y ear-plugs are at the ready, in case Manda Rin turns out to be the spoilt, screeching, bubble-gum . frenzied teenager she makes out to be. To my surprise, she is willing to not only lay off the squeeling for a while, but also to offer her pearls of BISdom on such subjects as the Teen Revolution, John Peel, and Japanese toys. Well okay then! Anyway, first I ask ... Do you think your brand of music appeals to the same people who listen to dull retro bands like Ocean Colour Scene and Kula Shaker? I hope so! We certainly always get a good reception in Norwich, and that's why we chose to come back here. Your music sounds fresh and happy, as does that of The Cardigans, or Saint Etienne. Do Bis set out to create perfect pop? Yes , I think our music is fresh and poppy, and yes we do like The Cardigans - their new album is excellent! Our peppiness and the fact that we are different are the reasons we get noticed. Completely different from a five-piece all-male band such as Oasis , he he heh!
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What's the manifesto behind the much touted Teen-C Revolution? We want people to see us and be inspired to form bands, and in that respect the revolution is already under way! Afte r gigs we get girls coming up to us saying that they're going to start their own pop bands. I bet Ocean Colour Scene don't get that! What's the myth behind Bis? Rather than being archetypal drunken teenagers, you say you'd rather be eating Sherbets lemons - yet on the other hand your busy negotiating your own record deal. We may be naive and childish at times , but when people meet us they're actually quite surprised . The reason why we signed to Wiija was because they allow us to have our own say in production and marketing. Is there any truth associated with the stigma surrounding the band that you don't want to grow up? People have said that I want to be a nine-yearold , but I've never said that. OK, I'm quite youthful and who says your childhood has to end with your teens? it's just the way we dress, the way we look and the way we are, whether we are in a band or not. Is it an important goal for you to make an impact on the American market? Not incredibly important, but we treat it on the same level as we do Japan, Australia or Europe. I'd like to be big in Japan, as a personal th ing. What's the attraction? Japanese toys are ace! I've got a big collection of Japanese stuff having been sent loads from fans! Was working with John Peel cool, or like taking sweets from your Grandad? We respected each other and it was excellent. We actually wrote a song about him, We Love John Peel! What are your tips for teenage happiness? Go shopping frequently! Have the right to be what you want, have your own opinions. Be free to like Oasis if you really want, but ask yourself if you're being pressured! And there you have it. In pop production and Japanese toys, the myth of Bis continues. For teenage sensational pop, catch Bis at The Waterfront on Wednesday November 13, · and the new single Atom Powered Action is out on Wiiija on October 28.
UEA LCR Saturday Oct 19 he atmosphere was mellow as Nigel appeared onstage to do a solo version of What Have I Done Wrong? Instead of a support group, Dodgy opted to do • a short acoustic set using the front of the stage to create a jazz-cafe type scene. With only a few diversions, such as singing Happy Birthday to Robin and a 'Guess The lntro' game which had everyone stumped, it was a no-hype way to begin the evening. Just three un-pretentious blokes, playing music well. After a short break, Dodgy burst back onto the stage with abundant energy to give the stage-divers a chance to enjoy themselves.
Playing such anthems as Staying Out For The Summer and Making The Most Of, it was easy to understand the band's need for earphones as the crowd showed their appreciation. They zipped through their set, with the only confusion coming when everyone appeared to know Good Enough; a new tune according to Matthew. lt was over far too quickly, and the audience were left asking tor more. We were not to be disappointed, the encore was three fab songs, especially when Melodies Haunt You segued into the Beatles' Revolution; a synthesis which worked surprjsingly well. The mighty Dodgy Vibe lives on. Ab/gall Ovenden
For a group with such an Innocent name, Baby Bird are not to be messed with. Mark Tobln talks to the band about hatching Into pop lame tephen Jones glares into the audience, as his band fail once more to open their encore. "Did you pay £6 for this, or are you on the guest list?" he screams at the in-house smart-arse, "'Cos if you are we can have your name take off, get you identified and then kick e s*** out of you afterward d I'm not f***ing jokingl" As enco~ go, e ~me displayed tonight"ha to t up there at the top. But ou'd expect, occ_,.ll1l< the end . They're
seeing Sanjay and Nigel from Eastenders in the canteen:
Later that night, in the co nes of the Norwich Arts Centre, a venue they've clearly outgrown, Baby Bird prove that the BBC canteen could well become a regular hang-out the guys. Polishing up uty of their lo-fi o a full d
Sunday Oct 13
eports of Suede's renaissance have been virtually constant since Bernard Butler left. At least Coming Up and this sold out tour will put an end to such lazy journalism - Suede are now an equally exciting prospect as when they first started. Much of this is down to new member Neil Codling. I would like to think that he was selected merely because of his suave and handsome demeanour and his minimal musical contribution suggests this; he occasionally prods a keyboard or reluctantly sings a few notes, but spends most of the set looking elegantly bored, even during the
In response aHirmatlon lh ree Stephen retor new see vour lace
explosive Trash. lt's reassuring to note that even though Suede, Brett in particular, try hard to rock out, the grandiose numbers are still the best. The Wild Ones and Saturday Night reach acute heights of melodrama. With their name projected on to the backdrop for the first part of the set, there is also a chance to consider the aesthetic value of the word "suede". Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but the choice is too significant to be a coincidence. Although a fair number of songs from Coming Up aired here tonight tend to lapse into re-hashed Bowieisms (Lazy is an unintentional reflection on the songwriting), Suede are a band that demand your worship: if you didn't love them, they wouldn't Sam Rlchsrds exist.
