Newsletter 2 - CLEAR PROJECT

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Support for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ECET) Project n. 521415-LLP-2011-IT-KA1-KA1ECETB

To spread creativity practices to foster innovation in Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain and Norway by involving practitioners and policy makers in learning frameworks design and awareness raising events.

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NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2014 FINDINGS & MESSAGES FROM THE NATIONAL AND EUROPEAN CONFERENCES 6th of June, INNOTK 2013 at Tknika – Renteria, Spain The Spanish national conference organized by TKNIKA was embedded into the bigger INNOTK event, dedicated to the Innovation applied to Vocational Training. The Basque Federation of Metal enterprises – FVEM – animated a workshop and draw conclusions from the participants, concerning the potential of creativity applied to companies training. The workshop highlighted the need to build on networks among different firms and vocational training centres. The proposed training model adopted to foster creativity and innovation in enterprises.

21st October, Bergen University College – Bergen, Norway

“Made in Osterøy” - Open innovation project in the design fashion industry The Conference, organized by Bergen University College and Flettwerk, presented the result of a collaborative project of UK designers working with Norwegian artisans. jewelry designer Scott Wilson, concept designers Azumi & David, stylist Thom Murphy, film maker Katy Davies and fashion artist Michelle Lowe-Holder.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The project involved industry and art students in a common product development, brought to new design and products commercially viable, and an exhibition of new fashion/art products. The positive effects recognized: • Learning effects for art students: Commercial focus, market focus, production, technical issues • Learning effects for industry: New knowledge of design and potential products, technical ‘innovations’, changed mind-sets. Feedback from designer M. Lowe-Holder: “10 days working in Norway has been inspiring - We opened the exhibition Monday October 21 at Museum of Osterøy!”

21st - 23rd November Job Orienta – Verona, Italy

Within the national Education and Training Fair Job Orienta, the partner IPRASE organised a three days stand dedicated to the CLEAR project; a short workshop and a mid-sized conference. Participants included teachers and school managers, public managers, youth workers, students. IPRASE presented the key issues for creativity and innovation: Organisational structures, individual characteristics, training methods and pedagogical practices, training content.

Participants stated creativity and innovation need to be mediated by a sort of boundary objects, between methods, groups and communities. Several questions aroused: What these boundary objects are supposed to be: Individual resources? Institutional processes? Serendipity?. How is it possible to innovate this process for educational and training institutions? Scholars and professional people claim for a more proximal interaction between education and work in general and in creativity and innovation too. These two systems need to be integrated because transitions (during the lifespan) need to be managed also from a creativity and innovation perspective. Innovation in the educational field in Italy used to fail because educational institutions trying constantly to innovate (ICT’s introduction, instructional practices, learning environment, teachers’ job specification, …) without standing on the shoulders of previous stabilized innovations. The research results have been published in the Journal of Creative Education, February 2014, as an online open access scientific article:

27th – 28th November, “Creativity, Innovation, Learning” Conference & Workshop – Bruxelles, Belgium

The European Conference was organised within the three day EVTA Conference 2013 “Addressing together the challenges of Human Resources”. The 27th and 28th of November, participants from vocational training centers, universities, employment services, European students representations, the European Training Foundation, the DG Education & Culture and the partners discussed strategic questions aroused from the seminars and the national conferences, namely: • Is it attractive to invest in creativity, innovation and culture? • Do we need/want a common approach at EU level? Is it feasible? • How should we adapt the approach to different contexts and innovation systems? DG Education’s officer, Mr. Varchola called for a change in paradigm ”Innovation is not only linear, R&D based, more and more it is created in broader interdisciplinary social and economic contexts.” Vocational Education and Training, shall implement a proactive approach - raising ambitions and demands and redefine its role in terms of supporting growth, innovation, competitiveness” Invited speakers and participants provided a number of comments and suggestions: Andy Westwood, GuildHE: “Through policy making and thinking we shall work on both sides: demand and supply of innovation – in the age of mass education, we cannot invest in linear education” Patrick Crasson, Benovate: “A set for cooperation to link innovation and creativity is needed, we shall start from primary school. Let’s bring to schools rockstars of inspiration!” Tommaso Grimaldi, EVTA: “Funding is limited, it is also VET institutions duty to ensure a return on investment to governments” Dimitrios Salampasis, Henri Tudor Public research Centre: “The role of the government is to mainstream good examples and establish cooperation platforms. Where to invest is still the problem” Francesco Pisanu, IPRASE: “Start to work on teachers methods and change their view of the “outside world” – the labour market” Nicole Haffner, Doris Pack MEP trainee: “Change the perception of the role of teaching” Jens Kristian Fosse, Bergen University College: “The reaction to the crisis led to a need for increased efficiency and increase the value of creation” Gabriella Bettiol, Confindustria Veneto SIAV: “Support the way for knowledge worker to become a disruptive innovation worker”.

UPCOMING EVENTS Conferences and valorisation events will be organized in United Kingdom until February 2014. Keep an eye on our website to learn more about: • London - 15th of January - II Practitioners seminar • Ravensbourne, London, 25-26th February 2014 UK National Conference in cooperation with the Ukadia conference


Contact: Gabriella Bettiol, Chiara Salatin Phone: +39 041 2517511 - Email: - Website:

Contact: Alf-Emil Slinning, Jens Kristian Fosse Phone: +47 55587941 - Email: - Website:

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