The event-issue 3-9th November

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ISSUE THREE Valid until Nov 9 SOp



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Richard Falrbrass, has exclusively told The Event that he loves Norfolk! In a telephone interview last week he said that the county " has so much sky" ... and that's why he likes it. He also slated bands with "egos the size of houses and talents t he size of the smallest room.• But Richard did have a good wo rd for some bands, Including teen Idols Take That, telling The Event that "Mark Owen is very cute• and that "Gary Barlow's got potential as a writer." •For the full Interview, tum to page 22.

hlppened illhet the

ccud WMied . . Studenll Unlott to run the venw, anc:tlt

C8lgll, mlndld~

Fronlllne FM, euggnlld lhe counclwere delperata to get the doors of the Waterfront open, and had not properly ~"'\Sidered the views of City .6Sidents. The Council and the Students Union Intend to open the a trial basis for a six

commencing December 1. Up to £80,000 will be pumped Into the venture by the council, an amount which will be repaid by the Students Union should the project be successful. In June, the council declared that the Students Union were the only party the council were prepared to deal with, and cited the fact that their proven

track record and equal opportunities poliCies were sufficient

Ocabanrt could be top of -· bill at UEA, If plans ly being discussed by The Entertainments team In the Students Union are flM' 1. Were the event to go • d, the hlghly-8C-' claimed "Doug Anthony All Stars" would perform at the University. After an excel· lant reception at this year's Edinburgh Festival, the All Stars went on to do a stint as the hou• band for Jools Holland's "VIva Cabaret" on

wun, a case

of the Student Union being desperate to run lt. The Labour-run council and the Labour-run Student Union have

got it stitched up.• He added, "lt just stinks, the

Whole thing." But his claims were bluntly refuted by a spokesperson at UEA's Students Union. Communications Officer, Jacqui Mackay, told The Event: "I don't accept what Mr Findlow said at all; if he's feeling sour that he happens to be in a minority on the council, then that's a fault of his political party: Despite the arguments, both Mr Findlow and Mr Cargill said they wanted the venue to rEH>pen, with the latter saying that, "I think the Union are quite capable of ruMing it and will probably make a good job of it:

Britain's first ever music discount club run exclusively for students is to be launched on November 1. The Club will mean that any NUS card holder can visit their local HMV store where they will be able to pick up their Music Union card and vouchers entitling them to discounts on top albums, videos, T-shirts, and many other special offers. Each month a total of ten albums will be selected, with holders of HMV Music Union cards

eligible for heavy discounts on COs, LPs and cassettes. To kick off the offer in style, a total of fifteen of September's and October's best releases will be available for discount in all HMV stores. With £1.50 off new albums by the likes of James, Nirvana, The Pet Shop Boys, Paul Weller and M-People, anyone who doesn't join up will definitely be missing out. Collect your membership card from your local HMV store - in the Jo Stubblngton Haymarket, Norwich.

DPrepare yourself for a completely deadpan experience this fortnight... as TV funnyman Paul Merton arrives at the Theatre Royal in Norwich. The comedian, who began his stand-up career in 1981 when he appeared at the renowned Comedy Store in London, arrives at the venue on November

6. Better known as team captain on BBC2's award-winning news quiz, 'Have I Got News For You', Paul has also been seen advertising Imperial Leather soap, and appearing on his own Channel Four show. • The Event's full feature on Paul Merton is on page 18. Tickets for the show are sold out, although there may be some returns on the night. Ring the box office on (0603) 630000 for details.

Channel Four.

If all goes according to plan, those very same Australians would perform at UEA, probably In a Lecture Theatre, as opposed to the usual LCR venue. A spokesperson for the Students Union, which Is currently finalising plans to reopen defunct City venue, the Waterfront, said the caba-

ret night could a'-o Include other top star..


DThe DJ who's never far from Norwich • John Peel - puts in an appearance at Cinema City at the end of this month. The Nation's favourite, Peely, will introduce the national premiere of 'Football Shorts', a light· hearted compilation of football films on Sunday, October 31. All proceeds from the evening will go to the Brian Gunn Childhood Leukaemia Appeal, obviously a very worthy cause. Ring 622047 for details.


DMichael Winner's new film, 'Dirty Weekend', IS a sure-fire flop, according to The Event's Jo Stubbington. In a review on page 11 of th1s edition, she slates the film for being 'm1sogynist1c' and 'tacky', adding that the acting Is 'dire· and the script is 'appalling'. The Bntish director recently presented 'True Cnmes' on ITV... some editions of which had to be substantially altered when they were cnticised be1ng insensitive and overly-graphic Unlortunately 1t would appear that the man 1sn't on to a Winner here e•ther.

OTh Norwich Theatre Royal has announced that TV s Peter Simon will host a ver· sion of Going Live's 'Run The Risk' when he stars In 'Dick Whittington' at the theatre this Christmas. Simon, who usually hosts the children's gameshow with Shane Ritchie (currently starring in 'Grease' In London) has promised that the miniaturised-version of the show will Include an authentic gunge tank, as seen on the Saturday morning programme. it's t me to lock up your children until way aft r Christmas. UAnyone who entered a competition m The Event's first issue should be watchmg the1r letterboxes closely over the next few days. For we've JUSt fin· ished ptcking the wmners of the stacks ol pnzes whiCh were on offer So if you wanted to win a Harrison Ford video, or had hoped for a free meal at Pizzaland, cross your fingers and wait ... If you can't bear to wait. the winners are actually announced on page 25 of this tssue!

PASTA & PizzA from



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Drayton Village Centre, Norwich 867370 Open 11 am tillate Mon- Sat, midday - I0.30pm Sun









Australian Doors

+ The Big Truth Band


Yoghurt Belly

•LGR, Wednesday, October 13

+ still Spin

lt has often been said that, if you close your eyes, you could quite easily mistake the Australian Doors for the original Doors. The band returned on October 13th to play UEA's LCR for the third year running, backed by the London-based Big Truth Band. Those members of the audience who chose not to show up tor the opening set missed the chance to experience a band with true song-writing potential, who swung straight into action with a sound best described as folky rock with just a dash of calypso. Songs such as "Liai Llai Sugar Pai" soon had the hitherto unresponsive audience foot-tapping, swinging and swaying. The band, who looked like extras from "Joseph And His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoar, threw themselves into their music with real enthusiasm that showed. Watching this band, you somehow got the feeling that you were being given a privileged insight into something very special. With the crowd now consideraoly swelled , enter the Australian Doors with a rendition of the ever-popular "Back Door Man", a raunchy, explosive start to a

REVIEW " •Oval, Tuesday, October 19 The Oval Rockhouse gives you the best of both worlds; there is the pub , fully equipped with imported draught lagers , a talking cigarette machine and Sky TV (which beamed down to an eager crowd Norwich's triumph over Bayern Munich) and then there is the venue itself, a scene intimate enough to bridge the gap between 'Rock God' performers and mere mortals gazing up at them . Unfortunately on my visit, th e mere mortals were few and far between and 'Still Spin' (th e opening band) were not yet deities in thei r field of music. They were hinde red though , as their vocalist informed me, by the fact that their bassist had only rehearsed three times with the band, forcing them to reduce their set to five numbe rs. Notwithstanding, the fou r-piece 'Still Spin' managed to belt out a few catchy tunes, kicki ng off with a nervy Police-esque stomper called "Running from Myself'. Occasionally loose and lost surrounding, 'Still Spin' are saved by a flowing , fun ky guitar line which peps up the Morriseylike sad , affected vocals. Th e singer's voice could seem out of place within quite an energetic set, but it has th e range to survive, and his performance is enhanced by stage wriggling and bizarre ballerina spi ns. Ultimately, though , 'Still Spin' need a spin on their music to give it a defined edge. 'Yoghurt Belly' were much more the ti cket. They are also a local band, have been playing together for two years, and have produced an inventive and diverse sound .

Incorporated into th e singer, guitarist, bassist, drummer format is an accordion player (reported ly an ex-teacher of theirs) who provides a subtle backdrop for what ranges from indie-rock to funky dance tunes . Most impressive is the bands effortless approach to quite passionate music. Karen Reill y shrieks down the microphone Bjork-style, but contains her voice brilliantly whilst swaying and peering obscure ly around the room . A conventional ind ie sound is mercifully discarded as Tim plays the machine head rather than the neck of the guitar and even picks up a triangle - move over Jimmy Page- to acquire the designed prang. Combined with a rhythmic bass and clean sharp drumming , Yoghurt Belly make sure th eir originality does not disintegrate into absurd quirky music - intact it's downright groovy. Moody tunes like 'Green Tinted Glasses' occasionally bu rst in with Pi xie-esque panache and are enhanced by Karen's insane shaking of a tin can and tambourine. The last, and best , song of the night provides more subtle variety, timely breaking for a trumpet solo by the lead singer herself. lt moves with nihilistic but mesmerising flu ency captivati ng what was essentially a rock audience. Yoghurt Belly are unsurp risingly shrewd about record contracts and recording but th ey can be heard live this month in London and Northampton . Go for the Yoghurt Belly treatment.

Gabriel Silver

The Colorform PREVIEW Any plans for next bonfire night? No? Want to have some fun in a 'band and party' style atmosphere? If so then make the effort to go to the Locks Inn, Geldeston, Near Beccles. By all accounts it will be a grand night out with local live band funksters The Colorform p laying in a marquee. Also included , of course, is a bonfire, food , drink and a couple of hundred other people. Infamous locally for intensive gigging Colorform offer an individual and not easily classified sound. it's a sort of fun ked up indie dance sound combin ing gu itars, bass , drums, sax and didgeridoo. The main component though is a hard working but fun attitude that always creates a 'friendly' and happy atmosphere. This 6 piece band have an extensive gigging history, pl ay ing with the likes of Alison Moyet and The Levellers . They have done numerous gigs in and around Norwich, at UEA, Norwich Arts Centre, the Waterfront, The Jacquard and Peppermint Park. Also on their list is the Rock Garden and Robey in London and others in Oxford and Colchester. They are promoting their Big Truth 5 track EP by touri ng as much as possible and pushing to appear at In-store shows, maybe Virgin would take them up on their offer. They are also hoping for a label signing with their demo currently circulating all those A&R managers. Up and coming , and waiting for your attendance, bonfire night could well be an above average night if you make the effort, as Colorform have , t o create your own fun nig ht out.


splendid set. This was followed by a medley of Doors classics including "Take lt As lt Comes" and "Five to One", leading up to the smash hit "Light My Fire", guaranteed to whip any crowd of Doors devotees into a frenzy. The tempo was slowed slightly for the less well-known "Touch Me", following which the audience was treated to a feast of musical caviar, leading to a climax in the form of "Riders On The Storm", unarguably the most atmospheric song of the night, complete with apt special effects and lighting. The crowd remained entranced throughout "The Wasp", "Love Me Two Tames" and "LA. Woman", only seeming to reawaken to call for the first encore of "Break On Through" played hard and fast. The second encore of "When The Music's Over" was punchy but strangely calming, although it is uncertain whether this was due to the music, the hypnotic liquid oil projections or the heady atmosphere. ~ Whatever caused it, this ._.., proved to be a fitting tribute to the snake-hipped American Poet and his legendary Doors.

Toni Brodelle


Larry Garner



•NAG, Saturday, October 16

•NA G, Friday, October 15 The Norwich Arts Centre is not a ven ue you would immediately equate with fi ne Mississippi Blues. Maybe a square dance , but definitely not the Blues. On Friday 15 however, The Arts Centre was rocking to the music of Larry Garner, an accomplished exponent of the Blues from Baton Rouge . The sight of the diminutive man entering the stage with a Gibson slung over his shoulder and a pint of Murphy's in his hand bro ught smiles to the faces of many members of the audience. That set the tone of the evening. When the audience were not dancing, they were laughing. Larry Garner enjoys playing the blues, and it shows. The story behind his entry to the world of the Blues is typical of many of the world's great blues guitari sts, he explained . "I came from a very religious family, and I used to be in awe of the guitar when I went to ch urch . "At 16 I started playin g Rhythm and Blues in my cousin's band. I'd play the blues Friday and Saturday, and Gospel on Sunday. He is certainly a blues guitarist in the traditional mould , although his style does vary at tim es from tradi tional Southern Blues, "Doghouse", an award winning song , is a very traditional blues number, characterised by the wit that Mr. Garner displayed through out the show. Musically, however , this was very different from other material that was played , "She Wouldn't Back Down", for example, owes much to the blues/funk movement of the late 60's and early 70's. Mr Garner admitted , "When I played in the armed services I got involved in what was then th e "new wave" scene. "You know, Sly and the Family Stone, Ji mi Hendrix .. .. those sort of guys." The mix of traditional blues and funk infl uenced materi al made for a great evening of music. Larry Garner differs from many of the traditional Bl ues men in that he had an ulterior motive for taking up music professionally. "About eight years ago I started jamming with some local guys. "I thought that what needed to be said was not bei ng said , so I started writing my own stuff." A father of two children, Garner uses his music to convey a social ly aware message. Fortun ately, it is done in such a light hea rted manner, that it does not detract from the music. Befo re he left Baton Rouge to embark on this tour he received a phone call from Polygram , who are showin g considerable interest. So, are things looking good for Larry Garner? "As long as they are feeling good, that is all that matters."

Seth Levine

Norwich Arts Centre has recently taken over as one of Norwich 's major music venues since the demise of the Waterfront. Its reputation as an informal, re laxed and modest venue combined with extensive hype surrounding Corduroy resulted in a tu 11 house for the band, with all tickets sold before9pm. The popular live group is greatly inspired by cult 60's television series such as " The Saint " , " The Streets of San Francisco" and " The Avengers" - highlighted by the cover of their latest album, " High Havoc" . Cordu roy's sound is rem iniscent of Ron nie Jordan, "Starsky and Hutch " gu itar

rifts and Pearl and Dean " pah, pah, pah , pah" vocals. Tonight's best bits included the ly rically superior "Somethi ng in My Eye" and their latest single "The Frighteners". The stage backdrop, meanwhile, consisted of repeatedly shown dodgy 60's images, interwoven with pictures of themselves. The Arts Centre has in recent years furthered the careers of now well-established artistes such as Tori Amos and Curve -will it do t he same for Cordu roy? As the band themselves sang, " If you like it, come and get it! " Rachel Savory

and Stuart El/io tt








Bad Brains + The Goats

REVIEW •LCR, Saturday, October 16 Hot, humid, loud and frenzied. That's how the October 16 will be remembered by those who saw Fishbone, Bad Brains and The Goats at UEA. The Goats kicked off with a short set of only three songs, although these were suitably extended and very musically different from their studio tracks. Keen fans would have noted the absence of rapper Oatie Kato from the line-up. He had in fact been kicked out of the band a week or so earlier. The bassist who I bumped into and subsequently quizzed at the bar was not forthcoming about the specific reasons but he did seem slightly bitter: "You won't miss him on the next album," he stated adamantly. Bad Brains were next to take up their instruments, whipping the crowd into a whirling mosh with their powerful thrash-reggae sound. Angelo from Fishbone and the rappers from the Goats

made appearances at various points to solo, rap or just stage dive with Bad Brains. Their appetite for being passed around by the crowd was never quite satisfied. When Fish bone eventually took to the stage, they faced the challenge of maintaining the pace and tapping into the buried energy reserves of an already battered crowd. They rose to this challenge well, opening with Swim, a thickly layered thrash tune which made the mosh seethe once more. Although the momentum began to waver in the latter half of their set, they stepped up the pace towards the end, finish ing with a number never recorded or even played on English soil before. For this they invited Bad Brains and The Goats on stage one last time and with about a dozen musicians playing and The Goats rapping {between stage dives) the end of the night passed out in riotous fashion. Martin Rose

Above: Fare's fair for Mambo Taxi Right: Lighting up - The Tlndersticks

James Tavlor Quartet PREVIEW

Wilde Club PREVIEW Two dramatically different headlining bands bring their music to the Wilde Club at Norwich Arts Centre this fortnight... once again confirmir ' belief that you never k1 quite what to expect from the unique promoters. First up, on Monday November 1, is Mambo Taxi, the London-based all woman band, pedalling their own brand of riot grrr1 punk pop. They're touring to promote their bizarrely-titled new sin-

Wagon To A Chicken. Trckets gle, "Do You Always Dress Like That In Front Of Other People's Boyfriends?" (oh, you do?). lrs the band's third release on Clawfist records ... the first two singles entered the indle top ten. This alone justifies a peek at the group. But on top of that, support comes from the splendid Steerplke - who are one of the local bands on the new release from Noisebox records (see records page) - plus Flyover (a UEA band) and Hitch Your

£3.50 on the door. Widely-acclaimed Nottingham band Tlnderstlcks take to the stage on November 8. Vox magazine recently described the band as •a mixture of darkness, light, grating noise, heavenly violin, poetry and nostalgia, with a strong sense of melancholia lying underneath.• I could not have said it better myself. Support comes from Palace Brothers, Ivy and Unbridled Passion. TICkets £4 on the door.

