If you have any ideas to help raise money for charity or would like to volunteer your time to help. please contact Jo Wright. the Welfare Officer on su.comms@uea.a.c. uk. Let us see if we can't do better this term!!




Issue 171 · Wednesday, January 12th 2005

Free - Please Recycle






Centre Spread

PUNK Page 4





Philip Sainty Editor and

Katharine Clemow Deputy Editor Concrete is asking all students at UEA to sacrifice a few pints and donate five pounds out of their stu dent loans towards the Tsunami appeal. The amount of aid donated by the general public of all countries has stunned chartties the world over. causing many to spec-

ulate that this may be the beginning of a new era of global concern for the welfare of others. While students aren't Jrnown for being fl ush With cash, they shouldn't feel they are out of the loop. Small sums of money become big tools for change in villages that have been washed ou t to sea, a nd countries demolish ed hy the force of the giant waves. Astounded by the public reaction, the Government h as promised to match the amount of per sonal dona-

tions made by the public. If all UEA students were to donate a fiver, then they would raise approximately £65,000 for the appeal. If staff were to do the same, then the University Community would approach the £100,000 needed to send a plane full of drinking water and sanitation equipment to affected areas . If the Government matched the sum. then it would be one less cruise missile for the war in Iraq and it would be one more step towards the Government u sin g public

funds in a productive rather than a destructive way. The Union is already holding discussions about vartous fundraising methods and will be collecting money at the vartous club nights of the New Year. People With suggestions for fundraising are encouraged to see the Union Welfare Officer Jo wnght. By d onating mon ey to the cause, UEA would be part of the already overwhelming reaction of the people of NorWich. Individu als and companies

over the city have been raising money and contlibuting in many different ways towards the relief effort. Donations by the UK Public have reached more than £100 million over the weekend. With more than 6 million coming from the Anglia region. While Concrete has not learnt of anyon e from UEA reported missing there have, so far, been three people from Norfolk confirmed lost in the disaster, Local companies are also using their initiative to raise funds. The LUiie Langtry pub

on Unthank Road Is holding a chartty auction in memory of"Jez" Stephens, a 29-yearold NorWich man who was a regular customer and friend of the managers Mark and Maxlne Riches who was found washed up by his friends in Krabi, Thailand. He leaves behind a two year old little boy and the Riches are encou raging as many people as possible to get involved in fund raising to help find missing people and For more ways to help the relief effort See Page 6

SENATE • IT'S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT Tim Wilkinson LeWis New UEA governance plans will significantly reduce the

level of fair and equal representation in the University Senate, in what some are

referling to as a "medieval and archaic" process of governance. There Is growing concern that drastic reduction in the numbers of representatives that each faculty can send to Senate will marginalise many schools and give such schools no means to appeal against Senate

decisions. A dramatic reduction in the size of Senate was first proposed in the summer of 2004, but the Joint academic and administrative Committee on Governance, which is behind the proposal, Will not have officially reported unW it has made its

recommendations to the current Senate as well as to the University Council. According to outgoing Head of Philosophy Dr. Rupert Read . the meetings of the Joint Committee on Governance mark "a crucial time in the revisions of the governance procedures that

will rule the new restruc-

tured UEA". The latest proposals for the restructure of Senate include even more extreme measures than were expected by eithe r students or school r e presentatives. While it h as always been Jrnown that the committee

would recommend a reduction in the size of Senate from over a hundred representatives to a much more manageable number, it Is becoming obvious that changes in the name of Legitimate reason for 'slimming '? See Page 6


4 conc rete. news @ .uk

Concrete 1\ l!dn n du,-. .lm11wrY 121"- 2005

CAR PARK CONTROVERSY REACHES NEW HEIGHTS MULTI-STOREY CAR PARK ATTRACTS NATIONAL ATTENTION AS STAG PREPARES FOR FIRST OPEN MEETING Philip Sainty Editor S u s ta ina bl e Tra n s port rt t UEA h as become a m aj or ta lkin g point s in ce th e pla nn ed Mu lti-Storey Ca r Park attrac ted m ore m edi a a ttenti o n over the C hiis tmas brea k . The Turf sec ti o n h as been cove ring the s tory s in ce th e beginning of th e Academic yea r. but it h as taken a few m o nth s fo r th e co ntrove rsy of th e p roposa l to grt in loca l and n a ti on rt l covc rr1gc in a vrt ri e ty o f m edi a o utl ets . incl udin g Socie ty Gu a rdia n . ITV a nd th e BBC. a well as a sa tiJ; cal piece in PI;vatc Eye . The is sue has become so h ig h pro fil e th a t th e Susta ina ble Tra nsp o rt Ac ti o n Gro up (STAG) a re ho ldin g th e ir fir s t ope n m ee ting to discuss th e issue . The m eeting wi ll be attended by res ide nt s groups . m em bers of the Co un ty a nd City Counc ils and var ious Carbon Reduction initiatives and organ isations. As yet. th ere is no con firm ed attend ee from the University ad ministrati on . STAG representative . Beth Bracket. h as o utlined the agenda of the m eeti n gs. ··w e decided that the a ims were positive ones - to get

people interested a nd knowledgable a bout local trans port in the sam e room. and to d iscuss the present issue but a lso to for mul a te th e basis fo r a plan and aims and objectives for a sustainab le transport future for UEA a nd the s urrounds."' The co nte ntion a rises over whether th e UEA. with a world -renown ed sch ool for Environmental Science and

Study. s h ould rea lly be look ing at alternative. more '"p ro gressive'". solutio ns to trans po rt problem s. rath er than buying into more "tradition al'" a pproach es . The cost of the sch eme has a lso b ecome problem atic, with exp enses estimated at £12 million . It h as b een pointed out th a t thi s s ee m s an excess ive runount for a University that is s upposedly h a ving finan -

Resident Thtors

cial diffi culties . Professor Tim ENV O'Riordan. who will b e cha iring the m eeting . h as said of th e vru;ou s proposals. '' It is important that th e University enters into seiious dialogu e with a wide range of interested parties on this iss u e. The University of East Anglia has a wo rld respected r ep utatio n for environm ental science

res earch and tea ching . This includes offeiin g advice on sustainability practices for businesses and t h e commu nity ge n e ra lly. S ure ly we sh ould be leading th e way in o ur own s u stainab ility. I hope the Univers ity administration takes th e demands for co n s u ltation on board a nd utilises o ur experts in establis hing an enviro nmen tally sustainab le travel and

tran s port future for th e cam pus" . The open m ee ting will take p lace on Monday 17t h J a nu ary in room 1.28. STAG are welcoming anyon e who wishes to attend and h ave put out a request for assistance organis ing the event. See letters , page 24


Applications are now invited from highly motivated, enthusiastic and suitably experienced full-time students and members of staff for appointment as Resident Thtor for the academic year 2005-06. Students spending next year abroad should also apply now for appointn1ent in September 2006. Reside nt Tutors we lco me students when they first mo ve into residences, provide inform ati o n a nd suppo t1 to he lp them manage the transition to university life a nd , throug ho ut the year. arc avai labl e to deal with iss ues of welfare and good orde r. By using their med iat io n and problem-solving skill s, Res ident Tutors he lp ma inta in a bal a nce betwee n the interests of individua ls and the community in res idences . Successful appl icants w ill have exce ll e nt a ll -round people sk ill s, be no n-judgmental, able to e mpathi se with the acade mic problems commonly ex pe rienced by stude nts, have good wrill c n and spoke n E ng li sh, good time management skills. the ab ility to fo ll ow c learly defined proced ures, flexibility and a w illingness to work un social hours. This appointment wi ll be subject to a crimina l record check from the Cri min al Records 8 urcau . Further particulars arc av a il able fro m the Dean of Students ' Office Reception or from·anet/welcome.html (cli c k o n to R es ide nces) .

There are 2 closing dates for applications : Friday 17 December 2004 (applicants will be invited for interview or informed that their appli cati on is unsuccessful hy 11 February 2005) 28 Ja nua ry 2005 (applica nts will be invi ted for inte rview ot· infom1ed that their application is unsuccessfu l by 18 Ma rch 2005).

From the start of the year t h e Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FO!A) ca m e into force in public authm·ities t h at h ave fu n ctio n s in E n gland. Wales and/o r Northern Ireland. Under this act. anybody m ay request informa ti on from a pub li c auth o ri ty. This app lies to UEA. where everyone both in and outside the university h a s a lig ht of a ccess t~ inform ation. The act cove rs al l digita l and piint records that a re h e ld by th e unive rsity . wheth er current or a rchived . UEA 's poli cy is to provide peop le with information t h ey n eed tha t is h eld by th e uni ve rsity. Accord in g to th e s ta tem e nt on th e website . UEA is "co mmitted to promoting public und ers ta nd in g of its n a ture and activi ti es via th e sys tem a tic publi ca tion of a ll releva nt infor m a ti on ". Piior to th e FO!A. UEA was und er the Publica ! ion s Sch em e. m a nda ted by the FOI act. As a publi c a u tho ri ty. it was UEA's duty to provide a fi n ding tool for a ll UEA info rnwtion th a t is pro duce d r eg1II rt r ly. T h is in c lud es pros p ec tu ses. m a ps an d g uid a n ce info rmal io n a nd is n pp roved by th e lnformnti on Co mmissio ne rs Office.

Pictu re by Philip Banks

Wilfi e ffect of the new Act. people can ask for inform a tio n which is not published . as well as what is previou s ly publis h ed . In so m e cases fees will be introdu ced. but only for th e la rger requ ests . Obliga tions h a ve b ee n put in p lace in accordance wilh lhe Act. Requ ests can on ly b e ca rri ed thro ugh d e pe nding on wh eth e r th e info rm a tion is availa ble 'in th e fir s t place. David Pr1 lme r. ac ting Info rma ti o n Po licy Office r r1 t UEA ex pla ins th a t an a ppro pria te limit of eightee n h ou rs resert rc h li m e h as bee n im ple m en ted to sec ure a bound rt ry on requ es ts. In fo rm a ti on so u g h t is e n ti re ly rt t th e req u es ter's di s tTcti o n . t h o ug h th ey are required to give a contact n a m e rt ncl a dclrcss/ te lepho n e number. a we ll rts a ce rt n in nmo unt of claJ;ty to

a vo id ove r ge n e ralisation . ''This is whe re the a ppropii a te limit is n ecessary". exp la ins Mr Palm e r. UEA mu s t r es pond with in 20 wo rkin g cl ays of ea ch requ es t m a d e . Each facu lty and de pa rtm ent \viU1in UEA h as a spe cific FO!A conta ct who th e Poli cy Info rm a ti o n Offi ce r will li a ise with in order to res po nd to req u es ts a s q ui ckly as possible and lo ga in a d vice o n wha t in fo t·m a ti o n is exe m p t fr o m requ ests . Mr Pa lm cr argu es t h at t h e s ea rc h fac ili ty. whi ch is now ava il a b le a t www. u ea is d/fo i/ is a qood resea rc h tool fo r those who wnnt to sea rch for UEA s pecifi c info rm r1 lion . Thou gh thi s Ac t is closely a lig ned \vith th e Da ta Protec tio n Act. pe rso nal info rm a ti o n rega rd ing s tud ent s a nd s ta ff v-.'i ll rem a in pro tected.







Bottles of Vodka Vibe & Carlsberg 1 0

all night





6 from Front page effi cie nt man agem ent m ay end up d a m aging S en a te's ab ility to fun ction as th e supreme acad emi c exec u tive body of th e Univers ity. Other m embers of uni ve rs ity faculties h ave b ee n unwillin g to co mme nt on th e iss u e. h oweve r. Dr. Read rem a rked. "1 ca nn ot fo r th e life of m e see what th e a rg u m ent is for s li mming down S en ate so dras tically th a t many Schools \vill h ave n ot re ps on it a t a ll". The n ew proposals. if put into e ffect. t:hrer~te n to turn th e univers ity into a fi efdom or wo rse. a po lytechn ic. The office of U1 e Vice-C h a n cellor declined to co mment. on the ground s that it is "ina ppropriate to discuss ch an ges to the co m position of S en a te b efore the governance working group 's reco mm e nd a tions have b ee n consider ed by both S enate and Council. " Rumours circula ting in late 2004 indicated th at the n ew proposals would axe th e m ajority of School rep rese ntatives a nd ins tead a llow each of th e Univers ity's four f aculties to elect two Senate re presentatives from witl1in th eir Schools. It now see m s likely th at. a lthough the number of re presentatives from eac h facul ty lvill b e t ht·ee rath et· than two. U1e proposals a re worse than was exp ected in o tl1er ways. beca use these t hree re presentatives lvill b e a ppointments by the Dean from Front page res tore th em to t h eit· fa mi lies and go towards deliver ing a iel to th e s uffe ting people in the d evastated a t·eas. The a u ction ta kes place on ftid ay. 21st January from 7 a nd t here h as a lread y bee n a wide ra nge of items generously d on ated for a u ctio n. including a hot a it· balloon tid e. There will a lso be a raffl e for s m a ller ptizes with t ick e ts go in g on sale o n Mond ay a nd Max ine is en co uraging a nyon e with a nything they would like to don ate to the ra ffl e to dro p it into th e pub or to call 01603 767700 whe re you ca n a lso get furth er informa ti o n o n U1 e event. fund ra ising nclivilies a nd co mmemorative even ts have been goi n g o n in NOr'\viCh and the SUITOU ncl -

of th e f ac ul ty a nd will not re present differe nt S chools. This is a so urce of pa ttic u la r co n cern to s m a lle r S c h ools whi c h m ay be threaten ed wit h closure - in lh e last year this lis t incl ud ed LLT a nd Dra m a. Under th e n ew proposals. th e vast m aj ority of Sch ools will n ot ha ve th eir own rep rese nta t ive on Sen a te a nd so wo uld not eve n h ave a ch a n ce to m a ke th eir own a rguments in S e n a te m ee tin gs . Th e d ecis ion la close a S ch ool co u ld be m a d e in th e a b se n ce of any re prese ntative from th r~ t Sch ool - a nd s u c h d ecis ions a ffect eve ty one in th e S chool. including fac u lty m embers. a clminislra tm·s, a nd s tud ents. The J oint Committee on Governa n ce offi cially presents its reco mmend a ti on s to the existing S en a te on 2nd Ma rch. Based on curre nt knowled ge of its deliber a tions . it see m s th at m a ny Schools a re in danger of los ing wha t tights they h a ve to self-determination . Even a tonecl -clov.rn vers ion of these pro posals would see m to indicate th a t d emo cr atic r e prese ntation in Senate is o n th e way out. Dr. Read - a lso stud ent lia iso n r e p fo r th e AUT rem a rked tha t "UEA is in th e unfmtunate position of ha ving a Sen ate th a t might end up as li ttl e m o re th a n a cosy co mmiltee of a dministrators a nd acad emics lacking any plausible clai m to re presen t th e Un iversity as a wh ole ." ing a rea co nslrt ntly s ince th e Boxin g Day disas ter These h ave ra n ged fro m schools. U1 eatr es. a nd la rge a n s s m a ll local compa ni es m a ki ng don a tions. a specia l fundra is ing bingo clay. a nd Churc h es th r ough out the region h ave h eld specia l set-vices. often open to m em bers of a ll re ligion s. to pray for th e people who have di ed a nd th ose le ft beh ind in Indonesia. India. St·i Lanka and Tha il a nd w h o now h ave to re build the ir . s h a tt ered lives: a nd to exp ress the ir feelings of loss a nd belvild erme nt at the huge scale n a tura l disaster. There a re m any \\lays to ge t invo lved a nd do you r bit to make a cliiTerence . Th e Brit is h Reel C ross (www.recl cros an d oth e r c h a!'i ti cs a re as king peo ple to donate directly to the


Wedn esday, Januarv 12 1h. 2005

BENEFIT OR BURDEN? NEW STUDIES QUESTION THE VALUE OF DEGREES J essica Field er A rece nt Gu a t·di a n study re port ed th a t over a th ird of s tud ents taking jobs immedi a tely a fter gra du ation a t·e e nte rin g 'n o n -gr a du a te ' ca reers. The press ure to pay off s tud ent loan s often pu s h es gra du ates into jobs whi ch h ave n o relevance to the ir d egree . This is likely to leave th e m three yea rs b e hind their n on -gradu a te peers on th e caree r la dd er. with th e extra burde n of loans to repay. ·But the Departm ent for Education a nd Skills co n tin u es to b e lieve that now rem a ins a ·good lime to be a g rad u a te'. This vi ew is reenforced by th e Gra du a te Ma rket Trends report which predicts that average g ra du a te sala ries this summer will r each £2 1.997 . The re port. b ased o n j obs a dve t·tised through the Prospec ts Directory. hig h lights the fact that three-qu a tie rs of vacan cies a re open to all gradu a tes. rega rdl ess of degree s ubj ec t. thus emph asis ing the con ceived importa n ce of s kills d evelo ped during the Unive r s ity exp eri e n ce . IT

Eme rgency Disas te rs (DEC). th e Co mmittee umbre lla o rga nisa ti o n res pons ible for co-ordinatin g the r elie f e ffort. Dona tions of old mobil es a nd pl'inler ca t·tridges ca n be m a d e to e urosource by t·inging 0 8 712 50 50 50 a nd getting a ft·eepost bag. Concrete f ashion Editor Ann a Stewa rd and Libe ra tion's Offi cer fra n Stapleton are doing a sponsored 48 b out· fast a nd 1vill have a ta ble in the Hive whe re you ca n put yo urself clown to s pon so r th e m. Concrete lvi ll a lso be o pen ing a c ha rity acco unt in ou r b id to s upport th e aid effort a nd d o n at ion s can be brought to the office . The n a m es o f th ose that do don ate 1vill a ppear in th e next iss u e of th e pa per.

and fin a n cia l car ee rs contin u e to b e particularly lu cra tive choices for g rad u a tes. Eyes will t urn to Ruth Kelly as s h e commen ces h er first full term as Education Secreta ry a midst the run up to the Gen eral Election . An iss u e whi c h is b o und to ca u se confli ct is the gove rn m ent target to e n courage

fifty per cent of young people into Highe r Education . This will no doubt accompa n y ongoing con ce rn that top -up fees. du e to be a pplied to students starting University study fro m Se ptember 2006 . will increase d ebt h eld by g ra du a tes. It will b e inte resting to see how th e gove rnm e nt

add resses th ese iss u es over the n ext few m o nths. Let u s hope that th e problem s facing g rad u ates a re acknowl edged a nd we begin to see so m e a n swers to the growing questions about h ow top -up fees will lessen th e fin a n cia l press ure o n both ins titu tion s a nd individua ls.

