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event was there when they put in a special appearance at London's posho Asteria venue last week. Ronan and the lads all appeared in fine form, but hear this: there's no way these lads are 'the new Take That' . The dance routines weren't a patch on Jay's or How's, and nobody appeared very 'together' as a team ... in fact th ey were all over the place! Three cheers go to Keith , though , who shook hands with the entire front row, but a big thumbs down goes to the rest of the lads who tried their best to avoid the audience as much as pass.
with their impressions of the moptopped tab four. Next came Bjom Again with their Abba impersonations, now Oasis are the latest pop combo to be given the 'tribute band' treatment. Two teams of impostors are currently doing the round, No Way Sis, and the cunningly titled, Oasisn't. Here at The Event we haven't yet had the, erm, pleasure of aural excitement
from wither, but the promo pie of the latter looks decidedly dodgy as there's a GIRL in the band! Now, we know Uam's hair has been getting a little long these days, but this is ridiculous. Well, sigh , that's it then. Be good pop kids, and I'll catch up with you very soon in the pages of premier teen mag Just Seventeen. Ta ra!
All Soaped Up
Peter Hart getsall the gm anwhat's bot and wllat's dross In UteWllllderlul wa~d of pop... limey! That's another year gone then. And it seems like only last week I was saying my good-byes in these very pages. Still , all good things come to an end, and as there's loads to fit in to this last pop column, we'd better _goss!
Not That Good
What's The Story?
Boyzone gigs have been selling out all round the country, but The Event
emember the last Northern Uproar single? Exactly. They are four Mane chancers who have got where they are today (i.e . playing to a near empty Wateriront) by releasing one half-decent single (Ro llercoaste!'), being produced by James Bra dfield (of the Manics) and hanging round with and generally looking up to Noel (Gallagher). That's the 'received wisdom' part of the review sorted , then. Now let us compare and contrast this to the reality of tonight. For starters . Northern Uproar are n isy and as a rule I like noise. Even better, they manage to fuse this noise with some tunes . Admittedly , this gets dull after a while , but the 'Roar aren't stupid . No s1ree . They can do slow , and in the case of Llvmg In The Red, they do it (gulp) mov1ngly well. What settles things in their favour though , is the encore . The song rocks , and Lean , freed from the constraint of his bass , is the energetic , arrogant. aggressive frontman that he so obviously wants to be. Look , they're no Oasis , they're not even, say, Ash, but they're not so bad as some would have you believe . Pointless , unoriginal indie, but of the highest order. David Jenkins
Prepare yourself for another bunch of TV stars to hit the charts, following hot on the "heels of little Johnny Alford, (Hmmm, wonder if John Hofmes was chums with the ex-Grange Hill kid... Ed) now 90210 'actors' are giving it a go! Drew Barrymore's ex-geezer, Jamie Waiters is about to release his debut single Hold On, and Brian Austin Green (David Silver in the show) has got an album on the way. Stack up on the earplugs, like now!
First there was The Bootleg Beatles
ow foolish we have been, pra1sing Tricky and The Chemical Brothers for the supposedly revolufonary step of mixing rock and dance. Next to Daniel Devant And His Spirit Wife, their genre-fusing efforts appear very tame indeed. What we have here is (oh yes) the meeting of pop music and magic. As the shroud is removed from the stage, we see lead singer The Vessel playing My Magic Life from inside a
large box. Other members of the band then proceed to stick swords through him. This is fantastic. lt gets stranger: throughout the performance (and this Is a definitely a performance, not a gig or a concert), many weird and wonderful conjuring tricks take place The Vessel floats on a magic carpet and the Spirit Wife is even summoned Into The Hive. During Ginger, a song that pleads for greater tolerance of redheads, one of
the Spectral Readies holds placards which read 'Boris Seeker' and 'Queen Elizabeth l' while a succession of carrots are grated over his head. Oh yeah, the music. Well imagine what the best mod group ever would sound like. This was close. In fact, one of the best live bands I have ever witnessed. If you missed it - and, Jesus, it was a tree show - then you were bloody stupid.
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s talked some IJogwash wlfll shettleld tours~me lhe ton:~~ recent waterfront gig. Olnk! stuart Dredge JUSt IJetore . ou may not have heard of the Longpigs. "Another tossy indie band ," you might sneer before turning the page . Just this once , don 't. This group is worth your attention. Who are they? Crispin, Richard , Simon and Dee have been playing together for four years now as the Longpigs . it's only been in the last year that people have started noticing their unique brand of guitar pop . As lead singer and principal talker Crispin says, "People think we're a new band, which is nice, 'cos we 're really a bunch of old bastards!" You may have heard the Pigs' last single, On And On, which broke into the Top Twenty, albeit only for one week. Such fleeting success came as no surprise to the band, even though it was welcome : 'We're always going to be a left-ofcentre band, but if we can cross over into the mainstream every now and again, then f... off back to the left-ofcentre , then that's fine with us." The music backs this up. it's impossible for me to describe it to you by comparison . The Longpigs sound like no-one else, except for, well, the Longpigs. This makes the usual journalistic pigeonholing effectively useless: "We haven't got much in common with the present trend in boy guitar bands at all. We haven't fitted into a niche yet, which freaks some people out." To understand what they sound like, you'd have to listen to it. A good place to start is last month's debut album, The Sun is Often Out. Combining abrasive pop with delicate fragility, often in the same song, it's not necessarily an obvious choice for your average Britpop kid. Are you happy with it? "Yeah, it's a f***ing good album , and we're really chuffed with it. lt covers a lot of ground, and I don't think it sounds like anyone else." More importantly though, "You can shag to it!" Excuse me? "You can shag to our album. I mean , you f***ing can 't have sex to Britpop can you? Or if you are , then you 're having f***ing awful sex. You can shag properly to Dozen Wicked Words." Fair point. Without even daring to ask whether he's tried it, I move on to the subject of bad press. Even now, despite their success, the
~- l
weeklies don't seem to be too keen on the band . Crispin: ''Yeah , but that's just a couple of fat, ginger-haired Spandau Ballet fans who think we're wank. To be honest, I'm f***ing glad they do, cos it'd be an insult if they didn't." Dee: ''The thing is, some journalists are sitting up and taking a bit of notice, now they've heard the album . They often want
did manage to see Gina G's tits though ." Hmm. How did that happen? "I just walked into the wrong dressingroom , and there she was stark naked with all her dancers. They didn't mind though !" So where do you go after a string of hit singles, live dates, and sightings of Eurovision starlets' breasts? What does the future hold for the Longpigs? "To be honest I don't know we never look more than a couple of months ahead. it could all go wrong tomorrow
"When we were doing Top Of The Pops, I managed to see Gina G's tits. I just walked into the wrong dressing-room and there she was after all , but who cares I, • we're having a f***ing . h II h ' d 11 • star k na ked Wit a er ancers. - 111/SP/n brilliant time today! I don't
