Concrete special issue 1963 2003

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Specia l Issue · 1963 - 2003


the Uni ve rs ity or East Anglia is to become a reality. Origina ll y to be called the University of orwich (the name was changed tu sec ure a w ider base of fund ing). it joins York and Sussex in the first wave of new un iversi ties designed to address the c urrent shortage of under-graduate places. Describing his vision for UEA (as the insti tuti o n may come to be known). recently announced Vice Chance ll or Frank T hi stlethwaite spoke of ''b uilding bridges between the arts and the sciences." Professor Thistlethwai te. who special izes in American histo ry. is keen to use hi s experience to help bring new ideas to the English university system. He said nce we are a new uni versity and not hidebound by tradition. there is everyth ing to be said fo r taking a look at the Uni ted Slates ...

Building an East University is a cu lw,,a J project. The proposed si te is Earl ham golf course and it b estimated that the gavernment wi ll have I 0.000,000 over the next seven to ten years in order to realize the plans proposed by Thistlethwaite. Located a shon d istance outside the ci ty centre, the golf course setting was chosen. according to the Eastern Dai ly Press. .. because of its beau ty". In additi on to the government grant. the University 's C hance ll o r. Lord Mackintosh, has launched an appeal to raise 1.500.000 from public donations. If thi s leve l of sup port can be fou nd. there is every reason to suspect UEA will be the .. well-i ntegrated. well-balanced. fu ll University .. Professor Thist lethwai te hopes for.

PlANS RELEASED FUNDINCi? DON'T FIRST STUDENTS' VERDICT: ''FINE'' HAVE ACOW WITH the proposed opening of the Univer sity of East Anglia less than a year away, mo re details have bee n released . The most high-profile announcement i, the radical design architect Denys Lasdun has proposed for the Uni,cr,ity site. Composed largely of concrete blocks, the site· s most recognitablc feature will be the five

recreation. However. Mr. Lasdun·s plans arc merely what he describes as .. an anatomy of an idea .. - architects for the individual structures have yet to

rows of 1iggurats that shou ld provide much of the student accommodation. The inter-li nking

be appointed. lt has been made clear that the 'ite wi ll not be ready for the firs t three years of the University's exisinstead a temporary tence: ·university Village· will be con structed. at a cost of 266.400 across Earl ham Road on I 2 ac res of la nd

nature of the buildings refl ects Vice-Chance ll or T hi stl ethwaite · s "i'h for an institution with no clear houndarie' between learning and

anonymously donated for the purpose. Earlham Hall. currently under renovation. will also provide teaching space.

TH E campaig n to raise 1,500,000 in donatio ns was given a promoti ona l boost by a friendly wager with York University, which is a t a s imila r stage of development. UEA Chancellor Lord Mackinto'h wa» heard to quip. "I see that York have set their figure at two mi ll ion - well good luck to them .. . We will raise more.'' He further raised the stakes hy agreeing with York · s Chance llor. Lord Hare wood . that whoever raised more wo uld

receive a prite-winning cow from the loser. For several months. totals remained close, with major contribu tions fo r East Ang lia coming from. amo ng others. John Macki ntosh and Son' ( 100.000). Norwich Union ( I 00.()()()) and J & J Coleman (75.000) . However. it has been announced York have emerged victorious by a ,)im 5000. True to his word. Lord Mackintosh has pre'cnted his rival with an I K-month old heifer.

ON October 7 th . UEA 's first MM und er gradua tes arri ved to begin their stud ies. Mis' Sally Hult. 18. fro m Surrey wa' the first fully-lledged student. hcing tlr>t at the matriculation ceremony . Reaction> from the new arrivals were positive. with one commenting. ··1 wa' 'urpri,cd to sec how line 11 was. Temporary housing wa' also wel l received. ··1 have taken the married daughter·, room in the fam -

ily with whom I am staying. and it is hig eno ug h no t only to work in. hu t to entertain ... Gcorge Earlier. Registrar Chadwick had spoken of the Llniverl<i ty's hope for a roughly 5050 gender split (at the time only 9r,1 of >tudents at Cambridge were women) . In the end. 6 1 of the 88 we re female. The intention i> to rapidly expand the 'tudcnt inta~c. with a target of 3.000 within a dcc·adc .

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