C,TOPHUNTINGDON /MA RUE TY PO Box 381, Cheltenham, Glos, GLSO 1YN Tel: 0845 458 0630 www.shac.net
Email: info@shac.u-net.com Newsletter 10
The Huntingdon Campaign
HLS customers feel the heat Well over 1000 activists from all over the UK met up at the meeting point for the national demo against HLS customers on February the 12th before splitting into a number of groups and moving off towards a number of sites. Here is an account from one of these groups: The first port of call was GlaxoSmithKline 's Research and Technical Operations site at Weybridge. Over 100 angry activists smrounded the gates and began to force them open. The one police officer that was present tried to stop them, but it was no good! The gates burst off their hinges and in people went! People had had enough of listening to GlaxoSmithKline waffle on whilst over 500 animals are butchered and abused every single day of the week at Huntingdon Life Sciences. Their anger overflowed onto the windows of all of the buildings and onto the few workers' cars which were on site. Activists broke into the building and sprayed slogans everywhere before leaving, setting the fire alarms off as they left, leaving thousands of pounds worth of damage to the premises of one of HLS 's most important customers. More and more people were arriving and more damage was caused before people went off to the home of Keith Krywicki at Cobham, director of Pharmacia. Over 200 people flooded the exclusive cul-desac in which he resides and the crowd overflowed on to the next street. Activists were banging drums, shouting, blowing horns and generally making sure that Krywicki was made fully aware that we will not tolerate those who allow HLS to stay open through supplying them with custom . The neighbours were out in force; many of them disgusted to learn of their
neighbour's involvement in animal abuse. Ribbons and stickers -were plastered everywhere making sure that our presence was felt for the next few days. As the police helicopter and back up arrived, people moved on to target number threeEli Lilly's Research Premises at Erl Wood Manor. Protesters cut through the perimeter fence and swarmed the whole premises determined to have an impact on the future of HLS. There was an overwhelming sound of glass shattering as a carpet of glass was added to the workers' canteen and people gained access to the buildings where they had a good look round and left with large amounts of the company 's documents. Again, just as the police back up arrived people went on to target number fourNovartis Pharmaceuticals at Frimley Business Park in Surrey. The building was surrounded and people went through the bins finding a lot of useful paperwork and took it away. An employee's car was reportedly damaged as well as a number of other items as people swarmed the site re-arranging what they could. The crowd had swollen in numbers again to at least a couple of hundred so off people went to the final location , Eli Lilly's site at Basingstoke where the security barrier was brushed aside and stickers were plastered everywhere. The crowd grew to about three hundred and the main gates were broken down and in people went. The office blocks were stormed. The offices were reduced to a huge pile of broken plastic and scattered documents. Meanwhile, an intrepid demonstrator had scaled a huge factory building on site and hung a large banner reading 'Eli Lilly and HLS Torture Animals'. The activist was arrested but then allowed
to come down without charge, leaving the huge banner flapping in the wind on the highest building on site. People then dispersed, happy in the knowledge that they had hammered the hell out of some of the most important customers of HLS and banged another nail into the coffin of that hellhole. Perhaps in the future these pharmaceutical companies will not be so happy to prop up the dirty work of HLS when they realise that when they take HLS on the strength of the animal rights movement comes as part of the package. An excellent day was had and people left determined to make sure that the customers of HLS know we mean business.
Newsletter No . 10
JmpromptU National takes Cambridgeshire by surprise On Sunday, 4th of March, around 100 people met up at Diss train station and switched county, moving the planned national against HLS Occold to HLS Huntingdon, leaving a lot of police sat kicking their heels at the gates of HLS Occold and at Diss station. On arrival at the gates of Huntingdon Research Centre, an initial three policemen struggled to prevent activists standing in front of the gates and telling the few workers inside, who were attempting to leave what we think of them. As the 'SMASH HLS' banner was strung up over the top of HLS 's own sign, the workers' cars were turned back into the site by the guards who were, needless to say, in a bit of a fluster. As more and more protesters arrived at the gates, more and more police anived and more and more noise was made. People sunounded the perimeter fence making sure that we were heard by all inside the hellhole. As music blared from one of the cars so did megaphones, hunting horns, sirens, whistles and airhorns. People were very, very angry and as it became more and more obvious the workers were waiting for us to leave, siege mentality set in with people determined to give the filthy animal abusers a piece of their mind as they left to go home. The police helicopter ani ved as well! - -----"----i..a..,
As the workers finally left, hours after they had intended to, peoples' anger overflowed and they charged at the police lines, determined to get to the workers and let them know how much the whole world hates them. The anxious workers hurriedly left and people moved on to the premises of Aventis, customer of HLS, where a large number of people gained entry to the site. A noisy demo continued for a number of hours accompanied by HUGE amounts of police and the helicopter.
People also paid a visit to Interfauna's breeding site, which breeds animals for HLS, before everyone went home happy in the knowledge that another nail had been hammered into the coffin of HLS . The workers at HLS were clearly shaken by such a large number of people arriving at the gates unannounced and rightly so, considering they are the real scum who go in to top up the poison flowing round the bodies of those tiny animals. It's up to all of us to get to the gates as often as we can to make sure they never forget how much we hate them and how determined we are to close them down forever. Round up some people, get down there and help get the evil death camp shut down.