SPORTS CLUBS AND SOCS SOCIALS TO CHANCiE UNION TO PlAY GREATER ROLE IN ORGANISING EVENTS Sarah Watson A change is on th e hmizo n fo r future S ports night s a nd Union fin a n ce Office r . J amcs Dra kefo rcl . is doing hi s best to sell th e idea to eve tyon e. The ch a nges 1vill affect th e way Sporlsnights a t·e a rra n ged a nd co nducted . Currently. th e eve nt s a re pa id for and a rra n ged by the cl u bs a nd socie ti es th em selves. This h as often proved to be both tim e-co nsuming and money-d evou ring. with retu rn s so m etimes co ming in at a m ere £ 15. The new. rece ntly a nno un ced system will s ee th e e ntertainments (Ents) team \vi thin th e Union ta king over the o rga ni sing and responsib ility from clubs and ~ocic ti e s a like . The idea is that a ll aspects of th e S po rt s night s will be h a n clled by ente rta inments crew m e mb e rs. from a rra ng in g th e DJ a nd door staff to d n'is ing a ppropriate publicity. The la tter will ce rta inly b ene fi t fro m th is a rra nge m e nt . as it is o n e of the m ost costly elem ent s of putting on a s ocia l eve nt. In the pas t. th e inilinl

the clubs a nd societies who costs of condu cting a night h ave c rippl ed the inta ke: but h ave end eavoured to ra ise und er th e n ew sch em e th e the cas h themselves. But th e Un io n is keen to point out Union will a b so rb th e in itial expen ses. leaving roo m fo r t hat requ ests will not simply be refu sed for non -particigreate r profit m a rgins. While the pla nning a nd o rga ni sapating clubs . tion will be down to t h e Enls for thi s r eason. a ll clubs a nd s oc ieti es will b e encourtea m . C lubs and Societies a re s till we lcome a nd . aged to put on socia l n ig h ts. It is stressed by Mr. indeed. e n cou raged. to s u gDra keford th a t "money for gest themes. clubs a nd societies co m es The way tic kets a re sold thro u gh what we put on ". will a lso be reform ed . with th e Union rt ll oca ting num - This is a tme s ta tement fo r bers of t h ese to clubs. from · a ll faciliti es run by th e Un ion. such thr~t th e stan th e sale of th ese tickets. th e d a rd we h ave g rown a ccusrespective clubs 1vill keep h a lf of wh at they ea rn . whil e tomed to wo uld not-be possi ble 1vith out co n sta nt fundth e other h a lf wi ll go s tra ig ht back into the Uni on . If. fo r ing. The new Sports ni gh ts exa mpl e, fifty ti c kets a r e a re anoth er avenu e through iss u ed to a patiicular c lub . wh ich to gain such fund s . h e lpin g c lub s · w hil s t a t a price of £ 2 each . £50 incomes us ing th e ad d ed will go to the club. a nd £50 in re ntive. to t h e Un ion. In essen ce . Ih e club cou ld be earning more People may be resistant than it wou ld be normally to ch nnge. but Mr. Dra ke fo rd asks u s to understand th a t lvithout the usua l effort . and th e Union ga ins extra fu11cls . th e n io n is "not pro fH -m a k ing. but pro fit -ge n e rr~ tin g " . Anoth er asp ect is tha t club w ill e llecli ve ly h <we T he ftmd s tha t go in to r~ ll Uni o n p roj ec ts. in clu ding th e ir participa ti o n in th e c-lu b s r~ n d societi es. h ave to Sports ni g ht s m o nit o rn l. Those clubs th a t do lake be ea rned by t h e Uni on in pa rt in this sc h em e will be the firs t p lnce. So fa r. Mr. DrakcfOI·cl has t·cccivecl no up o n m o re loo ked fa voura b ly by th e Union n ega tive feedback a bou t the wh en th ey are in need of c ha nge. fundin g . as it will iclent i(v

oR\ ALLN\GHl ~US\0

S p..pPr:J

8 concrete. news@ uk


Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

''THIS IS THE STUFFOF NIGHTMARES'' HOUSEOF LORDS RULING CONDEMNS PROCESSOF INDEFINITE IMPRISONMENT WITHOUT CHARGE Juliet Hanis Legal Editor Over the Christmas break the House of Lords momento usly ruled that the current Government policy of detaining suspected terrorists without charge indefinitely is unlawful under the European Convention of Human Rights, just one day after the sudden resignation of Home Secretary David Blunkett. Sitting in the case of A and Others v Secretary of State for the Home Department as a nine-man panel - something done only in exceptionally important cases - the House of Lords produced a decision that has heartened supporters of the detainees and Human Rights Campaigners. Conversely. the decision has potentially caused chaos in a Home Office already vulnerable after the controversy surrounding the resignation of the man largely responsible for introducing the laws in the frrst place. The deci sion is widely considered to be one of the most important produced by the House of Lords. the highest court in the land. for 50 years. The Anti-Terrorism Law questions were rushed through Parliament by the Government as a response to the September 11th attacks in America and subsequent concerns over the safety of British citizens. The laws mimic the approach of the US to the situation . They state that a non-British national can be indefinitely detained if he or she is suspected of being a terrorist and therefore of being a

national security risk according to the ''reasonable belier of the Home Secretary. The Government was originally able to pass such a law by "opting out" of the European Convention of Human Rights. where Article 5 states that indefinite detention without trial or charge is never permissible. The UK has been the only European country to do so. arguing that as America's most high profile ally in the consequent "War on Terror". it was at the highest risk from terrorist attack. Sixteen Muslim men have been detained under the Act, virtually all Asylum seekers from countries such as Algeria. Morocco. Egypt and Tunisia. None have chosen to return to their own countries because they would be at risk from torture and. in some cases. death. All have wives and families in the UK. The men have never been charged and have had no evidence presented to them. The Government has admitted that it lacked enough admissible evidence to prosecute the detainees when they were frrst arrested. Whilst they were granted their rights to hearings before the Special Immigration Appeals Committee (known as SIAC). most of the evidence that the Government could actually produce was heard by the panel of judges in secret and without the detainees or even their lawyers present. Gareth Peirce. the leading Human Rights solicitor representing 8 of the detainees. claimed that detention had driven four detainees to madness and that U1e mental health of a further four had been "seriously affected".

The detainees appealed to the Lords. having lost their case in the lower Court of Appeal. Whilst the Government may have been briefed about the result of the case in advance. it surely could not have expected the heavy majority (8: 1) nor the pure ferocity with which the Lords dismissed its policy. Lord Bingham pointed out that opting out of the European Convention of Human Rights in the way that the Government had done is only allowed where there is a "public emergency". Whilst this may have been acceptable at the time the law was passed. directly after the 9 /ll terrorist attacks. more than three years later it certainly was not. The Lords also ruled that the laws were unlawful

because they discriminated against "foreign" national terrorists. There are no similar provisions to lock up and indefinitely detain without charge British nationals suspected of terrorism. Lady Hale considered what woulc;l happen if 'black'. 'disabled'. 'female'. 路gay路 or similar unalterable characteristics replaced 'foreign'. "Would it be justifiable to take power to lock up that group but not the "white". "able bodied". "male" or "straight" suspected international terrorist? The answer is clear - NO. Attorney General Lord Goldsmith QC. representing the Government. attempted to persuade the Lords that. as an unelected body. they were not in a position to decide such important matters of national security pol-

icy. whereas the democratically elected Government was. However. in rejecting this. Lady Hale stated that "it is not for the executive (i.e. the Government) to decide who is locked up for any length of time. let alone indefinitely. Only the courts can do that. Executive detention is the antithesis of the right to liberty". Lord Scott went as far to say. "indefinite imprisonment on grounds not disclosed is the stuff of nightmares. associated. whether accurately or inaccurately, with Soviet Russia in the Stalinist era and now with the UK". Nevertheless. Declarations of Incompatibility (usually made under section 4 of the Human Rights Act) do not bind the Government. nor do

they act as a remedy for the detainees. who remain in detention until such a time as the laws are changed and are effectively currently in limbo. However. the decision is hugely embarrassing for the Government. If suggestions that it timed the resignation of David Blunkett to coincide with this decision are true. then it has backfired in the most spectacular way and has left the Government. especially the Home Office. looking ragged and panicked. Furthermore. the director of the Human Rights group Liberty Shami Chakrabarti stated. "I just do not believe that the Government would be so foolish as to flout the clear and unequivocal advice of the highest court in the land". Wednesda\', Jarwarv J2 h, 2005 1


LOCALACTION OVER SPRINGER SHOWING AS THEBBC BROADCAST THEATRE VERSION OF HIT TV SHOW lions from the show such as 'the cheating lover·. 'the chick with the dick' and Deputy Editor members of the Ku Klux Klan. The swear words and blasphemy of the songs in orum as the the sho~ted 0 tside BBC screened st End many V1ewers to prot'!.st smash Jerry Sp .r: The a~~ it being broadcast Opera to desprea u~ming that it's offensive rage. D m tlons were and the BBC has a responsistaged acros'l t ~untry bllity to uphold boundaries fo)lowing th rBBC's r\;fusal of taste. l'o pull the broadcast despite However it Is the portraya record number of corn- al of religious figures in the plaints. The chat show has Second Act. including Satan. always courted controversy Jesus and God that sparked for its presentation of off the majority of the almost strange people and their twenty thousand complaints even stranger problems as the BBC received prior to the well as the language dsed by Saturday night broadcast bolh guests and audience demanding its withdrawal. members. Gail Halley of the Ho ly The people behind the Trinity Church on Trinity stage show claim that the Street was involved in organopera has a moral message !sing the Notwich protest, which addresses the role of one of nine that took place the chat show and the around the country. She responsibilities the h ost has hasn't seen the opera but to the guests who confess all feels she has read enough in front of 17 million people about it to consider it 'horrion national television. It b le, and destructive' saying does this by reproducing her main objection to the typical characters and situachat show,' which she has

Katharine Clemow

seen. is that it trivialises people's problems. Three people who attended the peaceful protest. Rusty and Mike Hughes, and Frances Miller of the Witard Road Baptist Church, said they did so becau se they feel the time has come for Christians to take a stand in the way matters of common decency, and even law, are handled and upheld. Rusty stated firmly that she feels, "The Lord Jesus Christ was born and died on the cross for and we will not see him vilified like th is". She is referring to the portrayal in the show of the figure of Christ in a nappy. calling himself"a bit gay", and having a fight with the devil. Many will say it is only a work of art and shou ld not be taken too seriously but the approximately 200 people who formed the demonstration ou tside the Forum have taken what they see as an affront by the BBC on taste and decency to heart and say they will use their votes to weild change.


CLARKE PROMOTED NORWICH MP FACES NEW CHALLENGES Phil S ainty Editor Cabinet re-shuffles following the resignation of shametl MP David Blunkett has seen the much-critiqued Notwich South MP, Charles Clarke stepping away from the marginalisation of students and progressing to the marginalisation of asylum seekers. Clarke leaves a legacy that few would be proud of. Adrian Ramsay. the Green Party Councillor has said of the decision. "I congratulate Charles Clarke on his appointment as Home Secretary and throw down a challenge to him to move away from the 'climate of fear' approach of David Blunketl. The main thing that Charles Clarke wlll be remembered for as Education Secretary is introducing divisive and unpopular university lop-up fees. He has also encouraged councils to lake up PFI schemes for school building and maintenance work which have proved disastrous in Norfolk. I very much hope that his approach as Home Secretary will be more

progressive." Clarke was formerly President of the NUS and the hypocrisy of his actions during his time as Education Secretary was raised by NUS National President, Kat Fletcher. In her response to his new appointment she said. "We would like to thank Charles Clarke MP for his work as Education Secretary. We are disappointed that as a former NUS President who received full grants whilst a student. brought in the top-up fee bill and in doing so, jeopardised the future of Higher Education and signalled a life of debt for those with aspirations to go to university." Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Notwich South, Andrew AaldersDunthome, has also railed against the new Home Secretary. Citing the Indefinlt Detention of suspected terrorists, AaldersDunthorne has pointed out that, "On Charles Clarke's first day as Home Secretary he was told that the Government's policy is illegal. It is his job to ensure the law is repealed." Some pea-

pie are suggesting that the resignation of Blunkett came just in time to avoid any repercussions from the Lords' decision. Nevertheless, Clarke shows no signs of repealing the controversial Identity Cards Bill that was hurried through Parliament over Christmas. Most Political commentators are predicting he will continue in his unquestioning attitude to the party line. Meanwhile, there is little confidence that the new appointee, Ruth Kelly. will signal a change in the Government's approach to Higher Education. The NUS President does display some optimism "As a politician with a strong financial background. we look forward to working with Ruth Kelly on the most pressing financial issues facing students and the Higher Education sector. We are keen to specifically ensure U1at the Education Maintenance Allowance is widely available and easy to access and to ensure that the Higher Education sector continues to nourish". Let us hope her wishes are fulfilled.

The Student Advice Centre is keen to allay the fears of first year students on the subject of fmding a house for their second year. At this time of year, many rumours traditionally begin to circulate about housing for students; mainly in context to problems that may be encountered in finding a suitable property. Students are often urged to find a house as quickly as possible during this term in order that they do not get left behind in the househunting procedure. It is often said that students who begin looking for a house

earlier will ultimately end up with a better property. However, the Advice Centre wishes to quash these rumours. Whilst some students may Indeed wish to begin looking for properties immediately. the Advice Centre wants to remind students that the Unionapproved house lists will not be published until March. These lists feature many suitable houses and all landlords have been thoroughly checked by the Union. The list features houses from both letting agencies and private landlords in Norwich. Whilst it may be tempting to sign up for the first suitable house that is found, the Advice Centre also wishes to stress that houses on the list may

not be available before its publication. Students cou ld therefore miss out on renting a better property simply by being too keen to take the first available house. The advice is clear; by all means check what Is on offer in the letting market but do not let ill-informed rumours force you into finding a property too hasti ly. Another service provided by the Union is the checking of contracts. This helps to prevent unscrupulous landlords placing unethical or even illegal clauses in contracts. Students are urged to take advantage of this service as it has helped many households in the past. The Union will release details on this service during the course of the term.

