The event issue 074 28 05 1997

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uh-huh, hey y'all here's the last Event for this semester, and it rules! A magazine that'll stand up to scrutiny by anyone. Huh-huh, I said "screw"! Anyway, in between listening to crap Metallica albums and fr ying rats, I've found ti me to tell you what tit-bits are inside. Huh-huh, I said "tit"! Anyway, we've got teenyboppers Hanson (they suck), Tupac a nd Biggie (suck, but I sure wouldn't say it to their faces!), and ;j some other stuff that isn't ~==============~==========~--~~~~~, ~ all sucks. This is how you know what sucks and what doesn't:

~ (top banana) - this kicks ass

@)(average apple)- this rocks @)(bitter lemon)- this sucks

on offer this fortnight askf We have racked our brains, n the words of that classic D:Ream hit, Things can only get shifted through our immense Supergrass info pack and have better, and this issue our offers really are the bestest come up with these extremely testing quesaround! We have got hold of tions: some very exclusive I) What was the name of the band before US double CD releases of the brand new they became SUPERGRASS album Supergrassf - - - - - - - - - - 2) Richard Ill recently In lt For The Money. CD I comes complete enteres the charts at No. 2 but which o f their previous with all the wonderful tracks included in the UK commercial hit singkes reached the same positio nf release while CD2 includes nine extremely rare and very limited 3) What town do the band hail unreleased r---~~~~~--~~--~~----------, fromf tracks So what including an could be simacoustics plerf Just put version of ~--------=-------------~youra nswers Caught By on a postThe Fuzz. card, and hand them into the We amazingly also have a lbumn office, or post them into the composters and promo singles of Sun petition box in the Hive foyer. Hits The Sky to include in this very Good luck! tem pting package. So, what do I have to do to win all this top loot I here you


S unds Movies Dead guys TV&Radio



Arts Co ming Soon•••

Husic Editor: Mark Tobin Assistant Husic Editor: Stuart Dredge Screen Editor: Carolyn Boyd Assistant Screen Editor: Catherine Jones TV&Radio Editor: Amy Pierce Food Editor: Ashley Perks lnter@ctive Editor: Stuart Dredge Arts Editor: John Spacey Advertising Manager: Simon Mann Top Lasagne Chef: Em ma Newbery Contributing Writers: James Tapsfield, Paul Stokes, Kale D'este Hoare , Emma Lee, Toby Blakey, Darcy Hurford , Christian Miles, Chris Knight, Duncan Cowper, Andrew Davies, Lucas Psillakis, Lucie Russel , Amanda Akien, Kathy Perry

TlfE EVENT, WEDtfE$DAY, MAY 28, 1997

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What's thist A pop group where the oldest member is only 16t Young people today, I don't know... Ted Gustrader investigates


ow we'd be the last to blow our own trumpets, but we will concede that we've featured a whole range of people in this New Talent section. From hip-hop to indie, rock'n'roll to drum'n'bass, they've all been in, but none have been as unashamedly POP! as this week's pick Hanson. Yes, musical snobs, here is a band that simply demands you cast away your credibility in favour of what others are already calling "the most radiant, most soul-raising band on the planer. Welcome to Hanson-land .. . The facts- Hanson are three brothers aged 16 (lsaac), 13 (Taylor) and 11 (Zac) , sporting identical blond locks and toothsome grins the likes of which haven't been seen since the days of the Osmonds. Okay, so that alone is probably enough to leave most adults reaching for the sickbag, but check out Hanson's musical influences: Chuck Berry, Otis Redding, the Beach Boys - this is one teen group that certainly ain't 911 I You may have heard the debut single charming its way out of a radio near you. lt's called MmmBop, and believe us, it's going to be huge! it's the current American number one, and once in the charts here is destined to hang around for ages the No Mercy it's okay to like. Okay, so we'll be honest, it does sound like the Jackson Five, as long as we're talking classic stuff like ABC, I Want You Back and so on. See, we told you it was good! But for two very good reasons, Hanson aren't a contrived teenybopper group. One - they all play

honest, Davld Bowie today is a the man he once was. Poplike Hello Spaceboy are simply not up to scratch. We have to look back-

some 20 years in order to discover the standard against which all his material should be judged. L.ooeely basad around the tragic tale of a band who are eventually destroyed by the ego of their front man, Z1ggy Stardust Is the qulntes&ential Bowle album and ample justification of his claim to genius status. lt provideS 45 minutes (more, If you are lucky enough to get a CD with the bonus tracks) of eplphanal artistry; songs about hope. futility, rock and rol and... spacemen. And the end of the world. Hmm.... WeD, I'm sure Davld knows how 1t all fits In with the atoryllne. Mlck Ronson also contributes in Inspired fashion on lead guitar and atrtng arrangement. This Is one album no self respecting music lover should be wllhout. lncldentaDy, at the same time Bowie was wrttq tracks Hke Sla1man and Moonags O.Syebam he was hindered In American tours ~of a fear of flying. Artists are funny creaiLns... . - , . T.,.n.Jd

instruments, with lsaac on guitar, Taylor on keyboards and Zac (bless his little heart) banging the drums. Two - take a look at the producers of their debut LP, Middle of Nowhere. On one side you've got Stephen Lironi, known for working with Black Grape and Space. On the other, you've got the Dust Brothers, who you may know for their work with Beck and the Beastie Boys. The result is an album that blends euphoric pop, 70s soul, rock'n'roll and gospel to create a

compelling blend that will appeal to both young and old alike. So far the plaudits have been flooding in from sources as diverse as MTV, Smash Hits and even Melody Maker. America has already succumbed to Hanson's soulful spell, and Britain's next on the list. Okay, so they might not be the trendiest band on the planet, but even if it means furtively sneaking into your local Woolies to do it, buy the album. Believe us, it'll be worth the effort, even for this trio of sickly-sweet, angelic brats.

Dining out in style needn't break the bank. At Lloyd's restaurant, our ÂŁ10 three course menu is available for lunch 12-2pm and early evening dinner before 7 .30pm s\)ecia\itj\

66 London Street, Norwich NR2 lJT Telephone: (01603) 624978 THE EVENT! WED ESDAY, MAY 28,"1997


ct:eventJ Music for pleasuret Well, yes, but that's not all it's about. Paul Stokes and Stuart Dredge investigate how the music biz has been exercising its social conscience


cross Britain on May 17, pop stars were out doing their bit for charity. The National Missing Person's Helpline had organised a series of gigs under the banner ''Where Are You?" with acts such as Olive, Boy George and a whole host of DJs and • clubs taking part. it is (to paraphrase Tom Jones) not unusual to find the music industry dashing to the aid of charity. Often this manifests itself in dodgy compilation albums, although sometimes the results are simply excellent as Live Aid, Warchild's Help album , and the Big Issue's Foundations have shown. Whatever the results though, pop stars are ..._--'---'--- - - - - - - - 1 often willing to


take part. Why ? The cynic would argue that most pop stars get involved for one reason alone: for themselves. Like Harry Enfield's DJs Smashy and Nicey, 'doing a lot of work for charity' can be a convenient tool for helping one's self. But so many people in the music industry are involved with one charity or another - surely not all pop stars are aiding charities simply to get one up on their competition . So maybe then it's peer pressure forcing pop types to help. Peer pressUre and pop stars? Now that does seem an unlikely combination - Blur's Damon Albarn helping rescued cats "'cos Liam and Noel said so"? I DON'T TH INK SO. 1t would probably take an extreme effort to find people more self-opinionated and individualistic than your average pop star and so it's hard to imagine such people being at the mercy of peer pressure. So it appears in some quarters, that there is a genuine wish to 'help out'. For some the reasons are obvious; James Dean Bradfield of the Manic Street Preachers participation in the National Missing Person's Helpline event, is clearly prompted by personal experiences arising from the disappearance of Manic's Guitarist Richy. However for others the reasons are less clear-cut. We cou ld speculate why pop stars choose to aid charity. Perhaps there's an empathy between some pop stars and those in need which would explain why so many are prepared to help charities. Often bands are forced to endure wretched conditions at the beginning of their careers and are for a time in need themselves. Maybe this creates an understanding wh ich spurs

cean mfLe .,:atLt:e "A hundred thousand welcomes"

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10 real ales always available Probably the largest selection of Irish Whisk eys in the c ountry Great value m.eals - including our 'Taste of Ireland' m.enu Com.e and join us for good b eer, a great atm.o sp here and mighty " c raic"

stars on to help. Maybe it's simply that to help, all an artist has to do is just do what they do normally, and this therefore makes it possible for them to make a difference . Or it might just be because someone asked. For the charities themselves, it is easier to see why they use music. Clearly with a famous name on board a charity will gain a deal of publicity, though this is true of using any celebrity. By using music, charities not only gain a great deal of publicity, but they also gain a focus to their efforts, and create a lasting reminder of their cause. As Leanne Dickerson of the National Missing Person's Helpline explains, "it's fantastic , it's nationwide and it will reach young people all across the country." Indeed, when Warchild released the Help album which featured Oasis, Blur, The Stone Roses, Massive Attack, Paul Weller, and many others, it sold enough to be number one within a day. Not only did this raise a substantial amount of money for the charity, but it also awakened much of the nation's youth to the charity's aims. Warchild also benefitted from advantages unique to using music. The charity was able to achieve a great deal without having to resort to more traditional methods which often fall on deaf ears, and by the nature of the music industry, the record itself serves as a constant and lasting reminder of the charity and the problems it's try ing to address. The Big Issue have also chosen to use music as a means for raising awareness of the magazine , and the homeless problem. Music has been particularly useful for The Big Issue as it has allowed them to carry out important fundraising , without deviating from their philosophy of self-help and avoiding begging by putting together an album of well know electronic artists, "We want the album to sell on merit rather than just because it's for charity'' explains Big Issue fund raiser Rachel Stewart. The National Missing Person's Helpline has also found music a very useful tool in it's activities. The 'Where Are You?' not only raised money and awareness of the organisation but according to Leanne Dicker (the event coordinator): "We're hoping that after th e gigs, anyone who's ran away from home or is missing will decide to get in touch with their families again ." The centrepiece of the day was a gig at Brixton Academy in London, featuring the Charlatans, James Dean Bradfield and a few 'special guests' . Natu rally, The Event was there .. .

