terminatel We are uperior beings! And so
n. Anyway, this week we thought we'd go for a Blur/little green men theme for The Event, and I have an announcement to make. Music, films and other stuff will this issue be rated according to the following key:
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(top banana) - good t hing @ (average apple)- medium thing (bitter lemon) - bad thing We think these fruit are an appropriate measure of quality. Oh, and someone in Union Ents told me to tell you that at the LCR on Thursday February 17, The Hive will be pounding out swing and hip-hop instead of the--usual house music. This should be good news to those of you who lik@_ to get out your seats and jump around, no diggidy, for real. I myself prefer sliding around a bit and blowing people up. Anyway have a good read,
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Co111ing oon••• The Event is produced fortnightly by Concrete: PO BOX 41 O, NORWICH, NR4 4TB TEL: 0160llSOSS8 FAX: 01601 S068ll E-MAIL: su.concrete@uea.ac.uk and printed by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Rouen Road, Norwich NR I I RB Editor-In-chief: James Curtis Editor: Matt Fasken Music Editor: Mark Tobin Assistant Music and pretty much e verything else Editor: Stuart Dredge Screen Editor: Carolyn Boyd Assistant Screen Editor: Catherine Jones TV&Radlo Editor: John Spacey Assistant TV & Radio Editor: Amy Pierce Food Editor: Ashley Perks lnter@ctlve Editor: Stuart Dredge Arts Editors: Seth Levine and Katie Crockett Advertising Manager: Matthew Doyle Getting people's names right a nd loads of stuff Person: Emma Newbery Contributing Writers: Joe Morris, Becky Williams , Chris Knight, Martin Robinson, Colin Cane, Elisabeth Seal, Paul Stokes, James Tapsfield, Emma Lee, Kate d'Este Hoare, Graham Diggines, Chris O'Neill, Debbi Marco, Andrew Davi es, David Waiter, Amanda Akien , Lauren Cohen, Chris Jones, Daniel Grzanda, Amelia Hamer, Jo Khanum, Darcy Huriord, Martin Robinson , Alice Corrgia, Catriona Maclean, Ellen Dickinson, Emily May, Cas Clark, and Chris Hodgen
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hat's the point of being in a band? For Ben Nancollis, guitarist with Northwich band Sussed, it wasn't just about having a laugh, but instead about escaping the doldrums of everyday life. "We wanted to escape everything," he explains. "We just can't do anything else like work in factory. 11 just doesn't suit us." So, along with cousin Richard (vocals), bassist Phil and drummer Nathan, he formed Sussed in March of 1995. After just one gig they were promptly signed, which Ben describes as "just magic". Their debut single Never Wanna See Your Face got to number three in the indie chart, and was soon followed by One In A Million ~........,,___ and extensive touring. Sussed are the epitomization of glorious guitar pop; Richard's unique vocals, backed up with loud guitars and catchy songs, give the band an upbeat and positive sound.
it's earnt them favourable comparisons to fellow Manchester outfits like the Stone Roses and particularly the Charlatans. "Yeah, well we're ripping off all those bands." states Ben with more than a hint of sarcasm. "We're ticking them off in a big checklist! Nah, coming from round here we're always gonna get comparisons, bull don't think we're too much like a Manchester band." This year will see more s1ngles and Sussed's debut album. Ben claims that their music IS a reaction against hated artists like Phil Collins, showing a darker and more destructive element to the band. Considering the fact that the singer and guitarist are related, Some Might Say that they'd be worried about internal fights splitting the band. "We don't fight," reveals Ben. "We wrestle, we use official rules - trunks and everything. There's no bickering!" Sussed are a band who "want it all, and want it right now." With their cool attitude and great songs they might just get it. Sorted? Sussed mate.
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The Beach BoJs PstSoustls
The fact that this album frequently tops 'best album ever' lists reveals that there is more to the Beach Boys than mere surf pop. With the Beatles' domination on both sides of the Atlantic, Pet Sounds was an album made in response to their artistic advances. Pet Sounds is essentially Brian Wilson's masterwork, and is a frank exploration of his own emotions. Wilson departed almost completely from the guitar, bass, drums set-up of traditional pop, by embracing the great range of textures and sounds offered by the full range of orchestral instruments and multi-layered harmon1es of his group, making this one of the most interestingly arranged and produced albums ever From the joyful, youthful feeling of Wouldn't ft Be Nice, Wilson moves through moods of despondency, renewed hope, lost childhood, and most pervading of all, an unending sense of yearning. You Still Believe In Me has ringing, bell-like vocals, and various bicycle bells and car horns, which along with barking dogs illustrate Wilson's desire to find new sounds. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) seems to continually ascend, without fulfilment, and Sloop John B showcases the full affect of the Beach Boys' vocal harmonies. God Only Knows is often referred to as the best song ever written, and its beauty derived from falsetto vocals and superb arrangement, is rarely - if ever- matched. Pet Sounds, if a little limited in the variety of it's songs. is a revealing and moving testament to a disturbed but genuine genius, and is an essential album in the history of pop. David Waiter
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f you 're in the final year of your degree course the chances are that you will be in a blind panic about what next year holds in store, with gently persuasive reminders from the careers centre buildmg up in pigeon holes across campus and the spring semester build up of careers fayres it will soon be time to get out the CV, dust down the Sunday best and convin ce numerous suittypes that you're just what th ey're looking for. With this in mind The Event, in an act of unprecedented benevolence, has decided to shed it's normal aura of rock 'n' roll hedonism and present you with a guide to media based careers. In this first installment Joe Morris has been talking to the
head of PR at independently run World Domination Records. Sussana Grant is 27 and works in the English office of American indie label World Domination Records, whose roster includes Moonshake, Lizard Music, Latimer. Th e Miss Alans and Penthouse ("the loudest f***-off garage blues I've ever heard"- Sussana.) She principally handles the ir PR but also does whatever else is needed, for which she earns £12,000, although you could expect to earn up to £15 ,000. Having graduated from Manchester University Sussana worked in various bars and record shops and spent two years travelling around Asia before settling down in London. "I started working part time in a picture library and part time at World Domination . I wasn 't paid initially at World Domination because I was just helping out a friend , Nigel , who now runs the label in the UK. He got into the business because he was interviewing one of their bands for a student newspaper, through this he met Sharon who ran the label at the time and was looking for an assistant and took
him on." so what does it take to be a good press officer? "Good communication skills and an ability to write press releases which are halfway literate." The first
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• • Sussana prinCipally handles PR for which she earns f.ll,OOO although you could expect to earn up ' ' to f. I 5,000
brief is very flexible . As a result ''there isn't really a typical day as such . lt tends to start at 10.00 and ends at around 6.30, it involves hassling journalists, sending stock out to distributors in Europe, sorting out artwork for covers and adverts, sorting out gigs
line of attack for the "'~~~~~~-----------------~~~~~~ and tours and generally press officer is the press release wh ich trying to blag things. The hours tend to be really accompanies the music they send out. A good long because there are loads of gigs we have to press release should be both to the point and go to; either our own bands, bands we deal with imaginative while providing the listener every1hing or just ones we like." they might need to know. Ultimately, however, ''the This side of the job may sound pretty cool , or perhaps even glamourous, but the reality can be most important thing is the endless enthusiasm quite different - after all , "some days, after loads of to be really into the music on your label." After the press release comes the telephone call , and, as work, the last thing you want to do is spend all Sussana says, "if you don't believe in the music night standing in a venue like the Dublin Castle". yourself it's very hard to get some journalist at the Apart from this , the only real downside according NME to listen to your CD when he's got a hundred to Sussana is "not having enough money to really more to get through. " In other words if your into push the bands with big promotional campaigns Boyzone or Upside Down, taking a PR job at Sub like the bigger labels do." But this also makes any Pop may not be the wisest move. success taste all the sweeter, because "all the press and reviews our bands receive, they receive Because World Domination is a very small label with only two full time members of staff, Sussana's on the music alone, and not some huge hype".
80 Rose Lane
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his is a song about being sucked off! " grins James Broad, Silver Sun's lanky frontman cheekily, introducing Trickledown the, er, climax of a power-packed set to a sparse but enthusiastic Waterfront audience. Tonight Silver Sun make sure that we know they mean business. They want fame with all its sparkly trimmings, and they're gonna do their damndest to get it. Their aspirations go way beyond playing the prestigious LCR! "Wembley Stadium, Long Beach Arena, you name it. We'll play the stadiums, we're not ashamed!" enthuses Richard Drummer. Silver Sun have come a long way in their relatively short history. Richard (Drummer) and James met at college then later drafted in Richard (Bassist) and guitarist Paul. Sun were born, released their eponymous debut EP and were swiftly threatened by a very scary German Heavy Metal outfit of the same name. So, to avoid monetary complications, Sun became Silver Sun. Of course this could be a famous Silver Sun lie, as Richard (drummer) later deadpans: ·we have no background. We were made in a small hut outside Norwich." Whatever the truth of the matter, the release of their second EP Lava, a 'blustering infectious pop-sensation' of a record ensured that the public knew they weren't just another bunch of plinky plinky (NB: Supematurals, Speedy, Candyskins) indie-type chancers. They've toured with the likes of Gene, The Supematurals, Mansun and Sleeper. Wow! They must know some really sordid popstar gossip. Go on, dish the dirt! "We've actually made a promise not to tell
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anyone a lot of things" says Richard (drummer) and that, disappointingly includes tales of ontour debauchery. The only thing they do divulge is that pop viper Louise Wener (of Sleeper notoriety) may well be nothing more than a pop kitten. "Louise is a lot more approachable than you think she would be" reveals Paul. Even worse, Richard (drummer) goes so far as to call her "a nice girl." Surely some mistake?! There are obvious perks to being a pop star, delirious nymphettes offering their special services, and other recreational activities, for example? "We're not getting that much ... at the moment," confesses Richard , "although we would like more .. . of everything!" But he does imply that on a recent trip to Amsterdam as part of the London Calling festival , they took
whom he confesses to missing very much when on tour. On stage he is a completely different person , pulling poses and hammering his guitar with a passion that you would never have believed he possessed. Singer James is a less dirty version of Jarvis Cocker and his banter with the audience is hilarious (''This is a song called Julia maybe you had to be there! ") On the strength of this performance maybe their stadium filling aspirations aren't too far off fulfillment. And when they play these stadiums, beware! lt's likely to quite literally blow you away, "We aspire to be the nineties Kiss ," warns Richard (drummer) ,"as soon as we can afford it we'll have blood, fireworks, exploding people. If it will blow up we will blow it upl" Blimey! Watch out, Silver Sun are on their way to pop superstardom.
