ichael Eavis may have pulled the plug on what would have been this year's biggest musical event, but light relief has come in the form of the Essential Music Festival in Brighton . Running from the May 25 - 27 the , festival comprises three separate days distinct in their musical style. Day one (Satu rday May 25) heralds the dance day; with ov8r forty acts perform ing on th is day alone your tastes are guaranteed to be ca tered for. Ranging from the seminal (Coldcut, Carl Cox) to the superstars (Goldie, Underworld , and headliners The Prodigy) : from new lead ing lights (l T J Bukem, Roni Size , Alex Reece , James Lavelle) to well established names (Andrew Weatherall , Eat Static, System 7) , the opening day promises a mixed bag of the dan ce world 's finest. The following two days (Su nday May 26 : lnd ie Day, and Ba nk Holiday Monday 27: Reggae Day) simil arly promise such names in their respective fields ; Echobelly, Bu rning Spear, The Lightning Seeds, Lee 'Scra tch' Perry, Bis, Transglobal Underg round , Menswear... and - to follow a well worn cliche - the list goes on. The festival runs from 1pm - 11 pm each day and comprises five big top style tents , two main stages, plus three add itional 'satelli te' tents, which will be hosting smaller club based events, such as Megadog , Splash, Blow Up!, Sabrettes , Global Spirit. All the events will be taking place at Stanmer Park, Falmer , which is next to the University of Sussex campus . With all this going on, plus the rather enticing fact that each day's entry is only 拢19 (adva nce) , the Essential Music comes highly recommended as one of this year's ta lking points in the making . Mark Tobin
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Is Norfolk full of eastern promise? In the first of a series of reports focussing on local bands going places, Mark Tobin meets the boys from Magoo 1 seems a long time s1 nce Norwich Sound Ci ty and the heralding of a new era for Norwich bands. Hardly an A&R man's been he re since , but Magoo, a bun ch of lo- f1 fans from a Norfolk vi ll age too sma ll to even name are about to change all that. Their new EP, Eye Spy (seven songs on a seve n 1nch), has been ga ining favou rable press all over the pl ace "We were rea lly surprised by the Melody Maker review ," says s1nger and main songwriter, And rew Rayne r. "The NME have always bee n quite good fo r us because Simon Williams has been a fan our stu ff, righ t from the first single, but we expected Melody Maker to ta ke a li ttle wh ile longer getting 1nto us." Magoo also see m to be favourites of the venerable John Peel. but 1t has to be remark ed th at th e1r somewhat un1que sound (d istorted, lots of trebl e) may not be everyone's cu p of tea.
'Yea h. I can see that comp letely. But the thing IS . . I don't ca rel As long as it sounds OK to me. that's f1ne . Actually the large amount of treble IS probably just due to our poor hearing! We want to do some tracks with loads of bass, long tracks. shorts tracks whatever. We don't want to turn people off." it's di fficu lt to see how l1steners could get bored. Eye Spy is a parad1se of eclecticism , large ly due to Magoo's inablil1ty to stop recording songs, whether in a 24-track studio or in front of a walkman . Tentative pla ns are be ing made for an album to be released on Chemikal Underground, home of chart stars Bis. "We're really pleased about the offer. Obv1ously we'd prefer it if we were ab le to record an album and get paid a wage fo r doing 1t, but at this stage just having the opportunity to re cord anything is fan tastic." Ironica lly, Magoo may end the mus ic industry short sightedness shown towards Norwich .
n association with Warner Music. and in conJunction with Concrete , Livewire 945 is offering all you Event readers the exclusive chance to buy The Be loved's excellent new album X at a special bargain basement (well, sort of) pncel All you have to do is visit eith er Lizard Records or Beatbox Records (and only those shops mind) in Norwich, say "I heard about X on Livewire 945" and the alb um is yours fo r a quid less than everyon e elsel Sorted I And if you want to check out what the album sound s like, tune into Livewi re 94 5, where they'll be playing a track every hou rl Wow!
Once, Lush's ethereal soundscapes were all the rage. Now they're back in the charts with a crisper pop sound. Sam Richards investigates... he Arts Centre gig sold out weeks ago and they're looking forward to some mammoth takings behind the bar. What they didn't plan for was half of the crowd consisting of distinctly underage kids . lt merely goes to show that the appeal of Lush and guitar pop in general is becoming far more wide-ranging . A brief glance around the venue reveals . amongst the teenage hordes, two middle-aged men having a discussion over whether Single Girl is better than DeLuxe. The Lush live show reveals that the band themselves are well aware of their varied audience . Lovelife favourites are bashed out happi ly while a few earlier tracks are given an airing , swirly bits intact. it's nothing extraordinary, but it does show that the band are currently full of confidence , and unafraid to display their musical development. Still, some aren 't satisfied , labelling Lush the shoegazing losers turned Britpop bandwagonjumpers. This gives Miki a chance to launch the first attack of the evening on journalists. "Jt 's really annoying. There seems to be an accepted line in the press on every band . The writers don 't actually go back and do research or listen to the early records they just ask around the office and it's 'Lush used to be this whirly shit' . Every band suffers from it. " So do Lush now feel vindicated that their records are in the Top Ten? "Actually , Spooky (our first LP) got to number seven in the album charts while Lovelife only made number eight. For some rea son, people are talking about Lush finally selling loads of records , but we've always sold loads of records ." Oops! I've just shown myself up as one of those research -lacking journalists that Miki berated a moment ago . However. I am
reminded of attending a Lush concert about five years ago when they packed out a 1,000 capacity venue ("lt must have been because Spitfire were supporting," jests Phil). lt seems that far from riding the current tidal wave of British guitar music, they were among the bands who started the tremor in the first place. And , unlike some groups, Lush haven 't ditched
realise the effects of appearing on kids TV shows and in magazines like More until you see the 12year-olds at the gigs." "There are young girls down at the front of the stage," continues Miki. "They scream for Phil and he just feels like a dirty old man!" Lush used to have a reputation as liggers, propping up the bar at every gig and party going. Is this still true? "I don't think it was ever true ," answers Miki. "I see liggers as people who hang round with celebrities , trying to feed off their fame . That's
"You don't realise the ellects ol appearing on kids TV shows until you see the 12 year Olds at the g"lgS • They scream tor Ph"ll and he just leels like a dirty old man!" - Miki their old stuff and manipulated themselves to fit in with new trends . "We still think all our old songs are really good, " says Emma . "There's no way we'd dismiss our back catalogue . I mean, we still play some of it live." The broadening of Lush's audience hasn't passed unnoticed by the band . "They're so young!" Phil tries to account for this : "I don 't think you
not us. Yes , we like going to watch other bands play in London , but that's not a crime , is it?" One of the most interesting songs on the Lovelife LP is Ciao!, a duet with Ja rvis Cocker. lt came about because Jarv is a mate of the band , and his presence on the LP has done them no harm in press and sales terms. Who would have sung it if not Jarvis, though? "Actually , it was written for Phil to sing because he said he wanted to do a song," Miki explains. "However, after I had written it, he- said he . was only joking and I had to find someone else ." Emma has some strange tales of American record company suggestions: "Eddie Vedder! Seriously! They thought we might sell a few to Pearl Jam fans! " Miki: "AI Jourgenson (from Ministry) was another suggestion . They said 'Well you did Lollapalooza with him, you 're mates aren't you?' .. . Can you imagine?" Despite the obvious commercial appeal , Lush have resisted the temptation to issue Ciao' as a single . The next release is going to be 500, a jaunty little number about an old Fiat. "We're recording the video tomorrow, in Read ing. We have to be up at ?am ." Emma shudders at the prospect. "Miki's in the 500 , and I'm in a Jag which breaks down ." Ph il: ''I'm in a Golf GTI or something like that." Miki: "And Chris has to be a Catholic priest." Obviously. And with that , Lush are back on their tour bus to relax before ton ight's gig. Emma is reading David Guterson's Snow Falling On Cedars while Phil prefers to play board games - "it's either chess or heroin. " I spot Phil again just before he takes the stage, looking rather apprehensive about the age of th e audience. "The kids are out in force again!" he laughs. obviously slightly amused at the idea of girls screaming for a mild-mannered bass player with greying temples. Just proof of Lush 's victorious rena issance.