Jazz-funk fusion is on its way to Norwich, as the James Taylor Quartet take their unique sound to the University of East Anglia on Tuesday, November 9. Nowadays you can't move for variations on a jazz theme. JTQ, however, were the first to pick up the threads of the widespread acid scene with "Mission Impossible" in 1987. Since then they have been moving on up, thanks largely to their electric and eclectic live performances. Every band needs its core material but JTQ have always tended to see their recording sessions as mere triggers for their intoxicating stage shows. Once again there is an unknown

Mellow tones now provide yet another dimension. As James Taylor explains: "They said you need a singer because element in their mixture. On their instrumental bands don't sell most recent album, "Supernatural records. Noel is one of the finest Feeling", JTQ added vocalist in the country and he's brought Noel Mckoy. a new direction to everything we Past surprises have included do." With this, there can be no Miles Davis' percussionist Airto argument. Mckoy's voice mirMoriera, DJ Tony Humpries and rors Taylor's organ sound and covers of tunes such as Richa•d punches in and out, tracking the Strauss' "2001",and their best rhythm section to great effect. known track to date "Theme from JTQ's UK tour kicks off in Starsky and Hutch". Audiences November on the back of "Suhave yet to be disappointed. pernatural Feeling". JTQ's mellifluous jazz-funk This is followed by a world tour sound remains imitated, but which will eventually culminate unequalled. Horns, wah-wah in a New Year's Eve appearance guitars, the drum and the bass in Hong Kong. The band's are locked tightly together. But reputation speaks for itself but the key is James Taylor's their albums just aren't enough. Hammond organ and Noel JTQ speak with their hands. Mckoy! James Melvllle-Ross

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Norwich Arts Centre line-up PREVIEW

Hawkwind PREVIEW Legendary space rockers Hawkwind are set to play UEA on Saturday November 6. Formed in 1969, they have endured almost twenty-five years in the music business. Yet they continue to influence a generation of new bands, who look, but fail to steal the mantle of Hawkwind. 1970 saw the release of their debut single "Hurry on Sun-

down", and the launch of the album "Hawkwind", and in 1992 they released a new double LP . The enigmatic Hawkwind have survived because of the consistent quality of their unique brand of music. From the chart topping single "Silver Machine" in 1972 to the release of the "Live Chronicles" album in 1986, recorded during the "Chronicle of The Black

Sword" tour, the group have maintained the high standards of their early material. Now, in the 90's "Xenon Codex" was followed by the release of "Space Bandits" and finally "Palace Springs", all of which continued the Hawkwind era. The band, who have been on the circuit so long they are regarded almost as an 'institution' , have managed to survive countless line-up changes. The one surviving member of the band, lead guitarist/ vocalist Dave Brock, is responsible for

the continued vigour of the Hawkwind phenomenon. Ex-Hawklords have included the likes of Lemmy, now of "Motorhead" fame, but the lineup currently stands as a sharp three piece: Dave Brock, bassist Alan Davey and drummer Richard Chadwick. Hawkwind continue triumphantly. •Tickets, priced £7.50, are available from UEA and the usual ticket agencies in advance.

Norwich Arts Centre Is offering a wide variety of music this fortnight, from baroque to belly dancing. On October 28 the NAC steps east with the group 'Noor Shimal', whose eclectic style of music has been described as "true world music". They feature the distingulshed exotic dancer Amel Benhasslne-Miller, who is also a lecturer at City Unlversity. Through the medium of her art she tries to bring Arabic culture to Europe and also attempts to dismiss Western prejudices about women. Celebrated songsters 'Hell Bent Heaven Bound' are presenting an evening of songs all on the theme of money on October 29. Their sources come from every corner of the musical spectrum, jazz, folk, blues, pop and musicals, and teature such classic as "Ain't

Nothln' Going On But The Rent" and "Wall Street Shutfie". The award winning 'Paladian Ensemble' one of Britain's leading young chamber music groups, are appearing on November 4. This dazzlingly talented quartet have built an enviable reputation for stylish and exciting performances of 17th and 18th century music on period Instruments. Saturday November 6, meanwhile, sees the NAC's highly popular Acid Jazz nights continuing, this time featuring the smoky voiced, gritty · edged, jazz singer from Georgia, Carleen Anderson. Carleen comes from a family of famous jazz-blues singers: her parents are Bobble Byrd and Vickl Anderson. Bobble Byrd will also be appearing, with Max Beesley and four friends.



Qlf you're in a band and will be playing a gig in the immediate Norwich area, what better way to get an audience than by having the gig previewed in The Evenf? Or if you're doing a gig which you'd like to see reviewed in print, why not see if one of The Event's reviewers can cover it? Write to the Editor, giving details of where it is and when, along with a contact number, and we'll see what we can do! Marlin Plant The address is: The Event, PO Box 410, Norwich, NR4 ?TB. -- ·- - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - ,


f~[ (~~W( ....p


o.., 01



50°/o student discount on most prices £5 or under - ring for details


Judgement, Concrete Gerbil & Ashes To Ashes Freak Of Nature My Dying Bride & G.G.F.H lndie Nite; Waddle, Compact Pussycat & Backward Dog Toyah Wilcox & Friday Forever T.B.C AB/CD (AC/DC Tribute band) & Danger Live Sullen Blaze & Texas Edge 01 Night. Boisterous ArgieBargies, Pressure 28 & Another Mans Poison lndie Night

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27 ·NovEMBER 9


+ Hypnotise + Delta Radio

REVIEW •NAC, Monday, October 18 Faced with a vocalist standing and presumably reading from his music stand, the crowd were unsure yet receptive to Delta

Radio. Walking down St. Benedicts, the sound emanating from Norwich Arts Centre seemed to be overshadowed by the Nick Cave style vocals. Seeing the band made me understand the laid back vocals and feedback background that seemed so stmnge a few min· utes before. Laid back and disjointed, Delta Radio propel stmnge sounds similar to Primus and Poluo, but somehow the vocals and sound just didn't seem compatible. As their name suggests, Hypnotise are hypnotic, loopy, repetitive, paced and fused with 'wah,

wah'. Sort of loop like but more meshed into the ethics of the heavier style Spacemen 3 and certainly nearly as good. Even the lights seemed to be on a more effective scale. Retro but good with it. After reading of Priam's music I was looking forward to hearing the live sound, but unfortunately it didn't work for me. Others were impressed and the free flexi-disc was gladly received. The better parts were The Occasional Pavement, quirky influenced parts and the heavy background beat of tribal drums. A lengthy middle part of church organ crossed with the merrygo-round backtmck just failed to grab me.

Certainly interesting but not addictive. Hair and Skin feature ex-loop members and like Main take a lot of influence from their old

band. lt's different, a new direction but not compelling like Loop were. Main are more linked to 'A Guilded Eternity' and impress me more. Hair And Skin take the more obscure element but are still tight and controlled with groovy back projections. Not the sort of music to jump up and dance to but put it on your Walkman and walk around Castle Mall and you'll understand where Hair and Skin are coming from ... and you'll be in your own intense world.




+ re rv Rev+ Or P I s


PREVIEW October 29 sees the coolest package of bands at UEA this term. Splrltuallzed, Rugby's notorious chill-out merchants, return with their mlndblowlng live show after last year's • · ·~lant performance, and are noting their most recent EP "Electric Malnllne" which was awarded Melody Maker 'Even Bigger Single of the Week'. Having stormed Glastonbury with their live experience during the summer, Jason and eo. should not be missed If only for their stunning versions of 'Shine a Ught' and 'Take Good Care of lt' which are, well, stunning. Joining Splrltuallzed are seminal US nolsenlks Mercury Rev who follow up their appearance at the Pheonlx Festival. Mashing up bits of psychadella, feedback and very strong lyrics, The Rev ..... , undoubtedly satisfy )ne left standing upright eapeclally with the live favourite 'Very Sleepy Rivers', an epic paean to narcotics overload If ever there was • one. Rounding off the evening will be an appearance by Liver· pool's acid space rockers Dr. Phlbes and The House of Wax Equations who will bring their blend of dub prog-rock to Norwich once again and on the whole the evening should be pretty cosmic. Nothing left to say except 'see you there'. •Tickets are a snip at £5 and are available from the usual outlets.

Peter Snowman reviews the coming fortnight Well, the Oval never stops rocking, does lt?l On TUesday November 2 they will be holding another masalvelndle night. The event will be opened by Compact Puasycat, who are deacrtbed aa a "loveable allfemale 4-plece playing a kind of freaform punk-goth crossover." We shall have to see how they get on, as this Is their first outing with their new vocallaL Go for 1t girls! The evening continues with a goth theme with 'Back· wards Dog' who have been 881d to bear a striking resemblance to The Mission. The Oval will have never seen such a concentration of black clothing! Wfth a slight change of direction, the evening will be well and truly finished off by 'Waddle'. These excellent thrash merchants are based right here In our fine city of Norwich {and have been mentioned In the same breath aa the 'Butthole

Surfers). No doubt a g9Qd night will be had by alii On Wednesday 3rd Toyah Wllcox will be making a return to the gig-scene (see preview) • grab the chance to see her now before the tour gets enormous next

Jam/e Putnam

All clawed up? The Family Cat (pictured) bring their unique indie sound to the NAC on Friday November 5: where there could be more than a few simple fireworks. Following their August chart debut with 'Airplane Gardens', they're touring to promote a new EP out Dedicated

records .•• marking another sonic step forward for the band. Also watch out for the support, UEA-based band Fur, who have recently signed to Che records, former home of The llnderstlcks. Expect their first vinyl release early next


yearI Friday 5th sees a welcome return to AB/CD, the almighty ACIDC tribute band. What can I say? H you like ACIDC, be there! If you want a good Saturday night then you might like to check out 'Sullen Blaze' with 'Texas Edge'.

VIVacious pop star of the early eighties, Toyah Willcox, is taking the stage of Norwich's "Oval" pub as part of her comeback tour. The star, 35, and best known for hits like "lt's a Mystery", includes this date (Nov 3) in her largest tour for ten years. Toyah anticipates that •'s going to be steaming gig", and has recorded two new albums to coincide with the tour entitled 'Leap', which is in the rock mould, and the more commercial 'Dream Child'. Since Toyah achieved main· stream recognition, in 1981 , she

has juxtaposed her singing career with acting, appearing alongside such illustrious names as Katherine Hepbum and L.aurence Olivier. As well as being credited as a maestro of the pop promo video, and winning 'Top Female Vocalist of the Year' in several polls, she has attracted controversy with her feminist 'Prostitute' album released in 1988. Toyah sees herself as progressive and her agent Marcus Agar, is sure that • ..people will love this gig" citing Toyah's tumultuous rendering of 'I Want To Be Free' as a concert

highlight. Toyah, apparently, doesn't want to alienate her old fans but hopes to appeal to a new audience and, in particu· lar, students. She says, "Some of the best gigs I've ever played have been at colleges and universities, they're into it 100 per cent." The tour, a sell out in London, is a prelude to a much larger tour early next year. With a new band,' Friday Forever', new music, and several single releases planned, Toyah is set to further enrich her diverse career and continue to excite audiences. (Ttekets are £5).

Aaron Splcer

These two great name bands are bound to be popular so secure a ticket now before they sell out. On Sunday November 7, the Oval continues to demonstrate why lt has a reputation for being the truly alternative venue When they host an 01 nlghL Make a date for a chance to see 'Another Mans Poison', 'Presaure 28', 'Argle Bargles' and 'Boisterous' (headlining). The Oval are also planning a gig on Thursday 4 and another lndle night on Tuesday 9, when music comes from Foreheads In A Flshtank, Bush Doctors and The Loveless. Tickets for that coat £2.50. Later In November, watch out for 'Zodiac Mlndwarp', 'Firebyrds'(Ex.Tatooed Loveboys), 'Warrior Soul' and the fantastic 'New England' and don't miss 'The Hairy KJda' (aka. Sweet 'n'lnnocent) on Thursday

18. Rock on...



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27 -

The coming fortnight at Cinema City





PREVIEW European and British films are the staple diet at Cinema City this fortnight, with a few American films thrown in for good luck. 'The Fencing Master' (12) is a Spanish film, set in the year 1868. Don Jaime, the fencing master of this title , refuses to teach a lady named Adela, because of her sex. Once he has seen her skill, however, he relents , and quickly becomes infatuated with her, though Adela has her mind set on someone more prominent... . Will Don Jaime get the girl? The film runs until October 29th. From Spain, we move to a British housing estate in a northern town , courtesy of ' Raining Stones' (15) . The latest film from Ken Loach , the director of 'Kes', it tells the tale of an unemployed father, trying desperately to make ends meet. Though the film has it's depressing moments, the spirit of the characters and the general humour help to lift it. 'Raining Stones' comes to Norwich in November and runs until November 7th. European Film Week starts on Monday November 8th, and Cinema City is one of the 100 cinemas from 15 different countries that has been chosen to participate. The first film to be shown in

Above: 'Dig Those Shades'- Rikard Wolff as Zac and Helens Bergstrom in 'House of Angels' Top right: Peely, putting the boot in at the launch of 'Football Shorts' Right: Adela De Otoro in 'The Fencing Master' this event, supported by the Media Salles Project, is 'House of Angels' (15) . This is a Swedish comedy, centred around a young city girl who inherits a country manor house. She and her biker boyfriend arouse hostility and suspicion in the local community, but eventu-

ally she gets them to warm to her. The film is showing from November 8 to November 15. Scattered around these main features are a number of other films and events. Sunday October 31st sees the Brian Gunn Appeal Gala Screening , in which the Nor-

wich City and Scotland goalkeeper, along with DJ John Peel, will introduce the national premiere of 'Football Shorts', a light-hearted compilation of football films . All proceeds from the evening will go to the Bryan Gunn Childhood Leukaemia Appeal. The late night Ftiaay

showings this fortnight are 'Cat People' (18), andthe 'Life of Brlan' (15) . 'Cat People', which is being shown on October 29, is a remake of a classic 1940's thriller, starring Nastassja Kinski and featuring a score by David Bowie . As everyone knows, 'The Life

of Brian', (screened Novembeo 5) is the Monty Python team's irreverent look at the New Testament. Perfect for those who 'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life'.