advantage of all the facilities on ~--~---••••••••••••••......_ offer, "Everything you've heard As soon as we can about Amsterdam is true. And afford it we'll better!" However Richard (bassist) manages to smash have blood, fireworks any illusions you might have ' 'exploding people. If and about all popstars wanting an excessive lifestyle when he it will blow up we later confesses that whilst on a will blow it up! trip to Derby he and James ended up in the Central library reading back issues of Just Seventeen and Smash Hits. Phewl Rock 'n' Roll! Tonight's show is opened by Don, a bunch of shady Noelrock copyists. They sound like a terrifying mix of Oasis and Shed Seven. Their time would be infinitely better spent if they ditched the original (and that's in the loosest sense of the word) material and took a trip to the Oval Rock House to star as Seventh Heaven, a tribute to Rick Witter and his fabulous rhyming dictionary. Second on the bill is Grass-Show. They come on stage, play a pretty unremarkable set then leave. The lead singer of GrassShow has fabulous facial hair. Silver Sun make an understated entrance. The four of them stroll onto the stage as if it's merely the sound-check, pick up their instruments and proceed to win over an THUR 20th FEBRUARY apathetic audience with their spiky, punky repertoire which consists of the previous FRI 21st FEBRUARY singles and material from their as yet untitled album. SUN 23th FEBURARY The transformation from mild-mannered boys who you wouldn't be afraid to take THUR 27th FEBRUARY home to meet your mum to rock-gods is astonishing. When we meet them FRI 28th FEBRUARY unassuming guitarist Paul Smith is sporting a t-shirt with a photo of his two cats (called Derek and Doris, if you're interested) on it
SUN 2nd MARCH ALBERT COOPER Blues and Boogie band
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should aim to be so vapid. The frustrating thing about these songs is the lack of verve. guts or emotional depth. Songs like /'m Leavin ' and Don't Cry For Me about ending a relationship make you want to give her a good slap and say "For God's sake woman, stop moaning about it and just do itl" If I Cried My Last Tear is supposed to be a song of defiance then why doesn't it sound defiant? Who wants to listen to a slowed down. anaemic I Will Survive? 11 would be pointless to criticise this record for banali ty. Pop music is often banal which is part of its appeal. Even so, couldn't at least one song have been a non-love song? I know the style she purveys relies upon the love song but it would be much more fun to hear her singing about wallpaper or something. All in all , I really co uldn't recommen d it. Oh. and it's bloody long too. As if to add insult to injury!
VARI OUS A RTISTS ~ Mastercuts: Classi c 80s Grooves ~ Reviewer: Chris Knight fter 36 Beechwood music releases, this album's finally co nvinced me that the 80s wasn't such a bad decade after all. Okay, so it spawned hip-hop and electro, but that was hardly enough to outweigh the musical shite of Duran Duran's era! The "classic 80s grooves" featured on this compilation were an 80s take on the funk and soul sound of the previous decade. The addition of wandering synths and a tighter, faster bass noise created a sound halfway between late seventies funk and early house. The album's co mpiler, Sieve Facey. a ra re groove enthusiast from years back. also used to handle A&R for K-Tel Records , who put out some real nice tunes in their hme. On that note , I'd rather tell you to get hold of some second-hand K-Tel vinyl yourself rather than fork out for a CD that can only give you a taster of the 80s groove. But anyway: 75 minutes- 12 tracks. including a few stormers like In And Out. Get Loose and Touch Me. From the titles , you can probably guess the lyrical content ... So, if you've got the cash and already know you 'll like this, or if you're extremely open-minded. then buy it. The least it can do is show you that the funk comes in many forms!
ALBUM REVIEWS LISA ST ANSFIELD Lisa Stansfield Reviewer: Elisabeth Seal his is a Lis a Stansfield album so a bad review must seem fairly predictable. Unfortunately, predictability 1s what you're going to get: from Lisa and from me.There is nothing on this record which diverges greatly from what she's done in the past. Lisa Stansfield is a co ll ection of rather drea ry , insipid ballads wh ich sounds as if it was recorded to deliberately slot into the background. This is a strange aspiratio n but one which is met successfully. The puzzling question is why music wh ich purports to be soul
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At gentleman 's walk opposite the market THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1997
NUNO BETTENCOURT@ Schi:zophonic Reviewer: Sam D r aper emember Extreme? The early 90s US soft rock group famous for that putrid song More Than Words? Well, the gu itarist from said band has created an album that I thought was perfect for urine extraction. Alas, no. Once again we have an album by an American artist that' s compl etely in offensive. Sure , ··. most of it sounds like a song we've hea rd before, but that onl y makes it un obtrusi ve. it's Influenced by Nirvana (we ll , what American artist isn't at the moment?), th e Poli ce, Beck an d, er, Cat Stevens. All of which creates a soun d that moves away from the bouffant rock of earlier days. it's certainly not yet another reg urgi tated vers ion of Oasis (thank god!) Mediocre as it is, it's not all trash . Highlights include the punk rock of 2 Weeks in Oizkneelande (spe lling courtesy of Slade?) , the mellow rock
Police/ Nirvana hybrid that is Crave. The album is very well executed, and in parts very catchy, but 1t does become boring and unin spiring. If th e idea was to rip off mu sical talents like Kurt Cobain, th en he should leave it to Bu sh or th e Stone Temple Pilots , who've been doing it for longer. 01 , NUNO!! NOOOOO!!!!
ell ! What a fo rtnig ht for singles this is! The record companies have a whole host of delights prepared for you r purchasing pl easure, or at least that's what they reckon. As it is the majority are prime candidates for th e bargain bin, but after 14 days of serious panning and sieving, we've managed to come up with a few nuggets (and, alas, a few lumps of rock). Starting with the worst - Espiritu's Baby I Wanna Live is instantly forgettable pop pap, just worse than Jhelissa's limp soul wann abe tri p hop Sell Me Away, which gets all earnest, forgetting that no ~ one's listening. 1- The formulaic ,. ~ rapping on Why Oh Why by Spearhead is a far cry from Michael Franti's
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earlier project, The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, but we suppose it's bearable. By contrast, we actually fou nd it physically impossible to listen to Livingstone's poor attempt at indie pop, So Tough more than once - does the world really need a cross between Del Amitri and Living In A Box ? Sticking with guitar bands, Tarnatlon have obviously been listen ing to The Smiths (albeit a countrified versicn) if Your Thoughts And Mine is anything to go by. Nothing much wrong with that, we say. Belgium's dEUS fail to live up to the promise of their first album ; Roses oozes tension, but without the relief of a good melody. Sixty Mile Smile by 3 Colours Red, on the other hand, has got quite a compulsive chorus and is one of the few singles that may make an appearance in the charts , despite sounding like an awful lot of other postNirvana bands. Likely to be popular at your local jungle nite spot is the new offering from Spring Heel Jack. Bank America is nothing that special but heavy enou gh to at least try and dance to. Meanwhile, Death In Vegas attempt to follow in Orbital's footsteps with Rekkit, and it's pretty convincing , if just a little bit repetitive. Monaco feature ex-New Order bloke Peter Hook, and unsurprisingly What Do You Want From Me sounds uncannily like hi s former band , w ith a bit of Lightning Seeds slush thrown in. However, New Order were a fine group and this captu res some of that magic, hooray. Better than all of these, and Soothing Single of the Fortnight is Licorice by Japanese duo Sugarplant, who do an exquisite StereolabN elvet Underground & Nico thing that burbles away happily. Beats a Radox bath any day! Joe Morris & Becky Wllliams ,
magine a world where Jack Nicholson fs the President of the United States, Sarah Jessica Parker has the body of a Chihuahau and Tom Jones' pelvic swerves are confined to the casinos of Las Vegas. Add 1000 or so little green men, who, armed with ray guns, are intent on turning the entire population of America to toast. ET has nothing on these guys. After an initial "misunderstanding• whereby the entire welcoming party are exterminated, they are then invited to Congress, where yes, you've guessed it, every politician within a five-mile radius goes the same way as their fellow citizens. Not quite Independence Day then? With Tim Burton at the helm, it could hardly be anything like it. Inspired by 50s sci-fi movies and martian trading cards, this war-of-the-worlds style invasion nearly
didn't make it to celluloid. Burton originally wanted to make a movie called Dinosaur Attacks, based on a set of dodgy SO's bubblegum cards, but by the time he came to do it, the rights had expired. So he turned his attention to some equally dodgy trading cards and Mars Attacks was born. With a budget of $80 million, $10 million more than Independence day , Burton was determined to create the kind of film he grew up with. The result? A very expensive B-movie with all the trimmings. The special effects done by same people that gave us Jurassic Park and Terminator 2, The little green men, unable to say anything but Ak Ak Akl are exactly how martians should be, except in that they spare Tom Jones of the same fate met by most of the all-star cast. Jack Nicholson plays a hilarious president, who,
unlike the heroic Bill Pullman and his lump-in-thethroat speech, falls apart at the seams as the little green men infiltrate the White House, much to the disapproval of the uptight First Lady, Glenn Close who is "not having those things in my house!". Nicholson also plays Art Land, a slick Las Vegas property cowboy who, unlike his squeeze Annette Banning, gets zapped along with the rest of them. Meanwhile on the flying saucer romance is blossoming between a disembodied Pierce Brosnan and a somewhat more slender version of Sarah Jessica Parker. With a far more innovative ending than Jeff Goldblum and a laptop, Mars Attacks will have you leaving the cinema mouth-agape, not quite believing what's just happened, and as for the martians, I just hope that NASA prove that the red planet is definitely uninhabited. Caro/yn Boyd
he most Insidious and most loveable creatures from the furthest reaches of the universe have come to our planet to start on each other. This Is a battle not to be fought with broken bottles and barstools, but with death rays and bombs of enormous destructive power, however. All of Earth hangs In the balance. Let the battle commence •••
spheres. Honest!) 11 looks like a no-show ... but... look! At the side of the ring, the Dalek, fearless robot foe with slithery alien brain inside, has appeared, and is taking run after run at the ring, unable to enter due to the lack of ramp, forlornly bleating "Exterminate! Exterminate!" Not today, wheelie-bin features! The ref declares Starman winner by default.
wrestler jumps in with a drivers, clothes-lines and things, but the Predator disappears into invisibility. In outrage, the Commando bellows and rips off his flimsy T-shirt, posing his greasy muscles a bit, but, whars this? The unseen dreadlocked hunter goes well below the belt by firing his shouldermounted laser cannon right through the Commando's chest, and using his forearm blades to rip out his spine. Ooh, the crowd doesn't like this one, but the ref is going to have to allow it. What a turn-up for events!