'E,c{itoria{ In the recent media coverage regarding HLS, those with a vested interest in the vivisection industry have made outrageous claims about animal experiments saving peoples' lives. We must all ensure that we never again see HLS portrayed as a lifesaving company. What a grotesque misrepresentation! This is why we are opening a large scientific fron t to the campaign. We have invested time and money in this - HLS and their customers' lies will be challenged at every opportunity. We really need to push that there are thousands of scientists and doctors worldwide who speak out against vivisection on the grounds that it harms and kills people. Look at the new additions to the merchandise list and use them . The graphic A2 and A3 posters entitled 'Huntingdon Life Sciences kills people and animals' really need to be displayed and plastered all over every town and city in the UK. They are available in large quantities for fly posting. We are making , and have made, HLS a financial nightmare for their shareholders and customers, and this will always be the main focus of the campaign. ow is our chance to seize this opportunity and make them the embarrassment of their whole industry. We need to let the public know that it is because of these animal tests that pesticides and harmful chemicals are allowed onto the market as a result and kill people as well as animals . Read the newsletter, it is all about a campaign that is full of ideas and action. It is a cam paign that is shaking HLS to the core, this same campaign is YOU! We do not write these words to lift false hope s but because they are true. The fact of the matter is we are winning and even though there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done, we will close HLS - I'm sure. I have never been so sure of anything in my life. Remember action not words will aye the animals inside Huntingdon . Disclaimer: Nothing in this newsletter i intended to encourage or incite illegal acts.
The Huntingdon Campaign
ActiViStScrash Stephens' website Animal rights activists from across the world claimed success late Tuesday afternoon , after an all day virtual sit-in at the webpage of the investment company Stephens Inc, of Little Rock Arkansas. Stephens Inc . was targeted on Tuesday for being the biggest shareholder and chief financier of the notorious Huntingdon Life Science s (HLS) , one of the world's biggest animal testing laboratories, that has been shrouded in scandal after being exposed in 5 undercover investigations showing hoITific animal cruelty. An anonymous group called the Animal Liberation - Tactical Internet Response Network (AL-TIRN) organised the action that saw over a thousand activists activate a floodnet program from their computers that enabled them to 'flood' Stephens ' website several times per minute with download requests,thereby slowing down and clogging up the system. According to a SHAC spokesperson, "No matter where HLS hides their financiers , in a small city in the southern part of the US, like Little Rock Arkansas, or on the other side of the world, there are still ways of targeting them. We anticipate this to be the first action of many to come against Stephens Inc." Since saving HLS from foreclosure
one month ago with a 33 million dollar loan, Stephens Inc has been on the receiving end of protests outside all of its corporate offices across America and in London , and email and phone blockades. The SHAC spokesperson asserts, "Stephens Inc. is the sole reason 500 animals suffer and die every day inside HLS for more cancerous agrochemicals , food colourings and washing powders. We hold Stephens Inc. responsible for these deaths, they are now public enemy number one." In the follow-up report issued by AL-TIRN it is evident how much of a headache the electronic civil disobedience, a 21st Century version of how Martin Luther King and Gandhi fought injustices of their time, was to Stephens Inc. According to the report, by 7:15pm Stephens Inc. began blocking IPs so participants could not access their website , but to no avail as AL-TIRN changed the url of the floodnet program to Stephens' online investment site thereby clogging that up. In summary of the action AL-TIRN stated, "Over 1300 people from 20+ countries participated in the fourth Virtual Sit-In hosted by the Tactical Internet Response Network . Stephens Inc . had several outages of service throughout." Animal protection activists are already planning future
innovative protests against Stephens Inc, especially for March 21st as the investment company is holding a major conference in Las Vegas that is predicted to be besieged by US activists. Since the action, SHAC has received a communication from AL-TIRN which thanked everyone for their participation and urged people to enlist on the SHAC email action alert list. They werit on to state that they had listened to the problem s many had accessing and understanding the internet site and they promised to sort this out for the next one, explaining that it was just a practice run, stating "The next AL-TIRN action will be bigger and better so stay tuned."
Newsletter No. 10
Activists bring horrors of HLS to directors' doorsteps On the evening of 8th March, 50 protesters met up at Sloane Square for the demonstration against directors of companies who are proppin g up the dirty business of HLS . A supporter who works in a firm of lawyer s in the City of London miles away from the demonstration , contacted us to say they had received an email from the Met police warning of the demo . (Ed-This shows that the pressure is immense . The police must have sent out thousands of these). People set off determined to make sure that if businesse s take on HLS then they also take on the animal rights movement as part of the package. First stop; Mr. Jeffrey Tessler, Director of the Bank of New York. A lot of noise was made making sure that his whole area knew about his involvement with animal torture. People left accompanied by vast amounts of police officers , leaving Tessler with the clear message that until the BoNY pulls out of HLS he will not be left in peace and quiet to enjoy his palatial surrounding s. Next was Hugh Jenkins, a director of Smithkline Beecham Pension Trust. Again with two megaphone s on the go, whistles, shouting and drummin g he was left in no doubt as to the amount of inconvenience SKB's custom of HLS is to bring upon him and his fellow colleagues. Number three was Mr James Beery, director of SKB where again all his neighbour s were leafleted and left in no doubt as to what a filthy man they have on their doorstep. Again, the message was loud and clear: All SKB have to do is end their involvement with HLS and agree never to use them again . We think Mr. Beery got the impre ssion that whilst 500 animals are being killed each day at HLS and whilst SKB continue to do business with them, he will have no peace and quiet. Last stop was Christopher Hampson of Briti sh Biotech (HLS Customer) who was tucked up in his high rise apartment whilst animals at HLS were settling down to another night on their bare concrete or metal floors , writhing around in agony. He must have jumped out of his skin when all of a sudden a load of screaming prote sters, accompanied by huge amounts of police and press, arrived on his doorstep to tell him that there is no rest for the wicked. His neighbours were warned of the proven link between animal and human cruelty (" If you can kill an animal, you can kill anything" as a police officer recently stated in 'Police Review' magazine) and told to keep away from him. Mr. Hampson was left with the warning that either British Biotech end all involvement with HLS or the pressure will continue. A brilliant demo which achieved what it set out to do, that is to show HLS customers that they will have no peace and quiet at work or at home as long as they continue to prop up the barbaric atrocities carried out 24 hour s a day at HLS .