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Th e Ho m e Offi ce r ecently announced th a t it was co n side ring an inc rease of visa· fees fo r int e rn a ti ona l s tu C urre ntly. th e d e nts. ch a rges for a s tud ent visa a r e £ 155 a nd it is now pla nn ed to rai se th em up to £ 400. even if th e s tud e nts· stay in the UK is only for on e se m ester. Vrinda Shah (SWl< 3 ). fro m India . is s urpri sed to hear about th ese stud ents visa reform pla n s a nd reacts like m a ny other of h er fellow UEA int e rn at iona l s tud ents: ··This is a lot of money for a visa!"· . But the Hom e Office argu es that th e ir pro posal o n increased visa charges cou ld save Ul\. tax']Jaye rs a lot of money. talking a bo ut a pproxima tely £ 100 mill ion . UEA h as n ea rly 1000 ove rseas stud ents from o ut s ide th e E U. Wh ereas s tu dents from EU -m emb e r co untri es pay h om e fees for th eir co urses. the other inte rn ationa l students have to pay at least £8 .000 tuition fe es for an und ergra du a te cou rse and up to £ 15.000

for a pos tgrad u a te co urse. fun cti on and to guar a nt ee a Tu it ion fees are a lready quality and wo rld wi d e repunder a nnu a l increase and utab le high e r cclucat ion. now eve n visa charges are Therefore. th e unive rs ity"s co ncerned in th e futur e . a im is to at tract int CI:!_1<J.\.iBfrFurU1er?rW..C:-- \.i.!.j.~.ex pen s a l s tud ents ~ ·tt:1cty 111 th e cs in th e Ul< a rC' very pigh for UK. as ~ive rs 1t y·s ilfe 1s inte rn a tion a l s tud ents.~..!.:nri c hs;, by the cu ltural clue to low C'xc h a n ge rates . cl ~t y th ey bring w ith Their a bility to have a s tu them . dent j ob is very res tri cted to Yet. to wh at exiC' nt high 20 hou rs per week a nd gen er visa ch arges in th e UK will cra lly it is difficult to find a have a n impact o n th e job. to obtain a National rec ruitm ent on overseas s tu ln s ura n ce number and even dents at Unive rs ities ca nn o t to o pen a bank account with be pred icted a t this s tage as everyth ing und er strict regu it is s till un ce rtain whC'ther la tio n s. this proposa l will be carri ed On th e Guardian out or n ot. Des pite a ll those Unlimit ed webs ile. it was finaJ1 Cial con ce rns. th e UK claimed th a t the current visa rem a ins a popula r place to ch a rges a lready ca u se s ignifs tudy for inte rna tiona l stu ica nt h a rd s hip a nd that dents. but inc reasing visa increasing the se fees is very fees might a fTeci thi s a t lractiven ess. likely to deter overseas st u d ent s from co ming to the The qu es tion arises. UK. Th e British Council. wh at ca n we do in orde r to Universities UK and m a n y s lop this pro posal from th e other in stit uti ons s h owed Home Office to b e passed ? th eir concerns in th e m ed ia On th e UEA Union we bsitC' by warning th at tl1i s rise in http :/ f www.s lu .u uk / fees co uld damage thC' UK"s newsite. you can find furth e r reputation a broad a nd information on this topi c th e r e for e want th e ll o m e and. m oreove r. a mod e l of a Offi ce t o r eco n s id er th eir provis iona l letter to print out proposa l. UK unive rsitie outlining differ e nt worr ies now d epe nd on intern a tional concerning thi s proposal s tud ents. n ot ju s t fin a nc ially which ca n be se nt t o but a lso by th eir cultura lly Norwich S o uthMP Ch a rles dive rse contributi o n s. to Cla rke .

Hel e n Pike News Editor Ta lented student·s h oping to enrol a t th e Un ive rs ity of Eas t Angli a this S e pte mber a r e to ben e fit from a dona tion by a former Iraq i re fu gee. Naim Dangoo r. a n Iraqi businC'ss man . is don a ting a total of £ 1 million in sc holars hip fund s s plit b e twee n 1000 s t ucl ents taking places a t th e 1994 Group of univer s ities. which inclu des UEA. Wh C' n th e Baat h Party ca m e to power in th e 1960s Mr Dangoor Ocd to England a nd built hi s pro p e rty

empire. He had prev iously s tudied e n ginee ri n g in E ng land d eca d es ea r lie r. Now h e wants to thank th e country wh ich gaw him an opportunity to seek refu ge a nd build a s u ccess ful caree r. The 1994 Group co nsist s of 16 leading resea rch uni vers ities wh o s ha r e co mmon a ims. sta11dards a11d va lu es. whilst retaining a di s tinct profi le a b o ut th e m. There wi ll be between 40 and 80 sc holars hips ava il a ble a t eac h of the ! 994 Group uni ve rs iti es. whi ch amongs t oth e rs inc lud e Essex . Exete r. York a nd Wa rwi ck . Mr Da11go or. 9 1. says of

th e sc hem e. ·· r promised myself that if I wa s ever a ble to h elp a Brit is h univers ity stud ent I would but I never dreamt I wou ld be a ble to make s uch a big co ntribu tion··. Mr Dangoor a dd s th at if th e scheme is s uccC'ssful he wish es to co ntinu e it each year a nd a ttract othe r inves tors to do th e sa m C'. Da vid Ma rshal!. Director of Access a nd Admissions at UEA sa id ··this is a n exciti ng a nd very gene ro u s initia tive that \vill assist a pp li ca nts to ea ch Group univC'rs ity. including EA . to access high C'r education oppo rt uni ties.

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on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that emissions red uctions of 60% by 2050 are essential.

IT'S GETTING HOT IN HERE or anyone unaware of the realities of global warming, here's a quick rundown: inc·reasing global temperatures attributed to burning of greenhouse gases (especially C02) is causing extreme weather cond itions threatening the lives of thousands. In July last year 1,000 were ki lled by floods in south Asia and 2/3 of Bangladesh was submerged under water. Can we imagine what that would mean to a country? Certainly goodbye Norfolk in the UK's case. Overall, the World Health Organisation said floods, droughts, fires etc caused by global warming killed 150,000 in 2000. Worse news: at current rates it's set to rise . Somehow it might be easier for us to ignore while it disproportionately affects the poorest in the global south . But it's




to waste energy maybe quite a few of these. peopl e will have significant influence in business and industry. Pressu re is also needed on the corporations. Just as governm ents depend on our votes, they depend on our money. So they can , and should be our bitches. Even shareholders have been worried by the loss of profits from the worldwide boycott of Esso (see There are success stories from around the world where people power has made a real difference. After seven years of popular protest in Thailand the government stopped the construction of two large coa l-fired power plants. They backed solar energy instead. As individuals we can make a difference to reverse the current trend in global warming. As university students we -have an enormous potential influence, both now and as future leaders in our fields of study. it's not an easy task, but the battle is not only worth fighting, its one we have to fight. As George W Bush put it "if we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure".

the grand scheme of thi ngs. An atrocity yes, but on the face of it ·only 3000 peopl e died th at day in Manhattan. The same day, 35'000 child ren starved to death. This happens every day! How many terrorist attacks has America suffered.since 9/1 1? None. Just when are we going to rea lise that this diabolical fanaticism cannot go on? America re-elected Bush , to their shame, but we in Britain have more sense than that. We cannot allow our money to be spent on killing innocent people any longer. If there is a God , surely He would value that more than allowing fundamental ideologues to dictate the nature of human existence? I'll end with a quote that aptly sums up the situation we have at present. The question I ask is this - to whom am I referring , George. W Bush or Osama bin Laden? "Religious zealots have only one constituency: Their God . The more they do to bring their God's dominion to earth, the more they will earn their God's favour. The more destruction they cause, the more ungodly they kill , the greater will be their virtue in the eyes of their God. They will reap their rewa rd in the afterlife, and innocents on earth wi ll pay for it with their blood."

starting to affect us as well. When flash floods hit Cornwall in August, we too witnessed the destruction of people's homes and livelihoods. There's also a problem with the argument that people only care enough to do something about matters that directly affect them. Witness the £50m+ donations by the British public to the Tsunami Emergency Appeal. Conclusion? If we could have done anything to stop 150,000 dying we would have made the effort. Well , taking serious steps to tackle climate change is a way we could do just that. And this time, it really does affect us. So there is a simple conclusion to draw; we must start reducing our energy consumption (meaning less greenhouse gases are burnt). The UN-endorsed Intergovernmental Panel

drove us to give millions and millions of pounds to help the relief effort, outdoing our own government in the process. This in itself should be rather vexing - after all , what are we paying taxes for? Well £1 00'000 is the cost of a single cruise missile. I do not know how many missiles our government has seen fit to drop on Iraq in the past year, but let me tell you it is in the thousands, not to mention the tens of thousands of high-impact bombs. So far we (yes, WE, this country is a democracy remember) have spent £7 billion on this war in Iraq. The American taxpayers have spent $14B billion . How is it that both countries managed only to give a combined £250 million to the disaster relief effort? To answer that question , we must turn to the driving fo rce behind our leaders' actions in Iraq. lt certain ly isn't to root out public enemy number 1, the

infamous Osama bin Laden. He is nowhere near Iraq. We have already go.t ho ld of Saddam Hussein and decided Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction, so what are we still doing there? This is where the aspect of religion comes to the foreground . I am sorry if this offends anyone, but religion is the single b_iggest factor in the war in Iraq and to be honest, war in general. Evangelical Christianity is spreading across the globe and taking people's basic rights and freedoms with it. As noted in a BBC documentary in early January, Ghana, one of Africa's more developed nations is current ly experiencing a wave of Evange lical Christianity wh ich is undermining the economy because it postulates that work is not as important as worship. lt is the same religion that many in the White House advocate. Have a quick read of the Revelations chapter at the end of the Bible to find out what George W. Bush is actually trying to achieve. He's a born again Christian, which are the worst kind because they have been saved in some way by the fiction of the Bible and so feel compelled to do the wo rk of its main character. Essentially, he believes ttrat a war between Muslims and Jews is com ing (this, for

those who don't know is called the apocalypse - you know, four horsemen etc.) and when both sides have fought to the bri nk of extinction, God wi ll return from Heaven and take all the believers (the evange licals) to Heaven with Him , casting everyone else down into the fiery depths of hell. . George Bush , although not explicitly (he wouldn't dare) , is trying to contrive this very state of affairs, and our own Prime Minister has got himself firmly strapped in for the ride. I am not going to begrudge anyone something to believe in - although I believe religion is one of the major factors that allows our leaders to get away with so much . However, al lowing someone with the ideas of Bush to run the most powerfu l country in the wor ld is beyond my comprehension .

poverty are big killers and most African nations are suffering because of them . But every country is different. Blair's Commission For Afr ica sounds like a good idea, but I doubt it can be successful without treating every country individually.

years of stability the country descended into civil war in 2002 and remains divided with rebels controlling the north and the government the south. Then there's AIDS. We opened our hearts and our wallets when a natural disaster hit South East Asia, but in terms of which is the biggest killer there is no contest. AIDS is the natural equivalent of a · mass murderer. In Zimbabwe, as in most Sub-Saharan nations, the infection rate is shockingly high , one in four in the case of Zimbabwe. The reg ion as a whole accounts for 64.5% of the world's HIV cases. Perhaps 200,000 have perished in the Asian tsunami. In 2004 2.3 million people died of AIDS. The three countries I mentioned are just three in a continent that was carved into 52 nations long ago by asinine colonial powers. it's those same powerful nations that are hurting Africa's chances of development in the 21st century. We sing the praises of thi ngs like Band-Aid without realising that such charities are just that, band aids. The real re medy is not in annual charity drives, though th ey do help, it lies in whether our governm ents decide to do the two thi ngs we've been pressing them to do for years: cancel the


IT BEGAN IN AFRICA s we continue to mourn the devastation in South East Asia, spare a thought for Africa. Before the Boxing Day tsunamis momentum was gathering to make th is The Year of Africa. Gordon Brown had· a masterful , Marshall-esque plan to help the continent. Blair was ready to use Britain's position as head of the GB and the EU this year to make Africa's plight the number one issue for rich nations. After all the talk, all the Band-Aid songs and Red Nose Days, 2005 was going to be it. An d then, typical of Africa 's luck, the worst natural disaster in living memory stri kes one of the only r"8g ions in th e wo rld that can begin to compare Its poverty and despair to that of Africa. The immediate dubbi ng of th is disaster as 'The Asian Tsunami" has hindered the cause of Africa's develop-

ca re in the futu re. Su rely the warni ng signs are ve ry much here. 150,000 people don't seem like something to be dismissed lightly. So please accept a few things. Global warm ing is a reality. Reducing C0 2 emissions and energy saving are essential. Your contribution does make a difference. As industry and commercial use accounts for 36% of Britain's C02 emissions they are crucial sectors where energy savings can be made. Unsurprisingly, the government has conspicuously failed to place any legislation on large industry. But the only way for this to happen is to increase the pressure ourselves. If people demonstrate their commitment to how important it is to save energy then governments will have to follow. Individuals making energy savings also helps us to real ise where big reductions can be made elsewhere. Example? I question whether Concrete needs to deliver 10-15 papers to every campus corridor when most of them are thrown away unread. People also seem to forget that businesses are run by individuals. So as more individuals are persuaded not

here are some easy ways to save energy: If all the TVs, DVDs and videos left on standby overnight in Britain were turned off it would save the output of two power stations. Turn off all the lights etc and only boil a kettle with the amount of water you need in it and we're talking a lot, lot more. What's in it for you? · Well, if you still don't count preventing the destruction of our world you'll also be saving money. I haven't met many in student houses who wouldn 't accept an extra quid or two a week for minimum effort. it's often seen as not that cool to demonstrate a caring attitude for the environment. In fact, in many circles it may be a little difficult to show you care about anything. However much this may be about fear of being put down about something you believe in,. doing something about global warming is a necessity. Not caring or pretending you don't might be easier in the short term, but we will be forced to

HEY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US? e are half way through a decade that should have marked a change in the way human beings live . With the Cold War finished , countries the wor ld over can finally start to bui ld a nation they can call their own - one that is not subject to the whims of the superpowers. Or can they? The emphatic answer is no, they cannot. The millennium could and should have been the moment when nations and organisations, particularly the GB group of wealthy nations and the World Bank, worked to reduce poverty across the globe. Instead, wars are being fought in the name of the people. Millions have died already, and millions more will go on dying until we and the actual rulers of this country do something about it. Let me illustrate this point to you the incomparable natural disaster in South-East Asia has, to our credit,

Concrete Wedn esdar. Januarv 12111• 2005

ment because whi le it is Asian countries that have suffered worst, restricting thi s tsunami to South East Asia forgets Africa , namely Somalia. In the desperation to aid Thailand, Malaysia and their neighbours, where thousands of British tourists are still missing , we've forgotten about Somalia. And while our shocked gaze falls on South East Asia, we've forgotten about Africa. There were very few British tourists in Somalia when the wave hit. Somalia isn't a big tourist draw. As journalists poured into South East Asia to bring us every gruesome detail, Somalia's suffering went largely unnoticed, as it has done for more than a decade. When it comes to helping Africa we don't focus on specific areas. Af rica needs help. True enough, but the entire continent isn't plagued by just one or two identical problems. AIDS and

omalia for example is a country with problems all its own. Just cal ling it a country is being very optimistic, because Somalia has been without a working government since 1991 . Because of this statistics on living conditions and population are hard to come by, but it is estimated that quarter of all Somali children die before reaching age 5, and beyond that the life expectancy in Somalia is .just 4B years. Then there is a country we know a little more about, Zimbabwe. Because of our inability or refusal to deal with the country's President, Robert Mugabe, this once prosperous southern Af rican nation is stagnating in poverty. A country that used to be a major food exporter now sees half of its 12 million people re ly on food aid. West Africa has had little stability in recent yea rs, and the Ivory Coast best exemplifies this problem. After


odern democracy was created because people could no longer stand to be ruled by a monarch who gained his power from God . lt was a noble beginning to a promising system , so where did we go wrong? Consider the thousands of ch ildren who die everyday because our hard-earned tax money is grossly misused. To put things in perspective, allow me to illustrate just what 9/ 11 was, in


debts and leve l the world trade playing fie ld. I can't help but laugh when rich countries demand debt repayment from countries like Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo. "Sorry about the genocide. Here are some blankets and bags of rice. And about that $3.5 billion you owe us ... " Reforming world trade so that it is even remotely fair to poor nations is complicated , but debt cancellation isn't. it's simple. A .very poor country was leant money decades ago by several very rich countries, and even though the money helped, it didn't produce the steady flow of income necessary to pay these debts o\1 quic\<.1)'. When they aren't paid off quickly, interest begins to pile up. This combined with inflation, means poor countries are being asked to pay more than they were originally leant. So while it is vital we press our governments to make good on the pledges of aid they have made to South East Asia, we cannot forget that the world's poorest continent is only getting poorer. Our donations to charities there will help, but we must make sure our governm ents do not forget that this year is th e Year of Africa.