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ET vs. The Alien (Alien films)
Mork vs. Marvin the Martian
Round three finds Mork, in an attempt to distract his opponent, standing on his head, juggling a few Round one - ET whimpers fire-crackers, sticking his thumb in and asks agent Drew ..:\ Barrymore his ear and saying •nanu, if he can nanu•, but to no avail. Marvin, phone home. Then his pot belly starts glowing and it · unimpressed, stands, looking up at him, eyes full of hatred looks like he's about to do glowing from deep withing his a telekinetic move when rather large helmet. lt's a standsch/urp/ The Alien enters off... no! Marvin is pulling out a ... the ring from ET's stomach, darting around the Oh my gosh, thars the biggest ray gun I've ring like an evil worm on fire before hitting ever seen! Mork makes a dash for freedom the floored extra-terrestrial with a vicious but in a blinding flash he is reduced to toast, bite to the neck. Ladies and gentlemen, really over done, all black, charred and we have our first winner! smoking. Not bad for a cartoon character! Marvin mounts his flying saucer and A Daleks vs. Starman disappears. Round two, and the Starman, in his Predator vs. Suburban Commando earthly guise of Jeff Bridges, sits alone in (Hulk Hogan) the ring ... naked and playing with his Round four, an interesting match here. balls. (Don't be disgusting, haven't you One is an immense, ugly, sweaty seen the film? He starts off naked, and humanoid form, and the other is the his mystical cosmic power is Predator. The bell goes and the procontained in these glowing silver
... ' -~ i ·f
ID4's slimy giants vs. Mars Attacks' ltttle green men The main event, the final showdown, its slime and intelligence in a New York-size spaceship versus the sick-minded little green men from Mars. Who will win? Which of the two evils will be deemed conqueror of the universe? Each of the two draw their weapons, the look in the martian's eye is not to be messed with. Then Kabooml The stadium is blown to smithereens and all sides perish. Well, maybe out planet will be safe for another decade or so, at least from these perillous foes.
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ixon, Reagan, an, they've all been the guy i charge of the most werful co try in the world, some of them trained in ·cling their true character nea umed identity. And some were actors. Cbris Jones finds out 11 o's been who in the White d whether or not they inhaled distinguished actors who have taken on the role of kay , here's the scenario: little green men high office. from outer space are about to gleefully Ultimately Nicholson's Pres1dent Dale is a bit of a descend en mass and te rrorise planet bungler who botches and blunders his overtures to Earth. So, what do you do? No seriously, give it the Martians time and again some thoug ht, the before rath er messily meeting survival of humanity his maker. So how does this rests on YOUR compare with the way movie shoulders! You president's are generally treated, might wanna run , and so many actors convincingly hide , cry, scream, fill the shoes of such a leader? or get blathered and forget it. it's a tricky ~~~~;',!-p-~~4..i~'~'..iii'~:'"~~~"'ii!.""'IO">>oleill Ma rs Attacks follows hot on the ;u heels of the blockbuster kind of predicament Independence Day, where the isn't it? Especially gracious and good president, when you're the played by Bill Pullman, defies President of the yet more bug-eyed 1ntergalactic Un1ted States and there really is nokillers and wins everyone's heart where to hide! This with his tear-jerker speech is the devilish ("From now on today will not just dilemma facing be Independence Day for Americans , but for the whole world!"), he even did President James Dale (Jack Nicholson) in Mars Attacks! his bit to shoot the baddies down by hopping into a There's ou r Jack preparing for JUSt another day at fighter plane himself. But then, was it his youth the Oval office , when something straight out of the and good looks that won X Files or more accurately "Plan 9 from outer the nation's heart? Its Space" occurs. 'Aint life a bitch? been said that Americans Mars Attacks! is yet another Hollywood blockbuster are still looking for a president as attractive as in which an American Pres1dent plays a prominent role . So what is this fixation with the incumbent of JFK, presumably that's the execu tive office? Is it to do with the almost why casting agents felt limitless power he possesses, the pressure, t11e Bill was the one to lead the world in their fight glamour, or simple cunosity? Does such an obsession come from the tremendous American against the 16-legged sense of pa triotism ,or IS it merely a cine matic tool invaders, that came to heighten the drama in a given situation? complete with copious Although there have been barely 40 President's of amounts of slime , how the U.S. in little over 200 years such a role has could anyone dislike a doubtless been played both on the s1lver screen man who calls his daughter munchkin? and in trashy TV movies thousands upon On a much lighter, more romant1c note comes the thousands of times. Jack Nicholson is the latest in aptly titled The American President. This mov1e a long, long line of distinguished and not so poses the kooky yet compelling dilemma of how a
widowed chief executive balances his many national obligations with both ordinary demands and romantic liaisons. M1chael Douglas stars as the sensitive and caring President Andrew Shepherd, who quite unexpectedly falls for environmental lobbyist Annette Benning (who wou ldn't?!) wh ile at the same time has to confront the daily grind of approval ratings, an enquiring press, and an aggressive political opponent. Poor guy, but as the cliche goes, "it could only happen in America". The role of chief executive has also been played for laughs by Peter Sellars in Dr. Strangelove, and most notably 1n Dave, in wh1ch Kevin Kline plays both a venomous and sleazeridden president and his far more delectable doppelganger, in a romantic comedy of mistaken identity. Of course Hollywood's fascination with Presidents does not only have a fictional flavour. Hell no! Not w1th Monsieur Oliver Stone on the scene. Stone has indulged in almost eight hours of film to peddle I his conspiratorial on the life of Richard Nixon and the death of John F. Kennedy. Ultimately these two excellent movies are famous as much for the controve rsy they have aroused. As for their cinematic qualities ... in Nixon the title ro le is played to the hilt by l!!I!IICI::filii....,~.:..__ a superb Anthony Hopkins who manages to illicit far more audience sympathy (or more accurately pity) than Nixon probably deserves. Ah , but fear not, the list of presidential
performances does not end there. No siree , American Presidents have infiltrated a vast spectrum of films ; from the appearance of an Franklin D. Roosevelt in Annie and a L1ncoln in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure though to such fil ms as The Naked Gun and In the Line Of Fire, where the name of the game was "Protect the President" from assassination, a not surprisingly common presidential theme. On the other hand, in Point Break it was surfers pos1ng as expresidents doing the shooting, complete with rubber masks of Reagan , .__., ~....,~- Nixon , Carter and Johnson. While presidents generally tend to dom1nate films in &•11!~ which they feature (as is the1r way). They can also provide entertaining cameos la Forest Gump, which of co urse featured interactive footage ·of Nixon , Johnson and Kennedy. Thus for presidt;nts even death, it seems, is no impediment to Hollywood stardom ! However, how can we dare to talk about movie presidents Without touching on the notorious Mr. Ronald Reagan . Good 'ol Ronnie ultimately exchanged his Hollywood fame (infamy?) for a two term whistle stop tour of the White House . Whatever next? I hear you cry .. President T. Hanks (don 't bet against it!) or S. Stallone maybe (perish the thought) . The mind truly boggles. So it seems, Presidents can be lived, loathed or even lampooned. Their monopolisation of movies knows no bounds. If world domination was not already practically within their grasp, movie Presidents could be suspected of just such a design . However, what w1th fending off Martians, pesky JOurnalists, would-be assassins, and Bill and Ted, it's a job I personally wouldn't touch with a barge pole.
'I ;_
PREVIEWS In Love and War (15)- USA (1996) Dir: Richard Attenborough Odeon - now showing Set against the backdrop of Wortd War I and starring Sandra Bullock and Chris O'Donnell, this is the true story of the love affair between a young Ernes! Hemingway and a beautiful American
The Crucible (12) - USA (1996) Dir: Nicholas Hytner Released - Feb 21 Arthur Miller's play brought to the big screen. Salem, Massachusetts,1692: spurned by John Proctor (Daniel Day Lewis), a jealous Abigail (Winona Ryder) cries witchcraft on his wife and virtually the whole community while she's at it. DG
Portrait of a Lady (12)- USA (1996) Dlr: Jane Campion Released - Feb 28 Jane Campion dares to follow her masterpiece, The Piano with this story of 19th century Bostonian society in which Nicole Kidman turns down lots of marriage proposals and then finally picks the unsuitable John Malkovich.
The Phantom (12)- USA (1996) Dlr: Slmon Wincer Released - Feb 21 Billy Zane dons a delightful purple jumpsuit and does super-hero like things in a way that only Batman knows how. Finally released after months of waiting, critics seem to think they shouldn't have bothered after all.
L'Uomo Delle Stelle (15)- Italy (1995) Dlr: Gulseppe Tornatore Cinema City from Feb 24 Wonderful tale set in 50s Sicily, in which con artist Joe Morelli rips off lots of locals by making them pay for screen tests which, he promises, will bring them fame and fortune in Rome as film stars. Beautifully acted in true Italian style.
Jerry Maguire (15)- USA (1996) Dir: Cameron Crowe Released - March 7 Tom Cruise returns with not a plane or racing car in sight in a surprisingly good film about a sports agent and his love affair with the lovely Renee Zellweger. It'll bring a lump to the throat of even the hardest American football player.
Fly Away Home (PG)· USA (1996) Dlr: Carroll Ballard Odeon • now showing Anna Paquln and Jeff Daniels help a gaggle of geese to fly south for winter. promises to be quite a cute tale even if it has got an obscure storyline. If Babe made you stop eating pork, this will ruin your pate de foie gras.
Blood and Wine (TBA) ·USA (1996) Dir: Bob Rafelson Released • Feb 7 Jack Nicholson plays a Miami wine dealer whose seemingly wonderful lifestyle is falling apart at the seams. So, he teams up with Michael Cain and nicks a necklace...the solution to all his problems, probably not.
ebruary- the time for mistletoe, wine, Christmas pudding, Santa and angels. Hang on, that was December. So why has John Travolta gone all angelic? Wasn't Denzel quite enough in The Preachers Wife? No, it seems as though this is the year for not only natural disasters like volcanoes and floods, but also heavenly bodies like Travolta. But forget the un-winged, rather pure looking Denzel - Michael is an angel who comes complete with five o'clock shadow, beer-belly and wings growing from his back, who smokes 40 a day and is partial to a bit of nooky with any waitress who is ready and willing. Most of them are.
He manages to keep his feathers under wraps for a while, but the story eventually gets out and the people at the National Mirror, tabloid hacks such as Frank Quinlan, and angel sceptics such as Dorothy Winters( the heavenly Andie MacDowell) are hot on his heels. What they find is not a circus spectacle or a hoax, but a fully fledged, swan-winged playboy, put on this earth not to spread word of the great Almighty but to re-kindle their belief in love and romance, something you'd miss if you weren't paying attention. Travolta makes a far more entertaining angel than Denzel, who'll have you laughing out loud, but on the other hand any
credibility gained in doing Pulp Fiction is promptly flung straight out of the stained glass window. Had he been allowed to dance to Chuck Berry rather than the horrible country music featured rather too frequently, he may have left the cliches on his cloud, or better still, dumped the vague storyline in hindsight of his recent turkey Phenomenon. But never fear, if you're a fan of John, which if you're not now then you will be, you'll probably be able to ignore all this and appreciate his wings in a way that Clare Rayner would be proud.
--------------------~ The Wild Bunch ( 18) USA (1969) Dlr: Sam Pecklnpah Union (LTI) Frl Feb 11
nee upon a time, long, long ago when we were at school and had the luxury of halfterm holidays to stop us getting into mischief, the likes of Mr Disney would give us lovely lively films to keep us out of trouble. There's little wonder that youthy crime is on the increase with films like Harriet the Spy on offer. Harriet M. Welsch aspires to be a writer, but, too young to join the ranks of the student press, she takes the advice of her nanny, Golly, (Rosie O'Donnell) and keeps a diary of everything she sees, including candid observations of her classmates. Things start to go pearshaped when golly leaves, then her friends (watch out, any of these young actors could turn into Macaulay Culkin without warning) get hold of her journal and take revenge on her for being nasty about them, which includes spilling bright blue paint on her cool trainers (of which there are a suspicious number of close ups). And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, Rosie O' Donnell turns up again! lt sounds good on paper, and probably worked very well in its original form as a novel, but in the adaptation the film makers have got their priorities wrong. T-he kids don't want over long, deep portrayals of pre-teen angstl They want rip roaring chases! Adventures! And proper scary villains, just like Mr. Disney does so well. But probably wouldn't mind having cool trainers like Harriet.