.•• and eflect

t's nine thi rty, and onstage a baboon-faced sweaty old man is playing something horrible. I'm surrounded by baying lads spilling thei r pints. And I'm busting fo r the loo. Just how did I end up at a Paul Weller gig?! But that comes later. Unfortunately I manage to miss the first two bands, Monaco and Smaller. it wasn't my fault: my patent meth od of finding the


venue (spot a lookalike of the main band's singer and follow) failed , leaving me marooned outside a dodgy Brixton pub. As I finally struggle in , I catch the last three songs of James Dean Bradfield's acoustic set, which is brave (he's unaccompanied) , cathartic and beautiful at the same time, even if he does dress 'mature' nowadays. The poignancy of his appearance at a Missing Persons benefit isn't lost on the crowd, and we respond with sincere applause . But then, on strides Wailer. Okay , so it's for charity, and a lot of people seem to get very excited, but I'm not one of them. What? You want a review? Well , it was business as usual: if you're a fan he was top, and if not he was a steaming pile of giraffe-droppings, and I make my way to the bar accordingly. Just as I'm finally getting served, Noel Gallagher walks on-stage. Bugger. Struggling back down to the front, we're serenaded with Half a World Away, before he walks off again. Short but sweet, although he does return later with a fizzing run-through of Shakermaker. it's scary that people are crying with joy, freaked out by the close proximity of their idol. Whatever, good on yer Noel! But the Charlatans are the main attraction fo r me, and they ce rtainly don't disappoint. Surprises? Not many, although they don't play The Only One I Know. Like many, I was underwhelmed at first when North Country Boy came out, but it's been growing ferociously ever since, and tonight it's simply immense. One To Another ignites a nearriot, as does Just When You 're Thinking Things Over, even with a slightly dodgy synth backing . Tim Burgess paces the stage talking gibberish between songs, Weller comes on fo r the final jam , and us fans are possessed by emotions of celebration , sadness, optimism and downright lifeth reatening hedonism. With Rob's Theme playi ng as th e band depart, there's a lump in the throat of everyone here. A great night, for the NMPH , the band, and especially for us fans.


Various Artists


Reviewer: Kate d'Este Hoare


O'Boarlre blmself 92 POTTERGATE, NORWICH (01603) 626627


, • lH~ EVEt{t WE.Q"~SDAY, ~AY 28, 1997

his is an album well worth buying, as being a double LP it's got twice as many tu nes to get your toes tapping as well as other tracks that are perfect for those mellow moments. it starts brilliantly with a remix of Radiohead's Talk Show Host, if you've seen Romeo and Juliet you'll recognise it instantly, but even if you haven't it's still wonderful! Other top tracks are provided by Underworld, Massive Attack, Bomb The Bass and Leftfield, while there are also appearances from Orbital, Fun-Da-Mental, DJ Crystal and Moody Boyz. Unfortunately there


are times where you need to hit the fast-forward button: System 7 and DJ Evolution feat. MC Teabag both deserved such a fate . Surely a bloke called MC Teabag can't expect to be taken seriously?! But overall this album has something for everyone. lt'd be great for any party where you want to drunkenly pretend to 'rave', and even better for that bit at the end where everyone's collapsed in a heap on the floor talking nonsense! Of course, as all profits are going to The Big Issue, it's also for a very worthwhile cause that needs your support!

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VARIOUS ARTISTS Still Searchin' Review er: T oby Blakey


n electronic soun.d for a freak~ space age, Still Searchm ' IS a collection of beats, rhythms, samples and deep, deep bass from both sides of America, with a couple of trac ks thrown in from Liverpool and Manchester to prove that all is not guitar-based up North. Alt hough lacking both creativity and imagination, th e old skool style has its charm, and a couple of tracks from San Francisco and Miami stand out with their injection of Cuban rhythms and a slice of fun k. 0 What's obvious from this ~ '<.. .> collection is that European dance music is streets ahead of the States creative ly, with the Americans reluctant to take any risks. Still Searchin ' is a novelty, mainly because it's a sound we don't hear any more over here. Its old-school techno makes the Chemical Bras seem majestically creative genii. But don't get me wrong- Still Searchin' is okay, provided it's played loud with a bass that you can hear for miles around.


JONNY LANG Lie To He Reviewer: Stu Dredge

eth Orton also deserved single of th e fortn ight, but there wasn't enough room in the box so She Calls Your Name had to settle for a close second. Orlon's haunting melodies, backed with acoustic guitar and strings make this a must buy. We love it, and you should too. If you don't it will always make a good mug coaster. Northern Uproar's Any Way You Look, on the other hand, is terrible. The words 'arse' and 'bunch of' spring to mind. What have we ever done to you? Why are we forced to endure your appalling cliched warblings? Please stop releasing records and go back to school where you belong. Fortunately some artists have other people's feelings in mind. Kristine was presumably so offended by her own music that she sabotaged her CD. Feel What You Want failed to function , almost destroying the CD player at the same time. More rubbish artists with a conscience, and less people are gonna get hurt! All was not lost as we chanced upon Ballroom, purveyors of quality guitar pop. Take lt never quite hits the spot, but it's not that far off. Indeed, if they were ice skaters they would only be one spin short of a triple axle. Also worth some praise is Orange from Vitro, an indie-dance crossover a la The Chemical Brothers. Again, not quite what it could have been, but it does point to good th ings to come, and with a very pretty picture of an orange on the front the CD can also be used as a cunning orange impersonator. Rather than an orange, Trials of Life from Kaleef is rather more like a goat: Hairy and bestial , it eats Pretenders songs which are then partially digested and spat out as tired run-of-the-mill rap . Regrettable. The final record in this weeks collection of musical tit-bits is Bad Idea by the A's. We agree absolutely: in the first place it was a bad idea to form the band. lt was a worse idea to write the song . But most disgraceful of all was the fact that they were actually given access to a studio to record it for public consu mption. You may be aware that we're not overly impressed by this piece of whine. Right that's it, the bar's shut, go on GET OFF MY LAND !!!!


ALBUM REVIEWS GENEVA Further Reviewer: Emma Lee y response to Geneva's first two singles was pretty lukewarm . If you'd asked me last week what I thought of them, I would 've answered "Well, they're all right I suppose." But this album is Geneva being far more than just all right - this is a really good record! What you get on Further is the theatricality of labelmates Suede with the sleazy bits taken out. Singer Andrew has a falsetto capable of shattering windows, and I bet that when he really lets rip he sings at a pitch that only dogs can hear! Stylistically, Geneva are re miniscent of fellow Cell rockers Big Country, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing (hon est!) . it's rock that your parents would approve of. .. Oh dear. .. I don't th ink I'm arguing the case for it very well. it's really hard for me to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes Further so appealing. Soaraway guitars and orchestral twiddlings make it highly emotive. Latest single Tranquiliser is the musical equivalent of the last five minutes of a feel -good movie whe re everything goes right and the ridiculously stunning lead couple fi nally cop off.I suppose this is whe re I have to make an obviou s pun on the album's title, but I'm not feeling particularly creative at the moment. So, lets leave it at this: THIS IS A GOOD RECORD - GO AND BU Y IT!



SATURDAY MAY 31 • 5¡6PM At gentleman's walk, opposite the market THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997

YELLO Pocket Universe Reviewer: Darcy Hurford




o you remember watching Heidi on TV during the summer holidays when you were little? lt used to be on in the mornings, and the combination of Alpine scenery and bad dubbing was almost irresistable. Plus, it had that great theme tune that went 'dah , dahdee-dah, dah-dah dah-dee' (sort of) . A shining example of Swiss culture eh?! Sadly however, Yello have consistently failed to live up to this high standard, despite having had 17 years worth of practice . Judging by Pocket Universe - yeah th at's right boys, rip off a Kraftwerk title to try to look clever - they're still happy to churn out more bad electronica, topped with let's-sound-deep-and-meaningful gravelly vocals. And occasional squiggly noises. This album is abysmal! Did you hear The Race when it ws their big hit back in 1988? Well imagine a whole album of that, an d you get the idea. The only re lief comes with forme r single To The Sea, which is bearable only because it's sung by Swedish singer Stina Nordenstam rather than Yello's Dieter Meier (wasn 't he in Home and Away?! - Ed. ) Before I ran screaming from the building , I also had time to notice that there was a collaboration with Carl Cox called Magnetic, and that the late Associates singer Billy MacKenzie eowrote some of the songs. None of wh ich makes Yello any better. An album of yodelling wou ld be preferable to this!

James Tapsfield & Klaus Estop

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Jungle :1 Jungle (PG) UK (1997) Dlr: John Pasquln Odeon -now showing

ummer, and a time for a tropical comedy from Disney. Tim Alien (Toy Story, The Santa Clause) plays Michael Cromwell, a loud, egocentric stockbroker living in New York. He wants to divorce Patricia, the w1fe who left him 13 years ago (not hard to see why) so that he can marry his new girlie, Charlotte. Only Patncia has emigrated to Venezuela, so Cromwell trots off to the South American jungle, only to discover, waheyl he has a son he's never known about. The son, Mimi-Siku (Sam Huntingdon) decides he wants to come to New York. As he's grown up in a hunting, fighting tribal community, Mimi-Siku doesn't exactly fit into the urban jungle that is the Big Apple. Crazy antics and cross-cultural embarrassment ensue, after which father and son realise how much they love each other, despite their differences. All of this sounds very schmaltzy. And it is. Jungle 2 Jungle is reasonably enjoyable and perfect light entertainment for the mormng after Retro when you're not quite awake. That's not to say there's noth~ng wrong with it- perhaps most noticeable of all was the idealised and patronising depiction of the South American natives (borrowed straight from Mlchael Jackson's Earth Song video by the look of them) and Mimi-Siku is cute to the point of nausea: but he does have a really cool sp1der. Arachnaphobe that I am, it has to be said that his poisonous, massive pet spider is the highlight of the film, emerging from 1ts basket at strategic points 1n the story to chase people, eat flies, and to save the day at the end, even if 11 does look suspiciously clockwork at times. Jungle 2 Jungle is fine Disney entertainment for the family. Best watched with small children and lots of popcorn.


veryone knows tough-guy Glint started off in Westerns; today he's a respectable director. The rugged-faced one's latest is Absolute Power, a thriller In which he eo-stars with pal Gene Hackman. Though pushing 70, his screen persona and magnetism remain undiminished.


