Huntingdon Death Sciences June 1998

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It's a dog's life update .::rvr./£

On the 25 th J.ttfy,at 8.00 p.m. an update of Channel 4's expose 'It's a Dogs Life' is due to be shown. The update will include footage of the protest camps outside the laboratory, protestors on theii; rooftop vigil and other action's over the last year involving the HDSC. Channel 4 recently contacted the campaign, to organize a film crew to come down to one of our regular demos, only to told by Christopher Cliffe that we do not usually have demos, and that people would come along just to get on TV! He claimed that if the film crew came down to film us, his lawyers would take out an injunction against the documentary, claiming it be wrongly representing the campaign against the company!

Huntingdon Life Sciences who will only be referred to as Huntingdon Death Sciences (HDS) are one of the largest contract animal testing companies in the world. they have laboratories at: , 1. Hundon Research Centre, Woolley , . · · Road, Alconbury, Hunts, Tel: 01480 892000. I 2. Eye Research Centre, Occold, Eye, ~( Suffolk. 3. Altringham Rd, Wilmslow, Cheshire. 4. Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

Protestor ends up at hospital after attack by HOS security i:uard

On June 18th at a peaceful demo outside HDS's site in Hunt ingdon a young female protester ended up in hospital after being picked up and thrown headfirst onto the public highway by a Group 4 security guard. The police arrived and seized the security video and are curAGMSCANDAL rently investigating. In another effort to question HDS's secretive operations, around Previously Huntingdon have unsuccessfully tried to go 200 HDSC supporters each bought a share in HDS. Our aim through the courts to stop any protest or criticism, but now was to attend their AGM and raise certain issues about ani- it's seems they resort to using violence against protestors just ma! wefare etc.-something HDS have always bent over back- as Mash & Waters used violence against the animals. The wards to avoid rather than answer HDS announced that in- police are currently investigating the assault. These actions tead '7~-fl~g---the-AGM-1-&Garn&riagethis -year,it-wettltl be - 15fv iolent RDS worker s will not s op e wee y emos, 1 held in Boston, Massachusetts.Two campaigners crossed the anything they will make us more determined to stop the abuse. Atlantic and managed to ask a lot of questions, but the answers were full of lies, unsatisfactory explanations and weak arguments.Once again Cristopher Cliffe showed what a callous man he is by claiming "There was no evidence of maltreatment of animals in the UK or US." -complete rubbish, I suppose Andrew Mash smashing a Beagle's head against the wall and Robert Waters punching a beagle in the head does not amount to maltreatment! HDS also admitted that they use baboons in xenotranplantation experiments (Frankenstein style) but would not give any more details. Back in the UK, a number of shareholders gathered at HDS's Huntingdon lab. They were entitled to inspect company documents inside. Only 5 people were allowed in and they refused the rest their rights as shareholders.When these people demanded an explanation, they were arrested to prevent a breach of the peace (a law which the European court recently condemned).The shareholders are now seeking legal advice.

Forthcoming national demonstrations A national demo has been arranged for Sunday 5th July outside the gates at Huntingdon, Alconbury starting at 12 noon and another national demo on Saturday 1st August at their Wilmslow site in Manchester at 12 noon. Come along and celebrate their rapidly plummeting share prices! Please pass on the enclosed leaflet with full details of the demos to your local group for copying and distribution

P.O. BOX 325, CAMBRIDGE,CBl 2UF. TEL: 0589 026 435


A video is being made for the campaign, which when completed will be available for purchase. It will include footage from all the camps and the evictions, local TV coverage and clips from the original 'It's a Dog's Life'. A professional video suite is going to be hired to edit the video, which is going to cost about 300 pounds, so any help that could be provided in funding would be gratefully welcomed

If you send a donation, please make cheques payable to HDSC.