CHcnte Wednesday. January 121/t, 2005



-· UK.. ...• .. . .. .. . ...

3. 4.

jthe suggested format for the new ID card

Sam Webber Political Editor

Perhaps the most controversial political debate at the moment Is over the 'Identity Cards Bill", which had its second reading in the House of Commons on 20th December. Whi!st the Blll passed through this stage of the parliamentary process fairly comfortably. it nevertheless caused a good deal of embarrassment for the gove.m ment given the criticism of it from all sides of the house.

This was the first big test for new Home Secretary and Norwich South MP Charles Clarke. Despite much controversy over whether or not the Conservatives' would support the government on this sensitive issue. they eventually decided that they would. Michael Howard wrote in The Dally Telegraph on the day of the vote, "I have listened to the police and security service chiefs. They have told me that ID cards can and will help in their efforts to protect the lives of British citizens · against terrorist acts. How can I disregard that?" Many

Photo: Phllip Banks!

people must feel that h e is wasting a perfect opportunity for the Conservatives' to criticise what is widely though of as a somewhat ridiculous piece Qf legislation. Numerous MPs on all sides of the house however. failed to agree with the Tory leader. In fact he failed to persuade ten of his own MPs. who voted against the bill. Nineteen Labour MPs also voted against the government, including Norwich North MP Dr Tan Gibson and former Cabinet Minister Clare Short. Rather like the vote immediately before the

Iraq War, it was the Liberal Democrats who were the only main party united in opposition to the bill. All 55 Lib Dem MPs voted against the bill. So why is it such a sensitive Issue? Why aren't MPs supporting a bill, which Is supposedly designed to en sure the safety of the British people? There are many reasons why the very thought of British citizens having to carry an identity card worries parliamentarians. They are seen to represent an Orwellian concept; that of the state keeping tabs on its citizens. On e MP who ·spoke during the debate on 20th December ended his remarks by sayin g "I am afraid that. tonight. a Labour Government. with Con servative support, are turning us from nanny state Into a Big Brother state.· Also. the cost of implementing this system would be huge. The figures tend to change frequently, but this legislation would cost somewhere in the region of £6 Billion to fully implement. which does not include the cost of the cards themselves! As it currently stands. each citizen would have to pay up to £85 for an ID card. Certainly it's fair to say that this money could be far bet-

ter spent on increased numbers of police officers in many parts of Britain. Charles Clarke argued In the debate, "TTle case for this legislation is very strong. Quite apart from the security advantages, there will be enormous practical benefits" He then went on to explain how the cards would make opening bank accounts and travelllng abroad so much easier. He also focussed on how ID cards could greatly reduce b enefit fraud In Britain, which costs roughly £50 million every year. There is no guarantee that the technology, which would be used, cannot be tampered with, leaving it open to misuse by criminal gangs and people traffickers. Many people have criticised the proposed date of introduction for the cards. If they are n eeded to offer greater protection from terrorism, why are they not being made law until 2012? It Is difficult to imagine that the people of Norwich are desperately awaiting the Introduction of ID cards. Andrew Aalders-Dunthome, Local Councillor and Lib Dem candidate in Norwich South, said recently, "If ID cards are such a vital weapon in combating terrorIsm and crime, then why

does Mr Clarke not p lan to Introduce them for another ten years? Norwich needs real investment in local police which represent better value for money and a re more effective" There Is no guarantee that, If Britain did h ave Identity cards, that they could stop a terrorist attack taking place. Various commentators have pointed out th at Spain has ID cards and they certainly d idn't stop the Madrid bombings. Identity cards have been connected with some of the worst regimes in recent decades such as Nazi Germ any, South Africa under Apartheid and Rwanda, where ID cards simply aided the Tutsi massacre. Almost certainly this legislation will be back in the n ews as it progresses through Parliament. It may be halted If a general election Is called in April. to be held on 5th May. If you are unhappy about this legislation and its consequences th en it's best to write a letter to your MP, and to urge others lo do the same. If you live in Nonvich South, however, your response from Charles Clarke MP may be somewhat predictable..

further reductions now on . .


AN APOLOGY ISSUE 170 P.16 "CHRISTMAS INNUENDO" Concrete would like to issue a formal apology to Jarrold the Store for an article that appeared in issue 170 published on the 3rd December 2004.

The main picture of the article had a caption that implied a link between the article and the advert for J arrold The Store that appeared on the same page. The caption was not intended to cause any offence to Jarrolds, or disrepute the store in any way. Concrete would like to point out that Jarrold the Store. and any affiliated

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14 concrete .features

Concrttt Wedne !Yiay .lqnuqry (21h 2005

Co1crete Wedne.rday. Janua ry J21h. 2005

concrete.features@ uk 15


THE ELECTION YEAR THAT WAS In 2004 nearly half the world voted in national elections, some more democratic and far-reaching than others. From Australia to Afghanistan, Ghana to Great Britain, Presidents, Prime Ministers and new Parliaments took power in a year of enourmous change. Concrete takes a closer look at some of the most important elections that took place this past year. The USA What: Presidential, Senate, House and Governor When: 2nd of November Results: Presidential George W. Bush (Republican): 60,拢08,582 (286 Electoral votes) John Kerry (Democrat): 57,288,974 (252 Electoral

Ukraine Governor: (11 at stake, 1 undecided, 50 total) Republican: 28 (no change) Democrat: 21 (no change) Independent: 0 (no change) The most important election of the year, perhaps of any year, was a major victory for Conservative America. The Republican Party retained control of


the House, Senate, Governors' mansons, and, to the

Ralph Nader (Independent): 406, 880 (0 Electoral votes) Voter Turnout: 120,200, 000 (59.9%)

despair of millions, the White House. Despite the ongoing violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, George W. Bush won a record number of popular votes in the most frenzied election of modern tirres. Ultimately it was the result all of us feared but none of us could fathom . What this election should do, though, is make Americans rethink the Electoral College - again. Bush won it 286 to 252, while winning the popular vote 60.6 million to 57.2 million. Hov.ever, Bush only won the state of Ohio by 120,000 votes. Had Kerry won that state he would have received more Electoral votes, and thus won the election, despite receiving over 3 million fewer votes than Bush overall.

Senate (34 at stake, 100 total) Republican: 55(+ 4) Democrat: 44 (- 4) Independent: 1 (no change) House of Representatives (435 at stake, 3 undecided, 435 total) Republican: 231 (+ 4) Democrat: 200 (- 3) Independent: 1 (no change)

Afghanistan What: Presidential When: 9th of October Results Hamid Karzai 55.4% Yonous Qanooni 16.3% Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq 11.6% Abdul Latif Pedram 1.4% Massooda Jalal 1.2 % Syed lshaq Gilani 1% Voter Turnout: 8, 074, 500 (76.9%) President: Hamid Karzai The result of Afghanistan's first ever dem.ocratic election was never in doubt. What was in doubt was the election itself, and whether remnants of the Taliban would make good on their pledge to violently disrupt it. They didn't, and history was made in

The European Union (EU) What: Elections for the 732-member EU Parliament When: 10th - 13th June Results: UK (Excluding Northern Ireland) 78 seats in 732-seat Parliament (2nd most in EU behind Germany's 99)

Central Asia as Afghanistan took its first tentative steps towards democracy. The sight of veiled women voting for the first time in their lives was memorable, but the fact that an election was held does not guarantee Afghanistan's future. The new President Hamid Karzai, who won the election after serving as interim President, faces arguably the toughest task of any leader in any country in the world. This year 1300 square kilometers of Afghan soil were used to grow poppies, the key ingredient for heroin and opium. 90%. of the h-eroin in Britain comes from Afghanistan. Since the fall of the Taliban in November 2001 drug cultivation in Afghanistan has soared, and the country is in danger of falling into a lawless drug state. 46-year-old Hamid Karzai will begin running the country under the new constitution it adopted in 2004. Parliamentary elections are scheduled for later this year. Should he fail to improve the state of his nation, blame will fall not only on him, but on the Bush administration that helped his run for the Presidency.

in the ten new. members averaged just 26.4%. This election will also be rememt路ered as the one that put the UK Independence Party (UKIP) on the map. In the UK and many other nations Eurosceptic parties such as UKIP made huge gains. This, combined with the low turnout, spells trou:>le for the future of the EU. The next two years will see referendums or Parliamentary votes in all member states on whether to adopt the new EU Constitution. If just one nation votes against it, the whole thing collapses. Below: Results for all of the EU (From BBC Online)

Conservative: 26.7% (-9%) 27 seats (-8) Labour: 22.6% (-5.4%) 19 seats (-6) UK Independence Party: 16.1% (+9.2%) 12 seats (+10) Liberal Democrat: 14.9% (+2.3%) 12 seats (+2) Green: 6.3% (no change) 2 seats (+2) British National Party (BNP): 4.9% (+3.9%) 0 seats (no change) Scottish National Party: 1.4% (-1.3%) 2 seats (no change) Plaid Cymru: 1% (-0.9%) 1 seat (no change) Voter Turnout: 16, 765, 000 (38.2% - 17th worst in EU) The EU held its first parliamentary elections since ten new members joined the Union in May 2004. Despite the excitement surrounding the enlargement, this election was blighted by apathy; nverall voter turnout in the 25-member Union was just 45.7%, meaning that voter turnout in this election has dropped every year since it was first held in 1979, when the turnout was 63%. More worrying still is that the five countries with the lowest turnout were ones that joined the EU in May, and average turnout

What: Presidential When: Original Presidential election, 31st of October; run-off, 21st of November; re-run after run-off was annulled, 26th of December

When this paper went to press, the official results of t.1e election were not known, though preliminary figures show Yushchenko beating Yanukovych by 8%, or 2 million votes. Yanukovych is exhausting every legal possibility to challenge the result. Had the newly elected President Viktor Yushchenko died from the assassination attempt he suffered in November, this year's Presidential election in the Ukraine would have likely escaped t1e attention of the western media. As it was the nassive amount of poison used to try and kill Yushchenko left him with a scarred and legion-covered face. it became the face of the Orange

Above, from left to right: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko, before and after he was poisoned. Despite the noticeable setback he won the bitterly disputed election by two million votes. South Africa Prime Minister Thabo Mbeki. His ANC Party won a landslide victory for the third election in a row. Hamid Karzai won Afghanistan's first-ever democratic Presidential election.

India What: General Election When: 20th April - 1Oth May Results: 542-member Parliament Indian National Congress: 220 Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP): 185 Marxist (CPM): 43 Others: 94 Voter Turnout: 383, 716, 896 (57%) Former Prime Minister: Atal Behari Vajpayee New Prime Minister: Manmohan Singh The world's largest democracy went into action this year. The shock of the result was matched only by the sheer length and scale of the election itself - 668 million voters in 543 constituencies were eligible to vote in the four-stage, 20-day election. The ruling BJP Party was expected to retain the majority it held after the last general election in 1999, but after voting ended on the 1Oth of May it was the opposition Congress party that emerged victorious. But the drama didn't end there. After the Congress

party's victory it was expected that the party's leader, Sonia Gandhi, would become Prime Minister. But in a move that stunned India and the world, she turned the offer down. The Gandhi name has been synonymous with Indian political leadership since the country achieved independence from Britain in 1947. Sonia Gandhi is the 57-year-old widow of the former India Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. His mother, a former Prime Minister, was assassinated in 1984. Rajiv Gandhi succeeded her as Prime Minister, only to be assassinated in 1991 by a Tamil suicide bomber. Sonia stayed out of politics until 1998, when she joined the Congress party. Their victory in this year's election meant she could continue the Gandhi traditidn, but she declined the offer after listening to her "inner voice", saying, "I never wanted to be Prime Minister." That job, then, falls to the man generally credited with India's economic reform program, Manmohan Singh. He is ruling a country that has made great progress, but one that still faces enormous p'roblems. There is the on-going dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir, a problem exasperated by the fact that each country has nuclear weapons capable of hitting the other. Then there is India's population, over 1 billion and growing. Despite a large and influential middle class, India's massive rural population is largely illiterate and impoverished.

Australia What: Federal Election When: 9th October Results 150-seat House of Representatives



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Prime Minister Paul Martin's Liberal Party of Canada won 135 of the 308 Parliamentary seats. !.l!.Ygygy: In the Presidential election the incumbent Jorge Batlle was defeated by the left-wing candidate Tabare Vazquez. Botswana: The ruling Botswana Democratic Party, led by Festus Mogae, won a landslide victory in October and will rule for five more years.

South Africa What: General Election When: 14th April Results



Other Elections

India's new Prime Minister Manmohan Singh won a surprising victory in the world's second most populous country. Right: lt wasn't a nightmare, it was real. George W. Bush did what his Daddy could not and won a second term. Despite the lies of Iraq, the largest budget defecit in US history, an ultra conservative agenda and international loathing, Bush won by more than three million votes.

Liberal-National Coalition: 6, 179, 130 (40.47%) 74 seats Australian Labor Party: 5, 536, 002 (37.64%) 60 seats The Nationals: 690, 275 (5.89%) 12 seats The Greens: 841,734 (7.19%) 0 seats CLP- The Territory Party: 39, 855 (0.34%) 1 seat Independent: 286, 206 (2.44%) 3 seats Voter Turnout: 12, 354, 470 (94.32% - Voting is compulsory in Australia) Prime Minister: John Howard

John Howard won a fourth successive term as Prime Minister after his Liberal-National coalition held off the challenge from Mark Latham's Labor Party with surprising ease. And on the 21st of December he became Australia's second-longest serving Prime Minister in history, clocking up a remarkable eight years, nine mol)ths and eleven days in office. The election was fought over the usual domestic issues such as health care and the economy, but the most divisive issue was Iraq. Australia was one of the key members of the 32-nation coalition, and Mr. Howard pledged his full support to George W. Bush. He said the 850 Australian troops currently in Iraq would stay there until the job was done. However Labor leader Mark Latham was against the war and pledged to bring Australian troops home by Christmas if elected. As well as winning a majority in the House of Representatives, Mr. Howard's Coalition also gained control in the second House of Parliament, the Senate. In the 76-seat Senate they now have 31 seats to Labor's 28.

400-member National Assembly African National Congress (ANC): 10, 878, 251 (69.68%) 279 seats Democratic Alliance (DA): 1, 931 , 201 (12.37%) 50 seats lnkatha Freedom Party (IFP): 1, 088. 664 (6.97%) 28 seats United Democratic Movement (UDM): 355, 717 (2.28%) 9 seats Independent Democrats (ID): 269, 765 (1.73%) 7 seats New National Party (NNP): 257, 824 (1.65%) 7 seats Afl:ican Christian Democrat Party (ACDP): 250, 272 (1 .60%) 6 seats Freedom Front: 139, 465 (0.89%) 4 seats United Christian Democratic Party (UCDP): 117, 792 (0.75%) 3 seats Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC): 113, 512 (0.73o/~) 3 seats Voter Turnout: 15, 612, 667 (76.73%)

South Africa held its third general elections since freeing itself from the horror of apartheid in 1994. As important as the result was the fact that, unlike 1994 and 1999, this election went off without any major incidents of violence. In 1994 and 1999 Thabo Mbeki's ANC party won a landslide victory, and this election was no different. Although the country has improved during its ten years of democracy, the fact that the ANC is so dominant has begun to trouble many observers. No other party has been able to emerge as a credible opponent to the party formerly ruled by Nelson Mandela. The ANC's dominance may turn out to be its undoing. This is because although they dominate South African politics, the country is still plagued by massive social and economic problems, the most devastating of which is HIV/AIDS. South Africa has the highest number of cases in the world, with over five million. Until recently the newly re-elected Mbeki disputed the link between HIV and AIDS. He also refuses to condemn the totalitarian regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe When South Africa holds its next general election in five years time, the question will be whether a credible opposition party can challenge the ANC's grip on power.