nowing the astounding inefficiency of most local authority student grant departments, most of you probably still won't have any money for the term . Fear not, however, for this is a competition where you can win stuff for free . OK , admittedly it's all shit, but , hey, beggars can't be choosers. Up for grabs this issue are: LOADS OF STUFF FROM THAT AWFUL BAND THE CRANBERRIES (POSTERS, VIDEOS, STICKERS, THAT SORT OF BOLLOCKS) INCLUDING THE DIRE NEW SINGLE WHERE DOLORES SINGS LIKE A GOAT! MORE UNATTRACTIVE FILM POSTERS FROM STRANGE DAYS AND TO DIE FOR! EVEN MORE PONY CDS INCLUDING BABYLON F***ING ZOO! AREN 'T THEY THE WORST BAND EVER!? LOADS OF STUFF THAT NO-ONE WANTED AT THE END OF LAST TERM! NO SURPRISE REALLY! wow! To wi~ al,l th~ ~onkey toss, Jesu~s¡l~t come up to the Concrete office and tell us you want it. We don't
ionrock have released one of this years most critically lauded dance LP's . The man behind the band - Justin Robertson has been a big name in the club world for many years now, remixing and DJing with an eclectic fervour that goes against much of the nineties endemic purism . Finally stepping out from behind the decks, Robertson is set to tour Lionrock plying the Waterfront, May 1st - with a live
The album , An Instinct For Detection, was recently given a coveted 5/5 award in Muzik; the tour promises to be just as
. ....,.
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(m D...~ The
MEAT - A T MANIPESTO subUmlnal sandwich/ LP
s th is a demo tape? Cross ing Senser, Pink· Floyd and The Orb with dub/ drum 'n' bass influences may sound promising at first but then come the Pet Shop Boys/dalek samples and the messy noises, lame ba ss riffs and tired drum loops . This is going nowhere slower th an a Skoda with Big Daddy in tow. it's probably aimed at the 'alterna tive' ma rket with its attempts at experimentation. But what happened to good tun es? This is an experiment gone wrong . Occ asionally some nice beats emerge , but none of the tra cks are really hitting. One track loops "''m the assass inator" - So what? Go assassinate your wack programmer and get yourself a decent sound . One of the tracks is ironically titled (Stuck In) 1979- I'd agree . Primitive psychedelica doesn 't sell anymore . There's currently so much good stuff on the market, this shit deserves to be dissed . Eject. Chris Knight
TIP TOP Pop Muellr/
hat japesters those Tip-Toppers are! Not content with irritating unsuspecting Radio One listeners who tune in a bit too early for Mark Radcliffe on a Wednesday evening , they have now released a pointless cover version of Pop Musik. And their 'interpretation' of Babylon Zoo's Spaceman is EVEN WORSE than the orig inal , if that's possible (they perform on helium for gawd's sake!). Oh , how ironic, how kitsch , how spectacularly funny . This load of arse is apparently being inflicted upon us "due to the huge demand made by the 10,000 strong Tip Top Club fan base." Well my mate Robin only joined for the free badge and I bet they end up giving th ese away too . C/aire Sweeting
ailing from Nashville, it might seem achingly obvious that Lambchop define themselves as purveyors of country music. However, far from taking the staid generic formula of country, Lambchop merely use its basic elements to create acutely touching tunes .
Rooms/ LP
Whilst the vast majority of people will be getting into the far more accessible sounds of the American underground such as the Presidents Of The USA, bands such as Lambchop, Tortoise or Palace Music are the ones that are taking innovative, experimental, and -of far more
t's a safe bet that the rooms wh ich Goya Dress inhabit are tastefully decorated . The name, for a start , suggests they're not exactly Shed Seven and the music goes on to prove as sophisticated as one could hope for. The range of instrumental textures brings diversity to the album wh ilst a distinctive arpeggio-based arrangement gives continuity throughout. Praise of Goya Dress in the press has focused on the voice of
importance - genuinely breathtaking steps. Not, then , the side of American music that is destined to shift units, but undoubtedly the side that is influencing current music in a far more significant manner; well worth seeking out . Mark Tobin
singer Astrid , which , though occasionally breathtaking , sometimes becomes forced and cloying . The true beauty is in the twogirl harmonies, which are never obvious but always stunning . Comparisons are difficult. .. I'm th inking a less nasty Auteurs meets Joni Mitchell and although it's easy to say any song featuring female vocal and piano resembles Tori Amos- Katie Stood On The Benches sounds loads like Tori Amos . All in all , a welcome diversion from ladpop. The Charles Rene Mackintosh curtains sway in appreciation . Sam Richards
·V · ft V
aid back summer soul from the lady who had an unlikely hit with a cover of WhaiT''s I'm YJur Man . This one comes with six ·· mixes, ranging from classy two-step soul jams, through uplifting poppy house, to the inevitable jungle workout. However, Love For Life works best in its original soul format, where the production isn't overdone and allows Lisa's aboveaverage vocals to carry the groove nicely, evoking memories of Taja Seville's Love Is Contagious. Further plus points: Lisa Moorish is beautiful , talented and British , plus the old walrus of love himself, Barry While, has his name on the credits for that stamp of soul authenticity. This kind of music deserves your support . Russefl Turner
~-----------------------J u CRANBERRIES To The IIJalth•u• Departed/ LP
s Orted!
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For all your music requirements
ou stand before this court Ms Riordan, accused of a number of heinous crimes . Firstly, that you share the same producer as Van Halen and AC/DC two of the most notoriously crap metal bands the world has ever known. Secondly, that you caused several months of extreme aural agony for sensitive souls everywhere with your song Zombie . Thirdly, that you are a vicious serial scr!'lecher, rel~ntlessly trying to fit as many octaves into one syllable as possible, making you the Mariah Carey of stadium
l '
rock. And fourthly that your la.test single Salvation is simply a work of pony old shite. In mitigation, we recognise that you are also capable of writing beautifu l ballads , such as Warchild which may touch many people's hearts, and also that; on occasion, your bandmates can strike up a damned fine tune. But only occasionally. If convicted, you will be detained at the British music loving public's pleasyre . How do you plead? Stuart' Dredge
For details of your nearest branch Tel: 0171 432 2000 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1996 5
movle news ... movie news ... movie news he NFT has been celebrating the work of top US director Michael Mann , who has helmed such hits as Manhunter and, most recently, Heat. The E vent spoke to him when he was in London this month, and asked him how he fel t about di recting the first scene starring Bobby DeN iro and AI Pacino? "We didn't think of the fil m that way. I didn't, AI didn't, Bob didn 't, we all thought of it as an ensemble and I think if you asked AI or Bob about artistic sta nding on the film it was all very even. AI, Bob, Val Kilmer and Tom Sizemore , as far as all of us were concerned we very much felt it as an ensemble. everyone wanted to come and visit on their days off." it's all just one big happy family in the movies .. .
r;rrrJ ~ I t~
After all the hopes th eir were for the Brits at this year's Oscars, the results weren't quite as exciting. Emma Thompson won for her screenplay for Sense and Sensibility, as did Nick Park for the top notch animated short A Close Shave. For some reason , Braveheart won the top gongs of-Best Picture and Best Director for Mel Gibson , while worthy winners were Susan Sarandon (Best Actress - Dead Man Walking) and Nicholas Cage (Best Actor Leaving Las Vegas) . Fortunately, the Baftas came along to cheer up those disappointed in LA. Here, Sense and Sensibility came out on top. winning Best Picture, plus another llf"A~ii., two awards for Ems. Kate Wi nslet won for Best Supporting Actress , having been pipped at the post in the Oscars, with Tim Roth winning Best Supporting Actor for Rob Roy. As for you the public, well you choice the XFiles as the best thing on TV. .,.._.- What about poor ol' Barry Norman, eh? Where's his award? The cast and crew of Smoke (currently showing at the Cannon) enjoyed making the film so much that they decided to shoot the sequel in three days. The title? Blue In The Face , 'cos the actors had to .talk until they were blue in the ·r-...._ .face! Anyway to tie in with these two top notch releases starring Harvey Kietel and directed by Wayne Wong we've got copies of both screenplays and the soundtrack of Blue In The Face to give away . All you have to do is answer this simple question : Whai was Harvey's code name in ReseNoir Dogs? Answers on a postcard to the Concrete competitions box in Union House.