Share price soars - Not! After HLS being salvaged at the last minute by US investment firm Stephens , sad little fantasists inside HLS and deluded optimists amongst their ever-dwindling ranks of supporter s, were predicting that HLS 's share price was going to soar. How we laughed when after hitting an all-time high of 23 pence (for two HUNTINGDONLIF'E hours!) HLS's share price went Huntingdon Life Sciences G SCIENCESGP (HTO) - SEL targeted by animal right roup, the COO!roversia1medical L 4.Sp crashing back down to a few successtu/ly renegotiati:g a~sts, is breatNng slightlyeas.:::h company company now has fe ebt facilityat the last minute H days , after pence. Soaring share price ? c~mpaign by animal ~~~'PO~e fnends as a restJ!I of a ~• the Errr ... maybe not! the group reads like a ::..";:~ The of~ that ha and aggressive
Articles such as the one to the right illustrate that the rot has set in and that there is an ongoing total lack of confidence in HLS 's future . Nice to know that everyone agrees HLS are a dead loss!
und manager), WestLB Pa Merrill LY11ch , NatWest and n:;:,
W\i s..
l'rospective PE: /oss-mak,ng Date of results: (F)31 March
loss: no broker coverage
o . no brokercoverage fo change on Previous LPs· n/a Dividend per share: none .
HLS workers to receive counselling It was reported in People magazine that " Huntingdon Life Sciences , the beleaguered animal testing laboratory, has introduced a counselling service for staff who face abuse from animal rights protesters . The laboratory has distributed cards bearing the number of a telephone helpline to its 1200 staff. All day, workers can hear activists shouting abuse at them through loudhailers. The counselling service will be provided by Life Management Services."
Glaxo settles $30m claim GlaxoSmithKline has quietly settled a legal action that alleged damaging side effects in its 'blockbuster' migraine drug. Doctors have worried about the possible harm Imigran, also known as Imitrex, could cause.
Yet another GlaxoSmithKline killer The anti-smoking drug Zyban produced by Glaxo has been linked to at least 18 deaths and 3467 people have reported adverse side effects. Zyban has only been on the market 8 months.
of tne ""'Porate W0<1d; e cut links HSBC, Crecits...ss.,Fi ~ & Drew(the
As a resul~ obtaini ng fi,,,;nciaJ f recently. Ba-cia-./S. Crtiban results for the nine months to 30 O!l!casts next :o ~ The £1 m1/11on , which is an im ro Septern1ie,5ugges: a ~. ""'1-.,anys unce rtainty and controve P Vernen!on IBS: re,r <0SS the order al best avoided rsy, the s!Oci( - a taste for Sector. Pharrnaceut1ca1s Marketvalue: £13.1 milli on Historic PE: loss-making
Viagra tested at HLS? In an interview between a SHAC spokesperson and the Guardian journalist Paul Kelso he stated that the Pfizer drug Viagra had been tested at HLS. 5
The Huntingdon Campaign
us steps up â&#x20AC;˘
campaign against HLS Editorial In the month and a half since the American investment firm Stephens Inc. saved HLS from financial failure, SHAC-USA have been extensively researching our opponents , learning all about their 'weaknesses', and are now ready to strike. A wide net has been thrown across the American activist landscape and heavy mobilization against HLS is in effect. The enthusiasm to take on HLS is contagious, largely inspired by the successes of those of you in the UK. Groups big and small, militant and conservative, and in every corner of the US have committed to taking on the HLS target in their area, whether that be the vicious workers in the lab, the shareholders in their town, octhe client that has an office in their area. HLS is fast becoming America's biggest national campaign and our effo1ts will be fast, furious, and without a doubt effective. SHAC-UK activists have knocked HLS off its feet, and we're now ready to help finish them off for good.
Actions Against Stephens Inc: Investors in Cruelty On February 14th, animal rights activists across the country staged demonstrations outside the offices of Stephens Inc. Nine cities from coast to coast saw protesters introduce Stephens to a small taste of what's to come, as the media coverage linked Stephens to HLS's vile name, and as activists in a few of the bigger cities stormed the offices. A couple of the offices were reportedly closed that day in anticipation of the demonstrations. At the company's headquarters in Little Rock Arkansas, In Defense of Animals staged a press conference announcing their own efforts to launch a pressure campaign against the investment firm. Speaking out against HLS at the press conference was Michelle Rokke who worked inside HLS 6
and spoke to the media about the horrific suffering she witnessed , and Dr. Jerry Vlasek, a heart surgeon who condemned the use of animals for 'scientific ' research. During this week of action, and several since, there have been numerous phone and email blockades to Stephens that have kept their sorry employees busy. SHAC-USA was also a happy participant and advertiser of the floodnet action launched by the Animal LiberationTactical Internet Response Network against Stephens. Participants across the country helped bring the website to a complete halt several times. One American activist even reported calling Stephens after her access to the site had been denied and complained to a disgruntled Stephens webmaster who said he was at his wits end and ready to walk out. We are looking forward to more of such actions in the coming weeks. In the works for the next few weeks is a major protest and disruption of an investment conference hosted by Stephens in Las Vegas. Activists from as far away as Washington will be travelling for the demonstration in 'a city that never sleeps,' to make sure Stephens gets no rest. Additionally to be coming out in the next few weeks is an American version of 'A-Z of HLS Scum' targeted at directors and high-ranking employees of Stephens Inc., the Bank of New York, and Oracle Partners. There are no laws protecting scum from protests outside their homes in the US, and we plan to make full use of this perk .
speech, we are able to say and give instructions for just about anything . Keep checking our website for 'colourful' information and updates. In addition to the semi-regular demonstrations at the lab in New Jersey, animal rights activists will descend upon the lab at the end of March for a national conference and demonstration against HLS. From March 3rd to April 2nd, HLS employees will be subject to a relentless barrage of protests as militant activists will be arriving from across the country to lay siege to the lab, and take back with them information on how they can target HLS in their area. With a national SHAC office being set up, a comprehensive mailoutjust sent out, and interest pouring in from all parts of the country, the prospects of HLS finding America a safe haven from animal rights activists grow slimmer every day. We will make an example out of Stephens to all other potential investors, continue to hammer away at already established targets like the Bank of New York, and work collaboratively with other groups to make HLS's name a household word in America , one synonymous with animal cruelty. Stay tuned for more exciting updates.