Revolution. On the 21st of November, then Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych claimed victory in the run-off Presidential election. Yanukovych was backed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and advocated keeping Ukraine strongly allied with Russia, rather !han seek membership of the EU and NATO, as Yushchenko supported. However his "victory" on the 21st of November was not a victory at all. There were allegations of vote-rigging, which were later confirmed, and supporters of Yushchenko took the streets in protest. In the capital Kiev thousands of orange-clad supporters braved sub-zero temperatures and eventually forced another election. In between the annulled election and the new one on the 26th of December, doctors confirm that Yushchenko was poisoned with a deadly dioxin. Despite his near-death experience, Yushchenko won the Boxing Day election and, like Bush in the USA, is set to take control of a bitterly divided nation.

Cameroon: The incum'bent Paul Biya won the October Presidential elections with more than 70% of the vote. ~: John Kufuor won a second term in the Presidential elections in December. Indonesia: In the first-ever direct - and peaceful Presidential election in the country's history, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono unseated the incumbent Megawati Sukamoputri.



Cotcnte Wedr~esday, Jam1~ry J2 1h, 2005

Do ye speake de lingo, boy? Sarah Smith takes a look at why the Norfolk dialect is disappearing and does her bit to help you understand the things those Norfolk folk say. ell 'as a bit o' a rumman but it seem tha the Norfolk dialect is a-dis'ppearin'. Now it would be nice to be able to say that thass a lot o' bloomin squit, but we can't. Few students will ever hear much of the Norfolk dialect even after three or four years in the area. The Norfolk accent is still quite common, though varying in strength, but the dialect is slowly fading from use. This can partly be attributed to the fact that we live in an increasingly mobile society with people moving to different areas, even different countries, more frequently. Because of this it has become increasingly necessary for people to be able to communicate in a language that can be understood by all. For example, if you say to a 'foreigner' that you want 't' av a mardle', they'll probably just look at you weirdly and ask if you feel ok. In order to be able to communicate effectively with everyone we encounter in our day to day lives.there has to be one universal version of our language. Because of this the local characteristics of language are fading not only in Norfolk but all over the country. Another problem is that as we lose older generations we also lose the people to teach dialect. Successive generations are picking up fewer words than their parents and as this happens the dialect is disappearing. Amongst local O.A.Ps the Norfolk dialect can still be heard from those born and bred in the area. However, because of the discouragement of dialect in the education system and social mobility it is being passed down to ·younger generations less and less.

However, there is one area where dialect is still in common use, even if we do not realise it: place names. One of the things people often pick up quite quickly round here is that many place names are not spelt phonetically. From locals ,Norwich usually sounds like Norridge. Costessey is Cossey, Wymondham becomes Windham, and Postwick, Possick. All this can certainly make it interesting when asking for directions when you first come to the area. Earsham can become Arshun, Happisburgh, Hazebro and Reepham becomes Reetum. The list goes on and on with many of the smaller village names sounding even less like they are spelt. There have been and continues to be various people who are trying to keep the dialect alive through events, groups and books. One of the first was Sidney Grapes who began writing his 'Boy John Letters' for the EDP in the 1940s. He was known for writing the way he spoke and spelling accordingly. Over the years several people have written books of stories in dialect such as 'Bygones', 'I din't say nothin' and 'A load of ole squit.' One of the most well known is 'Larn yourself Norfolk' by Keith Skipper. One group who are actively campaigning to preserve the dialect is the Friends Of Norfolk Dialect (FOND), founded in 1999. The group was founded by Keith Skipper, a well known expert on Norfolk dialect. The group aims to preserve the dialect by recording words, phrases, stories and songs from the area. They also organise dialect evenings known as FOND dews where speakers can express their views on life and language. They help out TV and film companies by offering advice on getting the dialect right. They are also

campaigning for the Norfolk dialect to be taught as a subject in local schools. nother group preserving the dialect is Origins at the Forum, an award winning attraction that looks into the past of Norfolk. Spread over three levels it looks at the history and geography of the area over two thousand years. lt begins with a section on the various settlers and invaders of Norfolk and later shows how the dialect has been influenced by them all; the Danes, Normans, French, Dutch, and Flemish. In a section devoted to Norfolk dialect you can test your accent and your understanding local dialect. lt is hoped that the attraction will help educate people about the area they live in, and with its popularity with school trips hopefully it will help provide the next generations of dialect speakers to keep the Norfolk tradition going for a few more years. The Norfolk dialect is one of those true British dialects. In terms of ease of recognition, most of us can spot Norfolk folk the way we can pick out a Geordie, a Scouser or a Cockney. it's not always the dialect we recognise; sometimes we have trouble understanding a word that's been said. lt is the accent that grabs our attention. So for those of you not from the area here are some useful Norfolk words and


phrases: Bor - Boy. Mawther- Girl. Mardle - talk or chat. Rumman - has scores of mE~anings but roughly is anything you can't understand or exciting. Jip - Aggravation, annoyance in the sense of pain. Cor Blast Me! - Norfolk expletive along the lines of 'Well I'll Be Slowed'. Squit - nonsense. On the huh - wonky, not level. Hummer - lie. Bishybarney-bee is a ladybird. Dodman - snail. Hold y'r blaaren'- stop crying. Garpen outa the winder - looking out the window. Warmint (still pronounced with a v)- vermin (May be of use with some student housing.). Pearper- paper. Dewin' diffrunt - independent or individual. For further information on Origins call 01603 727922 or check out their website at and follow the links. Students get in at a reduced rate. The exhibit contains information on the area from the various settlers, famous locals and the environment. lt also includes a 180 film on the area. lt especially aimed at Key Stage two and history and geography students and with this in mind there are lots of hands on and interactive displays. Their shop also contains a variety of books and COs on dialect. more information on FOND visit their website at www.norfolkdlalect.comllndex.html.


Come to the friendliest Take Away in Norwich

Minimum Ordtt For dtllvtry £10, with In 4mile radlusfDtllvtry Hours :6p11 • mfdntght

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Coacntt Wednesday, January 121h, 2005 17

LAST ORDERS AT THE BAR This year pubs in Britain will be able to stay open 24-hours a day. Will we sip our drinks calmly all night as they do in mainland Europe? Or will the binge-drinking culture this rule trys to eliminate simply spiral out of control? Clare Dodds examines the new .rules and discusses the pros and cons. t's a typical scene for many Britons: 10:50pm, o'clock. "Having closing hours can encourage furthe bell for last orders has just rung and the ther binge drinking. We have to drink within a cerbar queue builds up. By 11 o'clock the tain time limit before closure" says Clare Wright, PSS MGT 2. Keeping venues open later or even crowds are piling out of pubs and onto the streets. Rowdy and often violent, the features all hours allows the public the freedom to drink of a binge drinking session are all too familiar when they like, at the pace they choose, without as police and medical services are inundated any pressure. with cases of drunken injury and crime. But what Despite these advantages, the new regime is if there was no closing time? Would this all not going to change the nation's attitude to alcochange? holism overnight. One of the major problems with In a new strategy to crack down on such anti- the entertainment services is the lack of late night social behaviour, twenty-four hour licenses will be social venues other than pubs, bars and clubs all made available to all drinking establishments in of which put a great emphasis on drinking. The the country. Current proceedings suggest it is likeGovernment has taken this into account and has ly to come into action by November next year. The outlined in the Licensing Act the intention of intraquestion is, as a nation so notoriously troubled ducing 'late night refreshment houses and cafes'. - - - - - - - - T h e movement towards a more continencafe culture may prove to be popular should take a leaf out of the book of ' Em Kuntz AOS PG claims. access to other social meeting late into the evening such as cafes extend the appeal of 'going out' to wider age range and also to those who not drink. "lt would take the emphasis from alcohol and put it on socialising" claims another student Luwam Fessahaye, SOC 3. But does the idea of extend in~ opening hours and altering our entertainment really appeal to the general pubr many, the concept of having four hour access to alcohol will encourage further binge drinking. with alcohol related problems, are we ready for such a relaxation on our laws? In 2003 the Government received royal assent for the Licensing Act, a regime intent on improving entertainment services whilst also 'minimising public disorder'. Following in ·European footsteps, the new law will hopefully produce a calmer and safer approach to evenings out. But as a country so well adapted to the traditional closing hours it is questionable whether longer and later licensing hours will really benefit us at all. One city aiming to benefit from the new act is Nottingham. Being one of the 77 cities targeted by the Government as part of their 'Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy' it is evident that Nottingham is overwhelmed by the level of drink-related assault. With up to 70,000 people every Friday and Saturday embracing the city's nightlife it is unlikely that closing time is going to remain peaceful. How will twenty-four hour licensing improve current behaviour then? it is inevitable that after downing the final pint and staggering out onto the street, a crowd is going to entice some form of anti-social behaviour. The introduction of later opening hours is hoping to discourage this. Customers are likely to leave at different times throughout the night rather than the mass pile out caused by sudden closure. Another focus of the strategy is to eliminate the drinking rush caused by strict closing at 11

Rather then following the theory that customers this is less of a problem as travel is available until will pace their drinks, many may take the option of 4 o'clock in the morning. But, for smaller cities and drinking more for longer periods of time. For Daisy towns, transport has to be provided in order to Glean, PSI 2, later opening hours will not benefit avoid the crowding on streets which can lead to us. 'it will only encourage more anti-social behavviolence. iour; people won't know when to stop". How does the Government propose to deal For a city like Nottingham these disadvanwith these problems? An important feature of the tages are crucial. The possibility that the extenact is that it is very flexible . All venues including sion of drinking hours may encourage greater pubs, bars and clubs will be allowed to apply for later licenses. This does not mean that every alcoholism is a major problem for the city which claims to have one bar or pub for every day of the drinking establishment in the country will be ope f) year. With such an immense amount of drinking twenty four hours a day, every day of the week. establishments in such a concentrated area, the Each venue will receive licensing only if it is likely extension of hours may result in prolonging the to benefit by reducing noise and violence. Even crowding in the city centre. Consequently, viothen the license may only extend opening times lence may occur all through the night as people continuously leave pubs I'.I.IJ!!!!!~~:::;,.Ift~!'-'IP.f.~iT.~~ffi'l~ and clubs, rather than just at the risk period between 11 pm and 3am. This is of great concern to localr-.i;\'C:O::::!!II•••••~··· authorities, which currently struggle to deal with crime resulting from the drunken crowds at closing time. Local police forces are already removing officers from the suburbs of Nottingham to deal with overcrowding in the city centre on weekend evenings. lt has to be taken into account then that along with an increase in licensing, there has to be an increase in the amount of police officers on duty throughout the night. Along with this, public transport has to be targeted . For Nottingham _ _....;....;--.~--~---__;; by a couple of hours. What is also important is that licensing will only apply to peak times at the weekend, when crime and violence is at its worst. All of these decisions will be made by local authorities who have the right to withdraw bans and consider appeals by local residences who may be affected. In relation to Nottingham's problems with overcrowding, the flexibility of the act will hopefully resolve this. By giving power to the local authorities, licenses can be granted and removed according to whether safety and behaviour in the city centre is improving. With public transport already prepared for longer hours of service in the city, Nottingham may witness a beneficial change with the arrival of extended licensing. The general public in the rest of England and Wales look set to gain ·from the new Licensing Act. Apart from giving us more options for an evening out, over time the atmosphere late on a Friday or Saturday night will hopefully become safer. However, we are a long way off from creating an attitude less focused on alcoholism . Our obsession with drinking to the extreme is not simply a result of early closing times but extends beyond anything that the new regime can offer us. Only over time may we experience a change as the new laws try to take the focus away from alcohol related entertainment. In the not too distant future, though, that 11 o'clock deadline may become a thing of the past.

18 concrete.turf@ .uk


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1?. 1"- 2V05



hi s sect1on 1s w here Turf sug· gests ho w readers can do th ei r b1t to make th e wo rld a better pla ce. Today we focus on that subject th at see m s to obsess many a n e nvironmen talist · Waste.


Most people 1n Br itain produce way too much waste. Compared to the rest of Et,J rope our recyc lin g practi ces a re way below par. H ere are a few t1ps to reduce yo ur waste. COMPOST - For those of you who have a ga rd en, there 1s no excuse for not cam posting . All it takes IS a plas ti c buck<>! in the kitchen and yo u ca n red uce yo ur daily waste by half. If you have no access to a garden yourself there IS s til l no reason why you shouldn't sepa rate your o rganic waste from your othe r recyclables a nd other waste. USE LESS - Even more 1mportant than processing you r waste IS producing less 1n the fi rst place . Packagmg is responsible for a rid1culous amount of was te, a nd 1t's not ha rd to reduce thrs by think1ng about what you buy. Avoid heavrly wrapped products and try to find recyclable bags and baggage.


HOTTER AND HOTTER 2004 - Another year highlights the global warming trend. s 2004 came to a n e nd it was confirmed as another record breaking1ngly hot year. W1tness1ng the world's hottest October, 2004 was declared the fourth wa rm est on reco rd by th e World Meteorological Organisation Even before the As1an Tsunam1, the year had been the most expensive eve r for the insu rance industry due to payouts for damage from natural d1sasters such as hurricanes and typhoons, one of the worst of wh1ch occu rred in Hait1 last May. Th1s report came as Buenos Arres p layed host to env ironmenta l m inisters from 8o d1ffe rent countrres d1scuss1ng

th e 1ssue 'of c lim ate change . The co n ference was aimed at looking at w ays to c ut g ree n house gases, as eve n sce pti cs ha ve come to recognise th e human influ ence of glo ba l w arming . The Genera l Sec re tary of th e United Nati o ns , Kofi Annan, ca ll ed for an end to the "de lay a nd doubt" th at ha s 1mpended a n International re solu ti on to tack le the prob lem. Statistics we re relea sed at the c lim a te c hange co nfere nce that revealed how na tural disaste rs ac ross t he wo rl d in th e fir st 10 months of th e yea r cost th e insurance mdust ry JUSt over $35 billion, compared to $16 bill1on 1n 2003. Most of the co ll ate ral damage was done 1n the Carrbbean and Unt1ed States, w here the hurncanes of 2004 caused mo re than $43 bill1on in damages. Although seemi n gly 1nsign1ficant compa red to the Box 1ng Day tsunam1 (wh1ch was not cl1mate related). hund reds of li ves we re lost in Asian typh oons earl1er in the yea r. This marks a grow in g trend , w1th weather lmked disasters ris ing a ll the t1me.

1gures for the World Meteorological Organrzat1on, compiled by th e Met Office and the Universi t y of East Ang lia's ve ry own c limate research centre, reveal that 2004 has been the fourth wa rmest year globa ll y smce records began 1n oh so long ago 1n 1861. Globa l mean surface tempe ra ture over land and sea was 0-44 oc above the


1961-1990 ave rage; for land areas alone, 1t was even warmer at a sco rchmg 0.67 oc above the average. The last te n years have seen 9 of the 10 wa rm est yea rs on record w1th only the te p id 1996 not makmg the top ten. Phi\ )o nes of th e Climate Research Un 1t at the UEA sa1d, "That 9 of the 10 wa rmest yea rs o n record have occu rred in th e last decade is tru ly remarkable."