march ot Christian Slater as
carolvn Bovd charts tbe o:wa~ bits tbe screen tbls month ... his latest thriller Broken rro ,. . . . aybe its his dark and mysterious image, or possibly that deep gravely voice of his, some even say its his eye-brows, but whatever it is, Christian Slater has been dubbed as a 'young Jack Nicholson'. With over 24 films and even a few Broadway theatre credits to his name, it would be fair to say that he is well on his way to being as successful as Jack Nicholson , whether he resembles him or not. He has been described as "the finest actor of his generation," however that opinion could be considered biased coming from his mother, Mary Jo-Siater - Hollywood's top casting agent; could this have had something to do with him landing so many great roles? Born and bred in New York , Slater attended the Dalton School and the professional Children 's School and by age nine was treading the boards alongside Dick Van Dyke in the Music Man . This led
to parts ~n MacBeth . David Copperf1eld and Mer/m . At 15 he made his film debut in The Legend of Billie Jean . where he even got to wear a dress.
for leading a drunken car-chase that ended when he crashed into a telephone pole. This insight into the law may have helped him when he played the lawyer in Murder in the First. an attempt to get away from his weirdo image. Slater has also turned his hand to playing 'the lover'. Patricia Arquette was litera lly swept (or shot?) off her feet in True Romance, a film tha t really should have confirmed him a top A-List star. He also showed himself to be an expert in true romance when he starred in the excellent 'date movie' Untamed Heart . We all fell for him again in Bed of Roses . He obviously learnt a thing or two from his earlier alliance with James Bond star, Sean Cannery, because Christian Slater is renowned for dating his eo-starts. He's been involved with Winona Ryder and Kim Walker from Heathers. Samantha Mathis from Pump up the Volume . and is recently rumoured to have been stepping out with Courtney Cox from Friends. His past
i N4M~:Chrlstlan Slater . ". "'BORN: October 27, 1969
Scorpio BEST FILMS: The Name of the ·Rose (1986); Heathers (1988); Young Guns 11 (1990); Robin ,flood: Prince of Thieves (1991 ); :$tar trek VI: The Undiscovered -uatrv (1991 ); Tnae Romance "'"' (111921: lrolten Arrow (1996) '·'"'
praised for taking the role of interviewer in lnteNiew with a Vampire, after the sudden death of River Phoenix. In his new film , Broken Arrow, also starring John Travolta , he plays good-guy Riley Hale. the sincere aii-American hero who comes in to save the day- something a bit different to his usual off-beat characters . This role has set him up to be deemed as the next great action hero in Hollywood's big search for a
Keanu Reeves trl"ed l"t Wl"th ~'~peed and Johnnv Depp tried it with Nick of Time. Now • • • • Hollywood wallS With balled breath to see If Christian Slater can do it with Broken Arrow...
Then followed a starring role in The Name of the Rose , wtth former 007/legend of lurve- Sean Cannery and then a part in Young Guns 11. From there . his reputation for being "just the wrong side of angelic" was cultivated through his parts in Heathers and the intense Pump up the Volume . where he played the loner/weirdo that needed understanding from the beautiful Winona Ryder and Samantha Mathis. Despite wanting to shed his bad-boy image, he made a ten day visit to jail in 1994. Slater conveniently "fo rgot" about the 6.5mm Beretta and si.x rounds of ammunition in his holdall as he tried to get on a plane bo'Und to Los Angeles at New York's JFK airport. The authorities did not li ke it, especially as he was on 5 year probation
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Sly Stallone of the 90's. Keanu Reeves tried it with Speed, but lost his bid with Johnny Mnemonic , and Johnny Depp tried it with Nick of Time.
Hollywood waits with baited breath to see if Ch ristian Slater involvement with Helen Slater (no relation . can do it with Broken Arrow. in case you were wondering ... ). his 21 Aside from the movies, Slater has proved year old eo-star in The Legend of Billie to be a good-guy in real life. He donated Jean may have started a thing about older his salary from lnteNiew with a Vampire to women. Nina P Huang, a 32 year old inPhoenix's favourite charities . lover for five years has just tried to sue him Furthermore, he directed The Laughter for half his earnings after he kicked her out · Epidemic - a child ren's musical which of his California home. raised over $200,000 for the paediatric Slater has got a reputation for not getting AIDS foundation , as part of his community on with his directors. During the making of service . So it seems that our Mr Slater Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves , in which isn't such a bad guy after all , with such a he played Will Scarlet!, he fell out with talent for being a director Kevin Reynolds over his offensive weirdo, lover and interpretation of Englis h in the middle-ages aii-American ("F**k me, he made it" was later dubbed hero, does it really matter out) . Could this be the reason why he's making his own directorial debut with if he's not such Museum of Love a film based on the short a "Mr Nice-Guy". story by Ralph Lombaglia? However. its not all bad, Slater was
rawing from a well established tradition in film and theatre, The Birdcage is a farcical comedy revolving around the marriage of two kids from dramatically different families. Val is a child of a stable, loving family unit. His dad Armand (Robin Wiliiams) owns a nightclub called The Birdcage where his mum (Nathan Lane) sings. But and here's the 'innovative comic twist', his dad is gay --.._ and his mum is in fact a fella called Albert! Katherine's parents agree to her marrying Val on condition that they meet his family. This, however is potentially problematic. Katherine's father (the excellent Gene Hackman) not only has a female wife but is also a ~"!t~ right-wing state senator and head of 'The Coalition For
Dole is just too ... liberal". Naturally concerned for his marriage, Val convinces dad to 'tone down' his homosexuality for the visit of his future in-laws. Sure enough, comic shenanigans ensue as Armand and Albert set about playing the roles of the wholesome American husband and wife. The Birdcage is a charming and often hilarious film, credit of which must be attributed to director Mike Nicholls. Nicholls handles the potentially disastrous farcical scenes with pace . and panache, he also sensibly restrains Robin Williams. Having old Mork go off on one of his camp missions would have been a bit too much. Instead Williams plays 'straight' man to the showstealing Lane, brilliant, as the drama-queen Albert. The film's representation of homosexuals is a bit dubious though. Most of the gay characters are cliches and it often feels as if they are being put on display simply to be mocked.
here's very little that can be said about Jean-Claude Van Damme's latest actionadventure-suspense-thriller Sudden Death, except fhat it contains no action, adventures, suspense or thrills. Set In the exciting world of ice hockey, the Pittsburgh Penguins are battling the Chicago · Blackhawks as.17 ,000 frenzied fans - including the VICe PresidE!nt of the USA, sit on the edge of their seats unaware of the disaster • ahead of them. Van Oamme plays Darren McCord, a fireman with a troubled !t ttiey all?). When his young daughter is taken hostage during the hockey game b ~~sta.rdly extortionists, he takes it upon himself to sort it out. Sometimes in s Jean-Ciaude has hinted that there was some acting ability trying to .n the flying kicks. S&dly, this looks even less likely here, with the 'family' sceo~· movng tOto nausea territory. There's no muscles from Brussels here, not even ex~ ii)IHS or spin l<~s to keep the Interest. In fact all we are left with is another turkey of a film, an& a broken down vehicle for JCVD.