ove him or loathe him Eastwood is good. In this, his latest offering, his haracter, Luther Witney is the usual Eastwood typecast: hard but intelligent on the outside, with a gooey, 90s-man centre: and he's a thief. The story is based around Luther's last burglary before 'relj!:ing' and the complications he runs into when he witnesses a murder at th hou he's robbing, perpetrated by the pre !dent o e USA himself, played by Gene Hackman. Glint plays cat and mouse with th au orities, in particular the corrupt seer service who are protecting the president, hich provirtes compelling viewing. In true Eastwood style, this includes a fair bit of action. but despite th best shooters and marksmen, Glint dodges the bullets, remaining unscathed. Don't let this turn you off - this film shows remarkable restraint on his part, a far cry from his- Dirty Harry do-youfeel-lucky-punk? days. The story unfolds to reveal the dysfunctional relationship between Witney and his daughter Kate, a district attorney. She inevitably becomes involved when she fall victim to FBI intimidation, designed to unnerve her father. The resulting closeness she I forced to have

with her father turns their relationship around, and the parallel storyline provides an interesting and more human side to an otherwise, rather formulaic character. He is the perfect anti-hero, torn between his own law-breaking habits, and his conscience, knowing all the time about the president's own crime. Now a renowned director, Eastwood doesn't let himself down with Absolute Power, bolstering h own alents with those of top actors Gene Hackman and Ed Harris. With his trademark ex rtise Hackman disappears into his character o paint a rather cynical portrait of a odern d< y tesman, probably a lot closer to the truth than one would like to believe. As Seth Frank, officer in charge of the investigation, Ed Harris giv s the kind of quality performance we've seen before in Apollo 13, The Rock and

Eye for an Eye. Absolute Power is definitely watchable even if you're not a die-hard E stwoodite. He doesn't have as big a hat as he had in The Unforgiven, and he doesn't have as big a gun as he did in the Dirty Harry films, but this is nevertheless a classic. In this ra of more multifaceted characters, ven Glint seems to have turned the Duncan Cowper


The early years: Poor boy Clinton Jr. was born on the 31st May 1930, in Oakland, near San Francisco in California and took just thirteen years to reach the impressive height of six foot. Today, at six foot four inches he stands as a giant among men.

The struggling actor years: After a few roles in 1950s cheapies, Eastwood became a regular on CBS's Rawhide and, defying reason, set off for Spain in the early 1960s to film a cheap Western with a virtually unknown director. His name was Sergio Leone, the film was A Fistful of Dollars, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Filmography highlights:: A Fistful of Dollars (1964, actor only) and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966), the first and third Leone projects. Blessed with Eastwood's immense presence, Morricone's haunting theme music, blood and gore, these are probably the greatest Spaghetti Westerns ever made. Dirty Harry (1971 , actor only) The brilliant Don Siegel cop movie, with Eastwood playing the vicious, eponymous anti-hero. Play Misty For Me(1971 , actor/director) Glint was a DJ stalked by a female admirer in his rather creepy directorial debut. Bird (1988, director only) Eastwood proved he could obtain powerful performances from his cast in this wonderful blopic of his own childhood jazz hero, Charlie 'Bird' Parker. Unforgiven(1992, actor/director) Was the revisionist Western to end all revisionist Westerns. mature and serious, it focused on guilt, redemption and the costs of violence.

Top of the world: , the end of term draws near and no doubt everyone's off on their hols. Particularly, all those off having a knees up in Cannes, lucky ducks. Everyone's curiosity was satisfied as mysterious The Fifth Element, Luc Besson's latest masterpiece opened the festival. Wonder why they didn't like it, especially as he's French. Speaking of Frenchmen, having made his $8 million budgeted Crying Freeman a success, Christophe Gans is turning his attention towards a possible prequel to •~:u. tJuu

Leagues Under the Sea, called Captain Lets hope he gets big enough budget to a submarine, I doubt work without one. Jennifer "Rachel" Aniston is making a second attempt at big-screen stardom. Picture Perfect should make it to this side of the pond before the end of the year, and tells the story of a girl who, with the aid of a magazine photo, makes up a fictional boyfriend to keep her male friends away. But then lo and behold, she meets the man himself (Kevin Bacon) and falls for him for real. Lucky Kev. Fellow Friend David Schwimmer's big-screen debut should also land on our doorsteps before long. With a storyline that is suspiciously similar to The Graduate, The Pallbearer is making people

wonder if any of the sexy six will have any success on the big screen. He's having another stab at it though. Based on a Stephen King novel, Apt Pupil sees him blackmailing a decrepit old Nazi War criminal into telling him about his past. And if you didn't get enough horror in the last issue of the Event, hold tight for Silence of The Lambs 2. lt begins shooting in January, with Anthony Hopkins returning to his staple diet of human flesh and Chianti. Turning to flesh of the plasticine variety, Wallis and Gromit are not to appear in Nick Park's first featurelength movie. Preferring to cast a couple of chicken's, Park and Peter Lord (eofounder of Bristol-based Aardman) are concentrating on the romance between the feathered twosome as they try to escape a harsh 1950's farmyard. There are no chickens to be found in the new Superman movie, however. Nicholas Cage Is the man in tights this time, as Tim Burton takes the helm. Superman Reborn also stars Sandra Bullock as the lovely Lois, and Jack Nicholson as Lex Luthor. If it were up to me, Dean Cain would be Superman forever, especially if he were to sweep me off for the hols. . :: ~ . ~- .... : ........


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Being named the biggest box office draw by the annual Quigley poll in 1972, 1973, 1983 and 1984 and finally getting his hand on an Oscar for directing Unforgiven.

The lowllghts: Being upstaged by Clyde the Orang-utan in Any Which Way But Loose and its eqully dubious sequel And reading the reviews for 1990's woefully dire The Rookie.

Sound bites: Glint is a man of few words, both in his films and in real life, but his cop movies gave him some choice chunks of juicy dialogue, such as, 'Go

Dsrcy Hurford

ahead, make my day', and 'A man's got to know his limitations'.

Interesting trivia: He used to be mayor of a little place called Carmel and he's musically gifted (his piano twinkling in 1993's In the Line of Fire is real). He also has his own restaurant- the dubiously named 'Hog's Breath Inn'. And in all Glint's Western's he's never killed an Indian.

Future plans: At 67, it's not unlikely that Eastwood'll hang up his gloves pretty soon- although that's what he lead us to believe way back in 1992 after he shot

Unforgiven. Lucas Pslllskls

eavis and Butt-head, you either love them or find them intensely annoying. You're sure to know them, two teenage hooligans dressed In Metallica and ACIDC T·shirts respectively, with an overwhelming desire to 'score'; with brains filled with thoughts of chicks and finding sexual innuendoes in everything (from the name Hollywood, yes, "wood" makes them laugh, through to "entertain us", from which they manage to Identify "anus"), resulting in the characteristic "heh, heh, heh" gurgle that encapsulates them so well. As you can imagine, the plot is particularly stupid and although held responsible for a major international crisis are totally blameless, or should that be brainless? I shall leave the entire plot for you to discover, suffice it to say that a shady bloke called Muddy pays them to "do" his wife. Naturally, they assume this is an invitation to score with her, rather than a request to have her murdered. Unaware of this misunderstanding, they embark on an hilarious jet plane journey to Las Vegas on which Beavis, seated next to a little old lady, freaks out as the plane takes off, downs a tub of caffeine tablets and anything else the poor woman has to offer. Now suitably drugged, Beavis goes berserk, shaking his head at speeds jets can only wish for, pulls his T·shirt over his head and cries ""!Y name is Don Cornholio, I need tepee forrrrr my bumhole!!" Butt-head and his partner in crime end up in the cock pit and yes, you can imagine the first thought that falls v~~~ul into their heads. The film is filled with classic moments, like Butt-head wandering into Chelsea Clinton's room; the hippy teacher getting the beating he deserves; the bugging next·door neighbour in jail for treasDn and Butt· Head thinking he's finally scored after a full cavity search from a female cop. This film had me laughing till I cried and insisting that I am the great Don Cornholio. See it, but leave your brain at borne. Lucie Russe/1 Beavis and Butthead Do America ( 12) USA (1997) Dir: Yvette Kaplan ABC - now showing

High School High ( 12) USA (1997) Dir: Hart Bochner Odeon - now showing

The Relic (I S) USA (1997) Dir: Peter Hyams Odeon - now showing

ake no mistake , the premise for The Relic is exceptionally silly. Here goes. A hybrid man/insecVIizard is shipped into the Chicago Natural History Museum from Brazil, and proceeds to dispatch people by decapitation , in orde r to obtain the human brains which it needs to survive . Add a generous measure of pseudoscience, and a pinch of tribal mysticism, an d we all believe every word ... don't we? Well , actually

no. The fil m's makers seem to be at pains to convince us that this cou ld really happen . They shouldn't have bothered . Nobody gives a toss about mixed up enzymes and abnormal DNA strands. All th e film really consists of is a huge monster which races around the creepy museum basement and scoffs people, and that is all it needs to be. You probably know by now if you'll enjoy or loathe this film. All the stock characters are here; the brilliant (and of course stunning) female scientist, Margo , played by Penelope Ann Miller. The hardbitten , no-nonsense cop (Tom Sizemore) , and a shedload of complex animatronics and comp uter graphics. All are serviceable, but seldom sensational. The creature itself is only glimpsed fleetingly in the dark at first, until you've all but given up trying to guess what it looks like. The lighting technician fo r The Relic must have had the world 's simplest job. Turn everything off, give everyone on the set a powerful torch , and voila, there 's yo ur scary atmosphere , just like Alien, just like the X· Files and just like anything Speilberg has ever made. I've seen it all before , you 've seen it all before. The plot, in which a group of people are trapped and at the mercy of an unstoppable creature, has been done time and again . The Relic doesn't add any particularly original slant to it, but it is no less fun than its predecessors. Just sit back and ignore the perforated plot, there's plenty of monster for everyone to Andrew Davies enjoy.


igh School High is a rather silly title for a film, but producer David Zucker (The Naked Gun) is well known for fi lms with silly titles and tons of humour, aimed in all directions, in the hope that some wi ll hit the target. Some of it usually does. This time, Zucker and company direct their friendly fire at Michelle Pfieffe r's Dangerous Minds, golden oldie Rebel Without a Cause and a whole host of other movies with attitude (usually the wrong one), in what they call an 'urban street comedy'. Jon Lovitz (City Slickers I~ plays the naive and clumsy teacher Richard Clark, whose own father doesn't respect him enough to give him an office above the basement. Richard is then accepted as a teacher at Marion Barry High , a ghetto hell-hole so tough it has its own cemetery. On his first day he has his car stolen , his leg chai ned to his desk and his lunchbox run over. But he h~pp i ly bumbles along in the belief that he can transform his class of losers into 'A' students. it's hard not to like Richa rd , despite his ineptitude, and you can' t help bu t to cheer him on as he ___..,..._ _

tries to get through to his low-life students while at , the same time, Jll woo Victoria • (Tia Carrere of • Wayne's World fame), the lovely administrative assistant who hates being called a secretary. With laughs aplenty, there's predictable slapstick and the obvious lampooning of films that usually deserve it. it's also hard not to wonder at the kind of movies Oscar winner Louise Fletcher (as the hard nosed Principal) finds herself in. High School High is no work of art. Still, as a pleasant way to kill just under two hours, High School High delivers enough laughs per minute to keep you chuckling until the end Lucas Psillakis credits are over.

