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Editor-in-chief: Jane Kirby Editor: Catherine Jones Husic Editor: Paul Stokes Assistant Husic Editor: James Tapsfield Design and Hovies Editor: John Spacey Assistant Hovies Editor: Diana Goodman TV&Radio Editor: Amy Pierce lnter@ctive Editor: Stuart Dredge Arts Editor: James Graham Copy Editor: James Goffin Advertising Hanager: Amy Kingswell Contributing Writers: Neill Johnson, Luke Turner, lmogen Rose-Smith, James Brown , Dan Brigden, Gareth Llewelyn , Debbie Marco, Lee McNicoll, Kelly Moran , Emily Hunka, Adam Hawkins, Sam Jackson , Daniel Bardsley, Kay Spragg,.Jack Hanaeur, Nick Triggle, Lucas Psillakis, Gemma Pitcher, Sara Elsegood
Puressence have been walking the Tightrope of the music world for six years, but are only just feeling the Good Times. Paul Stokes went Straight to the Man, Tony Szuminski, who bangs the drums ... very generation has an event of earthshattering importance that no one who experienced it can ever forget. The assassinations of JFK and John Lennon and more recently the death of Princess Di have embedded themselves so deeply in the collective consciousness that irrespective of their true significance they will never be forgotten. A quick glance at the history of the last 15 years may leave you thinking that until Diana's sad demise, a generation was lacking such a defining moment. However if you did think that, you'd be wrong. In that time an event of staggering cultural proportions took place. it was a moment the significance of which is not full understood now, eight years after it took place. In 1990 the Stone Roses played Spike Island and a generation held its breath ... well, obviously not for too long, that would be dangerous. One result of Spike Island we do know for certain was that Puressence was conceived. As drummer Tony Szuminski explains in a matter of fact way, 'We went to Spike Island and sav. the Stone Roses, and thought 'We'd better get a band together.' I wouldn't say we were influenced b} the Stone Roses, but we were inspired by them." So Tony, along with his school-
friend singer James Mudricki, bassist Kevin Matthews, and guitarist Neil McDonald, formed Puressence, who despite having been together six years are just now breaking into the public eye. Those six years have not been wasted though, as the Puressence sound has been honed and refined from uninspiring nasal indie pop into a powerful wave of sound. StronQ,
guitar driven melodies are complimented by confident soulful vocals reminiscent of the Manic Street Preachers at their best. Despite the long wait Tony believes that the band are, "more into now than we've ever been; thanks to a strong sense of purpose that has held the group together. 'V-Ie always thought we were the best, even when we were c••p and we couldn't play. I think that's the attitude you've got to take, not that you really are the best, but that vou believe in what you're doing. If you don't believe in what you're doing there's no point." He's realistic, though, "it's a naive belief, and we Know that. But with that drive you will do well." He may be. right. The new single, This Feeling was released this week and their album, which is already r,nished, is let out of its cage in the autumn. Puressence may 'Well start to move in the right i£lirection, especially as their musical mentors are getting involved. Ex-Rose and now Primal Scream bassist Manl has produced several songs on the forthcoming album. "He did a track on the album called Standing in Your Shadow," explains Tony, •and it's a blinder. He has a lot enthusiasm, especially for his 'grooves and bass'." As success beckons, Puressence are still just taking every day as it comes, an attitude that has served them well so far. However, they can't help thinking that maybe one day they'll have their own Spike Island. And who knows? Stranger things have happened ...
No. 12
Money Mark, unofficial fourth member of the Beastie Boys and keyboard guru, wants to put his hand in your head. Best let him, says Neill
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THE.EVENT.,.WEDNESDA ~ ) MAY ~ 3,.. 1998
ome people have all the luck. Chance seems to smile on them in everything they do. And if fortune favours such lucky souls, she evidently wants to bed Money Mark. C rpenter and musician Mark Nishita is often ought of as the fourth Beastie Boy, and has een credited with the more mellow sound of their last couple of albums. He has also worked with Beck, Porno for Pyros and Los Lobos. But five minutes cou ld have cost him the break that made his career. "I was a carpenter, and was called to a job, and it happened to be the house the Beastie Boys were renting ," he explains, "I fixed the gate, then this kid (Ad-Rock) drove up and said 'we 're having a party tonight, come on down'. So I tu rned up at this party with them and everyone said 'You know these guys?'. I didn't know who they were. I mean I knew th eir music, but I didn't know they were the Beastie Boys". Nishita was subsequently hired to help the Beastie Boys build a new studio, but after they discovered that his skills stretched fu rther than ca rpentry alone, they decided to take him on as a part-time keyboard player. Another party, another chance meeting, and James Lavelle, head of Mo' Wax record ings , persuaded Mark to let him release Mark's Keyboard Repair, and the Third Version EP. "People we ren't supposed to hear those songs. They weren 't proper records, just tapes I had sitting around, and James thought people should
dark moments, I think there is a kind of dark and light, and grey. And medi um . And all kin ds of colours too." Nishita is in the fortunate position where 'just doing what he does' , is enough to keep him busy, keep him fulfilled , and keep him paid . "If someone gets a copy of my record and enjoys it, I'm successful. If enough people buy it and I'm able to pay my bills and survive, I'm a little more successful ," is his frank explanation . Music is certainly not his life: it has never been an ambition , he doesn't even see it as his job, and if he stopped enjoying it, he'd give it up without hesitation . "Everything for me is a hobby. I enjoy life - simple th ings," he says. "Of course , I've got to make a living, but I could be happy not doing what I'm doing. 1t doesn't dictate my happiness or my well-being . I could get out of it at any time and do carpentry for a living - it wouldn't be such a bum rap . ''The thing about being a carpenter is that if you make a table or a chair, you don't make cop ies of it like a CD. There's something magic about being a 'fi ne arti st', like a painter or an actor. You 've got to create something individual." I ndividuality under threat from technology - the replacement of the real by the synthesised - is a theme Nishita keeps retu rn ing to. All Money Mark recordings are made with original analogue keyboards and organs - things he can look inside and understand . He doesn't want to lose his sense of control over life - from hiring digitally programmed men to
Money talks, and it's persuasive hear them." Now, Nishita has made th e album he wants people to hear, moving away from what he calls his "bedroom reco rdings." Describing his album , Push the Button, he expl ains, "I deliberately made a record for the listener," he pauses to check himself, "but I don't know if that's the same as listener-friendly." So what can the listener expect from Push the Button? His PR suggests 'stoned balladry' , but Mark is less keen to be pigeonholed. "I don't know if th at's appropriate, but everyone has their prerogativ e, how they want to describe something ... I try to stay away from those kinds of descriptions." Recen t re leases from Massive Attack an d Portishead have brought dark, brooding electronic noise back into vogue, but Push the Button is almost light-hearted by comparison. This, Nishita insists, is just an extension of his laid back attitude to life. "I just do what I do, if it's dark, light, or whatever ... I'm not trying to stay away from one vi be or style, I just do whatever happens. Although, on Push the Button th ere are some very
repair his digitally programmed organs, to Bill Gates extending his multi-national claws further round the world. Mark talks about people having a misunderstanding of technology, and wo rries about its dehumanising elements , "from the food that's being manufactured to the gene splicing going on ." "I stay away from machines when I'm not at home - I'm around th em too often and I th ink all that electricity really messes me up." Judging by the lyrics he waxes, he takes this a little more seriously than something one might perceive as more immediately th reatening, like heights. Or spiders. "Maybe you and I have a chance to have the right kind of information, and make a choice, but th ere's so many people in the world th at don't." Money Mark, carpenter and keyboard philosopher, rests his case . You wonder how, with such a rosetinted life, he maintains this peculiar pessimism. Maybe because he refu ses to take his luck for granted. Th e man insists he is grateful for whe re life has left him, and so he bl oody we ll should be.