in. Marvellous stuffl
are offering you the chance to get your hands on one of five exclusive mix tapes supplied by Taste's very own resident DJs, plus the chance to win a month's free entry to Taste throughout November, All you have to do to get the chance to win these gargantuan goodies is name something that has Taste , scribble it on a postcard and drop it in the Concrete competition box situated near the Steward's Cabin in
t tonight's show it's CJ BOLLAND clear that The Waterfront CJ Bolland, or CJ frlday Oct 18 Bollards as I prefer to call him, is good , and occasionally very good, In the context in which he seems to want to be taken though he doesn't really cut it You see, judging by his interview last issue, CJ wants to be the next dance act that indie kids like, and it's in this aim that he falls down, I know it's cheap and easy, but I would like to compare CJ to his home nation, Think of all the things that you stereotypically associate with Belgium: Anonymity, efficiency, corn and a seemingly corru pt judicial system (I don 't know about thaL . what about Van Damme and top choccy? And waffles? Ed.) They all apply equally to Bolland . Apart from the last one obviously. He wants to play with the big boys of the scene, but he lacks, for example , the discordance and hip indie friends of the Chemical Brothers or the certifiable frontman and pure tu nes of the Prodigy. He is much better when , as he does tonight, he sticks to his forte, namely trancey techno, with some imaginative breakbeats and the odd twist Even doing my best 'surly loner at bar' pose I couldn't help but tap my foot once or twice. David Jenkins
OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK • 20 Snooker tables • 5 pool I bles • Satellite TV • Video G m s • £250 iackp I mac i-nes • Hot anCI cold food available 24 lio rs a day, 7 days a week • License bar I low prices 1Oam-11 pm, 12·1 0.30pm Sun St Ma s Plain, Norwich Tel: 627478 Only 5 minutes from Norwich market 4 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 , 1996
irstly I'd like to say that noone should read this article. If you 're a fan , stop now. If you 're not, then why read this review, cos you know they're a waste of space anyway?! These albums were deleted a long time ago, therefore in my mind there's only one obvious question: why haven't RCA left them that way? I'd like to tell you which one is worse, but honestly I couldn 't separate them; they're both full of horrid, spacey freakiness! For any Hawkwind fans my advice is to buy them, but if you're not a
fan or are undecided then don't bother; don't even contemplate buying them. If you want the same amusement for roughly the same price, shove a £10 note in each ear and set fire to them both; that's how painful this album is! In fact, someone should invent a new word for how bad Hawkwind are, as existing ones simply aren't sufficient for this degree of "rubbishness". I say send them back to whatever planet they came from . Quickly. Michael Millar
ompllatlons somewhere 1n our record collections. You know the ones with a success1on of bland house tunes mixed together to provide an hour of mind-numbing 'entertainment'. Well, it's time to consign them to the dustbin - you need this album! Perhaps it should be subtitled, The Best Party Album in the World... Ever!, as once you slip this beauty onto the decks, a pulsating dancefloor is inevitable. Need a comparison? Imagine a ragga'd-up Chemical
oc Scott, lefthand man to the legendary Goldie, and renowned DJ in his _ _ _ _ __. own right, takes to
Red en fur Sl*:e 111t Mal. a .., Pllll'ilaiiBr or fur ........... t:arraJ. has .. loWdoWn
Iubi Having missed out on the chance to see my fave band Space last week due to me bezzy mate having a training day at work, I'm a little bit downcast. Still, I'm sure they'll be in the area again soon, and besides, there's loads of hot goss around to cheer me up.
SHE'S LOST HER BALLS! Me! C is not a happy bunny. Being a part of the most huuge pop group of the mo, and being able to run round hotels naked and get away with it has sadly proved to have quite a price. For, in becoming famous, she has had to give up her cherished place on her local womens' football team. All together now... awww! Still, Met can always console herself with the fact that Wannabe has now sold over a million - a million! copies in the UK alone, and that it has become Virgin Records' biggest selling single 1n 13 years!
BRIDE·ING THEIR TIME Wild rumours have been going round that young Ant McPartlin has secretly married his girlfriend Lisa (the dark-haired bird formerly of Deuce) whilst on holiday. But don't reach for the Kleenex girls, 'cos it ain't true! He was actually on holiday with the swoonsome Dec at the time, and there wasn't a wedding cake in sight. Phewl Incidentally, in case you're wondering what those top Geordie funsters are up to, they're working on both a new single and their telly programme, which so far has the somewhat yawnsome title of Ant & Dec on Channel4. I think that Ant & Dec Roll Around Naked in Chocolate Mousse would be far better.. ahem! Cya next time, poptarts.
s be honest, we've all
got one of those crap m1x
the turntable for the latest voh.ime in the ever more impressive Mixmag Uve series. Previous contributors include such names as Carl Cox, Moby, Jeremy Healy, and Underworld's Darren Emerson . This time round, Scott mixes tracks from the likes of DJ Krust and Decoder which fiddle with the boundaries of drum 'n' bass. The heavy dosage of breakbeat saves this mix from the slavishly relentless nature of much drum 'n' bass and jungle music. lt is a snapshot of a scene in
Brothers s
unky bAIIakb!NllltWflh··
uplifltlng reggae vtbes That's not the whole story, but lt should be enough to get you Interested If you've heard of the Heavenly Social, the club that tnspired this rem1x series, then the quality won't be a surprise for you. The Social Is notonous for it's w1de-open music policy: if tt gets people dancmg, then play it. With principles like that, you can't really go wrong. Believe me, stick this on at home and within no time at all you'll be bouncing around like a crazed bunny on a trampoline. You know it makes sense! Stuart Dredge
constant evolution. The track list shows much thought, and flows through it's 73 minutes as smoothly as a baby's arse down a greased slide. Gladly, it also smacks of being produced out of love of music rather than simply as a commercial exercise.Partly for this reason, it is probably not the most accessible introduction to the drum 'n' bass scene available. Despite this, if you 're excited by drum 'n' bass (so long as you aren't a purist) this record and you should get along just fine. Alternatively, just buy it if you want to give your speakers a good workout and you hate the guy next door. Andrew Dav/es
'11 master your language, ICilY and in the meantime I'll create my own" rasps the Cllrlll*lan. .nd•l t r Trickster, his trademark Bristolian drawl mixed up with a throat-full of phlegm, over a characteristically claustrophobic backing track containing Doug E Fresh samples, flits of guitar and a rumbling, looping bass-line. Following on from the below-par Nearly God project (even though not an official Tricky release, that's what everyone essentially saw it as) Christiansands sees a return to form that wa-:::s;,.h;,;,i.;.;n.;.;ted~a;;,;t.;;b~y..,t;..he;;.,;;,su;;.m,;,;;,;,m,;.;e,_r'.;.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, import-only release Grassroots. r Anyone lucky enough to have got hold of this will have heard gems such as Tricky Kid, and Heaven , Youth Hell providing evidence that Tricky hadn't drowned in his self-created quagmire of dope-fuelled paranoia but had toughened up his act and was
him on Maxinquaye. Although Christiansands doesn't really have the venom that these songs had, does move on a step from Nearly God. Marrying messed-up beats with horrorcore lyrics and resulting in a single that places the West Country protege one step nearer the philosophy and vision of Shaolin's Wu Tang Clan. Mark Tobln
7!5 11t101111
At gentleman's walk opposite the market THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1996 5