...tlhew DoyM
GIRLS NOW OPEN - CLUBWEAR FOR GIRLS 10°/o student discount miss moneypenny- dub- atomic- komodo above the blue jean eo 8-1 0 lower goat lane TJ.iE EVENT, ·WEDNESDAY,·MAY 1, 1996 7
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kay, so computer-freaks are supposed to be spotty and boring..• though not Dade (Jonny Lee Miller), as the laydees think he's dead homy! But which other geeky guys deserve another look?
wear glasses and jerk· er whizzkids nerds who 're not Peter Hart Aren't comput t ? Not in Hackers, they k big time off to their compu er . tiful people about to ma e ' met three of the beau
wo fresh faced 20-something's sit uncomfortably at a table in front of the assembled media. Yesterday they might have taken it all in their stride. But today The Sun's Andy Coulson has revealed the pair got hitched a couple of weeks back, and the announcement is causing problems for Jonny Lee Miller and Angelina Jolie. Recently seen as the Bond-loving Sick Boy in Trainspotting, the "very British" Jonny is in town with the "very American· Angelina (this is still their honeymoon) to promote another project. That project, Hackers, directed by lain Softley (who made the "early Beatles" flick, Backbeat) , is set to be this season's cult youth film. lt's a hip, slick thriller, set in the world of chips, disks, modems and the net. But surprisingly, not a spotty Parkawearing geek in sight. These kids play arcade games on 20 foot TV walls, get around on roller blades (what else?) and can hack into confidential computer files with no effort. Oh yeah, and they're so clean and pretty, you even get to see Jonny in the shower.
Accompanying Jonny, who plays Dade (Zero Cool), and Angelina (Acid Bum) to today's media session at the St. James club in Piccadilly is that ham-hunk eo-star Matthew Lillard who plays the platinum bothbrush chewing Crash Override in the film. He himself groans when asked about The Sun's marriage revelation, "You know, I guess· he begins, "to them it's quite triumphant, but the fact that everyone now knows is kind of a shame, because it's been special for them the whole time. But the entire time we worked I don't think anyone really gathered they were as serious as they are." So is Matthew anywhere near tying the knot himself? "Well after four years I should be, but I'm not yer, he laughs. The pressure builds and he smiles. "Don't pressure me! I'm coming, I'm going... alright rm getting married, I'm getting married soon, whether I like it or not! Yeah I've been together with my girffriend for four years, you have to get married eventually." A bit unaccustomec to media interviews, he possibly realises he
h=~Y:;~,!o much, ajding. ·0on·t
But we're not about to give up on this sort of gossip. Matthew 8\entually reveals his glrffriend is a New York casting
direct~.taughlng~y he jokes,
"I'mdlllg a series for NBC next rear In tile ~~00::.::Sw,:;~got Stiles. H's amazing what can acblally back from London and I just ._ wrapped a movie with -•••n w11en JOU're bumpIng Ill• easllng Cher: he reveals. "Ever director. I gat one Df the leads Df aurse. since this whole Hackers I'IIIUite gifted at same lhlngsl" • Mlllllew blown movie came out things have up In the States. But
"Hey, 1f you're go10g to be a rock star, you might as well marry the manager: Yep, this was a casting couch job according to u~'lthAw, who explains, •1•m doing a series for NBC next year in the States. Ifs amazing what can actually happen when your humping the casting director. I got one of the leads of course. I'm quite gifted at some thlngst• For the film all the cast spent about tine weeks speaking to nNII Ire hackers, hoping to pick up on the Intensity that goes with the territory, although all say they could never have hoped to learn any tricks of lhe trade. Certainly even a cybered-up Jonny was nowher8 near to bmging down the whole of WaR Street with just the click of a mouse like he does in the flm where he's so ~ that he's banned tom a computer unll his 18th birthday. But Matthew, at least. nipped by the bug, bought himself a Mac after filming had finished. •1 don't spend as many hours on it as I to, but ifs fascinating. I mean, the 1nfrliTYl,atil:m that's eccesslble out there, lfll blow your mind. You get anything on the compUter from six year olds to 55 year old perverts, everytblng, and chat rooms are full with, Hke, 23 people: Matthew's on a roll here as he mows on to defend hackers and the suggestion that the film might communicate a dangerous message to llkfl. •A true hac:ker d0851't do anything Illegal. A true hacker is someone like the ta;~neaays, their crime is curiosity, they
simply want to discover information. Someone who destroys, crashes systems, steals things and seUs them, that's not a hacker, that's a computer terrorist, they're two different things. There's actually no laws in place now that dictate what is trespassing and what is not trespassing on the net, it's still something to be researched." There's that TV car ad which insists for kids that virtual reality is a reality. Young people are already living in the future, so will they see hackers as their heroes? "No; Matthew insists, "because popular culture isn't exactly behind it. lt's not like you can tum on the tally and see a rock video with a bunch of hackers. If Emanuel Goldstein walked up to you (he's one of the most famous hackers) and said 'Hey what's up' you wouldn't have any idea who he is. The net isn't a place for idols or icons. lt's a place where you can develop and discover yourself and different worlds." Since Hackers finished filming many months ago (it was filmed before Trainspotting but hasn't come out 'til now because of the oddities in film distribution) Matthew has been extremely busy.
right now things are going well, and I hope they will continue to do so." However he denies that "things are going weir really means "that things are going well with Cher". "That's not an option• he insists, "I know how you guys work, suddenly we're humping on the side, ifs not worth it, Cher and I are nothing but good friends." Switching your attention from Matthew to Jonny and Angelina you can't help but notice the vast difference in personality. Matthew leans across the table waving his anns around as he talks and throws his head back in laughter every few minutes. In contrast Jonny sits rigid with his hands clasped firmly on the table like he's about to read the news. When he speaks, every word is very carefully considered and he fixes your gaze with piercing blue eyes like he wants you to absorb everything he's saying, especially when he's talking about marriage. •1t was a very private personal thing for us, and we're not really attention-seeking people so it's awkward when something like that gets so much attention paid to it." Angelina looks across and adds, "I think in Hollywood or anywhere where they think more of a couple, it takes you away from your work becuase your somebody's husband or somebody's wife and you lose your individuality because you're teamed with somebody." She's certainly well teamed in Hackers where she met Jonny for the first time. Initially, rivals who battled to hack into the banks of a TV station, they joined forces to fight the evil blackmailer who, surprise, surprise, is threatening to destroy the world. Offers will undoubtedly start pouring in for the team once more, although Angellna's adamant she won't take any stereotypical 'girlie' parts and Jonny says he's just hunting. •1•m up for a few things, just wait and see; he says. "You get sent a lot of things but they're not necessarily decent scripts or decent parts. I've
1. Spud lrlnl Trl/. .11111111 got the luxury of being able to wait, but there's only a certain amount of time I can go without working before I start to go batty." But surely since Trainspottlng he's not going to have a problem getting a job? "lt doesn't really work like that because there are so many good actors out there who are just the same as me. You never want to be a commodity, but an actor, somebody who can play a r, character really well. You really want to try to stay J away from being a commodity." ' Unfortunately Jonny may be seen as just that for the next few months due to the huge success of Tratnspottfng. When you've had your face on posters all over the country to publicise the biggest British film of the decade, what can you expect? Angelina agrees that things will get even worse when the gritty drugs flick hits the States. Although many have said that Americans will think it too close to the bone, Angelina thinks they will lap it up. "You consider it to be raw but there are quite a lot of films in America that maybe don't make it over here and there's a big audience for that - a huge I audience for the 'independent raw film'. I think it will fit \ in with that easily." In the meantime Jenny's still trying his best to do different. The Kingston lad whom Attitude magazine recently called "Britain's answer to Brad Pitt" doesn't like being beautiful and is unimpressed by the celebrity circuit. It'll also be a while before he joins Brucey and Tarby on the golf course, this guy relaxes by jumping out of planes! Feeling a little evil I decide to end by asking Jonny to put his Sick Boy hat on and decide which is better, sky diving or freebasing? Without hesitation he replies ·skydiving's amazing man, it's definitely better." How is it better? "I've never freebased!" Jonny exclaims, suddenly becoming animated as Angelina shouts out perhaps not entirely in mock horror, "I'm going to leave the Undeterred and with enthusiasm which can only show that this Is a hobby he truly loves, Jonny continues •If you do it right you can skydive for a lot more years, it's a hobby that lasts longer If you do everything right and are taught well. lt's not dangerous! Anyway I'm still a student, I've not got a licence to jump wherever I want with my own chute." But steel yourself for the day that he has. Because if the signs are right, this is one guy who will be dropping in a whole lot more times in the near future.
Not quite in Renton or Sick Boy's league. But would you turn down a guy who had £5,000 cash in his trewsers?