I -
MOGWAI Kicking a Dead Pig
uestion: How can you possibly remix Mogwai? Answer: Surprisingly successfullyl Aemixed, Mogwai sounds like Van Gogh's pictures might have looked after a bout of highly intensive psychoanalysis. Both are sombre, disturbed and difficult, but Mogwai remixed is slightly less likely to induce one to lacerate an ear and run berserk through the streets of Amsterdam. The relentless howling feedback loops which personalised the original Mogwai album, Young Team, have all but vanished. Instead, especially when Max Tundra transforms Helicon, there are moments of fragile tunefulness, and even the odd dance beat gets into the blend. Like all good reworkings, Kicking a Dead Pig is an album capable of standing up on its own. Listening to these convincingly original tracks, it is possible to suffer from selective amnesia, forgetting there were ever any precursors.Unsurprisingly the only remix Mogwai have contributed stays the most faithful to their earlier work. If there is any criticism, it is that Kicking a Dead Pig Jacks any overall sense. 1t remains a number of good tracks strung together, never quite offering any overall concept to guide the album as a whole. Still, how something so brilliant can be produced out of lots of silly sounds is a question which ranks right up there with the meaning of life. lmogen Rose-Smith
Step into my world ••• THE DANDY Broken Homes sees the Trickster continue his musical quest by descending yet further into the depths of radio-unfriendliness. Even the help of the excellent Polly Harvey and a gospel choir barely makes up for the lack of any tune. Still, it sounds authentically Satanic, which is probably what he intended. Scary. Stuart Dredge
SUPER FURRY ANIMALS Ice Hockey Hair Buck Aogers rock music with whinging David Bowie-like vocals that utterly fails to inspire. Ice Hockey Hair steals more pop cliches than the Fresh Prince plunders from hip hop, and is only noteworthy for accurately epitomising everything wrong with music today.
Neifl Johnstone
ULTRASOUND Stay Young "Hey kids rock and roll is here," claim band-ofthe-moment Ultrasound. However their latest effort, Stay Young, is really Prog rock by numbers rubbish . Over-produced and overplayed, the song's main flaw lies in its lyrics. "Never try to be old", the band's 30-something front-man screams, allowing his voice to break in an appropriately radio-friendly fashion. Such wisdom in one so young? Oan Brlgden
JAMES Run aground The latest release from their excellent Best Of compilation finds James sounding uncharacteristically lacklustre. Their legendary emotion is sadly missing as Booth and co plod through an uninspiring tune with their heads ruling their hearts. Far from disastrous, but a disappointment after a remarkable series of poignant and sublime singles.
he Dandy Warhols are an indie band who, in their own words, 'screwed up' their previous album. So far they've done OK this time, with their first single off the album Not if You Were the Last Junkie on Earth reaching the hallowed heights of the top 40. However, judging by the rest of the album, that excursion might have been their last visit for a white. Come Down is a apt name, as this LP takes a nosedive. After a so-so beginning with Be In,
things move rapidly down gear. By the time you reach the fifth track and the words, "I love you, I love you, I love you," are being repeated an annoying number of times, you're really glad to get back to the felative quality of tracks six and seven. Then things head irrevocably into 'turn the sound down and do the essay' territory. I don't mind a rip off, as long as it's a good rip off, la Oasis from the Beatles or Ocean Colour Scene from Paul Weller. But if the Dandys wanted to rip off REM and the other depression mongers they could have done it better than this. My verdict, albeit harsh, is that the Dandy Warhols are pretentious and boring. James Brown
"The Best of UEA's Talent" The Hive, Tuesday April l 8 ve in the Hive - traditionally a night of cheap runkenness accompanied by equally cheap ntertainment of a dubious quality. Tonight, my friends, we had the "best of UEA's talent", a collection of bands and ensembles for your aural pleasure. So, arming myself with a pint (I had no banana for a cocktail, and they wouldn't take an opal fruit), I settled down to watch the first act, Pangea. They sang songs including Hey Jude and Swing Low, creating a blend of fine harmonies in an almost acapella style. Next up was Alex Santoro, accompanied by Mark Johnson on guitar. Alex has a gorgeous, sexy voice, which worked perfectly with Mark's guitar playing. Folk band Eclipse played traditional Irish and
Northern folk music, including a cover of Sash's Equador, and a delightful ditty about a bloke who shot his bird thinking she was a bird, or something. After a short interval we had Louise Havell, bravely singing and playing on her own, despite the audience's best attempts to make a bleeding racket all the way through. However, songs about science teachers just don't come much better. Well, that was the calm before the storm as next up were Interstate 71, playing rocky covers of Jumping Jack Flash and A Hard Day's Night. Interstate 71 were very good, despite the fact that the singer didn't seem quite sure which side of the Atlantic he was from , but anyway you kids loved 'em. After Interstate 71, when the LCR dance floor was almost half packed, came Starfish, who, despite being perhaps the most original band of the night, lost the audience rather quickly, which was a shame. And that was it, a fine evening of finer music and lots of dubious vomit including pink stuff. Definitely beats having to listen to the other end of UEA's talent at a Live in the Hive karaoke Luke Turner evening.
Gareth L/ewellyn
GRANDDADDY Summer Here Kids After a deceivingly upbeat start, Summer Here Kids falls into the trap of whiny monotone indie lyrics. it's not really a track that will have you dancing in a field with the sun beating down as you reach new levels of ecstasy. Instead this is more suited to manic depressives who want to Jock themselves in their rooms and paint their walls black. Unfortunately the 8-sides, Levitz and My Small Love, aren't much cop either.
At Gentleman's Walk, opposite the market THEtEVENJ
. WEDNESDA~, , MAY ;13,.1898
Dir: Nick Hamm Odeon - now showing
hen American Martha hops on a plane to London with only £35 to her name, she hopes to leave all her problems behind and start her life afresh . Alas her trouble is only just beginning . Within hours of arriving she attracts th e attention of three best friends and chaos ensues. Daniel is a successful young music execu tive used to getting what he wants. Frank is an outI of-work actor with a confi dence cri sis, who loudly proclaims th at he hates Daniel. The two I spend most of their self-absorbed time bickering and behaving like sch oolboys when I the teacher has left the cl assroom. Laurence, from whose poi nt of view we see the action , has the responsibility of mediating between his two idiotic friends , and he's obviously th e one we're supposed to warm to. Unfortunately he's so aware of his own superi ority to Frank and Daniel th at he is only marginally preferable to the oth er two. The film follows the th ree men as they attempt to woo the girl of their dreams and fall out as a resu lt. The big question is, why do they bother? Martha spends most of her time wh ining and feeli ng sorry for herself, amd most of the dialogue she has with her suitors comes down to a contest to see who is in the worst straits. spouse trick m the book. On second thoughts, this unattractive bunch of There soon ensues a series of frantic chases losers fully deserve each other. Breakdown Martha Meet... has its moments. Some of the and much jiggery-pokery as Russell tries to us (1998) commen ts on th e An glo-American divide are track down his wife. This brings him in Dir: Jonathan Mostow contact with all manner of drooling , cleverly done and the scene mocking the acting Odeon ~ now showing pyschotic, inbred, gun-toting weirdos of , • trade is hilarious. Unfortunately there's not enough of this stuff. ~· ~ .... ~ ~......:• "" -" . ' a kind that on ly ever seem to be fo und The problem stems from the flm trying to do too ... in middle America. As the plot , much. it attempts to expound the profound, progresses, it turns out that there's some urt Ru ssell and wife Kathleen Quinlan diabolical conspiracy afoot and the fun comes in whilst at the same time attempting to have the take a roadtrip across middle America. figuring out who the Kurtmeister can trust. and audience falling about in fits of laughter. As a who's bel1ind the whole thing. Soon after an encounter with an Jack Hanauer result it achieves neither. unfeas1bly ha1ry redneck, their jeep breaks down, Breakdown may sound like a tired Hollywood leaving them stranded 1n the middle of nowhere. potboiler. the likes of which we've seen before. Things seem to be looking up when helpfu l trucker But, this is one Hollywood thriller that has an ace J T Walsh offers to take wifey "to tile nearest up its sleeve - it is thrilling . The film powers along Scre am 2 phone" while Russell stays behind to watch the at a breakneck clip, piling on the suspense. us (1998) truck. it's no surprise then when Russell makes keep ing you perched anxiously on t11e edge of Dir: Wes Craven his own way to said phone that there's no sign of your seat until the explosive, pulse pounding wifey or the squinty-eyed trucke r. Th at's what you finale. No, really. What did that shifty trucker do get for falling for the oldest let-me-kidnap-yourwi th Kurt's wife? Go fi nd out. Now. Chris O'Nei/1
Red Corner Opening June 5 US bu sinessman Richard Gere gets in a bit of bother with the Chinese auth orities. After all that Tibet stuff it was only a matter of time before we got thi s sort of polemic.