Caroline Jenklnson

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0 Dave Kovic runs a small temporary employment agency in Baltimore. He's not rich, but he gets by, and finds pleasure in providing work for the anxious unemployed who show up at his door. But Dave does have one unusual quality... he looks exactly like the 44th President of the United States of America ... Munching on the popcorn: Darren Fisher and Carol/ne Jenklnson.



'Dave' is the story of Dave Kovic, a regular guy with a ·"" -.liar job running a small temry employment agency in bttrtimore. Regular, that is, if you ignore the fact that he looks exactly like the president of the United States - William Harrison Mitchell. This turns out to be a useful asset for the President himself, who has been employing look-alikes to do his public duties so that he can go out and spend time in other non-executive pursuits. The Chief of Staff and the Communications Director get to hear about Dave, and persuade him to play stand-in for the President, as it is a ·unique opportunity to serve his country". However, things start to get out of hand when the President is suddenly stricken mortally ill. Dave is then persuaded to stay · e role for longer than at first .ght. Indefinitely, in fact. At first fascinated with the novelty of the situation, it soon wears off as he finds himself caught between the ambitions of a group of powerful people, and his own ideas of right and wrong . Directed by lvan Reitman, responsible for both 'Ghostbusters' and 'Twins' it also stars half-Brit Sigoumey Weaver as the First Lady Ellen, who happens to notice that her husband is not quite himself (shades of 'Sommersby' here) and does not seem to mind the change. Conceived in 1985 by 'Big' eo-writer Lauren Shuler Donner, the production includes the most accurate reconstruction of the White House ever, all built on the Warner Bros back lot. Phillip Wise, a technical advisor for the film who had worked in the actual White House, found it so realistic that he kept checking for his beeper, as if he was still on call to the President. The production crew also spent some time in Washington DC, filming some of its famous monuments and buildings.


Top: "Don't feel pressured, or anything... " Left: Kline finds that pigs make a change to catching a bus Above: Sigourney Weaver with more hair than ever before

The newly built Oriole Stadium in Baltimore, for example, was used for a scene where Dave throws out the first ball for a game of baseball in front of 40,000 cheering fans. What brought Oscar winner Kevin Kline to the project was "the challenge of playing two characters who were at once identical and yet strikingly differ-


ent. "I also loved the interplay between the comic and dramatic elements." Reitman comments; "lt's easy to broadly satirize a story like this until it's completely beyond reality, but that wasn't my interest. "My interest was basically to tell a story of the common man who steps up to the plate and triumphs through his decency."

Filling out the rather distinguished cast is Frank Langella as the Chief of Staff, Kevin Dunn, last seen in 'Hot Shots', as the White House Communications Director, and Ben Kingsley as the Vice-President who sports a very dubious transatlantic accent. Watch out also for cameo appearances by Amold Schwarzenegger and Oliver Stone. And if you also happen to know your US senators, you

might spot some of them turning up as themselves in the film . Shot during the recent Presidential elections, it has apparently been seen and enjoyed by the current Head of State. lvan Reitman thought that there were similarities between Bill Clinton's victory and his film : "Something about Bill Clinton's youth, Baby Boomer status and humble beginnings has made a lot of people feel as though he

may be 'one of them, a regular guy'. "In a way, we felt as though life was imitating art by bringing someone who promised to be more accessible to the average person into the White House just as we were telling our story here". •Showing at the Cannon from Friday November 5, you can decide whether 'Dave' gets your vote!

@~ @~ @~ @~ @~ @~




27 -



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Bell-bottoms, love beads, beer busts, reefers, and, ugh, Aerosmith ... the trap· pings of the postWoodstock generation as portrayed In the movie that Is fast becoming the ONLY one to watch, 'Dazed And Confused'. Director Richard Linlater's expose of high school life in the seventies opened only a few days ago, but has already achieved something of a cult status, with lines from the movie, such as 'But I don't wanna go to Law School. I wanna be....a dancer!" echoing In bars and on college campuses across the States. Set In 1976, 'Dazed' takes place on the last day of classes at a medium-sized Texas high school, when kids In one group are about to become seniors, and there are the new freshmen from the junior high who have to be lniti· ated into the wonders and mysteries of high school life. There are the familiar companions to seventies school life - fashion from hell, marijuana, rebellion, jealousies, teen pranks and the whole movie la pumped full of attitude and nostalgia, reminding us of a time when hanging out was a way of life, and alIenation hung over the culture like the aroma of pot smoke. Hailed as the 'American Graffiti' of the next genera· tion, ' Dazed And Confused' Is the ultimate portrait of American teenage life, in which Llnklater (director of the inimitable cult movie 'Slacker') recreates the atmosphere of a lost generation and provides a snapshot of the uniquely mindless mid-seventies. Robert De Nlro has Joined the likes of Cllnt Eastwood, Barbara Strelsand, and Robert Redford, by directIng his first feature film 'A Bronx Tale', which Is currently doing the rounds In the States. Having appeared In a number of Martin Scorsase pictures ('Mean Streets', 'Taxi Driver', 'Goodfellas', 'Cape Fear' to name but a few), the oft-proclaimed 'great· est living actor' may, however, have shackled himself with critics by decld· ing to direct his own film, and, additionally, satectlng a genre (the gangster pie· tore) which has helped to shape his acting career ('The Godfather Part 11', 'Goodfellas', 'Once Upon A Time In America'). 'A Bronx Tale' tells the story of a young boy torn between two role models • one his hard-working, bus driving father (De Nlro), and the other a glamourous, local gangster. With fine attention to detail, De Niro guides us through the familiar turf of Italian American New York street life In the sixties, but ultl· mately, and despite com· parlsons to Scorsese (and every other director he's ever worked with), he takes the genre Into a fresh direction ... That's it for this fortnight, catch you again soon.

What with 'Bambi', 'Tom and Jerry', 'The Incredible Journey' and other similar films showing locally at the moment, children are spoilt for choice. Now there's another movie to get them back into the cinema seat: Once Upon A Forest. Carol/ne Jenldnson blubs into her hanky and pretends she's eight again ...

Once Upon A Forest PREVIEW


If you're desperately searching for something to keep the younger members of your family or friends entertained you may find what you're looking for in 'Once Upon A Forest.' This delightful animated film comes courtesy of Hanna-Barbera Productions lnc, (the same team that brought the 'Fiintstones' and 'Top Cat' to the small screen) and is pro- duced by David Kirschner, the creative force behind another animated movie; the highly successful 'An American Tail'. A Welsh story by Rae Lambert provides the basis for the film, which probably ex· plains the involvement of HTV Cymru/Wales in its production. The tale is set in the enchanted Dapplewood forest, and follows the adventures of Abigail the wood mouse, Edgar the mole, Russell the hedgehog and their mentor, the old badger Cornelius. Their peaceful existence is shattered when a runaway chemical truck careers into the forest, leaving behind a toxic mist which poisons the plants inhabitants. Only an ancient cure, made from the herbs eyebright and lungwort can save the animals, but with all the forest's herbs destroyed, Abigail, Edgar and Russell are forced to go beyond its borders to seek the plants. Stage and screen stars provide the voices for two of the main characters. Michael Crawford, best known for the contrasting roles of the Phan-

Top: Abigail, the wood mouse, Russe/1, the hedgehog, and Edgar the mole don 't look too happy Above: Cornelius the badger and Michelle...apparently Left: Crawford, the voice of Come/ius tom of the Opera and Frank Spencer, takes the role of Cornelius the badger, whilst Ben Vereen, Broadway star of "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Hair", lends his voice to Phineas the greatcrested grebe. With two musical performers involved, it is not surprising that there are several songs contained in the film. The three original songs, "Please Wake Up", "He's Gone/He's Back" and "Once Upon A Time With Me" we re composed by James Homer, who won a Grammy award for his work on "An American Tail". The talent used to make Once Upon A Forest should guarantee that it is a success . And though it is aimed mostly at ch ildren , there are bound to be some adults who will enjoy it too!



~--- ---~----- - -- ------~------------~-------------------


27 -





Bob Scott sits back and views the remaining films on Norwich's silver screens Two films based on books by Michael Crichton are in Norwich at the moment; 'Jurasslc Park' (PG) showing at the Canon and 'Rising Sun' (18) at the Odeon. Crichton's eye for detail has not made the transformation to the big screen hence 'Park's' plot having holes in it the size of an average iguanodon and 'Sun• plodding along at a snail's pace." As it goes, however, in the fifties, Jurassic Park would have been infested by giant ants and the special effects would have been nowhere near as impressive. Rising Sun Jurassic Park In 'The Fugitive', at the Cannon, you will find Harrison Ford replaying his 'Frantic' role with less dialogue and a funny hair cut. He is chasing the one armed man who killed his wife; the complication is, that Tommy Lee Jones and his merry band of multi- ethnic men (and woman) are chasing him under the misapprehension that he is the guilty party. Good set pieces, topped by a chuffing good train crash. If like me you detest children and can't imagine ever having been one yourself, 'The Secret Garden' (U) is not for you. If however you're a botanist or a budding Percy Thrower then go, the real star is the garden and very pretty it is too. In 'Much Ado About Nothing' (PG) Branagh succeeds once again in transferring the Bard to the screen: it helps of course to have Keanu Reeves, Denzil Washington and Michael Keaton involved. Visually sumptuous and everybody seems to be having a 'lovely' time in the film . * * * Also at the Cannon is 'Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story' (15) . The man who commanded a worshipful following and single-handedly brought Kung Fu to the western world in the early seventies is played by Jason Scott Lee (no relation). If you're a fan of Jean Claude Van Damme, go and see how it should be done. * * At the Odeon, is another biopic, 'What's Love Got To Do With lt' (18) . As with Bruce Lee, Tina Turner's story is presented as a mishmash of biographic detail and public myth.** And finally, 'Sleepless In Seattle' (PG). No grunge and lots of schmaltz as Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks discover love with the help of another precocious brat. * * *


Dirty Weekend PREVIEW

McCoy', from the producers Love'and'Scartace'and directed by Russell ('Highlander', 'Ricochet') Mulcahy, is another fast-moving action adventure of the same vein. This time the hero is a heroine in the form of Kim Basinger as the ace bank robber and cat burglar Karen McCoy. Karen has been released from prison on early parole after a bank robbery which went wrong six years previously. She has paid her debt to society and now all she wants is to lead a quiet life with her young son Patrick (Zach English). Unfortunately Patrick has been told by his father that his mother is dead, and Karen finds that her criminal :ecord hinders her search for honest employment. However, there is one man anxious for the suave but dangerous Jack Schmidt (Terence Stamp) betrayal six years ago was the of Karen's imprisonment. Desperate for Karen's skills to pull off an $18 million bank heist, he kidnaps her son and thereby forces Karen to agree to his demands. Together with JT (Val Kilmer), a goodlooking but inept petty crook, she goes to work, knowing that if she hands money over to Schmidt they are both as HoI

wood "baddies" never prosper, and Karen has a plan ... Following on from the success of 'The Assassin' starring Bridge! Fonda, producer Martin Bergman has followed suit claiming "I wanted to make a film that celebrated the spirit of a strong woman in an unconventional, and, hopefully, entertaining manner." Noble as this may sound, one cannot help wondering if it is merely a case of Hollywood discovering that some female stars can be large box-office draws just like their male counterparts. And if that be the case, then we can hardly be surprised that it is the immaculately groomed Kim Basinger who appears as the oh-so-morally-reformed Karen McCoy. Putting aside your doubts about what the true reaction to six years' imprisonment would be, or Basinger's ability to portray an "original, intelligent... and incredibly resistanr woman, this film promises to be a spectacle of glamour, action and excitement that only Hollywood can provide. The film is being sold as having "a surprise around every corner - and getting rich is only part of the fun". What more could you ask for? •The Real McCoy (cert 12) will be showing at the Odeon, Norwich, from NovemberS.

Swapping chauvinism for mysogynism this time, Michael Winner's latest film 'Dirty Weekend' conforms yet again to the paradox," Nice bloke, c••p films." The film, described by Winner as ' .. a jolly seaside romp' (a contradiction on all three counts!) is the story of Bella," .. who woke up one morning and realised she'd had enough." Bella, played by actress Lia Williams of 'Casualty' "fame" is a downtrodden girl, working in a Brighton basement, who is driven to kill in order to protect herself from the threats of an insane peeping-tom. Having successfully dispatched Tim, the friendly neighbourhood psycholecher, played by actor Rufus Sewell, Bella sets out to wreak revenge on mankind " .. for centuries of persecution of women." The men she kills are, as Winner says, the kind of men that every woman has met and probably fantasised about doing in. There is Reginald Mudd the dentist, played, it can only be said, 'adequately' by acclaimed actor David McCallum, who has been described as one of the nastiest men in 'Dirty Weekend'; Norman , the grossly fat lecturer who ends his days tied to a chair, naked with a plastic bag over his head, three dubious looking characters in an alley way who are so lacking in personality that they only warrant casting as the 'Small One', 'The Quiet One' and the 'Bitter One', and a black- clad serial killer who has no personality at all! Winner sees the

(18) film as," .. a terrific thriller as well as having something to say,"- the question is just exactly 'what' does it say? What comes across in the original book by Zahavi as an amusingly perceptive modern fairytale, featuring characters and situations dripping with the most mordant of black humour, has been described as ' laboured and laughable' on the screen with characters who barely drip at all as they hover selfconsciously in some creative limbo between 'Company of Wolves' and 'Acorn Antiques' uttering such deep profundities as "That's my car, that is," "My parents eat a lot of fruit," and the obligatorily cliched "You can't keep a good woman down" -deep, huh! "But it's meant to be funny" insists Winner, "Some people just find the humour too black, but I'd like to get laughs throughour - well you certainly got those Michael! The acting is dire, the script is appalling and the only laughs that you will get at this film will be the ones prompted by the sheer disbelief and embarrassment that you will undoubtedly feel at being there in the first place! All in all watching the personal vendetta of a woman with the disposition of a nun on acid had little or no entertainment value, it was tacky, crude scrappily written and it will take more than one elusive and philosophical shrug to get him out of this one. 'Dirty Weekend' is showing at the Cannon cinema on Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, from Friday October 29.