Contact details: Po Box 22398 Philadelphia PA 19110 1-888-354-2435 shacusa@envirolink.org www.shacusa.net
HLS - Updates SHAC-USA recently launched shacusa.net to keep activists in America and worldwide abreast of breaking news and ways they can help smash HLS and all those connected to it. Since we fortunately have a first amendm ent to our Constitution granting the right to free
Scum Numbers in the US HLS Princeton 001 7328 732 550 Stephens (HQ) 001 5013 772 000 Stephens (N. York) 001 2123 728 904 Stephens (Dallas) 001 2142 582 700 Stephens (Chicago) 001 3127 753 300
Newsletter No. 10
Stephens running already At 11am on 15th February over 100 people gathered outside Stephens Inc on St James St, London, where they decided to voice their disgust at Stephensthe 'mystery backer'. The campaign against Stephens has only just started and they have already cut off their main telephone number and other numbers. Other companies in the building have already started a petition to have Stephens kicked out of the building. A noisy demo ensued for 2 1/2 hours while people also leafleted the public and spoke to those who came out of the same office block as Stephens Inc. Many were clearly sympathetic and gave some very useful info. There was a lot of press interest helping to keep HLS and their shady benefactors in the spotlight. The animals have friends everywhere and the example made of Stephens proves that anyone involved with Huntingdon, big or small, will be researched then financially destroyed. At about 1:30 the protest moved on to the next target - Winterflood Securities, Walbrook House, 23-29 Walbrook, one of the few remaining market makers for HLS and one of HLS' weakest links regarding the shareholders . A noisy demo for about 30 minutes reassured them they had not escaped the attention of SHAC. Moving on to the tube the demonstration paused to chat with Mr Gordon Daniel Grender of 6 Kelfield Gardens, London, who has strong connections with Stephens and their UK head Andrew Stafford-Deitsch. Surprisingly enough he wasn't in a talkative mood but some of his neighbours were very interested to hear about the kind of person they'd been living next to and all received leaflets . Meanwhile the keystone coppers were huffing and puffing , but no matter who they asked no one would tell them where we were going to go next. ... which as it happened was to see a man named Rupert Bond, 120 Oxford Gardens who deals with the SKB pension fund. However repeated attempts to get him to respond to our request to engage in some dialogue with us about HLS failed. Strange, he must have heard us, we were using megaphones! Again, the local residents were informed of their neighbour's dirty dealings and promises were made to try and contact Mr Bond another time, but we had more places to go and people to see, namely a Mr Andrew Stafford Deitch of 1 Pembroke Gardens Close, Director ' of Stephens Inc. Mr Deitch will have been left in no doubt as to the 23 anger felt towards him for what he is responsible for - essentially the misery and torture of the hundreds of thousands of animals that will die at HLS as a result of Stephens' o intervention . The activists started - ••• [ to disperse at around 5:30pm , the demo over for the day but the targets certainly not forgotten. A successful day and thanks to all those who came to show their anger and determination to finish Huntingdon for good. This is one of several city demo's that have taken place but because of lack of space we cannot reprint them all. (")
Hot under
Brief collar
Recently a SHAC supporter was doing an information table in London when a HLS worker and their friends came up. His wife was shouting and screaming with her eyes bulging. Did she really think a SHAC supporter would let it go? He let rip into the worker, shouting that they were all perverts and that HLS was finished, no matter what. By this time a large crowd had started to form with some of them starting to have a go at them aswell. With the activists manning the stall still shouting and yelling at them that they are the lowest of the low, they fled. Just showing that people who torture small defenceless animals are cowards.
Stripped Du Pont director William Barry has had his cars paint stripped at a cost totalling thousands of pounds. He stated in his local newspaper that he and his wife had not had them repaired because they feared it happening again, apparently still driving to work with a car with no paint.
Charles Schwab slammed Charles-Schwab in Birmingham , who hold five and a half million shares in HLS, was stormed by activists who entered the 'Share Shop ' and their offices. This caused mayhem and all the computer systems were shut down in the building for over 5 hours as a rogue computer disc was found, which they thought bad a computer virus on it. Of course they thought the activists had brought it in. it turned out, it was a worker who had been doing a bit of work on the side ..oooeerr! The demo continued for many hours outside and was very noi and visual. This is one of five demos that have taken place outside Charle Schwab in the past few weeks . Many more will follow until the get the message, like all the others before them.
Pharmacia/Monsanto director Keith Krywicki from Cobham, Surrey, complained in his local paper that activists had stickered his whole area with stickers with his home address on calling him an animal killer.
