2 minute read
A Day in the Life of aCOSCA Park Ranger
Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA) is a partnership formed in 1977 between the City of Thousand Oaks and CRPD, each bringing their own special strength to the table in order to coordinate land use planning and policy decisions, and facilitate open space acquisition, management, and conservation. Today, COSCA manages 14,000+ acres of open space and 150 miles of trails.
Throughout this vast open space, COSCA Park Rangers are plying their skills to protect and preserve the fragile environment so that everyone may enjoy it. On a daily basis – 365 days per year - the Park Rangers work hard to educate the public about the value of open space and keep it as accessible and clean as possible. As the sun rises each day, a Park Ranger will head out to open gates and check the restrooms and trash. Other Park Rangers start the day by checking yesterday’s reports – an email from a trail volunteer about a fallen tree, or a small rockslide that is blocking a trail.
The Rangers gather the tools necessary to take care of the day’s tasks. Patrolling by truck or bike, the Park Rangers check on trail conditions and fencing. Along the way, they will talk to park visitors, giving directions, answering questions, or listening to a child talk about a bunny that they saw - a gold badge sticker is often issued at this point. Other tasks for the day may include bench installations, trail construction, weed abatement, V-ditch cleaning, or an Eagle Scout Project. The Park Rangers also work closely with the Fire Department and other emergency personnel to assist in the rescue of hikers, dogs, or others in distress. When there are fires, the Rangers, being the experts on the local terrain, give logistical help to the Fire Department, protecting resources such as endangered plants, archeological sites, and trails. As the sun sets over the Grande Vista Mountain, Rangers go throughout the Conejo Valley and close gates and bathrooms, enjoying the red and orange sunset. To learn more about open space and trails, or to volunteer, visit:
Left to right: Bruce Pace (Lead Ranger), Nick Ferrari (Park Ranger II), Ryan Stead (Park Ranger II), Joe Neary (Park Ranger I), Kory Prindle (Supervising Park Ranger), Rick Bertilson (Park Ranger II), Kari Stav (Park Ranger II), Mike McGurk (Open Space Tech), Keenan Carroll (Park Ranger I), and Tim Hillman (Park Ranger I).