Deep Impact Opening Friday A com et's heading for Earth and everybody gets a bi t co ncern ed, as well th ey might. A bun ch of astronauts try and intercept th e thi ng. Promises to be action-packed adventure.
or a generati on brought up on the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, horror movies became co rny and cliched very quickly, so the first Scream movie, camping up the genre and revelli ng in the cliches th at had made it so reviled, was a we lco me surprise. Th e sequel is rob bed of the element of surprise because Craven pulled all his horror flick tric ks in the first one. This co uld be seen as a rathe r poor imitation of Scream. Scream 2, like its predecessor, begins with a se t piece murder. At a screeni ng of Stab (a fictitious movie-with in-a-movie that deals with the events in Scream) Jada Pinkett buys the fa rm whe n surrounded by a load of people with those black cloaks and white masks. Meanwhile, Neve Campbell has gone to college. Thin king she has escaped the murders, she is disgusted to hear of the copycat killing of Pinkett. Cue the return of tough bitch TV reporter CourteneY. Cox and sappy policeman David Arquette as events on campus build up to fever pi tch. Unfortunately, everythmg else returns as well. Where the first sequel had a hip discussion of the ru les of horror movies. this one has a hip discussion about sequels. Without the element of pleasant surprise that greeted the first film. this is boring. Perhaps the single good thing is Courteney Cox. Unlike the disastrous efforts of other Friends stars, she at least has the intelligence to realise she's perhaps not yet ready for starring roles. However, the established formula, which weighs down the plot, means that rather than amusing , this film is just dull . Scream 2 inadvertently makes all the mistakes that the first fi lm so selfconsciously and to such great effect highlighted . Go to the pub instead.
hey" claim that th ere is no link between screen vio lence and violence in society. Well. now we have evidence to disprove this - Quentin Tarantino , the 'brain' behind violent flicks such as Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, was involved in a brawl recently whilst din ing in a Manhattan restaurant. Appare ntly an African- Am erican cou ple we re offended at allegedly racist remarks made by Mr T (ie Quentin Tarantino - not the A- Team character that screams about milk and cheeseb urgers) and combat ensued, though firearms were not employed by either party, and there was definitely no Mexican stand-off. Another actor in trouble this week is David Duchovny of X-Files fame, who. despite signing a confidentia lity agreement, has spilled the beans on the plot of the forthcom1ng movie of the te lly series to Vanity Fair. There's nothing even the most unoriginal SYS kid couldn't have come up with, and I think anyone co uld have guessed that the film involves- surprise, surprise aliens. Ho. ho, how clever. Well , apparently they come to earth pretending to be nice and
co me to wa rn us that we 're about to get the living s"t bl own out of us and ... well that's as far as he got, bu t doesn't it all sound thri ll ing and not at all like every episode and all those other sodding films about little green men. Keeping in the vein of the weird and spooky, a movie adaptation col the novel American Psycho is due to go into production this summer, with screenplay and direction by Mary Hannon , who made I Shot Andy Warhol. Apparently this has been a long time coming because the complexity of the book has made it rather tricky to adapt. But now they've done it. and casting is in progress. with Jared Leto and Wi llem Defoe being considered. So that's one for all your younger sisters to look forward to - until they get in and are scared witl ess. Luke Turner
MrMagoo Opening May 22 In a film we've been crying out for over a number of years. Leslie Nielsen is the eponymous short-sighted comedy personality. We said it'd make him go blind.
The Replacement Killers Opening June 5 Ch ow Yun -Fat and Mira Sorvino star in a tale of assassins, who do assassinstyl e things. Support provided by several German-sounding actors and Michael Rocker.
The Wedding Singer Opening June 5 Thi s film signals th e beginning of th e 80s reviva l, with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler as a co uple who just can't get it togeth er. Bound to bring back bad memories.
Blues Brothers 2000 Openi ng May 22 John Belushi's dead but that hasn't stopped Dan Aykroyd from rop,ng in John Goodman to star in the sequel. It' ll probably shatter all your illusions.
Director of the London Film Festival, Adrian Wootton, talks to Diana Goodman about UEA, Cinema City, and Judge Dredd •••
thought when I came to UEA I was going to study English and become a teacher or an academic or a journalist, something to do with English," he says, "but then I ended up doing more and more film courses." With this simple start, Adrian Wootton launched himself from UEA student to director of the National Film Theatre ?nd London Film Festival. Wootton is heavy with praise for the Film Studies branch of EAS, for Cinema City, and for Norwich as a whole. "I loved being in Norwich,
I had a great time. I came from Birmingham, and Norwich was like an oasis compared to Birmingham. I made a lot of friends." "I started writing in Phoenix [Concrete's predecessor] doing concert reviews of bands that played at UEA, and then I got the job as the film editor, doing the film section. I made a lot of friends at UEA; most of my friends from Film Studies are now either full time lecturers or they're in the industry or journalism. UEA is good for making contacts. I made a lot, including my lecturers." Wootton quit his editorship in his third year, but continued writing film reviews and working at Cinema City. "He'd want to interview everybody I could get for him," says Kingsley Canham, Cinema City's programme director, who remembers working with Adrian in the mid 80s. After graduating from UEA, Wootton returned in 1984 for his MA in Film Studies while working full time as the front of house manager at Cinema City. By 1985 he still had his thesis to submit, but was already looking around Britain for a job in art cinema. He got a job programming a theatre in Bradford until 1989. "In 1989, I was employed by the BFI (British Film Institute) to raise the money to set up a new cinema in Nottingham, to open it, and to run it. We opened the cinema, called Broadway, with two screens and a cafe/bar, and at the same time created the crime/mystery/thriller film festival Shots in the Dark." The top rung on the ladder was the National Film Theatre (NFT), where he has been since 1993, becoming director of the NFT and the London Film Festival. "I wouldn't be running the NFT if it weren't for UEA and Cinema City," says Wootton plainly. "I got my film education here, learning how to look at films and how to write about them, as well as the
practical experience of working at Cinema City. I met my wife here. We had our first date at Cinema City in October 1982. Students don't realise there isn't one of these [art/revival theatres] in Birmingham or Leeds or Liverpool. I remember coming here to see my first Martin Scorsese film. I saw Mean Streets and I was completely blown away. My life changed. We didn't watch Scorsese at UEA at the time. We watched Welles, and Eisenstein, and Kurasawa. And now... I just can't believe it. I came here and saw Mean Streets and just a few years later I was introducing Martin Scorsese on a stage. I feel very lucky." o what of Quentin Tarantino, who has been discussed as either the next Scorsese or as a cheap imitation? "lt's very hard for me to be objective about Quentin because I've known him since before Reservoir Dogs was released. Pulp Fiction was our surprise selection at Shots in the Dark, its UK premiere. But I think Jackie Brown is a real step forward as a director." Is British cinema really being reborn? "1.think it's very interesting," Wootton says, "that US independent [film producers] are in a crisis in a way that European cinema isn't. For the first time in a long time, young British filmmakers aren't emphatically catching the plane to Los Angeles after their first feature. They don't want to make American films. Look at Danny Cannon - he makes Young Americans for £1.5 million, he jumps on a jumbo jet and he's making Judge Dredd tor $50 million. Judge Dredd," he repeats, grimacing. "Here in Britain they have the access to the money, through the lottery franchises and such, as well as the American· companies that are setting up offices here. lt's a very exciting time." How exciting then? What does Adrian Wootton think of some of the current releases? Breakdown: "Astonishing action directing debut. Kurt Russell's best role in years." Good Will Hunting. " The Graduate meets Ordinary People, plus the added advantage of Matt Damon. Minnie Driver is fantastic." As Good as it Gets: "Jack Nicholson acts for the first time in a long time. Helen Hunt solidly deserves the Oscar." And the true test, Titanic: "$200 million of a computer generated boat sinking."