The HuntingdonCampaign
Vivisection kills The following article is written by Dr Ray Greek from Americans for Medical Advancement. As students in veterinary and medical school, my wife and I were struck by how differently we treated the same diseases in animals and humans. For example, humans were given penicillin for infections but guinea pigs were not. Some medication s that caused birth defects in humans could be given to animals with impunity and vice-versa. In light of these and other differences between humans and animals, we began to question how animal experimentation could ever hope to cure human disease. As we progressed through our respective residencies in anaesthesiology and veterinary dermatology, the differences between humans and animals became even more pronounced. Some tumours that are lethal in humans go away without intervention in animals. Anaesthetics that are used daily in human patients must be avoided in some animal patients. We became alarmed when we realised that slight differences between animals and humans in anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology make the application of the results of experiments on animals dangerous when extrapolated to humans. The money wasted on animal experimentation disgusted us. Our disgust changed to horror as we learned that wasted money was the smallest transgression; humans were actually being harmed when their physicians tried to apply what they had learned in the animal lab to their patients. Smoking was thought noncarcinogenic for decades because of animal models. Asbestos was thought safe because of animal testing. Animals did not suffer from atherosclerosis when fed a high cholesterol diet so in the 1950s scientists said definitively that cholesterol was unrelated to heart disease . Artificial heart valves were delayed because dogs clot differently than humans. Penicillin was put back on the shelf for a decade because it was not effective on systemic infection in rabbits. How many people died that should not have because of the misleading rabbit experiments? Medications such as Rezulin, Propulsid and benzbromarone tested safe in animals but killed humans . And let's not forget the people who work in the labs who have been killed by viruses such as Herpes B that are benign in their non-human 8
hosts but lethal to humans . Small - sil differences between species make for huge differences in the Americans For rvkdical Advancl.'!mcnt practice of medicine . Many more MeH Di. G1e-ek.Ptesidenl of AFMA examples can be found in Sacred Cows and Golden Geese. The animal experimentation lobby spends ~ . ,.., ..,'"'"' millions annually to convince the ~ public that all medical advances are directly due to animal experimentation ..Of course, the ! facts do not support this J outlandish claim but this lobbying effort does divert grant money to useless animal studies from viable research modalities that have resulted in our current treatments and cures. The great advances in science that have given us the high standard of medical care human s and animals enjoy today have come from clinical observation, in vitro research, epidemiology, autopsies, serendipity, computer and mathematical modelling, technology, tissue research using the tissue from the species being studied, molecular biology and genetics, post-marketing drug surveillance, the basic sciences of maths, chemistry and physics and the specialisation of medical care including the specialisation of physicians and veterinarians. Funding experiments on animals to study human disease has only diverted funds from these areas of medical research. As soon as people understand that the "necessary evil" is not necessary and in fact is killing humans, they will stop believing the vested interest groups that tell them animals are just like humans in the way they respond to disease. The animal model of human disease appeared viable in the 19th century when so little was known about physiology, biochemistry and disease processes. All animals have hearts, lungs, and immune systems. But humans are unique in suffering from coronary artery disease, lung cancer secondary to smoking and AIDS. Today we are studying disease at the very level that defines each species as being different; the cellular level. Just one amino acid difference between humans and monkeys accounts for the difference in how HIV penetrates the human white blood cell versus how SIV penetrates the white blood cell of monkeys. Today we have function al MRI scanners, PET scanners, polymerase chain reactions , sophisticated statistical methods for analysing epidemiological data, mathematical and computer models to study disease and develop new drugs. These methods along with clinical research and research with human tissue gives us data that animals can never provide. The modern-day alternatives to using a nonhuman species to learn about humans are innumerable and all are more reliable and predictive for what will happen to human s than using a totally different species. "1:!¡J. <:d
To obtain a copy of Dr Greek's book send a cheque for ÂŁ17 .50 payable to IPPL to IPPL UK , 116 Judd street, London, WClH 9 S. Tel: 0207 8377227
Newsletter No. 10
tnd harms jepple I was born nearly 29 years ago with cerebral palsy, also known as spastic diplegia, as a result of being extremely premature and other birth problems. This severely affected the use of my legs, and my hands to a lesser extent. When I was young doctors said I would never walk and I spent my early years confined to a wheelchair. Largely through my own efforts, however, I learned to walk, but this requires a great deal of effort and concentration and I still need a wheelchair for longer distances. My balance isn't very good and I have to take a lot of care not to fall over. Sometimes I do fall, but I've become an expert at it and don't usually injure myself! I need help to do lots of everyday things, but thankfully have an understanding partner who acts as my carer. When I was 15 I was prescribed anti-spasmodic drugs in large quantities, which caused me to suffer from dizziness, fatigue and nausea, and would have eventually resulted in kidney damage - so I stopped taking them and have never looked back. Side effects of drugs are the price humans pay for the fraud of animal experiments. Instead, I try to keep myself healthy ..... ,
through eating sensibly, doing exercises and using an exercise bike to keep me fit and weights to strengthen my upper body . It's important that I don't get overweight, and being a vegan helps me with this, as well as with my overall health and fitness. I suffer now from wear and tear on my hips and back and from spasm pains, but hopefully it will be a long time before I am confined to a wheelchair again. Since my teens I have been an animal rights campaigner and an ardent antivivisectionist. I am obviously opposed to animal experiments for moral reasons , but my disability gives me even more reason to be against them. Vivisectors arrogantly make out that they are the "great saviours" of disabled people and that through torturing animals they will somehow come up with some great miracle cure . So far this hasn't happened and it isn't going to, given the big physiological differences between h~ns
I have loved animals all my life and have always had a strong sense of what was wrong or right. Despising any kind of animal cruelty, I was first drawn into the dark world of vivisection whilst in hospital, as a child of 13. I was very ill following complications after a spinal fusion for a condition known as congenital scoliosis (curvature of the spine). One sunny day, a nurse suggested I have my bed pushed out on to the patio outside the ward. The fresh air was brilliant, and better than that there was a field next door with animals in it. As I looked at them I realised they were goats. Slowly they came closer to the gate. To my horror there were large shaved areas on their bodies, the skin was ruptured into large septic cracks and looked very painful, flies buzzed around the wounds. I shouted for the nurse, and demanded to know whom the goats belonged to. I was told they were owned by the hospital! They were used for experiments, I was horrified. These animals were really suffering. I complained to the
hospital, nothing was done. I vowed that when I got home to find out more about vivisection and campaign against it. One of the most startling and deeply shocking aspects of my studies of animal experiments, was that they were unreliable, dangerous to humans and actually held back medical progress. Many scientists acknowledge that animal experiments' results cannot be relied upon. And this has been proved many times in a courts of law, following legal proceedings against drug companies. My own condition scoliosis was treated with a bone graft taken from my hip. It pro ed strong enough and it later , ent drastically wrong. On the next attempt the were unable to straighten the curve. but the did stabilise it using rib bone. Since then I have learnt that experiments on bone grafts using hipbone had been carried
and other animals. Instead of money being thrown away on useless animal experiments , it should be used to directly help people with disabilities by funding better equipment and therapy, easier access to shops and entertainment, specially designed houses, custom-made holidays, better benefits etc, etc. It isn't ju st the animals who are the victims of vivisectors . Disabled people are too - and wouldn't they just love to experiment on us as well, if they had the chance .. :
out using cats. It worked on them, but was totally unsuitable for me, a human being. It has left me with a severe disfigurement and one working lung, and has proved to be another example of how animal experiments are totally unreliable. At present I am campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences. I will not stop until places like them close down or conduct proper research without the use of animals.