Preview by Jo Stubbington















Heartthumpin·, adrenalin pumpin• mind blowin., racing... Richard Shepherd visits the Norwich Indoor Kart Centre. Re-tyring: Phil Vickers


eople are forever looking for new leisure pursuits. Some of these periodical fads die a quick death, to be practised only by the odd disciple. Others gain a burgeoning following in the long term. Chris Pearce, an employee at the Norwich Indoor Kart Centre assured me that "karting is starting to boom. There are around fifty centres around the country. • A glance at the brochure corroborates this "Indoor Kart racing is one of the fastest growing sports in the United Kingdom," we are told. This is a great example of those emulative sports, in which "John Citizen" has the opportunity to be one of his heroes. You can be a racing driver for an afternoon. Perhaps, if the children ~ ~~eir teeth on the karting ~then, maybe one day, they -'Will be driving Formula 1 cars to keep you comfortable in your retirement. But in fact, the visitors to the centre on Vulcan Road North in Norwich are of all ages. 'We have people of all ages, from 5 years old to 60 years old," Chris informed me, ~hough it is most popular in the 16 to 30 year age group." Significantly, and encouragingly, indoor karting is not at all the male-dominated sport that professional motor racing is. All ages and both sexes were \_. participating. Sure enough, on the track I witnessed parents and children doing battle against p· ·~h other and there was no .;-r...,r:.. lost, it appeared. This is ~eflnitely one of those bravado, adrenalin pumping, wind-in-thehair activities which brings out the competitive spirit in a person, regardless of their nature. lt is less of a surprise, therefore, that the track is often hired out to businesses such as P&O, for employees excursions. Instilling

that competitive spirit, the centre is doing its bit to lead Britain out of the recession. Such patronage, along with the paying public, guarantees that business is good for the former shareholder turned sole director, Nick Gill. Since the Centre opened its doors on 1st August 1991 , business has improved steadily. The weekday evening session alone regularly attracts 30 or more customers. Because of this success, much refitting has been financed. The complex comprises the Pitstop Restaurant and a conference room which is for hire. In addition, some refurbishment is about to be undertaken, including treatment of the track in order to make it safer. The centre now employs 6 full-time and up to 20 part-time staff. lt must be said that the safety

reputation of the Norwich Indoor Kart Centre is, up to now, untarnished. In recognition of the efforts made to minimise risks, RAC Motorsport Umited awarded them a Five Star Rating for safety. Tyres form the crash barriers. All the karts are equipped with protective bumpers and wide slick racing tyres which grip the surface well. The karts are lightweight so that a collision will not cause much damage to either body or property. Drivers are also fitted out with a full-face helmet, racing overalls and scuff-proof gloves. The track is housed in a spacious warehouse at the Fifers Lane end of Vulcan Road, where there is ample parking space. Reception will send you to the changing rooms to begin the transformation into racing maestro: upon emerging you at least

look the part. The staff then prepare you and give you driving tips before you hit the road. I was now ready to pit my wits and uncompromising driving style against the unpredictability of track and machine. I rewed up 160cc, 4 stroke Honda engine, adjusted my helmet and made ready for the starting signal. Slotting in behind the leaders, I drove a patient race for three laps. Then with consummate skill I overtook the seven-year old on the straight. His dad was an altogether different proposition, driving conservatively but deftly. Nonetheless, not to be thwarted, I swept past on the ninth lap, profiting from his lack of acceleration away from the tight bend. Suddenly it was all me and I felt the power, I could smell the burning oil, I could hear the tyres screech. I fan-

cied I could make out the yells of loyal fans, though I could not be certain. Carving out a substantial lead, I let out the throttle once more. The chequered flag was beckoning and then ... and then I lost the back end and spun into the tyres. lt was over. The young bucks swept past, one of them finding the time to tell me that "lt's not a race. • Disconsolate, I went back to the pits, convincing myself that the error was mechanical and not human. Talking to one of the mechanics, Chris Murphy, an employee since April, I was told that "the Honda engine generates 5.5 horsepower, which enables you to reach speeds of 30 to 35 miles per hour." This feels very swift, but this speed puts you in no danger. "The kart has no gears, you have only the brake and throttle to operate. People get used to

them very quickly," Chris added. To be sure, the mechanics are extremely driver-friendly, though it is wise to go steady at first as the acceleration is good. Karting is definitely good fun if you are looking for a few thrills or wish to work off some frustration, and traffic jams are rare on this stretch of road. The grand Prix trimmings in the hall are an authentic touch, as is the flag waving finish. Many become more deeply involved. The Norwich Karting team is currently leading the 1993 British Endurance Championship with a grand total of 76 points. They have six month seasons. An endurance race has six participants on the track trying to complete as many laps as possible in one hour. Most people do it for fun, and the response is almost unanimously favourable. Roy Jarmy, an 11-year old from Norwich said, "this was my first time, but I would definitely do it again." His father, not to be outdone, . went to put on his overalls. As if to support this view, a fifteenstrong group arrived as I left. If I had one reservation, it would have been the fee. lt costs £6 for 12 laps. Considering that most want more, karting could become an expensive hobby, especially if you set yourself targets to beat. But there is a weekday offer. If you purchase two tickets, you get one free. I certainly enjoyed myself, though I was perhaps guilty of being too competitive... l'll make no apologies for this. You should have seen me in full flow, I took no prisoners. • The Norwich Indoor Kart Centre is at Vulcan Road North, Norwich, NR6 6AQ, telephone (0603) 486655. lt is open Monday to Saturday between 1Oam and 1Opm and on Sunday between 10am and 2.30pm.

1'1 T HE E vENT, OcTOBER 27- N ovEMBER 9


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OlanJnoecommltBacnne dlfadgAiabama'shoncu and his noble act spins 1he




9 1S

fear of getting sued by the Gnalalld esllde. ChristopherWalken Is a mob 'h1lman Md Galy Oldman, 8lar of 'JFK' and '8ram Stoker's l)acula'. plays Drexel Spivey, Alabama's.:anadand .c:haclack8d pimp, whom Glalance must face to gain

Alabama's freedom. The film has had an enll'lusia&tlc reception from America's flm wortd on ils release ac:roes the Alantic but the ordinary public 8tJA)ClS8Ciy found the violenCe bald to handle. In thefilm's defence director Tony Scottexplains, "Thee8 are two sfdes to 'True Romance'. "'t Is a bittersweet movle...VtOience is lnleglalto 1he piece.. .I want to show that allhough true romance can survive, it does so in a very dangerous wor1d." • rrrue Romance' is showing at theOdeon cinema In Norwich from Friday, October 29. Emtn11 ln/Jne.RobtJttson



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My Mother Said I Never Should REVIEW •Maddermarket Theatre, Friday, October 22. the play which would otherwise There's something about adult have been a rather successful actors and actresses playing exploration of some of the the roles of young children that more bleak aspects of working for me personally creates class life and life in general. more problems than it's worth. The play also seemed to be The four actresses of "My heavily loaded with rather hamMother Said I Never Shouldn fisted symbolism and allegorihad the job of doing exactly that and unfortunately were not cal overtones which went hand in hand with some of the clasan exemption from the tensic pseudo-profound 'onedency. liners' which fell out of the Tragically this initial hang-up script all over the place. was on the whole not compensated for by the rest of the play lt seemed like most of the themes presented had been as it pursued its rather explored a hundred times blunderous path forwards before and the vehicles for through an exploration of four their exploration on this occagenerations of mother and sion were without enough daughter relationships from imagination for them to be Mancunian working class famiinstilled with the energy neceslies. sary to prevent them seeming The somewhat awkward script was somewhat accentuated by a little stale. The set and sound effects the frequently clumsy performwere unfortunately also lacking ances of the actresses in the any kind of inspiration: I felt all play to create a type of exagtoo familiar with the knitted teagerated theatricality which seemed most inappropriate for cosy type representation of old fashioned working class life; a genre which is generally treated with a bit more sincerity and the cassette recordings of synthetic whistling winds and than was felt from this particumeowing cats during the suplar performance. posedly supernatural night time This partial lack of social realscenes were all a little bit too ism in the script conflicted with much I'm afraid. the more serious overtones in

The acting itself was on the whole not that bad: the oldest actress playing Doris Partington rather sensitively pulled off her role as the Great Grandma in the play, but during the spooky supernatural scenes where all of the characters were thrown together as children in the same symbolic timeless arena, her rendering of a five year old was - to say the least - not quite as successful. The rest of the performances were stronger in some areas than others, but were frequently somewhat marred by the rather generalized and inaccurate age representations which resulted in Rosie (the last generation) assuming the same sickening childish voice from the age of eight to sixteen. However, through the mist of shortcoming, the play was still somehow oddly moving and with powerful reminders of mortality and personal worldly insignificance standing in stark contrast with the more amusing qualities of the production. All in all, Keatley's alliance with the Norwich Players does not quite pull this one off and though there were elements in both the script and production of some potential, I felt all too much that I had seen this one before. • The play runs at the Maddermarket until Saturday, October 30. Tickets are priced between £2.50 and £6.50. Review by Jonathan Batty

Chrlstle In Love performed bJ Love Me Tender Productions REVIEW •UEA Studio, Friday, October 15. lt Is hard to Imagine a comedy darker or more gruesome than Howard Brenton's 'Chrlstle In Love', the dramatised story of one of Britain's most notrlous mass-murderers. In fact, there Is not much overt comedy In 1t at all, apart from the limericks repeated slowly .and deliberately by the young Police Constable as he digs Christle's garden for human remains; and these limericks, with their punchlines repeated for emphasis, produced a nervous and uneasy laughter In the audience. But there Is not much to laugh at In the history of a necro-phillac's career, beyond what Is effectively the grotesque exclusion of the female victims from the story, and the ritualised verbal contest between the 'normal ' police and the 'pervert' Chrlstie. The play has a cast of four; the young Constable (Richard Watsham), an Inspector (Jon Stokes), Christie (John Hales) and a blow-up doll portraying Ruth Furst, one of Christie's victims. Ruth is given movement and a voice by the Constable, as her murder is re-enacted on stage; this provides the darkly funny but deeply disturbing spectacle of a maleanimated talking inflatable

doll, with a mouth fixed in a prmanent '0 ' designed for male lust, but which in this context has acquired the appearance of an unending soundless scream. As the Constable puts it, struggling to reconcile the 'normal' with the 'perverse': 'love is the moon and a nice church ceremony, not a corpse in a dirty garden.' The setting of the play -a small roped-in space filled by crumpled newspaper simulating the dug-up earth, with parts of tailor's dummies and a hangman's noose dangling over the scene - emphasised the deliberately Pinteresque nature of the performance.

The hanging of Christie provided a suitably disturbing finale to the play, as the audience filed out past Christie's limp and slowly rotating body to the sounds of 'Love Me Tender' on the PA. Although the action was sometimes irritatingly slow, particularly at the start, this performance by Love Me Tender Productions was both powerful and absorbing -John Hales as Christie was particularly impressive- and provided a quality first production by UEA students in the new UEA Studio. Review by Slmon Mann

Frank Fin/ay and Michael Hadley in a scene from 'The Woman In Black'


ou'll be glad to know that the panto season is still a distant threat down at the Theatre Royal. Widow Twanky and company will unfortunately have to wait their turn as there is an opportunity to catch a few national tours that have made their way to Norwich this Autumn. Meanwhile, following last year's successful production of A Comedy of Errors, the RSC/ Royal Insurance Annual Tour returns with David Thacker's popular production of Two Gentlemen of Verona. The production opens on October 26 for one week only and looks set to follow their previous success. Set in the elegant world of the 1930's, the production is accompanied with classic music from the era by Cole Porter and Gershwin. This stylish approach to Shakespeare will no doubt add a new dimension to this romantic comedy where the inevitable trauma and anguish of being young and in love is entertainingly portrayed.

A commitment to increase ac· cess to the arts for people with special needs has been made possible via sign language inter· preted performances for deaf people at five venues on the tour. The Theatre Royal provides one of these performances on Saturday October 30. Tickets for all performances are priced between £3 and £17.50. Alternatively, Shakespeare's "forgotten rock 'n' roll masterpiece• might be more your style. Return To The Forbidden Planet, winner of the 1990 Olivier Award for best musical, crash lands in Norwich on November 1 for a week run. Fastly acquiring a campish cult following having delighted audiences during its four year West

Above: A scene from 'Return to the Forbidden Planet' End run. Bob Cartton's production has mixed a crazy, spoof scl-fi version of Shakespeare's The Tempest. The infamous Gerry Anderson has designed the special effec.J for the show, and coupled with Rodney Ford's spangly sets, it cannot fail to get audiencP& going. J: Having witnessed the bizar • show myself, I can only shoUt its praises. You just can't help getting dragged in to the, well, sheer stupidity of the show. lt takes a few minutes to grow accustomed to the" Boy's Own• style, but once the cast enter the audience and get you to

Will you please let go of my arms? Two Gentleman in Verona, apparently


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Pial REVIEW •Theatre Royal, Tuesday, October 19 wave your arms about in order to save the spaceship from total destruction, you can't help but sing along. Classic rock 'n' roll hits abound, including 'Great Balls of Fire', 'The Monster Mash' and 'Why Must I Be a Teenager In Love?'. Irresistibly catchy and is fun for all ages. At the risk of sounding cliched, this is not one to miss. Tickets are priced between £3.50 and £18.50. Oh, and by the way, if you're anywhere near the stage, expect to get closely involved with the proceedings. Typical deadpan humour from the one and only Paul Merton abounds on November 7, for those lucky enough to possess a ticket. See preview on page 18. If Gothic horror excites you then the 'spine chiller' of The Woman In Black, running from November 8-13 could satisfy your lust for the supernatural things that go bump in the night. Stephen Mallatratt's gripping <tdaptation of Susan Hill's .iothic Novel presents a lawyer obsessed with a supposed curse that he believes has been cast over him by the Woman in Black. rs between truth ,,.,.,.._•.,.,>~,tvare stretched and blurred in his attempt to rationalise what is ultimately within the realm of fantasy and the subconscious. • Tickets are priced between £4 and £13.50.

Angela Davies

Over the past week the Theatre Royal has played host to Pam Gems' dramatisation of the unstable life of France's most beloved chanteuse. 'Piaf' (the name of the singer and also the show) is a swift-moving, somewhat crude biographically-styled play with Elaine Page in the title role and Sir Peter Hall as director. The tone of the play is established at the onset, for within minutes Pial's prostitute 'street pal' Toine is looking between her legs and asking "Do you see any crabs?" Then in the scene swiftly following this, Piaf (having sung in a club for the first time since her gutter rescue) comments to a writer amused at her lack of social etiquette: "You've seen me drink, now see me piss", and promptly proceeds to urinate on the floor! Piaf continues to give us a stream of shocking one-liners throughout the play as it plots the ups and downs of her life. These crude comments are important in so far as they convey what Pam Gems saw as an essential truth about Piaf: "That she herself didn't change her class or attitude to life even at the height of her success." The production also emphasises this through its portrayal of Piaf as a central image, unaltered in dress and standing in front of a large microphone, with everything changing around her. The play was originally written for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and so the audience members Gems envisaged when writing "Piar were much younger than those who actually received the play. Gerris admitted, "I suppose I was being terribly ageisr. Certainly, this is the case since the older audience actually responded well to the often outrageous lines. For example, when she asks her secretary, "Do you see yourself off?" we are left to interpret the reply "I've got a little dog . ." for ourselves. Or when she asks her man friend to "touch her up", he proceeds to do so while reading her reviews . These examples capture exactly the near Carry-On humour that was present throughout the play. Knowing a little of the singer's tragic life, this was not an element I was expecting. However, on reflection, it worked to create a feeling of empathy for Pial's ultimate and perhaps inevitable demise. Elaine Page captured impressively the "concentrated and impersonal" style for which Piaf was known. Although she was perhaps more convincing as the older Piaf than the younger, when singing some of her songs she captured the essence of the woman well. This then, is perhaps the key not only to Piaf the person (Gems, when first approached to write a play about Piaf, had responded with a firm "No. If you want to know more about Piaf listen to her songs."), but also to 'Piaf' the play. Gems definitive statement that "What is most important (in a documentary-style drama) is to capture the spirit of the person" reaches to the heart of what she was trying to achieve in 'Pial'. However, for me, the play itself merely set the scene and it was only during the songs themselves that I ever really got a sense of what Piaf was .really about. Andrea Bird

Union Travel Shop

Elsle and Norm·s Macbeth REVIEW •Norwich Arts Centre, Thursday, October 21. "Is this a bread knife I see before me?" Yes, I know that's not how Shakespeare wrote it. But this is "Eisie and Norm's Macbeth," and they have decided to do it their own way. Desperate to breach that intellectual abyss that even " Baywatch " can't fill, the Grimethorpes have invited the Norwich Arts Centre audience into their living room (at41 Laburnum Avenue, Bradford) to watch this great tragedy. Of course, changes have had to be made. Whilst Elsie and Norm are generally impressed by the play, they feel that " William " included too much poetry, and not

enough jokes. His ability to write good murder plots is also scrutinized • "Inspector Morse would have solved this before the adverts!" says Elsie, after Malcolm is accused of Duncan's murder. So Norm lends his fine talents to the story, cutting it down a bit, both in length and in characters. He and Elsie take on every role, apart from those of Banquo and Fleance, who are stunningly portrayed by two stuffed pandas. With the original language and all the subtlety gone, the Grimethorpes can bring the play down to their level. Lady Macbeth ponders not on the power and the glory that the

throne of Scotl and could bring, but the fact that she can now afford to have an avocado bathroom suite and wall dividers. Banquets become beans on toast and witches arrive on vacuum cleaners. For a tragedy," Elsie and Norm's Macbeth " was a great piece of comedy. You didn't have to had read the original play beforehand to enjoy this - the fun comes from watching this charming couple stamp their own charming personalities over " Macbeth ." Shakespeare may have been turning in his grave, but judging by the audience's reaction, everyone else left Labumum Avenue well satisfied.