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'em or hate 'em, everyone's got an opinion on Blur. ~ Dredge got rudely awaker.ecl by the dl1st1nen, 'ad a a1p a tea, talked to the band in Uverpool, and checked out their incendiary new live set L&we
utterflies. Loads of 'em, stampeding around my stomach like there's no tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'm sitting on a train so~nEW11he1re in the north of Englald trying to ignore them as my senae of paniC rises and rises.. Why? One reason. Four letters: 8-L.U-R. I've idolised for years have got a new Okay, 80 thafs not scary in IISel, but more. Rewind about a week. from Beatwax, who hancle Bb"s press. 18 on the phone. 'We'd lke to lnvft8 you to COIIt dP to Liverpool for a apeclaJ student press COilference wllh the band, followed by the gig. Oh, ald we're paying for lt. Can you come?" 1think 1can find the time •.. So, I'm sitting on the train halfway through a 5~ hour journey, desperately racking my brains for possible questions. What would you ask your aD-time favourite band, apart from "Can I have your autograph please?" Beyond that, my mind's gone blank, and I thought exams were badl 1997 is going to be the year when Blur take their bravest step forward yet. We all know that in the battle of lhe Oasis won; Blur lost, bigtlme. So, while the Mancunians became the biggest band In the world, Damon and eo. slipped off into the shadows to regroup and rethink. The end result is their eponyrrous fifth album, which came out a couple of weeks ago, preceded by s.tl6bum which went straight In at number one. Blur is said to be a new direction for the band; a break with the past and sticking two fingers up at all the people who have sneeringly celebrated their supposed demise. Having listened to it ocnstantly over the last rronth, lt's my favourite Blur album ever, Including all the best aspects of lleir previous LP's as well as a couple of surprises. And no\\' they want to talk about it. The end result is 25 petrified student hacks sitting in a plush hotel function room. Everyone's nervous, and by now I can hardly sit still in my seat, as I've got an irrational desire to get up and run away in blind panic. Finally, the moment we've been waiting for anrives: "Ladies and gentlemen, Blur!" Help... hat follows are edited l'ighlights of the press conference which, by its very nature, is slightly awkward, disjoint:~d, and full of lengthy silences. The entire room ma) be excited to see Blur, but I'm afraid they're not quite as chuffed about seeing us. Damon, throughout, does most of the talking, albeit sometimes de'ensively. Graham is almost as scared as we are,
although he's a journalafs dream as far as quotes go. D~ve is, well, Dave, as you'd expect. And Alex? He's the Coolest Man In The World, chainsmoking, flicking his fringe and occasionally leaning forward to deliver a one-liner. He gets the most laughs. Much is said about the 'bad old dsys', refenring to the last couple of years. Even though commercial success and critical acclaim were lavished upon them, Blur were increasingly unhappy, with alcohol being a much-publicised factor. Damon elaborates. 'When we first started, we were always drunk onstage. Now it's leaving us slowly, in dribs and drabe." Graham Is now famously tee-total, as well as Dave ~ Damon. As you'll know If you read the recent NME interview, Alex, er, Isn't. So how did these problems with the demon drink affect the band's relations With each other? 'Well, we never really got on badly. Ifs just that If you're spending time with people and you've always got , hangovers, you're inevitably going to get on each others' nerves.• Such was the atmosphere on the last tour Blur did, playing arenas around Britain. While the live shows were as momentous as ever, behind the scenes the band were severely unhappy. Interviews were characterised by an Increasing tension within the band, particularly between Graham and Alex. And now? Well, on the evidence tonight, Blur are far more at ease, both with each other and with their position In the scheme of things. Damon in particular looks back with regret on the lcJng-tenn effects of Parklife: "The whole Idea of being the leaders of something was accidental. lt just so happened that Parldife . kickstarted something, and I don't think lt was particularly healthy. Certainly when we made that record, we had no idea that that would happen.• Later, one particularly brave student raises the point that if it weren't for Blur, there'd be no Sleeper, Menswear, or any other generic ~ bands, prompting Damon to muse over the unpleasant prospect of ten more Sleeper albl.ms. Anyone who thinks Blur died along with Brltpop has missed the point, for once more, with this album, the group have re-invented themselves, provoking cynical accusations of bandwagonhopping. As you'd expect, the band disagree. Damon • "I think that anyone in pop who's had any kind of longevity has been completely schizophrenic.•• Graham ·"Except Status Quo." Damon • "Well, even they've changed a biU" From one chord to another maybe, but Blur have been far more Inventive than that. From baggy (Leisure) to punk (Popsoene), mod (Modem Ufe IS Rubbish) to cockney geezers (ParkllfB). t\nd now? "lt's not really a change of direction. 1t feels like the most genuine album we've ever made: Damon feels passionately about the new album, aa do the rest of the band, and me for that matter. The point is, the signs have always been there on previous albums, proving that 'New Blur' is an image constructed entirely by the music press. Damon concurs: "We're playing live some old tracks and 8-sldes, and they sound like they could have come off lhls album." Alex agrees, claiming that they're playing a lot of stuff that "needs airing". But hOw have the crowds reacted? A mixture of adulation and, it seems, a little puzzlement. A lot of new songs are · being played, and for the unprepared they can be a IIWe difficult. Graham - "If you want to be confused and not have a good time then it's very easy, but thafs your problem, not ours.• Much of the confusion has arisen because of the
of backdown from the Mancunians' challenge. "Ifs not backing down! We never took it up in the first place!" Uh-oh, Damon's not happy. Fight! Fight! FightI "That whole thing arose from us being a little over-friendly when they were first starting out. We were prepared to join in the spirit of the thing and they weren't. I just got pissecl off with their arrogance.• Thus, the Infamous bailie of the bands (Countl)' HotJss vs. RoR With 10 Is revealed to tiave been entirely a personal grudge match between Damon and the Galiaghers, something which most of us suspected all along. Graham Is keen to stress his disdain too. "Oasis don't really exist for me. I don't buy their records and I don't listen to the radio, so I don't really come into contact with them. Actually, I've never really heard of themr 'nuff said. Lefs be honest, Blur isn't going to sell anywhere near as many copies as Oasis' next album. The two bands aren't in the same league any more, both commercially and artistically. Remember that infamous quote from Damon last year, arong the llnl8 Of "The only similarity between us and Oasis is that we've both done nothing in America.• Less than a week later, booml Oasis started shifting units big-time... Oops. So what about America then? Britpop was essentially a reaction against grunge, a retaliation against waveupon-wave of U.S. rawk. Blur were often·portrayed as Brit-heroes mouthing off at America and all its failings. So Damon, do you really hate the place? "No, I like a lot of aspects of America. I think if we'd been more specific at the time, and said we hated our record company, then it wouldn't have come across as having a go at the whole country." Alex weighs in. "Ifs the most boring thing in the world to hear bands going on about their labels.." The attitude seems to be more relaxed. and Alex adds that he recommends thal everyone should go to New York at least once "before they get married." However, beneath the surface, all is not trans-Atlantic hannony... Damon • 'We're still really British; we can't help it, that's what we are! We don't sound Amet1can, and I don't think there's much chance of anyone in Middle·America giving a shit about us." Graham adds darkly, "The gig where I see people '1n cowboy boots coming along is when I stop
I think we've bee n braver t han any other band in this country. new influences. lt's been much-quoted that ultracredible US band Pavement have influenced Demon's songwriting, while Graham's well-known love of lo-fl noise terror has been given free reign on Blur. Is it a brave move? "lt wasn't exactly courage. We were just trying to do something else. lt's not as if we haven't ever been writing songs like this." raham, meanwhlte, vociferously protests that he didn't contribute more, "just louder". Overall, and in contrast to his previous comment, Damon claims that "I think we've been braver than any other band in this country.•, which Is Widely taken as a coded reference to their exrivals Oasis. Anyone expecting a right royal slagging match at the conferen-ce isn't to be disappointed, although the band manfully try not to descend to the puerile level of Noel's infamous AIDS comments. They are riled, however, by the suggestion that the new album represenla any kind
my back wfth his moshing, while I'm in danger of decapitation from the flailing elbows of the girl on my right. A young girl, no more than fifteen, is thrown at my feet in the. trample. l pick her up, she smiles gratefully, and then hurls herself back into the maelstrom. lt seems like the right thing to do. During the all-tooshort next break, we all spot Steve McManaman in the balcony. Our spontaneous chanting is rewarded with a wave from the mar\ himself, before Graham reclaims our attention with the opening notes to Girls and Boys. I can't remember the next three minutes, but I think it was fun. Since this mini-tour is mainly a chance to show off the new material, it's no surprise that tonight seven songs from the new album are played. Movin' On produces a real sense of anticipation, which tums swiftly to excitement as it reveals itself to be a stomper in typical Blur style. "This is an old song." announces Damon. "lt's off our second album." Cue Oily Water, a new addition to the. Jive set. All this talk of New Blur is a load of cobblers! They always had it in them to produce top-notch experimental guitar-abuse, and Graham is visibly enjoying himself compared to the last tour. But then again, part of the fun of a Blur gig was always singing your heart out, 80 old favorites like Stereotypes, To The End and End Of A Century giv~ the youngish crowd exactfy what they want. And me? lt's probably around this time that I start losing my voice, such is the pressure on my besieged vocal chords. Enough is enough! Give me a rest!! As if by magic, a slowie appeared.. Okay, so no-one lkes an indie trainspotter, but I do get a warm feeling inside when Damon announces Inertia, it being the B-Side to the first ever Blur ~. single that I bought, way back when I were a !\ lad! Oh, times were 'ard in those days, but we \ were happy etc. etc. lt's a beautiful song, but it does leave us slightly, well, inert. No worries - Blur unleash a triple ninjabastard-punk-whammy of songs: Popscene, Chinese Bombs, Advert. Someone treads on my head - I barely notice. People are screaming into my ears, but I'm deaf to them all. Someone kicks
' ' Oasis don't really exist , for me anyway. Actually, I' ve never really heard of them.