Th1s Superfly video has all the Funky Flare and Swinging superstars you could possibly ask for. Jeanne Bell is sexy spine-shattering, bone blasting karate expert TNT Jackson in search of her missing brother_w~h:.:.o::....-----, disappeared in the no-go zone of Hong Kong. Her mission SAVAGE (18) lands her straight into USA (1996) the company of Dlr: Clrlo H. Santiago pimps, prostitutes, assassins and drug VIdeo • out to buv dealers - all of whom en call him Savage ... women call she is willing to kick him all the timel You want action? the crap out of, Bruce You want girl commandoes and Lee style. This classic danng rescues? You black action movie is want blood, guts and overrun by hilariously fight scenes that kick ~~~~~~choreographed fight butt? Then you want scenes and stereo Savage!' With a video dubbed Karate chops, cover like that, ~ow all done to a groovy 70s could you possibly soundtrack. TNT is a "one mama massacre resist this squad" who puts the boys in their place, but Blaxploitation classic not without getting her fill and flashing some from Superfly Jim flesh first! Haygood is Savage All in all, this film rewrites the definition of who starts out as a cheesiness, and as with all cheeses it should military commando be taken with a good wine. and cunningly Sarah Hemingway evolves into the leader of rebels TO WONG FOO, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, JULIE fighting for NEWMAR (PG) revolution. The constant fight scenes USA (1995) probably wouldn't keep anyone amused , Dlr: Beeban Kldron but the titillating scenes of naked women VIdeo • OUIIO bUll swimming, which intersperse the fighting, would probably cause most men's eyes to atrick Swayze and Wesley Snipes as light up. With gun-toting, knife-throwing drag queens, now there's a thought. babes with attitude and karate kicks galore, Thankfully, both actors do manage to Savage has all the 70s tackiness you 'll look just fabulous (darling) , in this tale of need for a good laugh. broken hearts, broken dreams and broken He/en Pradas-Page nails. Swayze plays Vida, accompanied by fellow TNT JACKSON (1 8) drag queens Noxeema (Snipes) and Chi-Chi USA (1996) (John Leguizamo), as they set out from New Dlr: Clrlo H. Santiago York to Hollywood to compete in a national VIdeo- out drag contest. But when their Cadillac convertible breaks et ready to hold onto your badasses down, the three become stranded in the little ·cos blaxploitation is back from the Midwest town of Snydersville, where they take 70s and hitting the big time again. the chance to convince the inhabitants that
E (1996)
"cien.i.ic shenanigans · r: ndrew Davi l:J:!3seii:!!tllli:liii£1aiE-J.!L~~iltf~!..~~ deon - n ow si wm~--- t last! A film for all! Whether you 're a girlie who likes ogling at Keanu Reeves, a blokey who likes action and explosions , or a science type person of unspecific gender, you'll love this film . Well ... not exactly, I'm lying . Mr Reeves plays Eddie Kasalivich , an honest and enthusiastic undergraduate at the University of Ch icago who just happens to be involved with top secret scientific research into producing a pollution-free, limitless energy wh ich will revoluti onize the world, stop wars, bring peace and happiness to all , help old ladies across the road and generally be kind to fluffy animals. And what's more they manage to create this wonder fuel from nothing more than a Thermos or two and some ordinary tap water. Plausible? Nope, not really.
This is obviously too good to be true, and while Eddie is gallantly taking home the tipsy Lily S1nclair (Rachel Weisz) some nasty men come up and blow up all their test-tubes and lab coats. To make matters worse, Eddie and Lily are framed for this explosion which , incidentally, destroys half of Chicago . Tsk tsk, they cry, how unfair- so th ey trot off to find out the truth behi nd this darn ed mess. This involves running away from policemen with guns and FBI men with threatening dark glasses, all very exciting with impressive SFX but not exactly original. Morgan Freeman is ace as the mysterious, top scientist, but Eddie and Lily are so bland that you feel more sorry for the water than you do for them when the whole place goes up in smoke. Matt Stocks
\i miss mone voodo danle! poole great plains street star mambo at le X
o'nail tevis dub d a
action slmpson great plains
TIN CUP (PG) USA (1996) Dlr: Ron Shelton ABC - now showing port and sex: two of the most popular themes in the movies, team up once again in Tin Cup, a movie all about that enthralling sport - golf. Kevi n Costner plays the titular main character, an amazingly gifted but irrational golf player whose inability to play it safe in all aspects of his life have left him running a tiny driving range in the middle of nowhere. Enter Rene Russo as the intelligent, sophisticated , charming , beautiful , and -yeah , okay, I think you get the idea, he falls in love
with her. But, ho hum ... she already has a boyfriend (don't they all?) , who happens to be Costner's smarmy golfing rival fro m years ago. Costner as the exceptionally talented hero ( for a change!) , whose arrogance knows no bounds. The golf itself also proves entertaining , with Costner and Russo beginning their 18 holes rather bizarrely (trying not to hit armadillos, playing with gardening tools) , which ends up with the tense, crucial last round that's almost obligatory for a sports film. So , if you think golf is the most boring, pointless game in the whole of humanity, there's more than enough swing in this film to score a hole in one . John Spacey
aseball and stalking are brought together in The Fan , a moving account of devotion turning into a social evil. Celebrity Bobby Rayburn (Wesley Snipes) 1s Pursued by Gil Renard (Robert de Niro), a follower of the baseball player's career since the 1982 High School Championships. The trouble starts when Gil swears a secret vow to stop at nothing, including (melodramatically) murder, to restore the idol's reputation . Meanwhile, Bobby struggles with personal problems that are causing his career to decline, seeking solace with sports broadcaster Jewel Stern (EIIen Barkin). De Niro plays the disturbingly normal Gil. Tony Scott commented, "Gil Renard is not nuts; he's just a man whose life is slowly fad ing away
from him. He's lost his wife, he's losing his child, he loses his job. He's a sad guy who's slowly losing his grip on life." But then, he was a disillusioned kn1fe salesman. De Niro's sensitivity and sense of vulnerability in his role forces a chilling reality on the audience, as they beg1n to understand his motivation. A fascinating, if not entertaining film. Benjamin Scott
upstairs at
iam Neeson plays Michael Collins, the man who tried to "take the gun out of Irish politics" and got shot in the process. From the guy who brought us The Crying Game (but let us also remember Interview With A Vampire - that masterpiece) it focuses ~~~-=~~~'='!~!~~-~-=~~-=-., on the Sinn Fein/ IRA campaign of 1919·21. The film has all the potential to be highly emotive. Only it isn't. Despite being visually polished and having an impressive cast, a combination that might have made it spectacular, the film doesn't quite make it as a rasing epic. Collins and his sidekick Boland (Aidan Quinn) are released from prison after being arrested for supporting several irish revblutionaries, to find themselves the new leaders of the Irish independence movement. Cue lots of political and military struggles against British rule and enter the lovely Kitty Keirnan (Julia Roberts) who wins the hearts of both Collins and Boland. She tends to the inevitable wounds that follow mastermind prison escapes, the creation of underground intelligence networks and the outfitting of an invisible army that used big guns from America. So when Boland goes off to raise support of the cause in the States, Kitty and Michael fall in love (aaahhh!). What follows is lots of peace talks, more political struggles, and civil war... not a lot, really. With unimaginative dialogue, s9ene begins to run into scene, with fleets .of Bugsy style cars, sandbags and empty warehouses that could be quite fitting to the situation, but the historical events in question seem oversimplified: the film seems to be all too eager to preach rather than to inform, about this controversial topic. If it's heavy historical politics you're into, or you just want to see what Liam Neeson and Julia Roberts have been up to lately, take a look. Even if the storyline doesn't put you off politics for life, the soundtrack will probably send you from the cinema. C!Jtriona MacLean