THE KINGDOM (IS) Denmark ( 19~7) Dtr: Lars .V on Trier VIdeo • out t o buy emember Eldorado? Exciting was n't it? Well, about as exciting as The Kingdom anyway. Thing is, this isn't a dodgy British soap, it's allegedly Swedish, and the latest offering from Lars Von Trier, director of last year's success Breaking the Waves. Bemustngly enough, it's a four part drama-cum-horror serial in Danish, with subtitles. Thank God for the subtitles, unfortunately the translation somewhat loses its credibility with lines like "My little August Strindberg". Quite. Watching it is rather like watching a mixture of all your favourite TV programmes rolled into one. lt's like a Scandinavian Casualty without the ambulance sirens, or the X-fi/es without Mulder and Scully. The first instalment begins with scary Stephen King-esque opening credits, before switching immediately to a hospital, where we see one of the main characters, a decidedly unpleasant Swedish consultant, being decidedly unpleasant to his subordinates. Why? For admitting an elderly patient (and confirmed malingerer) into hospital for the umpteenth time. This patient, however, happens to be a clairvoyant who feels that something is wrong when she hears a child crying. Nothing unusual about that you might think, but these cries were coming from the lift shaft... As the plot moves on, things get stranger, and it becomes clear that something is rotten in the state of Denmark, or at least in its hospitals. Quite apart from the main storyllne, there are some other pre('!y disturoing scenes (the worst of which features the evil consultant abusing the mother of a patient whom e brain damaged during an operation) This episode doesn't escape the Scandinavlan obsession with death and depression. The medical students play with the corpses, one going as far as to sever a head and present it to a nurse as a "joke". Whoever wrote this series can't decide whether it should be a comedy or a serious documentary, whicn left us wondering whether V on Trier was actually pullin g our collective leg. Or maybe that's just a cultural difference. Nonetheless, it's interesting viewing and it wou ld be worth knowing how the story develops over the next three episodes (which we didn't see). If yo u like the combination o eerine~ and hospitals, you've got four hours to spare. or you re just a Danish student pretending to revise, well. yours is The Kingdom. Darcy Hurford & Amanda Aklen



:., . ·


If you've had too much sun, and fancy sitting back and soaking up a good movie instead of the UV rays, summer '97 Is the time to do lt. Carolyn Boyd checks out the max factor movies that are set to scorch cinema screens nationwide t's summer time once again and all the movie moguls are waiting to see who can scoop the biggest blockbuster of the season. Disaster, guns and explosions seem to be the flavour of the season, along With dinosaurs, beans and a few more sequels to be going along with. June sees the release of Grldlock'd, Tupac Shakur's posthumous contribution to the big screen. Featuring copious amounts of substance abuse, the story follows the antics of Spoon (Shakur) and Stretch (Tim {) · Roth), two jazz artists/junkies/thieves as they attempt to get on the straight and narrow. Cue much running from cops, several attempts to get into rehab courses and sitting around contemplating the mess that their lives are in. Despite the rather familiar Trainspotting-esque storyline, Tupac's sole


hushed up, all critics know is that there's a big search for a life-giving force, other than water, earth, air and fire, while aliens come after our water. Lets hope the mystery isn't a disappointment. · Yet another mystery to reach Blighty this summer is the dark and enigmatic Batman. George Clooney dons the cloak and mask this time around with newly recruited sidekicks Robin (Chris O'Donnell) and Batgir1 (Aiicia Silverstone). Tim Burton hands over the director's chair Joel Schumacher the result is a Adam West style adventure rather than the grim tales we'd used to. Gaped comes


contribution be a success. With a is promising to to cinema written script, this part dark-drama, part Uptro&rlol.J8 -comedy is a film that would've made Tupac a star for sure. Luc Besson's latest masterpiece seems to be the summer's best kept secret. With enclosed sets and far-flung locations. the making of The Fifth Element has managed to stay rather quiet especially as its a pretty massive project. Starring Bruce Willis, and Gary Oldman, this futuristic sci-fi adventure boasts costumes from Jean-Paul Gaultier and characters with names like Zorg and Zaltman Bleros. The plot, of course, is being

againstIvy Mr(Uma Poison pours herself into the rubber Catwoman outfit once more. 1t seems Mr O'Donnell has been busy of late, The Chamber sees him without the tights (or so it seems) defending Gene Hackman from being fried in the electric chair. Yet another courtroom drama to come from the John Grisham school of 'willthey-or-won't-they-convict-him'. The thing is, this guy probably deserves it, you see he's a bit of a racist, actually a lot of a racist, and it's up to Chris to prove he's really just a nice old man. Marvin's Room is promising to be just as cheerful. Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep and Diane Keaton star in this tale of good of' American families with a · dose of ill health thrown in to help it along. Adapted from the stage production, it-follows the turbulent relationship between two sisters who are forced to reunite when the eldest is diagnosed with leukaemia. Leonardo DiCaprio adds the teen element as the deliquent eldest son of Streep, who Is sent to a mental Institution for his bad behaviour. So despite some top perfonnances from all those involved In the movie, the fact they send the delectable DICaprio away could never work In Its favour. Those after another heart-throb, Brad Pitt, might be disappointed by hl8 latest offering, Devil'•

a aexy young lrtah


to his Patriot Games days as the New York cop. Although the drama might have you hooked, the whole Americans-trying-to-interpret-the-lrish element is somewhat misguided, as for their attempt to face the issue of terrorist action, some can't help thinking they shouldn't have bothered. ost people's money has to be on the Jurassic Park sequel being July's blockbuster. The Lost World is set to trample all over the original as a T-Rex would a cockroach. Jeff Goidbium returns to the island where the dinos were created under the instructions of the ever-hopeful Sir Richard Attenborough. Here, a group of businessmen are attempting to clone some of the bigger species to hunt for sport. Problem is, they manage to get out and about in mainland America. Much screaming and running from not-so-jolly green giants ensues as all hell lets loose across the great US of A. Anyone who doesn't fancy disaster and mayhem might want to check out One Rne Day. The only disaster here is that George Clooney gets together with Michelle Pfeiffer, sometimes life just isn't fair. Dubbed 'an old fashioned love story for the cellular age'. it follows a hectic day in which single parents, Jack and Melania, are forced to look after their kids when they fail to get on the school trip. This sends their respective careers into turmoi£ as they try and juggle their jobs while keeping an eye on their sprogs. And guess what... it all tums out to be one fine day. How nice. Speaking of 'nice'. if you're babysittlf!g someone's kiddie


Nonetheless, if you want a warm and fuzzy moment that'll last the rest of July, then check out the cute scene with the spaghetti bolognese. Will Smith's back, and is likely to be the star of this August's alien bashing movie as well as last year's. This time he's on the other side of the fence as he and Tommy Lee Jones try to Integrate the extra-terrestrials into human society in Men in Black. These guys, however, aren't gangly blobs of slime, but three inch beings that hide out in human shaped robots operating them from a seat behind the eye socket. Great special effects are promised, and it's set to be a must-see smash. Other treats in store Include the Speed sequel, in which Jason Patric replaces Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock escapes bombs, powerboats and nasty men (apart from Jason of course). Mr Bean gets his first feature-length movie, Bean, directed by Mel Smith, in which he manages to pull off dozens of gags without saying much at all. Yet another sequel is Alien: Resurrection, this time ifs a clone of Sigourney created from a sample of her blood who:S kicking ass. Trouble is, they've also accidentally cloned the nasty alien foetus she was carrying. So with the aid of Winona Ryder and special effects aplenty, Ripley's back in the alien slaughtering seat

seH this summer, Disney are re-releasIng The Lady and The TfStff). This Is

no cblt,ltan




the In a d evenCs echO those s~a death six months Mfflet. Slggle wa shot whilSt ln1he Jl&ll l'9"' _ . of hi~ label bole's car, a8 they....were leaVIng a party lil Loe · Angeles. A.s ¥lllh Tupac'a death, there ha¥8 been very




few witnesSes and'thenibe no convictiOn* to date. N. the time of hl$"daath 8lggle coast vera18 Weet Coatt Smalls was about to rellla&e tirade. ft va In thil year thellonlcally tilled ~-that T1m DOg'{a former' DfWh ~. ~UP.» member Ot1tie , ·s.· :V to ~ debut~-~ Die, U!fr~ MCS,IlQtrle which made him...b9thil_. · also to KoaJ Ksith; better milllonelre am. a~ known as--the lntergalactlc hip hop name amongst the rap community. · The fact that.ll9 tiiMfl of suck a prominent ...,...... could

occur so soon a11r 1he delltl of

T..,.c Shakur t . lead to li\evtlable criticisms of rap music and cuilure, and has provided yet more ammunition to hip hop's critics who claim-that Biggie e nd Tupac's llaylngs . . y:tl further evidence of the vloleflce whlctt 1he music manifests. The chlllWoman d U. National Political Congresa of Black Women, C Delores Tucker ~~,et that "Gangsta rap glorifies violence. ~atlly, ~alortoUs BIG died an untimelY ..._We ~ it wlleerve as a wake-up call to Mfyo~.• Allho~ certain quarters remain heaYIIy ~I that thl8 will be the fall out of e~ FhCiy there is the fact that the kiUirJI. Cl TLIPIIC d!l!lq'&_,_. wry kind of effect to the Tuelilfa wllhts, In fact there are a large, _pni)Wofpeopte who elrongly believe that ~



supremacist Or Octagon) released .,_ _ _ _ _......,_-=-~"' the watershed single FOornpton. "-linQie which was nothing men than a' long whine about haw Tim Dog was plaeed orr'&l lhe filet the Weat coaat w.e sellin~ more cecold8 . In a genre wHch New York ipawned. F- Comptc;IJl and the fonow up album Penicillin On '!fi!J)l. contalneid.llttte more than anti·NWA diatribes of 'JIWYing degrees of subtlety which Mre met with no response until Snoop'Doggy Oogg rapped: "Tim M·U·T, your bite wasn't vicious 1 And them rhymes you was kickin' was quite booty·liscious• on 1992's Ore Day. E\wl1hough the geography of the ¥1c:af sparring had broadened, the banter (and most saw it as no more than that) was still confined to the NCOI'd and as such was still perf8CIIy within the traditions of niP lnd hip hop culture; it was with the emergence of Tupac's



r----------.. .