The people above are disgusted at the way HLS and the ir custom ers make out they kill animals on their behalf. If you are disabled and feel the same way th en please contact the campaign.
The Huntingdon Campaign
AcfiODSagainst Novartis
Animalactivi~ts stormNovartis
Five animal rights activists stormed the Grimsby (Lincolnshire) factory of Novartis in protest against their involvement with HLS. Here is an account written by one of the activists.
We arrived, climbed under a gap in the fence and made our way to the office blocks, with a security guard in hot pursuit. After a lot of dodging we managed to get into the office block and use a megaphone to tell Novartis what is thought of their support of HLS, whilst hundreds of leaflets were distributed to shocked workers. One campaigner calmly walked in to the manager's office, pulled up a chair, sat down at his desk and began to interrogate him about Novartis' involvement with HLS. She soon realised that she would do better trying to get blood out of a stone than looking for compassion in the brain of an animal abuser. She left the flustered manager clutching his telephone calling the police and went to join the others who were having a tour of the individual offices of the 'important' people at Novartis. One woman was so shocked to have protesters in her office that she tried to slam someone's head in her door!! It was out and on to the next office block where we were cornered by a guard and told we could go where we wanted, as long as we didn't use the megaphone in the chemical factory area as the electrics would cause an explosion! We soon got bored of his health and safety talk and made our way to another building where a
number of guards arrived and tried to throw us out of the site. After much more running about, the police arrived (a dog van, a couple of 'Special Operations Unit' vans and a number of police cars) and removed us from the premises. We continued the demo outside whilst contractors from Novartis hurriedly boarded up the gap in the perimeter (too late!) which we had got through. The press were called and arrived to cover the story which was in local newspapers and on the local radio. We left, leafleting all of the workers' cars as we went, happy in the knowledge that we had shown Novartis that being involved in animal abuse doesn't pay, especially if HLS comes in to it somewhere along the line! The next day, a local animal rights campaigner heard from someone who works at Novartis that the company was quite shook-up about the incident, most of the workers were absolutely revolted to hear that the factory they work in has links with animal cruelty and they will be complaining to their management. Our action definitely made an impact and it just goes to show what a handful of people can do. We chose our target the day before, turned up, walked in, caused some disruption, got moved on with no arrests, called the press, got excellent coverage and got right up the nose of Novartis. It is up to all of us to make sure that this sort of thing is happening every day of the week. The animals at HLS are depending on it.
Banner drops and closed offices as activists storm HLS customers Five SHAC supporters entered the GlaxoSmithKline drinks factory at Coleford, Gloucestershire , as shocked guards attempted to stop them. GSK were in the process of putting new fencing up as, according to one guard, an internal memo had been going round warning all the GSK sites to be prepared for demos. One activist managed to get up on to the factory roof with a large banner, whilst others used megaphones and distributed leaflets to the bemused workers, as well as the houses around the site. The demo continued for quite a while with GSK getting more and more stressed at the fact that there were protesters on their premises. The police arrived and moved people on, so on people went, on to the premises of Du Pont's nearby fabric factory! The management would not come out and speak to us so in we went to speak with them and entered into our own special one-way dialogue with them via the megaphone , we think they got the message! Protesters barged into the reception area with megaphon es and made a lot of noise, so much noise in fact that the reception was closed up for the day - earlier then usual as the receptionists were unable to work. Some employees had a huge rant about how we had no right to be at their 'nylon factory', but we assured them that whilst Du Pont is involved in animal torture at HLS every one of their sites will be exposed and demonstrated at. The police eventually arrived and moved people on outside where a highly visual demo continued for a number of hours receiving much support from passing motorists.