t's the end of the Sack Of Cack's inaugural year, and before I let you know what there is to win in the bonus end-of-term sack, I'd just like to thank all the gullible people who have been claimants of the Sack throughout the last nine months. Without you lot, we would undoubtedly have had to kept all this crap. Now, though, we're really having a clearout. Up for grabs this issue are:
to be seen as cool, and at the moment it's cooler to like albums that are a bit more eclectic." With or without the approval of the music press, this year has seen a dramatic rise in the Pigs' profile, with singles charting and TV appearances aplenty. These included a prize slot on This Morning to promote On And On. Many newish bands would see this as a chance to impress, to display their skills on nationwide TV. Then again , some would take a different view ... Crispin : "it was my birthday that day, so we were in a particularly good mood. Because we were only miming , we decided to all drop acid that morning before the performance . So, we did the whole thing tripping , which was an experience." Dee : "We were supposed to do an interview on the sofa, but they saw we were so far gone that we weren't allowed." Gulp. Wonder how they reacted to Fred's multi-coloured comedy sweaters then ... Anyway, Top Of The Pops followed soon after - what did they make of that? Crispin: "We were only pissed that time, so it wasn 't quite so much of a laugh . I
really give a shit how I end up, as long as I have a good time getting there." Fine sentiments indeed. So, are you the best band in the world? "Nah , I think it's arrogant to say that. Oasis do, but that's just who they are . We're the best at what we do, I'll say that much." And so, passing over various anecdotes, including starting fights with Glaswegian metallers, being pissed on by famous punks in the 70's , and why you can't wank on a tourbus ("it's too loud, everyone can hear what you 're doing"), I come to the gig itself. Here, I'd have to disagree with Crispintonight the Longpigs are the best band in the world, by a long way. it's hard to describe th e Longpigs live experience , but I'll try: The sheer joy that hits me during the last verse of She Said; the way Elvis spirals off into psycho-orbit; being in a crowd full of people all singing along to the greatest love song ever (On And On) ; the chaotic nuclear meltdown of the last track Over Our Bodies. These things , and more , are wh at made the gig such an amazing one. If they come again, check them out - you'll never regret it.
AND MUCH, MUCH MORE, ALTHOUGH NOTHING OF ANY WORTH OR VALUE! Wow. All you have to do to win this immense, towering pile of festering giraffe's excrement is to come up to the Concrete office and dance around like a pixie. No, only joking, we'll leave the sack outside the door so hopefully we'll get rid of it quicker. Cowabunga.
GIRLS NOW OPEN - CLUBWEAR FOR GIRLS 10°/o student discount miss moneypenny- dub- atomic- komodo above the blue jean eo 8-1 0 lower goat lane 4 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1996
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event aving been too lazy to do any research, I have no idea what this film is about. However, on the strength of the soundtrack, I have already reserved my front row seat and extra large tub of toffee popcorn. Frankly, any album which begins with Sly Stone's If You Want Me To Stay cannot fail. Just listening to the song causes me to sprout a spontaneous afro and jive around the room in a pair of tight brown flares. The quality soul line-up is augmented by James Brown (a man who sneezes funkiness), Aretha Franklin, AI Green and Curtis Mayfield, who wah-wahs like his life depends on it. Those masters of sextunkiness, Barry White and lsaac Hayes get so involved with their particular contributions that they forget to stop singing (the tracks are eight and 12 minutes respectively). The only major low point comes courtesy of two people I've never heard, doing Where Is The Love, previously the property of Luther Vandross, the world's most soulless man. Otherwise, the funk is with you, suggesting that Dead Presidents the movie may be a lot more interesting than a biopic of Abraham Lincoln. Ssm Rlchards
f you're into this sort of lo-fi jazzy
thing, then no doWt lmtsistible Bliss will appeal. lt lopes along quite pleasantly, and a couple of tf8Cks had me clicking my fingers. Ifs just not very interesting, thafs an. That Is, apart from one thing: This LP features elephants! Yes. thafs right. elephants;
undoubtedly an ooder-uaed resource in the world of popular music. The last time we saw a pU!ydenn pop star was when Nellie packed her bags years ago. You have to wonder hoW they were used. Did the band get a group of them to sing round a mike in the studio for
backing vocal$? Or maybe they were played like Instruments • :orget guitars, use a Fender VX Elephant Of course, I gueea the advantage would be they only ask for peanuts as
Are there any more crap elephant jokes for me to use? No? Good.
Stuart DMJge
t's local band corner again: This issue with noisy Mmetal" combo Waddle. The awfulness of this record cannot be understated, but I · suppose the pained vocals could be put down to living in dreary, windy Norwich. There is no excuse, however, for trying to jump on the New Wave of New Wave (NWONW) bandwagon two years too late ... and being too crap for even that movement. The record cover features bygone stars of Grange Hill (admittedly Waddle's only saving grace) and this gives us a clue as to the band's mental age. Surely only sniggering juveniles would call a song Arsehole Ride, and then sell it on brown vinyl (huh huh huh). Brown vinyl, shit band. C/alre Sweetlng
t was with a great deal of enthusiasm I P.Yt on the tape of the third album from Shiva Burlesque-offspring ~rant Lee. Buffalo. With their eclectic emotio'Qal·soundsetij)es an S'iOries about contemporary America and Americans, W,.,lll\ this trio has produced two of the more enjoyable rock albums of lhe early '90s. On Copperopolis, named after the small town where singer Grant Lee Phllips grew up, the band enter into new confrontation with American •th,.riti••., (Crackdown and Homespun), criticise friends who have fled the faults of LA for a In the ostensibly more stable Northwest, mediate over childhood .growth, and mix it with tender affirmation of human connection. Musically, the group take in elements from southern pastorals, Philadelphia soul and guitar rock and it into a new musical hybrid. Their s rength is Philips' involvement 'his lyrics, and the heartfelt perfonn4ilCe of the songs. If you liked Fuzzy or Mighty Joe Moon, ypu would do well to invest in -.this one. I don't think that it would disappoint you . .. Jan Olav-Giette
For all your music requirements
For details of your nearest branch Tel: 0171 432 2000 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1996 5 C)'t'l ,\
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roovle news ... movie news ... movie news erhaps the most exciting news of all term is that the Odeon cinema, to 1 tie-in with the century of cinema has a super special offer for us students. If you go down to the Odeon any Monday to Thursday In June, and whip out your NUS card it will cost a meagre quid to get in. Yes -just ÂŁ1 to see any film of your choice! Good work fellasl
From English teacher to alien, Robin Williams has played them all. A hit again with The Birdcage, Carolyn Boyd checks out this comic genie-us
Rough Magic is a fanciful 1950s adventure, starring Bridget Fonda and Jim Broadbent evoking an era women were sleek spunky blondes in creamcoloured cadillacs, when men were world-weary, tough-talking and ruggedly handsome men and when movies didn't have to be anything other fun. Anyway, more to the point to tieIn with this top notch release, we've got a year's supply of Tortilla chips to give away. Yes - a whole 12 boxes of the crunchy triangles. Just answer this simple question: which country does Bridge! do a runner to? Is it a) Mexico or b) Scotland? Send your answers on a postcard to The Event competitions box. Good luck and may the Force be with you!