1. There were never any pictures released of Tupac In the hospital... . 2. There are no suspects for the shooting... . 3. Tupac's alias is Makavell. Machlavelli was a 16th century Italian philosopher who advocated the staging of one's death In order to evade one's enemies and gain power... 4. The title of the new album by Makaveli (Tupac) is The 7 Day Theory. He was shot on September 7; and survived till the 13th. Hence the title The 7 Day Theory... 5. Tupac's album All Eyes on Me was released on February 13, 1996. Tupac "died" on September 13, 1996. The two dates are exactly seven months apart... 6. Tupac officially died at 4:03 PM. 4+3 = 7 Also he "died" at an age of 25 years. 2+5 = 7 lt seems as if seven is Tupac's number. .. 7. On the cover of The 7 Day Theory, there Is a picture of Tupac being crucified. This fits with the Idea that Tupac "died" so he could be reincarnated as Makavell. In th,e picture, there are five bullet holes. Interestingly, Tupac was "shot• five times... 8. In the first three seeonds of The 7 Day Theory, the words "Suge shot me" are apparently spoken very softly... 9. In most of his songs he talks about being buried, yet he was allegedly cremated the day after he 'died'...










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DOSH C4 Mondays weekly 8-8.30pm

osh! Money' L 11 Whatever yo. u o y! Wangal Loot! want to · . . preferably in lotte call lt we all need it, quantitieS so a p ry rollover-wmning ' rogramme telling us h it, save lt. and preferaobwlYto make avo1d ge ttw, mg locked up 'eause e ve had to steal it sounds go0 d ·However a ~otentially · cnngeworthy thing about this show is presenter Adam Fal'th He~ 0 Id , wrinkly and . desp~rately trying to disguise the fact that he's bald, while attempting to look cool at the same time. The blurb describes Dosh as being informative and fun.


Since when was b Nevertheless che~YI~gla second-hand car fun? 0 for house a great idea ave Kensington Pala~~ . m game, if I can so elegant and spaciou In exc~ange for my ever The fi~st episode talks :b~om m ~orfolk Terrace. and tnes to furnish a hou ut pension mis-selling budget (helpful if you' se on a shoe-string With regular features ~~egot a skmflint landlord}. (great successes and a . Wlnn~rs and Losers :rack (tips on how to n btec~ failures) and Inside JOin the scary real egollate a rise for when perceptive look at world, the show takes a you This episode also everyday problems. fighter who bought~~ets ~eville Brooks, a fireTesco's stores specia~ ~~tire stock of his nearest £300 profit in clubcard er cheese, making a The shows mott osareto po1nts. 1 bargain, ask for corn a ~ays look for a (and avoid} a rip-off ~nsallon and be able to spot this going to be worth ood ":'les to live by but is Well on th . watchmg? m , we could al ~ney. Still,e upside I don't know if I ways do With more Faith: however helpful the hcan cope with Adam penmless. s ow may be to the Amy Pierce


~wapJng ''!::~~re


week: Blukatlder hrough four se . 11th century tont~s, stretchmg from the of the Blackadd e earty 20th, the trava s took an invariably • downward spiral. From son. to an interminabl elng the king's younger royal butler in the Re y bankrupt Tudor lord a penod and an a gency , In the First w rlrmy captain o dWar vanous Edmunds fou~d themselves eternally thwarted. · partners in medioc 'ty Th etr we·e the Baldrick f n created a who! enew amlfy, who meantng to the term • unhyg · The popularity f . e~lc. was such that thoe name they could co~e.up wtth was "Sodoff • as '" Sod off Baldrick • Th' overrldin · ofe th B g preoccupation a e .a!~rlck family was the cqu1s1t1on of turnips Th loyalty of the family to· th e Blackadders was am . e Blackadder 11 when :z~n~, as witnessed in thing• at Blackadder'saldnck cut off his "little request.




There was mad Kin RI and the gormless P~n~~rd, giggling Queeme Lord Flasheart, relnca egent, and the famous Fla~heart in Blackadd:,ated as Captain Indispensable advice t "tGoes Forth, offering the · 0 real your 1 your bird G I . p ane like times a et nslde her five h ay and take her to eaven and back" . . Capta n Blackadd. The patnotic whole of that . er spent the h' senes trymg to ~o,rkt ~Is responsibilities and s Importantly t · going over the t rym~ to avoid Bald op, wh1le . nck occupied his time diSplaying an hitherto talent by making 't , untapped · ea wtth van~us bodily discharges and makmg custard with kitten' 's vomit ihou may also remember 'Bob' e woman. 'Bob' the w by reason occasions, and for some


:::o~~agged Flash~~:

Bl~ckadder realised th ~nly ~lasheart and half to Blackadder A at Bob was a bird So In anything better.' owan Atklnson Will neve; be JohnSpacey



• . .

. .

er@ dirf

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. .

1t·tt1t1l in Internet censorship shockl Tristan Roddis asks ...


"You gotta roll with it You gotta take your time You gotta say what you say Don 't let anybody get in your way"

the 18-year old owner of another of the targeted sites, formed the "Oasis Webmasters for Internet Freedom" pages. I got in touch and found out that he's been busy sending letters to the band themselves and their cretin ous management. He was also keen to stress that he . aloQg with most other webmasters, didn't hold the band members themselves responsible . So, who was then? Those faceless media giants at Sony, no doubt! Or perhaps not. On the 12th May, a second email was sent out by Ignition. As well as accusing fans of stealing from th e band, the letter let slip that Sony had nothing to do with the threats. Contrary to expectations, it seems that the monolithic Japanese company was being entirely cool about the situation, and it was the supposedly 'indie' Ignition who were getting ~ their knickers in a twist...

"Distribution of Oasis sound and video files, photographs, and lyrics without permission is unlawful. Webmasters are in danger of legal action if copyrighted material is not removed from their sites." Yes, the first statement comes from Oasis, those fun-loving Mancunians, while the second is, er, also attributed to them. In an emailed letter to over 150 unofficial Oasis websites back in April , the band's management company Ignition, invoking the name of the almighty Sony Music Corporation, threatened legal action against

"'"Y ''"''' ooe of


J C:J Ins

t: t! ~--: ~:j__ - - -_

them, giving page ~ designers. 30 days to comply With the1r I 1 ~ ~,! ~ demands. Presumably, they thought that this sort of thing would result in everybody concerned gettmg scared and packing up shop quietly. Instead it was the cue fo r a media shit·storm of unprecedented proportions: everyone from the NME to MTV ran the story, while mainstream newspapers, radio and TV around the world, including CNN , Reuters and the Beeb also picked up on Ignition's heavy-handed action. Meanwhile, back on the Internet, argument raged on newsgroups such as alt. music.oasis. Closer to home, Livewire station manager James Reed, who maintains the unofficial Oasisteria site set up a page about the situation . Simultaneously, across the Atlantic, Jack Martin,


w" '"""" ooofi,med

by Johnny Hopkins, the band's reviled Press . Off1cer, when he sa1d m an interview with the NME "I don't buy that idea that they're a 24-hour advert for the band at all .. . it's bootlegging ." But wait! Surely the man's got a point? Pop stars have to eat, too, you know. If all those dirty hackers out there are busy copying and distributing Oasis COs then this will affect the band's revenue! True enough, but the point is, that's not what's going on. The unofficial sites that publish entire audio and video files are very rare indeed. Plus, even if they were more widespread, which wou ld you rather have • some dodgy downloaded .wav file or a proper CD? Instead, Ignition's main gripe seems to be that people are copying images etc. from the official Oas1s site (http:l/ without

crediti ng them. This is about as stupid an argument as complaining that people are photocopying your press-releases and handing them out to strangers. The we bsites that are being attacked are not ru n by bootleggers. They're ru n as fanzines by dedicated supporters of the band, and are not profit· making in any way. Unofficial sites will , if any1hing, benefit Oasis and th eir record label rather than reducing sales. So there it is: Clueless manage-ment jumps feet-first into the community that is the Net. They succeed in alienating the group's most dedicated fans and then get left dealing with the negative publicity (it's probably no coincidence that the release date for the new album was announced in the middle of all of this). And there may be a plus side to all of this: I very much doubt Ignition will go to cou rt over the matter, and hopefully all the bad press that the affair has generated will make other corporate dimwits think twice before threatening litigation.


If politics is your bag, Scallywag is .the on-line magazine that isn't afraid to burst the bubble of errant MP's. Stuart Dredge talks to Editor Simon Regan

here's no doubt that politics is a dirty game. Bribery, incompetence , bizarre sexual goings-on , and that's just the average Cabinet meeting! But seriously, we like to think of Britain as a parliamentary democracy, where we participate fully in government, and whe re theoretically if MP's behave inappropriately they are accountable to us. lt is the role of th e mainstream media to bring such matters to our attention, but how much do they actually tell us?