C.I.S-investing in pain! The campaign to get the CIS to sell their shares continues . We have produced postcards for people to send to the Co-op and also a petition calling for the Co-op to withdraw their invest ment in HDS. So far we have been informed that the Co-op have received over 2,500 letters of complaint which is the largest number since their involvement with the Canadian seal cull. Ironically the Co-op are listed on an anti-vivisection leaflet calling for a Royal Commission into vivisection! The enclosed postcards and petitions expressing disgust and pledging to boycott all business that trade under the Co-op banner are now available, if you would like to order some write to the campaign.

Huntingdon Action Group Police attack protestors

A collection of campaigners from all over the Northwest have come together under the name "Huntingdon Action Group" . They have been very busy picketing Wilmslow research centre, near Manchester twice a week and also dem onstrating and handing out thousands of leaflets calling on C.I.S. to stop funding vivesection. They are based in Manchester so if you're local drop them a line and they ' ll let you know when the next action is happenning.

Last week protestors met at HDS Wilmslow for the usual early morning demo . Two very aggressive coppers turned up, pushing people around and then tried to arrest someone for videoing. While other protesters tried to prevent the video cl_!merafrqm being smashed on the floor, the police used CS gas on 2 protestors for no apparent reason. They were left in the stations excercise yard for hours while the police panicked about their actions! They were eventually charged with affray, obstruction and threatening behaviour.

Their address is Huntingdon Action Group, P.O. Box 155, Manchester, M60 !Ff . TEL: 0378 156457

Whatthepapers sav



On Sunday 14th June a 1000 word article appeared in the Business II., s ould report cruelty Section of 'The Independent on Sunday'. The front page headed \ Or~er ....,.,. ~ ..,_...., "'"'~'--., '!!.; •.:-:;:•;;"":.t,= "Saboteurs target the City", and continued inside with a picture of :,;:-.r,;..=,.:-.;; ~£' ~?, thell" (.,\pl11. ll!i) ~ aNf .lhal<• c~::1:l'i lb• NAME~ ADORES& Cliffe and of the rooftop protest last September. Cliffe was ~-:::•.:=i .........• ...,,.~:-;:.'T"~ :..,,_ ""' - .,. auPPuED interviewed and made comments such as "cautiously confident" and "quietly optimistic", (surely the words of a man whose :...--~~ ...~ · ~..., Th• .............. "'"': '; .. ':" .. ':.'::~""' :::!!t'.''::. . . . . . ~~olthedop._. IAMwd:h>,g~eun:=alNdtn -...u-th&t~ahclwda-et ana. • company in reality is on the bnnk of economic collapse?) The ,..,,.- "' ~ -.== ~ '""d" - .., ,.~;~.--~ln~ c::ameru U\d ..,_w,r.t-.. u-.Uu~6:,pedl:y~ ~hoffiH . paper also contacted the HDSC and quoted our spokesperson ::,.....,.........,.,=.•,: ,~~..:,, ....~ ::::..:-r:~ -:;;•,:;:""~ ••, .:;= '""':.':;.~ ~-.:,:,: • , , , , , available, .al ln e 1<perlenu animal enRltY ~ l"''""r proaecuUorw for utlmal outlining the aims of our campaign of getting investors to pull out :'.;;.::.,_. m.s '"""":: ;:;:.~..:;::_""llf•. ".:-; ..,m _ .,_ ,._" "'" "'""''.,.,......, you al1 a\dd:tand f~t.,thelr~to ~ both~qeandWm~°"· th• 5()000 plu.1 of HDS and to ultimately to stop HRC using animals in tests. A ::;""...,..:"......;;"' •,,:-: ....~ .... •..,.,,:~.:-"t" ..."'~ :\ ~'.:,...."""!; ,

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HDSC is a group of campaigners, commited to ending the animal abuse inflicted by HDS. We rely on donations to continue our work. Please make cheques payable to HDSC.

P.O. BOX 325, CAMBRIDGE,CBl 2UF. TEL: 0589 026 435


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