going!" Of course, as with any pr88S conference, there's the chance of a few stupid questions. When the journalists are an students, it's a certainty. The choice pick Is one hapless individuars "Dave, you used four drumkits on one song from the new album. Did any of them receive preferential treatment?" The room·cringes, and Dave takes only a brief pause before delivering his acid opinion: "That's a f•••ing stupid question! Next." The subjects of whether Blur are a 'student' band ("What, don't they let you into college unless you like Suede?!") and the symptoms if Blur were a mental illness ("Look, you've picked the wrong time of the day for wit.") are similarly dealt with. When the press conference ends, there's a pause, and a photocall, so that we can all prove to our friends and parents that we really did meet Blur. Once that's done, twenty-five students drop all pretence at hard-nosed journalism and become awe-struck fans, queuing up for autographs and a few words. Me? I got Alex's, although I was unable to coax more than a slightly embarrassed grin before he fleas the room. lt's over, and as we all travel to the gig, it hardly seems possible that I've just met my favourite band! All that remains is to check out the live experience, which takes place in a roughly LCR-sized theatre. ctually getting to the Royal Court takes longer than expected, leading to a perfect Neil Codling moment when we stroll into the venue just as Blur start iheir first song, Beetlebum. Stand at the back taking review notes? Sod that- I'm down the frontllt's to be the maddest gig of my life, with restraint going out (Jf the window completely. Song 2 is, naturally, second, provoking instant chaos. Some huge bloke behind me is trying to break
me In the baRs. Strangely, my attention wanes, but only for a second, or at least until a painful taxi-ride the next dsy. Surely they can't go on for much longer! The spooky swamp-hop of Death Of A Party nonplusses the crowd, although I sense that they're more blown away than bored. Finally, This Is A Low is announced, the traditional set-closer. This is Blur at their melancholic, overblown best, and I just want to give a big hug to everyone else in the venue. Luckily for my health, I'm too engrossed In the song to try! But what will the encore be? I've had a bet on with the scouse bloke behind me concerning Parklife. I reckon they'll do it, he's sure they won't. We have to wait till after On Your Own to find out. Sure enough, the sound of dogs barking drifts out from the speakers, the opening chords ring out, and the venue erupts. Afterwards, beaming, I waver my claim to five pounds on account of being too exhilarated. Well, it improved Norwich/Liverpool relations anyway.. Look, if you can't see why so many people kwe Blur so passionately, just sit down and Hsten to The Universal. Better still, squeeze into a packed venue and sing THAT chorus with a couple of thousand of complete strangers. lt really, reaUy, really did happen! Is it the last song? No, Damon springs the biggest surprise of th·e night when he introduces Sing. A long·lost treasure from Leisure, is finally given the attention it deserved. Christ, people are even moshing! Drawn out, epic and basically the best four minutes In the world ever, according to several emotional student journalists. Blur are back, better than ever. Who cares many records they sell or how people they play to? People this band, and I'm proud to be of those people. That's all that - · . matters.
is stolen by the local Romeo and decides that she wants more out of life than dreary Leary. In a desperate attempt to win back his woman, Dennis resorts to lessons in love from a 14 yearold and, not to ruin it for you or anything... gets her back. Leary's stupid villain act results in some funny moments but Stolen Hearts isn't funny enough to be a comedy nor lovey enough to be a love story so it sort of floats somewhere in the middle in the realm of American light-hearted films. Definitely one to save for a very rainy day, a monsoon in fact, and sadly, it won't steal your heart away. Lauren Cohen
Some thing To Talk About ( IS) 漏 USA ( 1996) Dlr: Lasse Hallstrom VIde o - out to re nt or buy
es, she's the one... from Friends. That hairstyle is back - Jennifer Aniston is starring in a not-unlike-Rachel role .in Edward Burns' new film, She's The One. This mediocre actress suits this mediocre film with its doubtful plot (yes the plot is there if you look hard enough!) and its grinning 90210 type characters. A slow moving ~tory following two thirty-something brothers. the film looks at the funny side of their attitudes towards life, love and money management, plus a few quips about vibrators. Expect to endure the blandness of the beautiful people. The basic synopsis: he is married to her, his brother has been dumped by this other girl and marries someone else whilst in denial -
always a bad move. He gets bored with her, sleeps with his brother's ex, brother gets jealous and they begin to hate each other, at the same time moralising and questioning the whole sex and desire thing. Written and directed by Ed Burns, one of the next generation of directors from America is best known for his debut, The Brothers Macmullen. He uses a simplistic approach, basing the plot around the six main characters and three main locations, or is it a low budget production perhaps? This 'nice' film with a mildly entertaining soundtrack lacks any exciting events and twists that will distract: you from your popcorn. However, on the up-side, there are good looking men for the girls, gorgeous women (of the synthetically beautiful
variety) for the boys - so if you've got nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon (don't waste an evel')ing on it), just sit back and enjoy the view. Debbi Marco
Stolen Hearts ( I S) USA (1996) Dlr: Bill Bennett Vide o - o ut to re nt or buy Some films are good, some films are bad. Stolen Hearts loiters like a shady old bloke between the two. Sandra Bullock dons a black PVC coat, fluorescent pink scarf and a dead end relationship with art stealing, loser and Holsten Pils man Denriis Leary. Add stereotypical idiot baddies, womanising British heart throb and teenage pervert with a camcorder and you get a cops and robbers story with a bit of romantic horse-riding on the beach. 路 Leary (MTV moaner and beer man) nicks a Matisse original. He and Bullock run away to sell it. Leary is foolish enough to believe that the police won't pick up on the obvious clues he has left everywhere and is naturally proved otherwise. While hiding out in an empty house Bullock's heart
Still in the mood for romance, or is Valentines Day already a blur in the past you'd rather forget? If the latter, why not invite pretty VfOman Julia Roberts to rub salt into your emotional wounds, with Something to Talk About. Roberts plays Grace, beautiful wife to cheating husband Eddie (Dennis Quaid), both of whom indulge in extracurricular activities, though of a rather diverse nature. While she and her mates spend most of the film horse-riding, he's out around town doing some bare-back riding of his own. lt doesn't take long for Grace to figure out there's another woman in the picture, she goes to lengths such as trekking downtown in her nightdress to check up on him. As if being a cookbook committee chairwoman and preparing for the annual Grand Prix wasn't enough. Family conflicts give the film a soapopera feel and give the fellow inhabitants of the small town "something to talk abour. Roberts gives a powerful performance as the downtrodden wife who just can't resist revenge (it's not all forgive and forget you know). There are enough funny moments to ensure that, despite the horseorientated plot, you don't have to actually own any jodhpurs to enjoy it. So, take a look, even if the only Valentines card you got was from someone who looked like a horse. Amanda Aklen
nee upon a time, long, long ago when we were at school and had the luxury of half-term holidays to stop us getting into mischief, the likes of Mr Disney would give us lovely lively films to keep us out of trouble. There's little wonder that youthy crime is on the increase with films like Harriet the Spy on offer. Harriet M. Welsch aspires to be a writer, but, too young to join the ranks of the student press, she takes the advice of her nanny, Golly, (Rosie O'Donnell) and keeps a diary of everything she sees, including candid observations of her classmates. Things start to go pearshaped when golly leaves, then her friends (watch out, any of these young actors could turn into Macaulay Culkin without warning) get hold of her journal and take revenge on her for being nasty about them, which includes spilling bright blue paint on _,... her cool trainers (of which there are a suspicious .,.,路"'"' number of close ups). And just when you .r 路 thought things couldn't get any worse, Rosie O'Donnell turns up again! lt sounds good on paper, and probably worked very well in its original form as a novel, but in the adaptation the film makers have got their priorities wrong. The kids don't want over long, deep portrayals of pre-teen angst! They want rip roaring chases! Adventures! And proper scary villains, just like Mr. Disney does so well. But probably wouldn't mind having cool trainers like Harriet.
t's official, the British are taking over the cinematic world and have run away with most of this year's Oscar nominations, most notably The English Patient a huge hit in the US which has got itself 12 (yes 12!) nominations including Best film, Best actor (Ralph Fiennes), Best actress (Kristen Scott Thomas), Best director (Anthony Minghella) and Best supporting actress (Juliette Binoche). Looks as though The Patient, released here on March 14, with be this year's Gump. Mike Leigh's slightly less spangly Secrets and Lies boasts five nominations in four major categories. Perhaps Hollywood is as fed up with Trainspotting as we all are, seeing as they've only nominated the film for just one Oscar, best adapted screenplay. Madonna must be pretty distraught this week after finding herself no where near the nominations list for her role as Eva Peron in the extended music video also known as Evita . The only sniff of major Oscardom the film got was for best original song, a poncey little number by Tim Rice called You Must Love Me. Meanwhile, cast and
crew members of The Saint were exposed to asbestos last November during filming at Pinewood Studios, as a result studio bosses ' had fori~ out $10,000 in damages. Test screenings in the US went so badly that Val and eo had to fly back to Britain to do a string of reshoots. As the saying goes, if at first you don't succeed... Anyway, Mexico is the scene for a .new Zorro movie starring Anthony Hopkins, Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta Jones, fairly straightforward plot about swashbuckling masked man and love interest featuring Oscar winner to pull crowds. Perhaps the best thesp-turned-sci-fi actor Patrick Stewart is set to star along side Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts in Conspiracy Theory shooting in New York. Kenneth Branagh loses the tights and Yorrick's skull to play the role of Memphis attorney called in to protect Daryl Hannah from a stalker. Good old flexible Ken. "Your Honour, is this a dagger I see before me? To be, or not to be, ladies and gentlemen of the jury." Catherlne Jones
, ' ('
was based around a crass working class family we could all empathise with . Our only options now are to switch off or win the lottery! Sorry to keep pressing a point but hasn't she heard of quitting while she's ahead? Okay, with a little imagination we can all pretend we've won the lottery but does she expect us to believe that Darlene was impregnated by the Devil? I mean, come on, surely the Devil has Debbi Marco better taste than that!