Not much, according to Simon Regan, the editor of Scallywag magazine, which in its on line incarnation aims to print what is unpublishable even by the tabloids. lt used to be a printed magazine, but after a series of run-ins with the Conservative Party, was forced out of business, and hence onto the interne!. Perhaps its most infamous story was the alleged affair between two ex-Cabinet Ministers. Sounds inconceivable? Well, it never made the papers, as it would've undoubtedly resu lted in a libel action. Simon explains Scallywag's relation to the mainstream press thus: "Often we published a story th ey may even have given us themselves but had been frightened to use. They could then go to the accused and point


("paedophiles, terrorism, racism ... "), he is against it out to them and ask for a comment. " the sort of censorship that would stop him Many of Scallywag's stories might usually come publishing what he sees to be the unpalatable truth across as slightly loopy conspiracy th eories , if it about Britis~ politics. He's pessimistic about the weren't for the fact that they cause such panic current state of the mainstream media in Britain : within the authorities. A recent high-profile dispute "All newspapers these days are run almost with one Conservative MP cu lminated in a furious exlusively by accountants, and very high on their outburst at one of Simon Regan 's public lectures, list of priorities is to avoid all threats of libel. lt is where said MP was eventually physically removed often more prudent to simply ignore important from th e building! Such MP-baiting is su rely to be stories until like , say, Neil Hamilton, the evidence applauded, but how does Scallywag manage to becomes so overwhelming that everyone jumps on ruffle so many important feathers? the bandwagon all at once." "The printed word, in the UK at least, With all the stories outing gay is subject to more th an a dozen legal MP's, Scallywag has been restrictions , including libel, and thi s is accused of homophobia , and this often abused by the establishment to is an issue which Simon has censure articles which may criticize ANNOUNCING ..• strong views on . To tell the truth , them. We decided to work ou tside his personal views on these restrictions · to ignore them, homosexuality are , shall we say, whi ch we've done successfully." more traditional. However, he Well , successfully to a point, for maintains that Scallywag' s exposes after all, Scallywag is no longer on are attacking hypocrisy and the sale in the UK as a printed gap betwee n what MP's say and publication. However, the interne! what they do: offers great scope for editorial ''The main point about most of the freedom , not least in the fact that 100 or so Conservative MPs who Scallywag's website is now based were homosexual but never outed in the Netherlands. While he can was that they consistently stood on still be sued ("a libel's a libel a platform of fami ly values, honesty and integrity. wherever it's committed'') there's much less Yet those who were not taking brown envelopes chance of the authorities being able to suppress it, from Fayed, or sleeping with their secretaries or although recent moves have been made to make call girls, were invariably sleeping with each other'" intern'et censo rship a viable prospect, something We ll , th ere's nothing to stop homosexual MP's which wornes Simon standing for honesty and integrity! There is "The establishment has got verv used to however an argument that Scallywag's victims mforrrat1on repress1on, and thq '>Imply will not deserve to be condemned for practising in private allow the 'anarchy of the net to no on forever ' what they condemned in public (for example the l1dfed the British interne! serv1cn prov1der Demon refusal to lower the gay age of consent to 16). I" " r ertly facing legal aciion frol"l 'he same Wh1le Simon's v1ews must be taken warily, Cor ..,e-vdtlve 'IIIP mentioned earli~ hr carry ng Scallywag onllne s st•ll worth 1nvestigating at •s or.., part1c.ular article. While Simon bPI1eves t'1ere current address of are areas of the net that need regulation





oming to challenge the Pot Noodle is new snack-in-a-tin, Ready Rice, which comes in ring pull cans so no hassle with tin openers. They can be eaten hot or cold, but as it requires a dose of water to rehydrate the stuff we recommend eating hot only. I opened the Indian chicken with pineapple and spices. Ready in two minutes, it was OK as pre-cooked food, goes I'd give it 6/1 0. But how did other people fare? Resident Event vegetarian Stuart Dredge says: • Wowl A can of rice that doesn't even need cooking to be edible! Could this displace Pot Noodle as the instant snack of choice? Well, after a mouthful of it cold, emphatically not - I'd rather eat rancid socks!" What about heated up? "After a couple of minutes stirfrying, having added a little water, Ready Rice turns out to be a top snack - both tasty and quite filling. lt would be ideal on a camping trip. 7/10." Jane Kirby also tried a vegetarian flavour, Chinese stirfry. "I took this flavour home for my housemates to try, only to have them squeal in disgust as I opened the can and announced that I would be cooking dinner. After the solid mass was emptied into a microwavable dish, my friends suddenly lost interest, declaring that it smelled like cat food. A few minutes in the microwave saw little improvement, and the sample promptly went in the bin, to be replaced by a real stir-fry." Marks out of ten? "Two - if you're starving." But did you add any water? "Er, water?" Rob Lutyens tried Chicken Creole; "The first appearance of the rice did it no favours and I quickly abandoned any idea of eating it cold. Although two minutes and a bit of water later the pan held what resembled a perfectly normal looking rice meal. I was pushed to taste any of the chicken or ham in it although I had no problems eating a whole can. 5110." Some favours appear to be better than others. Which one will you prefer? The prices are £1.49 a tin for the meat recipes, and 99p for the rest. I suppose it gives a new meaning to the word Ashley Perks tinniest


.___....._.:;.....-I 2 large onions, finely chopped, 3 rashers bacon, cut into small pieces (optional), 1 large courgette sliced, I teaspoon mustard, ..,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, tsp ground nutmeg,

are courgettes and bacon (if using), and cook for two to three minutes. Mix in the mustard and flour, and cook for couple more minutes. Add the milk apd bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Simmer for 2 minutes . Take it off the heat; stir in the cheese, and leave to cool. Stir in the beaten egg, and pour into the pastry case. Bake for 30-40 mins at 200C/400F

Addatlonal recipes could Include spinach, sweetcorn or leeks. Pastry 40z Flour,





1 large tbsp flour, Yz pV300ml milk, 2oz/50g mature cheddar 1 egg, lightly beaten, seasoning. To make the pastry, Sieve the flour and salt into a bowl. Rub in the butter until the maxture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Gradually enough water, to form a soft dough. Roll out onto a lightly floured surface. Use the pastry to line a 9-inch flan tin.

Crudities Chop carrots, celery and cucumber into sticks and take them along to nibble with the followang dips:

Nutty Cream Cheese Concoction 8oz cream cheese, 2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tbs peanut butter, 4 oz cashew nuts, roasted and chopped, Stir all the ingredients together.

1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp yoghurt Bake the aubergines for about 15mins at 200C/400F until soft. When they are cool, scoop out the insides and mash. Max In the other ingredients and stir well.

Warm pitta bread slightly under the grill so that you can stuff them without breaking them, and fill with any combination you fancy. Here are some we enjoyed: - tuna and sweetcorn - ham, mustard and apple (or peanut butter) - salad and hummus - egg. cucumber and tomato - stilton, walnut and crystallised ginger

Strawberries and Cream Aubergine and Sesame Dip

To make the filling, Melt the butter in a medium sized , and the onions.

2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

Pltta Pockets


Flamboyant Flan


If you are planning a trip into mainland Europe for the holidays, or expect to be spending the next year over there, you might like to know a bit about the local food and drink. The Event brings a guide to some of the best bit of local culture that might be useful in introducing you to some of the best aspects of culinary culture

2 oz/50g butter,

Pack up your troubles ••. or better, pack up your basket and follow In the paths of great picnickers before you, Into the hills and pastures of sunny England (or France, or Spain or wherever you are that happens to be endowed with sunshine this summer) Welcome to Emms Newbery's Perfect Picnic Package.



2 Aubergines 1 small onion, finely chopped 2 crushed cloves

Strawberries have to be the most simple yet delicious pudding to eat on your picnic. Don't forget to take some caster and cream! t I t t 4

he Finnesko and Fi (fo rly The Reindeer) on Dereham Road Is under new anagement. For the first time, the pub is Sunday roast (beef r chicken W~h offering Yorkshire pudding and numerous vege abl for just £2.95 on production of Stud nt ID. A vegetariaJ} alterna e is also avai able. This was ubstantial, no-nonsense British roast. Washed down with a coup e o pints of one of the excellent house beers (call~d Finnesk , "SUrprisingly) the meal was a pleasant introduction to a warm Sunday afternoon in the garden nursing a few more beers. The new management has also Introduced a Sony Piaystation projected onto a gian screen and free 1 to use. Competitions will includ prizes such as a day with the brewer making a Guest Beer, which will then carry the winner's name or a l"(lOnt . There is lso a large function r6'0 upstairs available free to student organis ons clubs and societies might like to check it out for entertaining evenings. The new management is keen to be as helpful to the student community as possible, and is open to Ideas. The pub is BIG, so there shou d be plenty of room to gather on a Sunday for a traditional meal at a reasonable price.


Think No Ev il Of Us N o rwich Pl ayhouse May 11-14

hink of Kenneth Williams and what comes to mind? Carry On films, Willo the Wisp and extreme camp. Wildly flared nostrils, perhaps. At first glance this may not seem the most fertile subject matter for almost two hou rs of one man show. Think No Evil of Us, however, presents a provocative and intriguing picture of Williams; fearlessly exposing the less attractive aspects of his personality while still finally inviting us to conclude that they could never lead us to dislike him. David Benson' s mimicry is excellent, capturing Williams· nasal tones and effeminate manner to perfection. lt is backed with flowing prose and a deftly structured script that keeps the audience interested and involved throughout. The show does not attempt to be


biographical: instead Benson tries to evoke the spirit of the man. To start with we are offered Williams as a talented and charismatic performer. Seeing him after the performance, it becomes clear that he is also an unhappy man, pained by a chronic bowel disorder and with an extremely pessimistic view of the world. Following a long soliloquy in which he discusses death and suicide - "That would show them!" - Benson comes out of character and, in a scene where he confronts Williams, points out that most of his gripes and grievances are unfounded: "Sometimes it seems to me that you just like to be unhappy." The spirit of Williams vanishes, apparently in a huff, and Benson is left to intertwine elements of his own life with those of Williams·. Their only actual connection is that Williams once read a story written by Benson , aged thirteen, on Jackanory, but nevertheless Benson' s observations are engaging and often very amusing. When Williams reappears , talking incessantly as was his wont, and more than a little innebriated, it is for his own death . Think No Evil of Us is a show that works extrmely well because of David Benson' s exceptional talents as a mimic, an actor and as a comic. Only three props are used: a chair, a tweed jacket, and a walking stick. He is as astonishingly frank about his own life and problems as he is about Williams', and this honesty, together with his indubitable affection for Williams as a man, successfully involves the audience in the proceedings. One man shows are always going to be hit and miss: stripping away everything but the bare essentials can often leave failings plainly exposed. This was very definitely on target: a James Tapsfield major success.