hat hasn't Robin Williams done? He has been hailed as a comic genius of the big screen, small screen and of course in his famous live performances. Born in Chicago and raised in California, Williams puts his unlimited talent down to being an only child, letting his imagination run riot with childhood toys. Whereas most kids have an imaginary friend, Williams says he had an imaginary agent. Surprisingly enough , he didn't go straight into acting, choosing instead Political Science at Claremont Men's College . Could his incarnation of 'Mork' have been a reflection on the politicians he studied? From there he transferred to the prestigious Julliard Academy in New York, and then returned to the west coast. After failing to land a film role, he turned to stand-up comedy and performed in clubs around San Francisco. So, what is Robin Williams most noted for? We may not all remember his one-off appearance as visiting alien 'Mork from Ork' in the cult American TV series Happy Days. Nevertheless, Williams revealed both his zany antics and quick wit, and in 1978 was able to continue to wear rainbow braces and "call Orson" when the producers of Happy Days created Mork and Mindy. Despite having countless movie hits since Barry Levinson's Good Morning Vietnam, the beginnings of Williams' film career consisted mainly of flops. After his spinach-swilling debut in the 1980 screen version of Popeye, films such as The Survivors, Moscow on the Hudson and Club Paradise didn't enjoy much success. Equally, one of his more 'serious' film efforts - The World According To Garp didn't do too well either. Despite this , the success of the smash hit Good Morning Vietnam (in which Willliams played a
Golden Globes for roles in Good Morning Vietnam and The Fisher King. The failure of Being Human and the astounding success of Mrs Doubtfire confirmed that audiences wanted the 'funny' Robin Williams. Following Mrs Doubtfire (where he parades as a nanny in order to get his kids back), and his cameo appearance in the camp road movie To Wong Foo .. ., it has been said that Williams is partial to dressing up in women's clothes. However, in his latest flick The Birdcage, it is Nathan Lane who dons the wig and stockings . In The Birdcage (a remake of the French farce La Cage Aux Folies), Williams returns once again to his comic capers as Armand Goldman , a homosexual owner of a drag club. Goldman encounters the double dilemma of having to cope with the formality of his straight son (the result of his one and only heterosexual fling), and his wedding. In addition to these star performances, Williams appeared in the wierdo game flick Jumanji, with computerized elephants and monkeys aplenty, amounting his price tag to a mere $15 million. So after playing an alien, a sailor, a DJ , a teacher, a genie, a Scottish nanny and now a gay club owner, audiences wait to see what's next. One thing is guaranteed, his cult status is sure to win over future audiences with ease.
Dead Poets Society proved that he could be more ol a serious actor than the wise-cracking comic genius he is noted lor
There was more trouble for video viewers this month, as Warner Brothers decided to pull the video release of Natural Born Killers, starring Juliette Lewis and Woody Harrelson , saying that it was now "inappropriate." The reason given was that it was too close to the Dunblane tragedy, and will not be released until a review of its 18 certificate has been reviewed, and any necessary cuts made. Another week, another controversy ... this time about Larry Clark's new movie Kids. There has already been a tide of publicity, especially in the tabloids , slating the movie as nothing more th an kiddie porn. Starring a bunch of er, kids, including Chloe Sevigny, Kids is a cautionary tale that is both memorising and devastating. lt is an unflinching depiction of the beauty and tragedy of youth, and well worth seeing for an alternative view. • Sadly no cinema was willing to show it in Norwich at the moment... but when they do, we 'll let you know! Anyway, we've got a copy of the Kids soundtrack and various posters to give away, all you have to do is tell us in which east coast city the film is set. Answers on a postcard, as above .
DJ) meant that the film hits just kept on coming. The popularity of the film also led to a revival of the excellent James Brown single, I Feel Good. One of Williams' more inspiring, more straight-talking performances unveiled him as an unconventional teacher in Dead Poets Society. This proved that he could be a more serious actor than the wise-cracking comic genius he is noted for. The role also gained him an Oscar nomination, as did his part in Terry Gilliam's The Fisher King. In the meantime, Williams continued with more amusing performances, playing the glorious Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg's Hook. This screen version of the classic
I 1
children's novel by J M Barrie provided Williams with a pair of tights to wear (ladies clothes being something he seems to enjoy wearing, as we will see later ... ) but also the beautiful Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell, lovingly falling at his feet. Since then Williams seems to have attracted a young audience, continuing with a role in Toys. In this he plays an eccentric toy maker, but sadly this was not one of his most momentous performances. The critics slated the film as being too complex for children and too boring fo r adults. Nevertheless, Williams was to prove memorable when he lent his voice to Disney's Aladdin. He complimented the wondrous Disney magic, providing the back-up for the funky , wise-cracking genie. This blue apparition undergoes more than 60 transformations, including Robert De Niro, Groucho Marx, Jack Nicholson and Arnie Schwarzenegger. Williams was the perfect accessory for them all! His dazzling voice-overs won him the first ever Golden Globe award for special achievement and he added this to his
NAME: Robin Wllllams BOIIN: July 21 1951 ASE: /14 STARSIGN: Cancer lEST FILMS: Good Momlng VIetnam (1987); Dead Poett Society (1989); The Fisher .,. King (1991 J; Hook (1991 ): Aladdln (1993); Mrs ooubUlre
f1114); Jumnn (1995); Jbe "!: Jlrilcage (1916) ~
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ngland during the 1930s rages with a bloody Civil War that ends with the assassination of the King. His successor, Edward, and his American born wife, Queen Elizabeth, have three children, and the throne finally seems secure for generations to come. But Edward's charismatic and powerhungry youngest brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester, has other ideas... Richard, whilst cutting a dashing figure, was . far from blessed with classic good looks. Deformed from birth, bearing a hunch-back and withered left arm, he nonetheless overcame his physical difficulties by compensating with devastating charm, wit, courage and guile. In other words, all the tools of the trade to be the perfect seducer of women, charmer and leader of men. So Richard, wonderfully played by lan McKellan, begins his march to power in a clever and stylish retelling of the Bard's classic. The imagery constantly reminds us of Nazi Germany. with McKellan as the ambitious dictator. The result is a fantastic, energetic and engaging movie with an excellent cast including Nigel Hawthome, Maggie Smith and Kristin Scott Thomas. Forget Larry Olivier and boring GCSE lessons, this is a Shakespeare film worth seeing.