USA n•l
................. I 11r: Alldmr Rllllllll
f you're still looking to be spooked after Halloween then don't miss The Craft, which has enough witches and wizardry to show you the dark side of the twilight zone where good becomes evil and the real unreal, etc. Sarah (Robin Tunney) is the new girl at the academy who becomes involved with a trio of complete weirdo's and
provides the fourth element necessary for magic. Wrth spells taken from authentic Wiccon rituals, their experiments gradually get more extravagant before ultimately causing chaos and destruction, they also provide some 'alternative' beauty tips (so don't forget your notebooks) The violently obsessive leader of the witchy foursome, Nancy (Fairuza Balk), has a warped 'feminist' approach towards men as she gets her revenge on her Dad and ex-boyfriend, ifs good to see the lasses with the power for a change! Creepie crawlies are conjured up in their billions and the witches get levitation down to a fine art. The Craft won't keep you on the edge of your seat, but the few spine tingling scenes and the freaky special effects really make it watchable. So if you still haven't had enough hocus pocus for one year, then take a look, it's magic! · Sart1h Hemlngway o doubt going to Ritzy's on a Monday night can make you feel a bit old, as the place seems to teem with 16 year-olds. Now, if your better half was to dump you for one of those 16 year-olds, suffice to say that you might not cope with it very well. Well, in The First Wives Club, Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler and Diane Keaton star as forty something college friends who have all been divorced in favour of women 20 years younger. Obviously annoyed at being rejected for dumb blondes who look good in Spandex, the college friends band together to wreak revenge on their exhusbands in the boardrooms and bedrooms of Manhattan. Shot entirely on location in New York and also featuring top British actress Dame Maggie Smith, Dan Hedaya (Clueless, To Die For) and Sarah Jessica Parker (Footloose, Ed Wood) the film promises to be a bedroomfarce-revengecomedy. Remember, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. John Spacey
Ladies' & Gentlemen's Hairdressers Student Discount Monday-Friday
The students~ choice ck-Best prices in town ck-
1. SPICE GIRLS • SPICE There is no argument: The Spice Girls rule! Slick nineties pop guaranteed to make grown men swoon. What does 'Zig-uh-zig-uh' mean exactly?ll
2. EAST 17 • SREATEST HITS ineteenninety six was the year when teenybop pop made its triumphant return! A bold statement perhaps, and I'm sure a lot of people would violently disagree. Okay, so Oasis played a few gigs and Underworld sold a few singles, but who cares?! For millions of people the year will be remembered more for the split of Take That or the appearance from nowhere of the Spice Girls. However, us students seem to look down on this type of music. lndie is cool, techno is bang in', but so-called 'teenypop' is best left to your kid sister. But wait! Are we really as trendy as we'd like to think we
singles or Wu-Tang albums and you'll probably find a Kylie album lurking there. What's more, it's probably suspiciously clean, as though it's been played recently. Hmm. I smell a rat. Are we really so 'mature' that we're above such music now? Of course, the very term 'teenypop' is patronising, implying that ifs music solely for teenagers. lt takes in all the boy-bands (e.g. TT, Boyzone, Upside Down etc.), as
things teen, but they are emphatic that they DON'T want to be quoted in Concrete in connection with this issue, for fear of "being laughed at.· The general consensus appears to be that teen bands are for "screaming little pubescent girls looking for a puppy-love object." Gosh, that's that then. Chastened, I retreat to tl)e pub in the hope of some alternative opinions. However, the outlook is not good: Don't Look Back In Anger is blaring out of the jukebox, and everywhere I look I see.a rugby lad. Questions about Take That or Peter
well as solo artists like r--.--EA~A~n~dr;e~a~r:e~m;e;t;w;it;h~b~lajn~k~s~ta~re~s~ , ~or even hostility. lt Peter Andre, Louise and seems that here, we like our suchlike. Basically the "" EAST1 S f. VENTEEN music to be REAL, acts that you'd expect to fll with CREDIBILITY see in Smash Hits or Big and PROPER rather than in the NME SINGERS, whatever or Mixmag. Not that means. obviously appealing to How about a different students? My task is to approach? Since scratch the surface much of the teenpop and investigate industry hinges on the whether we're not, as looks of the bands, I Gina G might put it, decide to ask a few just a little bit young pertinent questions at heart. about the attractiveness The best place to of its stars. Surely we're - - - - start would seem not so superficial that we on the street. Surely we're not judge bands merely on such an elitist bunch? I'm sure that if I their looks? pick a random passer-by, I'll discover a "Take That were lame, but I'd shag Howard!" reasoned q>inion on the matter: leen bands? Nah, they're shite." "Louise? Phwoar!!!" Shite? S1ite?! Some of the most popular "I'd like to get that ginger Spice Girl and .. ." groups of our generation and all you can Young man! Less of that lechery! Maybe it is just a question of fanciability. There's no shame in admitting to say is 'Shite'?!! Sadly, the prevailing opinion seems to be a lustful interest in your average teen-pop star, but the just that. N:>t only does the average UEA music? Pah! Second-rate pap not worth listening to. But is it? The last couple of weeks has seen a student seem to have disdain for all veritable deluge of teenpop records in the
\"<" ''
Concrete office. Those cheeky Spice Girls, Boyzone, East
17, Mark Owen and, oh yes, Let Loose have all kindly sent us their newies. Can they all be condemned to the rubbish bin? Well, in certain cases, yes. Boyzone were roundly booed for their weak balladry and especially for their risible cover of Michael Jackson's Ben. The Peter Andre LP lasted a mere two seconds on the office stereo before being ejected amid a flurry of abuse! On the other hand, as House of Love from East 17's Greatest Hits kicked in, the room erupted into elbowsakimbo Walthamstowstylee dancing. Judging by the way respectable Editors were seen to gyrate to Wannabe, the Spicies certainly get our approval too. Mark Owen's voice may be pants, but his song is, whisper it quietly, quite good actually. We're not scared to admit it, so why is everybody else? There are two possible answers: either students are
partial to pop yet scared to admit it, or maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions here.! In a desperate final effort to uphold our upstanding reputations, I popped into the LCR for some more vox-pop research. Would vast quantities of alcohol loosen peoples' tongues sufficiently to bring out their pop tendencie~? Surely enough, there were dozens of burly blokes prepared to admit to a deep love of Relight My Fire. Clubbed-up girls professing their undying respect for the Spice Girls. More people wanting to, er, shag Howard/Louise! So, the conclusion must be that many students are clandestine teenyboppers, intimidated by peer pressure and social conditioning into feigning disdain for teenpop. How can we remedy this parlous state of affairs? Perhaps a 'Teenyboppers Anonymous', providing a safe forum to come out, as it were. "Hello, my name's ... and I quite like Boyzone." lt could happen! Maybe someday, we'll be able to listen to whatever we want, without having to worry about our credibility. The Spice Girls playing the Reading Festival? Why not?! MNS on the Evening SesSion? Yes please! Upside Down to headline at Glastonbury? Well, maybe there are some limits...
Okay, so these are comparative oldies, but who can resist the urge to cavort madly to the sounds of House of Love, Alright, and especially Steam?!
Er, it's the music we like. Oh yes, the music. We like it. We don't fancy her at all. Not much~Ahem.