I got my film education at UEA and Cinema City
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· The creator of The Day Today, Alan Partridge and The Friday Night Armistice will be i'n town for a quick question and answer session. Paul Stokes gives Armando lannucci a warm up f the name Armando lannucci sounds familiar to you, then the chances are you'll recognise him as the short, dark Scottish Italian who fronts BBC Two's Friday Night Armistice. This is, however, just one aspect of a whole host of comedy activities that Armando has been involved in. Comedy is something that is central to lannucci, it is something he's been involved in for most of his life. "it's what I've always done," he explains. "At school I was doing impressions of the teachers, at university I did the revues, and I've done shows at the Edinburgh festival. lt just seemed like the thing I always wanted to do." Getting his first job at Radio Scotland in Glasgow as a music presenter, Armando quickly diversified into comedy, and then production. lt was in this role that Armando first made his name, producing Radio Four's hit series, Week Ending. This satirical review of the week famously had an open writers' meeting where anyone could contribute. lt was thanks to this unique opportunity that comedy illuminaries like Lee and Herring and David Baddeil were able to gain exposure for their work, although Armando admits that the meeting wasn't exactly a riot of funny ideas. •on paper it [the meeting] was great," says lannucci, "In practise you got loads of toss!" From Week Ending, lannucci established the spoof news
programme, On the Hour, which saw him work with Chris Morris (of Brass Eye infamy) and Stave
ntil this time, lannucci had been content to steer the programmes as producer, remaining out of sight behind the camera, but in 1995, and to a wealth of critical approval, he ended his invisibility by fronting The Saturday Night Armistice (which later moved to Fridays). "I got distracted into production and ended up being a producer," he offers as the explanation for his invisibility, " but performance was always something I wanted to get back into." Essentially a satirically driven review of the week, The Armistice allowed Armando to get back into performance in a major way. The show let lannucci introduce his subtle surrealism and unorthodox comedy to a wider audience by disguising it in a recognised TV format. Perhaps the highlights of the earlier series were: an old woman who was hired to gatecrash
Alan Partridge took a year of just sitting in a little room . Talking of Norwich's golden son, why did you pick on this particular 'fine city' in the first place? (laughs) I know the Mayor of Norwich tried a halfhearted campaign against it. I don't feel we make fun of Norwich, it's just where Alan happened to be. The reason we picked Norwich was because I vaguely know Norwich anyway. I have an aunt in Norwich, I've been to Norwich, I've performed in Norwich, I like the place. We thought Alan shouldn't come from a comedy comedy town. He shouldn't come from Milton Keynes or places like that, he should come from a normal town. But someone like Alan, who has aspirations, should live somewhere that is just about gettable to London from, but just that little bit too far, and Norwich fits the bill. it's just that little bit too far from London for you to do it on a daily basis. You have to have a reason to go there, and we liked the idea of Norwich because it's a place where Alan could be a Big Fish but always still have that sense of wanting to leave and, if he failed to leave, how would he reconcile himself with the fact he hadn't really made it? Will there be any more
~-------------------------------....... W t •ll h 't b e $ I aven een
coogan (Aian Partridge amongst others) for the first time. On the Hour's success led to lannucci and the cast moving to television, where they produced the awa(d-winning The Day Today for BBC Two. Another news spoof, The Day Today saw the write rs, lannucci and Morris, ape the genre with such precision that anyone tuning in accidentally would be fooled. Making the programme was no stroll in the proverbial park for lannucci: "We took the view we ought to make· it in a news style, using the methods that the real programmes used." He admits, "lt took us a long time because it was the first TV programme I'd made." After The Day Today, Armando and Steve Coogan decided to move from news, and spoof the chat show. Taking The Day Today's sportscaster, a certain Alan Partridge, they placed him in his own reality of nightmare guests: five year-olds who were arrogant Hollywood directors, self-obsessed antique dealers, and Bond stars who just didn't turn up. The show was a huge success. Part~idge demonstrated that he was a character to be reckoned with as he moved effortlessly from his chat show environment, through Christmas specials, to end up on Radio Norfolk of all places.
other television programmes; a bus of Dianas to ·offer compassion to the people of Britain (dropped for the later series, after that fateful night in Paris); and a cloth effigy of Tony Blair: the doll who got up to all kinds of adventures turned out to be incredibly rude according lannucci, to whom it whispered in a Sooty-esque manner. From this more visible status, lannucci consolidated his position as a media all-rounder by penning a column in The Guardian. This work in print led to lannucci's first book, Facts & Fancies, which was partly a collection of his Guardian work, and partly some longer original pieces. "I was quite pleased with it," says Armanolo on the book, "it was the first time I'd done anything in print on such a sustained level:' Now, taking a break from television work, lannucci is touring the country with his unique observations, but as with his various other activities he's rejecting the standard way of doing things. Throughout the night, Armando, who visits the Norwich Puppet Theatre tomorrow, will be inviting his audience to ask him questions on whatever they feel like. Clearly a risky endeavour, but in Armando's experience one that can result in a great comic extravaganza. However, not o,yanting to be accused of complacency, Armando decided get some practise in and so had a go at answering a few questions that The Event threw his way.
invited to Number Ten
Your tour is deliberately not billed as stand-up comedy, instead you're doing some sort of Q & A session. What exactly goes on? I kinda wander on stage and just ramble on. Half of it is prepared and half is based on questions from the audience. I'm just trying not to make it seem like a stand-up show, so I don't come on and do a rat-a-tat-tat through 'my jokes' and then go home. I want to make it seem a bit more involved. So it's like a big stupid chat really. That could be risky, have you had any weird questions so far? Weird questions? Well the very first question I ever got asked was 'Do you like Broccoli?' So they range from 'Do you like Broccoli?' to 'What do you think of the Ulster Peace Process?' Last night, I think Colchester got very academic, it was very intellectual. Someone said: 'You use words as targets, how do you react to people who misuse their words?' (laughs) I was trying to stop it turning into a seminar on language. T he sillier the better really, the next question was 'Do you like the Wizard of Oz?' Almost of the same academic value. Absolutely So when you're not relying on the audience for material, how do you go about writing? Is it all larking around in an office writing gags or do you take a more serious approach? lt doesn't quite feel like a job. I can only really work with people I like. I've never done it with someone when it feels like a job, you know: 'We've interviewed lots of candidates and we've chosen who to write with .' I've never done that. lt can be quite tedious at times, and all you've got to do is come into this room and write. The last series of
Instalments in the Partridge saga? I think there will be, but I
_think again, just as we moved from the chat show, I think we'll move from the hotel series into a different area. I think he'll end up back in Norwich, maybe running a small business or something. We're still not quite sure, but it will be not quite where he wants to be, but better than where he was the last time. The other big TV thing you're doing at the moment Is The Armistice. Are you planning the next series yet? We tend to try and keep the whole period of production as short as possible because otherwise you can just spend months planning and writing stuff that then loses its character on you. So we have these writers' meetings a couple of months before the series to think of things that are very general, like the environment, or Labour's obsession with the media. Then we maybe shoot those in a block just before the series, then at least we know we've got a little stock pile of stuff;all the things that take a little bit of setting up, you know, trying to sneak our way into things. All that happens and then we take a deep breath, wait for the first week, even though we have nothing written, we just go for it. We meet up on the Sunday, try and prediCt what jokes will be
coming up, do a bit of filming on the Tuesday. On the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we're wtiting away, it's recorded on the Thursday night, it's edited and it goes out on the Friday. That sounds very Involved, was the live version on election night '97 even harder? lt was more nerve-racking, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I want to do more live stuff actually, it pushes· you up a gear. We weren't expecting people to watch it from start to finish, I imagine most people dipped in and out.