Msnhew ············~····-···································-··~······
uspense, murder, pornography and the notion of 'innocent until proven guilty' this courtroom drama has it all. Set in contemporary Chicago, defence attorney Martin Vale (Richard Gere) generously offers to defend the penniless and bewildered 19-year-old Aaron Stamper (Edward Morton), who is wrongly accused of the murder of Archbishop Rushman. The chronic schizophrenic befriends his · attorney (originally involved for his own publicity purposes) by his guiltless 'alter-boy' looks and Vale becomes determined to obtain justice for the youngster. The story progresses fairly rapidly, portraying
the tensions of the courtroom in a nail-biting fashion; compelled by the apparent injustices of the legal system and the horrific notion that such an innocent child could be sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit. We the audience are unveiled a story of brutality and pornography at the hands of the church, but ultimately, the tragedy of a boy with a severe 'multiple personality disorder'. The acting in this film is good, yet perhaps not all that surprising considering the cast: Richard Gere, Laura Linney, John Mahoney, Stanley Anderson and Reg Rogers - to name but a few. Yet it is Edward Norton who provides the film with the impetus it needs, creating a heart -rendering story. Norton keeps everybody including his lawyer convinced 'til the end. If addicted to courtroom drama then this is a must; but don't be fooled - there is a twist!
Hsnnsh Ms/colm
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Audsey Hepbom plays a princess wtjo runs away from her official -duties and falls in love with a repllrter. The sort of old-fashioned romance that your mum will love. Marvel at how Audrey can still ·look glamorous and gorgeous even when buttoned-up in a nasty looking wtlite blouse thing.
1 .......... !......;,.....;_---=-(1112)
Dlr. ...... fills
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The ultimate summer feel good movie, in which a young CUff Rlch$rd and his 'chl.lns' take a London ~$
Europe. hOw Cliff C0111PieJ1tti1J Ignores the n l lnJIIA .,., of Una Stubbs rich glrffe In a
a puddlng·basln
Colllns la the bored u\lerpudlran housewife who
·discovers sun, sea. life and love when she runs off to Greece, 1aEMng her slob of a husband
behind. Marvel at Tom Conti's ctvlt-up lines.
criminals. protect those poor who have had to give up in order to escape out the bad guy who Is
a Holt\IWood's fascination with the ......~,._., Thankfully Th6 Juror COP4oentrate on a big courtroom battle, . on the life of one of the jury. plays Annle, a young artist and mother whose decision on the verdlct of Mob trial will determine her fate. Baldwin, know 88 The Teacher, works for mob and has chosen Moore as the juror to the others Into saying "not guilty". Is manipulated Into falling for Baldwin realising his true motive), and her ·fAo~:~ turn to hatred 88 she realises the her violation. The reign of terror and Thls deep psychological thriller a~ on~ edge of be a crime to rnlss itl four, we
'Patrlck Swayze's
situation. We are the premise that a shipwrecked boy and girl grow up together on a desert island and have a baby. Ooo-er mlssus. Marvel at how they cope without the benefits of civilisation... like
·s ·hlnl,ttA rinse is the
nastiest thing to come out of the surf since Jaws• Good, in a fun sort of a way...
1 Grease (1878) Dlr: Randal Klelser A summer holiday leads to romance between John Travolta and Olivia Newton·John, but will their love survive High School? The perfect sing-along movie, spawning a thousand bad performances.
he adaptation of literary classics seems to be all the rage just now. There's a simple · formula: Get some respectable English give them a wig and a posh house to flounce around in, and hey presto, you are eligible for every award known to mankind. W here Muppet Treasure Island departs this blueprint is in the innovative n<>•"•nvm<>nt of singing lobsters and the like. As a result this is far more enjoyable than any Merchant Ivory attempt at literary respectability. You know the story; young Jim Hawkins is left a treasure map by an old pirate Billy Bones (Billy Connelly), and Hawkins becomes cabin boy on the ship of Captain Smollet (Kermit the Frog), as they set sail to find the treasure. But Smollet's crew includes several mutinous ex-pirates, led by the dastardly Long John Silver (Tim Curry), who steal the map and kidnap young Jim. Copious adventures and song-andc...._ _ dance routines ensue as Kermit and
his Muppet friends try to rescue Jim and find the treasure. There are too many forgettable songs, and Jirri Hawkins (Ken Bishop) is a nauseating little brat, but all in all it's great fun. Curry is surprisingly good (that's the actor, not the meal), and there's a brilliant swordfight at the end. Marks are deducted however for the absence of Scooter and Rolf (the pianoplaying dog). Has there been some sort of terrible Stalinist purge of undesirables amongst the Muppet ranks? Nevertheless, this is a highly entertaining film, and a notch above A Muppet Christmas Carol. The world can only wait with baited breath for the 11 hour long Muppet War and Peace... lain Hollands
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eally, it's surprising that we've taken so long to get round to commemorating this fine, fine piece of 70s childrens "info-tainmenr _ Let's be honest, who hasn't heard of Geoffrey, Bungle, George and Zippy? Who hasn't sung along with that almost Led Zeppelin type theme music - "Up above the streets and houses/Rainbows flying high"? Before Richard and Judy sunk their claws into daytime television, weekday lunchtimes were classic TV times. Rainbow fitted snugly between Chorfton and the Wheelies and Moschops the Dinosaur. Its function was to teach the children of the nation ; armed only with a couple of wiggly worms shot against a black background and some hard-hitting songs from the resident trio of tunesmiths, Rod , Jane and Freddy. Zippy was the disruptive element, who always got his comeuppance at the end of the show to prove that naughtiness never pays. George was his antithesis, a pink hippo whose goodness, kindness and amazing eyelashes stood out as a shining example to us all. And Bungle? Well, he was a bit incompetent, but with a name like that, it's hardly surprising . Geoffrey, the surrogate dad to them all, was a polymath in that he could sing, dance, deliver a moral, and keep two puppets and a man in a bear suit completely under controL
ooh matron! •• To celebrate the success of Britain's biggest and most popular comedy franchise, some of the best Carry On films are being re-released - for only £4.99! Bawdy seaside humour, slapstick, double entendre and the familiar faces of the Carry On troupe have brought tears of laughter to the eyes of millions over the last three decades. Nobody was safe from ridicule -the army, police, NHS and even large budget epic movies were all sent up. The 12 videos span a decade of Carry On films and feature hilarious performances from an excellent cast of stars, most notably Kenneth Williams, Kenneth Connor, Sid James and Barbara Windsor • all of whom helped to ensure that the films will continue to have a special place in British history. The Event picked five of the best...