Carol/ne Jenkinson

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DFabulously funny deadpan comedian Paul Merton puts in an appearance at the Norwich Theatre Royal in early November. Jo Emsley's got news for you ...

I 1~1'--J I< HEAVENS I


Paul Merton PREVIEW


A newsagent in a street kiosk is reading a book. This is no ordinary book, it happens to be an A-Z of London. He then takes a break from reading it, and says, "the characters are pretty naff, but the places, they seem so real" . And so we enter the surreal world of "Paul Merton- The Series", the second of which has just finished its Friday runs on Channel Four. Deadpan Paul is also touring nationwide until December 5, and bringing his show (virtually sold out) to the Theatre Royal on November 6. Paul Merton is officially known as the Top Television Comedy Personality, having won the title at the British Comedy Awards last year. However, Merton didn't shoot to fame overnight. Paul, born in Fulham, South London , decided he wanted to become a comedian at the early age of three, when he was taken to the circus by his parents and was amazed at seeing the clowns fooling about, "I had no idea adults could behave like that" he says. After studying at Wimbledon College (yes, the "one 0 -level in metalwork" is just a joke) he worked as a clerk in Tooting Employment Office . Merton's first real break into a stand-up career came in 1981 ROSE LANE, NORWICH. when he braved the famous stage of the Comedy Store, in Leicester Square, which has seen the talents of the greats, Robin Williams, Sieve Martin, and, er, Ben Elton (you can't have everything .. ). Paul told a joke which was so successful that he had an encore, and he was so excited that night that he couldn't sleep! Following this, Paul went to the Edinburgh Festival, had a radio series and worked incredibly hard - eowriting scipts with Julian Clary in the daytime and working on his own at night. He was eventually rewarded for all his efforts by making regular appearances on "Whose Line Is it Anyway?", a comedy show with improvisation games based on The Comedy Store, and with the ROSE LANE, NORWICH. screening of his own series in 1991 . Paul Merton is, by some, better known as team captain on BBC2's BAFTA award winning news quiz "Have I Got News For You?", about to embark on its sixth series in the very near future. lt is here that you can see Merton in full spontaneity, as he rains sharply focused wit, remarking with cheek and even risk, on the famous. Lawyers are on set, in case of libel, so, ~---------'-':::....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __, unfortunately for us, certain



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(probably hilarious) comments are cut before the programme goes on-air. Guests on Paul's team are rarely in with a chance of matching his remarks, they can only hope to keep up with the

But now Merton has joined Deayton at the game of advertising, and has to suffer the consequences of his and Ian Hislop's jibes. Anyone who has seen his Imperial Leather adverts must have

aspects of life, and he admits that he is generally "bemused" by it anyway. it is this seemingly innocent bewilderment that justifies his deadpan expression - which is, hls by the way, compulsory~ form of humo Often Paul firol a phrase w1th farr.. iiar little quirks that sum up life such as "lnnit marvellous?". His unique brand of humour has led him to be perhaps one of the most ubiquitous radio and television personalities of today. He has recently been in several shows on Radio 4, "The Masterson Inheritance", "I'm sorry I haven't a clue" and "Just a minute". He eo-hosted "TV Hell", and writes regularly for "The Sunday People" and, believe it or not, "Family Circle", entitled "Whose Page Is lt Anyway?". Paul will be hosting this year's "Just for Laughs" from the Montreal Comedy Festival for Channel 4, and his book, "Paul Merton's History of the 20th Century" will soon be on the shelves of bookshops nationwide. A newsagent in a street kiosk encounters a mutant dolphin, who walks up to him, wearing jeans, and asks for a Daily Mirror and some hard boiled sweets ... lnnit Marvellous?

Guests on Paul's team are rarely in with a chance of matching his remarks, they can only hope to keep up with the fast-moving game. In some cases this is too demanding, though. Roy Hattersley, for example, dropped out at the last minute lor the third time last series, alter he said he'd be Paul's guest. The last time this happened, the HIGNFY? team replaced Hattersley with a tub ollard lor the entire show fast-moving game. In some cases this is too demanding, though. Roy Hattersley, for example, dropped out at the last minute for the third time last series, after he said he'd be Paul's guest. The last time this happened, the HIGNFY? team replaced Hattersley with a tub of lard for the entire show. Of course , Paul makes digs at people who are on the show as well as those who aren't. it was he who helped instigate Angus Deayton's title as "TV's Mr Sex", and made a point of stressing his opinion on his brown suits, nasal hair and voice-over ads.

noticed that they have a touch of his deadpan humour. lt was this, and the rather heavy influence of the huge payroll, that attracted him. He can now live "comfortably" and can go out to eat "wi thout needing to worry about the bill"! Merton has even been into advertising his own show. The last series of HIGNFY? happened to be shown on television just before his own show on Channe14. Printed on the Tshirt he was wearing that week on HIGNFY? was, "Turn Over At 11". Paul bases his humour on taking a sideways look at the banal


27 - NovEMBER 9



Complied by C.rollnt1 Jenlclnson Ol'he atreeta of Norwich 8hould be deserted thla Wedneldey, when Delmond Lynam 1ntroc:1uces liVe cover· age of the aecond leg of the Norwich v Bayem Munich f1111M In "Sportsnlght". In cue you really don't know (In which caae, where have you been?l) the C.narles go Into the cluh at carrow Road2·1 up. Coverage starts at

7pm. Olf you can't watt that long for .ome footy, Channel4 are .upplementlng their SUnday diet of Serle A ect1on with a .... night lhowlnO of "Footbblllltella" on Tuesday ntght.a from 12.158m. The..,.... on November2, with an hoUr'aactton from the fntiN' 11111n v Parma game.


OPII1Ion end declltcome to SUnday evenlnp on BBC 1, ~olthllr~ofat.ndhal'anowl, "Scarlet

IRdllllck". ~----lnthe 181h century, ........ of Jullln 8oNI (played by Ewan llcChgor) who ...... • humble beckground Into thewortd of the French

MIIDcnlcy. Nlpoiao."'', Sorel'a hero, llnglr81n the back·

81!!11_., offwlng encouragement to the young man. lt -~M10ctoblr31,at8.Gipm.

0*8hort Storlea", the Channel4 ....... that giVea emergIng diNcton the chance to ~their lldlla, retuma for a new ....... on Friday November I, attpm. The ftrat or the tnma, entitled "Memorree 1n Store", fo-cuae~ on the Uvea of ttw.elderty people and the differ· ent I'8MOM that they haw for kileplng their valuable p Dllllllon81n .tore forao many years. OMonday November 1 .... the atart of the flm ever

comedy..,.... to be prw11nted by a man In a coma. "lnOie VIctor l.ewla-Smfth• 11 preaented by the man htmeelf, from St Relth'l BBC hospital, where he 11 hovering belwMn life and death after a fnNik eccldent. Valtoul aketchM, obleMdlona end thearchJve.fuelled monologues that Lewll-&nlth ha8 become famou1 forflt In with the hospital drama. Vlaltlng houra start at 10pm. ...JBBC 1's season of "Movie Classics" continues with the psychological melodrama "Whatever Happened to Baby

Jana?" on November2, at 11.20pm. Str wl\.

1 Bette Davll and Joan Crawford, the film deals

.e sadistic treatment that the demented Jana

(Davls} glvea to her crippled 818ter Blanche (Crawford).

OMel Glblon fans should tune In to Anglia on Saturday October 30 at 9pm to ... '"Tequila Sunrlle". Also stan1ng Kurt Ru...U and Mlchelle Pfeffter,lt deals with the probleiM of Dale McKuasle, a drug-dealer that wants to go straight, except hll wife won't let him. To make matteta woree, hla old friend Nick Frescla ha8 become a cop, and ha8 ordarl to close down McKuasle's opendlor"..

OParadlse Beach is a brand new soap to come out of Australia. A cross between 'Beverly Hills 9021 0' and 'Home and Away', it's bound to be a big hit. Angels Singer bonds with Jon Bennet, who plays hunky, spunky, Kirk Barsby.


he part of anti-hero Kirk Barsby,in Sky's new soap 'Paradise Beach' is Jon Bennefs first television role and it arose from his first audition. At the time, he had just dropped out of university after a struggle to pay the fees and he was, in his words, "serving food and drink to drug addicts in a bar, while sitting there trying to write essays•. Paradise Beach is the first major Australian soap to be made outside Sydney or Melbourne. lt is set in Surfer's Paradise, on the Gold Coast, Australia's more wholesome answer to Miami, which began last Monday on Sky One and is screened twice daily. The plot focuses on two arch rivals, Kirk Barsby, played by hunky, dark haired Jon Bennet and Sean Hayden (played by hunky fair haired lngo Rademacher) . They fall in love with each other's sisters, sultry Cassia Barsby played by Kimberley Joseph and blonde Tori Hayden played by Megan Connolly. Jon's character, Kirk, is used to getting his own way with his peers but is dominated by his ruthless businessman father, Tom, played by Robert Coleby. Tom Barsby's girlfriend, Usa Whitman, is played by Tlffany Lamb (a veteran in the cast at the grand old age of 27) who has appeared in both 'Neighbours' and 'Home and Away'.

Above and left: Yet more beautiful people hit our screens • but would you really go our with someone called Kirk?

The competition between Kirk and Sean, culminates in Australia's Iron Man sports contest. This is a test of prowess on the waves, a kind of medieval joust on the surf. However, though Jon says the new soap starts off frothy (it has been shown for about three months in Australia) , we are promised it will soon leave the Camay for the carbolic. The relationship between Kirk and Tori is such, says Jon, "That you don't know whether he is

snoo\<.ef... ' ~nd a Vlhole \o\ mote.

going to kiss her or kill her. I sometimes get a kiss and sometimes a slap in the face. You never know what's coming. Whenever I see the script I think about how it could develop and then I think of the opposite. Sometimes I play the rehearsal one way and when it comes to the take I do it another way. I love doing that because you get a genuinely surprised reaction." Jon, now 24, says he has been making his own decisions since he was 15. However his life has

some tragic parallels with the character. "There are a couple of similarities between me and Kirk. My father had ambitions for me. He pushed me hard in rugby and athletics. He is someone I respect and relate to but don't necessarily agree with." Like the fictional Kirk, Jon's mother died when he was young. (Although, in Kirk's case, there are hints that his mother may reappear at some stage, with echoes of the plot in Steinbeck's East of Eden.) Jon went to the University of New South Wales to study drama but dropped out after

Turn to next page

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Paradise Beach


Continued from previous page


only a year. He decided that working in a bar was tedching him more than university which he started to resent paying for. With the blind confidence, if not arrogance, that is the prerogative of the young, it never occurred to him that he might be serving drinks for a very long time. 'I never believed that. I th ink we control our own destinies a hell of a lot. "I don't believe in betting against yourself. "I lost my mum when I was sixteen and that's one of the reasons for my going my own way. "I lost a brother too. He was in an accident and was ill for three years and that drained the en ergy out of our family. "That's why I went independent at such an early age. "There was a lot of family break up and stress and the only way to get on top of it was to solidify yourself and pu rsue other things. "My mother's death was very sudden and my brother died two weeks later. "You ask yourse lf a lot of questions. In an odd way this gave me the capacity to do what I'm doing now. "I became more involved in the arts because it became a way of expressing what was welli ng up inside." Jon was chosen for the part of Kirk from thousands of hopefuls. "At the time it was the only thing going. "There is not much happening in Australian fi lm and television . "Five years ago there was a change in the law so investment in movies and television ceased to be a tax incentive. "Private investment has fallen away leaving only government grants. "Our film industry is only surviving because of foreig n money." Paradise Beach will be shown across Europe and is being heralded as the flagship of Sky One . Jon hopes it will develop into Neighbours with an edge . "At the start , the writers were like mad scientists putting in form ulas to see what would come out. With in the first six months of filming it had progressed . "The actors have had some input. "We have a pool of writers in Australia who have been writing Home and Away and Neighbours. "I think they all just jumped into Paradise Beach and though 'oh well, what was that old storyli ne we wrote that time? We'll put that in' When we first did the series it felt like any old Australian soap and that was not what we wanted." "Neighbours is a very good example of Australian simplicity. Paradise Beach shows Australian complexity. The plot line can get quite heavy, sometimes you wonder how it made th e five o'clock slot. I would say the first th ree months is simple stuff. it takes time to build into someth ing with more depth ."


HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE FORTNIGHT AHEAD CJRadio One Is In for a big shake-up on Saturday October 30, with a new schedule coming Into place. Danny Baker moves from Radio 5 to take over the Saturday momlng slot, at 10am. And If one morning lsnl enough, he's also doing Sunday mornings, starting at the same time. CJAndy Kershaw brings his global music showcase to Sat· urday afternoons at 2pm, with John Peel following hot on his heels at 4.30pm. This Is the first time he's had a regular daytime slot for 20 years, and he celebrates this by bringIng with him two tapes recorded especially - one from Stereolab and one from Edsel Auctioneer. CJJohnnle Walker completes the shake-up with his move to 7pm. His new show Is designed to be a showcase for live music, and the "In Concert" slot will be Integrated Into this. In the late Fifties, a number of entertainers, Including Frank Slnatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davla Jnr, gravitated towards the bright lights of Laa Vegas. They became known as the "Rat Pack", and this Is the title that a new six-part Radio lWo series on the group has taken. Ben Manllla will be exploring the relationship between these performers, who seemed to spend all their time partylng and mixing with movie stars and mobsters. 1t starts on Tuesday November 9 at 10.03pm. Carotins Jenklnson

Who-vering up the Dr.