Were you worried by t he fact the biggest joke of the evening happened on the other channel? What, Peter Snow's graphics? Well, 1was thinking more along the lines of the results, particularly the Tory ones? Well, we knew we were only on until one, by which time everyone knew what was happening, but the best was yet to come. And I think fair enough, because at about two o'clock I would have been watching BBC One, even though I'd be on the telly. But I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of all that. The election was a year ago now and things can only get better apparently. How has the soft toy version ofTony Blair responded to the news that it's the most popular soft toy of all time? (laughs) Now when did this news come in? Apparently the real Tony is the most popular PM ever, according to an opinion poll, doesn't it follow that his cloth likeness shoul d be equally exalted? Of course he is. We've sort of rested Mr Tony Blair. Once Labour got in we thought we would have to have more approaches to the Labour party other than a soft toy, lest we be accused of shirking the .ISSUeS. '
The real TB's hair Is falling out and going grey, at the same time! How is the doll comparing? it's fine, I've put a bit of preservative on it, a kind of multi-purpose allweather sealant all over it, and ifs fine so long as I can keep him away from my son and the dog. Were you worried about finding material after Labour were elected? No, not in the slightest. In fact, we found that in the second series of The Armistice, when Labour were still in opposition, it was far easier to have a go at Labour. You know there was something new about them and there was something weird about them. They
essentially a weird bunch of people and Blair is a very weird man. What do you think about the current political situation in Britain? From a serious point of view, I find it quite fascinating because at least things are happening. lt does annoy me the way Labour are like their own worst enemy in a way, I suppose it's because there's no opposition to speak of. I do find dangerous their obsession with presentation and the courting of Murdoch and that sort of blandness. They think that because they feel what they're doing is essentially good, they can do what they like and can go about it any way they like. Have you ever been asked not to mention something or to lay off? No. We haven't had Mandelson's henchmen knocking on our door threatening to break our legs. We stll haven't been invited to number ten for one of those bashes. Do you think you might get an Invite in the futu re? I doubt it now. Not since I tried crashing it dressed as Chris Evans. Maybe an invite to the Dome instead? Well, the ominous words Armistice Millennium Special were mentioned the other month. So I was thinking what do you do? A wry look back at 1000 years of Christians? I don't know, we'll see what happens. On the night, there's nothing much to see except time passing which is not much to report on. The obsession with the millennium does seem a little strange. Do you ever feel that you are p laying straight man to the world? (laugt>s) What does that mean? Well, the world is so crazy, you can play it
straight and it will provide the gags. As long as people get the joke I'm quite happy to do that. Either a straight man or the other thing that I do is just lie, I just seem to tell lots of lies with a very straight face. Well, keeping to the abstract for just a little bit l onger, do you feel your satire can stand alone in itself, or s hould it contribute to society? Well, er, big question! I don't think satire changes things, if it does, it's very long term. 1t helps crystallise people's opinions, it doesn't form them for them but it just helps bring them out. I think satire never works when it dictates a point of view, you know when it's telling people how to vote. People told people how to vote in the 80s and they didn't listen. I think all satire can do is assess, and help people work out for themselves what it is they think about things. Do you ever worry how your jokes will be interpreted once you've released them, so to speak? Every now and then, yes. You do SOil)ething which you think is ironic, and just assume people can see that. We did a thing in the second series [of The Armistice), we did an army recruitment advert. lt was about some blokes who'd been to the pub and seen someone who was gay and beat him up, then it said"join the army'. The first time we played it there was a group of squaddies in the audience and they just cheered at the sight of the beating, and that felt strange. Well, one t hing is certain, people love your jokes. How do you respond to Monty Python comparisons? One can't help but be flattered by them. You can't take that seriously though because you really just have to do the things you think are funny, and hope that other people like them. If you start to get a bit obsessive about how things stand in the pantheon of comedy then you to deserve to fail miserably.
lt's af'ave 9.3Q·
New World (Sun, May 17, Radip 1,
South Africa $ees an explosion of les that are still polarised by A more .,unified picture emerges in .Sun, May 17, Radio 1, 10·11pm) In's largest club, Cream1 this brings the best of Britain's OJs and a number of ·live performances headed by Run • for a dance extravaganza. With summer s~rt. the festival season isn't far behind.
There 's nothing bet t er than a good scrap on the telly t hese days, care of Jerry Springer and friends. Amy Pierce takes a look at the talk show...
Essential Selection (Fri. May 22, Radio 1 he talk snow has become the American equivalent of the confessional; it's a noholds barred, over-exposed, dramatic salute to populist TV and personal crisis. A ·problem endured can make you stronger, a problem shared can make you famous. Gay partners, cheating partners, abandoned children and alcoholics; every issue can be exposed and perfectly packaged in five minute bites. With the help of the hosts, who are now approaching megastardom, each guest can bare their soul as the audience, whipped into a sympathetic frenzy, screams its praise. and abuse at the heroes and villains of the shows. The premium chat show has to be The Oprah Winfrey Show. Its host, Oprah Winfrey, is now one of the richest people in America, and a major force in Hollywood. Over the last 12 years audiences have watched her own public battle with her weight as keenly as we have viewed the various trials and tribulations of her guests. Oprah has rightly been hailed as one of the most positive role models for Afro-American women to emerge in years. In so doing she.has been elevated to a cult status that has seen her create a production empire from the trauma of the average American. If the concept of the talk show seems tacky then there are two question that can
be asked: Why are so many people willing to appear on the shows? And why are so many of us fascinated with watching? When Ricki Lake began in September 1993. the show was aimed at a younger audience. A younger and more flamboyant host, and a more stylistic set. helped to target a previously untapped section of daytime TV audiences, the teenager/young adult getting back from school or college. The show was bright bouncy and a roaring success, encouraging mass audiences, and opened the floodgates both here and on the other side of the Atlantic. From Monte/ Williams and Geraldo to Vanessa and Esther, the chat show phenomenon had truly arrived. The chat show had become premium daytime TV material. Families could watch and share the happy endings, while feeling quietly satisfied that there were people out there with worse problems than their own. Then came Jerry Springer. Born in London, he has a law degree and had previously been Mayor of Cincinatti in 1977, and is a completely different character from any other on the chat show scene. The show itself also brought a new element to what was threatening to become a tired genre, the host as active participant. Where Oprah and Ricki acted to guide and control the situation, Jerry got stuck in. Be it with words or
even blows, he was taking centre stage. This hands-on approach has made the show a stunning success. Jerry himself is now rumoured to be starring in a semi-autobiographical film of his life and rise to fame, while anyone not getting enough of the show will soon be able to buy the highlights on video. Though the UK is slowly developing its own chat show culture, we still lack the American flair for crisis and flamboyance .Still, daytime TV has never had so much potential to be interesting, so if you are a transexual orphan in a secret relationship, emigrate! You'll be famous. A my Pierce
9pm) host8d.PY Pete Tong, looks ahea Universe 98 festival. ·
m). Back for new series the rican sitcom is aided by the i, May 15, Channel4, 9· n City (Fri, May 1 ~. Channel 4, Still with siteoms. but a radio instead.
Friday 29th May
LCR The infamous...
~OCKY HOftftO~ l'lCTUft~ SHOW
1'AftTY featuring fi lm, stage show and disco
From one type of comedy to anotherJ The Tourist Tr ap (Tues. May 12, Channel4, 9-9.30), tests cultural stereotypes with more set-ups and hidden cameras than Jeremy Beaole could ever have dreamed of, so are the Brits as bad as we think? Or will the Yanks, Germans or Japanese prove more obnoxious? A fascination with morbidity is found 'in the Killer Net (Tues, May 12, Channel 4 10·11.05pm), but does anybody believe that Jason Orange can act
yet? While conspiracies also abound on the Titanic, is there a more sinister truth underlying the tragedy? Titanic: secrets revea led (Sun, May 17. Channel 5 , 5.25-6.55pm) looks at the possibility of a very X-Fi/es-esque cover·~,Jp.
All proceeds go to the NSPCC/ Hopes & Homes For Kids
, ~
.._,\ . I ..
Stuart Dredge checks
out the possibility of buying your favourite music over the Net ... e all know that folk music and the Internet have nothing in common. After all, the Net is the hip, thrusting new communications medium for the twenty-first century, whereas folk music is just a motley collection of weirdy-beardies singing about elves. Isn't it? Well, no actually, it's not. Despite the rich and varied tradition of folk music, it's not quite so olde-worlde as some people think. Its had a profound influence on a lot of groups in the last forty years. For example, think of all the bands influenced by the Byrds. Y'know, the group that had hits with Mr Tambourine Man and Turn Turn Turn. Dead famous, and very influential for modern bands such as Teenage Fanclub and current hot-property The Montrose Avenue. But what has this to do with lnter@ctive, you may ask? Well, chief Byrd Roger McGuinn is still making music and touring, but he's also set up a pioneering Web site, called the Folk Den. Its stated aim is to use the Web "to continue the tradition of the folk process, that is, the telling of stories and singing of songs, passed on from one generation to another by word of mouth." In effect, it's an attempt to use the Internet to replace the traditional bards of yore, whatever that means. Less word of mouth, more word of mouse perhaps! Now you wouldn't expect an ex-member of one of the most famous sixties bands to reply when you e-mailed him. We didn't, but tried anyway, and whaddyaknow, he wrote back! What does he think the connection is between folk music and the 'Net? "I think that the true spirit of folk is embodied in the Internet. it's a sharing of
ll hail the curse of lnter@ctive! No sooner do we plug a Net event, than it goes horribly wrong! Yes, Tony Blair's Internet chat, as previewed last issue, turned out to be a damp squib. On!Y 5,000 people were able to access the on-line interview, and even then technical glitches meant Tone's face was reduced to a wobbly mess spouting absolute gibberish. No change there then! Meanwhile, grown-up Tory boy William Hague tried to upstage his rival by hosting his own Internet interview on the same day. What's more, visitors were able to browse through photos of William's typical day of work, encompassing activities such as preparing for meetings and reading the daily papers. Rumours that wee Willie was also shown chomping rusks , being burped and going to beddie-byes are as yet unconfirmed ... Returning to home turf, UEA's own Student Web is currently looking for volunteer section editors to help make it the most contentpacked UK student website. You need a sound knowledge of html and an eye for graphic design . Oh , and bags of fresh ideas too. If this sounds like you, then point your browser to the Student Web at http://www.stu.uea.ac.uk/ for more into . A new twist in the Clintongate affair (or should that be affairs?). A new site has been set up in support of good ole Bill. Called www.ihadsexwithclinton.com it appeals for surfers to donate their fictitious tales of nookie with the President. The idea is, well , not really clear at all, but here's what the site has to say: "Join thousands of other patriotic
information and art. In the last century the relationship between the Troubador and the listening pubic has been undermined by greedy businP.ss people. The Internet provides the perfect medium for the restoration of the folk process." The site works like this. Every month a new song, performed by Roger and friends, is uploaded onto the site. You can then download it onto your computer, and play it. Simple, but fantastic, as long as you're into folk music that is. However, the implications for the music industry are much more important, for by transmitting music directly from the artist to the fans, Roger is cutting out the whole middlemen area of record company, distributor, and record shop. Could this be the future for music? "I hope so, I really do. Not only can unsigned bands reach a potentially huge audience, but it will free more established acts to make music free of commercial pressures from their record company." But won't the record companies have something to say about this? "Well , maybe. 11 will depend on how much revenue they lose." Even if you're not as such a fan of folk music, the implications are fairly exciting, to say the least. Other artists such as Prince are already experimenting with selling their music directly over the Internet, although the Purple one has met with little success so far. Still, with the Folk Den picking up several thousand visitors a month, Roger McGuinn is at the forefront of this new development in the way we get our music.