Protesters •In de111OS .at factor,•es • ~
New sletter No . 10
North-West activists target SmithKline On Tuesday 27th February, around 15 SHAC activists from Manchester, Liverpool and Wigan staged a day of action against GlaxoSmithKline. This is their story: In a series of demonstrations , we entered Tesco, Boots and Asda stores in the region and discreetly ( !) removed all the GlaxoSmithKline products from the shelves. We decided not to block the till points as the idea is to get customers on our side! Then another protestor entered the store with a megaphone and explained to bemused shoppers how they might unwittingly be financing animal cruelty inside HLS by purchasing products such as Lucozade and Ribena . Meanwhile we had pushed all the trolleys together and held aloft the offending products for all to see! We had press with us at every store to maximise publicity. In Liverpool's Tesco, one journalist followed us around the store making notes. A camera crew followed the person with the megaphone and filmed him addressing Tesco shoppers and then filmed him being attacked by Tesco's security staff. Thousands of people saw the entire incident later that evening on the local news. Similar success was had in Wigan and Warrington, although the security preferred to hang back there, choosing to call police instead. This elicited a very
poor response time on each occasion, giving us half an hour to hand out leaflets and tarnish GlaxoSmithKline 's name in each store. Most shopper s were sympathetic and surprised to learn that some of their favourite products are animal-tested . A great day was had by all, and we're now planning to do one every week. For people who can't make it to the gates of HLS every week because of distance, then 'ethical shoplifting ' of Glaxo Srnithkline products is definitely the tactic to adopt. Firstly it's empowering. Each demonstration really does make a difference, as people will boycott GSK product s as a result of each demo, ~tting GSK where it matters most - m the pockets . Secondly it's legal! So long as you don't take goods past the tills, there's nothing the police can do, except to ask you to leave the store. Thirdly, GSK are such an easy target. Not only do they abuse animals, but they're also currently taking the South African government to court for manufacturing affordable antiAids drugs . Add to that the recent "Toothkind" court case, and the known carcinogenic qualitie s of ingredients in Lucozade (eg aspartame) , and you've got a company who doesn't care about
humans or animals. All in all it's definitely the new NatWest in some ways even better. We can't wait until the next one. All you need is a camcorder (essential) and a megaphone , around half a dozen people to remove the products , and a common resolve to make GSK regret their decision to finance animal abuse inside HLS.
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The Huntingdon Campaign
Torture Recruitment Co. A supporter sent in a copy of a careers guide in 'science' called ' 'Hobsons Guide to Careers in Science 2001'. It is through publications such as these that Huntingdon recruit workers , especially the young gullible ones . It makes sickening reading when you know the truth inside HLS. It follows the story of an animal technician called Jo Carter who joined HLS straight from school at 16. Carter obviously lives in Disneyland as she tells in such loving terms how she joined the rodent toxicity unit and now four years later work s in primate toxicology. She tells how, "Every single animal has its own individuality and personality and if you show them love , they will reciprocate ". She goes on to say, "Each new member of staff is assigned a 'PAL' who passes on their skills and knowledge , so that there is always someone to tum to if you need help". Psychiatric help of course. She finishes off by saying , "Who else can say they get paid to play with monkeys". They all care in the HLS animal sanctuary don't they? Funny how this doesn't tally with the experiences of an ex-worker , who was 16 when she started at HLS. In an email to the campaign she told of how she, " Was placed in the inhalation toxicology unit hooking up rats and beagles to machines. Although this was unpleasant enough in itself , it was actually the treatment of the monkey s that shocked me. One day my colleagues told me if I looked through this one glass door I could see the monkeys. I looked in and saw monkeys strapped into metal devices that looked more like electric chairs than Huntingdon Hyn~ingdon anything else, struggling and generally '< n, Huntingdon Life freaking out. There was blood everywhere . Sciences The whole thing looked horrific. I was blatantly not meant to see this, as I was told •. to go away and the glass was covered after Joca ,wr Licensed Animal Technician this .. ." :.o 1-,,,.••-•-<,_.,!..,,.,.,.,.,,_,N K••plng up to he:p Now who do you believe? ;~~~:::.~~E.~ =·r~a~=:!·-~.o-f.,. "'......,.~..,,._-,,u.,.,. ..-v ol!fflo _......, _,.,._,..,..,,..,,-""4>,., _.,,.,.,.,_ _,, ___ai•--...... ...... ,.,.-. ....a1.,"-- ...... You can register your disgust by writing to: ""'"'"'"-'1,1,_ .. ..,_...,,., __ ,..,,,,.....,.... .. .,,. """'"'P••"f..-,ht< ,.,,.,,.l..,,.....i...,.,...,..,,.;1.,.._ """~~u...,....,.,..._.,.,. ;.:-:i=-~~:':':!.::':,:::;~ ----.o-.-,-. Ciconi Ltd .-cx~,,;: .;,-1!' t ~.,~,,...,_,,..,.--,..:1 ""°"",.,.....~,t1, on,.... .. :i -i,,eft,.....,._i-,.,,.,.,,. [if.;(§~§:4I~. ~~3[:;;;ffl~ Hobsons Guide to Careers in Science --,,.•O')~-"'-~"''',>(, titt_,..___ <11"""""""' .;..,;. .. t; I 2 ............ ..,. =:~=: "'"_""_°""...,.~ tao-p"""<ott'"'"'~-1!-.o , .... :.:-..:--J.::=.--,:·t';''"'--"'..,..,. --~p."'t:.:~.-;:~ Airfield Industrial Estate ~?.:;:-~;r "animal E~cry ioir.gl_c ~.i:-~-•-lhtr.~d,,·., has its Warboys ,,_,_.,.._ own individuelity :.'~t;!.~~~::,~::,,: ,•el0.,ology )'\'.roo~.w·,ll(;w Huntingdon = ~= r.e ;:ns~~! ~~;:~;Jk--!f .=·=.~~--• them love, ;~~~~"Z,. =:f~;::-~ th ey will !::;~'=!"'""' Cambridgeshire .m,!>,t;on ::-.~~=!• re ciprocate ." ::;::~.:.::-,::.-:i;::-i.a;,rn;,,_ -~,~1wn-•otot• .g PE17 2BR ::;':==:!:::"..,.j~::';:',.. :.«:~~~~~~=-:&: H""""g,d,o,,Ufe~111~""°""s~s
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A journalist said to me a few days ago that he had never ever seen a campaign that had created such an impact with new innovative ideas being employed. To take on and beat HLS does not come cheap. Donating money is another way you can help. Please remember that every penny you donate goes directly towards fighting HLS. To give you an idea of the costs involved we have printed and distributed over two million AS leaflets and spend in excess of £1000 a week mailing parcels worldwide. So please, please donate generously. Fundraising comes in many shapes and forms, like car boot sales (pictured), collecting tins in shops, holding street stalls and so on. Recently one SHAC supporter went on a sponsored slim, lost 2 stone in weight and raised over £1000 for the campaign. We might not say it often enough, but we are immensely grateful for the donations you all send in - please keep them coming. If you require stall material or collect ing tins we supply them free so please contact us. Make all cheques /postal orders payable to SHAC.