2. Janls Cocker The best of the Common People can invite us to his Disco 2000 anytlme!
3. &onch trom Brags Hill John Holmes has become one helluva Finance Officer. But remember when you wished Gonch would make toast behind the bikesheds for you?!!
'- 111111 PlllrS The king of kids shows may be a little square (like his hundreds of checked shirts) ... but we love him all the same.
5. Nlgeltrom EaSIBnllm Awww! Poor Nige may not be up to much, but he's gotta heart of gold.
1. Damon Albam Which young lady wouldn't like to wrap this Charmless Man up in his parka?
7. 1111111 Graal He's lacking in Sense and Sensibility, but there's plenty of women who'd like to see Hugh's
Sunset Strip!
RlciiJ Butcher
Although Rickaaay may be a bit snoresome, he sure knows what to do with his spanner!
1. Mr Benn That bowl~r hat isn't that sexy. But wouldn't you like to shag a bloke who can enter a changing room and walk out into a different land?
11. Jlllll . ... Erm, no! Definitely not. Get away!
onkev. t is 2035; the planet has been ravaged by a disease leaving just one percent of the population alive. The disease has forced them to desert the earth's surface and subsist underground. However, there is a way out of their perilous predicament; they send "volunteers• back in time to trace the source of the epidemic in 1996. The volunteer is, of course, Bruce Willis; his only lead "What is Twelve Monkeys?"
This is the first Terry Gilliam film since The Fisher King five years ago. lt's a superb movie, as are his earlier films, Brazil (1985) and The Adventur&s of Baron Munchausen (1989). His work has an incredibly vivid and striking visual style and Twelve Monkeys is no exception. The camera swirls around Bruce Willis and Madeleine Stowe, reflecting the inner confusion and possible madness of the two characters. The sets are also stunning, especially in the future when Willis is interrogated by a gigantic video ball. Bruce Willis puts in one of his getting-beaten-up and voicecroaking-with-despair performances. In fact, I don't think there is a moment in
the film when Willis isn't mutilated in some way. Brad Pitt plays a frenzied mad-man in
what some have called a career defining performance. I disagree however. Pitt irritates me in the film with his exaggerated twitches and erratic speech. He tries hard, but ultimately fails. However. Twelve Monkeys is an accomplished film which keeps your attention and draws you on to its breath-taking climax. Gilliam uses just the right tone for the film, mixing bizarre humour with a distinctive vision to create a film which equals Brazil for its hypnotic power. Charlie Gates
obin Hood having problems with his equipment again? 'Fraid not. lri fact, Broken Arrow is the American government's term for the loss of a nuclear weapon. And, of course, rather carelessly, they lose not one, but several... big time. When seriously crack pilots, Vie Deakins (John Travolta} and Riley Hale (Christian Slater) are sent on one of those standard top secret missions to test an equally top secret stealth bomb, carrying a cargo of, rather unsurprisingly, 'live' nuclear warheads, Deakins shows his true, blacker than black c:o1otn as baddle extraordinaire and takes command of the plane. On falling to kUI his 'buddy' Hayes, he ejects him - big mistake. So, the race is on, Deakins to deliver the goods to his associates and blackmail the government, Hayes and a policewoman (Samantha Mathis) he enlists on the way to foil the fiendish plot. A strange ketUe of fish this one. For a start, it heralds the advent of Travolta and Slater onto an i11creasingly crowded action scene. Both have proven themselves far better than the genre of 'Wham, bam. save the world man' allows scope for. The film itself is deftly handled by Japanese director John Woo (best known here as director of the cult, brutal but very funny, Hard Boiled). As he creates over qne and a half hours awash with first class sets, prop~·~nd special effects, which link a dazzling display of beautifully shot ancf choreographed set pieces. A confusing mix indeed. '"' But so Is the plot, which on the whole remains light and unpredictable, but offers such posers as, "What's scarier. the fact that there are missing nuclear weapons, or that it happens so often that there's actually a term for it?" Llz Mills
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Dlr: Barry Sl...ntlll
Dead Man WalkiDI (15) USA {1995}
Dlr: TlmRUIItns Ca•n· New sHWIDI This eye~pf!ning {or in my case •.eye~ fl~iy shut) film has freq!Jently been given the "I didn't like itJ but it was a great film" review. lt focuses on death row victim, Sean Penn and his "spiritual advisor, Susan Sarandon. Tissues recommended, snogging on the back row not.
John Travolta is back in his first cinema outing since Pulp Fiction. · . He's lost weight and is'back up there strutting around a!) one of tinsel town's highest earners. . Travolta.plays movie-mad loan.shat1< Chilli . Palmer who takel} on l;f()llywq~d with the mob hot Ofl.llts heels. .. , ·· · Following the plot is quite a taslt and the w~ole film is bubbling_over with. cliches but it's all carried off in ~ffne :tongue in cheek' style as it swings along"to an excellent funky. soundtrack and there's support from Gene Hackman and Danny D~ Vito.
Stualt R• ven
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ndoubtedly the highlight this issue has to be the last Dennis Potter creations : Karaoke and Cold Lazarus. They started at the weekend , but continue in the manner dictated by Potter. Karaoke will be on BBC1 , Sundays at 9.30pm , and repeated on C4 , Mondays at 1Opm. Cold Lazarus will be shown on C4 , Sundays and repeated on BBC1 on Mondays. Albert Finney plays a hard-drinking , hard-smoking screenwriter who is haunted by the lines of the dialogue he's writing for others . While out to dinner he overhears an argument between a young woman and her boyfriend which sounds eerily like a scene from his film , and he starts to believe that the characters are coming alive around him. He finds himself drawn into a benevolent obsession with a woman which mirrors his own script. Only when he learns he has only a few weeks to live does he take fate into his own hands . Unmissable.
. II
t's time to make the music, it's time to light the lights, it's time to get things started on The Muppet Show tonight... The Muppets, gawd bless 'em , are sttll very much wtth us, making movies and turn ing up all the time in Sesame Street Channel 4. But nothing that they do today will ever be able to stand in comparison to their wild variety show , in which major celebrities were reduced to playing palsy to a number of all singing , all dancing chickens . And if it wasn't the chickens , chances are they would be attacked by Animal , the band's 'unpredictable' drummer, face a tirade of awful jokes from Fozzie Bear, or be lusted after uncontrollably by Miss Piggy. it's just a good job that Kermit the Frog was there to make sure that in the midst of all this chaos . there was one lone highpitched voice of sanity. As he himself so succinctly put it: "it's not easy being green". Which is why his failure to ever get more than a tirade of sarky comments out of those two old gits in the box seems so undeserving . Highlights across the series are many and varied , but special mention must go to the Swedish Chef, for all his failed chicken recipes , and the cultish sci-fi serial 'Pigs In Space', which saw the aforementioned Miss Piggy in a dead glam silver bacofoil outfit. All in all then , it's safe to say that this was most sensational , inspirational , celebrational , muppetational ... this is what we called The MUPPET SHOW!!!!! Caroline Jenkinson
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T h is video is a birthday celebration of the phenomenon known as Neighbours. Introduced by An ne Haddy, who plays Helen Daniels, the only orig inal cast member left, it takes you through the last ten years of ~·:.-:--:-'~.::..~·,:·:..:."'-1 the soap . You meet the stars, past and present and hear their views on the show and what they are doing now. You can watch Stefan Dennis who played Paul Robinson fly around a stage dressed as Peter Pan and take a tour around London with Kristian Schmidt, who played Todd Landers . Ttiere is a healthy diet of clips to keep the hardcore fans happy. it is a great chance to watch your favourite characters in action again. Those ftghts .between Madge and Mrs Mangle , the ~ romance of Scott and Charlene, Henry left f na~ed in the garden by Bronwyn , and lets not I forget Melanie 's famous laugh. ~ You can relive the weddings, the deaths and t the traumas of Ramsey Street life. Hear Daphne's famous last words just one more time , watch with Joe as Kerry is shot by duck hunters. or join with the Ramsey street dwellers in celebrating Scott and Charlene·s· wedding. Marvel at how the characters and
Life, Death and Sex with Mike and Sue. Radio 4 Thurs Mav 2, 6.30pm - 7pm.
together? Well , wonder no more. The video takes you on tour behind the scenes . See the script writers at work and watch the actors record a scene . Meet the real inhabitants of Ramsey Street and hear their stories. it's all there and well worth a watch . Your ever attentive TV Editor has procured two copies of the Neighbours tenth Anniversary Special, released by Game Entertainment, to give away to a couple of lucky bunnies . Simply tell me wh ich Neighbours character you would kill off first and how- the answers that most grab our imagination by May 15 will guarantee themselves a good night in!