Americans who are putting the democratic process and their sexual fantasies to good use by creating the most unique ' petition" in American history!" Quite. Monty Python fans know all about spam , but news came out last week that it's actually costing British businesses £5.1 billion a year! That's e-mail spam by the way, not the tinned variety, which was costing about Sp down the local market last time we heard. A study of 800 businesses discovered that most of them spent at least 15 minutes a day reading, deleting or answering junk emails. If applied to the working population, this results in billions of money down the drain. Those currently e-mailing every UEA student flogging ball tickets should take note ... News hot in that Eton College, home of boaters, fags and princes, is getting on-line! The bastion of traditional English values is biting the bullet, and installing a new high-tech computer network which will tor the first time allow students onto the Internet. However, ihey will be heavily supervised ''to prevent timewasting and the use of undesirable Internet resources." So it's safe to say the Class War anarchy website won't be getting many visits then! Stuart Dredge
KNOWLEDGE Students on the Webt lnter@ctive takes a look at a site that's just for us ... . and the odd interview. Minus points for the tudent, bloody students! All we do is spend predictably 'stoodent' music interviews though: our days drinking, dossing, and frivolously Chumbawamba, the Levellers ... wasting the taxpayers' money on our lazy Having said that, the Academic Advice section is lifestyle. Well, that's what some say anyway, and fantastic, helping you out with essay-writing. added to that list of accusations is our supposed note-taking. exam revision. The same goes for habit of spending hours arsing about on the the Health section, which is surprisingly down-toInternet. Nevertheless, we now have a few sites earth, and packed with plenty of useless yet devoted specifically towards us. including the amusing facts. An example? 56% of students at latest contender. studentUK. Oxford admit to having had sex in a public place! 11 claims to be a 'completely comprehensive Of course, they weren't asked to specify whether guide to student life', and contains written it was with another person, but there you go. contributions from top journos from magazines However, studentUK's biggest failing at the such as the NME, The Face and Neon. Its moment is its chat area, where theoretically you creators promise that within its virtual pages can chat to students up and down the land. Not you'll find serious stuff on accommodation, only are there only ever about four people on it, money and academic advice, yet also gig but one is usually some geeky American looking reviews, clubbing, sport and (hie) drinking. for cybersex. What's more, parts of it seem eerily So why should you be tempted to wave your similiar to the chat s1te at the NME's Website, browser 1n its direction? Editor Paula Shutkever although we'd be the last to accuse studentUK of thinks the high level of Involvement from you pilfering . . may be tempting: But, judge for yourselves. After all, the more "Not only will we be carrying a digest of key people use the site, the better it'll get. Also, if the stories from student publications, but we will creators hold true to their promise of inleractivity, actively encourage users to contribute to the site you'll be able to suggest any improvements to at all levels. From chat areas to users supplying them yourselves. sports and music reviews and even cartoons. The site will always be fully interactive to ensure users feel part of the site." Ho hum. First impressions are good, although as you'll see from the picture right, the site's front page does look confusingly wefeomo to studontuK your onlfne QUide to 11 th.t•s QOOd cluttered. Alongside the various 1/,...,lii.IIOCICIIWIIIIWit•c.MU~Htt.flt~ menus for different parts of the CANNABJS WROJNG COMPEIJDON WINNERS! elf CO;"ttfiJif'.lioOfl I Jfllll•nuhon po-»U-dUliiiD,1 No. ,..,!hltfdld ..... bUflfwWf'lllfM'dlflt site, there's a selection of studenty .. ....... , tl ... )W!Otl news stories. For example, last taz-~Giflat4.WMJofttfl\<ttf"l"-tlo\6tpt11W..CI'I~ . Wllflli.JI1WGSJQN Ot SHHf!UO lmM~""9n 0:0..,..11 If week saw reports of this year's tofl('foOUttl"f (.Cfto)rll'o.faltOftliOOI#IWO-I'IO!$~ndi.IQI!tO'ti w£LL shenanigans at the NUS CETAREAL Ll#f! ~tM>r~tllt.e.t-4,. ...." Conference, with news of a rightLH . ..... • ,ob' Ctlflt tf\4 Mwtt "fOIISh d tW t~..,_H • O..u Gftft~IJMtl,_,..,.Mch~.,.. .. , ... .,J8'111-*"h c_McU·41•111~1Je.~._~4,. .,,..., ............. ,.,t:Mtftlot(.iltfl ottttttJl.S.U(Mf wing journalist being baited out of jMtl) f4HM the building by angry students after making homophobic comments. The Music, Film and Sport sections are pretty much what you'd expect, with reviews, reports
P'J~'IOW a
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tfl-.... ·-........,. . . . .,
Are you hot stuff at html? Dari ng with design? Perhaps even jolly good with Java? Then we want YOU! Next year Concrete is hoping to set up our own Web site and we need some kind person to come in and give us a hand. Contact us at su.concrete@uea.ac.uk or call into the Concrete office, upstairs in Union House.
For anyone hoping to ge t that little bit smaller far those Summer balls, healthy eating is tbe key. Kay Spragg tells us how... t's about that time of year again when you want to be able to look fabulous in a bikini/trunks since Summer is slowly starting to appear. Most of us will be setting ourselves a target weight and get slimming. There are plenty of tempting getslim-quick products on the market such as weight loss pills, appetite suppressants, meals in a 'nutritious' drink. At the opposite end of the spectrum, you can get calorie counting (or Weight Watchers points counting) and calculate the value of every single th ing that you consume. There is, however, an alternative that is likely to have more of a long term effect. Change your eating habits! Sounds simple, doesn't it? Fat builds fat, so it makes sense to cut as much fat as you can from your diet and - to repeat an oft-said phrase - get some exercise! Some dieters feel that they need to follow menu plans and others just want to choose their own meals. There is definitely one benefit to the recipes , though, that they will gradually teach someone the fat content of foods , so that they eventually know instinctively what to eat and what to avoid. So, how do you go about eating the right foods?
w Cut out as much excess fat as possible - margarine, butter, hard cheese, cooking oils, full fat milk; along with cakes, biscuits and chocolate. w Stick to low fat foods 0 - 10% fat. w Grill, don't fry . w Eat at least the recommended five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day.
w Drink lots of water. w Eat proper meals, and only at meal times. w Eat enough to satisfy your hunger. Fill yourself up with fruit, veg, rice, pasta, wholemeal bread. Your diet won 't last very long if you're always hungry. w Forget calories. You need them because your body needs energy. it's where your calories come from that is important. w Do some exercise you enjoy. and which is convenient for you. If you're not into a particular sport, try swimming, aerobics, cycling, or even walking. w If you're a veggie, make sure you're getting protein (tofu, soya, a few eggs, beans and pulses), iron and the right vitamins and minerals from somewhere. When you're trying to lose weight it often feels like you're just not getting anywhere. it helps if you don't weigh yourself every day. You're more likely to see your progress if you weigh yourself weekly, and always first thing in the morning. Don't feel that one day of pizza and chocolate will have ruin ed your diet completely. Use the opportunity to try a little bit harder the following day. Finally, when you reach your final target, try to maintain it by sticking to low fat foods. If you go back to your old habits the fat is obviously going to pile back on. Another point to bear in mind is that you shouldn't keep trying to lose more. Good luck!