our 'tv sho1N
roclcsl Friday, February 21 10-10.30pm- C4
od Let's Get Ready To Rumble, the telly prog ramme 1s undoubtedly th e highlight of PJ and Duncan·s (whoops, sorry, Ant and Dec's) career. On Childre n's BBC their smut and innuendo shone out among th e increasingly pueril e progra mming (perhaps I'm just getting too old for Newsround) , but in the big, bad, post-Neighbours world they don't seem to stand up quite as well. Fair enough, they're more than happy to do the old "dropped the soap in the prison shower" joke in front of a bunch of 15 year-old screaming groupies, but seeing them sing Jailhouse Rock with Sean Maguire is just embarrassing, and Geordie Gordon , Space Blerk, is just a bit too obvious. Pretend you 're seven years old , delude yourself that Boyzone are the best band in the world and you'll have a wail of a time. Whatever, in the end you do switch over finally secure that you know which is PJ and which is Duncan (oh damn, they've changed their names and they're not in Byker Grove any more are they?). John Spacey 4
h dear! This latest Stateside offering from Roseanne Barr is nothing less than embarrassing . The idea of combining the well-loved characters from Roseanne with Britain's very own Edina and Palsy can only be the consequence of Roseanne's latest business venture: buying the rights to Absolutely Fabulous in America. The idea was a bad one and the results are abysmal. Roseanne has failed to capture the basic essence of the Ab Fab characters. For a start Palsy and Edina are paralytic for only half the show and there is not a sniff of cocaine in sight. Someone needs to tell this woman that the Brits are not a clean cut bunch ; we thrive on alcoholism and illegal drug addiction - just look at the success of Trainspotting tor proof. However, Roseanne has gone one better than just ruining Absolutely Fabulous; Roseanne is now equally as crap. Having scripted for her character a lottery win and a move into a more prestigious social circle, Roseanne seems to have lost sight of the fact that the only reason her sitcom worked was because it
film of tbe fortnight PLANES. TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES Friday February 14 10.50pm - 12.50am BBC1
teve Martin and John Candy are on top form, thrown together on a catastrophic trip from
New York to Chicago. Plane trips are cancelled, trains break down , cars melt. Martin plays a very straight advertising executive, desperate to get home In time for Thanksgiving. Candy his usual jovial self, an over-friendly curtain ring salesman choc-full of irritating habits. Despite its farcical appearance, this is really a classical Hollywood "journey of discovery" story involving the two men seeing beyond their differences and forming a friendship. This leads to an excessively sentimental
resolution which does not fit easily with what has gone before; it's hardly surprising the film is saccharine in places when considering that it was directed by John Hughes, who also made horrible brat-pack films like The Breakfast Club. Hughes does a lot better working with grown-ups in Planes, Trains and Automobiles, although his script fails to be consistently funny. There are some classic comedy moments though, including the two stars being forced to share a bed together, and Candy starting a coach singalong of the Flintstones theme. Martin and Candy are an excellent comedy double act and create rounded , believable characters. Obviously far from being any great work of art, it's well worth a watch as a reminder of the days when John Candy was alive and Stave Martin was funny. Chrls Hodgen
iles, Schmex-files. Back in the 60s America really knew how make programmes about
the show altogether and re-make Muffin the Mule for an American audience, it somehow gets worse. aliens. From the moment it starts, narrated There were none of these inflated by that man with the deep throaty voice, budgets and hi-tech special effects. it's clear exactly what you're going to get: They knew that what people wanted was tacky architect David Vincent, lost late at night on a remote country road , is confronted by an lo-fi pap to vegetate in front of, and The Invaders delivered this in enormous hubcap from deep space and spades. naturally begins a one-man war against Laugh as aliens walk the super-intelligent beings from a distant earth, distinguished only by galaxy, rather than fleeing for the hills or a gait which suggests their making mashed potato into mountains like that la•IIKI guy in Close Encounters. trousers are three or four sizes too small and they are wearing nappies (and And, to the surprise of the aliens - who, after all, who knows, perhaps they were). possess the technology to travel great distances Marvel as you realise there are actually across space whereas their opponent worse actors in the world than Keanu builds rather attractive country Reeves ... and there are so many of cottages - David meets with fair them. success. The only This series must have used every concession made to the crap actor in America and might of alien technology is that most of their immediate family. they always kill anyone he manages Every time the acting seems to have to persuade of their presence, · reached a point from which the only thereby ensuring no end to the tale ...so possible course of action Is to immediately axe where are the repeats then? Jarnet~ Tapstleld
emories! Forget tru gi ng to the newsagent's during a downpour; why not consider reading your favourite magazine o n-li n e . Stuart Dredge finds out how
tudents. Magazines. Undeniably re lated, since we probably co nsume more glossy mags than any other social group. Picture your average indie-kid's room, where you have to step round piles of NME's to get to the bed. Or the well-thumbed copies of Cosmo and Vogue in the doctor's waiti ng-room. Even the haughtiest of Philosophy students can often be seen casting a furtive eye over the pages of Smash Htts. Maybe. But what has this got to do with lnter @ctive? More and more printed magazines are going on -line, so I decided to
seek out the best ones, and attempted to discover just why they're wo rth checking out. The argument that the in terne! is primarily used by our generation is backed up by the nature of the magazines that have gone online. Youth culture is well represented , with music, film and te levision aplenty. Music magazines in particular have been rushing to get the ir very own website. These include Select, the NME, and 0 Magazine, thus catering for many tastes. When I spoke to Paul Lakin , the editor of 0-0nline, he told me why the magazme decided to set up its own website. "Because EMAP [publishers of 0] are a major media company, a prescence on the interne! was both inevitable and essential. it's clearly going to be one of the most important media in the future ." Magazines are seeing the obvious attractions of the interne! - it can reach millions of people even in their bedrooms. The main advantage of having an online version seems to be its interactivity. You can do far more
tha n just read, as Paul expl ains. "There's a strong interactive element - voting in polls, submitting reviews , chatting to other readers online .. ." But just how 'interactive' do people want to get? As you 'd expect, the interne! also caters for the less 'respectable' end of the market. Playboy and Playgirl both have professionally designed sites, and indeed Playboy was one of the first magaz1nes to get on the net. Eileen Kent, who was heav1ly involved in that , believes that another advantage is on the visual side: "On a good monitor, everything looks great better than on paper." Another bonus is the ability to expand on what can be put in a paper magazine, seeing as there's far less hassle with space restrictions. But what are the disadvantages? Paul claims that speed is one. "Webs1tes can occasionally take a while to download , which is frustrating , particularly if you 're new to the Web and have seen adverts in which pages fly onto th e screen like th e
proverbial shil from a shovell" Wise words indeed. Eileen , on the other hand, bemoans the fact that a computer isn't exactly the answer when it comes to portable reading matter for the train home . Still, th e fact 1s that there's loads of web-mags out there for your pleasure, including all the above, as well as Empire (for all you film buffs) , Private Eye (for the satirists among us) and even Scallywag, the editor of which was recently arrested for touting Michael Portillo's private diaries for sale! For our pick of the bunch , check out our top five sites below, and for even more head ove r to Hype (see below).
What's hot on the 'zine scenet T
You 've seen the box and read th e review how about winning a copy of your very own?! Simply complete the following rock-monste r sentence: " If I was a hairy rock legend, I'd unwind backstage by.. ."
The Great Chunderer Page (pi ctured right). http://www.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk/- ecylpmg/chunder.htm In the best possible taste, perhaps. Maybe not... The Unofficial John Charmley Fanclub http://www.reed.edu/- mhopemoo/jc.html But how many members we wonder... Land of the Lunchboxes http://www2.ari.net/home/kholcomb/lunch.html Come on, you know you used to love 'em! The Psych ic Chicken Homepage http://www.cjnetworks.com/admarklchicken.html Poultry-related problem page
he first of our recommended magazine websites is the totally skill Uploaded from the award winning team that brought you men's magazine Loaded. An inspired blend of girls, football , music, films, celebrities and gossip, all garnished with the typical Loaded perspective. Although a fairly new site it already possesses one of the funniest pages on the 'net: Real Life Pervs . Devoted entirely to exposing the sad , deplorable depths men will go to in order to get a shag . The basic idea being that Loaded place a fake ad in the personal column, and print the replies it receives on the interne!! Top idea, with top responses! Unfortunately though all are far too pervy to print here so yo u'll just have to check it out for yourselves on http ://www.uploaded.com Uploaded, went to Calais last month for some kind of interne! award ceremony but came back with nothing, NME however are grinning from ear to ear, because they've won a coveted Net Guide Gold Award . For any of you that don't care about awards or ceremonies, let me tell you that this site is crammed full of news, reviews, and such stuff from the heady world of music; there are also cool pictures and rocking sounds so you don't even have to go out and buy records anymore! Hey, hey! Get down to http ://nme.com Stuck in front of a compute r on a Saturday afternoon , around oooh, say 4.45pm? Then yo u'll probably be desperate to know just how Peterborough United have got on in their Division 2 clash with Bristol But how can you find out? There's no radio, no Des Lynam, and ce rtainly no vidi-printer. Fear not because the absolutely ace Total Football can fish you out of your resultless hole! With the click of a mouse buttQn all of the classified res ults are relayed instantly. And this is just one aspect of this site, to check out all of the other thingymyjigs related to the greatest game on earth take a trip to http ://futurenet.c o.uk/outdoors/totalfootball.html Th e Pri vate Eye website (http ://www.compul ink.co.ukl- privateeye) offers just a small selection of
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~ jokes, cartoons and regular features fro m the current ISSUe of the ""· I magazine. If you're looking for the serious stuff th e political intrigue, city )) I(; }4'1 () scandals, book/television reviews, (.,1,l()J:» , ; media backstabbing and malicious "' . . ~! gossip you 'll ju st have to buy the mag. But don't despair because what you do get is of the usual high standard plus entering th is site may even prove to be profitable. There's £10 on offer for any submission for Pseuds Corner, Funny Old World, OBN, Luvvies!Trevvies and Colemanballs that makes it into the magazine, and £100 up for grabs every two weeks in the prize crossword draw, as well as the occasion al Web-only competition. http ://www.erack.com/empire will get you access to Empire's website. Crammed full with all the movie related information any budding surfer could wish for. New releases,the latest behind the scenes info and the larger features fou nd in the regular magazine are all here along with great pictu res, animati on and graphics, plus an exhaustive list of all the possible links to other like-minded sites. Mark Tobin
\ TJ
HOW TO GET TO HYPE Hype! Yessir, it's a glorious fluffy collection of articles, images, links and a whole range of other gubbins. And it's easy to find! Simply open Netscape on your PC. You should see the UEA home page. Click on the blue Student Media text, and then on the Hype link. Alternatively, type in this address in the space at the top of th e screen:
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In a brd to find out what the UEA thought of chocolate bars, both old and new, we set off with a bag full of free samples to find some guinea-prgs. Here are the results!
them when I need cheenng up and I've even eaten one in the bath before!" Slobhan Margetson: Care Assistant Cadbury's Tasters: 10 out of 10 Favourite bar of choice: Cadbury's Whole nut Siobahn descnbed eating the Tasters as "Pure seduction melting on my tongue. I can't find anything wrong wrth them except they're really gooey and I need to clean my teeth nowt "
Chrls Hlmes: Visiting Amencan Student Wispa Gold: 3.5 out of 10. Favounte bar of choice: Fruit and Nut Chns described the taste as "Mushy caramely," and added I don't know if I dig this 'cos it's kind of hke a sponge and the caramel gets in your teeth."
it's officral, chocolate Is the comfort food of UEA. Just as good as sex and more important than your mum's birthday. The ancient Aztecs may have deified it, but UEA students are willing to sacnfice their molars for rt! Let them eat chocolate!!!!
Bemle Aldis: Union Secunty Steward Fuse: 8.5 out of 10. Favounte bar of chorea: Fruit and Nut When asked if he thought eating the Fuse bar was better than sex Bemie was philosophical " Nothing is better than sex but I suppose chocolate can t say no and never gets a head-ache! I think this 1s really nice though, not too sweet and as mce as a bar of Fruit and Nut."
Sweet Virgin PammJ! Have you ever wanted to know how Baywatch abe Pamela Anderson drinks? Well, now you can find out because she has miraculously metamorphos1zed into a new V rgin cola, called "The Pammy". She costs 39p from Tesco and comes in a new curvy glass bottle, complete with srgnature. This 1s tacky merchandrsrng at it's worst. and to me, tastes rather synthetrc too (funny that) When I asked other students what they thought of "The
Dr. Peter Womack: Senror Lecturer Sresta: 7 out of 10 Favounte bar of chOice· Lmdt (Swiss chocolate) Dr. Womack drdn't exactly wax lyncal about Bntrsh chocolate rn general descnbing it as "crap". We asked hrm to imagine a scenario in which he only had thirty pence, he was very hungry and rt was a loved one's birthday. Would he phone or buy a Siesta? "Well I would Phone, of course!" Or Womack laughed.
