The NDT Materiality Matrix
The Group has long embarked on a process aimed at identifying "material aspects" in line with the Sustainability Reporting Standards defined by the Global Reporting Initiative. Material aspects are intended as those topics that are highly significant in the economic, social and environmental spheres and influence the assessments and decisions of both the Group and its stakeholders. For the year 2021, the Neodecortech Group has decided to confirm the 2020 materiality matrix that had been prepared through a two-step process: in the first, the potentially relevant non-financial topics were identified through a benchmark analysis carried out by analyzing the information provided by competitors, the areas envisaged in Legislative Decree 254/2016, the GRI Standards and the publications of a number of authoritative international sources (RobecoSam, SASB, etc.). The second step, regarding the prioritization of topics, involved the engagement of the main corporate functions which, during a materiality workshop, assessed the relevance of the topics both from the point of view of the Group and of the stakeholders, based on their specific knowledge. The analysis was followed by a comparison with the Group's front lines, which led to the definition of the above materiality matrix.
The Group is evaluating, for 2022, an update of the process for identifying material issues in line with the development of dedicated stakeholder engagement initiatives. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for which Neodecortech has defined its commitment, as described in the paragraph below, were subsequently associated with the material topics.
Neodecortech Group | 2021 Annual sustainability Report