M ·i.a Ferri/1 a.
DROP THE .DEAD DONKEY (15) UK (1996) Video .- out to buy
. A
newly rele C'l sed video of th·ee classic episodes of one of the best comedies ar-:>und has fallen into my hands ... featuring HENRY'S FIRST LOVE (the one in which Henry loses Dave's betting slip on which he has won £36 ,000 ... ), SIR ROYSTON 'S WIFE (in which the aforementioned researches her steamy novel set in the world of television with Gus 's help ... ), and THE NEW NEWSREADER (where Henry and Sally team together to get rid of the new young talent on the block .. .), it doesn't disappoint. We have two copies to give away - just tell us who has starred in both Drop The Dead Donkey and Between The Lines. Please post your entries in the Concrete competitions box in The Hive foyer.
i i l ' '
1 f_•_
The first out-and-out spoof of Anne and Nick takes a swipe at the sofa people who dispense cheap sentiment and dodgy advice . This week, Mike and Sue look at sickness, friendships, and sick friends .
Documentary: Never Forget - The Take That Storv Radio 1 Sunday Mav 5, 7pm - 8 pm. This promises to blow the lid off the myth once and for all - maybe. But Robbie will be there to tell his tale for the first time exclusively to Radio 1, apparently covering everything from the relationship he had and now has with the rest of the band , and his "anger and frustration about how the whole situation was resolved ." Curiosity value, perhaps .
\~abour ~eeds
your vote on 2May Hit the Tories where it hurts.
In the ballot box! Remember, you don't need your poll card to vote Polls are open from 8am until 9pm
Don't forget...
Vote Labour on 2 May' l'uhli.\.'l(•tl h,r ./. ( 'oo!., 5'J Hethd St, ·,,,. ...;,.,, \ll! I \I. l'ril/(et/ h,r /:'('\, l'rmpt•t'f /loll'<', lloll<'ll lltl. \orll'ich \Ill Ill/:'
Labour?~ 1/ I/
J ,;:"':lREVIE\il"-"""" f!rTH£ LAST YANKEE
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he first scene of this astounding play by Arthur Miller opens in the waiting room of an American state mental institution . This is where two men meet, one a proud and successful businessman, the other an upper class liberal , as th ey both visit their estranged wives. Their conversation begins as a clash of points of view, and escalates into a fundamental conflict of American values . lt soon becomes clear that their deep-set ideals have been a major factor in the deterioration of their wives' peace of mind. I The cast do great justice to Miller's dialogue, capturing the symbolic , humorous, and ultimately disturbing tone of the play . Furthermore , the minimalist, clinical-looking set , combined with th e strong , ha rsh lig hting provide a dramatic and effective backd rop for th e play's tense exploratio ns of human psychology and bitterness . Absolu tely bri llian t - a must-see for all stude nts and fa ns of great conte mporary theatre . And the Playhouse has introduced a system of half-priced standby tickets, so you should be able to see it without brea king the ba nk .
,;.,~ ,·y~...
et this! We have three pairs of tickets for the opening performance of the all-star Rocky Horror Show at the Theatre Royal on Tuesday May 14. Three Pairs ! Just answer the following multiple-choice and remember lt Could Be You: Rocky Horror writer and celebrity slaphead Richa rd O'Brien found fa me as the presenter of which TV gameshow: (a) Shave of the Century (b) Going for Bald (c) Crystal Maze Write your answer on a piece of paper marked Let's Do The Timewarp Again and slick it in th e Concrete competitions box downstairs in Union House .
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Olivia meanwhile fancies Cesario (the guy hakespeare's Twelfth Night is a tale of romantic adventure , containing all . Viola is dressed up as) and is at the same . time being pursued by her passionate the ingredients for a top-rate servant, Malvolio. A chaos of crossedcomedy . Shipwrecked on the island of purposes and witty subplots ensues. lllyria, Viola is forced to disguise herself as Exploring the fra ilty of human reason when a man, Cesario, in order to enter Duke . confronted with love, this award winnin$J Orsino's court. production promises to be both enlightening In true Shakespearian fashion , everything and entertaining. goes haywire - she falls in love with the Duke but is asked to woo Olivia for him; Chloe Ht~rdy
In association with Waterston
~As the summer season of travel approaches, bookshelf
takes a look at the current selection of travel guides available to UEA's intrepid low budget explorers
he Rough Guide comes in 1347 pages of paperback, too thick to be called handy. lt is mainly written for travellers from Great Britain or the US. In all, the book covers 30 truly and almost European countries (including for example Turkey), features 78 maps, and weighs about half a tonne. lt is divided into two parts . The first gives an introduction and overview (climate and when to go, how to get there and around, health and insurance), with information in case you find yourself in trouble with the police , and a section for gay travellers .The second, and bigger half of the guide describes each country in turn , starting with some overall facts then considering the most important towns. Roughly speaking, the Rough Guide contains loads of information, but has several drawbacks. lt is insufficiently structured - all sorts of details (historical, geographical, practical) , which are mixed together in long paragraphs .it does not help with outdoor activities or discovering the countryside and many of the maps are too small to be of use. The cultural background is poor, and the brief linguistic guide does not contain any pronunciation instructions. To sum up, the Rough Guide probably leaves the reader quite puzzled . lt presents a great deal of information, but is structured badly. Ben Klopsch
ubtitled The Budget Guide to Europe, Let's Go is aimed at students bent on travelling during the summer vacation , and accounts for all tastes and desires. Whether you want to cycle , hitch or do it by train ; if you want to see the historical sights or just have a burning ambition to experience the night life in every European city, this manual contains all you need to know for a safe and inexpensive trip. Clear, colour maps (including tube routes for major cities), advice on safety, money, accommodation and children accompanies extensive , objective travel information. The main meat of the book is then tackled in the form of an alphabetical list of investigations into every country, and the principle towns in each . The globetrotters behind Let's Go have visited these places on the same budget a student would have, and give their recommendations on local food , communication . cinema , music, festivals and more. All addresses of government information offices are provided along with currency and exchange rates. The only bummer is that it is an American guide and the order forms for catalogues or travel prices are addressed to US offices . For those of you doubters still remaining, rest assured that I have already procured my copy for this summer ... He/en Lovesit
s suggested by the title, Western Europe on a shoestring offers a greater level of details than the other guides, the two alternatives reviewed here. After a general introduction about obtaining visas, how to pack a rucksack and suchlike information, the guide offers an alphabetical run-through of the countries of Western Europe. Much of the data is well presented and easy to find , the only drawback being poor quality maps that are of insufficient size and clarity to be of any use. The information provided ranges from the average price of a camera film to customary tipping practices. A basic linguistic guide offers help on how to converse with the natives (including how to pronounce words correctly) in a number of situations . Nightlife is given special attention - all the best straight and gay venues are listed. The guide covers summer and winter seasonal activities as well as the annoyances that will inevitably confront even the most experienced of travellers . Practical advice is included, particularly for women about how to behave , should they care to visit some of the less welcoming areas that Europe has to offer. Western Europe on a Shoestring offers comprehensive accessible information with a practical slant for the young traveller operating on a limited budget. lt is, as it boasts, the traveller's bible . James Curtis
Cost Level of detail
Europe· The Rough Guide £14.99
Let's Go Europe £14.99 I ·
Very detailed. Plenty of useful information under each section.
Good on all things even down to toilet roll - bring your own with you.
Superb! Everything you need to know and very concise.
OK, but too small to be of any real use. Lacking in colour.
Excellent! Full colour maps with information clearly marked.
Too small in size to be of much use in many situations.
General design
Very poor. Text isn't broken up making it difficult to find information at a glance.