Surely the greatest teenypop sensation of the nineties, Take That have had many imitators, but no-one will ever come even close to their brilliance. This excellent summary of their all-toobrief career is guaranteed to make you dance around your bedroom and sing into your hairbrush!
2. PJ AND DUNCAN AKA • PSYCHE APart from being the most shaggable Geordies in the history of the world, Ant and Dec- as they are now known - have produced some top pop choons. Thrill to their 'kickin" rap antics, and above all get ready to rhumble!
3. KYLIE MINOGUE - RHYTHM OF LIFE lt may not have been the first, but this was the best of Kylie's teen-era albums. What Do I Have '[o Do?, Step Back in Time and above all Shocked make this the ideal Friday night album to play before you go out to get you in the mood.
4. BROS - PUSH They were twins! They made girlies scream! They spent lots of money! They went down the dumper! But for those brief Warholian 15 minutes, Matt and Luke Goss were pop gods. If you didn't own a copy of Push yourself, then you at least knew 15 slavering girlies (not to mention one sad bloke) who did.
5. FIVE STAR • SILK AND STEEL Five Star were another band who reached the top and then spent their way back to the bottom. Spawning a multitude of hits, including the classics Rain Or Shine and Can't Wait Another Minute, this was one of the defining moments of mideighties culture, along with cropped denim jackets and bright pink lipstick. Well, it was in my house ....
o,Jane is the new rock n roll, following the success of Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, there are now two adaptations of Emma for your viewing pleasure. So, what does the TV version offer you? Well it does keep your options open - you can stay in with a warm milky drink and Kale Beckinsale in a televisual treat bought to you by the team responsible for putting Colin Firth in a pair of tight trousers. Sadly there is no such swoon factor her • don't say I told you, but Mr Knightley is balding! But, if you want an evening out, then why not enjoy the petticoat extravaganza at your local ABC? You can buy popcorn there too. Although, this does mean shelling out £3.50. Is it really worth lt though? Well, there's great direction, an immense feel good factor and superb acting. All with enough top totty ~o tickle your fancy: For the ladies of the house there's flavour
ust when you thought that they couldn't possibly do yet ANOTHER Jane Austen adaptation, along comes ITV's version of Emma. Enough already !! But what is the fascination with period dramas lately? Why can't we seem to get enough of the high-waisted breeches, heaving bosom and horse-drawn carriages? Austen's fixation has gripped Hollywood, but why? Surely we got enough of this at English GCSE! Well, let's see. They might have run out of storylines for one thing. You'll be surprised to know that the hit film Clueless was actuaiJy based on Austen's Emma. lt has to be agreed, Austen isn't that bad, neither is Bronte or Hardy. They're in vogue but they also deal with modern issues. Take for example the adaptation of Hardy's Jude the Obscure, out at the moment. Kate Winslet commented on her character, Sue Bridehead, as "a very, very modern girl. The script is so normal you could put the characters in jeans and it would make perfect sense.• Many dismissed it as a fad, but we're not convinced.
UEA Conference Services .
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. Nelson Court Guest Suite
Despite being self-confessed lovers of the swishing crinolines, having devoured every episode of Middlemarch , with much swooning over Darcy (who didn't?) and sighing at the rugged charms of Mr Rochester and Jude Fawley, we find the period drama to be no longer solely a "chick flick" genre. 1990s adaptations have had to widen their appeal, and their ever-rising popularity surely shows that this has worked. If the truth has to be stated, the saturation of big budget flicks peaked last year, and it seems that the audience no longer wants Costner and Waterworld but would prefer to see Gwyneth Paltrow aka Mrs Brad Pitt shimmering as Emma. Hey lads, that's good news, even for you! Millions tuned in to BBC1 's Pride and Prejudice last year, and there's no way that all of them were women. I would guess that a fair amount of male admirers fancied Jennifer Ehle's Eliza Bennett (she of the amazing gravity defying cleavage!), as us girls "phwooaaaarrrrred" over Darcy. • Before you dismiss the return to period drama films as just a phase, fever that has even hit television with the BBC's Pride and Prejudice and now we have ITV's Emma. Also let's not forget side dishes such as The Buccaneers, about six single gorgeous women who all go and get hitched. These adaptations say as much about what the public wants to see as they say about their respective settings. The issues such as marriage, wealth, class system still live and intrigue the modern audience as they did to Austen's characters.
ltl ltl ltl ltl ltl ltl
Competitive rates. There is a 10% discount for all UEA .students, their family and friends as well as alumni Located centrally on campus 62 rooms equipped to a high standard Colour TV Tea and coffee making facilities Rooms serviced daily Helpful reception staff
To find out more, or to make a reservation contact Conference Services on (01603) 593297 . If youare calling from within the University dial-3297 NORWICH 10 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1996'
trembling Jeremy Northam brings a full head of hair and suave good looks to the role of Knlghtley. And for the blokes? Jane Austen caters for evefYbodY • you've got a choice of Greta Sacchl or m8SI11811sing ~ star Gwpelh ~
givfrlf~ that Otilllt.... Kale
The Guest Suite in Nelson Court provides comfortable, purpose built bed and breakfast accommodation all year round!! ltl
of the month Ewan Mcgregor, and the knee
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When the film was released in America it did well, shame the Brit's didn't follow their American counterparts. Richard Dreyfuss plays Mr Holland, a composer with a dream. Yep, it's the American Dream to become rich and famous. Mr. Holland starts a teaching job to look after his family, only to see the years fly by. Whle the decades are drawing to an
end, he becomes one of fie aH time favourite of his local schoOl by giving hope
and fulfiling the dreams of his students.The American Dream factory gives us a story of hope and the message that life is magical. Mr. Holland hears his opus at the end of the film, but by this time he's been sacked and realises that he is 'expendable'. Ufe, however, has been good to him. He conducts his opus as tears are falling. The film wll make you cheer and cry (as long as you're human). A worthwhile watch to melee you feel, life aln't that badl
PREVIEW Of Mice and Men Theatre Royal Nov5 -9
1enough to give
Minimal furniture, ambient music and a smaU group of talented st~ dents transformed bare wooden floored UEA Drama Studio into the host for the first set o la s entitled Fudge. Fudge I comprised f two plays written by tudenl pl right St.eve Cross ea d Adventures in Plate Dodging and a ual Affair, "fudged" in-between a production of Noel Coward's Private Lives.
The intoxicating theme which consumed all three pieces of drama as love, which was presented as lustful, ildish, dominant, empowering and rolafile. e p a were witty, observant, thought p voking and memorable. In short, I loved it!
Khushwant Sachdave For the second triple bill on the Fudge menu Minotaur came up with Bondarama. Created by Ben Cole
reason). A sort of Karen Carpenter overdosed on Alanis Morrisette r ng to mind. The second performance was a reading of TS Eliot' The Wasteland. Drip, drop, drip, drop, drop, drop. I nearly dropped off. Finally, Minotaur pre ented a reasonable but sad representation of Arthur Miller's short play, Elegy For A Lady.