RECYCLE EVERYTHING - Thi s should be o ld hat by now, but too man y people are st ill th rowing ou t the rr pa pe rs an d ca n s. Alm os t eve ryth ing can be recycled now, a nd it's easy to avoid thos e materia ls th a t aren't. Some plast1cs have no future ot her th an a landfi ll si te, so chec k w hat yo u are bu y1ng. Recycla ble products w ill usually be labeled , so it o nl y takes a seco nd o r two to discove r how was te ful yo u might be bei n g.

once rn has been ris in g ove r


Pa rki n g O n Th e Broad

th e ca rs be in g parked outside Suffolk Te rrace. Th e area has bee n set u p to aid th e co ns tru ctio n wo rk tak 1ng place, but people a re becom1ng incre asrng ly a nn oyed a t th e di s rupti o n be ing ca u sed to the broad. it is u nclea r wh at p lanning proced u res we re in vo lved in th e tempo rary car park , o r exactly how long it is du e to remain . The area has bee n fenced off and c rea tes a between Bluebe ll Road and

Suffo lk Terrace. ll ha s· been Criti CIZed fo r a rra ngem e nt co u ld ha ve been m ade. t he effect it has on th e landscape as we ll Any development th a t the unive rsity as th e fac t th a t it's bi secti on of th e broa d s ta rt s is bound to crea te s u s p1 cion afte r the co ntrove rsy surrou ndi ng th e multires tri cts s t udent move ments. One studen t who pre fe rred to re m a 1n anonymous s to ry ca r park. it was drscove red th a t th e sa1 d he finds the obstructi o n to his jourca r pa rk had long been planned wi thout ney to campus in th e m orni ngs a ' rea l a ny co n s ulta ti o n with th e s tud ent body, headache' and it means he has to get up and many feel t hat th e uni versity has ea rly to get to lectures o n time . been undemoc rati c in many o f its new it ha s been ac kn owledged th a t the d evelo pm e nt s. Th is new temp orary car cons tru cti on wo rk require s a space fo r pa rk may not be a pe rm a ne nt projec t, but the necessa ry veh1cles to park , bu t it has with the Un ive rsity's tra ck record any also bee n su that a less intru s iv_e_ _w_o_r_k_w_i_ll_,_r_o_v_e _u_n.L_o.L_u_la_r_._ _ _ __ _



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CoiKflte Wednesday. January 12111, 2005 A new study has shown that only 13% of construction companies adopt environmentally friendly measures. The research, carried out by NetRegs (, also revealed that only 19% of firms questioned had even heard of the Duty of Care Regulations, and pointed out that just a few simple changes can help firms cut their energy costs by up to a third.

Regional airline Eastern Airways has taken delivery of two so seat Saab 2000 aircraft, one of which will be based at Norwich Airport. Along with this announcl;ment the airline said 'We now fly ten flights each weekday out of Norwich and ... , there can be little doubt as to the importance we place on East Anglia as one of the major hubs within our network.' They are said to be working on developing new routes and introducing new destinations shortly.

Projections show that the EU should be able to succeed in meeting their Kyoto targets. The pre-2004 'EU Member States could cut their total emissions to 7.7% below 1990 levels by 2010 with existing domestic policies and additional policies and measures currently planned. Six EU states will implement the method of carbon trading and emissions-saving projects in third countries {the Kyoto Protocol's 'flexible mechanisms') creating a further reduction of around 1.1%, enough to achieve the target.

Debates surrounding the multi story car park project are still roaring, though no further development has been announced. STAG {the Sustainable Transport Action Group), will continue to encourage better alternatives, while trying to work with the university and influence them where they can.

THE EARTH YOU TREAD A n ew year, a new look at your life. How can you be greener? new year is a good time to examine your footprint . Your ecological footprint . This i~ a term developed by environmentalists to determine how much space we are taking up on this planet. lt has been calculated that there are 11-4 billion hectares of biologically productive land on the earth. So when this is divided up by the planets population of 6 billion, we can see that we should be using no more than 1.9 hectares each. it may come as little surprise that most of us are using more than this . Much more ... By analysing the way that we live our lives - the food we eat, th~ journeys we take - we can calculate just how much land we are taking up. This is called our ecological footprint. The average Britain is using S-4 hectares, meaning that if everyone in the world lived like us Brits we would need three Earths to sustain us. Much of the population in the third world is living off a little over a thousandth of a hectare, but the global average is somewhere around 2.2 hectares. Taking up more than our allotted space is the reason for depleting state of the world's nat-

ural resources . As we are consuming more than the world is producing rainforests are shrinking, fish stocks are dwindling and animals are becoming extinct. If we continue like this for ever there will be nothing left for any of us. Fortunately there is much you can do to reduce th~ size of your footprint. First of all you should find out exactly how big your footprint is. There are many websites out there that will help you with the calculation by offering you a questionnaire to fill in. A good one to try is http:j fwww.earthday.netjfootprintfindex. asp. Even the more environmentally aware readers by get a shock at the damage they are doing. Although common place things such as recycling and restricted car use will help reduce your impact on the planet, issues that are often overlooked such as your diet and your living arrangements will always take their toll. Those that like to travel will be in for the biggest shock. If you took a trip around the world in the last few years that's half your allotted hectares already used up . he way most people eat is completely unsustainable . That is simply a fact . The meat that is sold from fast food outlets or cheaply from supermarkets cannot be produced at that price and quantity without draining the planet. The an1mals are usually kept in cramped conditions, but this is not what's causing the environmental damage. Huge areas of rainforest are cut down to provide space for cattle which will only be fertile enough for a few years . After this new areas must be found, and this IS the only way to ma1ntain such a regular production of meat.


Now it is not being suggested that we all have to become vegetarians . it is true that vegetarians will have a smaller footprint. This is due to the fact that all their food comes directly from the land and no energy is lost through the lives of the animal. But it is still possible to maintain an environmental sustainable meat-eating diet. Granted, for some carnivores this may mean a slight reduction in their meet intake. A sensible diet can include three or four portions of meat a week. This is still more than humans have been used to for all of their previous existence before the last centaury. ow what about your house?


TREE OF THE FORTNIGHT With the glorious sunny days we've been witnessing this r--:=:::;;~~t'f~ii~;\l~~~iij~=='i January, and with the raucous racing winds, every tree looks spectacular enough to bring you to your knees . But to ask for a favorite? Well, even the hardiest fan of roads and concrete will stop and cry every time they pass this particular oak. The regular fans of tru of the fortnight will have noted that the Quercus Robur, or common oak, has been selected as tree of the fortnight once before. Anyone who feels concerned over the repetitious choice of this issue is advised to wonder down by the broad on a brisk winters afternoon, and spot this oak shining in all it's oaky glory. When the sun is in just the right position (around 3路47 pm) we have discovered it is quite impossible to hold back the tears of ecstasy. Height: so - lSO Ft Spread: Same as height (approx) Shape: Rounded Fol iage: Leaves 3-s inches with 3 to 7 pairs of rounded lobes, deep green until autumn, turning brown and --....-.----..;;~~_..._.....,... remaining on the tree into winter. Flower: Hanging catkins in spring Fruit: Acorn

UP The amount of money that the US government has pledged towards the tsunami relief effort = The amount of money the US government has released to tackle the AI OS crisis in 14 different African nations= The amount of money that the US government spent every 8 hours on the pentagon during 2004 (which doesn't include its Iraqi operations) =


You dispose of w.aste. properly, you may even have a green electricity supplier, but the place that you live m may be having more of an effect on your footprint than you think. The size of your house obviously makes a difference. Most students will not be heard boasting that they have plenty of unused space in their home, but empty rooms are an unnecessary excess to your footprint. The temperature that you keep your house at makes the biggest difference. it has been noted before that central heating is responsible for nearly two thirds of domestic energy consumption. Turning down your thermostat a few degrees and donning a jumper instead will seriously reduce the effect you have on the planet. nd then there's the shopping trip. The subject of food miles is one that has often come up in Turf The majority of food you will see in the supermarket has traveled hundreds of miles to get on the shelves. When you buy th1s food you are encouraging unnecessary )OUrneys, often by planes , which uses massive amounts of fossil fuels needlessly. Take a little time to select the local products and shrink that footprint a little more.


$ 350 million

t is all too easy to forget that every action you take in life, every detail of your lifestyle, has an implicit effect on the planet. From the clothes you wear to the journeys you take. Think about the way you live more often and maybe, hopefuly, there will be some planet left for future generations .


The number of people TESCO employs in the UK (more than twice the number that the US army employs) = The population of Wolverhampton= The estimated number of people in temporary accommodation in London =

2 3],000

The cost of a cruise missile= The amount of money a female IT sales executive was recently awarded from a sex discrimination court case = The amount of money it costs to send a plane full of clean water and sanitation equipment to the tsunami struck region of southeast Asia =



Disgraced thlete mits:

used the

eye of the

t1ger (PAGE 3)

ou Problems Solved

UEA needs another hero With global anxiety at an all-time high, UEA has joined several prominent Norwich businesses in signing up to a c ont roversial new protection s cheme . Foll owi n g th e le<td of Am e ric<tn in s titu tio n s s uch <tS Wa lm a rt a nd In tern a ti on a l Ho u se of Pa n cakes . UEA will j oin Norwic h Un ion . The Forum a nd C ity Ca re in emp loyi n g a perm a ne nt. on site s u perh ero. ll oweve r. h a mpe red by s tud ents' selfis h . shOI·tsighted refusal to pay vas tly increased tu it ion fees. UEA is struggling to a fford a h e ro w ith gen u in ely s ubs ta ntia l powers. leading some to question wheth er the plan is wort hwh ile. At t he ti me of go ing to press. th e Unive rs ity 's to p b rass were close to signing a dea l with Captain Pl iable. a veteran of th e UK Sllperlwro scene. wh ose ma in power. accord ing to h is webs it e (www.c<tplainpliab le.freese is double-jointed fingers. In response to accusatio n s t hat. in th e curre nt climate of terrorism and n<ttura l d isasters . Captai n Pliable's s kill s are ins u flkient. UEA released the following statement: "Whil e we ac know ledge t h a t M1·. Plia ble was n ot our firs t choice h ero !The Mig hty Mustache a nd Bovine-ma n and we re ta ken by h igher bidders ). we m a in tain he wi ll m a ke a va luab le contribu ti on to tlw sa fety of t h e Un ive1·sity. To give just two examples. imagi n e if a bo m b we re fo u n d and th e off-switch was a t a •·eally awkwm·d a ngle. o r if. for some reaso n . we n eeded someone to ho ld a lot of thi ngs a t t h e sa me ti me: s h ou ld any of th ose ci rcumsta n ces occ ur. UEA will b e fully pre pared . Yet n nn ours a re beginn ing to ci rculate t h at Captain Pliab le might not even be as pliab le as h e on ce was. Said one anonym ow; d issenter. "''ve go t no thing person a l against t he man . it's just tha t. as he's 78 yea rs old. it's o n ly n a t u ra l t h at hi s j oi nt s are s tarting to seize up . And eve ry one knows th ey only picked him b ecause h e's also agreed to teach la ng u ages. " But suc h wo1·ds h ave fa llen o n d eaf ea rs (in pa •·ti cu lm· Ca pta in Pliab le's - he wears two h ear ing a ids). a n d t h e h ero is expected to be unvei led next Tuesday a t a lavis h ce rem ony. So rem e m ber- t h e nex1. ti m e you' re in trou ble. and n o one else can help. raise one croo ked fin ge r to th e s ky ... and Cap tai n Pliab le will come running .

a ten th life. S aid on e. 'T h e problem is that th e eat's seve nth 'dea th ' may n o t hm•c bee n fata l. Som e of my colleagues wa n t to t ry killin g it aga in . but I'm n o t so s ure."

Stuff you missed over Christmas RPports that the m any .~hos t s at UJ<:A aJT ca u sed by the Un iversity's location on lop of an aneit·nt Indian burial gmund havf' been d ismis,.,cd as "mista ken". A UEA spokesper~on remarked. it \\'<ts a ll beca u se of a spelling error. \VIw n "<'put 'b uri a l g•·ound' Wl' Hclu a lly meant ·golf course·. The ghosts refused t 0 c·OmiiH'nt. It now '-.!'ems possible- tha t some of the eve nt s dep icted in popu la r motion p ictur<" .Jun1ssic Park wcrt> not t>xact lv I rue to life . A rcse<11Ther at local polytechnic. T h e Uni\Tr,.,it_\' of East Anf.!lia. has published <1

1-e po rt sug~es t in g Je ll Go ld bh 1111 cou ld not have worn the sunglasses/leather jacket combination he spo1·t,., in the film. Acconling lo t h e researche r. "it simp ly isn't possible ." Accordin g to a sun•cy concluctcd over Christ m as. UEA students are 15°n more like! ~· to enjoy slight of hand conju•·ing t1·icks tha n the national average. Sonwone we tac·klcd in the stn'l't said. "That's exlraonlinaty. Absolute ly extraordinarv." Nonvich scientists are baftled as to how to proceed in test in!!" loC'a l cat that may have

Alth ough it did n' t snow on Chri st m as Day in No n.vic h . so m e lucky punters did rece ive payouts. thanks to a h ila •·ious bra in defect in t he h ead of o n e boo kmaker. Th e de fect caused him to see wh ite. snow- li ke spots in hi s vis io n. Bri a n Ca rl sbe rg. a loca l we lder <tncl h<tirdresser said. "It's great. I don 't need I he money. b u t wi ll enJOY spend ing it. " Now bankrupt. the bookmaker isn't expected to live through the night. The Student Union has a n JIOUIH'cd its 200!1 campaign to make UEA more environmental I) friendly. Top of the list i,., a 1ww .-.ociel_v <kvotcd to firing at cars with air •·i!les. PtTsident of the ·ociety. Knuckle,., Capone. insish thos<: who think th<: acti\·ity cou ld be dangerous are "stu pid and wrong. Air rilles pellets arc ha •·d!y ever fatal. and even when

Prof. Roderick Mulhapton Filkington-Phipps, Rodders to his friends, senior economic adviser to the World Bank and the IMF gives informed counsel to your personal problems. Dea r Rodd ers S ince a n Tivin g in th is co u ntry from China. I h a ve ve ry muc h e nj oyed a ll th e experien ces offe red to m e by Englis h Cultu re. I h ave ma de many fri end s and have app recia ted t he fr eed om a llowed to th e youth of t hi s cou n try. All thi s is und er t111-ca t. however. as 1he lecture rs on my cou•·se a re sayi ng tha t my wo1·k is not of t h e s ta n dard expected from a seco nd yea r s tud ent. T h ey say th at if I do n 't imporve. rapidly. t h en I wo n 't pass my second year of study. This would mean that I a m sen t h om e in di sgrace. having virt u<t lly ba nkrupted my fam ily by coming to the UK. I h ave spo ke n to some E nglish frie n ds and I h ave b ee n reading in th e Med ia that t h e Educat ional estab lis h ments of lh is coun\ ry a re co nning people 1\l<e me by lowering the s ta nd a rd of th e ir Eng lis h c nt.-an ce exa m so th a t we wi ll co m e h ere a n d pay o u r t u itio n fees. T h en . a fte r two yea rs. th ey fa il us and we p;o h om e as ha m ed . Is thi s tru e? If ,.,o . w ha t ca n I d o? Yours. S ha m ed Dear Sha m ed The s itua ti on yo u have h eard of is very commo n in t h e edu ca tiona l climate of today. it is very like ly tha t your Univers ity ha s 'pu lled a fast on e'. so to s pea k . a nd is curren tly u s ing your tui ti on fees to s tu ff a ha ndmad e q ui ll. Yo ur predi ca m en t is a resu lt of ra t iona l ch o ice. You rea lised th a t the ed uca ti o n yo u were to receive h ere was better than th a t in yo w · n a tive co untry. Th a t th e ga m b le hassn't pa id off is yo ur own fa ult . Of co urse th e Unive rs ities wi ll ta ke a dvantage of your a m b ition: b ut they ca n 't h ave the likes of yo u gradu ati n g w ith a h a lf-dece n t degree . Why . th at wou ld p ut th e wh ole system in disr ep ute.

they a re. it's beca u se t h e person deserves it. " A ten pe n ce co in was found on t he noor in th e s qu a re in la te Dece mber. If yo u think th e coin. which is s ilve r a nd h as a serra ted edge. m igh t be yo urs. please cl<t im it a t th <" UEA Enq uirer lost p roperty office. All lost property is subject to a three po u nd storage c h ange . ·

Jurassic Park: unlikely




rse. Born and bred in that wellknown fashion mecca Birmingham, O'connor headed home to produce her first show at the NEC Arena. Her intention s to create a show that used ..---t her 10 years experience路-as a successful catwalk stalker. She had



Armani and Matthew Williamson with pieces we can pick up from the high street, like Zara and Topshop. The result was breathtaking, and had O'connor's eccentricity stamped all over it. Concrete was in attendance and with a little help from Erin , Laura Cobb identifies this springs trends. You heard it here first.