CARRY ON SERGEANT {1958) Carry On Sergeant was the first film in the highly successful series. Wllliam Hartnell stars as the training sergeant whose last job before he retires is to train the champion troop of the last army intake. He ls handed a bunch of rookies which include Bob Monkhouse and Kenneth Williams - who steals the show as a hypochondriac being chased by a love starved army waitress played characteristically by Oora Bryan.
CARRY ON NURSE (1959) Complete with an anthology of hospital humour and a mixed bag of eccentric patients and pretty nurses, Carry On Nurse Is guaranteed to have you roaring With laughter. Hattie Jacques stars as a matron who causes strangled voices to screech out "'oh
matron I• throughout the course of the film as everyone cowers under her Imposing rule.
CARRY ON TEACHER {1959) Ted Ray stars as the acting headmaster of Maudlin Street School who, after 20 years, has his heart set on the headmastership of a new school. However, the students don't want the popular master to leave and decide to sabotage his chances of securing a transfer. Thus begins a well-planned campaign of bad behaviour in the CarfY On tradition, complete with props like itching powder and tea laced with booze!
CARRY ON REGARDLESS (1960) The Helping Hands Agency takes on six unemployed men and women to undertake an odd Ail!!:~ series of assignments. Naturally, w every job concludes in disaster. The film is filled with comic situations, ranging from Kenneth Willlams taking a chimp for a walk through London, to Kenneth Connor babysitting, (the babe tums out to be a married woman).
CARRY ON SPYING (1964) l1AJRY The Society of Total Extinction of • Non Conforming Humans · (STENCH) has grabbed a secret formula, and the British Operational Secret Headquarter (BOSH) tackles the job of getting this formula back and outwitting its arch enemy. New heights of invention and parody are reached as Barbara Windsor, Kenneth Williams and the rest of the Carry On team enter 007 territory.
So really, it's a shame that he's now stacking shelves in a supermarket somewhere, completely unable to get any sort of proper job. Of course , some of you may well know that Rainbow is still with us (sadly, minus Geoffrey), but let's face it, the new version is toss. Bungle looks even more unrealistic than he ever did, and George is no longer blatantly camp. They should have kept it the way it was: all unrealistic cardboard garden and sharing-abed situations. Oh yeah, and they should bring back Rod, Jane and Freddy tool
Carollne Jenklnson
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• Garfield and Friends Anglia Wednesday May 29, 4pm
Snowy River: The Mcgregor Saga BBC 1
Wednesday May 29, 2pm For all you daytime TV watchers out there, here's one
for you. lt will cover that awkward gap after Neighbours, and it's got ex-Ramsey Street person Guy Pearce in it What more could you possibly want?
My mission in life is to satisfy all of you who, just like me, are simply looking for excuses to miss their afternoon lectures ... Fine quality fare, this: an orange cat and his mates getting up to loads of bother.
:80 ROS I 0
I Friday May 31st 1
I ursday ilY 30th m-2am
9pm- 2am
I I Friday June 7th I 9pm- 2am I £3 all night
1Saturday June 9pm- 3am I CLUB NIG I £3 84 10pm, £4
1 9pm- 3am
I CLUB NIGHT I £3 84 1Opm, £4 after
Friday June 13th 1 9pm- 2am 1
y u 9pm- 2am
1 Saturday June 8th
I prices _.l'-IIIJ.I
I info I I
arinfl a tale of football obsession and comedy kicks off at the Playhouse with the arrival of Fever Pitch. Tom Watts (ex 'Lofty' in Eastenders) is every football wives' nightmare. He plays a completely fixated Arsenal fan in this humorous adaptation of Nick Hornby's best-selling book. Having scored top reviews, the show has just left the West End and hopes to continue its success here in Norwich. Will Hornby score an own goal or make it a hat trick? Or will this show join Norwich City in the depths of relegation?
Kste Crockett
· organised by Museology course. With eQ~ibltiOns: th&--world the bring$ together different ~s Bolivian d~to the Norwich Lord Parad&. VwiOus attivities include costume maki~ tiftdldance worll:shops win be running throu~t,,,"f!!e re will also be lectures given by ytAtariQ visiting lecturers. =-, .: Carnival! is the thiutannuel exhibition to be created by studeotslooks set·to be a successful reward for many months hard worll:.
tromJU over
aQout Vladifl!lir and Estragon's existential anfiCS before. you find yourself on dQdgy
WAITI NG FOR GODOT Norwich Arts Centre June 4-6 his is "a play about nothing", its director Charlie Marenghi tells me, adding, "But then nothing could be everything in disguise.n This is just a hint of the enigmatic nature of Samuel Beckett's classic Waiting For Godot. There's not much you can say
ground, metaPhysically speaking. ' ~rs funny, tnlglc, curious, pathe~. and ultimately unique, but impossible to explain in any further detail. t·· Dramasoc are taking Improvisation to a whole new level·to make this an all-out monolith of a production. Miss this and you risk being a lost soul wandering in the void of life.
Licensed Restaurant & Small £2.50 40p
Classic Margherita Extra Toppings Spicy Beef Ham Anchovies Fresh Tomatoes Crushed Chillies
Spicy Sausage Tuna Capers Mushrooms Black Olives
Medium £3.50 50p Bacon Sardines Onions Sweelcorn Tandoori Chicken
Large £5.95 80p Pepperoni Prawns Peppers Pineapple Egg
Try our home-made pasta dishes: Beef or vegetable lasagne or a generous helping of spaghetti bolognaise- all only £4.75 Or some little extras: Garlic bread £1.25 (with cheese £1.75) mixed side salad £1.50, coleslaw 85p baked potatoes from £1.75, gateaux or cheesecake from £1.50 Voted Number one bylconcretel(issue 44) Book the cellar bar for your party!
PREE DELIVERY TEL 615858 53 Earlham Road , Norwich NR2 3AD. Open every evening- Mon ·Sat 5 -11pm, Sun 6 ·1 0pm. Last orders 30 mins bfore closing. Minimum order for delivery £6. UEA deliveries to Porters Lodge, Village Site or Union House reception only.
