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EililCRDINGTC J*Nru S&LLf PAT*ASSNIC VIERA This new 1O3-inchdasrna r|DW rrcr treson c s the biggest on the rnarl€t, AtE tt ai ?ra'i!ze. :s 'l still only 5 inchesthi& the pe "s6o,-1cr 5 ,920 r€ars.i (l uAa: us€cj ra really kroy don't X 1,080. to have like a 10 pixel carns'a,so :l€'e .Y:: l s baby,you'll neveragain luve a gooc erc..s€w.ren someoneasksyou, "Ar,vw,rnar: Dc p. s€e:*a:?" $70k (www.panasonic.corn)
S U P E RE O W L X L O P U S Talk abov: c'eacn nS some pigskin, this homage to :re brggesi game of them all c e r t a r n l yd o e s 1 . u s l c e . H a n d s e w n a n d bound with fine leaiher the Opus weighs in at a whopp;ng 8O pounds at 850 pages. Inside those pages are oretty pictures and insightful words &o'n rhe memoirs of Super Bowl greab tnroughout history. Go ahead and sell your ticket to the next Super Bowl-this is a ticketto 4O of them. $4,000 (www.krakenopus.com)
{}dtKN*€YT*-lL;8SFPn* I likeall my gadgetswrappedup into smallerpackages,and that'swhy l'm diggingon these.The new give you a stylishlook OakleyThump Prosunglasses when gettingyour sporton, whilealsofeaturinga mini MP3 playerbuilt in. Youget 60-240songs,6 hourso{ playon a singlecharge,and sometop-ofthe-lineshadesto boot. $300(www.oakley.com)
AR€F{*S S{!.4 Justa perfectexample of somethingthat makeslife a little bit better.ThisS-inchentertainmentcenterlets you surftheInternet with WiFi, recordsfrom TV (or like a camcorder) and holdsphotosand 15,000tunes.Plus,it lookssleekerthan any other gadget for the punchit holds.$400 (wvwv.archos.com)
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s€Rt€s Ceramicinfrared burnersaren'texactly new-the first were developed by ThermalEngineering Corporation (TEC)more than two decades ago. But
TECSeriesgrillsfeature the new Char-Broil a patentedglass-topinfraredcookingsystem. Thesegrillsoffer an unprecedented cookinguniformitywith no hot or cold spots and broad heat-intensityrangethat makeTEC burnersthe hottestand coolNow that's est infraredburnersavailable. the stuffthat makesus backyardchefsso heroic.$700(www.charbroil.com)
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sA.vr sK&N pR&*L$CYS Here'sjust one morewaywine makes lifegreat.The Mondavifamily,worldrenownedfor theirwinevalleysin Napa,California, makesthis lineof antiagingskinproductsthat area natural process. offshootof the wine-making For both men and women,their lineof productsjust might makeyou lookas sharpas one John Salley.l'll drinkto that.$35-$175 (www.daviskin.com)
€**{F*ffisaRAT',KW}?*WR&*YF{ (andof GuyslikeBradPittandTomCruise
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course, John Salley)have been enamored, lately,with Confederate! luxury motorcycle line. And this baby takes the cake. Handcrafted and only 250 in existence,the new Wraith is modeled after an early 1900s design style. lt looks like a futuristic cougar on wheels-and that's not too bad. $55k (www.confederate.com)