Caroline Jenkinson looks behind 'Paper Mask', premiered on Channel Four• next week The Film on Four Premiere for November 4 is 'Paper Mask', a psychological thriller starring Paul McGann and Amanda Donohoe. it's the chi lling tale of one man's reinvention of himself, with touches of romance and black comedy. Matthew Harris (McGann) is a porter in a run-down hospital. He dreams of leaving his mundane life behind, and when a young doctor is killed in a car accident, he sees his chance. Taking the man's name, Or Simon Hennessy, and his papers, Matthew applies for the job of casualty office r at a hospital in Bristol. Somehow he manages to get th rough the inte rview, and is given the job. After a few weeks of desperately trying to gen up on various pieces of medical knowledge, he heads off to Bristol to begin his new life . His lack of skill is apparent after a particularly gory fi rst shift in Casualty. Matthew realises the gamble he has taken , and expects to be discovered immediately, but help comes in the form of Christine (Donohoe), a competent casualty nurse , who befriends him. She believes that he is just another of the inexperienced

young doctors that have come th rough Casualty over the years, and so offers Matthew guidance and tutorsh ip in th e practicalities of casualty work. This professional relationship soon blossoms into an affair, but Christine starts to become concerned at the way in which Matthew evades any questions about his past. He, in turn, starts to feel guilty about his deceit. Then on e of Matthew's patients dies, and he and Christine are plunged into the horror of a fullscale investigation. He manages to conceal his negligence, and allows Christine to take all the blame for what has happened. Matthew seems to be safe, but just as he is to apply for an even better post in Salisbury, one of his old friends from his days as a porter tu rns up in Bristol. Matthew feels that as he already has several deaths on his con science, another one shouldn't make much difference , and this is an opportunity to get rid of the past once and for all. ... To prepare for their roles as Matthew and Christine, both Paul McGann and Amanda Donohoe spent sorne time visiting casu alty departments and meeting porters, for whom the

Doctor Who returns to BBC 1 on November 5, to celebrate his 30th Anniversary, with the classic six-part story "Planet of the Daleks". First broadcast In 1973, these episodes star the tt>ird Doctor, Jon Pertwee, who has to stop the mutant machin£ from helping the Master to start an Interplanetary war.

plot seemed to have a familiar ri ng. Says Paul, "it was really funny, because when we described the story of 'Paper Mask' to them they all sai d, that's whatsisname, isn't it? They all knew this Waiter Mitty figure who spends his lunch hour in the medical library and wants to be a doctor". Could we then possibly end up with a situation where hospital patients are being treated by unqualified people? That's the question explored by the film. As Christopher Morahan, the producer and director of the fil m says: "Whether we're in England, the United States, Australia or wherever, when we go into a hospital each of us has to put ourself in the hands of people we believe to be experts. What happens , "Paper Mask" asks , if those people are not experts at all? ' it cuts the ground from underneath our feet in a thoroughly entertaining way". Still , if you're about to go into hospital , it might be a good idea NOT to tune in at 1O.OOpm .. ..


THURS, NOV 4 10pm

Comedian and actor Lenny Henry (pictured above) comes to Channel 4 on Friday November 5 at 11 .1Opm . "Lenny Go Home" is a one-hour special, 'Nith Lenny doing his riotous stand-up routine in front of his hometown Birmingham audience.

-~---------------- ----- ----~-~-


27 ·




Just One Of The Girls (15)-Rental Corey Haim stars in a "laugh a minute comedy",when he changes into a cute college babe in a sex change seam which leads him out of the arms of his dream date and into those of the school bully I Out October 27.

Enter the Dragon (18)-Retall The legendary Bruce Lee stars in this hugely popular martial arts action adventure. His mission: to bring back a notorious criminal dead or alive who caused the death of Lee's sister. All this while wrestling cobras, freeing prisoners, and, of course, winning all his matches. Out November1.

The Cutting Edge (PG)-Retail D.B.Sweeney (Memphis Belle) and Moira Kelly star in the ultimate "love/skate relationship". A thrilling film where an unlikely duo of an ice hockey player and a figure skater unite to reach Olympic Gold. Out November 1.

Get Carter (18)-Retail Michael Calne stars in this highly acclaimed crime thriller. Calne plays a small time gangster drawn into an under· wor1d of violence and corruption in his search to investi· gate and avenge his brother's death. Out November 1.

By Julle Cunliffe


~. nmersby is a powerful love story starring Richard Gere and Jodie Foster. Jack' nersby (Gere) who had le.. .:ven years ago to fight in the Civil War, returns to the downtrodden Southern town of Vine Hill a changed man. The previously crude, arrogant and often violent character rekindles the love that once drew his wife Laurel (Jodie Foster) to him , showing him to be kinder, gentler and more passionate than she ever remembered. (And not to worry girls, Richard Gere does shave off that hideous beard). By pioneering the cultivation of the tobacco industry, Sommersby restores prosperity to his war-torn town, bringing dramatic change, not only to the town , but to everyone in it. At a time when slavery had been apparent, both black and white are made to work together to turn the tide of poverty. The transformation of Sommersby is in fact so complete that people begin to wonder if he is really the man he claims to be, especially when three drifters say other-


wise. At times, even his wife begins to doubt him: the dog certainly

does. Questions seem to rise when Sommersby's feet appear to be two sizes too small. He has the same face , the same voice, but is he really the same man who left the town seven years ago? Beautifully crafted, and wonderfully made , the film is a tale of passion, deception, hope and sacrifice that holds you right to the end. The ending is unpredictable. A court case places Sommersby in difficult waters, to say the least, and the result is not exactly one you would expect. But Laurel, the ever adoring wife stands by, producing a touching and moving end. 1t is not an action packed film but it is definitely a good film to relax in front of on a Sunday afternoon. 1t combines the talents of Jodie Foster and Richard Gere to considerable effect.

Amanda Cresswe/1

Sommersby (15) Retail: From Nov 17 Rating:


DRichard Shepherd previews 'City of Joy' starring Patrick Swayze and Pauline Collins 'City of Joy' is a film sharing a scale and a feel with Joffe's earlier works 'The Killing Fields' and 'The Mission.' The narrative, the cinematography and the soundtrack (another collaboration with Ennio Morricone) combine to lend it an air of epic grandeur. Here again we encounter the elements of pioneering, of heroism (albeit a slightly awry version) and of struggle. Calcutta is the location where the main protagonists converge. Max Lowe (Swayze) , disillusioned with his work as a doctor in the United States, leaves for India "to find enlightenment." Hasari Pal (Puri) brings his family to the city when they lose their farm to the money lenders. Their paths cross when Max is attacked and robbed and Hasari comes to his aid . He is taken to the City of Joy, a self-help resident community, where he is tended to by nurse Joan Bethel (Coilins) . Hasari and his family move to the community and Hasari himself finds employment as a rickshaw driver in the fleet owned by the local godfather. Max, at first adamant that he is a non-practising doctor, is first coerced into helping at the clinic when he has to help out in an emergency and deal with a problem pregnancy at the leper village. Difficulties arise when the city is expanded to incorporate the lepers without the consent of the godfather, whose son, more ruthless than his father, employs violently intimidating tactics. Hasari loses his job and Max's life is in danger. Max endeavours to muster resistance against the Mafia. The scenes filmed in Calcutta expertly convey both the tumult and the serenity of the city,

depicting the considerable pain and the fleeting pleasure of life in urban India. Among the best scenes are the ones where Max and nurse Bethel visit the godfather and where the rains finally arrive and the City residents rejoice . Despite the film 's word of warn ~ ing - "If the journey is not what you expected , do not be surprised." - all labours are ultimately successful. Hasari and Max rally support against the gangsters, under whose yoke they have toiled , and freedoms are gained . Nurse Bethel manages to make Max see the worth of the work he does. Max's search for self-discovery (the timeless 'don't know who I really am' syndrome) begins badly. He confides to nurse Bethelthat "I've been opening the windows and doors of my soul and I haven't seen a damn thing yet." Finally though he finds his role. 'City of Joy' has credible performances.

Both Coilins and Swayze, in parts far different to those in wh ich they are usually spied, show adequate versatility and glimpses of impassioned acting, though both can seem out of place. With Swayze's occasional "cool", "yo" or "sucker" the potential danger is the impression of 'Point Break' meeting 'Mahanagar' (Satyajit Ray) .

deliver possibly the finest performances , as Hasari Pal and his wife Kamla. Joffe's film benefits from the vitality of immediate experience. Street scenes depict Calcutta and the behaviour of its citizens accurately. At moments, unfortunately, some of the sequences lose the spontaneity and movement and gestures are extraneous. In general, however, the characters are very real and can be recognised as both individuals and as social types. Issues of interest in contemporary India are addressed such as the persistence of the class system and the corruption of its executive class. Examined also are the citizens' generally passive acceptance of this, as well as the outsiders' sometimes bluff misreading of the situation. The appalling poverty and distress are also well portrayed. Though not as dramatic as 'The Killing Fields' nor as ambient as 'The Mission', City of Joy' is an estimable film giving a valuable, ii occasionally contrived, look at peoples' plight. An afternoon reasonably wellspent.

City of Joy (15) Retail: Out this fortnight Rating:***

Untamed Heart

Adam (Christian Slater) is a silent oddball who washes dishes in 'Jim's Coffee Shop' where Clndy (Rosie Perez) and Carolina (Marisa Tomei) • of 'My Cousin Vinny' fame· wait· resses. The film slowly evolves into a love story, after Adam, in a somewhat macho and unrealistic display, rescues Carolina from two over zealous customers who attack her on her way home one night. Predictably, Carolina begins to see Adam in a new light and romance blossoms. Caroline teams that Adam was brought up by some nuns who told him a fairy story about his weak heart being that of a baboon, which of course he be·

bm Puri and Shabana Azmi

lieves since this allows him to be different! Carolina's attackers take revenge on Adam; landing him in hospital and he refuses to consider the heart transplant operation the doctors dlscoverhe urgently needs.... Both Christian Slater and Marisa Tomel are convincing in the development of their separate characters - Adam steps back Into society In the shelter of Carolina's love and Carolina regains the conidence eroded by a succession of loser boyfriends. The film does seem to take some time to get moving • not helped by the fact that Christian Slater doesn't speak for the first half of.the film - a complete



tumaround from his usual roles. An easy and enjoyable film to watch, but keep your tissues


Llsa Bushrod

Untamed Heart (15) Retail: Out this fortnight * * Rating:


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27 - N OVEMBER 9

Popsters Right Said Fred shortly release their second singer and lycra sensation Richard Fairbrass and


the •pa<» of two yea<S,

Right Said Fred have shot from obscurity to become one of the UK's favourite acts. Many people thought that the infectious but ridiculous 'I'm Too Sexy' would be thei r first and last hit, and were probably just as surprised as the band themselves when the debut album 'Up' spawned two more top ten songs. Said Richard Fairbrass , "I can't spot a hit if it's rolled up and stuck up my bottom, frankly." The new album 'Sex & Travel ' sees a change of direction. "it's more guitar oriented overall, slightly heavier and more consistently dance orientated as well. Songwriting we appreached in exactly the same way as the first album, just the three of us sitting down in a room, strumming guitars and coming up with what we thought were funny ideas or good tunes." Richard thinks that the album contains an obvious three singles, but even he didn't predict the success of the first one. "There's an obvious three singles, but then I actually thought on the first album we only had one. I hope it just consolidates where we are; it would be nice if it sold more than the last album, but if it doesn't then I'm still better off than I was 3 years ago. I'm still not as skint as I was when I was waiting tables - even if we don't sell another record ever." Success was long in arriving for the band, whose two frontmen have each spent more than 15 years in the music business. "Fred and I were gigging and working in bands in 1975, doing gigs all over the country in the middle to late seventies, and when we moved to [ondon we changed personnel all the time, the only common factor being that Fred and I always worked together." However, Richard and Fred


eventually tired of working within a band format, and realised that the addition of a new songwriter could be a good move. "In 1989 we met Rob, who was described as a great guitarist who didn't sound like anyone else. The three of us got togather, but didn't do much songwriting initially, just sat around, smoked ci garettes and made copious amounts of tea. "We got 'I'm Too Sexy' together and initially went to Gut Reaclion , a plugging company, to get some radio play. They came back to us and said that it could be a really big hit, and told us to go away and rem ix it. So we

there weren't so many covers around, and that the business over here would recognise the simple importance of encouraging writers to write new tunes, because that's the only way that new material ever gets written. "There are some great songs that everybody's familiar with, but I don't need to hear them a hundred times over, rehashed by a hundred different artists, often in a way that's indistinguishable from the original. "I'm not a massive fan of some of the teenybop bands, but if they write their own material , and they get their stuff in the charts, then good luck to them. If they do covers, then I don't think that's such a great deal. it's really important that new talent is encouraged all the

.. What I love about Norfolk is the tact it has so much skY. Other people sav it's so llat, but I happen to think that llat is great. lt just gives vou so much skv. Richard Fairbrass

time." • Talent such as Tak That presumably? "Mark Owen is very cute, what can I say? l'rr ~~t a good persor ) to .ne about anythh · ~ charts, but I think Gary Bar1ow's got potential as a writer, definitely. The production needs to be 11 looked at because I don't see why they need to sound like George Michael." borrowed £1,500 from Lloyds However, many music columnBank in Putney - I think we told ists have recently argued that them we wanted it for a sofa pop is dead, despite the amount and remixed it." of new young acts and the continuing success of many Despite five major labels rejecting the song, Right Said Fred established artistes in the teamed up with Guy from Gut charts. Richard dismisses this. Reaction and set up their own "Journalists have to write someindependent label, Tug. The thing, it was the same in th· rest, as they say, is history, and 70s. Pop is going to go on 'I'm Too Sexy' topped the charts hell freezes over, because peoworldwide, giving the band their pie want daytime radio and big break. "it's a hard slog and a catchy tunes. Record ' · ""lpacompletely thankless task when nies want vehicles fo ms you start off." and singles are a great way of The band's popularity could raising the profile of an album." seem to rest on the fact that it could be said though, that they provided something differcurrent pop music is simply ent to what was in the charts going round in circles, as it when they arrived in the sumseems to recycle ideas and mer of 1991. That they write attitudes from the past. "Pop is their own songs is something quite simply about good songs that Richard sees as untypical and the crazes will come and of the current pop scene. "I wish go, but it will all boil down at the

HMV Autumn Sale Goes On! Hunyt Sale . . . Friday OctoiMr 29111






Ma1y recelf chart CD's reduced to£t.ttl~eludl•g: 1e New Order • Subst1111te ~ 111111 Turner • Wll11t's Lorre tlot ro Do With /t? Bjork • Debut SWV • it's About 1/me Mtlrftlll C11rey • Muslt Box lour Non Blondes • Bigger, Better, l11ster, More

_Sex and Travei/LP

That leather-hot-pant-clad trio, Right Said Fred, are back in the spotlight with the release of their new album 'Sex and Travel', which is released on November 1, three weeks after the current single 'Bumped' . Sex and travel when performed individually (and as a joint venture depending on your particular sexual affinities), are both quite enjoyable. But this album is another matter altogether, and certainly a change from their previous effort, 'Up', featuring the infamous 'I'm Too Sexy' and 'Deeply Dippy' . This time around, the collection seems distanced from that exquisite RSF sound we all know and love. Certain tracks, such as 'We Live A Life', sound strangely familiar. That is, until you realise that they have been poached from other, decent bands like Army of Lovers, those of the impeccable wig and bizarre outfit fame. 'Bumped' has already been released, and its chart position after two weeks is a fair indication of its popularity and talent content - it didn't make the Top 30. Other tracks, like 'Wonderman', make a vain attempt to bring back the 'I'm Too Sexy' character from the grave with lyrics like "He's double creamsffhe naked truth in magazines." But nothing, absolutely nothing could ever compare with the deep utterances of "I'm Too Sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, too sexy it hu-urts." All in all, 'Sex and Travel' is far from being too sexy, but it certainly hurts, deepy dippy down.