SUPBBMABIBT in·gre 'di·ents: CBBCIOUT aba.lr.uLap
Summer is on its way, and we all know what that means. But before you start sizzling those steaks, you'd better read on. Your social life may depend on it one day.... Meat is always a good idea for a 880. You know the kind of thing: sausages, chops, steaks, burgers, kebabs, and , most important of all , copious amounts of lard. Fling them on the grill and fry that flesh! You 'll know the item is ready when the outside has taken on a sooty black tone and the inside is still pink and firmly frozen . Beverages Or in other words, beer. This is the essential ingredient of the perfect 880. The quality doesn't matter (you won't be able to taste it after you've burnt every single one of your taste buds on that first bite anyway) but make sure you're well stocked. A considerable beer quota has been known to save a waning 880 on numerous occasions. Vegetables In this worrying age of morality and conscientiousness, you are bound to have at least one vegetarian amongst your guests, so it would probably be a good idea to have a couple of carrots or the odd leek ready to chuck on the grill in case of an emergency. Or, of course, you could splash out and buy some of the numerous vegetarian meat substitutes on the market these days, I suppose .... The Weather The British climate is the BBQ's worst enemy. Irrespective of the fact that you have chosen to hold it smack in the middle of the driest Summer on record, you can rest assured that the moment you light the grill and start roasting those ribs , the skies will darke;t and it will start bucketing down. Umbrellas are a good idea or, better still , a large, warm house nearby to relocate to .... Jack Hanauer
No. 10
the sandwich The essential picnic accessory tried and tested ...
UFO, 'Bon Appetite' Cheese and Pickle, 79p The cheese tastes prefabricated and the pickle is tasteless. On the plus side the sandwich was the cheapest of the lot. The range is reasonable , but not mind-blowingly spectacular. All in all , this is bargain basement student grub; it'll fill you up, but it isn't tasty. The big plus is you don't have to go all the way into town to get them but definitely not 'bon' for my 'appetite'. Tesco's, Scottish beef (Premium Fresh), £1.89 Tesco's range on the sbelf is quite large, but little of it is any good. The beef was bland and dry and the bread tasted like it had been through someone once before. Call the trading standards men - this was most definitely not fresh and not premium.
Ingredients: ~ ~} the bake shop, Cheese and Ham, £1.80 This shop's sandwich range was pitifully small and what was there wasn 't well signed. But this is the kind of no nonsense, no advertising , quality sandwich that makes you glad to be alive. In short this was sheer poetry in a sandwich . M&S, Chicken and Stuffing, £1.49 Looks worse than it tastes, but not oy much . The sandwich shelves arc generally well mdicated , with headings of 'No Mayonnaise', 'Fish', 'Meat' and 'No Meat'. Thanks to the labelling , the customer can guarantee no unfortunate surprises. it's just a shame they can 't make MAY sandwiches the way they make signs.
£f .49
fA\ Sainsbury's, Mature Cheddar and \.~}, Pickle, £0.89
I'll always be a Cheese and Pickle fan so I'm bound to be biased towards this. The bread was good , i e. not so regurgitated , but the pickle was too sweet and the cheddar passable. You 're better off with a Sainsbury's Cheese and Pickle sandwich than a UFO Cheese and Pickle sandwich any day. 89P 01 MAY James Brown
uea studio TRUE WEST
he audiences may have been fairly thin on the ground for the UEA Drama Society production of True West, but that was no reflection on the quality of the performance. Written by Sam Shepard, the play is set in southern California during the 1970s and revolves around two brothers. Sensible Austin is a Hollywood scriptwriter and family man, whilst sibling Lee is a small-time criminal and general wide boy who has been busy "spending time in the desert." As they are thrown together in their mother's house the friction between the brothers mounts. Austin fixes up a deal with producer Saul Kimmen (Andrew Pipes) to finance his idea for a trashy "contemporary western ." But the brothers' roles are reversed as Lee burns the midnight oil at the typewriter whilst Austin goes on a wild thieving spree. Their underlying differences then manifest themselves when Lee begs Austin to help him finish his script and smashes up his typewriter in frustration . Their mother (Sophie Blanch) arrives home to a scene of devastation and storms off as Austin tries to strangle his brother. Their differences are unresolved as the curtain falls. The powerful and occasionally humorous script was utterly gripping, portraying two men with something missing in their lives, unfulfilled both professionally and personally. The pace never flagged and the play managed to have some meaning as well as being a human drama. What really stood out though were the stunning performances from the two main actors, director Jonathan Messias (playing Austin) and producer Chris O'Neill (Lee). Completely assured and with perfect accents they held their audience mesmerised for the whole hour and a quarter of the play. Their performances outshone many professionals and a bright future beckons for both. Dan Bardsley
maddermarket theatre GODSPELL n the absence of the Second Coming. the closest many of us ever get to God is in stage productions such as Godspe/1. However, whilst the arrival of God might be quite uncommon, productions of Godspe/1 are not, and without inspiration they can easily flop. After all, the action only really boils down to a dramatisation of several New Testament tales. But the Drama Society's production of Godspell does not fall into this trap. This performance was fantastic. lt was clear that a huge amount of effort went into its making. The entire show was produced with skill and precision, resulting in a seamless spectacle of brilliantly choreographed musical numbers and dramatic scenes. lt moved at a cracking pace, from hilarious, imaginative improvisation to a crucifixion which was handled poignantly, and with sensitivity. The enthusiasm of the seven actors was boundless - there was not a weak member amongst them. The dance and movement was good enough to be professional, as was their magnificent singing, and the production was supported by a talented and versatile band. Our only criticism would be the strange and tedious prologue which was tacked onto the beginning. Not part of the original script, this scene. set in "Jesus' pub", had several dead philosophers pontificating about nothing in particular (fine in a lecture theatre, but it doesn't work on stage). Let this not take anything away, however, from a dazzling production. Sian Moles and Emlly Hunks
john updike arvis Cocker tells us we should help the aged however, I strongly suggest euthanasia for John Updike. Toward the End of Time is quite possibly one of the worst works ever produced by an author at the tail-end of his career. In between the pages of self-obsessed description of ageing, bizarre flights of fancy, and random reflections on history and science, Updike has apparently totally forgotten to include a plot maybe senile dementia is finally kicking in. Certainly, whatever talent he might once have had has dribbled away into his colostomy bag. With blinding originality, Updike sets his novel in the year 2020, twenty years after the USA has collapsed in a vaguely defined war with Asia. Not that this shattering of world order means much to the 66-year-old principal character Bob, however, who is comfortably encamped somewhere in rural
theatre royal FUNNY MONEY itting amongst a Theatre Royal audience that seemed to regard red shoulder-padded dresses and nylon suits as essential fashion items, I fell rather uncomfortable. The fact that my friend and I were the only ones under the age of 60 at this production of Funny Money didn't really help matters either. As I flicked through the 'glam' showbiz snap-shots in the programme, I realised that this comedy probably wouldn't be out of place at a cheesy Butlins entertainment night. And when the curtain was drawn back to reveal a loud, pink, flora- wallpapered room my fate was sealed. All the action in Funny Money takes place in this one room, with doorbells, phones and doors being used to give the impression of confusion and pace. The complicated plot starts with a
TOWARD THE END OF TIME New England. In fact Bob doesn't seem to care about much apart from his penis. As a result, the book is awash with details about bodily fluids and what passes for narrative structure centres around Bob's John Thomas. After every woman has been reduced to whore or destroyer, it is difficult not to shout with joy when Bob is diagnosed with prostate cancer and subsequently becomes impotent - hal Not that it is worth trawling through 250 or so pages just for this satisfaction though. At least if Updike had really succeeded in being offensive that would have been something. But he hasn't. Instead he merely provides us with a stream of tedious, self-indulgent, self-pitying drivel. Please will somebody put this man out of his misery. lmogen Rose-Smith and Hamish Hamilton
simple briefcase mix-up which shatters the mundane domesticity of a married couple. This is because the briefcase contains 拢750.000, which the husband plans to use to take himself and his wife on holiday. Unfortunately, his plans are disrupted by the appearance of detectives and various other characters, all of whom are intent on finding the money. With the use of these money grabbing, materialistic characters, Funny Money attempts to satirise contemporary society. 11 also has all the Ingredients of a classic slapstick comedy sexual innuendoes, stereotypes and mixed identities. These strict guidelines seemed to work well with the audience who, naturally, laughed before each punch-line. I, however. found these 'classic' ingredients unconvincing and contrived. Jean Perkins, as the wife, was overly shrill and neurotic, and her friend, Betty, seemed to linger awkwardly on stage. Furthermore, none of the actors had the charisma for such a comedy and, like me, found their roles wearing. Sam Jackson
9.30am路5pm, Monday-Friday
You know it makes sense TtiE EVENT WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1997
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ODEON BREAKDOWN Should have filled up at that last petrol station . ANASTASIA Fun-filled Russian proletariat uprising.