After a season of subdued hues, colour is going to it us nght between the eyes. Ms O'connor showed us how to a host of florescent colours and (just) avoid the cyclist look. Mix putrid pink, is season we'll all be layering, so lightning yellow and electnc make like your favourite bag lady, blue. Erin urged the audience to be and wear as many of your clothes at ce. Think of tying a cardigan over confident and crazy this seaa dress under a vest and over son, and she knows. users. Prints are still important - - - - - - - - - - - - - l and if you want to be seen, wear in clashing colours, conflictg textures and opposing patterns. e audience fell for the beautiful boyant dresses made entirely o feathers, which Erin had paired with plain trousers and sky-scraper heels (If you only buy one item this season make it a bright and beautiful feather).

lauren reeve hair desig fye bridge street norwich, nortolk, nr3 11e. tel : 01603 616396

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m1na r s

the photo raphic

Whenever fashion invents covered by Concrete last season, a strict style there's always cropped trousers are still bi g news. Denim, a backlash. Whilst winter linen, khaki ... whateve r flo ats your boat, had us appearing more trousers are ideal fo r the m gorgeous prim and proper than Spnng afternoons s ipp ing Snakebite in the Miss Marple, according to Erin, sportswear will be square. big this spring. The ladylike looks of last season have been replaced with a more androgynous move- ~..,...--------------------, ment. Her models strutted their stuff in pilot s Sienna Miller announced her recent engagegoggles and swimmingto Jude Law, it became apparent that the style rubber caps. Lycra e currently esteemed to her: person-whosand leather played a rdrobe-we'd-most-like-to-have, was bound to strong lead, it seems ntinue. Sienna's boho style is evident on all the waterproof fabrics are the ks for SpringfSummer os; we especially way forward. little Indian slippers with sequins and beads. fy, casual and sexy, they are perfect with - - - - - - - - - --t jeans, linen trousers or a gorgeous summer skirt. A definite must for your wardrobe this season.

Concrete Wedrresda\'. Jamwrv 121/r. 2005

concrete.fashionlifestyle@uea 23

THE FUTURE'S RAMPANT, THE FUTURE'S RABBIT Laura Cobb has so me hands on experie nce with

male readers may fail to understand, is that most women need more than Abi Titmuss on the front of Nuts and a box of tissues to keep us satisfied. Ann Summer's has locked onto the fact that women, well, have

what real ly goes o n at an Ann Summer's party.... he founder of Ann S_u mmers, Jacqueline Gold a1ms to encourage women to feel "good about themselves and their sexuality". The parties are a chance to buy lingerie and sex toys in the comfort of your own home. Ann Summer's nights take the sleaze out sex stuff and provide a liberating opportunity for women to chat openly about the quest for "the big 0" (alone and with company). There's a strong emphasis on talking about sex candidly without shame. lt is also illegal for a man to attend an Ann Summer's party as the high sexual content would class it as an orgy.


else when one of your bingo numbers is called. My word is so rude it would make Jenna Jameson blush. My friend wins the round and is asked to fake an orgasm, a bit too convincingly. Next the lovely Polly shows us her underwear. Along with the obvious, Ann Summer's also does a lingerie range. We ooh and aah over the stunning styles and there's something for everyone, very elegant underwear sets made of lace and silk, and very daring sets, made of nothing much at all, complete with tassels and clips. However there's not something for every budget, the prices aren't exactly student friendly.

Men are always shaking hands with shorty, why shouldn't girls do the same?

,. needs. And there's not a girl alive that couldn't be "happy" at least once with this lot. Polly is like a porno version of Mary Poppins , and we are delighted about the number of goodies she's fitted into a bottomless bag. There's some that buzz and flick, some that wobble, some with ears and even some with beads. Well, men are always shaking hands with shorty, why shouldn't girls do the same? Even Boots are thinking of selling vibrators and in Britain alone the sex toy industry is worth [woo,ooo,ooo . Ann Summer's has strived to bring delight to women nationwide, and with the help of programmes like Sex in the City, such subjects have become more talked about and less taboo. Polly encourages us to compare strengths of the toys (just in our hands!), there's even a vibrator that works like a pair of pants, complete with a remote control. We then play another game and try on some of Polly's collection, which even includes nurses ' outfits. We then spend a third of

Most women need more th an Abi Titmu ss on t he front of Nuts a nd a box of tiss ues to keep us satisfied .

So being the mature, sexually aware students that we are, to celebrate our first Ann Summer's party, we made a willy cake, complete with chocolate shavings and a cream-filled centre! Polly, a UEA student, is our host. She arrives and very soon we 're playing bingo, although I doubt Granny would approve. Polly's idea of bingo involves shouting out a word, chosen by someone

Ann Summers caters for sizes 8 to 22, (be warned the 8 is tiny). We're shocked to hear that Polly even puts on parties for people our mums age. Of course we know she's lying, parents don't enjoy things like this. Although this lingerie is all fun and good, we're a bit more interested in seeing the stuff that Ann Summer's is renowned for. The toys. Let's hear it for the toys. The thing that some of you

A BODY WORTH DYING FO s dedicated Fashionistas, the select Concrete two recently attended the NEC arena, Birmingham to watch the Clothes Show Live. This is a yearly event which involves catwalk shows parading the latest trends and lots of shops at which to buy them. We cast an educated eye, on the up and coming trends for 2005, in the hope we could report back to you, the Concrete style watcher.

designers are gay, they have a fixation with choosing starving, asexual models who basically look like men. This is of course rubbish and just as many female designers chose malnourished mannequins rather than celebrating the female form , curves and all. In their defence, designers claim that they use such tiny models because styles simply look better on a size 6 (or smaller). A designer who is currently contributing a clothes collection to H+M was angered that his designs may be worn by those of


In fashionable terms it seems that to be a single digit size is to be perfect.

However, we returned home feeling a little more than tired. We felt fat. The fashion team agreed we'd never been that close to girls that skinny. lt was kind of like being in the proximi ty of mass of sculpted skeletons. To describe these creatures, I'm going to need a lot of similes, their ribs looked like xylophones, their limbs hung like string and their cheekbones were bladesharp. Even we, intelligent Concrete journalists, felt a bit crap. So what effect must these models be having on young girls? Laura Cobb reports. Some people claim that since a number of the catwalk clothes

us larger than a size 14. In fashionable terms it seems that to be a single digit size is to be perfect. The media seems to believe this too and magazines are determined to tell us what mingers we all are, because if we're not dieting like the rich and famous we should be. There was a time when songstresses were rated on their singing ability, not dress size. Having your hips highlighted in print can't do much to boost a girls confidence. Although we can't blame the frightening influx of famous anorexics on the media but it seems a good place to start.

our loans on various treats . Polly bids us goodbye, telling us to book as many parties as we can and encourage our friends to do the same. "Come again," she says. I'm sure we will.

If you are concerned about yourself or a close friend, then the national Eating Disorders Association is right. here on our doorstep in Norwich. Set up in 1989, the association helps people to overcome their problems. Issues are dealt with in the strictest of confidence. Contact them by post: Eating Disorders Association 103 Prince of Wales Road Norwich NR1 1DW. Or call the EDA Youthline on: 0845 634 7650 Or visit their website: http:/

Eating disorders are now as common in celebrity circles as Jodie Marsh . If you're female and famous, you're fasting. What's most alarming is the way these images of perfection are affecting the non-famous. We wondered how many girls left the Clothes Show promising themselves they would start a diet. We certainly didn't eat (as much) ice cream that night. lt was recently recognised that children as young as five were developing eating disorders. Although evidently other factors are at play, many children (boys too) stated that they were influenced by the media. If you type anorexic into any internet search engine and for every anti-anorexic site there will be five which promote eating disorders . These sites and the societies they promote are called "Pro-Ana ". The pages feature photos of starving models which are idolised by the groups. They also include advice on how to starve yourself and "the thin commandments", one of which stated that "fat is ugly". What's most sad is that these websites are aimed at impressionable, teenage girls. How the models managed the pace of the catwalk and remained that thin is a terrifying thought. Of course they could be naturally that beautiful and that tiny. But how many people do you know who fit that criteria? A

What to remember: Don't attend an Ann Summers party if you're prudish, or think some things are sacred. You'll be encouraged to talk and even shout about yo ur sex life. 1.

2. Drink. A lot. You 'll fi nd that like the vodka, the embarrassing confessi ons will flow.

3¡ lt's best if you know your guests well. Discussing positi ons and pleasure with strangers is just wrong. So be open minded, be drunk and do it with friends . Bit like an orgy really.


recent interview with an exmodel revealed the extremes she would go to keep herself trim. She claimed models would often eat only tissues and ice cubes , and live in a constant cycle of exercise and starvation, and even go to such extremes as sleeping naked in a freezing room -to burn off more calories. Although the catwalk is attempting to answer outcry with the introduction of a tiny amount of "bigger" models, this is fairly futile . Sophie Dahl was a normal size for about, five minutes, and soon succumbed to temptation (or ignored it) and become a size 8. The Clothes Show's token plus-size was Jodie Kidd who is shock-horror - a size 12. The irony is that men don't even find the skeletal look a turn-on. How often do you hear a man say, "She has the most gorgeous ribs I've even seen"? lt seems to be the fashion minority which find starvation sexy. But why should big not mean beautiful? In everyday life there are millions of people who are of less than perfect proportions, and perfectly happy, they're just not catwalk models . Designers should use their mighty influence to project a positive image of a woman onto young people and fill the catwalks with normal sized models.


24 concrete.editoria l@

Concrete \l'ednesdar. Januarr 121"- 2005

HOROSCOPES Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 You'll need to rely on yo ur n a tural optimi s m to ge l throu gh thi s fortni ght. Where see hu ge oth e rs mounta ins of coursework and s leepless nights. you see new ch a llen ges and opp01·tun ities. Unfortun a te ly. your g usto will prove quite a nnoying to all those around you. so kee p schtum.


Cancer Jun 22 - Jul 22 r~;;;;:=;;;;;;a:--, The s hifting of the planets in the com in g weeks co uld m ea n giga nti c c han ges for yo u. The exact details are .___ _ _ ___, uncl ea r but wr~tch out for a man dressed entirely in sa tin with ti cke ts to a pr~nt o mim e . He holds the key to your d estiny . so follow with ca ution.

Libra Sept 23 - Oct 23 + Th is fo rtni g ht. give • yo urse lf a h ea lthy ~. dose of good ka rma j \ by doing daily good d eed s for a ll those a round yo u. This '-----==-----' co uld incl ud e th e wash ing up , h elping old lad ies with s h opping or don a ting yo ur loan to ch a rity. Give until it hurts. th en h ave a little rest a nd give so m e more.

Capricorn Dec 22 - J a n 19 .--------, With the new se m este r getting into full swing. you've fo und yo urself in the rath er e nvi a ble positio n o f b eing over -pre pa red for a ll your unit s. Pre tend you've not clone any work a t a ll a nd yo u'll be th e toast of a ll your seminars as eve ryon e will think yo u're a ge niu s.

Lucky Words: coc ky gil

Lucky Words: Fas hion police

Lucky Words: Cosmic cash m ac hin e

Lucky Words: Dumb lu ck

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 Re lationship proble ms getting you clown poppe t? All those long ni ghts spent with only Des a nd Me l re -runs for ' - - - - - - . . J company. We ll take so m e a dvice from those in the know a nd forge t a ll yoUJ· troubl es with a on e way ticket to s ingled om . population - you.

Leo Jul 23 - Au g· 22 Don't let that firey temper gel the bette r of yo u sweet pea . You've b itte n your tongue with a ll those irksome fool s a round you for so long. you can hold out a little more. Invest in some incence and perh a ps a big bottle of whiskey and yo u'll find a ll life's niggles just wash away.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 2 I Resolutions ap lenty ,.,. for you it seems pet. If! .\. · i~ S elf-improvement is : ... . . . .. , a passion of yo urs. and you've so many 4 ' options to c hoose from. Will it b e the s moking. th e drinking. th e pers ona l hygien e standards or perh aps th e penchant for ea ting enlir·e victoria sa ndwich cakes solo?

Aquarius Jan 20 - Fe b 18 Your inner Aqu a rius is getti ng the be tter of you and leaving you feeling a ll n ewage this fortni g h t. Yo u feel b a la n ced a nd have a n ew found love for your fellow m a n . Thi s wi ll undoubted ly h elp yo u to deal with th e turbul e nt times a h ead . whi ch a re too harrowing to revea l.

Lucky Words: solitude and s uicide

Lucky Words: Booze and bliss

Lucky Words : Peanut butter sand wi ch es

Lucky Words : Phila nthropy a nd sa lami

Gemini May 2 1 - Jun 21 Always wilh th e compla ining yo u are! Ge minis a re s up posed to b e content and placid. For c UJ; ousity's sake. spend th ese two wee k s making sure you're an authentic Ge m eni by r;gou rously c h ecking the details of your birth with parents a nd authori ti es in th e kn ow. demand photogra phic evid en ce.

Virgo Aug 2 3 - Sept 22

The only re m edy is to let the ser; es nm its co UJ·se and restar-t your li~ wh en its al l over. Try not to gel bed s ores from s itting on th e sofa a ll clay a nd night. It wo u ldn't b e th e firs t lime. a nd sad ly not the last either.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 2 I The stress of the fes tive seaso n h as left you feelin g vindic ti ve. Re lease this tension by vent ing pent up agression at fri e nds. fa mily and a nyon e else you co nie across. Wh en a nyone as ks why you're ac ting so ve nomously. give cryptic answers a nd s top retur·nin g U1 e ir ca lls. You'll soon get the peace you n eed .

Pisces Feb 19 - Ma r 20 This fortnight you will boycott a ll tech -. nology. On top of thi s you' ll feel the n eed to help all lllose a round you do th e sa me thing by pouring j a m into th eir wa lkma n s and taking th e com mun a l TV to the la ke for a swim. This might not earn you many fr·iends. but you're be tter off with out them. Fight llle power!

Lucky Words: self di scove ry

Lucky Words: John McCriri ck

Lucky Words: Asbos a nd Prosac

Lucky Words: Compost and turd s

~ ~ow:~a ~~ ~ ~ r·fe~ ~ -~~ b eco me hypnotised by the tra s hy eye of Celebrity Big Broiher.

. 'l\

/ I \ ..


• llf!r'r'


Project Manager: Philip Sainty Advertising Sales: Ben Millar Team: Editor: Philip Sainty Deputy Editor: Katharine Clemow

Photographer: Editor: Helen Pike Deputy Editor: Oily Haywood Education Editor: Jessica Fielder Health Editor: Clare Aitchison International Editor: Nadia Bennich Legal Editor: Juliet Harris Political Editor: Sam Webber Editor: Ross Grainger Deputy Editor: Lucy Mowatt

Letters... Practising The Teaching? To the Editor. Our belief is that a major investment in sustai nabl e transport alternatives would enable the University of East Anglia to _ not_ build the£ 13m multis tory carpark it currently plans on. and still to cope with increased numbers or stall and students. Building the carpark wo ul d be catastrophi call y at variance wi th our Uni ve rsit y's deserved reputation for c lim ate-c hange sc ience. and for ca rbon-emissions reduction . Indeed, one of the aims of the East of England Development Agency fund ed Carbon Reduction Project was to enab le the University to become a showpiece for 60% carbon dioxide reduction by 2025. Building the car park would amount to g iving up completely on CReel. By contrast. making an in ves tment of £6-7m in the environmental travel- . plan would put UEA on the map in a _pos itive_ way. By so doing, UEA cou ld set the pace for other major e mploymen t centres in the region to reduce overall carbon em issions towards the official gove rnment agreed target of 60% reduction by 2060. It would be marvellou s if the Un ivers ity of East Anglia campus could become a reg io na l _ leader_ in this effort. Britain has to begin its commi tment to further reductions in C02 emissions.for the second commitment period to 2022 under the Kyoto

Protocol , which thi s nation has signed up to. To achieve thi s target, future emissions will need to be cut _wherever_ poss ibl e and replaced with non-carbon-dependent technologies (and c hanged human behaviour). We cannot let future generations carry thi s burden ; we have to start now. Combatting climate change begins at home- and on campus. We hope earnestl y that the powers that be at UEA wi ll li sten to our ca ll , and wi ll try to in vo lve the whole University in the process of working together to find a sustainable a lternative to thi s mon ster carpark. We urge a ll readers of thi s letter to come to the open meeting on a lternatives to the car park on Jan. 17 at 5.30 in Union House. room 1.28 . Thi s meeting will be chaired by Prof. Tim O'Riordan. and will be a unique opportunity to dialogue over the future direction of the Universit y's transport policy. Editor: lames Conway Deputy: Hannah Newton Editor: Anna Steward Deputy: Donna Boam Kathryn Laura Editor: Marc Dudley Peter Clutton-Brock Post Production Distribution Manager: Joe Dunthorne

Signed: _ Andrcw Higson (UEA Students Union Environment Officer), Victoria Ho ll and (webs itc manage r, UEA S ustai nable Ac ti on T ranspo rt Group ('STAG')), Rupert Read (Senior Lecturer in Philosophy) , and Tim o· Ri ordan, (E V Professor and member of the U K Susta inab le Development Commi ss ion ).