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27 - NovEMBER 9


Record Reviews by Jamie Putnam


THE OTHER TWO Selfish/12"

album, ·sex and Travel•. Nia/1 Hampton spoke to found that he's deeply dippy about Norfolk... end of the day to writing catchy tunes. That's what it comes down to. it's always just repackaging the same ideas, but that doesn't mean to say it's not valid." Despite the band's considerable popularity, Richard has been finding fame quite bearable. "it's OK, some of it I like, some of it I hate - schmoozing up to editors mainly. I really enjoy meeting loads of people, but I'm not keen on travelling. In 30 years time when we can do a gig from one particular studio and send holographic images round the world, then that's my idea of a tour." But with the advance of fame surely comes the death of one's private life? "I haven't hidden away. Initially for the first year it was pretty painful, but people get bored .., it in the end. They just look you and think there's that silly old twat from Right Said Fred doing his shopping. There's nothi,.- .,oval about it now. The. intrusions but that's inevit1W1e; it hasn't been so unbearable as to make me want to change my mind about what I'm doing." Something which undoubtedly, he is enjoying immensely. "I suppose I'm enjoying four minutes out of every five, which isn't bad going. The high spot for me was picking up the two lvor Novellos [songwriting awards] for 'I'm Too Sexy' and 'Deeply Dlppy' In front of Sting and Eric Clapton, who all clapped, and also having a number one in America, which was pretty cool. • xess has come despite _,me fairly ambiguous handling by the popular press, whose attitude towards Right Said Fred varir ·-::hard explained how Pier, .gan [from The Sun} was initially dismissive of the band, but is now one of their biggest fans. They haven't succeeded in winning over all of the music papers though. "I think there's probably a general rule at Melody Maker and NME that you only give good reviews to bands who sell a thousand albums or less. They've never liked anything we've done - they turn up, we do an hour's interview with them, they're all terribly sweet, they all go "oh man you're grear, take lots of photos, and then we read the article, and we get completely slagged off. "When we did Dingwalls five or six years ago, the guy from Melody Maker was going to come down and review it but phoned up about an hour ahead of time and said he couldn't make it because he was pissed, and that if we wanted to write our own review we could. So we reviewed ourselves, sent it in and they printed it. We slagged ourselves off, that's how little we knew .. ." But if Right Said Fred don't take themselves seriously, then do their fellow music stars? "The only bands we've had a problem

Too sexy for his shirt... Fairbrass with are some of these stupid pop bands, the people who have egos the size of houses and talents the size of the smallest room. Suede were deeply stand offish; anybody would think they're the biggest band in the world the way they behave. • Over the last two years, Right Said Fred have worked generously for charities. Their involvement in this year's Comic Relief complemented earlier work on behalf of children in care and with the Pride movement. "I'm conscious of not wanting to look like I think the gay issue is the most important in the country, because I think it's one very Important issue amongst many. "I think if we hoist our flag to one issue the whole time, it can look like we're less concerned about other issues and I think there's all sorts of stuff you can be concerned about over here without becoming focused on just the one. So we do a lot of HIV stuff and a lot of gay orientated stuff but we try and balance it with other things as well." The band were unable to appear at this year's Pride event because they were "too busy",

something which they will be for the foreseeable future . "We're going to be spending the time between now and Christmas promoting the single and the album, and then we're going to try and get ready in the spring of next year for a club date tour with a live band we were talking about doing some universities as well. There's been no time in the last three when we've been able to put two months by to rehearse a band; it's been impossible. "We'll start looking at getting a band together this side of Christmas with rehearsals in January and February. We should be on the road in early spring although we might be sent abroad first so we can f••• up in private." The band have chosen a club date tour so as to avoid playing larger venues which, Richard claims, would make them look like a cabaret act. "If 1 e'd gone straight Into Wembley Arena With lights and smoke and dancers, we would have ended up looking like a cross between Madonna and Prince!" S1,1Ch a tour could well include East Anglia, as curiously, Right Said Fred have a significant Norfolk connection, as Richard explains. "Mum and dad used to live in Cromer, and I loved it. What I love about Norfolk is the fact it has so much sky. "Other people say it's so flat, but I happen to think that flat is great. 11 just gives you so much sky." "I love Norfolk and I wouldn't have to be persuaded to go up and play there." So when asked about the possibility of Right Said Fred playing UEA, Richard seemed quite keen. His reply? "11 would be good, I'd love to." eThe Event has got hold of three signed copies of 'Sex and Travel' to give away, courtesy of the band and Hands On PR ... see page 25.

Gillian is winking on the cover while Stephen looks ironically at her, which may suggest that they're not taking themselves entirely seriously on this record, so they can get away with lyrics like "Someone I hate, She thinks she's grear-a classic lyric if ever there was one. The 7' mix is a great, luscious pop song which, not surprisingly, sounds like New Order, but I guess they're entitled to. The East Village vocal mix is stripped down to the minimum with a New York House-style-piano. Call me old-fashioned, but I think the single version comes out tops.

GENITORTURE 120 Days of ' Genitorture/LP



And to think that people still make music like this after the Grunge Wars 1989-92. Wake Up! Everything that possibly needed to have been said has been said. Coming on like the runt of a relationship between Babes In Toyland and early Megadeth, Genitorture churn out the same old, tired chugs, whilst their lead singer rants on about pervy things and erm, pervy things. With track titles like "House of Shame" and "Velvet Dreams", you sort of get a rough idea of where they're coming from and it's not a nice place. I'm sure they'll be massive in Brazil though.

DREAD ZONE 360/LP Treated like gods by the media at the moment, Ex-Big Audio Dynamiters Dread Zone produce a sort of ragga techno dance hybrid that is unfortunately more interesting as a concept than as a record. Having said that, when they get it right, Dread Zon& really manage to come up with the goods. Opening track "House of Dread" starts off in a very 'Screamadelica' sort of a way and then shoots off into dub bleep land with some interesting samples to pad it all out and has actually got a really good feel to it. However, stretched out over an entire album, the format begins to wear a bit.


The band from Hell retum to torment us with their godawful College Locker Room humour. The chorus goes "Holbom to Holloway, Holloway to Heathrow, Heathrow to Tokyo". Ths Evsnt should have a competition to give away this record, just to see If they can. (And we have! If you'd like to win the 12" limited edition picture disc, simply write and tell us why. The best entry we rscelve will win the 12", while the second beat will Mlchlko on CD. Follow the rules on our usual competitions page - page 25 • to enter).

BMX BANDITS What is it about the Glasgow music scene and their obsession with Big Star. Surely there must be someone out there doing something different. Strangely "Life Goes On" isn't quite as irritating as I thought it would be. Despite having lost members to groups such as The Soup Dragons and Eugenius, The BMX Bandits have managed to create their own distinctive sound and its not too bad. Like the Teenage Fannies but without the distortion and Boyfriend with a sense of melody, the BMX Bandits 'pedal' (geddit?) a sort of wistful pop that at times brings tears to the eyes (take that as you feel appropriate!). "Serious Drugs", which was Single of the Week" in both NME and Melody Maker


Life Goes On/LP

trundles along pleasantly like a Status Quo without the white plimsolls and wrinkles and "Little Hands" which 'Kickstarts' (geddit?) the album is quite good too. The chorus to the last single "Kylie's got a crush on us" does sound strangely like Kiss's "God gave Rock 'n' Roll to you" though. Hmmm! Must he something in the water.

Backwater One/EP


This week's album chart 1. (2) Gabrielle: Find Your Way


(4) Take That: Everything Changes 3. (6) Meatloaf: Bat Out Of Hell 11 - Back Into Hell (9) Pearl Jam: Vs


5. (-) Various Artists: The Best of Dance 93

6. (-)

Frank Sinatra: Duets 7. (5) Frankie Goes To Hollywood: 2nd Coming 8. (66) The Best Dance Album In The World: Various Artists 9. (-) Let's Go Disco: Various Artists 10. (11) Various: The Best Of Now Dance 93

Take That's Howard Donald, atno.2

Norwich-based Noisebox Records follow up their dance release from earlier in the year with a collection of indie hopefuls scrambling for the somewhat dubious title of "Norfolk's finesr. The opening track "Aerobatic Man" by Steerplke sets the ball rolling with a bassline very reminiscent of the Pixies and then unfolds a tale of, well, Aerobatic Men of course. The vocals aren't bad if a little indistinctive but when the guitars start washing from speaker to speaker it really does the trick, sounding vaguely like a cross between Lush and the Joy Division.

Continued on next page

24 TH E EVENT, O CTOBER 27 - N OVEMBER 9 BACKWATER ONE ...--:------------------------.

Review - cont.


That may sound very odd but it's well worth a listen. Peely likes 'em too. Ivy undoubtedly own quite a few Cocteau Twins records between them but that is a very good thing. They skilfully manage to avoid becoming a tribute band by adopting a much less polished guitar sound and the emphasis is on the vocals which are pretty good (thankfully) and at times the harmonies reach out of the speakers and nibble your earlobes (honest!) . Spellbound, who supported Catherine Wheel at Peppermint Park recently provide their track "Miss Holly Golightly" which has a definite 'big' sound to it and is probably the most impressive track on the E.P. Sounding a bit like Swallow crossed with Lush (again!) they're very pleasant and summery and give you, well, a warmer gloss than Ready Brek. The last track "Outside Looking In" by the Lemon Growers starts off in a similar vein to R.E.M 's "Drive" but unfortunately stalls on the runway due to a general lack of direction and some jarring vocals. Nevermind, 3 out of 4 ain't bad, as they say. • The Event has got together with Noisebox records, to offer 5 lucky readers the chance of winning a copy of the EP. To stand a chance of wi nning , simply tell us the dictionary definition of 'pike' as in 'Steerpike'. To enter, follow the rules on page 25 ... then cross your fingers and hope that you might win one of these nuggets of local music.


If you would like to see your band reviewed in this section, send a tape containing three original songs, plus a bit about the group and a photo (if possible) to DEMO, The Event, PO Box 410, Norwich, NR4 7TB.



OPINION 1 Rush Me Under have obviously got a lot of ideas and have the potential to be quite interesting. The trouble is, they often don't stretch their ideas far enough and end up doing something really obvious like the cod-psychedelic chorus of opening track "The Illusion'. However, one major point in their favour is that they manage to sound like they believe in themselves. Although the lyrics at times veer dangerously close to being trite and vacuous, they manage to cover it up with some vigorous guitar bits and the overall feel is one of punk energy rather than self-apology. Given more time, Rush Me Under cou ld become a very strong asset to the local music scene and from the sound of it, they're pretty mad live - watch out for guitar shrapnel!!

By Jamie Putnam, The Event's record reviewer

OPINION 2 On reviewing this tape, I imagined from the name that 'Freak Show' would bear some resem blance to a genre of music that was unusual, maybe painful. But Rush Me Under are quite gentle in their approach. Although the re Is a punk element to the backi ng (and is that a drum machine?), the vocals are very restra ined and desperately need more presence to get any attention . Th e overall sound is a young Stranglers without the energy. With some unusual guitar effects and a good drummer, they show potential. .. but need to update the ir sound for a modern market.

By Nick Morris, UEA Entertainments Editor's note: Thanks to everyone who's sent in demos so tar... we are enjoying listening to them. it's great to hear there's such talent out there, despite what the music press like to think.

THE VERDICT All scores are out of five.

ORIG INALITY .....................2 & 3 CAN THEY PLAY THEIR INSTRUMENTS? ....4 & 3 'SEXINESS'....................... 2 & 3 NAME ..................................1 & 1

In subsequent issues of The Event, we will continue to run free classified ads for anyone who wants them. There's a huge ran ge of categories, from FOR SALE to PERSONAL please feel free to send UP ads for whatever you like. We will advertise anything within reason, and our full terms and condition' ·~ available from us b~ t If you want them. Send in as many ads as you like, and we will publish them in the next available issue. Get writing!





nBA ~ 'rrrn EVEJ~r'! 1



TO SEE ANY FILM OF ~YOUR CHOICE AT THE CANNON "The Fugitive" is currently, for want of a better phrase, "packing 'em in" at the Cannon Cinema. The Event is so excited at this fact that it has got together with the Cannon to bring you the chance of seeing not just "The Fugitive", but any film of your choice! We have 6 pairs of tickets to give away, and all you have to do is answer the following questions; 1 In which 1982 futuristic thriller did Harrison Ford appear? 2 In which recent action-packed thriller, set on the high seas, did Tommy Lee Jones star alongside Steven Seagal? 3 Who directed the film "The Fugitive"? ~ho appeared as "The Fugi• in the 1963 television senes? 5 In which 1985 thriller, also starrin" l(elly McGillis, did Harrii ord appear? Follow .. od rules below to enter.

TICKETS FOR JTQ AT UEA 3 pairs to be won!

The Fugitive -just one of the films you could see as a winner of our competition

Watch out, Right Said Fred are back. Not only have they got their new single "Bumped" In the charts right at this very moment, but they've also got a new album, 'Sex and Travel' out very soon. We've got 3 copies of them, actually signed by the Freds, to give away, courtesy of London-based Hands On PR. Just answer this ludicrously easy question: What was the name of Right Said Fred's first single? Was it: B. Deeply Dlppy? b. I'm Too Sexy? c. Stick lt Out? Follow the rules, send your answer to us, and cross your fingers.



Quirky acoustic-based band, Grant Lee Buffalo come to UEA's LCR venue on Saturday, November 13. A ticket would normally set you back £7, but courtesy of the Students Union at UEA, we've got 3 pairs to give away, along with a Grant Lee Buffalo CD to the three lucky winners. To stand a chance of winning, you'll need to tell us whether it's true that Mr Buffalo himself is married to Ms 'Pretty Woman', Julia Roberts. Enter following the rules opposite, and we'll let you know if you've won in due course.


event· A PUBLICATION OF PLANET ZOG LTD Tel: (0603) 250558

l:lThese lucky people are the winners of the competitions we ran in our first issue. Thanks to everyone who entered. Harrlson Ford videos: Samantha Read, Ipswich Road. lan Riddler, Thelveton. James Smith, Earlham Road. Catherlne Wheel single: Lindsay Carswell, UEA. Glastonbury Tapes: Jane Matthews, Clover Road. John Jones, Unthank Road. Mr P Knewbold, Hellesdon. Simone Harrls-Godfrey, Hellesdon. Miss K Cllnton, School Lane. Y Nagal, UEA. Plzzslsnd voucher. Miss C Anderson, Norwich. K Bullls, Bluebell Road. Records glveswsy. Steve Smith, Norwich.

If you like jazz-funk fusion, then you'lllove JTQ. They arrive at UEA on Tuesday November 9, lock, stock and Hammond organ. The Event has got together with the Students Union at the University to give away 3 pairs of tickets for the concert. To get your mitts on them, send us the correct answer to this question. A theme to a TV cop show has become JTQ's best known track to date. Could that show be: B. The Professionals? b. The Sweeney? c. Stsrsky snd Hutch? Answers on a wah-wah guitar to the address below. And don't forget to follow the rules.