alain de botton

HOW PROUST CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE o you have trouble making friends? Are you unlucky in love? Or perhaps you need advice on choosing a good doctor? Whatever your problem, Marcel Proust, French writer and author of the twentieth century classic In Search of Lost Time, has an answer. Well, according to de Botton he did. This book is an attempt to explain the ideas of Proust to a wider audience, who have generally been put off by the enormity of the task: In Search of Lost Time comprises seven volumes, is over a million words long , and contains sentences that stretch as far as 44 lines. This book, however, largely succeeds in winning over its audience. As well as covering the philosophical aspect of Proust's book, de Botton also details the truly bizarre life of the man himself. Proust apparently divided his life between manic socialising and lying in bed feeling rough (sounds strangely familiar) , but he did have a valid excuse, being a virtual invalid who died at the age of 51 . He was deeply attached to his mother, whom he lived with until her death. His father was an eminent doctor of the time, responsible for such worthy publications as Elements of Hygiene (an

,)11~ ~ ,._

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DE BOTTON Prous/ can eh


advice book for teenage girls) and the classic Saturnism as Observed in Workers Involved in the Making of Electric Batteries. Clearly, having a hard act to follow, the young Marcel would suffer from a life-long inferiority complex. This is the perfect book for anyone wishing to affect a knowledge of one of this century's most elusive writers. Whether Proust can actually chan ge your life is debatable, but this certainly contains ideas to get you thin king, and the author is not afraid to laugh at his subject. Tres bien. Darcy Hurford

J 28, 1997 ·

've tried 1ce skating a couple of times in my life, and both occasions were spent gingerly holding onto the handrail as I edged my way slowly round the rink wh1ie wayward 5 year olds sped past me like Olympic athletes w1th an urgent need to get to the toilet. Therefore I have a great degree of admiration for people who. having skated since they were out of nappies, can spend the best part of three hours skating with extreme grace and speed and not end up Cla shing into each other and making prats of themselves. Carmen (the opera) was written in the 1870s, with music by Georges Bizet. The story follows the adventures of the gypsy g1rl Carmen, who fa!ls in love with soldier Don Jose after he has a bit of a brag about his latest arrests. After a fight in the local square between the sold1ers and some brigands, one of whom happens to be Carmen's brother, Don Jose is ordered to arrest Carmen: when he refuses. he is sliipped of his

rank and sent to jail. On his release Carmen is wailing for h1m but is then wooed by the bullfighter Escamillo, and soon loses all Interest in Don Jose. lt all ends with the enraged, jealous Don Jose stabbing Carmen to death ou side the bullring JUSt as Escamillo is about to perform in front of an ad6nng crowd. Despite the fact nobody said or sang anything I d1dn't need to know the story to understand what was go1ng on. Most of the time the skatmg itself was su fficiently expressive to convey the plot, particularly on the part of the three leads, who managed to express both hate and love while shooting across a portable ice rnk With an impressive cast of extras. includmg many international athletes, this was a surprisingly entertaining production which kept the spirit of the original story while mterpreting it in a novel and also surprisingly entertaining manner. John Spacey

May 11 - God Alone knows

Three and a half hours, three and a half bloody hours of under-scripted, disjointed and plain boring dialogue. These people should have stuck to acting, as their script writing is not impressive. Shambhala is an area in Russia, where in 1993 a group of archaeologists unearthed a 2400 year old woman, preserved almost perfectly in ice. This rather gruesome discovery revealed the lavish burial of a woman who had once been a story teller. From this idea a complex play was developed, charting stories of the ice maiden's life, the Russian political climate, old folk tales and the lives of the archaeologists.As far as the play is concerned, this was were the problem began: the different threads of the play remained separate, never creating a focus for the whole play to rest on. There were some redeeming features: fi rstly the set design was excellent, (use of the stage trapdoor as the burial chamber was effective) the props were well used and the lighting was atmospheric. Technically the performance was well made.The acting also showed some promise. Siba, the storyteller was elegantly portrayed by Katherine Rose, Victor the die-hard communist was suitably cynical and Thomas Fell as Oleg the cook/mechanic provided some comic interludes. A special mention should go to Toni Brown as Umai who was just great. One of the most successful scenes was the dramatisation of one of Siba's stories using puppets, a creative idea that was used to full effect. Similarly the physical theatre was impressive but often poorly used.The play's biggest problem was that it was far too long, and after a while you simply didn't care anymore. The script was never well-written enough to be interesting and acting, though showing some promise, was ultimately ineffective. The cast, having proven their ability in previous plays, were not well served by their material. This was a disaster best Amy Pierce forgotten .

.... Still running at the Theatre Royal is at the National Ballet Theatre's version of Dracula, with fangs, capes, vampires, no doubt a little bit of (fake) blood and Keanu Reeves nowhere in sight. Take your garlic and crucifixes, just in case Keanu Reeves and other children of the night do decide to turn up. Last performance is Saturday 31 . For two days, starting on Sun 1, the "unique" and squeaky-voiced" comedian Joe Pasquale regales Norwich with a brand new set.. .... Then on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 David Essex, premier not too young bloke, pops along and warbles a few songs for the benefit of all and sundry. For one night only, on June 5, top comedian Jo Brand brings a brand new set, probably involving a few jokes about how men are rubbish and generally a bit pointless. Well, she's entitled to her opinion. Get your tickets, like, yesterday if possible. On Friday June 6, the Drifters (who are even more chronologically challenged than David Essex) pop along to tinkle the ivories, even managing to wheel out the original lead singer. They've sold 50 million records apparently. Finally from the 9th of June the Broadway musical 42nd Street plays for six nights, with a bunch of wowfabgroovy tunes you'll know once you get inside, including the fantastic We're In the Money. .... The King of Hearts' Visiting Writers continue with Adrian Mitchell, author of Love Songs of World War Three and Blue Coffee, on May 30th , and Carol Rumens, author of Best China Sky and Thinking of Skins, is reading on June 13 . .... At the Norwich Arts Centre Broads and Rivers is a major new photographic exhibition of lots of broads and rivers in Norfolk and Suffolk. at the Castle Museum the exhibitions of work by 18th centuery Englishman Thomas

' r.~n-e"""'!!F!"'o_r_t!"!h-e-'!!!!!R-o-a""!d!'l This has to be one of the most entertaining of stage comedies: hardly 0 Maddermarket surprising as it's written by Willy Russell, who brought us Shirley Valentine May _ and Educating Rita. 11 3 1 ..__.._ _ _ _ __. This is a wonderfully observant play about middle class suburbia where Tupperware rules, John Denver is God and wife-swapping is common practice. The play tells the story of Dennis Cain (Ged Bailes) on the eve of his 35th birthday. Dennis, imprisoned in phase two of a housing estate where neighbours dwell on idle chit-chat, can only be a warning to us all. The warning being not to become a victim of superficial middle class life which is so socially acceptable. One can only sympathise with the confines of his monotonous middle class existence, and Dennis I longs to revert back to his previous life style of hitch-hiking. Needless to say that Dennis reaches breaking point when stuffy next door neighbours Roger (John Holden) and Jane (Kate Honeyman) turn up to his birthday dinner. lt would have helped if they hadn't given him presents which epitomised the way of life he hates. Between giving directions over the phone to his parents who are coming to the party but are lost in a maze of identical bungalows on the housing estate, and attempting to keep his vandalising aerosols well hidden, Dennis attempts to pack his ancient rucksack and go ... With a strong cast, a gripping storyline and an observant analysis of the aspiring middle class where everything is not what it seems, One for the Road is an absolute must. Amanda Akien

espite name - were letters rationed? - B is definitely not a magazine on bee-keeping. The first issue comes complete with a summer glamour guide. What more could a girl want? Well, after flicking through advertisements for Boots and Body Shop you will discover a few vouchers, enough in fact to make a noticeable difference to your Tesco's bill. Well, moving on from the freebies , what about the magazine itself - the "brighter and better woman's magazine", or so they claim, isn't a bad read itself. There's loads of gripping stories about arranged Asian weddings and a guy who inadvertently modelled for Spanish condom packets, which is certainly one way to get popular. There's also the latest summer fashions, with the most glamorous make-up and the most seductive fragrances, which will make you wish you still had your student loan left. If you get bored with consumerism there's always a multiple choice test you can do to see if you love life habits need breaking: it beats answering an exam anyday. No magazine would be complete without the problem page, or the horoscopes. On top of that there's reader's true confessions which make an


wonder how much they get paid to write these? Bis a lad more upmarket than 19 or More, containing r~e~ckip:e;s-------..!!![1 with how to impress your new guy (without the use of pasta or Waveney Terrace kitchens) and an in depth travel feature : Turkey vs Benidorm, the holidays of the century. This is probably the perfect read for a summer's day so you may as well splash out on a copy now. Furthermore it's great to read a magazine without the presence of the Spice Girls, though there's nothing to guarantee that they won't crop up in later editions. So take a look at B, after all it's the magazine you've been waiting for- apparently. Amanda Akien





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28, 1997


fil m s AB C TURBULENCE(18) Dangerous frolics on a chartered airline, buckle up. -

HIGH SCHOOL HIGH(12) From the makers of Naked Gun comes a film of the same ilk, this time set in a run down high school. THE FIFTH ELEMENT(15) Bruce Willis' most expensive film yet opening in Cannes to bad reviews . Expect lots of sci-fi , aliens and explosions. THE DEVIL'S OWN(15) Harrison Ford is an American-Irish cop caught up in IRA terrorism when he lets compatriot Brad Pitt into his home. PRIVATE PARTS(18) Dark comedy with a self explanatory title.


STAR WARS(U) RETU RN OF THE JEDI (PG) The saga continues ...