11 "
1 •
· ' . "" "'~o- -, :! r
rainspotting is gritty, realistic, bleak and yet simultaneously strangely
hopeful. Cruder 4nd in many places more explicit than the film . allows, fl's shameleesly unafraid to de$cdb& even the most depraved~ .
Trainspotting the novel is more than just a trendy gimmick to attract teenage cult followers. Its characters are far less loveable than the Ewan McGregor
and ¥ e portrayal of the
unemployed young in l.efth, one
of Edinburgh's roughest . . . . tt is frighteningly acQUAlte.
The reader gains
a dear~·
Into a way of life which la not uniquely Scottish and the • disturbing single-m~. self-absorption and~ of the heroin addict is skilfully depleted. Oft top of 1his, Welsh Writes with a
pon first picking up this magazine, we expected to be overcome with hard-hitting and interesting articles. Spiked is the most recent addition to UEA's magazine media.
Aimed primarily at students, it will be sold both on campus and in the City. So what's it got to offer? The magazine promises a fresh look at popular culture and boasts of interviews with novelists Rose Tremain, Malcolm Bradbury and Andrew Motion. We were intrigued. However, the actual articles did little to heighten our knowledge, and in all honesty, boredom set in
half-way through most of the pages. Overlong and tedious features were little enhanced by the unimaginative layout. And all this from a publication that claimed originality. This magazine, we feel, would have to summon up courage and be more outspoken in order to appeal to a wider readership than a few bored lecturers. Jsne Klrby and Jsmes Curtis
Malcol~n Bradburv .-,~.
Class Work
hen, in the summer of '95, the citizens of Norwich experienced f~ings of loss and dejection following the relegation of their belolled football club, potential writers at UEA were lamenting the departure of Malcotm Bradbury from the premiership of the EAS faculty. Having eo-founded the Creative Writing course with Angus Wilson in 1970, Bradbury has been the inspiration behind a stream of prize winning authors. ClaSs Work is hls selection of contemporary short fiction from the course • a collection of styles that embrace post modemist thought while simultaneously forging their own Identity. Kazuo lshiguro menacingly reveals the dangers in11olved in cooking poisonous fish, while Toby Litt proclaims Mr Kipling to be his best friend In the world! The sweating protagonist in Ctive Sinclair'a A Momsnt Of Happiness reveals his comfort in photographs. for he is free to live without fear when transferred onto celluloid. These stories alone, picked at random, highlight the diversity of Class Wott. Some stories are obviously more favourable than others, but as well as succeeding or failing in their own right, they collectively prove Bradbury was right to ignore the initial scepticism directed at the course, and offer hope for the next 25 years.
Paul McGonlgal
Famous Works: Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol , David Copperfield, Nicholas Nickleby, Bleak House, The Pickwick Papers, Little Dorrit. Famous for: His wild, flowing , tangled, straggly mane of hair, and a goatie beard that was fashionable well ahead of its time . Career: Charlie was commonly believed to be a novelist but in fact began his main career as a journalist. Interesting fact: His dad was imprisoned for stealing money from society and little Charlie ended up working in a blacking factory to provide for his family. He later
wrote about the neglected lower classes. Famous quote: "Please, sir, I want some more." Immortal line: "lt was the best of times, it was the worst of times ..." How to sound Intelligent about Dickens: To call him sensational would be to misrepresent his theories concerning the human psyche. How to sound a complete nonce about Charles Dickens·: Isn't he the geezer on the back of the tanner who isn't the Queen? If he was alive today he would be: A scriptwriter for Eastenders.
• 20 Snooker tables • 4 pool tables • Wide se satellite TV • Video Ga111es • £200 iackpot machines • Hot ncl cold food available 24 h ur$ day, 7 days a week • License bar I low prices lOam· I pm, 1 2·1 0.30pm Sun
MEMBERSHIP NOW £1 SI Ma~s Plain, Norwich Tel: 627478 Only 5 111inutes fro111 Norwich 111arket THE EVENT. WEDNESDAV. MAy 29 1996 13 I
O event O::r
Muppet Treasure Island (U)
Black Orpheus (PG)
Kermit , Miss Piggy, heck, they're all here ... Don't pretend to be mature, go and enjoy yourself.
Sun June 2 - 5.00pm Classic 50s version of a Greek legend , set in Rio de Janeiro and er ... the Underworld ..
Dr. No (PG) Sun June 2- 7.30pm An unmissable screening of the first Bond outing comes complete with Sean Connery; Ursula Andress emerging nymph-like from the sea; a suitably nasty villain and some wonderful West Indian locations.
Casino (18) Barb Wire (15) Pamela Anderson Lee flops in her attempt for the big time in this dreary drama.
Executive Decision (15) The good news is Steven Seagal dies after 45 minutes. The bad news is that's as good as it gets.
Thurs May 30 Scorsese drama charting the rise and fall of Vegas casino King, Sam Rothstein . Sharon Stone , acting alongside DeNiro plays her trump card and proves she's not just a pretty face .
Dodgy vampire flic, penned by and starring Quentin Tarantino.
Primal Fear (18)
Four Rooms (18)
Courtroom drama courtesy of Richard Gere. What more could you ask for? Well ...
Richard Ill (18) Forget dodgy ol' Larry Olivier, th is is a proper Shakespeare film . lan McKellan is fantastic as the hunchback in this marvellous retelling of the Bard's classic.
Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead (18) Fun , in a strange sort of a way. Andy Garcia leads the way in this modern film noir. Worth seeing for Christopher Walken .
Tralnspottlng (18) Haven't seen it yet? Go tonight -you won't regret it!
ODEON The Birdcage (15) Robin Williams stars with Nathan Lane in this modern retelling of the classic French farce, La Cage Aux Folies.
Copycat (18) Sigourny Weaver and Holly Hunter are the pair thrown together on the trail of a serial killer.
Mr Holland's Opus (PG) Although designed to be a major league weepie, Richard Dreyfuss makes this a moving and heart-warming epic.
Mon June 3 - Fri June 7 - 5.30pm Mon June 3 - Tues June 4 - 8.15pm Tues June 4 - 2.30pm Another scathing insight into Hollywood life, focussing on those nice movie mogul sorts. Kevin Spacey stars.
Underground (15)
Thurs June 6 Travolta acts it hot as the desperately cool Ch ili Palmer, a loan shark who takes a radical career move into the movie biz.
Now You Know
The Blues Brothers
Othello (12)
Shooting Stars (PG)
Fri June 7 Kenneth Branagh's faithful adaptation of Shakespeare's time-honoured play.
Sat June 8 - 8.15pm An early instance of a film about film-making , providing an insight into life on a silent movie set. One for the film historians.