Sally Wllklnson Finger of Fudge: 10.5 out of 10 Favounte bar of choice: Fudge Unlike Dr. Womack, if the ch1ps were down and the funds were tight, Sally would buy a fudge rather than phone her mum to congratulate her on her birthday. She said "Fudges are wonderful, like an orgasm in a red packet! I eat
Pammy~ most sard she was 'tasteless' and 'weak' when compared to original Coke, and definitely not worth buying One girl admitted to enjoylng the taste of 'Our Pam' but wouldn't buy her on pnnciple. Even the lads thought that "The Pammy" was a pointless and silly idea that would only appeal to eager, prepubescent boys. So, the verdict seems to be that. far from bemg a robust drink, "The Pammy" tends to fall a bit, er flat!
f you're strapped for cash but wanting delicious food in a romantic setting, then look no further than "Femi's". This stylish restaurant, situated in King's Street, Norwich, is one of an exclusive group of award-winning restaurants who are, in conjunction with "The Times" newspaper, offering a three course meal for just five pounds (bread and drinks extra). The menu is limited but frequently changes, and caters for vegetarians. We chose the tasty cream of mushroom soup to start, followed by large servings of pot roasted lamb casserole, and cod in white wine sauce. Both dishes were excellent and left just enough room for the rich chocolate terrine dessert, a sinfully sumptuous slice of heaven, laced with coffee liquor. The service was friendly, polite and helpful despite a rapid influx of custom. The music and candle-lit, slightly Mediterranean, interior provided a sophisticated and relaxing atmosphere definitely an escape from the average student bolt-hole. The offer is available for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. You must bring a voucher per person from "The Times" newspaper. The offer is available until March 15th, so hurry to book on Norwich 766010. Groups can be catered for in the upstairs area. For quality food at an amazingly cheap price, "Femi's" is the perlect place to go. Our rating - Femtasticl
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ds路of the .sixties Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Spoken-word adaptation on cd ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ wenty-five years ago , with a mescalinesoaked Stars and Stripes wrapped around his shoulders , Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson swash-buckled his way into notoriety with Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas, his insane , hallucinatory listing of the American Dream . To commemorate the anniversary of its publication in Rolling Stone, its spoken-word adaptation is being released on cd. it presents Thompson 's alias, Journalist Duke (read by Jim Jarmusch} and his attorney Gonzo (Maury Chaykin) , who journey to Las Vegas in a red convertible filled with various narcotics. The aim: to complete the Mint 400-mile road race. Instead, they spend 48 hours running away from bats and lizard people whi le gripped by an amphetamine-fuelled psychosis. They also squeeze in a few perilous confrontations with the
law and get the fear on a revolving bar at the CircusCircus. The original spirit of screaming , hysterical excess is brilliantly captured by the impressive cast (including Laurie Metcalf and George Segal} , with Jim Jarmusch's lacon1c drawl particularly standing out. Unfortunately, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas has lost a little something in its transition from the page to the cd.Thompson's exhilarating and insane prose poetry is never truly brought across. However, any petty quibbles are utterly redeemed by the presence of the Godlike Harry Dean Stanton as narrator.His growling brogue is instantly captivating, and his world-weariness truly conveys Thompson's despairing fatigue at America's overindulgence. This is a vastly entertaining offe ring, but fo r the ultimate experience. you'd have to buy the book. Martin Robinson
visiting writer: Bva Bollmllll play has a completely new angle and gives a moving insight into the dark world of heroin addiction and inner city pove rty. Becky Wil/iams and Amelia Hamer
N.P. Banana Yoshimoto win brother and sister Otohiko and Saki return from the States after the death of their estranged author-father. Resettling in their native Japan they befriend the narrator, Kazame, who is drawn in by the irresistible pull of their intense friendship but also by the intrigue surrounding their late father's last manuscript. N.P. is the story of four young people whose lives are gripped by the strange infl uence of a dead man's ta le - the manuscript is named North Point, hence the title . Each attempt to translate it from the original Japanese is cut short by sudden death - the latest victim being Kazme's lover. Amidst the vivid heat of a Tokyo summer she finds herself bound to three exceptional people . Otohiko is consumed by reciprocated passion for the infamous and breathtaking Satsuko - knowing her to be not only his father's ex-lover bu t also his daughter. Her need for possession of the manuscript is a symptom of her exclusion from the fatherly love both Otohiko and Saki received. More beau tiful tha n si nister, the novel's th eme of loss predominates over the impossible love be tween a brother and half-sister. Yosh imoto's first book, Kitchen, sold millions wo rld-wide. Con tinuing th e great tradition of Twentieth Cen tury Japanese writing her style is subtle and elegant, her content fresh and effecting. N.P. is an easy read because the author goes to great pains without it being too apparent. Yoshimoto possesses an uncanny ability to bottle the essence of a personality which helps a reader understand what draws the fou r protagonists together. Catriona Maclean
Play: TRA INS POTTING Norwich Playhouse
ou would have to have been living on Mars for the last two years to miss the Trainspotting hype . You 've bought the t-shirt, listened to the soundtrack and seen the film. So, is this play just another piece of Trainspotting merchandise? On entering the Playhouse auditorium you are greeted by loud thumping house music, giving the Impression that you 're entering a nightclub , instead of a theatre. Use of contemporary music from bands such as Portishead sets the scene , and enhances the atmosphere at different points in the play. This stage presentation is much less glamorous than the film and focuses on different aspects of the book. The se t is bare and only four actors make up the cast (Spud and Diane are the two most obviously missing) . The lack of costume changes and divided scenes meant the play could be confusing without some prior knowledge of the book. However, these absences are compensated by the actors' brilliant ability to portray several different characters, one after the other, especially in this case Glenna Morrison who played all the female parts outstandingly. This play is not for the ia1nt-hearted, or easily embarassed. it has more swear words than a James Calman novel , and all the needles are real, not to mention a full fronta l penal injection. - 路 Thi s might sound over the top or amusing. but the effect is truly shocking. Tl1ere is no happy ending for Mark Renton in this play. The f1nal scene leaves him no better off than the first. Even if you 're sick of Trainspotting, this
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From Morning Sun Till Dine UEA Studio February 12-15 FROM MORNING SUN TILL DINE From morning sun till dine is both a line from Auld Lang Syne, and the central metaphor of the play. The two characters Chris and Paul are University students in Scotland. Set in 1986 the play follows their lives as they search for the truth, and realise how their lives have become so crucially intertwined. Essentially this a story of conflict. Chris is in conflict with himself, and for Paul conflict is his only cause. An upper class public schoolboy now enlisted in the army, Chris finds that his life has had all choices removed from it. As his life and character come into sharp contrast with that of his friend and flatmate, Chris recognise that he is now trapped within a role that his parent's expectations have created for him; the officer and gentleman with a stiff upper lip. Eventually Chris finds that the only thing left that he feels is truly his own is pain, he becomes the victim of various eating disorders, looking to find a way to take control of his life.
Paul claims to know a lot about pain. Growing up in Derry, Ireland, pain has been a neighbour, part of the family. Unlike Chris he expresses his emotions, often in the forms of idealism and frustration. Paul finds himself forced to watch his friend destroying himself and in so doing, he finds that he too is running away from his past. Chris becomes his cause, an outlet through which to express his own anger and resentment. A black and thought provoking play, it condemns the traditions and conformity propogated by class and nationality. The play places stereotypes and expectations under scrutiny, while relating this to the ever prominent issue of anorexia. This skilfully crafted play was provoking in its content, impressive in its staging and powerful in the quality of acting. What's more the tension created as the two friends fight is not resolved in a sugar-coated ending, the play and the issues highlighted are left as they are, still going on. Amy Pierce
Shakespeare to stand-up comedy at Norwich's various venues this fortnight. The Maddermarket Theatre presents Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale on February 27. The "tragicomedy", under the artistic direction of Andrew Kitchen, promises to elicit both tears and laughter._ ~For those of a more contemporary disposition, The Norwich Playhouse will feature Roger Last's A Jagged Bond as this month's New Writing Production, a Playhouse initiative to promote new playwrights. This love-hate saga between two artists opens on February 23. ~Theatre Royal offers its typical cornucopia of entertainment this month including the remaining performances of Frances Hodgson Burnett children's story, Secret Garden. The musical adaptation by Dave Simpson and Roger Haines runs through February 22. February 24 sees the opening of Charles Dickens' Hard Times. The dramatisation by Dennis Saunders follows a musical format in telling the story of love, power and politics in Victorian England. Sue Pomeroy directs a cast featuring Philip Madoc, Jane Brown, Ken Farrington and Aled Jones. ~In March, Theatre Royal is playing host to Gladys Knight (sans Pipps), Elkie Brooks and the oh-so right-on comedy of Ben Elton. For what it's worth, Jasper Carrot will also be making an appearance. Book early. ~The Norwich Gallery continues its eclectic One Night Stands series until March 1. Microphone Skirt, low-tech performance art from Hayley Newman, promises a low-tech deconstruction of the nature of human interaction with technology. Newman is appearing on February 27. On February 21, the Gallery will be hosting the ultimate in percusive indulgence, a 24 hour drum solo by Ross 'I 0 B \' D I C K Sinclair. Let's be thankful there's no bass solo ,-4 IJr•• hlo luliaJ J.l H urr . to follow. Jamle Fabos
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Object of the fortnight
Female •ude IVitb Arms Baised Every month, the Sainsbury's Centre for the Visual Arts (SCVA) chooses an object to bear the title 'object of the month'. In the first of a series of articles shedding some light on these works of art, Alice Correia contemplates February's choice, Picasso's "Female Nude With Arms Raised". Wh ilst not as instantly recognisable as some of Picasso's more famous works, "Female Nude With Arms Raised" is nonetheless an important indicator in the development of his style and technique. This ink and gouache work, a preparatory study for the more famous and arguably more important "Les Demoiselles D'Avignon" (housed in New York's Museum of Modem Art), is interesting in the
context of Picasso's later work. The central figure of "Les Demoiselles D'Avignon" has the same pose and facial characteristics as the "Female nude" in The Sainsbury Centre. The Sainsbury Centre's collection of non-Western artefacts also serve as an interesting study in how Picasso was influenced by African art in the early 1900s. The Lega Mask from Zaire and the Neolithic fertility figure in the Sainsbury Centre's permanent collection provide some insight into the paralells between these works and Picasso's move towards primativism evident in "Female Nude With Arms Raised".
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hunter Dennis Quaid .
SHOWGIRLS (18) Friday February 21 , 11 .00 pm One showgirl's bubble is burst when she arrives in LA on ly to find the city a seethi ng , modern day Sodom and Gommorah complete with comercial sex, drugs and the devil's drink, starring Kyle MacLachlan.
DEAD MAN (18) Sunday February 23, 7.30pm After accountant Johnny Depp kills his boss' son he heads out West only to be taken in by a narcotic Indian . Trendy.
FIERCE CREATURES (15) The Wanda team are back after ten years and land themselves the task of running Marwood zoo in jolly old England. Playschool presenter Derek Griffiths stars alongside the Pythons.