] o Wheat
treat ...
and George Bucbanan, the Reduced Bond Theatre involved fast-moving images from all the old 7 vies, complete with popping pistol and a virtual reality ski-slope- w~ven got to bear all the old soundtracks. This short Bond-fest had the cast enjoying themselves as much as the audience. In the hort interval between acts an American TV chat-show host appeared from nowhere (and for no
John Steinbeck's classic novel Of Mice and Men is the ubject of the latest production at the Theatre Royal. At the heart of the play is the relationship between Lcnny and George, two vagrant farmband during the American depression. In a dusty barley field the lads meet Candy, a flirtatious and lonely young girl who becomes the fatal catalyst . battering George and Lenny' dream. The story unites the themes of the fear of loneliness and the dream of a better life in a simple yet powerful portrayal. Of Mice and Men star Geoff Sullen (Casualry's Dr Mike Barratt) and opens next week. Kate Crockett
urt PubhshcJ by
Applications are now invited from highlymotivated, enthusia ic and suitably experienced s udents and members of staff for 2 new posts of Resident Tutor at Mary Chapman Court. Appointments will commence at the earliest possible opportunity and continue until Sunday 15 June 1997. Accommodation will be provided and Tutors will receive a rent allowance plus a modest entertainment allowance. The closing date tor applications is Monday, 4 November 1996.
Interviews will take place during the week beginning 11 November 1996. Further particulars are available from the Dean of Students' Office (room 0.1 08 or phone ext. 2890)
Institut e of Radira l Reforms, Yax ham Park, Dereham , Norfolk , NR19 IRD Te i:OI 362 690583 \ ho al -1 <'onx,raiJtiO Slrcct . \\ al\all, \\'SI -Ill\\' .,"1cl
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his spectacular new exhibition at the Castle Museum charts the history of one of England's most extraordinary art collections. Sir Robert Walpole, Britain's first Prime Minister, amassed a magnificent collection of paintings and sculpture right here in Norfolk at Houghton Hall. Over two hundred paintings were sold to Catherine The Great of Russia in 1779 and
were effectively lost to the nation. This exhibition brings together drawings, sculpture, prints and works of art from all over the world to recreate Walpole's Houghton. The works have been presented as they were originally arranged in the rooms at the Hall. Gainsborough , Hogarth and Poussin are just some of the artists featured in this fabulous exhibition . Though this exhibition will be of particular interest to History of Art students, and anyone who has never vi sited the Castle Museum will find this a great excuse to do so.
Norwich Arts Centre Oct 30 - Nov 16
stunning photography exhibition is currently running at the Norwich Arts Centre. The col lection , entitled Marilyn and the 1950's, was created by renowned hotographer Eve Arnold and includes portraits of Monroe her early movie days to just before her death . To compliment Arnold 's portrait photos the Gallery is also exhibiting pictures documenting the chang ing America during the fifties. Malcom X, Jackie Kennedy and Joe McCarthy all feature. ether or not you are a fan of Monroe this collection is su re to fascinate you . Arnold's photographs captu re a kind of unidentifiable beauty in Monroe which persuades you to stand and stare indefinately. The exhibition is open Monday to Saturday (1 0.30-5.00) and admission is free . If you're in town in the next couple of weeks and fancy going somewhere for a coffee , pop down to the Arts Centre and you can also take a look at this wonderful collection.
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In association with Waterstones Anthology~,
ll=ishtanlr ~
Fishtank is the new collection of short stories, extracts from larger works and scripts for stage and film produced by last year's students on the Creative Writing MA at UEA Last year the course changed hands from Malcolm Bradbury to Andrew Motion. While he has stuck to Bradbury's original structure of one seminar discussion a week Motion does perceive changes under his directorship. "I'm known for writing poems and biographies, that means certain expectations about the way in which
I talk about literature certainly stem from that.... I have to hope that just through being me I can bring things to the course which are different, to do with poems, biography, to do with being my age and not Malcolm's ." One change under Motion's stewardship is the introduction of poetry to the course. Its absence is felt in the anthology and one senses that with its inclusion the course will be richer. "I'm certainly interested in encouraging people to write in ways which are creatively disrespectful of the barriers between prose and
poetry, fiction and documentary and I hope as the years go by this might become a more avowed part of the course ... but having said that I want people to write what they want to." For the students to write what they are comfortable with is a prerequisite of any creative writing course. Students are constantly reminded of the need to discover one's own voice, and indeed it is that search which makes each work so individual and the book so diverse. Like any anthology of new writing there will be some parts you love and some which make your stomach contract in
embarrassment. In many instances the extracts from larger works seem the most developed and challenging. Elizabeth Ridley's Rainey's Lament is especially evocative and the book from which it is taken is soon to be her second published by Virago. Other extracts by Stephen Finuean and Brian Howell are arresting and genuinely leave me wanting more. The short stories address obsessions and absurdities, from a seriously disturbed neurotic with a ballerina fetish to the more entertaining and resonant tale of a man obsessed by Fred Flintstone
Children ot: Alblon Rovers
The Children Of Albion Rovers is a collection of short stories from Scottish writers including lrvine Welsh and James Meek. Upbeat and fast-paced, with a generous splattering of sardonic Scotch wit, the collection is a voyeuristic journey through a succession of amusingly nasty situations. The stories are told with guts, humour and a wafer thin strain of mtegnty. New publishers Rebel Inc. claim, somewhat patronisingly, that this collection is aimed at "a younger audience, typically more into music than literature", and as such feature a psychedelic tiny tears doll heading a football on the front cover. There is an energy in the writing which places the Albion Six in the premier league of lucid intensity. The eclectic cast of characters include Scorgie the new-age raver who sports a tin-foil shirt, John the
and Top Cat. (Jeremy Sheldon's Let's Get Outta Here) . "I'm extremely proud of the anthology", says Motion, "And although I was delighted to introduce the book I really wanted to do it from behind a screen because it's them now, it's not me, and off they go." Fishtank valuable achievement and not only a great opportunity for the MA students to reach a wider audience, and a fascinating insight into the varied range of promise and inventiveness here at UEA.
Jenny Robottom
irate traffic-warden with a thing for board games and a teacher desperate to give a sixteen year old pupil a lewd leaving experience. Their lives offer a glimpse into a colourful, grotty world. The collection offers a familiar cocktail of sex, drugs and crime - all the necessary ingredients for a successful chemicalgeneration seller. The collection is original, but not unique. These are times when 'off-beat' is 'mamstream', and these stories seem a little contrived. That doesn't mean it's not worth a fl ick, though.