Scarlet letter (15) Tues June 11 A desperately loose adaptation of Hawthorne's 17th Century morality tale. Less of a Scarlet Letter, more of a red card .
' Mon June 3-Sat June 8 Elwood and Jake Blues are on a mission from "' God again, in this, the West End official tribute musical smash. £3- £15.50.
High Socletv
Privilege (PG)
Mon June 10-Sat June 15 (Matinees Wed & Sat - 2.30pm) Romance and pre-wedding confusion bubble over in Cole Porter's classic Champagne musical. £4- £19.50
Sun June 9 - 5.00pm 60s drama following a pop star whose publicity campaign presents him as a religious messiah.
Ellsa (15) Sun June 9- 7.30pm Sleazy French tale of teenage rebellion starring a suitably sociopathic Vanessa Paradis alongside Gerard Depardieu .
JumanJI (PG)
Wed May 29 -Sat June 1 - 5.45pm & 8.15pm Oscar-winning acting; beautiful sets; acclaimed directing - what more needs to be said?
~ Wed May 29-Sat June 1 (Matinees Wed & • Sat - 2.30pm) Tiger Bav (PG) Plenty of skeleton's in Adam Faith's closet in Sat June 8 - 2.30pm this new comedy by Michael Frayn . Apparently a "little known , minor masterpiece" £3- £16.50 of British cinema, which tells the tale of a Polish sailor at the centre of police manhunt.
" Get Shortv (15)
Sense & Senslbllltv (U)
Wed June 5- Fri June 7- 7.30pm Thurs June 6 - 2.00pm Tragi-comic European film telling the story of a man who imprisons his rival in a cellar.
Tues June 4 Tim Roth as the harassed bellboy comically handling assorted strange guests.
Wed May 29 - Sat June 1 - 2.30pm Adventure story about a magical board game with the powers to unleash a herd of wild jungle animals on an unsuspecting town . Beats Monopoly any night of the week.
Mon June 10 - Tues June 11 - 8.15pm Controversial techno - thriller, packed with hard sell , violence, sex and voyeurism.
Swimming With Sharks (15)
Sense & Sensibllitv (U) Fri May 31 Award-winning adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novel, starring Ems et al. Unmissable.
From Dusk 'Til Dawn (18)
Strange Davs (18)
Fever Pitch
• Thurs May 30-Sat June 1 Smoke (15) .. Former EastEnder Lofty, Tom Watts, stars in Mon June 1o - Tues June 11 - 5.45pm • this production of Nick Horn by's modern Tues June 11 - 2.30pm : classic about being football crazy. . Humorous series of character studies centred ,. lt's the latest show to leave the West End around a small Brooklyn cigar shop owned by • for Norwich, so don't miss it. Harvey Keitel. The starry cast •
give some subtle solid performances.
4'-111!!!'~ .,4~~:: ..,
Waiting For Godot ,vur•«qa:~~~
Tues June 4-Thurs June 6 Originally written and performed in French, Samuel Beckett's existentialist masterpiece • documents two tramps going nowhere in • particular. An innovative production presented by UEA's very own Drama Soc. ~ £3/£6
SAINSBURY CENTRE Carnival! • Tues June 4-Sun July 7 Masks and costumes galore for the next month on campus. And no, it's not the LCR .
SEWELL BARN THEATRE Jacques And His Master Fri May 31-Sat June 1 & Tue June 4Sat June 8 UEA's own Ralph Yarrow directs this play about some bloke who loses his cherry and fantasises about ladies with small virtue and , big bums! " £3.50/£4
14 day listings in association with the Theatre Royal- (01603) 630000 for reservations. Tickets always available from £3 or £4 14 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1996
- - --
Blvth Power Saturday Jun 1 Folk rock. £5/£4
• Justln van Trio
• 9pm - 4am £6/£5 • Saturdays - Club Dance 9pm - 2am £2
Friday Jun 7 Music from Madagascar. £7/£6/£5
Mondays - First Degree 9pm -2am 50p b4 midnight with student ID Wednesdays - Cool And Casual 9pm ·_ 2am 50p b4 midnight with student ID Fridays - Fast Trax 9pm - 2am £3 b4 10.30, £4 after Saturdays - Furious Fun 9pm - 2am £4 b4 1Opm, £5 after
Joe Morris + Hesslon Wllklnson Fell Wednesday Jun 12 Punk jazz. £6/£4.50
The Mighty 45s + The Keno Kings Friday Jun 14 Chicago R&B. £5.50/£4.50
UEA LCR John Berry + Kate Campbell Friday May 31 Folky country singer-songwritery type stuff. £4 adv.
· THE FISH ARKET (AT . SAMANTHA'S) Thursday May 30 Waddle are promoting their new Noisebox single, while the other two are young Norwich guitar groups. £2
Saturday May 1 Difficult to know what to say about this band they've got it all. Unmissable. SOLD OUT
Waiter Trout Band
Zebra Three + Crome Yellow + Tonic
Friday May 7 Old rockers who'd be more interesting if they were actually all fish . £7.50 adv.
Thursday Jun 6 A couple of bands featuring past and present UEA students. £2
Ant-Hill Mob + Revolver + Scuravl
Super Furry Animals
Thursday Jun 13 More local guitar-wielders. £2
Thursday May 30 Brilliant Welsh space glam rockers with songs about unicorns and shell-suits. £5 adv.
Sunday Jun 2 Ex-Blow Monkeys frontman doing his jazztinged funky thing. £6 adv.
• • ••
Wednesday Jun 5 Mellow trip-hop grooves reminiscent of Massive Attack. £6 adv.
Saturday Jun 8 Old tunes with a live slot from '80s tribute band Wham!Duran. £5 adv.
Miss Moneypenny's
Freak Power Wednesday Jun 12 Eclectic dance act famous for their Levisaided number one, Turn On ... £6 .50 adv.
THE WILDE CLUB (AT NORWICH ARTS CENTRE) Placebo + AC Acoustics + Linoleum Monday Jun 3 Excellent line up of guitar abusing fun . £4/£3.50 adv.
Urusel Yatsura + The Bardots + Ray Speedway + Chemistry Garden Monday Jun 10 Welcome return from Scottish Pavementalikes. £4/£3.50 adv.
Puressence + Navigator + Tonic Thursday Jun 13 Really, go and see Navigator if it's the last thing you do. Life changing . £4/£3.50 adv.
