3 minute read

Summer Camps!

JUNIOR UNDER THE SEA ART CAMP, Age 5-7 Draw all the different things we see and imagine under the sea! Narwhals, jellyfish, mermaids and more! $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163

6105.3237 M-F 9:00am-12noon $175 7/10-7/14 1 wk

LEARN TO ANIME/MANGA, Age 6-12 Learn how to draw cute manga-inspired characters, accessories, and costumes. Will use canvas and paint. Instructor: Young Rembrandts White Oak Elementary............................................805-375-1003

8771.3235 M-F 1:00-4:00pm $175 710-7/14 1 wk

8771.3241 M-F 1:00-4:00pm $175 8/14-8/18 1 wk

DODGER SEWING CAMP, Age 7-12 Dodger Sewing Camp! Go Dodgers! All you Dodger fans this sewing camp is for you! Sew Dodger themed things to wear and enjoy! $30 lab fee. Instructor: Pins & Needles

Dos Vientos Community Center.............................805-375-1003

8751.3231 M-Th 9:00am-12noon $150 7/10-7/13 1 wk

LLAMAS, LION, AND MONKEYS OH MY! ART CAMP, Age 5-7 Draw all the different animals and things we see at the zoo! Llamas, lions, monkeys and more! Complete one large scene including all the animals we drew that week in a clever and cute imaginary zoo. $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163

6105.3239 M-F 9:00am-12noon $175 7/17-7/21 1 wk

THE ENCHANTED ART ACADEMY, Age 6-12 Experience the majesty of the great dining hall as our students illustrate a beautiful graphic and a plethora of cartoon drawings. Draw an enchanted forest to a day at the races with dragons and more! $25 lab fee.

Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163

6106.3231 M-F 1:00-4:00pm $188 7/17-7/21 1 wk

ANIMAL SEWING CAMP, Age 7-12 Sewing camp for all animal lovers! $30 lab fee. Instructor: Pins & Needles

Dos Vientos Community Center.............................805-375-1003

8752.3231 M-Th 9:00am-12noon $150 7/24-7/27 1 wk

FANTASY FOREST SUMMER ART CAMP, Age 7-13 This art camp features a fantasy forest theme. The students will create wonderful, fantasy-themed illustrations that showcase mythical characters. Demonstrate clean Sharpie™ tracing and proper coloring techniques using colored pencils and markers. $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163

6106.3233 M-F 1:00-4:00pm $178 7/24-7/28 1 wk

FIDGETS AND GIZMOS, Age 6-12 Campers make puffy paper squishy fidget toys to keep their hands busy. $25 lab fee.

Instructor: Jemma Wildermuth

White Oak Elementary............................................805-375-1003

8738.3244 M-F 9:00am-12noon $155 7/24-7/28 1 wk


Young children will explore the world of Laura Numeroff in this camp full of art and reading. Students will create wonderful drawings and bring their favorite stories to life by combining creativity and imagination. $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163

6106.3232 M-F 9:00am-12noon $178 7/24-7/28 1 wk

I LOVE HOUSEHOLD PETS ART CAMP, Age 6-12 Draw a stylized aquarium graphic, a detailed birdcage, explore the playful side of our animal friends in amusing cartoon images as well as realistic renderings of various household pets and more! $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163

6106.3234 M-F 9:00am-12noon $188 7/31-8/4 1 wk

KINGS & QUEENS CASTLE ART CAMP, Age 6-12 Princesses, knights, castles, and even dragons highlight the spectacular drawings our students wil produce using canvas and paint. $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts White Oak Elementary............................................805-375-1003


PAINTING CAMP WITH MISS DEBBIE, Age 5-17 Daily painting projects with tempera, acrylic, watercolor and more! Campers will take home an original painting each day. $20 material fee due first class. Instructor: Debbie Brodel Thousand Oaks Community Center.......................805-381-2793

PASTEL DRAWING: VAN GOGH, MONET, AND DA VINCI, Age 8-13 Learn to pastels and explore art history by studying different artists. Create large drawings from each featured artist. Wear an old shirt or smock to class each day. $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

FAIRIES & GNOMES CAMP, Age 6-12 Let’s explore creating art with recycled materials! Using CReATE STUDIO’s unique collection of recycled and crafty materials, students will make weekly art projects that foster imagination and support creative exploration. No art experience necessary. $25 cash materials fee. Instructor: CReATE Studio

WOOD WORKING CAMP, Age 6-12 Learn basic wood-working skills; become familiar with tools such as goggles, wood glue, sandpaper, and even a power drill. Create and build awesome wood projects. Different projects each week. $25 cash materials fee due first day. Instructor: CReATE Studio

Hillcrest Center..........................................................805-381-2793


FINE ART ACADEMY!, Age 5-11 Learn about famous artists like Hockney, Cezanne, and Monet as we explore different hands-on art media such as charcoal, art pencils, acrylics, watercolor, etching and more! $35 materials fee due first class. Instructor: Parker-Anderson Enrichment

Newbury Park HS...................................................805-381-2791

5194.3231 M-F 9:00am-12noon $209 8/7-8/11 1 wk

PASTEL DRAWING - MATISSE, VAN GOGH, AND KAHLO, Age 6-12 Create a large, original pastel drawing replicating a famous artist’s masterpiece using the pastel media. In the end we will be Masters ourselves. No experience necessary. Wear an old shirt or smock to class each day. $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163

6106.3237 M-F 1:00-4:00pm $175 8/6-8/11 1 wk

PIRATE ART CAMP, Age 6-12 Draw pirates, treasure maps,sunken treasures, parrots, and more! Use cartoon and realistic drawing techniques to draw playful, expressive characters each day. $25 lab fee. Instructor: Young Rembrandts

Conejo Community Center.......................................805-495-2163


PILLOWS AND PAJAMAS SEWING CAMP, Age 7-12 Pillows And Pajamas Sewing Camp will be fun with a pair of pj pants, and pillow, and stuffy in the end! $30 lab fee. Instructor: Pins & Needles

Dos Vientos Community Center.............................805-375-1003

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