Concrolo is published by UUE AS Concreto Socrety O'l004 Concrete. ISSN 1351 ·2773 Lottors

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TRI-RACKETS TOURNAMENT FOOTBALL WHICH IS THE MOST SKILLED RACKET SPORT? Pele Clullon-Brock The question that has long been debated by all who have wielded a racket past or present has finally been answe red. In an a tte mpt to put a slop to sp!"cu lation and lt'rminall' rumour Ihe Tri Rile kels Tou r namen t was held in a joint e\'<"nt that saw players from Tennis. Squash and Badminton fi _g hl it out tor the Rackets crown. Eac h sport is I ho ugh I of as somewhat specialised. an cl drawing comparisons between lh !"m has neve r been easy. Hackets The Tri Tournamen t k ick<"d off on the Badm inton courts. Unu sl"d to tlw s urround ings. the squash players fo u nd it ha rd to ~et going. a nd seve ra l playe r s we re redu ced to acc u s ing I he badminton tea m of lac king ba lls. Despite th e lac k of pt·aclice the squ ash and tennis players s oon found th em se lves loc ked in a tig ht match . lt qui c k ly becam e a ppa re nt th a t competiti on wa s be twee n s eco nd a nd third place with th e Ba dminton team leading th e

fit·lrl ;md [_(h·in_g a fine demonstration ol how to play their spen-t. The bad minton team lost on ly one l(anw. with squash and ten -

At. lunch th e scores wer e:

Badmin ton 15 Squash 7 Tennis 7 n is in a dead heat. Squash was the next sport on ihe menu aft!"r lu nch and the squash play ers were kl"en Io get some revenge on the- badminton team. D!"spit<" lhl" u nfami liaiscen<" several of the ten ni s a nd badmin to n playe rs excelled. pu 11 i ng out some ~ r!"at gam!"s. However. th e s qu as h team we re a lways on e s tep a h ead. co min g away und efea ted a nd ex u berant. The ba ttle for second a nd third t·aged on with the ba la nce swinging one way th en th l" oth er. As J he fa int winter s unlight fa ded . the teams ma rc hed out onto the noodlit tennis co urts for the final s port of th e tournaml"nt. WiU1 both the squa sh a nd ba dminton tea m s shiv-


ABOUT FOOTBALL..AGAIN Hey Kids, it's m e, the bloke who loves football, and right now there are a number of things happening in the world of football that 1 think are dan1aging the game. TI1ere are two in particular that I want to focus on. The firs t is the Christma s period . The calendar for Premiership clubs is congested enough as it is, but during the Christmas period thJs rea ches absurd levels. Take my favourite team. Manchester United. Like most clubs they had Premier League matches on the 26tll and 28th of December and the 1st and 4th of January. That's four matches in nine days. While we're at home with the family in front of the 1V. wearing the new clothes we got from Fa ther Christma s . it's hard to advocate cutting down the number of m a tches played dUiing the Chris tma s period . Fans love it. ll s eem s like a great gift from the FA, but it's gluttonous on the part of them and us fan s. Ea ch Premiers hip team plays 38 m a tches in the leagu e a lone , and with all the ot11er c up competitions and lnternational matc hes, the FA has to. a t one point, cram a lot of ma tches into a s m a ll a m ount of time . They pick Chris tmas b ecau se mos t fan s are s itting a t home with only new DVDs to watch. Fo u r m atches d uring eigh t days when most of Brita in is on h oliday m ean s a la rge p rofi t for th e Premiershi p. one they are not keen to see d isman tled. even if it's tor the sake of the players. We love it. b ut the cl ubs don't. it takes a lot ou t of the players. and leaves the most in -demand players very weary when summer tournaments like the European Championsh ips and World Cu p begin. It a lso helps expla in why Manchester United are the only English team to win U1e Champions League since its creation in 1993. The English league is the busiest in Europe. During ll1e congested Cht-istmas period. injuries and tatiguc pile up. and mana~ers become desperate to add more players to their squad. As Ihe Christmas period ends. the translt-r window op!"ns. The ml"dia love it. Clubs need new players ;,o badly U1at newspapers can create dozen» ol nm1011rs about who's going where. The whole sordid period is damaging English tootball. But then' Is a solution.

Ross Grainger

After many near misses and n ot a few lucky nicks the resu lt"s for sq u ash stood at: Badminton4 Sq u ash 16 Ten n is 4

In the small window b!"fore Christ m as IJrea k Ihe UEA firsts surtered ~·et anoi iH·r setback Ill the BUSA league. but gave lhl"msi" IH·s somel hinl..( to cheer about as the~· progtTssed in the Junior Cup. The firsts are currently seco nd from bottom in tile sL'(-team league. and need rcsttlts from their remainin~ three matches if they are to avoid beinl..( om··of two teams that gel rele,((alecl. In their final match before the break the team travelled to Linco ln on the lst of Dec!"mber. They had. of eourst·. been there once befo r!". on th e openin~ clay of the season. But after a nig h tmarish journey t he team a JTivl"d too late and the match had to be resc hed ul ed. So a ft er anot her long jou rn ey !"ast Lee Pe nd ry a n d his team we re ·hoping to <~vo id a re p!"at of th e na rrow 2 - 1 d efea t they s uffered a wee k ea l"ii e r a t h o m e to Lincoln. Tha t d efea t was fo llow!"d by a n impressive 4 -0 win over Cambridge two days late r. a win whi ch saw U1 em move off th e bottom of th e league.

After all th e results were count d a nd checked the final result was ... l. Squash 2. Badminton 3 . Tennis



ering. unttsed to the ridint

lous id!"a of playing outside in tile cold. the tennis start !"d. The ddining mateh!"s were once ac;ain li1r I he sec ond and Ihird places. \\ith tlw squash leant cd~in~ I he result over the badminton players. Tile te n n is IC'am. showing thl"ir wot·ih. losing only a coupk of games. So lhl"r<" it is. the result is fi na l. tlw squash team are victorious. In a retu r n to the compc lition after many years out. a ll three s port s eo ncl ucl ecl it wo ul d be thl" fi rst of many.


Actually there are two. First, abolish the Carting Cup, or, as ll has been known before. the Worthington Cup, the CocaCola Cup, the Rumbelows Cup and the Milk Cup. The Carling Cup is a nothing, nonsense competition that was first played in 1960. It has gone through several highly inappropriate spons ors s ince then . and continues to pla gue the English game. Aptly called the Worthless cup a few years back. the Carllng Cup plays on our love of knockout competitions, the clubs' need for a bit of a cash and the destre of lesser tean1s to get into the UEFA Cup. For the big clubs it is only a grazing field for young players and those on the fringes of the squad. Some people say the latter has given the competition a new lease of Life. lt hasn't, and the fact that the competition needed one shows how stupid it is. Being able to see second-rate players compete for something they don't really care about is no reason to take up space in the football calendar. No other league In Europe has an equivalent of the Cup. If we abolish il, admit that we were just greedy and d esperate for some mid-week football. we'd be able to spread the 38 Premiership matches around much more evenly. Abolishing pointless domestic tournaments is one of the things the English FA can do to help our own players , but FIFA needs to have a look a t some of the competitions it ha s and a s k wheth er they are really helping anyone. The Confederations Cup. for example. Played every two" years during a s ummer where there is no World Cup or European ~h ampionships, the Confed erations Cup is utterly. utterly pointless. No one cares about it. In case yo u're wondering it brings together the winne rs of th e con tinental ch a mpions hips. th e host na tion. and one gue st. Two groups of four ba ttle it out to a conclus ion that no one remembers. Ifs jus t a two -week tournament FIFA m a d e up to m a ke mon ey and pus h the ir brand . Apparently the World Cup is n't eno ugh . Th e FIFA Presiden t Sep p Blatter wants al l U1e top leagues in Europe to be reduced in size to red uce player fatigu e. b ut he has n o place to talk a bou t this p roblem when he prom otes pointless crap li ke the Confederation s Cup. To really m a ke a Ch ristmas brea k possible for the Premiership we need to do mo re U1an abolish t he Cm·ling Cup : the leagu e needs to be reduced to 18 teams. I don't n eed to take u p a lot of space expla ining t he merits of such a move. 1'11 only point out that the Euro 2004 runner-up. Portugal (whence 2004 Champions League winners Porto came) has 18 teams in its top league, and Greece. Euro 2004 winners has 16 teams. Fewer teams mean fewer matches and less wot·k for the playet·s. During Euro 2004 we saw the best players perform far below their potential. Zidane. Hent)'. Beckham and Del Piero all sulkrecl in the heat of Portul..(<ll after thl'y had finisht·d their Ion(( domestic campaigns. If FIFA doesn't want the next Wodd Cup to be a n·peal of World Cup 2002. a mcdiocn·

But any hopes of winnim( two l:!USA m;1 tches in a row tor the fi r t lime all seaso n we re das h ed a lm ost immediately. With key play t'rs missing. the whites louncl Li nco ln in top -form and were beaten easi ly -1- 0. meanin~ the team has yet to win away in th e BUSA lea~ue a ll season. Ltt ckily the tea m were siill in the Junior Cup. So t;tr this season they ha\'e shown the co nsis te ncy tha t helped them win the trophy last year. Their opponents in lhl" lourth round were local s ide Earlha m . a notoriou s ly di ffi cu lt place to p l <~y. E<1rlham ar!" one of those loc;1l sides who. wlwn they come up il~a in s t fas t . qu a lity opponent likl" th e UEA firs ts. try to m uscle their way to \'ictory ra tlwr th a n achieve it with good foo tba ll. This tactic is hd pccl by the fac t th a t th e re fe ree oft e n d oes n 't s how up . Wh en this ha ppe ns. a fti end or relative of one of the players ··re ferees .. . b ut does so with unbelievil ble bias. S o on th e 4th o f Dece mb er th e team m a de the short ltip into Earlha m to fa ce a s ide whose c han ging room is a ctu a lly a refin ed porta-cabin bereft of s how-

ers. toilets and t'\'en sinks. Desp ite tlw rough set ting. the team. buoyed by the presence of an official rei. were dominant t 11rouglwu I and ,got I he win till'\' dese rved. Adam English opened the scori n ~ afte r filleen min u tt·s. I h u m pin g hom e a vo l ley after good wo rk by his striking partnt'r Tom l3urton. 13urlon got the sec ond with a typica ll\' incisin• fi nis h . llis co ns isk ncv has been a major pltts in an attack that. tor one reason or ano th er. is rar<" ly t h e sa me fro m one match to the next. I le got t he important Ih ird goal midway th rough til e seco nd ha lf th a t put tile res ult bcvoncl do u bt. Credi t mu st be give n to Earlham who. a lth o u ~ h ras h !" n o u ~h to ge t a ma n se nt -off in I he fir s t h a lf. ba ttl ed ha rd throug hout a nd go t a goa l back twe nty minut!"s from th e end . Any hint of a co me back was extinguis h!"d with te n minutes rema ining wh en your humb le corresponden t scor!"d wha t was. in a ll mod es ty. a delightful goal. lt fin is h ed 4 - 1 a nd th e tea m a dva n ced to the qu a rt er fin a ls.

tournament by any standards. it would do well to reduce the size of the football calendar and encourage national FAs to do likewise. I said at the beginning of this piece there are two problems facing football . The second is all this talk of video replays being used to help refs make big decisions. Over the Christmas period Liverpool were denied a penalty in their league match against Chelsea after T iago clearly h andled the ball. The following day Tottenham were denied a goal in even more astonishing ctrcumstances wh en Manchester United's l)eeper Roy Carron bundled a shot over his line. The ref and Linesman were not close enough to make a decision. so Spurs were denied a clear goal . These were big decisions, but they haven't changed my opinion: I'm completely against introducing video replays to help refs. It is unfair to co n sider putting a system in place for the Premiership, Champions League and other big corn, petitions while the lower leagues have to do without. We cannot create two tiers of football - th ose who have the technology and those who do not. A conference side play the same football as the millionalres of Chelsea. Whether it's played in a 70,000-seater stadium, or at Colney Lane. football is footba ll. When you step onto the pitch everything is equal . We cannot change t hat. Football is played by humans and officiated by humans. Technology has no place in the decision-making process of a ref and his assistants. What's more. the logistics of implementing a video-assistance system are enormous. For s tarters. will this technology only be u s ed for s hots that m ay or may not be over the line? If s o we should stop right t11ere . becau se Incidents ltke Mendes' s hot against Man United and Geoff Hurs t's strike in the '66 World Cup are very rare . If technology needs to be introduced anywhere it's in the offs ide d epartment. A lot more goals are allowed or dis allowed wh e n there is just a hint of offside. Again though , I do not see a problem . You h ear a lot of talk about this n ew offs ide rule and h ow it's th e m ost com plicated thing since quantum physics. It's really not complica ted or controvers ial. a nd anyone who says otherwise is j u s t bitter at being b eaten by il. Linesm en will get offs ide decisions wro ng. of course th ey will. There were a couple ot b ig ones th is past FA Cup weeken d. b ut the system is not bwkcn . It doesn 't need Referees, like goalkeepers. are only brought to national attent ion when they make a huge error. The sad fact for refs is that th e best ref is one you don't notice. Most refs are likt> this. Next time you watch a match keep track of how many correct de is ions a ref makes \'erses the number of mistakes. Modern refs are well trained. we ll paid and do an excellent job lor footb<Jil. This talk of biingin~ in technology has to stop. There should only be onl' camp<~ign in footba ll lhl"se days: to reduce llw number of matches teams h<W<' to play to nbolisll the Carlin~ Cup.


UEA Men's team continue the fortunes of last term with a 5-0 win against Wensum Lodge Peter CluttonBrock The Men ·s s qu ash team s ta rt the te rm wit h a repu tati on to live up to having co mpleted the first h al f peri od u n beaten . Th e fin al vi ctory ?gainst Wens um Lodge con clu ded a tour de force from the UEA team. Wensu m Lod ge had been the previou s favo urites to win the leagu e . but were shown li tt le mercy by a ru thless UEA squad. Mark Wcbster -Smith started slowly and soon fou nd himself 8-1 down in the first game. Ral lying himself. despite the despera te s itua tion . Mark fo ught back. Inchi ng his way back into th e ga me poin t by poi nt . he pulled him self level. eventually wi nnin g the firs t gam e 10-8. The next ga me was equ a lly close b ut Mark came through in the end winning th at ga me a nd the one after tak ing the ma tch without d ropping a gam e. Both Mark Anderson and Mike Pe rfect were hardly tested in th eir ma tches. cruis ing


through with no difficulty a t a ll . BoU1 won 3- 0 . Greg Clinton -Ta resta d found himse lf with a tight ma tch on his h a nds from the firs t. Up a gains t Ric hard And erson Dungar. Greg

pus hed hard in the firs t winning 9- 7 and taking the second m ore easily 9 -2 . The third game was a catalogu e of calls . Attempting to salvage s ome dignity Richard utilised som e dis tin ctly

unorth od ox m eth od s in his a ttempts to win back s ome points . but Greg gave as good as h e got and the gam e ended 3 -0 . Pete Clutton-Brock began s lowly a s per u s u a l.

His opponen t taking a dvantage of this carved ou t a chan ce in the firs t gam e leading 8-7. h owever th rough a lucky s hot or two Pete gra bbed the first game at th e last moment from his


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