1. You may enter as m answers sh any compe I strangely-lit videos and such stuck-down~~~:~ on the back o: ~ons as You likepop claaslca as "it's A Mys2. We don't e ope, Postcard or a lely" and "I Want to Break none of th care how many entr· Free" that lit up the early 3. The clos~~;e;trlcting it to one ';: ~ou send us _ eighties? Well, she's back November N ate for all competif'r ousehold here/ 6 with a vengeance and headbe consider~ o entries received a'::ns this Issue Is 4. You must In· er this date will lng your way- arrlvlng at the Oval on November 3, to be telephone n c1Ude Your name precise. To win a signed 5. All wlnner~:~,7~'.You have ~~:~~~~dress and picture of the flame-halted ephone The E Informed • PI Your entry goddess, wrestle with this 6. You must vent ease don't tel· Uttle brain--teaser: give If You w~9~ee to any PUblicity we How many albums haa 7. Please send competition (with; may want to Event, Pia Your entries to C n reasont). Toyah released to date? Is it: 7TB net Zog Ltd., PO Box :~petitions, The a. 27 8. And that Old h ' Norwich, NR4 b. 167 final. That's lt ~I estnut... The Edlto ' c. 281 · mp/e really. Oh a:ds decision Is Send ua the answer, and we'll ' good luck. do the rest.

RememberToyah? Those

Editor: Peter Hart • Assistant Editor: Niall Hampton • Film Editor: Darren Fisher • Listings Editor: Carolina Jenkinson • Picture Editor: Phil Vickers • Editorial Contributors: Paullngleby, Jamie Putnam, Angela Singer, Martin Plant, Charlotte Couse, Aaron Spicer, James Melville-Ross, Joe Morse, Toni Brodelle. Seth Levine, Rachel Savory, StuartEIIiott, Amanda Cresswell, Jo Stubington, Bob Scott, Polly Hayes, Nick Morris, Georgina King , Martin Rose , Lisa Bushrod, Andrea Bird, Michele du Randt, Gabriel Silver, Pete Snowman • Photographic contributors: Mark Turner, Keith Whitmore • Advertising Manager: Simon Mann • Publisher: Stephen Howard Mono design & origination by Planet Zog Ltd, PO Box 410, Norwich, NR4 7TB, telephone (0603) 250558. • Colour Origination & printing by Eastern Counties Newspapers, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich News-trade distribution by John Menzies PLC, telephone (0603) 700579. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, telepathic, agricultural, channel tunnel, medicinal or otherwise without the prior written consent of the publisher.

27 - NovEMBER 9



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2~.:..NovEM!!!:_R 9...-. ---~-·------~~-,-----

: ill" day listings in association with the Theatre Royal -


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,--------------------~-----Reservations (0603) 630000 ~~¥~~::,~ ,SUNDAY QCTOBER 31

Cannon Dirty Weekend (18) (see page 11) plus some or all of the films from Weds. Phone for details.

Cannon Screen 1: Dragon (15) - Jason Scott Lee stars in this film about the Kung-Fu legend, Bruce Lee. See page 11 for details. 2.30pm, 5.30pm, 8.20pm . Screen 2: The Fugitive (15) Harrison Ford is a man on the run for his life. Tom my Lee Jones is chasing him! See page 11 . 2.15pm, 5pm , 8.15pm. Screen 3: Secret Garden (U) Children's classic tale remade for the big screen. See page 11 . 1.20pm, 3.40pm, 5.55pm, 8.30pm. Screen 4: Once Upon A Forest (U) - Take the tissues, you have been warned. See page 10. 1pm and 2.30pm. Jurassic Park (12) - it's still showing! The summer blockbuster. 4pm and 6.20pm. Much Ado About Nothing (PG) Keanu Reeves, Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson etc .... 8.45 pm. Odeon Screen 1: Homeward Bound (U) - Another film for the children, remade fo r the 90s. See page 11 . 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 5.30pm . Screen 2: Sleepless In Seattle (PG) - Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan star in this slushy tale. See page 11. 1.10pm, 3.15pm, 5.20pm, 7 .30pm. Also Rising Sun (18) - Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes star. 2pm, 4.30pm, 7.45pm. Cinema City Tom and Jerry - The Movie (U) When their home is demolished, the crazy cat and mouse P.nd up. on the streets, actually talking to each other. 2.30pm. The Fencing Master (12)- A Spanish tale of passion and flashing blades. 5.45pm , 8.15pm.

Theatre Royal Two Gentlemen of Verona - The RSC bring Shakespeare's cornedy of being young and in love to Norwich. 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £3-£17.50. Maddermarket Theatre My Mother Said I Never Should - a play by Charlotte Keatley, depicting the relationship between mothers and daughters from the Second World War to the present day. 7.30pm, £6.50-£2 .50. Norwich Puppet Theatre The Ugly Duckling - classic fairy tale , designed fo r younger children. 2.30pm, £3.50/£2 .50 cone. UEA Drama: Changing Places - by John Martin and Mallika Sarabhai. A cross-cultural collaboration in song and dance. 7.30pm , £5/£3 cone. Oval Band Competition Final : Extension Leads, No Mercy and Frantic. King's Head Otts and Davey Howe - Soul band. Boswells NJQ. 9pm to midnight. Hy's Girl of the Week Ritzy Go - 9pm to 2am. £1 .50 before 11 pm, £2.50 after. Peppermint Park Club night. Superskate Family Superskate. ?pm-11 pm, £2.50.

THURSDAY OCTOBER 28 Cannon See Wednesday.

Oval Thrash Special.

Odeon See Wednesday, plus "What's love Got To Do With lt" at 8.10.

Boswells Lucas Soul Band. 9pm to 12.

Cinema City The Fencing Master - 2.30pm, 5.45pm, 8.15pm. Theatre Royal See Weqnesday. Norwich Arts Centre Noor Shimaal: world music. £5

Hy's Club night Manhattans Eleventh Hour- American JFS Band. £1 B4 11pm, £2 after. Ritzy ,!'artee. 9 to 2am. £1 B4 11pm

Maddermarket Theatre See Wednesday

Peppermint Park Party night. Happy Hour 11-12.

Norwich Puppet Theatre See Wednesday.

Superskate "Back Seat of the Chevy" (16+) - 7pm-11pm, £3.

Brickrilakers Texas Edge

Odeon See Friday.

Odeon True Romance (18) (Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette star, see centre pages) plus some or all of the fil ms from Weds. Phone for details.

Compiled by Caro/ine Jenkinson


Cannon See Friday.

Cinema City See Wednesday Plus Cat People (1 8) Nastassja Kinski stars. 11 pm. Theatre Royal See Wednesday. 7.30pm only. Norwich Arts Centre Soul. £6/£4 concessions

Oval Freak of Nature (featuring Mike Tramp) and Vanity Kills. King's Head The Denny Newman Blues Group.

Maddermarket Theatre See Wednesday.

Boswells Beyond The Blues. 9pm to midnight.

Norwich Puppet Theatre See Wednesday.

Hy's Club night.

UEA Drama: The Alchemist - The Scapegoat Theatre Company presents Ben Jonson's comedy. 7.30pm, £5/£3 cone. Gig. Greenpeace Benefit with Spiritualized, Mercury Rev - it'll be a good one. And a bargain at only £5.

Manhattans Club night. £5, or £3 with NUS card. Or FREE before 10.30pm .

Brickmakers Worlds Apart - no, not 1M Worlds Apart, but the local band of the same name.

Peppermint Park Dance Trek. Ritzy Fast Trax. 9pm to 2am . £2.00 before 10.30pm, £3.00 after. Superskate Rave Night - 7pm-11pm, £3.

Cannon See Friday.

Brickmakers Loose

Odeon See Friday.

Oval Death Metal: My Dying Bride plus GGFH.

Cinema City Day School - covering the subject of masculinity in the movies, taught by writer and lecturer Andy Medhurst. Phone for details. Theatre Royal See Wednesday.

Oval TBC Boswells Nostalgia. 12 noon to 3pm. Superskate Family Superskate- 10.30am1pm, £2. Family Superskate - 2pm-5pm, £2.50. Collesseum (Games) Night 7pm-11pm, £3.50.

MONDAY NOVEMBER 1 Cannon See Friday. Odeon See Friday. Cinema City Raining Stones (15) - Ken "Kes" Loach directs this tale of survival on a northern housing estate. 5.45pm , 8.15pm. Theatre Royal Return to the Forbidden Planet Shakespeare meets rock 'n' roll in this West-End smash. 7.30pm , £3.50-£18.50. Norwich Arts Centre Wilde Club: Mambo Taxi plus support. £3 adv/£3.50 door. UEA Arthur Miller Centre Literary Festivat. Graham Swift, author of "Waterland". ?pm, £3/£2 cone. Concert: The Electroacoustic Voice 1. Featuring Frances Lynch (soprano) . 7.30pm , £5/ £4-£3. Boswells Candlelight and Romance with

Jonathan Dodd. 8pm to 11 pm. Hy's Club night. Manhattans Dance Formula - upfront dance music ...the Monday alternative. £1 before 11 pm, £2 after. Ritzy Nth Degree. 9pm to 2am. £1 before 11 pm (free with NUS card), £2.00 after. SOp a pint! Peppermint Park Club night. Superskate "Rollermania" (Rock Night) 7pm-11pm, £2.

Boswells Climax Jazz Band . 9pm to midnight. Hy's Club night.

Norwich Arts Centre Sixties night. Includes a tribute to Roy Orbison. £6/£4 concessions Maddermarket Theatre See Wednesday. Norwich Puppet Theatre Jack and the Beanstalk - Preview Christmas Production. 2.30pm, £3.50/£2.50. UEA

Drama: See Friday. ~-

King 's Head OK Teddy Blues Band

Cinema City Bryan Gunn Appeal Gala Screening (PG) The Norwich City and Scottish goalkeeper, along with DJ John Peel , presents the national premiere of Football Shorts, a compilation of archive films. All proceeds to Bryan Gunn's Leukemia Appeal. 5.00pm.

Brickmakers Lee Vasey Big Band (lunchtime) . Otts and Davey Howe (evening).

Manhattans As Friday. Ritzy's Furious Fun. 9 to 2. £3 B4 10.30 Peppermint Park Stave Jackson Soul Session. Superskate Family Superskate - 1Oam.12.30pm, £21 Family Superskate - 2pm-5pm, £2.50. "Lethal Radiation" - 7-1 . £3.50.


cannon Cinema, Prl~' of WaiM ' Road. Tel 623312 Odeon Cinema, Anglia · Square. Tel 0428 932450 Cinema City, st Andrews Street. :Tel 622047 · Theatre Royal, Theatre .slreet. Tel 630000 Norwich Arts Centre, St Benedlcts Street. Tel ~2 Maddermarket Theatre, Maddermarket. Tel 620917 Puppet Theatre, St James' Whltefrlars. Tel 629921 Brlckrnakers, Sprowston Road, Tel 426829 Kings Head, Magdalen Street. Tel 627998 Manhattan Nightclub, Dove Street. Tel 629060 The Oval Rock House, Dereham Road • .Tel 748244 Peppermint Park, Rose Lane. Tel 764192 Ritzy Nightclub, Tombland. Tel 621541 UEA, Earlham Road. Tel 505401 Boswells/Hy's, Tombland. Tel 626099



Cannon See Friday. Odeon See Friday.

Oval India Nite: Waddle, Compact Pussycat and Backward Dog.

Cinema City See Monday. Also 2.30pm.

Boswells Jazz and Blues Jam with Dave Holgate and Paul Stevenson. 9pm to midnight.

Theatre Royal See Monday.

Hy's Club night. Superskate Disco Night. ?pm-11 pm, £2.50.





See Friday, November 5.



King's Head

See Friday, November 5.

4/D/Jones Blues band.

Cinema City


Tales of Beatrix Potter (U) characters brought to life by the Royal Ballet. 2.30pm.

Chris Simmons. 9pm to midnight.

Theatre Royal

Club night.

1 4 Complied by Carol/ne Jenklnson

Hy's See Monday. Also 2.30pm.



Norwich Arts Centre

See last Saturday.



Furious Fun. 9pm to 2am.

See Friday, November 5.



See Friday.

Lee Vasey Band. 9pm to midnight.

Acid Jazz - Carleen Anderson (ex-The Young Disciples). £7/£5 cones.


Norwich Puppet Theatre

Peppermint Park


Girl of the Week.

Flit - the story of a Moonchild and the village that adopts her. 2.30pm, £3.50/£2.50 cone.

Stave Jackson Soul Session (upstairs)

See Friday, November 5.


See Friday. Cinema City See Monday.


See Monday. Also 2.30pm.

Happy House: uplifting dance club night. £1 B4 11 pm & £2 after.



Toyah Wilcox (yesl it's really her) plus Friday Forever. £5.

Go. 9pm to 2am.

King's Head

Club night.

Theatre Royal


See Monday.

Norwich Arts Centre See Friday, November 5.

r:-,.t Slug All Star Blues Band.


. ~

See Friday.





See Friday.


Cinema City


See Monday. Also 2.30pm.

!a C}

Theatre Royal


See Monday.

§ g

Peppermint Park Trans-Giobal Underground.

Manhattans Lucas Soul Band . £1 before 11 pm or £2 after.

Boswells 't!e Blues Band. 9pm 1t.


Cinema City

Lee Vasey (lunchtime). Living on the Edge (evening).

Raining Stones. 5pm. Safety Last (U) - Silent, with Harold Lloyd. Live piano accompaniment. 7.30pm.

Ritzy Partee .... 9pm to 2am.



Club night.

See last Thursday


Superskate As last Sunday.

MONDAY NOVEMBER 8 Cannon See Friday, November 5.


Cinema City House of Angels (15) - Swedish comedy. Part of European Film Week. 5.45pm. Puerto Escondido (15)- Also part of European Film Week, this is another comedy from Italy. 8.15pm.

Theatre Royal The Woman In Black - Supernatural tale, starring Frank Finlay. 7.30pm, £4-£13.50.

See last Friday, plus Dave (see page 9) .

AB/CD (AC/DC tribute band) and Danger Live.


King's Head


See last Friday, plus The Real McCoy (see page 11).

11th Hour - soul band.

Cinema City

Viva! 9pm to midnight.

Arthur Miller Centre Literary Festivat. Martin Amis, author of "Time's Arrow". 7pm, £31£2 cone.

Theatre Royal See Monday.

Norwich Arts Centre

Wilde Club: Tindersticks plus Palace Brothers, Ivy and Unbridled Passion. £3 adv/£4 door.

Ferry Boat Inn, King Street


Lena Black Big Band Rhythm and Blues All Stars. Bpm.

As last Monday.


Club night

Hy's Club night.

Manhattans As last Monday.

See last Friday.

Ritzy Ritzy

Nth Degree. 9pm to 2am.

Fast Trax. 9pm to 2am .

Peppermint Park

Family Cat+ local band Fur. £4.50 adv. 7.30pm.

Peppermint Park



After Dark.

As last Friday.

Broadside Swingtet. 12 noon to 3pm.

Paul Merton - star of "Whose

Norwich Arts Centre


8os wells Boswells

Theatre Royal


Raining Stones. 5.45pm. I Know Where I'm Going (U). Classic Michael Powell romance. His widow, Thelma Schoonmaker-Powell, will be there to discuss the film. 8.15pm. The Life of Brian (15) . Monty Python and Co. star. 11pm.

Gig. James Taylor Quartet. 7.30pm, £7.

As last Tuesday.

Hy's Club night.



Theatre - Mixed Bag presents The Boyfriend. £5/£4 cones.


See Friday, November 5.

See Friday, November 5.

Norwich Arts Centre


Line is it Anyway?" and "Have I Got News for You". 7.30pm, £3-£12.50.

Odeon Superskate As last Wednesday.


Theatre Royal



See Monday.

As last Saturday.

Gig. Hawkwind. £7.50 adv.

Peppermint Park

Baroque -The Palladian Ensemble. £7/£4 cones.

Cinema City Superskate

Club night.

Dance Trek

Superskate See last Monday.

Superskate As last Tuesday.



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