Quite clear. Catchy sections with wellpresented easy to find information.
Excellent! Eye-catching and accessible Information.
Okay, In terms of information and quantity but about as readible as a phone directory and just as heavy.
Clear and precise, Fantastic! The best but a shame it travel guide refers to American around for the first sources of infor· time traveller. matlon and travel equipment.
Marks out of five
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FILMS ODE ON Toy Story (PG) Remember Mr Potato-head, Bo Peep and those plastic soldiers with parachutes? They live 1n this movie packed with mind-boggling special effects, a cracking storyline and a lot of humour which make this a winner for all ages .
TrainspoUing (18)
Kagemusha (PG)
Very black-humoured 80s tale of a group of druggie friends . Becoming cult viewing faster than BR gets privatised .
Sun May 5- 7.30pm. Classic Akira Kurosawa epic imbued with masterful direction, a keen sense of colour and design, and a great insight into mediaeval Japanese ritual.
Sgt. Bilko (PG) Vying to get some 'attention' (and failing) is Sieve Martin as the legendary military man himself.
Get Shorty (15) Hot star Travolta , plays it cool as loan shark heavie turned film producer, whilst the rest of the cast ham it up to their hearts content.
Sudden Death (18) Broken Arrow (18) John Travolta and Christian Slater star in this explosive action-fest, featuring lost nuclear warheads, spectacular set pieces and awesome special effects.
Sense & Sensibility (U) Oscar and Bafta-winning period piece, Emma Thompson's script and Ang Lee's direction doing justice to Austen's original work . You'd be senseless to miss it!
Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead (18) Andy Garcia , Christopher Walken and Sieve Buscemi star in this indie thriller set in the world of bosses and hitmen , but also with a witty and romantic twist.
White Squall (15) Adventure, tragedy and bit of the usual ritesof-passage get thrown into this tale of a tough sai lboat captain intent on turning snivelling lads into seafaring men .
The Birdcage (15 l Mike Nichols' Americanisation of La cage Aux Folies, humorously follows two tempestuous gay artistes thrown into turmoil when their son brings his fiancee and her homophobic parents home to meet them . The PC element could become a bit of a drag .
CANNON Twelve Monkeys (18) Brad Pitt as a lunatic animal-rights activist ; Bruce Willis as a time-travelling convict; Madeleine Stowe as the psychiatrist convinced he's not mad . A very strangeTerry Gilliam film , but still essential viewing .
Dead Man Walking (15) Susan Sarandon on Oscar-winning form in this rather bleak true story, as a therapist helping death row prisoners.
There's little to say about this latest broken down vehicle for Jean-Ciaude Van Damme aprt from the fact that it's total crap .
Barb Wire (15) Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson Lee plays a night-club mistress who dabbles in a bit of bounty hunting on th e side . Enough said really .
Restoration (15) Mon May 6 - Sat May 11 - 5.45 & 8.15pm. Tues May 7 - 2.30pm. Thurs May 9- 2.30pm. Oscar-nominated lavish depiction of life at the court of King Charles 11 , Restoration, based on the much-admired book by Rose Tremain , boasts an impressive cast and beautiful locations.
Rashomon (18) Sun May 12 - 5.00pm. A landmark film, both for acclaimed director Kurosawa and Japan, being the first Japanese film to make an impact on the world market.
Dersu Uzala (U)
Small Faces (18)
Mighty Aphrodite (15)
Wed May 1 - 8.15pm. Thurs May 2 - Sat May 4 - 5.45pm. Thurs May 2- 2.30pm. Exposing the darker side of the Swinging 60s, Small Faces focuses on three teenage brothers - the elder two , an artist and a hoodlum, and the impressionable younger boy, who is swayed by their conflicting examples .
Mon May 13-Wed May 15 - 5.45pm. Thurs May 16-Sat May 18 - 8.15pm. Mon May 20-Wed May 22 - 5.45pm . Thurs May 23-Sat May 25 - 8.15pm. Tues May 14-2.30pm Thurs May 21 - 2.30pm. Returning to familiar comic ground , Woody Alien and Helena Bonham-Carter play the adoptive parents of a boy who turns out to be a genius, which prompts the amusing search and the more amusing discovery of his real parents .
Hell Is A City (PG) Sun May 5 - 5.00pm . A British film-noir, shot in a tense semidocumentary style , whose desperatesounding title belies the desperate plight of a convict on the run .
Pulp Fiction (18) Tues May 14 Tarantino's famous masterwork, although I personally think Reservoir Dogs is better ...
Sat May 11 - 2.30pm . Heart-warming Disney-styled romance , following the trials and tribulations of a shy, lovelorn penguin .
Wed May 1 - 5.45pm. Thurs May 2 - Sat May 4 - 8.15pm. Fri May 3 - 11.00pm. Close on the heels of the black humoured Shallow Grave, comes this screen version of lrvine Welsh's cult novel , charting the drug addicted lives of a group of former school friends .
Sat May 4 - 2.30pm. Regal fairy-tale with that pseudo-Disney touch, enlivened by some humorous touches. One for the family.
Fri May 10 Ted Danson goes in search of a monster.
The Pebble & the Penguin (U)
TrainspoUing (18)
The Swan Princess (Ul
Loch Ness (PG)
Sun May 12- 7.30pm . Continuing the season of Kurosawa screenings, this film departs from mediaeval Japan, instead heading for nineteenth-century Siberia, to follow the friendship of an topographic expedition leader and his elderly guide.
Nelly & Mr Arnaud (PG) Mon May 13- Wed May 15- 8.15pm. Thurs May 16 - Sat May 18 - 5.45pm . Thurs - 2.30pm. Ardour, angst and humour feature in this Gallic tale of a married woman whose ordinary existence is transformed by a chance encounter.
THEATRE ROYAL Twelfth Night Wed May 1-Sat May 4 - 7 .30pm (Matinees Thur & Sat - 2:30pm) . The latest in romantic comedy , brought to by the esteemed Royal Shakespeare Company. Love , mistaken identity, some good gags, and not too much death . £3.50 £18.
Noddy Thur May 9-Sat May 11- 10.30am & 2pm. Big Ears, Mr Plod the policeman , Bumpy - the gang's all here, for some brand new adventures in Toyland . For the child in you. Or the Michael Jackson. £2 - £8.50.
Rocky Horror Show Tue May 14-Sat May 18 (Tue & Wed - 8pm Thur-Sat 6pm & 8.45pm). Any student worth his low-calorie salt needs to see this as often as possible. This is your chance to see the real thing - LIVE! Aliens, Time Warps , no holds barred. £3 £15 .
NORWICH PLAYHOUSE The Last Yankee Wed May 1-Sat May 4- 8pm (MatineesThur & Sat - 2.30pm) . Arthur Miller's terrific play about two men whose anxieties have forced their wives into mental institutions. £3 - £11 (also half-price standby tickets subject to availability).
UNION FILMS Dangerous Minds (15) Thurs May 2 Shelley Pfeieffer stars in this cliche-ridden tale of city kids who could be marvellous if only they has some positive thinking . Ho hum.
Murder in the First (15) Fri May 3 Our star of the fortnight, Christian Slater, appears alongside Kev1n Bacon in this tension-packed flick about Alcatraz.
Clackers (18) Tues May 7 Harvey Keitel is as watchable as ever in Spike Lee's tale of Brooklyn crack dealers.
Die Hard With A Vengeance (18) Thurs May 9 lt may not have Alan Rickman , but Jeremy Irons make up for it, alongside Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson, and plenty of bangs for your buck.
Graham Swift - Visiting Writer Tue May 7 - ?pm. The UEA Drama Studio presents Guardian Fiction Prize-winning author of Water/and an. Last Orders. £2 - £3.50 .
Candia McWilliams - Visiting Writer Thur May 9 - ?pm . The UEA (you guessed it) Drama Studio Celebrated author of Debatable Land and A Case of Knives. £2 - £3.50.
Is Minty AMan? Fri May 3-Sat May 25- 10am-5pm (Closed Sundays). Norwich Gallery presents an exhibition of the graphic art of Vaughan Oliver (and v23 whatever that is), most famous for his album covers - the Breeders , Lush , and the Pixies for example. Admission free .