L'UOMO DELLE STELLE (15) (THE STAR MAKER) Monday February 24- Saturday March 1, 5.45 &8.15pm. Tuesday February 25 & Thursday February 27, 2.30pm From the director of Cinema Paradiso. con man Joe Morelli sells screen tests promising the locals chances of stardom in Rome. When he falls in love his life is about to change.
THE FRIGHTENERS (15) Michael J. Fox's comeback film . Fox can communicate with the 'other side' landing him in all kinds of ghoulish trouble. Gasper for adolescents. SHE'S THE ONE (15) Twentysomething beautiful people film starring Rachel from friends. Two brothers find themselves embroiled between their wives and their lovers . HARRI ET THE SPY (PG) Chi ld snoop keeps a record of all her family and friends for no reason in particular. Your children , should you have any, would like it. MARS ATTACKS (1 2) Aliens from Mars blast away Congress and fry President, Jack Nicholson . Unusually, Tom Jones sings.
ODEON MICHAEL (PG) Travolta loses more of his credibility he finally gained after Pulp Fiction by growing wings and a beer belly in th1s silly tale about an angel, with Andie MacDowell and William Hurt. RANSOM (15) Superior kidnapping tale with Mel Gibson. When his son is kidnapped Mel turns the tables on the baddies ...and wins. EXTREME MEASURES (15) Medical thriller starring Mr. Liz Hurley as a Doctor who discovers where all the city's
missing bodies have been stored. Lukewarm entertainment. FLY AWAY HOME (PG) Anna Paquin and Jeff Daniels save some geese when they help them. emigrate. They must be running out of storylines , cos this sounds a bit silly to me.
ALASKA (PG) Saturday March 1, 2.30pm When Dad crashes in the Alaskan mountains his two children plus a polar bearwho just happened to be in the area- go on a search. Gentle Ben on ice.
UEA STU D IO HONESTLY Thursday February 27 Presented by the HoiPolloi Theatre company. £3.50 ·£6.00
T HEATRE ROYAL SEC RET GARDE N Wednesday February 19 - Saturday February 22 Adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic ch ildren's tale. £3.£7.50
HARD TIME S Monday February 24 · Saturday March 1 Dickens' tale of repressed desire and unrequited love. Adapted for the stage by Dennis Saunders and directed by Sue Pomeroy. £3.£ 15
ANIMATION SPECIAL Wednesday February 19 A must for any Nick Park fans out there in this orgy of plasticine in the form of three Wallace and Gromit short films. Oscar winning good clean fun .
THE THREE MUSKETEERS Monday March 3 - Saturday March 8 Brian Glover stars in Phi\ Wood's comedy, owing a vague debt to Alexander Dumas' book of the same title. £3. £13.50
MICHAEL COLLINS (15) Thursday February 20- Saturday February 22, 5.45 & 8.15pm Just incase you missed it at the Union , another chance to see Neil Jordan's biopic of Michael Collins and Ireland at the beginning of this century.
JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH (U) Thursday February 20 Partly animated film of Roald Dahl's masterpiece. The tale of the first transatlantic trip in a Giant Peach , eat your heart out Branson.
DRAGONHEART (PG) Friday February 21- Saturday February 22, 2.30pm Sean Connery plays the last Dragon alive in this box office Summer smash which follows his adventures with soft hearted Dragon
THE WILD BUNCH (18) Friday February 21 Golden oldie Western of sorts. Gang of amiable crooks set out on their last job, this time for a freaky Mexican General, all does not go well.
IN LOVE AND WAR (15) The lovely Sandra Bullock stars as a WWI nurse who's bedside manner wins the heart of Chris O'Donnell.
JUBILEE (18) Tuesday February 25 Queen Elizabeth I is transported to the late twentieth century and is disgusted at what she sees England has become. Derek Jarman directs. ERASER (15) Wednesday February 26 When the witness protection scheme doesn't go according to plan Schwarzenegger sorts it out, this time for Vanessa Williams who also sings a little ditty for this unchallenging but watchable film. BRASSED OFF (15) Friday February 28 Like most of this country's coal mines, Grimethorpe Colliery is closed and all the men have left is their brass band. Pete Postlethwaite is superb as the ailing band conductor and Ewan MacGregor pops up to play the trumpet. BLOOD SIMPLE (15) Tuesday March 4 A Coen brothers classic and parent of Fargo. Topsy-turvy thriller with lots of twists , turns and blood. Bound to be skillfully directed, worth a look.
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NORWICH PLAYHOUSE EDUCATING RIT A Thursday February 20 · Saturday March 15 Peter Duguid directs Willy Russell 's play about education, seduction and middle·England. £3.50- £12.50 A JAGGED BOND Sunday February 23 A new writing workshop production by Roger Last, directed by Glyn Dilley. £5
MADDERMARKET THE WINTERS TALE Thursday February 27 - Saturday March 8 The Norwich Players present the perennial tale. £3.50 - £7.50
SEWELL BARN OLD TIMES Wednesday February 19 - Saturday February 22 Classic Pinter tale, toying with memory and desire , directed by David Spurling . £3.50 - £4
events VISITING WRITERS - UEA STUDIO Rose Tremain Wedensday February 19 Author of Restoration and Sacred Country, and a former teacher of the creative writing MA at UEA. £3.50 I £2
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BABYBIRD Wednesday March 5 Unique Steven Jones, back in Norwich, but this time playing a much bigger venue. Is he Gorgeous enough? £8 adv
Katherine Pierpoint Tuesday February 25 Truffle Beds, her first collection of poetry, was published in 1995. £3.50-£2 VISITING WRITERS- LECTURE THEATRE 1 Michele Roberts Tuesday February 4 A UEA writing fellow in 1992, Michele Roberts' Daughters of The House was short-listed for the Booker Prize in 1992, and won the W.H.Smith literary award the same year. £3.50 I £2
SAINSBURY CENTRE DEREK JARMAN - A PORTRAIT Wednesday February 19 - Sunday April 6 The disparate works of Jarman : artist, writer and film-maker. Free to UEA students
CASTLE MUSEUM POP ART Wednesday February 19 - Sunday April 6 The spirit of the 60s including works by Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein on loan from The Tate. £2.20 I £1 .50
THE WATERFRONT PETER GREEN + SPLINTER GROUP Thursday February 20 Near-legendary ex-Fieetwood Mac guitarist parades his new ensemble, as well as a dashing pair of sidebums. £12.50 NAVIGATOR+ VEL VIA+ ANGEL Tuesday February 2S Hotly-tipped UEA band play a rare Norwich gig to celebrate their recent Chart Show appearance. £3 door
UEA GERMAN DRAMA WEEK UEA LCR Wednesday February 19 Music event. Renft - Cult Berlin Band. UEA STUDIO Thursday February 20 Fruhlingserwachen by Frank Wedekind. UEA STUDIO Friday February 21 Die Neuen Leiden des Jungen W by Ulrich Plenzdorf.
UEA LCR REEF + NUMBER 1 CUP Sunday March 2 Are you ready to RAWK??!! Place Your Hands in the air for the masters of homegrown surf-rock. SOLD OUT. GENE+ SUPERNATURALS Tuesday March 4 Gene bounce back with a harder, raunchier sound. Just don't mention the Smi ... £9 adv
SHEER BLISS Saturdays Regular house night 9pm- 3am, £5
MONDAYS- STUDENT NIGHT lndie Hits 10pm - 2am SOp all night with cheap drinks
SUNDAY SERVICE Weekly Sunday house night 9pm - 2am, free entry all night GORGEOUS Friday February 28 Fortnightly Happy House night with resident DJ MCG . 9pm - 4am, £5 b4 11 pm I £6 after
THURSDAYS- GAY CLUB NIGHT 9pm - 2am free b4 10.30pm I £1 after
MONDA VS • STUDENT NIGHT 9pm-2am cheap drinks SOp with student ID I £3 otherwise WEDNESDA VS - STUDENT NIGHT 9pm - 2am cheap drinks SOp with student ID I £3 otherwise
SIDI BOU SAID Monday February 24 Yet another female-fronted band ... £4 I £3.50 adv
SATURDAYS- FURIOUS 9pm - 2am £4 b4 1Opm I £S after
DELGADOS Monday February 3 Absolutely tip-top Scottish band who get better and better by the year! £4 I £3.50 adv
WEDNESDAYS- ELEVATION Uplifting hard house, garage and techno, drum 'n' bass from outer space 10pm- 2am Free to Movement menbersl SOp otherwise
SATURDAYS- GAY CLUB NIGHT 9pm - 3am £3 b4 1Opm I £4 after
FRIDAYS- FAST TRAX 9pm - 2am £3 b4 1Opm I £4 after
ZOOM MONDA VS - HUB BA BUBBA I HOME GROWN Student Dance Night 1Opm - 2am £1.SO b4 11 pm I £2 after (with student ID) WEDNESDAY- KATISFACTION Alternative Night 1Opm -2am £1 b4 11 pm I £3 after
NORWICH GALLERY ONE NIGHT STANDS Wednesday February 19 - Saturday March 1 Eclectic mix of one-off, one-day events, including Ross Sinclair's 24 hour drum solo on Feb 21 .
9pm - 4am, £S b4 11 pm I £6 after
6111SS 61US9 619060 Manhattans 611541 Ritzy The Waterfront 611717 630760 Zoom ABC Cinema 613311 611047 Cinema Cit1 611903 Odeon 610917 Maddermarket Norwich Arts Centre 660351 Norwich Pia house Theatre Royal _ UEA Studio UEA Union Ents Norwich Gallery
630000 591171 505401 610561
UEA LCR CLUB RETRO Saturday February 22 The usual mayhem in the LCR, with the added bonus of Lucas' 60s Soul Band in The Hive £3.SO
CLUB RUMBLE Saturday March 1 The mighty Rumble's returns to 1997, with Randall, DJ Rap, Kane , Nicky Blackmarket and Scooby 9pm- 2am £7.50 SUI £8.SO adv
THE CHARLES & Dl EXPERIENCE Friday February 21 The Waterfront gets in on the act with its own retro night, serving us an night of unadulterated LATE LUNCH Friday February 28 Yet another all star line up heading on down to the Waterfront, including S-Express Mark Moore, plus special guests in the studio The Scream Team AKA Primal Scream 1Opm - 6am £TBC
MANHATTAN$ UPLIFT Wednesdays Happy House 1Opm - 2am Free entry CAMOUFLAGE Friday February 21 Fortnightly Drum 'n' Bass night with guest DJ Devious D
14 day listings in association with the Theatre Royal- (01603) 630000 for reservations Tickets always available from £3 or £4
MON 24TH FEB - SAT 1sT MARCH MATS: WED & SAT 2.30PM EVES 7.30PM TICKETS: £3.00- £15.00
SAT 22nd FEB plus LUCAS fl hi 60's soul band
plus Y.M.C.A Tribute band
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J~1:.\J1!JIJJ SUN 2ND MAR
PINTS £1.20
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••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICES QUOTED ARE THE
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DISCOUNT BOTTLES 19.30 £6.00adv