ODE ON JUNGLE 2 JUNGLE(PG) Disney's summer contribution stars Tim Alien in New York with his long lost son from the Amazon. THE RELIC(15) We follow the frolics of cop and biochemist as they track down the prehistoric monster under their natural history museum. SPACE JAM(PG) Michael Jordan collaborates with Bugs Bunny in another basketball movie . Oh , and R. Kelly believes he can fly, apparently. RETURN OF THE JEDI(PG) The second in the famous Star Wars trilogy. Watch out for Luke's impressive prosthetic after his meeting with Darth. DONNIE BRASC0(18) The story of undercover cop Joe Pistone who blew th e lid off the Mob in New York in the early seventies. ABSOLUTE POWER(15) Glint Eastwood stars in directs in this tale of corruption and power at the top of the greasy pole that is US politics.

CON AIR (15) When the worst criminals in North America sabotage a plane it's up to one man to save the situation . Starring John Malkovitch , Nicholas Cage and John Cusack.

CINEMA CITY THE ENGLISH PATIENT(15) Monday, May 26- Thursday, May 29, 5.00 & 8.00pm Based on Michael Ondaatje's novel , the film uncovers the mysterious past of a burnt Hungarian Count.Take lots of tissues ...its a weepy! THE CRUC IBLE(12) Monday, June 2- Wednesday, June 4, 5.45pm & Thursday, June 5- Saturday June, 7, 8.15pm Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder bring Arthur Miller's excellent play of witchcraft and corruption to life. SHINE(12) Monday, June 9- Wednesday, June 11 , 5.45pm & Thursday, June 12- Saturday, June 14, 5.45pm Jeffrey Rush stars as David Healthcott in this biopic of the Australian pianist COLD COMFORT FARM(PG) Thursday, June 12- Saturday, June 14, 5.45pm Find out if there really is something nasty in the woodshed.

UNION FILMS THAT THING YOU D0(15) Thursday, May 29 Entertaining story of one hit wonders, ironically called The Wonders, starring Tom Hanks and Liv Tyler. You won't be able to stop yourself from singing along.

BREAKING THE WAVES(18) Tuesday, June 10 Newcomer Emily Watson plays Bess, living in a small Scottish island community who fulfils a peculiar request on behalf of her bedridden husband . MARS ATTAC KS!(12) Thursday, June 12 Tim Burton's tribute to the B-movie is an hilarious mix of Tom Jones, alien invasions and decapitations. HAMLET(15) Friday, June 13 That's Shakespeare's Hamlet, set in Elsinore and starring Kenneth Branagh .



THEATRE ROYAL DRACULA Wednesday May 28- Saturday May 31 Stoker's gothic romance continues its run , in a version by the Northern Ballet Theatre. £4-£20

THE PREACHER'S WIFE(15) Friday, May 30 Gushy sentimentality from Wh itney Houston as she gospel sings her way through two hours starring Denzel Washington as the handy angel,

JOE PASQUALE Sunday June 1 - Monday June 2 (Matinee Sunday 4.30pm) The return of the squeaky-voiced comic. Oh joy, oh rapture . £3.50 - £12.50

CARLA'S SONG(15) Tuesday, June 3 Robe rt Carlyle is a Glasgow bus driver who's life changes forever when he falls in love with a mysterious South American girl with a tragic past.

DAVID ESSEX IN CONCERT Tuesday June 3 - Wednesday June 4 Singer/actor bloke comes to Norwich. Wahey.

SHINE(15) Thursday, June 5 Won Jeffrey Rush an Oscar for his portrayal of Australian pianist David Healthcott in this superb biopic.Sir John Geilgud and Lynn Redgrave also star. NIKITA(18)fTHE USUAL SUSPECTS(18) Friday, June 6 A double whammy of mystery and suspense in the form of two thrillers, one with a twist in its tale , the other in French.

JO BRAND Thursday June 5 Rotund comic returns to Norwich with a brand new set. Probably about how crap blokes are. £3.50- £12.50 THE DRIFTERS Friday June 6 All the hits from a group which has sold over 50 million records world-wide. £3.50 - £11 .50

ADRIAN MITCHELL Friday May 30 Readings from the author of Love Songs of World War Three . £2 ROSS WINTERS AND MARK MOORHOUSE Thursday June 12 Works be Handel and Telemann. £1 .50 GERHARD - TAPESTRIES Thursday June 12 - Friday June 13 Part of the Exploring Norway season. FREE CAROL RUMENS Friday June 13 The author of Best China Sky comes to Norwich. £2

NORWICH GALLERY IMPRINT 93 Wednesday May 28 - Saturday June 7 Supported by the Eastern Arts Board. FREE

NORWICH' ARTS CENTRE BROADS AND RIVERS Wednesday May 28- Friday 13 June The, er, broads and rivers of Norfolk and Suffolk are the subject of a photographic exhibition by George Christopher Davies. · FREE


THE HEATHER MACMILLAN DANCE SCHOOL Saturday June 7 A combination of superb routines and choreography. £3-£8 42ND STREET Monday June 9- Friday June 13 (Matinee Wednesday 2.30pm) We're In the Money and other famous songs featu re in thi s well known musical. £3.50-£16

events SAINSBURY CENTRE DISEMBODIED - the 1997 Museology MA Exhibition Tuesday June 3 - Friday June 6 This year's exhibition by students takes the body as its theme. £1

KING OF HEARTS OPEN STUDIO TASTER EXH IBITION Wednesday May 28- Friday June 13 Works by artists participating in the Open Studios scheme. FREE

Wednesday May 28- Friday June 13 The works of an eighteenth century painter. On tour from the National Gallery. £1.50

EDVARD MUNCH Wednesday May 28 - Friday June 13 Munch's master work The Sick Child will be on display, along with a selection of prints. £1 .50

LCR FASHION SHOW Wednesday May 4 - Thursday May 5 UEA's budding models, performers and dancers strut their stuff.Then its your turn at the LCR afterwards. £2. 50-£5 GRADUATION BALL Friday July 4 Graduating? Get on down , strut your stuff, get really drunk and say goodbye to your mates. Great stuff. £25

CAIST'E R HALL THE MASQUERADE Saturday June 7 The rival to the Law Ball , lots of things going on: Pimms on the Lawn, a barbecue, bands,DJ's, games, generally lots of tun. Don't forget your mask! £25

·(~ \ ~

SYMPOSIUM Thursday June S 'The Best Live Band in Britain' apparently, apart from Waiter Trout of course ... £S WALTER TROUT+ BLUE YOSHI Sunday June 8 Old man. Sweaty. Beard. Vote with your feet. £8

RT. ·C N E


MARTIN TAYLOR Thursday May 22 This is a genuine show from a top Jazz musician, although if you fancy a boogie it's not for you as the performance is seated. £7.SO I £8.SO

A LAW BALL The established Ball, lots of things going on, bands, games, generally lots of fun. £321£42


SUNDANCE 97 Tuesday May 31 A whole festival on your doorstep! Headlining Space, and also featuring Apollofourforty, Sneaker Pimps and Audioweb. £1S

CAMOUFLAGE Friday May 23 Fortnightly drum 'n' bass night with resident DJ Devious D 9pm-4am £S b4 11 pm I £6 after

SUPER FURRY ANIMALS + TOKYU Sunday June 1 Howard Marks' fave band roll into town touting heavenly melodies mixed with Welsh insanity. £7 GENEVA Wednesday June 4 Not Swiss actually. £S

THURSDA VS - GAY CLUB NIGHT 9pm-2am free b4 10.30pm I £1 after SATURDAYS- GAY CLUB NIGHT 9pm-3am £3 b4 10pm I £4 after

WEDNESDA VS • STUDENT NIGHT 9pm-.2am SOp with student ID I £3 without FRIDAYS· FAST TRACK 9pm-2am £3 b4 1Opm I £4 after

MONDA VS • HUBBA BUBBA Student Dance Night 1Opm-2am £1.SO b4 11 pm I £2 after (with student ID) WEDNESDAY • STUDENT NIGHT 1Opm-2am £1 b4 11 pm I £3 after

WEDNESDAYS· ELEVATION Uplifting hard house, garage and techno, drum'n' bass from outer space. 1Opm-2am Free to Movement member I SOp otherwise.

TRADE ON TOUR Friday June 6 Club Fatboy DJs dish funky beats in the studio, while Malcom Duffy and Stave Thomas bring a new sensation to your ears. MELTDOWN Saturday June 7 The usual funky beat to strut your stuff to. £31 £3.SO'

UPLIFT Wednesdays Happy House 1Opm - 2am Free entry GORGEOUS Friday May 30 Fortnightly Happy House with resident DJ 9am-4am £S b4 11 pm I £6 after


MONDAVS • STUDENT NIGHT 9pm-2am SOp with student ID I £3 without

FIRST OUT Tuesday May 3 DJ Steve Clark provides trash and trade in this hopping gay club night. £2.SO I £3

SALAD Thursday May 29 What? They're still going?! Yeah, like we're going to lap up what's basically a crap Sleeper... £S


GORGEOUS Friday May 16 Fortnightly Happy House with resident DJ 9pm-4am £S b4 11 pm I £6 after

MONDAY· STUDENT NIGHT India hits 10pm-2am SOp all night w1th cheap drinks

SINEAD O'CONNOR Friday June 6 . The controversial Irish artiste arrives at UEA for a one off show before she hits the States. £9 adv


SUNDAY SERVICE Weekly Sunday House night 9pm-2am. Free

RAG BEERFEST Tuesday June 3 Try all the funniest named beers you can think of, all courtesy of Rag its all in a good cause. What better reason to drink?



UPLIFT Wednesdays Happy House 1Opm-2am Free entry

SATURDAYS· LOVE BOMB BABY Pumping house and garage 10pm-3am £6


SHEER BLISS Saturdays Regular House night 9pm-3am. £S

KARAOKE Tuesday May 27 Warble your heat out to all your old favourites like I Will Survive and Help, in the comfort of your very own Union House.

MELTDOWN Saturday May 31 DJ Paul Fayers mixes his trendy blend of India, Britpop and Alternative Dance. £31 £3.SO

I ·.,_


0800600900 6111SS Hys 61US9 The Loft Manhattans 619060 611541 Ritzy The Waterfront 631717 6J0760 Zoom ABC Cinema 61UI1 Cinema City 611047 Odeon 61190J 610917 Maddermarket Norwich Arts Centre 660U1 Norwich Playhouse 766466 Theatre Royal 6JOOOO UEA Studio S91171 UEA Union Ents SOS401 610S61 Norwich Gallery Talld.~g














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