14 day listings in association with th e Theatre Royal -·(01603f6 30000 for reservations. Tickets always ava ilable from £3 or£ ..
Scarro + Waddle + Smurflrlbe + Parker Tuesday May 14 Rasping tunes from a band who invent their • own chords and then play them very fast on cheap guitars. Hoorah! £4/£3.50 adv.
NORWICH ARTS CENTRE Motordude Zydeco Saturday May 4 Unsurprisingly, this lot are a zydeco band. More surprisingly, they do it using a rub board , whatever that is. £7.50/£6 .50 adv.
Saturday May 11 lt doesn't take a lot of imagination to deduce that here, we will be in for a night of ska, skanking and other things beginning with sk. £5/£4 adv.
Steve Earle And The Dukes Friday May 10 This promises to be an evening chock-full of country, or blues, or perhaps just a load of middle aged men, and guitars. £9.50 adv.
Llonrock + Death In Vegas
Parker + Ovahead + Library Pictures
Wednesday May 1 Justin Robertson's much acclaimed outfit are set to go down a treat on the back of their critically lauded debut stormer. £7 adv.
Wednesday May 1 Nothing indeed to do with haddock but a fine triple bill of young , sussed Norwich bands. £2
Marion + Tiny Monroe
Thursday May 9 Scully investigate the stranger side of Britpop while support comes from a couple of Norwich's more uncomprimising outfits. £2
Saturday May 4 Oxford psychedelic/Britpop geezers grooving along upstairs as part of Meltdown. £3.50/£3
Ocean Colour Scene + Embassy Sunday May 5 Paul Weller and Chris Evans love 'em . What more needs to be said? £7 adv.
Longplgs + Octopus Saturday May 11 Appearing as part of the regular Meltdown experience. The latest Britpop band to head chartwards . £4 adv.
Northern Uproar + Audloweb
UEA LCR Club Retro Saturday May 11 Those Club Trouser boys take you back in time for an evening of quality old tunes. £3 .50
Monday May 13 Loads of Mane attitude courtesy of five boys who normally wouldn't be allowed into the Waterfront due their age . £6 adv.
Friday May 3 Hard house and techno with guest DJ Eric Powell (Ultimate) and residents Flux & Slink. 9pm-2am £5
Lucas And The Soul Band Tuesday May 7 Norwich's own king of soul music. Apparently "he has been singing soul classics longer than most of you have been alive" . FREE
The Nivens + David Devant & His Spirit Wife Tuesday May 14 Music/performance art from a band convinced they're possessed by the spirit of ex-music hall entertainer David Devant. FREE
THE WILDE CLUB (AT NORWICH ARTS CENTRE) The Wannadles Friday May 3 Fantastic guitar-toting Swedes showing us Brits a thing or two about indiepop. Big grins guaranteed. £6 adv.
The Nublles + Skyline + Pearshaped + The Library Pictures Monday May 6 Guitar pop with a distinctly strange bent and a peculiar hairstyle. £4/£3 .50 adv.
Saturday May 4 Increasingly popular haven for those in love with Oasis and suede trainers . 9pm-1am £3.50/£3
First Out Tuesday May 7 Girls & boys, straight & gay, pop & dance & fun . 9pm-1am £2 b4 10pm, £3/£2 .50 after
Leave My Wife Alone Friday May 10 Brand new night with an ace name, playing disco and groovy stuff with deep house and garage upstairs. 9pm - 2am £5/£4
Melldown Saturday May 11 You know the score . No messing about, just straight ahead indie and Britpop tunes. 9pm - 1.30 am £3.50/£3
MANHATTANS Wed May 1 - Uplift Student Night 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm, £1 after Fri May 3- Gorgeous House Night 9pm - 4am £6/£5 Sat May 4 - Club Dance 9pm - 2am £2
• Mondays - Student Party Night 9pm- 2am £1 all night • Wednesdays - Midweek Party • 9pm - 2am 50p with flyer • Fridays - Frantic Fridays 9pm - 2am £2 b4 11 pm, £3 after Saturdays - The Big One 9pm - 2am £3 b4 11 pm, £4 after
Hys The Loft Manhattans Peppermint Park Ritzy
Scully + Smurrtrlbe + The Taste Police
Thursday May 2 The girls will swoon when Britpopper Jaime takes the stage. £6 adv.
The Mystics
Wed May 8 - Uplift Student Night ,. 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm, £1 after Fri May 10- Camouflage Jungle/Drum'n'Bass • 9pm- 4am £7/£6 Wednesday May 1 -Friends • Sat May 11 - Club Dance 9pm- 12pm £1 all night Thursday May 2 - Club Night 9pm - 2am £2 • 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm, £1 after Friday May 3- Gas Station ,. 9pm- 2am £3 Saturday May 4 - Club Night 9pm- 3am £3 b4 10pm, £4 after Mondays - First Degree Thursday May 9 - Club Night 9pm -2am 50p b4 midnight with student ID 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm , £1 after Wednesdays - Cool And Casual Friday May 10- Marvel 9pm - 2am 50p b4 midnight with student ID 9pm- 2am £3 Fridays - Fast Trax Saturday May 11 - Club Night 9pm- 2am £3 b4 10.30, £4 after 9pm- 3am £3 b4 10pm, £4 after Saturdays - Furious Fun • 9pm- 2am £4 b4 10pm, £5 after
The Kitchen Friday May 10 Kris Needs (Secret Knowledge) and • Offyerface DJs 10pm- 6am £7/£6
• Mondays - Cow Club Student N1ght 11 pm - 2am £2 with student ID • Wednesdays - Alternative Night 10pm - 2am £1 b4 11, £2 after Saturdays - Cow Club House and Garage 9.30- 2am £5
• ••
The Waterfront Zoom Cannon Cinema City Odeon Maddermarket Noi'Wch .Arts Centre Norv.Ach Plqyhouse Theatre Royal UEAstudlo LJEA l.Xllon En1s NotWch Gallery
621155 623559 629060 764192 621541 632717 630760 623312 622047 621903 620917 660352 766466 630000 592272 505401 610561
BOX OFFICE (0 1603) 63 00 00
• • • •• • •
with Gordon Banks . Jack Charlton George Cohen . Geoff Hurst Martin Peters & Kenneth Wolstenholme
World €up 1966
• •• • • •
• ••
• •.. • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •• ••
• • • • • •• •
IVlA.V Fri 10
£9.50 adv
£3.50 door
Club RETRO Nostalgia night Sat 18
ASH + 60 Foot Dolls + bis .r
Sat 1 8
£4 adv
+ Kate Campbell
.JUNE Sat 1
£9 adv
£5.00 adv
FASHION SHO'\N + Disco Fri 7
£7.50 adv
£5 adv
Club RETROACTIVE £8 cone adv
Tickets available from:
(weekdays r r -3.30) City Ticket Shop Andy's Records
CREDIT CARD BOOKING 01603 505401/764764 (Subject to a booking fee)
+ SUSPECT SOUND SYSTEM 20.00-01.00 £5.50
£2.50 adv
Union Finance Office Soundclash Our Price
US Country music
*Plus much, much more!
*Gory Rhodes offers some top tips in our student cook book guide .••
'Express Yourself' Fri 31
live Wham!-Duran Sat 1 5
of Mehdown Club 20:00·01:
£8 cone adv
*Top ten teen sensations Ash play the LCR May 18. We meet wild child bass thing, Mark Hamilton •..
£8 adv
+ Longpigs + Octopus
A lecture on 'Serial Killers' by Britain's leading crhninologist
*Sex god Johnny De pp races against the clock in his latest thriller Nick of Time •••
£7 .00
L T1 £3.50adv
Sat 25
£7.00 £6.00
12 June Tue
£6.50 £6.00 £7.50
Tickets are available in Norwich from: UEA Union, Soundclash, Ticket Shop, Andys & Our Price. Prices are advance only and may be subject to a booking fee (All gigs have an over 14's policy and run from 7.30pm -11pm unless otherwise stated).
http://www. sys. uea .ac. uk/whatso n/