Catriona Maclean
UEA Conference Services
~~~5] Nelson Court Guest Suite The Guest Suite in Nelson Court provides comfortable, purpose built bed and breakfast accommodation all year round!! ~
.lack Hlggins ..._ Drink With~ The Devil
I'm told that Drink With The Devil is "one of Jack Higgins' most ingenious and compelling thrillers to date." Having written 56 of the damn things, he ought to be good at it by now. This novel illustrates the dilemma facing many thriller writers in the new world-order : vilifying Communists is out, so where do you go for suitably evil subjects? Like many, Higgins has chosen Ireland, continuing the trend in thrillers whereby IRA terrorists replace Russian spies as the greatest threat to the fabric of our society. Function rules over style : the writing itself in uncomplicated and even sparse at times. What matters is how Higgins weaves together the disparate elements of the plot into a complex and pacey yam. To an extent he is successful, although there is
nothing to really distinguish this book from others of the genre. One of the problems of the book is a result of the end of the cold-war. The essence of a good thriller is escapism, so to focus on the Irish situation, which I can see on the news every night, leaves me a little cold.lf tangled tales of deceit and intrigue is your thing, then Dance With The Devil is as good a way to while away a winter's evening as any.
Stusrt Dredge
ltl ltl ltl ltl ltl
Competitive rates. There is a 10% discount for all UEA students, their family and friends as well as alumni Located centrally on campus 62 rooms equipped to a high standard Colour TV Tea and coffee making facilities Rooms serviced daily Helpful reception staff
To find out more, or to make a reservation contact Conference Services on (01603) 593297 - â&#x20AC;˘ If you are calling from within the University dial3297 NORWICH
Man Nov 4 - Weds Nov 6, 5.45pm , Thurs Nov 7- Sat Nov 9, 8.15pm • Vintage French romance with a bloke who gets into a bit of a love triang le with a • • waitress and two other women . • • • THE LAST SUPPER (15) • • Man Nov 4 - Weds Nov 6, 8.15pm. Thurs Nov DRAGONHEART (PG) • : 7, 2.30pm & 5.45pm Cute dragons, brave knights, evil kings and • Nothing to do with the famous Jesus Christ revolting peasants aplenty in this medieval • story, as six PC graduates do away with lots tale starring Dennis Quaid, with Sean • of their dinner guests, who aren't very nice Cannery providing an extra twist as the voice : • people anyway! of the dragon . • • : ANTONIA'S LINE (15) TIN CUP (15) : • Fri Nov 8 - Sat Nov 9, 5.45pm , Sun Nov 10, Kevin Costner 'drives' us wi ld with desire • 7.30pm , Man Nov 11 - Sat Nov 16, 5.45pm & (well, maybe not) as he dons a nice pair of • 8.1 5pm . plaid trousers and takes a swing at that • Dark secrets , brutal violence, deep exciting sporLgolf. • sentiments and great hairstyles galore in this • • : Oscar winning movie from the Netherlands. EMMA (U) • That Jane Austen just keeps on popping up : doesn 't she? Gwyneth Paltrow (aka Mrs Brad • ORIGINAL GANGSTAS (18) • : Fri Nov 8, 11 .00pm Pitt) stars as the manipulative Emma in this • • More Blaxploitation revival, this time its a romantic tale . • • famous gangbanging ball-player who returns • : to his home town and finds its a mess ... so he • TWELFTH NIGHT (U) • cleans it up. Film version of Shakespeare's classic in which lots of people fall for their own sex all by mistake!
• •
• • Out of Bounds
• •
: • • : •
• Wed Oct 30 Nicholas Cage plays a drunk who goes to the • Minotaur present a new play by UEA student city of lights to drink himself to death and • Charlotte Harris based on youth culture and meets a hooker who trys to help him kick the David Bowie. habit And it earnt him an Oscar, so it must • £6/£3 .50 be good, eh?
CHAIN REACTION (1 2) Keanu Reeves in his new flick that has action , romance and chemistry students galore ... what a great mix!
JACK (PG) A ten-year old is stuck in Robin Williams' body .. .poor kid, in this movie that reveals its all a medical condition .
WIND IN THE WILLOWS (U) Fans of Ratty, Moley and Mr Toad will love this film version starring Stephen Fry and Victoria Wood. Don 't miss Steve Coogan as the loveable mole.
CINEMA CITY JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH (U) Fri Nov 1 - Sat Nov 2, 2.30pm A poor little orphan escapes his nasty aunts and finds refuge in a massive soft fruit inhabited by oversized insects.
•• King Lear
• The other leading Oscar winning performance • this year from Susan Sarandon as a nun who trys to help Sean Penn to come to terms with • his life on death row.
! BABE (U) • Talking pigs and various other farmyard : animals feature in this film about a pig who • wants h1s freedom.
! HEAT (18)
• Robert de Niro and AI Pacino get together • and star in this film about a drugs heist in a superiour thriller directed by Michael Miami • Vice Mann
• • : • •
• • • • • • • • ••
Sun Nov 10 - M on Nov 11 Naked Pony (!) Theatre Company present Shakespeare's classic about a mad king and his daughters. £6/£3.50
: Crosses & Veronlcas
• Chick flick starring Winona Ryder as a • graduate who is after a hubby. Trashy date • style stuff.
• Wed Oct 30- Sun Dec 15 • Photographic exhibition celebrating the 900th anniversary of Norwich Cathedral. • £2/£1 (Free with UEA registration card)
• •• Anderson Collection of Art Nouveau
• SHALLOW GRAVE (18) • • • :
•• ••
Fri Nov 1 - Sat Nov 2, 5.45pm & 8.15pm Romance, deprivation and mad wives locked up in the attic all make appearances in this classic by Charlotte Bronte.
• •
The film that came before Trainspotting , with murder, money and lots of corruption , directed by the excellent Danny Boyle and starring the delicious Ewan MacGregor.
• Tues Nov 5 - Sun Jan 12 Unique collection of visual arts given to the : University by the Sir and Lady Anderson . • £2/£ 1 (Free with UEA registration card)
•• •• LT1 •
: lrlna Ratushlnskaya • • • •
: Blue Murder
• Fri Nov 1, 11 .00pm • 70's Blaxploitation movie in which a renegade : pimp hits the road after doing over a couple • • of corrupt white cops .
Wed Oct 30- Sat Nov 2 : (Matinees Wed & Sat - 2.30pm) • Black comedy about secrets, dirty movies and : murder. £3-£15 •
••• Of Mice and Men
Sun Nov 3, 5.00pm & 7.30pm Spanish/French movie about boobs, the circus and a boy's kid brother, great if your into that kind of thing!
• : • •
Tues Nov 5 - Sat Oct 9 (Matinees Wed , Thur & Sat - 2.30pm) New adaptation of Steinbeck's classic novel. £3-£15
Wed Oct 30 (7.00pm) Ukranian writer and human rights activist visits UEA to talk bout her first novel. £3.50/£2
• Houghton Hall; The Prime Minister, The •• Empress and The Heritage • • • • •
• •
• • •• • •
' '·
• •
• Translations
: Thur Oct 17- Sat Nov 9 A new exhibition of work from four artists from • different linguistic and cultural backgrounds .
• Marylln Through the 1950's •
• • • •• • •
: UEA LCR • •• Jools Holland
• Friday November 1st • Return of the 'Later. .' host to play you some : of his own music. £9 .50 adv .