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New shareholders list released The new shareholders' list is ready and waiting for you to use to target people looking to profit from animal abuse in your area. We also have shareholder posters (you fill in their details at the top, then flypast them in the shareholders' area) and leaflets for leafleting the shareholders' neighbours with. You can access the new shareholders' list in two ways: The first and best way is to download it off the website by following the links, or type in: www.shacusa.net/shareholders then choose which county you want and print it off. The other way is to ring or write to us with your details and we will send you a paper copy. Remember no shareholder s means no Huntingdon Life Sciences and these people are on your doorstep.
als at HLs by Workers
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Having worked in a call centre for a few years, I have experienced the tension of having calls coming in every minute of the day. Management , rather than addressing the problem, tell workers to work harder which creates more tension . Over the long term this results in staff
Huntingdon Life Sciences' Share holder ~ The list of HLS Sbaieholdernhas been spilt up into counties To get a list of the shareholdern in your area, chck below (Note also that a new catego1yof' International"has been added to the list below)
Avon Bedfordshire Berkshire Buckin hamshire Cambrid eshire Channel Islands Cheshire Cleveland Co. Durham Cornwall Cumbria Derb hire
Freephone an animal abuser In the early days of the Natwest campaign, to blockade any of their freephone lines , or even slow them down , seemed impossible . As the campaign moved on and got bigger, blockades became more regular and as Natwest received more calls the lines became much busier.
taking more breaks , more time off work and being slower when answering the phone. It also draws them away from doing other work . The more this goes on the easier it is for these lines to be slowed down and blocked.
is to dial the number from a phone box and leave the phone of the hook. Even when they hang up, a line is still blocked for an average of 10 minutes , when it automatically cuts off or until somebody replaces the caller's phone .
Towards the end of the Natwest campaign you could slow down almost any of the Natwest freephone lines and their main lines were almost constantly busy or blocked.
Du Pont have now put a voicemail message on their line and never answer it directly . If enough messages are left (even blank messages) their voicemail fills up and the line shuts down for the day. This has happened on more than 5 occasions, often shutting down before 1pm, meaning they lose almost half a day 's business. It should also be noted that every freephone call made costs the company money and rates for these calls are set much higher than for normal calls .
Du Pont have a freephone number: 0800 7313339 and Roche: 0800 3281629 which are customer order lines and are advertised in pharmaceutical magazines. If these lines are blocked , they are paying for teleph one line s and workers, whilst losing orders. To block up a freepho ne line , the most effecti e way
The Huntingdon Campaign
World Day for Lab Animals - April 21st 2001 This will be a demo they talk about for years to come so make sure you don't miss it. Bring your friends, this demo will be massive. Now is our chance to really hit back at the filthy murderers at HLS so organise yourselves and your group now. We have World Day demo flyers and posters. Ring us and order them ------1 and we will send them out first class within 24 hours. Time to flypost, ' flypost, flypost! Let everyone in your whole area know about World Day 2001.
This will be a mobile demo so please come prepared. Make sure you have a good quality up to date road atlas, a full tank of fuel and let the campaign have your mobile number well in advance , remember to keep it on at all times during the demo. Please do not be late, prepare to be flexible and bear with us. MOST OF ALL PREPARE TO BE EFFECTIVE!
It's sick people like the one on the left the World Day demo is designed to stop.
-----------------------------0 rd er Orm "I:7 _F
Item HLS Leaflet HLS Poster (A2) HLS Factsheet (not illustrated) NEW Scientific Leaflet NEW 'HLS kills oeoole ' Poster(A2) NEW 'HLS kills people ' Poster(A3) Petition (not illustrated) Xeno Report (not illustrated) Shareholder Poster - for displaying in and around shareholder's areas Shareholder Leaflets - for delivering or sending to shareholder's neighbours Video: HLS The Truth (Short) Video: HLS The Truth (Long) Video: Countryside Undercover SmithKline Product Sticker SmithKline Product Poster - For flyposting over SmithKline adverts
Most of the merchandise listed below is free but if you can make a donation towards the cost then we would be extremely grateful. Thanks!
Item SmithKline AS Leaflet SmithKline Phone Sticker SmithKline A2 Poster (not illustrated) NEW Customer Stickers: Novartis Baver British Biotech Du Pont Roche Collecting Tins (place these in sympathetic shops to collect money for the campaign) T-Shirt 1 - State grey or black and state size (s,m,1,xl) £5 T-Shirt 2 - Black only, state size £5 Hooded Tops (T-Shirt 1 design) £15 NEW Vivisetion Unveiled book £4
DONATION Send completed forms to SHAC, PO Box 381, Cheltenham Glos GL50 lYN
Please write clearly:
Name ...................................................... Address ........................................................................................ ...............................................................................County ........................................ PostCode .................. . Tel. ............................. ........................... Email. ........................................................................................... . 14
An expose of rh~
medical futility of
animal experimentation
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