Wednesday May 29 - lndie Night 9pm - 2am £1 b4 11 pm, £2 after Thursday May 30 - Club Night 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm , £1 after Friday May 31 -Gas Station 9pm- 2am £3 Saturday Jun 1 - Club Night • 9pm - 3am £3 b4 10pm, £4 after Thursday Jun 6 - Club Night 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm, £1 after Friday Jun 7 - Marvel 9pm - 2am £3 Saturday Jun 8 - Club Night • 9pm - 3am £3 b4 1Opm , ~4 after Thursday Jun 12'- Club N1ght 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm , £1 after Friday Jun 13 - Gas Station 9pm - 2am £3
• •••
•• •
. ZOOM •
The Kitchen Friday _Jun 7 Pete {Shaker) Bones {Ugly Bug Records) 1Opm - 6am £7/£6
Wraith Alternative Night Friday Jun 14 10pm - 2am £2 b4 11 pm, £3.50 after Mondays - Hubba Bubba Student Night 10pm-2am £1 b4 11, £2 after {student ID} Wednesdays - Alternative Night 10pm - 2am £1 b4 11 , £2 after Saturdays - Cow Club House and Garage 9.30- 2am £5
• • • • • • •• • • •• •
•• •
~oNE NUftt&e~
, .
Hys The Loft Monhattons Peppermint Pork
Ritzy The Waterfront Zoom Cannon Cinema City Odeon
tvbddermarket I'Jor\.\4ch Ms Centre NorWch Playhouse Theatre Royal UEAstudlo
• UEA U11on Ents
• • •
NorWch Gallery
621155 623559 629060 764192 621541 632717 630760 623312 622047 621903 620917 660352 766466 630000 592272 505401 610561
.00 - £15.50
Box Office (01603) 63 00 00 Theatre Street, Norwich NR2 lRL
Saturday Jun 15 Popular house night. £8 adv.
Meltdown Saturday Jun 1 lndie, britpop & alternative dance + As Pure As Soul. 9pm - 1.30am £3.50/£3
First Out Tuesday Jun 4 The best night out for boys & girls into trash and trade. 9pm - 1am £3/£2.50
Pulse Friday Jun 7 Hard house night with residents Flux & Slack and special guest Charlie Hall + Milky Lunch in the studio. 9pm - 2am £6/£5
Meltdown Saturday Jun 8 lndie, britpop and all that malarkey with Flying Squad upstairs 9pm - 1.30am £3.50/£3
Logical Progression 11 Friday Jun 14 Drum 'n' bass with LTJ Bukem, Mike Bolton, MC Conrad, Tayla, Scooby Doo +live set from PFM. Plus in the studio: Kid Loops + Artcore guest DJs and PAs. 9pm-2am. £7/£6
Wednesday May 29 Steel guitar music. £7/£6
Wednesdays - Uplift Student Night 9pm - 2am Free b4 11 pm, £1 after • Fridays - Gorgeous House Night
Friday May 31 African jazz combo. £8/£7
• • • • •
Club Retro-Active
Ruby + Faceless
Thursday Jun 6 Event favourites and chart stars making the genre of disco punk pop their own . £4 adv.
Mondays - Student Party Night 9pm - 2am £1 all night Wednesdays - Midweek Party 9pm - 2am 50p with flyer Fridays - Frantic Fridays 9pm - 2am £2 b4 11 pm, £3 after Saturdays - The Big One 9pm - 2am £3 b4 11 pm, £4 after
Waddle + Moggy + Sodium Blue
Manic Street Preachers
Or Robert
.. THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1996 15
~ (jJ]!MJ!11~~
1?&J ~V=f]0(Q)
UEA LCR Wed 5th June Doors 8pm £2.50 adv
Thurs 6th June
Doors 7.30pm £5 adv (includes disco)
SUPER FURRY ANIMALS ~------- And so a year of
Fri 31
.JOHN BERRY + Kate Campbell
RUBY -+-FA·c-EL·E-ss.+-DJ_ _ _ _
Sat 1
MANIC ~TP.~I:: m PRE~ ~ :Ji lJ R~ J Wed 5
£2.50 adv
FASHION SHO\N + Disco Fri 7
£7.50 adv
£5 adv
Club RETRO-ACTIVE plus live band WHAM!DURAN Thu 13
Tickets available from: Union Finance Office Soundclash Our Price
(weekdays J J -3.30) City Ticket Shop Andy's Records
CREDIT CARD BOOKING 01603 505401/764764 (Subject to a booking fee)
SAT 8TH JUNE Limited Tickets Available • £5 adv
. 1\/l~V
BARE NAKED LADIES Don't forget we are still open throughout the Summer break.
quality entertainment, as catalogued by The Event, draws to a close. lt's a year where we have featured many exclusive interviews with the likes of Pulp, The Boo Radleys, Danny Boyle, Keith Chegwin, Gene, Jonny Lee Miller, Echobelly and Ash. Not only that, but we've featured the best in Screen, Stage, Music, Books and TV to keep you informed about what was cool and what was cack at UEA and beyond. We'll be back in September with more of the same •.• until then, enjoy the summer!
FASHION PU;l!,um '-<><',-
Dressing up in loads ol classy clobber lrom some ol Norwich's trendiest boutiques... it's a hard job, but someone's got to do it! 路 Models: Matt Fasken, Lizz路Page, Peter Menskv 1 Louise D'Arcens. Photos: Emily Wilson 路
. ...-:: .
Louise (as above): LONG SKIRT £49.95 by Nick Colman, TIE TOP £35 by Richmond, available from Bazaar
Louise: LONG SKIRT £49.95 by Nick Colman, TIE TOP £35 by Richmond, available from Bazaar
Lizz (as cover): HALTER TOP £30 by Red Or Dead, VELVET JEANS £55 by Works, SEVILLE SHADES £59 by StOssy, all from Catfish Peter: JEANS £58 by Liberto, JACKET £69 by Bench, T-SHIRT £26 by X-Large, all available from Dogfish
I eve_n
~ Louise: LYREX TOP £42 by Performance, TROUSERS £85 by Red Or Dead, SHADES £59 by Electra StOssy, all available from Catfish
SPECIAL THANKS TO: BAZAAR 2 St Andrew's Hill, Norwich, Tel: 763872 DOGFISH/CATFISH 17 Bedford St~eet, Norwich, Tel: 762661 SHIRT COMPANY 3 Lower Goat Lane, Norwich, Tel: 61'1053 BLUE JEAN CO/ ASYLUM 8-1 0 Lower Goat Lane, Norwich, Tel: 633961
CllllctiDIII SuPINII'IIt • •
• • I ,:
If .~
UEA LCR Wed 5th June Doors 8pm
£2.50 adv Thurs 6th June Doors 7.30pm
£5 8dV (Includes diSCO)
~ - ·- ··
~· ·