MARTHA, MEET FRANK, DANIEL AND LAURENCE Romantic Brit-flick with three guys and one girl.
TITANIC "Jack!" "Rose! " "Jack!"
SCR EAM 2 Neve Campbell gets bothered by someQne in a dodgy white mask. Again.
MOUSEHUNT Mousetraps get stuck everywhere imaginable.
WINGS OF THE DOVE Love and betrayal in England and Italy. Great!
AS GOOD AS IT GETS Jack Nicholson arches his eyebrows a lot.
JACKIE BROWN Guess which derogatory term Tarantino will use this time.
MRS DALLOWAY Wed, May 13 and Thu , May 14 at 2.30 and 5.45pm. Aristocratic angst. Like we care.
HOME ALONE 3 No Macaulay Culkin this time. SLIDING DOORS Alternative realities. Cool. DEEP IMPACT With Morgan Freeman as the US President, we'd feel really happy if it wasn 't for the comet.
LOVE ETC Wed, May 13 and Thu, May 14 at 8.15pm. A fi lm about love. BLUE ANGEL Fri, May 15 and Sat, May 16 at 2.30pm. Cabaret with Marlene Dietrich.
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STRIKE & BEHZIN MEADOW Sun , May 24 at 2.30pm . Two films from Russian genius Sergei Eisenstein. MA VIE EN ROSE Sun , May 24 at 5pm. Young French boy in a dress. Oh dear. FLUBBER Mon , May 25 at 2.30pm. Robin Williams out-acted by special effects.
UNION FILMS DEVI L' S ADVOCATE Thu May 14 AI Pacino is Satan. Hoo ah! REGENERATION Fri May 15 War sucks. THE ROCK Sat May 16 Watch it just for Cannery's hair. And the camp barber. JACOB'S LADDER/THE HUDSUCKER PROXY Mon May 18 Scary movie. Silly movie. TEMPTRESS MOON/RAISE THE RE D LANTERN Tue May 19 Ponderous Chinese family stuff.
FLU BB ER Unlike Good Will Hunting, this is a film Robin Williams would prefer that we forgot.
OSCAR AN D LUCINDA Fri , May 15 to Tue , May 26 (except Sundays) at 5.30pm. Fri, May 15 to Tue, May 26 at 8.15pm. Gambling vicars and glass cathedrals. Freaky.
WILDE Witty comments, a bit of theatre and some wobbling male bottoms.
SCREAM Fri , May 15 at 11.15pm. See the original. Great.
THE ICE STORM Two 70s families relate to each other by shagging. Lots . But it ends in misery.
EVENT HORIZON Fri , May 22 at 11 .15pm. Freaky. Freaky. Freaky.
DAS BOOT - DIRECTOR'S CUT Fri May 22 Drowning under the Atlantic during WWII. Not pleasant.
THE BIG LEBOWSKI Bowling , crime and a severed toe, courtesy of the makers of Fargo.
PRINCE VALIANT Sat, May 23 at 1.45 and 3.45pm . Knights in armour. Wahey!
SHORT CUTS Mon May 25 Julianne Moore ... OH MY GOD!! !!
NORWICH PUPPET THEATRE ARMANDO IANUCCI Thursday, May 14 at 8.30pm. The Friday Night Armistice's Armando lanucci expounds his comic philosophies on life , and the audience gets a chance to interrogate him. £7 I £5.50
NORWICH LABOUR CLUB CONJUNTO SABROSO Saturday, May 23 at 8.30pm. Authentic Salsa featuring the unique sound of the tres (Cuban guitar). Dust off those sombreros, start downing that sangria and get ready to chacha . £8 I £6.50
THE JACKAL Thu May 21 For the best assassin in the world, Bruce Willis is very careless.
THEATRE ROYAL GISELLE Tuesday, May 19- Saturday , May 23 at 7.30pm Matinees, Thursday at 2.00pm and Saturday 2.30pm. The Northern Ballet Theatre present a haunting love story that turns into a tragic tale of betrayal and revenge . £4.50 I £22 THE GOODBYE GIRL Monday, May 25- Saturday, May 30 at 7.30pm Matinees, Weds and Sat at 2.30pm . Gary Wilmot jumps about a bit and tries to sing in a romantic comedy musical set in 90s New York. Oh , hurrah! £3 I £20
UEA STUD I O POPPY TEA Thursday, May 21 - Sunday, May 24 at 7.30pm. A new play devised from contemporary and traditional Fenland tales about murder, the supernatural , romantic intrigue and, of course , bogs .. . £6 I £3.50
NORWICH GALLERY EAST Thursday, May 14 at 5.30pm. A preview of the work of 25 international artists who have been selected to come and work in Norwich this year. The exhibition proper opens on Saturday 11th July.
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JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET Wednesday, May 20 Acid Jazz and imaginary spy themes. £9 adv. SYMPOSIUM Sunday, May 24 The young scallywags of pop play their millionth Norwich date. £6 adv.
THUNDER Saturday, May 16 Here them RAW! £11 adv.
SENTENIAL Wednesdays Club hits and half price drinks between 11 pm and 1am. 1Opm-2am Free before 11 with flyer
PURE SWING Wednesdays Uplifting swing for the people of Norwich . 9pm-2am FREE GORGEOUS Fridays Happy House club night. 9pm-4am£5
NEW BREED Wednesdays Goth, metal, hard rock. £2 before 11 £3 after, £3 stud. discount
ZEN GORILLA Monday, May 25 £3.50 adv.
TRANSMITTING Thursdays Hot dance music of the 70s, 80s, and 90s £1.50
BIG COUNTRY Wednesday, May 20 China in the LCR? £10 adv.
WRAITH Fridays The best in goth. Grrr! £2.50 before 11 £3.50 afterwards
LCR Thursdays UEA's regular night of drunken debauchery, and disco. £2.50
HEADSWIM + TRANSISTER Tuesday, May 19 And now a band pretending to be Radiohead. Nobody mention their heavy rock days! £6 adv.
KLASS Saturdays Over 20s
SANCTUARY+ CLUB ORAKLE Mondays Old favourite Student night. 9pm-2am £1 stud. before 11/£2 stud. after
GOLDBLADE Monday, May 18 £4 adv.
SUPER FURRY ANIMALS Monday, May 18 Welsh noise merchants hit the house. £8.50 adv.
UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH+ SUNHOUSE Monday, May 18 Thorn Yorke's younger brother's band. Radiohead comparisons start here. £7 adv.
JUICE Saturdays Uplifting house & garage. 10pm-3am Girls £2.50 before 11/£5 after Lads £3.50 before 11/£5 after
PLEASURE Thursdays FREE with flyers before 11 I £2 after DECADENCE
MELTDOWN Saturdays Regular indie, Britpop, and alternative dance club, with a variety of musical styles in the Studio each week. 9.30pm-2am £3 uea £4/ £3.50 cone.
THE EVENT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1998 ol. • • . •
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21 .30 £3(UEA) dr
EXCLUSIVE Addict & Dandy Warhols promos + THE IN CROWD 21 .oo £3(UEA) dr
19.00 £6 .50 ad v
SI ON JUNGLE+ HARDCORE Au.NIGHTER 22 .00 £12 .50 adv
EXCLUSIVE Garbage promo lots of freebies + CLUB FATBOY . 21 .oo £3(UEA) dr
Loads of prizes
19.30 £1 .00 dr
21 .30 £7 .00 adv
19.30 f.5 .oo auv
19.30£8.50 adv
19.30 £8.00 adv
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