: Australian Pink Floyd • • : •
Wednesday November 6th Forget Earl's Court - see all your Floyd favourites right here! This set will last less than 2 hours. And pigs might fly ... £7 .50 adv.
: Screaming Trees
: Ground Control
Robert de Niro plays a freaky fan who'll go to any length to save his Baseball hero's (Wesley Snipes) reputation.
• •
• • •
• Wed Oct 30- Sat Nov 16 An exhibition of photographs by Eve Arnold Wed Oct 6 depicting Monroe from eager starlet to just No sign of Andrew Lloyd _Weber here, rather • before her death. Gaston Leroux's compelling tale of • Free enchantment, obsession, passion and murder • performed by Britain's leading deaf/ hearing • theatre ensemble . £6/£4 .50
The Phantom of the Opera
Eddie Murphy creates a Dr Jekyll-like potion to make him thin , trouble is the thin guy is nastier than Mr Hyde
Sun Nov 3 The second production in the Playhouse's New Writing series . Written by Jackie Kohnstamm £5 (£3 .50 student standbys)
Hamlet Thur Oct 31 -Sat Nov 23 (Matinees Wed & Sat - 2.00pm) This adaptation of Shakespeare's greatest tragedy is just in time for Halloween, with ghosts, murder and mystery. £3.50-£15
• •
Wed Oct 30 - Sun Jan 5 Extraordinary collection of art which was sold to Catherine the Great of Russia in the eighteenth century returns to Britain for this exhibition .
• Friday November 8th • US grunge-types bringing RAWK back to the : LCR . £6 adv .
• • Shed Seven •• Monday November 11th • Are you Going for Gold? We will be, when the • Sheds hit town . SOLD OUT
: Symposium • Tuesday November 5th • They're loud!! They're poppy!! They're about : 12 years old!! Don't miss 'em . FREE
• •• Honeycrack + Jocasta
• Wednesday October 30th
! What do you get if you cross Nirvana with the • Wildhearts? Honeycrack are here to give you • the answer. £6
• •• Sebadoh + Qulckspace Supersport • : • •
Thursday October 31st 'Laughing' Lou Barlow brings his heralded band over for a rare set of live appearances . £6
: • • :
Sunday November 3rd Underground act from the late 60's, who are apparently an immensely popular live act Bring your dad . £8 .50
• •• Caravan + Be Sharp
• Men They Couldn't Hang
: • • •
Wednesday November 6th They're back! And this time they're plugged in! The Men return after last year's acoustic tour. £6
14 day listings in association with the Theatre Royal- (01603) 630000 for reservations. Tickets always available from £3 or £4 14 THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1996
LISTINi:i event : Cam ulla e
• Saturday November 9 All your favourite hits from decades past • £3.50 I £3 adv
• Friday November 8 • Fortnightly Drum 'n' Bass night with guest DJ Devious D • 9pm - 4am, £5 b4 11 pm I £6 after
•• • Mondays • Stu ! lndie Hits
• : ITZY
• : we nesdays • Student Night
! •
• Suspect Sound System
Th Persua ers + Jazz fu k DJ'S Saturday November 2nd
: Friday November 1st • Local crew present a night of bangin' techno • and psychedelic trance. 9pm - 2am. £tbc :
Boogie on down for a night of prime soul, jazz • and funk. £5.50 1£4 adv. • : • Tom McConvllle lr Paullne Cato (seated) • Thursday November 7th Admire a quality mix "of regional folk music. £5.50 I £4 adv.
Meltdown Saturday November 2nd DJ Paul Fayers plays all your indie faves. Upstairs, new Djing revelation The In Crowd slam on some pop, disco, funk and euro. 9pm
~ ~~~0:: £3.50/£3
Skunk + Support
• Tuesday November 5th Saturday November 9th • For girls and boys who are into trash and A smooth ska-roots-reggae groove to lure you : trade. 9pm-1 am. £2.50 I £2 cone. onto the dancefloor. £51£3.50 adv. •
: A
• ! Uplift Catatonia + The Diggers + Big Leaves Monday November 4th Dreamy indie-pop from the band who many think will be the next big thing. £5 adv.
Wltchdoktors + Micro s Monday November 11th Check out the band who've been described as 'punk & rock all on one stage'. £3.50 adv.
' I IlD« UE The Lakota Club Saturday November 2 Bristol's biggest and best club travels east.
: Clu Retro
• Wednesdays • Happy House : 1Opm - 2am Free entry
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Friday November 1 Fortnightly Happy House night with resident DJ MCG . 9pm - 4am, £5 b4 11 pm I £6 after.
: Sheer Bliss • Saturdays • Regular house night 9pm - 3am, £5
! •• Sunday Senlce ! Weekly Sunday house night for all you party • animals still on your feet from Firday • 9pm - 2am, free entry all night
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M ndays • Stu ent Night
! 9pm-2am cheap drinks SOp with student ID I
ent Nlg
• 1Opm - 2am SOp all night with cheap drinks
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Dance and House 10pm - 2am SOp all night
• Student favourite : £3 otherwise
• Thursdays • Say Club NI hi : 9pm - 2am free b4 10.30pm I £1 after
• Wednesdays • Student Night : Saturdays • Say Clu Night : 9pm - 2am cheap drinks SOp with student ID I • 9pm - 3am £3 b4 1Opm 1£4 after • For those who have recovered from Monday, • • this is another popular student night. •
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! 9pm - 2am £3 b4 1Opm I £4 after • •
Saturdays • Furious
! 9pm- 2am £4 b4 10pm I £5 after •
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•• Mondays • H ba Bubba
• : • •
Student Dance Night Cheap, chewy night out- a guaranteed top evening. 1Opm - 2am £1.50 b4 11 pm I £2 after (with student ID)
! •• Wednesday • Stud nt Night ! Another popular night. • 1Opm -2am £1 b4 11 pm I £3 after • ! Saturdays • Love Bomb Ba y
•• • • •• •• •
•• •• • ••
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Hys The Loft Manhattans Peppermint Park Ritzy The Waterfront
621155 623559 629060 764192 621541 632717 630760 2
• Pumping house and garage - guaranteed fun • all evening! • 1Opm -3am £6
• • • ••• • ••
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Coming soon in the next classy issue ol The Event ...
£9.50 Sat 2 club LAKOTA £6.00/£5.00 su adv Tue 5 SYMPOSIUM
Sat 30 club RETRO
WITH DANNY UMPLING 21.00 • 02.00
*The best live band at UEA this year? 11 has to be bombastic viola-toting popsters, My Life Story. The Event swap tailoring tips with maestro Jake Shillingford
21.00. 01.30
Student doorstaH for duties working in The LCR, The Hive, The Pub, and The Waterfront. A mature approach and the ability to communicate more important than physique, gender or age.
* Brassed 06- more trumpet tomfoolery as we investigate the latest film from the rejuvenated British movie stable * Alisha's Anic -the biggest sister duo since Mel &Kim show The Event around their loll *Ballet, blockbusters, books and all the usual Event giveaways. Don't miss it!